#idk I just think that people sometimes really really buy into the ‘adopt don’t shop’ idea without completely thinking it through
oscargender · 1 year
Idk unpopular opinion but. Buying a puppy from a responsible breeder who doesn’t allow any dog they’ve bred to end up in a shelter is a morally neutral act
#like buying from backyard breeders is bad. morally bad#if the breeder does not have a clause in their contract about taking the dog back no matter the circumstances if you can’t care for it#then do not buy a dog from that breeder under any circumstances#but like. for me#the choice is between buying a puppy and never having a dog#I am not a potential home for a shelter dog. I want and need a healthy dog with no preexisting behavioral issues#and the only way to get that is a health-tested puppy from a responsible breeder who has worked on socializing their dogs from day one#am I not deserving of animal companionship bc I’m not comfortable with the idea of devoting my entire life to a dog#with difficult-to-manage behaviors?#idk I just think that people sometimes really really buy into the ‘adopt don’t shop’ idea without completely thinking it through#it’s a good slogan! and most people can’t differentiate between responsible and irresponsible breeders!#so it’s true most of the time#but. stop acting like someone who would choose not to have a dog before adopting a shelter dog is personally killing shelter dogs#huh after typing this out I’m realizing that maybe I’m just afraid of any dog that I don’t know literally everything about 🙃#just almost been bit way too many times to trust dogs now#anyway! if you’re less traumatized by dogs than me please adopt. shelters don’t adopt dogs to people they can’t handle#I’m just unreasonably terrified of dogs now :) hope that helps#for context worked at a dog daycare for a year and I’ve seen it all and almost got mauled by a boxer#and then almost got mauled by a Great Dane and then almost got mauled by a BMC then almost got mauled by a staffie#so like. I’m over and done with off-leash dog-to-dog interactions and I’m also not interacting with your dog unless#you can fill out a six page questionnaire on its behavior and triggers and literally everything
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columbiastapshoes · 1 year
more general headcanons. take them in addition to my other ones.
my last headcanon post got a decent amount of attention so i thought i’d do it again :3 my brain is like. a factory that is constantly producing headcanons from machines it’s how i function
anyways most of these r about magenta because i’ve just been in a very magenta mood recently she’s so silly (i’m going feral why is she so PRETTY)
- brad played with dolls as a kid but his parents took them away when he got “too old” for it to be some cute quirk because a Man has to play with Trucks like a Man anyways he did play with Trucks like a Man but he never forgot how to do their hair so even now he can french braid the shit out of people’s hair, especially magentas hair because the dolls he had also had big poofy hair like hers so he’s used to that. however columbia is typically magentas french braiding person so when she saw her gf getting her hair braided by another man she was like “HOW DARE YOU WE ARE OVER” (as a joke obviously don’t fret)
- magenta can do the splits. idk. i just get that vibe and i’m right about everything soooooo /j
- columbia cannot maintain eye contact and magenta STARES and forgets to blink or look away so every time they talk it’s just
- this is such a specific scenario but if they are shopping and come across a pillow they want to buy they give it the columbia test. what is the columbia test you might ask? they just get columbia to scream all of her pain and trauma into the pillow, and if the sound is muffled enough it is deemed worthy to purchase
- magenta just. brings random animals into the castle. and i’m not talking about “aww she like adopts cats a lot :3” no this bitch has brought in Raccoons from the Backyard and riff raff who is a paranoid ass mf is like “THAT THING HAS RABIES” and magentas like “LISTEN. HER NAME IS BEELZEBUB AND YOU WILL TREAT HER WITH RESPECT”
- why are all of these about magenta help
- speaking of magenta :3 she is a huge wes anderson fan and she and columbia watched isle of dogs together for a lil movie date and columbia sobbed during most of it 👍 she liked it though
-can we all agree that frank just. knows how to vogue. like bro came out of the womb knowing how to do that shit and it stuck with him for the rest of his life
-so i spent a really long time being stumped on how i think columbia would dress. like i have everyone else’s style figured out but i just couldn’t figure out hers for some reason,,,,, until i went down a rabbit hole and discovered cyndi lauper. i mean obviously i had listened to girls just wanna have fun and time after time but i has never actually seen this absolute icon. anyways i discovered her and her style during theater class one day and from then on i knew that columbia dresses like cyndi lauper, columbia listens to cyndi lauper, COLUMBIA IS CYNDI LAUPER
-ok so canonically i dont think this would happen but in my own version of rocky horror that exists in my brain magenta and brad are bffs. like yk those videos u see of “unlikely animal friendships” that is literally just them. it’s like goth gf x Some Guy™️ (x used platonically)
-brad is a die hard swiftie. i won’t elaborate.
-magenta loves loves LOVES abba
-sometimes i forget columbia isn’t canonically a theater kid. cuz like. she just Is a theater kid yk that’s who she is
- she would love grease
i will probably make another one of these posts when my list becomes longer again ‼️‼️
p.s i have. two rocky horror aus. would anyone like me to post about them. because i can. i am so normal about . aus
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I really really like watching my plants. There’s something so cute and satisfying about just watching them live and sway around. I like that they show their own little signs of life by rising and falling. When they’re thirsty they just fall limp against their pots or their leaves get super soft and curly. It’s very endearing in its own little way. I like watching them grow in different environments and that sometimes they just push through in order to live.
A few years ago my mom saw a video about people growing lettuce with just the butt end. After learning that she and I watched a few videos on how to grow them with water and something that stuck with me was this random video of this lady growing her lettuce. She said something along the lines of a plant always finding a way to live even after it’s considered dead.
I like to go to the plant shops and buy some of the plants on sale. I know that they’re for sale because they don’t look very good anymore and not necessarily be cause they’re dying, but I like to adopt them and give them a second chance. Sometimes that’s really all it needs. This little plant just needs time and care in order to grow into a fuller beautiful plant.
If I could go back in time and discover something then I would choose to visit the hanging gardens of Babylon. Maybe it’s because I’m an architecture student but I would just love to see the architectural designs and details of the gardens. I wanna see the types of plants in this garden and how they took care of them. What type of soil did they use? Did they make their own mix of soil? What type of pots did they use and why? Like did they choose those pots for aesthetic reasons or for the care of the plant? Idk all of that stuff is just so cool and interesting and it just kinda pushes me deeper into experimenting with plants. Like I want to watch them succeed but I also wanna know if they can survive under different circumstances. Like I’m not saying that I wanna experiment with my plants and watch them die because I don’t. I just like trying to understand them, but I do freak out when they get hurt. I get worried about them because to me they’re living creatures that show their own emotions and needs.
Their was a huge argument in architecture about art and architecture and what their relationship was. How did art influence architecture and was art something that even needed to be a part of architecture? I personally think that art is very important to architecture for more then just aesthetic reasons, but also because different types of art influence different parts of architecture. When they were designing the hanging gardens of Babylon did they consider that? What were they trying to accomplish. Obviously I know that the story was about a wife who missed her home so I think her husband created the gardens for her so she wouldn’t miss home so much. But was that it? Did they design the gardens based on her culture and home since it was for her? Or did they design it in order to emphasize the plants around her? Maybe they didn’t even do that and just chose to make a mix her and her husbands culture? I would love to know. How did they transport the plants? Did they grow them from seeds? Cuttings? I just want to know about that. It’s so cute and romantic. I hope one day I can design my own little hanging garden.
If I designed my own home I would wanna have my open little hanging garden. I would want stained glass, hanging plants everywhere, large windows and curves. Idk but just something that I could look at and think,” yeah, this is it. This is my safe haven.”
Idk I just really like plants and I’ll get back to y’all when I make a design for it. I think for nw ill just make sketches and my own little models lol
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write-like-wright · 3 years
u asked for requests so im here to comply😳could you maybe do a ”should you date them” with the defense attorneys in the series?? or just generally some other characters?? bc the prosecutor one added like 20 years to my lifespan lmao. hope u have a great day!!
I'm so glad you liked it!!! Here's the sequel, just for you <33
Original post here
Should you date them: Ace Attorney defense lawyers edition
Phoenix Wright
yes, you really should
probably one of the best, if not the best, boyfriends in the series
wanna get married? husband material
wanna have kids? father material
has a tendency to casually adopt children actually, could be an issue at some point
worships you
you know how some guys brag about how they'd die for you?
Nick would unironically die for you
may even come close a few times but I'm pretty sure he's canonically invincible (eating poisoned glass and falling off a burning bridge, who?? tis' but a scratch!)
massive gossip
gets home after an investigation and immediately starts like "you won't believe what I found out about Gumshoe today"
somehow surprisingly mature and good at keeping secrets in spite of everything
has a lot of really cool friends!!! and larry
have you seen those shoulders tho?? mans built like a dorito, smashing through massive wooden doors n stuff
biggest monthly expense is hair gel
claims his hair is natural but you know better
don't be the big spoon, he will poke your eyes out
can somewhat read your mind tho? a bit off-putting but ok
marry him before Edgeworth someone else does
Mia Fey
hell yeah, dude
cool, calm, collected
has literal superpowers
successful business owner at 27!!! unironical #girlboss
went from being a lame rookie to a literal legend with her own practice and an apprentice in, like, three years
she's so smart, I fear her
has the fashion sense of a female character drawn by a cis man... oh, wait
god help whoever tries to hurt you
will literally kick their ass to hell
believes in second chances
took phoenix under her wing after everything, mia has the patience of a saint honestly
drops cool oneliners in everyday speech like a marvel character
curve lovers rejoice
doesn't mind being called dorky nicknames
major wife material
Diego Armando/Godot
I already covered him in my prosecutors list,, literally did not occur to me to split Diego and Godot into two lists
but to sum up, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go for Diego
i like my men like i like my coffee - tall, dark and bitter
^^ eats up pickup lines like those
Apollo Justice
Polly is such a sweet babey boy, please be nice to him
short king
low on confidence, makes up for it by being loud
*voice cracking* HE'S FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
your neighbours will hate him
such a pushover, will do anything you ask of him
sensitive boy, not afraid to cry
pretends not to be dorky - is very dorky
consumes nerdy media almost exclusively (canonically a Whovian! but Capcom can't say that)
bikes everywhere and is apparently good with a hula hoop
Polly got cake is what I'm saying
have you seen his cool street style clothes?? sk8er boi
very grounded, literally
might play around and hold your hand for comfort
won't come to visit you if you live on a high floor, sorry
cat dad!!! cat pics!!! yes!!!
