#if u have been around long enough u may know why choosing a cucumber is extra silly on my behalf...
alligaytorswamp · 2 years
Imagine Kaeya and Childe cooking together. All the domestic fluff
okie dokie B)
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maybe i would also forget how to cut a cucumber in such conditions 😔😔😔
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redeyedryu · 5 years
Cross Dimensional Problems
Chapter 3 - Uh... | [Ao3]  | 1 | « | x | » |
Have some more of whatever this is, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summary: Mmm, popato chisps~!
Popato chisps, as it turns out to your complete and utter disappointment, do not taste all that different from regular potato chips. The weird fizzy, pop-rock like sensation and the way they kind of just… disappear when you swallow is pretty neat, though. A monster food thing, no doubt. Still, talk about a letdown. Doesn't mean you're gonna stop eating them though, as you proceed to stuff yet another into your mouth. They even crunch like a regular potato chip.
You talk around the chisp you just shoved into your mouth and bring a hand to your chest, a mockery of being flattered. “Aw, love you too, boss,” you say in an overly sweet voice and as the very tall, very loud, very edgy skeleton proceeds to sputter and cough and choke at your words, you simply shove another two chisps into your mouth. He’s shouting, boots stomping against the linoleum of the kitchen floor, but you’re already toning him out.
Sans and the Underswap Papyrus had shuffled you up the basement stairs and into the kitchen, talking amongst themselves about needing to call a house meeting. As it just so happened, your additional company had already been present, apparently preparing some meal or another. It didn't smell like burnt rubber or vinegar so you’re hoping this is one of those takes where the Papyruses and Swap Sans aren't absolutely terrible when it comes to cooking, that they've had enough time to improve and learn that no, glitter is not a key ingredient.
Underfell Papyrus, Swapfell Sans, and regular ol’ Papyrus had been the lucky ones to welcome the newest party crasher (that's you, by the way) to the house. Papyrus had given a rather enthusiastic welcome, complete with bone-crushing (heh) hug. The Fell variants, being not so touchy feely, had merely scowled at you and turned up their skulls in that pretentious manner they’re often presented as being.
Goodness, it was all just so surreal.
You had to tell yourself not to stare because that's rude. Play it off, act as cool as the coolest cucumber. And so you had walked over to the nearby table sat in the middle of the large kitchen and plopped into a seat. Breezily, yet politely because you're no mannerless heathen, you had asked for a bag of popato chisps and Papyrus had all but gasped, affronted that you would choose to eat something so unhealthy—and so soon before dinner! But Sans had shot him some kind of look and the skeleton had ultimately acquiesced. He hadn't done so happily, of course, as he had none too quietly muttered this and that about poor eating habits as he fished a bag from the pantry.
You thanked him when he begrudgingly handed the snack bag to you and had proceeded to munch away while Sans and the Swap Papyrus set about explaining just why exactly a human had trudged up from their basement—and in such lazy attire, no less!
So that leads us back to the present. Underfell Papyrus appears to be taking the news the worst so far, you think. You're not sure, though, he's a hard one to read. Too tsun, too soon.
“SO, HUMAN,” another voice speaks up just as you toss the last popato chisp into your mouth. Judging by the deep, rough rumble not unlike Underfell Sans’s, loud though it may be, you guess it's the only other Sans in the kitchen that is addressing you. When you direct your attention to the source, you are proud to say your deductive skills aren't complete crap.
The Swapfell Sans variant has taken to standing at the table across from you, arms folded over his chest. His sockets are squinted and he's taking advantage of the fact you are sitting down, giving him the height advantage to sneer down at you. Pretentious prick.
Stop being so hot.
“Yes, skeleton,” you reply. His face scrunches up like he smelled something bad and you just smile. 
“WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ON THIS MATTER?” You're not sure how to interpret his tone, nor that question. It sounds like an accusation? Almost as if you're being scolded.
“Uh… Not exactly sure what you mean by that, but uhm… hmm.” You fuss with the popato chisps bag, neatly folding it in on itself--in half, a quarter, an eighth, a sixteenth. “Whether or not you believe me, it's the truth. Where I'm from y’all’re nothing more than fiction and fantasy.” You’re not avoiding meeting their eyes, you're just very interested in this folded up popato chisps bag. It's just so cool. Yup.
The skeleton clicks his tongue and you think you hear the sound of boots tapping out an impatient rhythm.
“PROVE IT,” he says.
That succeeds in drawing your attention.
