#ie jujutsu
pinchan · 2 years
What are your predictions for the Culling Game?
i was about to answer this with my own thoughts but i just heard that they're selling gojo like oil to the US so uh
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mononijikayu · 2 months
thinking about good luck babe by chapell roan being a shoko x gojo! sister song??? like she is forced by the gojo clan to comply with tradition and she does so because she doesn't want to be a headache for satoru??? and how she's married to some clan leader that makes you miserable, maybe even nanami, caus you share a grief about haibara and you meet shoko again, both of you miserable with your choices???? and she just looks at you, smiling sadly and saying, 'i told you so.' and she just smiles back at shoko saying, 'i know.'???
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the thing about jujutsu kaisen is that it’s a story with a big, hulking, heaving child exploitation machine in the center of it. all of the grownups are well aware it’s there, they matriculated from the damn thing, and even the children are fairly certain something is grinding up their bones for porridge, but no one can stop it so they all just adapt. “how do you react to the child exploitation machine” is in fact one of the defining character questions on the human side. some people, like nanami, take the high road and refuse to enable the machine and always treat the children inside it as if the machine is nonexistent—this is very noble but does nothing to ultimately slow the machine down. lots of adults go “well, i will be a firm but fair authority figure to the children in the child exploitation machine and get them ice cream.” yuki and gojo are very sure they have the juice to ultimately stop the child exploitation machine… but it turns out that bitch is hard to dismantle so they’re left going “hang in there, children! you’re doing great! mommy’s proud of you! i will definitely save, if not you, then one of the next generations of children!”
meanwhile the beast just keeps on chugging.
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Can I please request an HC with a Foreigner Darling with Nanami from JJK, Captain from Hellsing and Byakuya Kuchiki from Bleach?
Nanami's got some knowledge of foreign cultures, but he doesn't speak English that well and if you speak any other language, he doesn't understand. So conversations will be in either simple Japanese or English, or he'll use a translator app. He tries to learn about your culture and incorporate it so you don't get too homesick. He also teaches you Japanese if you struggle with it and is a much more patient and kind teacher than how he is with the kids at Jujutsu High lol. He likes the idea of marrying you, but he leaves what kind of wedding he'd have up to you: Japanese traditional wedding at a shrine, a Western style wedding, etc. He just wants you to be his wifey/househusband, the ceremony itself is less important to him. Ideally he wants a more private ceremony though, just because he hates big parties with a bunch of guests...or one particular guest named Gojo who he knows would make a special day much more annoying. The Captain has little conception of cultures outside of what he knows of Milennium's German roots and hazy memories of Werewolf culture with his own people. And because he doesn't speak, you would think he doesn't understand language; in reality, he understands many languages but just doesn't speak them. So he can understand what you say even if he doesn't ever respond. He tries to give you little trinkets or items to remind you of your home, like books or food. He isn't sure how you're supposed to treat a mate, especially one that is a human. But doing things like this is probably good, right? Byakuya would be a bit angsty about it, because he's a noble and he knows firsthand how much pushback he got for marrying a lower-class woman like Hisana. Despite his love for her and for you, he knows that a foreigner would be borderline unacceptable to marry. So he would try to resign himself to pining from afar and keeping a distance, but that makes his obsession worse lol. He would eventually decide to court you anyway and damn the consequences or criticism from the other nobles in and out of the Kuchiki family. But he would also insist on training you in everything a Shinigami nobleman's wife would need to know: calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, wearing kimono, dancing and playing instruments, etc. He wouldn't force you to assimilate and abandon your own culture or anything, but he would press the issue that being his bride (even if you didn't even ask for that) has responsibilities. But he trusts you to do them and loves you regardless. He tries to learn about and participate in your culture, too. Ie. if you're Mexican, he wants to make an ofrenda next to the family altar for Dia de los Muertos. If you're Black he refuses to do anything with your hair that you don't want, and he snaps at anyone who comments about it; he's very quick to remind them that for all his faults, Kaname Tosen was a very refined man who never looked "sloppy" or "unkempt" with his hair worn in dreadlocks. He learns about matryoshka from a Russian Darling and makes a new line of Ambassador Seaweed nesting dolls.
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lxmelle · 14 days
Just some thoughts about chapter 236 after reading 261. I’ve talked about it elsewhere but I’m going to post it here too.
The whole North South thing has been a huge thing to unpick. As had been the human and jujutsu pervert thing.
But, after 261, it seems to be about reconciliation - between Gojo’s Human side and his Monster side. Perhaps the ongoing theme for Gojo since his enlightenment - is he Gojo Satoru who is Strong or does being Strong define him as Gojo Satoru?
From that premise, that’s why he talked about himself and emotion with Geto - elaborating on “satisfaction” etc. Nobody else was there when they did. It could be a representation of who is within the line Gojo drew. Others are flowers who couldn’t understand him / he didn’t wish to understand him. (I believe Gojo too didn’t want to be saved but lived since birth as if he were to be the saviour due to six eyes + limitless ). Even if at some point he felt like a creature, he has always only been Geto who he wanted to stand beside him as his best friend. He caught up to him, right? They face in the same direction.
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The benches is something to take note of too imho: the symbolism of Nanami & Haibara being on the other side of the benches perhaps is meant to represent the Monster Gojo (ie Strongest Gojo Satoru).
