#if u read this whole thing u get a cookie <333
nyaskitten · 1 month
This is such an insanely good scene To Me and we genuinely do not talk about it as often as we should even though it makes me so autistic... So I'm just gonna analyze it, looking mainly at Ras' manipulation tactics.
First, you have Ras, pissed off in an alley, angrily complaining about his woes, when suddenly Beatrix approaches him with an offer. (This scene will later be paralleled in the finale, but Jordana takes the initial role of Ras, and Ras takes the role of both Beatrix and himself, the Approacherrr and the Manipulatorrr.)
Ras stops, because he hears Beatrix's footsteps before her shadow appears on-screen, and based on the lighting the shadows appear to be pretty long, this scene occurs either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. We're gonna go with early in the morning, as a reverse parallel to Jordana's scene, which is pretty late at night, so already you got an additional parallel.
Ras turns around to see Beatrix approach, he gets her name right the first time, but then proceeds to ask if she could be Zeatrix instead in a slightly fake tone. She reacts angrily, of course, and Ras feigns surprise at getting it wrong, and bows respectfully, as a means of apology. This was the immediate start to his manipulation, in "confusing" their names, he was feeding into Beatrix's anger, which he continues to do in this scene, and then later on with Jordana, both in the s1 finale and in season 2!
When Beatrix says she's interested in Ras' offer of unlimited power, he seems like he may be genuinely shocked at her willingness to join him, however given the tone he takes on, this may be another tactic to further play into her anger, asking her why she'd do it so she could explain, and just get even angrier.
When Beatrix vents about how Zeatrix's birth robbed her of elemental power and Levo's father, Ras says elemental power is a cheat, and someone who may not deserve it gets it anyway, this time wearing his manipulation on his face with a smirk, he Wants her angry, he wants her rage.
Ras then fakes a scoff and waves his hand around, asking a question he likely already knew the answer to, about Zeatrix being the future Empress of Imperium, and getting Beatrix even Madder as she explains she will be left with nothing, while Zeatrix gets everything.
Ras smirks yet again, and claims it to be a waste of her "true potential." Now, I have made a post about this specific line before (which I can no longer find) but basically, I think him putting emphasis on the "true potential" is Also meant ot anger her. Why?
Aside from real-world usage, in Ninjago, ones True Potential is, as we all know, them unlocking their element properly, so in saying it's a "waste of her True Potential," it's like Ras wants to rub in the fact that she lacks powers, that she can never Have that moment like her sister, where she finally figures out what holds her back, and unlocks her powers, because she's powerless.
Beatrix asks Ras to help her in seizing the throne, offering him the resources he needs to capture a Source Dragon, and in response, Ras bows to her, as he did earlier, and he goes "As you wish, Empress Beatrix," and he smiles yet again, he's succeeded, he's manipulated Beatrix, he's gotten her angry enough that she's willing to trust him, and murder her father to seize control.
Everything Ras did in this scene was to feed into her anger, hell, the way he glances at her at the end of the cold open, part of me thinks he Knew she was gonna follow, maybe he was anticipating it, hence, the glance. Ras was angry only until he needed to manipulate, in which case he became this instigating force, there to listen to Beatrix's rage, and make her even worse.
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zeetickles · 6 months
i had the ABSOLUTE HONOR of having my first session with @bunnygirltickles !! we met each other over thanksgiving break and found out we’re in the same state . and each haven’t had a session before . so .. THE REST WRITES ITSELF !!!
i legit prepared so much for this yall . i bought paintbrushes and baby oil, watched videos on how to give great massages for aftercare (I LITERALLY TOOK NOTES) , asked ppl for advice, etc.
on the evening of, i also bought some chocolate chip cookies for her as a gift and headed to her place !! after like an hour and missing my exit two times (im horrendous with directions) I MADE IT !! we hugged and chatted for a bit before deciding on somewhere nearby to pick up some food, then got back and ate while watching a movie :)
THEN . we finished eating and i noticed her like …staring at me .. and i realized. OH.. ITS TIME HUH .
you could tell we were both VERY NERVOUS AKSJSQ MY HEART WAS BEATING FAST IN ALL HONESTY . and we just kinda did a-
“soooo.. uh.. should we …?” 😳
i brought my switch to play Mario Kart since we talked about it a bit in dms (talked a lot of shit too 👹) and she mentioned loving the idea of tickle challenges ! so the first thing we did was a challenge where one person had to do a race while getting tickled and we see who does better/gets the faster time ! i think it was a good way to ease into everything :)
to sum it up tho i did way better than her and she’s mad ☺️
then we were pretty much just chilling on the sofa watching Christmas movies, and she had her feet in my lap .. and every now and then i would gently drag my fingers or one of the brushes up and down her feet and she’d squirm and giggle and it was the CUTEST!!!! and when i’d try to go for her tummy she’d just kinda melt off the couch and we’d end up on the floor and i’d tickle her everywhere and have tickle fights !!! (i’d win) i was a little mean here i won’t lie .. 😗 BUT IT WAS FUN !! it happened a couple times too :)
i slowly got more comfortable with saying teases too and i was pleasantly surprised :) (big worry i had) still a little tame tho .. i said things like “you have such a pretty laugh/smile” and “this is a bad spot huh?” and “good job” but i didn’t use any of the sweet nicknames some of y’all know so well, MAYBE NEXT TIME I’LL BE BOLDER !!
i got to pin her down, blow raspberries, used baby oil on her feet, she got away at one point and ran to the bathroom SO I HAD TO CHASE HER DOWN >:) it was super fun ..
her worst spots are definitely her tummy ESPECIALLY BELLY BUTTON, feet, inner thighs, and underarms 🤭 for me, she only tickled my tummy, underarms and feet BUT MY TUMMY AND UNDERARMS WERE PRETTY BAD AJWHSQJ . feet got some laughs but not as ticklish as i hoped they’d beeee ;(
finally i TRIED MY BEST to give her a good foot massage ! i never gave one before but i watched a lot of videos and i hope she enjoyed it ! she got super sleepy afterwards tho, so hopefully that’s a good sign :)
she’s an amazing person, so sweet for hosting, and i had such a great time with her!! this whole thing felt so surreal … I CANT WAIT TO HAVE MORE SESSIONS WITH OTHERS !! LOVE U ALL <333
(if u actually read this whole thing ur a real one and here’s a cookie 🍪)
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satoruzlove · 2 years
hello! i recently found your account and i love every bits of stories you write! can i request something like atsumu, sakusa, and suna having an underground garage with over 12 cars or more? and their s/o jokingly claims that they love them only because of their money and cars? lol idk, you can decide about the other details. i would just love to read something like this. i hope you understand my messy and clumsy imagination :' )
i hope you have a good day/night! merry christmas also! 🥰❤️‍🔥
I LITERALLY SAW THIS AND DIIIIEEED ANON CUS I RLY LIKE THIS IDEA, and THANK U MWAAAH IM SO GLAD U LIKE MY WRITING <333 HUGS & SUGAR COOKIES 4 U. i’m sorry about how fawking late this is & i rly hope u do like this- it took me a whole while to rly grasp what i wanted to do with this glorious prompt, i wrote a lot these past few days BUT WHATEVER HERE U ARE MY WONDERFUL BUBBLE ANON ( cute af choice btw)
[k. sakusa , r. suna , a. miya ]
- suggestive at some parts , boys with cars, praising and touchiness ( kiyoomi ) , alcohol and FLIRTINGGG ( atsumu’s ), friends to lovers & lots of tension ( rintarou ) , also kiyoomi is called a sugar daddyLMAO but he isn’t i swear -
your boyfriend is meticulous in every aspect of his life. his looks, his health, his belongings- everything. from the way he keeps his clothing folded to how he cares for his multiple expensive , beautiful race cars. as a pro athlete it’s expected of him to have such things , but you’d never expect to see how he handles them with such care - almost as if they were people. he gets them serviced and checked every other month, and polishes the luxurious leather of the seats frequently. when you two were dating, he often picked you up from work in different cars each time - claiming to want to make you look like you were some kind of vip. although, whenever you requested to drive one of them, he’d give you a look. it’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just knew that you couldn’t drive for shit and there’s no way he letting you do trial and error on his multi million dollar mobile.