about 7 different tragic backstories
new secret family member drops every week
stares at you when you speak sometimes
is he jealous of Klavier?? does he have a crush on him??? who knows but it's funny watching them interact
spends way too much time on his hair
someone please date him, he deserves some love
Athena Cykes
holy childhood trauma batman
been through a lot
total empath
if you're sad, she's sad
can kinda read your mind... why is this such a common thing in AA games?? I like my privacy
super energetic
will drag you to the gym, take you on hikes, practice wrestling moves on you...
you will always be sore but also in the best shape of your life
has minus 25 chill
incapable of keeping secrets from you
her weird goth convict uncle threatens you every once in a while
she promises he means it in a friendly way
loves europop
way too accomplished for her age, everyone in this game is so smart, help
i feel like she'd enjoy theme parks idk
date her, she's baby and she needs some TLC
Kristoph Gavin
he's scary
thinks he's better than you
thinks he's better than everyone
has the audacity to wear white shoes with a blue suit??? are you going to prom????? sir????
obsessed with phoenix wright to an alarming degree
perfectly manicured nails!
the kind of guy who warns you never to go into his basement
nice on the outside but it's all fake
deeply rooted issues even he's unaware of
if you like drillbit hair consider Klavier instead
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
world's biggest baby
secretly a bitch
loves to clown on people
fake it till you make it
has no clue what he's doing most of the time
very determined in spite of that
everyone loves him
so many cool friends
cries at the thought of your bare ankles
physically incapable of walking by a shop and not buying something he doesn't need
"look, i got you a gift!!" "awh, how sweet! ...what is it?" "i don't know, i'll ask Mr Sholmes when he gets home!"
good with his tongue
may be somewhat trapped in the closet
has literally zero chill
remember when he just casually chased armed robbers??
must be a family trait
Iris interrogates you about your intentions with her brother
she has a gun
you have no privacy at his place
Sholmes crashes your dates
his bromance with Kazuma sometimes drops the "b"
becomes ultra cool eventually
hop into that time machine and date Ryu's ass, but be prepared to deal with period-appropriate homoeroticism and misogyny lol
Extra little shout out to Kazuma Asogi for that one time where he was a defense lawyer for, like, an hour and a half and somehow managed to cram 50 of the horniest one-liners in the game in that very limited time. Date him.
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cotccotc · 3 years
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 ✰ you coming out PART 2 !!
part of my eight as fate event !! ( requested by anon ♡ )
genre/s: ot8 reaction headcanon, gn reader, platonic, fluff & humor
wc: ~1.3k
warning/s: descriptions of coming out as non-binary, brief mentions of gender dysphoria, my dumb commentary once again (hehe), these are just my opinions and ideas !!
a/n: i reference the first version of this reaction a few times and i recommend reading it first !! i got some really sweet responses to the original so i hope y’all like this one too :) OH ALSO i should mention that i decided to make it platonic since i found that easier and more natural to write.
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i feel like even if he already knows a bunch about gender identity, non-binary and genderqueer people, dysphoria, pronouns, etc. he would definitely enjoy you giving him a full rundown on it !! and specifically what your interpretation is and how you identify
do you remember that vlive where felix is talking and chan’s just sitting back and looking at felix with immense amounts of love in his eyes? yeah…
he’d be so. incredibly. proud. of you.
idk why the chan portions of these reactions have both been super sappy but anyways-
he’d be very dedicated to using your preferred pronouns and finding new ways to compliment you !!!
his google search history would most definitely include “genderless adjectives” and “enby dad jokes” and he’d keep a running list on his phone
chan: “what do you say when your non-binary friend is sad?”
you: [dead silence]
chan: “their, their....” [giggles]
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my first thought is that he’d be the type to ask for your new pronouns and immediately use them in a sentence.
for instance, say your new pronouns were xe/xem. he’d immediately say, “well, i’m very proud of my y/n, and i love xem very much.”
so then i’d start crying in the background.. blah blah blah omniscient narrator struggles :’)
i can’t see him being anything but casual and accepting !!
if you want to talk about things, he’ll most definitely let you, but if you don’t want to he won’t push.
but regardless, he just wants you to know he supports you in whatever way he can.
would also politely correct people if they misgender you in public !!! he wants you to feel safe !!!!!
i saw him as a wingman in the other reaction but in this context he’d definitely serve as your personal information pamphlet for people who you might not know too well.
random person: “what exactly does that mean?”
you: “it-”
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just like in the first version, he’d get pretty emotional !!
i think he would really sympathize with you even though he can’t fully understand what you had to deal with externally or emotionally.
honestly that would probably make him even MORE emotional.
the fact that he can’t fully relate to those complex feelings would really tug at his heartstrings as he listens to you speak. he really wishes he could understand your struggles more, and maybe even take on the burden for you.
but let’s get less emo, shall we?
ok picture something with me bestie:
first, he casually refers to you using your new pronouns in a group conversation.
next, after the topic changes in the conversation, you look at him while the others continue talking.
this mf WINKS and flashes you the silliest smirk
you let out a little chuckle and you both continue on in the conversation
[end scene]
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i feel like he might question his own gender identity a little as well sometimes, especially due to what people say online (like calling him “pretty”, the edits some people make, praising him for breaking stereotypes, etc.)
so, he probably understands a bit deeper than some of the other members might.
in that same vein, i think it might make him a little bit emotional to hear your story !!
over the years, i think it’s plain to see that he’s become more comfortable with expressing his more feminine attributes, which has always comforted you as his friend.
he understands the feeling of being uncomfortable with the gender roles one is expected to follow, so he empathizes with you.
in terms of his actual first reaction, i think it would be pretty similar to what i suggested in the other version of this.
(my bias is showing but oH MY GOSH I STILL THINK THIS WOULD BE SO CUTE-)
“woo~” *insert little jazz hands here*
[cries] anyways-
you feel really comfortable coming to him with this, and you’re happy when you do !!
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maybe it’s because i’ve seen tweets about it, but i feel like this dude knows everything there is to know about modern gender identity topics and neopronouns and stuff
after the initial awkwardness of the conversation (and a big supportive hug ofc) he’d be stoked to talk about it !!
would ask for your pronouns right away !!! he might also do the thing where he uses them in a sentence.
“y/n !!! ze’s so cool !!!!!!!”
i think if he saw someone misgender you (by accident) he wouldn’t correct them for you out of in-the-moment nerves, but he’d be very proud of you if you do it yourself !!
might buy you a snack afterward tbh
but if HE ever misgenders you OHHHHH goodness gracious
he’d get so very embarrassed and apologetic SDKFJ you’d have to really assure him that it’s not that big of a deal since he’s still adjusting to things, but he’d still feel like he has to make it up to you in some way
would probably buy you snacks again LMAO
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i think he would be really excited !!
we know felix really loves and is passionate about androgynous/genderless forms of expression, especially in regard to appearance, so he’d probably really enjoy talking about gender and stereotypes with you !!
(if you’re comfy with it, ofc)
honestly, felix would be really encouraging and would help you gain more confidence !!!!!
if you ever feel like trying out a new look, he’d be like “OK BESTIE LET’S GO SHOPPING”
tbh he’d probably try it out with you !! or if you hang out often, he’d probably subconsciously start finding inspiration in your style and adopt it a bit himself
on days where you feel a bit down for whatever reason, especially in regard to dysphoria, his first instinct would be to cheer you up by reminding you how unique and cool you are.
and it’s not just because you’re nonbinary but also because you’re just a super cool person !!!!!!!!!! and i think so too !!!!!!!!!!!! never forget it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so overall, i feel like felix wouldn’t be very hard to come out to once you get over your initial nerves, and the end result would be super fun :D
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i think his initial reaction would be pretty similar to chan’s !!
he also seems like the type to be super, super diligent with adjusting to whatever pronouns you feel comfortable using or words you’re okay with him using to refer to you.
(maybe it’s because we know he was a good student and he’s diligent with practicing his english. training his brain to correct itself would be like studying for him lol)
for example, instead of calling you “pretty” or “handsome,” he might even try simply pointing out a part of your appearance that he thinks looks especially great !! something like your eyes, your hair, your outfit, etc.
your hair looks great today, btw. anyways-
aside from that, i think he would just try to be as courteous as possible without making a big deal out of things.
and if he ever slips up with your pronouns, descriptors, etc, he’d be super quick to apologize and correct himself before keeping the conversation going like normal !!
there’s just generally a lot of mutual respect all around :)
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this is somewhat similar to my other version of this reaction, but i think he’d just be really intrigued and a little shocked
IDK WHY I KEEP THINKING HIS ABILITY TO GAUGE THESE THINGS IS SO BAD DKFJ every time i think about someone coming out to him i just can’t help but picture him being like “reaLLY??? since WHEN”
still, something deep within my soul is telling me that jeongin would truly think you’re the coolest person on the planet.
being as he can’t personally relate to this, jeongin would be pretty psyched to hear about your journey to finding out !! kinda the opposite reaction to changbin lol
honestly he’d be a super good listener !!!!
he’d hear you out for however long you explain things to him, and if you ever get a bit emotional, he might smile at you or reach out to hold your hand :’) or both :’’’’’)
then, when you tell him your preferred pronouns he’s like “oH okay !! coOL !!!” lmao
so, he understands the concept and is super happy for you but he just didn’t really expect it !!
