#if quan chi is your favourite character this one is not for you
midethefangirl · 7 months
surrender - hopeless (i'm falling down)
tags: angst, seriously y'all are going to hate me for the three chapters of this fic, pregnancy (unplanned but not unwanted), quan chi is a douchebag here, warning for attempt at forced abortion (i'm about to trigger my own filtering system), hurt no comfort, pre-MK1, and of course it is bireena centered but bi-han makes not physical appearance in this fic.
notes: continuation of @ladybug023 's spy!sareena headcanons inspiring my writing. I decided to splice this into three chapters because the word count went beyond 3k words and I hate writing super long stories when it comes to platforms like Tumblr. the chapter title is gotten from the lyrics of 'Hopeless' by Breaking Benjamin. also, if you want to join a tagging list for updates, please, let me know and i'll add you 😁❤️
word count: 1.6k words
also cross posted on ao3
part one of surrender; part three of i'm weak so what is wrong with that (i added a new tag for this)
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The deepest circle of the Netherrealm was one of the most dreaded locations in the Netherrealm and for a damn good reason. 
It was the place where previous overlords of the Netherrealm banished offending denizens to be tortured by the onis. 
This was the last place Sareena wanted to find herself in but what had she expected the moment she found Quan Chi at the Lin Kuei foregrounds? 
Regret ran through her mind as she awaited her judgment, her palm flat against her lower abdomen, the recent news bringing mixed feelings. 
She and Bi Han had always been so careful… but it is not 100% safe , came that little voice in her head. 
She had lost focus of why she was in the Lin Kuei and now, she was paying severely. Here she was awaiting Quan Chi’s arrival while in Bi Han’s mind, she was as good as dead. 
The last thing that the cryomancer would remember was how she betrayed his clan, how she betrayed him . How she lied to him. 
How could she have deluded herself into thinking she could keep up with the lie she had allowed to fester? How could she have believed that she could stall her day of reckoning? 
Her wishful thinking had done nothing but land her in this mess where her fate and that of her child was dependent on the whims of a dangerous sorcerer. 
Bi Han would never know that she was carrying his child - not that she was aware herself until the onis Quan Chi had assigned as her torturers - Drahmin and Moloch - had somehow detected it. 
The Netherrealm was basically hell, where demons, onis, tortured souls and every possible personification of evil walked about but they had a few rules they followed. 
One of them which was her saving grace, at least, in this moment - a person with child was off-limits. Harming a person with child was seen as a death sentence, enough to have the perpetrator in the deepest circle of the Netherrealm. 
It could be her saving grace but knowing Quan Chi, any assurance dwindled by a great percentage. The sorcerer was from Outworld, not a native of the infernal realm. Sareena doubted he’d respect this rule. 
Ha , Quan Chi respecting the rules of the Netherrealm? That was as laughable as the many dreams of liberating the realm from his hands. After overthrowing Lucifer with the help of the Sisterhood of Shadows, the sorcerer had made himself a tyrant, keeping denizen under his thumb. 
Anyone who dares to defy his dictatorship ended up in the position she was currently in. Either that or on the run like Ashrah, which did not seem so bad right now. 
Quan Chi had gained unilateral control over the Netherrealm and he showed great disdain towards its rules. This one would be no different. 
Hell, he’d torture her himself, unborn child be damned. The thought of that had the demon clutching her abdomen protectively, if she had to fight to her last breath to protect herself for the sake of her child, she’d gladly do that. 
The heavy sound of boots against the stone pavement had her alert, her eyes looking up to see Quan Chi flanked on his sides by Drahmin and Moloch. 
She sat up straight, her back against the wall as she finally came face-to-face with the brown-skinned sorcerer who stared at her venomously. 
“Why is she still here, unscathed?!” He turned towards the onis, his tone miffed as he spoke like she was not right in front of him. 
The onis exchanged looks, obviously displaying their fear of the sorcerer who impatiently expected their answers. 
“L-Lord Quan Chi- we- w-we thought,” Drahmin started, stumbling over his words as he struggled to get his words through. 
Sareena could tell this was the moment where the sorcerer was so close to losing his shit. He rarely expressed his anger in outbursts which was terrifying in this scenario. 
“Speak up you imbecile!”
“She is with child,” Moloch blurted and Quan Chi let out a mirthless chuckle which chilled Sareena to the bones. 
“That should not stop you.”
“We cannot-. It is forbidden,” Drahmin interjected. 
He knows that , Sareena wanted to add but at this moment, her silence was more golden than whatever comeback she had on the tip of her tongue
The room fell silent as Quan Chi crouched down to her level. The demon attempted to keep as much distance as she could but she could only go so far when her back was against the wall. 
The sorcerer pressed a hand against her abdomen, chanting some incantations under his breath. Then, he jerked his hand away, recoiling as if he was shocked by electric current. 
He was on his feet now and his eyes widened, time standing still as he looked down at her. It was like the dreaded calm before the storm and Sareena could not afford to trust this silence, her eyes looking cautiously at him. 
A myriad of emotions flitted across the sorcerer’s face before settling for rage and disdain. Quan Chi’s lips curled into a sneer as he seemed to put two and two together. 
“You whore!” He spat venom. 
He knew, there was no way he would not know. 
“It is that pathetic Earthrealmer, isn’t it? He sired this bastard, didn’t he?” He jeered. “It is not enough that you failed your mission but you had to let that Earthrealmer bed you and put his seed inside you.”
Sareena could almost feel herself let out a sob. Quan Chi’s face was too calm, way too calm for the venomous words he tossed her. It was a moment of when he’d strike at her. 