that’s how you got here ; standing beside him as he folds away some of his summer clothes and practically begging him to let you drive one of his babies. “i’ll even let you tell me how to drive, kiyo, you can be my instructor,” you whine softly. he muttered a ‘nope’ popping the ‘p’ to emphasise his adamancy on the topic. you tugged his shirt sleeve, nearly forcing his dark eyes onto you- before he even knew it, he was convinced. the thick lashes surrounding the swimming, sparkly pool of your irises bored up at him only interrupted momentarily by you blinking.kiyoomi’s eyebrows crunched , mimicking the way his heart squeezed in his chest, despite knowing you just wanted to use his car. he let out a loud, dramatic sigh before running a hand over his face. “fine, you can use one. i will be there, i will tell you what to do and i definitely will stop you if you screw up,okay?” your boyfriend bossed. you smiled up at him, “nono! you can just teach me yourself, i’ll pretend i don’t even have my license,” and when you saw the bored look on his face you added to your statement,” to y’know, ease your mind.”
kiyoomi poked his cheek with his tongue , only to stop a smile from forming on his face. “go get dressed into like,” he paused for a second, his tone questioning when he continued, “..driving clothes..?” and you laughed at that. happily you got dressed and headed to the lowest level of your two story house- the underground.as the sleek metal doors opened, multiple shiny, elegant cars came into view but kiyoomi made a beeline for one in particular. she was black, a two seater that had neon green highlights on her gorgeous sides. “ porshe 2022 911 gt3,” he muttered, slender fingers lightly brushing over the glossy hood. you gawk for a second, “ i have no idea what that is, but holy shit,” you mutter. he huffs a laugh before unlocking the machine.
you hop into the drivers seat, and kiyoomi stares you down. you nearly choke under his gaze , “ don’t tell me you changed your mind,” you challenge him. he laughs- heartily almost- until a smirk overcomes his pretty face. “ you said i could teach you, didn’t you? get up. you’re gonna be on my lap.” his tone is smooth, weight panging in your tummy as you process what he said. your hands hesitantly slide off the steering wheel, allowing him to get in. he adjusts his weight with his hips, hands resting on his upper thighs until he pats them. “ come,” he says, “ sit , we don’t have all day.”
you oblige, your own thighs caged by his as his hands find home on yours. he’s guiding them to the wheel, you observe. “ i’ll worry about clutch, acceleration and breaks. you just steer and change gears for me , okay?” you notice his tone is soft, gentle because of how close he is to your ear. his breath hovers right over the shell of your ear. you nod, and he turns the key in the ignition. little lights and buttons exert an array of colour- almost tempting you to press them. he revs the engine - a low, prolonged echo ringing throughout the underground garage and vibrating your intertwined forms. you close your eyes and soon you come to understand just why your boyfriend loves his cars.
“you know,” you mutter, head dropping onto his shoulder, “‘might steal this thing and flee the fuckin’ country. it feels so-,”,” freeing, huh?” he practically steals the words from your mouth. you nod, smiling breathlessly, “ exactly,” before continuing ,” maybe you being away so much isn’t that bad , considering how my friends think you’re my sugar daddy,” and your boyfriend scoffs. a thick, black brow raised,” atsumu was right, you really do want me for my money.” kiyoomi chuckles, earning another giggle from you. dreamily , you sigh, “ absolutely, you’re my lovely little sugar daddy,” kiyoomi’s body shakes with laughter and his dimples cave in- you swear you get butterflies every time they do.the warm up light on the car goes off and from that point , the drive was smooth sailing.
you didn’t go far , seeing as your house was quite far from anything else , you had a lot of room. you drove mainly around your area. you two had come to a park, very secluded and probably privately owned, and you parallel parked. kiyoomi’s lowered his head , muttering a ,” you’re really good at this, dunno why i was so worried. even i struggle to parallel park sometimes,” he admits shyly. you smile, but you don’t miss the way he gazes at you as your eyes train on the park just outside the window. as soon as your head turns, you’re met with kiyoomi. his lips on yours. your lover’s hand is on the back of your head- guiding you like he was as you drove- and his latter hand on your waist. for a moment he broke away, nose smushing against yours. “did so good for me today,” he muttered against you. you had no time to reply or even be surprised at his remark, as he dove in for another kiss. this one was hungrier, more passionate and less shy than before. of course, you followed the pace happily.
his lips left yours with a deep exhale , “ move to the passenger seat,” he instructed, “‘ wanna get us home real fast, gonna continue this in a more comfortable setting, yeah?” and as you moved, tumbling over the gear stick and quickly plopping yourself onto said seat, “gonna take my time with you, yn.” you heard from kiyoomi as he revved the car once more. you were definitely in for a ride.
suna rintarou is your best friend. you’ve known eachother since child hood and have gone through absolute hell together. puberty, your first crushes, the trauma’s of young adulthood, dealing with the miya twins. you started liking him in middle school, only ever telling aran about it and swearing him to secrecy. you couldn’t tell if suna liked you, you knew that if he did feel the same he’d never tell you, because that’s how he was. any person he’s ever entertained had the same complaint , that he didn’t know how to express his feelings properly and they couldn’t take how badly he blows at communicating.
you don’t understand, and you could never ; because he knows how to communicate with you. you two have an inexplainable bond- and he doesn’t feel the suffocating, degrading feeling in his chest when he talks to you about how he feels. he trusts you with everything. he always has, he has no trouble telling you.
he trusts you with everything, except his cars. all 11 of them.