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tags: @stayndays​, @hanniiesuckle17​, @leggomylino​, @freckledberries​,@kisskissbanggang​, @mr-jisung-main​, @childofthecosmos​,@kpopscape​, @skzwriternet​, @hyunsins​, @sleepylixie​, @sunshine-skz​, @vera-liscious​, @moonlit-lixie​, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​, @sunshine-skz​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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lady-literature · 4 years
A Miraculous DC Crossover
I’ve been sucked into this unholy sub-fandom and I have thoughts okay? lots of them. Almost none are coherent and I don’t care. I have no plotline to write a fic but by the gods do I need to get out all my ideas.
the Salttm
Lila, obviously. But she’s a petty nuisance at best, and an annoyingly competent akuma to fight at worst. manipulative, but not really dangerous ya feel?
Alya. which like, home girl probably doesn’t deserve but like,,, the drama??
She and Marinette become surprisingly good friends (because I love that for both of them and you can pry it from me cold, dead hands)
Nettie-bug and Queenie
They pick on Adrien together
Mari’s friends Protection Squad That Don’t Take No Shit
Alix?? Probably
Luka obvi
Felix (PV)?? Or does Marinette have enough emotionally constipated boys in her life?
(Answer: no. no she does not.)
Nath? He be a good fox tbh. creative and sneaky boi
Kagami!!! I love her
They’re all heroes because I say so.
Felix (Sparrow) is an honorary member even though he doesn’t have a miraculous
He handles PR and other background things along with Chloe
Joined up a few years back when Parisians were getting a bit too critical of the heroes
No Hawkmoth b/c fuck that guy
He existed, just not anymore. Bitch got yeeted
There’s other villains in town now. After Hawkmoth’s defeat other metas/supervillains looked at Paris and was just like, ‘free real estate?”
So now the Miraculous Team are Paris’ Actual Full-Time Hero TeamTM… yay.
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Abielle (or like, Wasp/Yellow Jacket idk Chloe changes her name because ~identity stuff~) are the core three team. like, the wonder woman/batman/superman trio of the MTeam.
Nath is called Reynard Ambre b/c I love him
The public knows he exists but he’s never seen in battle and no pictures exist.
but there are plenty of instances where Paris knows he out mucking around because those akuma battles always get really weird.
Marinette be the guardian?
Guardian in training
Along with all the other holders b/c jesus. Give the girl a break.
Yeah. I like that Idea. All current holders are training to be guardians as well, but Mari’s going to step up as Guardian Supreme when Fu steps down.
Hero fashion!!!
The Miraculous Team is all decked out in their own merch like 24/7
Rarely is it thier own hero persona tho
Not because of like,,,, secrecy or anything. Just because they’re all nerds who love each other
Marinette is the lead producer of Miraculous Merchandise. It’s like,,, her BrandTM It was completely unintentional too
(Adrien and Chloe financially support her work tho. She designs, makes a prototype, and has her two blondes get others to replicate it)
Half of Paris is wearing her without knowing it
(Go MDC! get it girl!)
She totally makes Gotham inspired outfits because what else would she do????
Don’t get her wrong, most of Gotham’s fashion sense royally pisses her off but it’s fun and hey, supporting her fellow heroes ya know?
She wears a Robin hoodie after being officially acquainted with both Damian and Robin (separately of course)
Damian chokes on something, probably his own tongue.
It confuses Nettie. But then she thinks maybe he’s a fan too? She offers to make one for him but he steadfastly refuses much to his brothers’ amusement.
Might make a robin themed dress?? If so, she crosses paths with Robin when she does, thoroughly embarrassing her and almost sending poor Dami into a crisis.
Rogues Gallery
She makes a lot of designs off the rouges gallery because like, supporting people trying to get better??? also they’re some of the few who’s aesthetic aint shit?
She can’t make all of them because she ran out of time, so the rest get posited up on her Instagram and MDC blog (that’s run by Tikki mostly. She’s a great secretary and gets bored in Mari’s purse all the time)
Everyone is very flattered
Harley, if she ever finds it, immediately commission all pieces and wears them around Gotham don’t @ me
Daminette obvi
Marinette meets him and is just like ‘wow, you’re horrible. I want five’
Marinette, in the group chat later: so I met Kagami and Felix’s love child today
Kagami and Felix, seconds apart: I would never stoop so low
immediately after: Hey what the fuck? Rude
Nino: Nettie, dearest, sunshine, light of our collective lives and reason I breathe, what the fuck
Adrien: Kagami, my love, how could you? the Betrayal
Chloe: ew
Luka: Send pics or it didn’t happen
Nath: [insert the ‘right in front of my salad?’ meme]
Whenever they cross paths as Robin and Mari, he’ll just like,,, appear from nowhere hanging upside down spiderman style. Mari finds it endearing but she also wants him to stop scaring the shit out of her
Nicknames, because I have an unhealthy obsession with them, alright?
Misc Mari names: Bug, Bugaboo, Buginette, Madame President/Colonel (when the Team’s being cheeky), Princess, Marigold, Nettie (by like, Nino and Alix)
Jason calls her Pixie-pop
The bird boys call her Nightingale/Mockingbird in like, honor of her being a kickass civillian
Mari refers to them as ‘the flock’ (and bird-brains after getting to know them better)
Damian calls her: Starling, Habibti, ya qamar(my moon), malaki (angel), ya wardati(my flower) (b/c like, angel’s cute an all but I just think Damian’s way more dramatic than that tbh. he’d put thought into his nicknames)
Mari calls Damian: mon soleil (my sunshine) (because symmetry and also Mari thinks she’d hilarious), Birdie, petit oiseau/oisillon
I like the idea of Jagged being a native Gothamite tbh
it’s just so fun honestly???
He’s probably the reason the MTeam are in Gotham in the first place? maybe? anyway, the class is there, right? right. 
Kagami, Luka and Felix are all holding the fort down in Paris. Ain't no akumas but sometimes they need backup so when certain heroes need to disappear, Nath has Trixx set up an illusion of whichever one so they can slip away with the horse miraculous.
Mari’s the one who has to leave the most because she’s still Paris’ damage control, so like,,,,, ya know.
Mari doesn’t get left behind, at least not on the first day b/c come on people! She has plenty of friends in class watching out for her and a semi-competent teacher who does care even if she’s non-confrontational to a fault.
She does eventually become separated from the group. Half because of Lila and half because she’s always fucking late and got distracted.
She actually runs into one of the civilian batfam in the first place because the class was allowed an hour or so to wander around the shopping district or whatever to explore/buy things/get food. They just needed to return to the meetup spot at a certain time but Mari is like ten minutes away when it’s five minutes to the meetup
So she’s just… fucking booking it and completely takes out this trained vigilante without trying to.
Mari, as she’s groaning on the ground, tangled around a boy: By Kwamii, I thought my luck was supposed to be good Tikki.
That or like, the subway doors close before she can get on them and the rest of the class ends up ahead of her leaving her to get caught up on some bullshit in the next train or smth.
Oh, like. Of course it’s her train that gets held hostage. Wonderful.
(Later, Mari will rant at Tikki about her luck. A common conversation between the two tbh.)
This could be where she officially meets the Batfam as the Batfam. Or, like. A couple of em, at least.
Marinette getting serial adopted by the whole goddamn batfamily because i will die for this trope tbh i dont even care
The Robins nickname her Nightingale before they realize she’s Ladybug
They still call her that after but it’s not with the intention of making it her hero name anymore
Her and Alfred are def bros you don’t understand
Actually, Gina and Alfred are old friends. Mari totally knows Alfie before the bat fam and calls him Poppy/Pépé
which floors the batfam because what? Since when does that happen???
Alfred and Mari never, like, actually met in person before, but video chats exist and Gina def talks about the two to each other so it’s like they may as well know each other.
I also like the idea of Alfred being a former holder, probably the peacock. I would adore that
Just,,,, so many fun hero shenanigans
Yeah sure. The batfam are super detectives and have a history of figuring out people’s identities in no time at all. Whatever. Where’s the drama in that though? The showmanship?
Fuck canon, the Miraculous all have glamours because magic bitch and it plays fucking hell on the Batfam and all their shit
Every single Batfam member is simultaneously pulling their hair out because they don’t know who these heroes are???? Why can they figure them out?? Confusion???????
Miraculous team is just…. Straight up laughing at them. The poor dears.
That one gag where it’s a well-known secret that Mari has connections to every Parisian hero and is basically their own personal catering service/comfort place.
Also, it’s the worst kept secret in Paris that Mari is Multimouse
None of the MTeam have confirmed that rumour but they also don’t deny it.
they actually started the rumour. If all of Paris thinks Mari’s the mouse, a temporary hero, no one’s going to think she’s Ladybug/or that she’s an easy target to go after
chloe actually came up with that one
Mari meeting all of Damian’s ‘associates’ (ie pets)
She adores all of them and they her.
Especially GOLIATH, why isn’t he talked about more honestly???? He’s GREAT
She meets Goliath as Ladybug and Robin is just… so done with him??? You are supposed to be a fearsome beast and a professional why are you rolling over and expoSING YOUR STOMACH??? Meanwhile, Ladybug is just: Awww! Who’s a good boy? Who’s the best boy? You are! Look at how handsome you are! Cute widdle baby-
Miraculous Team hanging on the roof of their hotel kinda chilling
Maybe having a debate about doing some free-running/parkour?
Also maybe about whether or not they should be heroes while in Gotham
MT being like, why can’t we go and stop an armed robbery? we can help!
“Gotham already has very active heroes-”
“-whatever. I don’t want us stepping on any toes. This isn’t our terf and Batman’s known for being strict about Metas rolling around here.”
“We aren’t Metas though.”
“I don’t think he’ll enjoy splitting that particular hair, Nino. Just- not unless lives are at stake, okay? Emergencies only.”
“Yes, Colonel Ladybug.”
