#idv ask the horatiusfamily
Dear Visitors,
“The first bell chime was loud and clear, yet the last one was muffled and gray. The church is not a place for a saint after the priest is long crushed under the last ring.“ Was she the murderer, or a target for ‘revenge’? Meet new survivor - Bellringer, Matilda Horatius!
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ask-the-artist-lily · 3 months
Loom Of Fate
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After many years, The Coliseum offered a golden opportunity to a select few gladiators to change their fate and fulfill their wildest dreams. But there was a catch - they had to prove their unwavering determination by risking it all, even their lives. Just how far would they go to claim their desires?
Hello~ mod klai is here! Just wanted to make an essence that kinda inspired by my own non-fandom world with a bit of twisted here and there~ the rules are simple, first come first served and it would be best if the characters are adults, also do not worry about gender rules here you can slap any character despite their gender in any role you like
[S-Tier] Fateful Champion // ????
Just who would make it to the finals and claim the title of the champion for themselves? That is a question that shall be answered in the near future
//This role isn’t available, it shall be selected randomly from the other options below
[A-Tier] Undefeated Champion // Gabriel Willson
The current champion is the adopted son of The Fleur De Lis House. He is said to be one of the greatest swordsmen of his generation, and his blade never fails to achieve victory and justice. Those who have made it to the finals either immediately lost to him or surrendered. Will that change in this tournament?
//This character is the personal bodyguard to The Host
[A-Tier] The Host // Adam (@/vanharterestoration)
The host is a mysterious character, all you need to know is they are an important figure and the one who organises the entire tournament and acts as the judge. Their words are final, and under their watchful eyes, they ensure that the tournament is free from injustice, bias or disasters.
// this character has connections to The Undefeated Champion as his bodyguard.
[A-Tier] former Honour // Logan (@/idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily)
A young Noble who seek to restore and clean their Family’s name and honour that has long been denied by a false accusations of a crime that they didn’t even commit. The young noble is more than willing to take any drastic measures to achieve such goal even if it means risking their life in this tournament
// this character has connections with the Mysterious Guest
[A-Tier] Azure Waves // Macabre (@/idv-news-boi)
A battle-thirsty fighter who simply seeking new ways to satisfy their needs for fights and bloodshed above land rather just under the sea. Unlike any of the other participants, this one doesn’t seek the glory of victory, all they wants is too feel the thrill of battle and put their life on the line against powerful people.
//this character is has connections with Lady Red and also he is a shark themed merman
[A-Tier] Truth Seeker // Melati (@/askthemanorresidents)
A powerful mage, rumored to have practiced forbidden magic, joined the tournament with one goal in mind and that is to uncover a long forgotten truth from the past, and they would do anything to obtain it despite the potential consequences.
[B-Tier] Blind Greed // Shiloh (@/idv-thespians)
Wealth, fame, and recognition? Who wouldn’t want that!? For someone who has lived their whole life in poverty, a chance to live an easy, luxurious life is something they wouldn’t let slip away, even if it means putting their life on the line for it. They would do anything to achieve what their heart truly desires.
[B-Tier] Lady Red // Angeline (@/askthepianist)
An elegant and beautiful guest from the red light district who wields a strong influence on society had graced this year's tournament with their presence. Numerous shady rumors swirl around this charming guest... but who are they really?
// This Character has connection with Azure Wave
[B-Tier] Past Glory // Xiao (@/vigilant-yaksha-idv)
The ex-champion of the arena who held the title for a very long time. They had to keep fighting until they are defeated at least once because of a contract, but no one managed to beat them for many years…. They started to think that nobody would ever defeat them and that they were doomed to keep fighting forever. Eventually, their wish had been granted when they faced The Undefeated Champion, who defeated them fair and square. They finally felt relieved as their contract had ended.They retired from being a gladiator soon after and now they train young gladiators.
