#if the breeder does not have a clause in their contract about taking the dog back no matter the circumstances if you can’t care for it
oscargender · 1 year
Idk unpopular opinion but. Buying a puppy from a responsible breeder who doesn’t allow any dog they’ve bred to end up in a shelter is a morally neutral act
#like buying from backyard breeders is bad. morally bad#if the breeder does not have a clause in their contract about taking the dog back no matter the circumstances if you can’t care for it#then do not buy a dog from that breeder under any circumstances#but like. for me#the choice is between buying a puppy and never having a dog#I am not a potential home for a shelter dog. I want and need a healthy dog with no preexisting behavioral issues#and the only way to get that is a health-tested puppy from a responsible breeder who has worked on socializing their dogs from day one#am I not deserving of animal companionship bc I’m not comfortable with the idea of devoting my entire life to a dog#with difficult-to-manage behaviors?#idk I just think that people sometimes really really buy into the ‘adopt don’t shop’ idea without completely thinking it through#it’s a good slogan! and most people can’t differentiate between responsible and irresponsible breeders!#so it’s true most of the time#but. stop acting like someone who would choose not to have a dog before adopting a shelter dog is personally killing shelter dogs#huh after typing this out I’m realizing that maybe I’m just afraid of any dog that I don’t know literally everything about 🙃#just almost been bit way too many times to trust dogs now#anyway! if you’re less traumatized by dogs than me please adopt. shelters don’t adopt dogs to people they can’t handle#I’m just unreasonably terrified of dogs now :) hope that helps#for context worked at a dog daycare for a year and I’ve seen it all and almost got mauled by a boxer#and then almost got mauled by a Great Dane and then almost got mauled by a BMC then almost got mauled by a staffie#so like. I’m over and done with off-leash dog-to-dog interactions and I’m also not interacting with your dog unless#you can fill out a six page questionnaire on its behavior and triggers and literally everything
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ohh-baekhyun · 5 years
Nothing Like Us | 02
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✨ Summary: Rich, charming and undeniably good-looking, Byun Baekhyun is used to women falling on their knees for him. You are an exception though. Quiet, reserved and indifferent, you are never afraid to put him in his place if you need to. That’s probably why he is quite besotted with you. No woman has ever challenged him the way you do. Thus when he has the chance to spend three weeks under the same roof as you, he makes it his sole mission to win your heart.
✨ Genre: Arranged Marriage-ish!AU, romance, fluff, smut in future chapter.:,
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You’ve been here for ten days and you’re starting to think staying here isn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Your books, and the maids keep you company when Baekhyun isn’t home. When he’s home, he’s either purposely rattling your cage to annoy you, flirt with you at every turn, or instigate the Truth or Dare game. It is true that the two of you have bonded through this game. Although lately, the questions he threw have been all over the place, ranging from trivial to inappropriate.
What’s your favorite movie? (Shrek)
Do you believe in Aliens? (Nope)
What do you like about me? (Nothing)
You were lying of course. You just didn’t want him to get a big head about it.
Do you have a Daddy kink? (What do you think?)
As for you, there were times when you put little thought into your question because you just want to get it over with, and times when you are genuinely curious about what you asked. Through this game, although silly, you get to learn so much about Baekhyun. Something serious like him giving up his career as an architect to be the heir to his father’s company, to something unimportant like how his ex-girlfriend dumped him because he pours his milk first before his cereal.
If ten days ago he was merely an acquaintance, today he has graduated to a friend. The kind you get annoyed at so often, but can’t stay mad at for long.
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It is a Friday morning and you’re in the dining room all by yourself. Baekhyun has left to work after having a quick breakfast with you. It has become a daily occurence since the start of your stay here. He’ll also be back in the evening for dinner.
You take a sip of your tea and stare at your phone as the screen lights up. There’s a message from your Dad that says, ‘The lawyer will get in touch with you soon. If there’s anything you’d like to add to the contract, please don’t hesitate to let him know.’
