#if wanna explore things without forcing stuff then i'll have to figure out how to better feel what vibes with me
shevr · 1 year
thinkin back to that post a while ago i'd tagged w/ "sorry for not being hornier" actually; like i know this stacks on top of my general issue with failing to draw more in general but sometimes i somehow feel bad or inadequate for not indulging in drawing nsfw things. never been a thing i feel like ive ever rly naturally left like doing so much
idk if that's me wishing i could feel like it, or wanting to do what the other cool artists do, or just another extension of wishing to do anything
but. monday 2am rambles, nothin serious. i can draw dicks whenever, whatever, no rush
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rubixpsyche · 6 months
I don't wanna step on any toes so know that this is absolutely inspired by @redladydeath 's RAM AU, but now I'm thinking of an AU where Vox sabotages his own memories of Alastor because 5 years into Alastor's disappearance he's getting frustrated that he just can't move on. He doesn't care about Alastor anymore, he was stupid to reject him his proposal, why is he still so hung up on some has-been who people are suspecting is dead now, he's not even a threat he's gone.
Maybe he's careful, or maybe emotionally he gets careless and deletes too much too quickly, I haven't figured out which I want yet.
Cos being careful means Vox going through their memories, turning them over and having to really re-experience and consider if there's any crucial knowledge/information he needs from it before he throws it out. Which forces him to keep reliving them and strengthening his attachment which is so counterproductive to this whole plan. And the more he keeps the more he looks like the lovesick reject and he hates that. And for USEFUL experiences, he's pissed because he cannot stand the idea that Alastor made him. He doesn't want a hint of that notion. He is Vox, he is self-made, Alastor was just another person he used on the way up to the top. He didn't need Alastor to get to where he is. Did he.
On the other hand if he erratically deletes memories on impulse, then people, especially the Vees, notice him change suddenly. Mannerisms he unknowingly picked up from Alastor disappear and they are made aware of how much of Vox came from Alastor, stuff he probably didn't even know himself and would have never told others. It bugs Valentino especially, because there was an overlap between when he met Vox and Vox was still hanging out with Alastor. And the amount of influence Alastor has is starting to bug him, because there's no way for him to know if he has the same level of influence (he's jealous). He's part of the Vees, he and Vox started that. Surely he has equal or even more influence on Vox even if he knew him for a shorter time. He is Valentino, he changed Vox's life, like how Vox changed his. For Velvette it's just an unwelcome change, and is a little wary of it changing up their dynamic too much. Was the procedure so destructive that it could topple their empire? Because if that's how this ends she's going to be so fucking mad that he did this to himself and more importantly, them. Impulsively. Without even considering what it would do to the Vees. Isn't he supposed to be the planner?!
Vox will also have to struggle with missing memories he actually really fucking needed and it frustrates em knowing he did that to himself.
Idk I just really wanna explore that dilemma we have after a breakup, platonic or romantic, of wanting to forget everything about them. About how this could harm you because unfortunately sometimes your lives were intertwined so tightly. But also you can own what you got from them, and you shouldn't cut out parts of yourself for them. And you always have more people that will influence you, and you're robbing yourself of something by being so hurt by the past that you won't let others influence you ever again. That's not a bad thing.
Also I want to make it a tech thing >:) I'll expand on that next time
Chromedome fans rise up
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olivyh · 1 year
HEY HEY HEY(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
So basically, mc SOMEHOW, miraculously, manages to escape the cage AND THAT BTCH RUNS FOR THE HILLS and somehow ends up in nbc
This could go one or both routes:
Rollo is an innocent who took mc in because he pitied them and was also curious about the world they say they hail from without magic n less homicide n stuff
Rollo is a villain who took mc in because he believes that they could be of use to eradicate the nrc students or sum'
So essentially, the nrc students get invited to go to nbc as per canon plot line and are pleasantly surprised to see their recent escapee inhabiting the school they were just sent to scope out..
