#if my torso looked like that i would wear my shirts open too )
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Princess Ti
Pair: Husband!Tee Higgins x Chase Sister!Reader
Descr: The day everyone’s been waiting for is here, GAME DAY- wait something’s not right. Barely proofread, but it's done.😅
TW: language, mentions of sex, childbirth.
Things Are Changing | Main Masterlist
WC: 5,003
....:::: * * •° ✾ °•* * ::::....
“Y/n, it’s almost kick off!” Your mother-in-law calls out.
You huff hugging your bump, looking at the shirt you’d usually be wearing for game day if you weren’t 41 weeks pregnant.
Usually, you'd be at the game cheering your husband and younger brother on from the stands, but that wasn't really an option this far along in your pregnancy. But you at least wanted to indulge in your favorite game day tradition: wearing Tee's jersey. However, that wasn’t going so smoothly either.
Your bedroom door opens, and Tee’s mom pops her head in. “You okay, darlin’?”
“I would be, but I’m still pregnant, so I’m not.” She chuckles and sits on the bed next to Tee’s jersey. 
“I know how you feel. You’re tired, antsy, anxious, moody. Little princess is really enjoying her time in there.” She offers you a kind smile.
“I think I made too good of home in there. Tee says there’s no better place for her to be than the womb. Of course, he would because he doesn’t have swollen ankles and an extra 30 lbs to carry on his torso. He was so scared I’d go into early labor that I think he convinced her to stay longer. 2 more weeks and she’ll be evicted via C-section, and that’s the last thing I want.” You pout, joining her on the bed.
“Hey, everything’s going to be fine. You’ve been doing everything right to get your body ready for this. She’ll come when it’s right. You said you woke up with contractions, right?”
You nod your head, “Braxton hicks. I’ve been dilated 2 centimeters for a week. Tee didn’t want to go to work, but it only lasted 15 minutes. The last one was actually before you came in, but it didn’t last long. It’s been like this since I hit 37 weeks.”
“Hey, you never know; babies surprise everyone.” You chuckle.
“I think I can fix this problem, though.” She points to the jersey. “Have a pair of scissors around?”
You go over to your vanity and dig out some hair scissors. She takes them and cuts a long triangle up the sides. “Here, now you can wear it and be comfortable.”
You slip the jersey over your white tee and admire her handiwork. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome; now we have a game to watch.” You happily link arms and join your mother in the living room.
“Y/n, your brother is driving me insane.” You roll your eyes when you see her eyes glued to her phone.
“What’d he do this time?” You sit between the ladies and hog a bowl of pretzels as she goes on about Ja’Marr’s post-game dinner requests.
You spend the next half snacking, yelling at the screen (not that you’d ever tell your husband), and listening to your mothers chat about their sons. You fell asleep during the start of the third quarter but woke to the same pain you felt this morning.
“I’m so tired of these fake ass contractions.” You hold on to your belly as the tightening gets worse. “Sorry for my language.”
Your mother shakes her head. “Babygirl, you’re in pain. No one is judging a few curse words, even if we both know you have a sailor’s tongue.”
“Momma, what-whatever, fuck- J told you isn’t- oh my god.” You grab hold of her hand as it’s held out.
“Hey hey, breathe, Y/n, breathe. Are you timing this?” Your mother-in-law nods as alarmed as yours. 
Your eyes squinched, teeth gritted, and you cried out in a pain you’d never felt before. “Mommy!”
“Yeah, baby, I’m right here.” You feel her free hand run your back. You try to do the breathing exercises she tells you and finally exhale when the pain dials down.
“Y/n?” You look up at the woman teary-eyed. 
“I lied, I don’t think these are Braxton hicks. They started a few hours after he left. I thought they were fake until they were happening every other hour. Now there’s even less time between them.” 
“I’m calling your midwife over and texting my son.” Your mother-in-law rubs your leg with a smile.
“Y/n, why didn’t you tell us you were in labor?” 
“Because I’m not. My water hasn’t broken yet, and they aren’t that close together. Tee’s not here. It’s not happening right now. If she wanted to come, it should've been this morning. It can’t be happening.” You shake your head and look up at the TV. As if on cue, your husband catches a pass and runs it to the endzone.
“Aww, babygirl, I know it’s scary, but this is what we’ve been waiting for.” She brings your head to her shoulder.
“The game isn’t over; we can’t just- ohhh fuck it’s back,” you whine as the contractions come back tenfold. You feel it everywhere now, your abdomen, back, pelvis- it was like you were being stabbed and electrified all over.
“Sarah is on her way over, and I called someone to get Tee.”
“Great catch, Tee! Great job, baby!” His teammates hollered as the wide receiver jogged over to the bench. 
The Bengals were winning 28 - 18 over the Browns, with both Tee and Ja’Marr catching each pass that came their way. Tee was all smiles as he sat back and took off his helmet. 
“That’s right, boy, show ‘em who's they daddy!” He chuckles as Ja’Marr hypes him up.
“Aight now, only one person can call me that, and she ain’t here yet.” They do their handshake with similar smiles. 
“Now that game gon be special,” Ja’Marr says before one of the sideline managers approaches them. “Hey, what’s the rush?” 
The girl looks at Tee with a sheepish smile.
He furrows his brows. “What’s wrong?”
She catches her breath and then speaks up. “We just got a call from your mom, your wife- Y/n’s in labor.”
“My sister’s in labor! Shit, I guess that day’s today.” Ja’Marr chuckles as his brother-in-law jumps up.
“I gotta go- wait, Coach- fuck.”
“Don’t worry, just go, Taylor knows. Go meet your daughter.” She smiles, ushering him off the field.
“I’ll catch up with y’all later. Take care of them! Good luck!” Tee waves as he runs into the tunnel.  
Your midwife, Sarah, arrived at the house minutes after calling her and, making her the third person in your presence who seemed to enjoy your pain. Then, before she could even examine you, you leaned over in pain and felt a small gush of fluids coat your shorts. 
On the way to the birth center, you were shifting between feeling extremely anxious, pure electrocuting pain, and intense worry. Everything was happening so fast, and the fact that your husband wasn’t here was making all your nerves go off. 
“Wow, this room is really nice. I had all my babies in a cheap ass hospital, so I’m not used to this kind of luxury.” Your mom praised as you settled into your birthing room.
“Momma, I’m begging you.” 
Tee still hadn’t arrived yet, it that, along with the fact that you were currently 5 centimeters dilated, was not helping calm your anxiety at all. Sarah and the two moms in the room were doing their best to soothe your aches, but nothing beats the comfort of being in your man’s arms during your time in need.
“Maybe you should rethink the epidural, baby.” Mama T suggests while tying your braids up into a bun.
“Yea, babygirl, it could help. It’s never too late to ask.” Your mom added. 
In return, you shook your head, unable to open your eyes due to the pain. “No, we had a plan. No matter how bad it gets, I don’t want them to take away any of my senses.”
 God, how badly you needed your husband. You wanted him to be the one rubbing your back and helping you through the worst pain you’ve ever felt. How could he not be here right now? He’s been waiting for this day longer than you and is late! 
“Where the fuck is my husband?” You grunt through your gritted teeth.
“He’s on his way sweetheart, just breath.” Sarah coos, earning a deadly side eye from you. 
“I’m going to kill him.”
“How about you think about how happy and relieved you’re gonna be when all this is over and your baby girl is safely in your arms.”
“Why did I let him do this to me?” You groaned, completely ignoring her. As the contraction subsides, you lay your hand over your eyes and let the exhaustion of labor pull you into a shallow slumber.
“Maybe we should start her on some Nitrous?”
❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
About Nine Months Ago..
“My boobs have been absolutely killing me.” You hiss as you palm the tender flesh. 
“Want me to massage ‘em for ya?” You catch the cheeky smile on your husband’s face through the bathroom mirror and shake your head.
“No, Tamaurice, that will make them worse.” 
“Awww, the government name. What did I do this time?” he lightly groans, shuffling into the bathroom like a sad toddler.
“Nothing that this can’t tell us.” You shrug, pulling a box out of a CVS bag. 
“That’s a pregnancy test.” 
Ever since you and Tee got married, you kept a box hidden in the lower cabinet for emergencies. “Yes, it is.” 
“Why do you already have it?” It started as a gag gift from one of your friends. It was a Secret Santa party, and they thought it would be funny since you always joke about how much sex you and Tee have.
“Baby, it’s just a precaution. I could be just PMSing, but we have to rule out the possibility.”
“How many of these have you taken without me knowing?” Enough to know you want this one to be positive.
He turns your body to face his and perfectly reads the longing on your face. You want this to be the last one more than anything.
“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to have a baby?” You shrugged, not knowing what to say.
“Y/n, I’m your husband. Remember that really expensive party on that mountain of snow? That was a wedding.” He chuckles as you slap his chest.
“I’m very aware that we’re married. It only happened eight months ago. I just didn’t want to be disappointed when you said no.” You frown, looking down.
“Hey, hey. Baby, don’t do that; let me see you.” His voice is calm and soft as he lifts your head to see his warm smile. “If you had told me you wanted to have a baby, I would’ve gotten you pregnant the second we got to the islands.” 
“Really?” He lifts you onto the counter so you can be eye to eye and smirks.
“Oh yeah, there’s nothing sexier than my wife walking around with my last name and my baby cooking for all the world to see. Fuck I’d love to see you pregnant with my jersey on. Then, by the end I get to raise a baby that looks just like you. I couldn’t be happier about that. Then after our little prince or princess is old enough and your ready, I’ll fuck you full of me again until there’s no doubt we’ll have another one on the way.”
Hearing him talk about getting you pregnant is so possessive, dirty, raunchy even, but all around absolutely amazing. He wants this just as much as you do, and maybe more. God, you’re lucky.
Grabbing his face, you smile as big as possible. “I love you so much, Tamaurice.” Then press your lips against his.
He chuckles into your lips and gently returns the kiss, wrapping your legs around him and hugging your body. “Ok baby, now don’t you have a test to take?” He asks after slightly pulling away, just enough for his words to come out clearly. You fully lean back and play with the braids on his neck.
“What if it’s negative?”
“Then I’ll spend the next few days making love to you all over this house, and we’ll enjoy every minute of it.” He said as if it was the sweetest dream he’d ever had, then pecked your forehead. “Okay mamas?”
Oh that name brought chills down your spine. You nodded as he lifted you off the counter and onto your feet. Taking a deep breath, you finally open the pink box and take out the test. “Will you stay here with me?”
“Of course, I will; now go pee on that stick mama.” He winks, slapping your butt as you walk into the water closet (private toilet). 
“I’m right here baby!” You roll your eyes but enjoy every bit of his enthusiasm. “I don’t hear any pissing, just giggling.”
“Oh my god, Tee, give it a second!”
“Want me to bring you some water? Actually I have a better idea.” Then he turns on the faucet. What’s not to love about this man?
Moments later, he hears a flush, and you join him back at the counter. “So…”
“We have to wait 15 minutes for the test to develop fully, " you said, putting the stick back in the box and washing your hands.
“You know waiting’s never been my strong suit.”
You roll your eyes and hop onto the counter. “Tell me a secret then.”
“Only if you tell me one.” He challenges laying his hands on your thighs.
“Deal.” You both smirk and count to 3 on your fingers. 
“Ja’Marr wasn’t the one who finished the rice and peas.”
“I hate making pecan pie.”
Your eyes widen while his jaw drops. “Baby, how the hell did you eat a whole pot of rice and peas?”
“Mamas, who gives a shit about the rice. You said you loved pecan pie. You asked my momma for the recipe!” Tee’s grip on your thighs deepens a bit.
“I said it because it was your favorite, and I wanted that second date! You can’t blame me for liking your fine ass. I would pretend to play flag football if it meant you’d like me as much as I did you. You know I hate running.” You whine, wrapping your arms around his neck and pecking his pouty lips.
His lips curve back up in a smile as he chuckles. “You do hate running, so you’ve made that pie every year on my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas shit whenever I mention it all for me. You’ve never liked it once?”
You slowly nod, biting your lip. “Nope.”
A smirk grows on his handsome face, exposing his sparkly teeth. “You must’ve really liked a nigga to be doin’ all the cooking with no ring.” 
You snort, rolling your eyes as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. “Of course I fucking liked you, have you met yourself. You’re probably the most charismatic, fine, intelligent, kind, sexy man I’ve ever met.” You smile, pecking his lips until he meets your lips with more force. 
After the short but sweet kiss, he pulls back from your lips but leaves your foreheads touching. “Damn, I don’t know what I did to deserve a woman like you. But I thank god every day for you. You know I’d do anything for you, too, right? Without you, I wouldn’t be the man I am today. After my first year in the league, I was feeling really low. Then, this angel walked onto the practice field and changed my life. There was no way I would’ve turned you down, not when you brought a light to my life I didn’t realize was missing.” You smile misty-eyed as he wipes away a stray tear.
“Shit, the only thing I regret in life is not buying you a ring sooner.” He says, causing you to scoff.
“Oh, two years was too late for you?”
“Oh, yeah. I was ready to be with you forever from day one. Your big-headed brother is the one who told me to wait, " he smirked.
You chuckle, laying a hand on his cheek. “Well, it doesn’t matter now. I’m yours, and you’re mine; everyone else be damned.” His head turns slightly, and he kisses your palm.
“Just me and you, baby.”
Then the timer goes off.
When Tee finally reaches the birth center, he finds your mother pacing outside.
“Hey, mama J, what’s wrong? Is she alright? Is it the baby? Oh god, what happened?” He asks with his hands going to the top of his head, panicked and looking through doors to see if anything is happening.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re here.” She sighs in relief, taking the corner of his shirt and dragging him inside.
“It’s bad, isn’t it? I told her I should’ve stayed home today, but she was too stubborn, and now-
“Now, she can finally relax because you’re here.” She smiles and turns into the room. You smiled immediately upon seeing the love of your life.
“Oh fucking, finally!” Tee lets out the breath he was holding in and rushes over to your bedside. “You took your sweet ass time.”
He chuckles at your grumpiness and lifts your chin for your lips to meet briefly. “I’m sorry, mamas, I got stuck in the pads and walked into a few walls trying to get them off.”
You press your lips together to suppress your laughter. “Okay, that makes everything better, " you say as the chuckles bubble to the surface. While you release your amusement, he admires how adorable you look in your soft pink gown, with your long braids pulled up into a bun and your large bump with a fetal monitor wrapped around it.
“I can’t believe we’re having a baby. How are you so calm right now? I’ve been freaking out since this morning.” He looks over at your contraction waves and goes bugged-eyed by the giant waves produced in contrast to your bubbly appearance. “What the hell?”
“She’s on nitrous.” His mom looks over, smirking. 
“Shit, momma, I forgot you were here.” He nervously chuckles as she walks over to her son and hugs him.
