#if not the hzd map at least the meridian one
foibles-fables · 2 years
Where do you think Horizon 3 is going to go, both physically and narratively? Do you think they managed to save any twists for us?
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Good good questions!!!
Physically, I am really hoping Horizon Three Dawns moves the story back eastward to include the maps from both HZD and HFW, plus The Claim as a new area in-between, with Meridian in the geographical center.
Unpopular Onion, but I wouldn't be as enthusiastic about the Quen lands being a part of the map, given the distance. That's kind of why I was/am hoping for a Quen-homeland-specific DLC--get some good narrative surrounding them, while keeping it both geographically sequestered and standalone.
And another Unpopular Onion: I kind of don't want to see any new tribes being introduced in the third game, especially when HFW had to shift the focus so far from two that were major players in game one. I think game 3 should be a culmination of what's been introduced rather than an attempt to break even more new ground.
Side note! I'm thinking Sunwing travel would be...kind of immersion-breaking to take away from the player (i.e. the way we lost overrides going into HFW)? And think it could be prime for a potential fast-travel mechanic. Aloy didn't really get any OP armor in HFW (like the Shieldweaver in HZD) so there's no real reason to take her toys away from her?
As for the narrative! It's clear that Ben McCaw is drawing a lot of inspiration from the Mass Effect series, and I'm betting dollars to donuts that game 3 will follow the structure of ME3 pretty closely. Here are a couple preliminary items I'm expecting:
A bifurcate story, very similar to ME3. First and overarching fork (comparative to the Reaper war) will be Aloy's attempts to collect war assets rally all the tribes for the impending conflict. Second but very-much-entwined fork (think ME3's Cerberus plotline) will be gaining control of HEPHAESTUS. I don't think he'll be handled in a DLC--or at least I hope he won't be, personally.
Little to no time-skip. I think it's a major possibility that the ending of Burning Shores will be a direct lead-in to game 3. Maybe weeks will have passed since the endpoint of HFW? Two months, at most. Time is prime real estate at this point and the narrative is going to need it.
The two major dangling threads left from HZD (and further mentioned in HFW) are VAST SILVER and Elysium. These will both be plot-integral. Especially since one can speculate that Elysium is located in the Claim, given the info the player can find about it being "miles away" from GAIA Prime. Twists are also almost-certain here.
Please give me the twisted persona of Elisabet from Tilda's digital conscience in Nemesis pspsps we need to fuck Aloy up one more time
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 years
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the road back
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felrend · 3 years
Characters in HFW – Part one!
Let’s get to the fun stuff you guys! How can I not talk about the wide cast of characters in this game? You thought my Aloy post was going to be long? Well buckle up buttercups! Cause we’re in for a good time!
This post will be focused on our returning characters! 
King Avad:
I was really excited for the chance to get back to Meridian and catch up with a few people from the city. I liked Avad in HZD but did not feel the connection that I saw going around between these two. He was going through grief over losing Ersa and Aloy is no ones second choice. But the moment I saw him practically rushing over to Aloy, I saw that spark that the shippers felt. The way he was so elated to see Aloy and you can tell he was trying to compose himself. He was like a kid in a candy shop at the mere thought of seeing her again. He knew she would have a strong resistance to the stature marking her honour and was quick to reassure that he put restraints on the sculpture. Because after all, he wants Aloy to come back. He is practically waiting to throw the crown away and go with her. All she has to do is say his name and I love that haha Avad also isn’t trying to hold her back which I’m grateful for. He knows what she is doing is important and doesn’t need all the answers, just the hope that she would visit him again. I don’t know how Aloy feel’s about holding such a high standard to her, but the fact that she blushed and the coy smile she gives was enough for me to be on board. Avad is a good man and he is trying to mend all the bonds that his father destroyed. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with him again and hoping we pass through Meridian for a possible DLC. Maybe even have Avad tag along for a quick side mission lol
This little gum drop was such a delight! I did not think I needed any type of interaction with him after HZD but I’m so glad the developers gave us a scene with him. You can see how happy him and his mother are now that they have been saved from the Shadow Carja. He can have a real chance of a childhood, even though he’s being raised to be the next King. You can tell there is real love between the brothers and Avad just wants the best for him and Kadaman. It brought me a lot of joy to watch Aloy drop to his level to talk to him and I know she will keep her promise to come back and teach him archery lessons. Another heart stolen by Aloy! But I think Itamen stole a bit of her heart too
Vanasha and Uthid: 
Lets just get this out of the way, she wants to ride the Carja captain and he has no idea what to do with that information hahaha the sexual tension between the two of them is rampant and they just gotta make that happen. I love how she’s still the sassy bad influence that doesn’t mind calling Aloy out but also showing that she cares for the huntress. Uthid is always going to be the man of few words but you can tell he’s just as happy to see Aloy too and understands her need to take off when she has to. She’s more than earned his respect and loyalty. I better see more of them in the future! And her new outfit does nothing for her figure. Let her show off those killer abs!