And her fear was about to come true. 
“Seize her!”
No, no, no.
“No!” She yelled, the moment Drahmin and Moloch were at her sides, their hands pulllng her up. She struggled against the iron-cladded grip of the onis who dragged her out of her cell. 
“Please! Please, don’t do this!”
“I’ll get rid of that bastard if I have to. Shang Tsung would have a field day helping me,” a smug look fell upon the sorcerer’s face. 
It felt like a century had passed when she found herself in a room she was unfamiliar with. Her face was stricken with tears, her voice hoarse from her cries. 
“Quan Chi!” A voice broke through and everyone’s attention was focused on a new presence. A pair of amethyst eyes fell upon her still in the rough grips of the onis. 
The dark-skinned demon pushed through Quan Chi before reaching for Sareena. Drahmin and Moloch had released her instantly, making her fall into Jataaka’s arms. 
“What in Lucifer’s name is going on?!” Jataaka demanded, her eyes glaring fiercely at Quan Chi who was now displeased that the demon had dared meddle in his affairs. 
“Stay out of this, Jataaka,” Quan Chi shot back. 
Sareena found herself shaking, her hand instinctively on her abdomen as she shrunk into Jataaka’s protective hold.
Jataaka stood her ground, her hold firm around Sareena. The demon had a fierce look in her eyes, the kind that had even Quan Chi and his two henchmen pause.
“You would really protect a traitor? Someone who tried to leave the Sisterhood for a pathetic Earthrealmer?” The sorcerer scoffed, his question aimed at the demon who still had her arms around Sareena.
“Still a sister nonetheless. I am not going to let you hurt her, sorcerer,” the demon hissed.
This seemed to have struck a nerve as Quan Chi stepped up to her, his face dangerously close.
“She is pregnant with an Earthrealmer’s spawn. If I have to rip that abomination out of her, then so be it,” he spat.
Jataaka remained unfazed, her gaze piercing as her arms tightened around the demon.
Then, it seemed as though the demon had thought of something.
"You are not going to harm a fellow member of the Sisterhood," she reminded. “Neither are you going to lay your filthy hands on her offspring.”
Sareena wondered if the other demon had gone mad, taunting Quan Chi the way she was. The sorcerer had no qualms about ending her life or that of her unborn child.
"Are you forgetting who rules the Netherrealm, Jataaka?" The sorcerer questioned, a hint of a smirk forming on his face.
Jataaka stood her ground, her grip tightening, “You are an outsider who managed to best us, it would do you some good to know your place and remember the rules of the realm you reside in.”
It may have sounded like an empty threat but it was anything but. The Sisterhood of Shadows have helped overthrow previous overlords, they would not give up on overthrowing Quan Chi either.
"What are you trying to get at?" The sorcerer questioned.
"If you touch a single hair on her head, her unborn child or her, you will have the wrath of the Sisterhood and Lucifer upon you. You think we will tolerate you harming a member of the Sisterhood?" Jataaka said.
Quan Chi narrowed his eyes at her, a scowl forming on his face, "Very well, then. Have it your way.”
His gaze was now on Sareena and the demon felt a chill running down her spine.
"But I will be back. Soon," the sorcerer spat before taking his leave.
Drahmin and Moloch trailed behind him like two lost puppies, leaving Sareena and Jataaka alone in the room.
The demon could feel herself shaking, she was not in the clear just yet. Her child was still in danger and Quan Chi would make sure to get rid of them.
Jataaka had noticed her distraught, the demon holding her in a reassuring embrace, "Don't worry, he will not touch you. We won't let him."
She could only hope so.
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tagging: @livingdeadgirly
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yourthirdparent · 1 month
Do u have any MK rarepairs?
hello llewayinghorses. yeah i have ummmm a lot lmao. for the purposes of this i'll be stretching the definition of rare pair a Little because while sure some of these have like over a hundred fics it still feels p small To Me. anywayd
biliang is one of them, as well as kuaitomas. both of these are mk1 btw. sorry beloved followers i am a scorpsmoke lover blame Do you feel it travel in and out your heart? on ao3 (i was shipping them way before i read that fic it's just my favourite). and a biliang lover but i've already mentioned that one before on here.
haven't been Incredibly into those lately though cuz the liu kang hyperfixation hit like a train and now all i can do is set him up with other people he can fuck nasty (or not fuck at all i do love an ace liu kang. more like liu king. sorry.) but they are still on the backburner.
for liu pairings aka my only pairings ever........... holdon let me just bust out the chart
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ignore the fact that the colour doesn't mean anything Anyways liutana and liulao aren't rare, shangliu is actually surprisingly popular considering it has so few fics (like 50 total i think split between the liu vs fire god liu tags?), liuhan probably is considered rare but idk maybe it's just because i'm in my part of the fandom but i see it p often so probably not very rare. kuailiu and liutomas are both rarer than that. railiu is p rare, i don't really see it often (but i'd love to because it's actually such a good pairing it's so cool oh my god) uhhhh liugeras is pretty rare considering how much sense it makes but i get it w/e yk. uhhhh kenliu and liucage are both p rare. especially cuz i ship liucage the hardest in the 1995 mortal kombat movie (so sad that i can't write for that movie. cries) which already doesn't get much fandom activity. oh baraka and liu is like super rare lmao but they're so cool !! i think there's lots of potential there idk maybe i'm just a freak. i do mostly ship them in mk11 though (mostly just cuz i don't want to deal with contagion lmao). sindel and liu are rare i suppose (also i forgot to mark liu and jerrod but i do ship them as well they're a throuple) as are liu and syzoth but i don't really care for them Much they're just fun sometimes but they aren't on the brainrot list. quan chi and liu are also rare but yk same principle as syliu i don't care all that much. i just like them both and i think they could have Something. evil. also liu and mileena is mk11 specific and it's also complicated but the sad thing is there's no fic for them and i'm too scared to write it (that's a lie i'm just not creative enough)
uhhhhh i also ship kenleena which according to twitter is actually popular but i've not seen it a damn time which SUCKS !!!! guys please i love taleena but why should i care for Them in mk1 when i could be shipping mileena and the guy whose eyes she gouged out. i think that slays. taleena is also a slay ofc but in mk1........ i need something with a little more Spice like they had in mkx. give me toxic yuri or give me death. they need to be treacherous and then have a kid or i'm out.