which is why you slapped his arm when he showed you his underground garage , claiming to ‘ wanna show you something really, really cool ’ he wasn’t lying. his black t shirt seemed to look godly under the stage lights of his garage, as he strolled next to you- taking in his collection and carefully watching your pupils blow in awe. “ you’re such a dick, rin,” you laugh, “ i can’t believe you kept this from me, knowing damn well i’d give my left tit to drive one of these” he snorts, head throwing back and eyes scrunching at your choice of words. he comes to a halt infront of a shimmery, matt- finished car. you eyes drag over the hood, the cat- like head lights and your eyes scrunch up in delight at the ‘ mommy’s boy’ sticker barely in sight. “ it’s a-“,” mclaren, 765lt right ?”
his moss green eyes betray the stoic look on his face. they widen, sparkling in amusement. “ i always forget that you have no friends and read all day,” he feigns a sugary sweet tone. you shove him by the hip, toddling over to the passenger seat. “stop being an ass and take me for a drive.” you sigh. rin tries to ignore how right it feels to have you in his passenger seat , the way his mind quickly flicks images of you two going out at odd hours for icecream, his hand in a wedding ring- your wedding ring- on the gear stick. “ rintarou, come back to earth!” you bark laughter, now infront of him. his eyes screw shut and widen, he hadn’t even realised that he zoned out. he’s looking down at you, eyebrows raised as he attempts to ease out of his daze.
“stop being so bossy, you little tree stump,” he mumbles, making his way to the driver’s side door. it slides open smoothly, and he practically jumps inside. as you do the same, a smell- his smell- envelopes you. old spice and a tinge of something sweet. you both reach for the radio at the same time, and as his hand makes contact with yours he nearly jumps away as if your hands were a burning hot coal. he clears his throat, starting the car and ignoring the furious flutter i the pit of his stomach. you connect your phone, skipping through your playlist. you finally choose a song, and rintarou swears he could fall over and giggle like a little girl at your choice.
“love you like a brother, treat you like a friend,
respect you like a lover, oh,oh,oh”
your best friend’s eyes flit over to yours, only for him to spot you lip syncing the words of the song. as he pulls out the drive way he imagines you- calling him your lover, holding him, kissing him, being his. he smiles softly when you turn to him, lip syncing the words with conviction. “ if you be the cash, i’ll be the rubber band,” you mumble along with the song, hands coming out to poke him to punctuate your words. he mirrors you, eyebrows lifting as he sings.”painter baby you could be the muse, im the reporter baby-,” you two look at eachother in unison, your hands finding his cheeks,” you could be the news,” and for a moment, he doesn’t realise that you’re holding him so sweetly.
when the chorus comes, you two sit in silence as he pulls over to a mcdonald’s drive through. it’s quiet,lights of the glowing sign washing you with hues of colour and making you look of another world. you turn to him, boredly saying, “ you’re not so bad if we get to do this ,” and he rolls his eyes. he clicks his tongue , “ you’re literally like inlove with me, shut up,” he jests. your eyes don’t move for a moment, neither does your body, until you mutter a ‘true’ and turn away like it’s nothing.
rintarou waits for you to make a joke- but you don’t.
his face is pink, your tone was so genuinely that he could believe what you said. that he could think you’re being serious. he sips his sprite, “ good.” he replies to you. whether you were kidding or not, it’s a safe response. you sit there in silence for hours, and for once, rintarou isn’t properly communicating with you ; because he values you too much. too much to lose you, too much to love you, because he doesn’t know how. he’ll take you for drives as much as you want- forever even- if it means he gets to keep you.
you and your lover stumbled into his mansion, a heap of giggles and whiskey flavoured kisses. atsumu’s grip on your hips is hard, loving , equal parts stable as he ushers you down to his garage. the blond smiles at you, lovesick, “thank you for coming back with me, sweet cheeks,” he mumbles. you giggle, eyes shiny and doe like- not a single thought behind them- “ thank you for inviting me, tsumu,” you mewl in response. he grows tired of stumbling and picks you up, earning a girly giggle, and practically running down the stairs with you. “ tsumu!” you laugh heartily, tears in your eyes as he nearly falls but somehow manages to keep you off the ground. he gets up sloppily, converse squeaking against marble floors right before he enters the garage. the man puts you down, planting a disgustingly wet kiss on your cheek and rubbing it with his large, calloused thumb.
he spreads his beefy arms, “ welcome to my pride and joy,” he stumbles a bit, “ apart from you, and my dog, my babies of course” he smiles. your lips part in awe looking at them all, and he smirks with pride. you feel playful - “ glad i gave you a chance, babes, this is really impressive. might just marry you for all this,” you say. he raises his eyebrows, a smile on his face and the apples of his cheeks rising, closing the gap between you he gets so close that you smell your favorite champaigne on his breath. “well baby, if it’s the money you want i’ll give it you. cant say ‘no’ to the prettiest baby in the world, can i?” his eyes are glazed under the influence, but his tone sounds so kind. so tender with you. you knew that atsumu would put the ocean in the sky for you, but something about him saying made you fall for him again. your blond lover melts at the blush on your cheeks, and backs away again.
when he drags you to a car you pull him to a halt. “ tsum,” you say, “ we can’t drive- we had alcohol,” you say. atsumu laughs , grabbing your neck gently and placing yet another sloppy kiss on your cheek, “ i wanna make out with you in my car, honeybunch, not drive,” he slurs. he gets in the back seat,hauling you onto his thick thighs and kneading at your hips. “ so gorgeous, so handsome , so perfect for me,” he says in-between kisses placed lovingly on your puffy lips. “ my good baby, my baby.” he’s babbling, mindlessly saying whatever his heart desires, “ mine, mine, mine,” he continues, like a mantra , sacred and ancient- like the only thing that he knows.
he kisses your lips hungrily and squeezes your sides, as if to keep you and this moment in his grasp forever. the leather under you is hot with passion and affection, the most innocent lust he’s ever felt because you are worth everything. whether it’s all his money or his entire soul- he’d give it all to you.
brain went wOmp for sakusa’ s i’m not sureeee how i feel. also not proofread cus my phone is dying but i rly rly like atsumu’s like woah. tbh i’m JUST NOT SURE ABOJT KIYOOOOOOMIS AAAAAAA but this was fun af !!! kiss kiss fall inlove
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ughgclden · 2 years
hehe it definitely is!!(:< i’m on my lunch at work and i was like “ope i need to respond to bee!” and now i’m about to read ur recent fics,,,im so excited ALSOOOO your new layout??? i’m in love!