“UNLESS, OF COURSE, YOU ARE LYING?” Ah, there's that smug, condescending leer again. You squint at him.
“I'm not lying.”
He waves a hand at you, a signal to, “GO ON, THEN. PROVE IT.”
Your face creases in a rather extreme pout, a breathy exhale forced through your nose. Fine, be that way you pretentious, sexy piece of shit.
You cross your arms and lean back in your chair.
“Well. That’s… there is… there are so many different takes on the AUs that there’s no guarantee anything I say will necessarily add up.” You cast a glance towards Sans, noting he and the rest of the ensemble have paused in whatever bickering they had been involved with with Underfell Papyrus, to listen to you speak. You take that as your cue. “I guess I'll start with the source material. Though bear in mind it's been at least a year or so since I've last played…”
You close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath. You exhale just as slowly, attention once more returned to the folded up popato chisps bag as your fingers itch for something to keep busy with.
Whelp. Here goes.
“Undertale is a pixel RPG style game. Its premise being that you don't have to fight. It's a game where your choices matter, and you can choose whether to fight and kill monsters or show them nothing but mercy.” From your peripheral, you don't miss the way Swapfell Sans’s face tightens, nor the way Sans’s posture seems to tense. “You play as a kid whose name you set in the beginning but eventually learn to be named Frisk, who is their own person separate from you, the player. They essentially act as your vessel.
“They fell into the Unground and start in the Ruins, in a bed of golden flowers. You proceed a room over and are introduced to Flowey. In Swapped universes it's often a toss-up between it still being Flowey, a Temmie, or even Monster Kid. Just depends on who’s writing the story.
“So anyway, you proceed through the Ruins. You meet Toriel, who bakes you a butterscotch cinnamon pie in most routes. When you try to leave she tells you about Asgore and how he’ll kill you if you go through the doors leading to the rest of the Underground. He's done so to all those that preceded you, afterall. So you fight Toriel and then trek towards Snowdin from there.” You pointedly don't look at Sans when you say, “You meet Sans just before a bridge and the whole thing is built up to unsettle you. You cross a stick in the middle of the path that winds up cracking behind you, you hear footsteps in the snow but no one’s there, and when you get to the bridge he’s all,” and here you do a poor imitation of Sans’s deep voice, “ ‘H u m a n. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand.’ It's a cutscene so your character does that and then a rather long, drawn out whoopie cushion fart sound clip plays.” You hear a couple chuckles off to the side. “Things happen, you hide behind a conveniently shaped lamp, you meet Papyrus, you go through Snowdin. You fight Papyrus, get locked in a shed, then proceed through Waterfall and are dogged by Undyne the entire time… you fight her then you go on to Hotland and all its conveyor belts, steam vents, and lasers. Talk to Alphys and fight Mettaton on his ridiculous show… several times. Then it's what… onto the CORE? The soundtrack there’s really neat. So you make your way through the CORE and you wind up fighting Mettaton Ex and the fight's broadcast throughout the entire Underground? So you beat him and then you're in New Home and you wind up getting the tragic backstory for the King and Queen’s kids. Then you fight Asgore… and after that you fight Flowey. And once that's done you've beaten the game. The ending varies depending on what route you're on and the choices you made.” You decide not to say it also depends on which monsters are still left alive.
You’re bending and twisting the piece of garbage in your hands, a bit nervous for whatever reason to meet anyone’s eyes. Honestly, what are you afraid of?
The room is utterly silent--so quiet, in fact, that you would undoubtedly be able to hear the proverbial pin drop. You take a hesitant peek up at your company and your cheeks heat up and there’s a tingling sensation that crawls down your back as you catch the voided stare of the skeletons around you.
You don't know why but you feel compelled to rush out that, “I only ever managed to do neutral pacifist and true pacifist runs…” before quickly averting your gaze back to the mutilated snack bag. Heck. Why aren't they saying anything? They're the ones who asked! And it's not like you did anything! You didn't bring yourself here, didn't put yourself into this impossible scenario!
Someone say something already!
There's a loud clap and you're ashamed to admit that you very nearly jump out of your seat at the abrupt noise.
Oh bless your beautiful, sweet bones, Papyrus!
All eyes turn to Sans and oh boy. He's doing that blank eye socket thing and he’s sweating.
“y-yeah,” he eventually manages as he brings a bony palm to scrape across the top of his skull. “yeah, paps is right, it checks out.”
