#if this is about the thursday single: 😬.....
gideonthefirst · 5 months
You have no taste
DHDDHDHD??? I've made so many media posts in the past hour I don't even know what this is about....come off anon so we can passionately argue and then fall deeply in love causing me to have to break up with my beautiful girlfriend before yours and my hot-and-cold off-and-on relationship inevitably explodes and I never forgive you for tempting me into ruining the happiness I currently live in...
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not-goldy · 4 months
Errr... we can like Jungkook and not like the music he releases.
Same for Jimin and all the members.
Just because we like the artist doesn't mean we must like everything they put out as music.
Iam sure if Hybe had allowed Jk time, his debut album would have been different.
Iam sure you heard Jk. He liked Seven. He didn't like Snty much but he went with it coz of scooter and bang pd. The rest of the songs were just scooter's collection. Iam not going to fight for a list of songs that SCOOTER THOUGHT is right for JK.
When Jungkook returns, he'll make his own album. And that will be special.
same goes to those of us who genuinely like every single song on the Albums too 😁
He as the Artist can hate any song he doesn't like, but it wouldn't negate how WE feel about the song if we in fact do like it.
I've said this once and I will say it again, given how this is everyone's first solo attempts THEY ALL GET A PASS IN MY BOOKS. I don't care who wrote what and who didn't, what I care about is them making the effort to Kickstart their solo careers without overthinking it.
Ive seen many artists disappear into obscurity for fear to try.
I personally haven't had enough songs from them to even begin to determine their unique voices their unique genres and niche. They are allowed to experiment with different types of songs and not everyone of them will be to the taste of their audience and that's okay.
Art is art. I personally dont judge music based on whether or not it is well received by an audience- many songs rise to popularity years after they are released and even sometimes long after the artist is gone. Case in point Lizzo.
Audience reaction isn't the determiner of good music. As long as they are happy with it, it is art. It is their truth. It may succeed it may blow up it is what it is.
But also isn't making songs just to please fans the very same thing yall are even accusing Jungkook of?? You are criticizing him of making trendy songs just for the sake of it but also expecting him to make songs yall will like and deem acceptable. 😬
I think they are doing well. It will take many tries for some, some will get it the first time- but that is the beauty of music.
I am not a critic I am a consumer and a supporter. I support their career I do want to see them thrive. They all have so much potential I will be more than happy to see them achieve their full potential
But I am not going to be the one to berate them, bombard them with negative reviews hate on them under the disguise of being objective when I genuinely enjoy what they do.
And I do enjoy all the songs they've released so far. Yall can't force me not to like them 🤣
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Seven days a week
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mickittotheman · 6 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Huge thank to @mickeym4ndy for tagging me! I love these things 🤠
how’s your day going? could be worse! my boss was absolutely wilding today but I did get to spend most of my shift writing fanfic so that was nice.
are you okay? My Chemical Romance song plays faintly in distance
what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour? hmm definitely a pale sort of sky blue, kind of like this
are you single? very
are you happy about that? most of the time? 
what age do you feel in your brain? what brain? jk lol sometimes i feel like a little kid, sometimes i feel well past my prime. I’m in my mid-twenties though.
do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you? hopefully ahead!!!
do you have a best friend? yes i have managed to maintain the same one since middle school
did you have a childhood pet? so many! over the course of my childhood I have had rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, turtles, a tortoise, crabs, hamsters, mice, fish, dogs, and turkeys (the turkeys sadly only survived one day)
do you sing or whistle around the house? sometimes i sing if no one is around and i’m in the mood
do you light candles or incense? candles but only on special occasions because i get sad when they’re all used up
are you busy Friday night? it's my dog's birthday! also the ides of march so very busy all around
if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?  my heart says knife thrower my brain says clown
what is your favourite outfit? hmmm i have these really soft worn dark green pants that look killer with a black shirt and an open dark teal button up layered over so probably that. bonus points if i add in a leather belt and boots and also my totebag with cartoon dogs on it. Another strong contender: tannish/orangish pants with a white tee open navy button up and my socks with weiner dogs that have hotdog buns and toppings. ideally though i would live in my pajamas (which are also almost all dog prints)
what's the last thing you created? I've been working on a fic for fun for a while now! haven't shared any of it yet but maybe someday lol.
what is your favourite fic or book of all time? ooooh so hard to choose. I absolutely loved etherized against the sky by snarfle. I’m a huge sucker for angst centered around secrets and misunderstandings and miscommunication. also it was so funny but also tricked me into a few unwilling therapeutic breakthroughs. 
what are you looking forward to? sleeping! I am so tired lol. also my dog's birthday party of course. 
what can put you immediately in a better mood? anything to do with my special interest. and also puppies
do you like hugs? ehhhhhh i’m like one of those cats who will rarely tolerate hugs and even more rarely enjoy them
what is something you wish people understood about you?  that i have no idea what is going on at any time ever and that everything is also so very scary but i am being very brave about it
Tagging: @wh0lemilk0vich @jezzibelle89 @swiftfootedachilles @sillygoofygoobersstuff @jademickian BUT only if you want to of course if not this is just me saluting you and also it might be thursday by the time yall see this sorry 😬🫡🫣
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sparfloxacin · 4 months
instead of sleeping last night I though about that hearbreaking wedding fic some more:
so Aleksi and Olli are making out and getting into it too and they almost get walked in by a fellow bandmate who notices them at the last second before retreating back behind a corner again all 😳🫣😬, and THEN this bandmate sees the bride walking towards the room to get something and the bandmate has to exaggeratingly loudly distract her to 1) alert Olli and Aleksi, and 2) to avoid an inevitable disaster 😶 the bandmate doesn't dare bring up what he witnessed with anyone, not even with Olli and Aleksi themselves (except maybe eventually when enough time has passed after the wedding), but Olli and Allu immediately realise what they had been doing and snap out of it. Aleksi gets angry at Olli for seducing him on his wedding day and proceeds to get so drunk that at the end of the day he just passes out on the rosepedal-decorated wedding suite bed (sorry, new Mrs. Kaunisvesi! 😭) and Olli gets angry at Aleksi for getting angry at him even though it takes two to tango 🙄 so he gets drunk too and hooks up with a friend of the bride's whose name he doesn't even care to remember afterwards 😪 (I'm thinking Olli is single in this AU, but of course we can make it extra heartbreaking and messy and miserable and have him be in a relationship as well 😫)
there must be a happy ending to this all somehow, but I'm yet to figure out what it is 🤧 (maybe they just avoid each other until enough time has passed and the feelings aren't as strong anymore (yet they sometimes can't help but wonder what could have been 🥺) ...or maybe Olli starts dating that friend of the bride's he hooked up with, and because it's one of her best friends she's very excited about Olli and her friend having found each other at their wedding and keeps organizing double dates because how fun is this!! your friend and my friend ending up together because of us 🥰 meanwhile Aleksi is suffering because it's so hard to see Olli with someone else 😭)
omg the suffering 😭😭 I love this
I’ve been thinking about Aleksi getting angry at himself for falling for Olli but ooohh him getting angry at Olli for seducing him yes yes yesss 😩😩
another thing I’ve been thinking is Olli hooking up with everyone and hngghhhhh yes he would do that to fulfill his needs (the horny fucker he is) but also to make Allu jealous 🥴 and ooohhh the more heartbreaking and messy and miserable the better 👀
I’m sure they will figure it all out in the end though! 🥰 (…right? 🥹)
thanks for the ask 💗 I’ll be thinking about this for the rest of the day 🥰 have a lovely Thursday 💖💖💖
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Tour de Fleece end results:
I wasn't going for yardage for this TdF, instead my goal was to spin at least 15 minutes every day. The last few years I haven't been spinning (or crafting in general) at all, so I figured getting back into the habit of creating would be a good start.