I'll let you take it from here(⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
-Anor anon<333
(sorry for the hiatus, I haven't touched my crusty musty dusty Tumblr in like what? A month now??🥲)
OMG HII ANOR ANON!!! It's been so long!! I've also been on a few hiatuses, so I get it completely haha!! Welcome back!! <33 The internal dialogue ideas really hit differently!!!
Maybe spoilers for the Glorious Masquerade event below?
I think this could go deeper into the worldbuilding aspect of the ttv universe! If NRC is the only school that is doing this sort of thing (how Crowley makes it so nobody is ever persecuted, who knows?), then the first route would be the best option! Rollo would definitely use this to his advantage in his whole anti-magic thing! With mc there, it could definitely lead to a route of Rollo and mc working to expose Nrc to the world and to save the few good students that are left there. In that route, I could definitely see Rollo taking on a protector/brotherly route (which could possibly help him resolve his guilt over you-know-what).
In this, they could meet the families of those who died and, maybe, work to somehow stop nrc's sphere of influence and avenge those who died during that school year and the previous years. Imagine the families and friends of the deceased students, paired up with those in their communities working to take down the school (which could indluce some major governmental figures and nobility, considering the dorm leaders and students who are doing the killing ARE nobility/rich/influential). Yes, I'm thinking Ruggie's whole neighborhood, Jack's family and friends (his pack, so to speak), the first years' families, mer coming from the sea, smaller fae who've been wronged by their future king... so many people!
Anyways, if it's the other route than that means that the rest of the world is just as messed up as Nrc which is... disappointing for Mc, since their battle would never end and they'd be forced into another dog-eat-dog world. In this route, they still have Rollo as a protector, though! Even though he's not as good as Jack, he's still willing to keep them safe (in exchange for insider info on the students of Nrc). But then again, this opens ore opportunities for the students of NRC to do whtever it takes to get their otherworldly "pet" back (Again, not a happy ending for TTV!Mc).
Once they found the mc, I think they would want them back (aside from Idia for obvious reasons,,,). This could end in an all out war between the schools (as Rollo would want MC for intel on the students of nrc). I can also see him as wanting to keep mc as a pawn to negotiate with the other students (which could either work, or end terribly as the students of nrc could decide to not care about mc).
I like the concept, and really wanna explore the world of ttv in the second part (which im planning on starting very soon, once I get a plot mapped out).
it was nice to hear from you again anor anon <3
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hezuart · 1 year
Heya! Just wanna say I can't wait for more about your au and also what is your favourite L. Game from concept art to design?
Hi! <3 L Game? as in Little Nightmares?
I'll go least fav to fav 3. Very Little Nightmares. Tiny mobile app screen where you tap to control. The screen cannot recognize my meaty fingers's input!!!!! UGH I'm just annoyed with the controls. The story was fine I suppose but felt like it lacked something. Lacked some oomph. Lacked true moments of horror. Not made by the original developers. Was the first LN game to introduce the fact that there are other children out there with scary supernatural powers. This LN game was a side story for the explanation behind the hanging man from LN 1. (At least... kind of.... the hanging man is a weird situation thanks to the comics...) It's an odd Six cop-out. We're led to believe this character we are playing is Six, only to reveal at the end she's a whole different character and then just... immediately killing her off. We can't even figure out who she is as a person. We don't really have any interactions with other characters enough to solidify her personality. I did adore the hidden easter eggs in the game. Nome with a bow was cute. I was curious about the other enemies and their circumstances, like why the butler is handcuffed. Where the girl's mother was. How so many kids end up at the Nest. Really only lead to more questions than answers.