Your shoulders slump as tension leaves you. Man, you're going to wind up with all kinds of knots at this rate. The errant thought of whether or not skeletons would be good at giving massages crosses your mind but you stuff it down. Now’s not the time. Maybe later. …maybe.
A cold chill rushes down your spine and your stomach flips. They're not going to throw you out, are they?
Op. There's that tension again.
You shift your gaze to Papyrus, eyes pleading.
Oh sweet baby Jesus, Papyrus you are a saint. That's it, he is absolutely your new favorite.
Underfell Papyrus, on the other hand… he sputters. “I SHOULD THINK NOT!” he protests, gloved hands slamming onto the table. You don't jolt at that, you don't. “WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS HUMAN AND YOU WOULD SUGGEST WE KEEP IT HERE? WHERE WE ARE MOST VULNERABLE? PREPOSTEROUS!”
Your brows furrow.
“What?” It's not like you're going to try and dust them in their sleep or anything, what the heck, man.
You mouth a silent, “what?” Because… what?
“Uh… I mean. Not that I'm… not uh… flattered? That you’re apparently so intimidated by me but… I wouldn't… I uh… I'm not an asshole.”
Oh dang. Are his cheeks turning red?
Holy shit???
They are!
“I AM NOT INTIMIDATED BY SOMEONE AS WEAK AND PATHETIC AS YOU!” he denies, booted foot slamming against the linoleum as he stands straight, arms crossing over his chest. “I AM MERELY BEING CAUTIONS, WHICH IS MORE THAN I CAN SAY FOR THESE GULLIBLE, IDIOTIC CREAMPUFFS!” 
There’s a chuckle, low and deep and sexy. Your eyes flit to Swapfell Sans. There’s an amused air about him, his sharp-toothed grin more relaxed than before.
“Uh… thanks? …I think??” You're a bit on the fence with that reasoning. Also isn't that kind of a threat?
“TCH. SUIT YOURSELVES,” Underfell Papyrus sneers. “BUT DO NOT COME CRYING TO ME WHEN IT ATTEMPTS TO DUST YOU IN YOUR SLEEP.” And much like his brother had in the basement, the edgy skeleton makes an abrupt exit.
Funny how he had voiced your thought, though.
“Should… I be worried about him?” you ask the room.
You're a bit surprised when Underswap Papyrus speaks up, as he had been rather quiet since coming up from the basement. “nah, he’s just a worrywart.”
“I… if you say so…” You're not entirely convinced but, well. Your options are kind of limited.
You're about to ask something else when a rather shrill BEEEEEP cuts through the kitchen.
“AH. THAT WOULD BE DINNER.” Swapfell Sans announces. He turns away from the table and all of you grouped there, to attend to the oven.
And it's only after he says something that you finally register the rather pleasant scent wafting through the air. It entices your hunger, your mouth watering as your stomach grumbles quietly. Popato chisps aren't very filling, after all.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 15th-April 21st, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from April 15th, 2020 to April 21st, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
If all webcomics everywhere suddenly costed money to read, how much would you be willing to pay to read them?
i've currently spent about 10 dollars reading paid webcomics and got about 60 chapters with that much. i'll be buying more webcomics in the future but if it's too pricy i'll be less inclined to buy
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I buy the print volumes of my favourite webcomics, which is about £10-15 for around 100-200 pages? Depends on the comic. But I do get a book to leaf through, so dunno if that counts.
as an added note the app i use to buy webcomics has an interesting feature where u can purchase "food" to donate to the author directly without / in addition to buying the chapters themsevles(edited)
oh now that chalcara mentioned it i also buy the physical copies of webcomics as well and i've probably spent close to 100ish on that
also also that same app gives u daily login coins and u can also watch up to 5 video ads per day to gain extra coins which u can use to buy more chapters or donate directly to the author
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I DID try a monthly subscription to a rather specific comic content webpage, but I don‘t like that comittment. Vastly prefer buy-once-keep-something-forever; even if it‘s just pdf.
Yeah, have bought pdf‘s of comics before because of shipping expenses.
So yeah, buy once, get something, yay! Subscription, boo.
i had to buy a monthly subscription thing for a webcomic once too but it was a completed comic and the app has a download button so i just downloaded all the chapters of it all at once. i could see the monthly payment being annoying if u had to keep paying it in perpetuity though
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've paid for comics before
I'd probably pay to keep reading the comics I love
but I'd be reluctant to invest money to read a new comic i don't know is good or not
i'd need a good friend, person I follow, or well written review's recomendation first(edited)
Feather J. Fern
I will buy physical copies most of the time. I do like having the print in my hands. If it was like a site sub though, like you can put your comics on a site and everyone gets paid a share, then I wouldn't mind because you get options.