Apparently, your Dad has summoned a lawyer to help you draft a prenuptial agreement. You don’t understand what’s the hurry. To be honest, you haven’t given much thought to what happens when three weeks are over, but you are not one to go against your Dad’s order. So with a sigh, you lift your phone off the table reply to his message with an Okay and a Thank you Dad.
Later that night, you’ve finally come up with a few demands you’d like to negotiate. You’ve typed them out in the notes section of your iPad. But now you’re debating if you should discuss about it with Baekhyun before emailing the file to your lawyer. After a moment of quiet consideration, you look for your phone to text him.
You: My room, now.
Byun.B: You think I'm your dog?
You: Can you see me in my room please? :)
Byun.B: What for?
You: There's something I want to show you.
Byun.B: You, naked?
You: Maybe.
Almost immediately, you hear the echo of his door opening and closing, followed by the sound of his footsteps, and lastly, the door to your room swing open. Baekhyun appears wearing a plain white tee and black shorts, his disheveled hair falling slightly over his eyes, they look so soft it makes you want to run your fingers through them.
His eyes found you and you giggle at the dissapoinment raining on his feature when he sees you, not naked.
Baekhyun grunts and mutters something inaudible under his breath.
"Come sit with me," you say before glancing down at your iPad. The door closes and he walks over to you.
He stops by your side, shoving his hands in the pocket of his shorts as he stares down at you. “Why did you invite me to your room?” He asks. “Please tell me we finally doing the deed? Because I am so fucking ready.”
You roll your eyes. “Why do you have to relate everything to sex?”
“If you didn’t invite me here for naughty purposes, what for then?” He asks once he is seated next to you on the ottoman.
"My father has hired a lawyer for me," you told him. "You know, to help me out with the marriage contract and stuff.”
His eyes go round like saucers. "Fuck, we're getting married for real?"
"Oh, I wouldn't hold your breath," You dismiss. His eyes narrowed at you. "But," You carry on. "If I do agree to this arrangement, there are demands that must be fulfilled." You pass him your iPad. "Take a look, I thought it'd be good to review this with you before I email it to my lawyer."
On your ipad is a list of negotiations you've typed out in bulletpoints. They’re not written in legalese but that’s not your job to mind, but the lawyer’s.
I get to finish my studies and find a job of my choosing here.
We move to a new place (preferably a villa and NOT haunted)
I want a pet pig.
He stops reading to stare blankly at you, like he thinks you are crazy.
“What? Pigs are smart okay?”
“Where do you think you're living in? FarmVille?" He says sarcastically.
"We can get a teacup pig!” You protest. “Have you seen them? They’re so small and cute.”
"There’s no such thing as teacup pigs. They are just piglets and will eventually grow into a motherfucking pig. On top of that, they stink and poop like it’s no one’s business.”
You raise your chin at him. ”How are you so sure?”
”I know someone who’s a pig breeder,” He says.
You take a moment to think before reluctantly accepting that Baekhyun is right. You can’t have a fully grown pig in the house, they easily weigh 300kg.
“Fine...I’ll cross that out,” You say, relenting.
Baekhyun notices a slight pout on your lips, and the way your face falls in dissappointment. Feeling bad for letting you down, his heart aches a little.
“Is there any other pet you’d like to have?” He asks softly before adding, “Anything that doesn’t belong on a farm...or a jungle.”
You gaze up at him with hopeful round eyes. “Can we get a kitten or a puppy then?” You ask.
Baekhyun smiles. “That we can,” He agrees before shifting his eyes back to your iPad.
In the event of extramarital affair, I have the right to leave the marriage. We get a divorce with no contest.
Baekhyun looks at you again, this time his expression unreadable. “You think I’m going to cheat on you?”
You honestly have no answer to that. Having being abandon at such a young age, you’ve grown up to be distrustful of the people around you. You grew up believing that everyone will eventually get bored and leave. Like your parents did.