let me pull out the mk11 chart too fuck it
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again shangliu is p popular shockingly however mk11 shangliu is a lot less popular. sonya/liu is actually so rare that i made the ao3 tag and i'm one of like. four shippers lmao. but i mostly ship them in conjunction with liucage in mk11 and only really ship them on their own in mk21. liu/jax is similar in the sense that i like them more in the 2021 movie lmao. and again i'm the only one in the tag. mk11 liuhan is less common than mk1 which is sad because they're iconic. again baraka and liu are always rare, railiu is p rare (though it does have some absolute masterpieces in the ao3 tag. ty melochromatic can we please be friends you're so cool). fujin/liu is also uncommon but i love them so sosososis99ssjowehhrishwkshrkebf much (i just like both of the characters and decided to slam them together for my amusement) blahblah again with mileena and geras and liulao and liutana are both popular.
SIGH. in addition to all of these i have some bonuses like sindel/sheeva and jadetana which might not be Rare but it is lovely and frossie which definitely Is rare (heartbreakingly) and probably more that i don't want to list. GASP FOR AIR.
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psqqa · 4 years
Nirvana in Fire Character Reference Sheet Roughly in the Order Those Characters Are Introduced
For @howdydowdy, as promised, and for anyone else who, like me, is terrible at names and needs some kind of “Who?? Ohhh right. That guy.” reminder.
Basically, my Nirvana in Fire Journey started with me watching half the first episode, being wildly confused, realizing I was in over my head re: names and thus deciding to go back to the beginning and watch it again But Taking Notes This Time. I watched the whole show with a notebook and pen at my side. I figured I may as well spare you all the labour by typing it up. 
As more information was revealed, I often added it to a character’s initial note, but by and large I’m leaving those extra notes out so you can experience the joy and confusion and anguish of New Information yourself. The exception to this is generally a person’s name, title, and position. E.g. Duke Qing’s name, Bai Ye, isn’t mentioned until a number of episodes after he’s first mentioned, if I recall correctly, but knowing that the person named “Bai Ye” is the same person called “Duke Qing” is exactly why I took these notes for myself in the first place.
Basically this isn’t intended to be a character guide that lays out exactly who a person is, their relationships to the other characters, and their place in the story, but rather something you can look at whenever someone mentions a name that jogs your memory just enough for you to be able to place to person. Which is why the notes tend to be either the context in which the person was introduced or the relationship through which they’re introduced.
Some names and notes are inherently spoilers, but hopefully by virtue of the fact that this is broadly in the order a character is first mentioned/introduced, you can avoid spoilers simply by not scrolling down too far. For those persons where their name or an alter ego comes in significantly after their initial introduction and is a spoiler, they are listed a second time starting with the “new information” and with the note in italics indicating their original entry (there aren’t a lot of these, don’t worry).
I will readily admit that some of my handwritten notes are just a name and then a blank space because apparently I just never actually added a note for them. I haven’t bothered adding those people here. Yes it’s because I’ve forgotten entirely who they are, but I’m pretty sure that means you’ll be okay if you immediately forget who they are too. (That being said, I get the sense there are actually relevant people missing from this list. As the show carried on and introductions became less frequent, remembering them became less difficult.)
The List
Lin Xie –> Commander of the Chiyan Army
Lin Shu –> “Xiao-Shu” –> Lin Xie’s son –> Mei Changsu --> Chief of the Jiangzuo Alliance --> Su Zhe
Lin Chen –> Young Master of Langya Hall –> NOTE: The “Lin” of Lin Chen and the “Lin” of Lin Xie & Lin Shu are both written and pronounced differently. These people are not related.
