#if they keep gaslighting kotetsu
fatal-heresy · 1 year
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I have no idea how to draw pretty anime twinks Im so sorry I'm just starting to learn </3
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
a little in love now and then, part 8/? | ao3 | ff.net |
Summary: Abarai Renji doesn’t have a fortune, but he does appear to be in want of a wife, at least in Lady Kuchiki’s opinion. Fortunately, Lady Kuchiki also  has a sister, and a woefully eligible one, at that. (itty bitty Hisana Lived! AU)
Rating: T, for minor cussing
This time: The Squad Six Office, Once Again: Renji and Byakuya have an ambiguous discussion about career ambitions.
Older parts: | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 |
Renji had expected there might be some weirdness at the office the next day, but the last thing he had expected was Captain Kuchiki to be personable.
“Welcome back, Abarai,” he greeted pleasantly. “How was the Vice-Captains’ Meeting?”
Renji froze, wondering what kind of trap this was. “I’ll have my Vice-Captains’ Meeting Summary Memo to you by the end of the day, sir. I didn’t forget. The meeting only let out just now.”
“I was being conversational, Abarai,” Captain Kuchiki informed him. “And perhaps I was curious as to if there was any interesting news, perhaps… vis a vis promotions? The Head-Captain was irritatingly vague about the topic of replacement captains at our last meeting.”
“Oh!” Renji breathed out a sigh of relief. He would never have had the nerve to call Captain Kuchiki a gossip, but the man did enjoy being up on the latest Gotei scuttlebutt. “Well, it definitely seems like there aren’t gonna be any straight promotions. If we hadn’t caught Aizen and his cronies, I think it mighta been a different story-- trying to promote people real quick, whether or not they’re exactly ready.” Renji had spent a considerable amount of time, actually, trying to imagine Ikkaku getting strong-armed into taking a squad. Renji wasn’t sure which was more horrifying-- Ikkaku in charge of anything, or Squad 11 without the two people who kept it from devolving into utter chaos, since surely, wherever Ikkaku went, Yumichika would surely follow.
“Indeed, that would have proven disastrous,” Byakuya agreed. “Captaincy is a serious business. Only a fool would accept such an appointment without the proper resume.”
Renji tilted his head to one side. “I dunno. Some people are good at rising to the occasion. Captain Hitsugaya, f’r instance, seems to be doing pretty well.”
Captain Kuchiki’s face went stony. “It would have been difficult not to make some sort of improvement over his predecessor.”
Renji liked to leave the strong personal opinions to his captain, so he soldiered onward. “Lieutenant Sasakibe had a few words and stern looks toward some of the older Vice-Captains about training for bankai. Omaeda’s never gonna get bankai, he’s barkin’ up the wrong tree, there. Kotetsu, maybe, but I can’t see her leavin’ the Fourth. I think Lieutenant Hisagi might be goin’ that direction, but Lieutenants Kira and Hinamori sound like they’d be just as happy to have someone new come in and take over.”
“They are both very young,” Byakuya agreed.
“They’re about the same age as me,” Renji agreed. “We were in the same class at school.”
“You are very young,” Byakuya informed him, seemingly having misinterpreted his intent. Captain Kuchiki did not say the words “a baby”, but a space hung in the air, exactly the size and shape of the words “a baby”, spoken in a mellifluous baritone.
Renji thought back on what Kira had said the night before. “Unless you’re planning on winning the lottery or passing the captain’s exam…” Renji didn’t have much faith in lotteries, but in the grand scheme of things, that white haori wasn’t entirely out of the question. Not now, obviously. Good gravy, he’d seen Kira’s stack of logbooks and the bags under his and Hinamori’s eyes. Who the hell would want to take over a squad that had been run as a front for a gaslighting madman? But maybe Byakuya expected to see more ambition from a man seeking his sister’s hand. And, all joking aside, Renji was perfectly aware that his ass would be out on the street the very minute Touma earned his lieutenant’s papers, so it was in his best interests to have his next career move lined up before then. “Speakin’ of which!” he blurted out, a bit too high on the volume.
Byakuya looked startled.
“Speaking of which,” Renji started again, a little softer this time. “My bankai. You said… you said it was gonna take some practice. I been thinking about this a lot. I always thought of Zabimaru as a melee-type zanpakutou and-- well, they are-- but the big thing is control, y’know, which is done with my spiritual pressure, and they aren’t that different, you see, than-- than Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.” That could have gone smoother. He had been thinking about asking for a while, but hadn’t decided for sure yet, hadn’t planned out what to say. It was too late now, he just had to keep going. Renji dove into a deep bow. “Sir, will you help train me with my bankai?”
Renji raised his head, just a fraction, trying to gauge his captain’s reaction. Captain Kuchiki looked like he was carved of marble. Unfortunately, that was just how he looked most of the time. Renji turned his eyes back to the floor.
Finally, Byakuya spoke. “Of course. As your captain, it is my duty. I warn you, though, Lieutenant, that if your assessment is correct, you are in for an arduous journey. It took far more time and effort to master my bankai than to achieve it.”