“I hope you don’t take it personally,” you assure him. “I’m not saying you’re untrustworthy, it’s just, I don’t know you well enough to trust you.”
Understanding dawns on his feature and he nods. “Fair enough," He says, fixing his attention to the screen again. His lips pucker in concentration as he stares at the bulletpoints. You peer over his shoulder and watch as he taps on the edit icon on the bottom right of the screen. The keyboard appears and his fingers start moving.
In the event of extramarital affair (never going to happen), I have the right to leave the marriage. As a penalty, 100% of Byun Baekhyun’s assets will be handed over to me.
You read and re-read the part he has just edited. “Are you serious?” You look at him wide-eyed. “You’re giving me full ownership of your property?
He nods easily like it’s no big deal to him. “Anyway, whether or not I have an affair, you’ll still get fifty percent of everything I acquire from the moment you say yes.”
If he’s trying to lure you, then it is partly working. You are not going to lie, his proposal is indeed very appealing. Baekhyun’s assets are staggering, and with that much money, you could finally start up a literacy organization and open up free schools like you always wanted to.
“I’ll have my lawyer draft the prenup agreement as soon as you come up with a decision,” He says.
“Oh, okay...” You mutter, still feeling in complete disbelief.
“What’s next?” He mutters to himself, reverting his attention to the screen.
I want babies and I get to name all of them.
You’ve thought long and hard whether or not you should include that clause in the list. You know Baekhyun is going to tease you upon reading it, but you have to shove your embarrassment under the rug. You’ve always wanted kids and it is important that he is onboard with the idea before you make up your mind about the marriage.
He raised an amused brow at you, one corner of his lips curling up. “Babies huh?”
You feel your cheek heating up. “Why? Do you not want babies?”
He shakes his head and twists around to set the iPad away on the mattress behind him. When he glances back at you, you give him a quizzical stare.
“What does–” you shake your head to imitate his action earlier. “mean?”
“It means if you want babies, I’ll give you babies...But there’s a problem,” He says, folding his arms over his chest. The muscle in his biceps bulge. It's very distracting. 
Damn him.
Stop ogling! you chide yourself. Look up!  
You glance up at him. “What’s the problem?”
“How are we going to make babies if you always run everytime I come near you?” He asks. “You won’t even let me touch you.”
“I’m not going to run,” You say, averting your eyes.
“I don’t believe you.”
Feeling the need to prove him wrong, you lift your chin and will yourself to meet his eyes. “Try me.”
There is a lull of silence that caused the air to grow tense. His gaze dark, intense, hinting at something sexual. “Come sit on my lap,” he finally speaks.
Your eyes descend to his thighs and you gulp nervously. Slowly, you rise from your seat and move to stand before him. You look between him and his lap, hesitating.
Baekhyun watches you, his own heartbeat accellerating when you finally lower yourself on his lap. Once you are seated, he slid a hand over your back, resting his palm on the curve of your waist to hold you just in case you move and fall. This is the closest you two have ever been and he doesn't want to let go.
There's a stretched silence where Baekhyun continues studying your profile closely. You stare down at your fingers, your thumbs twiddling with each other.
“What now?” You say, trying to defuse the awkwardness.
“Put your arms around me, sweetheart,” he whispers slowly into your ears. Goosebumps prickle along the back of your neck at the sound his low voice. Under normal circumstances, you would be chiding him for calling your sweetheart. You don't like it, it's patronising as hell. But this is no normal circumstances, and you are too nervous to even speak. Instead, you take a long shaky breath and soldier on.
When your arms are circled around Baekhyun’s shoulders, he looks straight into your eyes. If you are any other woman in this situation, he would have pulled you in for a kiss already. But you are not just any woman. And it doesn't help that he has no fucking idea whether you're attracted to him or not. He studies you for a moment, his own gaze is twitchy, showing slight hesitation. “Am I making you uncomfortable?” He whispers.
“A little,” you voice out softly. “but not in a bad way.”
He keeps his eyes interlock with yours as he draws in a breath. “And If I touch you, will you push me away?”
