#if there is one imp!asher fan it is me
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tell me; is the world really worth saving?
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ashuribbon · 6 years
Want me to gush about my OCs?
I usually like to listen to Cell Block Tango from the Broadway musical, Chicago. I’m yet to draw my other OCs, but I’ll tell you what character in the musical number each of my Miis would be under the cut!
Asher the (False) Warrior is Pop. The moment EDL Harvey nearly exposed her for being an advocate for the Dark Lord, she would lure him away from Neksdor into a deep forest and kill her off all Tigerstar vs. Scourge style. She was very wrathful for eavesdropping her and felt very little empathy when he breathed his final breath.
Malice the Chef is Six. At one point, Malice was a chef for the King of Greenhorne, who happens to be a human/eldritch god hybrid, until an Imp named Solstice took over. Solstice would kill off the King’s only wife, and steal any girl he considers beautiful, making him have six wives. During the time Malice was preparing his drink full of arsenic, she would see Ari burning him to a crisp, which was more satisfying to watch.
Choppa the Thief is Squish. She actually killed off a robber by jabbing the knife in self-defense. Luckily, nobody in her family was hurt, but it was what got her into the art of thievery.
Ari the (Truthful) Mage is Uh-Uh. She knew Asher was influenced by an evil force and was growing attached to the Dark Curse’s influence, and was unable to do anything about it. The moment Asher killed Harvey, she has to face the facts that her sister is a cold-blooded murderer, but has to say none of this was her fault.
Fab Fairy Roxie is Cicero. Roxie was always dealing with business, and she became more firm with it after seeing Poppy and one of their fans… Uh… Do it. Roxie would black out, only to see the two of them dead.
Marina the Cleric is Lipschitz. She only became allies with the Dark Lord just so she can live forever and not have to worry about death. For thousands of years, she’d been waiting for ‘the chosen’ to arrive to the world. Originally, it was going to be Ari, since she trained her to use cleric magic, but the moment Asher was revived from the dead with the cost of her wings she knew the Dark Curse made the right choice. She wounded up getting her karma as she would be ditched off for her adoptive warrior daughter.
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thornstocutyouwith · 6 years
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TAGGED BY:  Nobody
TAGGING: Anyone who wants to do this
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?   "Asher Delkari.”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?   "Well certainly people have many names for me, but as far as I can still tell, it’s still Asher Delkari.”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT?  “It is just the name I was given, is all.”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? "Well, that depends, now doesn’t it?  You could say I am taken by Darius. But it is more so Darius being taken by me.”
“Well, let me just read this list my mun made -Adjusts his glasses and holds up a sheet of paper-
Wrath Embodiment: Users can become a physical manifestation or personification of wrath in their reality and gains power from the anger in others or oneself. Users can use anger and endless rage as a power source to extend their life span or as a weapon. They can become immune to death unless certain conditions are met. Without endless rage/anger, the user is weakened. Releasing anger can weaken the user. User may attack/destroy anything or anyone when enraged. Sin Embodiment: Users become a physical personification or manifestation of the sins of man that brings them down and gain power from sins and vices of others and oneself as well as the very concept of Evil. Users can use sins as a power source to extend their life span, use it as a weapon or cause others to sin/be evil, it can also be displayed by their physical, spiritual forms. The user can commit any sin they want and can also augment their inducements on a victim until they are rendered completely insane or dead. Death Negation: User can negate/cancel out some or even all kinds of deaths from oneself and others, truly making them ensuring that the living stays alive, even in death they can resurrect themselves for as long as the user so desires, potentially defeating death itself no matter how strong or impossible the odds may be. Energy Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate energy, the capacity to cause change: one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) among a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy. Common physical forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, and various types of potential energy such as gravitational and elastic. Demon Sex Lord Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Sex Demon Lord of the highest caliber. They possess incredible supernatural power, unchallenged dominion over demons of lust and corruption, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. Sex Demon Lords wield dark and various sexual type powers from the most corrupted forms of sexuality that can drive people into the most malevolent and perverse acts of sexual corruption, evil and sin. Demon Lord Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Demon Lord of the highest caliber. They possess incredible supernatural power, unchallenged dominion over demons