#ask henry anything
thedemonofcat · 22 days
Don't get me wrong, I love the fics where Jaskier walks up to witchers and demands attention/protection.
But where are my fics where Geralt plops Jaskier in another witcher's camp with a list of care instructions and a promise to be back in a week?
I love this idea, and the detailed list of steps for taking care of Jaskier is impressive.
1. Make sure Jaskier gets at least three meals a day. Keep snacks handy, or he’ll end up chewing on random plants found along the way.
2. To ensure a better morning, Jaskier prefers sleeping in a tavern bed. If you're staying at one, make sure the bard gets to bed before midnight—watch out for encores.
3. When camping outdoors, give Jaskier the softer pillow for a more restful night.
4. Jaskier thrives on attention and conversation. Engage with him frequently, or he'll sulk. He loves telling stories, even if they're exaggerated—just play along.
5. Keep a close eye on him in crowds. He has a habit of causing trouble or flirting with the wrong people. If he starts a brawl, get him out of there quickly.
6. Don’t let him wander off alone—he has a knack for getting lost or into trouble. Always keep him within sight.
7. Jaskier might be immortal, but it’s best not to test that theory.
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mdemn · 1 year
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your god comes and he is ordinary and terrible.
andalucia - lisa marie basile / the unabridged journals of sylvia plath - sylvia plath / christ in gethsemane, heinrich hofmann, 1886 / here come the regrets - epik high & lee hi / a city like a guillotine shivers on its way to the neck - ilya kaminsky / portrait of the illness as a nightmare - leila chatti
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nickorite · 2 months
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Have my first lil stick ocs
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telling-tragedy · 8 months
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henry and richard’s back and forth throughout this scene is absolutely addicting. richard isn’t having it
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I'm listening to his voice lines again
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just gimme anything Patrick, headcannons of the randomest shit are my fav
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Tws: It's Patrick, tf you expect from him? Animal death, one sided henpat, and messy ass drama
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One sided Henpat is my favorite thing ever, I definitely think Patrick has/had a thing for Henry and that Henry didn't reciprocate his feelings at all in canon so sorry if ya like Henpat lol!
This fucker has ears that can hear just about any rumor, he definitely tried to start a few rumors too. he loves messy, messy drama
Personally because of the junkyard scene in the book, I think Patrick either had access to things children shouldn't be seeing or is an S/A survivor. it doesn't justify him touching Henry at all but i feel like it'd be a logical explanation
Patrick once told Belch that blue fire was cold and belch ended up touching the fire...Patrick got his ass handed to him after that stunt
Him and Belch definitely gossip about Henry being a lil bit fruity for Victor, Patrick's definitely a bit jealous of Victor being so close to henry
This boy is definitely a fan of taxidermy, his collection of bugs is quite expansive and I headcanon that he has taxidermied a few beetles and has a few butterflies pinned up to his wall in a photo frame!
He's definitely a mama's boy
Unlike the rest of the gang, Patrick wasn't childhood friends with anyone besides Belch
Even with Belch it was more like Belch's mom making him go play with the weird kid next door and I really live for that dynamic
He fucking hates his neighbors, no one even knows who his neighbors are but Patrick fucking hates them
Once spread a rumor that Henry had Chlamydia, no one really knows why he did it (he thought it'd be funny)
Patrick has vocal stims that are literally just him saying things that he has heard that he thinks are funny
His music taste consists of rock, metal, and the teeniest tiniest bit of pop and country
Once threatened to skin Henry alive for saying Dolly Parton's music was shit
he hates pugs
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If ya'll couldn't tell, I had a lot of fun with these! a lot of these were just random things I thought of while staring at Patrick lmfao
I hope these were enjoyable!
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bruhstation · 7 months
Can you elaborate more on Spencer wanting to make Henry dependent on him?
Would he do the same to Edward ? Like in the episode Edward the great?
Spencer trying to manipulate Gordon's friends?
spencer has some kind of weird toxic gay crush on henry. he's always liked men who are (in his opinion) in distress because they open an opportunity for spencer to swoop in and save them and feed his ego. henry's personality in spencer's head has been altered and dumbed down so severely to match his fantasies where spencer is henry's knight in shining armor who protects and takes care of him while henry is the damsel in distress who's waiting for big, strong spencer to take him away. this guy is a grade A freakster. henry just ignores spencer like he's scraps on a dinner plate and silently prays for his downfall.