Northern Yan’s 6th Prince –> Now Northern Yan’s Crown Prince
Minister Xu –> Da Liang’s envoy to Northern Yan
Prince Yu –> Xiao Jinghuan –> 5th Prince of Da Liang
Xiao Xuan –> Emperor of Da Liang
Empress Yan --> Prince Yu’s adoptive mother
Consort Yue --> Crown Prince’s mother
Grand Empress (Dowager) --> Emperor’s grandmother
Xiao Jingxuan --> Crown Prince of Da Liang --> metonym is “Eastern Palace”
Zhuo Dingfeng --> Master of Tianquan Manor
Zhuo Qingyao --> Eldest son of Zhuo Dingfeng --> guy on the horse and later the guy helping the old couple on the boat and later also the guy who calls Xie Yu “father-in-law” (I am telling you this specifically because I am not bad at faces but this guy added so much confusion to my life that was cleared up the moment I realized these people were the same person. And also because my mother is terrible at faces and for like 15 episodes every time he showed up in another random place I would say “that’s horse and boat guy” and she would say “wait what? really???” So I’m assuming at least one other person will share in this struggle)
Xie Yu --> Marquis of Ning
Qin Banruo --> Prince Yu’s strategist
Duke Qing --> Prime Minister --> Bai Ye
Ji Ying --> member of Double Sword Sect
Li Gang --> member of Jiangzuo Alliance
Fei Liu --> Mei Changsu’s bodyguard
Yan Yujin --> Son of Empress Yan’s brother
Xiao Jingrui --> Eldest son of Xie Yu
Mu Nihuang --> Commander of the army in Yunnan --> Princess of Yunnan’s House of Mu 
Xie Bi --> Second son of Xie Yu & Xiao Jingrui’s younger brother
Mu Qing --> Mu Nihuang’s younger brother
Xia Dong --> An officer of the Xuanjing Bureau
Nie Feng --> Xia Dong’s late husband --> Vanguard General of the Chiyan Army under Lin Xie
Meng Zhi --> Commander of the Imperial Guards
Xuan Bu --> From Da Yu --> stronger than Meng Zhi
Gao Zhan --> Emperor’s chief eunuch 
Fei Changshi --> Prince Yu’s guy out looking for Mei Changsu
Prince Jing --> Xiao Jingyan --> 7th Prince of Da Liang
Concubine Jing --> Mother of Prince Jing
“Xiao-Xin” --> Attendant to Concubine Jing
Grand Princess Liyang --> Xie Yu’s wife & Emperor’s sister
Eunuch Zheng --> Eunuch who is mean to Tingsheng
Prince Qi --> late Crown Prince of Da Liang --> Xiao Jingyu
Tingsheng --> servant boy caught reading
“Lao-Wei” --> Mu Qing’s subordinate of some kind
Wei Zheng --> member of Chiyan Army at Battle of Meiling (and survived)
Sima Lei --> member of Royal Guard --> Consort Yue’s preferred suitor for Mu Nihuang
Liao Tingjie --> Son of the Marquis of Zhongsu --> Empress Yan’s preferred suitor Mu Nihuang
Baili Qi --> Mu Nihuang suitor from Northern Yan --> A favourite of the 4th Prince of Northern Yan
Lady/Madam Zhuo --> Zhuo Dingfeng’s wife
Xie Qi --> Zhuo Qingyao’s wife & Xie Yu’s daughter & Jingrui’s sister
Consort Hui --> bullied by the Empress
Young Lady Zhen (I think is what my handwriting says) --> servant being sneaky at late dowager empress’s palace
“Wu-momo” --> older servant with the Bad Wine
Consort Chen --> now dead --> son was a rebel
3rd Prince of Da Liang --> Xiao Jingting --> Prince Ning --> disabled
6th Prince of Da Liang --> no ambition 
9th Prince of Da Liang --> too young to fight for throne 
Former Crown Princess --> late Prince Qi’s late wife
“Qi-momo” --> Grand Princess Liyang’s senior attendant
Gong Yu --> window lady who works with Mr. Shisan --> a musician
Mr. Shisan --> member of Jiangzuo Alliance --> connection to Lin family
Minister Lou --> Lou Zhijing --> Minister of Trade/Finance/Revenue/other words that mean “money” --> Knows about the corpse well --> Crown Prince’s faction
Zhang Jing --> Owner of corpse well house (Lan Mansion) at the time the corpses ended up in the well
Shi Jun --> Servant at corpse well house at relevant time --> has record book
Magistrate Gao --> Gao Sheng --> The Capital Magistrate
Princess Xuanji --> ruler of a previous dynasty --> founded the “Hong Court”
Minister Qi --> Qi Min--> Minister of Justice --> Prince Yu’s faction
Minister He --> He Jingzhong --> Minister of Personnel --> Prince Yu’s faction
Minister of Public Works --> Prince Yu’s faction
Minister Chen --> Chen Yuanzhi --> Minister of Rites --> Crown Prince’s faction
Minister of Defence --> Li Lin --> Crown Prince’s faction
Bai Xun --> Duke Qing’s brother
Lie Zhanying --> Staff Officer under Prince Jing
Qi Meng --> One of Prince Jing’s men --> fights Fei Liu and commits Great Offence
“General Bian” --> One of Prince Jing’s men
Shen Zhui --> Acting Minister of Finance
Princess Qing He --> Shen Zhui’s mother
Cai Quan --> Works at Ministry of Justice --> Did well-received report on the Bing case 
Han Zhiyi --> Works at Ministry of Justice --> worked on Bing case
Zhang Jianzhen --> Works at Ministry of Justice --> worked on Bing case
Wei Yuan --> Works at Ministry of Justice --> worked on Bing case
Yuan Shiying --> Works at Ministry of Justice --> worked on Bing case
Qin Yue --> Works at Ministry of Justice --> worked on Bing case
Tong Lu --> Vegetable cart guy --> brother of one of the corpse well girls 
Qiu Zhe --> Son of Count (Duke?) Wen Yuan
He Wenxin --> Son of Minister He --> dislikes Qiu Zhe 
Grand Prince Ji --> Emperor’s youngest brother --> Owns hot springs
Yang Liuxin --> A dancer
Hong Xinzhao --> Has “understanding girls”
Xinliu & Xinyang --> Brothel sisters --> their younger brother was murdered by Qiu Zhe
Princess Consort --> Lanjin --> Prince Yu’s wife
Zhou Xuanqing --> renowned scholar
Li Chong --> former Imperial Tutor --> former teacher to Lin Shu
“Brother Zhao” --> Canal transport guy --> Jiangzuo Alliance
Lin Xiangru --> famous literary envoy
Marquis Yan --> Yan Que --> Yan Yujin’s father & Empress Yan’s brother
Lin Yueyao --> Prince Qi’s mother --> Consort Chen
Zhen Ping --> Jiangzuo Alliance --> sword challenger
Xia Qiu --> An officer of the Xuanjing Bureau
