#if im being perfectly honest writing this used up all of my energy for today
Cole: The hearth blazes but it's empty. You play the cards but the hands around them are configured wrong. You miss him. Cassandra: Of course I do. He was my friend-- or, I thought he was, anyway. That was probably another lie of his, wasn't it? Cole: Most people are cats. But some cats don't just look dangerous, and you have to keep an eye on them, even when they're purring. Cassandra: So, he was still scared of me? Even after all that time? Cole: Scared of the symbol on your chest. Scared of the sword on Cullen's vambrace. Scared of the Chantry's flames. Keeps the candle lit deep down but the pyre's blinding and the bodies beautiful. Fire can't get through the words. This is how I protect them. Cassandra: 'Them'...? No, I don't have the right to ask. -- Cole: He made me promise not to tell anyone. The first time I scratched his thoughts and he started bleeding red and blue, he went so quiet, all the words burnt up at once, and then he said I had to keep quiet too. Solas: Is this about Varric and Hawke? That must have been difficult for you. Duplicity is rarely in a spirit's nature, but I believe it helped him, for a time. Cole: Part of him was always somewhere else, and now it's gone too far away for the rest of him, and he had to leave us to get it back. Cole: I could've helped him more if he had stayed! If he had let me take the pain away. Solas: It's a fool's errand he's embarked on, but he has to see its end for himself. Cole: The end doesn't matter. He isn't ever coming back. -- Cole: He doesn't fly like a bird should. Traded in his wings for five legs made of chains that won't ever let him go. It's not the Nightmare they have to save him from.
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
Hey, it’s me again! This might be a long one so settle in:
Firstly I wanted to do an apology of sorts for even sending you that ask yesterday to begin with, I try to come onto your blog and ask you positive questions that brighten your day but yesterday I came straight in with my own mental health issues without even considering that you might also be going through that at the time. So yeah I’m so sorry for just springing that on you!
Secondly: Thank you. Your response yesterday made me cry multiple times, please know that this small connection we’ve made through a dozen or so asks means the world to me, and that you took time out of your day to write such helpful and beautiful advice when we don’t know each other that well is a true testament to what a lovely caring person you are!
After reading your advice I followed it- I did a bunch of self care and then sat down with a tv show I’ve been wanting to start, and I even had the courage to message my best friend and let her know all about how I’ve been feeling. And that talking made the world of difference in how I felt then and how I’m feeling now.
For today’s question I want to simply ask how you’re doing today? Do you have any fun plans? Anything you need to get done that you’ve been putting off by scrolling through Tumblr? I’d like to hear about you!
Once again, Thank you so much for your time and energy and wisdom that you’ve shared with me, I think I’d be much worse off without this little pocket of friendship ❤️
hey party rocker, let’s talk, hm? :)
it’s perfectly okay. i think the universe aligned somehow when you sent that to me because mentally i was doing perfectly fine. like i was having a good morning and was ready to help you, so it’s all good. even if i hadn’t mentally quite in the best place, let’s say, it’s not like you trauma-dumped on me or told me something really scary; you were just being honest and asking for honest help. no matter how im feeling, im always willing to lend a hand in helping another friend through some darkness. so while i appreciate your apology and consideration, i’ve got your back. i appreciated your honesty, i don’t need you to show up here with positivity when you don’t feel it. i want to be here for you just as much as you are for me, and i felt like i had a chance to help you yesterday. it’s perfectly alright, please let me continue to help you when you need it💕
oh god, this warms my heart. im so glad my advice was useful, i was worried it was going to sound stupid😅 even though we don’t know each other that well doesn’t mean i don’t value our friendship. you’re genuinely so sweet, i thank thank thank you 🥺💘
words cannot describe how immensely happy i am that you were able to put my advice to use and it have a positive outcome for you. it sounds stupid, but like i swear it’s hard to feel sad when your skin is so smooth and everything smells so good😂 and taking the time to be nice to yourself feels so accomplishing in its own. im also so proud of you for reaching out to your friend. i know how intimidating that can be, no matter how close you are. that was a huge step and i just gushing with excitement for you💖
to answer your question!! im currently babysitting, but when i get home i want to clean/organize my room a little bit, and i want to make brownies or cookies because the period cravings are no joke, sis. tumblr is both my savior and my enemy so like you phrased putting crap off by scrolling through tumblr perfectly😭 i don’t have any fun plans, i don’t even know how im supposed to get lunch (it’s a long story) and im also VERY tired. mentally, im kinda neutral today so for right now im fine until these boys wear me down🥲
I LOVE YOU, DEAR FRIEND!! keep being you☺️💖💘💕🤍🧸
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honeypirate · 4 years
Thanksgiving Kisses
Aizawa x fyn
A/n: okay so I felt very inspired by fire force and mha so I wanted to write a character who’s quirk is like Sho’s adolla. I also thought it would be cool to have the readers hero name be Adolla.
Hero name: Adolla
Hero suit description: simple black body suit that goes to your ankles and wrists. Easy to move in and keeps you warmer so you can hold your time freeze longer. A belt that holds your katana on your back. Thigh high black combat boots that hold several throwing knives and a dagger.
Quirk info: readers special attack requires chilling the surrounding area to such a low temperature, it reduces the heat that causes the natural expansion of the universe, resulting in time passing more slowly for everything; the sole exception being the reader, who remains at normal speed. The only downside being you can’t hold it for too long or else you’ll freeze.
My change is that Reader can also transfer the body heat from attackers into making her attacks with a katana even more powerful.
I feel like I really like this version of reader. “Adolla” reader will probably be a reocurring character for my fics.
“It doesnt count if you’re already planning your defeat”
You’re in the training grounds, critiquing a student that you’re giving one on one lessons after school. He’s not even trying at this point and it’s starting to annoy you.
“If you’re not fighting like it’s your last fight you’re going to get no where. You’re already accepting that you’ll fail, so you’ll fail. How can you grow into the hero you need to be if you’re not even trying?” (Wow. I sound like Mr Aizawa) you think to yourself as the student gets mad and attacks.
You activate your quirk and take a few moments as the world cools, in your demension of silence, to really look at the student’s form as he came at you. His quirk was fire and he had a fireball headed right towards you as you walked up to him, he was getting faster you’d give him that. You lightly shove him back on his butt as you release your quirk. He falls back with a grunt. “You’re getting better, quicker. If you can learn to control your anger you’ll be a great hero” you say and help him back to his feet “that’s it for today” he bows and then leaves running away from you.
You picked up your black jacket from the ground and sigh. Your teaching outfit consisted of loose black combat pants tucked into black boots with a white tank top tucked in to your pants. You had your Katana slung across your back and didn’t feel like removing it to put on your jacket so you just threw it over your shoulder. You liked to show off the tattoos on your right arm, a half sleeve of flowers and butterflies from your mid forearm to your shoulder. But for more professional meetings you kept a jacket with you, it also helped keep you warm if you had to use your quirk for so long.
“You could go a little easier on him” you chuckled as you turned to the man in the doorway, walking towards him you say “I could but the world won’t go easy on him.” He smirks and when you’re right in front of him you touch his chest “I’m just teaching like I know you would Sir” you smile coyly and look up at him Through your lashes, he chuckles “I keep saying you don’t have to call me sir. We’re coworkers and you’re not even that much younger than me. Call me Aizawa. Or Shouta even” he says and you get even closer to him and whisper “I know you like it when I call you Sir” you wink and then laugh when he blushes. You pull back and smile innocently. “Shouta it is then” You would always mess with him and tease him, the only other person he’d let tease him was Present Mic, it made you feel special.