This debate most def gets crashed by batfam and confusion ensues upon both sides
batfam didn’t hear anything, they’re just really confused about these french kids hanging out on a roof in Gotham
Just.... yes. all of that. I have like, more but those are not organized or even remotely coherent. here you go! I might write for this but I already have other fics rn so... it wouldn’t be for a while. and as I said, I have no plot.
take this though, i guess. *throws confetti*
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vancilocs · 3 years
Oops, neja and yecal and uuu docs?
it’s raining outside
where they first met and how
Neja hired Yecal to help her do crime (without having the money for it but she figured she was cute enough to do get away with it)
At work, introduce oncologist to ER doc
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
Honestly Neja was flirting almost straight off, flirting and fooling around for a while, not seeing each other for a time, then kinda wonder if there’s feewings when seeing him again
Quite a while I think, going back and forth before Juno had to do something
who fell for who first (if applicable)
Mayyybe Neja
Damn I don’t know I was thinking and idk
where their first date was and what it was like
I mean Neja considers their first crime their first date, very fun
I guess at Juno’s place when she invited him for dinner
who asks who out and how (with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’?)
Neja left her number for him and let him do with that what he willed
Juno just asked if Enrique would like to come over some weekend and have dinner
who proposes first
Yecal in his underwear if the Sims is to believed
It was a mutual decision but idk if Enrique asked if Juno would like to be married and she was like yeah sure babe xx
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away where the proposal happens and how (kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park?)
Neja didn’t mean to not tell her family but then it kinda happened that they only found out she’s dating when they got invited to her wedding. She met Yecal’s family only because she happened to be traveling that way anyway
Juno texted Iain to let him know they’re going ring shopping and let her family know after the rings had been got
if they adopt any pets together
They don’t have room or resources unfortunately
Juno has Bob and he’s the alpha male of the house
who’s more dominant
They switch flawlessly
They can switch but more often Juno wants to submit
where their first kiss was and what it was like
At a dingy ol’ motel after a night of crime
At Juno’s apartment
if they have any matching couples stuff (mugs? sweaters? pillowcases?)
Neja isn’t above getting some pillowcases or a matching underwear set
Not really. If anything just mugs that say how many PhD’s they got
how into pda they are
A little at least, hold hands, give some kisses, Neja fits nicely under Yecal’s arm
A bit, holding hands/linking arms is okay, kisses goodbye, feed each other cake at the cafe
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Yecal, though Neja just uses him as a shelter
Enrique, tall
where their usual ‘date spot’ is (if applicable)
There’s probably a local bar they’re regulars at
Ditto, just on the Citadel side... or then a cafe
who’s more protective
Yecal stresses out every time Neja is out being a reckless bitch by herself. At least now she has a home, though.
Enrique knows Juno can hold her own, but her just being small is a bit of a threat. She on the other hand is protective of him regarding his illness, don’t you overexert yourself, remember to take your meds
how long it is before they sleep together (can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’)
Bang at the end of the first date, the next time they saw each other and Neja stayed overnight at Yecal’s probably just sleep
Let out frustrations at the end of the dinner date
if they argue about anything
Not really. Neja makes sure she’s not alone outside at night or in sketchy parts of town anymore so Yecal won’t worry.
I guess pain could make Enrique a bit short-tempered (and Juno is just short-tempered by nature) but I don’t know if they argue, more like she leaves him be (after making sure she’s done everything she can for him)
who leaves more marks (lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc.)
I can imagine Yecal being more careful because he has bigger teeth but also Neja bruises very easily bc of her pale skin so it’s a no-win situation. Don’t scratch. She bites him everywhere she can reach but not that hard... sometimes fun to leave marks where nobody can see tho
Enrique definitely has shirts with some lipstick stains on the collar. Otherwise keep marks in hidden places
who steals whose clothes and how often
Every shirt Yecal has also belongs to Neja and she will go limp if he tries to get them back
Juno sometimes steals Enrique’s shirts, cozy n warm
how they cuddle (spooning? facing each other?)
Spooning (either way around) or Neja crawls halfway on top of Yecal
Spooning or Juno makes herself a weighted blanket for Enrique. Or the other way around if she’s particularly stressed
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
Video gaem, cuddling, making food and eating
Playing with cat, watching TV and snacking, cooking, snuggling
how long they stay mad at each other
Neja caps out at like 45 seconds
Not long, after both have said sorry Juno has forgiven and forgotten
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Neja goes all out with her orders, it’s hardly coffee anymore it’s almost all creamer and syrup
Juno has her coffee simple with milk and sugar, with tea she likes to try out more out-there stuff like rooibos
if they ever have any children together
No, they’re not compatible biologically nor do they want any in general
No, after a proper scare Enrique got snipped
if they have any special pet names for each other
Neja just gets cheesy
If Juno wants to be sweet she calls him Quique and if she wants to be a little shit she calls him Ricky
if they ever split up and / or get back together
No, they’re really fond of each other
what their shared living space is like (messy? clean? what kind of decor?)
They try to keep it clean but it’s a little messy, try to make use of all the space they got, some tools and spare parts here and there, some clothes hanging around
It’s pretty clean, Juno likes it neat. Use coasters with your mugs. Some cat toys, throw pillows, a blanket, everything breakable away from Bob’s reach
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
They probably have wildly different holiday traditions, I guess the other would just do some traditions and introduce the other to them
Don’t people in S. America get Christmas presents on the 6th of January? Those kinds of differences. But I guess he’d open his gift on the 25th if that’s what Juno does
what their names are in each other’s phones
Hooby 💞😍😘💖🥰🖤
Enrique de Cruz, Ph.D ICE
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ (buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening?)
Have a movie or a date night once a week/two weeks/month, just dedicate some time to each other
Like once a month make a big proper dinner and eat it together with some wine, Juno has gotten so much better at cooking since their first date
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
It varies wildly, they can come and go at any hour. Usually if Yecal falls asleep Neja is either already asleep or follows soon
Enrique has varied work schedules, Juno pretty much goes to bed and wakes up at the same time every day. I guess she gets up first either way
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Usually Neja is the small one but sometimes a man wants to be held
Juno prefers being small spoon
who hogs the bathroom
Neither really, it’s small and not very useful, if anything Neja will take some time drying her hair
If Juno does her makeup all proper she will take some time but not hog
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
Neja lets Yecal kill them
Juno throws Bob at them
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rigginsstreet · 4 years
so it’s my wifes ( @fredheads ) birthday and im a flop who doesnt have her birthday fic ready (it’ll be done... before the end of the month. absolutely should not take that long but thats the only definite timeline i have lmao) SO to celebrate, i think you all should read her fics and leave nice comments because it’s what she deserves :)
MULTI CHAPTER (unfinished)
She's The One (fem!fredsythe)
Just Like Heaven (fredsythe, alice - fred escapes the Sisters au)
talk about a dream, try to make it real (fredsythe, gladys - college au)
quiet mercy (fredsythe - the OG fred & the sisters of quiet mercy fic)
Papa (fred and artie exploration)
wanna be your backdoor man (fredsythe - h*rny neighbor antics)
With a Girl Like You (fred and gladys friendship)
all our costliest treasures (baby fredsythe at christmas julia i would like to see more... its your birthday i should not be requesting things my apologies)
but your kids are gonna love it (archie and jughead - back to the future au i never saw that movie so i cant say for sure but they do time travel so that checks out to me)
Riverdale High's Last Annual Father-Daughter Winter Fling (fred takes veronica to the father/daughter dance because hiram is in jail =/ )
i say the phrases that keep it all going (different takes of fred fp archie and jughead dying in each others arms julia where is the fredsythe one... just asking)
MULTI CHAPTER (finished [according to ao3])
wouldn't it be good (ensemble - everyones paired up and has to raise an egg)
love is like a heat wave (fredsythe summertime antics)
burnt toffee (halice - working at an icecream shop, falling in love, v cute)
if only in my dreams (penelope lies about having a boyfriend)
let nothing you dismay (alice cooper fixing christmas)
there's a blue light in my best friend's room (hal and fred bonding hour)
The Trials of Cheerleading (or, "Throwing In The Megaphone") (the parentdale bible just read it and forget anything else anyone [ras] has ever told you)
fred andrews adopts a gang (bet you cant tell what this is about)
from the rich to the poor they are mostly unkind (i think this is a sweet pea centric fic?? julia really has something for everyone but dont expect her to do this again)
fp's adventures in domesticity (fp taking care of the andrews household while fred recovers from getting blasted in the chest)
Oblivion (all the times fred has experienced god)
west of memphis (jarchie post 107 thats all i can tell you idk)
Wherever you go i'll be with you (fp and archie - a timeline after freds death)
that's as close as i'll get to loving you (fremary - fred asks mary out)
i'm only good at being bad, bad (gladys hating her deadbeat husband <3)
and all the miles in between (fp and tom on the bus to basic training)
excerpts from the same party (freds interactions...at a party... the title is pretty self explanatory but who doesnt love a party fic ammirite ladiez)
don't you know these days you pay for everything (fred, fp, mary - i remember this being fp playing wingman to get fred and mary together cuz he likes mary better than hermione.... read more to find out if im right)
tying faith between our teeth (fredsythe - au where fp goes to college and doesnt ruin his life)
and they were roommates (fredsythe - another college au)
The Construction Tree (jarchie - idk what this is about i dont read kid fics im sorry... but julias a bomb ass writer so im sure the jarchies will love it anyway)
flowers grow through cement (fred gaining weight and feeling insecure)
night creatures call and the dead start to walk in their masquerade (HALLOWEEN FREDSYTHE BABYYYY!)
get me a prescription for that one perfect touch (fredsythe sick fic)
i don't know where else i can go (more hal and fred bonding hour)
everybody's got a hungry heart (fredsythe sexy time with food... that sounds weird.... listen either youre into it or youre not)
not so typical love song (fp and mary bonding hour)
all the redemption i can offer (fremary after the shooting... im pretty sure... listen i have a bad brain i cant remember things just read it)
Simply Irresistible (fred is a ho)
took the words (right out of my mouth) (four times fred and fp say ‘i love you’)
if you wanna get it done you gotta do it yourself (fp and mary loving fred... who is a ho)
people livin' in competition (more fp/fred/mary nonsense with fp gay pining what a good triangle i would have liked to seen it...)
buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight (mary works at youth crisis hotline and fred calls in)
that's what they say when we're together (halram post high school au)
a good old fashioned romance (hiram flaunting his wealth instead of displaying emotions)
you don't know what (you) got (fred has great friends even though hes a bit of a putz)
watch your weight (more fredsythe food shenanigans)
Valuable Lessons Learned On The Tilt-A-Whirl, or "Babe, You Ought To Quit This Scene Too" (alice hermione fred and fp go to the fair)
what once was (jughead and the andrews after freds shooting)
you must remember this (i have no recollection of what this is about but it sounds jughead centric)
takes guts to be gentle and kind (idk what this is either lmfao but i know julia saved moose and midge in it... idk midge but good for her [granted this also takes place after 202 so keep that in mind])
FP Jones and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad House Party (or, "Nothing Good Ever Happens At One Of These") (oh i remember this one.... mmmm. title tells you all really)
and so please help them with your youth ( ‘fred teaches archie to walk. archie returns the favor’)
andrews & son (more fred and archie post 201)
Blueberry Pie (fredsythe - my review of this fic is just me clutching my chest saying ‘oh god, oh fuck’)
never drill for oil on a city street (part 1 of mary working at a youth crisis hotline and fred calling in and i should put this above the other fic but like... you can figure out one and two on your own i believe in you)
The Perils of Faking Illness (or, “two times Fred Andrews faked sick to get out of class and one time he actually needed a hospital”) (read the title)
healing, in three parts (fred fp archie and jughead attempt a roadtrip)
all along the watchtower (#fredandrewsisriverdale)
guess that we were too much of the same kind (fred getting visitors in the hospital)
sometimes wonder what's beneath the mess you've become (fred and alice bonding hour)
nice day for a white wedding (fredsythe hospital times babyyyy!)
The Unexpected Perks of Feminist Activism (or, "Fingertip Rules") (fred gets fucked in a skirt by fp thats all you need to know)
Any Way You Want It (reggie x moose idk what it is but if you like them here you go)
fun, fun, fun (till her daddy takes the t-bird away) (beach antics! freds a menace but fp loves him anyway...)
hands over the ears of my heart (fred and hermione share a bed but platonically)
the apocalypse comes sooner than you think (fredsythemione antics)
small as a world and large as alone (a series of drabbles about archie jughead and fred post 104)
do a good turn daily (archie x reggie post 103)
seven minutes in heaven (archie and reggie picked for 7 minutes in heaven)
tell me every terrible thing you ever did (archie drops jughead off after the pep rally)
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thegreatthendowski · 3 years
our dreams are all that we have. all we have is the love in our hearts and what we choose to do with it.
but i didn’t have these gifts before God gave them to me. He gave me the gift of healing people through my own body and mind. a tremendous gift. all i’ve had to do is sit in a room with someone and like pure magic, I watched them come alive again. I think it’s intuition. I haven’t learned how to name it or how I could use it better.. I just do it. He gave me the gift of being empty... a vessel... so that I could take peoples darkness and turn it into light. and to be a mirror for people. allow them to see what’s inside of them.. good and ugly. I don’t know, there’s so much i’ve done, I wish I could be more conscious of it so that I could do more like make a profession out of this. because when I spent all that time sitting in coffee shops & doing this I would say to myself “I wish this could be my job” but I didn’t believe in myself at all, I kind of said that in bitterness.. like deep down I’ve believed in my power but when i’m out in the world I haven’t. because I was raised kind of believing that all this talk of spiritual things and anything really.. idk real and serious and surrounding love and real emotion.. was bad and shamed and never talked about in my household. so that’s something i’m still trying to recognize and let go of. but anyway, now that i’m finally beginning to calm down a bit and reflect on my situation and accept things and being more present I can begin to see the beauty of my future. I know now that I will fulfill all of my dreams, I will have everything I have ever wanted in life. I’m going to be a musician and a singer, an artist and a writer, a dancer, and maybe even get into film as well. i’m going to travel the world, travel in a van, adopt a pit bull, build a cob house, and maybe have children one day. maybe buy an old building and open up a coffee shop. I have the power to create all these things into reality. it’s freeing to know that time doesn’t really exist. and all we have is the present moment, it helps to focus on that and simplify. like ok what am I focusing on? what am I going to do with this time? God gave me gifts. someone once asked me about the things I enjoy doing, the things I love and they said “these are the things that will never leave you” and that’s the truth. we walk around like zombies pursuing jobs and materialism and all these things but it’s all going to fade away. all we really have is ourselves. we need to connect with ourselves to be able to authentically connect with others and build better communities. I know that just like me, so many people have SO much beautiful potential but it’s hard to realize. so i’m so freaking blessed that God has given me the opportunity to break free from those systems and realize my truest and best self. the tides are turning and I can see that all is always happening for good. and i’m so grateful that through this process I am able to help and heal and teach others! that’s all I ever asked for and cared about was wanting to help people. nothing makes any sense without love. i’ve been struggling because I haven’t been present and there was a period of time, months, where I lost myself. and so I keep trying to get it back... but sometimes I think I just have to accept that’s how it was. I struggled. and that’s okay because it did help me and one day that will all make sense. It did make me stronger even though I can’t really see that fully yet. it strengthened not only me but the world and that’s why it had such a big effect on me. but that’s the point. we destroy, to re-create something new and better and beautiful. we die and rise from the ashes. that beauty is all we have. life is music, dance, poetry, it’s all pure art. i want to look myself in the mirror again and love and know exactly who i am. it starts with letting go. letting go of the tremendous fear, guilt, shame, letting go of believing i need to be something different for the world. no. i’m here to be EXACTLY who I am.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
created by: allwrongx - Bzoink
Do you have a bookshelf? If so, just one or how many? I don’t, actually. I have the most books out of everyone in the family, but they’re all either lined up or stacked in random points in my room because of said lack of shelves. Currently, I have three groups of books strategically placed around my room.
If you answered yes to the above, are your books ordered in a special way? Just by height since I have a lot of tall books like encyclopedias as well as smaller-sized novels and pocketbooks.
Have you ever owned action figures? I have a couple of wrestling action figures and I want to keep collecting more if my financial situation ever permits it in the future.
Why did you last smile? Andrew Ilnyckyj finally has a new cooking videoooooooo, which is the main BuzzFeed content I watch these days. I think his last one had been posted in January, so I’ve been feeling pretty starved for some new Andrew content.
Do you have a close relationship with your immediate family? I’m not close with them in that I don’t feel shy about kissing/hugging them or confiding in them; my family are not those people for me. But like we don’t fight (anymore) and we’re able to have pleasant talks over dinner, which is as close as I’d possibly ever get with them. 
Idk, we were ultimately never able to cultivate an emotionally strong relationship with one another, which I’ll always feel bittersweet about; but at least I now have a blueprint of how I’d want to build my relationships within my family, should I ever have one of my own.
If I gave you twenty bucks what would you do with it? Use it to pay my sister for the drawing commission I asked her to make. My total bill comes up to around that amount, anyway.
If dinosaurs could be tamed, would you want one as a pet? Nope, they can stay in the wild.
Do you crack your knuckles, neck or toes constantly? I crack my knuckles the most and my ankles as well. Never my neck and toes.
Are you constantly catching colds or other sicknesses? No, I rarely get sick.
Is there a movie from your childhood that you still watch today? I do an annual Toy Story rewatch because it’s my absoluete favorite kid’s movie. I will also always be in the mood to watch The Game Plan, which I watched every single weekday after coming home from school in like the 3rd grade.
Have you ever seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Nope but this has been on my list for years. Just never gotten around to downloading it and finally seeing it for myself.
Where do you do most of your shopping? I usually go to small, independent businesses that sell trendy pieces for a lot less, but I also drop by H&M from time to time. Once I feel secure enough with my savings I also wanna be able to start shopping from Zalora because they have really nice brands over there as well, haha.
Are you afraid of mice? I don’t imagine I would be since they’re tiny and cute. I’m afraid of house rats, though, especially considering how big they can get D:
What type of souvenir do you usually purchase when on vacation? I typically don’t get souvenirs for myself, but this is also because I’ve never traveled solo. My family collects magnets from all the different places we’ve been to though (and also from my dad’s work travels), so our fridge doors are filled with them. 
Do you vacation often? Yeah, my family would usually take 3-5 trips a year, usually around the country and sometimes out of; but of course we’ve had to put a stop to it since the pandemic blew up.
Are you comfortable wearing your pajamas in public places? The only place I’d be comfortable doing so is at the nearby McDonald’s, since I’ve seen residents from my village come in there wearing their PJs or housewear. Otherwise no, I’d rather dress up.
What's your favorite candy bar? Twix!!!!!!!! And while they’re not technically bar-shaped, I love Reese’s Cups too.
Do you own more than one copy or edition of a book? Hahaha yeah. I have two copies of Twilight (one is from my boxed set, another was given to me by a childhood friend, Maryrose) and Breaking Dawn (one is also from my boxed set, while the other one is the special white cover edition given to me by Angela).
If you could see any musical on Broadway right now, what would it be? Miss Saigon. That’s the only musical I’m into.
If you could put any person or characters face on money, whose would it be? I definitely want to see a woman’s face on a dollar bill or coin sometime in the future. < Oh man, this is a pretty good answer. We do already have women in our P500 and P1000 bills, but they’re accompanied by men :/ It’d be neat to see a woman take over a bill/coin all on her own, like Gabriela Silang.
The place that you'd most like to be right now is where? God I really wish I were out in a coffee shop right now but I have to saveeeeee. I’ve been meaning to check out this nearby cafe that also doubles as a co-working space (which means I can do work there without feeling guilty or anxious that I’m taking too much time there, yay), and I might visit next week.
Do large crowds make you anxious? Depends on what the context is. If I find myself in the middle of a stampede that’s quickly going ugly then I will definitely start to panic; but if I’m at, say, a concert, then personally a bigger crowd means a better experience for me.