and thank u so much sweet sweet bee<3 it’s just annoying that i’m bummed about it ya know? it was only two dates and he doesn’t owe me anything but…let a girl know ANYWAYS
OH NOOO SICKNESS AS STRUCK, how are you feeling? the one good thing about being sick is being able to sit in your comfort and feel sorry for urself (: AND cinnamon chocolate chip??? i have never had the pleasure of a cookie like that, it sounds scrumptious!! i love the silly little pics of the bakes, truly allows me to visualize and brings the whole story together hehe
STOP- gbbo is genuinely my fav show to exist, ur so right!! the drama! the theatre! the comfort! the humor! perfection in the form of a show
i hope you’re feeling better n taking care of urself as well! happy october third!! hope you’re feeling xtra comfy and autumn<3
mars!!!! eek i hope you like them omgosh!!!! and thank you omg— i realised i needed a halloween theme so here we are!!! but your theme?? so pretty omgosh. hopefully work is treating you well!!!
ugh you're so right</3 he doesn't deserve to even be in your mind, here's hoping you find someone ten times better smh
im feeling a little better today luckily!!! managed to drag myself out of bed and get to uni, but i'm still all fuzzy-brained. mentally im sending you a cinnamon choc chip cookie,, hopefully you're receiving it<333
and yes!!!! it needs more appreciation?! its so entertaining but so comforting? like yes i am stressing over the bakes going wrong but i also have never been more relaxed in my life? it has everything you could want in a show smh
happy october third to you mars!!!! hope the month is treating u well,, n you're feeling all autumnal and cosy<33
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hematomes · 2 years
if hes insane that jsut adds to his character it would be beautiful im serious
NOOOO i wish but i cant because its exam month and i am. SO STRESSED RN i wanna pass the fuck out but i cant. and i skipped breakfast today cause i am a DUMBASS AAAAHHHHHH
fkjdsgfjkdh i stg once i get the energy i WILL come over there and cuddle the fuck outta u <333 im /srs <333 IM SERIOUS I WILL DO IT <3333 jwghdsfkj i ate a cookie 2 hrs ago so i can hold out for like an hour more mybe???
about chainsaw man.... i think its rlly more of like an acquired taste yk cause its like. pretty violent so gkjshk there's a lot of potential triggers dsfdsklj so if ur gonna read it be careful!! and yeah the jokes are kinda....always there so. i made a bet with a friend so i wanna see who can finish the whole thing first which is why im gonna read it lol jgfkdhskjhf
you're so right.... i also won't back down on the fact that he is a whore <3 love that for him
SUNNY PLEASE EAT AS SOON AS YOU CAN. PLEASE. and good luck w your exams, mentally i am massaging ur shoulders and cheering you own
zbdjajs then i will wait for you, im counting on you <3 HELP... better than nothing. don't overwork yourself or else
yeah i heard abt the gore but it doesn't really bother me, it was more. the jokes. i sincerely Don't find it funny so </3 a shit ton of my friends have recommended the manga but i can't get into it,,, PFRRR THE BET THO, hope u win <3
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sinkix · 4 years
~ Haikyuu!! Boys baking with reader - Ft. Ushijima, Tendou, Oikawa, Hinata & Nishinoya ~
YO! SO UHHHH... I’M BACK??? I GUESS?? MAYBE??? After a little break I had this in my drafts for a while and realllyyy wanted to complete it since it’s such a cute concept. Honestly at this point my posting frequencies are so sporadic and random pls forgive me lmao.
@deathcab4daddy​ gave me the inspo to include Ushi and it was so funny coming up with ideas for him, he is no.1 country boi chef 
Dude I’m listening to the Mario Kart soundtrack ‘Coconut Mall’ while I continue writing this someone save me. Like u think I’m joking. UR WRONG.
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The most straightforward yet idiotic baker you will ever come across.
Before you even THINK about performing step 1, he will read the entire fucking leaflet like it’s a Shakesperean monologue.
I’m surprised he doesn’t count every single particle in the brownie mix.
You bought him a frilly cupcake-printed apron stating ‘best wife’ not expecting him to actually wear it
But since he’s secretly a big softie and treasures anything you buy he wears it proudly.
His stoic and dignified disposition is a comical contrast to the words printed on the front lmao.
Ushi best wifey bro.
The tight fit of the apron is pretty hot since it outlines every ridge of his pecs and tightly toned torso.
Gotta resist groping your mans while stirring the brownie batter.
tbh he’s more likely to grope you, he can’t resist that a$$.
And let’s face it he’s def an ass/thigh kinda guy.
Can and will try to casually initiate some form of unholy activities by lifting you up onto the kitchen counter, goading you to slowly lick the spoon and locking gazes before pulling you in for a deep, open-mouthed kiss to get a taste of the incomplete creation himself.
Ushi’s lips and brownie batter are a knock-out combo js.
Literally has the most serious face when he’s cracking the eggs into the bowl
The amount of concentration is equivalent to that of when he’s performing a serve at match-point.
HAS to set the temperature to the EXACT degree stated on the box
Everything is done by the book if you do one thing out of place he will pull you up on it lol.
“(Y/N) you were supposed to stir it for 5 minutes, not 7.”
When its done you feed him some and he can’t help but smile its so ADORBALE AHHH.
You end up eating most of it since Ushi doesn’t strike me as much of a chocolate/junk food lover.
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The complete opposite of Ushi
Does everything wrong and the unconventional way.
Absolute disaster but doesn’t even sweat it since Tendou basically thrives in chaos and the disorderly.
To him instructions are purely equivocal, will read them for five seconds then toss them away.
Step aside Gordon Ramsey, Chef Tendou is here.
Despite doing everything the unorthodox way it still comes out amazing.
Like??? how???
Will cheekily place a dollop batter on your nose then lick it off fh3jkeffefds
Or if he’s feelin’ a lil freaky, he’ll swipe it off with his long ass finger and make you suck it clean, smirking at your submission as you coat his finger with your saliva.
Constantly cracking jokes and shitty food puns, pretending to drop the bowl to make you go into preemptive cardiac arrest before you can swat him with the spatula.
While you’re waiting for the timer to ping, Satori being the schemer he is will use this as an opportunity to pull some fuckery and tease you in any way he can.
u better be praying like bodhisattva TanaNoya rn because he is MERCILESS.
Suggestive comments, the brush of his fingers against your thigh, it’ll leave you A C H I N G in frustration by the end of it.
Unholy activities aside, once your baking session is completed you finish it off by feeding PHAT forkfuls of brownie to each other and giggling like dorks when it gets all over your mouth.
The jackass actually got a fingerful and SMEARED it over your cheek and forehead, drawing a little cross and snickering when the crumbs fall onto your nose.
Tendou was smart to draw a cross bc he gonna need jesus with the ATTACK you launch on him after that, which promptly leads to an all out food war in your kitchen that neither of you want to clean up after ward.
Don’t worry though it’s Tendou, he’ll somehow find a way to make such a mundane activity fun.
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You best believe he will try and eat some of the batter and you have to swat the spoon away from his mouth since he has NO REGARD FOR THE FACT HE COULD GET SALMONELLA.
Plus you know what Noya’s like once he starts eating something the whole thing will be gone in a matter of milliseconds.
He somehow managed to get Baking powder EVERYWHERE and even gave him self a little moustache with it.