Xia Chun --> The most senior of the officers of the Xuanjing Bureau
Prince Jingli --> Consort Hui’s son
Yuwen Xuan --> Prince Ling --> A prince of Southern Chu
Yuwen Nian --> “Niannian” --> A princess of Southern Chu --> student of Yue Xiuze
Yuwen Lin --> King of Southern Chu --> Yuwen Nian’s father
Ouyang Chi - Head of CApital Patrols
Xia Jiang --> Head of the Xuanjing Bureau
Li Chongxin --> Schoolteacher assassinated by Zhuo Dingfeng 
Jun Niang --> former member of “Hong Court” under Princess Xuanji
“Miss Liu” --> Granddaughter of former Chief Secretariat Liu Cheng
Wei Qi --> The general at Jiaxing Pass --> was Xie Yu’s lieutenant for years
Su Tianshu --> Chief of Yaowang Valley --> 7th on the Langya Rich List
Su Xuan --> Su Tianshu’s adopted son --> Wei Zheng
Yun Piaomiao --> Su Xuan’s wife 
Concubine Xiang --> Prince Yu’s birth mother
Zhu Yue --> Head of the Review Court --> Prince Yu’s brother-in-law
Cheng Zhiji --> Elder Master of Feng Hall --> 75 years old
Princess Linglong --> A princess of the Hua Kingdom --> Princess Xuanji’s sister --> Concubine Xiang
Grand Princess Jinyang --> Lin Shu’s mother & Lin Xie’s wife --> Emperor’s sister
Yao Zhu --> Official Fan’s servant who knows The Secret
Official Fan --> Harbouring Xia Jiang
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neverlearnedtoread · 4 years
The Bride Test
⭐⭐⭐; would have been a 4-star read had it not coincided with a fandom sinkhole so strong i hit the earth’s core head first
Oh?? 👌😉😏
#ownvoices neurodivergent rep - male love interest (and deuteragonist) is on the autism spectrum
diversity!! most characters are PoC - either american-vietnamese or vietnamese. the story itself also touches on racial identity and asian diaspora, and both main characters are bilingual
intense secondhand embarrassment not withstanding - dudes being dudes and talking about sex in a mature and open manner because they’re adults, dammit!
girl is more sexually experienced than the guy, but isn’t pushed into a ‘femme fatale’ archetype. sexy 🤝 cute rights!!
familial relationships - even if they are not a ““traditional”’ family! family is family because they love and support you as a person, not because a billion years of filial piety and tradition forced them to
No.. ❌🤢🤮
some leaps of logic and plot progressions that felt rushed to keep the story moving forward
weird miscommunication stuff (less than there was in The Kiss Quotient)... sometimes they talked it through, and sometimes they simply...did not
‘almost get married to the wrong brother so your real love will have to reconcile his true feelings’ is a trope that happens, which lowkey squicks me out
not really that big of a deal in the long run but that one time got Mỹ got blueballed so hard i felt shortchanged....big oof. pour the whole six-pack out for her lads
Summary: A mixed-race girl working as a cleaning maid in Ho Chi Minh City, Mỹ Tran gets the once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel to America, where the father she’s never met came from. If she pulls this off, she could get her family out of poverty, give them the better life they deserve. The only catch? She’s technically supposed to be there to seduce the youngest son of some rich Vietnamese-American lady who waylaid her in the hotel bathroom. Despite her generous benefactor’s high hopes for the match, Mỹ learns that the son in question, Khải, believes he’s just not cut out for loving people, having struggled internally to match the depth of emotion he’s observed in others his whole life. What’s a girl to do when the better life you’re trying to build rests on marrying someone who’s convinced they’ve got a heart made of stone?
Concept: 💭💭💭
I read the blurb for this book in the back of the Kiss Quotient, and I really liked the set-up - technically I’m not asian diaspora, but also I kinda am? So I definitely gravitate to reading stories like this one, especially with both characters being PoC while also having a different relationship with their shared culture. And I’m not gonna lie - I like the arranged marriage trope. It’s all about the fiction of living in close proximity with someone you don’t know well and that somehow actually working out great for you! The inherent romanticism of developing genuine intimacy through artificial domesticity!! 
Some spoilers under the cut!
Execution: 💥💥💥
I got what I wanted, and I wanted what I got, which was a cute fluffy story about two people really attracted to one another who have to live together and then they fall in love and everything is great. Good vibes all around, serotonin aplenty in the air - it was a great read, up until the point I fell into shipping hell for a pairing I have only experienced through tumblr osmosis. The sheer quality of fan content I had accidentally stumbled into slapped me full across the face and before I knew it, it had been four whole days since I had thought about this book, having burned a hole into ao3 with the force of my speedreading. For better or worse, there’s nothing like reading fanfiction.
Personal Enjoyment: ❤❤❤❤
That being said, I did really like this book! I was definitely taking my time with it before I fell into fandom hell, rereading chapters and bookmarking cute parts. The interactions between the two main characters felt a lot more nuanced, the plot development less choppy, especially compared to the author’s debut novel. There were some parts I felt were kinda rushed, like the race to clear everything up by the ending, but it was definitely better handled and more believable this time around! I liked the brothers’ interactions in particular - siblings being there to annoy and support each other every step of the way is always the best. And I think Hoang is going to centre her third book on Quan, so I’d be interested to see him in the spotlight!