But if it is just one comic though, I would be worried,
For example, if people were paid to upload onto Webtoons, but you have to pay like 5 dollars for reading for 1 month, I wouldn't mind because I still can choose what to read
But if for example, my comic is five dollars to read monthly by itself, I don't htink people want it
Especially new readers
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah i think that I wouldnt want to have to spend money to try a comic. Im really very picky and I wouldnt want to risk basically just losing money because I dont like a comic. To continue reading the ones I like I think I'd spend money, but honestly I'd probably only do that once they're complete, too. A monthly payment/subscription for a service with many comics, though, I could see myself paying for
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Depends. I’m fine with paying it at once to read it in one go, but not necessarily per month
Also would pay if I got to see a preview first
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
As a reader, I also prefer to know what the comic is about first, before committing to pay to read it, like going in blind. I prefer the subscription option to read any comic but not per comic chapter. I like to support the authors if the story appeals to me or purchase their ebooks(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I would likely pay to keep reading the ones I'm already into. But I would be very reluctant to check out new ones if I had to pay to even check them out. The first few pages aren't enough in most cases. I also wouldn't be averse to the subscription idea, assuming the platform isn't like, catering to a genre that I'm not interested in. Physical volumes actually don't interest me in most cases. Storage is a huuuuuge issue for me.
Depends on digital vs. physical, the amount of content and quality. Usually I prefer a physical copy since I like collecting indie comics and am willing to pay 10USD - 30USD, I'll even pay high price for hardcover collector editions if I really, really like the creator's work. Like, I actually have a section of my bookshelf dedicated to printed webcomics, which isn't very full yet but I plan on practically overcumbering it someday. Digital copies and subscriptions, I'm oddly a little more stingy about. I tend to forget about stuff like that very easily, so to save myself from wasting money I would have to be almost a mindless fanatic about the webcomic to buy it digitally or keep up with a weekly/monthly pay subscription. As far as price, if it's a subscription I can't afford a whole lot since I'll probably be trying to take on multiple comics, a digital copy I may pay around the same amount as with a physical book.
I'm not too picky about what I would buy, if it looks really good or interesting I'll maybe subscribe to give it a look through, or buy a chapter/volume if I can afford it. Worst that would happen is I didn't like it after all but supported an indie creator trying to get their work off the ground. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I actually have in fact read many pay-to-read webcomics, and my experience has been somewhere in the middle. I think the most important thing is that the webcomic in question has the first few chapters as free-to-read so that new readers can get a feel for the story, because I wouldn't pay for something I didn't know I would like. The other things is for comics to be affordable. I'm not very wealthy, so the price of a comic chapter needs to be pretty cheap for me to invest. $1 per chapter is the absolute highest limit, and the chapter has to be at least 10+ pages. I'm way more willing to spend more money on print comics because it is something physical that I can put on my shelf, and because I know printing costs can be expensive.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
No way I'd pay to read a comic without having at least the first chapter free. Even if people are recommending it to me, I still want to see it for myself first. But even then... I don't know if I would spend money on an online subscription - I'd probably wait to see what people are saying about it, save my money, and shell out a bit extra for a print edition (if that's in the cards for the comic). If a comic is free online, I feel even more like supporting it with a physical purchase. If a webcomic is locked behind a paywall... I get it, but it certainly discourages me as a reader.
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
Same here really. I much prefer giving money to a Patreon or buying merch for something I love than pay to take a chance on something I might not like
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agree. I don't mind subscription if it's someone's work I enjoyed but I'm more inclined to buy physical copies or get my own digital pdf of the same thing tbh
Feather J. Fern
I wouldn't mind an idea of like, you get 1 page free a month (Slow I know) but you can buy the full thing now as an Ebook or something. That system would help the author get money (for people who want to support and love their comic from the slow post rate) and great for people who can't afford comic, and read them free at the library becuase they can't even afford computers at home.
I like the print comics too for libraries, gives comics more free access
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ah imagine if we could check out print webcomics at the library now
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
there is a few libaries that are doin that
Feather J. Fern
Yes! Actually, a few librarians went to Vancaf as long as it has an ISBN it makes it easier (Well we hope there is a copy catalogue somewhere lol) And I know in the US there are a lot more librarians grabbing comics for their shelves
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yesss which makes it super good
makes me wish I could go to my local libary but like everything else here, it's currently closed orz
Feather J. Fern
Hell, from a podcast I know there is a large interest in comics for libraries, and I know recently they are using comics to try to bring more literacy to people who don't want to read.