Do you own a helmet of any sorts? None of my own, but we do have a helmet for our bike.
Will you willingly sing in front of other people besides your family? No unless a huge sum of money is up for grabs, lmao. I’ve only sang in public once, when my mom made me do a solo number on my 7th birthday.
What's in the box? Yeah, I’m not feeling creative enough for this question...
Does your family generally decorate for most holidays? No, only for Christmas.
Would you take the chance to be Nancy Drew or The Hardy Boys for a day? Eh, I’d pass up on the offer. Mystery isn’t my thing.
Do you eat soup when you're sick? No. I prefer to drink lots of water as I usually lose my appetite when I’m sick anyway.
Is there a specific mug or coffee cup that you have to use all of the time? I don’t have to use it, but I’m in love with the mug Angela gave me just this past Christmas. I use it all the time now.
Have you ever watched Doctor Who? No, but I don’t think it’s my kind of genre or show.
If so, what do you think is the scariest creature yet?
Do you prefer to do your shopping online or in person? If I already have an idea of what I want to get, I prefer to get it in person. But if I need something oddly specific and have no idea where to start, that’s when I start to look for online shops or go to Shopee or Lazada altogether.
If you read, which book or series did you enjoy most as a child? Angie Sage, with her Septimus Heap series.
Do you read tour guide type books before you visit places? It’s been a while since I’ve traveled extensively, and when I was younger I didn’t really read into tourist guides. Now that I’m older, I do want to start reading up before visiting a different country – not necessarily about the best places to visit, but more about the culture and practices I have to observe. I remember being reprimanded by a Korean when I tried to snap a photo of something I saw while out in public in Jeju, and I don’t want to do something like that again.
How do you get rid of your hiccups? I hold my breath, which is a trick taught to me by my mom. Not always effective, but it does work sometimes.
Is there one saying that you've adopted from someone/somewhere else? I’ve picked up “Awesome!” which was Gabie’s catchphrase. My former director also liked saying “Anywhoooooo” when she wants to digress, and I’ve since adopted that into my vocabulary and mannerisms as well.
Can you lie effectively and smoothly? Yes, but I feel like shit every time I have to.
Do you buy Halloween candy when it's on sale after the holiday? No, I don’t enjoy candy anyway.
Why is your favorite teacher your favorite? She taught beyond her curriculum - music, which isn’t even part of my top 30 favorite subjects - and always made sure to inject a little bit of useful life advice in all her lessons.
Who can never fail to make you laugh? Hans.
Do you agree with the "they're just being kids" excuse? No, especially if the kids in question are already 16/17 year olds.
How many pets have you had in your lifetime? Countless goldfish, one chick, one rabbit, one cat, two birds, and two dogs.
Were you ever afraid of monsters under your bed? Sure. Still am occasionally, heh.
Would you kindly recommend your favorite movie to me? Two for the Road shows a realistic take on love told through cars and a non-linear tour around Southern Europe. If you’re into that and Audrey Hepburn’s pretty outfits in each scene, definitely check it out.
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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zontiky · 5 years
Okay but au where they're not all related and five is a mysterious orphan Diego keeps running into at odd hours of the night and then him just being like "fuck it he's like 13 he can't be out alone at night" and then just takes him home like a godamn stray and five is THRIVING under the positive attention he never had I beg of you please feed my soul. Also sorry if this doesn't make sense I've had 2 hours of sleep and like 8 coffees today
i think i’ve read a fic similar to this but FUCK YEAH let’s do this (sorry im so late btw i havent been feeling bullet points lately fksjdfks) ALSO HEY OP PLEASE DON’T DIE I HOPE YOU’RE OK??? 
so diego is still a cop and he’s patrolling or doing whatever it is that cops do, and then he sees a kid sitting in an alley
obviously he pulls over like “hey kid you okay?” and the kid is like “shut up go away bootlicker” and diego is instantly “okay then come on im taking you to get food”
the kid doesn’t want to go but at the same time diego can tell he knows that there’s really no better options. this child looks hungry
so the kid and diego go to griddy’s and the kid says his name is five when asked
“that’s not a name”
“is too”
diego+fam have a long history of trauma and reginald called them by number which was their birth order or something? idk OH SHIT WAIT YOU SAID NOT ALL RELATED OK OK COOL SO
luther is a mechanic who diego knows because he’s the dude who’s often the one repairing his car, they’re on pretty good terms and go out for coffee sometimes because luther hates alcohol and diego’s body is a temple so he doesn’t drink
diego is diego he’s a cop but he’s highkey broke and i really don’t know how much cops get paid? hm
ok google says from 34.6k - 89.4k a year and numbers mean nothing to me so lets say he’s just a gremlin who lives in a boiler room because it’s efficient
OR he’s still dating eudora and lives with her
you know what that’s probably the better option i’m gonna go with that. they don’t have as much childhood trauma even though none of the “siblings” come from exactly good homes? but none of them were raised by reggie mcfuckface so it’s less like,,, bad even though they’re all fucked up
ok ok so luther is a mechanic who uses his super strength and endurance to just fucking carry cars around his garage and i know NOTHING about mechanics as a profession but but but luther is good at what he does
diego is a cop who lives with eudora and throws knives like a boss. he also throws tennis balls really hard because stabbing people on duty isn’t advised
you know what? i’m gonna say allison ISNT a movie star, shes a smaller actress with minor roles here and there because she’s a mom and spends time with claire. she doesn’t use her rumor as much because honestly she doesn’t see a reason to? like sometimes she’ll go “i heard a rumor you gave me a free shot of coffee” and like,,, that’s it shfskd
her and patrick are still divorced but that’s because they did it the healthy way. they knew they were drifting apart but instead of rumoring him they broke it off mutually and they still meet up for coffee. they’re friends ok. claire loves her parents
klaus! klaus has problems but because im a soft bitch dave is here in 2019. he’s… also a mechanic…. they all know eachother but dave knows luther and diego pretty well. luther via work and diego via luther
yes klaus! so klaus has a history of drugs and addiction, because while he wasn’t shoved into a mausoleum ghosts screaming at you all the fucking time doesn’t help with staying sober
but because he has a support network he can fall back on he’s doing well, he’s a barista in a coffee shop that allison and patrick & diego and luther frequent
shoutout to klaus
five is an orphan he’s 13 and small and kind of a genius? fuck what if as a kid five accidentally time-traveled to 2019 and thaT’S HOW HE BECAME AN ORPHAN 
galaxy brain
so five is this kid in the wrong time living on the streets not knowing how things work
i mean he does obviously because he catches on quick and he’s smart but really he doesn’t know how some shit works ok. he’s clueless when it comes to technology and pop culture and shit
ben!! ben is alive!! he’s a part time writer and a full time librarian!! he knows klaus because during his homeless days klaus stuck around the library because free bathrooms and also reading to take his mind off the ghosts. they become really close and ben gets klaus to move in with him and then he’s trying to get sober and then ben’s car crashes and that’s how they meet luther and dave OHHHH
additionally: klaus illustrates some of ben’s books because he knows how to draw yay
vanya! she’s first chair in the orchestra and she’s dating helen cho because i say so
so vanya kicks ass at violin, she’s being gay teaching lessons all that good shit what more is there to say
harold isn’t here because there was never an umbrella academy
hmmm back to the,,, actual plot,,, im sorry sksfhdjsk
AND HE’S LIKE “oh no this child is awakening my paternal instincts oh no i have to take him home with me now”
eudora opening the door to see her husband boyfriend with an angry looking teenager at his side: dear god what did you do this time
eudora instantly bonds with five and i mean INSTANTLY like she lays eyes on him and goes “child?? small?? looks lonely?? must protect” and five looks at her like “badass looking lady she probably knows what shes doing might as well ask for info and stuff” but hes actually thinking “oh dang she looks like she knows what she’s doing RESPECT” and yeah ksdjhsdkf
then five expects them to be mean or just get tired of him and kick him out but?? they dont??? wack
diego is instantly like “kid where do you live”
“you live somewhere right???”
they find out he’s legally dead and thats another can of worms entirely
so they register and foster five
diego and eudora are registered foster parents you cannot change my mind alright
then five is introduced to luther and dave, and also ben and klaus because theyre hanging around the shop bc it’s their off day
so five instantly has 4 more people giving him instant love and validation and he’s like “woah”
claire too,, claire immediately adopts five as her older brother
this entire time five is like “i can’t stay im gonna leave soon you all know this right” and eveybody is “yep ok sure” but they all know hes gonna stay
five beats everybody at scrabble
diego beats everybody at darts, even though everybody calls him out for cheating
vanya beats everybody at musical chairs. she levitates the chairs so nobody can sit down
luther beats everybody at outdoor games. do not play tag with this man you might not make it out alive
allison is the QUEEN of blurt! 
ben is so good at charades it’s unfair
klaus honestly sucks at board games, but he always wins uno and nobody knows how (its the ghosts skfhsdkf)
five is so confused because its obvious all of them are cheating but??? nobody cares?? what
“it’s because it’s fun nobody is actually upset”
so they have to explain to him that they dont play to win they play to have fun and its just a fun thing they do to spend time together and bond
five: mind blown
five gets exposed to modern culture!! klaus and ben teach him memes is what i’m saying 
five goes to school!!! he makes friends!!!! they have nice sleepovers and diego and eudora make them cookies :’)
i want to say. okay so.
reginald exists and he had made grace eariler as preparation for the children he was going to adopt, but he died before he could buy any babies
so grace exists! and!! she knows the “siblings”!!!
so five has a grandma because im not going to lie grace is basically all of their’s mom
she lives in the mansion but she can go outside and DO THINGS and she makes them COOKIES and she LOVES HER KIDS and GRANDKIDS and five ADORES her ok
basically five is happy with his pseudo family that’s it thank you for your time
wait no actually he figures out how to time travel safely and he does go back and forth
sometimes he pops in and he’s like “hey we ran out of milk” and then a second later he’s like “for the love of god wait until tomorrow to get milk dont ask why you dont wanna know” and its obvious that he came back from the future and HHHHHH YES
the commission can’t do shit because found family love is simply too strong
hazel and agnes are the nice couple who run griddys and birdwatch
five is fond of them too honestly like he just loves going to griddys because it has so many happy memories for him and its where he met diego (sorta) and also yay hazel and agnes!!
