#if you are living anywhere other than in southeast asia
play-now-my-lord · 1 year
i used to be a transcriptionist. i made decent money doing it - $1 per audio minute, which at an industry-average WPM works out to about $15 per hour, this in 2000s dollars. (mind you, my wpm is crazy, so i made more for my time.) i had ADHD that wasn't medicated at the time and would get ready for work by brewing up a huge pot of coffee, letting it go lukewarm, and chugging it in one go. i don't recommend this approach but it worked. it was also hellish on my wrists, my audio processing disorder, etc. after a working day i'd have a hell of a time understanding anything anyone said to me on the phone. i could pay rent with transcription in the 2000s, but rent was cheaper back then and transcription paid better. nowadays you're very lucky to see $.60 per audio minute without any formal qualifications (which are getting harder and harder to get), and the workflow has changed; everyone wants you to "edit" garbage machine translations and pay you with the fiction that you are "editing" them, where the reality is you have to do the exact same work but with an added layer of software wrangling for corporate compliance.
my great-aunt was a transcriptionist in the old days, when instead of VLC having a dial on it to adjust file speed she had to pay for a pedal that slowed down physical tapes. she paid for a mortgage with it, but that was in the 70s and 80s, when mortgages were cheaper (and rates were still at or near a dollar per audio minute, in less inflated dollars).
the existential threat everyone acknowledges to transcription is software, because everyone thinks software transcription is good. (it's not markedly more accurate than a well-trained 90s speech-to-text program, to be completely honest, and if you need a non-verbatim transcription - i.e. all the ums and ahs and doubling-back parts aren't left in - you're completely up shit creek.) the actual existential threat is outsourcing; the cost of living is simply lower in many areas of the anglophone world, people have less ability to take their ball and go home if offered insultingly low rates there. (this is not likely to remain the case forever, as average floor wages have increased by a factor of anywhere from 10 to 20 in anglophone south and southeast asia since 2000, and while they're very low by the standards of the global north, they're also on the order of a factor of 8 or so lower rather than a factor of 20 or 50.)
apparently the opportunities available to mostly housebound people with keyboard skills in america have declined such that the average such person, offered 60 cents a word to hammer out words for hours a day, can't reasonably take their ball and go home either. the competition used to be flipping burgers; now it's uber and grubhub, other gig work bullshit.
this is a long rambling story without much of a point. i miss having that job. i liked it, as shitty as it was. but i can't pay rent with it anymore, and it took too much out of me to be worth what it still pays
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ellieellieoxenfree · 2 months
What did BOC do?
assuming you are in good faith, anon, here’s a non-exhaustive list:
they allowed the KP novelists (poi and yok) unfettered access to the set, where they were filmed sexually harassing numerous members of the cast, including a minor they coerced into giving them massages
they failed to take action against the actors’ stalkers who doxed their hotels and flights and followed them on vacation, nearly drove their cars off the road, and broke into the BOC offices
ignoring poi’s accusations of plagiarism against sammon for the original 4 minutes script (prior to its retooling as whatever the fuck garbage it is now) and failing to apologize
continuing to side with poi after she falsely accused one of their actors, build jakapan, of plagiarism, abuse, theft, and a forced abortion, as well as setting up a months-long harassment campaign with leaks of private messages and photos, leading him to nearly commit suicide after his resignation and more or less blackballing him from the thai television industry. actors were also forbidden to mention him in any way.
in a major double standard move, forced build into an extended hiatus near the end of KP's airtime after twitter dug up decade-old problematic tweets and blew them up into a scandal, while ignoring 2024 allegations and receipts against bible for old, still undeleted social media posts that are in the same vein that got build canceled originally
pond, BOC’s CEO, continues to blame build indirectly in interviews over 18 months after the initial scandal (obliquely referring to him as though all of BOC’s past and present problems are laid at build’s feet), even though poi admitted in a settlement that the claims were false and build has entirely distanced himself from anything to do with BOC since his resignation
chose to announce jeff satur’s departure from BOC during a live event that was also streamed worldwide without informing nearly everyone in the cast prior, including bible (who’d just lost his scene partner, build, not long beforehand) and barcode (jeff’s scene partner, the minor who’d been harassed by yok and poi), causing a devastated barcode to burst into tears in front of the audience
held a reality show that included telling a teenager to get a nose job to ‘look less chinese’ and required the largely-teenage candidates to undergo an exercise in humiliating exorcism where they had to spill the skeletons in their closet in a public guilt and shaming circle
have been exposed numerous times stealing artwork for promotional materials
discarding the majority of their cast after KP finished airing, leaving actors signed to the studio but providing them no acting, sponsorship, or live opportunities, only to then hire several waves of new cast members for other projects, leaving the existing talent high and dry
failed to budget properly for their aborted ‘world tour,’ then blamed the actors
despite KP being a massive success, they claimed to be above BL for their next project, man suang (which pond trumpeted as the saving grace of new thai cinema and was partially funded by the thai ministry of culture), which failed to do anywhere near the gangbusters numbers expected of it, leading pond to walk back his claims and announce a man suang AU tv show, recently postponed from its original 2024 release date to 2025, which is supposed to be more of a light and fluffy BL romcom, rather than the serious historical piece man suang was originally advertised as. this was also apo's passion project and had almost zero promotion.
mile, who was the inspiration for the KP novel, coaxed apo back from new york (where he’d gone after a disastrous experience in lakorns in thailand) to star in KP by promising him BOC wouldn’t be similar to other studios, only to promptly turn around and have the guy who’d faced horrific amounts of colorism appear in ads for whitening products
have repeatedly insulted international fans (both in southeast asia and globally), including a canceled event in vietnam being blamed on bigoted stereotypes of vietnam being crime-ridden and unsafe, and using offensive/outdated content in their promotional materials
ultimately, whether you choose to support BOC or not is your decision and my judgment means nothing. for me, KP was a very good time for a few months and then a life-ruining time for three times as long as it was good, and i quite frankly would prefer never to have watched the show because BOC and its attack dogs caused so much pain to a huge number of people i care about, with none of the people either at the company or in the fandom ever bothering to take the slightest shred of accountability for their noxious behavior. i hope every day is a fucking misery for pond and i wish him all the luck and success he deserves, which is fucking none. when BOC burns down, let me know so i can reserve the time off to dance on its grave.
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
Ok so I have a couple of asks because I'm curious or more like nosy. Feel free to skip if it's to much.
1. What does your writing process look like? Do you outline everything or just make it up as you go? Do you write in order or write scenes as they come to you and fit them together later?
2. If you could give one piece of advice for everyone reading to live by what would it be?
3. If you could could visit anywhere in the world where would it be?
4. Is there a particular genre, topic, trope or Fandom you haven't written but would like to?
I love these omfg
I loosely outline everything and I write in order. I lay out the story chapter by chapter but only like (for example in Yearling): Chapter 1 - Bambi boyfriend turns, cut to future, Joel finds her. Things often take longer than I planned (see chapters 16-17 of Lavender that was supposed to be just one chapter and then became 2) or I might feel like a plot point didn't accomplish what I wanted in character development and need to add another element to get the character to where I want them to be. I'm not a slave to the outline but it definitely is the basis of my work!
Ooo I don't know if I'm the best person to give advice lol but one that I think is good for people who enjoy fic is: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. If it brings you pleasure and doesn't hurt anyone, don't feel guilty about it. Life is too short to be ashamed about what you enjoy! Love the things and people you love fully and whole heartedly and you'll be a lot happier for it.
AHHH such a good question! My favorite place to visit is probably Paris. My dream life allows me the freedom to go to Paris for a few months a year so I can do things like sit at a cafe or a garden and write and watch the people go by. But I'd love to explore someplace new! Southeast Asia would be amazing to visit. I have a friend who LOVES Vietnam so that's been on my list for a while and Indonesia looks incredible. I'd also love to check out Australia, Morocco, Scotland and Brazil. I also think it would be incredible to visit Antarctica at some point though that's lower on the list. I love to get a taste of other cultures when I travel (I do a lot of nature stuff close to home, we camp and hike a fair bit) so I focus on that more.
I want to write a superhero story at some point! I'm a casual Marvel fan and I like Batman well enough from DC but I don't really feel like a part of any superhero fandom (except maybe Watchmen?) But I love the idea of 1) a hero who is always surrounded by other superpowered people dealing with the mortal fragility of someone they love or 2) someone who is used to being the strongest in the room suddenly being outclassed. I love how inhuman things (like superpowers or the infected in TLOU) allow us to explore the depth of our humanity, it opens the door for so many amazing stories and I want to tap into that!
Thank you for asking, Bestie!!
Love you!!!!
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osaka-itinerary · 6 months
Five Best Places to Visit in Singapore
A wonderful city-state in Southeast Asia excites tourists with lots of places and attractions. The vertical city could be full of striking highrises, grassy parks, unique cultural centers, and fun theme parks giving dramatic views and lots of opportunities. Marvel at the iconic sights - the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay for, say, or take a stroll down Chinatown and Little India for a closer look into local culture. Moreover, an Osaka itinerary would also be worthwhile if you are planning to visit the Osaka itinerary in Singapore to explore more and attain a rich and worthwhile trip.
Tokyo in Singapore serves authentic Japanese cuisines, vivid performances, and lively entertainment with the whole crowd of bustling, attraction-seeking, and experience-savoring crowd. Starting with the Showa era and till nowadays, from the traditional izakayas to modern shopping districts, visitors can pick the path of joining the journey of Japanese and Singaporean fusion, which makes it a stopping point for travelers who want to try different tastes.
Gardens by the Bay:
Explore the outdoor magic of fern-covered walkways and 21st-century edifices at Gardens by the Bay. Hint: Switch the sentence structure and include more details related to the elements mentioned. This Flower Park serves as a dwelling place for two colossal conservatories, Flower Dome and Cloud Forest, which present an extraordinary collection of plants from every corner of the world. 
Sentosa Island:
Get away or leave behind life in the city and partake in your senses to feel relaxed from Sentosa Island, the supreme island resort destination in Singapore. adventures such as Universal Studios Singapore and S.E.A. Aquarium, and also the simple beauty of clean beaches make Sentosa a perfect vacation destination for all types of people. Apart from the Wings of Time show, a mesmerizing spectacle of lights, water, and fireworks performed along the edge of the sea, be sure to attend the other interesting and exciting programs that are also offered at the resort.