This might be off topic I will move it somewhere else
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
Maybe when I get mine printed I'll go see if the local library would like a few
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
that is why I'm going to be a teacher. Get more people use comics for education lol
The tricky thing would be finding new comics to get into... how would you get exposed to them? And there are so many, how would you know which ones are worth whatever pricetag goes with them? It would certainly change the whole landscape of webcomics, to be sure.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It would probably increase the demand for webcomic reviews.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
And again, the first few chapters being available as a sample would be really important.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Put in requests for webcomic print collections at your local library! They probably won't get bought during the lockdown, but at least your interest will be on record when the librarians get back.
Mine stocks some, although it's skewed toward really well-known ones -- Homestuck, Digger, Nimona, Cucumber Quest, Skin Horse, Penny Arcade, Gunnerkrigg Court (there's more, I just can't remember them off the top of my head).(edited)
Capitania do Azar
If I have to pay before I can know if I'll like the contents? I'd probably pass, unless there was some other big incentive for me to read it (like a friend's recommendation). Paywalls can be a big turnoff if you don't know what you're paying for, that's what I'm saying. However, if there were previews or free chapters, and then I had to pay to read the rest? I'd probably invest those €€€.
I read Stand Still Stay Silent at the library, actually. That’s how I managed to actually get into it, I felt like it was a better experience. As for paying: I will sometimes buy a physical book of a comic I want to read but haven’t yet, just because reading on paper is easier on my eyes. So, sometimes I’ll pay money if I’m really interested in it. But it usually takes me a while to get to that point. If every webcomic went to a paid platform, I’d probably be less likely to read Webcomics.
Feather J. Fern
A thought occurred to me, if all webcomics are paid to read, how would the newbies, or highschoolers, get an audience at all if no one would buy to read their comic?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The under 18 creators does pose an interesting question -- are they allowed to make money at all? Would they have to get their parents to sign a thing for them?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I believe so
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
As for small creators with no existing fans, I imagine they'd have to rely on subscription platforms where readers don't have to pay for their comic specifically.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, or just make no money like now
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
well, it would just also mean no readers because in this world, there isn't even an option to make no money in this world, the webcomic emperor has decreed that all webcomics must cost money to read, and you shall be thrown into The Pit if you make yours free
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
actually i guess you could kinda get around it by making your comic cost a penny
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
But yeah, you'd also not have readers and be unable to build a following
Basically the barrier to entry shifts and becomes more like traditional print publishing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Slightly different from trad publishing since anybody CAN still post up their comic -- even if no one would read it X'D
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
actually you know what it would kinda be like? steam like basically any game devs from the smallest indie devs to the massive corporations publish their PC games through steam. and to my knowledge, all games on steam cost at least some money so indie creators' only option to get eyes on their comic would be the same as indie devs getting eyes on their game. find someone popular willing to review it, and hope for some word of mouth.
Feather J. Fern
Odd take, hold a seminar or not really that but a group gathering where people pay like, 2 dollars, because money still needs to happen, so a bunch of newbie comic artists and pitch their first chapter or something
Oh wait I know what my brain was thinking
like comixlogy
If you can have like a section like "New comics starting out, you can read the whole first chapter for just 0.99" then I might scroll through and be like "You know what, I wouldn't mind some entertaiment"
I think also defintely reviews are really important with this situation
If someoene was like "This art is good, plot is good, grammar is good" I woudl be like "Yeah I would read the first three chapters"(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Steam sounds about accurate
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I definitely think that in this case, good reviews would be like gold
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Even Print comics do freebies to rustle up new audience. And steam has a pretty lenient „don‘t like this game? Get your money back“ policy.
For me the answer here depends on a lot of factors. If it's a one time "bulk" purchase, I'd probably go from $5-$10 depending on amount of pages, time to read, and just overall quality. I'd of course have to be interested as well, but that's an aside point for me in terms of what I'd be willing to pay. Anything past $10 is just kind of too rich for my blood sort of thing, unless it's like a super volume or something. As a subscription, this would heavily depend on the service. How are they curating content? Do they add more content regularly? How much content do they have? How are they innovating to improve my experience as a reader and to be able to find content? How is the industry as a whole? Are there a few competitors making it an affordable option, or is it becoming like tv cable because everyone wants their slice of the pie? With this many questions, it's hard to put a price on a subscription service. Definitely no more than I pay for Hulu or Netflix. But honestly, with the state of the industry right now, I don't think the price would be justified if they made it even like $10/month. Cause as it stands none of the hosts really do anything to improve my experience as a reader and only make things harder for everyone.