I managed at least 15 minutes every day but last Thursday, but I ended up with a migraine after volunteering so I'm counting that as good enough.
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My main project was this 89% NSW Shaniko/6%acrylic/5% rayon braid that I just managed to finish the singles for. I want it to rest to even out the twist a bit, but the plan is to ply it before the end of the month. Hopefully I get about 300 yards. I'm really excited to see how it comes out!
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This mess is something I've has sitting on a bobbin for probably close to 4 years? I'm hoping the color difference is because of dust and not the sun bleaching it. 😬
I was still in a spinning mood and decided to work on it a bit to round out TdF. I'm also kinda out of bobbins and would have felt bad throwing the single away so...
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polizwrites · 11 months
PoliZ’s WIP Update - 18 Oct 2023
Barely any writing done this week, with Real Life (and con-attending) once again taking center stage.   I touched 3  fics (1 WIP & 2 new works)  for a total of  1206 words.
On Ao3, I posted: 
Chapter Two  of Caught By the Rain and Blinded by the Lightning   - Tony/Thor the morning after a one night stand.  
A Hairy Situation  - WinterHawk (Clint/Bucky)  No Powers Werewolf AU one shot.   
Chapter Two of  Card Sharks - Sam POV of Sam/Nat & Steve working to get Bucky on board for a foursome/polycule (established Stucky).  
I have  18 semi-active WIPs  😬 with my  current  deadlines being Halloween Horror Bingo and the Fictober/ Flufftober/ Whumptober prompt challenges that all wrap at the end of the month.
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Seek & Destroy Collab
After reading @psychiccatpanda‘s amazing   Morguna and the Green Queen, I  got the itch to explore the Soldier’s POV and talked  Faustie into   collab’ing with me!  We’re working on a new part of the series, and I’ve  contributed about 900 words towards the  2500-ish we have so far.   Going to see if I can squeeze any of my BBB squares into this fic.
 Sam Wilson Bingo [SWB_R3]  (Ends 15 Oct 2023)
I completed ten fills and got my Column G bingo - masterpost coming by the end of the week. 
* B4 - Natasha Romanoff -  Posted Chapter Two of  Card Sharks   - changed to Sam POV where  he and Nat and Steve conspire to create a polycule/foursome with Bucky.  It crossed over with my  BBB KINK: Seduction mission square and came in at 617 words  (714 total for the fic).
Halloween Horror Bingo - [HHB_23] (Ends 31 Oct 2023)
Just signed up for this event, hosted by @halloweenhorrorbingo. After picking three horror films, you get a 3x3 card (with 3 alternates) with prompts based on those films.
* B1 - Dealing with Extreme Cold  - seems like a good match with my BBB Cold   and or SVB Last Resort  square along with Whumptober: Thermometer  & Fictober "It's not too late, let's go."
* ALT1 - There’s something under the bed -  Posted A Hairy Situation  on Friday -  WinterHawk Werewolf AU  that crossed over with my BBB "This might as well happen"  square and Whumptober  Makeshift Bandages and  Suppressed Suffering prompts. It came in at 2197 words.  
Fictober/Flufftober/Whumptober - [FFWtober_23] (Ends 31 Oct 2023)
I’m lumping these three prompt challenges together as I plan on mixing and matching with a goal of using at least four prompts from each list by the end of the month for a total of 12 prompts.  I’m a little behind at only three used so far, but we’ll see what the rest of the month brings!  
* Whumptober Day 2: Thermometer  see  HHB Dealing with Extreme Cold 
* Fictober Day 12: "I'm not saying I didn't like it."  Posted  a short Chapter 2  for   Caught By the Rain and Blinded by the Lightning  last Thursday as a crossover with my  TSB Pairing: Tony/Thor square; it came in at  567 words.
* Whumptober Day 15: Makeshift Bandages | Suppressed Suffering  –  see HHB  There’s something under the bed  above. 
* Fictober Day 24:  [melting emoji]  - combine with  TSB  "Get back in bed!"  Tony has a fever and won’t listen to his partner. Maybe throw in a little Whumptober too? 
* Fictober Day 27:   "I don't know if they will accept this."  - This could be a fun combo with TSB  T2 - KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots. 
WinterIron Bingo  - [WIB_R1]   (Ends 16 Dec 2023)
I have sixteen fills completed and two WIPs for this brand-new bingo event that I’m helping mod!  Along with crossfilling against my other bingos,  I’m going to try to combine my B column squares for the Iron Soldier badge (complete a bingo with a single work). – Alpha Tony Stark, “That was not my intention.”, James Rhodes, Alpine loves Tony and Blind date.   (Tony POV remix of A Sugar Coated Pill?)
* N1 - Bucharest –  I think I can fold this into a future chapter of My Love is Vengeance -  where a young!Tony and a recovering!Bucky have been kidnapped by Hydra, who still thinks Bucky is the Soldier.  
* G2 - Eye contact during sex - This will come into play in Chapter 6 of A Sugar-Coated Pill, where Bucky figures out what making love really means, with Tony’s help. It’s crossing over with BBB KINK: Gentle Sex and is up to 1117 wordsm, hopefully to post Friday.  
* G4 - AU: College Students – looking to expand Beaten to the Punch with some backstory on Bucky and Tony as science camp counselors to fit with this square - will also cross over with my WFB  Volunteering Together square.  
* O5 - Gentle – use this poem  as inspiration?
Stucky’Verse Bingo Round 1 - [SVB_R1]   (Ends 22 Dec)
Eleven fills, two WIPs and a couple of ideas.
* A1 - Harem - crossover with CABB Secret/Forbidden Relationship - Bucky and shrimpy!Steve are both concubines who love each other more than their lord. I poked at this a little for 71 words.
* A4 - Fairy Tale Curse  - this seems custom-made for a continuation of Beyond the Beast😁  Nothing written yet, other than some Vague Ideas.  
* C3 - FREE -  probably using this for Chapter 2 of   Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole   - a Bucky POV remix of at least the first part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right), which is currently sitting at  52 words.  I’m expecting at least one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how far I want to take the remix.   
* C5 - Last Resort - see HHB Dealing with Extreme Cold 
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  thirteen fills,  four WIPs,   and a couple more Vague ideas.
* B2 - KINK: Seduction Mission - See SWB  Natasha Romanoff above.  
* B5 - Cold - see HHB  Dealing with Extreme Cold
*  U1 - Never the fall that kills you -  I’ve got a WinterIron hanahaki fic idea for this that I might play with or check against Whumptober prompts 
* U3 - Fireplace -  Working on a 1980′s No Powers WinterIron fic set at a ski lodge where Tony’s being wooed by poetry and love letters that Bucky wrote to someone else.   Started poking at this as a crossover with a Love Letters prompt and it’s sitting at 129 words.