Have a tour of cultural and heritage-laden Chinatown to know Singapore "inside out". Sneak away to its waves of lantern festivals, but let me take a stroll in its busiest shopping district with tall ancestral buildings and its so-distinct markets. If you want to get a taste of original Chinese cuisine, pay a visit to any one of the countless hawker stalls scattered around the place, or best of all, do some souvenir shopping for unique trinkets and gifts.
Singapore Botanic Gardens:
Besides, there is nothing more gratifying than the serene beauty of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for nature lovers. Stepping into the nature gateway lined with dense greenery, winding lakes, and colorful birds, it's like coming to a zone where everything is at peace. Do not miss an opportunity to see the National Orchid Garden. It has the largest collection of orchids compared to anywhere else.
Singapore features attractions relating to all interests, channels such as iconic landmarks like Marina Bay Sands, or better yet, tranquil areas like the Botanical Gardens. Do not fail to have a look at Chinatown whose splendor is rooted in various cultural aspects. A dip depart tour may include Sentosa Island as an ideal choice or an Osaka itinerary in Singapore as a bonus itinerary for a valuable moment.
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rinamars · 11 months
ah, iceland is nice 🥰 I wonder how the studies were able to conclude the happiness level of the citizens living in these countries. personally I'd love to be born anywhere in east and southeast asia. thank you for answering! italy/european countries in general are the go to answers of most people
i'm so sorry anon i forgot to reply to this one 🥺
do people really choose italy for these kind of questions?? oh no
and asia yes i understand. maybe i should have included more diverse countries in my answer... maybe i should dream of living somewhere other than europe lmao
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carsonwesley · 11 months
How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Software Developer?
In today's digital age, hiring a skilled software developer is a critical step for businesses looking to create custom software solutions, revamp their websites, or enhance their digital presence. However, the cost of hiring a software developer can vary significantly based on various factors. In this blog, we'll delve into the key determinants that influence the cost of hiring a software developer and provide insights into what you can expect to pay for this valuable talent.
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1. Experience and Skill Level:
One of the most significant factors impacting the cost of hiring a software developer is their experience and skill level. Junior developers with limited experience typically command lower salaries than senior developers with a proven track record of delivering complex projects.
Junior developers may cost anywhere from $40,000 to $80,000 per year, while senior developers can range from $80,000 to $180,000 or even more annually.
2. Location:
The geographical location of the software developer plays a significant role in determining their cost. Developers in high-cost-of-living cities, such as San Francisco, New York, or London, generally demand higher salaries than those in lower-cost regions or countries.
For example, a developer in the United States may cost significantly more than a developer with similar qualifications in Eastern Europe, India, or Southeast Asia.
3. Freelancer vs. In-House Employee:
Another factor to consider is whether you plan to hire a full-time, in-house developer or a freelancer/contractor. Freelancers typically charge hourly or project-based fees, which can vary widely based on their expertise and location.
In-house developers come with additional costs, such as benefits, office space, and equipment. However, they may offer better integration and collaboration with your team.
4. Project Complexity:
The complexity of the project you're hiring for will also affect the cost. Developing a simple website will be more affordable than creating a complex software application with multiple integrations, databases, and intricate features.
Highly complex projects may require a team of developers and can have costs that escalate into the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.
5. Technology Stack:
The choice of technology stack can significantly impact costs. Some programming languages and frameworks are associated with higher demand and, therefore, come with higher costs for hiring developers skilled in them.
For instance, developers specializing in cutting-edge technologies like blockchain or machine learning may command premium rates compared to those working with more mainstream technologies.
6. Hiring Model:
There are various hiring models to consider when bringing a software developer on board. You can hire full-time employees, part-time employees, freelancers, or work with development agencies. Each model comes with its cost structure and flexibility.
7. Additional Costs:
Remember to account for additional costs associated with hiring a software developer, such as recruitment fees, onboarding expenses, and potential training or certification costs.
In summary, the cost of hiring a software developer can vary greatly based on the developer's experience, location, employment model, project complexity, technology stack, and other factors. Junior developers may be more affordable, while senior developers or those in high-cost-of-living areas can be quite expensive. The choice between in-house, freelance, or agency developers also has cost implications.
To make an informed decision, it's crucial to evaluate your specific project needs, budget constraints, and long-term goals. Keep in mind that investing in top-tier talent can lead to a more successful project with higher quality results, ultimately offering a strong return on investment. Whether you're building a small website or a complex software application, understanding the factors that influence the cost of hiring a software developer is essential for making the right choice for your business.
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mortraveling · 2 years
How do digital nomads choose where to work from?
How do digital nomads choose where to work from?  With the whole world as an option, I’ve often wondered how people who work location independently make the decision to work in a particular country or continent. From reading the blogs I have reviewed for this site and many others, as with most things, there are some limitations which means that certain areas are better suited to internet-based work than others. How do digital nomads choose where to work from? Cost of living Asia, in particular, Southeast Asia, is one of the most popular destinations for digital nomads at the moment. In a large part, this is down to the relatively low cost of living, when compared to the UK or the USA. Although, I’m sure the warm climate, clear air, peaceful beaches, and beautiful landscapes also have some appeal too. In countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia, the cost of living for digital nomads starts from approximately $970 per month according to Nomad List, which is currently around £657 per month. Compare this to the average cost of living in the UK, which was £517 per WEEK according to the Office for National Statistics. Internet access In the UK and the USA, the cost of living is much higher but (generally speaking) access to more reliable internet is more widely available. This is clearly a major factor since without the internet digital nomads would not be able to work and ultimately not be able to earn a living to sustain long-term travel. Prague has one of the highest ratings for wifi on Nomad List and the cost of living is estimated at $974 per month (£660 per month), which surprised me. I expected this figure to be much higher considering Prague is a popular tourist destination. Where do you want to go/stay  I suppose this is an obvious factor – but can be easily overlooked. It would clearly not be worth changing your entire life, the way you work, and the people you meet if you didn’t actually like the place you ended up. The advantage of being able to work from anywhere is that if you want to go somewhere else, for whatever reason, you can! Many travelers seem to find an area of the world that they love and focus on that region. For example – Y Travel Blog has 346 posts just on destinations in Australia and the South Pacific. Wandering Earl has been to 88 countries but seems to focus on India, South East Asia, and Eastern Europe now. I have briefly mentioned countries we would like to travel to in a previous post. When it comes down to it though, we want to see as much of the world as possible. The purpose of changing our lifestyle in this way is for our work online to support our worldwide travel – working to live rather than living to work. via Blogger https://ift.tt/JZt0vmj March 20, 2023 at 08:57PM
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kevinstarck · 2 years
The Boundless Opportunity for Digital Marketers in Offshore Placement
As the digital marketing industry continues to boom, digital marketers around the world are increasingly looking for new and innovative ways to expand their career opportunities. Offshore placement is becoming an increasingly popular option for digital marketers, offering access to a variety of exciting new roles in countries around the world. In this blog post, we'll explore the boundless opportunity for digital marketers in offshore placement and how it can help them further their career prospects.
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Defining scope: what digital marketers do?
Digital marketers are responsible for driving growth and success for businesses by utilizing digital marketing strategies. This can include content creation and curation, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and more. Digital marketers create digital campaigns that are designed to reach target audiences, generate leads, increase conversions, and build brand awareness. 
They must also be up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends in the digital marketing industry. In order to be successful, digital marketers must have strong analytical skills and be able to measure the success of their campaigns. They must also be creative, as digital marketing involves coming up with creative solutions to challenges. Digital marketers must also have excellent communication skills in order to effectively collaborate with team members and clients.
Identifying the opportunity: why offshore placement is a good option
For digital marketers, offshore placement presents a unique opportunity to make the most of their skills and reach an international client base. Offshore placement allows digital marketers to take advantage of lower costs, increased flexibility, and better talent than they would find in their home country.
The cost savings associated with offshore placement can be substantial. Digital marketers may find they can save on payroll costs, office space, taxes, and other overhead. This savings can then be passed on to their clients, allowing them to offer competitive prices for quality work. 
Offshore placement also provides increased flexibility for digital marketers. It gives them the freedom to choose their own hours, take on projects from anywhere in the world, and avoid the rigidity of traditional working hours. For digital marketers who travel frequently or need the freedom to take on projects from multiple locations, this can be especially attractive.
Offshore placement offers access to better talent than is available in their home country. Digital marketers may find that overseas markets have experienced professionals with more diverse skill sets than they would find at home. By tapping into these resources, digital marketers can gain a competitive edge in the global market. 
In short, offshore placement provides digital marketers with an excellent opportunity to make the most of their skills and maximize their potential. With cost savings, increased flexibility, and access to better talent, digital marketers can take full advantage of the potential benefits that offshore placement offers.
Deciding on a destination: where to go for offshore placement
As a digital marketer, you have the option of engaging in offshore placement in a variety of countries. The most popular locations for offshore placement are the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, as these countries offer a high quality of life, diverse cultural experiences, and access to leading digital marketing tools. 
However, there are other potential countries that can offer excellent digital marketing opportunities. For example, India is one of the largest sources of IT professionals in the world and provides an array of talented digital marketers. Countries in Southeast Asia such as Thailand and the Philippines are also becoming increasingly attractive destinations for digital marketers due to their lower cost of living and vibrant tech scenes. Additionally, Australia is a great choice for digital marketers, as its thriving economy offers a variety of employment opportunities. 
No matter which destination you choose for your offshore placement, it is important to thoroughly research the local job market, cost of living, and legal requirements before making any commitments. You should also assess the availability of quality digital marketing resources in the country you are considering. By taking the time to do your research and evaluate your options, you will be able to make an informed decision that best suits your needs.
What is the Salary Package in Offshore placement?
When it comes to digital marketers, the salary package in offshore placement is highly competitive. Depending on the company and the position, salaries for digital marketing professionals can range from a few thousand dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars per year.
At the lower end of the salary spectrum, entry-level digital marketers can expect salaries of around $50,000-$70,000 per year. With experience, digital marketers can quickly earn up to $100,000 per year or even higher.
For more senior positions, salaries may exceed $150,000 per year. Additionally, many offshore placement opportunities include bonuses, stock options, and other incentives. All of these things are taken into account when determining the overall salary package.
In addition to salary packages, offshore placements often come with benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, vacation time, and more. These benefits can help to make offshore placements even more attractive to digital marketers looking to build their careers.
Overall, offshore placement is an excellent option for digital marketers who are looking for a lucrative job with great benefits. With the right skills and experience, digital marketers can quickly find themselves in high-paying positions in international markets.