The white substance kinda looked like something else but you didn’t really wanna say lmaooo.
could explain why he has so much energy all the time oK ILL STOP-
While you’re putting the mix on the tray he is SO extra and will do fancy lil swirls and over extend his arm like a swan to gracefully spread the batter
until he nearly fucking knocks it over.
During processing time since he is so excitable and impatient you best believe he’s gonna suggest a game of ping pong or something because my guy can well and truly never sit still.
ping pong match with the spatulas, kitchen island and a hard boiled egg.
Pls be careful he will rolling thunder that egg and pimp slap it so hard with the spatula it’ll damn near give you a concussion, not intentionally, but like protect your noggin. Wear a helmet.
For the remaining 5 minutes of baking time y’all just sit like kids in front of the oven and watching it rise like starved hyena’s observing it’s pray before demolishing it into sad particles of cocoa.
And lemme tell u, once the timer pings, that baking tray is free real estate for Noya. Half of your creation will be devoured before you can even put it on a plate and marvel at your handiwork. 
He kicked your ass at spatula ping pong btw I’m sorry sweaty but short kings stay winning.
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Such a dramatic bitch like he got the whole she-bang going on.
Strapped with a pink apron, a whisk at his side and standing proudly with both hands on his hips.He is prepared like a greek gladiator going into battle.
You better believe he gonna make some snarky remarks and tease your method of doing things. 
“Ah-ah-ahhh (Y/N)-chan you’re doing it all wrong, let me show you how a PRO does it.”
Proceeds to drop entire bowl on his foot and yelp like a little girl in pain.
Well and truly embarrassed with himself, you put a band-aid on his toe and he piped down after that.
Shattered big toe and mixing bowl aside, actually a really good baker??
He is a PRO at decorating, y’all decided on cupcakes since its literally his forte to make them look aesthetic and pretty.
You almost don’t wanna eat them from how good they look.
jk almost
You take it in turns breaking bits off and placing pieces into each others mouth with a loud “aaaaaahhh!”
Places a piece in your mouth, leans forward and locks lips with you in a soft, passionate kiss before pulling away and uttering the words “It tastes even better coming from your mouth ;)”
You both whine and bicker over who cleans up after.
“You cleaaannnnn!”
“no Toru YOU clean!”
“but I made the cupcakes look pretty :(”
“not as pretty as you <3″
He did the cleaning after that.
Like just stroke his ego with some compliments and he’s whipped with a smug grin on his face for the next 30 minutes.
You decide to save the rest and bring them to his next practise.
Literally on the verge of tears when he sees you beaming and holding the platter of treats, Kiyotani mauls half of them in a matter of seconds to which Oiks gets salty over LMAO.
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So excited oh my god he’s so precious please protect him I will CRY-
Yes you decided on cookies bc he goes rabid for some choc chip biccies.
You have to guide him v carefully because of how easily confused and clumsy he is.
Cannot for the life of him crack the eggs without getting a quarter of the shell in the bowl so you have to do it instead.
Has a surprising amount of strength and forearm power bc holy shit boy can stir FAST.
Hums a little tune while he does it and bobs up and down with a wide grin on his face it’s so adorable, he has such a gentle singing voice I can’t-
Attempts different shapes with the batter when pouring it onto the tray but fails pretty miserably lol.
he tried ok???
Once they’re done he takes the tray out of the oven and since it was heavy, subconsciously propped it with his knee and nearly dropped the entire tray from the pain. (I’ve actually done this before when making chicken nuggets I do not advise being that brain dead)
Had to put some burn cream on the bbies knee :’((
When you decided to dig in, he handed you a cookie that looked like a crooked circle and said he tried to make that one a heart and insisted he feed it to you.
Blushed VERY hard at the moment of silence and intense eye contact while he fed it to you.
Nearly short circuited when his fingers brushed against your lips.
Moe moe x100000000000000000000000000000
You offer to do the cleaning after because he hurt himself and you didn’t wanna make him do any work, but he still offered to wipe the surfaces for you bc he’s an angel <333
literally just wanna marry him.
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silverkoushi · 3 years
haikyuu!! headcanons
⇢ scenario: how you’d spend the holidays with them!! | read pt.2 here! ⇢ feat. : suga, hinata, & kageyama (karasuno) x gn!reader ⇢  wc & warnings: 1.7k, none ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ this is me trying to psych myself up for the holidays aha... thinkin of doing more if i get the inspo and make it in time ><
sugawara koushi ୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮ the holiday spirit with him is unsurprisingly soft and domestic!! he’s the kind of guy that loves to uphold traditional celebrations like the holidays, your birthdays, new years— things like that because it’s important for him to create memories that you can look back on many years later. you bet the holiday decorations will be up mid-november, so once you see him struggling to hang multi-colored lights along the exterior of your house, you have no choice but to laugh at him at first but eventually help him out!! his cheerfulness and child-like excitement nearing the holidays becomes contagious so the two of you start matching everything: penguin sweaters, (ugly but comfortable) red/green pajamas, mugs that have those cringey couple labels on them— basically, you name it, you and suga have two versions of it to wear/use!! suga would be in an extra-baking mood, too!!
if there’s a holiday party (probably at the school he’s teaching at) that you would be attending with him, suga will volunteer to be in charge of baked goodies! sugar cookies, brownies, donuts with cinnamon sugar, maybe even a raspberry choco cake roll?? the possibilities are endless with your pastry chef of a man, and ofc you make it your duty to help him out in the kitchen!! baking til 2 or 3am, sometimes just goofing off with the flour, cookie dough on the tips of your noses, and suga stealing a kiss (or a lick) here and there. all the while your favorite holiday playlist hums in the background of your colorfully lit home, pictures of the two of you hanging around a tree, santa hats bouncing up and down atop your heads the way you dance everywhere, his arms snug around your waist. while you wait for the last batch of cookies in the oven, suga has already prepared his original hot cocoa for the two of you, making sure he adds extra mini marshmallows in your elf mug tonight— you sit by the couch overlooking the decorated frenzy of your surroundings. and you know you made the right choice spending it with him. :) when the actual party happens, o god the kids love you!! calls you his partner for lifey!! sth cute like that and u don’t know if suga taught them that or they just made it up lol either way, you’re so very excited to see how the love of ur life interacts with his students as, you guessed it, he’s so so good with them!! they run up to him, bouncing up and down just to get a bite of his baked goodies and while he’s handing them out, he also gives them a handwritten card. for each n every one of them!! when did he do that?? you question to yourself, but when he seesn you giving him an incredulous look, he just sheepishly smiles and says, “when you fell asleep on the couch last night, i wrote them last minute.” o,, that’s why when you woke up, u don’t even remember lying down in the bed but you surmise suga had carried you all the way there too :’) 
they sing a lot of holiday songs, play those party games like trip to jerusalem or once the music stops, you have to stop dancing or you’re out type of game and just overall lots of fun filled moments and you feel thankful for witnessing such a pure, innocent sight right around the holidays!! ofc once it’s all done and he bids them goodbye with a hug, a hi five or a pat on the head, suga doesn’t forget about you and puts up a mini mistletoe by the door when everyone had left. he has that teasing smirk on his face and you’d do more than just kiss him bec of it but uh, you’re still in the classroom so you give in with a chaste yet sweet kiss on his lips. he returns it a little deeper, but you push his chest off playfully, and boop! him on the nose. “later, sir,” you reprimand lightly, yet cheeks blushing at your interaction with him in his workplace. he shows that toothy grin, and intertwines ur fingers together as u walk to your car and finally spend more time together again <333 his most favorite part of this season!!