[B-Tier] Mysterious Guest // Shadow Man (@/manor-tea-time)
After finding out this year's new participants, this mysterious guest couldn't help but become intrigued by those who stop at nothing to achieve their pathetic goals…. Just how far are they willing to go? It would be thrilling to put them to the test!
//This character has a connection to Former honour and Undercover
[B-Tier] Undercover // Angel (@/picnicbask3t)
After finding out that the Mysterious Guest is also planning to watch the tournament, they couldn't sit idly by. They are aware that the Mysterious Guest might manipulate and twist the tournament for their own entertainment and they couldn't allow a disaster to befall on anyone!… not again…
// this character has connection to Mysterious Guest
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"Marise~e, ah my friend, sorry for my absence! I hope it wasn't.. ah whatever. How were things around here while I was out?"
Logan peeked through Marise's door, waiting for his permission to enter his room.
Marise turned around to see Logan standing next to the door. he couldn't help but smile warmly when he saw him after a hot while. Although he wasn't sure if Logan had been gone for a long time or if he had lost track of time again, nevertheless~ he had missed him still. Even though to him, time seemed to pass unnoticed.
“Logan! It has been a while since we last met. I was not sure if you would visit me again anytime soon… but I am glad you showed up today!! As for what I have been up to, well, I have been spending most of my time here at the manor, just as usual.”
Marise gestures to him to come in already and not just stand there “But enough about me~ tell me about you? What were you up to these past few months??”
[ @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily ]
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h3smoremyselfthaniam · 8 months
"Hm.. didn't expect a new face in the Manor's so soon, but hello there" A rather tall man spoke with a tilt of his head, quite curious about the new survivor. He stared at Thomas for a good moment before he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses.
"Apologies, I sometimes forget to introduce myself.. I'm Logan Horatius! And who you might be?" Logan extended his hand for a handshake, intrigued to know the new person.
( @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily HIP HIP HOORAAY!!!)
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"Why, hello," Thomas said to the man, his voice quite soft and quiet and his face uncertain. "It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Horatius. I'm Thomas Linton."
Mr. Linton was unsure of what to make of his current situation. He didn't know much and hardly understood the few things he did. He'd found out he was a "hunter", but he had no clue what that meant, and he believed that he was somehow both alive and dead simultaneously.
The first mirror he had seen in the manor had shown him a horrid visage. One of sunken eyes and cheeks, bone and greyish blue and purple rotting skin. Now that he was at the manor, seemingly with no way out, he wondered if his last choice had been what was correct.
Thomas hesitated before holding out a gloved hand. He took the one before him and shook Logan's hand. Thomas made brief eye contact with the survivor but only held it for a brief second. He was both unsure and ever so nervous.
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(hehehehehe @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily )
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idv-askchaoticduo · 8 months
"Edric? Edric! My friend!" A familiar figure waved his hand with a bright smile on his face to the clockworker, it was Logan.
"I hope my.. long absence wasn't a trouble around here. My apologies I didn't tell you! Family and stuff y'know.." Logan rubbed the back of his neck as he explained his situation, feeling a little guilty.
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//IT'S OKAY, I POSTED THE THING BY ACCIDENT ANYWAY SO UH. aHEM @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily -------
The clockworker couldn't help but look surprised at the voice, calmly turning around to see him and wave back.
"Logan Horatius? Is that really you? Where have you been?" To say he wasn't concerned about the whereabouts about one of his friends would've been a lie. One he would happily say.
He brushed off with his hand the fact that he had vanished without a word, as a sign that it wasn't nothing to worry about.
"I'm glad you're okay, friend."
"Did you... get a new haircut or it's my memory failing me?" Edric asked fixing his glasses for a second as he squinted to the Time Traveler.
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chokkito · 9 months
It's almost 2am but i want to draw my ocs in cute outfits so! I'm putting their wedding ball status here! If anyone wants to partner up with them just hit me up!