Favourite Moment: When Esme cut Khải’s hair and he explained that he liked firm touches but not light ones. In general I liked the exploration of his character, because I liked the variation in Hoang’s neurodivergent characters. Plus it opened up a lot of cute opportunities for both of them to figure each other out, and then learn to reach a new equilibrium. The hair cutting scene was an intimate scene without necessarily being a sexy one. I liked those well enough too but there’s something about letting your love interest gently touch your face as they make you look nice, you know?
Favourite Character: I loved Esme (or Mỹ)’s character arc. Khải was great! But Esme’s personal development and her decision to take this opportunity to find her father and maybe give her kid a better life, alongside her determination to just work really really hard to achieve her goals...oof. Oof. The Real Immigration Wish-Fulfillment Fantasy (TM). We love to see a good person get their happily ever after by simply never giving up!
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easilymakermoney · 5 years
The perfect Mortal Kombat Fatalities
“End him!” Few phrases are extra iconic in online game historical past, and few video video games have precipitated extra controversy than the Mortal Kombat collection. From the very first Mortal Kombat, the franchise has attracted consideration for its graphics and over-the-top violence, exemplified by the gory “Fatalities” that usually finish battles.
Spines are eliminated, heads are severed, and through the years, characters have been murdered in more and more gross methods. The perfect Mortal Kombat fatalities are usually not simply gory, however artistic and humorous. Gamers get a kick out of seeing simply how wacky the builders can go, they usually’ve been blessed with some really great Fatalities from their favourite characters. From Scorpion’s “Toasty” to Sonya’s “Kiss of Dying”, listed here are a number of the most brutal and iconic Fatalities from the Mortal Kombat collection.
Kano – Coronary heart Rip (Mortal Kombat)
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If you happen to actually lay down the punishment on a combating sport opponent, it is advisable make an announcement to complete them off. Kano’s “Coronary heart Rip” transfer definitely did that, pulling an enemy’s still-beating coronary heart out of their chests as their lifeless physique hits the bottom. It’s fast, it’s efficient, and it’s easy. That makes it a little bit of an outlier in comparison with as we speak’s Fatalities, however you must respect the classics.
Sub-Zero – Backbone Rip (Mortal Kombat)
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Maybe probably the most iconic Fatality from the unique Mortal Kombat, Sub-Zero’s “Backbone Rip” manages to subvert your expectations the primary time you see it. What seems to be to be a “customary” uppercut to decapitate an enemy is definitely a seize that ends with their complete spinal wire faraway from their physique. Their terrified head continues to be connected on the prime, as nicely, including further insult to a really grotesque harm.
Scorpion – Toasty (Mortal Kombat)
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That is the form of Fatality that turns into legendary. Iconic character Scorpion pulls off his masks, revealing a cranium beneath, and delivers a blast of fire-breath that turns his enemy right into a skeleton in mere seconds. The corpse stays on its knees, nearly as if it’s worshipping its killer, and variations on the transfer have appeared in subsequent video games. Following the kill up with your individual rendition of the collection’ basic “Toasty!” exclamation is optionally available, however it’s closely inspired.
Liu Kang – Dragon (Mortal Kombat 2)
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Positive, getting reduce up into tiny bits by a human (or humanoid) character is terrifying sufficient, however what if that fighter have been changed by a large dragon? For Liu Kang’s well-known Mortal Kombat 2 fatality, he turns right into a basic dragon and eats his enemy on the waist earlier than turning again to his regular self. It’s grotesque, it’s elegant, and it lets your opponent know who’s boss – they actually “Enter the Dragon.”
Reptile – Tongue Lash (Mortal Kombat 2)
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Talking of reptilian creatures consuming their opponents, Reptile received our hearts along with his “Tongue Lash” transfer from Mortal Kombat 2. Standing a number of ft from his dying enemy, he throws out his tongue like he’s a frog catching a fly, sticking it to their head and ripping it off in gloriously blood trend. The kicker is the way in which he rubs his tummy after swallowing it, although we are able to’t think about it tastes superb.
Shang Tsung – Inside Ear (Mortal Kombat 2)
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Venturing additional into the absurd in a approach that may affect the way forward for the collection, Shang Tsung’s “Inside Ear” is without doubt one of the most ridiculous Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 2. Shang Tsung travels inside his opponent’s physique by way of their period canal, inflicting them to vibrate earlier than exploding right into a downpour of bones and fleshy bits. By the point it’s over, you’ll be able to’t even inform what every physique half is.
Mileena – Man Eater (Mortal Kombat 2)
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One of many faster and extra environment friendly Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 2 Mileena’s “Man Eater” is misleading. She begins the transfer by giving her enemy a kiss on the cheek, however instantly inhales them like a bowl of noodles and spits out their bones – picked clear and dry. They don’t even have time to scream, although we’re unsure she is ready to get pleasure from consuming them, both.
Liu Kang – MK Arcade Machine (Mortal Kombat three)
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In one of many extra meta joke Fatalities in Mortal Kombat historical past, Liu Kang’s “MK Arcade Machine” in Mortal Kombat three does precisely what you’d suppose: It crushes his enemy with a full Mortal Kombat arcade cupboard. The place did the cupboard come from? Do they play the sport in their very own universe? Did anybody get this far of their line of thought, or did they only giggle?