Shouta Aizawa and you were like two peas in a pod, cut from the same cloth, you understood him and he understood you perfectly. When working together or fighting together you can read each other like a book.
You’re walking down the sidewalk with him now, heading back to the teachers dorm “Do you have any plans next week for Thanksgiving?” He asks you and you look at him with a look of shock “Shouta? do you remember my American holidays?” You ask and clutch at your heart “I’m so shocked and a little impressed.” He rolls his eyes and you laugh “I don’t have any plans. I was going to go to my parents place but they decided to go on a cruise so Im going to just stay here. I’m probably going to do some work and then cook dinner. Traditional thanksgiving dinner.” You clear your throat “I notoriously cook too much, do you wanna come?” He looks serious for a second before bumping his shoulder into yours “I’d love to. It sounds fun.” You smile at him suddenly excited “cool! You don’t think it’s weird if it’s just us right? I can invite other people but I’m just not as close with anyone else.::.” He laughs “don’t worry it’ll be fine. Not weird”
You’re bouncing with energy and excitement as you text your mom for recipes, he thinks it’s adorable as he quietly watches you in his peripheral vision. When you shove your phone into your pocket you get an idea “also Shouta?...do you happen to be good at cooking? Maybe you could come over early and help me?” You sound shy and looking at the ground “I can cook. And I’d love to help you” he says in his normal gruff voice, trying not to show how his heart fluttered and how he got excited to be around you in a setting outside of work.
You were at the dorms now and had to part ways “okay. So if we don’t have anything crazy happen with villains, you can just come over after classes are over and after you’re done with whatever work you have and we can cook and listen to music. It will be great!” You can’t help but hug him, smiling more when he hugs you back. “Thank you, Shouta. To be honest I was sad because this is my favorite holiday.” You pull back before you let yourself melt into him like you really wanted to. “You’re my hero” you say dramatically and he smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear. “I’m glad I can help”
You can’t help but activate your quirk for a few seconds, looking up at him, leaning softly into his touch.
You release your quirk and he looks confused for half a second, was your skin this cold when he first touched you? You smile up at him “I’m gonna go prepare. Thank you again. See you later” you hate leaving him. He’s like a magnet to you, you wanted to be around him always. So it was always hard to say goodbye.
He hated watching you go, always wanted to reach out and stop you, to pull you back to him and hold you tight. But he never did. He was always so afraid of having someone he loved, afraid they’d get hurt or targeted from villains. But with you it was different. He had no fears because you were by far the most powerful hero he knew. More powerful than All Might because of the fact that you could stop time. He’d have nothing to ever worry about with you, but still he held back. Overthought about it, anxiety bigger than he could handle right now.
As strong as you were, you enjoyed being low key. You never wanted to be the number one hero, you confessed to him one night walking home together, you wanted to help people not be in the spotlight. He was one of the few people who knew truly how your quirk worked and he’d always keep your secrets. You only wanted to help people like you wish someone could have helped your best friend when you were kids, who was caught in the crosshairs on the sidelines of the action. You used your quirk to focus on bystanders first then help with the villains. He adored that you were focused on doing good and not fame. Once you disappeared he shoved his hands into his pocket and went to his place.
The next day you went out and bought the groceries you would need. You were so excited you didn’t even mind carrying the heavy bags back home. “Y/n why didn’t you call me?” Aizawa appears behind you and takes some bags from your hands “Hey Shouta! I should have, you’re right! I didn’t expect it to be so much” you laugh and smile up at him as you distribute bags between you both. The way the sunlight hit you just then, you looked like an angel to him, like you had a real halo. “Next time. Promise?” He says and You laugh, warmed by how much he cares “Pinky promise!” You say and reach out linking your pinky with his around the bags you carried. That small action made him fall harder for you. The rest of the walk filled with easy conversation, he carried the groceries to your apartment before excusing himself to finish his original errands before running into you.
Before you knew it, Thanksgiving arrived! You prepped the night before making two pies, got up early to make your moms famous stuffing and stuffed the Turkey. Setting a reminder on your phone to come back and put it in the oven during lunch.
You wore socks that had turkeys on them and that was the only change to your appearance. You teach your classes and train your students before heading back to your place to flip the turkey and start prepping the other side dishes. You get home and kick off your shoes and setting your Katana on it’s shelf. You squeal excitedly as you look around your clean apartment and your small table in your dining room set up and decorated with nice plates and silverware as well as nice thanksgiving centerpieces you borrowed from home.
You flip the turkey and connect your phone to your surround sound speakers that play in the kitchen and living room, playing your favorite playlist which you mixed in holiday music to so it was a perfect mix.
While you’re in your room, changing into a red blouse tucked into a black cotton pencil skirt. Aizawa texted you to let you know he’s coming over now and you get a little nervous. You get done changing and do a little makeup before heading out and getting out ingredients and cutting boards, thankful to have busy work so you could do something with your hands. He knocks and you tell for him to come in.
“Hey Shouta. Thank you again for helping me” you smile and he nods “no problem. What do you need me to do?” You freeze the moment, he’s rolling up his sleeves and you take a good look at what he’s wearing. He actually dressed up nice for your two person party. A black button up shirt into black nice pants. He slicked his hair back into a low bun and had on socks with turkeys on them, your face flushes and you feel the cold make it’s way up your neck and back before you let the moment go and let your quirk go. You smile in embarrassment from your actions, glad he wasn’t looking at you to see the steam from your flushed cheeks and the ice. “Well the turkey needs anither hour or so, I’ve made a cheese ball and crackers for snacking in case you’re hungry. It’s what my mom used to do for us growing up”
He looks at your hands as you cut up an onion, your fingers expertly dicing. He loves your beautiful hands. Your voice brings him back to the moment. “Maybe you could make the sweet potato casserole. I have the recipe right here” you wash your hands and grab a note card from the top of the fridge. “I’m making the green bean casserole and then when we’re done the turkey will be done and we can bake them. Then after that I have cranberry sauce and bread dough to make into rolls.” He takes the note card and gets busy. You already boiled the potatoes so it wasn’t hard work, as you guys worked you talked and flirted. You stole many glances at him wishing you could reach out and kiss him. After he was done with the casserole he started making the cranberry sauce.
You finished the green bean casserole and then checked the turkey “it’s done! You grin at him and then say “can you get it out of the oven for me? It’s really heavy.” He smiles and nods “of course” he knows what you’re doing. Making him feel more manly with you, he knows your strength and this would be easy for you, but still he gets the hot pads and takes the turkey out of the oven and you easily pop in the casseroles quickly.
He sets the turkey on a towel on the counter, keeping the lid on so it would stay warm. He turns to you and you smile “thank you Shouta” you say quietly and before you realize you’ve reached out and tucked a stray strand of his hair behind his ear. You rest your hand on his cheek and gaze into his eyes.
He places a hand over yours on his cheek and his other hand on your waist pulling you close to him as he looks down at you. You look down at his lips then back to his eyes with a blush starting to reach your cheeks.
“HEYYYYOOO” Present Mic’s voice rang out through your apartment and you and Shouta quickly parted and busied yourselves with other things. “Hey! In the kitchen!” You call out. Shouta clears his throat and you look over at him and wink before Mic comes into the room
“hey Hizashi what’s up?!” You say excitedly and he matches the excitement “how come I wasn’t invited to the party?!” You laugh “I’m sorry I just. It was last minute and I assumed everyone was busy. You’re welcome to stay! And Hey I have an idea! While we wait for this stuff to bake we should put up my Christmas tree!”
