#if i'm honest
thechekhov · 1 year
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Everyone, trying to warn me: Harrow the Ninth is so complicated and so hard to get through and you won't have any idea what the hell is happening!
Me: Harrow the Ninth is peak comedy if your sense of humor is fucked beyond all sense.
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this may not be how everyone else feels (which i respect), but i personally feel like since louis "killed" lestat, lestat saved his life, then lestat spent over 70 years sulking pathetically in his self-imposed timeout, if louis wants to call it even atp who am i to judge? how would i handle that? i don't know. but if that's where louis is at then i say let him be there. but maybe that's the loustat shipper in me lol. i'll admit i have a preexisting bias from the books and the movie.
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transgeoffrickly · 6 months
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this is my smith college girls for i-D magazine 2004
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cightnourt · 5 months
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Night Court - S03E19
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basmathgirl · 7 months
You reblogged a Gif set of the first episode of the fourth season of DW „Partners in Crime“. One of your tags reads “filed under: things they often did to Donna” in regards to the unflattering lighting. And now I’m wondering what do you mean by that or what are other examples of “things” they did to Donna in your opinion?
Hello kind Anon
I started collecting examples to show you, but it qucikly became like a school homework project, so I won't write an essay about it.
Basically, Donna was not meant to be seen as glamorous, sexy, the love interest, or cool; just some middle-age woman close to the Doctor's visible age. And and we all know how the media has long dictated that only women under 25 (or under 30, at a push) can be seen as a romantic co-star. Good grief, CT was in the film "Starter For 10" in 2006, where she plays the mother to an 18 year-old lad, played by James McAvoy who is only 10 years younger than her, and she was paired with an actor almost 20 years older than her!
Anyway, I've picked three examples to get you thinking.
Watching S4 makes you realise that several bad lighting, unflattering costumes, and dodgy makeup decisions were made. I'm going to start with the way Donna was introduced to us in the trailer at the end of Doomsday as opposed to The Runaway Bride episode.
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Not exactly flattering in comparison - if you ignore being lit like a character from Wicked. You'e never think these were filmed only a couple of months apart. And there was the whole disappearing cleavage shenanigans to take into consideration:
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One minute it's allowed to be there; the next it isn't. Why? It's as if busty women aren't allowed to exist. DT certainly enjoyed the view but that's a whole other post..
They often put Donna in clothing I'd bought for my mum. Take for instance the outfit she wears at the beginning of Fires of Pompeii.
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Very middle age-to-early pensioner in design, you must admit. Yes, tunics were the fashion at the time the programme was made but this is at the opposite end of the spectrum to Rose's 'little girl' pinafore combo or Martha's leather jacket. It's practical clothing that's not meant to be attractive but comfortable. Except all that nylon would have had her sweating like a pig in the Italian heat. Oh well. It's not as though they intended for her to look pretty. The dress Evelina gives her is a definite step up, but it is still very 'mumsy'.
Our last view of Donna was originally her wedding to Shaun Temple.
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What could have been a pretty dress becomes a hideous outfit for Donna. They must have chosen the most unflattering hairstyle for her ever possible. But never mind, eh? She gets handed a winning lottery ticket so it doesn't matter if she doesn't look beautiful on her wedding day. At least she could look at the photos later and acknowledge Nerys managed to be pretty in a peach dress. The money should more than make up for it *chokes on my own spital*
Yes, I have many problems with the whole wedding scene in The End of Time where Donna gets her 'dream' of being married to a man who doesn't even stand next to her in most of the photos. Not that she seems to mind. We're supposed to believe she gets a huge pay cheque a happy ever after to fulfil the dream.
In case you were wondering, I'm much happier with the 60th anniversary specials.
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nimbus-cloud · 5 months
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I'm entering my please-don't-mistake-me-as-being-straight phase.
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seedofjoseph · 2 years
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rosiedoestumblr · 1 year
I'm going to say this, because I appreciate not everyone speaks British English, but you cannot call the Lucius/Black Pete ship "Luciete."
You can't.
Because it is pronounced "Loo Seat" and that is one of these.
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spacecasehobbit · 4 months
Sometimes a story has nothing particularly profound to say.
Sometimes it just doesn't have anything particularly profound to say to you.
When that happens, you can in fact accept that other people can find profound messages that speak deeply to their lives in said story regardless of whether you get it or not.
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futurewife · 11 months
getting HIM to lift his hips up while you're over him on the bed so you can wiggle his underwear down and slide them off
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let-dawn-break · 11 months
Dawn of a New Era 🌄 Introduction Post
Hello everyone to my pinned post, nice to meet you. I am totally new to the fandom, gripped by the neck like a ragdoll by Twilight Princess Link's huge biceps and tossed into the simp pile with the rest of you.
Welcome to my Simp Safe Haven.
I am a writer who doodles occasionally, shamelessly selfships, loves other people's selfships, and encourages, lives by, and preaches "cringe but free".
Which means I write almost exclusively X Reader content.
Feel free to send me requests! I'm still exploring the Linked Universe and all the LU Links' personalities, so be patient with me, and feel free to tell me your opinions on how I characterize them. I accept constructive criticism gladly.
Also, lore dumps. If you wanna submit an ask or submission that's quite literally a lore dump of one of (or several of) the games, feel free to. I'll answer it whenever I can. I know almost nothing about the games in-depth lore. All that stuff usually goes over my head whenever I'm playing a game. At the moment, I'm only watching playthroughs, so I'm working on it.
I can't wait to meet everyone in the fandom! I look forward to having fun with everyone!
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dragon-tamer-1 · 1 year
Flighteningverse Week 2023
Day 4: Storm
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And here's one of my favorite ones I did for this. Tempest making quite the storm and looking a bit crazed while doing it. And I'm very happy with the dark clouds I did.
A less dark version and the individual background under the cut
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lyrical-escapes · 7 months
Darling, if I'm honest You've been on my mind, on my mind all day. And lately, if I'm honest I can't bring myself to think no other way.
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diedraechin · 2 years
I opened one of the WIPs just for funsies again, and while reading through it, I have once again realised that one of my favourite things to do is for Viktor to come up with a stupid (sometimes canonical) plan and for Chris to tell him that it's a horrible idea and he shouldn't do it and then Viktor does it anyway.
I do not see me ever NOT doing this.
I think those conversations just may be my favourite personal trope.
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redstonerross · 2 years
How'd you find the camera?
- 🌌 Anon
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the red sun gave me this for halloween or my birthday, i have no idea since can’t tell the time at all.
wish that sun gave me a clock instead or a friend to talk too :(
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
So, some time ago I got called out for being xenophobic and I felt like the shoe fit. But this also made me more aware of xenophobia.
And if I’m honest, the amount of xenophobia against USAmericans is starting to get boring. I know its become a sport to hate on USAmericans, but not everyone in this country is ignorant and entitled.
I say this as a woman raised in Mexico who is privileged to live in USAmerica and who grew up with the same xenophobic attitudes about USAmericans. It only takes meeting one person who defies those stereotypes to realize how narrow the perspective of USAmericans is.
So the next time you see a post shitting on USAmericans, just remember that USAmericans are humans trying their best at #life just like you.
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