hinata shouyo ୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮ be prepared for a very hyper and energetic holiday week with this guy!! imagine you two are still in college, he has a break from playing professional volleyball to spend these times with his family. and he chooses to spend most of those days with you!! he is actually very excited to bring you home to meet his mom and (not-so) little sister, and it’s very nerve-wracking knowing that it’s an important holiday for them to be together as a family— and then you’re just gonna crash it like that??? BUT sho doesn’t see it that way! he already sees you as a person he’ll definitely experience even more holidays the next year, and the one after that, but in order to ease up the anxiety that has been building up in your system, he tells you of his extravagant plans for the two of you before going back to his parents’ house!! think amusement parks in the winter, ice skating in frozen lakes, walking on boardwalks with two styrofoam cups of hot choco for him, and a peppermint mocha for you!!
o, and if there’s some downtime with your adventure, he’ll drag you outside where the snow is ankle deep, tells you to take a picture of him in the cold, earmuffs hugging the sides of his temple so warmly that you find so adorable. you’re about to pull your phone out until you feel cold, wet, melting ice smacked onto your cheek!! “SHO, WHAT THE HECK—” you don’t even have time to protest because WHACK, one more snowball, but he missed and it got to your jacket this time. luckily, your phone was still okay but your boyfriend definitely won’t be once you find him as he had started running, your voice calling out to his name in the breezy wind. so that whole afternoon, you were seen having a ridiculous snowball fight around campus (you guys stayed in the dorms until you were ready to leave), laughing when you threw one directly at his open, cackling mouth. shouyo started choking on the snowball, but you were still wiping tears from your eyes at the hilarity of the situation. “STOTPF IM LITERALYLYL DYUINGGG” “don’t be ridiculous” “JDFSKFDJH” and that’s when you actually run towards him, patting his back rather forcefully because oh god what if you did make him choke and his family won’t have a son coming home this time around?!
while you worry in your head, shouyo had already tackled you to the ground, snow engulfing your bodies together. “let’s take a picture here, this is the perfect spot!” he’d chuckle, peppering you with winter kisses, sending shivers down your arms not just because they were cold but also wow, you’re so lucky to be with a guy like him during this season. suddenly, you anticipate meeting his family :)
kageyama tobio
୨୧ ˻˳˯ₑ*॰¨̮ you know what you’re very excited for that kags isn’t? his birthday falls on the week of christmas, and any other normal person would just think, “ah, i can just combine his gifts into one!” but for you that’s a big no-no. and kageyama knows it, and he’s flustered and shy because everyone in his life up until the point he’s met you had always just given him a 1 for 2 type of gift. not that he minded, that’s all he’s ever known in his life so when you promised him a big birthday bash and a special holiday gift, he’s scared for what’s to come,,, although, you know he’s not big on surprises or bigger gatherings, but you wanted to see his reaction as to how you planned it all out! in reality, you just wanted to spend precious time with your bf on his bday and an early christmas before he leaves to go visit his family :(
after tiring hours of vball practice and finals (he’s gotten better at studying, don’t underestimate this guy!) he sleeps in on the day of his birthday, not even realizing the night prior he’s turning a year older that day!! you creep up to his dorm with the spare key he has given you, place the milk and berries cake you ordered yesterday on his desk, and surreptitiously clasp the paper birthday hat on his sleeping head. the guy doesn’t even stir!! stifling your laughter, you pull out your phone and snap a picture of him and you together, your lips puckering to kiss his cheek and— you forgot to turn your phone into silent mode! apparently the click was loud enough for his eyes to flutter open, and when he realizes you’re next to him he feels a sense of relief, but at the same time the rubber around his face became bothersome… only when you start singing happy birthday did it dawn on him… and he can’t get mad, it’s you, how can he??
you eat a piece of the milk n berries creme cake on his bed, talking about the day you’re gonna spend with him.. and you ask what he wants to do bec it’s his special day!! this gets him blushing since he thought you had this elaborate party with lots of people come, and now he feels guilty and grateful as to how thoughtful you’re being for him… he asks if he can sneak in a practice session for vball for at least an hour and you agree, guessing that would’ve come up sooner or later. anyway, aside from that his birthday was spent strolling around the town center near campus, snow underneath your boots and snowflakes showering your hair,,, he places his beanie on yours so it doesn’t get messed up and you thank him with a nose kiss… rudolph, is that you??
you take him to shops so you can buy matching sweaters <3 and he OBLIGES, seeing the gleeful expression in your eyes and smile, how can he resist the beauty radiating off you today? this is the best birthday gift he can ask for. you end the day by grabbing some milk tea, spending the rest of the night getting cozy under blankets, and watching cheesy romcoms to which kags just shields his eyes away… the embarrassment!! >< you end up sleeping in his arms, the ending credits with christmas music playing in the background. the next day, you both wear your holiday outfits (he has polar bear and yours is a panda!!) and take lots of pictures bec you know you’ll miss him when he goes back home :(( he immediately makes one of the selfies u took as his lockscreen: the two of you squish yourselves in between the snowman you both created. your face is lit up with utmost happiness, and kags is just looking at you with a loving grin to his smile as well. :)
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what's your favorite thing about all your friends?? :3 gO OFF beautiful man
oof, my friends??? lmao, where do i even start w/those bitches i love them. bUT BEFORE I GO OFF, THIS CANNOT LEAVE US BCAUSE IM DRUNK AS FUCK RN AND HAVE NO FILTER I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GONNA COME OUT OF ME (lmao) AND IF THEY'RE GONNA FUCKIN KILL ME FOR IT so no fuckin snitchin. im watching you 👀
braaanch branch branch bRANCH im so fucking happy we're friends. this is just the tip of the damn iceberg, but he's so fucking nice!! he denies it at any opportunity but not just anyone is as protective as that fucker, he'd do anything for anyone of us and i fucking love that. it annoys the fuck out of me, bcause he doesn't seem to get that we LIKE HIM and him getting hurt is BULLSHIT but i love where it comes from. he'd do fucking ANYTHING to protect us. he's so damn comforting to be around because it kinda feels like nothing's gonna hurt you if he's there?? if that makes any sense, lmao. also he's fucking BEAUTIFUL like??? what the fuck he drinks SWEAT ive sEEN HIM DO IT who gave him the right to be so damn pretty?!?! oOOF and don't get me STARTED on how understanding he is, GOOD FUCK. im sobbing like a baby for no damn reason and he's just THERE looking awkward, sure, but he just talks and talks until i can breathe again and OOF i love that big ol dork
QUEEN POPPY, MY ANGEL!!! she's so brave, like, too brave sometimes. she cares so damn deeply for all of us and i fuckin love that she's always willing to drop something to help us or just frikin make us feel better about some shit that don't even matter. she's just!!! so good!! she's always there to HUG or CUDDLE and she gets that sometimes that's all a man rlly needs to get thru the day again. man my dudes i can trust that girl w/anything, she'd help me bury a BODY with 0 questions. well, i mean. not 0, but you get it, she's so sweet!! fuck man i'd put my life in her hands and i already HAVE she's the most trustworthy person i've ever met. she's so thoughtful too??? like, she genuinelly listenes to complaints and requests of us dumbass villagers who don't know how to do things and she iMPLANTS IMPROVEMENTS ASAP SHE'S AN ANGEL WHO WE TRULY DON'T DESERVE
COOOPEERRRR MY BEST BRO!!!!!! i love that funky boy!!!! coopers so damn chill, i can just fucking go to his house at 3 in the morning and he's all "sup dude, want a drink?" or he just acts like i was there the whole time and screams "GUY I JUST GOT THE BEST PRANK IDEA GET YOUR KEY TO BRANCH'S BUNKER I BOUGHT THE STREAMERS ALREADY LETS FUCK SHIT UP" he's so good at making you feel good no matter what you're doin or what you're goin thru UGH he's fuckin fantastic. whatta lad.