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So Nanami and Haibara highlight his perverse, jujutsu mad side. They reflect how he could be viewed, or even what he could’ve become. It’s not nice to hear at all. He worked hard not to be that, hence, I think, his facial expression there. But, Gojo accepts it as a part of who he is too. Geto roasts him and echoes that based on what he admitted - practically having fun fighting the death?? Oh dear 😅 But, it shows how Gojo in death reconciled between his two halves. With the aid of his friends.
The North South thing after 261 seems to be thematically similar - going back to being more Human. Gojo’s monstrous side had fun and he has relinquished the Title of being the strongest. So his choice was to go South because that’s where happiness is for him. He understood that love changed him and that it had allowed him to not be lonely as the strongest in the end, having people around him, having purpose, etc. which he wanted to convey to Sukuna. He could have been a monster / calamity Sukuna but thankfully he knew love and could connect with those “beneath his feet” (this was in direct contrast to Hajime’s battle / convo with Sukuna).
It makes me sad to think that it is possible that this interpretation doesn’t allow for a Shinto-like afterlife and they all have to get onto the plane to reincarnate.
Or. It was really a death fantasy after all... aligned with Bardo Thodol...
…and all we can take comfort in is that Gojo was at peace?
Ah, I’m going to make myself depressed thinking about it 😭 we probably won’t get answers from Gege anytime soon so I’ll stubbornly choose to believe there is a Shinto-like afterlife and if they want to reincarnate they can go meet Emma-O to discuss things - like... you know, reincarnating together 😉
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Just my two cents... any thoughts or theories?
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sakuralovespossums · 3 months
JJK Teachers x Autistic Student Reader (Platonic)
Satoru Gojo 🩵
It’s obvious that jujutsu society still lives by old fashioned and bigoted ideals (ie. hating women and non-sorcerers) so it wouldn’t surprise me if they were also ableist.
As a result, it can be pretty challenging being a neurodivergent sorcerer student without options for accommodations or counseling, as if being a sorcerer student itself wasn’t hard enough.
Still, you tried your best to mask your autism and keep up with your peers the best you could.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Gojo though (the guy sees through everything, c’mon)
He would quickly take notice of your behavior and habits (stimming, disassociation, difficulty grasping social queues)
He suspects that you may be on the spectrum and looks into your student files to confirm. Once he’s proven right, he decides to do some research on it himself so that he can better understand and help you.
One day after class, Gojo calls you to stay for a minute so you guys can talk.
“Hey y/n! Mind if we chat for a bit? It’ll only be a minute!”
You feel nervous as you walk towards him, hoping you didn’t do anything wrong.
“Listen, I know we’re not exactly in the same boat, but I know what it’s like to mask around others all the time.” He says while pulling his eye mask.
He tells you he gets feeling different from everyone and having to put on a persona to make them like you.
“Just know that you don’t have to wear it around me. I’m your teacher and I wanna get to know the real y/n. Course, it’s up to you though. I’m not pushing.”
He then tells you that he’ll make the accommodations you need to help make your classroom experience less stressful.
And if any of those old geazers complain about it, they’ll have to take it to him.
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he hands you a napkin with your favorite character printed on it.
It’s a gift he got for you from his recent mission.
You happily accept it and wipe your tears away before embracing him in a tight hug. He returns the hug with one arm as he looks down at you with a genuine smile.
He’s glad he could reach out to you and make you feel safe around him.
Since then, Gojo takes more note of your autism and accommodates to it however he can.
You’d think he wouldn’t care with how……insensitive he can be, but he does acknowledge the impact mental health can have on people. He couldn’t be there for Suguru, but he’ll try to be there for you.
He asks you what kind of foods you like/don’t like before he leaves for his missions, so that he knows what kind of snacks to bring back for you.
Makes sure you understand the instructions and materials in class. He’ll check on you privately, just in case you don’t want him asking you in front of the other students.
Will still make you the butt of some of his jokes (but it’s never to make fun of your autism).
He just finds your difficulty with grasping his sarcastic humor too good an opportunity to not poke fun at.
Can still come off as insensitive sometimes (it’s Gojo) but is trying his best. Just let him know when he’s said/done something to upset you and he’ll stop.
Sometimes when it’s just you two, he’ll listen to you explain your current special interests.
Imagine him listening to you talk about your favorite show on the phone while fighting a special grade curse.
“Mmhmm, yeah? Hold on a sec y/n.” He finishes killing off the giant curse in front of him. “Sorry about that, you were saying?”
He knows what it’s like to be easily overstimulated since his six eyes enhance all his senses. He also gets migraines a lot because of it, just like you.
If you have/had a Digimon hyper fixation, you’re his #1 student now. He will test you on your Digimon knowledge. You’ll both get lost in back-and-forth conversations about the lore, show, and games. If he deems you a worthy fan, he’ll even let you play his old Digimon games.
The highest form of honor you could receive from him.
When you and your class are out in town and enter a crowded area, if you feel extremely overwhelmed, Gojo will teleport you out of there to a place with less people.
Either that or he’ll grab you and turn on his infinity, giving you space from the bumping crowd of bodies around you.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be away from people for a bit, he’ll understand and probably leave a candy outside your door.
He knows you need extra help and accommodations with your disability, but he never treats you differently from his other students and knows you’re tough enough to handle whatever’s thrown at you.
You are a sorcerer, after all.
He wants to guide the next generation of stronger sorcerers where no one gets left behind, including those like you.
“Gojo-sensei, why are you staring at that corner?”
“Just trying to figure out why you’re always staring at it during class. What makes it more interesting than me?”
Nanami Kento 🥖
He also quickly notices your autism and makes sure you feel comfortable unmasking around him.
He does NOT tolerate discrimination/unfair treatment of any kind towards people based on their disabilities.
