#if johnny had really been so bad i doubt kit would be holding onto that. like can we use our reading comprehension skills…
livvyofthelake · 1 year
and also. furthermore. sorry, back in the belly of the beast. i cannot stand it when people characterize kit’s dad as abusive. what did johnny rook ever do to you people. yeah he sucks a little bit. ok. and? he’s not abusive…. why must fanfiction and fandom in general always characterize the sad boy in their gay ship as being abused by their father. like do we need to blame blue neighborhood for this or are fandom people just that out of touch that this happened naturally. sorry to troye sivan for bringing his hit album/iconic music video trilogy into this. but seriously do we need to blame him. why does every fandom do this. but especially why does the tsc fandom do it to KIT. kit is a pov character man we KNOW kit. and you’re still just making things up about him…
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thatnerdnextdoor24 · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe
I’ve been holding onto this baby all year. Happy holidays!! Enjoy it the best you can with the ones you love
This is Part One. Read Part Two!! 
More Kit/Ty
Shadowhunters were never much into Christmas. In this, they and Kit had in common. Johnny Rook thought Christmas as pointless and just another mundane marketing ploy. Though it was strange, when his first Christmas in this new realm approached, it was nice to know that he wouldn't be missing anything.
That's what he had thought, anyway. But it appeared that Tessa and Jem were much more interested in the holiday shenanigans. When Kit had woken on the 1 of December that year, he had come downstairs to find that the ghosts of Christmas past had vomited all over his house. Tinsel draped along the walls, shiny glass ornaments on a humongous tree. The scent of cinnamon drifting in from the kitchen. Then there was Jem and Tessa dancing together in front of the fireplace, Bing Cosby singing holiday cheer from Tessa’s vintage record player. 
It had surprised him to say the least. Then again, Jem and Tessa weren't Shadowhunters anymore. They lived life in between, stuck in the middle of Downworld, Shadowhunters, and mundanes. His first Christmas with them had been daunting. They had opened their arms to him, wanted to give him love and warmth and acceptance. And that almost made it worse. Because Kit didn't know how to act. He felt awkward when someone asked what he wanted for Christmas, and then even more embarrassed when they actually gave him what he had asked for. 
It's taken a few Christmas's for him to get the hang of it. Though Kit thought that a little bit of embarrassment would always stick with him. Now, years later, after adventure, after adventure, after adventure. Christmas came by again, and Kit found that he truly wanted it. He wanted the white snow, the cinnamon cookies, pine trees, candy canes, brightly wrapped presents, and, most importantly; a vision of cuddling by the fire, with the one he loved most. 
It may not have been the first Christmas Kit spent with Ty Blackthorn, but it was the first where the Las Angeles Institute held the annual Christmas party. So maybe that meant something to him. Kit didn't really know exactly why he had decided that it would be this Christmas. This year. This...week. (Was it really so soon?) In which he would finally do it. Over the past years, they had both grown. Up, apart, up again, and back together. If anything. Kit learned what he should have already known. That Christopher Herondale and Tiberius Blackthorn, were written in the stars. Destined to be together, no matter what may come their way. 
So it would be this year, this Christmas. Where Kit would do the most terrifying, horrifying, yet exciting, righteous, thing he had ever done. 
Kit was going to ask Ty to marry him.
And if one was going to marry Tiberius Blackthorn, there were a few things that one needed to do.
First, one needed to notify the rest of the Blackthorn Clan, and let them know that you were marrying their brother. So that's what Kit had done. He had decided three weeks ago that it would be this Christmas, when he proposed to Ty. So, that same day, Kit drove to the house that Julian and Emma shared on the beach, (about a 40 minute drive from Kit and Ty's downtown apartment.) And knocked on the door.
He had been so nervous. When he had sat at the kitchen table with Julian and Emma. They had thought that something was wrong. But Kit had no doubts. None at all. He knew he would have no regrets. "I'm going to ask Ty to marry me." He blurted. Julian had choked on his tea, Emma had beamed. Kit knew he had to finish talking before Julain could start. 
