#if ur brain ever tells you hey u can just quickly make this set before u work on ur 4th of july billy set its all good
biillys · 1 year
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all that's left is a family the ones that wished you well all that's left of your legacy is the story that they'll tell
nick ward; funeral (feat. E^ST)
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oblxvion · 3 years
euphoric | eren jaeger (1)
-> pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader
-> wc: 5.4k
-> warnings: use of marijuana, smut, praise kink, degradation kink, spit kink, oral (f and m receiving), fluff
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you were stressed. it was almost the end of the term, and you had spent the past two weeks studying and prepping for your exams because you needed those grades. you had been slipping a lot in your classes but you managed to bring your grades up with the help of your good friend armin. he was extremely smart and honestly, without him, you didn't even want to think about what your grades would be.
“ugh, sasha, i can’t study any more.” you groaned, bringing you head down to into the vast sea of review that you had been going over as per armin’s request. “i need a break, i feel like my brain is going to fucking explode.”
sasha looked over up from her phone and laughed. “it’s gonna be worth it, i promise. once you finish these exams, you’ll be able to relax for a bit. do you wanna smoke later ‘cause we’re all getting together later at eren’s, i forgot to tell you.”
you hadn’t checked your phone in the past few hours so you didn't know that there were plans that had been made. 
you didn’t move your head as you contemplated the thought, it sounded like fun to see everyone and ignore the work you had for at least a bit. exams weren’t for another week and a half, so you should be fine.
“yeah, i'll come.”
“yay! i’ll text the group chat and let them know that we’re gonna leave at around 6.” she squeals as she grabs her phone and starts typing away a text that you soon receive as well.
“ok, i need to nap first. plus it’s like 4 so i’m gonna pass out for a bit.” you got up from the kitchen table and made your way over to your bedroom, beginning to get comfortable. “wake me up at 5.” you yelled so she could hear from her room.
“you got it.” sasha yelled back. you could tell that she said that with food in her mouth. 
“typical.” you chuckled as you felt your body drift off to sleep.
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“y/n! hey! wake up! it’s 5:30. i lost track of the time.” sasha tried to shake you awake in which you grumbled in response. 
“ugh, ur so timely.” you joked as you made your way out of your room, and into the shared bathroom. wow i look like shit you thought to yourself as you turned from side to side trying to see all of what you looked like in your oversized sweatshirt and shorts.
there was not enough time for you to get ready to look at least presentable, but you felt gross so you turned on the shower and threw your clothes into your hamper. you put on some music because who showers without music and you made sure to shave because it had been awhile since you had and you wanted to feel clean.
once you had finished, you grabbed a towel and checked the time on your phone. 5:40. perfect.
“y/n, we have like 20 minutes,” sasha called from her room. “do you think you can be ready by then?”
“yeah, i just need to dry my hair and throw on some clothes and i should be good.” you said as you walked into her room, she was pretty much ready to go, and dressed in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. no one really dressed up for these sessions because everyone was already super comfortable with each other.
“ok i’m gonna go change, i don't know if i’ll have enough time to dry my hair though.” 
“you’ll be fine. plus, we can be a bit late, they wouldn’t start without us anyways.” she says with a smile as she puts on a sweatshirt.
you made your way back to your room and threw on a pair of sweatpants, a loose fitting tank top and your favorite pullover. as you made your way back to the bathroom to dry your hair, you found yourself stressing once again about your exams to which you took a deep breathe and reminded yourself that you needed to relax and this was a well deserved break. 
after you finished drying your hair, you quickly ran a brush through it, and put on some deodorant along with your favorite perfume.
“ok sash, i’m ready.” you called from the bathroom as you fixed your appearance for the last time. 
“perfect! i ordered us an uber because i don’t really wanna drive and i know you don't like driving high.” she says as she grabs the last of her things and we make our way out the door and to the bottom of our apartment complex.
you look at her as the uber pulls over to the side of the road. “so what?”
“have u been seeing anyone recently?” sasha looks over to you as she gets into the uber after you. 
“how could i? i’ve literally been studying nonstop. i wish though.” you say with a sigh. you had been so preoccupied with studying and getting your grades up that you haven’t had the time to see anyone except friends. “why do you ask?”
“oh, it’s nothing really. i was just curious, you know, being your roommate and all.” somethings up, she’s clearly trying to pick at something and this does not go unnoticed by you.
“ok,” you laughed and shook your head. “whatever you say.”
before you knew it, you both arrived at eren’s apartment complex. for some reason, you felt anxious. you knew the boys that were going to be there but you had this gut feeling that something was going to happen.
the two of you made your way up to his floor and knocked on his door which was opened almost instantly as if he were waiting.
“sasha!” connie exclaimed, embracing the girl into a bear hug. “hey y/n.” 
“hey connie.” you smiled in response. it was really cute how the two of them were so close, it’s almost like they were twins. you made your way into the apartment and saw jean and eren, arguing over god knows what.
“hey guys!” you say as you walked over to the two of them, hugging them both. 
“y/n! it’s been a while. how’s studying with armin?” jean asks as he pulls away from the hug.
“god. don't even get me started. i am in hell. armin’s being so helpful though.” you chuckle as you walked over to eren, who was looking at something on his phone but quickly shoved it away when he saw you coming towards him.
“hey y/n.” he says with his boyish smile as he pulls you into a side hug and you notice that his hand lingers for a bit longer than normal but you smile in response.
“so, can we smoke now that they’re finally here?” connie asks as it was very clear that he was getting impatient. 
“yeah, yeah, let’s go to the deck.” eren’s apartment had a deck with was extremely nice and over time, it had become the signature smoke spot for you guys. it had an outdoor couch and a few chairs along with a small table which was perfect.
you made your way to your favorite spot which was the right corner of the couch so you could be close to the edge of the balcony and look out at the view of the city. everyone had their signature spots, it was like an unspoken rule but everyone followed it. eren next to you on the couch, sasha, jean and connie in the three chairs on the opposite side of the table.
there were some blankets already outside along with a speaker that eren played some music on to set the vibe. 
“since you guys were taking too long, i rolled us a joint so we could smoke sooner.” eren said as he sat down next to you.
“aw, how kind.” you tease him as you nudge yourself against his shoulder, earning a chuckle from him. “dibs on first hit.” 
“aw, c’mon!” jean whined, knowing that you always give the blunt to eren right after you hit. 
“i get priority since eren is my best friend.” you smirk and wait for eren to say anything but he just laughs and shakes his head. 
you and eren had always been close ever since you started school. he even introduced you to everyone, which was the reason why you were here with them now.
eren took out his lighter and lit the joint and passed it to you. you took it between your pointer finger and thumb and took a long drag. 
oh how you had missed this feeling. the feeling of being high with your friends. you passed the blunt back to eren as he took a hit himself and you exhaled the smoke.
the joint was passed around the circle until everyone had gotten a good amount of hits and it was finished. you felt your high and you leaned back into the couch as you closed your eyes.
you opened your eyes and looked over to eren who’s eyes were red, just like yours. “no, just relaxing. this is nice. i needed this.”
“yeah, i noticed. armin told me that you’d been really stressed lately so i texted asking if people wanted to smoke but you didn't respond so i assumed you were studying,” he says as he stretched his arms and placed them just behind your shoulders.
“thanks,” you laughed as you stared into his turquoise eyes only now noticing how pretty they were. you had looked him in the eyes before but this time it felt different and he felt it too. but your staring was soon broken by sasha’s wails of being hungry.
“there’s food in the fridge, i had takeout last night so there’s probably some leftovers.” eren nods his head towards the inside of his apartment. sasha stood up and made her way towards the food as connie followed her.
“hey! save some for me!” he yelled as he chased after her. all that was left was you, eren and jean. there was clearly some tension in the air but you decided to ignore it.
“ain’t no way i’m gonna be third wheeling right now.” jean huffed quietly and joined the two inside. 
third wheeling? you ignored it because jean obviously knows that you and eren are close friends, nothing more.
oh, how you were wrong.
eren looked over to make sure that there was no way for the others to see the deck and he moved his arm down towards your shoulder. you were shocked by this, but in a way, it was comforting. 
“y/n?” he asked staring off into the distance.
he didn't respond so you took it upon yourself to look up at him.
“what’s up?”
no response once again.
your lidded eyes becoming heavy as he looked down at you with a tender look on his face. he leaned his face closer to yours until your noses were touching.
his lips connected with yours, igniting a feeling inside your chest that you had pushed away when you first became close. you melted into the kiss and kissed him back in a slow and sensual kiss. eren pulled back and tucked your hair behind your ear as he went back in for another kiss. you didn’t know what to do but the feeling that this gave you, it wasn’t like any other kiss you had before.
“wanted to do this for a long time.” he whispers and rests his nose on yours. 
you didn’t know what to say in response so you pulled him back for another kiss that was interrupted by the three of them coming back out onto the deck. you pulled away quickly, hoping that no one had seen what just happened. eren kept his hand on your shoulder, but no one had asked about it so you just let it slide.
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it had been a few days since you had last seen eren. everyone was texting in the group chat about plans for the upcoming days but you had to study, or at least try to study. the kiss that you and eren shared had been replaying in your head ever since it had happened. you knew that he was high and he may not remember it, but it still bugged you and you had to know.
but most importantly, this kiss had sparked feelings inside you that you had pushed away so long ago and it was beginning to get hard to consume them. eren was constantly on your mind, and you couldn’t focus on your work. 
you needed to talk to him but you didn't know how because you didn't know that he had these feelings for you and you didn't know that you still had those feelings for him. you realized that you were ignoring these feelings that you had for him because he was your close friend and you didn’t want that to ruin your relationship.
it was driving you crazy. you needed to talk to him. 
you grabbed your phone and clicked on eren’s contact and called him. it didn’t even finish the first ring.
“hey y/n! what’s up? how’s studying?” he said and you felt your heart swell at him saying your name, which never happened before until now.
“hey, can you come over later? i need to talk to you,” you sigh. this is it, you need to know if he truly had those feelings or he was just playing with you.
“yeah, of course,” he stammered. “is everything ok?”
“yeah, everything's fine, i just wanna talk to you.”
“ok, i can get a ride now if you want me to.” is he eager?
you looked at the time and remembered that sasha was out with connie and jean so she would probably not be coming back tonight.
“actually, yeah, that sounds fine. see you soon, eren.”
“ok, i’ll text you when i’m close.”
“ok,” you ended the call and placed your phone down, taking your head in your hands. you’re overreacting right? he definitely feels for you, why else would he kiss you?
“i need to shower.” you said to yourself, trying to ignore the thoughts in your head.
as you got out of the shower, you heard your phone get a text, which you assumed to be eren. walking back to your room, you heard a knock at the door and you froze. you were still in a towel and debating whether or not you should open the door for him, which you did because you didn't want to leave him standing out there.
“hey y/n, oh,” he stops and looks you up and down. 
“sorry, i just got out of the shower.” you say as you open the door and motion for him to come inside. “can you just wait a sec while i go put some clothes on?”
“oh, uh, yeah. i’ll wait in the kitchen.” he looks around and scratches the back of his head nervously. his hair was tied back into a messy bun like usual and wearing gray sweatpants with a black shirt and his chain peeking out from under it. “you good?” he asked as he took off his shoes.
oh my god, was i staring?
“oh, yeah, i'm fine. i just spaced out a bit, sorry.” you chuckle nervously, tucking a piece of your wet hair behind your ear. “i’ll be right back.”
“take your time.”
you made your way back to your room and threw hung your town on your closet door as you looked for clothes to wear. you opted for a pair of pajama shorts and an oversized t-shirt that was sasha’s but for some reason, it was in your closet. once you had finished changing, you made your way over to the mirror that was across for your bed to make sure that you looked fine.
“ok, breathe.” you exhaled and opened your door calling for eren to come into your room.
he came into your room, still clearly feeling awkward about your interaction from before. “nice room, i like the led lights you have.” 
“thanks,” you laughed and sat on the bed, motioning for him to come sit next to you, which he did.
“so, what's on your mind y/n?” he asks, leaning up against the headboard and trying to get comfortable. 
“i don’t know, i've just been thinking about some things recently, and i can't seem to get them out of my head.” ok, good start.
“like what?” he looks over at you. oh no, don't look at me like that.
“the kiss we shared a few days ago, it’s been in my head on repeat.”
eren looks confused and looks towards your mirror, “is that a bad thing?”
“huh? i mean no, it’s not, i just don’t know what to do because these feelings have come back that i pushed away from when we became close because i didn’t want to ruin our friendship. but right now, it’s consuming me and i don’t know what to do.”
“well, i wouldn’t have kissed you without having feelings for you, y/n. i don’t know how you didn't notice it. i’ve been kinda bad at hiding it.” he said calmly as his gaze remained in front of the two of you. “but if you didn’t like it, we can just forget about it. i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.” he turns to look at you once again. 
“no, i enjoyed it actually, but...” you trail off nervously, feeling your face becoming hot. you tried to turn away but his hand grabbed your chin and turned you back to face him. 
“but what?” he says softly, looking into your eyes which caused your heart beat to pick up. he thought it was so cute how you were getting so flustered by him.
“but i don’t want to be played...” you averted his gaze.
“y/n, i would never play you.”
you look back at him, now knowing the answer that had been bothering you for the past few days. it took all your strength to not kiss him right there but he beat you to it, closing the gap between the two of you. in that moment, all your worries had washed away, feeling content and glad that you had this conversation with him. the kiss soon escalated into you and eren sliding your tongues into the others mouth. you felt yourself getting hot once again but this time, a completely different reason. eren brought his hand that was on your chin behind your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss as you melted into his mouth once again, whimpering at the feeling. eren could feel it go straight to his dick that was now straining in his pants, trying to contain himself because he didn't know whether you wanted this or not.
“let me show you how much i care for you, yeah?” he says as he pulls away for a brief second. 
“eren, please,” you whimper as his lips met yours once again but this time with more passion. eren then moved so he was on top of you, caging you in his arms as he continued to kiss you. “i want you.”
“’want you too, baby.” the pet name going straight to your core. eren moaned as he moved from your lips down to your neck, gently kissing and sucking to leave a mark. he then placed his hands at the bottom of your shirt, looking at you as if he was asking with his eyes for permission to undress you, you nodded your head vigorously and lifted your hands up so he could take it off. 
“no bra? it’s like you’re begging me to fuck you, angel.” he then brought his lips down to your left nipple, gently sucking on it while taking the other between his fingers, moving it around earning a moan from you at the feeling. he then moved over to the right and did the same action. “you’re so beautiful.”
“ohmygod please, please,” you knew you sounded desperate, but you couldn't help yourself. you had been denying the fact that you had wanted this for so long.
“use your words, tell me what you want.” he groaned and came back up to kiss you, relishing in the feeling of your lips against his.
“’wanna feel you,”
“where, pretty girl?” he sat up at looked down at you with a smirk on his face, he knew where you wanted him but he wanted, no needed to hear you say it. 
“’want you inside me eren, please,” you whined arching your back so he could get the message. he chuckled and brought himself back down towards your sternum, placing wet kisses as he made his way down to the waistband of your shorts. 
“can i?” he looked up at you and immediately saw the approval in your eyes. “you don’t know what you do to me, do you?” you whimper at his remark, lifting your hips up in the process so he could take your shorts off easier to reveal your thong and the painfully obvious wet spot. he placed a finger on your slit, dragging it down slowly, teasing you.
“stop teasing me,” you whined, trying to prop yourself on your elbows but to caught up with the euphoric feeling that you couldn't. eren slowly took off your panties to tease you even more, and threw them behind him onto the floor.
“fuck, baby. this all for me?” he looked up at you with his jade green eyes meeting your e/c ones. he could feel the precum running down his shaft, struggling to keep his composure.
“yes eren, all for you.” your breath hitched as he spit onto your needy heat, bringing his tongue down to your clit, giving it a few kitten licks before he quickened his pace and wrapped his left arm around your leg to keep you in place, not once breaking eye contact. “fuck, keep doing that, holy shit!” you could feel him smirk against your core, and if it couldn't get any better, you felt a finger at your entrance before sliding in. “eren!” he felt so embarrassed to be rutting his cock against the bed but the noises you were making were sinful and he couldn’t help himself.
you began to feel your stomach tighten as he added another finger into your hole and picked up the pace. the sensation was incredible, the feeling of his tongue on your clit and the pace of his fingers going in and out of your pussy. your slick was dripping down his fingers, it was driving him crazy. he felt you tighten around his fingers, you were close.
“’gonna, ‘m gonna cum eren, please,” your release was so close, you just needed one more push.
“c’mon baby, cum for me.” he groaned against your pussy, sending vibrations throughout your whole body and you felt the coil snap. the moan you let out was pure sin and eren thought he was going to cum on the spot. “that’s it baby, good fucking girl.” as you got down from your high, you realized that he didn’t stop, you were sensitive, eren knew that but he needed one more from you.
“eren it’s too much, fuck,” you cry out as he brings his mouth back down to your heat and you can already feel yourself getting close again, and he could tell. you came even quicker this time, your juices gushing all over eren’s tongue. he lapped all of it up, not letting a single drop go to waste, and then taking his fingers covered in your slick into his mouth.
“you taste so good, i couldn’t get enough of you.” he whispers as he comes back up to kiss you. you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue. you reach down towards his throbbing cock, but he shook his head. “this is about you, baby.”
“please?” you look up at him and he couldn’t say no. he knew that he would not last long if you did as much as place your tongue on his tip. noticing that he didn't say anything, you took this as your chance. you flipped him over so that you were on top, and you could feel how hard he was. you grabbed the bottom of his shirt and helped him take it off, revealing his perfectly toned chest with chiseled abs. he threw the shirt to another place in the room, pulling you into another kiss shortly after. you moved from his lips down to his neck and down his chest stopping at his sweatpants to pull them down along with his boxers, revealing his swollen tip leaking with precum. he was larger than average and it excited you every bit. you smirked to yourself, and placed your lips on his tip, his breath hitched at the feeling.
you began to slowly drag your tongue down his shaft, maintaining eye contact with him, just like he did with you. you then took him in your mouth seeing how his legs tensed, you began to go even further. 
eren was trying so hard not to grab your head and push you onto his dick, afraid that he was going to ruin the moment with you and be too aggressive. you then took your mouth off with saliva connecting from his tip to your lips and then went back down taking him all in your throat before bobbing your head up and down, coming up for air while jerking him off. the sounds he was making went straight to your warmth, making you wetter by the minute.
“keep doing that, fuck y/n,” he groaned as his will vanished and he took your hair in his hands beginning to help guide you on his dick. he ran his hand through his hair and looked back at you, knowing that this image will forever be imprinted in his head. his legs tensed and you felt it, he was close. “fuck, i’m gonna cum, i’m gonna fucking cum.” he groaned as he shot thick white ropes of cum down your throat, you gladly took all of it and opened your mouth to show him that you did. 
“fuck, you did so good, so good.” he pulled you up towards him as you laughed into the kiss, and suddenly you were back on the bottom. “but now i’m gonna fuck this pretty little pussy, yeah?” he aligned himself with your entrance and your mind became fuzzy with the feeling of his tip right where you needed him most. he slowly pushes himself in but you didn’t need to adjust, and he began to move at a steady pace.
“oh fuck,” eren threw his head back at the sensation of finally being inside of you, the way your walls grazed his dick, pulling him back him. it was addictive, and he couldn’t get enough of it. “you feel so fucking good y/n.”
“fuckfuckfuck, ’m gonna cum eren.” the feeling came back embarrassingly quick but you didn’t care, the feeling was amazing.
“yeah? you’re gonna fucking cum? cum on my cock. cum on my fucking cock.” eren growled as his chain was in your face. hearing him be so demanding and aggressive set something off and you felt yourself release but this time it was different, arching your back at the feeling. eren was taken aback by the fact that he made you squirt, it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
“that’s it, squirt all over my fucking cock.” he rode you out of your orgasm and continued to plow you into the mattress, picking up his pace. he was close but not quite there yet. you had taken into account that eren was aggressive in bed but he was being gentle with you at first, and you loved every bit of it. you wanted to make it more interesting. before you could even think, your hand met his cheek, and eren looked at you with a shocked expression but his eyes grew dark with lust. 
“fuck me like you mean it, jaeger.” you growled, hoping to get a reaction out of him. and oh boy, did it get a reaction.
“yeah? fuck you like i mean it?” he slapped you across the face, and then grabbed your cheeks and spit into your mouth. “swallow it.” if you thought you couldn’t get turned on anymore, you were so wrong. you rutted your hips against his, moaning at the sensation. this side of you was so different, and eren fucking loved it. he grabbed your throat, squeezing it and making you look him in the eyes as he fucked you with force.
“look at you, never knew you could be such a slut.” the name made you clench around him like a vice, earning a groan from him. “taking my cock so fucking well.” the feeling of you tightening around his cock for the 2nd time that night was making him lose his mind, he wasn’t going to last any longer and he knew that you weren’t either. he brought his hand that was around your neck down to your neglected clit and began rubbing circles as his pace became erratic. he was so close and so were you, but he needed you to come with him, he had to feel that feeling again. 
“fuck, i’m so close baby. fucking cum with me,” he moaned as he brought his head to your neck, you brought your arms and wrapped them around him, bringing him closer to you. before you could even comprehend, you released your juices, spraying all over his pelvis as he came shortly after you, painting your insides white. he stilled, trying to catch his breath but to his shock, you flipped him so that you were on top once again.
“not done yet.” you moaned as you began to grind yourself onto his cock. eren still so sensitive from his past orgasm that he was barely holding on by a string. seeing you on top of him, the way your breasts bounce and the way you look from this angle is driving him insane. he knows that he’s not going to last like this, the way you’re riding him, he grabs onto your hips and guides you.
you’re so overstimulated, you can’t even think straight. eren is trying so hard not to cum before you, but your pussy is milking him dry and before he knew it, he came inside you once again, legs shaking from the overstimulation. you lifted yourself off him and began to frantically rub your clit as you squirted all over his chest and pelvis. eren stared at you in awe, the way you looked like when you came and knowing that it was from him was a huge boost to his ego.
you finally collapsed onto his chest, trying to calm your breathing as he wrapped his arms around you. the both of you basked in this silence, thinking about the sex you just had.
“hope i wasn’t too rough, i kinda got carried away.” eren chuckled as he ran his fingers down your back, earning a laugh from you.
“no not at all, i really liked it actually.” you looked up at him, placing your chinos his chest. 
“I'm glad, been wanting to do that for a while,” he paused, as if he was looking for the right words to say. “i really like you, y/n.”
your heartbeat quickened, and you gave him a quick peck on the lips. “i really like you too, eren.” you blushed, “stay the night.” you didn't have class the following morning, so it was fine.
“ok, will do.” he squeezed you tighter, and you utterly being exhausted, you felt yourself drift off to sleep. eren gently moved you over and walked into the bathroom, finding a small towel and cleaning you and himself up. he grabbed you a new pair of underwear from your closet and the his shirt on the floor, dressing you before he put his sweatpants back on.
you felt the bed dip and a pair of arms bring your back to his chest and press a kiss to your cheek.
“’night y/n.”
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© all content belongs to oblxvion 2021, do not repost or change.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
If you’re up for more of a series could you possibly write the part of Remus recovering at home after leaving the game (the one with the stick to the face) and Sirius having to take care of him and all that?
Yes, I can! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the continuation of something I wrote so long ago <3 Side note: I would give my left foot to be part of the Lions groupchat. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for bruises and blood
Sirius was worried. Even though Remus claimed he felt fine, he was just fine, everything was fine, a small seed of doubt lingered in the back of his mind. He had dozed off in the car on the way home—Sirius’ heart had stuttered for a moment before the swelling-enhanced snores started. His phone lit up every few seconds, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off the road for even a millisecond, just in case.
Remus woke when the car stopped and immediately winced. “What’s wrong?” Sirius asked, taking the hand that rested on his thigh.
“Just hurts.” Remus kissed his knuckles as best he could. His skin felt strange, and the edge of the tape was an unfamiliar sensation next to the softness of his lips. Sirius collected their gear from the trunk, then helped him up the front steps; just as he went to unlock the door, he felt Remus’ hand tighten on his forearm. “I hate not being able to see well.”
Sirius kissed his temple. “That’s what you’ve got me for.”
Hattie stopped in her tracks as soon as the door opened, and Remus frowned. “Hatters? Where are you, sweet girl?”
“She’s here.” Sirius whistled for her and crouched, setting their bags aside while Remus sat crosslegged on the floor and held his arms out. Hattie’s tail wagged low, almost as if she was afraid; she glanced up at Sirius, who tilted his head back toward Remus. “Go on, mon chou, he’s not going to break.”
“C’mere,” Remus said softly, shifting in her direction. “C’mere, babycakes. I need some cuddles right now—there we go. Okay, Hat Trick, okay.”
Sirius carefully closed the door as Hattie climbed into Remus’ lap and let him hug her, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Good girl,” Sirius said softly. A quiet sniffle led to a flinch. “Re? What’s wrong?”
“I fucking love our dog.” His voice sounded even more clogged than before.
“Are you alright?”