2. LN1 is really good. Heavy Ghibli inspiration. A great introduction to a dark world, a unique dollhouse camera angle perspective style. A slight rocking to the screen to indicate you're on a boat. The amazing lighting. The finale; Six walking off sucking out souls of the guests that chased her to eat her, when she's now eating them. Perfect revenge power trip. Knowing she no longer has to physically consume things anymore. The nome she killed, but all the nomes she hugged still coming over to watch her leave (?) great scenes... The DLC introduced tough water mechanics that glitched out the physics engine but still were interesting enough for the DLC character. Showcasing a true addition to the Maw to peak the interest of viewers. The horrific and terribly sad ending and plot twist that took everyone by shock. Despite its glitches and perspective-deaths, its still overall a solid game. 1. LN2. I'll admit LN 1 is more put together than the second game. The sequel (or prequel rather) seemed messy in development, like they weren't sure where to really go with it. They had a lot of rough concepts and a lot of it seemed to get scrapped mid-production. Seems like they even intended for heavy DLC exploration with other children too. With how it turned out, its a pretty decent game. But knowing the scrapped DLC content and alt. directions the story was gonna take, it feels like a bit of a confused narrative. We got confirmation that the children really do turn into grotesque adults. That there are other children with creepy powers. We know of Shadow Six's origins. We know why people flee to the Maw or other places away from the mainland. The concepts are frankly more fascinating than the finished story, (children plugged into tvs, Mono feeding Six or Six feeding Mono, giant ???? meat baby???? you can't top THAT) tho the finished story is probably cleaner than the latter. Six dropping Mono at the end was so shocking to everyone and after thinking hard about it, I can't find any real logistical or emotional reason for her to do so. I think it was just genuinely a forced in betrayal for shock value. And hey, it certainly was shock value. Despite this game ending in completion, or really, a loop... and despite it being a PREQUEL... I can't help but feel like this game ends on a cliffhanger to me. Like there's more to the story. There's stuff untold about this universe. So LN 2 and LN1 are really close in favoritism. LN2 had the most fascinating concept art ...without Ghibli Bath Houses to take inspiration from like in LN1, so they really took it in risky directions. But I still acknowledge LN1 is more solid of the two. I think I just enjoy the LN2 mechanics a bit more. I like working together with Six, though frankly I was really disappointed learning that LN2 was in fact, not a multiplayer game. That Six gets separated from Mono several times throughout. I have plenty more to say about these games but this is probably the simplest assessment to give right now!
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Love On-Set (Pt. 04 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 3K
<- Previous part (03)
Next part (05) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Breaking Character
You meet Dacre at the entrance of the hotel's gym, which is a little crowded already. He guides you in and you decide to start with the bike. Dacre goes straight for the weights, obviously. But you manage to get a bike that gives you a perfect sight of where he is, and as you work out, you watch him. He gives you a few glances, but you manage to look away just in time. At least you hope you do. After a while, you decide to move to the treadmill to run for a few minutes. Thanks to the weekly visits to the local gym near your house, you're able to keep up the pace for a good amount of time before getting tired and deciding to stop. Dacre is still doing his stuff, so after refilling your bottle with cold water, you walk over where he is, sitting on a bench right before him. He's currently lifting a barbell that looks unbelievably heavy.
“Are you done already?” He asks in a sassy tone.
“I'll get a few more followers at your expanse just because I didn't like your tone, Mr. Montgomery.” Taking your phone, you open your Instagram and start making a video of Dacre. He looks incredible, so handsome right now, and the fact that he's shirtless only makes it better. You have to control yourself not to check him out more than you should. “Straight to my Instagram story.” You tell him as you put some emojis on the video and tags Dacre before sharing it with the whole world.
“Come here for a second.” He says, laying the barbell down.
“What for? If you think I can lift any of those things you must be going completely insane.” Despite being suspicious you stand up, leaving your phone on the bench.
As you walk over him, Dacre hands over his phone to a dark-haired man who was switching weights. “Can you record this for me?” You hear him asking. “Just a few seconds.” He kindly smiles and thanks to the man when he nods.
“Are you going to prank me or something?” You stop before him, arms crossed. Without saying anything, Dacre pulls you with him, placing you between him and the barbell. “Dacre, what–” You're cut short when he suddenly bends down and picks the bar up again, quickly standing up straight, trapping you in between his body and the bar. “What the hell, Dacre?”
“Hold it, c'mon.”
“I won't hold this thing. I can't lift it.” Keeping your voice low, you give the man with Dacre's phone a glance. He's actually doing what Dacre asked, filming you two doing whatever this is.