“Depends where you touch,” you reply, your voice sounding small.
Looking at how tense you are, Baekhyun doesn’t know where or how to start. The last thing he wants it to scare you away with his advances, but the urge to kiss you is so fucking strong. He keeps his eyes on you. Slowly, almost tentatively, he lifts his hand and smooths his fingertips along your jawline, cupping your face. “Is this okay?” He asks, looking into your eyes.
His hand feels warm against your skin and he’s surprisingly gentle. You sigh and nod. “It’s okay.”
Baekhyun's lips tilt up into a smile, as though he is relieved. “You have such a tiny face,” he wonders as he strokes the back of his thumb over your cheek. “it fits in my hand perfectly.”
Hearing that, you scoff. “You know any guy would say something like you have such a beautiful face or eyes or things like that.”
"You know I am not like any guy,”
“You’re right,” you say with a soft smile. "I've never met anyone like you."
It is only now that you’re realizing how close your face is to his face. There’s a strange tenderness and intimacy in the way he looks at you, and to you own disbelief, you like it. You like him doting on your like this.
“If you keep staring at me like that,” He says to your semi-dazed self. You blink out of it, only to find yourself chained under the intensity of his gaze. “I’m afraid I can’t hold it much longer.”
“H-how do I stare at you?”
Gingerly, he swipes his thumb over your lower lip. “Like you want me to kiss you,” He murmurs. 
You heart misses a beat, and your pale cheek is slowly growing rosy.
Then, he is leaning closer and closer.
Your mind starts to spin like a carousel. You know the right thing to do is to push him away, tell him no. But you can't move. It's as if he has just casted a spell on you to render you paralyzed. Thus, the last thing you see before you close your eyes is how close his face is to yours, and then the light went out and you feel the softness of his lips brushing against yours. You are stiff as a board and it surprises you that he is just as tensed as you are. None of you are moving your lips. This isn't how you expected kissing Baekhyun to feel like. It almost feels like a first kiss all over again because you really don't know what to do. Do you open your mouth? Pull him closer? Or what?
A few seconds passed and Baekhyun eventually pulls away. You open your eyes to meet his eyes, but his gaze is unfathomable. Your brows pulled together into a frown as you try to decipher the look on his face. Is he dissapointed? Oh God, does he think you're a bad kisser? Must be...
"It's late," He says somewhat coldly, looking anywhere but you. "I should go now."
"Oh...Okay," You say, immediately unclasping your arms around his neck and slid off his lap. You turn your back to him once you rise to your feet, too embarrassed to face him after what has just happened.
The two of you exchange a brief goodnight without looking at each other.
And then he is gone.
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Fast forward three days later...
The last few days have been hectic for Baekhyun. Ever since his father announced his retirement, Baekhyun has to step in to take over his role as the CEO of the company. Which means, more meetings, more engagements that he needs to attend. In fact he is currently on his way to his third meeting of the day. It sucks because he doesn’t get to spend time with you as much as he would like to.
Good news is, things have been progressing steadily between you two. And Baekhyun realized that for the first time since you arrived here, it felt not so much like you were arguing with him because you despised him but more like you did it because it was fun. 
However, he still doesn’t know where you stand at this point. What happens when three weeks are up? Will you pack your bag and leave, or will you stay?
The thought of you leaving kicks him hard in the gut. He admits he has grown to like you. A hell, hell lot. It is silly because you’ve only been here for two weeks but you’ve became the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up, and the last thing in his mind before he goes to sleep. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you’re slowly letting your guard down around him, and now he gets to see more of the real you.
He knows you had a complicated relationship with your parents. You were abandoned at a very young age and will forever be nursing a broken heart. He couldn’t begin to imagine the pain you went through, to be left behind by your own mother and have your own father sent you away. He knows all of that have left you feeling rejected, unwanted, and often, inadequate about yourself. That’s why you are always shy and reserved around everyone.
Everyone except him.