after the events of the beast from sodor, spencer gained a microscopic smidge of respect towards henry. it's frankly embarrassing for him because henry's the one protecting spencer instead of the other way around like he envisioned. it doesn't stop him from annoying henry whenever he gets the chance. once, spencer left a note inside nwr 3's cab "call me if gordon's bothering you xxx-xxx-xxx <3 -S.S.G." and henry had to resist the urge to jump and dive head first onto the rocky road after finding it
speaking of gordon, spencer knows that if he DID manage to pull henry, gordon's gonna be extremely pissed off because 1) gordon is his cousin 2) gordon has been fumbling henry for around one and half a decade through gold dust-fueled mind-twisting situations yet they never ended up together and 3) spencer’s gonna have another insensitive stand up comedy material besides "dead siblings" and "dead father" which just excites spencer even more
edward isn't really spencer's type (wise, can stand his ground, etc) and he knows the older man can see right through him, so he's not interested in chasing after him. also henry will NEVER EVER return spencer's feelings mainly because he's just so annoying instead of the fact that spencer has ulterior motives for him and spencer will always remain having a one-sided crush/twisted infatuation/etc for henry
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apocketfullofhobbits · 3 months
'trc adaptation is bad bc they mixed timelines and cut out lots of stuff' 'trc adaptation is bad bc they sanitised adam's bitchiness' 'trc adaptation is bad bc they made the ganseys democrats' NO TRC ADAPTATION IS BAD BC IT'S SET IN 2024 and not in 2001 like god intended!!
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flownwrong · 2 years
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thebettermccoy · 15 days
"Whatever it is you're up to, stop it."
McCoy gave Hank an incredulous look over his shoulder, which wasn't the easiest when he was elbow-deep in a vat of dark, viscous liquid.
"Well, currently, I am participating in this conversation. I will gladly stop."
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Henry knows that any cheekiness will result in large blue paws or feline teeth digging into his jugular, but if Hank knew what was in the vat, Henry would already be the recipient of an impromptu tracheotomy.
In situations like this, there was only one way that Henry could ever hope to come close to matching the pain he was about to endure, and that was to drag out whatever suffering Hank's tender conscious, and pathetic empathy would experience.
"Would you like to know what else I'm doing, Hank?"
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caleblandrybones · 1 year
yes joan is awful and loch henry were good. overall I really enjoyed this season. but in my opinion netflix absolutely takes the piss whenever it acts all "uwu we're self aware look how creepy hegemonic, data hoarding streaming platforms and their overbearing tailored content are!! follow us on twitter for more quirky meta social commentary!!"
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thedemonofcat · 5 days
When Jaskier's angry or upset, it's always "Don't touch me!" "Get away!" "Hands off!" And then the bard will be gone for hours or days until he calms down.
Now, Geralt understands this kind of reaction. He himself doesn't want to talk to/be around others when he's angry. Much less let anyone touch him. The thing is...Jaskier acting that way never fails to make Geralt feel like shit. Jaskier is usually so affectionate that the sudden cut off is jarring. The first few times it happened, Geralt had been sure that Jaskier was fed up with him and leaving for good.
However, Jaskier always returned. They would make amends, and the bard would resume his touchy, affectionate ways.
One day though, they had their worst argument to date. And although he had always come back before, Geralt was certain that this was the time Jaskier would leave forever. If Jaskier walked out that door, Geralt was sure he would never see him again.
So, unthinkingly, Geralt caught the bard's wrist.
Jaskier's eyes widened, anger replaced with pure panic. "Geralt! Let me go! Let me go right now!"
Geralt loosened his grip reflexively in response to Jaskier's panic. Did the bard think the witcher would force him to stay? He opened his mouth to try to explain.
Only, the world was...spinning. And Geralt's tongue was heavy. And everything was warm. Oh, he felt so very sick.
Then, the world went black.
An unknown amount of time later, Geralt woke. He felt kind of hungover but was otherwise fine. To his relief, Jaskier was sitting at his bedside.
When the bard notices Geralt is awake, he inquires after his health. At Geralt's reassurance that he was fine, Jaskier launched into a tirade about the number of times he had told Geralt "NOT TO TOUCH HIM WHEN HE IS MAD! AND THAT INCLUDES RIGHT NOW, YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH, YOU BASTARD!!!"
Geralt is a bit confused about how Jaskier being mad and his fainting spell were connected.
Two things are revealed that day:
Jaskier is part fae
Some fae become toxic to touch when they are extremely upset or angry or scared. It is a magical trait, so it wears off when Jaskier calms down; nevertheless, it is dangerous.
This puts some things into perspective. Like how Jaskier, who seems to feel entitled to his emotion/reactions no matter how inappropriate they may be, is very skilled at controlling his temper. Or how when he does lose it he chooses verbal slander over physical violence. Or how when there IS a physical fight Jaskier wraps his hands in cloth and tries uses blunt instruments.
Bonus: Geralt tells all of the witchers not to touch Jaskier when he's mad, and Lambert takes that as a challenge.
When a fae is startled enough by touch, it can shatter their Glamour.
That’s exactly what happened when Lambert was goading Jaskier, determined to rile him up, resorting to poking the Bard. But when Lambert finally made a remark about Jaskier’s feelings for Geralt, something inside Jaskier snapped the moment he felt the poke.