Meeting the challenge: how to make the most of offshore placement
For digital marketers looking to make the most of offshore placement, it’s important to be proactive and creative. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Research: Before you choose a particular location, research the digital marketing job market in that country. Determine the types of digital marketing roles available, the typical salary range, and the level of competition.
Network: Use your network of contacts to learn more about digital marketing job opportunities in your chosen country. Ask questions and don’t be afraid to make connections with other digital marketers already working there.
Communicate: In order to make the most of offshore placement, you need to be able to communicate effectively with potential employers. This includes perfecting your verbal and written communication skills in the language used in the country you’re considering.
Adapt: As a digital marketer, you should be open to new experiences and willing to adapt to different cultural norms. Take the time to learn about local customs and business practices so you can hit the ground running.
Stay updated: Digital marketing is an ever-evolving field, so it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends and technologies. Make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest advancements in digital marketing before applying for jobs in a new country.
By following these tips, you can make the most of offshore placement and take advantage of the boundless opportunity for digital marketers. Good luck!
Offshore placement of digital marketers is a growing trend that offers an abundance of opportunities for skilled professionals. With the right training and preparation, digital marketers can make the most of this opportunity and position themselves for success. 
Training from a reliable institute like Internet Scholars provides assistance in offshore placement is essential for digital marketers looking to take advantage of this opportunity. Such training can help digital marketers develop their skills and prepare them for successful offshore placement. With the right guidance and knowledge, digital marketers can easily capitalize on the ever-expanding scope of offshore placement. Through exploring the scope, assessing the opportunity, researching the destination, and taking up the challenge, digital marketers can make the most of offshore placement and create unique experiences that open up exciting new possibilities.
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encyclopika · 2 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #206
Brought to you by a marine biologist and another fresh fellow...
Aquarium fish have a genetic history similar to dogs - most species in the aquarium trade have been bred for fancier body shapes and brighter colors, and sometimes completely different patterns from their wild counterparts. No one knows this better than the humble goldfish or its cousin the koi, but we have covered lots of AC freshwater fish that were *clearly* a domesticated form running feral in the rivers of your island. Today, I present another such friend - the gourami.
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The gourami first appeared in Pocket Camp in Fishing Tourney 26 in May 2020, and then actually came back for a full spring season in 2021. Gourami are native to South and Southeast Asia, so makes sense they prefer warmer water (although if I were to be super picky, I’d point out that anywhere that gets snow still has *frigid* water temperatures in the spring thanks to snow melt, but I digress! I’m not actively trying to poke holes in Animal Crossing’s choices when it looks like they thought about it a little in goddamn Pocket Camp!)
“Gourami” is actually the name of an entire family - Osphronemidae. They are nestled with the Order Anabantiformes, and more specifically the SubOrder Anabantoidei, also known as the Labyrinth Fish. We covered fish in this family almost a hundred entries ago when we talked about the Betta, so to review:
Labyrinth fish have what is called the “labyrinth organ” which acts like another version of “lung”, allowing the fish to gulp and use air when their still-water habitats become hypoxic or anoxic, aka, very low in oxygen/has virtually no oxygen dissolved in it. Lots of freshwater fish have to deal with this major issue in their habitats, so there are a plethora of strategies fish have evolved to combat it, including *actual lungs* (which then helped lead the tetrapods further onto land). So, you can think of the labyrinth organ as another version of sack-air-breathing that we could have been using but lungs eventually won out as the equipment of choice for tetrapods. Natural history is fascinating.
The Betta is actually included in Osphronemidae with the other gouramis - they are very closely related. The two fish belong in two separate SubFamilies. The gourami ACPC chose appears to be a domesticated version of the Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna). 
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^So, this is generally what they look like in the wild - males, of course, have bold colors to attract females. In this case, he has a dark bluish-black underside contrasted with orange and yellow on top. Of course, humans saw this and were like “ Ya know what this guy needs? More YELLOW.” And then we made this:
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Luckily for the gourami, it seems we’re totally okay with their body shape so far. Species of gourami can get generally large (and I mean in like, the 2 to 4 inch range) and like their cousins the Bettas, some species and individuals can be aggressive to tankmates. 
Now, the most noticeable trait of the gourami are its elongated pelvic fins that look like thin tentacles that they kinda use like tentacles. Because they live in murky freshwater habitats, those long fins act like antenna, helping the fish to feel around its environment through touch when it can’t see.
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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globlecare · 3 years
Top 5 most fascinating plants
Worldwide, there are unusual plants... And many of these unusual plants are hidden in the deepest parts of the earth's rich wilderness.
Dr Chris Thorogood, head of science and public engagement at the University of Oxford's Botanic Garden & Harcourt Arboretum, has a special interest in the species of parasitic and carnivorous plants. Here on Mr Plant Geek he talks about the unusual plants he finds most fascinating, and why.
"I've always been fascinated by plants. I grew my childhood unusual plants and illustrated them as well. I am now a botanist, based in Oxford. Being a botanist means I have the opportunity to travel the world to see amazing plants living in their natural habitat. Here are my top 10 fascinating plants! ”
And if these amazing plants make you want to participate in my Weird and Wacky Plants Project Tour, click here for show dates!
dr chris thorogood’s unusual plants:
My dozen fascinating plants should be Rafflesia. This vegetable vampire is the largest flower on earth, its diameter reaches an incredible 1.5 meters. It is a parasitic plant, that is, it does not contain chlorophyll and steals all its nutrients from the roots of other plants. This is very rare, little is known about its biology, and it has never been cultivated anywhere outside the native rainforests of Southeast Asia.
Euphorbia handiensis sculpts All my windowsills are filled with them! I will never be happier than when I field rare sulculents in the wild. Only last week I was looking for a very rare and special one called Euphorbia handiensis, which grows in just two places in the semi-deserts of Fuerteventura. I feel the excitement of finding a rare plant in the wild without comparison
Royal PitcherUnusual plants -
Next in line is the pitcher. The royal jug is a species that grows only on one mountain, Mount Kinabalu in northern Borno. Like other plants that feed on insects, it produces traps derived from modified leaves, but the plants of this plant grow by about a foot. Moreover, these are toilets for shrews! Animals feed on the nectar produced by traps, and defecate in them, ingesting the plantFlying Duck OrchidUnusual plants - orchid duck flying 4. Flying Duck Orchid
My number four goes to the orchids. No other plant family has a greater variety of flowers, and some of them are extremely bizarre. The flying duck orchid, for example, looks and smells like a female insect, and attracts male insects that try to mate with flowers, and at the same time they cause cross fertilization. 
 - Arum dioscoridis .  Arum dioscoridis in Cyprusars. I just love them all. This exquisite group of plants has countless shapes, sizes and colors. Last spring, I encountered a beautiful specimen of Arum dioscoridis growing in a rocky gorge in Cyprus, and it was a moment I will not forget. READ ALSO  strangest plants 5 unusual plants5 unusual plants in indiaunusual plants class 4unusual plants meaningweird plant storiesunusual plants wikipediatrangest plants worldwidestrangest plants factsstrangest plants informationstrangest plants in historystrangest plants in south americastrangest plants listtop 10 strangest plants on earthtop ten strangest plants in the worldworld's strangest plantstop 10 strangest plantsthe top 10 most strangest plantstop 5 most strangest plants9 strangest plants in the worldtop ten most strangest plantsten most strangest plantsstrangest house plantsstrangest looking plantsstrangest rainforest plantsstrangest desert plantsstrangest types of plants, 
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newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, August 16, 2021
U.S. Air Force veteran comforts children plagued by gun violence (Reuters) Like many cities across the United States, Washington has seen a spike in shooting-related deaths during the pandemic. Homicides were up 19% in 2020 compared to 2019, according to the Washington Metropolitan Police Department. This month’s data shows that the city has already clocked more cases than at the same time last year. “It’s like a war zone. It’s like being in the military,” Jawanna Hardy said. Frustrated by the senseless loss of life, Hardy, an Air Force veteran and now a 34-year-old high school English teacher, launched ‘Guns Down Friday,’ an outreach program to support neighborhoods plagued by gun violence—including the one she has lived in since childhood. She has raised money for shooting victims’ gravestones, advocated for more streetlights, and trained people how to treat bullet wounds themselves. She drives her van—adorned with photos of young gun violence victims—through the streets to greet youngsters. On a recent Friday, she arrived with water balloons. “Put your guns down and pick your water balloons up!” Hardy cried through a megaphone as children outside an apartment complex in southeast Washington laughed and scrambled to drench one another. She knows her Friday night street parties will not stop gun violence but hopes they can at least provide children a brief respite from the constant fear in which many live.
Haitians scramble to rescue survivors from ruins of major quake (Reuters) Haitians labored overnight to pick through shattered buildings in search of friends and relatives trapped in the rubble after a devastating earthquake struck the Caribbean country on Saturday, killing 1,297 people and injuring at least 5,700 more. The 7.2 magnitude quake flattened hundreds of homes in the impoverished country, which is still clawing its way back from another major temblor here 11 years ago, and has been without a head of state since the assassination of its president last month. Churches, hotels, hospitals and schools were badly damaged or destroyed, while the walls of a prison were rent open by the violent shudders that convulsed Haiti. Access to the worst-hit areas was complicated by a deterioration in law and order that has left key access roads in parts of Haiti in the hands of gangs, although unconfirmed reports on social media suggested they would let aid pass.
Want to stay long term in France? First come the classes on how to be French. (Washington Post) In France, la vie en rose comes wrapped in red tape. Foreigners hoping to stay here long term must sign an “integration contract” and agree to uphold French values. The contract requires four days of civic education, yet what’s taught is more akin to a government crash course in how to be French. There are discussions about Marianne—the symbolic embodiment of the French Republic—and about classical culinary dishes, such as duck confit and escargot. France 101 covers both the cultural (how to visit museums) as well as the practical (how to navigate the national health-care system). The classes, plus language lessons for anyone whose fluency doesn’t measure up, help determine whether an applicant gets a multiyear visa. Every year, an average of 100,000 people take the courses, in cities across the country. The contemporary agreement explicitly states that receiving an extended residency visa is conditional on abiding by its terms, a key one being deference to French values. After an applicant signs the document, the language test is administered and 24 hours of classes scheduled.