“It really hurts.” A shuddering breath made Hattie nuzzled closer. “Hey, good girl. I love you.”
Sirius sat down next to them and wrapped his arm around Remus’ shoulder, tracing a pattern with his thumb. “Deep breaths. You can take more Tylenol in a few hours. Let’s go get some ice, yeah?”
“Can I stay here with her?”
“Of course.” Sirius kissed the top of his head and gave Hattie a gentle pet before walking into the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer, as well as a towel to wrap it. The last thing Remus needed was a freezer-burned bruise. They were in the same position when he came back, though Remus raised his head from her thick fur when he heard him coming. “I’m going to put it on your face, okay?”
“Okay.” Remus sighed when the ice pressed against his eye and one hand came up to cradle Sirius’, running carefully down to his wrist. “Love you.”
“I love you, too. I was thinking about making some soup if you want to hang here for a bit.”
Remus nodded silently, though his lower lip wobbled in the one spot it wasn’t puffy. Sirius carefully transferred the ice pack to his hand and ran his thumbs over Remus’ cheekbones—usually they were sharp enough to cut glass, but now they were purple and overheated under his touch. He kissed each one before going back to the kitchen.
After grabbing some soup from the freezer and turning the stove on, he finally took his phone out. You Have: 20 New Messages
Message From: J ;)
Did you get home safe?
Call me when u can
Lil is worried ☹
Tell Re we send big hugs
 Message From: Tremz <3
Lmk when you get home
Leo is making soup for u
Bringing it over demain matin and won’t let us have any :(((
 Message From: Bliz
Nat sends her love for Re
Remember ice packs and NO IBUPROFEN DUMBASS
 Message From: Dumo
Sa mère est inquiète
Send text when home safe, love you
 Message From: Walkie Talkie :P
U okay? Sending lots of love
Lmk if you need soup or smth <3
 Message From: Hope <3
Thank you for the call honey <3
Tell Remus not to look at his phone and keep us updated please
Love you so much <3
 Message From: Baby Rookie
I’m bringing y’all soup and that’s a threat
Big hugs for Re <333
 Sirius laughed under his breath.
Home safe. Re is fine, getting lots of cuddles from Hattie. Thanks for the messages.
 He sent a few more texts to the individual people and, after a quick conversation with Hope, stirred the soup until it began to bubble. Remus entered the kitchen a few seconds after he took two bowls out of the cupboard. “Smells good.”
“It does. Are the lights bugging you?”
“Nah. At least I can see.”
Sirius poured out two portions and set one in front of Remus, handing him a spoon as well. “Careful, it’s hot.”
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Can’t cook it cold.”
Sirius’ phone began to ping several times in rapid succession and he turned the ringer off quickly, checking the screen to make sure there wasn’t an emergency. “Leo’s bringing us soup in the morning.”
“Neat. Is everyone else okay?” Remus blew the steam off his spoon.
“The guys are all worried about you.” Sirius glanced back up, only to see Remus staring down at his soup bowl, frozen in place. “Re? Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Is this my mom’s?” he asked in a small voice.
Sirius wracked his brain. “…I think so? It was in the freezer. Is that okay?”
He nodded silently and a tear dripped down his cheek. “ ‘s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He reached across the counter and pressed Remus’ hand between his own, wiping his cheek dry.
“God, I miss them. You called her, right? To let her know I’m fine?”
“I did. She told me to give you something.”
Remus’ eyebrows drew together and he looked up. “What?”
Sirius scooted around the table and wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him in for a tight hug and pressing his face into his curls. “This.”
“Thank you.” Remus went a little boneless against him. “I needed that.”
“I bet. Do you want me to give them another call so you can talk to her?”
Remus squinted at the clock. “It’s pretty late.”
“They’re still awake.”
“Could we?” Remus dug around in his pocket and handed it to Sirius, who dialed Hope’s number and put it on speakerphone.
The call connected on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, mom.”
“Are you okay, love?” Hope sounded like she was on the verge of tears already. “You sound a little funny.”
“A little banged up, but I’m alright.” Remus gripped Sirius’ hand tightly. “We heated up the soup you left us.”
“Oh, I’m so glad. Have you taken any Tylenol? Ibuprofen is bad for bruises, but I don’t know how much pain you’re in.” Her voice hitched at the end of the sentence.
“Mom, it’s okay,” Remus said gently. “It’s okay, I promise I’m fine. It looked worse than it was.”
Looks pretty bad to me. “Hestia took really good care of him,” Sirius said instead. “We got home safe and we’re icing up now.”
“What’s the healing look like? Sirius said you didn’t have a concussion.”
Thank you, Remus mouthed before turning back to the phone. “About two weeks, mostly for the little scrapes.”
The ‘little scrapes’ were held together by strips of medical tape, but once again, Sirius kept his thoughts to himself. “The blood was just a regular old nosebleed and a cut on the lip.”
Hope paused and they heard a new voice in the background. “Alright. Is it okay if Jules and your father say goodnight?”
“Yeah, totally.” Remus sniffled and Sirius silently handed him a tissue.
The line crackled for a moment. “Re?”
“Hey, buddy!” All trace of pain and exhaustion disappeared from his voice. “How’s it going?”
“Are you still bleeding?”
“Nope, my nose is a-okay. I’ve got a pretty cool black eye, though. Kinda look like a pirate.”
“The announcers were saying you were really hurt.” Jules’ voice wavered and Sirius’ heart broke a bit.
“Well, they were wrong.” Remus leaned closer to the phone, as if he could reach right through it. “In two weeks I’ll be good as new. I was really lucky.”
“Okay,” Jules still sounded unsure. “Mom says I have to go to bed.”
“Yeah, it’s late, buddy. Sleep well. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
There was a rustling noise. “Remus?”
“Hey, dad.” The exhaustion returned and Sirius rubbed his back gently, letting him lean on his shoulder.
After a moment of hesitation, Lyall sighed. “Alright, they’re in the other room. What actually happened?”
“High stick from the Ravens caught me in the face. No concussion, just bruises and swelling.”
“Do I want to ask Sirius to send me a picture?”
Remus winced. “Probably not.”
He sighed again. “I’m sorry we can’t come out and see you.”
“Don’t worry about it, dad,” Remus said softly. “Really, I’m okay. It sucks, it hurts, I’ll ice it and be fine.”
“Sirius, are you there?”
“I’m here.”
“If he starts pulling some ‘go back to practice early’ bullshit—”
“—don’t let him. If you have to lock him in the bathroom, I promise to cover for you.”
“Yes, sir,” Sirius laughed.
Lyall chuckled on the other end as Remus groaned. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. If Sirius locks me in a bathroom, I’m citing you in the court case.”
“There won’t be enough witnesses if he does it right. Sleep well, kiddo. Thanks for calling.”
“Love you,” Remus said again as the call ended. He blew out a long breath and leaned his forehead on Sirius’ chest. “Thank you for that.”
“Ne rien, mon loup. You should eat and then take a shower.”
“Are you saying I smell?” Remus teased.
“Yes, I am. I also think you’ll feel better if you do.”
They ate in silence; both were hungry, so it wasn’t long before Remus walked carefully up the stairs. Sirius checked the groupchat as he poured himself a third bowl of soup. You Have: 7 New Messages.
That is the blandest fucking response I’ve ever read
I’m guessing y’all are alive then???
Haha y’all
Ok gator boy
Give Hattie lots of kisses from us and also GIVE US DETAILS
What do you want to know??? We got home, ate soup, called parents, and now Re is showering
You’re so fucking nosy jfc
Also cut Rookie some slack it’s hard being so far from his swamp
From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself.
He doesn’t have to he has Remus
Pots I’m going to remove your kneecaps
 Sirius paused just before responding. Despite the quiet of the house, he couldn’t hear the shower running. “Re?”
“Up here.”
“Did you take a shower already?”
“Not yet.”
The bathroom door was ajar and the light was on when he entered their bedroom; Remus stood at the sink, staring into the mirror as he felt along the edges of the butterfly tape at his lip. “Did something happen?”
“It’s worse than I thought.” Sirius stepped inside and joined him, staring at their reflections. The stripes that marked the stick’s edges had turned almost indigo since they left the rink; no less than six pieces of tape decorated the places between mottled bruises. Remus reached up to touch his cheekbone and Sirius guided his hand back down.
“Poking it won’t help.”
“Two weeks, huh?”
“That’s what Hestia told me.”
“Will you help me get the tape off?”
Sirius patted the edge of the counter and Remus pushed himself up on it, leaning forward for easy access. The first one was easy—a small cut just below his brow. It slid away without an issue and Sirius pressed a gentle kiss to the spot, then moved on to the next one. They fell into a rhythm—one side, second side, slow pull, and a kiss, until only two were left.
Remus hissed in pain as he lifted the edge of the tape across the bridge of his nose and Sirius shushed him softly, moving to the other side. “Two more, sweetheart.”
“Just rip it off.”
Sirius gave him a look. “Absolutely not.”
“I’ll do it.”
“No, you won’t, because that would be a stupid idea.”
Remus huffed, but didn’t protest. His jaw ticked as Sirius pulled the last bit off. “Can we leave the lip one?”
“Not unless you want an infection.”
“You’d be a good PT.”
“I would be the worst PT.” Sirius worked the inner edge free. “I know, like, ten stretches and basic first aid. My bedside manner sucks, too, and I’d pass the fuck out if someone asked me to set a bone for them.”
“Good points all around,” Remus laughed.
The motion pulled the last of the tape off and Sirius held it up with a grin. “All done. Hey, your swelling is down. I can see your eyes now.”
The slight gleam of amber brightened as Remus smiled. “I thought I could see a little better.”
“Do you want company?”
Remus thought for a moment, prodding the cut on his lip with his tongue. “As much as I’d love to invite you in, I think I need a second to myself.”
“Cool.” Sirius kissed his cheek and stepped out of the bathroom. “Yell if you need anything. I’ll be in bed.”
He made a pit stop downstairs to gather Hattie and bring Remus’ ice pack up, and by the time he finally slid between the sheets it was nearly midnight. Remus came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, looking happier but still incredibly worn out. He took another Tylenol and snuggled up against Sirius’ side with a quiet hum, laying the ice pack over his face once again.
“Sleep tight, Re.”
“Love you.”
205 notes · View notes
lloydskywalkers · 3 years
Heyo! Hope your doing exceptionally well, wonderful and ur staying safe! I was reading ur little oneshots for the movie! Verse and instantly fell in love! Think u have anymore for Kai and Lloyd? (But u don’t need to listen to this, obviously hehe) Have a splendid day!
ahhH thank you, I hope you’re doing well too!! :D oh man it’s been so long since i’ve written something for movie-verse, but I’ve had this little snippet in my head for a while so I guess it’s as good a time as any (and it is, of course, about kai and lloyd bc when is it noT)
it’s a little different than what i usually write, for movie-verse? but i hope it fits the bill! (takes place pre-movie, btw)
Of all his friends, Lloyd thinks Kai is most like the sun. Not just for his codename, and the enthusiasm with which he brings fire to the team, metaphorically and far too often literally, but for how bright he is. Kai reminds Lloyd of the sun at full force, strong and blazing and staunchly refusing to let anyone hide from his warmth. An endlessly combusting ball of stubbornness and passion.
Kai also reminds Lloyd of the sun in the way that he possesses about the same amount of brain cells the sun does, which is zero, because the sun has no brain — much like Kai.
“Hey, ru—de, ow, stop—”
Kai’s petulant response strangles off in cracked pain as Lloyd hushes him, simultaneously pulling the alcohol-soaked cloth from his arm with a sympathetic wince.
“Sorry, sorry,” Lloyd murmurs, wringing the edge of the cloth. “But I’ve gotta — it’ll get infected, if you don’t—”
“Nah, s’okay,” Kai says, breath hissing out through clenched teeth. He gives Lloyd a wavering smile that could almost be encouraging, were he not bleeding over Lloyd’s faded bedspread. “Just caught me off guard, I’m good now. ‘Sides, the — the stitches are gonna be worse, so—”
“It won’t be that bad,” Lloyd promises him, cleaning the rest of the deep slashes that run across Kai’s arm as quickly as he can. The lower ones aren’t so bad — he could get away without stitches, maybe. It’s the uppermost one that scares Lloyd, cutting deep enough into Kai’s skin to pose a threat. And Lloyd has no intention of leaving Kai anywhere near in danger, especially with the reason he’s hurt in the first place.
Lloyd swallows against the thick lump that suddenly forms in his throat, trying to banish the flood of emotions that have been rising since the battle against his father’s forces earlier. Surprise, shock, gratitude—? A swirling maelstrom of a deep-seated kind of aching warmth Lloyd is utterly unfamiliar with. It leaves him off-kilter, and words don’t come easily as they usually do.
Not that words ever come easily to Lloyd, but normally he isn’t quite this stuttering. Maybe. He hopes not. Maybe he’s just hyperaware right now, after everything, and he always sounds this embarrassing.
“I promise,” Lloyd continues, yanking himself from his thoughts as he busies with the needle. “I’ve got a lot of experience, and I’ll be gentle.”
Kai watches Lloyd threading the needle with a thinly-veiled fear, but he nods, the bravado Lloyd’s more familiar with making its way across his face. “Nice,” he says. “I trust you, Dr. Lloyd.”
Lloyd’s hands falter with the needle for a moment, before he resumes sterilizing it, ducking his head. Kai sounds like he means it — Kai sounds like he means everything he says, but the way he says trust hits differently, for Lloyd.
They’ve only been a team for few months, now. Not very long at all, to form any kind of trust in the son of your greatest enemy. Lloyd’s been going to school with some of the same people since kindergarten, and they’ve never looked at him with anything kinder than hatred, much less trust. And yet Kai is here, offering him his bleeding arm in Lloyd’s tiny room, trusting him to repair the damage he only took because he was protecting Lloyd.
Lloyd doesn’t understand. He doesn’t — people don’t — but his team—
They listened to him. Actually listened to him, to Lloyd. They actually listen to him in general, have since they were all thrown together in this odd little grouping, but it hasn’t quite hit home in the way it did tonight, when he’d snapped orders at them in barely-restrained panic, Kai’s blood staining his fingers as he’d staunched the knife wounds meant for him.
They hadn’t flinched back at his raised voice. Lloyd never raises his voice — he’s learned to keep it quiet, soft, unassuming. Even the slightest slip of frustration is enough to send anyone around him murmuring in suspicion, eyes narrowing and hissed whispers of just like his father filling the air.
Lloyd’s voice had been sharp and strained, barking across the rooftop, and they’d listened. No one flinched back, no eyes widened in fear — they’d just listened. They’re still listening, carrying out Lloyd’s orders without question, and it’s — it’s dizzying, if Lloyd had to put a word to it.
Cole and Zane are taking care of clean-up — something Lloyd will have to thank them for later, profusely. Neither were particularly happy about letting Kai out of their sights, but Cole and Zane are better at keeping each other steady than anyone else. It was the right call, Lloyd knows it was. Hopes it was.
But Lloyd hasn’t been having much faith in his calls, tonight. Not after Kai went down.
He swallows, focusing on the sounds reverberating from behind his closed door. Nya and Jay are talking with his mother, Nya’s louder tones easier to hear as she laughs. Lloyd knows her well enough to catch the strain in it, but he knows it’ll fool his mother. They’re distraction — Lloyd’s house was closest, and he’s got the best supplies stashed there. No one questions why he’s the one with the fully stocked medical kit, but Lloyd suspects they’ve all drawn their own conclusions.
He wishes they’d believe him, when he says it’s because he’s worried for them. He grew up with Wu as his uncle, who picks fights on a daily basis — with Morro as his cousin, who picks fights on an hourly basis. Lloyd knows the importance of having the good kind of medical supplies.
He finishes prepping the needle, squeezing Kai’s wrist briefly in warning. Lloyd’s not usually a tactile person — not that anyone would let him be — but he knows Kai soaks up touch like a starved sponge, and Lloyd’s desperate to give any kind of comfort he can before he starts with the needle.
Kai swallows, fixing his eyes firmly on the faded glow-in-the-dark stars plastered across Lloyd’s ceiling.
“Okay,” he says, his voice tight. “Bring it on.”
Lloyd swallows, steels himself, and sets the needle against his skin. Kai flinches at the first prick, eyes squeezing shut briefly, but otherwise he doesn’t move, jaw set stubbornly as Lloyd moves quickly. For his part, Lloyd keeps his eyes locked on the stitches, his hands steady. For all that Lloyd’s made up of bouncing nerves half the time, his hands rarely shake. Never when patching wounds up. He’s always been proud of how steady he can hold a needle, and tonight is no exception.
It’s the least he can do.
Kai suddenly tenses up, a broken-off noise strangling in his throat. Lloyd’s heart twists, but he stays steady, rallying himself. Conversation — Kai likes talking, right? Distraction, he can do that.
“So, um,” Lloyd stutters. On second thought, he’s awful at small talk. But — for Kai. “The way you took down that last guy was, it was really cool. Where’d you learn that?”
Kai bites his lip, exhaling shakily before he answers. “I train too, you know.”
Lloyd’s mouth quirks, despite himself. “Not like that.”
“What, a ninja can’t — can’t get creative,” Kai replies, through half-gritted teeth. Lloyd doesn’t say anything, but Kai rolls his eyes, continuing. “Fine. When I was younger, I ah…might’ve taken a few dance classes. For Nya! ‘Cause I couldn’t let her go alone, y’know, but they were — they were kinda fun, I guess, and maybe they slip into fighting, sometimes.” His cheeks darken, and Lloyd bites back a quiet laugh.
“Nothing like Cole, obviously, ‘cause he’s an actual dancer, but — that’s where I got it from.” He pins Lloyd with a glare, that’s somewhat dimmed by the scrunched expression of pain on his face. “Tell anyone and you’re dead though, okay?”
Lloyd hums his agreement, too focused on the stitches to reply immediately. After a moment, though, he speaks up again. “I did some ballet, when I was little.”
“No way,” Kai says, sounding delighted.
“Yeah, way,” Lloyd says. “I’ve heard from a very reliable source that dancing backgrounds are useful, with ninja stuff.”
“Very reliable meaning your uncle,” Kai grins.
Lloyd shrugs. “Maybe,” he half-smiles. Kai suddenly sucks in another pained breath, but to Lloyd’s relief, it’s likely the last one. He finishes off the stitches with a well-practiced hand, snapping the end of the thread and exhaling in relief.
“There. All done.”
Kai’s eyes widen. “Seriously, already?” He glances down at his arm, his other hand moving up to touch the stitches. Lloyd smacks it away, glaring at him.
“Don’t touch. You still have to watch out for infection. I’ll text you instructions for taking care of it, and everything. Just don’t do anything, ah…”
“No ninja-ing?” Kai finishes for him, crestfallen.
“Probably a good idea,” Lloyd says, apologetic. “But it’s not too bad. Shouldn’t take long, and you can be out, uh, ninja-ing again."
Kai is quiet for a moment, regarding his stitches. Then he turns to Lloyd, who is immediately staggered at the bright smile that stretches across his face.
“Cool. Thanks, Lloyd. You’re good at this.”
Lloyd can’t answer, his throat burning. He forces the welling moisture back, looking away. Kai’s only hurt for him, and that is layered with so much more meaning than Lloyd can comprehend right now.
“No problem,” Lloyd mutters, focusing instead on the voices outside his door in an attempt to find footing again. He can hear his mom laughing at something Nya’s said, open and relaxed in a way his mom rarely is. Lloyd’s heart twists into knots.
He doesn’t deserve them, any of them. Not really.
If Kai reminds Lloyd of the sun, then the rest of the team reminds him of stars. All bright and shining, bursting with warmth in their own way. Maybe not quite at the blazing heat that Kai does, but Nya is a north star if Lloyd’s ever needed one. Jay’s a blinking constellation, scattered stars that form a complex whole much larger than you’d thought. Cole’s the kind of star you see first pop up over the horizon, blending with the oranges and purples of the sunset, like a painting you’d see in soft watercolors. Zane’s the early-morning kind of star, the ones that stay stubbornly after the night’s left, dotting the pale morning with a calm steadiness.
Lloyd would be a planet, he supposes, caught in faithful orbit around the five people who have somehow, for some reason, given him a chance. It’d be generous, though. No, Lloyd is content just to be a moon — with no light of his own, reflecting only the brilliance others give him the best he can.
Kai’s finger taps the edge of his forehead, snapping Lloyd from his thoughts, and he blinks in confusion.
“Lost you there, again,” Kai asks, words mangled through a yawn. “Where’d you go?”
Lloyd shakes his head, turning his attention back to the bloodied thread leftover in his hands. His stomach turns, and he quickly sets it aside. “Just thinking.” He pauses, momentarily lost for words. He settles for jerking his head toward the window, where the smoke trailing from their hard-won battle is still visible against the dark sky, and gives Kai a wry smile. “How much do you wanna bet the cheerleading team comes up with a new song tomorrow?”
It’s been an inside joke for them, the ridiculous songs Chen and his gang keep coming up with to throw at Lloyd, and normally it gets a laugh from Kai. This time, though, Kai is silent, his eyes searching as he stares at Lloyd. Lloyd shifts under the attention, caught off-guard again. He doesn’t know what kind of look this is, that Kai’s giving him.
“They shouldn’t talk about you like that,” Kai finally says. His voice is quiet, but Lloyd can spot the brewing anger in it. Kai’s always got anger to spare.
“Sticks and stones, remember?” Lloyd shakes his head. He’s learned, after a while, that anger changes nothing. “Words will never hurt me.”
“Words hurt when people are throwing sticks and stones at you while they yell about your dad,” Kai grumbles.
“No one’s thrown rocks since second grade, actually.”
“Hm.” Kai’s tone is a mix of thinly withheld anger and mild amusement. Lloyd tilts his head, confused, and Kai gives a huff, anger tugging loose.
“Y’know, people say that if kids throw rocks at you in second grade, it means they’ve got a crush on you.”
Lloyd knows well enough it’s a joke, but he flushes red anyways, heat spreading across his cheeks. “Yeah, sure,” he stammers. Kai laughs at his reaction, though, the odd kind of anger departing, and Lloyd feels he’s found his footing again.
They’re quiet as Lloyd finishes cleaning up the medical supplies, Kai nodding sleepily on his bed while Lloyd carefully washes the needle in the bathroom sink. Maybe he can convince his mom to let Kai spend the night, he thinks. Jay and Nya , too — their apartment isn’t very big, but it’s awfully late to make them walk home, and Lloyd is fine with taking the floor, if he needs to.
Lloyd nods to himself, resolving to ask her once he’s finished hiding the evidence. His mom’s been so thrilled about him having people over at all, he can’t see her saying no. A smile pulls at his lips as he listens to the conversation outside his door again. Jay’s rambling on now, bright and excited without any of his usual reservation. He feels a pang, wondering if Jay’s the same as him — wondering if they’re all the same, playing at muted caricatures of themselves, too fearful to let whatever lies beneath shine through.
He wonders what it means, that they’re the ones with the city in their hands, that weight on their shoulders. Wonders what it means, that Lloyd feels safer with bullets strafing the air around him and his mask on, than he ever has with it off. That Green Ninja will always, always sound better than Lloyd in his ears.
“Hey, uh.”
Lloyd starts at Kai’s voice, twisting the sink off as he turns to face him. Kai looks half asleep, but the smile he gives him is bright as ever.
“Thanks, seriously. Not just for this, but for looking out for us. You’re a good friend.”
Lloyd’s heart skips a beat, his brain latching onto the word friend and holding on tightly, tucking it somewhere safe inside his chest.
“So thanks, Lloyd,” Kai yawns, barely awake at all now, but still stubbornly clinging to the threads of awareness.
Lloyd’s got his own thank you to give back, twisted and strangled behind whatever lump’s formed in his throat, but Kai’s snoring before he gets the chance to say it. So Lloyd tugs the edge of his comforter over his friend — his friend — instead, and runs the words over in his mind again and again, like a treasured line from a book.
On second thought. Maybe Lloyd isn’t so bad. He’s only ever liked his name the way his mom says it, without any of the snapping, harsh emphasis others give it. In others’ mouths, Lloyd’s name is a curse. In his mom’s, Lloyd’s name belongs to a person.
But he thinks, maybe, he likes the way it sounds when his teammates use it, too.
266 notes · View notes
wherethewordsare · 3 years
Sweater Weather- Mutual Pining for Jay’s 400 Follower Bingo!!
He’d found it after a movie night, draped over the back of the couch. He held it up to confirm and yep. There was no mistaking the hood and the bulky black sleeves. It looked like it may have gone through the dryer about twelve times too many and the zipper pull was barely hanging on. He let his thumb rub against the hem of the sleeve, shaking his head. Jaskier tucked the hoodie under his arm as he pulled out his phone, smiling to himself. 
u left ur hoodie
its cold and everything how do u forget that
ur worse than ciri smh 
Just hold onto it, I’ll grab it next time. 
And I am not worse than Ciri. I’m not the one who’s left his phone in the Denny’s bathroom at 2am…. Twice…
Last month. 
shhhhh :P
Throwing his phone down, Jaskier went to his closet. He was going to just hang up the hoodie and Geralt would get it eventually. Honestly, he was going to put it away. But then he pressed his face into the shoulder and sighed.  