* C2 - Yelena Belova–   The plan is to use this prompt in the next chapter of Peresmešnik,  (aka Three Avengers and a Baby), which is currently sitting at 1303 words (600-ish of which are mine).
* C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple -  next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion.    Got a spark of an idea the other day that might get me a bit further on this fic.  
* K3 - Magic -  Aro!Bucky healing with a kiss idea?
* Y1 - Gentle Sex – In-progress Chapter 6 of Sugar-Coated Pill- see WIB Eye Contact During Sex.
* Y3 - Alpine  - see WIB Iron Soldier combo.
* Y4 - Forgotten Things -   using this for Chapter 4 of   You Can’t Stop It With a Gun  - it’s sitting at  116 words at the moment.
* Y5 - "This might as well happen"  - see  HHB  Something Under the Bed above.
* May Adopted - Insomnia - finally got this filled with The Dead of Night, which also filled a Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF211 An Old Friend] along with my JBB FREE square. It came in at 317 words and will post to Ao3 before this event ends.
* August Adopted: Take the Shot - sounds like a WinterHawk fic to me… maybe cross over with JBB Touch-starved?  Whumptober/Fictober possibilities as well. 
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
Fourteen  fills and one WIPs, with a couple of ideas in play.  
* S1 - Galaxy - possibly use in final chapter of   Never More to Go Astray ?  
* S3 - Pairing: Tony/Thor - see Fictober Day 12 above. 
* T2 - KINK: Cock-blocking 'bots - see Fictober Day 27 above
* T3 - A pairing you've never done - @SomeSortofItalianRoast and I are looking at collabing on a  Steve/Tony/Scott fic - possibly throw in a  Flufftober/Fictober prompt?  
* T5 - Shawarma - possible crossover with SAUB Canon Divergence – Battle of New York-related?
* A2 - KINK: Concubine - possible crossover with SAUB Gentle Dom
* A5 - Building your friends - used this for the Tony Stark Bingo Mark VII - September Round Robin - contributed 395 words to the overall fic.    
* R1 - Animal Transformation - DemonPanda shared a fun prompt on the WIB server - Tony as a short-haired werewolf who needs to cuddle his pack members for warmth.  I had a bit of inspiration this morning and wrote 322 words of flashback/backstory.  
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -   The Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF214 Broken Mirror] got me at least a good start on the idea I’ve been playing with for this square. I posted NamNori on Tumblr and have a general idea of how I want to build on it to also fill my SAUB AU: Crack square. It’s currently sitting at 360 words.
* K2 - "Get back in bed!"  -  see Fictober Day 24  above
* September Adopted:  Tony/Stephen - see  Flufftober Day 6 above
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!   Six fills, three WIPs and several  crossover ideas already!
* S1 - Edging - Filled this with Ringing in the New, where Tony makes a suggestion to improve/change up their love life. It’s a crossover with a Flash Fiction Friday prompt: How Do You Use ‘It’? and came in at 324 words - I will post it to Ao3 before the event is over.
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings - see SVB FREE square
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  CoffeeOwl shared a really cool dragon!Steve/indebted!Tony prompt in the ACB Discord server that I may be playing with for this.
* T4 - AU: Canon Divergence - see TSB Shawarma above.
* N2 - Mutual Pining - crossover with CABB Royal Knight?
* N3 - Gentle Dom - see TSB KINK: Concubine above
* Y4 - AU: Soulmates  -  @chrissihr  posted a cool idea about Animated soulmarks, where  only your SM sees your mark move - may try to do something with this!  
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and have four fills, one WIPs and a couple of crossover ideas.
* A2 - Secret/Forbidden Relationship - see SVB Harem
* B3 - Royal Knight - see SAUB Mutual Pining.
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr 2024)
@julybreakbingo is running another event to tide participants over with a 2x3 non-fandom-specific card - I got mine earlier this week and am checking it over for potential crossovers.
* A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” - This might fit in with my TSB Doppelgangers/Evil Twins fill NamNori above :: ponders::
* B1 - Ask the neighbor if they know why your apartment is haunted  - I gotta do something with this for Spooky Month - maybe combine with TSB Old Ghosts or something off my HHB card  :: ponders:: 
* B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on BBB or WIB (or even SVB)
*  C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint) possibly crossover with BBB Take the shot?
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  - [WFB]   (no end date)
I got my card from  @warmandfluffybingocards back in February but really haven’t done much with it  - however, I’m picking it back up for some crossover possibilities!
 * O5 - Volunteering Together – see WIB AU: College Students
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Bela Lugosi Dracula Stuffed With Character figure in progress for a commission and have signed up for the Marvel Trumps Hate event – I’m offering two auctions for up to five characters each!  
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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jananakookie · 2 years
Rumor Has It | pjm - Chapter 3
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💬 Pairing: Jimin x OC (Reader)
💬 Genre/Tags: enemies(?) to lovers, fake-dating au; angst, fluff, smut
💬 Chapter warnings: contains slurs, angst, forms of bullying, alcohol consumption
💬 Word count: 8.4k
💬 Recap:
Rumor has it, Park Jimin is single again after his latest girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend.
Rumor has it, he's willing to get back at them.
Rumor has it, you're the perfect means to an end.
A/N: I‘m back for good! I know it‘s been too long and I‘m sorry but I have my reasons 😬 Anyway please please leave feedback guys!
Previous Chapter - Index - Next Chapter
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Chapter 3: Two sides of the same coin.
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Somehow you still had a small glimmer of hope that Jimin would forget the whole fake-dating thing and it would be as if you had never seen each other. 
Unfortunately, any hope of sudden amnesia on his part vanished the second you entered the lecture hall today on this lovely Thursday morning and headed straight for your usual seat in the back row, only to be unceremoniously ambushed from behind and forced into a tight embrace. 
“Back row, huh? All the more room for funny business, if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, I have already told my friends about us, and I’d love it if we could sit with them. Would that be okay, babygirl?”
Irritated and overwhelmed with everything around you, you immediately snap at him as you forcefully pull his arm from your shoulders, anxiously looking around while reminding him that you had told him to stop calling you this ridiculous name. 
But him being Jimin, he doesn't even care.
“What’s the matter? You’re my girlfriend, Boo. We actually want people to see us be cozy together,” Jimin sneakily wraps one arm around your waist to pull you more into him as he leans down to whisper in your ear while leading the two of you in the direction where his friends are already seated, only to be pushed away once again. 
You simply try to ignore the questioning look on his face when you finally turn around to face him, adjusting the strap of your bag on your shoulder. 
“Can you at least give me a minute to get into character? I just came here.”
“This ain’t drama school, ___,” a peal of slight laughter comes over his lips as he musters you. “What, is it really that hard for you to act as if you’re into me?”
“Yes. It is hard for me, Jimin. I don't know about you, but I have never before pretended to be into someone I barely even know,” you seethe keeping your voice down enough so no one can overhear you.
“You say that now but just wait until we have to break up again, and you'll cry a river because you actually managed to fall for me.”
Your bickering luckily doesn't go on any longer because Jimin takes the initiative and drags you along to your seats, meanwhile ignoring every protest leaving your mouth.
As already expected, you are not particularly warmly welcomed and received by any of his friends. Instead, the best you get is an inconsequential nod before they pay no further attention to you, nor do they include you in any of their subsequent conversations for the rest of the lecture.