Whether you like him or not, he doesn’t know. One thing he knows is, you’re never afraid to voice out your opinion or tell him off when you need to, he guess that’s why he loves provoking you so much.
It’s only been a few days but he really missed all the playful banters and bickerings he had with you. He misses the wicked gleam in your eyes when you are firing something back at him. He misses the sweet sound of your laughter when he makes you laugh. He misses the way he feels when he makes you laugh, as if he has just won a grand prize. But more than anything, he misses you.
The last time he talked you was on the night he kissed you. And he fucking ruined everything. He had no idea what the hell happened to him. He has never been that nervous around a girl before. He is a damn good kisser and he knows that. But the moment he pressed his lips against yours, it felt as if he has never kissed all his life. Yet, it didn't stop his heartrate from going overdrive whenever he thinks about how your lips felt against his.
He could've done so much better, but there's no point dwelling on the past. All he knows is, the next time chances like that arise, he swears to kiss the hell out of you and make sure it's the best damn kiss you’ll ever have.
And that next time better be soon because time is running out between you and him. 
Next Chapter
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shibapasta · 6 years
Does the puppy mill in Ohio still have other Shibas up there?
Hey there!So after doing some research I've come to the conclusion that Gnocchi was surrendered by a backyard breeder (BYB) and not a puppy mill (This is what I was told by his rescue). Most rescues typically announce when they are going to receive puppy mill releases because they're going to need donations, fosters or transports, they also usually end up taking in a lot of dogs. When Gnocchi was released, he was released with two other Shiba's who have since been adopted.That said, I will never, ever, suggest you purchase a dog from a puppy mill or a backyard breeder. These are the people who you do NOT want to be supporting, they're the ones contributing to the pet population problem and give a bad name for actual, responsible breeders.I used to work in a shelter and many of the purebred problem dogs that were surrendered to us either came from a pet store (typically pet stores get puppies supplied by puppy mills unless this store specifically works with a shelter/rescue) or known irresponsible breeders (BYBs). Many responsible breeders have a clause in their contracts that state should you no longer be able to care for the dog for any reason, you can return them to the breeder and they will find them a new owner.I am an advocate for adopting for shelters/rescues or purchasing from RESPONSIBLE breeders. There is a difference and unfortunately so many people that all breeders = bad that it's hard to explain this.I can certainly go into depth about the difference between puppy mills/BYBs and responsible breeders another time, this question seems to be aimed more towards "Where can I find a Shiba?"I highly recommend anyone do lots of research into the breed they want to own BEFORE getting one. Make sure they match your lifestyle and that they're a good fit for you. Never tell yourself you'll change to match the needs of the dog you want, most of the time this never happens and both you and the dog suffer.To learn more about Shiba Inu's, I recommend these websites:- The National Shiba Club of America - http://shibas.orgThis is the breed club for America, there's a lot of information on that site, they also list responsible breeders, rescues and region specific clubs. I highly recommend reading through their site and checking out what they offer.- The Nihon Ken Forum/Shiba Inu Forum - http://www.nihonken.org/forum/index.php?p=/discussions - http://www.shibainuforum.org/forum/These forums were created by members of the NK community. I highly recommend reading both of these forums to learn more about them.The Nihon Ken Forum also has an FB group o recommend joining. Positively Shiba Inu's is another group to consider joining as well.I would ABSOLUTELY love to help anyone find a Shiba for their own, you can 110% contact me if you're looking for one and I will absolutely point you in the best direction.
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purrcraze · 6 years
Can I Walk My Ragdoll Outside? You Can!
Though Ragdoll cats are known to be indoor cats, many pet parents wonder if it is possible to take their furry little friend for a quick walk outside. Especially if their pet pal has been longing to go outside! However, most Ragdoll breeders do not prefer this and will make you sign contracts that you should not let your Ragdoll cat outside due to their docile nature.