“Trust me.” It's his lower voice, right in your ear that makes you surrender and do it, holding the bar a few inches away from where his hand is holding it. Slowly, he starts moving. Everything you can do is mimic his movement, your eyes wandering from the bar to his right arm, noticing how his muscles are tense. “It's not that hard is it?”
“Not when I'm lifting exactly zero pounds.” You snap back, being forced to give a step back when Dacre brings the bell bar way too close to your body, and your back collides against his chest.
“That's enough, thanks, buddy.” It takes a while for you to understand he's talking to the guy with his phone. The man nods and puts the phone down before moving away, back into doing anything he was doing before. And probably wondering what the hell is going on with you two.
“Are you going to post that video?”
“Really?” Doesn't he know that it will get people talking?
“Why not?” Dacre drops the bar suddenly, and it makes a loud thud when it hits the floor, making you give a little jump.
“Damn it, Dacre!” You exclaim, a hand on your heart. “What about not killing your co-star before she finishes shooting the show?” Still a little startled, heart racing, and not only for the bar falling, you go back to the bench to get your phone.
“Now I'm exhausted already. How am I supposed to go to work?” Checking your feed, you see there are already a lot of people answering to your video, mostly your friends asking about Dacre... And some of your co-stars, but no reason to answer since you'll have to face them eventually.
“Done.” He says, and at the same time, you see the notification. Clicking on it, you're redirected to Dacre's story, where you see the short video of him standing behind you, ‘helping’ you lift the bar. In bright red letters, he wrote ‘the best personal trainer (Y/N) could ever get’.
He really did it. And he doesn't seem to care. “So you just made me look like an idiot. I'll get back at you for that.”
“Idiot? You look so hot in this video, I almost reconsidered posting it.”
“Me?” It comes out abruptly because you just can't believe it. Any of it. You can't believe he posted the video, you can't believe he just said you looked hot. You're confused and you need time to clear your mind. “I really think we should go now. Shower, have lunch, and get ready to work.” It will sound like you're running away, but you need some time away from Dacre. Your heart needs a break from beating so fast.
“Yeah, we probably should.” He puts his phone in his pocket before making his way out of the gym with you. “Why don't you come over to my room? I can get some room service and then we head off to set. It's just us so we can go in my car.”
“Sure.” You're quick to answer, immediately changing your mind. “I can be there in thirty minutes.”
“Room 1404.”
Thankfully, there are no incidents during lunch. You two just chat and joke around, and almost get on set late. The first scene is much more simple. It's just Amy and Billy bumping into each other, a small chat before they part ways, both annoyed at each other. Once that's done, you change into the second outfit, and the make-up and hairstyle it slightly changed. Night has already fallen when you get into position, waiting for the signal.
In this scene, Billy finds Amy walking home alone, at night. He's pissed that she's so reckless after they just learned about the Mind Flayer, in a scene that will still be shot. So when she refused to go with him, they have an argument. It's a turning point, with the tension between then being explored further, leading into a partial confession and an almost kiss. That's how James calls this scene.
And, as if the scene itself wasn't enough, you're mind is still at what happened at the gym. This will be hard. Maybe as hard as the actual kissing scene.
“Alright. Ready, everyone... And action!”
You start walking fast, the camera before you easily following your pace.
“Amy, get inside that damn car right now,” Billy says, seconds before reaching you and grabbing your arm, forcing you to stop. “You're not walking home this late with that damn Mind Flayer out there.”
“Stop–” Giving your arm a push, he lets go. “–trying to act as if you care. I know you don't.”
“If I didn't care do you really think I'd be here?” He steps closer, towering over you, and you have no choice but to step back. “Running after you like an idiot?” Your back hits a car parked on the sidewalk, just at the right place. “Do you really think I'd put any effort into trying to drag your ass out of the street?” Dacre slams both his hand on the car, and you make sure to make Amy give a little jump, followed by an annoyed expression.
“I know about the little games you play, Hargrove. I won't fall for them.” Raising your voice on the last sentence, you try to push him away, uselessly.