and one cannot be without the other mISS CHENILLE!!! she's a dramatic BITCH and i LOVE HER good fuck her sarcasm is ON POINT prAISE THE LORD she's SAVAGE. we've spent HOURS once just smack-talking each other, i don't even remember how it started, but she's a QUEEN. but she's also super respectful?? she knows how to get under people's skin but also knows where to push and where to hold, u know???? that doesn't make sense but like, she knows what to say in either extreme like, if you bein a sad bitch she knows what to say to fix it and make you either feel better or just talk some sense into you. she doesn't judge or ask to many questions she just. listens then verbally tells you how to fix it or how to feel better about it and for some reason when she talks i just. believe her??? lol, wack i know, but she's a damn good person and i appreciate her more than i think she knows
biggieeeeee what an angel. a big ol teddy bear. he's such a damn bleeding heart, he's so hekcin kind
suki is a different kind of chill than cooper, she just sees things happening around her and knows they'll pass one day and lets that keep her calm and im hECKIN JEALOUS!! she's so good with people too, especially kids!!! she knows how to keep things light while also keeping them real and it's amazing. AND HER MUSIC, HOLY SHIT, SHE'S SO TALENTED!!!! SHE'S SO DAMN GOOD!!!! everything i hear from her is a BOP and it SLAPS i adore her!! oof, tbh she's one of the first people who made me adore what my voice could do, she finally talked me into singing the lead for one of her songs when we were dumb-ass tweenagers and hasn't let me look back since. it's rough to look back on now, tweenagers and all, but that's w/out a single doubt when i stopped hating my autotune jams~  she knows how to give everyone a place w/out making it obvi that she's doing anything special or out of the ordinary. Suki is a goddamn angel.
SMIDGE!!! THAT BITCH SHE'S A FUCKING /RIOT/ I LOVE THAT WACKY LESBIAN. our rivalry dictates that im not allowed to say that but good fuck what kinda asshole would i be if i left her out of this lovefest she's AMAZING and i can't even lie. she's so damn determined about everything she does!!! she's beautiful and she never lets anyone judge her for a single damned thing FUCK i wish i had that confidence its SEXY AS FUCK. she's so damn strong too??? she's been lifting since we were 14 and she's sTILL not stopping she's gonna lift up the entire damn world one day and i can't wait to see it. she's so loyal to us too, and like, even on your worst days you'd never ever doubt HER friendship bcause she'd bench press YOU into a suplex if you dared to. she does anything even if she's not good at it just because she wants to try. smidge is a beautiful bitch and despite our rivalry im damn well aware that we'd die for each other.
i have succesfully went OFF i hope that's what you wanted bby
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prongsno · 7 years
Hey, I don't want to be rude or judgey or anything, but can u explain the hype about Mary&Sirius as a couple?? I rly want to ship it but I don't really understand? Thanks xx
hi darling! firstly- don’t worry! you’re not being rude or judgey and i thank you that you wanted to clarify that first
okay so i’ve answered this already sort of in another ask: here (about why i love them as a couple ship) (but as to explaining the hype. i mean i don’t know if there is one lol?? check out my blackdonald faq (yes i know, i am sad and have too much time on my hands))
also check out these:
this (about what sirius’ past must be like and for how it affects him) and this (about mary)
so lets try and answer this and bring in some new ideas and context and idk lets see how it goes: juST HEAR ME out right
I think that Sirius has got so much like bottled deep down that he’s never even really thought about- or if he has thought about, refuses to acknowledge it because of how much it freaking hurts. (I’m not saying that in an ‘ooc’ way, for me it is totally plausible, and tbh i think inevitable, that he HAD a lot of emotions?? and i mean just a lot of angst okay)
 Like, (just like Harry in a way???) he’s spent eleven years with people who didn’t care about him… they knew he was different and he knew he was different. He cared about muggles and people who weren’t ‘pureblood’ and can you just imagine Sirius having so much heart and being so full of love but being genuinely terrified in a way to show it because of how his family is????I think it’s got so much dynamic in that, that by the time he turned eleven he’d kinda turned all his vulnerabilities, then he gets sorted into gryffindor and eVERYTHING JUST MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW!!
he’s not that little kid anymore and he’s found somewhere he actually feels like he belongs, in gryffindor with a family that loves him for being him!
now if you look it at from marys side:
i 5000% see her as a muggleborn (just like lily!!) and i think she was (probably??) the youngest in her family and all her siblings have amazing dreams about their careers and she just doesn’t feel like them? yes they love her and she loves them but she’s always felt... different? that they have all these wonderful dreams about being lawyers and being doctors and even though she’s still eleven she feels so helpless?
then she finds out there’s a reason for all of this: that she’s part of a whole new thing (a whole new world- cue song from aladdin ksfjsHa) and it finally feels right?? and when she finally sees the magical world knows that somehow she fits into all of this and it’s amazing?)
so even from that you can see how well they kinda fit in a way? 
i mean- yes even though we already have pureblood james and muggleborn lily already- they’re COMPLETELY different! james is from an accepting family, fleamont and euphemia would love lily so much and bake her cookies all the time! and don’t forget that sirius goes to live with james when he’s about 16
so sirius with his muggle hating family and then he’s completely smitten with muggleborn mary?? i’m just sold tbh!! 