"But I'm not here to ask you for permission. Because that's not your choice, it's Ty's. So really you don't have a say in this. So I'm not asking you for permission. I love Ty. And so do you, and I know that you were more of a father to him than a brother. So it was only fair that you would be the first to know. I love Ty. And I want to marry him." Kit had never felt so sure about anything in his life. 
Julian could see that in the way Kit held himself, in the soft pitch his voice took when he talked about Ty. It was the look in his eyes, and the twitching of his fingers. Kit loved Ty so much that at this moment, nothing else mattered. Julian laughed. Kit jumped in surprise and Emma scooted away, they exchanged a quizzical look while Julian caught his breath. Finally, he sighed, looking up at Kit with a warm smile. "Okay." He said.
Not really what Kit had expected. "Okay?" He and Emma echoed. Julian nodded. "You said you're going to ask Ty to marry you. And I'm telling you 'okay'." His face was beaming, and Kit felt his heart burst and the tension in his shoulders drop. He may not have been there to ask for permission, but it definitely would've been bad if Julain had disapproved.  
It had been such a weight off his shoulders. And once he had said it out loud, to another person, it didn't feel so much like a far off dream. The more people he told, the more right it felt. Because there had been a lot of people to tell. He drove to the L.A. Institute to tell Helen, Aline, and Tavvy. He had to get a portal to New York so he could tell Mark and Christina. Dru had been at the New York Institute with Kit's parabatai, Ash. So he had told them too. Only Ash had already known. Because Ash knew Kit maybe even better than Ty did.
Then he had to tell his side too. And he had to do that before Ash did. (He couldn't keep a secret. Probably a fairie thing.) Jace had been so excited he wanted to call everyone he knew, it was a good thing Clary had been there. Portaling again that day was exhausting, but he made it to Devon. Tessa had beamed, Jem had cried. Mina was nearly as excited as Jace.
It was almost dinner time when he finally got home. Ty had been waiting, laying on the couch with a book in his hands and Irene in his lap. The smile he gave Kit was soft, lovely. It melted Kit completely. He had promptly sat on the floor in front of the couch. Ty raised his arm so Kit could lean his tired head against Ty's chest. Ty let his arm back down, hand tucking into Kit's hair. "Read to me?" Kit asked quietly.
So Ty did.
It had become their norm. For Ty to lay on the couch like this, for Kit to sit like this, for Irene to purr softly while Kit stroked her fur. For Ty to read outloud, in his steady voice. Kit closed his eyes, and was certain once more. He was making the right choice. 
That had been three weeks ago. Three long, stressing, weeks. That mostly consisted of Kit going into jewelry shops, getting nervous and antsy, and running out again before his sticky fingers, well, stuck to anything. 
He had taken Ash with him to a few stores. It helped to have him there when Kit got nervous. But, Ash had to keep squeezing his arm, so often that the store clerks thought that they were the two getting married. Ash found this hilarious and laughed so hard that he nearly knocked over a display case of diamonds. They were then escorted out of the store, and Kit was still ringless.
Kit relayed this dilemma to Dru that night while the three of them were walking through Central Park. The ground was covered in snow, they were all bundled up in their warmest clothes. Despite the cold, Central Park was the only place in New York where Ash didn’t gain a headache from all the iron of the city. They had spent the day in NYC, getting some last minute Christmas shopping done. Being in the city that long, had started to give even Kit a headache. He could only imagine how bad Ash’s head had started pounding, but Ash hadn’t said anything about it. Of course, Kit had been able to tell that his smile didn’t reach his eyes or that he wasn’t completely listening to them. So he had casually steered them in the direction of the park, claiming he was done with shopping for the day.
 Dru gave him a curious look and said, “Just give him your Herondale ring.” Kit blinked at her, and Ash lifted Kit’s right hand up, studying the ring. “I didn’t know this was the Herondale symbol…” he murmured. Kit decided to ignore him for a moment, giving Dru his full attention. She rolled her eyes, “Honestly Kit, do you know anything about Shadowhunter weddings?” 