That's perfectly fine with you, though. You aren't particularly interested in talking anyway and prefer to focus on your class instead. At this point, you really don't want to drag out your student life more than you have to.
Jimin doesn't seem to be very interested in the reaction of his friends for the time being either.
He continues to joke around with them the whole time but remains steadily in his role. And that means you don't have a moment of peace without his annoying arm wrapped around your shoulders or his hand on your thigh.
One thing at least is certain: he definitely doesn't do things by halves. And that makes you all the more nervous about what may come in the future.
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After the day started rather badly, you apparently also have to attend a party tonight which is why you’re currently in the process of making yourself look decent enough so that you’ll “perfectly blend in with the crowd”. At least that's what Jimin said.
You know you most likely won't do that,, and all eyes will be on you and Jimin, but you can at least try and make the best of it. 
It’s been a long time since you’ve gone to a party, and as much as you’re nervous, you’re also excited to go out tonight. 
What can you say? It’s been a while and it’d be a lie to say you aren’t happy to dress up and actually have somewhere to go. 
So you went all in, dressed up pretty nicely, and did your make-up the way you usually like to when you go out. 
You hope you haven't overdone it but in the end, this is the only thing you can do to counteract your nervousness. Even if it's just a little bit.
You feel sexy, you feel confident, and now you’re ready to go have some flippin' fun, alright?!
Well, at least until Jimin comes knocking at your door and decides to ruin your mood with one little glimpse at his face.
“This is the look you’re going with?” He asks, sounding like he’s actually wishing for you to tell him this is all a joke. 
Now accommodated with a little pout on your lips, you’re looking down on yourself and then take a quick look into the mirror, not seeing anything wrong with how you look. 
“What’s wrong with it? I think I look good,” you shrug, trying to sound barely affected by his words, even if you gotta admit they put you off track. It doesn’t make you doubt your appearance, though. You do think you look fine, and if he was hoping for something else, he should have told you in advance. 
“You do look good, but you don’t look like my girlfriend if you know what I mean.”
You only scoff, already taking your purse in your hand to finally leave. 
“What did you expect? I live off of chips and peanut butter sandwiches. If you want me to be covered in diamonds and gold, then I'm afraid you'll have to reach into your own pockets,” you joke, actually making him laugh at your slight remark. 
“Fair point,” he grins, putting his hand on the small of your back as he leads you out of your apartment and down the corridor. “Maybe I will.”
“Don’t you dare. You’re not my sugar daddy.” 
“Yet,” he snarkily adds, making you snort through your nose and himself giggle. 
And it’s the little jokes like these that easily let you forget how insufferable he actually is. Even if it’s just for a little while. 
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It’s been exactly 23 minutes since you managed to escape and hid somewhere in the backyard - and Jimin has yet to find you. 
Or you know... maybe you’re wrong, and he isn’t even looking for you. That could be the case too. 
How it came to this? 
Well, not long after you arrived and stood your ground through all the death glares and judging stares Jimin’s so-called “friends” gave you, he kinda just left you alone because he had to “take care of something real quick”. 
He took way too long for your liking and you eventually grew tired of everyone either ignoring you or throwing nasty remarks your way so you ended up here. Between these two people dry humping each other only a couple feet next to you. 
“Cough two times if you need me to safe you.”
Irritated by a voice that doesn’t belong to Jimin suddenly ringing up from behind you, you turn around, instantly relaxing when you see who it belongs to. 
“What?” you chuckle, making room for him to sit down, and he doesn’t even take another moment before he complies, plopping down in the spot right next to yours. The one Jimin should be sitting in right now if he hadn’t just rudely left you alone at a party you only attended because he wanted you to. 
Okay, maybe it does bother you more than you originally wanted to admit.
“I heard you were involved with Park Jimin, and I would have bet my right arm for it to be just another rumor,” he starts as you already feel his eyes burn into the side of your head. “But now I see you here, getting comfortable with no other than the campus golden boy. So tell me, ___, is he holding you captive, or is he blackmailing you because there is no way in this world that you are unironically dating Jimin.”
You gulp as you keep your head stubbornly straight ahead, taking a bit too long to answer his simple question. 
If you've learned one thing from this whole fake dating situation so far, it's that you're not even remotely as quick-witted as you always thought you were. And if this continues, you will very quickly get a lot of problems.
Clearing your throat, you sit a little straighter while nervously fumbling with your hands. “I know it's a little sudden, but he’s actually really amazing,” you say, looking at your new-found companion while trying to suppress the urge to cringe at your own words.
“Bullshit!” He laughs loudly, barely keeping himself from falling backward with his whole chair. “God, that was awful, ___.” Still giggling, while he’s trying to calm down again, he looks at you and brushes his mop of hair out of his eyes in a quick movement.
“It’s the truth, though. We have a lot in common,” you shrug, not even smiling when those words leave your lips. This time your attempt in trying to say something nice about your alleged boyfriend sounds a little less forced and tortured,, but it’s still not enough to be convincing it seems. 
“Alright just say the words, and I’ll get us out of here. Depending on what he's threatening you with, I might even tell him a word or two, so he'll leave you alone forever. Of course, only if you want me to.”
“What words exactly are we talking about?” You grin, not even getting into the other nonsense.
“Jeon, I’m being held captive by Jimin and his rich people cult. Please save me before they sacrifice me on the next full moon,” he says in a high-pitched voice, trying to sound like you. 
You only roll your eyes, but can hardly suppress a smile. “Wouldn’t they usually need a virgin for that?” you joke, casually playing along. 
Jungkook brightly grins, showing off his front teeth in the process. He sees your willingness to jump on his joke as a small advance in your conversation since you usually aren’t that talkative. 
Usually, you're the type to only mutter a one-word answer before you're on your way again, too scared someone could see you and spread another rumor. 
Jungkook has always felt bad about that, trying to convince you he doesn't care about that, but you never listen. So this is a surprise he welcomes.
“Guess I just outed myself as a non-expert in ritual procedures. I hope you will keep this embarrassment to yourself and not judge me too hard for that.”
“It was still very creative. I’ll give you points for that,” you grin, finally feeling a little less tense now that you get to have a normal, real conversation with someone who you know isn’t secretly stabbing you in their head.
“Thank you. Now, tell me what’s really going on,” he insists, coming a little closer. 
And there goes your just-earned ease again due to his nosey nature.
A defeated sigh comes over your lips. You are pretty sure that there is nothing you could tell him that would make him believe you’re actually dating Jimin, so where’s the point in lying? 
You can’t imagine Jungkook going around and snitching on you anyway. There’s nothing he could get out of that, and even if you aren't close, you know Jungkook is not the type of guy to gossip. If he were, you'd know by now.
“I may or may not have agreed to a deal with Jimin that… includes me pretending to be his girlfriend,” you eventually admit, carefully looking around to check that no one overheard your little confession.
Trying to process what you just told him, Jungkook clears his throat, as he slowly nods his head. “Well, that… sounds about right.” 
You look at Jungkook, raising a brow since you didn’t think he’d react so… barely?
“Huh? You’re not surprised?” You ask, gaping at him. 