Shouta should have groaned and hated this, should have rolled his eyes, but the way you lit up with excitement about putting up a tree made him happy. He smiled at you and nodded. “Sounds fun y/n” he said. Hizashi looked over at him with a furrowed brow “okay! I’ll go get it from my closet!” You wash tour hands and skip from the kitchen down the hall
“Aizawa!” Hizashi whisper yells when you’re gone “what?” He says gruffly “you sly dog. You like her!” He said and pushed Aizawa’s shoulder lightly to which Aizawa just huffed and left the kitchen.
You heard every word, your apartment carries sound so easy, Aizawa liked you! He didn’t deny it! He was trying to kiss you earlier! Amazing! You do a dance in the closet.
You realize you can’t reach the box you roll your stool from your vanity over into the closet and slowly climb on top of it, going slowly to keep your balance, once you had the box in your hand you smiled big and began to lower it to the ground but you lose your balance and the wheels of the stool rolled out from under you,
As you screamed in shock Aizawa ran and slid onto his knees catching you before you fell onto the ground “y/n!” He said looking down at you and you laugh “my hero” you say and reach up stroking his cheek.
Present Mic came running in but paused and kept quiet when he saw you both from the doorway. He decided to go back and check on the casseroles and nab some of that cheeseball he saw.
“You could have came and asked me for help” Aizawa said, still holding you to him as you stroke his cheek “and lose the oportunity to be held in your arms? Never” you say and brush your lips against his softly. You pull back after a second and just look into his eyes, a small smile on his lips as he looks back at you.
You kissed him. Your lips touched his. He wasn’t dreaming right? This is happening? Realistically it’s only been a minute since you kissed him, but it feels like his world has exploded into something beautiful. His heart is beating wild and he has butterflies in his stomach, you fit so perfectly in his arms. Your lips were so soft. Once he was sure he wasn’t dreaming his lips crashed into yours again. You melted into him, kissing him back with just as much fervor. He bites your bottom lip and takes advantage of the moment you gasp to deepen the kiss and stick his tongue into your mouth. You moaned into his mouth and pushed him down onto his back and straddled his hips. Your skirt riding up your thighs gave him the perfect view of your lace underwear when your head whipped up to the sound of the Alexa timer signaling the oven was done. “The food!”
You were on top of him one second and the next second you were gone. Activating your quirk to run into the kitchen, popping up right next to Present Mic with a mouthful of cheese and crackers which went flying from his mouth when he screamed at the top of his lungs when you just appeared out of nowhere.
He chokes on the rest of the food in his mouth, coughing with a hand on his knee, you say “Alexa stop please” as you take the casseroles out of the oven. “They look amazing!!” You squeal in excitement and turn around making eye contact with a very confused Aizawa.
“Sorry Shouta...” you whisper and try to contain your laughter. He just gives you a look that says you’ll continue that later when Hizashi leaves. “So I guess the Christmas tree is forgotten about...” Hizashi says when he finally swallows his mouth full. You pop the rolls in the oven and go get more plates to set out another spot.
When it’s time to eat you make sure they have drinks before you stand at the head of the table with a carving knife and fork in your hands you look at your friends here. You look at Aizawa the most, his expression was so kind and loving it brought happy excited tears to your eyes. “Thank you guys for coming. Aizawa for indulging me and Hizashi for showing up out of the blue. You don’t know how much this truly means to me. In my house thanksgiving has always been just a celebration of family and all of the blessings we have had through the years.” You clear your throat and laugh a little at the happy tears that spill from your eyes. Your friends are smiling at you and you continue with your speech “I am so thankful for you guys and to be able to be at this school in my dream job. you’re my friends and I’m happy to call you my family as well. Okay that’s enough of my tears” you laugh and take the napkin from the outstretched hand of Aizawa near you, dabbing your eyes to not mess up your makeup. “I’ll cut the turkey now and we can dish the rest!” The laughter and conversation ensued as your little table of two close friends began to eat and exclaim how delicious your cooking was.
After dinner was over, Aizawa and Hizashi helped you clear the table to set out the pies and whip cream and refill drinks, as they enjoyed dessert you excused yourself to the kitchen. Boxing up leftovers for them if they wanted to take some home.
“You’re something else y/n” you looked up from your last box up into the eyes of the man you were falling for “It’s my way of showing thanks to you guys for all the love I have felt tonight. We’ve all been through so much with each other, for each other, for this school. You guys are my family.” You smile back at him as you stack the boxes on the counter.
He takes your hand and pulls you back into the living room where they have have cleaned up and they’re and Present Mic is smiling wide and says “to y/n! For giving us such a wonderful night free of stress and full of delicious food!” Aizawa hands you a glass and lifts his own “to y/n!” He echos and you smile and can’t help the few tears that fall. “I’m so happy you both enjoyed yourseves.” You say and Aizawa pulls you into a side hug.
Aizawa helps you quickly do all the dishes and Present Mic takes it upon himself to put up your Christmas tree and string it with lights dramatically while singing a bad rendition of jingle bells to which he didn’t know all the words.
“So” you say with a cute laugh “about the uh,,, closet times” you giggle while rinsing a plate and placing it in a drying rack “the closet times. That’s what we’re calling it huh?” You laugh “yeah. That’s what we’re calling it. For now at least. Maybe later we can call it the moment you realized how amazing and wonderful I am and how you realized that was the moment you couldn’t live without me” you say with cocky humor and he turns off the water and finishes washing the last dish. He passes it to you and you rinse it and then take the towel he’s offering you to dry your hands on. “If we wanted to pin point that moment I’d say it was the second day I met you. The closet times was you moment I realized that I should have been kissing you all this time” you feel all giddy in your chest when he softly reaches out and takes you by your cheeks and kisses you again.
You pull back when you hear a whistle in the doorway and laugh when you see Present Mic in the doorway wagging his eyebrows and dancing. “Get outta here” Aizawa says with a little smile before he goes back to kissing you. You giggle against his lips and kiss him back. When he pulls back you tuck his loose hair again and say “nah I’m always gonna call it the closet times” you laugh when he gives you a look.
You take out the left over boxes and hand them to Hizashi as he makes his way out the door. “Thank you y/n. Tonight was just what I needed too” he kissed your cheek and then was gone.
When you turn back to look at Aizawa he’s already walking over to you. You have butterflies in your stomach as he pulls you to him and kisses you hard. “If you want to know the moment I fell in love with you that was the third day I knew you” he says and you laugh. If it was the time I beat your ass in front of your students then that’s the time I fell in love with you too” he laughs and nods “that exact moment I knew I had to have you” you kiss up his neck softly “I’m so thankful for you. And for your kisses” you whisper and he laughs “I’m thankful I finally have you in my arms. I can see why you love this holiday so much y/n. It’s one of my favorites now too” he kissed your forehead and you sighed, feeling like you finally had everything you needed in life.