“....Gold clothes?”
“You’re hopeless.”
 Dru was probably right. To be fair, Kit had never been a part of a shadowhunter marriage. He had only even seen a couple of them. But at least now he had his ring problem sorted. Kit had to admit, exchanging family rings did have something romantic going for it. 
So alerting the Blackthorn Clan; Done.
Getting a ring; Done.
Actually popping the question…
Work in progress. 
Kit spends that night at the New York Institute. They had returned and Dru had pestered him with questions about the engagement and the eventual marriage. Then the rest of the New York Institute residents broke out the drinks and the poker chips. Alec and Magnus were called over, and Kit was not allowed to leave. Not that he really wanted to, either. Even if he did miss Ty, he liked hanging out with friends, too. And he knew that Ty could use some time to himself every now and then. He did text Ty for a moment, letting him know that he wouldn’t be home that night. 
I’ve been forced into a
game of poker. 
don’t wait up. 
Sherlock <3
How bad are you
How do you know 
I’m not winning??
Sherlock <3
I’ve played poker with 
you Kit. You suck at it
O ye of little faith…
Sherlock <3
It’s not a test of faith. 
You just suck at poker
I’m crushed.
My own boyfriend 
doesn’t believe in my
Poker face :(
Sherlock <3
Again, how badly are you losing?
Ash is kicking my ass
Jace is trying to steal
my chips. 
Simon thought we 
were playing black 
Clary and Isabelle are
cheating and teamed up,
combining their cards.
Magnus is the dealer
and is definitely giving
me bad cards on 
Sherlock <3
I don’t think he is, love. 
Pretty sure you’re just bad at poker.
I’m gonna win!!!!!!
Sherlock <3
And when you lose,
 I’ll give you a kiss to make it better. 
And when I win 
I’ll give YOU a victory kiss
Sherlock <3
Sure you will, baby.
Kit smiled at his phone like an idiot for a moment. When Ty called him “baby”, something just melted right in his chest and he felt like a fifteen year old boy catastrophically in love with his best friend all over again. 
Then Jace tried to steal another one of his chips and Kit had to swat him away and pay attention once more. 
He did finally crawl through a portal home that morning, around eight. But seeing as LA was three hours behind, Kit wasn’t surprised to enter a quiet and warm apartment. Irene lifted her head from where she was curled up on the couch, she yawned at him and then went back to sleep. That was about at warm a welcome as he expected. Kit crept, silently, into the bedroom. Where rumpled sheets and a lover were curled up, tangled in one another. Ty lay on his stomach, arms sprawled out. He was laying on Kit’s side of the bed. 
A smirk graced his lips. For a moment, he leaned against the door frame, and just drank the picture in. The sun was barely coming up, scattering red and orange through the window and across the bed. Ty’s lithe and strong body outlined against the pale bedsheets and the worn quilts his mother had made so long ago. One, red and green for the Christmas season, was pulled up, above his chin. His black, silky, hair spilled just over the top of it.
 Kit could just barely make out Ty’s eyes shutting even tighter against the sunlight filtering in.  Using all his fairie and shadowhunter stealth, Kit pulled the curtain back, blocking out the sun. Ty sighed and relaxed. Carefully, gently, Kit climbed into the bed, beneath the quilts and blankets. He sank into the warm and familiar comfort that always came from being with Ty. Wrapping his arms around Ty’s middle, laying on his side and nuzzling his face into the back of Ty’s neck. He felt Ty hum beneath him. Felt the low baritone rumble through his chest and ripple up his neck. 
He pressed a kiss into his (hopefully) soon to be fiancee’s soft curls. “Go back to sleep,” Kit whispered, the sound barely audible and low and throaty even to his own ears. Ty moved his hand to take Kit’s from where it rested around his waist. “Welcome home,” He murmured, sinking deeper into Kit’s embrace. Kit smiled, “What are you doing on this side of the bed?” He asked, because Ty liked things in order and he liked having his own side of the bed where he could keep his pillows straight and sheets tucked in while Kit’s side of the bed often laid a rumpled mess. “M’mells like you…” Ty trailed. 