well wasn’t this a rollercoaster of a storyline for our dear Sun Hawk? Let me get this out of the way. She deserved better. She proved why she is so beloved among the fans. She’s strong, smart, funny, a bad ass. I totally understand where people are coming from with the writing. It’s warranted but also it shouldn’t have ruined the game for anyone. I think this was another avenue for people to see that life goes on with out Aloy. Feelings might not change but affection for someone else can. Over all I’m glad we got such a long side quest with her. Right when I think it’s over, they carry it all over the map and I love that. But I don’t believe the door is closed between the two of them. You get snippets of something else there that I at least picked up on. Talanah leaves a particular gift for Aloy back at the base as well as that sweet scene between them at Barren Light. Talanah has things to figure out and the Hunting Lodge to get back to. But that doesn’t mean what they have is completely gone. I want to see more of Talanah and I doubt Guerilla Games is done with her too.
Oh where do I begin? He is 100% the heart of this new found family and let’s be real, he created this family for Aloy. He knew when to push back when she started to shut down, even going so far as following her for six months to make her understand that she’s not alone. Aloy needed someone just as stubborn to break through her walls. It made my heart happy that the first few hours of this game was all about teaching Varl how to use the focus and making Aloy uncomfortable with having someone else around. She had to slow down and answer his questions and have him understand how she saw the world. I don’t think it would have worked if it was anyone else but him by her side at the beginning. She needed another Nora who understood why she acted the way that she did. The torment of being neglected and shunned for 18 years. There is no way for Varl to understand that pain but he has that empathy for Aloy and the patience. I love that he calls her “the Anointed” as punishment for her running away after the battle for Meridian. He knows what makes her squeamish and will use that to his advantage to prove a point. And Aloy needs that, she needs the push back and someone to challenge her.
I also love his new found relationship with Zo. I felt bad for all of the Varloy stans but in some way Aloy needed to see that life can move on passed her. She can’t be the center of everyone’s world and seeing him move forward with someone is supposed to be painful. But I’m glad she never let that get in the way of her friendship with Varl or with Zo. The teasing between them is everything and the fact that Varl goes to Aloy for love advise is hilarious. “You’re asking the wrong person, you’re on your own”. Fucking gold. Guerilla Games also needs to give us a comic (or SOMETHING) for the bromance between Varl and Erend! I want to know what shenanigans they got up to while Aloy was gone! They clearly bonded in Meridian and I’m so grateful for that.