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@askthepianist - Angeline 💐 (With Logan from @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily EHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEE)
(Also for the funsies) Henry (somehow) 💐 (With Shadowed Man from @manor-tea-time...Al im questioning you/j)
@askthesurvivors - (This will be a long list)
Jane Doe - 💐 (With my little son John Doe from @bloody-trio WHO I LOVE VERY MUCH MWAH MWAH)
Julia - 🌸 (Obv platonic only!!!)
Rayssa - 💐 (With Delliah from @manor-tea-time hehehegegege!!+!)
Marie Antoinette - 🌸
Dianna - 🌸
@askthecommunicator - Olivia 🥀 (Cause shes a FREAK!!!)
@theheavenshospital - (The sillies ever!)
Pietro - 🌸
Amelie - 🌸
That's it guys i promise I WILL do it this time!!! IM ON VACATION OK I HAVE THE TIME!!!!
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askthepianist · 8 months
"oh good grief there now both of you!! Aha.. Hey.. Angel, isn't it???" <- (Trying to beat gay allegations) ((ANGEL!!!!! ARGRHRGRGRG)
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~ଘ•́‿•̀)७ > "Hm?...Oh! Hello!"
Upon seeing Logan, the man looks surprised momentarily, before smilling softly and offering his hand.
~ଘ•́‿•̀)७ > "Yes, it's Angel! Angel Bianchi, a pleasure to meet you, sir...Oh...My apologies, what's your name?..."
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idv-ask-the-cavalier · 7 months
"Behead them as many times as you want, you won't get in trouble... These little creatures can live through almost anything, cut them into little pieces like my sister did once, they won't care."
"Perhaps they would even thank you, who knows..."
[ @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily ]
tehee.. :3 just a funny interaction wowey wow wow
"If they're going to thank me for it, then I'd rather not. It defeats all purpose if they enjoy it. The little demons will simply have to tolerate being whole for now. Cutting them down, would stain my blade with their filth."
"Your sister sounds like an... interesting woman. Cutting them onto pieces sounds unnecessary to say the least. They came crawling right back no doubt."
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Dear Visitors,
He hunts down unloyal souls which broke their contract, getting rid of their existence without mercy. Though rumors say he once made an expectation, trapping three certain souls behind his inventions, making them into nothing but his followers with no memory of their past. Our new hunter - “Timetravel Freak” arrived to the manor!
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“Oh, My dearest… isn’t it unhealthy for a simple mortal like you constantly trying to visit me? Or perhaps you’re so desperate for me? Don’t be so selfless now.. but since you’re here, come, let me show you a little secret I held for a while, but only if you promise to take better care of yourself ~”
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The timetraveler’s “Loving Whisperers” S-tier is finally here! Please welcome this strange guest of your dreams with your upmost respect!
“ Is it bad to sleep often? I don’t know… as long as I get to meet this… strange man, the man who whispers me such stories and secrets about this realm with such honeyed voice. I wish I could remember what he told me though when I wake up, his voice and appearance … is one of the only things I could really focus on and remember without the constant blur. “
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"You're truly the bloodlusted dog, Matilda."
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//would you guys like to hear abt Logan's and Mateo's behaviour and personality more in depth because I keep seeing people mischaracterize them and it makes me turn into a spring out of pain
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Logan Valentine sticker :) (Survivor version)
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[V-DAY! PHASE 1, Mateo/Timey]
“Hundreds of years… I never experienced the feeling of having a ‘crush’, I can’t describe it. Not anymore. And seeing mortals run around with those heated faces confuses me, maybe observing them won’t hurt.”
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[The time click. The bell ring. The crystal chime and the bone rattling.]
THE HORATIUS SIBLINGS BLOG IS BACK ON WITH UPCOMING NEW CHARACTER, ELENA! For now, it will be Logan and Timey. Older sister, Matilda Horatius and then the oldest brother, Emerson Horatius with his beloved wife Elena Surova will arrive soon enough. Please greet our dear timetraveler while he waits for his family arrival.