I imagine one of his coworkers at his old accounting job was on the spectrum and understood how challenging it could be for them. So he would try to help them however he could.
Because of this, he has more personal experience under his belt to better understand how to work with you.
He thinks it’s shit how a lot of society and the education system (both in and out of jujutsu society) are so unaccommodating to people with physical/mental health needs.
If you have a hyper fixation with bread and/or cooking, he’ll gladly listen to you talk about it however long you want while donning his usual stoic expression.
Don’t worry, he’s not bored or annoyed. As a fellow culinary lover himself, he’s genuinely interested in listening to you talk and will engage in the conversation.
The way you enthusiastically talk about your interests reminds him a bit of Haibara.
He admires your attention to detail and strong sense of empathy towards people, animals, and inanimate objects.
His low voice is very calming to you.
If you follow a specific schedule and/or organized, he’ll admire that too since he also hates falling behind schedule.
If you are spacing out during an important briefing about a mission, he’ll say your name to get your attention or gently pat your shoulder.
“Oh, sorry!”
“That’s alright. Do you want me to repeat what I just said?”
If you’re in a dissociative episode, he’ll calmly ask you what’s bothering you and help you work through it however he can.
If you’re going through a burnout and need to be alone for a while, he’ll understand and give you as much space as you need.
He might knock on your door to give you a small packaged pastry. He hopes it helps.
He understands you may have some internalized ableism, so he makes sure to speak positively of your autism to help you build your confidence.
“L/n-san, why do you have a coat with you when it’s March?”
“Oh, well it was pretty cold this morning. And…well…it’s not anymore but…..”
“I see. That’s a rather smart decision on your part.”
“It means you’re always well prepared for anything. That’s an important skill to have as a sorcerer.”
“Thanks, Nanami-sensei.”
“………………….so can I try on your gogg—”
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kairoseas · 6 months
I think one of my favorite things about Sukuna has to be how he's, above all else, a Jujutsu practitioner and not only a practitioner, but a master. He's studied all the ins and outs of Jujutsu for centuries, designed his own techniques both within the limits of traditional jujutsu and outside of it, and he's always looking to push those limits beyond what's known. When he meets people like Megumi and Satoru, who both push themselves to the limits of what is considered possible within traditional jujutsu, he shows genuine interest in them, but it's only when they take a step past those set limits that he's compelled, enchanted by them, fascinated by how far they're willing to go. He's this way because he, too, would push the limits, would press past his barriers, grow into his full potential as a jujutsu master. Megumi's "Mahoraga", Satoru's self-destruction, they're all considered "beyond traditional jujutsu". These are methods no 'normal' sorcerer would ever entertain, let alone utilize to the degree that Megumi and Satoru have. Satoru destroyed his brain and used his technique to heal it up to seven(?) times in the battle between him and sukuna, and Megumi utilized a technique that he paid for with his own life to "win". Typical sorcerers aren't going to risk life and limb, most want to live without having to gamble everything; but these two aren't like your typical sorcerers, and are completely willing to pay with their lives for victory. What Sukuna is fascinated by is what Satoru explained as "craziness", ie. "You have to be a little crazy to be a good sorcerer." Of course Sukuna is fascinated by them, of course he wants to interact more with them; if they could reach these heights alone, imagine what they could do together? Imagine the limits they could destroy with one another's input, with one another's collaboration. (In Sukuna's case with these two, 'collaboration' would be battle with Satoru, or in Megumi's case, a takeover and merging of their abilities, thereby heightening them.) Ryomen Sukuna is a jujutsu practitioner first and foremost. He wants to test the limits of it, to be fascinated by others who're willing to do the same as he himself is. It's so rare, so seldom found in the modern day, that when Sukuna runs across these kinds of people, he can't help but want to watch them develop, watch them grow, compound all their knowledge and their skill into a threat worthy of his concern. And of course you can also read into this with a shippy intent. His fascination with Satoru and his fascination with Megumi both stemming from the same place: how far are you willing to take this? Show me, nay, compel me, entertain me with the last vestiges of your life on full display.