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j4nn4s · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
i was tagged by @isakvdhflorenzi, ty miss lorena <3 1. Is the social media presence of the characters important to how you view the quality of the remake/show?
hm well skam nl is my favorite and their social media game is trash LMAOOO so generally No but i do feel like remakes who DO have such a good presence kind of elevate the show and i think it’s pretty heartwarmin to see some remakes go sm farther than skam with social media and puttin out educational and IN CHARA resources like skames does this so well and i feel like in that way, the team is really really spreadin skam’s spirit via these resources (like joana’s billion bpd awareness ig accounts and lucas rubio’s yt channel)
2. Least favourite clip of the show? Why?
tbh there are definitely some duds but probably one of the clips with sana gettin herself into a hole in s4 just bc some were hard to watch cus cringey or yikes .... idk i cant think of others LMAO
3. Which character did you feel the most connected to and why?
ijeoiqjiwoij even tho even is my all time fave skam chara, i have to say isak for all of these reasons 
4. Your least favourite part of every season?
season 1 - tbh even though i really enjoyed this season, it does take a while for it to build up like i rmr at first not being that interested until ep6 maybe ?? which is hard when you’re trying to get your friends to watch but they have to wait until ep6 before shit starts RLLY buildin up and gettin wild
season 2 - hm ig noora chasin after william ??
season 3 - bro NOTHINGGG call me a purist but its such a refined masterpiece like the pacing is good the characterization is so good ugh i deadass cant think of anythin
season 4 - i always felt a little ??? w noora being sana’s bff ig bc from s1-s3 it didn’t Feel like they were that close like even in noora’s pov, sana wasn’t really a part of it that much ?? like eva was more of noora’s bff ?? so i feel like it would have made more sense if maybe sana spoke more with chris or vilde bc sana and vilde eventually seemed to get closer esp with kosegruppa and chris has always been by sana’s side ?? idk that always confused me
5. What is your opinion on the cast’s participation on social media? Do you prefer it when the cast aren’t that involved like the Skam cast, or do you like a lot of content like the Fr cast do?
tbh i don’t care much abt the casts LMAOOO if anythin it kind of brings more harm as seen with the harassment axel and maxence get and also can bring more controversy like with irene (which honestly is p sad considerin how much i love skames bc now i feel super :/ watchin it like she shouldve just had private accts at this point)
6. Favourite song you found from Skam or the remakes?
OMFGGG love this question .... def doorman by slowthai and mura masa bc its one of my fave songs now and i got it from skam nl <3 ugh taste
7. If you could decide which characters from Skam got a season, who would you choose?
OOOHHH ugh torn bc i like isak’s pov but also i want even’s so might have to forfeit isak season for even season ....... hm so probs vilde, sana, even, noora (maybe not w william tho) and honestly maybe jonas too ??
8. Are there any moments that you liked in the show that everyone else seems to hate?
IJXDWQOIJJ yes .... remakes-wise, people hate skam nl s2’s last half but i enjoyed it for the most part ... i think the pacing was off for the last ep but personally, clip 50 made up for it and is p god tier imo ..... and also don’t think the first half of ep10 is enough to discredit the entire season bc i rlly loved seeing liv’s pov and have sm fave moments from the season 
but skam wise, omg might get a lil controversial w this one IM SORRY !!! im bein honest and its Just my opinion ok 
personally s2 got me more invested than s1 and i don’t think its a super bad season like i didnt really say many problems wrong with it until i got on tumblr wiejioqjoiqjq i was sort of interested in the questions that the noora/william dynamic brought up which is, as expressed in william’s war speech to noora, that nothing is ever black/white which i feel was a huge message and feeds into the ‘you never know what ppl are going through’ theme of the season ... like i like the idea of someone like noora, who can have a black/white mentality (as seen in the first clip of s2 when she tells vilde that they can’t have the tannin company as their sponsor bc they objectify women or smth but misses the context and what it could mean for the bus monetarily bc shes caught up in bein ‘woke’) having to break out of that and see more than one side ... and i think remakes like skam austin expanded on this idea well like when zoya was like ‘must be so nice being right all the time’ which i Do feel like is an important for youth to know today .... bc i think its so easy to get caught up in the idea of being so objectively right and morally superior that people lose sight of the more nuanced characteristics to life ... (omg long ramble BUT)
also LMAOOOOO this one might be more controversial as it pertains to bench scene s4 ok oops again doNT GOTTA AGREE !! ........ but i feel like the scene had a lot of good intentions ... i was def kind of cringing a bit tho bc i understand the subject’s sensitivity and how these topics are hard to talk about but i genuinely feel like they both made Some points and should listen to each other .... like as Hard and as maybe ‘unwoke’ it is to admit, unfortunately you sort of do have to answer the tough questions bc that way we learn from each other .... and i perfectly understand why some ppl wouldn’t want to do this and i certainly am tired abt havin to answer shit abt my sexuality or stupid male questions abt women but if u dont answer them, people do go lookin for answers still and the internet is such a shitty place that its pretty easy (esp with youtube’s algorithm) to lead you to ignorant ppl and perhaps radicalization .... questions help us to better understand our community and sometimes they can have good intentions too but we have to ask and answer them or else people will make up answers (which ive literally seen and its honestly worse to see fake as shit and UNINFORMED answers bc ppl did not want to ask you or ppl of ur identity, esp when they’re already startin from a place of hate .... but i rather have ppl ask me patronizing questions than have them spread false info bc that can do much more harm in the long run) however i DO think that isak should also consider sana’s side and i sort of wish we saw him conceding more bc they both have smth to learn from one another, like sana shouldn’t just be learnin from isak, isak needs to learn from sana too
PHEW SORRY QWIOJQWIO girl i just got opinions on some things this is when my desc rlly comes in handy .... oqjdwqioj
9. What did you learn from the show?
omg honestly too much to write here tbh ..... but if it says anythin im (very slowly) in the works of a three part skam essay about basically how skam teaches us to be better humans and how to better treat the people we care about diowjqioj essentially the three biggest themes of the show: you never know what someone is going through so always be kind, always communicate with your friends, and no person is ever alone and i feel like these are definitely rlly good messages to live by (also livet er nå BITCH !!!)
10. What is your favourite headcanon about your favourite characters?
omg tbh i could not tell u at all how the skam charas are doing except i hope even is okay thats all im thinkin of ok .... OIWXIOJX omg remakes wise tho ..... honestly im so bad at this girl IDK !!!!! LMAO i have to really think i have a bit of vdh and dutch even but thats bc we know like Zero abt them so its easier oijwiojqio idk liv and noah bein cute as shit ..... OH WAIT personally i feel like janna got a bunch of pansexual energy so my BIGGG hc is that she’s pan also bc she’s one of my all time fave charas and my fkn url so itd be dope if she was pan ok boom
11. What is your opinion on fanfiction in the fandom?
tbh i don’t read skam fanfiction but i don’t mind reading some from the remakes (tho still its rare) ... eiojeioqw i just don’t trust anyone but julie to write skam charas bc i think that’s how precious the show is to me LMAO like idk everything ive seen of skam fanfiction and ficlets and one shots, i could never get into bc the tone is just so out of character or there will be lines that just take me out of the fic bc im like this !!!! is not !!! how the chara acts !!!! so yeah idk not rlly a fan bc of my purist ass but i dont mind others reading it
1. Favorite quote of the show?
2. Which country would you like to see have the next remake? Do you have any headcanons?
3. Which season would you rewrite and how would you rewrite it?
4. What clips do you personally like or don’t mind, but others hate?
5. Which songs do you think SKAM or the remakes should have included? For which moments?
6. Who would you give SKAM season five to and what topics and themes would it cover?
7. What moment spoke to you or touched you from SKAM the most?
8. How did you find SKAM? How did you feel about it right after watching?
9. Have you shared SKAM with any friends in real life? What did they think of it?
10. Of the remakes, which characters are your favorite of their SKAM counterparts? (Ex. who is the best Vilde remake? Eva? etc.)