Taliban sweep into Afghan capital after government collapses (AP) The Taliban swept into Afghanistan’s capital Sunday after the government collapsed and the embattled president joined an exodus of his fellow citizens and foreigners, signaling the end of a costly two-decade U.S. campaign to remake the country. Heavily armed Taliban fighters fanned out across the capital, and several entered Kabul’s abandoned presidential palace. Suhail Shaheen, a Taliban spokesman and negotiator, told The Associated Press that the militants would hold talks in the coming days aimed at forming an “open, inclusive Islamic government.” Kabul was gripped by panic. Helicopters raced overhead throughout the day to evacuate personnel from the U.S. Embassy. Smoke rose near the compound as staff destroyed important documents, and the American flag was lowered. Several other Western missions also prepared to pull their people out. Fearful that the Taliban could reimpose the kind of brutal rule that all but eliminated women’s rights, Afghans rushed to leave the country, lining up at cash machines to withdraw their life savings. The desperately poor—who had left homes in the countryside for the presumed safety of the capital—remained in parks and open spaces throughout the city. Many people watched in disbelief as helicopters landed in the U.S. Embassy compound to take diplomats to a new outpost at the airport. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken rejected comparisons to the U.S. pullout from Vietnam.
From hubris to humiliation: America’s warrior class contends with the abject failure of its Afghanistan project (Washington Post) Twenty years ago, when the twin towers and the Pentagon were still smoldering, there was a sense among America’s warrior and diplomatic class that history was starting anew for the people of Afghanistan and much of the Muslim world. “For you and us, history starts today,” then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage told his Pakistani counterparts. Earlier this month, as the Taliban raced across Afghanistan, retired Lt. Col. Jason Dempsey, a two-time veteran of the war, stumbled across Armitage’s words. To Dempsey, the sentiment was “the most American thing I’ve ever heard” and emblematic of the hubris and ignorance that he and so many others brought to the losing war. “We assumed the rest of the world saw us as we saw ourselves,” he said. “And we believed that we could shape the world in our image using our guns and our money.” Both assumptions ignored Afghan culture, politics and history. Both, he said, were tragically wrong. Michèle Flournoy, one of the architects of President Barack Obama’s troop surge in Afghanistan in 2010, said, “In retrospect, the United States and its allies got it really wrong from the very beginning. The bar was set based on our democratic ideals, not on what was sustainable or workable in an Afghan context.” Flournoy acknowledged in hindsight that the mistake was compounded across Republican and Democratic administrations, which continued with almost equal fervor to pursue goals that ran counter to decades—if not centuries—of the Afghan experience.
Afghanistan’s collapse leaves allies questioning U.S. resolve on other fronts (Washington Post) The Taliban's stunningly swift advances across Afghanistan have sparked global alarm, reviving doubts about the credibility of U.S. foreign policy promises and drawing harsh criticisms even from some of the United States' closest allies. And many around the world are wondering whether they could rely on the United States to fulfill long-standing security commitments stretching from Europe to East Asia. "Whatever happened to 'America is back'?" said Tobias Ellwood, who chairs the Defense Committee in the British Parliament. "People are bewildered that after two decades of this big, high-tech power intervening, they are withdrawing and effectively handing the country back to the people we went in to defeat," Ellwood said. "This is the irony. How can you say America is back when we're being defeated by an insurgency armed with no more than [rocket-propelled grenades], land mines and AK-47s?" As much as its military capabilities, the United States' decades-old role as a defender of democracies and freedoms is again in jeopardy, said Rory Stewart, who was Britain's minister for international development in the Conservative government of Theresa May. "The Western democracy that seemed to be the inspiration for the world, the beacon for the world, is turning its back," Stewart said. Rivals of the United States also have expressed dismay. Among them is China, which fears that the ascent of an extremist Islamist government on its western border will foster unrest in the adjoining province of Xinjiang, where Beijing has waged sweeping crackdowns on the Uyghur population that have been denounced by the West. The United States' Arab allies, which have long counted on the U.S. military to come to their aid in the event of an attack by Iran, also have faced questions over whether they will be able to rely on the United States.
Torrential rains lash wide areas of Japan, three feared dead after landslide (Reuters) Torrential rain lashed much of Japan on Sunday, flooding roads and buildings in the western part of the country, while three people were feared dead after a landslide in central Nagano prefecture. Large parts of Japan, particularly the southernmost main island of Kyushu, have seen record levels of rainfall, causing rivers to overflow and triggering landslides. While the rain had stopped in much of Kyushu as of Sunday morning, Tokyo and other parts of the country were pounded by the downpour. Japan “will continue to face conditions in which a large-scale disaster could occur at anytime, anywhere,” Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said at a ministerial meeting on Sunday. He called on local municipalities and relevant organisations to cooperate and act with speed on rescue missions and aid.
More military personnel deployed to enforce Sydney Covid restrictions as entire state locks down (CNN) Additional Australian military personnel will be deployed to enforce tighter Covid-19 restrictions in the greater Sydney area next week, authorities announced Saturday, as the entire state of New South Wales (NSW) prepares to go under lockdown. Stay at home orders will be applied across the country’s most populous state, with people only permitted to leave home to shop for essentials, receive medical care, outdoor exercise with one other person, and work if residents cannot work from home. Schooling will also be moved back online. Sydney, the capital of NSW, has been under lockdown measures for more than seven weeks now, and they will likely be extended further; they were set to end on August 28 but the state government has indicated restrictions will remain through September.
Fuel explosion in Lebanon kills 28, wounding dozens (AP) A warehouse where fuel was illegally stored exploded in northern Lebanon early Sunday, killing at least 28 people and injuring 79 more in the latest tragedy to hit the Mediterranean country in the throes of a devastating economic and political crisis. It was not immediately clear what caused the explosion near the border with Syria. Fuel smuggling operations have been ongoing for months. The Lebanese Red Cross said a fuel tanker exploded and its teams recovered 28 bodies from the site in the border village of Tleil. In a statement, it said it evacuated 79 people who were injured or suffered burns in the blast. Hours after the blast, Lebanese Red Cross members were still searching the area for more victims as Lebanese soldiers cordoned the area.
'Once the best in the Middle East,' Beirut hospital pleads for fuel as it faces shutdown (The Week) A once-famed Beirut hospital is now pleading for international aid to avoid running out of essential resources. The American University of Beirut Medical Center in Beirut, Lebanon, is making an urgent appeal to the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the World Health Organization and the U.N. Children's Fund, to supply the hospital with fuel before it's forced to shut down by Monday. Lebanon is mired in an economic and political crisis, and the nationwide fuel shortage is currently the most dire consequence. That's perhaps most clearly reflected in the plight of AUBMC, which said 40 adults and 15 children living on respirators would die immediately and many other patients will be at great risk if the shutdown is not avoided. The medical center said it's been rationing fuel and electricity for weeks, but is running out of both. Liz Sly, The Washington Post's Beirut bureau chief, notes that the American University hospital "was once the best" in the entire Middle East region; the announcement shows that the country is "truly heading to disaster," she writes.
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Nope, you're not bothering me! (~ ̄³ ̄)~ Relax. I kinda miss him too. Since today is Pocky Day, let's do this! (Well, not exactly, it's yesterday since I live on Southeast Asia, but on some part in this world, today is still 11/11 right?)
Sabito x Reader (Pocky Day; ModernAU)
Sabito knew your habit. It happened anywhere and in random time as long as it's still at home.
You will trap him on the walls, like doing Kabedon. You tip-toed to reach his height and forcely grabbed cupped his face. You started kissing him from forehead, nose, cheeks and lastly, lips. Even if you wear lipstick, you like to smoochie smooch his entire face, smiling smugly after making lipstick marks here and there, really proud of your creation. If he 'responded' to your kissing ritual, you became really angry and yelling, "LET ME LOVE YOU!"
After that, you will leave him while licking your lower lips and said, "Thank you for the dessert."
It's not like he hate this bold act, he loves it. But sometimes he felt like he had to do some 'asserting dominace' towards you, to show you who is the best kisser in this house.
"She sounds like a loving grandma to me." said Giyuu. Sabito pinched his cheek, Makomo slowly pulled Giyuu from Sabito, saving him.
"Sabito, how about Pocky Game?"
"Pocky Game?"
"Yes. You put the stick here, like this." The girl took and bite one Pocky on the tip. "And (y/n) will bite the other tip. Both of you had to compete while eating it towards each other."
"Oh, wait. I know where this will end." Sabito rubbed his chin and smirked
"Yep! It's like in shoujo manga."
Yes, this probably works.
So, after met with his childhood friends, he bought 3 boxes of Pocky at the convenience store.
'Matcha? Strawberry? Cookies and Cream? Which one is her favourite?' He stood and stared in front of the shelves. 'Nah, I'll just buy them all.'
His evil grin made the cashier startled. He really prepared for this.
When he got home, he took a quick shower. After that, he sat on the sofa, putting 3 various Pocky boxes on the table. He waited for you, who wasn't home yet.
He opened one of the box, the Cookies and Cream, a little bit curious on how it tastes like. He never ate this before, because it looked like it didn't fill up his tummy. He often saw you biting this stick snack while working though
'Oh, it wasn't bad.' He eventually likes it. So he started to snack it while watching TV.
'(y/n), where are you?' He chatted you on his phone. It's really strange because you never came home late.
'Still work, you miss me? (^3^♪'
'Huh, kinda.'
'Don't worry, I'll go home around 9 p.m. (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )'
'Yeah, just make it quick. Love you.'
'Love you too (*^3^)/~♡'
He continued to watch the show and snacking, unconsciously putting it one by one to his mouth.
"I'm home!!" You opened the door and slammed it slowly. You put your shoes on the rack.
"Welcome home." Sabito greeted you from the sofa, averting his eyes awhile from the TV.
"Ah, Pocky? I want it too!!" You looked at the table, empty box were tossed around.
Ah, he ate it all up.
"I thought you don't like it?"
"Well... I'm watching TV and it all gone, just like that." You puffed your cheek and pouted. He smirked. "But I have two sticks left. Matcha and Strawberry."
"Where? Give me-"
"Here." He bite the edge. "Come on, take it."
"Oho?" You raised one eyebrow. "You challenged me on Pocky Game?"
"Take it, or are you too embarrassed to accept it?"
"Not a chance!"
You sat and positioned yourself in front of him, starting to bite on the edge. You slowly biting and eating towards him, he did the same too. Eyes to eyes, nobody conceded defeat.
You really focused on winning, you're confident on your skill. Hah, kissing him all over his face is my specialty!! This is easy!