Feather J. Fern
This topic makes me love webcomics more, people are giving it to us for free, and It is amazing the internet can give someone an outlet to do so. Thank you internet
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
If you can have like a section like "New comics starting out, you can read the whole first chapter for just 0.99" then I might scroll through and be like "You know what, I wouldn't mind some entertaiment"
@Feather J. Fern dang I would sign up so fast if there was a good subscription service like this. And same time it helps give something back to New creators!
Feather J. Fern
To be honest, if I had the money, and the power, and the programing skills I would. I would love to support creators like this. Becuase it also gives people confidence too.
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k-n-e-o · 5 years
all of them?
I love doing these 🥰
what’s the best thing that happened to you today?
Talking with you
2. where do you see yourself living in 10 years?
I don’t know where I’d be living but I know that I’ll be happy (that’s the goal at least)
3. apartment or house?
Apartment in the beginning and house later on
4. has your aesthetic changed at all in the last year?
Yes I think it has. It used to be quite dark but I think it’s become a bit more colourful
5. what is something you’re proud of?
Staying as strong as I have for as long as I have
6. name three books that changed your life.
I don’t think I’ve found any yet
7. do you have a favorite podcast?
I like to just turn on the try guys try pod in the background when I write or work
8. what three songs can you not get enough of right now?
Wonderland by ATEEZ
Savage by Ace
Burned by the love by juke Ross
9. favorite quote?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
-Albert Einstein
10. state an unpopular opinion that you have.
Pineapple and black olives on pizza is good
11. if you could live in any other decade, when & where would you choose?
When the dinosaurs were alive, I think it would’ve been interesting.
12. describe your ideal date?
Chill, comfortable, probably at a cafe or walking around a place or something.
13. are you currently crushing on anybody?
...yes 🙈
14. if you could have dinner with anybody, who would it be?
My grandparents on my dads side. I never got to meet them and I think it would be cool
15. what time do you usually go to sleep & wake up?
Go to sleep around ten and wake up at six or earlier
16. what’s your favorite instrument?
I can’t choose, I love them all
17. what song do you love dancing to?
Tip toe by Jason derulo or better in colour by Lizzo
18. what’s a topic that you wish you knew more about?
Interior design or sculpting
19. got a random fact you’ve been holding on to?
I’m afraid of swing sets
20. favorite fruit & vegetable?
Garden cucumbers and watermelon
21. what’s your favorite dish to cook?
I make a mean Mac and cheese lol
22. favorite beverage?
23. how are you feeling in this moment?
Not terrific but not horrible
24. are you reading a book at the moment? what do you like about it?
I like the dynamics of the characters
25. name three songs that stir up the deepest emotions.
She’s in the rain by the rose
Skin by Dijon
Sleepwalk by the ventures
26. what’s your favorite season & why?
Winter, I’m not as anxious, and I like the cold
27. when is your birthday?
May 21st
28. what do you do when you need to de-stress?
I reorganize my work space or go on a purge of my stuff
29. do you prefer spontaneous or pre-arranged plans?
Depends on what it’s for
30. name an experience in your life you wish you could do over?
I would say my whole childhood but I’ll be more realistic and say the second grade
31. do you like the name you were given? if not, is there a different one you’d prefer?
I think I like the name I was given
32. what’s your favorite weather?
Clear blue sky with frosty trees and the snow glittering under the sun
33. are you satisfied with how your life is going right now?
Yes and no, I think it’s better than it was for sure but I think I need to work a little harder still
34. describe a time that you were brave.
I pushed myself out of my comfort zone three years ago when I accepted the invite to do a solo. My anxiety was hitting the fan but I managed to do it.
35. is there a movie you like better than the book it was based on?
No, I think I do end up liking the books better
36. do you have a place you go to when you feel stressed/sad?
My room
37. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
My friends and family
38. what time is it where you are?
39. what is something you’re excited for?
I’m getting any guitar tomorrow
40. got any summer plans?
Working and going to Vegas
41. when was the last time you intentionally went out to see the sunrise?
This summer when I went camping
42. favorite film genre?
Comedy or thriller
43. coffee or tea?
44. describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
Rectangular, sturdy, muscular, petite(?)