This was wrong. He should just hang it up and return it when they saw each other again. He wasn’t about to let this silly little infatuation with Geralt ruin a perfectly good friendship. Especially not over a stupid hoodie.
Unfortunately, Jaskier's self restraint had taken the night off. Before he could stop himself, Jaskier was sliding his arms in, zipping up the front and crawling into bed. One night of indulging wasn’t going to hurt anyone. Even if it felt like his chest was splitting open. He shifted a little under the covers, burying his nose into the collar as he drifted off to sleep. They had been through so much together since they met in high school, wasn’t Jaskier allowed this one little thing, just this once?
i still have ur hoodie
u want it back cause we could like meet up for coffee 
we could go to the nag :) 
He snapped a picture of the hoodie and a travel mug in his passenger seat, sending it off. 
Can’t today. :(
Parent teacher meetings and then Dad wants us to help him fix the roof.
I could use my hoodie today, it’s cold… 
omgl finally
thought id have to do it
Jask… no. 
:/ fine then
see if i try to be helpful again
jk jk
dont die
I dont wanna do handywork :3 
Geralt had been right. It was cold, and Jaskier had forgotten his own jacket at home. He frowned down at the hoodie and sighed. It was only because it was chilly. Nothing else. He tried to ignore how it still smelled so strongly of Geralt. He walked around the gallery wrapped in Geralt’s hoodie, the front unzipped and his hands buried in the sleeves. 
hehe crispy leaf time
the cold is coming 
Yes, Jaskier. That’s how seasons work
u know what that means~
Geralt did not in fact, know what that meant but he soon found out. He was in the middle of typing when a picture came up with the caption “stolen hoodie weather :3” with Jaskier curled up on his couch at home, snuggled up in the black zip up hoodie Geralt only remembered leaving there early last Spring. 
Something in his stomach flipped and he looked around to make sure no one was watching him. Why? Why would it matter if someone saw him? It was just Jaskier.
He frowned and started typing again. He stopped and erased it, fighting down the small smile that was starting to tilt the corners of his mouth. 
You kept it?
Way to go, Geralt. That was really fucking smooth. What was he supposed to mean by that?
unlike u :(((
abandoner of hoodies
some of us appreciate the gift of comfort geralt
Geralt felt like his brain was melting. That thing in his stomach seemed to purr with satisfaction at the idea of Jaskier wearing his hoodie. It was petty and ridiculous and oh no, Geralt couldn't take his eyes off the way the black material framed Jaskier's collarbone. 
No. No no. This way lay madness, he told himself. He would simply get the hoodie back and that was that. 
hey when do u wanna do our next movie night
its been like
7099039 years
Geralt hesitated for a moment. He had never hesitated when it came to Jaskier. They had known each other for far too long. 
Sure. My turn to pick?
not if u choose a history documentary
Spy movie?
:0 promise?
yes pls
Should I bring wine?
Wait, no that would be a very bad idea. 
:) you know it
bring the good shit
eskels secret one
i know you can find it 
It’s called “google” Jaskier. Even I know that. And I will see what I can do.
same time and place as normal right
It’s a date.
Geralt felt as though his soul had left his body when he had hit send. Had he lost his entire mind? He was in the middle of typing a follow up, trying to word the best way to dismiss his complete and total departure from sanity when the little dots popped up then disappeared then popped up again.
It’s a date. :)
Jaskier nearly slammed the door back into Geralt’s face in shock. Geralt was standing in the hall, bottle of wine in one hand, movie and carry out in the other. Then there was the shirt. Jaskier had actually helped him pick it out. The black button up, the sleeves rolled up and was his hair actually combed back? He looked good. Jaskier swallowed hard. He looked really damn good. 
But that wasn’t even the weird part. No, the weird part was the way Geralt’s eyes widened when he had opened the door. He recovered quickly though, nodding at Jaskier as he stepped in. 
“Didn’t think you’d let the apartment be cold enough you’d need to wear a hoodie.” He smirked, setting the bag down on the table before going right into the kitchen. 
“Comfort, Geralt. I’m telling you, I just don’t think you appreciate it enough.”  Jaskier followed him in. It was routine for them, the way Geralt got the wine open, Jaskier grabbed plates and silverware; the way they bickered and snarked, barely suppressing laughs through barbs. 
The coffee table was littered with cartons of orange chicken and fried noodles. Geralt set his plate down as he leaned back, slinging his arm across the back of the couch. He had to smile at the sense of deja vu that struck him. Casino Royale wasn’t just a comfort movie for them. It had been their first movie night nearly fifteen years ago. 
By now, they could practically quote the entire thing, make quips at Bond’s smugness and only just sit through that one scene without wincing. At least that’s what they told themselves. 
Now they watched as Bond and Vesper reconnect outside of that fancy English rehab center. Jaskier chorused him as they both rolled their eyes and sighed at Bond’s shitty lines about little fingers. 
“God he’s the worst.” Jaskier took a sip of wine, making a gagging sound. 
“Quantum still exists.” he chuckled. 
“Valid!” Jaskier set his wine down. 
Geralt leaned over as Bond delivered his next line, syncing his tone and dropping into a soft gravelly murmur. 
“Whatever I am, I’m yours.” It was supposed to be cheesy and ridiculous but Geralt found that it felt far too honest. There was truth to them that he couldn’t think to deny now.
Jaskier nearly choked as he looked up, his eyes going wide. Geralt watched as he leaned into his personal space. Time felt like it stuttered to a halt in that moment, Jaskier inches from him, still draped in his hoodie. Geralt wet his lips anxiously. The tension between them felt like a powerline pulled too tight; everything seemed to crackle with it. 
Whatever he was going to say was lost the second Geralt closed the distance, pressing his mouth to Jaskier’s. It was nearly magnetic and there was no pulling away. Geralt’s hands strayed down to Jaskier’s thighs without his realizing it. There was no way he could stop himself now. He’d wanted this for far too long to just let it go. Part of him would mourn the loss of his oldest friendship, but that was Tomorrow Geralt’s problem. 
Jaskier’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer as Geralt tugged Jaskier into his lap clumsily. 
Geralt had to break the kiss first, pulling back gasping for air and pressing their foreheads together.
“Jask… Wait. Wait,” Geralt choked. He had to tilt his head back to get his words out as Jaskier dipped back in to start kissing him again. “Shit. Jaskier…” He already sounded wrecked to his own ears. His hands were on Jaskier’s hips, thumbs rubbing soft circles against his sides as he looked up, eyes searching. “Are you sure you want this?” 
He needed to hear it. He needed to know he was allowed to have this. It was one thing to say it would be Tomorrow Geralt’s problem, but it was another to actively throw away the best friendship he had ever had. He had spent too long pretending they could be just friends for it to fall apart like this. 
Jaskier crowded in closer and it took everything in him not to just give in to it because fuck that felt amazing. There was an easy smile across his lips that made Geralt feel like he was starving. 
“Geralt, I swear to the gods, don’t you dare start questioning this now,” as open as his face was, his voice trembled slightly. It was then that Geralt realized that Jaskier was practically vibrating under his palms. It was instinct the way he wrapped his arms around Jaskier’s middle, pulling him closer. “I’ve been wanting this for at least a solid decade.” 
Geralt blinked hard as he gaped up at Jaskier. 
“Are you really that surprised, Geralt?” Jaskier hummed, leaning back down and pressing a surprisingly chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Hmm. Maybe not.” He found himself chuckling, trying to breathe around the bubble of light that was threatening to fill his entire chest. He caught Jaskier’s mouth again, his hand coming up to slide into his hair, holding him close. 
It was hard to tell who had deepened the kiss further but the laughter died on his tongue when he felt Jaskier roll his hips down into his lap. Suddenly everything was too much and achingly not enough. The hoodie slipped down Jaskier’s shoulders and what little attention span Geralt had left zeroed into that same spot along Jaskier’s collarbone. 
Pulling Jaskier closer, he made a trail of graceless open mouthed kisses along his jaw and down the firm column of his neck, his teeth raking over the spot with careless abandon. He was rewarded with a soft keen and Jaskier squirming in his arms. Long dexterous fingers wound into his hair, cradling his head as his own found their way up the back of Jaskier’s shirt. 
“Geralt-” There was a tug in his hair and fuck shit yes. He must have made some kind of noise because he felt Jaskier chuckle fondly. “Geralt, as much as I am enjoying this,” he gasped, back arching as Geralt nipped just below his ear, “Bedroom. Now.”
There was no arguing with that tone nor could he bring himself to find anything to argue about. Geralt tilted his head back up, Jaskier’s lips crushing in against his, taking every last remaining shred of doubt away. He felt his body switch to autopilot as he scooped Jaskier up from under his thighs, pleased at the way his legs wrapped around him automatically. He carried him easily, stopping only for a moment to pin Jaskier to the wall to adjust his grip under him, long enough to flick the lights off. 
Jaskier snorted, pulling away. “So considerate.” He teased. Geralt gave him a playful swat on his thigh and the chuckling was cut off by one of those delicious keening noises. 
Geralt half stumbled, half marched to where he knew Jaskier’s bedroom to be, blindly pushing the door open with his foot. He let himself bask in the heat of Jaskier’s body pressed to his, taking his bottom lip and biting it. 
The reality of where he was came crashing down on him and time was doing that thing again, slowing down as someone else with his hands kneeled against the side of the bed, letting them both tumble back into ridiculously lavish sheets. Years of habitual teasing were only tamped down by Jaskier’s insistent fingers making quick work of the buttons on the front of Geralt’s shirt. 
“You just had to wear this one, didn’t you.” Apparently not everyone was so distracted not to tease. “Do you know how hard it was not to just pull you into my apartment and kiss that ridiculous face of yours?” 
Geralt gave a wry smile. “Do you know how hard it’s been for fifteen years, being your best friend and thinking I would never get to kiss that beautiful face of yours?” 
He had to bite the inside of his lip as Jaskier’s whole face and neck flushed brilliant pink in the low light. 
“Geralt!” he practically whined and Geralt couldn’t stop from laughing softly at that, bending back down to kiss him again. He decided he couldn’t help himself, not really. 
This was too good. If he could just bottle this moment and tuck it away for every rainy day for the rest of his life, he would.  
“I guess I’ll just have to make it up to you now.” Geralt hummed happily. He shifted, the hand under Jaskier’s thigh moving to tug his hips flush with Geralt’s as his other hand moved to cup his face. “As long as you’re okay with that.” 
Geralt was pretty sure they were too far gone to ever go back, but even now, he had to make sure.
“Geralt Roger Eric…” Jaskier groused. “If you do not come back down here and kiss-” his words were muffled by Geralt’s mouth, his tongue sliding over Jaskier’s bottom lip and swallowing whatever ridiculous threats may have been lobbed at him. 
He found that kissing Jaskier had been easier than breathing. Before he knew it, Geralt was pulling back to pull off his shirt but his hands froze. He cursed under what breath he had left because the view of Jaskier under him, lips kiss bruised and shining, the needy look in his eyes, and the way his hair was pushed in every direction nearly undid Geralt completely. 
He snapped back to work, stripping out of his shirt and pushing at his jeans, letting them slide away. 
“C'mere you gorgeous thing.” Geralt murmured softly, pulling Jaskier to him before rolling, his back pressed up against the headboard. 
Jaskier shimmied out of his own jeans before straddling Geralt’s thighs, letting his fingers trail up the planes of Geralt’s chest, a stray fingernail grazing over his nipple, making him groan. Jaskier only grinned, leaning in, and nipping at Geralt’s neck. 
All Geralt could do was groan and tilt his head back, his hands sliding over Jaskier’s back. He was just aware enough to realize when Jaskier started to work his way down his body. Looking down, he watched in complete awe as nimble fingers hooked into his boxers. 
The first touch of Jaskier’s mouth to the jut of Geralt’s hip had his blood singing and he could only drop his head back against the wall. He hadn’t realized how achingly hard he was until Jaskier was biting down gently on Geralt’s upper thigh making him jump. 
There was a low chuckle from somewhere around his groin and then there was a sharp tug on his boxers. Jaskier wasted no time getting a hand around Geralt’s cock while he still playfully nipped at Geralt’s hip and thigh and abs. This was how he was going to die, he thought absently as he let his hand move to the back of Jaskier’s head. He let his fingers tangle there, tugging gently and Jaskier seemed to get the message though he could feel the smirk against his inner thigh. 
The weight of Jaskier between his thighs, one hand sliding up Geralt’s torso as the other stroked him lightly left Geralt breathless, his eyes fluttering at every touch. But it was when Jaskier wrapped his mouth around the head of his cock that Geralt felt like he was going to vibrate out of his skin. He bucked his hips instinctively into the hot slick of Jaskier’s mouth before he could stop himself. 
For long moments, all Geralt could do was hold on. Jaskier took him slowly, seeming to savor the newly found ground between them as he bobbed further and further until Geralt was nudging the back of his throat. He gasped, his back arching when Jaskier swallowed around him, his responding hum a little too self satisfied. 
Geralt tightened his grip in Jaskier’s hair only slightly, tugging him up. It was messy and Jaskier’s mouth was open and slick, his eyes glazed slightly with a need that left Geralt breathless. He looked debauched and it was honestly the most beautiful thing Geralt had ever seen. 
“Fuck,” he groaned pulling Jaskier back into his lap, his hips stuttering to grind up against Jaskier’s thigh. 
Jaskier pressed in close, panting slightly as he broke a kiss that had been more teeth than anything, leaning his forehead to Geralt’s. “Mm, fuck. We- Ah,” He chuckled as Geralt dipped in to kiss him again, dodging away gracefully. “Geralt, I need-” he licked his lips , taking a shaky breath. “Want you to-” 
Geralt was already nodding. He would agree to anything Jaskier asked for but the way his hips ground down against Geralt’s lap, it wasn’t hard to fill in the blanks. He wrapped a strong arm around Jaskier’s middle, rolling them gently until Jaskier was under him his knees still bracketed around Geralt’s thighs as he arched and keened.
“Under the notebook in the-” Jaskier breathed his hands not leaving Geralt’s skin for a moment, fingers greedily mapping out the lines of his back. 
“I know, you haven’t changed your hiding place since college,” Geralt teased. To his surprise Jaskier snorted under him, his head tilting back in the pillows as he laughed. It left the column of his neck exposed to Geralt and he couldn’t help himself but lean down and bite small marks into it. He was rewarded by more delicious noises endlessly streaming from Jaskier. 
He pulled away only for the time it would take to retrieve the lube before sliding back down into Jaskier’s arms and kissing him thoroughly. His hands traveled down Jaskier’s bare chest, his fingers brushing along the top of his boxers and he gave a low huff into Jaskier’s mouth. 
“Why are these still on?” he grumbled, smirking when Jaskier rolled his eyes at him. 
“Someone’s been slacking in getting me undressed,” Jaskier shot back. 
TheirThere next kiss was a mess of chuckles and grins. Geralt shifted them again, moving to get Jaskier’s boxers down. The laughter died in Jaskier’s throat when Geralt’s fingers brushed low down his back and grazed over the swell of his ass, he buried his face into Geralt’s neck. Geralt didn’t tease for long before pulling away. It made Jaskier groan and nip at his neck until slick fingers returned to his entrance, circling slowly. 
“Fuck!” Jaskier moaned, his hips already rocking back greedily. 
Geralt quietly cursed himself for letting so much time get away from him as he slowly worked Jaskier open, enjoying the way he shivered and babbled under him with every push of his fingers. When he slipped a third finger in, Jaskier bucked under him, his eyes slamming shut as he gave a shout. 
“Geralt! Fuck, dear heart, please, for the love of all that is good-” he pleaded, his hips rocking back onto Geralt’s fingers eagerly. “If you don’t fuck me soon I’m going to combust.” 
Geralt leaned down, muffling the rest of the curses that were probably coming with a hard kiss. Jaskier arched under him as he pulled his hands away. It was easy after that, letting their bodies slot together and letting himself slide into Jaskier’s tight warmth. It felt like a gut punch. It felt like coming home. 
Jaskier wound his legs around his waist, hands reaching up to thread into Geralt’s hair as he rolled his hips, taking Geralt deeper, causing them both to groan. 
“Jask.” Geralt pressed his face to Jaskier’s shoulder panting as he started a steady pace. Soon only the sound of their heavy breathing and Jaskier’s soft moans filled the room around them. 
Time around them seemed to hold still as Jaskier tugged gently on Geralt’s hair, prying him away from his shoulder to look him in the eyes. The look Geralt found there left the world spinning. Jaskier’s eyes were bright and his smile warm even as his cheeks flushed. He was pliant and open and completely wrecked and the sight of him tugged at Geralt’s chest. The words came tumbling out before he could stop himself, his hips slowly rolling into Jaskier as they moved. 
“I love you, Julek,” he murmured as he kissed him slowly. 
Jaskier whined under him, his fingers tightening in Geralt’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer. When they finally broke apart to gasp for air, Jaskier's eyes were searching his as he bit his lip around a low moan. He huffed a wet sounding laugh as a hand slid from Geralt’s hair to rest on his cheek, a well calloused thumb tracing along his chin. “Oh, dear heart,” he shifted, canting his hips to make Geralt move. The angle shifted and Geralt seemed to nudge right against where Jaskier needed him most as he arched from the mattress and groaned. 
Geralt pushed up to sit, pulling Jaskier up with him until he was in his lap. They rocked together, shuddering every time Geralt bottomed out. He gripped Jaskier’s hip tightly with one hand as his other slid between them, wrapping around Jaskier’s cock. Jaskier pushed up into his hand, swaying between his grip and his cock, they both seemed drunk on it. It was only a matter of time after that that Jaskier was crying out, Geralt’s name tumbling from his lips, his orgasm tearing through him like a whirlwind and Geralt could do nothing but hold onto him. 
Geralt steadied him, his hand holding Jaskier still as he thrust up into him, reveling in the small fucked out noises Jaskier whimpered into his neck before he too was shaking apart, spilling into Jaskier with a low satisfied rumble. 
They kissed again, lazy and sated, their chests a mess with Jaskier’s spend. He broke the kiss first, pulling back with that smile that always left Geralt feeling dazed.
“I love you, too. I love-” he didn’t get to finish because Geralt was pressing him down into the mattress again with a hard kiss, smiling. 
He was allowed. Everything that had happened seemed to catch up with him but instead of the sheer panic he had been expecting, the only thing that wrapped around him in that moment was the bright light that was Jaskier’s answering laugh. 
Everything was sore but in that pleasant kind of way after a good lay. Jaskier rolled over, pressing his nose into the pillow beside him. He smiled when he realized it still smelled like Geralt. 
Geralt. Fuck!
His hand reached out before he let himself open his eyes, wincing against the bright morning light that streamed in through his windows. The space beside him was empty.
But… Geralt had said it first? Where-? Jaskier’s heart sank, his throat tightening. He knew it was too good to be true. The moment Geralt had kissed him on the couch, he had pushed down every part of him that had screamed that he was going to end up hurt by time the sun came. 
He reached for his phone though he didn’t know who he was going to text. Essi wouldn’t even be awake yet on a Saturday. The space by his lamp was also empty. He realized he must have left his phone in the living room the night before when-
He tried not to think about how easily Geralt had lifted him up and carried him to bed. He had tried not to think about how there were now bruises on his hips that were shaped like Geralt’s hands or the trail of stinging bites that he would have to carry around his empty apartment for days. He pressed the heals of his hands to his eyes and groaned. 
“Idiot,” he berated himself. 
“Cause you left your phone in the living room and now it’s dead?” Geralt asked, pushing the door open with his foot. He was in a pair of Jaskier’s sweatpants and nothing else carrying in two cups of coffee. He looked up from where he had been concentrating, trying not to spill them. “What?”
“You’re here,” Jaskier chuckled. Something in his chest lifted and he let go of a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. 
“I… yes?” Geralt looked around. There was a lovely mark in the shape of Jaskier’s mouth on his shoulder and it made Jaskier’s toes curl. Geralt looked at the space beside Jaskier then at his face. He made a little oh with his mouth before he started to shake his head. “Oh! I see, hmm.” He set the coffee down gently on the side table and slid back into bed and into Jaskier’s arms. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“So we’re…” Jaskier looked away, rubbing his palms over his covered thighs. “We’re okay?” He didn’t dare hope. Not just yet. Not in the bright light of day. 
“Well, that depends,” Geralt  chuckled, pulling him into  his lap easily. He leaned in and kissed Jaskier’s chin. “Yenn messaged. Something about brunch. I think they know. Are you okay with that?”
Jaskier snorted, leaning over to grab his coffee. “Essi. I told her it was just movie night. I tell her it’s just movie night every time and-” He realized what he was saying, the cup of coffee hovering just at his lips. He looked sideways at Geralt who was tilting his head and smirking. 
“The biggest gossip we know and that’s the one you decide to confide in?” He took the cup from Jaskier’s hands and set it down again before rolling them both to pin Jaskier under him. 
Jaskier squawked indignity, his arms wrapping around Geralt. He let himself be kissed and hummed happily when Geralt slotted easily back between his thighs. 
“We’re going to be late for brunch,” he sighed as Geralt’s hand slipped down to his thigh, fingers brushing gently over the marks from the night before. 
“Hmm, don’t care.” 
They ended up missing brunch altogether but neither seemed to mind. 
The weather was crisp and dry and Jaskier was bundled in the black hoodie, but now pressed against Geralt’s side as they walked into Magnolia’s. It had been easier than Geralt was expecting though he groaned as he watched several fairly large wads of cash exchange hands. 
“Pay up, Jask,” Essi grinned. 
“What?” Geralt turned, scowling. Jaskier gave a chagrined shrug as he handed over money. “So little faith?” Geralt teased. 
“You too, pretty boy!” Lambert smirked across the table. 
Jaskier gasped beside him, leaning away “So little faith, Geralt?” The sleeves of the hoodie fell over his wrists and Geralt only smiled, pulling him back against his side. 
“I don’t mind being wrong this time.” 
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ilovelollipopx · 4 years
hmmm would u like to do a sett x fem reader smut oneshot? ;) i rly love ur writings!! ^-^
{An:At first, I was hesitant to do it because my smut writing isn’t very good as you can tell from the Yasuo smut but I tried my hand at it again, hope you enjoy it!}
Summary: Just as you had given up waiting for your tall human vastayan to come home he shows up late, but don't worry he’ll make up for it~
Warnings: Smut really
Words: 2178
Sett had those days where his stay was prolonged at the pits till nightfall and others where it ended fairly shortly. You didn’t really care too often about how much time he spent there, it was something he enjoyed and proudly started from the ground up in Ionia of all places. That was nothing short of a feat. On rare occasions, you would accompany him there and watch the fights with him. Today wasn’t one of those days though as you didn’t feel like visiting.
So here, waiting idly in the kitchen, one of those days where fights were short was the Boss’s significant other, you. Steam rose from the platters set out on the table you resided at, the aroma was anything than pleasant. The burnt smell was not hard to smell but about 83 percent of the dessert was at least edible. Opting out for takeout was a much more desired option, the two of you could try out that new ramen place that had opened close to where your house was located.
But thinking of a nice bowl of ramen combined with the summer heat that glazed over the lands of Ionia was not what you needed. It was too late though, you began to grow impatient and the need for sett to arrive faster was irritating. The more you thought about him apparently the hotter it became. Opening windows only seemed to cool you down slightly and as clouds would pass and the sun would lower just a tiny inch ever minute the longer that desire would arise.
 The apparent expression of brows being furrowed gave away that you were more than just frustrated, by this time hours had passed by, only a few if anyone was officially counting. A mild sour feeling was there for a short notice, the sinking feeling of dread and disappointment. Worrying about Sett’s safety wasn’t even a thought that passed by, the tall half-human vastayan pummeled a guy into a stand just because he was getting too touchy with you.
Letting out a huff as cool breeze flooded pass your shoulders the sound of wooden legs that belonged to the chair that had just been pushed in resounded creeks. Followed by the windows being slammed closed with a quick flick of the lock. Despite if he showed up soon or not it was already afternoon, and it would be a far longer walk if the sky was to darken soon. Opening the door as soon as you were prepared to leave was quick, although you would’ve continued if the first thing that was to collide with your form wasn't a very smooth chest. 
Grunting and stumbling back into your house with a firm grip still on the door. The pain that had run through your head and nose had subsided rather quickly just as it arrived. One look at who had stood before you was all it took for a sour frown to edge its way in.
“Well Hello there beautiful” he smiled as his frame towered into the doorway, one of his arms behind his back.
Confused your head leaned back to get a good look at him and you scoffed, 
“Don’t hey Beautiful me where have you been?” your arms crossed looking up for a proper answer.
Although the one answer you didn’t expect was a gift as the arm hidden behind his back moved in front of your face revealed an assortment of your favorite Ionian flowers, a large bundle at that. Your cheeks had warmed at the sight as you became flushed and your brain short-circuited for a minute.
“I had to make sure the flowers I was getting l were not some cheap knock-offs” 
With those words said the thundering emotions that had harbored up while waiting for him to arrive had drizzled away. 