But then, you focused on his eyes.
It's beautiful purplish pupils. The eyes who looked after you, and the eyes who gently seeing you.
Now, it looked solemn, piercing thorough your heart.
You suddenly blushed for thinking this things that actually unnecessary right now.
When Sabito was close to your lips, you unintentionally popped your mouth open. The stick rolled out from your mouth, dropping onto the floor.
"Uhh...." You covered your face with your palm. "Once more!" Shit, you enthralled to his charm.
"Huh? What's wrong with you?" He ate his part and pulled the last stick from the box, putting it on his mouth.
You swore you'll not attract to his dazzling anymore. Focus! Focus!
The game started again.
But instead of focusing, you felt really dumb right now because you even didn't move an inch. Once again, you were pulled into his eyes. He noticed you became weird, sighing. He also can't take your blushing and reddening on your face.
"This is useless, I can't take it anymore." He pulled your stick from your mouth and ate your part quickly. Your droll dropped a little bit.
After that, he hold your back head, pushing it towards him and bringing you to kiss. He licked your droll on the corner of your lips.
He light-bit and nip your lower lips, asked for permission to enter your mouth. You unconsciously opened your mouth. His tongue started swirled around and reached each of your teeth, tasting Matcha and Strawberry flavor inside.
You pushed him slowly when you finally out of breathe.
"I will go straight kissing you from now on. You still allowed to kiss me, but I will 'reply' to your kiss and that's final." You nodded thoughtlessly. He licked his lips and pushed you onto the sofa, holding your shoulder still.
"Wa- wait! I'm probably reek of sweat!"
He didn't listen. He pulled out his shirt and started unbuttoning your front. He moved forward, whispering on your reddened ears.
"Your sweat makes me more turned on than this silly Pocky Game."
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hjclayton · 3 years
who: lots of different people!
what: surprise lol
where: ireland
when: 1930s!
After the faerie uprising in the faeire realm over one hundred and fifty years ago, all magical beings had escaped and left their lives behind in favour of safety in the human world. Whilst it wasn’t nearly as exciting and beautiful, the lands offered a haven for those who had wanted to escape the tyranny of the monarchist faes.
Vampires favoured the darkness and cold weathers of Europe, and with powers of stealth and hypnosis, their wealth grew over the years. Witches and warlocks favoured the wonders of both that and the Americas, whose magic allowed for stable incomes despite trickery. Mermaids and sirens took shelter in Southeast Asia, Polynesia and Australia, caring little for gold and found comfort in the untouched human waters. Where did that leave werewolves? To scramble for the remaining scraps.
Unlike their cousins, the wolves had no powers to conjure wealth into their own hands. They had no tools of witchcraft or mischief to fool humans, nothing but each other and their anger. They settled anywhere and everywhere, suddenly having to hide a part of themselves they had expressed so freely before. And that was the worst thing you could do to a werewolf; keep it locked up.
Their anger and pull to the moon meant wolves were forced to hide away from humans, from fear of harming innocents or exposing their community. They were no match for human weapons. But where did this leave them? Poor, unable to provide for each other and their families, in a world they couldn’t even interact with. How could you find income from people you weren’t allowed to see?
For many years, this pattern of secrecy would continue. It took decades for wolves to evolve from “feral” beings in tune with nature, to the community we see today in the 21st century; cautious, protective, tame. Whilst wolves became more controlled and were finally able to mix with humans peacefully, they lost their ability to connect with nature and still remained the poorest of supernatural creatures.
Despite this, one man remained determined to lead his pack to a successful future; Cahal Morrigan, a direct descendant of the original wolf settlers, and alpha to his small but strong town. Though his pack still remained separate from humans geography, the man posed as “mayor” of sorts, working with other local leaders to build his home up, alongside his wife Imogen and only daughter Brea. The light of his life, his little warrior. Unlike humans, werewolves did not view women as inferior, in fact, the concept confused them and they found it awfully strange. One day, Brea would become the next alpha, something she often talked of each day.
“How many days until the next big moon, dhaid?” Brea sat upon her father's shoulders as they walked through the everlasting greenery of the Irish wilderness. Perhaps one of the better places a werewolf could have chosen to settle in. The wolves had picked up the native language long ago.
“Seven.” Cahal smiled, stepping over a fallen tree. “A whole week.” He noticed his daughter whine a little.
“A week is seven days?” She was only four. “That is too long!” Her father only laughed, shaking his head slowly. Hundred of years ago, werewolf children seemed to develop their powers at a much younger age. The onset had doubled since they first moved to the human world.
“Come now, Brea... weeks go by awfully fast. You’re already four. Only yesterday your mother gave birth to you.” Giggling, the small girl patted his head and began to cast her eyes over the birds that snaked their way through the trees, her senses picking up on every smell. “You’re hungry. Let’s go eat, your uncle has hunted for us.”
However... the closer the pair moved to their tiny settlement, a strange smell began to fill the air; smoke, deep and strong, it all made Cahal come to a slow halt, a frown on his face. “What’s wrong?” Brea asked, noticing her father’s behaviour.
“Hush, Brea... I need to listen.” Closing his eyes, the man focused his hearing on home, imagining the pack and his house, his wife and the woodlands that surrounded it. Suddenly, he could see everything, a vision of sorts, but it very real and happening right now; they were being attacked. His eyes opened suddenly as he let out a small gasp, moving his daughter from his shoulders into his arms and beginning to run as fast as he could.
“What’s happening?” Brea pressed, her own face turning to a slight frown of fear as he saw her father’s expression, her own hearing picking up the sounds and smells in the distance: smoke and screams. But Cahal said nothing. He only rushed into the clearing to find the entire settlement ravaged by mysterious beings he had never seen. Their scents were strange and they moved with a mysterious aura... their bodies creating strange energies... Magic? But this wasn't witches magic. Eyes widening, Cahal looked to his left and noticed his wife rushing towards him.
“Cahal!” Imogen ran to his side, taking their daughter into her arms who had begun to cry at the sight -- wolves, both in animal and human form, fighting the unknown enemy as bodies fell to the floor, fire filled the air and danced with the sounds of yells and screams. It was bloodshed.
“Take Brea and hide.” He insisted, feeling his blood boil from both anger and panic. He ignored his wife’s pleas, shaking his head. “Go!” Focusing on his daughter, he pressed a kiss on her cheek and wiped a tear away. Despite the chaos, he could still find that gentle touch for her. Placing his hands around her face, he lifted it slowly so she could face him. Always wanting her to be strong, he only smiled and said, “Look after your mother, laoch beag.” Little warrior.
Turning back up, the man’s eyes turned a deep shade of red, and he made no haste in running into the chaos to defend his home, defend his people. He had always protected them. But... these people were too strong. Their magic was powerful, despite the strength and speed of the pack, they were no match. It was something a werewolf didn’t understand so they didn’t know how to fight it.
Cahal watched helplessly as each and every member of his community was picked off like a speck of dust by these villainous people. Men, women, children, they didn’t seem to care, for every one faerie he took down, they took down five of his people in a matter of seconds. It all felt so hopeless, seeing his own friends perish at the hands of their new foes. And all he could do was watch.
Stumbling exhausted through the wasteland of his former home, the man heard nothing... saw no one it was..... empty, barren, dwindling fires and dark skies. His body covered in cuts and bruises, Cahal searched for his wife and child through stinging eyes, courtesy of the smoke.
“Imogen!” He called, his voice hoarse and fingers trembling, “Brea!”
Gasping, the father saw his wife and daughter in the distance... alive. The onset of panic deep in his stomach fizzled away as he felt relief in knowing his family was safe. And apparently... they were the only ones. Beginning to run to them, the werewolf came to a sudden halt when he noticed... dark magic trickling through the ground and growing until a man appeared before him. Someone he’d never seen in his life.
Perhaps... the leader of this group. He seemed stronger than the rest, slicked-back dark hair, tanned skin, eyes as black as coal. He was terrifying. He began asking questions, demanding to know whether Cahal was the alpha of the group, the alpha of a pack far more civilised than most he had encountered. Glanced between the stranger and his family, Cahal saw how scared his daughter was.
“I am.” He swallowed loudly, trying to keep the peace.
But the man only smirked, a dark, disturbing look on his face. Perfect. Cahal frowned, moving closer, “What... what do you...” He couldn’t say a thing. He had no time. Like a lost child, he watched the stranger wave his hand so carefully, seeing the dark magic grow and grow before it pierced the heart of his wife and daughter. So... easily. Letting out a cry, Cahal staggered forward with tears in his eyes but it was no use. The man, usually so strong, found himself so... numbed, as he watched the life drain from them both.
He heard the laughter from the man but he didn’t listen. He simply fell beside them both, wrapping his arms around each one as he let out loud sobs. Loud, aching, empty. The stranger stood in front of him merely stared, shaking his head, and then he... vanished.
Two weeks had passed since the Cork massacre. Word had spread among the supernatural community in Ireland, reaching the ears of the local witch coven. The witches had been shaken by the news that Cahal, driven mad by the loss of his family, had been killed by Lark, or as they liked to refer to him as, the Dark One. Cahal's death had disastrous implications.
Inside the home of the coven, five women sat in a small candlelit room, an elderly woman sat opposite them. They said everything, she said nothing, simply staring as they bickered amongst themselves.
"Haven't you heard? He was banished. He cannot hurt us anymore."
"You think exile will stop that man? Have you not seen the things he's done? Without Cahal, we are all nothing!"
The woman continued to fight over the unknown situation. Some argued that his exile meant peace, at last, others dreaded his return in time.
"What did we even have to begin with? Cahal was protecting no one!"
"The prophecies never lie, one day Cahal would help Fe--"
"He will rise again one day." The elderly woman voice was hoarse. She had been quiet for what felt like decades, simply staring and listening, even in such grave times. She was blind, glazed and glassy eyes staring ahead. The few remaining coven members turned to the woman in hunger for answers. "He will rise again and cause grave violence for his own people. But he will not stop there, nor will he show mercy. He aims to have the whole universe in the palm of his hands." They called her The Oracle for one reason; she predicted the future.
The few witches stared amongst each other, their eyes filling with horror. Lark would one day return. The oracle never lied; her prophecies spoke only the truth.
"... Only one can stop him." She continued, her voice breathless and tired. "Born to the blood of this coven, he will stop the dark one."
"A witch?" Someone questioned, confused at how any witch could stop someone as powerful as the dark one.