A surge of magic erupted, sending Lambert hurtling backward. He crashed against the wall, clearly injured. Everyone turned to stare at Jaskier, who now stood transformed—his fae nature fully revealed. Pointed ears, delicate horns sprouting from his head, and his bright blue eyes glowing even more intensely than before. To top it all off, Jaskier hovered a few feet above the ground, wings unfurled.
Geralt had never seen his Bard look so otherworldly, so undeniably fae. It was both mesmerizing and terrifying. He knew Jaskier hadn’t meant for any of this to happen, but Lambert had pushed him too far.
As the anger faded and Jaskier glanced around, he was met with wide-eyed fear. They looked at him like he was a monster. Overwhelmed, Jaskier shrank himself down with a flicker of magic and flew away, disappearing into the air.
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workin-boys-official · 2 months
The Workin Boys script edit shall be done within the next week, updates will NOT be consistent because I am extremely busy and such and such.
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
Y'know something I really like about Dave is that despite being the obsessive archetype he kind of... Respects boundaries in some oddly specific ways. Like when actually interacting with Jack he doesn't tend to push him that hard? A simple "fuck off" is enough to make him go "ok :)" most of the time. Like when he's like "fuck took you so long old sport?" And Jack just like "none of your business" and he's just like "fair".
Even the whole stalking thing is like. He only shows himself before Jack (in 2, since DaveTrap is very obviously on the window but can you blame him he's a huge bunny it's hard to sneak) when they're closer than ever, otherwise he just kind of stays on the sidelines. Which by no mean is GOOD but like, could be worse, you know?
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justkillingthyme · 5 months
what are some of your favorite pl headcanons?
Aughhh. I have so many. 805 messages in one of the servers im in. Okok.
Des is a prick about manners. Particularly table manners. Don’t talk with your mouth full, elbows off the table, cup on the right side, etc. He was taught piano when he was little and didn’t pick it back up till college. He reunites with Hershel in the days past the ending of UF. He takes things apart but can’t figure out how to put them back together unless he was the one that made it so he’s banned from the engine room in the Bostonius. He can also sew and embroider. He has a cat allergy. He’s overly dramatic (to Raymond and Raymond alone) when he’s sick, but won’t say anything if he’s seriously ill or he thinks someone needs him. Des took his dad’s glasses but they were prescriptioned so he fucked up his eyesight. So now he actually needs glasses. He still hums lullabies he learned when he was little, and he used to sing them to his daughter.
Hershel knits and crochets. Lucille taught him and he does it a lot when he’s stressed or bored. He made so many sweaters in the hospital. Especially when he was in high school he mother henned his friends a ton. Didn’t know why he had such bad anxiety about losing his friends. + Randall is reckless. Bad combo. Hershel has night terrors and just doesn’t say anything about them. They were a lot worse when he was younger though. Uhh. The Getting Beat Up By The Government fucked him up bad. Head trauma memory problems on top of mental trauma memory problems. He gets injured sometimes on his adventures and doesn’t say anything which causes a lot of chronic pain. His back got fucked up in ED. Hershel has so so many identity problems. He also needs glasses kinda bad
Luke and Clark are vegetarian. Clark more so but Luke will eat meat when necessary. He doesn’t enjoy it though, and won’t eat anything less than well done. Luke mimics Hershel’s behaviors often. Luke has a chronic fatigue disorder and will go to bed anywhere. Eepiest guy
Randall has ADHD. He has a hard time reading other people’s emotions and tones, and has zero volume control. Definitely ate dirt as a kid.
Angela likes horror novels and being outside. Claustrophobic. Henry is French.
Emmy likes fruit. Sweet tooth all the way but she’ll go ham if she sees fruit. Citrus for the win. Also like sour candies. Post AL she still works out just because she’s really into the habit.
Flora is into mechanics. She has a hard time when things aren’t predictable, and over-rationalizes frequently to make things make sense. Separation anxiety. Also liked horror and mystery books. Had a mythology phase.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months
about your Fantasy Springtrap au, why did Henry turn the kids into animals ?
what motive did he have to do so ?
it sounds so interesting :D
He might have been in a very silly goofy mood when he decided on doing it-
No—for a while... like, the past few years, it was something he just always considered doing—he didn’t have much of a reason. Although, he always kept holding it off.
He ended up losing Charlie and Sammy, and a little while after that, he was finally like, “Hey, you know what? I’m going to go through with it.”
It’s like a mix of him just... feeling like doing it+being a sad parent. He makes others sad in the process (feeling what he’s feeling?), even if the circumstances are... definitely different.
Although, he could never bring himself to harm any of them—so Henry just went with what he’d been wanting to do for a while: Animal Transformation. It’s something easy he can do.
Mentioned in the other post, but even then, people don’t know that—they do assume that the kids are just gone—not that they were turned into animals.
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