#if u have rece
marylily-my-beloved · 6 months
currently going through another she-ra phase, it’s time for my annual rewatch. I need my Scorpia x perfuma, it’s been so long I forgot their ship name.
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thecoolerliauditore · 11 months
maybe a discourse-y thought but i rlly think we shouldn't rally for the deleting artwork with offensive flaws made by artists who don't know better and instead encourage them to make improvements in future work.
fixing a skin tone or hair texture in one drawing is good but it doesn't really matter if the artist is never gonna draw that character again. making ur art less whitewashy = part of the growing process.
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therrerium-valkryonia · 6 months
Could you please write something about a woman giving birth on the stairs? As she struggles to walk up each step brings her waters closer to bulging out until she can no longer walk
A lovely idea, I might have one for you and this one you may find acceptable to your taste.
On the other hand, I am grateful for your ideas!
A Step Forward
TW: 18+, minors Dni
In the midnight, she runs from oncoming shots as they zip pass her puffing up into smoke with each that hits the ground, she then runs into an alleyway and enters into an abandoned building through the backdoor.
As Charloette slams the door shut, she feels an intense contraction under her abdomen and her waters begin to heavily flow and stain the mat.
Gasping loudly, her leotard soaked as the pain rushed in horridly wrapping around her bump as she clutched her bumps midsection as she let's her mouth gape open wide without a sound.
Her arm wraps into her bump as she waddles forward to the steps out of the basement, the pains still surrounding her body beginning to release the restless twins within her.
Once she takes the steps up, she feels a huge thundrous pain ring into her hips as she falls onto her knees and squeals "Gnnmmhh!" and bears down leaning forward with her thighs spread open unable to close from the sheer pains she was experiencing entirely.
As she puffs, she regains her footing and is heading up the steps further up as a noise physically worries her within her vunerable position, she hastens her waddle.
On each step she struggles to hold in the massive mass beginning to peek through, reaching a turnaround to up further to the second floor, she collapses and held on the railings that turn the corner.
Laid on her hips, she bears down succumbed with the pains as her scarlet eyes widen and then she gasps with heavy groans "Ah! Hu- u unnnhhh!" As the mass begins reaching the midpoint and as she heaves slowly receeds.
She reached into her strapped heel boots, grabbing a dagger then regaining herself gripping the handrails and her arm held carefully underneath her massive bump.
Heading up the steps, a contraction pangs increasingly worse as she endures further upwards the steps, grunting while taking furthering steps to the safest floor.
Bearing down with each step upwards, the massive head begins to slightly peak while rushing with fluids as she grunts louder "A- Hggg- nnggghhhh! Ngh!" with the crowning widening further out.
As she steps forward, each furthering the crowning more and more until exshaustion collapses in and she falls to her thighs.
She bends over and leans into the railing, pressing her chin into her chest and then bearing down heavily and crowning fully.
She gasps, grunts as she reachs the full crowning or the ring of fire, inhaling the ginormous breath as she screams loudly.
Dropping the dagger, clutching her bump feeling the head burst violently and with shoulders rushing out even quicker.
The baby sploshed onto the concrete, she then rushed to cradle the small babe and intensely held onto the dagger's hilt.
She waddles onto the final steps up, reaching the third floor with the second crown slowly forming as she pushes with each step up the stairs until the pain succumbs her down.
On her fours she laid the firstborn to the side, she bore down with one push and had yelled loudly with the whole body dangling out of her.
Exshauting herself completlely, she reached onto the baby with her gloved hands as she reached under black dress and pulled it out.
Slowly laying onto her back, grabbing her crystal earring and finnessing it with her managing to cut the cord with an earring.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 6 months
I'm starving. Please, tell me your faves SP long fics 🙇🏻‍♀️. Your recommendations are always the best.
Good morning here’s some breakfast! I’ve read a lottttt and I’ve definitely recommended a good chunk of these before, but there’s some more recent ones on this list too! Multiple pairings, some dark subjects, some fluffier stories, all fairly long and most of these are complete! Here we go!!!
The Thief Trilogy by Wintergrew! C’mon we know I’m gonna rec that one every chance I get lmao the lore and world building is absolutely phenomenal!!!
This House of Mine by OrcaTimes another one I’ve recommended a lot BECAUSE IT EATS OK?!? One of the first sp fics I read and it’s so incredibly well written and the character dynamics slay so hard and we know I’m a Kyle girlie I LOVE him in this! Creek centric too!
Ship In A Bottle by FayOfTheForest COMFORT FIC FRFR it got me hooked on style and it’s WONDERFUL
Painted in Shrouds by courtanie THE best kysterion out there I said what I said AINT NOBODY DOIN K2 LIKE COURTANIE the plot is so incredible dude holy shit I was on the edge of my seat
The Stag Prince by SynapticFirefly dude ok y’all know I’ll read anything w my beloved elf Kyle and I KID U NOT THIS IS THE BEST KYMAN IVE EVER READ!!! The characterization is PERFECT like THIS is kyman to me, plus sot au so ofc I’m down it is WONDERFUL the adults are iconic in it too and it’s really a The Gangs All Here story
Hunger Pains by bellwether I KNOW I DONT SHUT UP ABT THIS ONE BUT I DO NOT CARE it truly altered my brain chemistry god chapter 16(?) I believe in particular fuck dude kenny in the whole thing but there’s this moment… and STAN I love my son so much and this is EASILY one of my favorite Stans ever plus I LIVE for Cartman caring about the guys in his own way this fic dude I could write an essay on it
The Illegitimate Opportunity Structure by espyonz STENNY OH MY FUCK this one is PHENOMENAL so far
Behind The Wall by Jwink85 look man ngl this one has been on my rec lists before and that’s because it’s INCREDIBLE also we know I fuck w jwink for the most part. Such an incredible portrayal of abusive relationships and so, so good. The style girlies gettin fed too FUCK I love them. Also dude jwink in general has some incredible stuff just be prepared for some dead dove action in some
speaking of consuming super dead doves, BRUH fuckin To Have And To Hold by courtanie JESUS CHRIST I KNOW IVE RECED THIS ONE BEFORE TOO BUT THATS BECAUSE ITS OBJECTIVELY ONE OF THE BEST STORIES IVE EVER READ YALL want k2? Dark Cryle? Kenny and Stan teamup? The gang forming a plan? Kyle never losing his fire despite everything? Mannnn look no further! I wanna make this a movie so bad
Knives by SparrowGrim dudeeeeeee this is such a cool premise and it feels VERY southparkian in a dystopian kind of way!