"... A wolf. Bounded with the spirit of old, he will rise one day and save humanity from its darkest threat. No werewolf before stands as powerful as him. No werewolf to come will rival him. A being the dark one and his companions fear."
"... Fenrir?" The witches gasped.
"The legend is true!"
"But Cahal is dead!... He is dead. He will not return."
The witches argued amongst themselves, and the oracle only listened. They were all wrong, as always. "The Keeper may not physically live among us anymore, but his spirit remains in our world, and he waits for the chosen one's return. He will help Fenrir understand his purpose."
The women looked among each other. "How will Cahal find him? When?"
The Oracle remained silent for some time, staring ahead. She was thinking, seeing. "He will know."
One witch, who'd remained quieter than the rest, finally spoke up. "What if Lark discovers the legend is linked to us? He will surely destroy us all." The room grew tense with fear and uncertainty. Lark wouldn't hesitate to harm anyone in his way. "He's killed the Keeper, when he discovers the chosen one is our descendant, we will become just another victim."
"We must conceal our magic." The Oracle responded, making all the woman gasp.
"Surely you cannot be serious! Conceal our magic? Just... hide away, after everything we've built for ourselves? For our legacy?
"There will be no legacy if you do not." The elderly woman remained calm. "We must sacrifice our magic. Doing so protects us... it protects him."
"... How can a descendant of a witch be a werewolf? It makes no sense!"
"His path has already been written in the stars. But it will never be unless we do our part to protect him. Your great-grandson, Orla. He's the only one who can defeat such an evil."
Decades had passed since the meeting amongst the tiny coven in the rural hills of Ireland. As instructed, the witches had concealed their magic, forgotten their roots and left their lives behind. They had moved away and acted as strangers; Orla had moved to Surrey and married an Englishman, and said nothing of her heritage to no one. Not her son nor her only granddaughter, Grace. She had died happy, but in secret, praying that Grace's child would fulfil the prophecy spoken of him.
The Oracle herself had remained in Cork. Outliving everyone somehow, despite no magic herself. She had simply been waiting all these decades, waiting and listening. That night, the woman was stood upon the cliffs that looked out onto the stormy seas, the air cold, the sky dark. She had sensed a change coming.
Waiting, the woman felt the air change when a booming thunder echoed across the sky. Loud and chilling, it almost sounded like... a snarl. A wolf snarl. Though terrifying, the woman smiled softly, knowing the prophecy was in motion, somewhere in the world.
"Do what must be done, Henry."
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trashfor-imagines · 4 years
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The Music Series: Haikyū Edition! | 2
21 ft. Oikawa x Reader
Summary: You were always on and off with Oikawa in high school, but it was clear you were in love. However, it was hard knowing you would barely make the top three in his life. Warnings: None, really. A seasoning of angst, for taste. Spoilers: If you’re only caught up on the anime, this story mentions what happens to the characters in the manga after high school and their professional lives.
“Toru! There’s a difference between putting volleyball first and just not calling me to say you needed to cancel our date. You straight up didn’t show!” you yelled, tears welling in your eyes. You willed them not to fall. “I know I’m not your number one priority, no one is, but for once can you at least act like you mean it when you say I’m - a - priority?”
He stood there silently in the living room of his apartment feeling small and terrible. He left you waiting in the rain for a date that he wasn’t going to show up to. Again. The coach had extended practice and it didn’t cross his mind to tell you, simply excited to play more. This was the same old fight since high school and he knew he should have known better by now. He had always made volleyball a priority and you honestly didn’t mind - he knew that, but being young and dumb and incapable of communication, he’d always tell everyone you broke up with him because you thought he was obsessed with the sport and not because he was incapable of thinking of others’ needs. Iwaizumi had always told him he was a fool when it came to you and honestly he wished his best friend was there to remind him of what to do to fix this.
“You’ve had so many chances. You don’t respect me and I can’t do this. Call me when you figure out how to dial my number. Or don’t. You probably won’t.”
You slammed the door shut and it absolutely destroyed you to go home alone that night.
 “‘Hit it until it breaks.’ Huh. Just like your relationship,” Takeru snickered at you as he looked at an old sports magazine in the dessert cafe you were at. He found an old interview of Toru in it. “My uncle’s an idiot. I’m sure he’ll call you soon, big sis.”
It’d been two weeks since you broke up with Toru and you’ve heard nothing. Not even a blip on social media. Feeling bad about yourself, combined with the fact it was summer break, you went home to Miyagi for some R&R. You had a few things for Toru’s mom that you’d been collecting so you stopped by to drop it off. Takeru just happened to be staying there for the week and asked if you’d take him out to do something. Now you were sitting at a cafe having kakigori and honestly his company was incredible, despite being almost 11 years younger than you.
“I can’t believe my only friend right now is Toru’s 9 year old nephew,” you sighed softly. Your college friends were busy with their jobs, internships, and extra curricular activities that they hardly had time to sit on a phone call let alone come over to watch you cry over Oikawa Toru for the hundredth time. You weren’t even going to try calling Iwaizumi about it. Last time you asked his childhood best friend to knock some sense into the man, he simply replied back with an upside down smiley face emoji. What the hell did that even mean?
Takeru’s cheeks puffed up and he crossed his arms over his chest. “Hey! I’m almost 10! And I can leave if you’re going to be like that. I swear, you’re just as bad as uncle.”
“Hey. No swearing of anything,” you reprimanded him. “And don’t go.”
“Fine, but only because I like you.”
“So... got a girlfriend yet?” you teased, changing the topic.
“Big sis, I know we Oikawas are good looking, but aren’t you a little old for me?” he deadpanned.
Your face lit up red. “You little brat! I wasn’t asking for me!”
School was starting up next week so you went back after a couple of days home. The Oikawa family actually cried when you told them you were going back, having missed seeing you almost every day like when you were in high school. They were an incredible family with their own quirks who loved each other so much. It was similar to your own.
It was Sunday afternoon and you were cleaning your apartment when you got a phone call from Toru’s mom, asking if you’d talked to her son today.
“No, I’m afraid we still haven’t spoken. Is something wrong? Do I need to get to him?” you asked, panic levels rising in your voice.
“No, no, my sweet daughter. Nothing like that,” she sighed softly. “He should really be the one to tell you this, but Takeru said not a chance. He was drafted as a setter for Club Atlético San Juan today. My son’s going to Argentina.”
You dropped your phone in shock, the noise of it clattering to the floor interrupting your short meltdown. Quickly picking up the phone, you apologized before asking questions. “When is he going? W-what about school? And you and the family?”
‘And me?’ you wanted to ask.
Carefully, you listened to every detail she could give you. Your heart was so heavy you were sure you’d sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Time passed painfully. Days turned to months. Soon it was a new year. Then it was graduation. You started a job as a graphic designer that allowed you to work remotely and you did freelance photography, often shooting for travel magazines. You moved home to Miyagi to live with your parents when you weren’t traveling, cutting out unnecessary expenses. It wasn’t smart to have your own place when you weren’t going to use it for 3/4 of the year. The truth was, life was lonely without Toru around. Sometimes you found your vision blurring with tears whenever your phone pinged as a new article featuring the setter was published, or when you let your mind wander to old memories.
You were in Australia when June came around. Life had been pretty exciting for you since April, picking up a photo journalism job for National Geographic touring Southeast Asia and Australia. You’d briefly gotten away from thoughts of Toru when you received a photo late one night from Iwaizumi of Toru and that cute little tangerine from Karasuno on the beach by a volleyball net. Apparently they ran into each other in Rio
(Y/N): Thanks Iwa. Iwaizumi: Np.
After Australia, you went home for a few weeks before you were on a flight to Bolivia to capture the Uyuni Salt Flat. It didn’t take too long to complete the job and you found yourself sitting in your hotel room and scrolling through Toru’s social media. Selfies on him throwing up peace signs, his teammates, sunsets, food, nothing out of the ordinary filled his feed. You didn’t scroll for long though; photos of the two of you would start appearing.
A notification pinged on your phone and your brows furrowed. It was his birthday tomorrow. Setting down your phone, you packed your bag. You were going home in a few hours.
While waiting for your flight, you wondered if that notification was a sign to call him. You stared at his number, unsure. Was it even his number still? You probably locked and unlocked your phone thirty times before setting it to airplane mode. It was time to board. The almost the entire flight home was sleepless as the need to call him grew and grew.
By the time you made it to Japan with over a day and a half of flying due to inconveniently timed layovers, his birthday was over. You wanted to look at his Instastory to see what he did. It was his 21st birthday. He’d been excited for that one because it meant he could “drink anywhere in the world.”
When you got home you unpacked and went about your day. It was midnight when you went to the rooftop terrace of your parents’ house and sat on one of the couches. You called stared at Toru’s contact photo for thirty minutes before you called, pressing the phone to your ear and waiting.
“(Y/N)?” You bit your lip, words suddenly leaving you. “(Y/N), are you there?”
“Yes! Yes, I’m here. Happy birthday, Toru. Sorry I’m a day late.”
“That’s okay, and thank you. It’s good to hear your voice.” His sounded sweet and gentle. There was a hint of a sleep as well, making you laugh quietly. Definitely partied. Definitely just woke up.
“It’s good to hear yours as well. So how was it? Turning 21.” You pinched your thigh out of nervousness.
“It was nice. My teammates took me out to a club. Definitely drank too much and stayed up later than I should have. Iwa would have been pissed.” There was a playfulness in his tone.
“Wow, wish I had been there.”
“Me too, (Y/N). I’m sure you would have done something cooler though. You’re really good at that stuff.”
You laughed lightly, “Well, you know me. I definitely already had a plan for your 21st when you turned 20.”
He laughed as well, boyish and familiar. “Really? What was your plan then?”
“I’d have thrown you a surprise party; invited Iwaizumi and your old teammates, our friends from college. The theme would have been Around the World. I would have set up a photo booth. We’d have drinks from different countries to try, play different drinking games, and dress like tourists.” Your vision began to blur and your voice wavered. “We’d stay up so late that-” You stopped mid sentence, covering your mouth with your hand as you tried to swallow your sobs.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” He sounded so concerned it killed you.
Sniffling, you wiped at your eyes furiously. “No. I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too. My whole family’s been on me since we... You know. They call me all the time to tell me what you’re up to and where you’re going next. They really love your postcards and little souvenirs. Seriously... Thanks for looking over them.”
“Of course. I mean, your mom calls me daughter,” you laughed sadly.