“That’s ok, you have more pressing matters. You should’ve seen her earlier, though. I thought she was gonna start swinging.” The pair look over at you, taking selfies in your hospital bed.
“Now look at her, giving birth and snapping pics, mm mm mm kids nowadays.”
Then, another wave of contractions hit you a bit differently. “Oh shit.” You raise and hug your belly. “Someone call Sarah right now!”
Tee’s brows scrunch. “What’s up?”
“The baby’s coming.” You take the oxygen mask your mom hands to you and take a deep breath. He comes over and puts his hand on your lower back.
“I know, that’s why we’re here.” You shake your head and grab his free hand, squeezing as hard as possible. “Baby?”
“There’s this pressure- a lot of fucking pressure. I feel like I need to push.” You groan out.
“Wait, you mean push push?” He asks wide-eyed.
“Yes, fuck! Oh my god! Fucking shit! Why the hell did I let you do this to me?”
“Ok, we need to order more nitrous.”
“Hello friends, oh Tamaurice, I'm glad you could join us today.” Sarah chimes, walking into the room in full gear.
“Oh, that was fast.” Tee remarks.
“I heard her from down the hall, so I assume it’s baby time!” Your midwife cheers, rolling her stool over to the bed.
Suddenly, all the anxiety from earlier about Tee missing your daughter’s birth evolves into anxiety about the birth itself. “Wait, wait, wait. Baby, I don’t think I can do this. We haven’t thought this through. I’m not ready. I can’t do this.”
“Hey hey hey,” Tee cups your face in his hands and takes in the immense worry in your eyes. “Y/n, you are way more than prepared. You know exactly what to do and have all the strength to do it. You’ve done an amazing job cooking and caring for her in there, but it’s time for her to be in your arms instead of your belly.”
“But what if I’m not a good mom? What if she comes out and we just fuck her up?” Your voice trembles as you lean into him.
“Mamas, you aren’t going to be a good mom- you’ll be the best. Every decision you’ve made in the past year was for her. Our princess is being welcomed by my queen, and my queen only gives her 110%. My queen also has a king who is willing to do any and everything for you. This king is also ready to meet his Princess Ti, and I bet her momma is too.” He pecks your lips and then smiles as your tears dry up.
“Okay, let’s have a baby.”
The following two hours felt like a blur of emotions: voices of your loved ones urging you to push, the hands-on your body holding you up, the exhaustion of the labor wanting to take over. Then, it all fluttered away with a sudden relief and a sharp cry. You immediately slumped back into the bed, the exertion impacting every part of your body. You wanted to fall asleep right there, now that all the pain had drifted away and you felt at ease. 
Then you opened your eyes and saw her.
At first, it was just a tiny head of dark hair. Then your midwife turned around, and there she was, wrapped up in a pink swaddle cloth, one hand swiping at her light brown cheeks and big eyes searching the room. 
“Oh my god.” Your whisper makes her eyes dark right to you, and she lets out a whimper.
“You want your mama, don’t you? Come on, sweet pea.” Sarah coos and you gently place her in your arms. 
“Oh wow, you’re real.” You breathily whisper to yourself. The infant’s eyes stay on you like you're the only person in the world, just like yours stay locked on her. “Hi, baby.” 
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Tee leans over to kiss your head. You nod, stroking her tiny cheeks. 
“Yeah, she looks just like her momma.” He smiles, caressing her head.
“She’s amazing, I can’t believe we made her.” You sniffle. “Baby, we’re parents.” You smile, looking up at your husband.
“Speaking of, mom and dad, does our little angel have a name?” 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Tee says as he rummages through the bag he brought. 
“What is it?”
He comes back with three black circular velvet boxes, one twice as big as the other two. “Here’s the real reason I was late.” You watch him smile, puzzled, while he hands you the bigger one.
“What is this?” 
“These ones,” he holds up the other two boxes, “are for our little princess from her uncles J and JB.” He smiles, opening one to reveal a small tiara.
Your eyes widen, and a gasp escapes your mouth. “Oh my god, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen.” Tee chuckles as he removes the small cap from your daughter’s head and replaces it with the small crown.
“Joe’s been asking what he should get her for months. I kept saying something fit for a princess. And he definitely delivered. He reminded me to grab it from his locker before I left. He hid it very well.” 
“And the other one?”
“I’ve had this one for a while. I think it was about a month after telling Ja’Marr that he texted me saying he had something for me to pick up.” He opens the second box.
“He didn’t.” You look up at him in complete shock and take it out of his hands.
“Pure gold bracelet, anklet, and ring set, made by the same company in NOLA that made yours. It was so hard to keep it from you; every time you had a slight ache or pain that made your days long and tiring, I wanted to bring it out and cheer you up. Especially when we found out they went out of business. I know you wanted this for our baby girl so badly. J really pulled through with this one.” Your mom joins you, looking at the set in awe. 
“I didn’t even know he knew about that.” She whispers.
“Me neither.” You sniffle as your husband kneels, takes the small bracelet out, and clasps it around your baby’s wrist.
“There are more adjustable chains for when she outgrows this one, but for now, she’s perfect.” He smiles, kissing her tiny hand.
“What about this one?” Your mom points to the box he handed you first. 
“This one is from me to my beautiful bride, who I am forever thankful for and proud of for doing one of life’s hardest jobs and giving me my baby girl.” You blink away tears as he smiles and kisses your hand before sitting on the side of the bed and revealing the last item. “I told you you’d always be my queen. And since our princess already has hers..” 
“Tee, it's beautiful.” Your voice trembled as he lifted an almost identical replica of the tiara on your baby’s head onto your own. 
“Only the best for the loves of my life.” He wipes a fallen tear from your cheek and kisses your head. Shifting over in the bed, you gesture for him to sit closer, and he gladly scoots up next to you.
Sighing in pure contentment, you lay your head on his chest. “Thank you, " you replied softly, yawning, then gently passing the bag to your husband. 
“We gotta make sure the princess lives up to her name. Ain’t that right, Tiana?” He cooes holding her with one arm and you with the other, supporting her head with your body.
“Yea my little girl’s not gonna fall for those little f boy traps, nope. She has a daddy who will show her the universe, so no one can ever top it but yourself. My precious girl, Tiana...
You swiftly drift off into a deep sleep, listening to your husband make promises to her, knowing he will keep.
ʚ❤︎ɞ ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ ʚ❤︎ɞ
A few hours later, after you’ve rested and fed your baby, Tiana receives her first visitor.
“Hey, family, where’s my Titi?” Ja’Marr sings, walking in your room.
Rolling your eyes, you nudge your head to where Tee’s sitting on the lounge chair next to your bed. 
“There she is,” he grins, sitting on the edge of the bed to admire her. “Wow, she’s incredible. You did a great job, sis.” He says, handing you two bags.
“Thank you, and thank you. How was the rest of the game?” you ask, opening the bag of steaming food, which fills the room with a mouthwatering aroma, and digging into your Cajun fries.
“It was okay. Most of the guys were worried about you. But we won, so all is well. They even dedicated the win to baby Tiana.” He chuckles, removing the beanie from his head.
“Holy shit,” you gasp, causing some of the fries to fall onto your gown.
He looks back at you, confused. “What?”
“Oh right, I forgot to tell her you buzzed your hair too.” Tee mentions it as if it was nothing.
“Bro, seriously.” Your brother questions, earning a shrug from your husband.
You continue to stare at him in shock but resume eating. “Did you do it yourself too?”
He shakes his head. “Hell nah, not after what I did to him.” You snort, thinking about the impromptu shape-up you had to give your husband.
“Yeah Tiana didn’t enjoy it either; she kicked so much that day.” 
“Baby, you sure it wasn’t because you overloaded on sugar beforehand?” Tee smirked, stealing one of your fries.
Before you can respond, you hear a whine come from his arms. 
“Oh, I'm sorry, Tiana. Are we not paying attention to you?” You smile at his ‘baby voice’ and look over to watch them interact, like everyone else in the room.
“Damn, she looks exactly like you, Y/n. Especially with the gold.” Ja’Marr winks.
“I still can’t believe you kept them a secret from me for eight months. I cried for days when they announced that they were closing down. I don’t know if you're the best or worst brother doing this to me.” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. 
“I think I earned brother of the year with that set.” You snorted, shaking your head.
“Yea, no, not with that haircut. Now go hold your niece.” You ordered, shoving him off the bed.
“Hey, that’s fine by me. Come on,  Titi, it’s Uncle Marr time.” He gave Tee grabby hands until the baby was passed into his arms then he took the seat.
“Thank goodness you don’t look anything like your dad. You might have his last name, but you got all the good Chase features.” Your husband rolls his eyes, joining you on the bed.
Wrapping his arms around you, he sighs softly. “That’s my princess.”
“I know, honey. Think about this: she might not have it now, but when she gets older, I know she’s gonna have your amazing smile.” 
“You think so?” You nodded, then kissed his lips. 
“I know so because that’s the only expression she’s going to know. She’s going to learn that she has the best daddy who always makes sure her momma is smiling. She'll never have to worry with you by her side.” 
He chuckled, showcasing his award-winning smile. “I love you and Tiana so much.”
“We know, right, Titi?” Your daughter wiggled in her uncle’s arms, trying to find your voice, and then a slight whimper started to bubble.
“Oh, come on, Tiana, we were having a moment.” Ja’Marr pouts as the baby’s eyes start crinkling.
“I guess I’ll give you back now, but I will be back, Titi.” He mumbles, handing her to you.
“Oh, my precious princess Ti.”
﹌﹌﹌ ꕥ ﹌﹌﹌ ꕥ ﹌﹌﹌ ꕥ ﹌﹌﹌
a/n: I don't think I've ever worked on a fic as much and as hard as this one. I'm very glad it's finished, so yall enjoy. The final part of this mini series will be out next week!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated and encouraged if you liked this fic. (pls validate me lol)
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reilemon · 4 months
🦪Iridescent Scales🦪 heads up - audio is nsfw-ish
♡︎synopsis: You help Rafayel with whatever he's going through (mermaid heat).
♡︎pairing: Rafayel x fem!reader
。°⚠︎°。MINORS DNI (18+ ONLY)。°⚠︎°。
♡︎cw: temperature play, blowjob, multiple orgasms (both Rafayel and reader), creampie
♡︎word count: 1.5k
♡︎a/n: Ofc I had to write a spicy version for Ebb and Flow.
♡︎ special thanks to my beta reader ♡︎@its-de♡︎ for reading and helping me with this
divider by @cafekitsune
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"Don't hold back. Share your warmth with me." Rafayel breathes out, his hand clutching your wrist.
"..." You're confused by the request, almost a plea. Before you can say anything, his hand starts guiding yours from his satin cheek, over his neck, down his exposed chest...
You try to free your hand when you realize where he's going. "Rafayel - !" But his hand doesn't let you move.
"You're burning up! I need to get you some ice!" With that you manage to free your hand and hurry towards the kitchen.
For whatever reason, your boyfriend didn't have any ice packs in the freezer, so you filled a resealable bag with ice cubes. You might go grocery shopping for him tomorrow, if he doesn't get better.
You slowly approach him as you notice that his eyes are closed, but they flutter open and he turns to you when you sit down next to him. He doesn't say anything, just lets you gently rest the ice cold bag on his neck. He's still wearing that uncomfortable frown, as he's looking at you, studying you, like he's waiting for something.
Even if this condition, whatever it is, only happens once a year, you still feel bad for Rafayel. You wish you could take away the pain.
You switch the bag to the other side, and you press your lips to his forehead. Still burning up.
"I wish there's something more I could do." You softly murmur.
"I've told you..." He groans and grabs your free hand and starts leading it down again. And you stop him again.
"Rafayel, I'm not gonna take advantage of you!"
Now he frowns at you in both discomfort and confusion. "I'm not intoxicated, am I? And I'm both telling you and showing you how to help me."
Is it how he used to make it go away? You don't want to make him even more upset by asking that. Even if he says it will help, you're still hesitant about helping him in that way. An Ice cold bath would certainly help the most, but he's too tired to move and you can't drag his dead weight to the bath.
You still have ice though.
With a new idea, you open the bag and take out one ice cube. Setting the bag aside, you work the rest of the buttons and open the shirt, exposing his torso.
His breath hitches as you slowly drag the ice cube from his collar bone and his toned chest. Rafayel pants as he watches you take another ice cube, the first one melting on his hot skin in seconds. You take two, three more, the ice gliding and melting over the ridges and valleys of his muscles, goosebumps sprinkling his pale, glistening skin.
You rest your hand on his chest, feeling the damp and cooled skin under your touch, thinking you made some progress, but his chest is still rising and falling rapidly.
Rafayel whispers your name and takes the hand on his chest, this time gently, bringing it to his lips, planting a soft kiss. "Touch me, please."
And how can you deny him, when he's looking at you with those mesmerizing, pleading eyes.
"Okay." You give his lips a small peck. "But you need to tell me if you start feeling uncomfortable."
He nods, agreeing to your condition, and pulls you by the back of your head in a deep, desperate kiss, while the other hand frees his hard member in mere seconds.
You don't want to tease him, as much as you love doing that to him, you know that now is not the time. You're going to indulge him, and you love that even more.
Rafayel hisses against your lips, as your still cold hand wraps around his so fucking hot dick. You whisper a small sorry and he just shakes his head and continues the kiss, tongue darting out to lick your lips, and to slide inside, meeting yours.
Your hand, already warmed up, slowly starts stroking him, your finger playing with the tip, spreading around the precum, so much precum, that was leaking out. You spread it around, making it easy to pump his cock, going up and down, twisting your wrist, rubbing the sensitive swollen tip.
And it's getting harder for Rafayel to keep his lips locked with yours, moans and pants following your every move.
You're no better. Watching his flushed face with those beautiful scales, while his cock is throbbing under your touch, has you holding back moans, your mouth salivating, and your panties soaked.
Telling yourself that he needs this, you get down on your knees, sitting between his thighs. Rafayel watches you in awe, as your tongue goes from the base towards the tip, licking and swirling, followed by your plump lips wrapping around, working your way down. He curses under his breath as you suck and slowly bob your head, his hand resting on your head.
"Fuck, princess, you're - haah- doing so good ..." He chokes back another moan. "Touch yourself for me, please..."
And you do just that - your free hand buries itself inside your panties, two middle fingers sliding between your folds, then zeroing in on the bundle of nerves, going up and down, and around. You moan around his dick as you pleasure yourself, the vibration and the lewd sight driving Rafayel crazy. His hips thrust upwards with more vigor, the cockhead hitting your throat more, and you let him use your mouth and throat however he wants. The sensation of his dick hitting the back of your throat, while moans are spilling out of his lips, with your fingers in your panties, makes you so desperately aroused, so needy for more.
With one last thrust, hot semen fills your throat and mouth, tears pricking your eyes as you choke a little. There's so much of it that some of it still spills down the corners of your mouth.