South Park Confidential by FayOfTheForest Dude I love this one we got the holy trinity of sp ships with style bunny and creek! It’s such a thrilling crime story SO cool to see characters develop and overcome their own shit, like dude!!!
You know I ain’t doin a rec list without shouting out to the homies!!! Song Of Broflovski by asteria7, pep and rm by boxwinebaddie, Entries From The Past by ViviBaby69420, A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies, ALL OF THESE KICK SO MUCH ASS!!!
Ok man that’s what I can think of as of rn, THANK U SO MUCH FOR ASKIN
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hsika92 · 10 months
omg do u have any jjk fic recs?
HI hello absolutely i’m very honoured to be asked for recs
my fav fic happens to be a stsg one so i shall drop the name of course (and a few other stsg fics while i’m at it):
(when facing) the things we turn away from by Darkness747
Co-Starring by Thisismycanon
Devour Me by ReadOrDie (cannibalism!!!!!!)
i have yet to read this one but it’s been in my bookmarks forever and i so look forward to it but:
The Future of a Broken Past by dazylein
then sukume because how can i not mention sukume:
natural appetite by pocketgravel
lastly itafushi i also have yet to read this one but it’s been reced to me by 2 friends sooo:
sugar on my tongue by eviebaby
hope u enjoy xxxx
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Fifth protest "Serbia against violence" was happening today
Tens of thousands of people were on the streets of Belgrade yet again.
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"Mr. President, fulfill the demands of this protest, fulfill our demands, because we are right, we do not accept that no one is responsible for this kind of tragedy, and who else should be but the government, and the government is yours and yours alone. Fulfill our demands, take over responsibility and end this crisis, and then you can call elections. Fulfill them because they are justified, the people who are walking just want a normal life, to be calm and safe in their country. Are these such heavy demands that they insult and humiliate us so much for days?" - Ivan Ivanović, comedian
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"We owe it to the children from Ribnikar, we have a debt to them, to ensure truth and justice, to provide them and create a society that we were not able to provide them during their lifetime. This is a debt that we have to pay to them, to every child in Serbia and ultimately to ourselves." - Dragan Bjelogrlić, actor
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"We will have to make a short interruption of the program. Look how many of us are here. There has never been so many of us. Look how many witnesses. They have already begun to announce that we have sent the worst threats from this place. Messages of peace have been sent from here. There has never been a more dignified gathering We just peacefully want to say what we see and feel in our hearts - in the political sense, he's done." - Hadži Nenad Maričić, actor
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aita-alternia · 1 year
aita f○r shari^g my hive with a frie^d?
I (8 teal) have bee^ shari^g my hive with a frie^d (7.5 i^dig○) while she gets ○ver s○me i^juries fr○m a rece^t scuffle with her kismesis (u^related but I've bee^ telli^g her that her kismesis sh○uld ^○T be hurti^g her this much but she keeps brushi^g me ○ff. this is^'t exactly related t○ the st○ry, but I thi^k it tells y○u a l○t ab○ut her as a pers○^.) I'm pretty cl○se with her, but I d○^'t thi^k she c○uld ever be ○^e ○f my quadra^ts. H○wever, my matesprit (8 vi○let) has bee^ telli^g me that he's w○rried she might be tryi^g t○ get me t○ cheat ○^ him with her, a^d that he wa^ts me t○ kick her ○ut. I t○ld him that she was stayi^g at my hive s○ that her kismesis w○uld^'t/c○uld^'t "kick her while she was d○w^" s○ t○ speak. He g○t pretty upset ab○ut that a^d we^t t○ g○ ha^g ○ut with his m○irail. We have^'t talked i^ ab○ut a week, but his diam○^d said he was pretty upset with me.
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theroidalacrity · 6 months
hey d°g, y°u w°rk at a like lusus shelter th'ng righ'? s°meth'n like that? man wh't th' hell this ask b°x 's killin my quirk can't even f'ckn press ent'r.
(+)*yep!! you got :3t!! we may do Some other th:3ngs,, but we ma:3nly work w:3th lus:3:3 that do Not Have a charge for whatever reason,, as well as lus:3:3 that are ag:3ng,, Hurt,, or d:3sabled :3n Some capac:3ty!! though there are always except:3ons!! for Some,, th:3s means Stay:3ng Near,, or at,, our fac:3l:3ty and rece:3v:3ng care as Needed,, wh:3le for others,, th:3s can mean Help:3ng them f:3nd another charge or Purpose :3n l:3fe!! and even then,, that’s not all,, but :3 won’t talk too much!! ^w^*(+)
(+)*and yea— the ask box can certa:3nly be a Horrorterror to deal with at t:3mes— Sorry!! *(+)
Ooc translation: Yep! You got it! We may do some other things, but we mainly work with lusii that do not have a charge for whatever reason, as well as lusii that are aging, hurt, or disabled in some capacity! Though there are always exceptions! For some, this means staying near, or at, our facility and receiving care as needed, while for others, this can mean helping them find another charge or purpose in life! And even then, that’s not all, but I won’t talk too much!