11. How do you feel about the SKAM (and remakes) tumblr fandom?
I tag: @smileykeijser @whatadaze @queenofpurgatoryx @itlukey @skamyeets @shaykeijser @megeliz01 @isakcijser @wackpainterkid @axelauriantblot @kar-d-momme
(omg ik some of yall have been tagged so just ignore if u dont want to do it ok im srry it was in the RULES!)
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simkjrs · 7 years
msa ch3 asks
Anonymous said: I love how msa Izuku comes across as an honest to god cryptid: can't see his face, absolutely the kind of person you'd find at a gas station at 3 am, doesn't want attention, most likely distant cousins with Mothman
msa au is just me fulfilling all of my ‘protagonist is a cryptid’ dreams by making msa izuku as cryptid as possible. favorite character archetype: cryptid 
Anonymous said: so the msa au is my life right now thank u for that & I just read through the update twice so thank you for that x2 and I had to go back and look for Izuku and Kirishima's deal when it came up again and realized oh hey Kirishima agreed not to try and stop Izuku from leaving after 3 minutes and they didn't put a time limit on that i wonder if that'll come up again (& then my brain jumped to Izuku using that Forever. "we had a deal" every time it comes up. he cannot be stopped bc kiri promised)
got it in one!! izuku will abuse the wording of that deal forever if he can. good eye! 
Anonymous said: relatability of msa izuku: trying, doesnt trust feds, inability to sleep, ready to jump out 4th story window at a moments notice, anti-attention-
that’s msa izuku living the cryptid life of his dreams
Anonymous said: So wait you don't have to answer this if it's a spoiler but the collarbone blood tattoo™ is what's making deku's existence confusing to electronics, maybe?
yep, you got it! normally izuku is able to keep his presence from overtly affecting the electronics around him but scripting really starts messing with them. 
Anonymous said: quirkless msa deku anon and can i just say that deku looking eraserhead straight in the eye with lie detector policeman there and him saying "i don't have a quirk" and said policeman not detecting a lie is arguably the best thing i have thought of today.
tsukauchi:  tsukauchi: wh  tsukuachi: how did you even do all of [gestures at ch2 events] that without a quirk?  izuku: it’s a special talent of mine.
Anonymous said: I just read chapter 3 and oh my god oh my god oh my god. Your Izuku is who i aspire to be 24:7. Like everything he says makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time. You did good. <3
haha we are all aspiring to izuku’s levels of impromptu sass. im glad you liked the new chapter! 
Anonymous said: I'm probs rlly late cuz I Love in GMT+1 which means 9 HOURS of difference but I love your writing. Man, dude, being from beyond time and space, you always manage to create the perfect harmony between comedy and suspense that has you giggling while trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe. Just. OH BOI.
this ask is so funny and sweet at the same time. i love you 
@arinrowan said: it's kind of ironic that msa!izuku is exactly the kind of person who would benefit from friendship with/interacting with canon izuku.
msa izuku would benefit from friendship in general but you’re right. he needs the kind of quiet but aggressive support that canon izuku gives 
Anonymous said: Cuz I'm trying to see if I can figure this out, by "told me about Kamino Ward", does that mean that Izuku tipped kirishima that that was where bakugou was? How did he know tho, did baku's spirit go to him and tell him that? Did izuku actually play a part in the rescue???? So many questions
THE ANSWER TO ALL OF THESE... [spoiler alert] is actually ‘yes.’ more soon...
Anonymous said: when they start asking questions abt kamino ward at some point he just gets fed up and says "I JUST DID IT BECAUSE THE GODDAMN CAT WOULDNT LEAVE ME ALONE. I DONT EVEN LIKE BAKUGOU" and the heroes are like :0? what if, we brought bakugou here?
izuku doesn’t even acknowledge that the kamino ward incident happens it’s like theyre just talking to a brick wall 
Anonymous said: Izuku has no control over his own sass anymore and it's glorious?? Says "that'll be 500 yen" and looks surprised at himslef, says "now it's 600 yen" and looks downright mortified, the sass is too much for his smol body, sassmaster izuku ftw
to quote @salvainterra, “i love the fact that izuku never stops even when he himself thinks he should stop.” izuku listens to every nonviolent intrusive thought that crosses his mind and it both incredible and unfortunate. izuku is no longer bound by human limits 
Anonymous said: msa izuku is the living embodiment of the "fuck this shit im out" song
Anonymous said: tbh when msa chapter 3 said that izuku slept 12 hours at nighteye's office, i was guessing that he would just passive aggressively sleep as much as possible for as long as they had him. won't give them the satisfaction of watching him wander around in his holding cell. hes in the middle of the interrogation and he puts his head down and goes to sleep (btw love your work!)
haha no he was just so exhausted he passed out for 12 hours. he hasn’t had a good nights sleep in weeks, as soon as all [gestures at ch2] this was over he just crashed 
Anonymous said: Wow the new chapter is great!! Stellar as always. I can't help but imagine what's going on from Izuku's point of view with the spirits. Am I the only one who thinks Aizawa's spirit was trying to apologize or something when Izuku talked about not being forced into anything?
there was definitely some spirit stuff happening... i will say that aizawa’s fox spirit is the one who asked/persuaded izuku to tell aizawa what was Up with his quirk 
Anonymous said: tbh i want to see them question izuku with a lie-detector quirk or something. like he'll say something positively ridiculous and everyone's gonna go "wait wtf he's telling the truth??!!?!!?!?!?!?"
hoho... well... buddy im not gonna say anything... 
Anonymous said: Hello! I found your works recently and have an insane amount of time in the past few days going through it all, cause is all beautiful. I want to scream at you about all of them but you only get so many words with this so I'll focus on msa rn and I read chapter 3 of msa last night and since then I've been switching laughing at Izuku's sass, crying cause Izuku has so much angst involved him and I just wanna hug him, and screaming cause whAT WAS THAT CLIFFHANGER?!! Just what. Thanks for ur works-A
THANKS, thats the kind of reaction i aim for when i write something. im super happy you liked it!! <3 
Anonymous said: Technically his quirk is "Being alive" or "Having a functioning body" but saying that would probably end with the same blank stares. As a side note, in the manga (and canon in general) they mentioned quirks are activated by the 'quirk factor energy' or whatever... Do you think that might mean that people who are quirkless just don't naturally have enough quirk energy to activate their latent quirks? it would also make some sense from an evolutionary standpoint, the glowing baby is from the first
generation that had enough of the qfe to actually manifest their quirk and after that generation the lowering number of quirkless could be attributed to those that have a deficit in the production of said energy and they might actually have latent quirks. The pinky toe missing could be the final mutation that causes them to have enough energy for their quirks to work.. The only issue with the theory I see is OFA not awakening latent quirks with it's energy jumpstart...
i think that’s a pretty good theory! it lines up pretty well w/ the worldbuilding in msa. as for afo, :3c
Anonymous said: Hey uh.. I know this is probably 100% non canon in your AU but I was re-reading your MSA fic and I misread something that made me think that Izuku is actually dead and his body is actually being run by his guardian spirit who possessed his body/took his place when he died... *sweats* Its a really weird.. dark idea but I thought it was sorta cool and you might like it..? um.. I'll just let myself out now
god yeah that would be so dark and everything in msa would actually be even worse than it was before 
Anonymous said: When deku explains nighteye's quirk i can only think of that's so raven.
theyre valid questions... 