Swallowing, you pull your lips away from his still hard cock before you start overstimulating him, and you take your hand out of your soaked underwear. Rafayel brings you up and makes you straddle. He brings the hand covered with your essence to his lips and wraps them around your digits, eyes closing as he savors your taste.
He pulls away from your fingers and cups your cheek. "Get yourself off on my dick."
You almost yelp at his words. "But - You -?"
He throws the blanket from the sofa onto the floor, sweeps you up in his arms and lays you down on top of it. He tugs off your pants and underwear in one swift motion, picks you up, and you're on top of him again. His breath fans over your lips as he lines his cock against your dripping entrance. "Use me, pretty girl. I'm all yours."
The frown from before is gone, and is replaced with lustful daze in his eyes, the only thing on his mind being chasing each other's high. And you're not sure if it's your skin adapting to his heat, or if his body temperature has actually gone down. The burning red on his cheeks and chest is still present though.
He makes the decision easy for you as he pushes his tip past your entrance, and like a reflex, you slide down his length, a slight sting following the motion but is replaced with waves of pleasure as you start moving your hips.
"That's it doll, just like that." Rafayel admires you from below as you roll your hips, your clit grazing his pelvis as he thrusts up in your rhythm, moans leaving your alluring lips. His hands, clinging to your hips, dig into your supple skin in a bruising grip, as he feels another orgasm building up.
You whimper as he sneaks his thumb between your bodies, rubbing your sensitive nub, and you hold onto his still clothed shoulders. "Don't stop - !" You pant and within seconds you lie down on top of him, waves of your orgasm leaving you breathless, letting him move you to ride out your high.
His arms wrap around you, holding you tightly against him, his feverishly hot body making you sweat. Rafayel grits out "Can I cum inside you?"
You nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck and nod, sloppily kissing the smooth skin and delicate scales, tasting his sweat on your tongue. You're held in place as he pounds into you, his dick hitting your sweet spot over and over, his pelvis slapping against your clit. Your pussy throbs with another orgasm, and with strangled, breathless moans, Rafayel fills you up, the twitching and his cum - all of it making you lightheaded.
With the last few slow thrusts, Rafayel pulls out, the emptiness and cold air against your leaking entrance making you shiver.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, resting on either side of his head. You brush away the curls sticking to his forehead. You softly whisper, still catching your breath "Are you okay?"
He smiles and caresses your cheek "Yeah. But I'll feel even better if you can spend the night by my side."
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cheolism · 11 months
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✧ choi seungcheol x f!reader ✧ summary: you ask your brother's best friend to tie the top to your swimsuit. he's convinced that you've lured him into a trap and acts accordingly. ✧ wc is approx 4.5k ✧ tags: brother's best friend-to-lovers?? close proximity ✧ warnings: mdni. mentions of groping and luring!! grinding, oral and fingering, dick-in-vagina sex, overstim. cheol's dirty mouth, pet names (princess, baby, good girl, etc). begging, slightly mean cheol. this is basically all tension and porn. possibly morally questionable cheol? lmk if you think any should be added. ✧ author's note: first fic in a month! i've begun and quit so many fics in the past few weeks and this is the first one i've been able to finish. so i'm satisfied!! this is just desperate porn. this takes place during the summer so it is very out of season lol
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"seungkwan," you call, opening your bedroom door just enough to peek out of it. you don't see your brother in the hall, so you call again; hopefully, he hasn't left for the lake already.
seungcheol appears before you can call for a third time. he's -- well. he's choi seungcheol and he's dressed for the lake, long trunks and a tank top that's somehow both too tight on his torso and just right, revealing his thick biceps and straining over his chest and making your eyes drop to trace the shape of them.
"seungkwan's already down at the dock," seungcheol answers, glancing at his phone. he looks back at you, lifting one of his thick brows at how you're poking only your head out. "everything okay?"
you can feel heat rush to your face. you refuse to look at his face, but then your eyes immediately drop back down to his chest and you can't look there because that would make you a huge creep, so you drop your gaze even further and it goes to his ankles.
"i need help," you mumble, "i can't tie the back of my top."
seungcheol's quiet and you refuse to look at him and repeat yourself. it's horrible. you think about him imagining you, the top of your swimsuit dangling around your shoulders and tits hanging out, and you slide the door shut just a little bit more.
"i'll just text seungkwan and tell him to come back up," you say, voice quiet with embarrassment. you shouldn't have even told seungcheol. he wasn't judging you out loud but seungcheol was -- he was perfect. he was the perfect man, the man you've dreamt about for as long as your brother's known him, and you're so overly aware of how you look to him -- of how he sees you as some silly little sibling to his dear friend, and you've just made yourself seem even more like a little kid.
"no need," seungcheol responds. his voice is deep, and you flick your eyes to watch him slide his phone into the pocket of his trunks. "i can tie it for you."
your eyes widen and your mouth drops a little. "no thanks!" you squeak, shutting the door entirely. "i'll just -- i'll just wear a shirt down!"
seungcheol laughs on the other side. he knocks against the door. "let me in, silly." he knocks again. "it's just tying a swimsuit."
right. it's just tying a swimsuit while you stand there, half-naked.
"no," you whine, "i'll really just --"
"let me tie your top." seungcheol's voice has taken on a more serious tone, the sort that he gets when he's trying to command a room.
you're quiet for half a minute, biting down on your lip and pressing your forehead against the door. it's just tying a swimsuit top, like seungcheol said; he just sees it as helping out his best friend's little sibling. but also, it's choi seungcheol, the man who inspires more crushes than he could ever be aware of, and you don't know if you can handle the mortification that comes with him seeing you like this.
but then, quietly, in the hopes that he'll miss it, you agree.
"let me in," he returns.
"just a second," and then you're moving from the door. you push your open suitcase behind the bed so he won't be able to see how your stripped underwear sits on top, and you kick your dirty clothes underneath the bed.
you reach behind you, grabbing the strings of your top and pulling them taut so your tits don't hang out. then you open the door, just a smidge. "hurry!"
seungcheol chuckles as you slam the door shut behind him. "it's just a swimsuit," he says, eyes twinkling. and he's so handsome, his dark hair hanging around his face and lips twisted in a smirk. it's so ridiculous, and you don't know why seungkwan ever introduced you to seungcheol because surely your brother knew you would end up like this.
(surely your brother knew that when he introduced you to seungcheol and mingyu and wonwoo but mainly seungcheol that in three years' time you would be standing with seungcheol in a bedroom in a lodge, turning so seungcheol could tie the strings to your top.
it was all seungkwan's fault.)
slowly, you turn your back to seungcheol. "quickly," you urge him. "we gotta hurry."
seungcheol scoffs at you. your body is so alert that you can practically feel every step he takes, that you can picture seungcheol crossing the room. when he grabs the strings of your top his fingertips skim along your back, and you can't help but jump.
"we're not going to get in trouble," seungcheol says, pulling the strings from your grasp. "we're both adults."
"can you imagine what seungkwan would say if he saw you leaving my bedroom when the door was closed," you hiss, bringing both of your hands to your front and crossing them over your chest. seungcheol's fingers slide against your shoulder blades and then he's beginning to tie your top, and you can feel every pull as he tightens them. every single movement seems to jostle your heart, seems to alert every single cell in your body to seungcheol's fingers. "forget kwannie -- can you imagine soonyoung? or jihoon? they'd tattle."
"they'd tattle," seungcheol laughs. "we're adults. if you're so worried we should've just left the door open."
"so someone can pass and look in to you tying my top?" you say, shaking your head. "no thanks."
the strings pull once more, and then seungcheol is tapping your shoulders. "finished."
"it's tight?" you say, turning over your shoulder to look at him. "it won't come undone?"
seungcheol tugs the knot he made. "nope. we'll have to cut you out."
you grin, turning to face seungcheol. "thanks."
"wasn't so hard now was it?" seungcheol smirked down at you, lifting one of his thick brows. you hate it when he looks at you like this -- hate it because a single lift of his brow sends a tingling rush through you, one that shoots straight down to your cunt and makes you feel electric. "you were worried over nothing."
it's then, watching as he lowers his eyebrow but that smirk remains, that you realize just how close the two of you are. seungcheol had stepped close to you so he could tie your top and hadn't moved away. that meant that when you turned around there was hardly two feet of space between you.
and fuck, when you became aware of it you became aware.
his wide shoulders, the way his skin -- lightly tanned by the sun, as if even the sun had a crush on seungcheol and couldn't bear to burn his skin red like it had jihoon -- tightened around his biceps when he raised his arms up above his head in a stretch.
as he stretched you couldn't help but let your gaze flick back over his body. you were ogling him like he was some prize but, horribly, you couldn't help it. you couldn't help but take in the sight of his pecs, of how his nipples poked through the fabric of his dark tank top. the slight curve of his tummy, how he hadn't tucked his tank top into his trunks, and how the shirt rose as he stretched, revealing just a sliver of skin.
his neck, wide and thick, and his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed and side, angling his face up towards the ceiling as he stretched.
seungcheol was like a flame, passion running through his veins. and like a moth, you couldn't help but reach.
you weren't even thinking. not a single thought was in your mind. it was as if your brain went offline, leaving nothing but your heart and the want that left little tingles in your cunt to command your body.
and you were reaching and placing your hand over his collarbone. his skin was smooth beneath your fingers, and you couldn't help but swipe your thumb over his skin, watching as your thumb moved.
then seungcheol's hand was shooting out and grabbing your wrist and your brain came online.
mortification shot through you. your brain began to go into overdrive as you gawked at seungcheol as if he had been the one to touch you unsolicited, as if he had been the one to press his hand to your skin and feel.
"i --" you began, a thousand thoughts shooting through your brain and yet not a single one leaving your lips. you can't speak. you can't because you just -- just groped choi seungcheol. "wait -- i --"
seungcheol cocks his head at you, brows lifting and you can feel -- despite the situation at hand -- more tingling in your pussy. "oh. i get it now."
"i-- get -- what?"
seungcheol grins at you, cherry blossom pink lips quirking. he moves closer to you, though there hasn't been that much space between the two of you to begin with and wasn't that where this entire problem started, so why was he getting closer?
"you were luring me in here," seungcheol announces, walking closer and closer and you begin backing up, straight into the wall opposite to the door. "i was just a passing fly you caught in your trap. is that right?"
your back hits the wall and you have nowhere to go. you're gawking up at seungcheol, feeling as if you were the fly in his trap. "what -- what are you talking about --"
"you wanted me to come in," seungcheol says, still grinning down at you. "you were pretending you needed your top tied. you were pretending so you could get me in your room, door shut. you were pretending so you could grope me."
your mouth fell open with an audible click. "i -- i didn't! seungcheol, i promise i didn't!"
seungcheol laughs at you meanly. he moves your hand, the one that, horribly, reached out and groped him, and presses it above your head and against the wall. he crowds closer, his other hand sliding along your jaw to cup your cheek. "you planned this."
"i didn't," you say, voice going quiet due to the lack of space between the two of you. "i was searching for seungkwan."
"you were," he mocks, and he's so mean. choi seungcheol is so mean. "you've got me in your little trap, baby. what are you gonna do with me?"
you wonder what the fuck he means. seungcheol's the one who's got you against the wall, he's the one with your wrist in his grasp.
seungcheol's eyes flick down. he's taking you in, you realize; he's admiring you.
"i've trapped you," you echo weakly.
seungcheol's eyes return to your face. "you have," he responds. "now what will you do with me?"
you lick your lips. your bottoms are soaked, you realize. you can feel their dampness, can feel the heat trapped between your thighs.
"i -- i've trapped you," you say, slowly, testing out each word. "i better -- i better use you, then."
"use me?" he says, cocking his head. seungcheol's eyes are sparkling, and you realize that he loves this. "how would you use me, baby? what would you do to me?"
your brain goes blank again. "uh. i'd -- i'd kiss you?"
"kiss me," he's grinning now as if you're amusing him. his thumb slides along your cheekbone. "is that it? you've got me in your hands for you to fuck around with and all you'd do is kiss me?"
"wanted to," you say. "i've wanted to kiss you for a while."
seungcheol's smile softens, and he's moving his hand from your cheek to press it next to your head on the wall. he's caging you in, and you're trapped between his arms, but you don't feel it. you don't feel like a trapped moth frantically looking for an escape.
shyly, you carry on. "i guess i'd -- if i had you, if i was going to use you -- i'd make you uh --"
"make me what?" he says, and he's enjoying it so much.
"you know."
"i don't," he says, brows raised. "you gotta tell me, baby. what do you want to do with me?"
you can't look at him. so you slide your gaze from his face and rest it on his collarbone. "i'd -- i'd sit on you."
"sit on me? that it?" seungcheol brings his face close, and his nose is against yours. "just sit on my lap? wouldn't do anything else? don't want to do anything else with me?"
you can't say it, so you shake your head.
seungcheol clicks his tongue. he trails his nose over your face, breath hot against your face. "okay. let me tell you what i'd do. if i had you in my trap i'd kiss you. kiss your cute little mouth, kiss your chin. kiss your throat, kiss your pretty tits. i'd kiss your tummy and i'd kiss your sweet little cunt -- i bet it's so pretty, princess. bet you have such a pretty little pussy."
you gasp, and his mouth is over your lips. he's not kissing you, but his lips are pressed to yours. you can feel them move as he speaks. "i'd have you take my cock," he carries on, each word sending heat and electricity to your pussy. "if i had you trapped i'd fuck you so good, baby."
you agree. you think of it, of seungcheol pressing his dick -- you just know he's big, know he's big and he'd feel so good around your cunt. you think of it and shift, feeling the wetness of your swimming bottoms.
"so?" he asks.
seungcheol laughs at you. "would you let me trap you, baby? would you wander into my little trap and let me fuck you?"
"yes," you say, and it's the easiest thing you've ever said.
seungcheol kisses you. he immediately devours you, immediately traps you. seungcheol moves his mouth with intent, covering yours over and over and over, kissing you as if he had been wanting it, yearning for it.
you can't help but get lost in it--in him. his hands move from your wrists and to you, one of his hands sinking into your hair to guide you, his other going to wrap around your body and hold you close to him. he wants you, you think; wants you, wants you so desperately that he wants to mold your bodies into one.
your arms get trapped between your bodies, but you take the chance to press your hands against his chest and feel his body as he moves against you. it's not like you have the wits to do much else. with seungcheol's mouth devouring you, owning you, you can't do anything else than try and catch your breath between every eager press of your lips, can't do anything else than just stand there and let him take you.
seungcheol moves his tongue into your mouth, and that's when you break away. you gasp against him, trying to catch your breath, trying to focus. seungcheol moves on. he travels from your mouth, skimming his lips along your chin and jaw before going to your neck.
his hands move as his mouth does, and he's settling them on your hips and guiding them flush against his. you can feel his dick, can feel him as he mouths at your neck, never staying in one place, as if he would go crazy if he didn't press his mouth against every inch of you.