“I.. uhm thank you” answering as you took the flowers presented and taking a moment in time to sniff them quickly relishing in the floral fragrances for a second before turning around to find somewhere to place them. Hopefully, a bucket of water would do as you weren’t the type of female to just keep vases around the house just for moments like these. The door had closed and shortly after putting the bucket of flowers on the table in your kitchen the feeling of warm muscled arms snuck around your waist pulling your body closer to his taller frame. He leaned his head down and tucked it in your neck intaking your scent, and you sat there taking in the familiar smell of his natural musk as well as the smell one would have after a nice soaking bath. 
Suddenly Sett had lifted you up and spun around chuckling, your giggling mixing with his filling the empty house. Eventually, the two of you calmed and you turned around to face him before tugging him down by the fur on his coat for a kiss. Not resisting one bit as his body leaned forward to deepen the kiss. His rough lips against your soft ones pressed against each other longingly. The two of you regained your composure as you leaned away from each other.
“Why’d you make me wait so long, do you even know how much I missed you?” your voice spoke just above a whisper.
Sett smirked a shimmer of mischief flashing his eyes for a moment, in a swift motion he lifted you up by your thighs and your legs instantly wrapped around his waist as to not fall. Although with his hands moving closer ass you doubt you would fall anytime soon.
“Well then if you missed so much how about I make it up to my favorite gal” his husky voice filled your ears, that was all it took for you to melt in his touch.
“Oh that sounds like a good way to make it up to me” you purred
 In such a short time, the two of you had already made it to the bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed with you in his lap in a needy way he jerked your hips closer to him as he enveloped your lips in a kiss. Hands sliding across thighs slipping under your dress gripping firmly on your butt making your skin prickle. Just with a touch, he had you heated. As time progressed you had become bolder in touching him knowing a few spots to get him riled up. Splaying your hands across his chest you began to caress upwards until your fingers had been entangled in his soft fiery locks of hair. Tenderly you began to slowly tease his ears knowing damn well they were sensitive. Pulling apart from kissing you both leaned apart letting your foreheads press together gazing into the eyes of each other.
“You know your the only one-.. who makes me so needy like this?” he murmured struggling to keep his composure
In response to that, you smiled a small giggle escaping those tantalizing lips of yours,
“I better be the only one who can make you melt under my touch” 
He hummed in response as his hands moved to the back of your Ionian gown unraveling it and relishing in the outlines of your body, taking his time feeling up against such plush skin. As Sett slipped the gown off your shoulder the breeze passing in from the window against your now bare skin had you shudder. Your hands weren’t idle either as they had begun to push off his fur jacket, he paused in his actions helping you get it off faster. Now that both of your tops had been removed Sett had taken in time to just bask in the beauty that was sitting in front of him. His gaze didn’t make you shy or second think about your figure, he made sure to always make you feel comfortable during times like this. Even as he wasn’t working you enjoyed the thought of the boss having all his attention on you. Each of you mapping out each other’s bodies so that the next time celestials forbid he is gone for much longer once more that you’d remember the embrace you two were in. 
Slowly he leaned you backward a steady hand making sure you didn’t fall so he could expose your chest much more to him. Arms wrapped around his neck you became intoxicated in his touch wanting much more of it. Becoming all hot and shaky once his lips latched on to your breast sucking and lapping it with his tongue as his free hand roughly massaged the other. In an instant, you threw your head further back wanting to just push him away to stop, but knowing all too well that you wanted more of that warm fiery feeling that tingled your senses.
You whined and whimpered under him getting quite impatient as he switched his attention on your breasts. The growing feeling of the bulge growing in his pants was getting more and more harder to ignore as you had been writhing under his touch rolling against his hips in a sloppy attempt to please yourself. His grip tightened and he pinched your breast breaking his lips away grinning at the sight of you, hands moving to rest on your hips as you lulled your head forward into the crook of his neck letting out a sweet gasp. A sudden rush of adrenaline had hit in a burst as you had become extremely bold.
Pushing him down on the bed you adjusted yourself so you were straddling his hips now.
“Well look at this the boss being bossed around by his lady hard to believe” he purred fully allowing you to top him
Smirking you teased as you slipped off on to the side as you patted his chest, “Well The Boss’s lady says take off your shoes and pants”
He took no time in complying with sitting up and removing his signature pants and kicking off his shoes. By the time he laid back down with his arms under his head waiting your panties had already been thrown to the floor. Hopping back on his waist you purposely sat dangerously close to the bulge in his underwear fighting to be released. Leaning down you closed in for a kiss moaning as you began to buck your hips against his. As soon as you did this his arms quickly moved from underneath his head and slithered to settle on your waist. 
You continued to dry hump against him your fingers sprawled out on to his chest occasionally digging into his skin as the fire was pooling in your abdomen. The room filled with grunts and pants as you continued to grind on him his grip becoming more intense the more time passed.
“Dammit..” you cried out as Sett had jerked your body forward in a sloppy attempt rock in sync with you.
With no underwear on you could feel how wet his boxers were now because of your juices allowing you to feel more of his dick twitch against your entrance as you slipped up and down against it. Your movements soon became much more desperate and sloppy as you quickened your pace in random moments. Simply drowning in pleasure in order to edge yourself closer to release you steadied yourself with one hand as the other begin to pinch and twist your already hardened nipples sending sparks throughout your body. 
“Fucking hell Sett” you cried out as just a couple more thrusts and you’d become putty.
That was all it took, in a matter of seconds you clenched on to him as your body pulsated as you tensed and jolted still had relished in the intense pleasure. You simply panted as the warmth that had been pooled was released, lowering your upper body down on his chest as he continued to grind against you. 
Sett however was near as well as your orgasm had edged him on more his grunts increasing and the grip on your body had tightened which was sure to form a bruise with his strength. Repeatedly each time his hips grinded against yours until he arched his back holding your body as close to his as he relished in his climax. You felt his release through his boxers as his grip loosened, there you lay on his chest as you both regained composure. The feeling of him cumming against your entrance was hot, but what had turned you on again was the thought of him doing it inside of you.
He knew it as well, that it had turned you own as you slightly rubbed against him. Taking it as the ok he switched positions hovering over you taking a short moment to take his soaked boxers off and throwing them to the ground as his dick sprung out still in the mood for more. The sight of you naked and needy was enough to replenish the stamina he had barely lost.
Pulling you by your hips he formed a smug look on his face as he lined himself up with your entrance.
“Well look whos ready for round two, let’s see if you can keep up with the boss”
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A Percabeth AU where they keep their relationship secret in fear of what their parents might think. (Warning: this goes over both PJO and HoO so it's very long):
The beginning of TLT goes as it should but after Percy is claimed, Annabeth is suddenly meaner and colder.
He remembers the Poseidon/Athena rivalry but doesn't see why they have to hate each other bcuz of their parents.
But Annabeth doesnt relent.
They still go on the quest together bcuz "you are so going to fail without a daughter of Athena."
But they still argue a lot and give poor Grover a satyr migraine.
When they have that bonding moment on the truck, Percy thinks maybe they're sorta friends, but Annabeth proves that wrong later by calling him a "Seaweed Brain" bcuz he's so stupid.
Percy fires back with "Wise Girl" but Annabeth seems to take that as more of a compliment than an insult.
(He doesn't stop calling her that tho)
After Luke betrays Percy, Annabeth's the one that found him after the dryads and she drags him to the infirmary but completely denies caring about him afterwards.
By SoM, Percy is so done with this and goes over to her asking if they could be friends.
Annabeth, who actually would like to be his friend, agrees with reluctancy, saying, "We have to keep it a secret though, or who knows what our parents might do."
Percy agrees.
Grover knows they're friends now cuz of the empathy link, but doesn't say anything.
In TTC, when Annabeth falls off the cliff, he blames himself more than ever, bcuz if they hadn't been fake arguing she might not have been distracted and fallen.
Thalia blames him even more too, and he has to keep his cover and can't tell her he knows it's all his fault.
Nico asks if Annabeth is Percy's girlfriend.
He says no, but he has a funny feeling in his heart.
He goes to the attic to ask the Oracle about Annabeth.
It doesn't answer.
When he thinks Artemis is about to ask Annabeth to join the Hunters, he knows he has to tell her something, even if it meant blowing their cover.
He breathes a sigh of relief when Artemis asks Thalia, and Annabeth is waiting for him to talk with narrowed eyes as if trying to figure out what he wants to say.
He chokes. (~Like doesn't say his feelings, not actually choke lol~)
In BotL, they are totally going out on a secret unofficial movie date but ofc the fiasco with Kelli at Goode happens.
Annabeth gets really jealous when Rachel appears. (Especially since Rachel has more opportunity to go out with Percy bcuz Annabeth and Percy have to pretend to hate each other.)
Percy, ofc, does not realize why in Hades she's acting like she really hates him even though they're in private.
At camp, they're playing Capture the Flag when they stumble on an entrance to the Labyrinth.
They go down to hide from monsters and end up stuck.
It's so dark Annabeth grabs his hand to keep from being separating. (~this is canon, they were holding hands I checked~)
When they find their way back out, it appears almost an hour had gone by when they were sure they were down for a couple minutes.
The campers were searching for the two of them and are immediately suspicious when they find the two alone. Together.
But they forget about that when Clarisse comes and asks about the "hole" they fell into and Annabeth suggests they continue talking in private.
It is then that Annabeth, Percy, Grover, and Tyson go on their quest.
When Annabeth and Percy reach Mount St. Helens they are quickly found out.
Percy tells Annabeth to escape saying he has a plan. (He really doesn't)
She kisses him. (~whaaaaaaaat~)
When she leaves, Percy apparently decides to cause a volcano to erupt. (~ya he doez~)
He lands on Ogygia, while Annabeth, thinking he is dead, goes back to camp, alone.
When she returns, they ask where Percy, Grover, and Tyson are but she refuses to say anything.
They realize what happened.
They have a burning of the shroud ceremony where she doesn't say anything, sitting, her face emotionless, but her heart in turmoil as she listens to Chiron.
That's when Percy crashes the funeral.
Annabeth is outraged.
It's really because she was head over heels with worry and grief (while he's off with sOmE imMorTal gOdDeSs) but she can't let anyone know that.
She is certainly not happy when Rachel joins their quest.
(Percy still doesn't get it.)
Before TLO, they are playing Capture the Flag, and the two are on opposite sides. (~in The Demigod Files, the story they find Festus for the first time in~)
Annabeth and Silena capture Percy and Beckendorf and the boys suffer an utter loss. (Were the myrmekes part of the plan? They'll never know.)
Beckendorf and Silena totally know they like each other no matter how much Percy and Annabeth fake it and try to get one of them to ask each other to the Independence Day firework show.
Annabeth does end up asking Percy and they watch the fireworks secretly next to the woods so no one sees them.
They hold hands or something else just as cute idk.
In TLO, when the Battle of Manhattan starts, everyone is surprised when Annabeth let's Percy take the lead.
When she takes the blade for Percy she says it was bcuz "I didn't know it was him!"
"So you would take a blade for anyone if it wasn't Percy?"
But by this time everyone secretly ships Percabeth so no one questions it.
After the war, Percy gives up immortality mostly for her but only those two know it. (And maybe Grover).
Annabeth asks him to meet her in the woods and when he does, she brings him a lumpy blue-colored cake which Tyson helped make. (Bcuz of course Tyson knows that they're secretly friends but Grover told him not to tell anyone).
They kiss, duh.
But then a monster comes out from the woods and they don't want to fight it after they just had a war so they run.
They end up by the lake and Percy pulls Annabeth in to get away from the monster.
Cue best underwater kiss ever.
They date in secret for two months but Percy's mom knows.
When Percy goes missing, Annabeth freaks.
She searches for him everywhere and if anyone asks why she's searching so hard for someone she doesn't even like, she just replies, "He probably just disappeared bcuz it's his turn to do the camp chores and I will not let him slack off," or "Who else am I supposed to use for target practice???"
(None of the campers who'd been in the Titan war buy it.)
In SoN, the only thing Percy remembers is Annabeth, but for some reason, he has this instinct to not tell anyone about her so he doesn't.
In MoA she still judo flips him and acts all mad (which she is) but he still laughs it off and says all sarcastic, "Oh, did the smartass daughter of Athena miss me?"
But he missed her too.
When they go to eat lunch Annabeth and Percy excuse themselves to "go to the bathroom" but they really snuck off to have their own private reunion.
"I missed you so much, Seaweed Brain. Don't ever disappear like that again."
"I'm sorry, Wise Girl. I missed you too."
Later, when Annabeth and Percy sneak off to the Pegasi stables on the Argo II and sleep next to each other.
Frank finds them.
They swear they didn't do anything and threaten Frank into silence.
He can never look at them the same way again though.
When Annabeth has to get the Athena Parthenos, Percy paces the deck of the Argo but says he's not worried about a daughter of Athena.
When she finally gets the statue, he goes down to meet her but she trips and falls into the Pit.
He catches her, but now he's hanging on a ledge.
"Percy, let me go. You can't pull us both up." She whispers, knowing they're too low for the others to hear.
"We're staying together. You're not getting away from me. Never again." He whispers back.
"As long as we're together."
At least in Tartarus, they don't have to pretend they don't absolutely, utterly love each other.
In Blood of Olympus, Percy, Annabeth, and Piper are walking underground to the monster's base in the Parthenon when they see a trident mark in the ground.
Annabeth says it's the place where Poseidon struck the ground.
At this point, Percy turns to Piper and asks, "Can you keep a secret?"
Piper nods.
That's when Percy kisses Annabeth.
When he pulls away, he says, "This is where the rivalry ends….for us, at least."
Piper acts surprised but on the inside she is rAGING bcuz now Leo owes her ten bucks but she can't tell him.
After the Giant war they consider telling their friends, but they're not sure…
Idk how to end this just keep going
Sort of a bonus:
The Hephaestus and Athena cabins worked together to make everyone monster-proof phones (which also correct their dyslexia) and Annabeth and Percy use them all the time to text each other and no one knows.
Jason asks Percy to come to a cafe with some of the others, and Annabeth and Percy are texting the whole time.
Their convo goes something like this:
'hey Annabeth, me, Jason, Frank and some of the others r going to that cafe on 31st street'
'*Jason, Frank, some of the others and I' 'Really? Piper, Hazel, and I are going there too. They mentioned Jason, Frank, and Leo might be there, but not you.'
'weird, they didn't say anything about u either' 'hey wait a sec, Jason's texting on some gc called Operation Get Them Together' 'the other guys' phones r ringing everytime he sends something…'
'What? Operation Get Them Together???'
'Oh no.'
'what??? Annabeth????'
'They're trying to set us up.'
'wdym set us up'
'I MEAN, they're TRYING to get us TO GET TOGETHER'
'ok okkk u don't have to yell'
'so what do we do'
'I think we should go along with it.'
'wait hold on, Jason's asking me who im texting'
'Wait, tell him it's your girlfriend. Just to screw with them.'
'haha yes ur a genius'
'I know.'
Percy tells Jason that he is texting his girlfriend, to which Jason replies by "What?!" and frantically starts typing on the group chat to tell everyone that 'YOU GUYS PERCY SAYS HE HAS A GF ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION!!!'
To which Piper is the first to reply, saying, 'Nah, trust me, keep going with it'
At this point, they reach the cafe, and the boys and girls meet up at a table.
Annabeth, immediately going into acting mode, says, "What is he doing here?"
Percy fires back with a scowl and says, "You didn't tell me she was going to be here. I'm leaving."
Jason stops him tho
Percy and Annabeth sit down at the table, but everyone is still standing.
Piper and Hazel say they have to go to the bathroom and leave.
Jason and Leo say they're going to go order (even tho it's a sit down with a menu and order type of cafe???)
Everyone seems to have some kind of excuse to leave until Percy and Annabeth are left alone.
The two pull out their phones again.
'Seriously? This is their plan? Say we're all going out to eat and then leave the two of us alone?'
'ig' 'what do we do now'
'I don't know.' They're probably spying on us…'
'um is that Reyna, Hazel, and Calypso in the bushes with mud and green war paint on their faces?'
Reyna, Hazel, and Calypso were indeed hiding in the bushes (with binoculars) with mud and green war paint on their faces.
'Wtf?? How'd they do that so fast???' 'And is that Leo and Piper holding newspapers with eyeholes cut through???'
'lol yea...then that eagle flying above us is prolly Frank'
'Jason is hiding in the clouds to your six.'
'where r Nico and Will?'
'I think that's them making out in the bushes.'
'lmaoo im so gonna tease them for that' 'so what do we do now Wise Girl'
'...' 'Follow my lead.'
Annabeth puts away her phone and stands up.
Percy follows her lead.
She says, "We know you guys are there, just come out. It's not going to work. And we see you too, Nico and Will."
The other demigods come out of their hiding spots (the two who had been called out looking especially sheepish).
"Why not?" Piper says, knowing perfectly well why not.
Percy looks between Annabeth and Piper, and seems to come to a decision.
"Because," he says and goes over to Annabeth and kisses her, "we're already together."
The responses were very diverse.
"I knew it!"
"Leo! My ten bucks. Now."
"Yeah, I walked in on them sleeping together…"
"So we did all this for nothing???"
"Wait, did you say sleeping together?"
They arguing stops as two flashes of light almost blind everyone and two gods appear.
Poseidon and Athena.
For several seconds, the two gods just stare at Percy and Annabeth (who are now holding hands just bcuz)
Then, finally, after what seemed and EXCRUCIATINGLY long time, Poseidon turns to Athena and says:
This was not the reaction the demigods was expecting if you couldn't tell
Athena just scowls and makes a pouch filled with drachmas appear, and throws it at Poseidon.
Poseidon catches it, bringing out what appears to be a phone and starts calling someone.
Athena goes over to Percy and Annabeth.
She looks mad, and Annabeth tries to let go of Percy's hand, panicking, trying to think of a lie, but Percy doesn't let go.
"My daughter is the smartest and best of my children, and as much as I don't approve of this, if she chose you, sea-spawn, she must have a good reason. But if you step one foot out of line, I will have you punished, understood?"
Athena addresses this to Percy, who nods fearfully.
Suddenly there are a bunch more flashes of light as more gods appear bcuz apparently, Poseidon wanted everyone to see that he was right and Athena was wrong.
Ofc chaos ensues.
But Percy and Annabeth are still holding hands and look at each other and feel overwhelmingly happy for the first time in a long time because now they don't have to keep their relationship a secret anymore.
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pinkykitten · 3 years
everything stays
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chapter 1 - blood on her hands :: gisela klein [ an aot oc story ] 
note: hey guys i know its been a rlly long time since ive posted anything and u may be rlly let down and underwhelmed that ive chosen to write a aot oc instead of fanfic but its what i want to write and i rlly love my oc and wanna give her some love and some praise and let u a little in how i see her. im sorry i havent posted a lot im going to try to write more and who knows i may or may not finish this but its ok imma try lol but life sometimes is a butthole. i hope you love her as much as i do an tysm for taking time out of ur day to read this story. enjoy!
Even though she knew that this day would have to come and that it was near, it still was a surprise for her. She was taken aback. It didn’t make sense and add up to her; she was trained for this since she was little; preparing mentally and physically for phase one of the plan; and the day appeared through the trees; past the wall; the opportunity was present; the fate of the people were waiting in their hands; and yet she felt a sense of evilness within her heart. Was this right? But there was no time. 
The day was written down in history. The stories were spread around like a disease. Heights, jaws, teeth, feet, stench, the screams. If they survived that nightmare they were seen as a tough soldier; as someone that was applauded because they probably had PTSD and had to see everyday as a reason within themselves or God that they were alive. That maybe just maybe they were saved for a reason; for a purpose. That is what Gisela Klein thought. Maybe there was something greater out there for her to do, to accomplish and that was why she saw another day; breathed another breath. 
But one thing was for sure. Forgiveness would never come her way; she would never expect it. To be a warrior she had to endure the horror; the pain; feelings of worthlessness; and friendships lost. 
This is the story of the 10th finding titan; the Slash Titan.
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The pounding of her heart rang through her ears. It had taken everything for her to keep going on this journey; to continue on the path to and through Hell. She felt a loss within her and the light in her eyes died out. The loss of her friend made it hard for her to function. To keep her head in the game and in the plan. 
She sighed as she stared at her hands. Broken and bruised like her heart; scars and scratches scattered on her skin. Her bite mark deeply engraved into her flesh. She heaved a huge sigh. Ready to give death a handshake and make a deal with the devil. Panic was rising in her chest from her stomach, almost ready to throw up. 
As she thought about her family back home she realized there was no other way; she had to do this. In order to be with her family, to save them she had to do the one thing she was trained to do. 
A lightning strike shot over the wall. The wall that kept the monsters away and at bay. Something was wrong; the air seemed to change. The lightning strike caused a boom, clap and the ground started to shake. 
Bertholdt drew his leg back and with full force swung his leg forward, knocking a hole into the wall that was impenetrable. Many people flew back from the wind of the blow and some were crushed by the debris of the wall. 
Many were going to die; but it’s what needed to be done. 
The titans were called. 
Finally the titans entered the devils homes and started to rip up their lives. “This is right, this is right.” Gisela had to keep reminding herself. “For my family.” And something snapped within her. The image of her mother, tortured, flashed in her mind. And suddenly everything was worth it. “No regrets.”
Gisela eyed Reiner, an agreement, a sign. She exhaled and in a quick motion placed her hand to her mouth and bit into it. In a spark she transformed into her titan form. Her eyes were much like a cats, sharp. She was made into the slash titan, she was chosen for this program. Her titans fingers were like sharp knives, able to cut any object or person. They hung a little past her knees. 
Reiner then transformed and both stomped past the hole. Many citizens glanced up, horrified. Gisela and Reiner were titans never seen before. 
She nodded to Reiner, bent down and started to pick up debris and pieces of houses to throw over the bigger wall. The chunks started to smash against people. Blood splattering everywhere. Gisela almost wanted to close her eyes from the immense amount of dead bodies piled on top of others, graves upon graves. 
She was hauling boulders as high and fast as she could. Her titan held a high amount of power and strength. Being slim, muscular and as tall as the armored titan and female titan. Reiner took a step back and gained his speed to go onward to destroy the bigger wall. 
“Fire!” Their soldiers cried out. Fear evident on their face. They shot their cannons, not even slowing down Reiner. Gisela continued flinging, wanting to create a path for Reiner. She was faster than before and many of her hits flattened the men in the front lines. Their screams and cries loud. 
“Close the gate!” They tried, it was their last hope to save humanity. But it was not enough. Reiner broke the wall and killed those running and they went flying. They reached even higher than Gisela. It astounded her almost, they seemed like helpless birds flying high in the sky; but that thought was quickly wiped clean because the second they flew up in the air they came straight down with much force that many parts of their bodies broke. 
Reiner did what he needed to do, he opened up a way for the titans to get in and they were swarming by the bunches. 
In the distance, the survivors fled in boats across the river to get into the other walls. Gisela put herself in their shoes for a second. They had reason to be scared. Everything they have ever known was gone; their houses, loved ones, food, a place to feel the most comfortable you can feel despite situations; it was all gone. Gisela shook the thought out, not caring about these cruel humans feelings. They had none. No emotions. Gisela had to believe that thought; what she was told, she had to believe it with all her heart, or else what was real?
They waited till they were able to not be seen and Gisela turned human first and then so did Reiner. The four of them hopped on the boat. Talking amongst themselves. The wind howled through the vacant homes. Destruction everywhere. Gisela looked around her setting and saw a little girl had been crushed because a tree fell on her, her doll mere inches away from her grasp. She died with her eyes open; almost looking into Gisela’s soul through the eyes. Gisela’s body trembled and she threw up. 
Gisela looked up to see Reiner wiping blood and debris off his clothes. He picked his sleeve and turned Gisela’s head to look away, he wiped her chin and mouth off the puke. He saw the trauma in her eyes and felt guilty. But it’s what needed to be done. He kept telling himself that the more he did this the more he would understand and get used to it. It was still all new to her and he had to be strong for her. He knelt in front of her small frame. “It’s not your fault. They needed to die. We are in this together. You don’t need them. Look at me.”
Gisela looked into his eyes, away from the sadness. His eyes carried the feeling of wanting to be wanted. That was always what Reiner wanted. But they also had fear in his eyes. 
“Stop acting like you’re in control when I know how sick you feel. I know how afraid you are Reiner.”
He paused and took a look at his hands and others surrounding him. “You’re right. But I made a promise to Marcel.”
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They joined the other citizens arriving at the food reserves. The master of disguise was needed in this mission. People needed to see four hungry, depressed children that survived the fall of their homes, not mass murderers. 
Annie was only able to fetch two loaves. “Alright, who's the most hungry?”
“You girls should eat, you’re more feeble.” Bertholdt sat on a crate, pointing to Gisela and Annie. 
Annie tsked, moving a bang from her eyes, “who says girls are more feeble? I recall kicking your ass all those times in training.”
“You guys can eat it, I’m not hungry.” Gisela sat on the other crate and saw the chaos of the crowds. A boy caught her interest. He had dark brown hair, tan skin, and light blue green eyes. He was having bread shoved in his mouth and he seemed to have such a strong personality to him. If only Gisela felt so strongly about her motive and her placement in this life. 