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homeforchristmas-au · 5 years
Character bios pt 2!!
Decided to continue the bios for the rest of the fam squad, the full extended family!! Might change things around a bit, we’ll see!!! Here’s part one in case you missed it :3
Emile Sanders (formerly Picani):
Age: 46
Pronouns: he/him/they/them
Height: 6’1”
Curly medium golden mahogany brown hair and sky blue eyes, subtly tanned skin covered in freckles, red framed rounded glasses, likes dressing like a cartoon character or just wearing cartoon merch (his prized possession is his Mabel pines jumper) but wears a brown cardigan over a white button down shirt with a pink necktie when he goes to work
A big goofball that has a lot of love to give, but he still knows when to be more subdued and calm and when to activate “serious picani”. He’s always loved helping people work through their issues which is why he’s a therapist
Like patton, he’s excellent at reading emotions, though he’s a bit better at it since he’s a professional
Has ADHD, but has developed the necessary coping skills to help keep his symptoms under control
Has two siblings; Catarina (Patton’s mother) and Leonard (Patton’s other uncle). Emile is the baby of the family while Leonard is the oldest
Emile met Thomas when they were both in college. They shared an ASL class and quickly began getting along, and frequently practiced sign language together and feelings developed from there
It was quite some time before they got married, but it was well worth the wait
Thomas Sanders:
Age: 43
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 5’10”
The standard character Thomas look; floppy medium brown hair, chestnut eyes, fair skinned, wears the same three shirts periodically for five years until he buys three new shirts, the usual stuff
He’s a sweet, down to earth guy. Loves cartoons almost as much as Emile does, has a passion for pizza, theatre, and the cats of the world he’ll never be able to pet without dying. He can be impulsive at times, but his heightened anxiety oftentimes outweighs that
Has three brothers named Christian, Patrick, and Shea, but I won’t describe them in depth cos I don’t wanna get any facts wrong since this is based on Thomas himself oop-
I’m literally just describing the canon character Thomas except slightly older im-
There’s like nothing else to add to make this fun and unique it’s just character Thomas welp
Thomas and Emile’s kids:
Anton Sanders:
Age: 16
Pronouns: any/all
Height: idk uh ??? 5’7” ???
Medium length wavy black hair, electric blue eyes, fair skinned with a beauty mark on his right cheek beneath his eye, usually wears fashionable clothes and declares himself an eleven, often wears scarves and turtlenecks (almost exclusively black) as well as his round mirrored sunglasses
Can and will kill you with a single look. Especially if you mess with his family. He’ll never admit it but he loves them with everything he’s got, even if he never acts like it for even a moment
Especially adores Remy and respects that they’re discovering themself and exploring new possibilities. He knows from experience how tough that is and how much of a challenge it can be
Was adopted at age three after his parents were busted for child abuse and heavy drug addiction. It took quite some time for him to come out of his shell but Emile and Thomas were nothing but patient and loving and kind. He still has a lot of trust issues but he knows he can trust his family
Will never admit it now but became insanely jealous when remy was adopted into the family. He did not want a brother because he knew that meant he was being replaced and he wasn’t loved anymore
Eventually Thomas and Emile sat him down and they all talked through it and assured Anton that he was still loved and he was not being replaced
It still took a very long time for Anton to trust Remy, even if he was only a baby
His heart was won over when Remy said his first word to him
All he said was “no” but Anton admired his defiant spirit
also yes this is the Critic how did u know
Remy Sanders:
Age: 12 (birthday January 16)
Pronouns: he/him/they/them/it/its
Height: damnit how tall are 12 year olds
Shoulder length hair dyed dark purple at the roots that fades into magenta at the ends (hair colour changes periodically depending on what it feels like having), chocolate brown eyes, fairly dark skinned but not heavily so, gender expression changes at the drop of a hat but it often wears leather, skirts, beanies, and a heck ton of earrings (when it turns eighteen it starts getting a lot of different piercings like angel bites, nostril, and industrial piercings, etc) (that’s worth noting)
Almost always sarcastic but that’s its way of showing love really. It’s a helluva punk that can and will fight anyone to the death if they deserve it (or if they hurt someone Remy likes). It’s actually a huge nerd but doesnt usually show that side of itself. It loves reading, watching shows like doctor who, and doing puzzles with Logan
Was diagnosed with adhd after Emile noticed it experienced similar symptoms for quite a while
Was adopted by Thomas and Emile when it was a baby (and Anton was four), having been found by Emile when it was left in a box in an alleyway, which was a long and complicated process but one hundred percent worth it
It has a trio of male rats named Holmes, Watson, and Splinter. Thomas was a bit reluctant to let it adopt rats but they all went to a rat breeder and when Thomas saw them all and even held one he realised it wasn’t so bad and they were actually kinda cute
When it was nine years old, it nearly died in a nasty hit and run. A truck had swerved into it when it was by the side of the road. It was fine after a lengthy recovery except it had to use a wheelchair after some spinal cord damage left it immobilised from the waist down. The driver was never identified
It probably wasn’t a coincidence that this event occurred not long after remy started talking about how much it loved boys just as much as it loved girls, but that teas a bit too hot for this post
Logan’s sisters:
Ellen Adams-Waterson:
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 5’6”
Light auburn hair going just barely past the shoulders, honey eyes, fair skinned though mildly tanned, covered from head to toe with freckles, red framed rectangular glasses, usually wears clothes for comfort and especially likes turtlenecks
She’s a determined, steadfast kinda gal who fights for whats right and gives everything she has for her loved ones, especially her immediate family. Although she can be pretty blunt with her words she’s also kindhearted and wants whats best for everyone
She’s an avid writer, and has actually published a novel. She also dabbles in fanfiction and is unashamed about it
She’s married to a wonderful wife named Elizabeth and they have a daughter named Kaylee (15)
She’s also been trying to quit smoking but so far that has yielded no results
Ashley Fletcher (formerly Adams):
Age: 24
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 5’10”
Long light ash brown hair that reaches her tailbone that she keeps parted to the right, electric blue eyes, fair skinned and a face full of freckles, black rectangular glasses, tries to be fashion forward but mostly just wears T-shirts and denim jackets
She’s a trans woman and has been transitioning for a few years now with lots of support from her family. She’s a nice person but let’s people walk all over her a bit. She doesn’t like confrontation much because of her anxiety disorder, but she’s trying to get better with that
Loves acting and wants to pursue it as a career, but her anxiety makes it difficult to put herself out there
Married to a trans man named warren and they have a son named jack (11) and a daughter named Emma (6)
She met warren at a pride event with Logan and Patton, and it was actually Patton who met him first (although at the time he went by a different name and didnt know he was trans yet) and then introduced him to the others
They actually talked about adopting a child long before even considering marriage. Although they realised it would look better to adoption agencies if they were married, and that was the main reason they even went through all of that
Renae Adams:
Age: 21
Pronouns: she/her/he/him
Height: 6’8”
Short wavy hair dyed bright pink, amber eyes, fair skinned, a black *dabs* styling pair of Warby Parker’s, often wears high neck shirts and suit jackets, basically always business casual because she can, and loves wearing hoop earrings
There are two sides to Renae; either stone cold businessperson or happy go lucky memelord with a heart of gold. She’s a lot like Logan in that regard, although it’s harder to predict what side of her you’ll see at any given moment. She can either be a super soft bean or the scariest person on the planet
Has been dealing with OCD her whole life, and sometimes it gets particularly bad (especially the intrusive thoughts) but she has a therapist and psychiatrist she sees somewhat regularly
She runs her own coffee shop called Real Bean Café and it does fairly well. She’s always thinking about how she can improve her business
She’s aroace so she isn’t in a romantic relationship but she is in a queerplatonic relationship with a beautiful enby named Pigeon
They actually met in her coffeeshop. Renae saw Pigeon’s Attack on Titan T-shirt and was immediately compelled to talk to them
And that is it for part two of the character bios!!! Might make another post talking about Logan’s sisters’ kids and partners but idk we’ll see 👀
I just really like character designs man lmao
Lemme know if I need to tag anything else my brain box isn’t generating the required tags rn lmao
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spywitch · 4 years
Hhh I just can’t be totally on board with the militant “adopt don’t shop or else ur totally evil” mindset like. Sure buying a puppy instead of helping an older dog in need or something is a little selfish and bougie but so is like. Buying anything that you don’t need instead of donating the money or something. Like you aren’t a terrible person for buying an xbox and iphone with your extra money when you could have helped someone instead... maybe a little selfish but arent we all sometimes.
And like yeah encouraging ppl to adopt can help existing shelter dogs but it won’t completely solve the issue of unwanted dogs. I think encouraging spay and neuter, discouraging backyard breeding, and making sure people are getting the right dog for their lifestyle and experience level to minimize the chance of them having to surrender it is much more important than screaming at someone for buying a goldendoodle... Like idk getting a dog is a really important decision and some ppl. Just know what breed they want and want to raise it how they want it to be from a puppy and I don’t think thats evil lmafo... its a dog not a human child they literally were bred for different desired traits
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liftingmylfe · 5 years
Reused, Routines
shoplifting routine + tips
before i sleep, i’m going to type out some things i collected from lift-pros who have deactivated their blogs and adopted into my own routine! i’ll just detail my routine and try to give a few tips at the end so that the newer lifters can have some of the wisdom of those who have left us.
whenever i go lifting, i always bring a medium sized purse and a large shopping bag. i gently fold the shopping bag and put it inside of my purse. other than this, i’ll bring:
my magnet and hook (i hide them inside of these hidden zippers in my purse) {some lifters use scissors. same goes.}
a wallet with a decent amount of money (if i have it) in case i get caught
earphones (personal preference, but i find that music calms me and makes me look nonchalant. sometimes i won’t even listen to anything so that i can appear occupied, but actually be attentively listening around me.)
when i enter my first store, i’ll browse around, examining fabric, price tags, comparing clothes to my body in the mirrors. this is useful for concealing. if you conceal an item of clothing in another, mirrors are so good for checking if you can see it. just look as if you’re checking our your appearance.
try to take some items without hangers, so that you can put those items onto hangers when you have extras.
once i’ve taken a couple items i want along with some larger items with pockets (jeans, overalls, collared shirts) i’ll go to a changing room. if an attendant asks me how many items i have, i’ll lie and say 2 less than what i have. if they physically count the items, then i’ll probably only steal one item. if no one gives a shit, then still, don’t be too careless about stealing items. there’s still video cameras.