"seung--" you pant, your hands digging into the fabric of his tank top. he groans, a strangled noise against your skin. you try to speak again, but then he's skimming his teeth along your skin and you can't help but let out a high, keening whine.
he grins against your skin. "that's it, princess," he murmurs, "gotta me loud for me. gotta show me you really want it."
you groan, obedient, when he begins sucking at your neck. seungcheol works his mouth over you, sucking bruises into your skin.
"tell me," he commands, pressing his nose against your jaw, "tell me you want it."
"want it," you return, letting your head rest back against the wall. seungcheol moves his mouth back to your neck, and then he's running his lips along one of the strings of your swimming top, mouthing at it as if he was reminding you of how scantily clad you were. "want it, cheol, want you."
he hums. "tell me," he carries on, as if your words had no effect. "tell me you trapped me. tell me this was all part of your plan, baby."
you want to whine and protest, but then he's ducking his head and nipping at the exposed skin of your tits and you immediately give in. "it was," you whine, "i -- i trapped you, cheol. wanted you, want you so badly, cheol."
when seungcheol lifts his head, he's smirking. he presses you flat against the wall, mouth returning to the curve of your neck. seungcheol licks against your skin, drawing a noise from your mouth, just as he thrusts his leg between your thighs.
"too bad i caught onto your little plan, princess," he taunts. "i should turn around and walk out, shouldn't i? just leave you here in your room, all wet and desperate."
you whine, moving your hands against him. you run them over his pecs, over his shoulders. 
"don't," you beg, unable to keep your voice from going high in desperation. "please, seungcheol, please --"
"please what?"
"fuck me," you beg, wanton yearning seeking its talons into you. you wanted, wanted so desperately. he was all around you, surrounding you; you could feel the taste of him on your tongue, the feel of his skin beneath your hands. but it wasn't enough. you wanted him inside of you, wanted to feel him within. "please, please fuck me --"
"prove it to me, baby," he says. "prove it that you want me. show me. show me, precious."
he presses his knee up against you, shoving it underneath your cunt. "ride me," he commands, "ride my thigh, princess."
you immediately bare down on his thigh. you angle your hips so your clit is rubbing over his thigh through your bottoms, and the relief feels so good that you can't help but let your head fall back against the wall. seungcheol immediately takes advantage, pressing his face against your chest and mouthing at your tits, hands gripping your hips and guiding.
your nails sink into his skin. you fuck down onto his thigh, chasing that feeling that tugs at your cunt. it's as if you're mindless, as if you had been born just to fuck yourself against choi seungcheol's thigh.
and you ride him like that. ride him as if it was your one mission in life. your mouth falls open and he quickly covers it, licking into your mouth. "that's it, princess. gotta cum on me, gotta prove you want me."
"want you," you beg, "please, cheol. help me, want you so badly, cheol, please please --"
he curses. seungcheol pulls away from you completely, drawing a loud noise of disapproval from your mouth.
but then seungcheol's hands grip your hips, and then he's pulling you from the wall and spinning so he could push you back onto the bed. as soon as you fall he's on you, his mouth -- already red from the force of his passionate kisses -- covering your skin, frantically moving from the curve of your tits to your stomach to your bottoms.
seungcheol's hands go to your thighs and he's parting your legs. you don't even have a chance to get shy before he's mouthing at you through your swim bottoms, licking a broad stripe from your cunt to your clit.
your responding moan is loud, and you don't even have the presence of mind to try and cover it. seungcheol licks over your bottoms, pushing his tongue against them as if they weren't there at all. you're completely wet, you're soaked, it's as if you had gone down to the lake after all, but it's just from your cunt and you wonder if he's going to drown in it.
but you ride his face nonetheless; you move your hips as he works his mouth, chasing him, chasing that tongue of his. you can't help it. there's something desperate, something animalistic inside of you and it's taken over, and you can't help but wrap your thighs around his head and beg.
seungcheol slips his fingers into the bottoms, moving them aside. he uses his other hand to spread your pussy lips before he's latching onto your clit, sucking and sucking, and it's like something releases inside of you and you're cumming, thighs tight around his head and fingers twisting in the seats.
instead of giving you a moment to gather yourself seungcheol continues. he laps at your clit, laving his tongue over it, while he maneuvers his fingers against your hole. "be good for me," he says, breath hot against your cunt. "be good and prove to me that you want my dick, baby."
you nod, breathless, and he slides one of his fingers inside of your cunt. immediately you're clenching down on him, and he responds with a curse. seungcheol doesn't stop; he continues to lick at your cunt while feeds his fingers into your cunt, one at a time, spreading them out and preparing you for his cock.
you're electric. forget the moth and the flame. it's as if seungcheol's ignited something in you and you're buzzing with it. you just want more and more and more, and you don't even realize you're begging for it.
eventually, seungcheol pulls from your cunt. his face is soaked. he's smirking, though, and his eyes gleam as he pulls his tank top up and off. seungcheol lets you gawk at him, lets you look. and you really can't help but look.
you take in his pecs, his broad shoulders. his brown nipples and how they pebble in the cool air of your bedroom, his stomach. you can't help but be in awe of him, of the softness of his body and how it covers his strong muscles, and your cunt tightens around nothing.
seungcheol laughs at you, and then he's pulling your bottoms. you raise your hips off of the bed and let seungcheol pull them off and drop them onto the floor. he slips his fingers into the waistband of his trunks before they, too, drop to the floor.
he's beautiful, you think. he's completely bare before you, his dick large and straining, and he's absolutely beautiful.
seungcheol moves back onto the bed, slipping his hands underneath your thighs and moving them up. he presses them to your chest, and when he's close enough you can't help but thread your fingers through his hair and bring his face to yours. you kiss him, sliding your mouths together.
he grins against your mouth. seungcheol moves one of his hands, running it along your thigh before pressing his palm to your cunt. "you've trapped me, baby," he whispers, and then you feel his cock press against your pussy.
"please," you beg, fingers tightening around his blonde locks. "please cheol."
seungcheol guides his cockhead so it's against your entrance. but then he stops. he pauses, eyes flicking over your face. you can't help but feel frustrated; all of this playing and here he is, about to fuck you and stopping.
"seungcheol," you whine, wiggling against him in hopes he'll take mercy on you. "please, seungcheol. want you so badly, please, please!"
he hums. he's got a flush on his face, but he's trying to appear unaffected. "i don't know, baby. don't know if you really want it."
you let out a sob. in the future maybe you'll look back on this movement with shame. in the present, however, you feel tears spring to your eyes and you tighten your grip on his hair, bringing his head down so you can press desperate kisses to his face.
"please," you sob, pressing a kiss against his mouth. "please, cheolie. i -- i want you so bad, want you to fuck me, please, please --"
when he finally slides in he does it all at once. seungcheol fucks his cock into you in one swift movement, sheathing himself to the hilt inside of your cunt. you can't help but cry out, back arching and fingers digging into his shoulders.
it hurts, faintly. it's not an acute pain, but instead a dull ache of your cunt stretching around his cock. it goes away rather quickly, and then you're bucking your hips up against him.
"good girl," he whispers, and then he's withdrawing. he draws back until just the tip of his cock is at your entrance, and you can't help but be on edge -- every single neuron and electron in your body is on fucking edge, waiting, anticipating --
and then he fucks back into you, his balls slapping against your cunt. you let out a loud moan, uncaring of the noise. he does it again, drawing his hips out quickly and sheathing himself in a hurried movement. seungcheol fucks you deeply, quickly, and harshly.
he fucks you like a man depraved, like a man desperate. as if he had admired you all this time just as you had him.
every thrust drives you up the bed, every thrust making his balls slap against your pussy, each thrust accompanied by the loud slaps of skin and skin and the wet squelches from your cunt. you'll be sore in a matter of hours but you don't care. you don't care, not when he's fucking you so deeply and fitting so perfectly inside.
"good girl," he chants, slipping his hands behind your knees and keeping your thighs against your chest. he uses his grip on your body to angle himself, and the next time he thrusts into your cunt he's hitting that gummy core inside of you that makes your lips curl and your eyes squeeze shut.
"pretty girl," he carries on, thrusts punishing. "pretty girl with her pretty cunt, so fucking wet 'n warm, so fucking good for me, made just for me --"
"for you," you echo, a loud, ugly sob coming out. "you, cheol -- yours, you -- for you, for you --"
seungcheol curses, and then he's cumming inside of you. his cum is hot and there's so much, and he fucks into your cunt, fucks his cum into your pussy until his dick is soft and he's wincing.
seungcheol moves. his dick slips out of you but before you can miss it, before you can miss him, he's returning to your pussy. seungcheol slaps his hand against your cunt once, and then he's thrusting his fingers against your clit harshly, rhythmically.
"such a good girl," he growls, thick brows furrowed. "good fucking good, taking me so good -- good girl, pretty girl. all mine, all fucking mine."
he slaps your cunt again and you cum, and it's like a thunderous wave has plunged over you. you can't hear or see, and you don't know if you're even breathing. but you're cumming and cumming and cumming, and his hand is working furiously at your clit and you don't know if you'll ever stop cumming.
seungcheol is still moving his fingers against your clit when you come to. he's moving them slowly, softly, guiding you back down from that high. his large eyes are taking you in as if he's trying to memorize how you look before him.
you meet his eyes; you smile.
and then he grins so brightly that you just know.
he's got you in his trap.
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delaware-lemme-smash · 8 months
Hii! May i request some headcanons were mt. lady, sir night eye, present mic, eraser and all might react to their s/o wearing their clothes after sex? Like if they didn’t have any clothes with them what weren’t… dirty so they stole some! Sorry if this is boring but I thought it was kinda cute :)
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Hope you enjoy these, lovely!
Characters: Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye, Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Contents: gn!reader, mild nsfw
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Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady
Perhaps it was an impromptu tryst, because you’re at Mount Lady’s apartment and your only clothes are dirty. Perhaps your stuff got torn up in a fight with a villain and now you’ve come back to hers to ‘celebrate’, you find yourself left with nothing but your underwear. Perhaps not even that. 
You could sleep naked, but it’s not the most comfortable situation to be in. So you wander over to Yuu’s wardrobe (really a walk-in closet). She might only be a debut hero, but she’s very popular and spends a lot of time in the limelight. This translates to making absolute bank, and she spends a lot of it on beautiful clothes. Obviously, you’re not going to wear a gala dress to bed, so you grab a t-shirt that looks pretty old, and maybe a pair of yoga pants. 
Depending on your size compared to her, they might be fine, or they might be a tight fit. When she comes back into the bedroom, her skin gleaming from her nightly skincare routine, she stops in the doorway and pouts at you.
“If you stretch those out, you’re going to have to replace them.”
“...says the woman who turns into a titan?” The irony is too much for you.
“Only my hero costume stretches with me, duh.” A pause. “Your butt does look good in those yoga pants, though.”
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
It would seem that if you’re dating Sir Nighteye, you’ve at least got some sense of planning and responsibility. But you’re only human, and sometimes you’re going to find yourself caught short. Short on clothes, in this case. Even if your clothes are clean, you couldn’t fathom sleeping in your work clothes.
You wait until Sir Nighteye is in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, before sneaking open one of his drawers and grabbing something at random. You end up with…
A pair of boxers and a vintage All Might t-shirt.
It’s hardly the sexiest of nightwear, but you make it work. He leans back into the doorway to tell you to borrow some clothing, and you’re lounging on his bed, all “Paint me like one of your French girls”. 
“I’ve been waiting for you~” you purr.
He nearly spits out his mouthwash, and disappears back into the bathroom to gather himself. You distinctly hear him chuckle under his breath, then clear his throat.
“If you want to entice me, darling, don’t wear the face of my former boss on your torso.”
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Hizashi’s always trying to get you to wear his clothes, anyway! He drapes his little moto jacket (the casual one, not the studded one he wears as part of his costume) over your shoulders a lot and tells you how great you look. 
Seeing his partner wear his clothes just gives him this little kick and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
You’ve got a variety of options in Mic’s wardrobe. In the t-shirt section, you’ve got a lot of band t-shirts, weird, bright coloured ones covered in fruit or English slogans, a few rare Eraserhead merch t-shirts he got done to piss off Aizawa, and if you want to borrow some boxers, you’ll be hard pressed to find some that don’t have a loud, zany pattern on them. 
If you want to be (moderately) sexy, grab a vintage band t-shirt and a pair of his black boxer briefs. If you want to make him laugh, grab the stupidest t-shirt you can find and pair it with an eye watering set of boxer shorts, especially if they have bananas on them. 
Hizashi grins wide enough to split his face in half at the sight of you in his clothes. It doesn’t matter if you went for sexy or stupid, really, because he’ll just try to get you out of them again, if you know what I mean~
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
This is one of those things that Aizawa doesn’t know he likes until he sees it for the first time. He’s probably dragged himself out of your post-coital snooze to get you both some water or feed the stray cat on his balcony, leaving you to ponder your clothing situation. 
When you open Aizawa’s wardrobe, it’s 75% loose black shirts and pants, with a few non-black items crammed at one end, including those infamous pink sweatpants. 
It seems he’s not totally averse to colour, just not when he’s working. He has a few t-shirts (gifts from Hizashi) covered in cats (as opposed to just covered in cat hair, like the rest). 
If you’ve cuddled him at all, which you have, thoroughly, you know that all his clothes are surprisingly soft and comfortable. He tends to end up with raggedy cuffs on his sleeves, but even so, the shirt has that soft texture clothing gets when it’s been washed many times. You dig out some random black shorts he has, though you’ve never seen him expose his pasty legs in public, so they must be old.
Shouta shuffles back into the room to find you asleep, curled up in your borrowed finery. There’s something about the sight of you lying in his bed, wearing his clothes, looking so warm and comfortable. It’s like a little gut punch of domesticity. 
“You’re meant to ask, you brat,” he says fondly, flopping onto the bed next to you. 
Still, he reflects, as he pulls you closer, that shirt’s gonna smell like you now. Maybe he should make you wear it every time you sleep over.
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
All Might’s still pretty nervous about being in a relationship so he’s not 100% sure of the protocol, especially when you’re at his place and you don’t have any clean clothes to wear to bed. He gets flustered and goes to see if he can quickly wash your clothes, forgetting the entire wardrobe of clean clothes right there.
All Might or Small Might, his clothes are going to absolutely drown you no matter what size you are. Toshi’s a titan. Any t-shirt you try to borrow is basically a giant nightshirt. 
Toshinori splutters a little at the sight of you swimming in the fabric of one of his shirts. Once he’s done coughing into his elbow, he offers you a toothy grin, his eyes crinkled up.
“That…might be a little big on you,” he says, tugging playfully on all the excess fabric. “Are you sure it’s going to be comfortable?”
You tell him that you like the feeling of the soft, loose fabric, and the fact that it smells a little like his cologne, even after being washed. He’s chuckles at that, wrapping his large hands around your waist, the fabric cinching in against you.