“Yeah, she does, doesn’t she.” He paused and the conversation lulled for a moment. Clearing his throat, he spoke up again, “I’ll be home next week if you’re in Miyagi. It’s just a quick visit.”
“I’ll be here.”
“Great. I’ll see you then.”
“Okay.” You had so much more you wanted to say, but you wished him good night instead.
“Good night.”
Days passed and you wondered when he’d be home. You hadn’t heard from him since that phone call and you weren’t going to bother the Oikawas over this. His original plan was probably to come home and see his family. You only became a part of it because you called him. You had to be patient. If you fit into his plans, then you fit into them. You couldn’t force it.
It was Saturday morning when the doorbell rang. You were still in your pajamas when you answered the door, speechless to see Toru standing there with your favorite flowers in his hand. He smiled wide. “Let’s go out, (Y/N).”
Letting him in, you told him to make himself at home while you got ready. It didn’t take you long as you put together a cute new outfit you’d gotten the other day in town. Applying light make up, you checked your hair before heading downstairs.
The two of you walked into town, going to a cafe that you both often frequented throughout high school. He ordered your usual and it was a small crumb of relief to know that he still remembered something as trivial as a drink order. The two of you sat quietly, hands cradling cups, observing each other and taking your appearances. You'd both evolved in over a year. Toru had always been capable of being serious if need be, but his default settings were usually stuck at high school drama queen levels. He was definitely more mature and he’d always been attractive, but he oozed sex appeal right now and you wondered if it was because you were already biased towards him. No, you knew what it was. He had more confidence.
“I guess I should explain what happened. I called Iwaizumi that night after you left. He was pissed it was so late. He called me an idiot, told me stop wasting your time and grow up. I hadn’t told you about it, but I was struggling with a few things. Remember Jose Blanco?”
You nodded, sipping from your cup. He and Toru connected in high school when Toru wasn’t sure about what to do with volleyball anymore. He’d helped so much and was a great mentor.
“I was talking to him about a few things that were on my mind. Then you and I broke up. He ended up talking to some people and I got a call that I was going to play for San Juan. I got swept up with interviews and press statements and moving. The next thing I knew, I was half way across the world with no idea how to tell you I was starting my overseas career earlier than planned. I decided it was best I didn’t call you. I mean, we broke up because I didn’t know how to include you in my life the way you deserve.”
Sliding your hand across the table, you let your finger tips brush against his hand. Instantly he held your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles lovingly. Tears welled in your eyes. You’d waited for so long for Toru to finally see you completely and acknowledge what it was that he spent so many years of your youth apologizing for.
“Not having you there with me this past year was so hard. It felt like not breathing. I still love you, (Y/N), and if you can forgive me, I’d really like to make it work this time.”
Nodding your head, you sniffed, a teary but happy smile on you face as you wiped the corners of your eyes. “I love you, Toru. Let’s make it work.”
tag list: @hihiq​
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aethuviel · 4 years
Real life Na’vi tribe, the Blue Moon Tribe, and realistic goals of going off-grid
In late 2009, James Cameron’s “Avatar” film came, and with it, the Avatar-related forums. There were Avatar forums, Tree of Souls, and Learn Na’vi.
While the film made an impression on me in terms of its world-building and aesthetic beauty, it did not challenge my view on lifestyle or give me ideas on how to live in the future.
But for some, it did. It was in August of 2010 that I (then nineteen years old) was reading around on the aforementioned Avatar boards, where there was a very(!) lengthy (I believe 50+ pages by the time I found it?) thread regarding the idea of making your own “Na’vi-style” tribe, as a lifestyle.
I read the first few pages and thought “Ha! Fun idea, but I could NEVER-” I kept reading. It took me two whole days to read the entire thing. I went from “maybe I could do it during the summers during the seasonal idea they are discussing, but I couldn’t live forever without my books-” to “I WANT TO DO THIS”.
At nineteen, I was at a standstill in life and had no idea where to go from there. All I knew before this was that I wanted to live in the countryside, but I had no idea and no help on how to make this a reality.
This was something completely new to me, that seemed extremely appealing. I had actually watched Into the Wild just a few months prior, but had no inspiration from it (maybe because it was Alaska, then completely unappealing to me, and the poor guy did starve to death).
By the time I found them, the thread had been broken off into its completely separate, non-Avatar-related forum. They were very clear that while Avatar forums is where they met and were inspired, the project was a serious thing and had nothing to do with “larping” or trying to live literally like Na’vi. The forum was called “the Revolutionists”, better name pending.
The oldest member, who also had the server to the new forum and was one of the most active members, was 37 at the time. The youngest was only 15, and I’d say the average age was around 21. We numbered around 15-20 committed members.
The knowledge was great among some of the members, talking about permaculture, water and waste systems, et cetera. A chat room was set up, and while we had some structured meet-ups in there, there was almost always someone there.
I was extremely inspired, but knew nothing, so I mostly stayed silent, read and listened. Over the next year, I consumed everything I could find regarding “tribal living” or “going back to the wild”. Even then, in 2011, the internet was a much smaller place than today, and it was very hard to find decent resources.
Eventually, in a live chat, the name “Blue Moon Tribe” was decided on for the group. “BMT” had a lot of ideas, some of which I’ll list to give an easy overview...
Permaculture, not pure hunter-gatherer, as it is not feasible today
Hunting for meat, as raising meat animals was never considered
Animals like dogs and horses would be allowed
Funding/permission for the project by allowing researchers to study us as a “social experiment”, as surely this has not been attempted before?
Firearms vs just archery were lightly debated, but as far as I remember, never settled on
Hanggliders and other means of flying were discussed quite a bit, inspired by the Na’vi “Ikran”, but put into reality by perhaps being used to survey forest for the government (essentially as another means of being permitted “stewardship” of a piece of land rather than buying it)
Permanent life, including children and birth control were discussed at some length
We would live in a firm spot, with some sort of permanent structures
An enormous piece of land would be required, due to having to live largely off of hunting - we actually never calculated this very well (how much meat/person/year, how many animals per acre, etc.), but estimated it at 1000+ acres for a reasonable size tribe of ~20 people. This was one of the two ultimate death blows of the project.
Where in the world would it be? Members lived everywhere from the US and UK to Sweden, Germany, Chile, the Philippines, and more countries. Visa requirements for anyone moving would be daunting. I really tried researching this, but it never went anywhere, and it was the second death blow to the project. Never a set location. (In hindsight, it would be best to just aim on the US and be done with it. Or two locations, one American and one European.)
I went from being a very quiet student in the beginning, to becoming one of the leaders in “keeping it going”, when things seemed difficult, by keeping writing new threads, and trying to solve our most pressing problems - money (for buying land) and where to move.
I researched almost every country imaginable, made in-depth charts of my research, and felt most like some of the more well-off Latin American countries would fit us best, like Panama, Argentina or Mexico. A problem with tropical countries is that they often ban hunting. Spain could also be a good fit.
Note that while I researched most of the world (including southern Africa and all of southeast Asia), I excluded most of Europe, as after growing up in northern Sweden with winters easily going below -20C, I thought I loved the heat. :D (Oh I learned after visiting Tbilisi in July...)
My focus wasn’t all selfish, of course, and growing seasons were much better in warmer climates. Mostly, we(!) focused on the subtropics.
But the years passed, and nothing happened. Not even the real life meeting we had discussed.
There was another group, meanwhile, that had been inspired from the same Avatar source, but had remained on its forum, Learn Na’vi - we called this the “real life Na’vi tribe”, with no official name. I was active on this forum as well, mostly to help, as I saw myself joining this project in real life unlikely, but if they succeeded first, maybe I would.
Overall, this other project was far less organized, with more “casuals” coming for a week and then leaving (both projects had this problem early on, in 2010), less structure and dare I say, less maturity. Some mature voices pitched in, but they mostly had no personal interest at all, they simply wanted help people keep their feet on the ground.
In the beginning, some really outlandish ideas were suggested, and it had a far greater focus on NA’VI RE-ENACTMENT, even though this faded in favor of... reality. Obviously no one is going to spend their entire life living like fictional aliens from a movie.
Reducing the project to a simple summer camp was discussed, as well as the idea of separating it - not in locations, but having two parallel projects in the same location. One would be the “true” tribal life, and then an ecovillage nearby for a “softer” approach. I urged them to go for the ecovillage, period,  but it was ditched altogether instead.
This group seemed less happy with having animals, even horses (though I joked to myself, “Hey, even the Na’vi have horses?”), but the focus was still on a huge plot of land for hunting.
After a few years of doing even more poorly than BMT, the entire forum category on the Learn Na’vi forum was locked, due to inactivity. The project had officially failed.
For BMT meanwhile, members kept falling away. Someone realized he didn’t want to leave his country and have to speak English for the rest of his life. Someone else found a career they wanted to focus on. Someone else joined the army. Life happened, we were mostly 18-24 year olds, and did not have as much foundation in our idea as we thought.
When I “left” in early 2015, there were maybe 3-4 of us left in a different chatroom, as our entire forum had been taken down by hackers, and it was never reinstated. (Oh how I grieve this, as while the project is dead, there were droves of great information on it. The original thread on Avatar forums that birthed the project is also gone, as the entire forum is down.)
I was clear that I didn’t leave the plans to have an off-grid lifestyle, only Blue Moon Tribe, as it was obviously dead, despite my best efforts to keep it going. (Not to give myself too much credit, I was never a “leader” of the project or by any means the most knowledgeable, but I did take upon myself the role of inspiration and keeping people’s spirits focused.)
I met some of the other members on Tree of Souls later, where there was a thread with people asking what happened with these projects. It all basically ran off in the sand, as we say in my language.
It’s been almost six years since I left, why talk about it now? Because I keep thinking about it. What happened, why it died, and what we could have done instead.
First off, I would not join this project today.
This project taught me that off-grid life was a thing, and not just a dream, but a feasible lifestyle. I had never heard of it before finding the then still unnamed Blue Moon Tribe.
I am still very actively working on my off-grid future, but it is a very different lifestyle from the one these groups planned.
During 2015, when I went complete lone wolf and planned it only for myself, I downsized and downsized until I (reluctantly) realized a few acres is all you need. Most hunters (and I still do plan on hunting) don’t own their own acreage. You can hunt for food without owning the hunting land.
While I was completely fine with hunting, I felt extremely squeamish with killing animals I raised myself. After watching enough YouTube videos, I got rid of this fear and decided to have chickens and rabbits as well. I was focusing on Spain, or perhaps Ireland or Croatia, as my off-grid destination.