Anonymous said: I spent my break reading the asks sent to you RE: chapter 3 of msa and I cannot stop fucking laughing over "look eraserhead dead in the eyes and tell him you don't have a quirk" thank GOD I'm supposed to be happy and smiley to everyone
honestly, this is conceptually such a powerful moment that i can’t not put it in the fic now 
Anonymous said: msa izuka finally get set free but kiri has started following him around. States its official hero business but really just wants to see what other "cool shit" izuka will do.
izuku pulls an Official Cryptid Move (tm) and disappears while walking thru a liminal space 
Anonymous said: i love that when aizawa starts asking about deku's quirk he's like, 'screw this i'm answering in riddles now'. this is such a great fic!!
Anonymous said: “It’s a secret,” he says. “A secret that no one knows, that one will suffer, and one-half loathes. Who knows if it’s true or not? The only thing we can confidently say is that it’s one thing that should not be.” Okay, so this is probably one of my favourite little scenes from your fic, partially because it sounds so ominous and badass and makes pretty much no sense. I loved your update, I was so tense the entire time I was reading it, but also giggling hysterically because /Izuku/ just - Izukus
hmm i sure do wonder where izuku got that riddle from... and what it means... 
this riddle is just izuku complaining about everything because as long as he’s in this situation, he might as well make it perfectly clear how unhappy he is about EVERYTHING. when else is he going to have an audience for him complaining about his various maladies 
Anonymous said: I think that a part thats particularly true to izuku's character is when kirishima makes the observation "damn maybe it IS good we arrested him so he can sleep" & izuku goes into a miniature coma for 12 hours bc being arrested presented the perfect opportunity for him to finally be able to sleep
nfdfsljndslfnjdf YEAH, everyone please stop this child it’s for his own good 
Anonymous said: Reading know what i've made by the marks on my hands is really terrifying when not in Izuku's pov because you now know how scary?? it is for some other characters and Izuku looks crazy-- but you know he's not because cheesus???? This kid???????? Honestly I love it so much, thanks for your amazing writing and I want you to know that I enjoy it a LOT.
that’s the goal... showing how weird and strange and bizarre izuku is from everyone else’s point of view... i loved the outside pov bc i got the chance to show how much of a cryptid izuku is, something that izuku himself isn’t even aware of and thus would not make it into his pov
Anonymous said: anon who ((still)) hasn't read bnha here. chapter 3 of msa is amazing. i cannot get over the sheer amount of sass found in such a smol boy. also kirishima is quickly becoming my favorite character because of how supportive and caring he is. kirishima/deku is apparently now something to add to my armada of ships. for that i thank you. also i cannot wait for deku to meet spirit!one for all. it will either be glorious or horrible.
haha im always happy to introduce someone to the wonders of kiri/deku!! its an extremely good friendship... and in my professional opinion everyone should get on it and make it the Hot New Thing. as for ofa, ;3c
Anonymous said: I just thought of this but during Aizawa's interrogation I could totally see his spirit just blatantly looking away from Izuku while Aizawa is asking about his benefactor.
HAHA YUP, i love izuku saying all kinds of stuff about spirits and no one can make any sense of it and meanwhile the spirits are trying to tell him to stop. but izuku cannot and will not be stopped from passive aggressively vaguing about them. he WILL get his complaints in if its the last thing he does 
Anonymous said: “I just fixed your entire Quirk, you cabbage.” I'm sorry but this. This is beautiful. I'M GOING TO GO AROUND CALLING PEOPLE CABBAGE NOW
i was worried it was a bit of an overused classic internet insult but this is reassuring :p 
Anonymous said: every word that comes out of MSA Izuku's mouth is a blessing
but not to our three heroes and their intrepid intern sidekick... 
Anonymous said: Shit after the msa chapter i've got so many questions about Kamino. Did the rescue occur the same with minor variations? Is AfO still down? Did All Might fckin die? Has OfA been passed down yet? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
im uncreative and unoriginal with canon events so we’ll see.... we’ll see. 
Anonymous said: MSA CHAPTER 4! I just found it today and I'm already rereading it. I did not know how much I needed sassy dead inside izuku. I Love this fic so much! That cliff hanger was so good! I'm so exciting to see more of izuku's pov. I love kiri but like I can't get enough of this izuku and his thoughts and reactions to things. This is so well written. The pacing in chapter 2 was so good. It felt like a heist and then keeping the readers guessing with not knowing if he was gonna get away was so good!
thank you so much!! im really glad you enjoyed the story that much <3 <3 sassy izuku is a pleasure to write honestly, can’t wait to see him more in future chapters 
Anonymous said: Ohhhhhh you should update msa! It's so unbelievably good! I love the interaction between kirishima and izuku! Like I'm so excited to learn more about kamino ward and how that's gonna affect izuku going free and keeping his identy safe
Anonymous said: In chalter 2 of the msa au, did Kirishima think anything about how Deku said "I swear to every spirit I know"?
he dismissed it as a kind of weird, niche turn of phrase. like oh, guess this guy believes in spirits and junk, but im more worried about literally every other weird thing he’s done today 
Anonymous said: So does MSA!Izuku always mess with attempts to record his presence? I feel like this would be kind of a major problem when it comes to getting himself a school ID or the like. (He's going to school somewhere, so he must have a school ID stashed somewhere). You know, they could potentially use this to track his identity down. They can try contacting schools to see if any had issues with one student needing to have an excessive number of photo retakes.
nope, usually izuku can keep it under control! the blood sigil on his collarbone is what really let him passively affect the electronics.
Anonymous said: Ok so msa!Izuku says "he shouldn't" exists, and when I first read that I was really confused, do you mean he shouldn't exist in the way that he sees things he shouldn't, or that he literally should not exists and Inko has no freaking clue where he came from/he was not a planned child?
yes to the first proposal. other than that, spoilers... 
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Survey #60
“everything i touch turns to stone, so wrap your arms around me and leave me on my own.”