“Surprised you’re not actually dating him? Not at all. Surprised that you agreed to something so stupid? Completely baffled,” he explains, grinning at you when he sees you pouting. “You thought this was a good idea?”
“No. I thought it was a bad idea, actually. But he somehow still managed to talk me into it. I don’t even know how he did it. He’s really good at guilt-tripping, I guess.”
You turn your attention back to your feet, too embarrassed to look directly at Jungkook and the long, much too exaggerated sigh that suddenly comes from him only lets you guess the disappointed look in his eyes.
You don't need to hear from him how stupid it is of you to accept this deal. You already know that yourself. And yet - maybe it is exactly what you need. Someone who isn’t you saying how big of a mistake you’re making right now could be the wake-up call you need.
But then again, you’re already in too deep to just quit now anyway. At this point, quitting wouldn’t change anything. It would probably just make things worse, and you’d have Jimin on your bad side as well, which does not sound like something you would want.
“Look, this is none of my business,” Jungkook starts, leaving you waiting on what’s going to follow because usually, it’s nothing good that comes after. 
He clears his throat, gradually playing with the holes in his jeans. “But I’m not sure if getting involved in this is exactly what you need. No offense, ___, really. It's just that a lot of people already have an opinion about it and... it is not exactly positive in your sense.”
Well, it’s not like this comes as a surprise since it is what you told Jimin would happen, but it still sucks to get the confirmation. It’s embarrassing, really - and the worst part is, that you put this on yourself this time. 
“They don’t believe this is real, they just think—”
“—He’s using me. I know,” you finish, carelessly shifting your gaze on a couple that’s making out not that far from you. It’s not the most pleasant sight but it’s better than having to look at Jungkook’s pitiful eyes, or the people already whispering about you sitting here with him while your “boyfriend” isn’t around. 
“Well… that too, yes,“ he says, implying that there’s more, which makes you look at him again. “Some do think that, but some also interpret it as if you were taking advantage of him and his “fragile, broken heart”, he explains, making you scoff in dismay. 
“Are you shitting me right now?”
“No, I heard people say you’re probably using him for his money.”
“Yes, of course, they think that,“ you scoff again, frustration clearly visible on your face. “You know what? I wish I would have been smart enough to make him pay me for this bullshit.”
Pressing your elbows into your thighs, you let your head fall into your hands to hide your face, wishing for the ground to swallow you whole and end your misery once and for all.
“I can’t even feel sorry for you, what were you thinking?”
“I don’t have an answer for that, Jeon. Truth is, my life is shitty, and I’m attempting to at least make some memories before I leave this place.” You sigh, gradually sipping from the cup you put next to you on the ground after coming here.
It’s pure vodka and exactly what you want and need right now. 
You figured if you have to be here and get dumped by your “boyfriend” soon after arriving here, you can at least get shit-faced. It’s really good to ease the nerves and lose the awkwardness, and it helps to not notice the stares you get from everyone.
You hear Jungkook exhale from his nose as a laugh before he holds his own cup in front of you waiting for you to copy him. “A toast to that.”
You only roll your eyes, not amused whatsoever, but end up toasting with him anyway. 
“Who knows, maybe you’ll end up falling for him,” he then adds after a moment of silence, making the both of you burst into laughter. 
“If that happens, please just kill me right on the spot.”
“Don’t worry, I got you. I’m not letting you go down like this.”
Unfortunately, your little heart to heart with Jungkook gets suddenly interrupted when you hear someone call out your name. And it’s not a very happy tone, immediately making you cringe before you turn around at the same time Jungkook turns around as well.
You both stare at a very annoyed-looking Jimin, stomping towards the both of you.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jimin seethes, as soon as he reaches you, completely ignoring Jungkook, who’s currently taking a big gulp from his beer as he tries to hide his gloating grin from you. 
“Uh… mingling and trying to enjoy myself just how you asked me to before you just went off and left me alone,” you sarcastically quip, still pretty annoyed at him for leaving you like that when he knows how much you already don’t want to be here. 
That was a dick move, and you stand by that. 
“What I meant was try to get to know my friends while I leave for a quick bathroom break. Not run away and hide in a suspicious corner with fucking Jeon,” he argues, still not looking at him at all. 
“Hey,” Jungkook speaks up, frowning a little while Jimin for the first time since coming here, fixes his eyes on him. “I can hear you, you know?”
Jimin snaps at him with a quick, “and who gives a fuck?”, making the younger boy shut up right after since he decides to not get involved in your whole fake couple drama. Nope, this is not what he had in mind when he came around to have a good time tonight. 
“What exactly is your problem? He’s the only one who actually wants to talk to me,” you argue, not really seeing his point whatsoever. 
Jungkook rather quickly notices that no one actually pays attention to him, seeing both you and Jimin continue arguing so he just escapes the scene as fast as he can.
“I can’t believe you’re being this irresponsible,” Jimin, says lowering his voice when he sees the looks everyone is giving the two of you. “Do you even know what people will say when they see you getting close to Jeon?” 
You scoff, softly pushing him further away since he’s gotten a little too close for your liking. “In case you didn’t notice, you are the one currently making a scene here, Jimin,” you advise him, plastering a smile on your lips so the people around will stop thinking you’re fighting. “Now stop looking at me like you’re about to kill me and smile a little. Everyone is watching us.” 
Jimin raises a brow, quickly looking around before he chuckles a little awkwardly, throws his arm around your shoulders, and plasters a kiss on your cheek which barely lets you keep in a protesting grunt. 
“Just so you know, I’m still pissed at you for ditching me for this fucking low life,” he whispers as you’re both walking back inside where the actual party takes place. 
“I ditched you? You were the one who left and didn’t come back. Do you even know how awkward I felt standing there with your friends who treated me like air?” You hiss back at him. 
“Look, I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to leave you alone for so long.” He sighs, and to your surprise, he actually does sound regretful. “I was held up with something. But I promise I tried to get back as soon as I could.”
Still not convinced by his half-hearted apology, you stay stubborn, only rolling your eyes at him. “Just don’t do it again, please. I know everyone here is your friend, but they sure as hell aren’t mine. And they really try hard to make sure I know about it.”
“Was someone mean to you?” 
You’re surprised by the sudden seriousness in his voice as he also stops walking for a moment to look at you, but you simply brush it off, telling him it doesn’t matter since it’s nothing the both of you hadn’t expected in the first place. 
It’s no lie that you don’t fit into Jimin’s usual type, and only judging by your reputation, it was to be expected that his friends wouldn't invite you with open arms. Yet, it still feels even more awkward to be around them than you initially thought. 
And like speaking of the devil, you are interrupted by yet another one of Jimin’s friends before he can ask any more questions.
This time it’s Yuna, a girl you don’t share any classes with, but you think you’ve seen her around Nayeon before. 
You never noticed her much since she always seemed like someone to get lost in a crowd. At least, that’s what you always thought. 
Tonight, however, you noticed that she isn’t like that at all. 
No, Kim Yuna is a little snake, and you needed no more than twenty minutes around her to figure that out. 
It wouldn’t actually bother you as much if you weren't one hundred percent sure that she directly saw through yours and Jimin's lie without the slightest doubt and there is nothing that could convince her otherwise.
So far you don't think too much about it, but you can't get rid of the feeling that she could eventually become a problem.