“You really should eat, you need your energy after all you did.” Annie broke all the loaves in half and shared it amongst the four of you. “It’s not much but at least it's something.”
Gisela sighed, “you’re right. Thanks.”
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After that day there was land given to only a few refugees but there were too many of them. Luckily the four of them had a piece of land that was enough until further inching themselves within society. Through that whole span each day was getting easier and easier living with the lies and day by day Gisela felt more at sure with herself and knowing that she could fulfill this mission. Pills and alcohol helped the pain and ease the thoughts. She taught herself to put a gap between what she came here to do and feelings. She told herself every day that nobody else mattered except her family and Reiner. She trained her brain to not care, to not have strings attached or any love for anything. It was all a play, all a rehearsal for when the curtain would fall. She was readying herself for that fall. Everyday she educated herself more on these scums. What they liked, wanted, needed, craved for, and what they craved more than ever in their life was freedom. 
She trained her body as if it were her last day, barely getting sleep. The face of her mother haunting her every night making her get up at three in the morning to do pushups or sit ups. Not only was her mind getting stronger but also her body. Even Reiner would make jokes noticing the muscles that would appear. The six pack that formed on her stomach. Her thighs growing tight and firm, her arms growing stronger. The sweat growing on her forehead longer. 
With her body growing her relationship with Reiner also changed. They no longer were the tiny children that didn’t understand anatomy or the air between two people. Reiner and Gisela’s relationship was of being flirty, sharing a few kisses here and there, trying to be a couple but then yelling at each other and breaking it up and realizing maybe this isn’t right a million times. Even Bertholdt and Annie were getting tired of their outbursts. But each time they made up to be friends only and then the cycle started where the feelings came in the way and they wanted to be more. They would tease each other, especially Reiner. They were each other's best friends. Gisela was like one of the boys, loud, obnoxious, burping all the time, Reiner would get a look at her and smirk thinking he taught her well. When Reiner looked at her he felt at home and that everything was going to be okay. Her nightmares continued and each time Reiner would come to her room and hold her, let her cry into his arms. She felt he was the only person that knew her pain. 
Gisela understood many things in life and for once she understood her life here, she understood why she was born and chosen. 
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It was the following year and in order to get closer to finding the founding titan the four became part of the 104th cadet corps. 
“Are you ready to train more?” Gisela nudged Reiner, eyebrow raised.
“What do you mean train more? This is going to be a new but scary experience honestly.” Reiner spoke as if he was a different person. As if he didn’t have a life outside of the walls. 
“Reiner?” Gisela placed her hand on his shoulder, steadying him. He looked fine on the outside but Gisela knew the issues were inside, his mind. She knew this was becoming disastrous to him, he was starting to have almost two personalities, two lives, two worlds, two people. Gisela tried to tell Annie or Bertholdt, they saw it too but there was nothing they could do. 
All that Gisela could do was smile as they made their way to the first day of training. 
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note: again ty y’all sm!!!! If u liked it lmk and this is kinda new for me cuz I usually don’t post my ocs stories here or much at all but I’m rlly excited for y’all to see her and for y’all to know this oc of mine and hopefully accept her ❤️
Taglist: @witchofinterest @chlobenet @eddysocs @fpxloomis @whctsherncme-archive @ocfairygodmother @fandomchick80 @ocappreciationtag
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hyuniepot · 3 years
the butterfly effect. || chapter 6
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chapter word count || 5,372
genre || thriller, angst, drama
members || mark lee, na jaemin, lee jeno, huang renjun, lee donghyuck, zhong chenle, park jisung
warnings || mentions of death, implications of depression
pairing || fem!reader x jaemin || slight fem!reader x mark
synopsis || you never thought you’d be able to play with fate so easily, especially not through some shady app. but you suddenly must say goodbye to what you know and hello to a new world where everything seems perfect.
taglist || @gothboyjisung​ @jeongyoonohs @doiewonu @huanginjoon​ @wordsgodeep @colpen
previous chapter
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You woke up way later than usual. You were still in the clothes you wore yesterday. You immediately got up and showered, changing into a new pair of clothes.
You woke up way later than usual. You were still in the clothes you wore yesterday. You immediately got up and showered, changing into a new pair of clothes.
You woke up way later than usual. You were still in the clothes you wore yesterday. You immediately got up and showered, changing into a new pair of clothes.
When you were done, you checked your phone.
hey, when do u wanna hang out?
you can come over here if u want.
or whatever. its fine
oh, you probably aren’t awake yet….
lol. let me know when ur awake.
You smile.
hey im awake now
i can come over to ur place, is any time fine?
i just gotta get ready and stuff
You set your phone down and look at yourself in the mirror, continuing to dry your hair. You know you still had to make your final decision on whether you were going to leave or not. Your mind couldn’t make a decision. There were pros and cons to doing both.
If you were to go back, you’d return to a life with no Mark and a Jisung who isn’t happy. But you’d have Hyuck. You’d have Jaemin, and Jeno and Renjun. You’d have your old friends back. You could use what you learned here to fix your life.
But Mark. He was the only thing stopping you. You wanted to take him along with you but you knew it was impossible. You just couldn’t imagine leaving him again when you had spent so long yearning for him to be back.
You jump at the sound of your phone dinging.
yea, come on over. i’ll be here all day hahah
got it. i’ll be there soon
You then clicked on Hyuck’s name to text him.
i know this is annoying but please give me the time i need. i’ll let you know tonight what my decision is.
You turned your phone off, grabbing your camera and putting it in your new bag. Jisung was in his room so you gently knock and wait for a response.
Jisung opens the door. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you respond. “I’m gonna go to Mark’s today, are you gonna be okay here alone?”
Your mother’s workload had definitely decreased, but she still worked long hours. You only got to see her in the mornings before school.
Jisung nods. “Yep, that’s fine.”
“Okay.” you exhale. “I’ll see you later, then.”
He nods, and you turn away and head downstairs. You make your way outside and start your journey to Mark’s house. Luckily, you had gone there once since you showed up, so you knew your way.
Everything was still so familiar. Of course it was; this was the town you grew up in after all. And that’s why it was so hard to differentiate from your old life sometimes. Everything still felt right at times.
You were glad Mark didn’t live too far away. You spotted him outside, sitting on one of the concrete stairs that lead to the porch. His face lights up when he spots you, getting up and making his way to you.
“What’s up?” he smiles.
“Nothing,” you reply. “What’s the plan for today?” you both continue making your way to his house.
“I don’t have anything planned, really…” he says, scratching his head. “We just chill for a bit and then figure out something if you want.”
You nod, going up the stairs to his porch. He opens the door, letting you in. You follow him up to his room, suddenly feeling nervous. You hadn’t been alone with Mark like this. You barely even knew how to be around him without feeling awestruck.
He opens the door to his room and it hits you. It was so perfectly… him. It was just what you expected, what you always imagined it would look like. An acoustic guitar stood in the corner of his room, bed haphazardly made. A record player was set up on the left side, the records he owned displayed on a nearby shelf. Posters of all different subjects were taped on the wall, some personal photos mixed in. You spotted one of you and Mark as children, one of the photos you always looked at when you missed him.
It hurt to look at everything. But you had to force your emotions aside.
“Yeah, had to switch up the old room,” he says, putting his hands in his pockets. “I think this looks way cooler.”
You nod. “It looks great.” your voice is barely audible. You couldn’t take your eyes off the photos on the wall.
“Oh,” Mark notices you staring at the wall. He walks to where his bed is, squatting down and pulling a book out from under it. “I found a whole photo album of old photos.” he says. He motions you to come sit down next to him, and you oblige.
He opens it. The first few pages were photos of him as a baby, but it quickly changed to photos of him as a kid. It didn’t take long for you to appear. You had seen them all before, but it was still nice to look at them. There were even pictures from your trip to the butterfly enclosure, an unsure look plastered across your face. Mark was beaming.
“Do you remember this?” Mark puts his finger on an old photo of you and him at a fair — huge grins on both of your faces. He laughs. “We rode a ride and I swore I was gonna get sick after it. You were so freaked out by it that you avoided me until I convinced you I felt better.”
You laugh. You did remember it. You remembered running away from him and staying at least 10 feet away until you finally gave in.
He turns a few pages. It was time to look at photos that you had never seen, stories that you had never heard, the things that could have been. You just tried to keep your breathing steady.
There’s a picture of you and him together in somewhat formal clothing — probably your first highschool dance. Hyuck and another boy you didn’t recognize stood behind you, giving both you and Mark bunny ears.
“You remember Johnny, right?”
That must have been the other boy. You just nodded. Of course, you had no idea who he was.
“He moved here when we were like 12, right?” he looks at the photo. “I miss him. I don’t get to talk to him a lot because he travels so he’s always in a different timezone but… when I do, it’s like he never left.” he adds.
You wrack your brain — did you ever know anyone named Johnny? You were sure you didn’t. He didn’t exist in your old life. But he had somehow been a part of your life in this universe at some point. He was visibly older — not by too much, but he was definitely more mature. It didn’t help that Mark had a baby face. He had brown, medium length hair that was kind of shaggy. He seemed charming. But since there was no sign of him in your phone, you assumed you didn’t keep in touch with him.
Mark flips the pages a few more times. There’s a picture of you, Mark, and Hyuck on what seemed to be your last halloween together. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when, but you were probably 14 or 15. You were dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Hyuck was dressed as the beast and Mark was dressed as Lumière, the candlestick.
You look at the girl in those photos. You wished you had her brain; You wished you remembered everything the way she did. Looking at yourself in the photos didn’t feel right. No matter what you did, you couldn’t convince yourself that it was you. Because technically, it wasn’t. Where was that girl now? Was she living your old life? Spending her days with Jaemin, desperately wishing for Mark?
“Are you okay?” you snap back to reality at the sound of Mark’s voice. He had closed the book and was looking at you with a concerned look on his face.
You let out an awkward chuckle. “Oh… yeah. I’m fine… I just kinda zoned out.”
“Yeah… you’ve been doing that a lot lately…” Mark stands up and slides the book back under his bed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You don’t want to reply. Your eyes start burning with tears.
“Yeah,” you reply softly.
“That’s why I wanted to hang out with you today. You’ve seemed so… off lately… No offense,” Mark sits back down and looks at you. “I don’t mean that in a mean way, I just mean… it seems like something is bothering you and… are you crying?”
Tears finally escape your eyes, cascading down your cheeks. You stay silent as Mark wraps his arms around you, tightly hugging you.
“Oh god, oh no… I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry.” Mark says.
You can’t help but smile as you cry into his chest. “No… it’s not your fault…”
He pulls away from the hug. “Is something actually wrong? You know you can talk to me… I heard bottling up your emotions isn’t healthy…”
You take your time collecting yourself to try and think of an excuse. Obviously you couldn’t tell him the real reason why you seemed so out of it -- oh yeah, Mark, I’m from a universe where you died and I ended up here because I used some app to wish for you back and I have literally no idea what’s going on half the time.
“I’m just stressed,” you tell him. “I’ve never been this stressed so I don’t really know how to deal with it.”
“Ah…” Mark nods. “I get it… I mean, we’re in our last year of school. Everyone’s gonna expect us to act like adults soon. It’s… scary.”
You nod, wiping your tears. I wish that was what I was stressed about.
And that’s when it clicks. You realize you don’t belong here. You were destined to live in a world without Mark. But that thought only makes you start crying again.
Mark hugs you again. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “Just let it out, okay?”
So you do. You let everything out. Your shoulders shake as you sob. To anyone, it would seem like you’re overreacting. Sobbing in your best friend’s arms because you’re stressed. But this was the one thing you felt like could make you feel better.
For years, you laid in your bed alone, sobbing because you missed Mark. Because you felt guilty. And if you weren’t crying over him, you wished he was there to comfort you. And now it finally happened, and you were gonna relish the moment. This was all you ever wanted.
You feel guilty — Mark just wanted to hang out and here you were, making him comfort you as you cried for God knows what.
You force yourself to stop crying. Mark lets you go and levels himself with you, wiping your face with his thumb. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks. “We’re best friends… you can tell me anything, y’know?”
You nod. “I know… I just… didn’t want to bother anyone.”
Mark furrows his brows. “Hey come on, don’t say that. You wouldn’t be bothering anyone. Don’t think like that.”
You hiccup. You could feel that your face was puffy from crying.
“Okay,” Mark stands up. “I think this calls for some relaxation, right? I’m gonna get a bunch of blankets and we’re just gonna lounge.” He grabs a spare blanket and wraps it around your shoulders, helping you stand up. He leads you to his basement. There was a large couch and a TV. You sit down.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” he asks.
You nod. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Mark turns the TV on. “Okay. I’ll find something for us to watch. Get comfortable, okay?”
You scoot around for a bit before finding a comfortable spot. The crying you did made your eyelids heavy.
Mark joins you on the couch, clicking through the TV guide, searching for something to watch. He clicks on a movie before opening his arms. “Come here.”
Maybe it wasn’t right, but you let him hold you. You listen to his heartbeat, trying to keep yourself awake until you couldn’t fight it anymore.
[4:27 p.m.]
Your eyes flutter open. You glance around, taking in your surroundings and remembering you were in Mark’s basement. You realize you were still in his arms. You quickly sit up, making Mark jolt awake.
“Oh shit,” he says, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “Did we both fall asleep?” he chuckles.
You smile. “Yeah… looks like it.” You stretch your muscles. “Did you get to watch any of movie?”
“Nope.” Mark replies. “I think I fell asleep right after I realized you had,” he says softly.
You groan. “What time is it? We didn’t sleep through the day, did we?” you ask, suddenly nervous.
Mark pulls out his phone to check the time. He shakes his head. “Nope. Only about two and a half hours.”
You sigh in relief. It was still a long time, but at least it was still daytime. “Oh, good.”
“Do you wanna go get some food? We should probably get up so we don’t fall asleep again,” he laughs.
You smile. “Good idea.”
You both make your way upstairs and you retrieve your bag from Mark’s room before leaving the house. The weather, like yesterday, was nice. A light breeze blew, but it wasn’t cold thanks to the sun. You could hear children playing in a yard nearby. You and Mark made your way to a restaurant nearby. It was one that you didn’t recognize. It was a bit retro-themed and was decorated like a classic diner.
You and Mark sit down at a booth, looking at the menu. “We haven’t been to this place in forever… they got a bunch of new menu items.” Mark mumbles.
You look at the menu. It had all kinds of different types of burgers, but most importantly, milkshakes.
Mark gasped. “They got rid of the cookies ‘n cream milkshake? Are you kidding me?” he whines.
You laugh. “Really? That has to be a popular flavor.”
“Right? It’s so good too, I order it everytime. So why would they — oh, nevermind… they just rebranded it…” Mark says softly, hiding his face with the menu.
Your eyes find their way to the milkshakes; they had simply changed the name of the milkshake from Cookies ‘N Cream to Oreo. You giggle. “Dork.”
“Hey, come on! I was panicked, alright?” Mark laughs.
A waitress swings by and takes your orders — you just order a classic burger and fries with a milkshake with your favorite ice cream flavor.
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull it out to see who’s calling. It’s Hyuck. “Um,” you swallow hard. “I’m gonna go wash my hands real quick.” you tell Mark.
He nods. “Alright.”
You get up from the booth and quickly walk to the bathroom. You close the door behind you, praying that it was empty. “Hello?”
“God, took you long enough.” Hyuck mutters.
“Why’d you call?” you sigh.
“Because I think we need to actually talk about this… I mean, if you decide to leave, I need to be able to tell you when to send the message.” he replies.
You roll your eyes. “I told you I would let you know later. I’m with Mark right now.”
“Are you serious?”
You pause. It’s deathly quiet. You can feel Hyuck’s anger through the phone. “He wanted to hang out, he asked me last night when he dropped me off… did you really think I’d say no?”
“You should’ve,” he sighs. “You know you’re only making it harder on yourself.”
You knew he was right. “I just… wanted to make some final memories before possibly leaving,” you tell him.
“I… understand.” Hyuck adds quietly. You hear him sigh. “You know this is hard on me too, right? I’m sorry I keep being so pushy but… I just wanna get out of here.”
It’s silent again. For the first time, you realize you never even thought about how Hyuck felt. You knew he missed Mark just as much as you did.
“That’s why I’ve been kinda distancing myself from him. Because the first day we were here, it was hell. All I could think about was that day… it’s all I can think about.” he says. You can barely hear him.
“Hyuck…” you whisper.
“Being here… with him… it’s too much for me to handle. You don’t think I feel the same way? I know this is a universe where we could both be happy with Mark, but something keeps telling me I can’t stay here. Too much has changed. I can’t be comfortable here.” Hyuck’s voice starts trembling. “Which is why I refused to spend any time with Mark. Because he’s the only reason I want to stay. But I miss my old life. I miss my friends. I don’t know what the hell went wrong here, but my life is just so much shittier here. Everything that could’ve gone wrong feels like it went wrong.” he rants.
You feel so much guilt for not taking the time to think about why he’d want to leave. You spent so much time thinking about yourself and Mark because you knew you’d always have Hyuck.
“Not even Mark makes staying worth it.” he spits. You can’t tell if he’s angry or sad; it’s probably both. “We were so stupid for coming here,” he finally chuckles, although you can tell it isn’t from happiness. “We were so fucking stupid.”
“I know,” you reply softly.
“I’m sorry. Call me later, okay?”
He hangs up before you can say anything. You slowly put your phone down and shove it back into your pocket. You want to cry, but you’ve already spent too much time in here. You rush out of the bathroom, and instantly run into someone.
“I’m sorry,” you say, looking up at the person. Your heart almost stops.
“No worries,” Jaemin says, flashing you a polite smile.
Your heart starts pounding. You try to tell yourself to stop staring at him, but this was the first time you’ve seen him since coming here. He doesn’t look too different — hair is darker now but everything is the same. The same eyes you fell in love with. The smile that gave you butterflies in your stomach. He’s dressed in normal clothes, so that meant he was probably eating here alongside you and Mark.
You want to lunge towards him, hugging him so tightly he could never leave you again. But you finally just nodded and forced your legs to walk past him; they had started trembling and you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand there. You were glad Mark’s back was to you. You sat back down at your seat, your hands now trembling
“Everything okay?” Mark asks.
You nod. You clear your throat. “Yeah… uh, sorry I took so long. My mom called while I was in there.”
“Oh, okay.” Mark takes a sip of his milkshake that had been set on the table while you were gone. “You’re not in trouble or anything, right?” he asks, eyes widening.
You smile. “No.”
“Okay, good! I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for hanging out with me or something…” Mark says.
You stir your milkshake with your straw. You weren’t feeling very hungry anymore, but after the first sip, it was too delicious to stop.
“(y/n)!” you hear a voice calling your name. You turn your head towards the direction it’s coming from.
Naeun walks to your table. “I didn’t even see you here! What’s up?” she smiles.
“Oh… nothing.” you reply, forcing a smile in return. “Me and Mark are just hanging out and we were hungry, so here we are.” you tell her.
“Of course. Partners in crime. Hi, Mark.” Naeun responds. “Jaemin brought me here. Can you believe I’ve never been here before? This place has been up for years and I’ve never had the chance.” she pouts.
“Really?” Mark speaks up. “You gotta try their milkshakes, they’re delicious.” he tells her.
Naeun chuckles. “Will do. What flavor did you get? It looks good.” she asks.
“Oh! Cookies ‘n cream. It’s my favorite.” he replies, smiling.
“That’s a good flavor.” You hear Jaemin before you see him. Why is he talking about ice cream? He can’t even eat dairy. You think.
“How would you know?” Naeun teases, as if she was a mind reader. “You can’t have ice cream.”
Jaemin enters your line of sight, wrapping an arm around Naeun’s shoulders. It feels like a gunshot to your chest. “Well, I’m not supposed to have it. But these milkshakes make all the pain worth it.” he jokes.
Mark laughs. “He’s right though. How’s it going, Jaemin? I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Jaemin grins. “I’m doing good. School has been way harder lately, but…”
“Yeah, I would assume so. I can’t believe you got into that school, no offense…”
Jaemin chuckles. “None taken. I was surprised I got in, too. I just wish they had accepted me earlier so I wouldn’t have had to leave halfway through a school year. But, I come back here and visit almost every weekend, so…”
Watching Mark and Jaemin talk felt weird. You didn’t even know they knew each other. That also answered your question as to why you never saw Jaemin at school. You wonder what school he had been accepted to.
“Oh, how rude of me. Hey, (y/n). How are you?” Jaemin turns his attention to you. “I was gonna talk to you earlier but you ran away from me.” he laughs. “I didn’t even realize it was you until you were gone.”
“Sorry…” you say softly. “Um… I didn’t realize it was you either.”
You can feel Jaemin’s eyes piercing into you. You didn’t want to look at him. You couldn’t.
“Well, I’d love to hang out with you guys, but after we eat I have to drive Jaemin back home… maybe we could all hang out another time? Double dates, maybe?” she says, grinning.
“Date?” Mark asks, furrowing his brows. “I mean… yeah, we can hangout but…” he laughs awkwardly.
“I’m teasing,” she says, glancing at you. “Both of you get so defensive!” she jokes. “Not trying to pressure you guys, but you’d be really cute together.” she presses.
“Okay, Naeun, enough,” Jaemin chuckles. “Mark’s gonna explode if you keep going.”
You look at Mark, whose face was red from embarrassment.
“We’ll see you guys later then,” Naeun says. The couple walk away from your table, Jaemin’s arm still around her. Your throat gets tight.
“Gosh…” Mark giggles. “Sorry. Stuff like that just gets me embarrassed,” he says, shaking his head.
You smile. “It’s okay.”
A waitress comes to the table a few moments later and sets the food you ordered on the table. Your appetite had come back. Seeing the food made you realize how hungry you really were.
Mark takes a bite of his burger. “I swear this place always hits the spot,” he says.
He was right. The food was really good. You were actually kind of mad this restaurant didn’t exist in your universe. It was perfect.
“Are you okay?” Mark asks. It’s so sudden, your first response is to just stare at him with wide eyes.
You swallow your food. “Yeah, why?”
Mark shrugs. “I just wanted to check in. You kinda froze up when Naeun and Jaemin were talking to us.” he says softly.
“Oh…” you set your burger down. “I was feeling kind of awkward because I ran into Jaemin when I left the bathroom. And then I ran away from him,” you laugh.
“Ah,” Mark nods. “I see.”
“Yeah… I’m kind of good at that. Making everything awkward.” you chuckle.
“Oh, shush.” Mark laughs. “Have you ever met me?”
You giggle. “Okay, well… if you’re the most awkward person on the planet, then I’m the close second.” you tell him.
“And that’s why we make such a good pair.” he replies.
Why did you feel so guilty every time you remembered how much you loved Jaemin?
You both finished your meals; Mark, of course, offered to pay for everything. Then you both left the restaurant. The sun was beginning to set.
“Ooh, wait,” you tell Mark, pulling your camera from your bag. He stops to look at you. “Let me take a picture of you here,” you say, pointing to one of the neon signs in the window.
Mark gets in front of it and poses, and you snap the photo. You both watch as it develops. “Perfect.” you show it to Mark.
You decide to head back to Mark’s house to hang out for a few more hours. As the sun set, the city was becoming less crowded. You passed children riding their bikes back home, people arriving home from work. Everything felt so normal, once again.
“Hey,” Mark says as you reach his room. “Check this out.” he grabs his guitar. “I finally learned how to play this song,”
“Hmm?” you lounge on his bed. “What song?”
He strums his guitar. You could already tell how good he had gotten at it; you only got the chance to hear him play twice before he died.
You recognize the song instantly — I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. It brings a smile to your face. Mark sings along softly. You realize his singing voice has gotten better as well.
You listen to him sing and shift to your side, propping yourself up with your elbow and resting your head on your hand. He’s completely immersed in the music. He looks so happy. You slowly retrieve your bag and take a photo of him.
He stops. “Oh… sorry. I kinda got preoccupied there,” he laughs.
“No, it’s okay…” you reply, feeling guilty for pulling him out of his music-induced-daze. “I was enjoying it.”
“Really?” Mark taps the strings of his guitar. “Well… I’ll finish the song then.” he continues strumming, taking a few moments to find where he left off.
You watch him, a soft smile on your face. This was a moment you definitely wanted to savor. If you were going to forget your time here, you at least wanted to remember this. It was beautiful. It was Mark.
[10:45 p.m.]
Mark offered to walk you home before it got too late — he had forgotten that it was a school night for him.
“Are you sure your mom won’t be mad?” Mark asks, nervously.
You laugh. “Once again, no. If she was worried about me we’d see flyers on the telephone poles,” you joke.
Mark chuckles. “Okay… I just don’t wanna get you in trouble for keeping you out so late. I lost track of time, to be honest…”
You nod. “Me too.” You had spent hours listening to Mark play his guitar and he tried to help you learn a song, but you weren’t as musically gifted as him, so it didn’t go very well. But Mark acted as if you were the God of Guitar, cheering when you played a few chords.
“Today was really fun.” he says softly. “If you ever wanna do this to… unwind… or whatever… just let me know.”
