#idw bob
squidthesquidd · 9 months
IDW Sunstreaker baby with Bob?💛
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fucked up little guy and his weird dog
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tiny-tf-faces · 10 months
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sensory-hyra · 6 days
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Bob sensory board🪲
Sunstreakers "kitty"
Part thirty-four of the MTMTE sensory board "mini" series! Next sensory board/character: Krok!
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It’s Bob time.
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Memory 2b
Sunstreaker is feeling bad and anxious and paranoid. He's certain something is going on. His frame feels off like after the incident with Hunter, as if someone else has been changing it. He has his door set to let Bob come and go at night so he can have freedom. An arrangement with Red Alert before everything happened. Now, he's stopping that and taking Bob in during rest cycle.
He's been responsible and trusting and went to Ratchet for a lookover and nothing was found. They think it is "psychosomatic" or at least Rung seems to. Just crazy Suntreaker, still broken from the humans. Not sure if that's better than hating him.
He's hyper vigilant about things and is searching for Bob. He finds him in the brig of all places with a Con who's cooing at him and chattering nervously through the slit in the door for food, which Bob has pushed open and shoved himself through. The Con flinches but looks up and seems relieved when Bob reacts positively to his presence.
The Decepticon is definitely one of the Seacons. He has fins. He remembers Whirl mentioning something about them. When he talks to say a shy, "Hi." Sunstreaker chokes because he sounds like Megatron. He says as much, sleep deprived and expects to get an eye roll, but instead, he gets a weirdly innocent look and smile. Nautilater insists that he has not and kind of excitedly asks if Sunstreaker really thinks so?
Sunstreaker bluescreens a little. And Nautilator keeps chatting. Until he finally disturbs Sunstreaker even more by asking if he's the officer. Sunstreaker goes "What." and Nautilator explains, looking embarrassed, that he hasn't been debriefed for assignment yet. He has the basic three, and quickly reassures Sunstreaker of this, but that he isn't trying to pry but wants to know when they'll be taken out of storage and given assignment. It's boring in the brig with no one to talk to, though he rapidly corrects and looks down at Bob saying "Not you of course. It's always nice for you to visit."
Sunstreaker is deeply disturbed and says he'll be back briefly and Nautilator looks mildly disturbed before warning Sunstreaker to be careful during dark cycle. Sunstreaker asks why having bad vibes and Nautilator is completely serious says that it's dangerous to go alone during the night cycle because there are monsters. He looks so weirdly genuinely concern and Sunstreaker is a little freaked out and says he and Bob are enough.
He rushes to the Medbay and finds Ambulon on shift and says that he thinks the Cons are broken. Ambulon rushes after him to see what's going on. Ambulon inspects Nautilator who instantly comes to attention at the sign of the Medical Crosses while Sunstreaker stands guard. He gently cuffs Nautilator and escorts him to the Medbay calling for Ratchet, Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Rung, and Chromedome.
Ambulon and Ratchet confirm that there's no outward damage. Chromedome examines him while he is under and confirms that his memory files have degraded until he seems to be a mostly fresh MTO. There's traces of damages and he repaired what he could. The stimulation from Bob and present interactions seems to be beneficial.
Ambulon is tremong with fury and he and Rung both say that brought up prisoner conditions before and Rodimus stumbles and says they weren't torturing them but Rung mentions isolation is a kind of torture and damaging. Rodimus gets scolded and they have to examine the other Cons for any damages. Sunstreaker feels kind of sick and stands beside Nautilator who looks intimidated and confused as Rung softly speaks to him and Bob has escaped again. He finds him carrying a cube to Nautilator like he does for Sunstreaker when he's stressed. Bob is convinced food solves all problems.
And has apparently adopted a Con one who, from the sounds of the shouting, Ambulon is arguing fiercely for.
The other Cons are damages with similar memory issues and stiffness and twitchy behavior involved. Sunstreaker is impressed by Ambulon who thoroughly browbeat Rodimus and Magnus about humane treatment and adjustments and their are some Cons who are being paroled while others are at least getting out and able to help and interact and it will count towards their sentencing. All of them are strangely relieved to be out of the brig even with tensions.
Sunstreaker is one of the escorts especially since it turns out Bob is universally loved and trusted by the Cons. He and Nautilator talk or Nautilator talks at him. He always tenses up when he goes back to the brig for the night despite the upgrades. He admits quietly that he feels unsafe there but can't remember why and that the dark cycle feels dangerous. Sunstreaker, who has his own issues sleeping sometimes, picks up on off vibes.
The security has been increased though so there's no unauthorized visitors and Sunstreaker promises it will be fine and leaves Bob with him.
He goes back to his room nervous oddly because it's the first night in awhile he hasn't had Bob guarding.