And yea- the ask box can certainly be a horrorterror to deal with at times- sorry!
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suntails · 1 year
AAA OMG thank you so much for answering my question! ok ok ok so! first up for the fic desires, right out of the gate - I don't like smut (as a sex-repulsed asexual I find reading about it not fun). also I don't like reading whump that much unless it has a good ending. as for not wanted ships, anything is fine unless it's incest or pedophilia. characters/interactions are a bit harder to pin down, but I know I don't want any fics that involve self-inserts, y/n, or ocs as the main focus, I'd much rather be distanced from the story being told than directly involved in it, if that makes sense? I'd like to read something involving Idia or Ortho or any of the Hades dorm (idk its in-universe name) characters - there doesn't seem to be a lot involving them, at least not that I've found yet. stuff involving the octotrio would also be good, love me some angsty merboys. maybe some stuff with Riddle and the other Heartslybule (idk if that's how it's spelled) students too? if you have any fics involving transformation or body-swapping, those are tropes I really like (I'm reasonably sure that at least some of the Diasomnia students have dragon or half-dragon forms but so far I haven't found anything involving them actually transforming?) In addition, what fics involving the Diasomnia students do you think are the best? (since you are the resident expert in that field, 90% is impressive.) thank you again for answering my ask so enthusiastically, I'm sure you'll be a great help. :)
okay cool beans, ty ty!!! hmm i am,,, unfortunately just abt the worst person you could come to for ignihyde or octavinelle stuff, i so rarely click anything from those dorms. regardless, ill give a list of stuff below!! i will add a little description to give u a feel and if it's something u don't vibe with or a ship u don't wanna read, j skip and try something else, hopefully something here will work for u!
And You Think, "No Escape" (ongoing) GEN – i'm a few chapters behind on this one bc life kicked me, but very good gen fic thus far! mainly focused around the previous overblotters in a weird sidequest treasure hunt forced by some bad guys, with trey and cater in the BG tryna help their situation. VERY long chapters and updates very regularly, so would likely provide a good amount of content
Night Raven Kindergarten (ongoing) GEN – cater is the main char, but he and trey are kindergarten teachers for a selection of the cast as kids!! VERY cute and fun, and delves into the kids' lives at home in rly heartfelt ways that hit, the problems feel nuanced and well-written, and the chars all feel so themselves. whitenoface is the author and i like a lot of their work, i'm recing another work from them later on
Briar Scion (ongoing) Idiasil – p long idiasil fic where the story itself is rly what caught my attention, and now im along for the ride. the premise is rly interesting where essentially like,,, nature itself loves silver, and wants to marry him? so nature is encroaching on school turf while interpersonal romance happens around the plot, its a fun concept! yuu is in it in the bg a bit but its not like,, self-insert or OC, so hopefully u won't mind. updates regularly!
when we don't have the words, chocolate can speak volumes (completed) Idiasil – cute, 30k or so idiasil!! largely focuses on the second years as a group working at the mostro lounge, as silver asks for advice from them respectively and idia works up the nerve in the bg to come in to say hi to silver. mostly just a cute silly story, not as intricate a plot but a fun read!
The Queen's Court (completed) Catervil – first of all, azurith is a FANTASTIC writer, and i highly recommend literally anything they've ever written. this rec branches beyond this fic, but this was my start. this covers cater interning for maleficient herself, and then delves into his newfound connection to the draconias while covering fae history and previous war, etc, it's FANTASTIC and this lore is upheld in a lot of their other work. "Enchanted" is another ongoing work by azurith with cater as a diasomnia student, updates regularly and is very good!! azurith is largely a catervil writer but i think their work is far more important than a preference for ship, i'd rec even if u don't care abt catervil
Snow Is Falling (completed) Cater-focused – idk if u can tell but i like cater interacting w diasomnia content, this is where he goes to briar valley for winter break instead of back home! around 15k, just focuses on his interactions with the diasomnia people while staying with lilia and silver, p short and sweet but v nice :D
devoted malediction (orphaned) malledeuce – of all the fics on this list, this is the one ur most likely to skip. i found this on a WHIM while scouring every existing diasomnia ship tag and was so stunned at the audacity of someone to ship malleus and DEUCE, and to write 140k+ words abt it, that i had to read it. i can't explain it with words,,, the writing style reads so differently than anything else i've ever read, it reads as a STYLE rather than simply reading as 'well-written,' it rly kept my attention. essentially, it's a ...human? au? they're coworkers at a game dev studio, they're human but there's still magic, i can't explain it. there's underground plot-shit with the magic factions or whatever that's so interesting, but it IS orphaned so it'll never update again. i'm devastated. i can't sell this fic to anyone bc of the ship and the length but i enjoyed it very deeply and i'll miss it
Fath-- I mean, Lilia (completed) lilia & silver – ALSO by whitenoface, very sweet familial content of them through silver's life. a 10k must-read for a diasomnia fan
Even a Vanrouge Must Rest (completed) lilia & silver – VERY short and VERY sad but i am legally obligated to rec this. i'd be a bad diasomnia fan if i didn't, very heartbreaking and touching story
Crocodile Teeth (completed) Silsebe – sebek overblot story, decent length and p well written, sebek is infuriating which is Correct for sebek and Correct for someone on their way to an overblot. i've read most of magicalfish's work but i can't rec most to u due to nsfw, this is one of the better silsebe fics out there!!!
Just Out of Reach (ongoing) Silsebe – it DOES update, just not on a regular basis. VERY VERY good fic that FEELS slow-burn, it's 50k+ so far and still feels like the build is just starting up well now. essentially, silver and sebek get in a big fight and lilia magically makes them stay side-by-side till they understand each other, so it analyzes how despite their closeness in their upbringings and how they are partners in their roles as malleus's knights, they don't rly get each other yet and need to cultivate their relationship so it doesn't crumble. very nice story thus far and i look forward to updates!!