Forgive them for their long absence... The family things and responsibilities, they can never catch a break from this bloodline, despite how much they try to run away from it.
*Horatius family background.
'Timetraveler' Logan Horatius, survivor/identity switch.
"Timetravel Freak" Logan, Hunter/ identity switch.
'Timey' Mateo Horatius
'Bellringer' Matilda Horatius, survivor (SOON!)
'Gemologist' Emerson Horatius, survivor (SOON!)
'Archeologist' Elena Surova, survivor/identity switch (SOON!)
"Shattered gem." Elena, hunter/identity switch (SOON!)
- No heavy NSFW stuff in asks or rp, I'm not comfortable with strangers or barely known people having this with me. Close ones are only allowed to share such stuff in DMS and either way
- Basic DNI. Racism, Homophobia, etc. You'll be blocked immediately
-Don't bring up any drama around here
-The blog contains things like: Self harm, Abuse, public humiliation, Gore, Body horror and etc. You were WARNED!!
- Please read the character's story if you want to start a serious rp. If you have questions about the character, I'd recommend reading their story before doing so.
-This blog is under development, please be patient with other characters soon joining.
-If you want to ask about my art or other stuff about ME and not my IDV ocs, I have art blog ( @simplifiedboris ) and personal one ( @boris-surov ) :)
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A letter can be seen in front of Logan's door, with it, there is a wrapped gift with a ribbon
"To Logan Horatius
Dear Logan (Would it be ok if i called you dear? Sorry if not!) when i heard that you came back to the manor, i couldn't help but write something for you! If the writing in this letter is bad, please forgive me, i'm writing it in the middle of a match, since i couldn't bear to wait any longer to send you something.
How are you? Hope everything is going well and that nothing has happened during the time you were off! I hope we are able to go into matches together soon enough, as, even if we did not go into a lot during your previous stay here, i remember you being a really good teammate! I also came back just some time ago, so we are both a bit rusty, so don't be afraid of me getting mad if you mess up! I'm also doing it a lot! In fact, just in this match, i already got terrorshocked three times! Can you believe it? (Ps: Right now i'm the only survivor, so don't worry, i'm not writing to you while my teammates are getting sent back to the manor)
Have you also heard of the ball they will be doing here at the manor? It looks amazing and so many people seem to be coming! I don't have a partner yet, so i was thinking if you would also like to go there with me? If not, that would be absolutely ok as well! But i would be really happy to go with you! (Ps: It has been a long time since i have went to one, so i might accidentaly step on your foot while were dancing)
I have some more things to write but i think the crows will find me soon enough if i stay here, so we can talk more later! Hope to see you again soon! Goodbye!
From Angeline"
@askthepianist (EHEHEHEHE <- EVIL)
Logan opened the door and was at first startled from the sudden gift and a letter on his doorstep, but then he recognised that signature and handwriting and he almost beamed with happiness when he realised it was Angeline. He chuckled and carefully opened the gift with the letter as well, reading it and he couldn't help but giggle a little while doing so. The situation Angeline was in was quite silly to him.
"Well I can't just miss such an opportunity.. I'll respond to her right now actually, can't really waste much of our time." He muttered to himself before walking back to his room and taking his pen and the paper.
"It's great to hear from you too, Dear Angeline. Everything was alright while I was absent, no need to worry. Please just take care of yourself during matches and don't get hurt.. don't be reckless like me."
"I missed you alot, I'll be honest."
"Anyways, I'll gladly accept your offer to be your partner in the wedding ball event... I haven't gone into such events in a while, so I'm not the best at dancing, forgive me please. When you aren't busy.. you can meet me at the greenhouse, I'll be there."
"Have a nice day, ma'am."
-With love respect, Logan H.
The letter was neatly folded into an envelope and Logan left it under Angeline's doorstep too.
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