“Well, never thought one of my old shirts could look so adorable.”
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Just a little something something for you guys...as a treat😈
When Simon's away for a while on deployment, it can get lonely. He's knows by the way your texting, when he gets the chance and can text, that you are missing him like crazy. You tell him how you can hardly wait till he returns, how your body is just aching for him something fierce.
And fuck his aching for yours too.
If he could hop on a plane, he would in an instant just to get back to you. Unfortunately, that's not something available to him at the moment.
But that doesn't mean there's nothing for him to do.
Simon knows his baby needs something to take the edge off, something to tide over that insatiable appetite for him until he can come home and fuck her proper the first chance he can get. You never asked for it, but he knew you wouldn't mind.
Your phone goes off. It's late, but youre no stranger to staying up well past dark; sometimes that was the only way you'd get a minute to talk to Simon when he was away across the world.
You check your phone. It's a text... a picture...
At first glance at the small icon on the lock screen, the image is kind of dark so you have to click on it to bring it up and when you do you nearly faint.
The caption reads: “Gotta be stealthy so they don't fuckin' catch me, but this one's for you sweetheart."
Simon is clearly propped up in his cot, his legs splayed open, shirt off. All that you can see is his thick torso with it's small speckling of light colored hair across his abs. The belt and zipper of his pants are completely undone and the waistband flung open. In one of his meaty hands he has a hold of his cock, already swollen with a little glistening at the top caught in the low light - most definitely a product from thinking of you.
You have to swallow to keep the spit from dribbling down out of the corner your mouth. Instantly you feel the heat rise in your cheeks, burning through your face as the blood pools there. It feels like you are going to pass out.
He's done it, he's taken your breath away in an instant.
Not even recovered from that glorious image your phone dings again, this time downloading something for a few seconds. Your heart pounds in your chest, your breath caught in your lungs, as you wait to see what he's done now.
It's downloaded. This time it's a video...about a minute long. Your shaky, excited finger instantly clicks play.
"Mmmm..." his breath groan hits your ears as the vision of him stroking his length plays across the screen. His voice in hushed, clearly trying to be as quiet as he can while still making sure you can hear his words. "Fuck darlin', I wish you were here... rather have that sweet little pussy 'round me than my hand."
You've stopped breathing, literally; you could hear a pin drop in the room. The video of his abdominal muscles contracting and releasing as he continues to stroke his cock is all you can focus on now. Looks like he's in the middle of things.
He groans again, his breathing getting faster. "Fuck, I miss ya luv. It's been hell not having ya near for this fuckin' long. Nearly rippin' a hole in my goddamn pants from being so fuckin hard. I swear... gonna absolutely wreck ya when I get back. Don't even bother wearing any panties cause they're gonna get shredded off ya. Nothin', and I mean fuckin' nothin' is gonna keep me from buryin' all this in ya the fuckin' second we're alone. I wanna make you cum so fuckin bad baby."
The video fades out amongst the sound of another low, gravely moan and your sanity is gone. Dear God you were a lucky one tonight. You have to take several minutes just to relearn how to function properly again so you can text him back.
Before you can do that your phone goes off once more.
One final message pops up on screen: "Think of me later when you cum, sweetheart..."
Oh, you would, you would. And maybe just to be nice...you'd send him something back too.
Part 2:
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moonstruckme · 7 months
wearing spencers clothes🤯🤯 the boy would not be able to focus!!!! i love all of your work btw!! you're single handedly encouraging me back into my marauders phase❤️
Then my scheme is working ! Thanks for requesting babe :)
Spencer Reid x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Spencer has to force himself out of bed so you don’t wake up to him staring at you. Also, so he has time away from you to get himself together. 
He’s never felt so much like skipping before. As soon as he’s in the kitchen, full to bursting with the knowledge that you’re asleep one room over, his smile is unshakable. It’s embarrassing, honestly, he’s like a high schooler. You can’t see him like this. He starts going through the kitchen to see what’s not expired. Ketchup, hummus, bread, muffin mix (too risky), mattar paneer (not a very good breakfast), eggs. Spencer can work with eggs. He has to double-check that he has both salt and pepper, but he’s good to go.  
He pops bread in the toaster once he hears you moving around, a giddy flare of anticipation shooting up through his middle. You’ve never stayed over before, and Spencer didn’t have any time to prepare. He only has one hand towel, which you seem fine with sharing and he’s going to pop in the washing machine as soon as you leave, and only one toothbrush. He feels bad that you have to brush your teeth with your finger. If you deem him worthy of a next time, he tells himself, he’ll be ready then. 
He hears the quiet padding of your footsteps but forces himself not to turn around until you say, “Morning.” 
Your voice is stretched with sleep, and when Spencer turns around he can see it still lingering in your face. Your eyelids are droopy, weighted down, and your hair looks like you’ve tried to run your fingers through it but couldn’t quite get it to behave, and you’re—that’s his sweater vest. You’re wearing his sweater vest. 
He must be staring, because you look down at it, your expression going sheepish. “Sorry, is this okay? I know you’re sort of particular about germs, but I didn’t want to just come out here naked, and I really didn’t feel like putting on my jeans…” 
Spencer shakes his head quickly. “No, it’s fine.”
All the stuff you’d done last night, and you think he’s going to be fussy about your germs on his clothes? This is a completely different kind of upset. You’re—you look—well, you look like something Spencer dreamed up. You look like comfort and sweetness and Sunday morning. 
“Okay, thanks.” You smile. Spencer thinks that if he were hooked up to a transducer, you’d actually be able to see the rush of dopamine to his brain. “It’s lucky you’re so tall, this fits me like a dress.” 
A small dress, but sure. “I also have a disproportionately long torso,” he blurts. “My legs aren’t as long as they should be for my height, so my shirts and vests are longer than average.” 
You nod like everything he’s just said made perfect and socially acceptable sense. The toast pops up and Spencer jolts a little, remembering to push the eggs around in the pan a bit. 
A little smile tilts your lips, and you lean back against the counter behind him. “Are you making us breakfast?” 
The smile spreads, your eyes going soft. “That’s so sweet of you,” you say warmly. “Thanks, Spence.” 
“I can’t really cook,” he warns you. “I mean, I can usually do eggs, but only scrambled and even then I might…just don’t thank me yet.” 
A little laugh spurts out of you. It reminds Spencer of the fountain in front of his work, of water sparkling in the sun. “Okay,” you say, “do you want any help?”
“It’s probably best if whatever happens is undeniably my fault.”
You laugh again. He wonders what he can do to make that keep happening. 
“Fair enough.” You push off the counter, headed towards the door. “Do you get the newspaper?” 
For a second, Spencer’s too busy watching you go to remember if he does. “Y—yeah. It should be here by now,” he says. 
He hears the door open, and then, “Perfect.” You come back brandishing the rolled-up paper, discarding the rubber band in his trash bin. “Do you mind if we do your crossword? You seem like you’d be so good at that.” 
Spencer actually stopped doing the crossword years ago—the pop culture references he didn’t get, and the rest were too easy—but he’ll do it if it might impress you. 
“Sure, let’s try.” 
“Okay.” You grab a pen from the coffee table, spreading the paper open on the countertop. “Wyoming’s state sport, five—”
“Rodeo,” Spencer says. It takes him a beat to realize he cut you off. He turns, grimace in place and apology on his lips. “Sorry.” 
But you’re grinning. You shake your head a little bit, pride or admiration or a bit of both, and write it down. You push a piece of hair away from your face. Spencer’s eyes get caught on the wool of his sweater vest where it brushes your collarbone. 
“African river to the Mediterranean, four letters. That’s the Nile, right?” 
The garment seems to shift with every tiny movement. Sliding atop your shoulders, moving about your neckline, the soft material skimming your ribs. Under the counter, it has to be bunched underneath your thighs. 
“Hm?” He forces his gaze up. “Yeah, the Nile.” 
“Thanks.” Your eyes linger on him a second too long before you bend back over the paper, a knowing smile playing on the corner of your lips. “Okay, and eagle claw in five letters is talon, right? Oh, um, eggs.” 
Spencer’s brow wrinkles. “How many letters?” 
“No, Spence.” You laugh, sliding out of your seat. You tug his sweater down a bit as you walk over, the band at the bottom hugging your thighs. “The eggs. Your eggs.” 
He turns, registering the smell of smoke before the sight of the crispy, blackened eggs in his pan. “Oh.” 
You reach past him, elbow bumping his as you switch off the heat. Spencer moves the hot pan away from you quickly. He scrapes his sorry eggs into the trash bin, setting the pan in the sink.
“Sorry, I got distracted by the crossword,” he tells you, and though he suspects you catch the lie you’re kind enough not to call him out on it. 
“It’s fine.” You shoot him another of those brilliant, beaming smiles, taking a piece of cold toast from the toaster. “I love toast. Do you have any butter or jam or anything?” 
Spencer winces. “Not really…” 
You laugh, giving his arm a reassuring pat. “No worries. I’m down for a trip to the store if you are.” He nods sheepishly, and you press your lips together, thoughtful. “I think I might change first, though.” 
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kitashousewife · 1 year
“yes, rintaro?”
“hi-jesus, a warning next time would be nice,”
“you called me,” you huff, picking at the now dried mask on your face in the small reflection of the facetime. “what do you want, rin?”
suna is outside, walking rather quickly as the background is blurred around him. he lets out an airy laugh before looking at the screen.
“i’m drunk;” he smirks, continuing to walk but tripping a little, shaking the camera. you raise your eyebrows at him to continue. he sniffs. “and i’m coming over.”
“is your house broken or something?”
he giggles, then shakes his head. “nah, yours is closer though.”
you sigh and accept defeat. you knew your best friend was in the neighborhood from his social media posts, so it’s no surprise he’s deciding to drop in. it’s late though, well past midnight. you shuffle into your bathroom to rinse off the mask, setting your phone on the counter.
“when will you be here?”
he clears his throat and swallows. “i’m walking up the stairs, so 2 min-fuck-minutes,” he trips up the steps and groans.
“what? okay give me a minute, i’ll be right there,” you wash off your mask quickly and run to the door, realizing too late as you slide on your socked feet that you’re only in a t shirt, suna’s t shirt. you open the door to find a very intoxicated suna, leaning against your with heavy eyes and a smile, which turns to a frown when he sees you.
“hey, that’s mine,” he taps the collar of your shirt before pushing past you, slipping off his shoes and throwing his coat on the floor.
“you reek, rin. god, where were you?”
he smirks. now making himself comfy on the couch despite your protesting glares.
“the club a few blocks away, it was packed and-“ he hiccups. “y-yeah it was just busy. aran was there,”
“don’t fall asleep on my couch,” you tap his leg as you walk past, tidying up a little. he opens his eyes and sits up, slumped into the cushions. “how do you feel?”
suna doesn’t answer. he scrolls on his phone at full volume, completely ignoring you while chuckling at the different videos he comes across.
one of the worst things about your best friend was how stubborn he is normally, but that stubbornness triples when he’s had enough to drink.
you stand in front of him with your arms crossed for a few more seconds before you clear your throat. he finally looks up and waves.
“rin, why don’t you-“
“so yeah, aran was there and-“ he laughs at something on his phone, losing his train of thought.
“how about you take a shower?”
“no,” he pouts again. “why don’t you take a shower?”
you huff. “i’m calling aran to get y-“
“i think i’m going to take a shower,” he grunts, standing up and following you to the bathroom while you grab towels for him. when you finish turning the water, he begins to lift up his shirt.
“uh-uh,” you laugh to yourself and slip out the door, pulling it shut. “you can do that in private. take your time, i’m going to bed.”
“but what if i wanted you to see?”
you stutter. “y-you’re drunk, rin. just shower, please.”
you hear him clamber into the shower soon after and retreat to your bed. as you settle in, suna’s comment continues to nag at you. sure, he jokes around and has his fun with you. but in the many years being his best friend, he’s never made any sort of effort to make a move on you.
you feel dizzy, suddenly picturing suna in a way you had never before. it felt like jumping off the high dive and into water all at once.
“what am i supposed to wear?” a very wet suna waltzes into your room with a towel on his waist, and you wish you could jump into that pool right now. you can’t take your eyes off his torso, eyeing the defined muscle as they flex with every step.
“there’s s-some of your clothes here from last time, they’re clean i just forgot to give them to you,” you jump out of bed and rummage through your closet before handing him his belongings.
“oh cool,” he walks back to the bathroom, bumping into the wall on the way. you slink back to bed without another word.
just as you’re drifting off to sleep, your mattress dips.
“hi,” suna breathes, getting under your covers with you.
“what are you doing?” you hiss, voice a whisper. he stares back at you with an irritated look.
“painting a picture, what does it look like? i’m going to bed,” he huffs, pulling your covers over him and leaving your legs exposed to the cold air.
“rintaro,” you pull the covers back over you and he groans. “i don’t want to hear it! if you’re going to sleep in my bed at least share.”
he remains quiet, making himself comfortable on the other side of the bed. meanwhile, your heart is racing and your mind is fighting between being bothered and pining over your best friend.
“did you use my shampoo?”
“of course i did,” suna’s voice is tired as he finally settles in. “the extra stuff you gave me sucks. and you smell good so thought i’d use it,”
your heart skips a beat. you don’t say anything, though.
your eyes get a little heavy, mind finally relaxing as the heavy sounds of suna’s breathing lull you to sleep.
the next morning you wake up next to your best friend, blinking a few times before you get a good look at him. he’s resting against the pillow, your blanket pulled up to his bare chest while he scrolls on his phone.
“good morning rin,” you mumble, yawning and sitting up. “did you sleep okay? are you feeling today today?”
“slept great,” he mumbles, eyes not leaving his screen. “i feel okay. head hurts,”
you nod, handing him your water bottle and an aspirin from your bedside table which he happily takes.
“thanks for letting me stay here by he way,”
“of course,” you watch as he sits up, blankets falling to his hips and showcasing his muscles once more.
“i feel bad that you had to deal with me,” he looks you in your eyes and for some reason, it feels different from normal. you shrug.
“i don’t mind.”
he smirks and gets comfortable once more, but begins typing on his phone with a giggle.
“what’s so funny?”
“nothing,” he smirks at the screen. “i just told aran we slept together, though.
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izufeels · 1 month
⭑.ᐟ — KATSUKI BAKUGOU ( meeting model! katsuki )
wc; .9k
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You don’t hate your job. Actually, you really like your job. You like Momo and her friends, you like flying to different countries every week— even if that means you can’t ever make your own plans— and you especially like the money.
What you don’t like, is the hours upon hours spent in a sketchy warehouse with no air conditioning. Which, in retrospect, isn’t the worst place Momo has had a shoot, but it’s definitely the most unbearable.
You’re surrounded by models, obviously, and their own overly-snobby PA’s— whom you’d probably rather die than talk to.