how're you feeling today?   okay.  i guess.  still plenty of time for the day to be ruined.  i just woke up a few minutes ago.  thank god i managed to sleep kinda easily last night, despite what was going on.  guess i was just that tired. have you ever lost a close friend?   yeah, i have, but not to death. what’s your sister(s) names?   katie, misty, ashley, nicole, and tiffany if you want to count her. when was the last time you cried?   last night. what is your favorite song?   first let it be clear that i have LOTS.  but i'm actually going to make an effort to list some here.  again, this certainly isn't all, but some include "hurt" by johnny cash, "here to stay" by korn, "nebel" by rammstein, "perfectly flawed" by otep, "lost it all" by black veil brides, and just... yeah, LOTS more. how do you wear your makeup?   i will once in a blue moon wear foundation, but usually not.  i'll always put on eyeliner and mascara, usually lipstick, then sometimes eye shadow, depending on whether or not i feel like taking it off later or not. do you have a job?   no, but my mom and i are going to drive around animal shelters today to see about volunteering.  since i quit school, i don't know about you, but i can't tolerate myself to sit at home with zero responsibilities.  i have to do something. do you work out every week?   no.  funny how i used to do it everyday. what kind of bathing suit do you wear?   i don't know what it's technically called, it's just a normal bathing suit that covers the belly and such? do you think you are pretty?   i honestly think i would be if i wasn't my size. what’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you?   the cutest?  probably that time i was lying in bed and i couldn't sleep, so i was iming jason on facebook and jokingly demanded him to sing to me, because i mean, obviously he couldn't really.  he ended up posting the lyrics/sending me a video to "the mortician's daughter" by black veil brides.  i smiled so big listening to that song; i ended up listening to it all night.  if you ask me, i'll always tell you that was "our song," and it fits us now more than ever.  i usually can't listen to it, but it's so dear to my heart that i sometimes fight the triggering and just listen to it regardless and remember what we had.  i've also decided that regardless of whether or not we get back together, i'm getting "i love you more than i can ever scream" (or possibly another lyric) tattooed somewhere on me, probably in a quote bubble or something.  i don't give half a shit if i ever end up with someone else, i will always love him and that song, and i dare my potential significant other to complain.  but hey, regardless of your musical taste, you should really listen to it, it's beautiful. do you consider dogs inside or outside pets?   both.  i don't believe in leaving them outside all alone forever, and i don't believe in cooping them up inside where their energy gets to be too much. do you read books for pleasure?   not so much anymore, really.  i just kinda... stopped one day.  i really think it's because of my hospitalization; i read like crazy to pass the time every time i was in the hospital, and i guess i just associate it.  it's a shame though, i used to love reading... wood floors or carpet?   in general, i prefer wood floors.  i love it when they look all glossy and they're easier to clean, i think. a teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad, do you confide in her?   i probably would.  when people actually show interest in my wellbeing, i usually open up decently. if someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it?   if mom let me, yeah.  i go on and off between wanting my own kitten, so. are easter baskets only for kids?   absolutely not! do you like to daydream about sex?   i'll admit i've done it before, but i wouldn't say i "like" it. which of your parents do you laugh more with?   my dad have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral?   yes, for my former babysitter miss janet. after a date, do you call your friend to tell them how it went?   lmao i probably would, honestly. do you like romantic gestures or do they make you feel awkward?   FUCKING YES I LOVE ROMANTIC PEOPLE. have you/do you plan to go to college?   well, i just dropped out of college yesterday due to my deteriorating mental health, so... do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings?   omg, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!  especially irl, i am TERRIBLE.  like i am a highly figurative thinking and think of everything in kinda inexplainable ways, to where no words seem to fit.  i will struggle so much in a conversation to get out words exactly how i mean them, which is why i prefer to write, because i can think longer about what i'm saying. do you think all porn stars are whores?   i'm sorry to offend, but uh, yeah??  a whore is a prostitute, and a prostitute is someone who engages in sexual acts for monetary gain.  it's kinda... obvious...? would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now?   despite that only being two years younger, probs not.  i want someone older than me in hopes they'd be more mature.  sure, an 18-year-old could be perfectly mature, but i just believe the odds are better with someone slightly older. are you more likely to show affection through your words or your actions?   both really. be honest: are you clingy?   quite a bit. do you like to wear makeup?   i do.  it makes me feel prettier.  i just don't usually put it on. how old is the oldest person you’ve kissed?   he's 23. are you bipolar?   according to psychiatrists, yes.  but honestly, i don't really know for certain, considering i always feel an underlying depression?  like i'm aware one kind of bipolarity is more manic, the other more subtle, but i still don't know if i have it. have you ever seen the last person you kissed without their shirt on?   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BOI do you believe the last person you kissed still cares about you?   do i hope?  yeah.  do i believe he does?  no. do you like to cuddle?   if you're jason, yeah.  it's so funny.  i didn't even like hugs when we started dating, but he got me to wear i absolutely loved cuddling with him and i now love hugs. when you listen to a new song, do you usually play it over and over?   YUP.  if i really like it, anyway. do you prefer being called your actual name or a nick name?   brittany or just "britt" is fine. do you ever want to get married?   i do.  i'm christian, and marriage is perhaps the most beautiful thing in our faith.  i don't want children until i'm legally bound too, and i do want kids.  and i mean... i guess i'm still trying to be abstinent, so. are you wearing a necklace?   no.  i rarely wear necklaces. have your parents ever caught you drinking?   no.  i've never been drinking when i wasn't supposed to. ever been kissed under fireworks?   i have not. have you ever held hands with someone in a car?   jason usually let me hold his hand while he was driving, yeah. do you like the town you are living in?   *cackles maniacally* how did you get one of your scars?   from scratching my leg obsessively. would you ever get a tattoo/belly ring?   tattoos, fuck yeah, belly button piercing, only if i got much smaller.  i don't like how they look on people my size. have you ever hated a teacher?   no.  i've honestly never had a bad teacher because i actually knew how to behave. when is your birthday?   february 5th!!  coming up!! c: are you afraid of roller coasters?   YUP.  i'm terrified of throwing up. how often do you think about death, suicide or running away?   death/suicide, multiple times a week.  running away, never. have you ever had stitches? where?   in my chin, yes. do you enjoy chicken noodle soup?   nope. have you ever been on omegle?   no, because i'm honestly not fond of seeing random dicks. do/did you enjoy it when your school would have pep rallys?   NO.  i hated them so much that i always stayed in class with the teacher. have you ever been caught cheating on a test?   no, because i don't cheat on tests. do alligators scare you?   nah.  i mean if one was coming after me i'd obviously be fearful nor would i approach one, but in general, they don't scare me.  i rather think they're very cool.. are your parents proud of you?   i'm sure they're not.  i've done nothing to warrant pride. do you play just dance on the wii?   not anymore, but i would once in a while back when.  once, during my little sister's birthday, jason and i danced to a kiss song... and he beat me.  i'm still salty af. what are your initials?   bmd, or bmcd if you want my catholic name. did you ever want a pet rabbit?   not adamantly.  my sister had one once and she was veeeery messy. ashley didn't know the rabbit had died for a week. who was the last person that asked to hang out with you?   colleen if you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them?   ... i'd be a bad person to talk to about suicide.  nevertheless, i'd speak to them pretty wishfully, to be honest.  ex. "everything eventually gets better," bullshit like that that doesn't happen for everyone. have you ever felt so depressed that you were struggling to carry on?   oh, you mean the daily struggle? have you ever worn colored mascara?   no... but that'd be cool depending on what i was wearing! before facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like bebo or myspace?   myspace, yes.  i remember mine was entirely dedicated to meerkats lmao. has anyone ever asked you out and you turned them down?   yes. are you a secretive person?   online, not really.  real life, yeah. if you were going to buy a present for the person you love, what would you generally choose?   something oriented around "magic: the gathering."  or something with cthulu. ever gave a really long apology?   i have. have you ever felt like you literally needed someone?   i have.  call it crazy, but you ain't experienced heartbreak until you've felt it. where would you like to go on your honeymoon?   it'd be quite ideal if i could go to south africa for that so i could fulfill my dream of photographing the kmp meerkats, but i don't know how romantic that would be.  i'd want my future spouse's opinion here. would you ever cut all your hair off to raise money for charity?   