Stryker – Explosion Machine (Mortal Kombat three)
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The perfect Fatalities could be nice for his or her creativity or extreme gore, however they may also be nice for his or her animation. Stryker’s “Explosion Machine” entails the character strapping a pack of C4 to his enemy earlier than backing away and plugging his ears to guard his valuable listening to. The enemy is was a bloody pulp, limbs and bones flying out in all instructions.
Quan Chi – Leg Beat (Mortal Kombat four)
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If you happen to’ve ever had a bully inform you to “cease hitting your self,” you then perceive Quan Chi’s “Leg Beat” Fatality from Mortal Kombat four. The enemy’s leg is ripped off in a fast and bloody method, after which it’s used as a membership to beat them to dying. It isn’t the goriest fatality on the market, however it’s one we are able to’t cease fascinated by.
Sonya – Kiss of Dying (Mortal Kombat: Lethal Alliance)
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We’re confused by this Fatality, and that’s why it’s among the finest. Sonya’s “Kiss of Dying” in Mortal Kombat: Lethal Alliance begins with a easy kiss blown to her enemy, which causes them to vomit uncontrollably and collapse on the ground. She finishes the Fatality by leaping up and stomping on their head, utterly destroying it.
Kenshi – Telepathic Stretch (Mortal Kombat: Deception)
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Kenshi doesn’t even have to the touch is enemy to ship a devastating kill along with his telepathic stretch Fatality. After lifting them into the air utilizing his powers, Kenshi begins pulling them aside like they’re a bit of gum or taffy earlier than they’re ripped into two equally lifeless halves. What kind of individual would deserve such a destiny?
Sindel – Migraine (Mortal Kombat 9)
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Like a banshee drawn up from the depths of Hell, Sindel is a pressure to be reckoned with in 2011’s Mortal Kombat. For her “Migraine” Fatality, she grabs her enemy’s head and lets out a blood-curdling shriek, inflicting their mind to blow up out of the opposite facet of their face. The opposite half stays connected, collapsing to the bottom together with the remainder of their physique.
Baraka – Up the Center (Mortal Kombat 9)
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Baraka has a number of the most brutal Fatalities in your entire collection (extra on that later) and his “Up the Center” transfer from 2011’s Mortal Kombat is among the many most over-the-top. After slicing off his enemy’s arms, he pins them in place with one in all his blades and makes use of the opposite one to separate them down the center like a fillet of fish.
Cassie Cage – Bubble Head (Mortal Kombat X)
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Mortal Kombat X newcomer Cassie Cage had a lot to show within the sport, and her “Bubble Head” Fatality caught with us lengthy after we completed enjoying. After capturing her enemy in each kneecaps, she finishes the assault with a bullet to the top. However as soon as that’s achieved, she walks to the corpse and sticks bubblegum within the bleeding wound, permitting the blood to fill it up and pop it in disgusting trend.
Johnny Cage – Right here’s Johnny (Mortal Kombat X)
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In one of many collection’ finest nods to standard tradition, Jonnny Cage pays tribute to The Shining along with his “Right here’s Johnny” Fatality in Mortal Kombat X. After ripping a gap in his enemy utilizing his naked arms, Cage manages to suit his head in by way of their again and pop it out their chest to ship the memorable line. It’s twisted, it’s gross, and it’s one of many funniest issues Mortal Kombat has ever achieved.
Goro – Peek-A-Boo (Mortal Kombat X)
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Johnny Cage isn’t the one fighter in Mortal Kombat X to experiment with heads inside chest cavities. Goro does in order nicely along with his “Peek-A-Boo” transfer, however it’s an enemy’s head inside their very own chest. Ripping their head off along with his naked arms, Goro then slams it again into them with nice pressure, embedding it inside their ribcage as they fall to the bottom. Somebody must maintain their head up!
Skarlet – Bloody Mess (Mortal Kombat 11)
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Who would have guessed that your individual blood might be a weapon used in opposition to you in battle? Skarlet definitely did, as her “Blood Mess” Fatality kicks issues up a notch in Mortal Kombat 11.  Holding her enemy in place, she attracts blood out by way of their head and turns it into crystalized spears which might be then thrown again down at them. She thrusts one in all them additional into their head, popping their eyeball out the opposite facet.
Baraka – Meals For Thought (Mortal Kombat 11)
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Baraka is crude, however that doesn’t imply he isn’t artistic along with his Fatality strikes. For “Meals for Thought,” Baraka rips his enemy’s pores and skin off of their face, then follows up with one other blow that tears the entrance of their cranium away. In his final assault, he pulls their complete mind out of their head, gazing at it lovingly for a second earlier than taking a pleasant, wholesome chunk out of it. Tasty.
Babality (Numerous)
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What’s the one factor extra humiliating than getting was a blood mist by your enemy? How about getting was a crying child? The lengthy custom of “Babality” strikes in Mortal Kombat has been amongst its finest options, with characters all getting shrunk down and left to spend out the remainder of their days after lovable and helpless creatures.
from Easily Maker Money https://easilymakermoney.com/2019/04/12/the-perfect-mortal-kombat-fatalities/
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judgeverse · 7 years
Shinnok, Raiden and Fujin for the character meme!
already did fujin so... shinnok:
What I like about them
pretty much everything about him - his intro dialogues give a glimpse into his personality and attitude (which i appreciate because story mode sort of doesn’t) and i really like it tbh. he’s entertaining and his design is fantastic
What I dislike about them
all those parts where he kept trying to kill everyone
Favourite moment
hard to choose so here’s several-the dialogue with kitana that’s like “mine is the hand of death!” “it hasn’t the strength to wave goodbye” “that is exactly what it shall do” it cracks me tf up-literally everything about the impostor shinnok gameplay strategy-when he grabs raiden with that skeletal hand...