“I’m not afraid of hard work, sir,” Renji barked, too loud again. “And I know it’ll take a long time. That’s why I can’t afford to waste any!”
There was another long silence, and finally, Byakuya said, “I will work up a schedule. I expect that this will not affect your other responsibilities.”
“No, sir!” Renji replied, straightening up.
“Including that Vice-Captains’ Meeting Summary Memo.”
“Getting right on it, sir!”
Settled at his desk, shortly after, as he was mixing up some ink, Renji reflected on the fact that Byakuya had not bothered to critique any of his dubious etiquette from dinner the night before, and wondered if that was a good sign or a bad one. He decided that was going to be a losing battle, no matter what, and he might as well double down on being a good lieutenant. The best lieutenant, definitely on his way to captain. There was no way he could go wrong with that.
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batneko · 7 years
tiger and bunny rewatch, ep 19
hey remember three episodes ago when I said I couldn’t promise it wouldn’t get any darker?
it’s certainly debatable which of these two episodes are darker. depends on what hits you harder; physical abuse or emotional manipulation. not to mention that one only had (arguably) justifiable murder, while this one...
let’s get into it.
I didn’t cap every single line of dialogue but boy was I close
trigger warnings: ptsd, emotional abuse and gaslighting, drugging, past murder
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last time we saw Bunny, he was drinking alone and thinking about the past
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it looks like he didn’t sleep at all, but now someone’s ringing the doorbell
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way back when they were babysitting!
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and that is definitely the only reason
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I’m sorry, I had to cap that whole thing, he wants to feed Bunny so bad!
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oh yeah, that
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Kotetsu’s 10+ years older than Bunny so he would have been a teenager when this happened. (I’ve seen some excellent art of teen Kotetsu babysitting little Bunny.)
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he’s sobbing
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Kotetsu’s motives are mixed, but it’s understandable. He wants to go back home to his family. He loves them and they need him. But Bunny needs him too, and Kotetsu loves him like a brother even if you don’t ship them.
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and so it’s off to the park and the Christmas market!
btw this series has been taking place in the 70′s all along.
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a little booth selling souvenirs and things
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keep your baby bunny warm
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Kotetsu bought something
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hey remember this from the first season’s OP?
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that finally makes sense!
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Barnaby Brooks Jr: priorities in order
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yeah... yeah, we can totally do that.
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they go look at the big Christmas tree, and Bunny’s actually smiling. even with all his problems, being out with Kotetsu is making him feel better.
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kinda funny to have Santa taking pictures instead of pictures with Santa, but traditions differ from culture to culture. Sternbild is kind of half Japan and half New York City.
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oh bunbun
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nope he’s decided to go with the torment
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and now he’s having a breakdown in public so that’s good
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Bunny needs him more right now. Kotetsu loves him. And he’s not the kind of person who can abandon anyone who needs support so badly.
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either they didn’t think this shot out, or they knew exactly what they were doing
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aaaand Bunny passes out. he didn’t sleep, he hasn’t eaten since yesterday and he drank like half a bottle of wine last night.
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it’s a good thing the mall has a nurse’s office
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Bunny has another flashback/nightmare, and this time the ouroboros tattoo dissolves off the murderer’s hand.
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Bunny wakes up alone
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Kotetsu is calling his mom and... riding a little mechanical tiger? what?
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Kaede grabbed the phone
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and Bunny found him...
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oh no
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I warned you Kotetsu I fucking warned you
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yeah not buying it
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he knows, he knows something is wrong.
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everybody who loves Kotetsu can see through his bullshit!
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okay... kind of... a little. but it’s totally normal to have multiple motives for your actions!
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it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care!
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he smacks his hand away, really hard!
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(don’t say that Bunny that’s what he’s afraid of)
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hey! no! we don’t hit people!
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what the fuck Kotetsu!
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too little too late
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you deserve this.
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Bunny goes to the only other person he trusts
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I fought with my boyfriend and he hit me. :C
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he tells him about what Kriem said
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and about the tattoo
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made him some tea
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then the old nanny calls
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that sounds important! so instead let’s see what Kotetsu is doing!
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getting drunk! okay.
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Kotetsu went to the hero bar because he’s a big nerd, and they’re showing a Barnaby interview on the TV
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he loves you you big idiot
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oh hey remember what he said earlier?
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you fucked up so goddamn bad, Kotetsu
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luckily Kotetsu knows he fucked up, and goes to try and make it right
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we don’t see the photo, yet.
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and... suddenly Maverick seems awfully sinister
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Kotetsu is on his way
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he asks if Bunny forgot
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but no... now he remembers.
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hey who wants Maverick’s backstory?
no one? no?
too bad.
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they even helped build armored suits for the heroes
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because getting in bed with the mob never backfires
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so they had to go.
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he never told Bunny because, of course, if Bunny knew he was one he’d want to know what his power was. and if he knew fake memories were a possibility, he might start asking questions.
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oh god
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he drugged the tea
how many times has he done this that he keeps drugs in a pen?!
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Kotetsu is still looking for Bunny, but he’s not home
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how many times has this happened?
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he’s calling...
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