#it’s a good slogan! and most people can’t differentiate between responsible and irresponsible breeders!
prans-micellar-water · 11 months
Idk unpopular opinion but. Buying a puppy from a responsible breeder who doesn’t allow any dog they’ve bred to end up in a shelter is a morally neutral act
#like buying from backyard breeders is bad. morally bad#if the breeder does not have a clause in their contract about taking the dog back no matter the circumstances if you can’t care for it#then do not buy a dog from that breeder under any circumstances#but like. for me#the choice is between buying a puppy and never having a dog#I am not a potential home for a shelter dog. I want and need a healthy dog with no preexisting behavioral issues#and the only way to get that is a health-tested puppy from a responsible breeder who has worked on socializing their dogs from day one#am I not deserving of animal companionship bc I’m not comfortable with the idea of devoting my entire life to a dog#with difficult-to-manage behaviors?#idk I just think that people sometimes really really buy into the ‘adopt don’t shop’ idea without completely thinking it through#it’s a good slogan! and most people can’t differentiate between responsible and irresponsible breeders!#so it’s true most of the time#but. stop acting like someone who would choose not to have a dog before adopting a shelter dog is personally killing shelter dogs#huh after typing this out I’m realizing that maybe I’m just afraid of any dog that I don’t know literally everything about 🙃#just almost been bit way too many times to trust dogs now#anyway! if you’re less traumatized by dogs than me please adopt. shelters don’t adopt dogs to people they can’t handle#I’m just unreasonably terrified of dogs now :) hope that helps#for context worked at a dog daycare for a year and I’ve seen it all and almost got mauled by a boxer#and then almost got mauled by a Great Dane and then almost got mauled by a BMC then almost got mauled by a staffie#so like. I’m over and done with off-leash dog-to-dog interactions and I’m also not interacting with your dog unless#you can fill out a six page questionnaire on its behavior and triggers and literally everything
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