WHOOOOKAY that's a lot, i actually don't rly use bookmarks bc i'm typically on incognito on my phone, so i may be missing some, but these came to mind based on ur asks!! if u wanted more for ignihyde, octavinelle, or heartslabyul, i'd rec asking someone else bc i'm truly not the best source ^^;
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I'll never be able to acutely explain how lovely and disappointing it was that I figured out who the fuck killed Luke with in the 1st few episode chapter thing anyways me screaming about who dun did it in read more thing a ma bob so like
SPOLIERS for the book
Murder in the family
Anyway it was repeated so fucking much guy was only 10 guy was the only one at home like c'mon baby please hear me out kids can be fucked up
But like so disappointing cause I got reced this book offa tiktok and like the ppl who read it said they didn't see it coming and I was so fucking excited for that I was ready to take fucking notes my dude I did I took notes for all of 3 chapters and they did nothing for me because of one simple line that cemented that one of those fucking kids did it
Guy "then you called 999"
Maura HESITATES then nods
Like okay why you hesitating baby why your obvs disturbed bout something it's a very known thing that family usually protects family I doubt you'd be doing this for ur mama
But like I understand her I would probably not cover for my sibling but I understand also low-key love how Maura covered for Amelia and Amelia covered for Guy those fucking kids are nutters
POOR FUCKING AMELIA BTW she legit saw guy do it and proceeded to shut the fuck up about it and then 20 YEARS LATER that mother fuckin boy is bout to air the shit like damn also I saw her I saw her little why don't we air his shit text like girl ffs you would have ended that show so fast if you did
And on a different note in one of the reddit bits this chemical thing gets brought up that can make it look like you've had a heart attack I for sure thought they would tie that shit in with Andrew later on like damn you had my ass but also could've tied it in with guy cause u know the last bit
And maybe a tiny bit it was maybe lazy to do that final meeting like c'mon
I also hope Mitch goes to prison which probs he didn't cause time limits and such which actually I'm not sure if London has that like america does and also on the fact that it was statutory so whooo knows but I know I wanted to smack a bitch like how dare how dare you say oh she was sophisticated motherfucker girlie pop was 15 I don't care if she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth she was 15 and you sir were 21 stop referring to yourself as a kid stop it please
ALSO I LOWKEY HATE HOW BILL KNEW A BUNCH OF SHIT B4HAND it kinda ruined the fun for me but the twisty bit of Luke being Eric and Eric being Jonah was neat I'll give them that
Also fuck Nick just fuck him
A film genius though like damn I actually wanted to see the show and had to remind myself it didn't exist
Imagine how fucking insane it would be if it did it would be so fucking huge (if there is a show like this that's real not like fiction I would eat that shit up) but also I have issues with how true crime media is most of the time cause some of it is a bit dick sucking towards the bad dude which in turn has mentally ill women/girls be also very very dick sucking towards the fucking murderer but also some of it is just fucking gross towards to victims
Also for any of the mentally ill bitchs like moi that's watched criminal minds a million and one times my faith in kids was killed off in the ian Gallagher episode and I refuse to ever watch it again it makes my skin crawl
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/04/30 Como hacía calor fuimos a un bar a tomar una bebida fresca. Nos pusieron unos vasos muy bonitos.
As it was hot we went to a bar to have a cool drink. They gave us some very nice glasses.
Google Translation into French: Comme il faisait chaud, nous sommes allés dans un bar pour prendre une boisson fraîche. Ils nous ont offert de très belles lunettes.
Google translation into Italian: Dato che faceva caldo, siamo andati in un bar per una bibita fresca. Ci hanno regalato degli occhiali molto carini.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Como estava calor, fomos a um bar tomar uma bebida gelada. Eles nos deram óculos muito bonitos.
Google Translation into German: Da es heiß war, gingen wir in eine Bar, um ein kaltes Getränk zu trinken. Sie haben uns sehr schöne Gläser geschenkt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Meqë ishte vapë shkuam në një bar për një pije të ftohtë. Na dhanë syze shumë të bukura.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քանի որ շոգ էր, մենք գնացինք բար սառը խմիչք խմելու: Նրանք մեզ շատ գեղեցիկ ակնոցներ նվիրեցին։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Тъй като беше горещо, отидохме на бар за студена напитка. Дадоха ни много хубави чаши.
Google Translation into Czech: Protože bylo horko, šli jsme do baru na studený drink. Dali nám moc pěkné brýle.
Google Translation into Croatian: Kako je bilo vruće otišli smo u bar na hladno piće. Dali su nam jako lijepe čaše.
Google Translation into Danish Da det var varmt, gik vi til en bar for en kold drink. De gav os meget flotte briller.
Google Translation into Slovak: Keďže bolo horúco, išli sme do baru na studený drink. Dali nám veľmi pekné okuliare.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Ker je bilo vroče, smo šli v bar na hladno pijačo. Podarili so nam zelo lepa očala.
Google Translation into Estonian: Kuna oli palav, läksime baari külma joogi jooma. Nad kinkisid meile väga ilusad prillid.
Google Translation into Suomi: Koska oli kuuma, menimme baariin kylmälle juomille. He antoivat meille erittäin mukavat lasit.
Google Translation into Georgian: რადგან ცხელოდა, ბარში წავედით ცივი სასმელისთვის. ძალიან ლამაზი სათვალეები მოგვცეს.
Google Translation into Greek: Καθώς έκανε ζέστη πήγαμε σε ένα μπαρ για ένα κρύο ποτό. Μας έδωσαν πολύ ωραία ποτήρια.
Google Translation into Dutch: Omdat het warm was gingen we naar een bar voor een koud drankje. Ze gaven ons hele mooie glazen.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Da det var varmt dro vi til en bar for en kald drink. De ga oss veldig fine briller.