Now for the big moment that we have all been dreading. Gemini. The absolute worse outcome I can even think of. I know some people assumed that there would be a death in the game but Varl was not the one I was expecting. I felt my heart rip out and didn’t believe that it was real. I assumed that he would be out for the rest of the game. That he would be “the guy in the chair” because that’s what he has been this whole time. How can you give us this incredible character and kill him? Why prove that no one is safe? I understand that there is a price to war but fuck. Not Varl. Not the one that knows how to comfort Aloy or knows when to pull her out of the darkness. If it wasn’t for Varl, we wouldn’t have gotten the scenes of Aloy’s clear grief of Rost. Or the fact that she is welcoming more people into her life and most of all, welcoming their love. The moments we get after are gut wrenching and beautiful. And I hope Aloy doesn’t shut down over his loss but honours him. Varl deserved better but he was also willing to sacrifice everything to protect the one’s he loves. I don’t want to see the scene of Aloy delivering the bad news to Sona. Or well…the mixed news.
Oh Erend. My love for him is never ending and I am a complete simp for the Captain of the Vanguard. The fact that we had to wait to see him was torture and Guerilla Games knew exactly what they were doing. The build up to them being reunited, the peak of them seeing each other and then a punch right to the heart. Erend’s pain was written all over his face and I’m glad that he is the one that shows the implications of Aloy’s actions. Where Varl comes from a place of level headed thinking, Erend is coming from the heart. She hurt him, deeply. He wears his heart on his sleeve and he isn’t afraid to show that. Which is refreshing to see from a “manly” character. Does he handle it well? No. His passive aggressive comments are just as hurtful and when he brushes her off when she reaches out was an even bigger blow. “What kinda person does that?” It shows that they are still getting to know each other, despite how close they have gotten. He doesn’t fully grasp that she has no idea how to deal with people or their emotions because she was an outcast. He was the first “outsider” that showed any interest or affection for her and Aloy has no idea how to deal with that. But it’s the small actions that mean the most to her. He takes a moment to compose himself and you know that he’s already forgiven her. He will always forgive her. He’s growing as a person too and you see that throughout this whole game.
Some people say that he’s insensitive or was dumbed down but I don’t see that at all (the dumbing down part at least). Erend is literally learning how to interact with brand new tribes that he has only heard stories about. He believes in the stereotypes because how else is he supposed to meet them? He has never gone that far West before. And if it wasn’t for Aloy or Varl, he never would have. His willingness to learn and to get to know them and their ways of life should mean something. Plus, he’s dealing with strong people who aren’t afraid to put him on his ass when he’s taken it too far. And Erend is willing to eat some humble pie. He’s also learning a whole new language with the ancient glyphs! Not everyone can learn something new so quickly. You see the different levels of learning from everyone and I don’t see people picking on them. Erend isn’t used to dealing with fragile equipment. He’s used to hammer and steal. Products that are meant to have a strong grasp, so give him a break. No one on the team is trying to belittle him, so why are you? I’d like to see you learn a whole new language and alphabet in 24 hours. I do wish that Aloy would have reached out and offered to help him study. It would have been so cute to see her sit with him and go over the data that he was struggling with. Plus, a sweet little gesture to show that she cares.
I could write a novel about the amount of love I have for Erend. Every interaction he has with Aloy it just makes me want more. The soft smiles they give each other and his willingness to be there and help is everything I could want from him. Every time she asked if he found someone to share a drink with, I was begging for her to ask if she could join him. And when they got that moment, I squealed! I wish you could have had that moment again. And don’t get me started on the end scene between them!! The way he pulled her in to his side and held her and then when he’s riding off to Vegas and looks back, there is such yearning in his eyes! UGH! I’m also super bitter about the two of them not going to Las Vegas together. She makes a point to say that he would love it and that they should go together. SO GIVE US THAT SCENE GUERILLA! I want to see his eyes light up to the holograms and finding that ember for her! Rude!! Don’t build that up and not have a follow up!
Ereloy feels like they are headed in the right direction and this is exactly what I needed from them. For Erend and Aloy to end up together in this game wouldn’t be right. She’s still too focused on the mission as well as her new found sister. But you can see she’s starting to think about the future. And I hope she can see him involved in that future in some capacity.
 Well this was a very giant post and we haven’t even gotten to the new characters! I’m sorry to keep you all waiting but I swear the next one will be about our bigger additions to the crew!
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