“There you are! We were looking everywhere for you!” She giggles as she approaches you and Jimin, smiling brightly at you in particular. “Good thing Jimin finally found you.”
Plastering an equally as fake smile on your lips, you nod. “I mean, it’s just a house, not a maze or something. There weren’t very many options, huh?” You feign a laugh, making her laugh way too obnoxiously in exchange. 
“Well, there are a lot of bedrooms, after all. You never know…” she says in the most innocent voice you’ve ever heard, but obviously implying something very specific. 
You’re so caught off guard, that you can’t help but gape at her before looking at Jimin, who - unsurprisingly - doesn’t even seem to have caught on to what she just said. 
“Anyway, we want to play truth or dare, are you guys in?” She changes the topic, now looking more towards Jimin, who does seem interested, whereas you cannot help but mock that suggestion.
“Truth or dare, really? That’s the lamest shit you could come up with—” You’re interrupted by Jimin’s hand grabbing yours a little too harshly. You swallow the rest of what you wanted to say, even though you had a couple more well-fitting insults in store. 
Oh well, your time will come.
How come he immediately shuts you down, but when someone clearly insults you, he doesn’t even notice? 
“Yea, we’re coming, right babe?” 
It takes you a second to react since you don’t feel addressed by that name, but reality comes crashing down at you when he squeezes your hand once again, making you nod your head in forced agreement. 
There’s really nothing worse you could think of right now. Not only could this game expose you real quick, but it could also make for a lot of embarrassing and uncomfortable moments.
And the first one comes soon after you and Jimin join the group of people playing, and the bottle finally lands on you. 
“Truth,” you sigh, already annoyed to no extent. 
As soon as you mumbled the word, a round of boos roars around you - loudest of all Yuna herself. 
“Come on, no one takes truth. I thought you were against lame shitty games, so why not make this one fun when you can?” She challenges you, making your blood boil in your veins. 
Maybe the cup of pure vodka wasn’t the best idea, since it seems to rile you up more than you need right now.
Nonetheless, you actually let yourself be provoked this time.
“Okay, whatever then. I take dare,” you hear yourself say, crossing your arms over your chest while never breaking eye contact with her. After all, you don't want her to think she's intimidating you or that you have something to hide. 
She does intimidate you, and you do have something to hide, but no one needs to know that.
She looks rather unaffected though, simply smirking at you before she purses her lips for a sheer moment while thinking about something to make you do, grinning almost in an evil way when she obviously seems to have something in mind.
“Make Jimin moan.” 
Your eyes grow wide as you try not to let them see how uncomfortable you are. 
Now it is more than obvious that she is onto something and clearly wants to see if you’re going through with it. 
The problem is, you don’t know if you can.
A look to the side quickly tells you Jimin isn’t going to save you either since he looks pretty unbothered by all of this, just shrugging his shoulder as he looks back at you, waiting for you to do something. 
“What is it ___?” Yuna sneers, looking rather pleased with herself when her plan seems to work. “Shouldn’t be a problem, since you’re dating him, hm?”
“Doesn't mean we’re comfortable sharing everything with all of you, does it?”
“We’re all friends here, there is nothing to be ashamed of,” she coos, not hiding her smirk even one bit. You can already hear other people start to giggle the more time you’re letting pass, but you cannot help it - this is not an easy decision for you. 
No matter how you cannot and will not let her win this round. This one is for sure. 
But right when you're on the verge of despair, a sudden idea comes into your head, making you abruptly grin back at her. 
“Cool. Nothing easier than that,” you declare before you give Jimin one hard punch onto his arm, instantly making him moan in pain.
It is more than obvious this wasn’t what she was hoping for, and she makes it very known soon after with a deep scowl on her face. 
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it! You cheated!” She complains, making a bigger thing out of this than it has to be. 
“You never said he has to moan in pleasure,” you shrug, feigning innocence while hiding the happiness of having found a little loophole.
“It was more than obvious that that was what I meant. This is a college party!” she continues to complain, making you roll your eyes at her dramatic behavior. “You cheated. Probably because you can't pull it off anyway—”
“— Shut up already, Yuna.“ Jimin’s annoyed voice suddenly can be heard, reminding you of his presence. “Specify your dares next time. We’re done playing anyway.“ And with that being said, he grabs your hand and pulls you away. 
You unwillingly follow him for a little while until you're in a more quiet room with only a couple people, and you get the courage to speak up.
“Sorry for punching you,” you mutter, feeling bad about what happened but Jimin just playfully glares at you. 
“Are you really?” He asks, already starting to smile as you join in. “Thought so,” he grins mischievously when he doesn’t get an answer.
“Usually, I’m not the violent type, I promise. I just panicked. And since you didn’t seem to want to help me out of this, I needed to be creative,” you explain. “By the way, why didn’t you help me? Wasn’t it obvious that I wanted you to do something?”
“Honestly, I just wanted to see what you will do,” Jimin admits, chuckling quietly. “Wanted to see if you’d actually do it.” 
You’re just about to say something snarky back to that when you notice him focusing on something behind you all of a sudden, making you curious about what’s there to see, and you’re surprised when you see that it’s no other than Taehyung and Yeji who seem to have just arrived, happily greeting everyone around them.
“Are you okay?” You ask, noticing how he seems to have zoned out. It's a little unnerving for you to see him like this because you fear he could make a scene. More attention is the last thing you two need. 
But it's not only that. It must be hard for him to see them here, and you do feel bad he has to go through this right now. You aren't friends, and he isn't the nicest, but you still have a heart, okay?
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be? Don't treat me like a baby.”
His answer comes directly after, making him sound careless, but you clearly see the way his jaw clenches when he tries to move his head away from the scene in front of you.
You’re trying to not let his sudden change in mood get to you, but you can’t help but get a little irritated with the tone he uses while speaking to you. You can understand this is an unpleasant situation for him, but you are not to blame for any of this.
“I don’t know, maybe because you look like someone pissed in your breakfast.”
Jimin’s eyes land back on you, and for a quick second, you watch him clench his jaw before he grabs your hand again and pulls you with him, mumbling something about needing a drink. 
Now, this is a thought you can relate to, and you're happy to finally get your hands on more alcohol. This whole day just screams for a way to calm your nerves and let your frustration out.
“I can’t believe they have the audacity to come here,” he boils as he sips from his drink. “I specifically asked Hyunjin to not let them in tonight, and yet, here they are. What the fuck. You really can't trust anyone anymore.”
You do feel for him because having to see them here - together over all must suck a lot and you have no idea how his relations to everyone around here differ from Taehyung's and Yeji's, but you know it's a bit too much to expect that just because he has problems with them, everyone else has to turn their backs on them, too. You don’t want to be the reason to annoy him even further, though, so you decide to just stay silent, nod your head in agreement, and play your part. 
Sometimes, it's better to just listen and support than be the voice of reason. Maybe you two will have to have that talk someday, but surely not tonight.
You’re here for a reason, and it’s not to pick a fight with him.
“Should we dance?” you unexpectedly hear yourself ask after you both decided to calm yourselves with a few rounds of shots. 
Admittedly, you should take it slow, considering it’s been a minute since you drank this much, but hey, anything to ease your nerves and make you a little less uncomfortable. 