Google Translation into Polish: Ponieważ było gorąco poszliśmy do baru na zimny napój. Dali nam bardzo ładne okulary.
Google Translation into Romanian: Cum era cald ne-am dus la un bar pentru o băutură rece. Ne-au oferit ochelari foarte drăguți.
Google Translation into Russian: Так как было жарко, мы пошли в бар выпить холодного напитка. Нам подарили очень красивые очки.
Google Translation into Serbian: Како је било вруће отишли ​​смо у бар на һладно пиће. Дали су нам веома лепе наочаре.
Google Translation into Swedish: Eftersom det var varmt gick vi till en bar för en kall drink. De gav oss mycket fina glas.
Google Translation into Turkish: Hava sıcak olduğu için soğuk bir şeyler içmek için bir bara gittik. Bize çok güzel bardaklar verdiler.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Оскільки було жарко, ми пішли в бар випити прохолодного напою. Вони подарували нам дуже гарні окуляри.
Google Translation into Arabic: عندما كان الجو حارًا ذهبنا إلى البار لتناول مشروب بارد. أعطونا نظارات جميلة جدا.
Google Translation into Bengali: গরম থাকায় আমরা কোল্ড ড্রিঙ্কের জন্য একটি বারে গেলাম। তারা আমাদের খুব সুন্দর চশমা দিয়েছে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 因为天气很热,我们去酒吧喝了一杯冷饮。 他们给了我们非常漂亮的眼镜。
Google Translation into Korean: 날씨가 더워서 우리는 시원한 음료를 마시기 위해 바에 갔다. 그들은 우리에게 아주 좋은 안경을 주었습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: כשהיה חם הלכנו לבר לשתות משקה קר. הם נתנו לנו משקפיים נחמדים מאוד.
Google Translation into Hindi: गर्मी अधिक होने के कारण हम एक बार में कोल्ड ड्रिंक के लिए गए। उन्होंने हमें बहुत अच्छा चश्मा दिया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Karena panas, kami pergi ke bar untuk minum dingin. Mereka memberi kami kacamata yang sangat bagus.
Google Translation into Japanese: 暑かったので、冷たい飲み物を飲みにバーに行きました。 彼らは私たちにとても素敵なメガネをくれました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Күн ысык болгондуктан муздак суусундук ичүү үчүн барга бардык. Алар бизге абдан жакшы көз айнек беришти.
Google Translation into Malay: Memandangkan cuaca panas, kami pergi ke bar untuk minum sejuk. Mereka memberi kami cermin mata yang sangat bagus.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Халуун байсан тул бид баар руу хүйтэн ундаа уухаар ​​явлаа. Тэд бидэнд маш сайхан шил өгсөн.
Google Translation into Nepali: गर्मी भएकोले हामी चिसो पेय पदार्थको लागि बारमा गयौं। तिनीहरूले हामीलाई धेरै राम्रो चश्मा दिए।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਗਰਮੀ ਹੋਣ ਕਰਕੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਕੋਲਡ ਡਰਿੰਕ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਬਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਏ। ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਬਹੁਤ ਵਧੀਆ ਐਨਕਾਂ ਦਿੱਤੀਆਂ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: لکه څنګه چې ګرمه وه موږ د یخ څښاک لپاره بار ته لاړو. دوی موږ ته ډیر ښه شیشې راکړې.
Google Translation into Persian: چون هوا گرم بود برای نوشیدنی سرد به یک بار رفتیم. عینک های خیلی خوبی به ما دادند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kusabab éta panas kami indit ka bar pikeun inuman tiis. Aranjeunna masihan kami gelas pisan nice.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dahil mainit ay pumunta kami sa isang bar para uminom ng malamig. Binigyan nila kami ng napakagandang baso.
Google Translation into Thai: เมื่อมันร้อนเราไปที่บาร์เพื่อดื่มเครื่องดื่มเย็น ๆ พวกเขาให้แว่นตาที่ดีมากแก่เรา
Google Translation into Urdu: چونکہ گرمی تھی ہم ٹھنڈے مشروبات کے لیے ایک بار میں گئے۔ انہوں نے ہمیں بہت اچھے شیشے دیئے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Issiq bo'lgani uchun biz sovuq ichimlik uchun barga bordik. Ular bizga juda yaxshi ko'zoynak berishdi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Vì trời nóng nên chúng tôi đến một quán bar để uống nước lạnh. Họ tặng chúng tôi những chiếc kính rất đẹp.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Reviewing questions:
Screen Asian-Americans with BMI greater than 23 for DM
I remember hearing in OnlineMedEd or something that you should replace K+ if it's below a certain level before giving insulin to pts with DKA. I told my attending this and he didn't seem to know. It was in a question I just answered:
Restoration of fluid and electrolyte deficits is the first priority when treating patients with hyperglycemic crisis. Regular insulin is usually the next intervention, given while the patient is being hydrated with the first liter of normal saline unless significant hypokalemia (serum potassium less than 3.3 mEq/L) is present. Measured serum potassium increases approximately 0.7 mEq/L for each 0.1-unit decrease in pH. Insulin therapy should be withheld until plasma potassium levels exceed 3.3 mEq/L. If insulin is given it is initially administered as an intravenous bolus of 0.1 U/kg followed by an intravenous infusion at a rate of 0.1 U/kg/hr. Alternatively, it may be given as a continuous infusion at a rate of 0.14 U/kg/hr without an initial bolus.