And it’s hot. Insufferably hot. Triple digits hot. You regret wearing your hoodie and you regret not wearing a shirt under it even more.
You would say something to Momo, but she’s in front of a white backdrop with her arms draped over Shoto Todoroki— world famous model and your second favorite nepo baby.
And then your phone buzzes. You tear your eyes away from Momo and Shoto, looking down at your phone. “Oh,” you whisper, standing up from your chair. The notification is from DoorDash— Momo’s matcha latte has arrived.
So you get up without excusing yourself— because the people around you wouldn’t care anyway. You walk to the door, get the drink, and make your way back to your seat.
And, because you’re so engrossed in your phone, you don’t see the man headed straight for you and you slam directly into the front of him. The matcha latte spills down his torso and you’re frozen in fear.
You’re not looking up at his face yet— too mortified— but you can tell he’s a model just from the compression shirt and washboard abs that the drink is covering.
Imagine your surprise when you look up and see the Katsuki Bakugou standing in front of you.
Katsuki Bakugou; famous Japanese model, nepo baby and world class asshole. Or, so you’ve heard. You haven’t had the pleasure of meeting him, only listened to Momo and her friends bitch about him.
But, looking at him now, he’s kind of cute. Okay, he’s more than cute, he’s hot. His jawline is chiseled and his eyes are a dangerous shade of red that makes you want to commit atrocities not yet heard of.
“Holy shit,” you breathe out. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even watching where I was going and- oh my god. This is so embarrassing. I’m so sorry. I- oh my god.”
He looks down at his shirt, annoyance flickering across his face for less than a second before disappearing. His eyes narrow but, somehow, you can tell there’s no heat behind them. “S’fine,” he mumbles, sighing.
The silence is awkward for several seconds when, finally, you manage to open your mouth. “I um, I can pay for your shirt,” you offer, voice soft. “Like uh, for dry cleaning and stuff. Because, you know… I- I ruined it.”
He looks down at his shirt again as if he’d forgotten about the giant stain. A small chuckle bubbles up from his chest and he shakes his head, looking back at you. “Nah, don’t bother. Ain’t the first time this has happened.”
“What?” You furrow your brows and tilt your head. “You’ve had multiple girls spill matcha latte on your shirt because they were too busy scrolling on Instagram?”
He snorts, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Not exactly,” he chuckles. “but I’ve had people spill way worse on me. So, a little green liquid is like a walk in the park.”
You sense the eyes on you. You can hear the whispers. But, at this moment, it’s just you two. His red eyes staring into your own. “I’m Y/n,” you say, sticking your hand out. “Momo’s PA.”
He regards your hand with a blank stare, like he isn’t sure why it’s being extended to him, but, eventually, he takes it. His hand is so much bigger than yours and a shock runs the length of your arm as his palm meets yours. He grips you a little tighter than necessary. “Katsuki.”
“You’re a model, right?” You already know the answer, but you don’t want the conversation to end.
For some reason, your question makes Katsuki preen. He puffs his chest out slightly, clearly proud of the fact that you actually know who he is, and nods. “And a damn good one,” he says, a smirk finding its way onto his lips.
You open your mouth, but Momo’s voice cuts through the air and makes you turn. “Y/n!” she exclaims, briskly walking over to you. “Hey, are you okay? Is he bothering you?” she turns to him and narrows her eyes. “Why are you harassing her? I’ll pay for the shirt, for fucks sake. Go away.”
The smirk slides off his face in a heartbeat. He shoots your friend a glare and opens his mouth to respond. “I’m not harassing her,” he growls. “She ran into me like a dumbass. Dropped her own drink. Not my fault.”
“W- well it’s not really my drink-” you gasp and your eyes widen once more. “Momo! Oh my god, your drink! I’m so sorry! I spilled it everywhere!”
She holds up a hand and shakes her head, stopping you from delving into a second round of apologies. “It’s fine,” she says, shooting a sharp glare at Katsuki. “I just hope he didn’t give you too much trouble. Come on, let’s go. I’m done here anyway.”
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tags; @sazankahanei @mimidonottouch
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 4 months
thinking about being fuckbuddies and housemates with cheol who is in a frat and popular af. one night at a frat party he flirts with another girl way too much and reader doesn't like it so she takes gyu back to her room and they fuck VERY LOUDLY cuz cheol is right next door. and that's where my imagination stopped working and i need you to elaborate for me!
tw: fratboy!cheol, fratboy!mingyu, college student fem!reader (an adult and she's wearing a skirt), degradation, jealous sex, rough sex, bulge kink, mean dom!cheol, bratty!reader, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), fwb!au - minors dni.
@wongyuseokie this is all your fault
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"Cheol, open the goddamn door!" Mingyu keeps banging his fist on the door, "She doesn't even want you, man, give her back!"
Meanwhile, you're laid on Seungcheol's bed, your shirt wide open and skirt flipped over, panties torn and thrown in the trash - except it was Mingyu who did it.
"Look what you have done with your stupid little games." The red haired man hovers above you, half naked.
"If you hadn't gone and flirted with that bitch, none of that would have happened." You snap at him.
"If you could keep it in your skirt and didn't let Mingyu of all people fuck you, neither of us would be mad."
"What, do you hate him because he's hotter and bigger than you? Is that it, Cheol?" You smirk and he clenches his jaw tight.
He gets up and opens the nightstand, taking out all of the condoms he stores in there. He walks to the door, unlocking it and flinging it open.
"Took you some damn time, asshole." Mingyu attempts to walk inside, but Seungcheol pushes him away, strongly enough for his back to crash on the other end of the corridor.
"Hands off my fuck buddy, Kim. Go find someone else to stick your dick in. Oh, and take these," he throws the condoms at the taller man, "She likes it when I fuck her raw."
Seungcheol slams the door shut behind him.
"Lock it." You tell him with a demanding tone and he does as you say, but you know that's all you're gonna get with this attitude.
"I'm really mad at you, Y/N." He unbuckles his pants and slides them along with his boxers, just enough to let his thighs and cock free, "Letting another man fuck your cunt and tear your panties, while you know we had established some rules."
"Rules are meant to be broken, Cheol." You tease him again.
"Then I guess I have to break you and remind you of your place."
He aligns his tip with your hole and pushes in with a fluid motion, a high pitched whine spilling from your lips.
"He's a good pussy stretcher, I'll give him that - Although I wish I was the one who stretched you out in the first place." Seungcheol groans and puts your ankles on his shoulders, hands gripping your waist.
He angles his hips upwards and thrusts slowly yet with brute force, again and again, until he notices the rise and fall of a bump on your pelvis.
"A-Ah, fuck, Cheol- My tummy-" You whimper repeatedly and he grabs your hand, putting it directly over said bump.
"Your tummy is full of my cock, princess." Seungcheol changes to a much slower, excruciating pace, but with enough force to make you bulge up, "Bet that idiot couldn't even use his big fat dick to do that - all muscle and no goddamn brains."
"As if your IQ is Nobel-worthy or something- Fuck!"
"My IQ isn't Nobel-worthy, but I do have the best stroke in the whole campus." He grins like a wolf.
"C-Confirmed by who?"
He bends his torso down, the ends of his red hair barely touching your face.
"You, obviously."
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kfaem · 2 months
Indulge || Sylus Qin L&DS
pairing: Sylus x MC genre: 16+, domestic cw: newly established relationship (MC is shy and clingy), bratty MC, sexual tension, morning after, marking (biting, scratching) note: i just know Sylus is WILD in bed
"Do you really think this is the proper way to get my attention?" Sylus hummed in his deep baritone, sending shivers down her spine. Still, she didn't let up, wiggling on his lap. A red and black wave surrounded her, freezing her mid-wiggle. "I already told you that I would indulge you when I was done with my reading. Stop acting like such a brat."
"Can you really blame me, Sy? You've barely spoken to me today." He sighed at her pouting, releasing her from the hold of his Evol and instead, placing his hands on her waist. "That's better." She snuggled into his chest, appreciating his hands around her body.
"Sweetheart, you know I can't continuously drop my work for you. We've talked about this far more times than I can count." MC raised her head from the comfort of his chest, eyes downturned at the seriousness in his voice. Though his eyes said something different. He didn't want her to move. "However...taking a quick break wouldn't halt any progress of mine."
Internally cheering with her victory, she planted a chaste kiss on his plump lips. "Should we watch a movie?" Sylus's red eyes had a mischievous glow to them, a glow she knew all too well. "Or... did you have something else in mind?" Her fingers trailed up his torso, stopping just before she reached the bare skin where his robe was unbuttoned.
"You're playing a dangerous game, dearest." His hands around her waist grew possessive, needy, urgent. "Are you sure you would like to continue?"
MC let her fingers run over his bare skin, causing his breath to hitch. She looked up, peering into his deep eyes. Suddenly lost for words, she breathed out one word. "Please."
7:24 AM
She woke up, rolling over to hide from the lights beaming in from outside the window. "Sylus?" Her hand felt around the bed, feeling his absence in the cold bedsheets and neatly tucked in blanket.
Her body ached and her throat was sore, hair tousled. The clothes she was wearing the night before now sit in the laundry bin, and now she was covered in a familiar black button up. The bathroom door then opened, a warm fog flowing out into the bedroom. Sylus emerged with a towel wrapped around his waist, still leaving very little to the imagination. Her face flushed deeply when she saw the markings that littered his body.
"Oh, you're awake," Sylus's mouth curved, eyes doing a quick once over seeing how she looked in his shirt. "I didn't want to wake you but it seems I failed, how do you feel?" He spoke so casually as he picked out a simple, stay-in kind of outfit for the day.
She cleared her throat to the best of her ability, flicking a stray piece of hair away from her face. She decided to answer honestly, "Sore." His eyebrow quirked, a knowing glint in his eyes. One could say it was confidence. "I-... I'm sorry for leaving so many..."
"What? Oh, these? Hm, no need to apologize sweetie." The towel dropped and he began to dress himself. "You should see yourself, you truly look ravishing."
Realizing she was still between the sheets, she quickly made her way to the mirror. A sharp gasp escaped her mouth as her eyes made their way head to toe.
Her body was covered in markings, from bite marks to bruises and the odd scratch. Sylus smirked, feeling pride in his work. "Sylus! I have to go to work today!"
"You didn't seem to care last night, don't you remember?"
She scrunched her nose, whacking his arm. "I swear, you're going to get me in trouble one day."
Sylus kissed the crown of her messy bedhead, "I love you too, sweetie."
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the-atlas-sister · 10 months
TᕼEY ᗯᗩᒪK Iᑎ Oᑎ YOᑌ ᑕᕼᗩᑎGIᑎG/ᑎᗩKEᗪ- TOKYO ᖇEᐯ. ᑭᗩᖇT TᗯO
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𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐… 𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘, 𝚁𝚊𝚗, 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚣𝚞, 𝚂𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚞, 𝙽𝚊𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚘
𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒
At the beginning of your day you had no idea that your boyfriend would be clinging to you at the end of your date, saying he just wanted to keep you, just for the night.
And how could you deny him with that cocky smirk of his, the one he gave you when he knew that you just couldn't say no to him.
So now here you were, stripping out of your uncomfortable date attire, still aiming to visually please your boyfriend after a year of being together. You shivered slightly as you stood in the bathroom in only your undergarments. You looked down at the pile of clothes Rindo had offered you, noticing that he not so slyly failed to include any shirts.
"Rindo?" you called, pulling on a pail of his loose boxers.
"You ready- woah." You flushed, your face turning hot as Rindo opened the bathroom door- his eyes going wide as he eyed your topless figure.
"You didn't have to barge in, I just need a shirt..." you grumbled, subconsciously covering your chest and torso.
"I kinda like you like this," he chuckled, leaning on the doorframe, making you roll your eyes. "Fine, fine. I'll go grab you a shirt." He laughed slightly with that same stupid smirk you had fallen in love with. You couldn't help but blush as he winked and turned around- seemingly to find you that shirt.
𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒
Being Rindo Haitani's best friend had a lot of advantages. Roaming through the streets of Tokyo feeling safer then you ever have, getting the opportunity to beat his ass at any game you play together and of course, the opportunity to tease his brother.
Opportunities, like this one for example.
"He- o-oh," Ran said, his eyes going slightly wide as he opened to door to his brother's room, only to find you wearing nothing but your undergarments.
"Yes?" you said, smirking slightly at his flushed cheeks as he not so subtly eyed your naked body.
"I- I was looking for Rindo," Ran said, continuing to stare at your legs and body. "Thought he'd be in here."
"He's in the bathroom," you stated, bending over teasingly to pick up your shirt. You felt Ran's gaze on your ass, making your smile giddily.
"I didn't know you two..."
"We don't," you said quickly. You stood up fully and looked at the taller brother. "We were just messing around in the rain and Rindo let me shower here."
"Oh," Ran hummed, a tone of almost... relief in his voice. "Well, sorry for walking in on you."
"Don't be," you said with a small smile.
Ran smirked back at you before walking out of the room.
𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚣𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚢𝚘
You knew how much Sanzu idolized you. He told you every day, every night and every time in between. But as you stared at your own naked body in the long mirror within your shared bedroom... you just couldn't understand why.
You were having a day where it seemed as though every flaw you saw within yourself was pushing to the front of your mind, all desperate for attention.
You bit you lip lightly as you ran a hand along the skin on your stomach, continuing to graze over your hips.
"What did I get to deserve this?" you heard Sanzu's voice break you from your trance, making you jump slightly. You hadn't even heard the door open. You look at him behind you through the mirror- unable to bear the look of pure admiration shining in his eyes. The scars on his cheeks wrinkled at he smiled at you widely. He threw off his jacket and approached you. His hands replaced your own, quickly wrapping around your stomach and hips. "My perfect girl, naked and waiting for me," he mumbled, placing a soft kiss behind your ear and along the back of your neck.
"Don't say that," you whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from what you saw as the flaws littering your body.
"Hm? Say what? How perfect you are?" Sanzu asked, looking at you in the mirror. "Can't understand how you can't see how beautiful you are, my pretty girl." He continued to kiss the back of your neck and shoulders. "Lemme show you, yeah?"
𝚂𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚞 𝙸𝚗𝚞𝚒
Living with someone was weird.
This is what you had come to realize after you and Seishu made the decision to move in together. The first few weeks were nice, being able to cuddle to sleep, cook for one another and preform other domestic activities.
It wasn't until you walked in on him pissing for about the third time due to his forgetting to close the door, that you realized how odd it truly felt.
Even after weeks of being in the same of apartment, you had yet to change in front of one another. Hell, you don't know if Seishu has even really seen you naked. Both of you would shyly wander into the bathroom when it came time to change for the day or take a shower.
But now, you figured it would be fine to change in your shared bedroom. Seishu was still at work so it'd probably be fine. Right?