Kit feels his entire face heat up, and he’s grinning from ear to ear as he gives Ty another gentle squeeze and a kiss on the back of the head. "Did you win?" Ty asks, he sounds nearly asleep again. Kit chuckles. "Not at all." But Ty has already fallen back asleep, his chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm. It only takes a few moments, with him breathing in Ty's scent and the blankets warm around him, for Kit to drift off completely.
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Beautiful Disaster - Chapter 4 (Previous Chapters)
Fandom: Sing 2016
Pairing: Johnny x Ash (Jash)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: Johnny agrees to let Ash wrap up his injuries but is he willing to tell her exactly what happened?
Ash felt somewhat relieved when Johnny took her hand. The gentle grasp of the smooth skin of his fingers pressing into her short fur and sensitive fingertips gave her a strange sense of alleviation she hadn't felt in awhile.
It wasn't much…but it was a start.
Silence was deafening as Johnny released her hand to begin making his way to his feet; needing to hold onto a nearby sink to get enough bearings to make it up without causing further damage to his stab wound. Ash watched with bated breath and an utter feeling of helplessness as Johnny finally struggled to stand; desperately wanting to help him up but knew with her fragile strength, she simply couldn't. Eyes slipping to his right side, Ash noticed his free trembling hand was covering the wound and keeping it from her eyes but she knew it was there…
Once he'd gained his balance, another question suddenly plagued her - just how the hell was she going to help him?
Ash wasn't a doctor by the stretch of anyone's imagination and the most she'd ever done was applied a band-aid to a cut or an Ace bandage to Lance's ankle the one time he idiotically twisted it by jumping off the table while drunkly performing with his buddies. This was a fucking stab wound! She wasn't even aware of a first aid kit or even a clean place to try and patch Johnny up…w-what was she supposed to do?
Luckily, Johnny spoke up for her and put those doubts to rest.
"I-I have some stuff in my locker we could use - first-aid kit and whatnot."
"You use the lockers here?" she asked; the four upright lockers (which she scarcely knew existed) nearby hadn't been touched but when Ash flitted her eyes toward Johnny and what he was doing, she was shocked by what she seen.
Inside the locker he hastily opened was a medium-sized pile of nicely folded clothes, a rolled-up blanket, toothbrush, toothpaste, and other items such as soap and a few washcloths as you would use if you were taking a shower…but why would Johnny need those items here?
Slowly, it began dawning on her as she saw so many of his essential items here and perhaps why he had come here tonight…
"Y-You've been staying here." Ash muttered out more like a statement than a question; her voice was calm and quiet but it still froze Johnny's hands anyway. Hands that now gripped a rather large first-aid kit he kept hidden behind the rolled up blanket near the back of the gray metal locker.
"...Yeah." he answered truthfully when he pulled out the first-aid kit before closing the locker with a soft clink of metal on metal.
There was a million and one questions Ash still had lingering in the back of her mind but it wasn't the time nor the place to get them answered. Johnny was badly hurt and right now, they didn't matter as much as getting him the help he so desperately needed.
Ash felt a bit strange when she followed a limping Johnny from the bathrooms to the foyer where she first seen him when he approached a door hidden beside some metal file cabinets. Upon opening it, she saw a rather small room that had nothing more than a burnished gray couch, worn wooden coffee table placed in front of it, and a desk on the far side with a small blue lamp sitting atop it. Yet, instead of any light coming from said lamp, most of the light filtering inside was from massive windows to the right of the couch. The illuminating glow from the moon and city gave off a beautiful rich bluish-white glow into the rather quaint room.
It was strange to realize she was now just finding out this room existed.
"I uh, was falling asleep one day during practice and Mr. Moon apparently had enough of me nodding off so he took me to this room and told me to take a nap and come back when I was useful again." Johnny said with a shrug; walking over and placing the first-aid kit upon the scratched wooden surface of the coffee table. "I never seen the room before then - H-He told me he doesn't use it much…and said I was welcome to use it when I needed to, so…yeah…" his voice trailed off slowly.