You smile. “Of course.”
Your heart drops as your house comes into view. It was your last few moments with Mark.
He walks you to your doorstep this time; he usually just walks to your driveway. It’s almost as if he knows. “Well,” Mark says, sighing. “We’re here.”
You grin, trying to mask your sadness. “Yeah… thanks for today. It was really fun!” you say.
Mark stares at you for a moment. “Um…” his eyes dart around, not sure where to look. “I…”
You watch him as he struggles to form a sentence. “Mark?” you ask softly.
He closes his mouth before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “I just had a lot of fun today.” he says.
You nod slowly. What did he really want to say? “Hurry and go home,” you tell him. “I don’t need you being all tired tomorrow.” your voice is barely above a whisper.
Mark stares at you for a few moments more. “You’re right,” he laughs, shaking his head. “I’m tired already… I’ll probably sleep like a baby when I get home.” Whatever tension was there had disappeared. In a spur-of-a-moment decision, you wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Text me when you get home, okay?” you tell him. Your head is against his chest; You can hear his heart beating.
“Of course,” he breathes. He finally wraps his arms around you. “Are… you okay?” he asks again.
You feel tears rushing to your eyes again. You chuckle. “I’m fine. I just… I love you.” you whisper. “You’re my best friend, okay? And… I need you to know that.”
He rubs your back. “I love you too,” he replies. “I’m so glad to know you.” he says.
You let him go. You knew you had to.
“Well… I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mark says.
You nod. “I’ll see you.”
You knew it was a lie, but only on your end. He’d see you. You wouldn’t be seeing him. But you knew what you were doing was right. Mark starts walking away, giving you one final smile before he was out of sight.
You push your front door open, going straight to your room and letting yourself cry. You let all of your emotions out. You wanted to run to Mark and hug him again and you never wanted to let go.
You finally pulled yourself together when you heard a faint knock on your door. You wipe your eyes and face quickly, although you knew your face would be puffy from crying. “Come in.”
Jisung peeks in. “Are you okay?”
You nod, although it’s unconvincing — his simple question makes you cry more. “I’m fine.”
“Why are you crying?” Jisung opens the door completely and enters, sitting next to you on your bed. “Did something happen?”
You shake your head. “No. I’m not sad,” you lie. “I’m just… feeling a lot of emotions right now.”
Jisung furrows his brows. “But… you seem sad.”
You take a deep breath. “I’m not, bud. I’m fine. Nothing happened between me and Mark, if that’s what you’re asking. I guess I’m just feeling… thankful. For Mark, and you, and all my friends.”
“Oh…” you can tell Jisung is still confused, but he shrugs it off. “Well… I guess as long as you aren’t sad, it’s okay.”
You feel him wrap and arm around you. You hug him back, feeling much more relieved now that you had cried a bit more.
“I’m going to bed now,” Jisung says, removing his arm from around your shoulders. “Are you sure you’re okay…?”
You nod. “I’m okay, really. Go to bed. Don’t stay up late because of me.” you tell him. He should’ve been in bed already… you realize.
Jisung nods. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I love you, Jisung.”
He seems taken aback by your words. You don’t blame him — no matter what, telling your sibling you love them still feels awkward.
“Love you too.”
He leaves your room. You pick up your bag from where you had placed it when you got to your room and retrieved your camera. You collect all the photos you had taken. The one of Jisung in the kitchen, him talking to Mark, Mark and his ice cream, everyone outside of the ice cream parlor, him outside of the restaurant, him playing his guitar, and finally, the photo Hyuck had taken of you. You shove them in your pocket, praying that they would return to the correct universe with you.
You lay down on your bed, completely exhausted. You just want to fall asleep, but you know you can’t. You pull out your phone, going to your messages and clicking on Hyuck’s name.
let me know when you’re ready.
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 4 years
Omg omg omg i love ur writing its just amazinngg. I was wondering like maybe a continuation of ur story where chrollo's s/o gets preggo. But its like 10 yrs later n chrollo comes to visit n he sees his kid and he looks EXACTLY like him. Even better if his ex s/o is dating someone else who helped raise the kid and the kid calls them dad n chrollo gets jealous. Its totally cool if u dont wanna do it, i still love u xx
Wooooo what a doozy 😂😂 sure baby I gotchu~ (I know I already used this gif before but the absolute despair fits it kind of)
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10 years. It had been 10 years since he'd seen you. He knew when you were having your child, Adeline. He knew he couldn't make it to the hospital. He was in a different country at the time, on a job he had planned for a while. He couldn't go out of his way to see you either. Too much was going on, what with Hisoka coming back to life after their fight, killing his companions, and then hunting him. Chrollo had no time to see you and it broke him. He was desperate to see you, and now, he had the chance.
The troupe had gone out in their own jobs for the month and he was left alone to his own business, able to move freely in schedule to see you. He'd been ready to meet Adeline forever, honestly afraid of what she'd think of him. What had you told her? What stories had you come up with to keep him safe, if you even bothered to do so? Would he show up and his own daughter have hatred for him? Would she shut him out immediately? He never thought this day would come, that these thoughts would ever bother him, but now, they did.
He didn't know if he was ready.
The drive there was a long one, you had agreed to meet up with him at your new house a few towns away since that was what Chrollo thought was safest for you. Away from him. Away from everyone. Surprisingly, no traffic had delayed him, and for that he was born grateful and resentful. He didn't know what he'd even say to you, or to Adeline.
"Turn left, your destination will be on the right." the mechanical voice of the GPS lulled him out of his thoughts, forcing him back into reality. He flicked on his turn signal, turning left and onto your street. Your house was the very first one in the right.
He pulled into the driveway, parking in it and getting out. He tried to look decent, sporting his usual jeans and a t shirt he found in a store somewhere off in town. His breathing sped up and his heart raced. He was about to see you again. His heart managed to swell, though it didn't show on his face.
He rapped at the door and almost immediately, his world shattered. A tall man with blonde curly locks and oceanic blue eyes stared back at him, his chest puffed out for dominance. Chrollo wasn't afraid of him, though the sight filled him with agony. You'd found another.
He figured this would happen. No, he knew this would happen. However ready he thought he'd be though, he was still unprepared.
"Hey, you Chrollo?" the man asked, his voice deep, resonating in his chest.
"I am." Chrollo spoke with a confidence that threw the man off. His eyes widened.
"Y/N! Your ex is here!" the guy boomed down the living room. Your small figure came rushing forward, but slowed once you were in sight of the new guy. Your eyes fell onto Chrollo. His eyes met yours. You were just as gorgeous as he'd left you. Sparkling in jewels and finery. The necklace he stole for your 21st birthday still dangling around your neck.
"Hello, nice to see you again..." you sounded so small. Delicate. Chrollo's hands fell into his pockets, smiling at you.
"Same to you." he smiled with his whole face. He missed you. Your arms crossed over your chest to soothe yourself from something. Your new boyfriend didn't leave the door.
"Honey you can move..." you spoke up to him. He didn't take his eyes off of Chrollo, wary of something.
"Yeah. Sorry about that..." he faked an apology for your sake, turning to the dining room. Chrollo couldn't take his eyes off of you. He couldn't help it. You were just so beautiful, standing before him like you were before. Memories of you leaving, screaming at him not to make you go, flooded his brain. They pained him. He could have kept you. He could have still been with you. There was too much to think about now, too much to remember. You were here. In front of him.
You returned his smiled kindly.
"Come in, we're just watching some shows and Dan is cooking dinner." you offered, moving to the side so Chrollo could enter. He bowed in kind, a gesture he hadn't done in a while. His foot steps felt unsteady as he entered your home, his breathing even more labored. This Dan guy was seen in the kitchen, stirring something in a pot. Thumping could be heard upstairs. Adeline must of been running around.
"Can I see her?" he asked finally. You stopped in your tracks of shutting the door. You looked at him.
"Uh... Yeah. Yeah you can..."
"Does she know who I am?"
You didn't answer. He suspected that the answer was no. His heart sank a little again. He had hoped that you would have at least tips the little girl who her real father was.
"Adeline! Come see Chrollo!" you yelled up the stairs, crossing your arms again to soothe yourself. More footsteps thundered down the stairs as a chubby young girl huffed her way down. When Chrollo laid eyes on her, he swelled. She looked just like him.
Black hair pulled back into a ponytail, a small, pale face with full lips and a structured nose. And the eyes. Gunpowder grey, just like his. Adeline stared back at him.
"Hello Mr. Chrollo!" she waved at him. He raised his hand in greeting.
"Hello Adeline." he replied, keeping his voice low to stray from cracking. The little girl smiled up at him, running over to Dan in the kitchen.
"Daddy, Chrollo is here!" she yelped excitedly, jumping around him.
"I know Adeline, why don't you go sure with your mother for a while." Dan replied harshly, Adeline recoiling slightly. The word "daddy" coming out of her mouth, directed at a man that was not in fact her father. It hurt. You must have noticed it, because a hand rested on his shoulder gently.
"I'm sorry, I do plan to tell her. She's just so young right now. I didn't want to confuse her." you admitted. Chrollo understood, but that didn't dull the pain any less when Adeline came rushing back over to him, holding her arms out.
"I know this is awkward and that we just met, but can I have a hug Mr. Chrollo?" she asked, raising her arms a little. Dan stopped slicing whatever he was cutting and set his knife down.
"Adeline, what did I tell you-"
"She's fine." you asserted yourself quickly, shaking lightly in your finger tips. The tone of the room shifted, thought Adeline didn't seem to take notice. Her hands closed and opened adorably. Chrollo smiled.
"Sure sweetheart." He kneeled down and opened his arms. Adeline gasped excitedly and jumped onto him. Chrollo huffed at her weight. What were you feeding her? He laughed nonetheless, squeezing Adeline tightly but not too hard to hurt her.
Dan seemed enraged by this, bothered that this new man was in his house, hugging his daughter. This in and of itself prided Chrollo with the fact that Adeline looked just like him. This big grey eyes happy as could be.
(I had no idea how to end this and when it posted itself it literally wasn't even finished so I added the last few sentences, anyway, hope you enjoy~
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dameronology · 4 years
the one with the blind date {obi-wan x reader}
summary: your mother has a knack for setting you up on the worst blind dates. this time, it might be different. 
i know what you’re thinking - ‘but val! jedi aren’t allowed to date!’ but for the sake of this fic, the jedi code can suck a fat one because it’s 3am 5am and i don’t have the brain cells to work around star wars canon 
love u lots and hope you enjoy 
- jazz
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You weren’t entirely sure if your mother’s judgement towards your life choices was supposed to be malicious or not, but it certainly felt like it. The fact she called you to remind you that your cousin just had her third baby! or mention in passing that your friend from school just got married (again)! always felt like it had an ulterior motive. You loved the woman dearly but maker, you wished she would shut the hell up sometimes.
It wasn’t as though you weren’t successful. You had an important job working for the Senate, you’d graduated from the University of Cloud City with honours and you owned an apartment in Coruscant. Did she know how hard it was to get on the property ladder in this city? It was probably one of the selling points she used every time she set you up on a blind date. They were usually with older men, twice divorced and with more baggage than you were ready for.
You weren’t expecting this date to be any different - your mother had mentioned he was a friend of a friend (possibly of a friend, of another friend and then maybe the colleague of that friend). She hadn’t told you what job he had, only that he was a bit older than you and ‘earned enough to support a small family’ - but you had chosen to ignore that last part. She’d arranged for you to meet at a diner downtown in the early evening, and you weren’t expecting too much. 
There were only two people in the diner. One was a man of an alien species who appeared to be roughly 150; he had a pint in one hand and a burger in the other. The other one was undoubtedly a Jedi - and a very attractive one too. He was browsing the menu, brow furrowed slightly as he frowned. He looked up as the bell on the door rang, and your eyes met. If he was your date, your mother had done well for once (though she could have pre-warned you about his occupation).
‘Hey, you must be-’ He offered you a warm smile, standing up from the table to wave you over.
Say something, dumbass you pushed yourself. 
‘- that sure is me!’ You quipped. Great start, you moron. 
‘It’s lovely to meet you.’ The Jedi sat back down as you shuffled into the booth opposite him. ‘I’m Obi-Wan.’
‘Right, yeah - sorry, my mum did tell me your name.’ You replied. 
‘What else did she tell you?’ He quipped, quirking one of his brows. ‘Just so I can try and live up to whatever lively image I’m sure she’s created.’
‘Just your name.’ You laughed. ‘She didn’t mention being a Jedi or anything.’
Obi-Wan paused for a minute. ‘Oh, I’m not a Jedi.’
You froze slightly, quickly trying to think of a response. It hadn’t been a reach - he was wearing robes, and you could see what looked like a lightsaber under the table. Not that you had been looking under the table, or down there - and maker, this was embarrassing.
‘I’m joking.’ He suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. ‘I am a Jedi. I thought it would break the ice but you look like you’re about to cry-’
‘- that was mean!’ You reached across the table to swat at his shoulder. ‘I pride myself on my intuition, Obi-Wan.’ 
‘I wouldn’t call the fact I’m wearing a Jedi robes and carrying a lightsaber intuition, more like the glaringly obvious.’ He leant back, crossing his arms over his chest as he smirked at you.
You liked this guy.
‘But what do you do?’ Obi-Wan continued. ‘Your mother mentioned that you work for the Senate.’
‘I do!’ You replied. ‘I’m a political advisor.’
‘What does that entail?’
‘I just sit there and tell the senators if they’re being just a bit stupid or completely stupid.’ You grinned. 
‘Well, it certainly sounds like a very important job.’ He smiled back.
‘You’re one to talk. You’re like..the keeper of the Force.’ You replied. 
‘That’s not quite it.’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but laugh at your attempt to describe his job. ‘But you’re close.’
Two hours later - and after ordering food that you’d both been too distracted to touch - you were both doubled over in laughter at something Obi-Wan had said. He was funny; you’d figured out that much. It wasn’t in an obvious way, but more of a charming, observant way. He took an interest in you as well - he asked about your job, your hobbies and your time at college. In a way, he felt a bit too good to be true. Every guy your mother set you up with had fallen short within the first five minutes.
What could it be? Was he secretly already married? Was he a convicted criminal on the run and posing as a Jedi? 
‘I have to ask.’ Obi-Wan reached across the table, warm hand falling on top of yours. ‘You have a good job. You own your own apartment and you’re beautiful. Why do you need your mother to find you a date?’
You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. ‘I don’t meet many suitable people in my line of work. They’re either much, much older senators or...actually, that’s it.’
He chuckled slightly, squeezing your hand - you could have sworn that your heart stopped for a moment (either that, or your coffee addiction had finally caught up with you). The fact you’d been too deep in conversation with him to even look at your food said a lot. Before now, no man would ever have been able to come to between you and a burger. 
‘Let’s get out of here.’ Obi-Wan threw a few credits on the table. ‘I know a place that has better food.’
You tossed a few of your own credits, giving him a nod. ‘I’ll have to take your word for it since neither of us actually touched this food.’
‘I’m easily distracted, apparently.’ He joked, offering out his hand to you as you pulled your jacket on.
‘That’s bad for a Jedi.’ You joked, taking it.
‘I correct myself.’ He paused for a moment, shaking his head. ‘I’m easily distracted by you.’
‘Right, I have a tendency to do that.’ You replied. ‘I bet my mother didn’t tell you that I was so breathtaking.’
‘Actually, she told me I had a mission.’ He replied. 
The cold night air hit you as you exited the diner. You could hear the buzz of the city traffic further uptown, filling the silence as you pondered his statement for a moment. Your mother worked as an admin assistant for the Jedi temple - she organised transport and missions and the logistics of most their operations - and she had a tendency to spill embarrassing things about you in conversation.
‘A mission?’ You grimaced. ‘What did she tell you it was?’
‘To investigate that very diner we were just sat in.’ Obi-Wan smiled down at you, face lit up under the lights of a theatre as you walked past. ‘She only told me before I left the temple that it was a blind date.’
‘Maker, that woman.’ You muttered. 
‘I’m not complaining, though.’ He quickly replied. He let go of your hand, moving to fling his arms across your shoulders and pull him closer towards him. ‘I was a bit worried that you were going to be...’
‘...like her?’ You nudged him in the ribs slightly. ‘Because that’s something I worry about too every time I get a bit older.’
‘Oh, you have nothing to worry about.’ Obi-Wan said. ‘You have her nose but I’d say that’s it.’
A few more hours passed, and you found yourselves having walked all the way to the other side of the city. You were latched onto his side now, one arm around his waist whilst his rested on your shoulder. The warmth of his body against the cold of the night air was a wonderful contrast and you couldn’t help but smile at how at home you felt. He had a very calming presence (probably something to do with the whole Jedi debacle). 
‘Let’s sit down.’ You wrapped your hand around his wrist, tugging him over to a low-sitting wall. 
You were on the edge of Coruscant, a few miles away from the city centre. The lights of the vast skyline illuminated the road in front of you, the whites and blues and red of the mammoth buildings blurring into a technicolour dream. You sometimes forgot how wonderful the place was, especially when you spent so much time observing corrupt politics and dodgy dealings at your job. That wasn’t on your mind, however - Obi-Wan Kenobi was at the forefront of your thoughts. 
‘You’re cold.’ He commented.
‘I’m always cold.’ You shot back. ‘Isn’t that something you can tell through the Force?’
‘Oh, my dear.’ Obi-Wan chuckled. ‘The Force doesn’t work like that.’
‘So, it’s not like mind-reading and magic tricks?’ You shuffled slightly in your seat, turning so that you were facing him. 
‘I definitely can’t read your mind.’
‘That’s a shame. It would make this whole dating thing much easier.’ You quipped.
‘You could just tell me what you’re thinking.’ He reasoned.
You paused for a moment - you were thinking about kissing him, obviously. There had been several moments through out the night where you almost had, but it hadn’t felt like the right time. But here? Basking under the glow of the city lights, sat so close to him? You’d be damned if there was a better chance than this. 
Obi-Wan met you halfway, your lips brushing against his. Like him, they were soft and warm, and you felt yourself leaning further into him. One of his arms wound around your waist, making an attempt to pull you close, though such a thing were possible. Meanwhile, you had one hand on the back of his neck, softly playing with the hair that fell onto your hand. 
There was a gust of wind, and you suddenly jumped back with surprise. He laughed at your reaction, dropping his head into your shoulder as his body shook against yours. 
‘So,’ you began. ‘Second date?’
‘I don’t think we’re done with this one.’
(Within the year, your mother finally had bragging rights about the fact it was her child getting married this time). 
there’ll probably be a part 2 to this i won’t lie to u i’ve already got it written in my head 
also shout to @karasong​ and @drinksomecoco​ for ur encouragement/ideas ily guys 
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
the band with no name {Douglas Booth} 2
A/N: 1654 words. A bit shorter, but we’re getting into things now. idk how i feel about it, please give me feedback.
[PART 1]
Flop of The Month, your band, has an instagram account with exactly two posts on it, and Douglas feels like both and idiot, and a creepy stalker, for the amount of time he spends flicking through the two photos without actually liking them, for fear of you realising who he was.
Colson, however, seemed to have no such reservations.
“Look, I’m on their story,” Colson’s grinning from ear to ear as the cast and crew break for lunch the Monday after they’d seen your band play, showing Douglas his phone, and your band’s instagram story. It showed their notifications, highlighting how Colson had liked both photos and followed them, and had the caption ‘how’d the rap devil find us?’ and ‘not complaining tho’. 
“Bloody hell,” is all Douglas can bring himself to say, wearing a half-smile as they made their way to the costume department to get changed before lunch. It had been a low effort day, just jeans and t-shirts, but it was always safer to not eat in costume. Hair and makeup could stay and be touched up however.
Your band’s page had begun the day with 217 followers, and ended it with over a thousand. There wasn’t a link to your personal page, and so all he can do is scroll through your Facebook while waiting for Colson to be ready to go.
Y/N: weird question Y/N: also, hi Y/N: but yeh, weird question Y/N: was your friend last night mgk?
Douglas takes a moment to compose his thoughts before typing out his response.
Douglas: hi back Douglas: and yes.
There’s a few minutes of silence, and Douglas can feel his scalp itching beneath his wig, just a little, but he tries to ignore it.
Y/N: cool. Y/N: well it was nice meeting you guys!! Y/N: looking forward to seeing if ur band is real btw Douglas: probably wont be for a while Y/N: im happy to wait Y/N: if u want me there that is Douglas: if we ever actually play a gig, you’ll be the first to know
You send a blushing smiling emoji back, and Douglas finds himself strangely pleased.
“Is that her?” Colson asks, eyes shining as he pulled on his leather jacket; with his wig and makeup, he still absolutely looked the part. Douglas quickly slipped his phone in his pocket, knowing that a faint blush dusted his cheeks despite his best efforts. As he waffled his way through an affirmation, Colson’s smile just grew wider.
“I still don’t understand why you were being so vague; she probably would have jumped you there and then if she knew you were part of the Motley Crue movie, man.”
“Yeah,” Douglas said, his discomfort mounting at the insinuation, “that’s the problem, dude; first of all, I don’t know if she like the band themselves, or just the music, and if she does like the band,” he paused, shrugging a little, quietly embarrassed, “what if she likes them better than me?”
“They’re all married,” Colson says, like it immediately solves everything.
“Man, you know that’s not the issue,” Douglas sighed, but it’s clear he wasn’t done, and Colson just waited, eyebrows raised, “you know, girls who are like... like... how did you say it the other week? When that girl from Instagram was in your DMs every other minute?”
“Clout chasing,” Colson nodded sagely, suddenly understanding all too clearly his co-star’s apparent fears, “well she doesn’t know who you are yet.”
“Exactly,” Douglas exclaimed, glad the craft services tent was finally in view, feeling himself grow hungrier by the moment, “and I think I wanna keep it that way, just for now.”
“Better pray she doesn’t watch Jupiter Ascending,” Colson snorts, just as Douglas punches him in the arm. 
The next day, he messages you first, sends a photo of himself and the rest of the band out of costume, but holding their instruments, all wearing heels to help make it easier to wear them around set. 
Douglas: the band says hi Y/N: shit, you guys have instruments and everything Y/N: getting less sketchy by the minute
You follow it up with a winking emoji, and a photo of yourself, out in the sunshine, dressed impeccably, makeup dark and sharp, holding a stack of posters beside your head, advertising your band’s next gig; this Saturday.
Douglas: are you inviting me? Y/N: only if you’re saying yes
Your confident coyness amuses him, despite the way the shoes are pinching his toes, and he tells you he’ll be there.
The next day, you send a link to a band name generator, but more interestingly, you send it right around the time he’s getting his makeup done, early in the morning.
Douglas: early start? Y/N: my shop won’t open itself Douglas: your shop? Y/N: mini mall tattoo parlor hahaha
“She owns a tattoo parlor?” Daniel asks, reading over Douglas’s shoulder between takes, “you’d better make your move or Colson’s gonna go for her.” 
“Go for who?” Colson himself calls across set where his makeup’s being touched up.
“You weren’t meant to hear that!” Daniel shouts back, though he’s grinning, and adds, “Y/N. She owns a tattoo parlor.”
“Really, shit man, Doug she’s cool as hell,” Colson muses, before snorting, addressing Daniel, “gimme some credit, I’m letting the man shoot his shot; he’s my bro, not my competition.”
“Thanks man,” with the slightest smile, Douglas puts his phone away as the scene is reset around them, and Colson joins him in the middle of the living room set.
“I expect free tattoos, however,” he says with a faux seriousness, “because if you like her, like really like her, I’m gonna wingman the shit out of you.”
“Absolutely, man,” he claps Douglas on the shoulder with a surprisingly sincere expression.
It’s Colson who suggests, the following day, sending a video of Douglas playing the bass, asking if you had any pointers. They’re at band rehearsals again, blasting through their repertoire, when they get to Take Me To The Top, and as the song dies down, Colson makes the suggestion.
“Why are you filming it?” Iwan asks, and Colson’s smile is all teeth where he’s holding Douglas’s phone, answering before Douglas has the opportunity.
“Tryna help impress that punk chick from the band last weekend.”
“You’re actually talking to her?” Iwan asks with a bright, almost incredulous smile, “after everything that happened? She must really like you.” He muses, and Douglas feels his soul leaving this mortal plane.
“Smart move; asking for advice from her, lets her know you think she’s talented, and, well, you know,” Daniel shrugs, wiggling his fingers with a casual air. Douglas frowns, but Colson’s nodding.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” he agrees, and finally Douglas clues in. Dexterous fingers.
“Don’t be gross, guys,” he sighs, already regretting letting Colson help at all, “just take the damn video.”
It only takes thirty seconds for you to respond in All Caps.
“I’m fucked,” Douglas mutters under his breath, staring wide-eyed at the message.
Y/N: you play so well dude just relax your stance and shoulders Y/N: fkn love take me to the top Y/N: seriously a motley cover band??? Y/N: you just instantly got 100x cooler
“Okay, maybe I’m not fucked,” he concedes after a moment, quietly breathing a sigh of relief.
Y/N: now i have to see u guys play!! Y/N: if that’s alright of course
“Nah, you’re definitely a little bit fucked,” Daniel offers over his shoulder, and Douglas pushes his face away.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Douglas grumbles, and Daniel shrugs bemusedly. 