“It's funny how everyone in this town thinks they know me.”
“Oh, I don't. I don't think about you, Hargrove. At all.” With a sassy smile, you wait for his reply.
But it doesn't come. He just stands there, as his eyes change. From irritation to... Kindness. And you recognize Dacre as he breaks through Billy. “But I think about you. I think about you all the time.” Your heart starts racing again, more than before because this is not Billy. And you know the difference very well.
Frozen, not sure if you should take this as improvisation and follow his lead, you rest your back against the car, as Dacre follows your movement, his face now only two inches away.
“Cut!” The shout brings you back to reality, and Dacre immediately steps away. “I like what you're doing, but I don't think the line fits well on the scene.”
“My bad.” Dacre apologizes.
“Again. From the moment you slam your hands on the car.” James commands and you go back into position. “Action!”
“I know about the little games you play, Hargrove. I won't fall for them.”
“It's funny how everyone in this town thinks they know me.”
“I don't. I don't think about you, Hargrove. At all.” It's hard to keep Amy's mean smile on, not to break character and... You don't even know. But this is getting a little too hard to handle.
“Why do I have the feeling you're lying to me, princess?” He leans closer, so close Amy has no choice but to turn her head away, and when you move, you feel his breath in your neck.
“If you don't get the hell away from me right now, I swear–”
“I can't wait to see what you'll do.”
Then Amy snaps, pushing Billy away, hands on his chest, using all the strength she can manage. She's beyond pissed now, she's upset. Frustrated with her dangerous feelings towards the bad boy. “You're such a jerk!” You exclaim as Dacre gives a few steps back. “You know exactly what you're doing and you keep doing it!” The pushing turns into slaps, as Amy tries to get rid of Billy's arms, holding her. “I don't wanna be one of your flings so stay the hell away from me.”
“What do you wanna be then?” He asks, arms keeping you still, dangerously close to his body.
“I–” You're cut short when Dacre's hand comes to your cheek. For a moment you think he'll kiss you, your skin burning under his touch. The lines are forgotten, and it doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't remember it.
Then a loud noise startles you, bringing Amy back and Dacre falls back into character, looking at something over your shoulder. “We gotta get out of here.” He follows the script and you do the same, setting free from his grip.
“I'm not going with you!” Then it happens, Billy bends over and grabs Amy's legs, throwing her over his shoulder. The sudden change makes you gasp for air, quickly following to the next line. “What the hell? Put me down right now!” You yell, noticing how some of the extras start acting, moving from inside the houses to the porch to see what's the commotion about. “I'm not kidding, Billy. Put me the hell down!”
He only laughs as you push his back, swinging your legs. Dacre tightens the grip on your thighs, forcing you to stop moving. “You're very stubborn.” He mutters under his breath, finally putting you down and opening the passenger door. “Get. In. I won't let you walk–”
“Cut! Cut!” James says, quite impatient. “I want you to do something else there. From the moment you put her down, I want another confrontation. Do you guys think you can improvise it?”
“Yeah.” You mutter as Dacre nods.
“Good. Get in position then.” He orders and Dacre picks you up again, slower this time since there's no need for Billy's rush. “Alright. Action.”
“You're very stubborn.” He repeats as you're put back down, and you wonder what to do next. But when Dacre pushes you against the car, in a similar position from some minutes earlier, your mind threatens to go blank again. “Let's settle this, princess.” The different weight on the last word almost makes you break character, but to laugh this time. “If you don't get inside this damn car immediately and stop complaining, I will kiss you. Right here, right now. And I know you won't resist me.”
You're sure both Amy and you are paralyzed now, unable to move, or think, and you have to struggle to get your brain to work again. Dacre's eyes are so soft, you can't find Billy in them. You wonder if the cameras can get it... You wish there weren't so many cameras and lights on both of you now. “You wouldn't do that.” The words find a way out, thankfully.
“Really?” Dacre's arm encircles your waist suddenly, pulling you close, pressing you against his chest. “Try me.”