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hhighkey · 2 years
Hi, I heard you asking for a random headcanon so I would like to give it a try. It's a Jujutsu Kaisen headcanon about how protective they were of their S/O
AN// haha i love this i love picturing these types of scenarios,, sorry for the wait! let me know if you want anymore if anyone wants a part 2 with more :)
With Megumi, Gojo, Nanami
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Fushiguro Megumi
he’s protective
he’s a teen boy in school that sees death on a daily
he’s dealt with a lot with family, harsh views from many as he’s been (imo) groomed for certain things that he’s trying to break free of and figure himself out
he may not know how to show you he loves you
he’s not great with words
he’s good with death stares and brooding moods
he’s good with avoiding you when he’s upset because he doesn’t know how to talk about it
if you’re a sorcerer he prefers to be paired up with you just in case
if you’re not- he wants people checking up on you
he needs to see you every night to see you’re alive and breathing
will end up being harsh or rude- getting upset if you act out or do something he deems dangerous. Will lecture you because he’s scared
he gets mad because he’s scared and doesn’t know what to do
is the type that if you’re trying to go somewhere at night will stop you edward cullen shit bye (but really why do i see him like this)
absolutely stands guard of your home or dorm at night imo
it ends up with you having to calm him down a lot
incapable of understanding you having male friends as he’s worried (not that he doesn’t trust you)
will not fall asleep until you’re asleep typa guy
buys you coffee, books, etc because he wants you to be happy
you’re the only person he can show his true emotions to so he’s scared he’ll lose you at any second
needs affirmations to remind him he’s the one for you
and if his family or any curses try to use you against him- they better watch out
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Gojo Satoru
i’m not sure how popular my opinion on him is but this is how i see it
will kill anyone if they hurt you
will absolutely go to hell and back, destroy the world if he had to
no survivors type situation if need be
absolutely flips a switch, his strongest jutsu raining down hell
all because he loves you
gojo seems like the issue- nonchalant, childish, problematic with his teaching… until it strikes a chord with him
and you’re that chord
the light of his life
he knows your boundaries and what you’re capable of
will laugh as a guy or girl tries to hit on you and you just brush them off- but will step in as he sees things get out of hand
it’s like a dark glimmer appears in his eye as anyone messes with you
because you’re his
normally he takes his time handling issues, acting cool and unworried
but he is protective over you
even if you’re a sorcerer he’s like you’re weak compared to me ofc i’m going to help - I see him as someone when it comes to a s/o that will view them as weak and use that to his advantage
and if you’re a non-sorcerer I see it being even worse
because i see him as fun, a laughable guy to be able to go out with
but personally i see there being something darker when it comes to dating that he’s too much with you
ie. not meeting geto anywhere near you regardless of their friendship
wanting you’re location at all time
not letting you take jobs he deems too dangerous and does them himself
but otherwise he’s just an annoying ass man that doesn’t take anything serious but your safety
so i’m sure that causes plenty of fights :)))
tho i can imagine arguments with him being more frequent than with most
have fun!
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Nanami Kento
i have a harder time with him
he would be a very serious partner
but he’s always looking out for you
he’s the type to be protective from afar- like observational protectiveness
you almost don’t even know, he does it from afar as he wants what’s best for you
protective in small ways like walking on the outside, handling hot items or knives whilst cooking, keeping a hand on your waist at the bar, taking care of you when you’re sick
things casually always work out for you because of him
he’s not overbearing like the others
like you can talk to him easier if you feel like he’s been on top of you too much
he’s just concerned about you, will have serious conversations about things that worry him- ie if you’re careless
if you’re sorcerer he’ll never take over your jobs or stop you from going but he’ll be a nervous wreck if he can’t accompany you- will want to train with you so he can be sure you’re safe
he will lecture
definitely has a dad mode without realizing it
and if you’re ever seriously hurt he will not leave you’re side, doing everything so you don’t have to lift a finger, and good luck getting out of his sight
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flare-the-freak · 4 months
Made a fix it JJK au bc sillies! So here's some random silly things :3
I post more goofy stuff on my friend's and I's JJK server! I'll drop the invite below ;)
The only reason this somehow happens is because Toji gets paid MORE by Gojo, so he gets a salary by Gojo and ends up more in an uncle position with Megumi and Tsumaki! More in depth is Gojo helps Toji get back on his feet, and actually chooses to yoink Megumi and Tsumaki so they doesn't get stuck with the Zen'in
Suguru DOESN'T defect, but still hates non sorcerers, and sometimes rants to Gojo about how he wishes he could just- implode them! Non-sorcerers tend to avoid Suguru since he sometimes talks about this in public
Curses are actually integrated into society! There's two "types" of curses that you can encounter. The Normal curses we know (Animalistic, runs on fear as fuel, extremely dangerous and tend to kill a ton of people) or "Humanoid" curses, IE Jogo, Hanami, Mahito, etc! Non-sorcerers can see both breeds, however usually only interact with Humanoids!
Yuji, Sukuna, Choso, and Kenjaku (in Ms. Itadori's (does she have a name?) body) all live together. Kenjaku never gets in possession of Geto's body (since he doesn't die) and Sukuna is an elder brother to Yuji, but younger to Choso. Same abilities but toned down
Sukuna is a third year at Jujutsu Tech
Choso is in college, studying the fine arts
Kenjaku is a single mom. She's not the greatest in this, but damn it he's trying! (and genderfluid)
Gojo and Geto teach at JJK tech. Gojo even got Toji a job there!
Rainbow comes back! No one realized curses can reform and keep it's memories, or it's just a special case..but she's back! She found Gojo once when he was on a mission, she very clearly wasn't tethered to Geto anymore, but still clung to Gojo like a giant cat. She shrank herself down to the size of a big dog and followed him home
Gojo and Geto now have Rainbow in their house, Megumi was so mad (Curses don't need to eat though, thankfully. She keeps shredding his bed with her nails though.)
Speaking of Megumi, him and Sukuna have known each other awhile, and Sukuna tries to wing man him AND Yuji (He hates watching them pathetically flirt. It makes him so mad)
Sukuna came home with face tattoos (inspired by a JJK art piece I saw will tag once I find!) after being dared by his friends to get them while drunk. Kenjaku grounded him for 3 months. Anytime someone asks, now Sukuna says it's part of his cursed technique.
oh whoops! dropped some ocs in there! shout out to @notagremlim
for their sona Grem who I've traumatized beyond repair using Toji! GREMJI BRAINROT TIME! <3
Grem and Toji were married, until Toji got involved with some dumb shit and divorced his husband as Toji didn't want them involved. Grem was...not happy when Toji came back. Refused to talk to him for like- 3 months. Toji was like a pathetic cat, and Gojo was not great advice considering bro was a teen dad and still traumatized from getting mauled!