The problem, however, is that a side effect of alcohol is that you tend to get a little too carried away, and Jimin is probably the worst person to have around in that state because it's clear he's not going to stop you from making a fool of yourself. 
Unlike you, he's already a bit too confident even without alcohol, which is why he instantly jumps at your suggestion, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him in no time. And before you know it, you're on the dance floor, dancing with none other than Park Jimin. 
And it’s not the worst. 
Not only do you desperately need to prove your "relationship" to everyone around you (which... doesn't seem to work very well so far) it also can't hurt to switch off and relax for a while. After all, you haven't had the chance to do that since you came here. 
You’re finally letting loose, swaying your hips to the beat with your eyes closed as you feel the alcohol running through your system. It has been so long since you just had fun - let alone at a party - but it feels so good you don’t even care about the couple hundred eyes that have to be watching you right now. 
No, they should be watching. Maybe seeing you and Jimin act comfortable around each other will do the trick. 
You decide to turn everything off and live in the moment for once, not even caring about the fact that you’re literally grinding on Jimin right now while he's practically doing the same, keeping his grip firmly on your hips. You barely even notice. 
All of this is entirely overshadowed by you simply enjoying yourself. Finally. 
But the state of pure peace and bliss you are currently in does not last long when you feel Jimin’s hot breath brush against your cheek as he whispers something in your ear. 
“Are you trying to make me hard or something?” 
Your eyes immediately shot open, and you turn around to push him away from you while he’s laughing hard enough to make his eyes disappear. 
“You’re such a dick! I was finally having fun,” you complain, but can barely hide the grin at the sight of him laughing so damn hard until you fall into a fit of amused giggles as well. 
“I didn’t ask you to stop. Sorry if you misunderstood,” he defends himself holding his hands up in surrender. 
You throw your head back in laughter, and yes, you entirely blame this on your drunken state because Park Jimin’s sexual innuendos wouldn’t make you laugh this much if you were sober. 
You watch him purely grin at you in amusement for a while until you raise a brow, silently asking him what he’s looking at, but he just shrugs, coming closer as you're now dancing a little less daringly.
“Nothing, it’s just that I’ve never seen you like this before. Didn’t know you could actually be fun.”
His answer doesn’t surprise you since you must admit you almost forgot this side of yours as well. Also, it’s not like Jimin has known you for long enough to know the person you were before you turned into a loner. 
But you can be fun, and have a lot more in store than just that. You don't plan on showing Jimin all of you, though. It's not like you're friends, and he doesn't need to know you more than he has to for the sake of making your relationship believable. 
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A little later that same night, you have once again decided to ditch the party and find a secluded place where you can just… not socialize for a while. 
The only difference is that this time you have Jimin as your companion, sitting next to you on the roof of the frat house after bragging about showing you the coolest place here.
And here you are, looking down at all the people partying below you, while you're just enjoying the view, both with a beer in your hand, talking about some stuff and getting to know each other.
Weirdly, this is really comforting. 
It’s not that bad getting to know the guy behind all that “golden boy” facade, and in a way, it’s the first time you realize that besides being super popular and rich, Jimin is also just a guy in his twenties, trying to survive and find his own way in life. 
By now, you both sobered up a little and even if it’s not exactly enough for you to be safely sitting on a rooftop, you at least stopped giggling about everything which you’re very thankful for. 
Right now, he’s telling you a little about his family. You don’t even remember how you came to that, but you find yourself being interested in what he tells you about them. Just from what he told you til now, you feel like he’s grown up in a very loving family who he also seems to be close with. 
He especially seems to care a lot about his younger sister, or at least that’s what you assume because, for the last hour or so, he always comes back to telling you about her. 
“It’s just… she is dating this giant dick-face, okay?” Jimin explains, staring ahead with a sigh.
“Jimin,” you admonish him, already rolling your eyes, but can’t completely hide the smile slowly spreading on your face.
“No, I mean it! Really!” He exclaims, turning his head to stare at you with big, serious eyes. “His face is literally formed like a giant ball sack, and his hair is—”
He doesn’t get any further before you smack his arm, laughing at his stupidity. “Stop, you’re being ridiculous,” you giggle, shaking your head as you see him trying to suppress his own grin.
The quiet waves of laughter from both of you are followed by a comfortable silence as you just sit there on a damn roof, while a couple hundred people are partying. 
You catch yourself feeling comfortable in his company, even enjoying it for once without getting irritated by him. It’s something new and strange, but you welcome the change. 
“He’s not good enough for her,” Jimin then breaks the silence again after a while, staring thoughtfully into the night sky. “No one is, but least of all him. I try to tell her all the time, but she just never listens.” 
He doesn’t notice you watching him right after, studying how his brows are furrowed together in deep thought and the way his hands fumble with the fabric of his jeans as he probably thinks about his sister’s well-being.
And you don’t notice how the corners of your lips subconsciously perk up into a small smile.
It’s unusual for you to see him like this. Thoughtful, caring. It’s the first time you see a glimpse of the person underneath all the snooty, self-absorbed posturing. 
Sure, he has shown a little compassion for your situation but that's the most he's done so far. With his sister, however, you can see how caring he can actually be, and at this moment, even if it doesn’t stay for long, you decide that you don’t despise this Jimin as much as the other one. 
“You probably don’t want to hear what I’m about to tell you,” you start, seeing him turn his head back at you.
“Then it’s better when you keep it to yourself,” he interrupts, grinning as to let you know he isn’t being serious.
You snort, shaking your head. “She will not listen to anyone. And the more you tell her what a mistake she is making, the more she will want to do it,” you say, closely watching his reaction to your little advice - if you can even call it that. 
To your surprise, he seems to listen, and you admire him nodding his head understandingly. 
“What else can I do then?”
“I’m afraid there isn’t anything you can do at this point,” you shrug, looking at him apologetically when you see the little hopeful look in his eyes slowly disappear. 
“If she won’t listen to the people closest to her, she will have to make her own decisions and face the consequences. Even if she’ll end up being hurt.”
“I don’t want that to happen,” he sighs. “She always wants to act like an adult and tries to be mature and stuff, but she’s just seventeen. And she’s sensitive, even if she never shows it to anyone.“
It’s clear he loves his sister very much, and it warms your heart to see how she can make a whole different Jimin appear than the one you got to know recently.
“I know. Sorry,” you quietly breathe out. “But I don’t think there’s anything you can do about it. It’s part of growing up.”
“Maybe you could try and talk to her sometime?” He suddenly suggests, looking at you with big eyes that make him look so much younger.
“Why? Because I have a history with dick-faced douchebags?” You joke, expecting him to laugh along at your joke.
No idea why you expected that because Jimin immediately agrees, shrugging his shoulders while he looks at you completely serious with a simple “yeah”.
“Wow, gotta love your honesty,” you mumble, turning your head straight ahead again. “I don’t think I’m the right person for that, though. I’m sorry. And no offense, but I refuse to meet your family,” you state. “It’s already bad enough that we have to lie to everyone around here. I really don’t want us to lie to the people closest to us. They shouldn't be a part of this.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, but just by the way he slightly nods with his beer bottle tightly pressed to his lips, you guess that he agrees. 
“Why don’t you ask Nayeon instead?” you propose, just thinking out loud. “She’s way better with people than I am, and I'm sure your sister would rather listen to her anyway. They already know each other.” You explain, still trying to help him out. Even if you refuse to get involved with his family, for good reasons, you can still try to be helpful in different ways if it really burdens him this much.