Least favourite moment
the arcade ending where it reveals the one being has corrupted him is just fucking depressing tbh, but i think it explains a lot about how he is right now 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
i REALLY want to see more of de-corrupted shinnok who’s free from the influence of the one being (which i personally suspect is the corruption source - that single-minded devotion that it induces in people is very, very similar to how the one being forces shinnok to be single-mindedly devoted to reviving it, in his ending). that’s why i went with that as the premise of my fic, and i love de-corrupted shinnok so much honestly, when his core personality gets to shine a lot more
An interesting AU for this character
so many. so, so many. but i’ll just go with everything about my fic timeline where he reconciles w/ raiden and gets dragged into 17 different plot adventures
A crossover
Shinnok Vs. Greek Mythology
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
raiden... ugh i love this ship so damn much (once they’ve fixed things up between themselves) because i am such a sucker for cathartic reconciliation, and since they’re both gods with such incredibly long lifespans and frames of reference, they sort of deserve to have someone to share that kind of experience with, who genuinely knows what it’s like. besides, i just love old-married-couple rival romance type ships where they’re constantly snarking at each other but truly do care for each other deeply. 
plus it sort of seems like shinnok has a thing for raiden tbh.... “it, and you, are now mine” “first you, then your realm” would you care to explain the subtext of that, shinnok. and the thing where he grabs and squeezes him in the skelehand. i really have to say there’s got to be some subtext in that
Other ships?
honestly haven’t really been able to come up with anything good for him, although he seems like he’s flirting with a few of the guys in his intro dialogues so i guess go for it shinnok live your gay dreams
frost! he ended up good pals with frost in the fic and their prickly sarcastic personalities really fit well together as weird friends. he’s also friends (to some extent) with cassie and takeda, which is equally entertaining
any woman (shinnok just reads to me as very gay); d’vorah obviously, that’s a big nope in every respect; i’m also not super into shinnok/quan chi bc quan chi seems to be manipulating him as a power source and i don’t like that
An assortment of headcanons!
oh boy i have so many
-shinnok can shapeshift at will, but his demon version is due to the corruption, that’s not inherent to him; he can, however, supposedly transform into some alternate infinitely poweful godly form. nobody is really sure what it is though and he’s never deigned to show anyone. unclear whether he actually has a full god-form or has just been bullshitting everyone this whole time.
-he enjoys horror media for the sole purpose of criticizing it and pointing out that it isn’t even slightly frightening. he is insufferable to watch movies with, if you’re attempting to at all enjoy it
-ever since being de-corrupted he’s been attempting to write some sort of sacred text, the tome of shinnok or some such. he has not managed at all. instead he just writes sarcastic notes on all the misadventures he’s gotten himself into. somebody gets hold of it and publishes it as fiction eventually and it’s a big hit
ok and now raiden;
What I like about them
i love raiden!!! he’s such a sweetheart and he’s trying so hard but he fucks up so badly and honestly flawed gods are just my absolute favorite trope ever. he’s just adorable though. i want to hug raiden
What I dislike about them
injustice 2 design. bad. where are his lips. future raiden is also bad
Favourite moment
i have two, one serious, one not; -the moment with kung jin where he says “the shaolin care about what is in your heart, not who your heart desires.” that genuinely caught me right in the emotions when i was playing story mode. i love u raiden-in mk9 when he’s like “my abilities are weaker in outworld but i should still be able to teleport us close to sonya” and then it’s a jump cut to him standing disappointedly in the middle of hell
Least favourite moment
please reattach shinnok’s head immediately!!!
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
reconciliation with shinnok. this is extremely important. also, de-corrupting raiden! dark raiden is a cool goth look but it doesn’t suit him. beyond that, just... basically everything in raiden’s life, honestly. i want to see him working with the SF team, the kombat kids, with outworld, pretty much everything possible. NRS could release a game with no kombat whatsoever that’s just a series of quick time events to try to get raiden through catastrophic situations that are half his own fault, and i would play the fuck out of that
An interesting AU for this character
at some point i will likely write a fic about raiden trying to revive all the other protector gods of the worlds and then having to deal with the resulting shitshow. it’s just such an extremely entertaining concept
A crossover
Raiden Vs. Greek Mythology
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
shinnok for the reasons outlined above, and also because raiden hand-sculpted the jinsei chamber mural of his battle against shinnok (canon) and made shinnok way more muscular than he actually is and i ALWAYS think of the nemesis comic 
Other ships?
honestly i really do not have any
pretty much any of the mortals, i just feel like raiden wouldn’t go for it (same applies for the immortals who still look like they’re 20); the power dynamic and imbalance and all is just... meh. uncomfortable
An assortment of headcanons!
-the sky temple weather directly corresponds to raiden’s moods which is why it’s always raining when we see it in game, since he’s sad/upset at the time. sometimes he makes it rain indoors without realizing
-raiden, in the public imagination, is somewhere between “minor celebrity” and “beloved cryptid”. it’s unclear where he falls in the mythological canon and how much he resembles known deities, and he’s not really interested in clarifying; he’s a god due to power and immortality, not worship
-even though he’s immortal and time works very differently for him he always manages to remember the birthdays of all of his mortal friends and get them something nice and thoughtful
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