You hadn't even heard the door open when he walked in. You were completely naked, only covered by your underwear. You jumped in surprise when you felt Seishu's hand, rough from working in the shop, grab your own softly. He turned you to face him, his green eyes silently scanning your body.
Your face flushed as he raised your arm slightly, as if he was examining your body.
"Even more beautiful than I imagined," he said softly, hesitantly reaching out to touch the skin of your waist. You shyly looked away, leaning into his touch as you shared this new level of intimacy. "Wanna see more of you," he whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush against his chest.
𝙽𝚊𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚊
Being Takemichi's cousin fucking sucked.
You had no idea how it happened, but you had become wound up in your cousin's time travel. You honestly didn't understand most of it. All you knew is that his future and your present, was constantly shifting and you remembered every bit of it.
The only consistent thing you knew was Naoto Tachibana.
In every changing timeline, Naoto was there. There for your cousin and for you.
Which is how you found yourself within the detective's small apartment. You didn't understand it, but he said with the current timeline, it would be safer for you to stay with him. You currently stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror, wearing an extra pair of his shorts and your bra. You tried to figure out how you had gotten yourself in this situation. Or better yet, how Takemichi had gotten you in this situation.
You snapped from your trance when you heard the door to the bathroom click. You turned to see as Naoto opened the door, his eyes going suddenly wide as his gaze settled on your topless figure.
"S-sorry," he said, clearing his throat a bit and turning to the side, an obvious blush on his cheeks. "You were taking a while. I was worried."
You couldn't help but smile softly at his show of worry. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't developed a crush on the younger man and his worrisome tone made your heart flutter. "I'm okay," you said softly, pulling on his oversized shirt. "I was just thinking about stuff."
"Future stuff?" he asked, finally looking back at you. She somehow looks even better in my clothes, he thought with a small blush.
"Present for us," you chuckled bitterly, looking back at the mirror.
"Right," Naoto nodded. "We could... talk about it when you're done if you'd like."
You smiled back and him and nodded slightly.
You had always had a crush on Kakucho. Ever since you could remember knowing him you had. And you knew he had a crush on you as well. It was obvious.
You could tell from the way he watched you play in the rain, or how protective he got simply by someone looking at you the wrong way.
What you didn't understand was why he hadn't confessed. It had been years and yet... nothing. Perhaps it was his more shy demeanor when he was with you. Or perhaps it was Izana being your brother.
Whatever it was... you had had enough.
You inhaled deeply as you paced within Kakucho's room. You wore a pair of short shorts and your bra. Remember the plan, you reminded yourself. You had just stumbled into his home trying to get out of the rain. You had to strip and change clothes to try and get warm. He had said you were always welcome so it should work.
You stiffened as you heard the door to Kakucho's bedroom click open. Regrets and thoughts of what could go wrong flooded your mind as he opened the door. As soon as his eyes landed on you, they grew as wide as saucers. His hand stayed glued to the door handle and he stayed frozen in place.
"I can explain-"
"Naked-" Kakucho choked out, his face turning a shade of red you had never seen before.
"What?" you almost wanted to laugh at his response.
"You're naked- in my bedroom," he continued, his grip tightening on the door handle. His free hand went to his crotch. You raised an eyebrow at the action.
"I was just trying to get out of the rain and I remembered that you said I was always welcome-"
"It's not raining," Kakucho stated, his brows furrowing in confusion.
You mentally cursed yourself for forgetting such a critical detail. "Shit," you mumbled, your face flushing. "Look- I'm sorry-" You quickly collected your shirt and went to walk past Kakucho and out the door.
His hand quickly moved to softly grab your upper arm before you could leave, his gaze remaining straight ahead. You looked up at him with wide and hopeful eyes. "Don't tell Izana," he said softly before pulling you into the room and closing the door behind him.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/mooskey/735171493771771904
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Would ceo Bucky and his girl attend the met gala? If so, any ideas on dresses perhaps!
They would, nonnie! As far as the dress, it would depend on the theme. Are we talking recent theme, a past theme, or a made up general theme?
Goes With the Theme
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky thinks his suit goes with a gala theme. You slightly disagree. Word Count: Over 1.2k Warnings: Established relationship, banter, flirting, implied sex, implied breeding, brief mention of past insecurities and bad ex, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?) and he worships you. A/N: I blame @whisperlullaby and @targaryenvampireslayer. Before our couple has Cupcake and Bean. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky refused to tell you in advance what he was wearing to the upcoming gala. He said something about him wanting to surprise you. Of course, he knew exactly what you were wearing since he wanted the designer to make you a gown fit for a queen. He would’ve thrown in a tiara if you asked. It was too much, really.
But if you asked Bucky, nothing was too much for you.
The amount of money spent was just about worth it when he exited the bathroom and looked ready to drop to his knees when you spotted you in your dress. The colors suited you. The fit was like a glove. It was a work of art, really.
“Fuck,” Bucky whispered, his eyes turning a darker shade of blue as you carefully twirled. It was exactly the reaction you wanted. “How exactly am I supposed to keep my hands off you tonight? A man can only take so much.”
“Because a lot went into this dress and you’re not allowed to tear apart,” you smiled before you took in his appearance.
Bucky Barnes turned head wherever he went and the head to toe black ensemble would be no exception. The slicked back hair was a good look on him and there was no denying that your man knew how to accessorize. He also wore enough custom suits for you to know what did and didn’t suit him. He would never fail to make you stop in your tracks from a single stare.
The man never missed a thing though, regarding you carefully as you stared. “You don’t like what I’m wearing,” he stated.
“No, I love it,” you assured him. And you did. You didn’t want him to think otherwise since the man could turn a paper bag into a thing of art and beauty if he chose to. “It’s just…”
“Just what?” He asked, holding his jacket open so you could get a glimpse of the shirt beneath molded to his torso. “I think I look good.”
You blinked and took a breath so you could answer him. Why did he have to be so distracting? “Not like you need the ego boost, but yes. You do look good,” you said. His smirk almost made you lose your breath again. “But does it really go with the theme?”
“What?” He shrugged. “Isn’t the theme ‘floral’?”
“It is and flowers are usually bright,” you pointed out. “You couldn't have gone with a floral jacket?”
“This is my interpretation of the theme.” He pointed to one of the black flowers. “Besides, this is a flower and it’s on my jacket. Therefore, it's a floral jacket.”
You tried not to smile. It was tough to argue with that logic. “Okay. Yes. There are flowers on your jacket, but-”
He cut you off with a smug smile. “So, I'm right.”
And wasn’t it just like a CEO to argue like this? And wasn’t it just like you to enjoy it? “You’re utterly ridiculous,” you giggled, gesturing to yourself. “Not to mention, I'm pretty much wearing the opposite of you!”
“And people will still know we’re together, Mrs. Barnes,” he winked. You loved being his wife. “Do you know why I wore this?”
“Enlighten me.”
“Because a black suit? Any man can wear one. I’ll blend in with the crowd. But you in your gown? All eyes will be on you, as they should be,” he explained, your cheeks hot as he swept his gaze over you. “And I know I won’t take my eyes off you for a second tonight.”
“Oh,” you breathed, clearing your throat at the unexpected tears that clogged it. Your ex tried to make you feel bad about your body when all Bucky wanted to do was celebrate and worship it. More than that, he saw your beauty beneath the surface. “Thank you.”
Though you wanted to argue that Bucky wouldn’t blend in with the crowd. It wasn’t possible. He was too striking for that with his blue eyes and jawline. Too dominant with his large body. And too well known.
He didn’t care about that kind of attention. He was the kind of man who wanted to show you off. Not as a prize or because you were his, but because he loved you.
His eyes softened before they went dark again. “Fuck, you are so beautiful. A goddess,” he said, his voice rough as he stepped toward you. “We may not even make the gala.”
As much as his compliment warmed your heart, boosted your confidence, and dampened your panties, you shook your head. “Oh, no. Don't you even think about it. Do you know how long it took me to get into this dress? That doesn’t include perfecting my makeup. We are going.”
You nearly lost your nerve when he groaned and took another step toward you. That sound was one of your favorites, especially when it was your mouth, hand, or pussy drawing it out of him. “Cupcake, you’re always a vision. You don’t need a fancy dress or a stitch of makeup to be beautiful,” he said, licking his lips. “And you don’t need to wear a stitch of clothing right now either.”
“No.” You firmly pointed a finger at him. You were lucky he didn’t grab your wrist to kiss it. “You promised we'd make an appearance and the last thing you need to do is tell people we didn't show because you couldn't keep it in your pants for a few hours.”
The kicked puppy dog expression was one you had seen on Steve Rogers before, but it was adorable on Bucky. You held your chin high because you’d fall into his arms if you didn’t. “Fine,” he conceded, gripping your chin with infinite care. “But I make no promises that I'll behave in the limo on the way home.”
You’d enjoy your small victory over your handsome CEO and husband for the time being because he’d make you pay for it in the best way later. “Yes, Boss.”
“My perfect wife,” he whispered, delicately moving his hand along the column of your throat. Did he feel how fast your heart beat? “I may just have to knock you up before the night’s over, Mrs. Barnes.”
Your womb clenched at his words, imagining the filthy things he’d grunt in your ear as he bred you. It was almost enough to make you skip the gala, but why not build up the anticipation? “I’ll be disappointed if you don’t, Mr. Barnes,” you said, moving close enough for your lips to touch his.
The breath that rushed out of his lungs was like a kiss, teasing what would come before the night was over. “Don’t tease me, Cupcake.”
“Who said I was teasing you, Boss?” You murmured, pulling back before he could kiss you properly. “Time to go.”
He swore under his breath as he adjusted his pants. You were the only one who could get under his skin. “I’ll knock you up in the limo. Don’t test me.”
Your smile widened. What Bucky didn’t know was that underneath your dress was one of his favorite lacy floral numbers. A surprise and reward for him going to the gala. It would make him fall a little bit more in love with you once he undressed you.
Plus, it went with the theme.
“Looking forward to it.”
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Another out of order AU. I'm so sorry, lovelies. And sorry to the nonnie for not fully answering the question! Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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imwetforyourmom · 4 months
chris or matt fic where him and the reader had a good time last night and they wake up and like cuddle and just like super fluffy and she like makes breakfast for him idk it’s all over the place but you get it
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warnings: lovey dovey, suggestive, kissing, swearing, literally just fluff, poc!reader friendly
a/n: nah cause when I read the request I actually kicked my feet and said “aww that’s so cutee!!” SO FUCKING LOUD.
a/n 2: even tho anon and I did not talk at all while I was making this, I felt like me and the anon that requested this were like besties, idk
“you’re too sweet to me”
he slowly opened his eyes, before shutting them closed almost immediately with a grunt. he wrapped his arms around y/n and pulled her further into his embrace, his eyes still squeezed tightly shut due to the overbearing rays of sun in his room.
y/n moved her face away from his chest some, her eyes opening slowly to look at the boy above her.
“hi” she murmured, her voice slightly raspy with sleep.
chris kept one eye shut with a squint and his other eye opened to look at y/n, a small smile forming on his face.
“hi baby” he used his grip around her to push her face back into his chest, but closer to his neck.
breathing in, y/n wrapped her arms around chris’ bare torso and pulled one of her legs up to rest on his waist, bringing them closer.
“you were amazing last night” chris mumbled into her hair, his eyes closed now. he traced small shapes and patterns on y/ns back.
“thanks, you were okay too I guess.” y/n joked, chris scoffed in return, “well fine then, guess ill go fuck myself.”
y/n bursted into a fit of giggles, chris joining along with her.
“im joking!” she said, sighing as she stopped giggling, a contentness washed over her.
“you were amazing too” she kissed a small peck on his collarbone, before nuzzling her face further into his neck.
y/n could never ask for something as good as this, laying peacefully in her boyfriends arms while they cuddled after a long night. the warm rays of sun beaming in through the window only enchanting the moment, she wouldnt want anything any other way.
chris ran his hand through y/ns hair, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, she was so perfect, in any and every way.
“you’re so perfect.” he praised, his voice quiet but still loud enough to be heard from y/n.
a small smile also tugged at her lips, “thanks chrissy.”
without warning, she flipped them over, straddling chris’ waist, thank god she was wearing panties or this morning would end in a totally different way.
chris slowly opened his eyes, a small sense of confusion on his face at her sudden actions. he held her hips gently, rubbing small circles on them comfortingly.
he looked into her eyes, a stupid grin on his face, causing y/n to have a stupid grin on her face aswell.
after a few moments of just staring at eachother, soaking in eachothers beauty, she leant down and pressed a quick peck to chris’ lips before pulling off him fully, jumping to the floor and grabbing his t-shirt from last night to slip it on.
“im gonna make breakfest, are you going to come up with me now or in a little bit?” she asked, walking over to his closet and grabbing a pair of her shorts to slip them on as well, theres no way she’d walk upstairs in an oversized shirt with only panties on underneath.
“ill come up in a sec.” he smiled at her, waving his hands off to shoo her off.
she nodded and left the room, closing the door behind herself—hiding a slight limp from him, only to not boost his ego.
y/n stood at the oven, humming a song to herself while shifting the pan over the burner every few seconds, content with life.
living with her boyfriend and his triplet brothers in a happy home, cooking them breakfest on a warm and bright morning.
she slightly swayed her hips, feeling the music she was humming, until a hand wrapping around her waist stopped her movements.
“hi pretty girl” chris said, his chin propped on the top of her head as he watched the egg cooking aswell.
“hi!” she replied, though her voice way more enthusastic than it was in bed.
“whats got you all happy?” chris asked, his fingertips very slightly making movements to tickle her sides.
“dunno, im just happy today.” she murmured, flipping the egg sunny-side up.
“am I not allowed to be happy living with my boyfriend in a content home?” she asked sarcastically, leaning her head back to look at chris.
“I was just asking, sheesh.” he chuckled, pressing a quick peck to her cheek bone before unraveling his arms from her waist, hearing loud footsteps, signaling nick was coming in the kitchen, knowing his hatred for ‘PDA’.
nick cleared his throat, ridding of any of his leftover sleepiness “what’re you doing, y/n?” nick asked, coming around the corner and leaning against the counter, his eyes flicking between chris and her, seeing that chris was also leaning against a counter.
“making breakfest.” she murmured, her focus now returning back to the pan.
“for whom?” nick asked eagerly, he was starving and was not gonna pass up her cooking.
y/n tilted her head towards nick, a sly grin on her face. “why? you hungry?”
“well yes, thats why I asked.” nick raised his eyebrows, looking at y/n with a ‘duh’ look on his face.
“ok well, im making it for all three of you—if matt gets up anytime soon.” she looked back at the pan, her eyes trailing around the egg, waiting for it to be able to flip.
“I dont think matts getting up anytime soon. its ten o clock.” nick chuckled, leaving the kitchen to walk to the couch, plopping down onto it and turning on spongebob.