Speaking of getting mauled, Itadori meets Megumi through Sukuna, who had to come pack for a trip and Megumi (against his will) is forced to come with! Gojo wanted Megumi to have experience on the battlefield against the "feral curses" (Geto isn't happy.) And Itadori...man bro is GONE. Even Kenjaku is raising a brow. Megumi summoned the divine dogs to take care of some curses terrorizing some little kids, and Yuji is like "Oh shit! He's handsome and is a dog person?" Sukuna decides to take Yuji with, who then figures out his cursed technique is....well throwing hands. Pretty much canon stuff there but without Sukuna's abilities and the fingers.
Curses are extremely abundant, with humanoid ones actually helping to exorcise the feral ones. Mahito is a bit of a menace though and Jogo and Hanami are just there to keep him in check
Gojo sometimes works overtime to make sure Geto has time off in case he noticed Geto spiraling
(Suguru has to bring this up when Gojo was gone for a week, came home, and immediately collapsed all six eyes out. And yes. He has a legit six eyes here, it's just he hides it with cursed energy! But when he's super excited about something or REALLY tired they pop out, or if he just- is relaxing at home.)
Server join below ;)
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rizsu · 10 months
can you explain to me how the power system works in jjk?
( i am so sorry for this late reply ) ofc this isn't all the power systems in jjk but these are the main ones with overly simple definitions + links if u wanna do personal reading
i. cursed energy — used by cursed spirits ( eg. jogo ) and sorcerers ( eg. nanami )
it's aligned with negative emotions and used to fuel someone's ( only sorcerers and cursed spirits! ) jujutsu¹. for example:
we all know negative emotions are home to humans, however, this doesn't mean a regular human can see cursed spirits. while most humans in jjk possess cursed energy to a degree, only those whose energy's at a higher level are able to see cursed spirits ( ie. jujutsu sorcerers. )
cursed energy can "leak" from a human body & ferments until a cursed spirit manifests ( kinda like baking a cake in the oven except more complicated. ) that only happens with non-sorcerers ( regular humans basically ) — jujutsu sorcerers can control their energy + channel it into jujutsu¹.
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ii. jujutsu — jujutsu sorcery, one of the key elements in jjk. it's an umbrella term that includes all sorcery-related abilities ( eg. previously mentioned cursed energy. ) aside from that, it's used as a prefix within jujutsuers: jujutsu high(school), jujutsu sorcerer, etc.
anyone with the ability to utilize jujutsu is referred to as a jujutsu sorcerer.
jujutsu's exact "age" is unknown. it's been around since curses dawned the earth.
note: you'll often see 'heian era' when reading jjk. heian era, aka golden age of jujutsu, dates back to 1,000 years ago when sukuna reigned.
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iii. cursed techniques — specific abilities that activate when cursed energy is channeled ( think of the process as something similar to solving algebra but mentally. )
cursed techniques are activated by manipulating cursed energy using two key operations known as lapse and reversal + much more ( innate techniques, barriers, etc )
lapse: basic, default or neutral state of activation. when casting cursed techniques through lapse, the caster circulates their energy in a forward direction to channel it into their ability. ( it's very confusing )
reversal: produces positive energy by multiplying negative energy with negative energy ( for example using math: -3 × -2 = 6 | in math, two negatives makes a positive.) negative energy is NOT suitable for recovering but positive energy can heal physical injuries. usually it requires a very high manipulation of cursed energy so it's kinda rare.
+ a very much more in depth explanation
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iv. domain expansions — an advanced barrier technique and the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery. within a domain expansion, the user's cursed techniques are improved and are guaranteed to hit the opponent ( eg. gojo's domain expansion in season one with yuuji + jogo. )
it's achieved by expanding an innate domain with cursed energy while using a barrier to construct it inside another separate space ( like sukuna's, for example. )
the caster imbues their cursed techniques within the barrier to complete the expansion, allowing them to use their ability throughout every nook & cranny of the domain.
to trigger d.e the caster must use a specific hand sign or signal unique to them ONLY. from the outside, the barrier is closed and usually appears as a floating orb.
domains aren't indestructable.
+ more here !
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here's where gojo satoru comes into play & why his existence itself is important.
jujutsu sorcerers are recruited and trained through two schools located in tokyo and kyoto. both schoold are the "pillars" of the jujutsu community alongside the headquarters. as population increases, so does the strength of curses. the only thing that's keeping the balance are the crown jewels of the gojo clan: six eyes & limitless technique.
gojo satoru's the only person in 700 years to possess both six eyes and limitless. his birth itself not only made him an important figure in jjk but also created balance between both worlds ( which also shifted the advantage from cursed spirits to jujutsu sorcerers ) — hence why he's one of the main protagonists along with itadori yuuji.
the only way to stop gojo satoru is to use the prism realm, however, it failed to stop gojo. all of this happened during the shibuya arc to the current arc, which is mainly focused on gojo vs. sukuna.
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therealslimsanji · 5 months
something I'd like to point out about One Piece fans (mostly on Twitter) who think they are more righteous for only (in large amounts might i add, just gushing over their faves in the anime by reblogging gifs, posts, fanarts many times per day every day) reblogging content from the One Piece animanga & boycotting/no longer posting about the One Piece LA just cuz of Taz's """neutrality""" & choice of wording it as "conflict" instead of "genocide" (which conflict is classified under):
They 100% ignore how their "anime that supports absolute freedom + human rights & is anti-genocide, anti-colonialist, etc"... is a product of mostly overworked, underpaid animators under slave-like conditions ie the opposite of freedom, as discussed in this highly viewed video (easy to understand for non-anime people here) : https://youtu.be/BDEIPa9b3OU?feature=shared
I fully believe that even with Netflix being shit, the Live Action staff, script writers, set designers, camerapeople, scene choreographers, actors etc. are way better compensated for their passion & hard work than anime animators forced to take multiple projects just to barely afford their rent & meals while sleeping under 5 hours every day.