all my hair?  no, honestly. do you eat the slice of lemons you get in drinks?   NONONONONO.  i will never forget that gmm episode where they talked about surprisingly filthy things and the lemons were one of them due to having relatively common contact with fecal bacteria from employees not washing their hands. do you like family get-togethers?   my family doesn't really have those because most of my family isn't in nc.  on the rare occasion some of the family's together, generally, no, i don't really enjoy them because half the family has shit to say about me. where does your (favorite) pet sleep at night?   in my old room.  i'd love for him to sleep with me, but he's old and has accidents. how many pillows do you actually use while sleeping (not just on your bed)?   three. do you prefer using regular or mechanical pencils?   mechanical. who in your family has the longest hair? how long is yours?   nicole or ashley, pretty sure nicole tho.  mine is mid-way between my shoulders and breasts. what do you hear now?   "fuck away the pain" by divide the day.  i really don't know why, but this song helps me feel better about shit sometimes...? what are all the areas of your body that you shave?   underarms, legs, trim a "certain area" when you go on webcam, who do you chat with the most? do you use any specific sites or programs?   i never use my webcam what books (if any) have you read more than once?   "because of winn-dixie" i read twice, and "meerkat manor: flower of the kalahari" i've probably read over 10 times lmao.  i skipped over clutton-brock's tangents in the later re-reads, though. what is your favorite card game?   "magic: the gathering" i assume.  i'm not big into card games. what is your most expensive piece of jewelry? if it was a gift, who got it for you?   that's a very good question.  i honestly couldn't tell you. what is your favorite video game to play by yourself?   i love replaying "silent hill 2" and experiencing it again, but the feeling will never be as raw as the first time.  i have to be in the "right" mood to play it though, or else it will REALLY depress me. you have to get a piercing, what do you get?   i want a vertical labret for my lip again. what are you wearing?   plaid pajama pants, cheshire cat tank top do you like the ocean?   i do, but it also scares me.  A LOT. would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?   honestly, i sleep better alone, but i'd prefer to be with someone. do you wear glasses?   always, unless i feel like taking a picture without them for whatever reason. do you wear contacts?   no, but i did years ago.  i was just bad with taking them in and out, so i got glasses instead. have you ever loved someone, but broke their heart?   i couldn't tell you.  he sure as fuck never acted like it.  despite being together for 3 1/2 years. have you had a bf/gf that you never kissed?   if you want to count my first two boyfriends, yeah, i never kissed either of 'em. would you be able to stand being in the same room as someone you hate?   no.  one of us would die that day. has anybody criticized the way your significant other looked?   it's happened before and i'm just like... why???  you're not the one dating him stfu. have you ever stayed up late talking to a bf/gf on the phone or online?   plenty of times. do you have any handshakes with anybody?   nah. what has been the stupidest reason someone has broken up with you?   i've only been broken up with once, and he might as well have said, "i'm sorry you're too sick for me after all this time so i'mma leave you to die peace bye" who do you care about more, your significant other or your best friend(s)?   i don't have a significant other, so i'm just going to say crush instead.  and honestly?  i care about him more, sorry. do you have any pictures of yourself with a bf/gf?   i still have every picture i've ever taken with jason.  hell, i still have our facebook album of pictures because i refuse to delete it. is there anyone you don’t like that always seems to be everywhere you are?   no. who in your life is your number one priority to make sure they’re happy?   i would say jason, but he's not really "in my life," so i don't... really know...?  i mean i guess colleen.  though i'm aware it should be me.  i just can't manage to care for myself like that. do you like making lists?   i'm neutral, honestly. do you play sports with your siblings?   nope. what color or design does your shower curtain have?   it's actually entirely blank. does it bother you when animals lick themselves?   no, they're just cleaning themselves.  my mom though, she cannot STAND the sound.  she'll yell at any of the dogs if they're doing it. could you ever give yourself a shot?   probs. do you wear a bra 24/7?   i only ever wear a bra if i'm going somewhere.  gotta let the ladies be free fam. have you ever worked as a cashier?   yes, and FUCK THAT a million ways over. do you know how to tap dance?   i know how to clog, and it's pretty much identical, just the shoes are different. what ethnicity is the last person you talked to?   white do you have any interests in psychology?   i find it extremely interesting, but i have no desire to learn more about it.  the brain is too dangerous. would you go out with someone right now if they asked?   only if you were jason. have you ever met anyone who claimed to be a witch?   i have indeed.  very close online friend. have you ever been to michigan?   when i was a baby, yes. would you ever tattoo a lover’s name onto your body?   never in a million years.  i'd get matching tattoo or a couple tat, but NEVER his name. do you know anyone with asthma?   my mother and grandma. are you going to force your kids to be in activity or let them choose?   i would never force my child to do something they didn't want to do. do you watch toddlers and tiaras?   omg no, fuck that show and its concept.  i do not, even mildly, agree with pitting your child against another to decide who's more "beautiful."  jesus christ, do you WANT your child to grow up insecure as shit?  i personally know a number of children who have been in pageants, and guess what, they're snobby, materialistic little... ugh.  even if my child asked, i wouldn't allow them to be in a pageant.  just no. what was the last band t-shirt you bought?   good question. if someone asked you to go to war today, what would you say?   hell no, son.  i'm 1.) not patriotic enough and 2.) i'm a pacifist and 3.) i just have no desire. are you passionate?   holy fuck yes.  i honestly think it's my favorite trait about me personally. do you own an old vintage typewriter?   we did at one point, no idea where it went... do you hate how dogs bark every time someone comes to your house?   oh my GOD you ought to hear how our dogs are when someone comes home. have you ever been to sea world?   i have as a child; i still remember being splashed all to hell by shamu or whatever the whale's name was there.  now as an adult, i don't know if i'd go again... due to obvious controversy.  i don't know how i feel about it, honestly.  like i do believe it's very important for us to learn about animals, but to put a huge whale on display for our entertainment?  i dunno, man. do you know someone who suffers from short term memory loss?   it's very well possible i do.  i forget shit WAY too easily. are you a protective person?   oh boy, can i be.  i'm the type that would kill for those who deserve my protection. have you ever experienced an earthquake?   no.  i was two-three hours away when a very, very minor earthquake struck the east coast, though.  mom felt it at home. does your house have a dishwasher?   we do. do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo?   probably, idk. could you say something good about the last person you kissed?   he's very realistic. what exactly did you drink the last time you were intoxicated?   mike's hard and smirnoff what languages can you count to ten or higher in?   english, german, spanish do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people?   depends on the person. do you believe that the world will actually end?   i'm certain it will eventually. are you socially awkward?   always. are you satisfied with your gender?   i am, but even if i wasn't, what would i do about it? are you good at admitting your problems?   probably too good. who is your family doctor?   dr. emanuel has anyone suspected you of being a different sexuality?   yep.  most recently when it seemed colleen's pastor thought we were a lesbian couple lmao do you ever floss?   i confess, no. are you an impatient person?   OH LORD YEAH are you a supporter of the war?   fuck no. has your cell phone ever rung in class?   no. speaking of which, what kind of phone do you have?   samsung galaxy do you sometimes think you aren’t as fortunate as others?   i'm perfectly aware i'm not as fortunate as most.  face it, not everyone is blessed equally. are you a paranoid person?   very. what would you say is your favorite type of flower?   tiger lilies would you consider yourself a clean person?   for the most part, yeah.  i don't like feeling dirty. do you have a hint of obsessive compulsive disorder?   not so much anymore.  i used to have repetitive thought cycles BADLY, but thank god i fought so hard to overcome that. how many trees surround your individual house?   loads.  we live in the woods. is halloween simply the greatest holiday ever?   if you can actually get into the spirit, absolutely.  haven't felt it for a long time, though... is pantera one of your favorite bands?   definitely not a fave, but i like some songs by them.  especially "walk." what color car would you definitely not want to own?   white.  gets dirty too easily. are you picky when it comes to music?   very much so. what's something you disagree with about the way you were raised?   my mom spanked us. has the opposite sex ever written you a poem?   yes, but i'm very suspicious it wasn't just for me.  juan was well-known to be a player.  he probably gave it to other girls. have you ever been a featured member on any website?   i have. who’s the last person you had a sleepover with?   chelsea
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