and i think it’s HIGHLY canon that mary was a muggleborn because she’s assaulted by mulciber during their hogwarts years (and i mean this is most probably to do with her blood status, and if we put sirius into the mix it makes a lot more sense tooo? that mulciber possibly knew and was doing it to have a go at sirius too? it’s so evil and hurting the people you love is ALWAYS what they do) - it’s also canon she’s in gryffindor (with lily, so it’s highly likely that she was with lily forever chatting about the muggle world)
so i mean i just love that concept?? and sirius would be so intrigued by the muggle world and that just drives his family crazy tbh?? and so in a way mary and sirius are so different in the fact of their backgrounds but when they come together they make so much sense?
i love that sirius has this vulnerable side that he really tries his hardest not to show: i mean yes he’s this sassy ass who is brilliant and proud and amazing but i think underneath that all he’s got so much uncertainty and anger towards his family? i mean can you even imagine what it must have been like for him going back to his family during the summer holidays? 
first year where they’re so disappointed in him being a gryffindor! do they neglect him for it? show anger and hate? try to force him to change? it’s such a scary thought 
and for me mary is just that light of sorts that is just there always with him? even if he doesn’t even know he like-likes her; she’s still always there being a mate and a friend and making him laugh and giving him joy! i mean james is DEFINITELY his support system through all his troubles but i think also someone like mary would have helped so much! and lily too: they understand family in a way james doesn’t and i just have a lot of feelings about this lol
so yeah i hope this helped in some ways? again let me reiterate: it’s totally fine if you still don’t like them!
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bb-bambam · 7 years
question tag
thanks for tagging me @yieniall i love u so much!!! i tag @jacksonwangtastic @jongdaesi @jongins-laugh @cutepimook @jungkookies-cookie only if u want to do it ofc!!
1| how old were you when you had your first kiss?
15 rip lmao 2| What made you decide to have a tumblr blog? for my main blog: soccer and merlin (the tv show) tbh lmaooo and for this blog it was the fact that someone told me 2 tag all my kpop and i was like lmao okay time to Make A New Blog 3| Been depressed: y e a i’m really really trying to overcome this but obvi it’s not easy and there are some rly hard days expecially considering i’m not at home where i can get support from ppl who i trust to talk abt these types of things 4| how many people have you fist fought? lmfaoooo none 5| do you want to have kids? how many? sure do!! probably 2 or 3 !! 6| Do you want to change your name: nah i’m okay with my name 7| Right or left handed: right 8| do you have piercings? how many? my ears (just one in each) and my nose (left nostril)! 9| who was the last person you cried in front of? lmfao one of my college friends bc we watched train to busan and i completely couldn’t handle it i cried 3 times 10| do you believe in soulmates? ya!! i love the idea and i fully believe that everyone has a half that they can find somewhere, whether it be platonic or romantic
11| Zodiac sign: by birth gemini but by personality/temperament/everything else cancer lol! 12| Do you have a dream job? not particularly but i do like the idea of doing smth for nasa or some space-related program someday
13| A crush: there’s this rly cute girl who i literally have never talked to in my life nor do i know her name but she’s so ideal i always catch myself staring at her when i see her walking around campus lmao 14| What do you like about yourself: my hair!!! it’s rly super long rn and i want to cut it but i also don’t bc i’m proud of how i’ve maintained it for so long!! 15| Right now eating: nothing lmaoo it’s 10 pm!! 16| who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? avani of Course 17| Height: 5′5″ 18| what is/are/were your best subject(s)?
math (especially calc 3 which i LOVE LOVE LOVE), physics, spanish (?? somehow), chem, bio (i hate both chem and bio tho lmfao)
19| Met someone who changed you:
does avani count lol i would say probably my best friend bc he really has helped me a lot especially when i was recovering from my worst period of depression and to this day i’ve never met another person who i connect with so well and who i can talk to the way i can with him and idk we’ve gone through our ups and downs but i trust him with my life and idk it’s just really nice to have someone who fits so well with me and can just randomly come over to my house for a family dinner and be unquestioningly welcomed by my whole family
20| do you like someone: is this supposed to be like,,, a crush bc wasn’t this already asked?? lol but idt that counts as “liking” her bc i don’t even know her!! it’s just a crush lol
21| I’m about to: work on my math take-home exam!!! fun stuff -__-
22| do you believe everything happens for a reason? to some extent yeah, but there are some things that i feel like just. can’t be explained or justified 23| Sports I joined: soccer and cross country, but currently i only dance  24| what’s irritating you right now? the fact that i STILL haven’t started either of the two papers i have due on monday lmao 25| do you give out second chances too easily? maybe...my mom always tells me i’m too nice for my own good and that people can easily take advantage of me which is possibly true but i wouldn’t rly know tbh 26| What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i really really wish i had listened to my parents when they tried to make me learn hindi and marathi :/// i always feel so lost when we go to india and it sucks 27| are you mean? i try not to be as much as i can :(( 28| Cried when someone died: so so many times :( when two of my cats died, when my grandparents passed away, and also sometimes when i read news of someone i don’t even know who died i cry 29| Blood type: i’m gonna be honest...i have no clue 30| If you could meet ANY Korean CELEBRITY (Includes Actors, Models, K-Music artists, etc.), who would it be? exo without any doubt at all including the ex members :((( and got7!!
31| Birthday: june 13 32| Been drunk and thrown up: no lmaooo but i did get tipsy off two glasses of wine once and off one shot of soju another time so ya i don’t have the best tolerance lmfaooo 33| are you scared of spiders? i’m terrified of pretty much all moving creatures 34| What would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60?
i want to live in spain for at least some portion of my life!! and also go to an exo concert rip
35| What do you wish for the most to happen? this may sound dumb but for ppl to wake up and realize that issues like global warming and racism are?? real things??? wtf 36| is cheating ever okay? absolutely never never never 37| Do you have any pets: mi babie cats!!! i love and miss them 38| When did you get into kpop and how? december 2015! it was all thanks to avani who showed me danger by bts (yes they were my first group but anyway) it all escalated from there!! 39| Favorite animal? cats <333 40| Love at first sight: i think it’s possible to experience attraction at first sight and the love comes later bc you need to really know a person to really “””love””” them just my opinion idk 41| how do you want to die? peacefully hopefully! 42| Lips or eyes: eyes!!! 43| Hair length: mine is almost past my hips now!! 44| would you go back in time if you were given the chance? lmao as long as no world-ending paradoxes would occur 45| who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? a guy in my abnormal psych class for a group project lmfaooo 46| how exactly are you feeling at the moment? pretty good since i have some nice exo blasting in my room rn 47| Laughed until you cry: soooo many times lmfaooooo 48| favorite food? i’m a sucker for chocolate chip cookies lmaooo 49| when was your last physical fight? LMAO with avani like,,,, 10 years ago?? idk when we stopped fighting physically and became Friends but let me tell u...we were not always the way we are now lmfaooo 50| Do you believe in yourself: on occasion lol
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