Restoration of fluid and electrolyte deficits is the first priority when treating patients with hyperglycemic crisis. Regular insulin is usually the next intervention, given while the patient is being hydrated with the first liter of normal saline unless significant hypokalemia (serum potassium less than 3.3 mEq/L) is present. Measured serum potassium increases approximately 0.7 mEq/L for each 0.1-unit decrease in pH. Insulin therapy should be withheld until plasma potassium levels exceed 3.3 mEq/L. If insulin is given it is initially administered as an intravenous bolus of 0.1 U/kg followed by an intravenous infusion at a rate of 0.1 U/kg/hr. Alternatively, it may be given as a continuous infusion at a rate of 0.14 U/kg/hr without an initial bolus.
The American Diabetes Association recommends that patients with type 2 diabetes engage in 150 minutes or more of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic activities spread over at least 3 days each week, in addition to 2–3 sessions of resistance training each week.
Although low-fat diets have traditionally been promoted for weight loss, studies indicate that diets that provide the same caloric restriction but differ in protein, carbohydrate, or fat content are equally effective. Monitoring carbohydrate intake and its impact on blood glucose levels is key for improving postprandial glucose control.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has concluded that reducing overall carbohydrate intake for individuals with diabetes has the most evidence for improving glycemia and can be applied in a variety of eating patterns.
Diabetic gastroparesis has generally been attributed to disturbed gastric emptying arising from autonomic neuropathy of the gastrointestinal tract. Associated with uncontrolled and suboptimal glycemic control, it commonly presents with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, early satiety, postprandial fullness, bloating, and, in severe cases, weight loss. Although upper endoscopy is required to rule out an anatomic cause, the diagnostic gold standard for gastroparesis is the measurement of gastric emptying with scintigraphy of digestible solids at 15-minute intervals for 4 hours after food intake.
Diabetic gastroparesis is generally managed with a low-fat, low-fiber eating plan with small frequent feedings and nutritional drink supplements. Withdrawing drugs with adverse effects on gastrointestinal motility, including opioids, anticholinergics, and tricyclic antidepressants, is also recommended. GLP-1 receptor agonists such as exenatide slow gastric motility and should be avoided. Pramlintide, and possibly DPP-4 inhibitors, can also impact gastric motility and should be avoided.
Incretin hormones, which include GLP-1 and glucose-independent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), are released from the gastrointestinal tract after a meal. These hormones are responsible for 70% of postprandial insulin secretion. GLP-1 receptor agonists appear to lower blood glucose levels by potentiating glucose-mediated insulin secretion, suppressing glucagon secretion, slowing gastric motility, and increasing satiety. Insulin glargine should not be mixed with other forms of insulin due to the low pH of its diluent. It is a long-acting, acidic insulin analog soluble only at a pH of 4.0 (as provided in the clear solution in the prescription vial). Its reduced solubility at the physiologic pH it encounters following subcutaneous injection allows for its slow absorption rate.
HbA1c normally represents a weighted average of blood glucose levels during the preceding 120 days, which is the lifespan of a normal red blood cell. Any condition that prolongs the life of the erythrocyte or that is associated with reduced red cell turnover exposes the red cell to glucose for a longer period of time, resulting in higher HbA1c levels. Conditions associated with decreased red blood cell turnover include iron deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, and asplenia. Conversely, any condition that shortens the lifespan of the erythrocyte or that is associated with increased red cell turnover would tend to produce lower HbA1c levels. Examples would include hemolytic anemia, splenomegaly, and acute and chronic blood loss. Vitamin E ingestion has also been associated with lower HbA1c levels, presumably by interfering with glycation.
The GLP-1 receptor agonists such as exenatide and liraglutide are most likely to result in weight reduction.
The estimated prevalence of diabetes mellitus among adults was 7.4% in 1995 and is projected to rise to 9.0% by 2025. Screening every 3 years is recommended in asymptomatic adults beginning at age 45 in the absence of risk factors. Screening should be considered at an earlier age in patients who have a BMI ≥25 kg/m2 and one or more of the following additional risk factors:
• physical inactivity • a first degree relative with diabetes • a history of cardiovascular disease • a Native American, Black, Hispanic, Asian, or South Pacific Islander race/ethnicity • a blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg or receiving drug treatment for hypertension • an HDL-cholesterol level less than 35 mg/dL • a serum triglyceride level >250 mg/dL • a medical condition associated with insulin resistance, including acanthosis nigricans or severe obesity • a history of polycystic ovary syndrome, gestational diabetes, or delivering an infant weighing more than 4 kg (9 lb)
Insulin resistance is also found in more than half of patients without diabetes who experience an ischemic stroke or TIA. In the IRIS trial, the use of pioglitazone was associated with a 24% reduction in stroke and myocardial infarction and a 52% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
For patients with diabetes who are at high cardiovascular risk and whose cholesterol levels are controlled with statin therapy but who have elevated serum triglycerides (135–499 mg/dL), the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends the addition of icosapent ethyl (Vascepa) to reduce cardiovascular risk. Icosapent ethyl is highly purified eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ethyl ester fish oil. Use of this agent is supported by the REDUCE-IT trial. Use of icosapent ethyl resulted in a 25% reduction in the relative risk of the primary combined endpoint of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or unstable angina during a mean follow-up period of 4.9 years. This type of benefit has not been demonstrated in trials of other omega-3 fatty acid products and the lack of benefit from these other products may be related either to dosage differences or to their lower ratio of EPA to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The ADA has therefore recommended that the benefits of REDUCE-IT not be extrapolated to other omega-3 fatty acid products.
Niacin, which not only reduces serum triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol but raises HDL-cholesterol as well, has also not been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk when used in combination with a statin. Bile acid–binding resins such as cholestyramine and colestipol raise serum triglycerides and are contraindicated in hypertriglyceridemia.
In patients with dyslipidemia, lowering triglycerides with fenofibrate may slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy, particularly in those with very mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy at baseline.