45. is there a cover song that you like better than the original?
I did really like a remake of senorita I saw once I can’t remember who it was by tho
46. are you on good terms with your parents?
47. are you in a relationship? if not, are you looking to be?
No and yes kind of, maybe? (Probably not if I can’t decide lol)
48. do you typically look for a partner with the same traits as you or someone to complement yours?
Someone to complement mine, I think if we were to be too similar I would feel weird
49. describe your aesthetic.
Converse, subtle colours, slight vintage, babies breath, big windows, sunlight, sunshine rain, corduroy, mustard yellow, navy blue, olive green.
50. put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs to play.
Universe by exo
Nap of a star by txt
O sole mio by sf9
Without you by Nct u
Victory song by stray kids
Roller coaster by txt
Epiphany by bts
Stay by ATEEZ
Sori by Lee suhyun
Um oh ah yeh by MAMAMOO
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augcst · 8 years
unusual asks: do them all i believe in you
WHO DID THIS but lowkey thanks bc this is what i wanted read below if you wanna know things about me or *cough* datemeimeanwhta *cough*
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify all the wayyy
Is your room messy or clean?Actually clean bc I just cleaned it out and everything is organized
What color are your eyes?Brown af
Do you like your name? why?I do and its bc its aestetically pleasing to look at for me? Like Autumn is just really nice to look at u kno
What is your relationship status?single and mentally unstable; thotumn
Describe your personality in 3 words or lesstired, sometimes creative
What color hair do you have?dark brown with lighter brown streaks
What kind of car do you drive? color?Nissan Versa Note, sky blue
Where do you shop?For clothes: H&M and target, my sister’s closet
How would you describe your style?attempted gay athletic
Favorite social media accountInstagram or this one
What size bed do you have?Double or queen... its bigger than a twin but not a king lol
Any siblings?Biological: 9, Step: 2, Adopted: 2 (all sisters)
If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?New Zealand because it’s so gorgeous, or the gay island with my favorite people ive ever met @enbykaradanvers and @thegrimllama
Favorite snapchat filter?The one that makes your nose smaller and your face thinner
Favorite makeup brand(s)I use drug store mostly, Milani is INCREDIBLE, but expensive: highligher - nars, primer - too faced, stila, makeup forever
How many times a week do you shower?Usually every other day unless im going through a particularly bad depression spout. 
Favorite tv show?All-time: New Girl, The Office, Parks and Rec, Grey’sCurrent: Supergirl
Shoe size?.....size 11
How tall are you?5′4″ish
Sandals or sneakers?SNEAKERS ALWAYS
Do you go to the gym?not really
Describe your dream datestargazing in a remote, low-lit area so the stars are super bright with philosophical discussions
How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?$178 not including like gift cards and stuff
What color socks are you wearing?none right now
How many pillows do you sleep with?I have to have one for my head, one to hug, and one on the other side so i feel secure lmao but I have 7 full pillows on my bed rn
Do you have a job? what do you do?Not currently as I’m about to go through a really tough semester, but I was a nanny
How many friends do you have?I have 3/4 best friends but a really good amount of friend friends 
Whats the worst thing you have ever done?watched the Bee movie
Whats your favorite candle scent?peach or evergreen
3 favorite boy namesI have 3 gender neutral names: Journey, River and Eowyn
3 favorite girl namessame as above plus annie
Favorite actor?um... *looks at smudged writing on hand* Benadryl *squints* Cucumber
Favorite actress?Melissa Benoist or Katie McGrath atm
Who is your celebrity crush?Same as above
Favorite movie?Hidden Figures is SO GOOD YALL YOU GOTTA SEE IT
Do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I don’t because I have issues with concentrating unless i’m interested and it’s dead quiet. But my favorite book is Milk&Honey by Rupi Kaur CALL ME BASIC I KNOW I AM but i have a lot of poetry books i enjoy
Money or brains?Brains
Do you have a nickname? what is it?Yes, Audi or Thotumn or Small Chip as coined by @thegrimllama and Lil Sis/sib as coined by @enbykaradanvers
How many times have you been to the hospital?For myself, 4 times for serious things. 1) Kidney infection as an infant, 2) Two nose bleeds that wouldn’t stop 3) Severe stomach pain 4) Broken ankle
Top 10 favorite songsin no particular order:-This Girl (Kungs Vs. Cookin’ On 3 Burners)-Wow by Beck-Guillotine by Jon Bellion-False Alarm by Matoma-Death of a Bachelor by Panic! at the Disco-Starving by Hailee Steinfeld-Take On Me by Aha-Send My Love (To Your New Lover) by Adele-That’s My Girl by 5H-6 Inch by Beyonce
Do you take any medications daily?Too many
What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Definitely combination
What is your biggest fear?Shallow: Heights; Deep: Being Gaslighted
How many kids do you want?I want a few although im not sure how many, but never an only child. 