If you don't move, Amy or not, you'll kiss him. You won't even wait for Billy to fulfill his threat. So your hands nervously search for the door handle, breathing out in relief when you find it. As you turn around to open the door, his grip still holds you, and you're only free when you step inside the car, closing the door shut a little too violently. With your eyes focused on the car parked a few feets ahead, you only listen when Dacre gets in the driver's seat.
“Alright, cut!” Relieved this is over, you hope not to do it again. It'll be the death of you. “It was amazing. Whatever the two of you have going on, it's great. If you keep this level, the kissing scene will be one of this season's best moments.”
Glad that the day is over, you wave at Dacre before getting out of the car and heading to your dressing room. Your head won't stop spinning, thinking, replaying what just happened. It was only Billy... Right? All those times you thought it was Dacre, it wasn't. You can't allow yourself to believe that. Part of you wish you didn't come here with Dacre, but you did, so you have to meet him again when you're ready to go. The ride back to the hotel is filled with light conversations, nothing about the scenes you just did. But there's an elephant in the room, you can feel it, and you think Dacre feels it too, by the glances he gives you every now and then. Sometimes it looks like he'll say something, then he just gives up. You wonder if you should say it, end the tension. Ask him if you did something wrong. But every time you feel the words are just about to flow out, you blush and look away.
How are you supposed to get the kissing done when you're so... Lost.
But when you reach the elevators, you decide to ask him. You decide to be brave for once and follow Dacre's advice of not holding everything back. He did say he'd listen, that he wouldn't be scared. “You broke character, didn't you?” It comes out suddenly, and he immediately looks at you as you lean against the elevator mirror.
“Half a dozen times.” He answers after taking a deep breath. “And so did you... Right?”
“Quite a few times, yes.” Looking down, you swallow hard. “It was a disaster. Well, almost.”
“Because I–” You're damn phone ringing cuts you off, and, rolling your eyes, you pick it up. “It's Natalia.”
“Answer her. It's my floor anyway.” Dacre gestures at door, and right above it, you see the number. “We'll talk later, alright?”
“Yes.” You mutter, a little sad that the doors just opened.
“Bye.” Dacre leans closer for a quick hug and to place a kiss on your cheek, as he's been usually doing.
As you watch him leave, the doors closing again and separating the two of you, you finally answer Natalia. “Hey. What's up?”
“(Y/N). Are you in your room?” As she speaks, you hear Millie saying something in the background.
“I'll be getting there in a minute.”
“Alright.” Then she hangs up.
You have sixty seconds to recover from the day before meeting Natalia and Millie at your door. Smiling in a very weird way. As you approach, taking the card from your pocket, you raise an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” You ask as you open the door, gesturing for them to get inside.
“No... Of course not.” Millie mutters, searching for something on her phone. “Just this.” When she shows you the screen, you sigh. It's the video Dacre posted on his Instagram story.
“That was just... We were at the gym. Working out.” It's stupid to do this. They won't let it go. Throwing yourself on the couch, you cover your head with a pillow.
“What you call ‘working out’ I call flirting.” Natalia states, and when Millie pulls the pillow away, you see Natalia bending over the back of the couch as Millie sits down next to your legs.
“But nobody was flirting. We were just making fun of each other.” You wait for them to say something. Anything. But they don't. The two girls just keep staring at you, smirking. If they only knew what happened today... “What?”
“You like Dacre, don't you?” Millie inquires, folding a leg under her.
The first instinct is to say no, and the word is at the tip of your tongue. But it doesn't come out because you suddenly realize it would be a lie. It gets stuck, as it washes over you. Nobody has asked this before, and you've been avoiding to think about it. But now that the right words were said, you know it. “Damn it.” Muttering under your breath, you cover both your eyes.
“We got our answer.” Natalia sing-songs.
“He likes you too. You know that, right?”
“Of course he doesn't, Millie. Just because he's nice to me it doesn't mean–”
“There's a huge difference between being nice and doing what he's doing, believe me.” Millie stands up, pacing around with both hands on her hips. “Now, tell us everything.”
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @skykittystuff @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines
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