and minions, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. On top of their gargantuan personal power, they usually rule over their own hellish kingdom and its legions of unholy horrors, making them some of the most dangerous threats to civilized communities and the world at large. Demon Physiology: The power to use the abilities of demons. Demonic Slayer Some may have an unstable personality, even mistaken for Possession. May be susceptible to ascending from disgrace. May have a hard time returning to normal. Weak against users of Angel Physiology or other holy powers. Reality Warping:   User can create, shape and manipulate reality just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered “real”, stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic. Game Manipulation: User can manipulate any kinds of game and their theories, from table-top games like board games, card games, dice games, wargames, RPGs to modern video games. They are masters at any games they play and can easily set up or change any rules as they wish, bring game materials into reality or vice versa, essentially treat everything they see as just a game, even reality. Claw Extension: The user is able to extend the length of their nails to varying degrees. In some cases, this creates a sort-of invisible edge, while in other cases, the nails stretch. Human Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a Human. May also gain human weaknesses.
-Does that sound right? That’s powerful. But I can have a few more God mode powers tacked on, right? -Smirks-”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? "Sometimes they are bluish green, sometimes they are purple. But a lot of the times they are a bright angry red!”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “Not really, but now that you bring it up, that could happen.”   
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? "Imps, imps everywhere! ALL THE IMPS OF HELL! Darling things they are. Quite adorable.”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. "My brothers and my father. And those who mistakenly underestimate me.”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “ Fucking with people, that can be counted as a hobby, right? Yeah! Playing games, with those people is my favorite.”
"Oh yeeeass. I’ve hurt many people. It’s one of my favorite things. I’m the embodiment of Wrath, you should know. And Pain is a big part of Wrath.”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? " I’ve killed countless.”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? "I would be a Bull, or a Gorilla, or a Cat, Cheshire brand.” 
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. "Being alive.”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE?  “Ffffuuuuck No. That doesn’t make sense. I’m to great to have idols.”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? "Greysexual or Bisexual.”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL?  “ What the fuck is school? Is that those training camps the mortals like to send their mini me’s to, to be baby sat and taught nonsense for several hours a day? Never  went. Great baby sitters club though. I’ve heard about all the baby sitters converting the children to Satanism and I really appreciate their perverse methods. Teach those little shits about the trigonometry and their abc’s, there going to need to learn how to read if want to impress me with their cooking, which is one way they are going to get out eternal damnation!”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY?  “ Been there, done that! - Throws LoveCraft at Darius- The boy has yet to meet his new mom though. And maybe I’ll make some more spawns in the future.”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS?  “ Of course I have fans. It’s been a very hot summer after all. And Hell is hotter, you know.”
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? "Um, raincheck, I can’t really think of something i’ve truly been scared of.”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Something Purple, something black, usually a mix between a swaggering businessman and a jester.”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? "I can’t really fully love anyone. Unless I want to be poisoned and killed. Then yeah.” 
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “Bard Class...Huh? Oh, I mean, I’m the highest class, I can literally have anything I want.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “So many fiends, so many.  -What?...It’s friends? Oh! Hah, naah, I don’t have any friends. That’s lame, friends are lame.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? "You throw it at people for personal amusement at their dismay.”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? "Warm Lemonade.”
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE?  “I’m interested in everyone. Especially a Hatter.”
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? " Any size I want it to be.”
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? "The ocean, a lake is too small.”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? "I don’t care about types.”
34. ANY FETISHES? "Screams of pain and horror and the realization that Hell is someones new home.”  
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? "Most often it’s top. And Dominant.”  
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? "Indoors.”
"Oh, this was an interview? I didn’t even notice? There’s nothing more you want to ask me?” 
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