***MAKE SURE not to steal a boldly printed/colored item that’s showing in your pile of clothing or the first item that you’re holding. they’ll probably notice it’s gone, or at least there’s a greater risk. ***
in the changing room, i’ll probably take my shoes off so i don’t look suspicious from underneath the curtain. and if the curtain doesn’t fully close, i ALWAYS hold it closed with my body as i detag. a lady once walked in on me as i was detagging and i nearly had a heart attack, thankfully she didn’t see anything.
after i take the tags off of the items i want, i’ll put the tags into or onto the clothes i don’t want. DOUBLE CHECK FOR TAGS PLEASE!!!! THERE’S CHANCES OF EXTRA HARD AND SOFT TAGS. i’ll put the clothes i detagged in my purse. if i don’t have space, i might wear the item of clothing if it’s small and unnoticeable. when i exit the changing room, i’ll most likely leave one item that has been untouched on the rack outside of the changing room.
PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO LEAVE THE ITEM WITH THE EXTRA TAGS ON OR IN IT ON THE RACK OR WITH THE ATTENDANT the attendant will be touching these items the soonest and it’s pretty sketchy when a tag falls out of a pocket or if there’s an extra on there.
i usually take the items with the tags and bring them back out to the store, if i’m not lazy i’ll put it back where it came from. i always try to put it in the middle of the rack.
then i exit the store, trying to look calm.
so you probably noticed i haven’t mentioned the shopping bags yet. this isn’t what everyone does, but i always head to the bathroom and put the clothes i stole into the bag. it works for me because i can’t necessarily pull off walking into my mall with a bag in hand, but if you want to start off with the bag, just put something thin and dark inside the bag to put on top of the clothes you stole. just in case.
then i hit up other stores! except at these other stores, i can put the clothes i take into the shopping bag.
1. always double check for tags on the clothing. this is a given, but really, you have to check for any kind of tag. you might have gotten the hard tag off, but there could still be a soft tag somewhere, or some other lifter could’ve left a tag somewhere. hold up the price tags and clothing tags up to the light and look for chips and shit.
2. HIDE your tools. please. hide them. if the LP sees your tools, you’ll get punished so much harder because you were shoplifting with the intent.
3. DON’T RUN!!! don’t run. if you run, well, it depends on store policy. but if you run, they might tackle you or call the police or some shit.
4. if you don’t have a good feeling about a place, drop the shit and get out. seriously. get out. leave the mall if you have to. give it a little time before you return. just don’t risk it. no item is worth a record, especially since we’re all young with our futures ahead of us.
5. find somewhere to put your tags. don’t be careless. i’ve seen people just leave the tags in the changing room, it’s not necessarily traceable but it draws attention to the fact that shoplifting is prevalent in the store. what i’ve found is putting them inside of purses, pockets is effective. and of course, retagging clothing as well. i usually tag the inner tag on the seam of the clothing.
6. always be nice to the SA. if they talk to you, they’re just doing their job and being polite. but if they’re following you around a little too closely, they’re probably suspicious of you.
7. dress appropriately for the store. this is also a given, but don’t wear shit like black hoodies and sweatpants, cause you probably look like a lifter who wants to wear clothing out of the store. also, i recommend changing your appearance up a little.
8. don’tttt please don’t go to one store too much and never buy anything. give it some time. if an store attendant asks, i like to say that i’m just trying on things and i’m going to tell my mom what i want so we can come back. also, don’t always go at like 4:00 on a tuesday. change it up, so you catch different employees at different shifts.
9. don’t grab a shitton of stuff and then steal a large portion of it. for me it’s usually: stealing one item for every four pieces i grab, two if the SA’s aren’t nearby or paying attention, or if i concealed really well.  
10. you don’t NEED to buy a small thing to alleviate suspicion. i understand the logic, but honestly i’d just get out of the store. don’t stay longer than you need to.
11. when you’re leaving, don’t rush out. walk sloow and calm like any normal shopper would. i get it. you wanna get out ASAP. but you also don’t want to be sus. fake a phone call if you must. or look at your phone. just be natural.
12. DON’T BE AFRAID TO WASTE A DAY ON SCOUTING. lifting at a new store is very exciting but sometimes they might have something you’re not familiar with, like at zara, they will scan every single clothing item and make sure there’s a tag when you’re entering and leaving the changing room. when you scout, figure out the layout, security cameras, SA procedures
13. THIS IS REALLY USEFUL FOR ME idk if it’s useful for you but some of the stores i go to have a level for men’s wear and a level for women. often times, the changing rooms on the men’s level will have fewer people and fewer SA’s. if you feel like the SA’s on the women’s level are hardasses about the clothes in your arm, check out the men’s level.
14. DON’T TAKE WHAT YOU DON’T NEED. don’t be greedy. this is just me, but i take only things i will actually wear. some people boost, so that’s different, but don’t be greedy. stores will probably notice a larger loss in inventory way sooner. pleaseee don’t be greedy. sometimes shoplifting is so easy you think you can get away with anything, but it’s still illegal at the end of the day. only take things you really want. i always look at store websites before hitting up stores so i have an idea of what i want and i have my limits. be smart about it. there’s a ton of big, flashy hauls on tumblr, but you don’t need to compete with others. go at your own speed.
15. don’t ever underestimate the fact that shoplifting is still a crime. even if you’re a teenager, you’ll be punished. don’t forget that. you can still stick it to the man, just, be careful.
other methods besides dressing room concealing:
so there’s a lot of other methods out there, especially just on the floor concealing where you put things in your bag or your sleeve. personally, it doesn’t work for me, so i’m sorry i didn’t cover it. i’m afraid of blind spots not actually being blind spots and i’m also afraid of tags. if there’s jewelry i want or something non-clothing, i’ll hide it under the clothes in my arm. this is only if the SA will not take these things from me and count them. so you need prior knowledge. anyways, a lot of jewelry i’ve seen have tags as well so be careful. i’ve taken shoes, bikinis, jewelry, socks and underwear this way ahaha i’d say it’s effective but you need to know your store.
hope this helped!
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ahgasetay · 5 years
Tag | Käri Version
Tagged by @xiaojuxiyou and Admin Jade!
•How tall are you?
I’m 5′4 or 162cm (I think I’m the shortest admin here)
•What color or style is your hair?
My natural hair is Black but I’ve dyed the underside of it (even though rn it’s just like nasty bleach). It also goes down about 3 inches past my collar bone (abt 7 cm) with some bangs that reach my chin.
•What color are your eyes?
I like to say my eyes are hazel but they are really green with gold on the inside
•Do you wear glasses?
Technically but I haven’t worn them in a while bc the prescription is really off
•Do you wear braces?
No, but I did!!
•What’s your fashion sense?
Honestly, I just wear t-shirts and sweatpants a lot but when I actually dress up its either kinda grungy or florals
•Full name?
Kaitlyn Paige We***** S****** (Jade and I actually share a last name)
•When were you born?
June 2nd, 2000
•Where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from Washington State (USA), but I currently live in Colorado State (USA)
•What school did you go to?
I live in a fairly small town and went to high school there and I currently go to community college on a full ride scholarship
•What kind of student are you?
I’m fairly okay as a student. I’m really smart but I sometimes forget about assignments and stuff but I currently have a 3.5 GPA in college
•Do I like school?
I like college a lot more than I liked high school, but spring semesters are always hard for me
•Favorite subject?
I like almost everything creative so dance, music, creative writing, etc, but if I couldn’t choose those then it would be either forensics or foreign languages
•Favorite tv show?
Probably either Brooklyn Nine-Nine or Homicide Hunter (atm)
•Favorite movie? 
Guardians of the Galaxy and pretty much any Star Wars Movie
•Favorite books?
The Lost World by Michael Crichton or Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke
•Favorite Pastime?
I spend a lot of my time either writing or dancing but I also love calming down and playing video games with my squad
•Do you have any regrets?
I mean I kinda regret not saying goodbye to the people I’ve lost, but I know that if I cling onto that it hurts more so I just... don’t?
•Dream job?
Any sort of music performance but that’s not really possible so Marine Biology, but that’s also not possible so maybe music therapist?
•Would you ever like to be married?
Yes but I’m definitely not ready for it now, I’m only 18.
•Would you like to have any kids?
Maybe? But if I do I’d probably just adopt or foster
•How many? 
Idk it all depends on how I feel when I’m older but all I know is a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5
•Do you like shopping?
I don’t like shopping for clothes all that much (I get made fun of for it bc I’m so awkward when doing it), but if you put me anywhere makeup or skincare I’m buying everything.
•What countries have you visited?
I have never been outside the U.S. but I’d love to travel
•Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
I had night terrors and sleep paralysis for the longest time due to mental illnesses and all of those dreams were really really bad
•Any enemies?
Not really? 
•Any significant other?
Nope I’m single AF
•Do you believe in miracles?
Yes absolutely (I myself am one), but I also believe in the exact opposite of miracles.
•How are you?
I’m doing fairly okay. I just made my bed for the first time in a year but I broke my phone, so you know I’m just fairly normal
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