“okayyy guys, breakfest is ready!!” y/n said, taking the pan off the oven and putting the cooked eggs and bacon on the paper plates, a grin on her face, looking down at her work.
“thanks y/n.” nick got up from the couch going to the kitchen and grabbing his plate, giving y/n a side hug before going back to his spot on the couch.
chris leaned off the counter, walking over to y/n, he turned her around and wrapped his arms around her torso, pressing his face into her hair, inhaling the fruity scent of her shampoo.
y/n returned the hug, before looking up at chris, a small grin on her face a light pink blush to her cheeks.
chris looked down at her, a small smile on his face, he pressed a small kiss to the tip of her nose, mumbling “you’re so sweet to me.”
1184 words
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @starsturni @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @e1ias3 @sunsetsturniolos @strniolo @sturnssmuts @simply-a-simper @stunza
@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @mels22lunchbox @riasturns @chrissturniolosworld @ariqolyx @dollyspsychoxo
@aliceloveschris @starsturni
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jazzyoranges · 5 months
Late nights - drabble
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: sorry anon, i accidentally deleted the request 😓 but they asked for me to write a fic with tara in fem!reader’s hoodie (aka cuddly tara strikes again)
Words: 0.9k
A/n: hopefully a lil something to get me out of my writing slump. let’s hope this isn’t too bad considering i haven’t written in a few months 😅
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You really didn’t mean to be out for so long
First your boss asks you to do one favor, then another, and next thing you know you’re at work for 4 hours more than you’re supposed to be. The asshole didn’t even pay you for all the extra shit you did! You made a mental note to go job hunting this week.
Maybe the gay club was looking for a stripper? Nah. Your girlfriend would get jealous
So you were angry. Angry about your paycheck
Next a few storm clouds roll up that night. Of course you forget to bring your rain jacket that day. Not to mention, rain feels like hail stones when you’re on your motorcycle. Apparently it’d be a cold day in hell before you dressed right for the weather
So along with being angry, you were cold and wet. Shitty might’ve been the lightest way you could’ve described your day
At least you could come home to your wonderful girlfriend in an apartment of your own. It took lots of convincing and hundreds of game nights to convince Sam to even accept the idea of you and Tara being alone together. Fortunately you were blessed with patience and homosexuality — two things that could withstand Sam’s will to protect her sister
Was the older Carpenter’s place on the floor right above you and Tara’s?
Yes. Yes it was.
But if it made your girlfriend and her sister happy, you had no reason to not be as well. Other than the elevator that never fucking worked but that was out of their hands
Your shirt and hair were absolutely soaked in rainwater by the time you reached your apartment door. The was a small trail of water behind you from where you walked but that might’ve been the least of your concerns. Fishing around in your damp pants for your keys, you fortunately find them without much effort
Opening the door with as little energy you can, you lock the door behind you and triple check you locked it just like Sam told you
Not wasting any time you slide off your wet shirt in the middle of your living room, throwing it on a chair and missing the younger Carpenter waiting on the couch for you half asleep
“Baby?” Tara rubs her eyes. You stand in the middle of your hallway like a deer in headlights. You were awfully vulnerable while wet and almost naked. Who knew.
Before you can respond, there’s shuffling behind you then something weighted and warm on your back. Tara’s leaning into you with her arms around your torso while you’re wet and almost naked in the middle of your hallway. What a sight.
“Why were you so late? You’re working tonight…” Your girlfriend’s hand dips a bit below your waistband and you have to resist the urge to shiver. From the cold? From Tara? Only god knew
“My boss had me do extra shit. I’ll find a different job that doesn’t have me out so late” You turn around to face Tara while her arms were still around you “I promise”
The younger Carpenter only hums into your chest without any sign of moving. So you don’t. It gives you the chance to really soak in the moment along with the rainwater on your skin. You only pull away when your girlfriend also starts to shiver
Of course she’s wearing nothing but a hoodie
Specifically, Tara’s wearing nothing but your hoodie
“How long have you been fighting sleep? Go to bed, love” You pick up your girlfriend with her legs wrapped around your waist and her arms loosely thrown around your neck
“Since you decided you hated me” Tara mumbles into your shoulder
“When was that?”
“When you didn’t come home on time”
“And I gave you a reason why I was late”
“Which doesn’t excuse you, because you could’ve hurried up” Tara plays with your bra strap as you stop walking toward your shared bedroom
“What I’m hearing is, you don’t want to take a late night shower with me? Even after a long day of work, where you could help me de-stress?” You say with a certain smugness in your voice
Your girlfriend whips her head up at your offer but you’ve already made it to your shared bed, not wasting a second to plop her down
“Waitbabypleaseididn’tmeanit-“ You’re already in the bathroom as Tara’s trying to scramble to you
“What? Sorry, love! Can’t hear you over the shower”
You had a childhood cat that always followed you around when you were younger. Tara reminded you of when your cat would scratch at the door whenever you went to the bathroom. Your girlfriend even had the scratching down just like your cat
When you were about to hop in the bath for a quick shower, something stops you from getting in. The imagery alone that Tara is probably leaning against the door waiting for you to get out is enough to pull at your heartstrings
You weren’t mean. You missed Tara as much as she missed you. It’s why she always wore your hoodies and you always took her shirts that fit you
So against your better judgment and the water bill you’re going to have to take Advil for, you unlock the bathroom door but you don’t open it
You’re both in the shower and you’re in Tara less than a second later
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oceantornadoo · 6 months
Please I just want to say I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK HUHBBDEUBYUVTYVTUOVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you could come up with anything more on the Simon Riley Cut-bulk-the-bird-said-she-liked-me-big-thing I will be your servant forever.
tw: body talk (i headcanon simon as someone who shops in the big & tall section so i think his clothes would fit the body type of every reader. if you shop in that same section, imagine him being MORE bigger and taller than you. mans is 6'4 fr)
(a few months later)
simon almost ripped the shirt off his body in frustration. another piece of clothing he had outgrown. he added it to the pile of clothes that he couldn't fit anymore. sleeves too tight, stomach pushing out the fabric. sure he was still in shape, could pass the military physical easily, but he was no longer the lean 22-year-old he once was, muscles now hidden under layers of fat. and he hated it.
there was a knock at the door. still a little pissed off, he opened it with more force than necessary, grunting out "what." before even looking down at who knocked. just his luck, it was you, the one person he tried to be nice to.
"what's got you so grumpy?" you smiled up at him, all sugar and spice. you loved simon's growls, the social anxiety and introvertedness he hid under irritation. it just made it more valuable whenever he laughed at one of your god-awful puns or let you lay on his shoulder. you were never second-guessing if he liked you, mostly because he hated everyone else.
"sorry, didn't see it was you. was jus' doing some spring cleaning." you laughed, a tinkling sound that transitioned into a snort. he loved your insane laughter, a real sound of joy. you peered around his large torso and spotted the pile of clothes on his bed. "doing a big donation, simon?" it was always a punch to the gut to hear his name come out of your mouth, laced with sarcasm and cheek. ever since he told you you could say it in private with him a month ago, you never stopped using it. "somethin' like that. clothes piss me off." you huffed, pushing past him easily as he let you into his room. he closed the door behind you, trying to calm his heart rate as he saw you, here, in his space. like you were his too.
"what did the poor fabric do to you?" you sorted through the clothes, seeing nothing wrong with most. they were all practical clothes, but none had noticeable holes or wear. he mumbled something, too low for you to catch it. "say that again?" he scratched his head and looked away, almost meek. "said they don't fit." ah, there was the problem. "that's okay. just means your muscles are too big." you tried to give a compliment, anything to get rid of the storms in his eyes. "nah. 've gotten fat." you put the shirt you were holding down with force, stomping over to where he had now taken a seat at his spare chair. you stepped between his legs, which opened easily for you. you gripped his chin and turned it towards you, forcing eye contact. "so what? just means you've been eating well, simon. nothing wrong with that."
he looked down, almost reminding you of a kicked puppy. "you don't care?" you weren't dating, yet, but you two had some sort of a romantic understanding. some acknowledgement of there being more, an exclusive connection between you two. "no. i like my men big. like when you can throw me around." he barked out a laugh, surprised at your admission. you smiled back, satisfied. getting a laugh out of him was 80% of the battle. "and these clothes are still good for something." his eyes were on you again, questioning.
you walked back to the bed, full of confidence now. turning to face him, you slowly grabbed the hem of your shirt, untucking it from your tactical pants. he wasn't wearing his mask, so you could see his mouth physically drop at the action. ever so slowly, you raised your arms, bringing your shirt with you. you tossed the shirt aside, standing in front of him with only your bra and pants on. his eyes were dark with desire and he made a move to stand up, but you commanded him with a sharp "sit." like a loyal guard dog, he lowered himself back into his chair, complete captivated.
turning back to the bed, you grabbed one of his outgrown sweatshirts and put it on. it smelled like him, that masculine scent tinged with the cologne he sometimes wore. "see?" you gestured to the sweatshirt, too big on you. "you just gave me a bunch of free clothes." he grunted, still fixated on the sweatshirt. his lack of response made you nervous. "what?" you asked. "give us a spin." you spun slowly, trying not to smile too much. god, the things this man does to you.
"'like seeing my last name on you."
now whose jaw was dropping?
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callooopie · 2 months
alright but modern!davos who flirts with his roommate aeron's sister to piss him off.
He’s got a way with words // Modern!Davos
Cuz when the world is ending, then she’ll be mine — She Told Me Where To Go // Old Man Luedecke
semi proofread, can be edited later down the line if I read something weird or out of place
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You’re heading over to your brother’s apartment to grab a few things and to just see him for a little bit again. Aeron had moved away to the city for college, and that distance was pretty far from your family’s home. Last time you texted Aeron though; he didn’t sound so ecstatic about his living arrangements. Something about his first roommate dropped out and how he needed to find another on short notice for their lease. And Aeron hated the roommate who accepted his offer. You had never seen the guy, much less knew his name. So you were a little worried from what Aeron had told you about him. (“Annoying, cocky, loud. He’s the reason our flat is always messy. He uses my hair products—“).
Davos was told beforehand that you’d at least be stopping by and to not do anything weird. He was still a person who lived in the flat, and deserved the courtesy of knowing when someone was gonna be there at least. (“My sister’s coming over super quick. She’ll be in and out. Don’t bother her and don’t annoy her—if you talk to her I’ll beat the hell out of you and rip your face off—“). Now, Davos would’ve just stayed in his room when you came over and wouldn’t have cared any less. But with how annoyingly overbearingly protective Aeron was being about you.. maybe that plan would change. His interest was piqued, he wanted to see you. And he knew it would greatly annoy that uptight prick if you actually liked Davos in return. Davos sets his scheme into motion, stepping out of a shower, spritzing the most expensive cologne he has on. (Yes he wears a black compression top with grey sweats, and he keeps his dark hair slightly damp and messy. Davos is evil [petty] like that)
He keeps his eyes on the door, his ears open for the ding of the nearby elevator outside the front door, even the creak of the building hallway Davos is ready to react. This minor transgression against him by Aeron was enough to deserve this reaction. Like intervention from the universe, Aeron is busy in the shower—he wouldn’t be able to stop Davos. And at the sound of a faint footstep coming toward the apartment door, Davos starts to hover near the front door.
You were surprised at how quick the door opened after you knocked once. You let out a little “oh!” as the door opens to a thin and tall young man. You hope your eyes don’t remain on his shoulders and arms for too long, or his torso thats accentuated by the shirt.. Like a gentleman, Davos lets you in, leaning against the wall by the door as he watches you step inside. Can he help you? ..ohh you’re Aeron’s sister? My my, you’re a very gorgeous girl. Aeron didn’t say anything about you being a cutie—come in, make yourself at home, please.
Davos leads you through the small apartment (hastily cleaned by both men teaming up for five minutes). He’s suave, he’s funny, he’s charming. You’re laughing politely along, maybe batting your eyes just a bit at him. What? He’s got a way with his words, something that makes you smile shyly or rub the back of your neck with a hand. You tell him your name, a little bit about you. You don’t live nearby? He coulda sworn he’s seen you before on campus. Or maybe not, Davos would’ve remembered a pretty face like yours. What? What do you mean ‘not really’? Have you looked in a mirror recently sweetheart? Too kind? Please, now you’re trying to flatter him huh?
You wonder what’s taking your brother so long. But at least you have his roommate to keep you company. (Davos jammed the lock of the bathroom). Davos didn’t think he’d be so enraptured by you either, something about you is just magnetic. He wonders if you really are related to that clown. Your brother? Oh—yeah he’s taking a shower or something. Always hogging the bathroom, typical. You sure you’re related to that doof? Really? Well.. it seems you don’t lack common sense like Aeron that’s for sure—Aeron says Davos is the one lacking? …interesting…
Davos has managed to inch his way closer and closer to you. You notice but do you really care? …noooo…. (teeheeehee). He has a smirk on his face, a hand running through his hair as he leans against the kitchen counter. Do you got someone? No? Whaaat? A beautiful, beautiful thing like yourself and no one’s copped you? People must be blind these days—Davos however isn’t blind. If you give him a chance that is babygirl—
Once Aeron finally gets out of the bathroom (breaks the lock) he’s quite unhappy. The most upset you’ve seen him in a bit (“..are you alright Aeron?” …”I’m fine”) He’s not fine. He is the opposite of fine. First of all he does not like how close Davos is standing next to you. And second, why does it look like you’re seemingly reciprocating that idiot’s advances? Aeron always hated the people you talked to romantically, but going for Davos? His fuckwit roommate? The most annoying person on the entire planet? You can do better than that.. stand up—stand up girl, what’re you doing? Do not go for that man. You can do better. He’s vile—the scum of the earth. He steals food from Aeron. (“I do not!”).
While Aeron cools down barely with a disappointed sigh, he tells you to stay put as he goes to grab what you drove there for. Your brother’s eyes narrowing as he stares at his roommate before slowly walking back toward his room down the hall. Davos is leaning closer to you now, a shit-eating smirk on his face as he plays up the suave and confident demeanor. Of course you apologize for your brother’s odd behavior; he always was protective of you like that. He didn’t mean to say all that anyways, you’re sure of it. Oh don’t worry about that darling, Aeron’s uptight with Davos like that all the time. Say, does your brother always have a say in who you date? He sounds hard to please… hopefully you ignore him and always go for someone who can—well.. please you? Davos himself is quite the people pleaser he’ll let you know. Maybe if you slip him your number.. he can show you sometime honey. He’ll also have you know; he pays for first dates. If he likes you, maybe he’ll pay for the second one too.
You leave the apartment with what you had asked for… and also a new number added to your phone. A smile on your face as you let the door close behind you. Although as you’re walking toward the elevator you swear you hear a mixture of shouting and maniacal laughter from your brother’s apartment… with a shrug you ignore it as you get into the elevator and head back down. (The argument spiraled and they got into a fist fight and you had to pick them both up from the hospital)
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