He has nightmares for a week but continues to let Bob guard Nautilator who has become a acquaintance and then it gets worse he is having the worst kind of nightmare and it hurts and something is digging into his Spark.
And then he's struggling awake and the pain is real and someone is there. Suddenly Bob is growling but Sunstreaker can't move or see. He hears Bob yelp suddenly and manages to reboot some things and crawls to Bob finding blood and keening. He has to think to remember how and comms Ambulon for help.
He shows up and helps batch them up and Sunstreaker attempts to report the assault but when it is investigated the only person who accessed his hab suite was his codes and the footage only shows Bob ambling in and opening the door himself. Sunstreaker protests thats not right. He updated the codes but Ultra Magnus frowning says the records show that the latest update was one approved by Red Alert months ago allowing Bob to access on his own. Something Sunstreaker argued for.
Sunstreaker feels sick and confused especially when the damage looks like he clawed his own spark casing and Bob's injuries were caused by the knife he keeps under his pillow. He is questioning reality and refuses to speak to Rung feeling shaken. Because he knows someone was there but everyone is convinced he was having an "episode" and he can't look at anyone.
Nautilator, who everyone views as dim and non-threatening, like Riptide is concerned and says bluntly that it must have attacked Sunstreaker. When he asks what, Nautilator calmly explains the monster that eats happiness like this was obvious. He thought it was just a nightmare but now that they can talk and are recovering and guarded at night the other cons remember being afraid and something coming in at night.
Nautilator feels guilty because Bob must have kept them away from Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker though is certain. Something is on the Lost Light.
And he needs proof.
Sunstreaker over here is making the right connections because yeah
There are similarities between this and that
Perceived pity my beloathed, yeppp if Sunstreaker wasn't feeling good before after that deduction he sure as hell isn't feeling good now
Ooo interesting that it was Bob who found Nauts first but it makes sense that the moment he spoke he shocked Sunny
Mmn yes so at this point we know what has happened to the prisoners already, oh Nautilator is rather confused but friendly.
Sunstreaker has opinions ™️ about all of this
Okay ngl that line about monsters is ominous as fuck because we the audience know what's going on. There are indeed monsters in the dark, and their needles claws gleam in the low light.
Makes sense Ambulon is concerned, especially considering what's been going on.
Most stimulation from Bob is beneficial, Bob is the best and amazing.
Ambulon and Rung are fucking right, isolation like that is quite damaging to someone psychologically as is proven time and time again.
Sunny and Rung are quite concerned, and Bob is still being amazing. Once Bob adopts you there is no going back. It's also interesting how strongly Ambulon is advocating for Nauts here as he's going through some seriously interesting changes himself.
W Ambulon W
That would be because Bob is the best ever, and it's so interesting how he's acting as a sort of middleman for the LL crew and the decepticon prisoners
Damnnn yep yep the night cycle is Banned from being Good because of the vibes
Oh no
Oh no Sunny that idea will not go well
damnnnnnnn, w Bob but also fuck that has to be a terrible thing to wake up to, I know physical pain can translate into dreams but considering how integral the spark is... Damn and ouch.
Smart and interesting he called Ambi first
ohh Sunstreaker Bob no
I can understand why Sunstreaker is avoiding Rung like hell (especially considering the typical IDW cybertronian thought process when it comes to mental health)
Nautilator has it right on the fucking money and they don't even know it yet
Sunstreaker is right, there is something on the Lost Light
Something that has been there this whole time, but only relatively recently has twisted sharp
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ihatebrainstorm · 1 year
[The Brig]
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A bit of a long one eheheh
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thegoldenshi-shi · 3 months
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I miss my two grumpy children and my happy baby bug
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gh0stfl0wer · 7 months
trying to upload this here has been a pain in the ass
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swivelbot · 3 months
Sunstreaker: This is Bob, don’t worry, he’s homeless.
Rodimus: Don’t you mean harmless?
Sunstreaker: No, he can kill you, I’ve just given him shelter and chocolate milk.
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hoody-bob · 5 months
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Deegee cooked so HARD on these sketches that i had to finish one of them!!
Really proud of that one!
Credits to Deegeemin for the original sketch!
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
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Pencils for issue 143's B cover! Leo, Carmen, and Bob.
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tech-obssessed-shark · 5 months
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sammiehawk · 24 days
I’m watching Bob Ross and I’ve suddenly had the thought. I’d love to see Sunstreaker’s reaction to Bob Ross videos. Especially the part where Bob whacks his brush around to dry it out after he’s cleaned it. Simply because it’s always my favorite part of the videos and cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it. Anyways trying to figure out whether Sunstreaker would have begrudging respect for another artist or disregard him entirely as an odd wack job who just knows how to use paint and brushes.
“Just beat the devil out of it” - Bob Ross
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novafire-is-thinking · 7 months
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inaliakitsune · 3 months
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New peekers have joined the lineup!~
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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