Toei animation inc is part of the problem where they obstruct the Toei animators' unionization attempts, & historically is part of the reason why Japanese animators trend to be basically underpaid, worked 20+- hours a day slaves under contract (cuz they followed the Tezuka model of one new episode every week for multiple anime even until it's unfeasible in more complicated-looking modern anime).
The recent anime studio that tried to do good (Kyoto Animation) by setting humane work conditions + donating to a shooting spree tragedy's victims... ran out of money & folded, while many studios that are formerly passion-driven got turned into hellish sweatshops former employees have been rallying against (eg Mappa, which currently produce many extremely popular ongoing anime like Jujutsu Kaisen & Chainsaw Man, which mamy Twitter users reblog too). Most studios keep their animators shut with NDAs & only the ones who get fired/kicked themselves out could speak out, with many studios having dirt.
Holy shit. I had no freaking clue it was that bad! I feel so sorry for those animators, especially the ones tryna support a family on trash pay.
But even with this knowledge you'll still have people that will argue "I'm not talking about what goes on bts, only the storyline and the character Taz plays blah blah blah!" Even though I've had multiple anons point out all the moral complexities that have come up in the anime/manga.
I ventured over to Twitter for a hot second just to see what was going on, and I actually saw a few more positive Taz posts as opposed to constant negative so that's a plus!
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suashii · 6 months
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hello, my honeys! in celebration of the season and a couple of milestones, i put this little event together! hopefully there’s a little something for everyone. please be patient with me as i work through these — i will try to get them out in a timely manner ❤︎ have fun!
the event is now closed — thank you to those who joined! i will work on the drabble requests i have already recieved :)
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some quick rules — 1) the fandoms you can choose from include: haikyuu, my hero academia, jujutsu kaisen, blue lock, tokyo revengers, and honkai star rail. 2) i ask that you please be following me to participate in the event! it is a thank you to my followers so i want them to be the recipients :)
send in a number from this prompt list and a character from one of the above fandoms and i’ll write a short drabble for the scenario! i’ll try to keep each of them under a thousand words. if i’m not confident in my abilities to write a certain character, i’ll let you know and you can send in another request!
through an ask, send me a photo or picrew of you + a fandom of your choosing and i’ll match you with a character who i could see you with! include gender preference if you have one. the photo will not be posted!
send in your favorite winter or christmas activity (ie. decorating cookies, sledding, etc) + a fandom and i’ll match you with a character who would join you in the activity! include gender preference if you have one.
tell me a little about how you and your f/o like to spend the season (inside relaxing, out enjoying the snow, etc) and i’ll make you a moodboard that reflects those vibes! they’ll be somewhere between three and six photos :)
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“ho ho holy shit you look good” + kuroo
sharing a warm kiss during the first snow of the season + rin
“you didn’t have to get me anything…” + iwaizumi
meeting each other's family for the first time over the holidays + reo
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oh-katsuki · 9 months
do u think Gojo actually died?
mmmm i want to say no because i need gojo to keep being alive, and there's some interesting symbolism that could point to the idea of gojo reawakening again (ie; the lotus flowers), but i honestly don't know.. like he could come back and lose his curse technique from overuse in that final push.. but he could also stay dead.
i have my own opinions about like... what gojo dying here means from a narrative standpoint. if gojo stays dead, his storyline with kenjaku / getou's body will probably never really get resolved, which feels a little lackluster to me because a lot of the story is based on them and their dynamic. but on another hand, it makes sense for yuuji to be the one to face off against sukuna, perpetuating a cycle of violence between loved ones caused by jujutsu society (gojo is to getou as yuuji is to megumi). i also think, as an argument for both outcomes, that it makes sense for gojo to have awakened his technique against toji, only for him to lose it / lose entirely to toji's son. i also think gojo losing his cursed technique would be a good opportunity for gojo to discover whether or not he's gojo satoru because he's the strongest, or if he's the strongest because he's gojo satoru. like it also suits gojo's storyline, especially after the "i felt separated from other living things" comment.
my most feared thought tho... is that kenjaku was betting on gojo losing against sukuna in order to take gojo's body and collect his cursed technique. which like.. if that happened idk how the others would beat him, but it is a possibility. it makes sense for kenjaku, as well as wraps up the issue of gojo / kenjaku / getou's unresolved storyline and would present the irony of gojo and getou not only dying on the same day a year apart, but both being shared by kenjaku. but that's a fear for ANOTHER DAY!
i guess it's like.. im leaning towards gojo being for real dead in my logical brain, but my heart of hearts is still bargaining. i think it could go either way.. all i rly know tho is that it's gonna hurt REAL bad 😭 idk if any of this makes sense but it's what i think in the most condensed form i could put it.
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Spy x Family Season 2 Episode 5: Plan To Cross The Border
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In a season with standouts like Frieren, or struggles such as Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy x Family can certainly fly under the radar for its passion for the status quo of its series, but I think today's episode is a massive betrayal of that in the best possible way. No, it's not god tier animation or anything of the sort, but something arguably more insane.
Three people animated this episode, and it looks great.
Yes, you read that right, only three people participated as key animators on this episode. Two first key animators, and one second key animator. Despite that, the show looks so good, and even features 2D crowds that move???