Since the debate goes both ways, you do have a valid question: “Can I walk my Ragdoll cat outside? Yes, it is even healthy for Ragdoll cats to explore nature. If you love your cat and you are an outdoor person, there is no reason why you should suppress your desire of taking your pet pal along with you. All you need is a leash, and make sure that you avoid any distractions along the way.
However, in order to get your Ragdoll cat used to the outdoor environment and make the experience less traumatic for them, you need to follow certain steps. First, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of walking your Ragdoll cat outside.
The Pros and Cons of Taking Your Ragdoll Cat Outside
Since Ragdoll cats are indoor pets that are extremely friendly and clingy, you may not find them walking with owners in the park. They also tend to be too trusting and love the mellow atmosphere indoors.
They are often known for their dull and laid back nature that again reinforces the fact that they shouldn’t be walked outside.
As mentioned earlier, some cat breeders make you sign contracts for not letting your Ragdoll outside. However, that should not stop you from taking them on a walk. You should know that since
Ragdoll breeders take extra care of their pets, the clause is to make sure that you do not lock him / her outside when you leave for work and let them back in when you return.
On the other hand, there is nothing more rewarding than having a well-behaved cat that does not cause chaos when you are out strolling in the park.
Many cat owners spend weeks, or even months, training their Ragdoll cats so that they can walk them around and enjoy the open weather.
Most people oppose the outdoor trips of Ragdoll cats, since they are docile and have a trusting nature, so they would not be able to defend themselves against their rivals.
The decision whether you can walk your Ragdoll cat outside may be subjective, but it is definitely a personal one. Sure you can walk your Ragdoll outside, but you should keep a couple of things in mind before you do.
How to Train Your Ragdoll Cat to Walk with a Leash?
Yes, you can walk your Ragdoll cat outside, but you should train them first. All you need to do is:
Take your cat outside with a leash on
Take 5 steps away and crouch down
Call your Ragdoll
If he/she answers and walks towards you, pet it and offer treats
Repeat the process until it walks straight to you.
This was a short answer to how you can train your Ragdoll cats. However, there is more to the process. People also use a clicker method to train their Ragdolls, but a leash is commonly used.
Step # 1 – Put the Harness On
Start by showing the harness to your Ragdoll
Let it sniff the harness (Make sure the cat knows that there is nothing to be afraid of)
After the cat sniffs the harness, offer a treat.
Next, slip the harness over his / her head (Do not complicate it by moving its legs)
If your Ragdoll stays calm, offer a treat and pet it. (Reassure the cat that everything is okay)
Now, slip the harness over the legs and lock it.
As soon as the buckle makes the clicking sound, offer your Ragdoll another treat.
Continue this practice until your cat is fine with the harness on and does not agitate.
Step # 2 – Take your Ragdoll Outside
Most people think that the walk with the leash on should be practiced inside first. However, if your cat has already accepted the harness and is comfortable with it, there is no point in waiting to take your cat outside. Just make sure that you minimize the distractions.
Drive to a peaceful and quiet location
Try a location where there are no dogs in sight and only a few people or cars nearby.
Put your Ragdoll on the ground, with the harness and the leash on.
Move about 3 feet away from him/her and crouch down.
Call your pet
If it comes, offer a treat and pet it.
Make sure you crouch down properly because this helps the cat feel that you have created a safe zone for him / her under your legs. Since Ragdolls are too affectionate and less confident, they will immediately find their shelter under your legs if they feel unsafe.
Just make sure you do not stop rewarding them on every step of the way.
Repeat this process a number of times and not with too many gaps. If you feel that your cat has learned, start increasing the distance at which you stand and call your cat.
This way, it will also learn that it should not run away but follow you instead.
It is important that you walk in front of your Ragdoll rather than allowing them to take the lead since distractions can make them go crazy on the leash.
Moreover, staying in front will also allow you to take care of any potentially threatening situations like a dog walking towards you.