“Nayeon…” you immediately catch Jimin’s face falter again as soon as you bring up her name, and you wonder what this could be about. 
“Nayeon isn’t… she’s not really in the right state of mind to give advice to others, I guess,“ he beats around the bush, making you even more curious about what’s going on with her. 
What is he hinting at?
Now that you come to think of it, you haven’t seen her for quite some time now, and you haven’t heard about her either, which is not common for her. 
She's the life of every party, everybody loves her so... what is going on?
“She isn't doing well at all. I’m seriously worried about her.” 
You see a look, similar to what he looked like earlier on his face when talking about his sister’s well-being. But this time, it's even more severe. 
You’re still mad at Nayeon and don’t want to ask about her for that reason, but you cannot help but worry about her too. Especially since Jimin looks so serious.
“Why? What’s wrong with her?”
“Above all, she's very heartbroken, of course. She genuinely loved Taehyung, and she always thought of Yeji as a close friend. What happened really gnaws at her,” he explains, confirming your guess as you nod and focus your gaze on your clapped-together hands.
“But what really gets to her is… what happened between her and you,” he then admits, making your ears perk up immediately though you try to look unbothered and just don’t say anything to that, nor do you look at him.
“She hates herself for what happened, ___.” 
“She should,” you shrug, acting entirely cold even though you don’t mean it. “After all, she did get off better than me.”
“Nayeon is not a bad person, ___. She was just very hurt and—”
“I was hurt too,” you interrupt him, eventually turning your head to throw him a stern look. “I know, no one ever cares about my feelings, but I was hurt too, Jimin. I don’t give a fuck about Taehyung or Yeji or anyone else. But Nayeon – I really expected more from her,” you rant, glad you managed to not let your voice break.
“Trust me, she did too,” Jimin says, looking straight into your eyes. “I’m not taking her side. Not at all,” he makes sure to let you know, keeping his voice solid. “What she did was very wrong, and there is no excuse for it.”
“But,” he sucks in some air, keeping his gaze on you the whole time. “We both know that Nayeon is not that person,” he states.
You know he’s right. But you can’t just forget about what she said to you and what she did. Not just like that. Especially not when it happened in front of so many people.
Would she have done it differently, asked you to meet her somewhere private and talk it out, you would still have been disappointed in her for believing this lie, but you could have forgiven her. 
The way she did it, however, showed you a side of her you never knew existed, and you’re not sure you can see past that. At last not so soon and not that easy. 
“She used to always talk to me about you, and she always took your side whenever someone said anything mean,” he says after a while. “I'm the last person to expect anything from you right away, but I think it would do you both good to talk to each other. Not until you’re ready, of course. It may just be something to think about. Just… try and be the bigger person.”
You can’t help but scoff. He has no idea how many times you've recited that stupid line to yourself as if it were a mantra. 
Don’t say anything, ___. Just leave. Be the bigger person.
“I’m tired of having to be the bigger person, Jimin,” you state. “Look, I’m sorry she’s not doing well, I really am. I would never wish anything bad on her or anyone else for that matter, but it doesn’t always have to be me who has to be the bigger person. I didn’t do anything wrong, and it is not my responsibility to approach her and smooth things over.”
That you took him by surprise is clearly written on his face, but you don’t let him say anything to that anymore before you start to get up, ready to go home. 
This night is over. You did what he asked of you, and now you want to leave. It's not like there's any purpose for you to still be here, and it's late anyway.
It takes him a moment before he realizes you’re actually leaving, and he hastily gets up as well, almost falling off the roof in the process. 
“Wait, where are you going?”
“Home. It’s getting late, and I’m starting to get cold,” you say, sounding nonchalant. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, slowly stumbling over to you. 
It really is a wonder you both managed to not fall off the damn roof by now.
“What for? Would you have given me your jacket?” You try to joke, going back to your earlier mood.
You don’t want to pick a fight with him tonight. You already spend the whole day being annoyed by him so you decide to just stuff the whole Nayeon-story into the back of your head and carry on to where you left off before that.  
Because you would rather shove a cactus down your throat than admit it when you’re sober, but Park Jimin can be fun to hang around when he makes an effort. 
It’s like two sides of the same coin, but both sides are rusty, but one just a little less. 
Yeah. That sounds like a decent enough description. 
Still, as you're walking up to your apartment, followed by Jimin who was nice enough to help you up. It must have looked funny to a bystander watching two tipsy people stumble up the stairs, but you're thankful nonetheless. It shows that he does have manners after all. 
“This night was a disaster and I feel like it's mostly my fault,” you decide to speak up about the elephant in the room, knowing pretty well it was on both of your minds because you two haven't really shared more than two words since leaving the party. Now that the effect of the alcohol is slowly wearing off, you're starting to feel bad about it. 
“What do you mean?” Jimin asks, making you turn around to face him. 
“You wanted to really get started with the plan today. You wanted to convince everyone, I was supposed to get to know everyone and get involved, blah blah blah. Instead, I hid somewhere or just bitched at people half the time - which was completely justified, by the way, but I'm still sorry that we couldn't achieve what you had in mind,” you ramble. 
Jimin smiles, shrugging his shoulders as to show you it's not a big deal. "I'm sorry for ditching you at the start and not defending you as much as I should have,” he apologizes as well, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
Ah, so he did notice then. 
“I already broke my promise to you, and I'm sorry for that. I hope you're still in, though and if you are, I promise this won't happen again. The truth is, I had met Yeji when I was on my way back to you, and it kinda put me off. I was in a bad mood the whole time after that. And then I came back, and you were gone, and everyone was making rude remarks,” he groans. “And then I find you with Jeon of all people.” 
Well, it's not the greatest apology, but it's more than you expected, and you're glad he at least made an effort. So you just smile and nod. 
“It was the first try,” you say, already turning around to open your door. “Let's do better next time. It's not like the entire night was a flop. You're bearable when you shut up, Park.”
At this, Jimin laughs. “I can only return that compliment, babygirl. You should be drunk more often. It makes you so much more likable.”
You don't return anything to that, just simply throw him the middle finger as you walk inside your home and close the door behind your back. 
Truth is, tonight really wasn't a total flop, and you know if you both put in a little more effort, this could actually work. 
tagged: @ggukkieland | @ttaeby | @rkvi | @cuteipat | @pjiminslove | @mawwnsterr | @aamalaaa | @spideyxxboi | @lil-sracha | @katsbqbe | @bex-92br | @natalie-rdr | @canarystwin | @wespers-jaan | @bangtanxcoffee | @bri-mal | @so-kou | @lonleycoffee
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youngjusticeslut · 3 years
without giving too much away, how did you feel about episode five? let us know if we need to mentally prepare (we obviously do it’s young justice lol but still!)
Because this is me, and every single person who follows my blog knows I am such a Nguyen-Harper-Crock family stan, there really isn't too much I can say about Episode 5 that won't give anything away 😬
That being said, I immediately needed to rewatch it (and am doing so right now). I have a lot of thoughts, a lot of feelings. (As to the sentiment of these thoughts and feelings, ask me on Thursday!) It was a lot to process all at once. This is gonna be a [redacted for spoilers] arc.
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