For patients of all ages with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines recommend that high-intensity statin therapy be added to lifestyle therapy. However, a high risk of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis is associated with high-dose simvastatin, and in 2012 the FDA issued a safety alert advising that the 80-mg dose of simvastatin be used only in patients who have been taking this dosage for 12 months or more without evidence of muscle toxicity. In this patient, simvastatin should be discontinued and another statin such as atorvastatin or rosuvastatin should be prescribed.
A supervised exercise program has been shown to improve functional status, walking distance, and quality of life in patients with peripheral artery disease. Although its use has not been associated with reduced cardiovascular risk or improved quality of life, cilostazol has been shown to improve walking distance. The use of low-dose aspirin (75–162 mg daily) is recommended by the ADA for diabetic patients with existing atherosclerotic vascular disease.
Claudication does not progress to critical limb ischemia in most patients with peripheral artery disease, with reported rates below 10%–15% over a period of 5 years or more. Given the risk of adverse procedural events, such as bleeding, renal failure from contrast-induced nephropathy, and the possibility of adverse limb outcomes, and the lack of proven benefit, the American Heart Association strongly recommends against surgical or endovascular intervention to prevent disease progression.
the choice of medication added to metformin should be based on the clinical characteristics and preferences of the patient. Considerations include cardiovascular risk, the presence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, comorbidities, cost, safety, tolerability, and risk of adverse side effects. Although there is some evidence that metformin may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and death, the evidence is most robust for SGLT2 inhibitors [-flozins]and GLP-1 receptor agonists [-glutides such as liraglutide, dulaglutide]. Large randomized, controlled trials have demonstrated significant reductions in cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with an SGLT2 inhibitor such as empagliflozin, canagliflozin, or dapagliflozin, or a GLP-1 receptor agonist such as liraglutide, semaglutide, or dulaglutide.
For patients with type 2 diabetes, the ADA recommends that an SGLT2 inhibitor or a GLP-1 receptor agonist should be strongly considered, independent of baseline hemoglobin A1c or the individualized hemoglobin A1c target, for those with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or indicators of high atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk, established kidney disease, or heart failure.
Indicators of high cardiovascular risk include a patient >55 years of age with left ventricular hypertrophy, or with coronary, carotid, or lower-extremity artery stenosis >50%.
Studies support a link between statin use and the development of diabetes mellitus. Intensive-dose statin therapy was associated with a higher risk of new-onset diabetes compared with moderate-dose statin therapy. In 2012, the FDA modified the package labeling of statins to include the risk of increased blood glucose levels and the development of type 2 diabetes. The benefit of statin therapy, however, outweighs the risk. It has been estimated that although use of statin therapy may cause one additional case of diabetes for every 498 patients treated for 1 year, its use also results in one less patient experiencing a cardiovascular event for every 155 patients treated for 1 year.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common liver disorders and is strongly associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. 20% develop nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which by definition includes fibrosis, and 20% of patients with NASH will develop cirrhosis. Patients with steatosis are at higher risk for NASH if they are obese or have glucose intolerance, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, or metabolic syndrome.
NAFLD is often suspected on the basis of mildly elevated plasma aminotransferases or vague abdominal symptoms such as right upper quadrant pain. The degree of aminotransferase elevation does not predict the degree of hepatic inflammation or fibrosis, and a normal alanine aminotransferase level does not exclude a clinically important histologic injury or the presence of NASH. The diagnosis of NAFLD is typically based on hepatic steatosis found on liver ultrasonography. Scoring methods such as the FIB-4 can be used to determine if there is a risk of NASH and whether further testing such as a liver biopsy is indicated.
Lifestyle modification, particularly weight loss and exercise, represents the cornerstone of therapy. Weight loss, whether achieved by lifestyle changes or bariatric surgery, has been shown to have the greatest benefit on histologic improvement, with a recommended target weight loss of 7%–10%. Although there is some evidence to suggest that vitamin E and pioglitazone improve liver histology in NASH, there are no FDA-approved agents for treatment of NASH. It is generally recommended that patients with NAFLD avoid alcohol use. The presence of elevated hepatic transaminases in NAFLD does not contraindicate statin use, and guideline-directed medical therapy, which includes statin use, is recommended in patients with NAFLD because of their increased cardiovascular risk.
Resistant hypertension is present when the blood pressure of a hypertensive patient remains elevated above goal despite the concurrent use of three antihypertensive agents of different classes at adequate doses, including a diuretic. For patients with diabetes mellitus diagnosed with resistant hypertension, the American Diabetes Association guidelines recommend considering a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist such as spironolactone.
Diabetic nephropathy develops in 20%–40% of patients with diabetes mellitus and is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Persistent albuminuria in the range of 30–200 mg/24 hr (microalbuminuria) is the earliest sign of nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes and is a marker for nephropathy in type 2 diabetes. Patients with microalbuminuria who progress to macroalbuminuria (>300 mg/24 hr) are likely to progress to end-stage renal disease over a period of years.
A random spot urine specimen for measurement of the albumin/creatinine ratio is the preferred method. A minimum of two of three tests showing a urine albumin level >30 µg/mg creatinine over a 6-month period confirms the diagnosis of microalbuminuria.
Intensive diabetic management and the use of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) have been shown to delay the progression from microalbuminuria to macroalbuminuria in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
current American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines recommend the use of either an ACE inhibitor or an ARB for those with a modestly elevated urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (30–299 mg/g creatinine) and strongly recommend them for those with a urinary albumin/creatinine ratio ≥300 mg/g creatinine.
ADA guidelines recommend against the use of these drugs for patients with normal blood pressure and no albuminuria.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that patients of all ages with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) should have high-intensity statin therapy added to lifestyle therapy
Aspirin at a dosage of 75–162 mg daily is recommended by the ADA as a secondary preventive strategy in patients with diabetes and a history of cardiovascular disease. The ADA also states that low-dose aspirin therapy could be considered as a primary prevention strategy for those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who are at increased cardiovascular risk and not at increased risk of bleeding.