“At least she thinks you play well,” but Douglas isn’t listening to him, he’s frantically tapping away on his phones, scowling, “what ‘re you doing?”
“Trying to come up with a name for our band -”
“Our fake band?” Iwan asks, arms crossed over his chest wearing an amused little smile, “do we have to play along with this too?”
“Not if you don’t want, just don’t... don’t tell her it’s fake is all.” Douglas offers, and the rest of the band nods.
“So how long are you going to play along with this bit?” Daniel ask, and Douglas heaves a sigh.
“Not sure; until I can trust that she’s not just in it to meet the actual band -”
“Which she doesn’t know you know,” Iwan interjected again, and Douglas nodded a little. After a beat, the rest of the band looked to each other, and seemed to share some sort of silent communication, before turning back to him.
“Okay,” Colson agrees easily, “if you’re serious about this chick you’ve known for five days,” he emphasizes, though Douglas doesn’t seem phased, “if we ever run into her, we’ll pretend we’re in a Motley Crue cover band.” He agrees, while Iwan and Daniel silently agree, though they look rather amused at the whole situation.
“There’s just something about her,” Douglas muses quietly.
“It’s the fact that she’s the coolest chick you’ve ever met,” Colson tells him with far too much authority, “and your little posh, school-boy brain wants to try something new.”
“Hey -” Douglas scoffed, though he was quickly talked over.
“She looks like she’d punch me in the face but I’d be okay with it,” Iwan adds, which, strangely enough, the rest of them agree to with various mischievous smiles. Douglas doesn’t exactly deny that he feels the same way.
“What’s our band name gonna be?” Daniel asks finally.
“The Fourskins,” Colson answers back immediately, grinning wide and proud of himself.
“Absolutely no-”
“That’s kind of genius,” Daniel snorts over Douglas’ protest, and so, on a three-to-one vote, their fake Motley Crue cover band is named The Fourskins, and Douglas kind of thinks he’d rather come clean there and then to you, rather than suffer through ever typing or saying that name to you. But he doesn’t. 
He really hopes you’re worth it.
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chibistarlyte · 4 years
one day
He's okay, Katsuki has to remind himself again, almost afraid that Todoroki might slip right through his calloused fingers if he doesn't hold on tight enough. 
ayyy here’s a follow-up to my previous todobaku fic some days, this time from bakugou’s pov as he deals with the aftermath of todoroki’s depressive episode.
thank you to kat @sunshineijirou​ for the beta, as always! <3 ilysm!
fic can be read below the cut or here on ao3! you can also find a masterlist of all my bnha fics here!
If someone had told Katsuki, when he woke up this morning, that by this afternoon he’d be spooning with his secret crush after said secret crush jumped down to his balcony in some kind of depressive fit…
Suffice to say that Katsuki would have never believed it, even if his life depended on it.
Yet here he is, arms wrapped around Todoroki Shouto’s waist and his face buried in the back of his neck as the other boy sleeps peacefully in his bed. Or, Katsuki assumes peacefully, judging by the light snores and soft, lax features of Todoroki’s face.
Well, Katsuki thinks as he breathes a warm sigh against the other boy’s still frigid skin, at least Todoroki is safe now. It would be an outright lie to say that Katsuki hasn’t been worried about Todoroki all goddamn day, ever since he saw the other boy sitting precariously on the edge of his balcony and uttering uncharacteristic existential thoughts earlier that morning. 
Just a little bit ago, when Todoroki had jumped...Katsuki’s heart had all but stopped in his chest.
Unconsciously, Katsuki tightens his grip around Todoroki and digs his nose deeper into the soft skin at the nape of Todoroki’s neck, breathing in his scent. He’s okay. He’s okay.
Katsuki jolts as he hears a loud buzzing noise, his palms sweaty and sparking in his alarm. He quickly retracts his arms from around Todoroki, afraid of burning the other boy with his Quirk. Katsuki belatedly realizes the sound is his phone vibrating on top of the headboard. Wiping his sweaty hands on his shirt as he sits up, he reaches for his phone and unlocks it with a click. A notification bubble at the bottom of the screen tells him the class 1-A group chat is active with messages right now.
Midoriya: hey guys has anyone seen todoroki-kun since class was over? he left before i could catch up with him and he hasn’t answered any of my texts and when i went to his room to check on him he didn’t answer… Uraraka: i haven’t seen him since our rescue exercise, deku-kun. are you sure he came back to the dorms? Midoriya: i mean i’m not positive but where else would he go? Iida: Todoroki-kun has been acting strangely all day...perhaps he heeded our advice and sought out Recovery Girl? Kaminari: nah bruh, i was at rg’s office after class for my broken wrist, i didn’t see him there Tokoyami: I can have Dark Shadow scope out the area and look for Todoroki, if needed. Yaoyorozu: I am worried about Todoroki-san. He wasn’t acting like himself today, and I fear to think what would happen if he’s alone right now. Jirou: which room is his???? i can listen in and see if hes there Kirishima: he’s on the fifth floor, right above bakugou’s room
Katsuki sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. Great, now Todoroki has the entire class worried after him. They’d send out a goddamn search party if Katsuki doesn’t say something.
So he starts typing.
Bakugou: relax u damn extras, icyhot’s with me
There’s a short pause in the chat as several people begin typing and soon enough the messages flood right in.
Midoriya: what???? todoroki-kun is with you, kacchan?! Jirou: shit, dude, he must be fucked in the head to go hang out with explody Kirishima: is he ok?? are u guys in ur room bakubro? Mina: DID U KIDNAP THE POOR LAD, BAKUGOU?!? Uraraka: can we come see him?
Katsuki lets out a frustrated sigh and thumbs back a response.
Bakugou: if any of you assholes even think about coming and pounding on my door, i’ll break ur fuckin fingers. halfie’s asleep so you chucklefucks need to keep quiet
As if to make sure the group chat hadn’t somehow awoken Todoroki from his slumber, Katsuki looks away from his phone to the sleeping boy next to him. Not much has changed in the last few minutes, save for a slight twitching of Todoroki’s nostril and the fingers of his right hand slightly curling and unfurling.
When his phone pings with another message, Katsuki sees that it’s from Kirishima. He opens their text messages.
Kirishima: hey bakubro is everything ok?? i mean not just with todoroki but with u too? Bakugou: i’m fine, shitty hair. not sure about him, tho Bakugou: he was pretty messed up when i brought him in Kirishima: what happened? Bakugou: the crazy fucker jumped from his balcony down to mine like an idiot, coulda hurt himself Kirishima: … Kirishima: ...was he trying to Kirishima: u kno…
Katsuki doesn’t want to think about the reasons behind Todoroki’s actions, behind the other boy’s strange and despondent behavior all day. He knows Todoroki’s got family issues, with what he’d overheard at the sports festival in their first year. Then, after having dinner at the Todoroki household and interning with Endeavor all those months ago, Katsuki has been able to put the pieces together well enough. 
He scoots down the bed until he’s lying down again, his arm against Todoroki’s back as he holds his phone up to text with Kirishima.
Bakugou: idk, he hasn’t told me anything, just basically been a zombie the whole fuckin time. he was so cold and he wasn’t usin his quirk to warm up, bastard’s lucky he didn’t get hypothermia or some shit Kirishima: do u need anything? Bakugou: i told u, i’m fine Kirishima: ok...but srsly, i’m here for u if u need to talk...or if i can bring you anything, yeah? Bakugou: yeah, yeah, i get it hair for brains Bakugou: ...thanks Kirishima: i gotchu bro
Katsuki sets his phone on silent before locking it and placing it up on his headboard again. He rolls onto his side, chest against Todoroki’s back once again, and reaches around to touch the back of his hand to the other boy’s forehead. It still feels colder than it probably should, but warmer than before, which Katsuki counts as progress. 
He settles his arms around Todoroki’s waist again and scoots closer until they’re flush against each other. Katsuki tangles his legs with Todoroki’s to help warm them up—Todoroki’s bare ankles feel cold against Katsuki’s own heated skin.
He's okay, Katsuki has to remind himself again, almost afraid that Todoroki might slip right through his calloused fingers if he doesn't hold on tight enough. 
"You really fuckin' scared me there for sec, half-n-half," Katsuki murmurs against the back of Todoroki’s neck, feeling the moisture of his own breath bouncing back at him from their close proximity. "The hell did you think you were doing?" he asks the air, knowing full well that Todoroki is dead asleep and can't hear a word Katsuki is saying. 
And thank fuck for that, because Katsuki can't seem to shut himself up and continues speaking.
"Don't you realize how many people care about your stupid ass? How important you are to everyone? Fucking Deku, Round Face, Four-Eyes, Yaomomo...me…"
Katsuki clenches his jaw to stop his mouth from betraying him any further. He has no idea what's compelling him to such honesty. Perhaps it's because he knows Todoroki can't hear him, knows that he won't have to suffer any unfortunate consequences of having his feelings laid bare in front of him. 
Just...seeing Todoroki fly through the air, even if it was only for a few seconds...Katsuki could have forever lost the chance to say all the things he wishes he were brave enough to admit. 
He sighs through his nose, his teeth gritting painfully against each other as he tightens his jaw even more. Fucking coward, he chastises himself.
Katsuki's heart stills in his chest as Todoroki’s confused, sleep-laden voice drifts into his senses. Todoroki stiffens in his grip, muscles tense and taut, almost as if he's afraid of something. Unconsciously, Katsuki's arms tighten around the other boy’s waist and he finds his hands pressing almost protectively against Todoroki’s abdomen.
"I'm here," he answers belatedly, nuzzling his nose against Todoroki’s skin—still too cold for his liking, but ever so slowly getting warmer.
Todoroki exhales, going boneless in Katsuki's arms. There's a minute shift of his head as he digs his cheek into the pillow. "I...didn't dream it, then…" he says a bit absently, sounding so, so tired.
"Dream what?" Katsuki asks softly, his fingers tracing odd shapes on Todoroki’s skin.
"That I was here...with you," Todoroki clarifies, letting out another exhale that made him deflate like a balloon with too many leaks.
Katsuki is unable to keep from snorting. "Couldn't very well let you leave after you just—" He stops himself from finishing that thought, because the idea that Todoroki really might have been trying to off himself was too much for Katsuki to handle. "Look, you could barely walk and were hardly coherent enough to make it back to your room. I couldn't let you leave and end up hurting yourself or some shit."
Todoroki lets out a breath that sounds suspiciously like a laugh. 
"Don't you fucking laugh at me, you bastard," Katsuki says without any real threat. "Sorry for fucking caring about your stupid ass."
It's then that Todoroki starts to pull away, curling in on himself. He untangles his legs from Katsuki's and worms his way out of Katsuki's arms until he’s at the edge of the bed, the two of them no longer touching. 
Katsuki's heart sinks into his stomach. Damn it, there goes his stupid mouth ruining everything again.
"You shouldn't care about me," Todoroki says, sounding miles away. 
"Why the fuck not?" Katsuki bites back, not liking where this conversation has turned. 
"I'm not worth it," Todoroki repeats his words from earlier, and they still feel like a knife stabbing right through Katsuki's chest. 
He doesn't understand why someone like Todoroki could ever think he's worthless.
It makes him...angry.
"What the fuck is it gonna take for you to realize that you are worth it?" Katsuki says in a harsh whisper, trying to reign in his rage. He knows if he explodes now, he might chase Todoroki off and cause him to do...something…
Todoroki doesn't answer.
Against his better judgment, Katsuki reaches for Todoroki’s back. His fingers barely graze the black t-shirt he's wearing before he notices a significant drop in temperature. Frost begins crawling up the shell of Todoroki’s ear.
"No, no, stop that," Katsuki says as he frantically scoots closer. He envelops Todoroki in his arms once again, willing his own body heat into the other boy to cancel out the freezing power of his Quirk. 
To Katsuki's surprise, Todoroki shifts and rolls over so that they're face to face. Tears snake sideways down Todoroki’s face and melt into the pillowcase. Katsuki feels incredibly guilty for still finding Todoroki so beautiful.
Katsuki's hands find the small of Todoroki’s back, his fingers tangling in the cotton of his t-shirt. 
"I'm sorry," Todoroki chokes out, squirming and wiggling until his face is hidden against Katsuki’s chest. 
"Nothin' to be sorry for, icyhot. We all got shit to deal with," Katsuki mutters into Todoroki’s hair, wanting to lay a kiss along the part of red and white. But he refrains.
Todoroki just nods. Katsuki can feel his tears soak into his shirt.
They stay like that for what could have been moments or hours, for all Katsuki knows. When he hears Todoroki’s breathing even out again, and notices a faint warmth pulsating through the air, Katsuki sighs in relief.
It's amazing how one day can change so many things, he muses. Katsuki's world has been tilted off its axis in the span of mere hours, making him reevaluate almost everything he's come to learn about himself, about Todoroki. He knows, without a doubt, that he cares for the idiot in his arms. His moment of clarity had come the second Todoroki had let go of the railing.
Katsuki swears to himself that he'll make Todoroki realize how much he matters to everyone. And, maybe one day, how much he matters to Katsuki.
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tylerwritez · 3 years
Tuesday, june 22 2021
I've noticed I'm getting "the shiverys" or "the twitchy" a lot today. Like every time I FEEL something I take a moment to violently tic.... every time I think about certain things I tic.... good things, bad things, things from an hour ago and things from years ago. Tic, tic, tic.
Also, I have... some stuff to explain. Its really no big deal, but you know me: I'll freak out about it anyway. Basically I dissed my friend (rightfully so) around the time that we had just met cos they did something that threw me off.
He saw it in my phone... NOW. it's not RELEVANT anymore and I've since redacted that criticism...and now I gotta explain it to him anwyays. Oh well. I'm good at this stuff. I can get myself outta any situation. I dont even know why I'm talking like this tho... it's not a "Situation" it's just smthn I gotta explain rq.
Oh, today's song recommendation is Spirit Crusher by Death. I'm a huge Death fan...
Also! I gotta study... for my replacement exam. How stressful. Its about photosynthesis, but like, it's not simple. We went DEEP inside those fucking leaves.
One sec, lemme hook up my IV tube
Not an ACTUAL IV tube... just my headphones. But since I'm so #emo, it might as well be a fucking IV tube with the way that I cant live without it.
Its 3:08 and I'm walking home now. I was upset last night but me and Star have made up now lol... it was thAt easy. I'm so defective, making shit hard when it doesnt need to be.
It's so hot out damn. Idk. I had school today, so I had Bio class... I ACTUALLY PAID ATTENTION for once. I had lunch with Star and her friend group, and I honestly kinda feel like they're MY friends now too, even just a little bit.
Actually, I used to rant about feeling lonely like all the time but now I have so many friends it's crazy they all keep inviting me places and it's like people WANT ME AROUND... idk. It makes me happy.
Today I gotta ask if tommroow after school I can go to Bee's house to watch Supernatural (famous homoerotic ghost show)
I should also add songs to Erin's spotify playlist for our picnic saturday which I still need permission to go to.
I gotta ask for Wednesday after school to watch Insidious with Jay  which is apparently really good
Also hes the friend that I gotta explain stuff to... the DrAmA... the ThEaTrE....
Update my dad said yes to hanging out with Bee but first I'm gonna miss school to fix my broken brackets on my braces
Also turns out the house I THOUGHT we were moving into has substantial damage from shifting so... we aRENT moving there.
In case you didn't know, shifting is when like the house that's been built literally SHIFTS like it moves around.
Anwyays Jay just texted me... I'm gonna change into shorts since it's hot, set up my study area,.... and respond to him.
The time is 3:22 p.m.
Wish me. Luck.
Luck is plentiful! As it so often is in my risky, risky life.
I play my cards right. It's a learnt skill.
But also there wasnt much to explain since it passed already and was tiny anywyas.
XD so I've made up with the whole goddamn world by now.
Its 6:31, we saw 1 house. Only one. Its kinda hot out but I'm gonna bike now since we just had supper. I finally finished my homework... I just have to finish one mixed media piece as my final project for art!
Friday is my replacement. On photosynthesis and cell resp. We know this. But what I didn't mention, or I dont THINK I did, is that if I finish my art project before then I have the second block FREE!!! Me, Star, and her friend
A are planning to leave for second block and maybe get mint chocolate chip ice cream!
Also I might eat her out XD
Anyways idk. I hope I can bike tonight to call Jay.
I keep accidentally using people's real names here then having to correct it... I dont know how much i care about MY identity being discovered... but to have my friends doxxed would suck.
Man I feel bad abt saying fuck star last night cos we made up....
Wait we r looking at another house? Idk I'm in the car still waiting to go home
Oh wait no now we r goin home
Its 6:39... I hope I still have time.
I went biking, called Jay. Went home. Idk, friendly conversation... we talked more tonight and I also talked to my other friend A. Jay is... I LOVE HIM?? SO MUCH??? I feel so happy. Talking to him thinking about him seeing his STUPID FUCKING FACE JESUS. his eyes alone... I could stare at his face all day probably. I want to kiss him... hOLD HIS HAND... omg... huG HIM!!! Eofjwpxjwie he's so sweet like I can't even... and I'm proabably not good enough for him like. Wtf. Hes easily a 10. And I dont rate things outta 10. How tf do I end up with HIM? Doing stuff, as friends. Like wHAT. I guess I got lucky XD. He says he loves my personality and I'm hot XD ofc I dont see it myself. But like. JESUS CHRIST he could proabably easily pull whOever. XD me?
Whatever though. As long as we r together and stuff. I LOVE HIM A LOT. he said he loved me. Every time he says that it makes me so overly happy.
Maybe I'm just sappy and stuff.... whatever. I think it would be nice to be hugged by him.
Yeah I'm cheesy.
I'm sorta tired now so maybe I'm not writing the best.
I just keep thinkinf about love. Love is a muscle of evil suggestion. But how evil can it really be? I am just a human being and that is all. Everything else is applied. I am just a human being with soemthing in my heart that pulls me all over the place. Love is this strange thing because I'm fucked up and to be able to love without that fucked up part of me, without the damage... is this complicated, hard thing to do and I can NEVER tell if I'm doing it right but I know I'm DOING IT. I know I FEEL LOVE. And soemtimes it's such an intense thing like when you go to surf on a wave at the beach with ur belly but u hit it wrong and it's so big and overwhelming it washes over you and PULLS you down to the bottom and smushes your face into the sand and YOU CANT BREATHE jesus Christ it's like that.
Or maybe I just want to experience love as it should be felt.
Obviously all of my problems surrounding this Damage could be easily fixed if I went to therapy but. there are reasons I can't.
I LOVE a lot. Too much for my own good. Enough to hurt me, get me into trouble, etc etc but also... enough to liberate me. I LOVE. I love Jay. So much. LIKE. MY BRAIN ORBITS AROUND HIM CONSTANTLY THINKING OF HIM AND PRAISING HIM AND MWUAH HE IS SO LOVELY I BOW BEFORE HIM...
I think as much as I love, a lot of the times I tend to focus even more on BEING loved.
If I am told I am loved, and shOwN I am loved... it is one of the most powerful things. Especially since I was literally emotionally neglected in childhood... yeah. I feel like I'm always trying to fill that hole.
Not EVERY feeling I have is for that reaosn but sometimes, if you tell me you love me, show me you love me, hug me,... I'll like start crying,,, that's the childhood emotional neglect kicking in. If you call me #smol and #cute and say I look young and fragile which happens more often than you'd think XD, I know I'm not supposed to like that shit, so I act like I dont....but I do. Which is PROBABLY ALSO THE CEN 🤪  like whatever lol
Anwyays I'm fucked up
You see how quickly things become complicated in my mind?
Convoluted? Is that the word?
Whatever. I OVERCOMPLICATE THINGS COS I OVERTHINK THEM BECAUSE I'm LITERALLY MENTALLY ILL IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS. I'm not joking. I obviously have unresolved undiagnosed "issues"
I do Suspect things, though.
I can make a list
Maybe I shouldn't.
Maybe I will.
I shouldnt.
I used to hate when people brought up my self harm. I would actually panic. I still self harm but now? Now I'm fine with anyone  talking about it as long as it's not an adult who can get me into trouble/force me into therapy over it. Because really? I kinda like having it mentioned. It's kinda validating and it's like hey... people can see that I'm sick.
I dont do it so people talk to me about it though. Dont get me wrong. If I did, I'd go vertically on the arms, not for suicide but so it healed and people would ask XD.
My scars are actually VERY hidden... cos I never intended for ANYONE to see. But for those who DO see them,,,, it's nice soemtimes to have people express concern.
I dont wanna be PITIED or anything, but idk I just think to myself "wow, they're CONCERNED... about ME... they arent angry or mean... they didnt yell at me or threaten me... they respect my autonomy and privacy...
And they CARE ABOUT ME..." and it makes me cry.
That's also the CEN.
I dont know. I just like when people express genuine concern. Even if they see and then just ask if I'm okay. That's all it takes cos then I go wow.
Its validating and irs lovely because finally people care... FINALLY PEOPLE CARE. FINALLY I GET SOME EMPATHY OR SYMPATHY AND NO ANGER.
Even just having them brought up tells me its noticeable enough
My brain does this thing where it thinks nothing bad that's ever happened to me was Bad Enough for me to be upset about.
And I dont know... its nice sometimes to be told shit like "omg that looks so bad" or to see that people who do see my cuts are somewhat shocked or revolted... it's nice because I go... "hey, it was bad enough for them..."
Because I'm not used to that...
Because CEN
I'm. The worst perosn on the fucking planet.
I should kill myself.
I suddenly actually feel so self hating I do want to kill myself... oh god.
I ruin everything. Everything. Everything. Everything. What have I done. Like. Why. Oh god.
I'm just remembering when Star said my kindness seemed like an act. And how I've been called out for seeming fake like 2 other times.
DO I SEEM FAKE???? I DONT EVER PUT ON ACTS OF KINDESS.... CONCIOUSLY? but the very idea that I could be perceived that way...
Should I like not try to be nice or some shit?
Jesus christ she hurts my feelings even now when it was a long time ago.
But I cant blame her. I can't blame anyone for how i feel except my parents because they left me with fucking. Heart nerve damage or some shit.
I'm tired and now I'm sad too. Goodnight guys.
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floatservices · 4 years
wrong numbers/right answers
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iwaizumi hajime/reader wc: 3.9k 
When Hajime had started catching feelings for the mystery number, he'd rationalised that it could never be you. Slowly but surely, his mystery texter had been getting him out the slump Iwaizumi had been feeling over his unrequited feelings, and instead of wondering about you, he was wondering when the next mystery number text would come.
But now you're her and she's you and his brain is going to explode. He doesn't have enough brain cells for this.
Curse this stupid, stinking crush.
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“You've been on that damn phone for, what, 30 minutes now?” Iwaizumi growls, waving Oikawa's less than impressive test score across said boy’s face. “What are you, texting a new girlfriend?”
“Iwa-chan, I'm flattered you think I have a new girlfriend!” Oikawa’s ecstatic, typing with one hand and snatching away the sheet away with the other. “But no, I'm just trying to have a good time with our favorite classmate,” Oikawa metaphorically dangles you in front of him, and smirks as his friend’s eyes widen. “Oho, I’ve got your attention now, have I?”
Iwaizumi wrinkles his nose, trying to get the test back. “Shut up, shittykawa. If I knew her better, I'd apologize to her because she has to deal with the likes of you.”
The spiker makes a wild lunge for the test paper, because they came to his house to study, not so his disgraceful excuse of a best friend could tease him about a girl, but Oikawa leans just out of reach, his long arms stretching as far as they could.
“You wound me, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa chuckles, shuffling the paper under the cushion he was sitting on. “My test score wasn’t that bad, anyways-“
“You call a 52% a good grade?!”
“Well, it's a pass, isn’t it? I have more important things on my mind, anyways, like beating Ushiwaka, texting my favorite girl in class, don’t you have something to do? Oh, wait! I forgot that you were-”
“Shittykawa," Iwaizumi cuts in, a seething expression on his face, but Oikawa pays no mind. "If you finish that sentence-“
“-Socially awkward! You can’t even talk to her without blushing! But funny how that doesn’t happen when you talk to anyone else like that, hmm, Iwa-chan?”
Hajime gets up and launches himself across the chabudai, tackling Oikawa, a fist raised.
It’s 8am when Iwaizumi gets a text.
From: ??? To: You rinrin this is you right!?? buddy???!! pls send me ur jpnese lit hw I NEED HELP otherwise tatsuya-sensei will have me impaled bro my entrails will be sacrificed to whoever the hell Yamada Kai was, helpppp!
There’s a string of different crying emojis after that, which Iwaizumi finds adorable. He doesn’t know who this is, but it’s obvious that the poor guy went to Aoba Johsai. The woman who taught Japanese Literature was famous around the school for being a harsh marker and a harsher teacher style. They’d been studying Yamada’s works so far, and Iwaizumi expects whoever sent it was panicking- it was 8, school started 8:30, and English was their second lesson of the day (or it was for tomorrow, because Classes 3-4 didn’t have Literature today, but Iwaizumi assumes it’s today, otherwise they wouldn’t be this distraught.)