Ash wanted to ask him about his reasoning for staying here and just how long it had been going on but those questions faded when a slight motion from him caught her attention. Ever so gingerly, Johnny began pulling off his leather jacket; careful not to move his arms more than necessary, he slipped his arms out of the leather until the garment puddled behind him with a soft whoosh of the leather hitting the carpet.
Now that the blockage of black was gone, Ash became all too aware of how big the blood stain was; drenching his signature green jumper. Ash silently approached the couch and waited for him to remove his shirt. Averting her eyes to give some semblance of privacy even if she'd be seeing him shirtless regardless.
It was the principle of it she supposed…
"I can't really lift up my arms - it pulls too much." Johnny grunted a moment later, dropping the fabric back at his waist.
Ash wanted to ask how he was able to climb into the window of the Moon Theater in such a state but much could be said for sheer adrenaline. Adrenaline that would have well worn-off by now as it had for her even. Ash saw the predicament he was in with his limited mobility and knew what had to be done.
"Here. Come sit in front of me." she guided, having him sit on the couch as she stood up behind him. He seemed rather confused but said nothing as he gently placed himself down.
"You think lifting your arms is bad to try and get a shirt off, try dealing with a back full of spikes your whole life." she chuckled a bit as she lifted up his shirt. Heart beating for reasons she really didn't want to think about when she felt the combination of hardened muscle and soft fur of his back brushing along her palms and wrists. Ever so gently, she pulled his shirt up over his back until the green jumper bunched up around his broad shoulders.
"Well, that's as far as my arms can go," she shrugged, his height a bit daunting even as he was sitting down but it was enough to where he could grab the fabric and pull it off of his head with very little effort.
"Thank you." he replied; looking over at her across the expanse of his broad shoulder; a soft smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Yeah…Now," Ash muttered as she pulled up her sleeves til the fabric folded near her elbow, "Let's see how bad this is."
Johnny flinched a bit but nodded, scooting a bit to try and present his side to her but the angle was far too uncomfortable to stay in this position relatively long for either of them.
"This isn't working," she sighed, "Listen, I-I'll think of something but first, I need to get those washcloths in your locker. It would make this much easier for me to clean you up a bit first."
"Oi, sorry. I should have thought of that…"
"It's okay. I'll be right back." she quickly reassured before leaving the room for a moment.
Heart hammering a million miles an hour without any guarantee of slowing. The painful situation was finally sinking in and taking its toll on her already battered heart; she hated seeing Johnny in this way. He'd normally been always so handsome and happy and seeing his face so bruised and bloody, his spirit broken really hit hard.
Feet dragging a bit as she made her way back in front of the lockers; taking only a moment to grab the white washcloths from his locker before turning and finding a sink meant for someone more her height. First thing she did then was wash her hands; tensing at the pink color that blended with the soap and slipped down the drain. Once her hands were thoroughly clean, she ran the cloths underneath the tap with hot water knowing she would have to be wiping away a lot of dried blood and the warmer, the better.
Once that task was complete, she quickly returned to the room where Johnny waited quietly. Noticing how he had stood up in the meantime; placing his cell phone, wallet and keys upon the wooden table. The first-aid kit splayed open and a few items already taken out and scattered upon the surface. Why he even had that in his locker was concerning (the whole damn situation was) but she didn't want to push it now.
"I think to make this easier, you need to be laying down…Uh, here, let me go first." Ash said, climbing on the couch and sitting toward one headrest.
"Um…J-Just lay in front of me." She tried to play coy but seeing him in nothing but low-rise jeans, black belt, and shoes was different to say the least. Ash had never seen him shirtless before and he was not built like Lance was. All hardened muscle, fur, and the gray skin of his chest was very distracting but nothing compared to the darkened bruises that now lay upon it; disrupting what would have normally been a very appealing sight. His stab wound stood out way too much; the fur surrounding a dark reddish black that didn't belong on his once flawless complexion.