The LEADER trial (Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of cardiovascular outcome Results) was a double-blind trial that compared the use of liraglutide, a GLP-1 analogue, to placebo in 9340 patients with type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk. After a mean follow-up of 3.8 years, liraglutide was found to significantly reduce the rate of death from cardiovascular causes, as well as the first occurrence of nonfatal myocardial infarction and nonfatal stroke
thiazolidinediones are associated with fluid retention, which can lead to weight gain, edema, and heart failure. Their use is contraindicated in patients with New York Heart Association class III or IV heart failure.
a weight reduction as small as 5%–10% was found to lower the risk of developing diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association recommends that patients with prediabetes achieve and maintain a minimum weight loss of 7%–10% and exercise a minimum of 150 minutes per week.
Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of cardiovascular risk factors related to hypertension, abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. Ddiagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome include the presence of three or more of the following:
• obesity, with a waist circumference exceeding 102 cm (40 inches) in men or 88 cm (35 inches) in women • blood pressure ≥130 mm Hg systolic and/or 85 mm Hg diastolic • a fasting glucose level ≥110 mg/dL • a serum triglyceride level ≥150 mg/dL • an HDL-cholesterol level less than 40 mg/dL in men or less than 50 mg/dL in women
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girlrry · 7 months
what’d u eat for din 2day mary/do you have rece, it’s midnight where i am but i still need inspo to cook 😍
tonight i made pasta e fagioli. i wanted something warming since it cooled back down again. i think tomorrow im gonna do a whole roast chicken w some root veg that i need to use
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
hey, ik u aren’t like a huge creek person but do u have any like a03 one shot recommendations, or know anyone who might?? i’ve read all of urs already and loved them!! 💞😍
First of all THANK U I’m so glad you like my stuff!!! And I do love me some creek so I’ve definitely read quite a bit of them, just not as much recently, but I can for sure rec some oneshots!
*Final GEH! Boy! by Katakombae such a fun read and Tweek is a slay in it, classic main4 shenanigans too!
*To All The Demons Under My Bed by LWTIS dude when I say this is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE CREEK FICS!!! Oh my god it’s hysterical Craig is an absolute ICON my NONCHALANT KING!!! I cannot rec this one enough!!!
*we can’t just stay in bed all day, man! by ihearttweek. Ok this one is smutty but it’s fun lmao
*The Pet Theory by wildgeese_badideas literally SO fucking cute just classic creek fluff
*Youre probably wondering how Thomas Tucker got in this situation by ScarlettDragonwolf345 absolutely ICONIC!!!! I’m not usually one for fics centered around the parents but this is a slay
*Would You Kick Me In The Face Please? by rekimetal ok this is a two shot but it’s short and GREAT!!! Gotta love Crog being bad at feelings and it’s so fun
*The Show Goes On by duskmote FAIR WARNING THIS IS SMUTTY!!! Like it’s been a sec since I read it but uhhhhh it’s well written though I remember that much!
*why does tweek call you babygirl? by yurie_havi this one is HILARIOUS oh my lord
*Gas Station Soup by UAs_Fics THIS IS ADORABLE! Superhero au, sickfic, fluff, I loved this one
*Nothing In This World by EnmityRedity some more superhero au and bruh deadass all their superhero creek SLAPS (I do be lovin a good injury aftermath) and TFBW creek will never not slay!
*cariño by rudetoast CRAIG SPEAKING SPANISH ohhhh my god this is cute they’re so silly andhfgsjsk
*Routines by UrbanNightingale CREEK FLUFF CREEK FLUFF
Ok anon I know you were mainly asking for oneshot recs BUT!!!! If you’re up for some longer creek-centric fics I GOT SOME FOR YA!!!
*This House Of Mine by OrcaTimes LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE SOUTH PARK FICS EVER!!! I mean EVER!!! I will never stop recommending this one and NO ONE does Craig like this author I am NOT kidding!!! Like seriously one of the best crogs out there in my opinion and that’s saying something bc I am a certified Craig Enjoyer the PLOT!!! The CHARACTERS!!! The side relationships!!! Tweek coming into Craig’s world of gang activity via chance meeting and AAAAAA!!! I’m so serious dude this is easily one of the best fics I’ve ever read and I know I’ve reced it before but BRUH!!!
*Ladies and Gentleman We Are Floating in Space by gremlinteeth I’m sure every creek shipper out there has read this one, and it’s a classic FOR GOOD REASON!!! Like rip your heart out incredible this shit makes me sob every time (as a Stan Enthusiast, FUCK I love his characterization in this) CRAIG AND TWEEK ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!! CRAIG IN GENERAL HERE!!!
*Oh My God, They Were Cellmates by Absolute_Trash_Fire aight I read this one a good while ago but I definitely remember it being INCREDIBLE! Prison au but super slay and surprisingly sweet! Tweek centric, heed the tags if you check it out tho!
*Shoelaces by fruitloopzed I read this one a few days ago and IT GOES ASTRONOMICALLY HARD another Tweek centric one, some mystery surrounding Craig at first, the homies in an anger management group, etc
I think that’s all I got rn but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK I LOVE RECOMMENDING FICS!!! Feel free to ask any time I am ANNOYING and LOVE TO BE OBNOXIOUS!!! <3
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deregirls · 1 year
Rdr anon I am thinking of u I know recing a game probably doesn't feel like something to get emotional abt but the fact that u saw something that I have talked sometimes Abt liking (cowboys) and said hey u would like this game and would probably f/o someone from it! Is like. So Big to me jsjdj
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t4tdexter · 1 year
imagine the power we would have if reces pb cups used actually smooth peanut butter. like they’re bomb but u gotta admit that pb is grainy and too sweet
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