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It's just really impressive to have only three people animating an episode and still have space to do stuff like this, it's just sort of mind blowing what the production might look like for this episode.
Visually, there's certainly a bit of off model stuff here and there, but also when you only have three animators and a single duo of chief and regular animation director, I think I'm going to be more lenient with how I view things.
Though it's not even the case that the episode uses the number of animators as an excuse because there's a lot that is well animated and expressed. I mean, just look at Anya throughout the episode.
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It's just kind of crazy how consistent and solid the episode is. It's just so incredibly sound and you can tell where they really put effort in. The color design for this episode is great, and you see that with the first gif of Anya, but also alongside environment art with the stunning appreciation of Garden.
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And then there's the storyboarding and direction. No, the episode is not perfectly still or anything, but the effort in direction to focus in on specific things adds a great sense of style while alleviating the required work of the animators. And personally, I think the closeups are a great addition that frame Yor in questioning herself far more while juxtaposing that against specific details as they relate to the separation of Garden and Yor. Really great work. I especially love that they re-use certain pieces and draw very interesting comparisons. For example, the stakes that adorn the Shopkeeper's outfit are the same that appear on Yor's headband (which you can see in the bottom left image above), or how they place focus on Yor's shoes in two separate instances to try and convey the fact that, despite the shopkeeper's statement, Yor is growing softer as she hesitates and becomes more "meek" (IE drawing the comparison between focusing on shoes, and lowering your gaze).
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So yeah, while this is just kicking off the Cruise Arc, this episode is a form of magic in and of itself. With an incredibly narrow staff list they've been able to provide an incredibly memorable episode that attempts to try and pick apart Yor as a character and hone in on the rift that appears between the assassin and the mother in her, so I'm incredibly excited to see what WIT and Cloverworks end up doing with her through this arc.
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raitonsfw · 6 months
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navigation: about me. m.list. taglist form. kofi.
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fandoms i will write for:
bungou stray dogs.
my hero academia.
attack on titan.
jujutsu kaisen.
demon slayer.
black butler.
characters i will write for:
bsd: osamu dazai. chūya nakahara. fyodor dostoevsky. nikolai gogol. sigma. ryūnosuke akutagawa. ranpo edogawa. edgar allan poe. atsushi nakajima.
mha: tomura shigaraki. tōya todoroki (dabi). keigo takami (hawks). kai chisaki (overhaul). shōta aizawa (eraserhead). tamaki amajiki (suneater).
aot: levi ackerman. eren jaeger. hange zoë. reiner braun. armin arlert. porco galliard.
jjk: satoru gojo. suguru geto. ryōmen sukuna. chōsō kamo. yūta okkotsu. fushiguro toji. nanami kento. mahito. higuruma hiromi. kashimo hajime.
ds: obanai iguro. tengen uzui. giyū tomioka. kyōjurō rengoku. muzan kibutsuji. akaza. douma.
dr: nagito komaeda. hajime hinata. izuru kamukura. makoto naegi. junko enoshima. mikan tsumiki.
bb: sebastian michaelis. undertaker. gregory violet. edgar redmond.
t-gun: vash the stampede. millions knives. nicholas d. wolfwood.
general rules:
yes; character x fem!reader. headcanons. sfw. nsfw. threesomes. sub/dom undertones. breeding kink. mommy kink. pegging/strap ons. sex toys in general.
dark content such as aphrodisiacs, cheating, degradation, blood play, corruption kink, yandere themes.
fantasy themes (faerie, mermaid, etc) and canon plot (ie, mha; quirk. bsd; ability. jjk; technique/sukuna's true form. dr; ultimate/talent. ds; breathing styles/demon blood art.)
no; incest. non-con. pedophilia. vore. watersports/scat. weight/body image. pet play. age regression. daddy kink. aged up minors.
maybe; omegaverse (specifically for atsushi and keigo).
general notes; hange zoë will be written afab with they/them pronouns. makoto naegi will be written as strictly submissive. junko enoshima, mikan tsumiki, & nagito komaeda i am willing to write male!reader for.
when requesting, please do include whether it is nsfw/sfw and afab!/gn!/amab! and a lil summary of what'd you like. if including multiple characters, please state which ones from that certain fandom.
i also will write in a last name-honorific format (ie; Dazai-san, Komaeda-kun, Aizawa-sensei (or just sensei), -sama/-chan/-senpai) if you guys prefer that in your request! Just let me know in said request and which honorifics you'd like.
also let me know if there's a specific nick/pet name you'd like for your character. (ie; fedya for fyodor, kolya for nikolai... i won't write the two with these names unless its specifically a fyolai x reader or if you ask for these names.)
keep in mind i write what excites/intrigues me; i need to be super into said request and sometimes my mind doesn't want to cooperate. if i feel as i can't get out the absolute best piece for that certain request, it'll just be a bit shorter than normal. i apologize in advance.
that being said, please give me around two days to a month to get to your request. i promise i am writing them, i just get distracted by life as we all do. as much as i'd like to be chronically online, sadly i am an adult who actually needs to adult.
my requested works vary with word counts, usually 800ish - 8k. anything specifically over 8k - 15k, i would ask you to please visit my ko-fi and commission me for a small amount of money. (still setting it up whoopsie)
i also have other commission requests i will accept (such as oc write ins, rewritten canon scenes with your choice of y/n reader or not, & character's i do not currently write from my listed fandoms including aged up minors).
i do NOT write for character x character works on this blog. i have another blog for that, @raitoclouds!
feel free to ask if anything confuses you!
requests are closed. current request count: ~3.
some other things to note:
i properly tag my main writing posts, but i do not tag my thirsts. (including my taglist, which is specifically for my main writing posts)
i do have the right to refuse a request as i see fit. it's nothing personal, sometimes i'm just not suited for that specific request within my writing. (i do try to write almost every one i get only because i'm determined to expand my writing limits so this is a rare occurence)
i'm a very socially awkward person and am sometimes not good with words (ironic hehe) so if i sound a bit out of sorts when answering an ask, that's why.
feel free to send me an ask with recs! (other people or your own works) i adore reading just as much as i enjoy writing. 🥰
also you are allowed to create fanart of my works if you'd like!