He glances at his watch- he had a few minutes to spare. He fishes his work out his bag, and he thanks God he's used his best handwriting (Tatsuya-sensei had caused quite the scene photocopying his work last time, showing off to the entire Class-2 how “insufferably illegible” his print was,) hoping whoever was behind the screen could read it. He takes a quick picture of it, making sure it’s not blurry and the script is clear before sending it off and hurrying out of his house.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You [sent: IMG20151219] you’ve got the wrong number but i’m from seijou too. this is the worksheet you mean?
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You aaa i’m so sorry for sending it to the wrong number!
but yes, it is the right one! thank you so much, i owe you one, mystery man!
Oikawa’s waiting for him outside as always, and Iwaizumi deliberately speeds up so he can walk past. Behind him, Oikawa makes a sort of whine from the back of his throat, quickening his pace to fall in next to him.
“What’s gotten you so cheery?” Oikawa asks, and Iwaizumi realizes he’s been smiling. He replaces it with a scowl, quickly shoving his phone in his pocket so Oikawa can’t get anymore curious.
“It’s no thanks to you.” Iwaizumi quips, and Oikawa pouts.
Iwaizumi only risks a reply when he gets to school, because Oikawa Tooru will never shut up if he sees him texting someone that is so obviously a girl.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You how do you know it's a guy..? for all you know i could be a girl, you know.
He gets a reply soon after.
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You well, if you are a girl, i'm sorry!! i didn't mean anything  by it... also i kinda assumed you were a guy because of your handwriting.
He should be offended by that, right? Right. He’s offended by it. He's about to defend himself when his phone buzzes with another message.
He blinks, an ungraciously amused smile making it's way onto his face. He leaves his phone alone for the school day, because his teacher has just walked in. He figured he'd reply to you after school, just before volleyball.
It's kind of a mistake, because he comes back to 12 more messages, each message reading a variant of "I'm sorry," the amount of sincerity in each message growing as the hours passed by. He figures it's time to ease the stranger out her misery, and begins typing his reply.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You no need to get worked up on it, lmao   you planned on talking to me again?
While waiting, he has enough time to go to the clubroom early and change out of his school uniform to his jersey. He's halfway through fixing one half of his laces when his phone pings.
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You it's because i thought i owed you one.... but i guess if you don't want to talk it's okay lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You i hope it's not me that offended you this time. i do want to talk. you seem... cool?
He hits the send button, rereads it, and recoils. That sounds awkward.
Iwaizumi starts typing more.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You besides, you don't know me. how are you gonna give back (whatever. i don't know how! you're the  one that wants to owe me.) if you don't even know me?
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You won't it be funner if it's a mystery?
i guess... we could help each other out! anytime we need hw help we just call each other, like a private help line.
(also, why the question mark? of course i'm cool!)
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You i think that sounded less creepy in your head.  
(sure, you're cool. [heavy sarcasm, if you can't tell.])
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
is that a no?
Iwaizumi stares at the screen. Well, he didn't really mind. And whoever this was sounded pretty trustworthy, and not a random creep that pretended to be a Seijou student in their free time. His time to deliberate is cut short, because Oikawa slams the clubroom doors open, singing a Christmas carol Iwaizumi didn't recognise, along with Hanamaki and Matsukawa, who were discussing what kind of forfeit Oikawa had to pay today if he didn't set as well as he should; ramen or oden?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You fuck why not
i'll be looking forward to... being helped out? bye.. i'll talk later.  
my best friend is here and i'm not ready for him to annoy me straight to satan's asscrack.
Iwaizumi whips the phone away from Oikawa's line of vision, only letting him see his asscrack remark. (It backfired, because Oikawa spends all of the time from putting his shoes on to the start of practice whinging.) The boys slowly file out of the clubroom, Kunimi shutting off the lights as the door softly clicks closed.
Iwaizumi's phone lights up in his blazer pocket, a simple "see you later!" on the screen that brightens the whole room up.
It's two weeks later when Iwaizumi needs the help he's been promised. He opens up his chat- they'd just been talking last night about Seijou's annual fair, and what they each were going to do.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You hey english is kicking my ass
can you help a me out please
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao ofc !! what do you need help with
i would let u copy my answers but i feel like you actually have to learn english at some point phone-chan lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You the english were on crack when they
made up their language i swear
does the sentence "the star shine brightly" work
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
weh that's a trick question
"shone" is for no object and "shined" is for when here's no object. so like shone works for 'light' and shined can be for like
a car headlight
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You what the hell
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ikr english is crazy
you also forgot the "d" at the end lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You that one is on me that's simple
but the other thing isn't. aren't the both shining anyway? what's the point in having two. i hate this devil language i swear
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
if it helps no one really cares and i think
you could get away with either english has a lot of rules and no one follows them sooooo... it's whatever!!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
try telling that to fukuoda-sensei i swear that guy has a grudge against me or smthn
To: You
From: Crying Emoji lmao WAHAHAHA i had him last year.... he literally hates fun i don't think i've ever seen him smile
good luck with that phone-chan :P
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
one last question btw
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
ooh okay shoot!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You what's 好きな食べ物は揚げ出し豆腐 in english
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ...
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You don't tell me you don't know :(
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao phone-chan, if i say i'll make your agedashi tofu for the festival tmrw will you please stop making vague hints  towards it for the rest of the night?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You :)
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao the things i do for you, phone chan!
"Iwa-chan, don't eat too much." Oikawa says, blinking as he tries to process the sheer amount of beancurd his friend is wolfing down.
"Says the person who hogged all the milk bread once." Iwaizumi retorts, rolling his eyes. "This is one plate of tofu, unlike when you once wasted 2000 yen to buy the school's entire daily stock of milk bread so you could eat it." He pauses to finish another cube of his favourite food. "And school milk bread doesn't even taste that great."
"It was cheap, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa tries to defend himself. "Makki, Matssun, help me out here!"
Matsukawa only shrugs, and when prompted by Oikawa to give a 'real' answer, he sides with Iwaizumi, apologizing sheepishly.
"Sorry to admit it Captain," He chuckles, "But I don't really like school food anyways."
Iwaizumi shoots Oikawa a teasing smirk, and Oikawa's just about to say something when Hanamaki pipes up.
"I like it," Makki makes a non-committal gesture, and Oikawa looks happy with that. "I mean, sure, school food isn't that great but I think the milk bread is the only good thing about it."
"Like striking gold in a coalmine!" Oikawa nods his approval, and Iwaizumi just sighs. Looking around, he spots you out of the corner of his eye, looking as good as usual and serving a few parents and students. He knows he can't call you because he'd end up sweating through his blazer, so he asks another classmate instead.
"Okuhara-kun," He calls, waving to a boy in his class. "Do you know who made the tofu?"
The boy shakes his head. "Whoever it was came early to drop it off. It had a note with it though."
This gets Iwaizumi's attention. She'd left something for him? "Oh? What did it say?"
"Uh- this is an exact quote, by the way- 'Phone-chan, don't you dare!'" Okuhara replies, drawing out quotation marks in the air. When Iwaizumi lets out a loud laugh, he takes it for disbelief.
"Is it... really that funny?" He questions, looking bemused.
Hajime grins. "Not really."
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You you didn't even drop any hints!
all you gave me was a note that told me to go away
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao i knew you'd go looking, phone-chan! my intuition is as good as ever!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You unfair. that was like, my best friend's level of unfair.
so unfair that i'm thinking about moving my best friend back to the top of my favourites list :/
That was a bold faced lie. Oikawa had never been on the top of his favourites list: that was reserved solely for Makki.
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao you wound me!
who is this best friend?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
not telling lol
you'd know who i was then
To: You
From: Crying Emoji lmao spare hint ma’am?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You you didn't give me any!
and you're the one who wanted to keep it a secret in the first place :/
...but fine.
he's on the volleyball team
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao oikawa!!??
To: Crying Emoji lmao
From: You ... :( yeah
see i told you!
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao actually, i don't know the vb team that well. oikawa's one of the only guys i know  because he's popular. and loud 
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You oh so i’m not popular?
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao aww phone-chan it’s not like that <3 ur popular in my heart :)
Iwaizumi curses at the blush that follows reading that. He will not allow himself to get flustered over that, it was a joke!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You gee thanks 
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao besides i still know the third years! i'm just saying i don't know them that well!!
hanamaki, matsukawa and iwaizumi. they're a close friend group, so i expect one of then is you
When he reads his name, he doesn't know whether to deny it completely, or confirm that it's him. Hajime puts his phone down and paces for a bit, wondering if he's fucked up. When he checks his phone again, chewing on his lip, he guffaws at the message they've left.
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ...judging from how you're not replying, you are.
but since i don't know which one, i'll decide on calling you phone-chan, yeah?
When Iwaizumi met whoever they were, he was gonna give them a lecture of a lifetime about not being a smartass.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You fine, yeah. i am one of them. but now you owe me a hint too!
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
well, i suppose i do!
i'm one of the girls in the class that actually has oikawa's number. he half forced me to give it to him, actually, but it's still been fun talking with him.
(not as much as talking with you, phone-chan!)
and i also totally get why he's annoying.
Iwaizumi feels a tiny bit of jealously bubbling up- irrational, because he's only been texting them for about half a month. His friend's statement about liking talking with him more than Oikawa makes him a little pleased, because people didn't usually pick his pretty best friend over him (selfish, yeah, but he's tired of girls asking him to deliver chocolates to the setter and befriending him in hopes of getting closer to Tooru.)
But girls who had his number? Only the ones Oikawa actually had an interest in.
The grand total of the people in his class with the brunet's number was three, because as courteous and as flirtatiously he acts, he accepts and turns down people normally, and doesn't like hurting girls as much as his playboy rep boasts (Iwaizumi's always liked that about him.) The three girls he knew of consisted of Aoi, his ex, Reina, who unbeknownst to Oikawa at the time, swang the other way, and...
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao i know that aoi, reina and (name) has his number...
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao well, one of them is certainly me!
we're both down to three, phone-chan. even ground!
Iwaizumi feels the world cave in on himself, reading the message over and over. Aoi was a nice guy, but he was also the same brand of pompous that Hajime disliked and Oikawa had found cute. They’d ended it horribly, so Hajime was decidedly not looking forward to the possible outcome that it was him, so he casts away the thought before it can solidify in his mind’s eye. Reina didn’t even like guys, so if you were you…
Huh. His mouth’s gone dry suddenly.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You cool cool
 hey i'm gonna head to bed i gotta emotionally prepare for voluntarily walking into japanese lit class with tatsuya sensei on my ass
sorry to cut it short
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao aw don't worry about it phone-chan <3
good night! and see you tmrw, whether we know it or not!!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You sleep well
Iwaizumi curses during the 5th hour of trying to sleep. Curse this stupid, stinking crush.
He wishes he hadn't asked. He's fine with his favorite crying emoji user knowing who he is, but knowing that it's you sort of struck a pang in his heart that couldn't be undone. He can't concentrate in class, and though he fights it because Oikawa's caught on to this habit, he finds himself staring at you instead of listening to the teacher. The whole situation was annoying!
First he thinks you're cute but he'd chalked it up to never working out because Oikawa had managed to snag your number. Then Oikawa assures him that it's platonic and they only talk about school work which is, to say the least, bullshit, because Oikawa can't actually text without getting distracted. His best friend has a tendency to rant about volleyball or start gossiping when his phone is within reach, and it's why his study sessions happen with Hajime next to him (and even with him, Oikawa still manages to get his grubby hands on his phone.) His best friend was absolutely up to something, and it had been killing Iwaizumi that he didn't know what it was.
And then he'd gotten that cute, fated, statistically impossible text from a wrong number, and fallen into a cute flirting-but-not-really routine. They were kind, sweet, and willing to help him with trivial things like homework and make him his favorite food.
It was easier not really knowing who it was! That was mean to admit, sure, but even when Hajime had started catching feelings for the mystery number, he'd rationalised that it could never be you. Slowly but surely, his mystery texter had been getting him out the slump he had been feeling over his unrequited feelings, and instead of wondering about you, he was wondering when the next mystery number text would come.
But now you're her and she's you and his brain is going to explode. He doesn't have enough brain cells for this.
Hajime sighs, looking away from you and back to his worksheet. Algebra stares back at him with no mercy. "I have no brain cells." He mutters, amending his thoughts. In the seat next to him, Oikawa chuckles lightly.
"You've got enough to stare at her, though." He whispers, and Hajime feels his blood boiling. "I swear, when the bell rings, I'm going to-"
The teacher clears her throat loudly. "Iwaizumi-san, if you could refrain from speaking until I've finished..."
Iwaizumi feels his hot rage flood into his cheeks as embarrassment instead. "Of course, sorry sensei."
You catch his eye as he averts his eyes from the teacher, and you smile encouragingly. Hajime thinks the knot in his forehead gets worse. He feels himself go hotter, somehow, and quickly goes back to looking at his math equations. Oikawa's still fucking smirking.
"Denial, Iwa-chan."
There's something fishy in the way that Oikawa texted the group chat about getting lunch. Firstly, Oikawa liked western food for whatever reason, and whenever he asked to go out, he would picked a pricey French place. The rest of the team would debate for about 8 minutes before usually settling on a cheap soba place near the town centre. He'd claimed it was for a post-midterms celebration, and since the Christmas holidays had started, they might as well go somewhere altogether, as a team.
But Oikawa's suggested this expensive ramen place (which... alright, it's not like Oikawa never eats Japanese. But he doesn't prefer it, and Hajime is paranoid about whatever plan his best friend has hatched) and instead of shouting at him to lower the price, Makki and Mattsun agree immediately. Iwaizumi knows Makki is broke this week, after having to buy a replacement volleyball for the one they popped while roughhousing, so he doesn't understand why he'd agree to blowing 2000 yen on a single bowl of ramen.
The rest of the third years decline or agree. Iwaizumi thinks this is for plausible deniability, to make him think it's all alright. But when Oikawa @'s him in chat to confirm for the coming Thursday, he grudgingly agrees. He's wanted to try that ramen place for a while, anyway, and he's putting too much thought into this. It was just lunch with the team. It's fine.
Then the coming Thursday rolls around, and he's been standing outside the ramen place for 5 minutes and no-one is here and he's going to kill Oikawa-
To: [crying baby noises] From: You oikawa i swear to god where the fuck is everyone. i'm going to aim every spike in practice to you i swear. yahaba would help me
To: You From: [crying baby noises] WAHAHAHA it's okay iwa-chan, someone else you like much better than our sweaty volleyball team is coming ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
To: [crying baby noises] From: You die in a ditch
To: You From: [crying baby noises] you won't be saying that after ur first date! (☆ω☆)
here's her number, since ur gonna need it!
Iwaizumi grumbles the entire time he's punching in the number, intending to tell you that you've been set up and you don't need to bother coming, but his phone shows up with an error that he's already got the number saved. He stares at the notification, blinking once, twice, before the elation sets in and-
"Ah, Iwaizumi?" You call his name, walking quickly towards him and giving him a bashful smile. "Sorry I'm late. I wasn't worried because I thought it was just going to be Oikawa talking my ear off, but he texted me to say... well."
He just says your name, blushing but still grinning. You chuckle, and the little display of happiness pushes him to at least try and say something, "Oikawa gave me your number, but..." Iwaizumi trails off.
"He sent yours too." You explain, pulling your phone out and, at last, he's given proof that you're the mystery number and his grin manages to get wider. The cool winter air bites less than it did before. "But I already had it saved."
"Me too." Hajime says, taking a step closer to you and taking a hand tentatively. Your fingers slip between his, and your cheeks are pink from more than just the cold.
"I had a feeling it was you." You admit, still looking at him the way you do in his dreams. "It's nice to finally meet you properly, Phone-chan."
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“Get behind me, I’ll deal with this.” with our fav general Zelgius? u deserve a big protective sweetheart for your birthday uwu
Pairing: Zelgius x reader
Description: Being the emotional mess you are, you decided an impromptu dash through the forest near Castle Askr would do you some good. Of course, knowing your luck, it doesn’t.
Prompt: “Get behind me, I’ll deal with this” 
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 1980
Notes: Me, getting to these prompts that say “happy birthday” a month later: hhh thank u enjoy ur content;;; I always end up writing so much for Zelgius, this ended up being longer than I thought it would!
Dumb, and dumber; that would be your head and your heart. Named so, because your heart decided as much as you loved Zelgius, he would never love you back, and your mind because after agreeing with your heart, it sent you out on your own, rushing into the forest outside of castle Askr without so much of anything to protect you.
Which, would have been fine any other day really, it was generally a safe place around here due to the number of heroes in the area at any given time, but you weren’t the only moron out today it seemed. A small group of bandits had set up in the forest, apparently preparing to try and sneak into the castle; of course, had they done so they would have been easily captured and dealt with, but since you had just waltzed into their little camp they now had a bartering piece.
“I’ll bet they’ll pay a pretty penny to have their precious little Summoner back, huh?” You had somehow manged to stop crying once being captured and ended up being rather annoyed. You had been tied up and sat, rather uncomfortably in the middle of the three of them. You could only really keep an eye on one of the, due to how you were sat but at least this one seemed to be the leader of them.
“I hate to break it to you, but you know how unlikely that is?” You sighed. “This whole area is constantly patrolled by heroes-- and someone is going to notice I’m gone, really soon.”
“I’m sure they can be convinced,” you were dragged up by your chin, and met to face the grinning face of the leader. You leaned back, both because you wanted to be as far from him as possible and because you were positive his breath would smell disgusting. “After all, sending you back in one piece is a pretty good argument.” Your eyes widened a moment but you simply scowl at him.
“Go ahead-- hurt me if you want. You won’t kill me, after all, I’m just too valuable to you.” You had a moment to hold your victorious smirk before the leader growled and threw you unceremoniously to the ground.
“We’ll see about that Summoner.” He and his buddies were the ones left laughing as you struggled to right yourself without the use of your hands. You huffed, finally righted, and frowned.
“You don’t even have a plan, do you?” You eyed your left and right, seeing either of his lackeys behind you. “You’ve had me for nearly an hour now and you’ve done nothing?” You scoffed.
“Yeah, boss… you never did tell us the plan.” The one to your left sounded a little concerned.
“Mind filling us in?” Righty didn’t seem too pleased either.
“The Summoner, obviously!” The man gestured to you in anger. “You heard them say it, someone’s bound to come looking. That’s where we make our stand.”
“So you’re just going to wait here, hoping someone stumbles upon us?” You huffed. “No one knows where we are, that could take hours, even if they started looking now.” You frowned as the boss only seemed to get angrier as Righty spoke again.
“Ya know, the Summoner is making a hell of a lot more sense than you are.” You smirked a little. “We have her, why not use her as bait? Speed things up a bit.” Your smirk dropped as you watched the leader ponder this, hand stroking his tattered beard.
“Alright, fine, have it your way.” He was still frowning at the thought of having his authority challenged. “We’ll head to the forest's edge and wait. When you see one of you’re precious heroes, call them over-- and we’ll jump out to negotiate.” It was honestly one of the dumbest plans ever, but you supposed between the three of them they were only sharing two brain cells.
“Up with you then,” Lefty quite literally managed to pull you up to your feet and push you forward, guiding you as Righty and the leader argued back and forth. Soon enough, you had reached the forest's edge. The foliage was thick enough that you couldn’t see in, but the rest of you could out just fine. Sure enough, someone had come looking for you; you had mixed feelings about it, though, because on one hand, Zelgius could easily take care of a couple of stupid brigands, but one the other hand, he was the reason you had drove yourself into the reach of these three in the first place.
“...I’m not sure I like this look of this one.” Lefty frowned.
“No trust me, he’s very important around here,” You lied. “He would never risk getting me hurt” You added.
“Get moving,” You were shoved forward, hands still tied, and sighed.
“Zelgius!” You called out to him, and his green eyes quickly met your form. “Hey, get over here really quick? There’s um...” You looked behind you, blatantly, and the three just shrugged. “I need to tell you something important.” You sighed. Zelgius was no fool, and he knew something was up. He quickly jogged to cover the distance between you. The closer he got, the more things seemed off. You were frowning, and gesturing with your eyes behind you. Not only that, your hands were obviously tied behind you.
“Is… everything alright?” Things obviously weren’t, he could see shadows behind you, but he had to act with a certain level of caution less something happens to you.
“Oh, I’m just peachy,” You frowned, casually stepping towards Zelgius before you could be pulled back to the tree line. “Listen, there are three idiots back there, mind helping me out?” Zelgius had to hold back his laugh at your pure gall; even in a bad situation, you had your humor.
“Hey wait a second!” A hand reached out to pull you back, but Zelgius was quicker, pulling you towards his chest protectively.
“Get behind me, I’ll take care of this” Zelgius had already brandished Aldonite, hold it out in front of him as you moved behind him as he asked.
“Gladly,” You were smirking again. “There’s three of them, but they’re not the brightest bunch so it should be easy,” Obviously angered by your words, the familiar figures of your captors appeared from the foliage and attacked. Two went for Zelgius, and the third made a dash for you. Zelgius was prepared for this, and was able to block the two with Aldonite and pull you to his chest with the other. You were impressed by his maneuverability but the three of them weren’t done yet. They didn’t seem to have much battle practice you noticed, their attacks were unplanned and haphazard at best.
“There’s not much reason to their fighting, but if you take out their leader the other two might lose their will to fight,” They may be easy foes, but he was still outnumbered and trying to protect you; the least you could do was act on your feet and try to find him an advantage in this fight. “Besides,” You added, raising your voice significantly to gain their attention. “He’s too weak to take you on his own, so he needs others to fight his battles for him!” Just as you had hoped, this had angered the leader as you had prior, and made the other two hesitant to attack. Zelgius was easily able to attack the man first, and knock him down, Aldonite ready to pierce his flesh.
“I ought to kill you for capturing _____,” You wiggled in your restraints as if to say ‘yeah you really fucked up’ but you held your tongue, for once. “But spilling your blood would be a waste.” He lifted Aldonite, but scoffed. “Leave this place, and never return-- or next time I won’t go easy.” Between your remarks, and Zelgius’s glare and overall intimidating composure, the three brigands cursing you and quickly fleeing. After watching a minute, to make sure they really did disappear into the forest, Zelguis turned to you, concern obvious on his features.
“Mind untying me now?” You asked sheepishly.
“How did this happen?” Zelgius withheld a sigh, but you could hear it in the tone of his voice as he worked on untying the ugly knot keeping you bound.
“I went wandering in the forest, alone. I was… a little upset, so I had my guard down.” You didn’t bother to hold in your own sigh, gazing over the expanse of trees. “I’m okay now, and I apologize for being so foolish.” Zelgius has successfully freed your hands, and you brought them to your chest to rub your wrists while turning to face him. “Thanks for all that, though.”
“They didn’t hurt you in any way?” He was scanning your body, looking for any excuse to follow those idiots and let loose the rage that was quietly burning inside him.
“Not much, I got pushed around a little but I’ll survive.” You smiled up at him and he decided, in that moment, you were more important.
“...What had you running off in the forest so late anyway?” You had hardly noticed, but dusk was quickly approaching. Had Zelgius not turned up when he did, you could have had to spend the night with those men.
“Ah… it was nothing, don’t worry.” You shook your head. “Just, some perceived failures on my own part, and a moment of weakness.” You were frowning, and still refusing to meet his intense gaze. “Like I said though, I’m better now. I’m… more curious why you were out here so late, actually.” You sneaked a look his way, and noticed now, he looked just as uncomfortable as you.
“I...” He stopped, unsure what to say. “I heard word that you had left the castle… looking upset. I, suppose I was worried.” His words even surprised him, but he had nothing to offer you but the truth.
“Worried? You echoed, fully meeting his gaze once more. “I suppose that’s a good thing, then.” You cracked a smile and Zelgius did as well. Your heartbeat was picking up, and just from hearing that you had to reconsider your stance on the whole ‘Zelgius could never love me thing’. Anything seemed possible at that moment. “Let’s return to the castle, Zelgius. It’s been a pretty eventful day for me.” You laughed, and he nodded in agreement.
“If you’ll allow it,” The two of you had begun walking back. Zelgius looked ahead, but you glanced his way as he spoke. “I’d like the chance to better protect you; today feels like a failing on my part.”
“Oh Zelgius, I told you, I was just emotional and impulsive.” You laughed. “How could you have known I would do that when even I didn’t?” You countered. “I promise, you’re already doing much more than you need to.”
“Still,” He paused before the stairs the led to the door with you, and you turned to face him. “I want to do more because… knowing you’re safe brings me peace.” Yes, you really would have to reevaluate just how you thought Zelgius felt for you; here, in the dying light, with the evening sun crowning his figure, you could swear you saw the whispers of the words ‘I love you on his lips’. But it was just as fleeting as the daylight.
“I… suppose I can allow that.” You had to fight to find your voice in all that emotion. “Because… having you protect me makes me very happy as well.” He nodded, a small smile on his face. The rest of the walk up the castle steps were silent, the both of you left to your thoughts. You were smiling like an idiot, though, thinking that maybe, just maybe, you had a shot with the Black Knight himself.
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