Step # 3 – See the Signs
After you and your Ragdoll have mastered step two, and your cat feels a lot more comfortable, you will observe the following signs:
Your cat starts sniffing things
It starts playing with the grass
Give your cat more time to explore the surroundings and let the leash lose to a certain extent. It will not run but act calmly.
Once the cat feels safe outside, you can start taking small walks but do not go too fast. Make sure you walk slowly with your furry friend, allowing them to enjoy the experience.
After a while, you will find your Ragdoll at ease when you grab the leash and walk towards the door.
Happy Outside (Unfortunately With A Collar)
  Can I Use the Same Steps for My Adult Ragdoll Cat?
Most Ragdoll owners are of the opinion that even if they wished that they could take long walks with their cats, they wouldn’t be able to do so since their Ragdolls have grown up from their kitten phase and no matter how dedicated they are to train them, they will avoid the works.
Also, they will freak out at the sight of the harness, so putting it on would be an impossible task.
Even though it largely depends on your Ragdoll’s personality, and kittens do learn easily, age is not as important as you think.
All you need to do is to be extra patient! Do not force your Ragdoll to do anything it is not comfortable with. You need to be patient, since putting a leash on is really the biggest hurdle you may ever face with your Ragdoll.
Always make sure that you have treats in your pocket since this will help your cat associate the harness and the walks with something friendly, and tasty!
Things to Keep in Mind
Walking your cat has become a trend today, however, not everyone is really open to adopting this trend. Cat owners often say that cats need their territory and a sense of control.
Obviously, you will not walk your cat in a crowded place, I know I wouldn’t because cats are more docile animals when compared to dogs, but they do need some fresh air once in a while!
While indoors can be dull and unhealthy since the indoor atmosphere tends to saturate with bacteria and other microbes, outdoors can give your Ragdoll a reason to exercise and stay healthy as well as active.
Moreover, cats that stay indoors may develop psychological problems over time due to the lack of exercise and boredom, and so taking an outdoor trip will definitely help them in various ways!
However, before you take your Ragdoll out for a walk, here are a few things you should consider:
1. Do NOT Use a Collar
A cat’s neck is not as strong as a dog’s, and therefore it can cause serious damage if your cat freaks out.
You should keep in mind that even though Ragdolls are quite dull, they can sense danger and may act fast, not giving you the time to control the situation. A harness is always a safer option, even if it is a bit tough to put it around your Ragdoll’s neck and legs.
Here are a few links to quality harnesses for Ragdolls:
Gooby – Comfort X Head-In Harness
Mynwood Cat Jacket/Harness Caramel Adult Cat
Choke Free Small Dog Harness
2. Cats are NOT like Dogs
You can always train your cat to walk with you or follow you, but you should not forget that it is a cat that you are walking and not a dog.
Your Ragdoll may take the time it needs, and you will have to be patient with the results.
There will be distractions along the way, like smells that are too interesting, so you have to be ready to allow your cat to do its thing. If you stay patient, your Ragdoll will reward you in due time by following you and staying calm. Just do not pull the leash!
3. Patience is Key
It cannot be stressed enough that you need to be patient for this process to work. You will have to give your cat the time it needs to adjust to the new outdoor environment.
Just do not upset your Ragdoll by pulling the leash too often! Always show love and care, and you will get the same in return.
Walking your Ragdoll can be a great exercise for you and your fuzzy little friend. Plus, it allows you to bond on a different level altogether! It will keep them from getting bored and give you a more active pet friend.
Though training can be a difficult task and may eat up a lot of your precious time, you will get there if you are patient and persistent in your efforts.
Related Questions
Can Ragdoll cats be left alone? Ragdoll cats are known to be quite affectionate and clingy, so they prefer staying close to their owner. Therefore, leaving them alone for extended periods of time is not recommended.
Are Ragdolls hypoallergenic? No, Ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic, as they do not have an undercoat like other cat breeds.
Do Ragdoll cats shed a lot of hair? No, the Ragdoll cat breed is not known to be a heavy shedder. Since they do not have an undercoat, they do not shed as much as other cat breeds.
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