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linkspooky · 2 years
Do you have/like any ships from Jujutsu Kaisen?
My favorite ships in Jujutsu Kaisen are what I call the three generations of Yin / Yang pairings that the story sets up to parallel one another. 
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Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto 
The two of them are set up as a pair of “complementary opposites”. One of the first thing they do in the flashback arc is see them get into an argument. Gojo believes that the strong should not have to cater to the weak, while Suguru believes that the strong are responsible for protecting the weak. Their most fundamental beliefs that drive them are in conflict with one another, and yet they are each other’s closest and only friends. 
Geto gets Gojo and pays attention to him like no one else, noticing when he may be tiring and wearing himself out, while everyone else regards him as the strongest. Gojo also for his best returns that point. Outside of their ideals, they care for each other as people, and it’s their ideals specifically that drive them apart. 
I refer to these as Yin / Yang pairings, because Gojo and Geto also despite being opposites, carry a little bit of each other in the other. The idea of the Yin and Yang is opposite, but interconnected forces. The symbol itself (ie. the Taijitu symbol) shows a balance between two opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each section. The most interesting aspect of these two is how despite being eventual enemies how interconnected they are. In some ways, Geto and Gojo sort of flip because of their relationship with each other.
At the end of the Hidden Inventory Arc, it is now Gojo who is arguing that they strong need to protect innocent people, because of Geto reaching out to Gojo and telling him not to massacre the cult immediately in the aftermath of death because that would not have any meaning, while Geto is arguing that Sorcerers should rule, because they are stronger and have no obligation to continually sacrifice themselves to protect the weaker people with no cursed energy. Even when they are enemies, they are still connected. 
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Maki Zenin x Yuta Okkotsu
Arguably, in the upperclassmen it’s Yuta and Maki who parallel Gojo and Geto the most. They also have the most dynamic interaction with each other, in that they both bring out a change in the other as a result of their meeting. Yuta would not have made any progress in zero, if Maki had not been the first person to challenge him and tell him to stop acting like a villain. At the same time, Yuta because of his inherent softness was able to express his admiration for Maki, someone who has been demonized her entire life. 
They are another pair of complementary opposites, but rather than Gojo and Geto who oppose each others on ideals of justice, Yuta and Maki are opposites in regard to love. Yuta does everything he does for the sake of his loved ones and keeping them close. He even screamed that at Geto as the reason he was fighting against them.
Maki growing up unloved by everyone in the Zenin clan except Mai, prioritizes her pride and strength above everything else. Unlike Yuta who wants people to remain close, Maki deliberately pushes people away and pursues strength, following down Toji’s exact same path as becoming the next sorcerer killer. 
These two are also set up as opposites in many ways as the plot, Yuta is labeled a prodigy, whereas right now over and over again Maki has been referred to as a demon. They are both people who have lost the person who loved them in their childhood, Rika for Yuta and Mai for Maki, and they are now wielding whatever remains of that person as a weapon. Yuta is still fighting to protect the people closest to him, but his opponent in the culling game tells him that someone as loved as Yuta couldn’t understand those who haven’t been loved, and also someone like Yuta could never reach Sukuna’s level because he has too much humanity in him and Sukuna is like calamity, while we don’t know what Maki is fighting for right now and she seesm to becoming more and more like a pure force of strength. There’s just so much that can come from their confrontation.
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Itadori Yuji x Megumi Fushigoro 
The final pair of parallels, but once again the way they contradict each other is on an entirely different matter. Yuji is someone who wants to save everyone indsicriminately no matter who they are. Whereas, Megumi wants to selfishly pick and choose who he gets to save. 
This conflict begins from Megumi’s very first action in the manga, choosing to save Yuji after he ate the Sukuna finger, rather than kill him, even if that action puts more people at risk. The relationship between Megumi and Yuji is deeply interwoven into the text of the manga itself. Their actions impact each other’s development. 
BECAUSE Megumi chose to save Yuji rather than executing him, Yuta later goes onto let Sukuna rampage in Shibuya. Which made Yuji’s original goal of eating all the fingers, and then sacrificing himself seem a lot less heroic now that the same innocent people he was trying to nobly sacrifice himself to protect have died.  ON THE FLIP SIDE, Megumi is now dealing with a very suicidal Yuji riddled with survival’s guilt, who is leaping at the chance to die for a greater cause. Megumi’s decision to “save people selfishly” is putting him at direct odds with Yuji who he has chosen to save, because Yuji a very selfless person can’t put his life above others, especially the people he’s hurt now. 
Yuji has as recently as the latest chapter, offered to die to Angel to let Gojo out of the box because he is just so desperate for SOMETHING to do to make up for letting Sukuna out in Shibuya, while Megumi himself is DESPERATELY trying to keep the people who are still close to him (totalling Yuji, and Tsumiki at this point) safe. Despite the fact that they are such great friends, they still fall into conflict, and that conflict is what makes the ship interesting. 
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