Whats your go to hair style?Messy pony or bun
What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)Average for a family, like 4 bedroom, 3 stories, 3 baths.
who is your role model?@enbykaradanvers and @thegrimllama and my mom
What was the last compliment you received?(regarding a nude I thought was awful) @thegrimllama : “HOLY SHIT IT WORKS THOUGH, IM FOR REAL THOUGH SEND IT TO EVERYONE”
What was the last text you sent?“IM ONLY HALFWAY THROUGH”
Wow old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?I still believe in santa dont ARGUE WITH ME
What is your dream car?One with bluetooth music, leather seats, seatwarmers and a sun roof and adequate room in the baCK AKA MY CAR I DESTROYED LAST YEAR I CRY
Opinion on smoking?not for me, please dont smoke cigs around me either
Do you go to college?Yep, getting my associates this semester then transferring
What is your dream job?a job that works with psychology and children. maybe autistic children
Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs. I like the idea of a city, but I hate the crowdedness, but i like living close enough to like a target and H&M and stuff
Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?nah, if anything I use them while im there
Do you have freckles?not really, just like random spots all over my body but not like the cute freckles lmao
Do you smile for pictures?now I do, i went through a period where I didnt though
How many pictures do you have on your phone?17k
Have you ever peed in the woods?yes, when I was little and my family was actually active and hiked lmao
Do you still watch cartoons?sometimes, my little sister watches them and sometimes they’re on. But I do watch Steven Universe and Spongebob when they’re on lmao
Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?HOW ABOUT CHICK FIL A
Favorite dipping sauce?Ranch probably
What do you wear to bed?usually a tee and underwear
Have you ever won a spelling bee?I think I vaguely remember winning when I was in elementary but I honestly cant say for sure
What are your hobbies?Art and music and studyblring and im trying to get into like editing digital stuff and i also like writing when I have the spoons
Can you draw?yeah, I have an art tag somewhere. You can find it on my page in my about me i think
Do you play an instrument?the guitar, I used to play viola and piano though
What was the last concert you saw?Twenty One Pilots at Red Rocks i think?
Tea or coffee?hot chocolate
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?starbucks
Do you want to get married?yes
What is your crush’s first and last initial?JH, but it’s like an inactive crush? But like other than that I dont have any
Are you going to change your last name when you get married?Probably
What color looks best on you?Orange or navy blue probably
Do you miss anyone right now?@enbykaradanvers bc they WENT TO SLEEP EARLY LIKE A HEALTHY PERSON although im really proud of them bc i care and love them and i want them to be well rested for work so they have a highkey good day
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?CLOSED AF
Do you believe in ghosts?Umm yes but not in the conventional way. lmk if anyone wants to know more lmao
What is your biggest pet peeve?I have so many but top ones are chewing with your mouth open and velvety textures
Last person you called?@enbykaradanvers and @thegrimllama
Favorite ice cream flavor?Mint choclate chip
Regular oreos or golden oreos?I like the cookie part of regular ones but the whole of golden ones so u choose
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?i dont like sprikles but make it gay so rainbow
What shirt are you wearing?my fave long sleeve tee, it was my dad’s at one point
What is your phone background?kara danvers with a pink background and a pixelly thought bubble that says “why are you on my phone”
Are you outgoing or shy?a mix. depends on my spoons tbh
Do you like it when people play with your hair?if they do it gently bc i highkey have a really sensitive scalp
Do you like your neighbors?yeah, one of my best friends lives on the left and a nice family lives on the right
Do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?morning and night... but like lazily. Literally water in the morning and a makeup wipe or water at night
Have you ever been high?from prescription drugs but like that were meant for me lol
Have you ever been drunk?never
Last thing you ate?sauteed mushrooms
Favorite lyrics right now"theres not enough wind in oklahoma to blow this old house to the ground” or something like that
Summer or winter?summer, but i dont hate winter
Day or night?night
Dark, milk, or white chocolate?milk
Favorite month?May
What is your zodiac signLeo
Who was the last person you cried in front of?@thegrimllama bc i was having a bad night and she skyped me until I fell asleep 
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