Johnny hesitated; hands rubbing together before he finally approached her and sat down one seat beside her before he began reclining to lay down. The weight of his body a bit heavy as he rested his shoulder-blades atop her thighs; adjusting a bit to give her the best working conditions she could; his wound now level with her chest and in all of its horrible reality.
"Is that alright?" he asked, shifting his weight off her much he could and to ease his mind, she slipped a bit from under him so he could be less tense.
"Y-Yeah, uh, it's fine." she swallowed thickly, eyes scarcely leaving the horrific wound - it all seemed that much more alarming now that she was staring at it without the barrier of his clothing.
Ash gingerly touched the fur surrounding; hating the dampness her fingertips encountered. As gently as possible, she moved closer to where his fur was now stained with red.
"C-Can you hand me a rag?" she asked and he did a moment later. As gently as she possible could, she wiped around the wound until most of the crimson blood had been removed and was now staining the once-white rag.
Ash was silent, eyes blurring as fresh tears rose without her consent.
Wiping away the moisture sticking to her eyelashes before she continued on the task at hand. If this was any other circumstance and Johnny was shirtless, her face would have been flushed, but seeing the wound now just made her sick to her stomach. It was covered mostly by his thick black fur but the more she cleaned it and brushed the thick fur back, the puncture wound became far too obvious in the light the moon steadily provided.
Ash grew silent as she stared at the parting of gray flesh hidden beneath his fur; the interior dark red along the little more than one-inch gash. Feeling gently around, she felt the obvious sensation of his hard rib right underneath the wound…
…that's what saved him…
To think if it had been one inch off and slipped between his ribs; how he could have gotten a punctured lung, liver, or even depending on the length of the knife, could have meant instant death if they'd severed a main artery…
"Ouch!" Johnny flinched when she probed at his rib. "S'rry, it's a bit tender."
"I bet it's been nicked." she thought aloud, still focused on her task even if she felt her hands starting to shake a bit from her plaguing anxiety.
"Yeah... I felt it." Johnny let out a soft chuckle and she suddenly felt sick how he could be joking about such a thing but said nothing. "So…is it bad?"
"Well, I can't just fucking put a band-aid on it." she chuckled mirthlessly; the overwhelming feeling of anxiousness burrowed deep under her skin and prickled along every nerve with little hope of alleviation. Taking a deep breath to compose herself, she was more surprised when Johnny handed her a small suture set from the first-aid kit.
"...Why do you have all this stuff?"
"My dad always told me to be prepared and with all his heists, it was always helpful to have one around and I guess I never grew out of it." his answer was vague at best but it was one she would have to accept for now.
Ash gingerly took the kit from his hands and read the short instructions printed out on the side. Looking back down at his wound, she knew it was the only option she had. With a deep sigh, she set to work.
"Hand me the alcohol first. I need to clean it."
Johnny did as she asked and lay still again.
Ever so gently, Ash ripped open the small package of alcohol wipes and began dabbing them along the fur surrounding and finally along the broken skin. Johnny flinched at the burn but for the most part, remained still; clenching his fists and teeth at whatever pain it caused.
Ash noticed his reaction to the alcohol but said nothing; just continued dabbing it lightly among the red slit; making sure the area was clean before she could start on the next step. A few moments later, she pulled back the alcohol wipes now smeared with blood but leaving the wound as clean as she could hope for in this situation. Once she placed it aside, she took one more glance at the instructions of the sutures and began her work.
Unsteady hands working at the stitch material for minutes that seemed to go on for years; the material annoyingly kept getting stuck to the fur on her fingers making it seem that much longer. Ever so gently, she swallowed down her more squeamish side and pushed the parted skin together before gingerly pushing the thin needle through his skin and essentially sewing him back together.
All the while, Johnny trembled and flinched at the pain of putting pressure on it and the sensation of the needle piercing his skin, and the last thing she expected was him to speak during this...
"...It was an old rival gang of my fathers..." Johnny suddenly muttered out after a silence that seemed to encompass the whole room in a cloud of smoke and Ash's hands froze above her work.
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