Later that same year, I met my husband, a man who had dreamed of living in Alaska or the Russian far east since early childhood, and we made our plans for the future together. Our first few weeks meeting in real life were spent staying up late at night, talking for hours and hours, mainly about off-grid life.
During the years before it failed, in 2013 specifically, I found the then phenomenal (it has really gone downhill in recent seasons) TV series “Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Wild”. So many different people who have found their “wild life”, in so many different locations and ways, from so many different backgrounds and outlooks. It is a gold mine, and I would have drooled over it even more if it existed back in 2011. It would have helped our project tremendously.
During 2011-2012, I also looked up ecovillages. Mostly just for research, to see what they were doing, but also, possibly, to join. (The existence of hundreds upon hundreds of ecovillages made our project members realize BMT’s idea was not that unique and that the “let researchers study us”-idea may not be so feasible...)
I found that, out of ~200 ecovillages I looked up around the Americas and southern Europe, at least half were vegetarian or vegan in their rules, and while the other half permitted meat-eating, not one hunted or raised meat. I found one project in Hawaii (only a single family, no one else yet) that had chickens for eggs and cows for milk, but that’s it. Lots of woo-ey spiritual retreats and that kind of thing, not a lot of long-term living.
Something I learned from New Lives in the Wild, is that while many do this alone or with their family, only a handful of these projects were “communes”, and they were mainly made up of hippie-like, transient young people coming and going. Same with my ecovillage research, I did not find a single true village with families creating a permanent existence.
So, on to my criticism of projects like these, and why they are doomed to fail without much better foundations and goals:
Unstructured/unrealistic goals, as it was the death blow of both projects. We had no real calculations on how much land we would need, for what, and how much money would be needed.
No set location from the get-go. Again, we should have just said “US”, picked a state (as there are tons of resources on this), and let that be that. At least half of the members were American.
Creating a community meant to last is hard. One kind piece of advice I saw on the Real-life Na’vi tribe was that “you won’t be able to make it work without a common spirituality”, and I, as the then diehard atheist, dismissed it straight away, but she was right. Without common cultural/racial/spiritual roots, or a spiritual common goal (”converts”, not as easy as people who have been raised in it, but better than nothing), communities like this will break up. It is just human nature. Without strong foundations in culture and spirituality, there is no “social glue” to keep you together through the decades.
As a side to the same point, most people simply can’t live in these artificial communities long-term. I know now I couldn’t, and I realized that in 2015. I am much too introverted and non-conformist to live in a “group”. We could be neighbors, but anything more than that would feel too “suffocating” for me, and conflicts would be inevitable. I’m also sure some of these members would today be on polar opposites of the political conflict, and so would be unlikely to even get along.
I believe the Blue Moon Tribe could have survived with better resources and better planning, but the major pitfall for its long-term survival (people living together for decades to come) would be its lack of “social glue”.
One of the unofficial “leaders” and the oldest member of the project, left because, as she said, she felt more attached to her homeland the older she got, and could not imagine leaving. She was ten years older then than I am today, and I feel the same way, now in my late twenties.
In my early twenties, I longed for “exotic” and “far away”. I wanted tropics or subtropics in a far away land. Cob houses.
In my late twenties, I long for rustic log cabins in the boreal habitat, as close to home as possible. I have seriously considered Chile, but aside from immigration problems, being so far away on the southern hemisphere with no boreal fauna bothered me as well. I think this is a natural progression through early adulthood.
Years ago, I thought rural Scandinavia was so boring.
Now, I watch videos of those who live this lifestyle in their ancestral village in Sweden, and weep with envy. I can never do that, not just because of the harsh winters, but because I can’t stay in Sweden for legal reasons. (A very important law that has no chance of change in the coming decades, and which makes it impossible for me to stay.)
I now live in Norway, and will probably stay here. My husband and I are currently gathering money - about halfway to our goal so far (we have only been able to actively save money for a year, so this will only take another year or two) - to buy a plot of land, perhaps inland, near the Swedish border - and live our lives there, in the woods, the way we want.
All our dreams won’t be realized, as some dreams are simply meant to stay that way, and the world is no longer free - but it will be as close to paradise as we can make it.
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lifeaftermeteor · 4 years
The Rosewood Hotel Vientiane, Laos 3 June 211 
With his back pressed against the door to his hotel room, Trowa held his phone before him and pleaded with whatever higher power was listening that someone would answer.  Someone had to answer.  Duo had to answer.  He scratched at his jaw as he waited, coarse hair prickling against his fingertips.  
The phone rang four times and Trowa was about to hang up when the call finally connected.  “Hey!” Duo said, sounding a bit breathless.  When Trowa commented on as much, Duo dismissed it.  “I heard it from the kitchen.  Had to bolt across the apartment.  What’s up?” 
“I’m sorry to interrupt your domesticity but I had to call you,” Trowa told him.  “Do you have video?” 
“Yeah, hold on.  Let me…” Over the audio there was the sound of movement and a few dull clicks.  Within seconds, Duo appeared on Trowa’s mobile screen. His curiosity was evident.  “What’s all this about?  Heero’s not here, by the way.  He’s in Geneva visiting Wufei.” 
Trowa shook his head, fighting a smile.  “No, it had to be you specifically.  You’re the only one of our group who I think would truly appreciate any of this.” 
Duo’s curiosity only grew with that and he offered up a Cheshire grin of his own.  “Lay it on me.  What’s up?” 
“You know how I’ve been traipsing around the jungles of Southeast Asia, yes?” 
“Yeah. We’ve been tracking your movements.” 
Trowa snorted. “That’s creepy in principle, but it’s you guys, so thanks.”  Duo’s grin only widened and so Trowa pressed onward.  “I have been kicking around in the backwoods and look like this,” he said, gesturing to his unshaven face, “and baths have been few and far between.  I am not fit for pleasant company at the moment.” 
“Well on this excursion, Quatre wanted to help.  And I let him, but within certain parameters.  ‘Cause you have to rein him in from himself sometimes.” 
“More than just ‘sometimes’ but continue,” Duo answered, chuckling. 
“I let him cover the lodging for one stop.  The final stop.  And I gave him permission to spend just to what my maximum expense was this trip, which wasn’t going to get him much.  So I figured this would organically limit his options and if he wanted to do right by the terms I had set, he’d abide by it.” 
“Did he not?” Duo asked, sounding concerned. 
Trowa smirked.  “We’re getting to that.”  Pressing his shoulders harder back into the door behind him, he continued, “So I get to the address he gave me, and it is a nice place.  And the staff greets me and is pleasant and cordial and all that.  I think it’s a bit odd, but I brush it off. Basement prices and last minute deals...standard protocol and etiquette...whatever.  But one of the staff—a senior guy, I think—escorts me over to the elevators.  I can only imagine what he thought, looking at me.  But he takes me over and hits the button for the top floor. 
“Now I’m beginning to get suspicious because the only way I would be heading to the penthouse level was if this guy was going to throw me off the roof.”  Duo burst into laughter.  Trowa paused, sporting a wide smile of his own now as he thought back over the last hour of his life.  Once Duo recovered, he continued, “We get up here and he escorts me to my room.  This room, the one I’m in now.  And I—I just—fuck—do you wanna see it?” 
“Yes, I do, oh God…”  
Trowa slid his finger over the mobile’s screen and flipped the video feed around to show the entryway to the Presidential Suite.  “This will be my accommodations for the next four nights,” Trowa said, striding forward and retracing his footsteps from earlier.   
The entryway fanned out into a wide and welcoming living area with tall ceilings—“You have a chandelier, Jesus Christ!”—and soft hues juxtaposed with intricate woodwork.  A sitting area, a dining area, a work space...all marked with state-of-the-art technology and delicate elegance.  Though he knew Duo couldn’t smell it, the scent of fresh flowers drifted through the open floor plan. Moving through the suite, Trowa took Duo with him to the bathroom—“Pretty sure all five of us could sit in that tub together...”—and then onward to the bedroom—“You have a canopy bed what the everloving fuck?”—and then back to the sitting area.  Trowa dropped down onto one of the couches and flipped the video feed around to face him once again. 
“There is no way he got all of that for your budget,” Duo asserted. 
“He did.” 
“Bullshit.  How?” 
Trowa smirked.  “I called him right after I did my first walk-through, before calling you.  Was ready to be angry with him.  You know what he said?  He said that he did only pay what I told him to, as instructed...but I never said anything about not using hotel reward points.  Apparently he has enough accrued to reserve the Presidential Suite pretty much anywhere.  He’s just never had a reason to use them.” 
“Sneaky, sneaky.” 
“I know.”  Trowa’s smile softened then, thinking back to the call with Quatre.  The man had been so earnest in his intentions and…oddly shy.  As if he knew he had risked Trowa’s ire by navigating the loophole, but had at the same time hoped that perhaps Trowa would accept the luxury, just this once.   
“You know what’s weird?” Trowa asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.  “I’m not even mad. I think it’s...kinda...sweet.”  He worried his lower lip between his teeth and couldn’t quite meet Duo’s gaze.  “So I’m either losing my edge. Or…”   
When he didn’t finish his thought, there was a beat of shared contemplative silence.  And then Duo said, “Go with ‘or.’” 
Trowa sighed.  “‘Or’ comes with a bunch of other shit that I...I’m not sure if…” If I’m ready for.  If he would want.  If we could make work. Trowa shook his head again.  “Can I tell you a secret?” 
“Of course.” 
“At the core of it, I never stopped loving him.”  Trowa clenched his teeth and struggled to swallow past the lump forming in his throat.  He looked out at the massive room before him, anything to avoid turning his eyes to his friend on-screen.  He knew Duo would see straight through to his most vulnerable places; it was a skill few possessed with such accuracy.   
After a time, Duo spoke.  “I won’t pretend to be an expert in love and relationships,” he began, “but Quatre’s always giving things.  I mean...shit, when I first got the job with Reuson years ago, Quatre bought me seven fuckin’ suits like it was nothing because he didn’t want me rolling in with my behind-the-scenes wardrobe.  He wanted people to see me.  And he wanted to give me something that would help. 
“It took me a long time for me to be okay with that, the giving,” Duo continued. “Call it a cultural disconnect, but I was always trying to repay him somehow and he would never let me.  But one day I guess it just kinda clicked.  And I understood.  Quatre gives because he loves you.  It’s how he shows he cares.  He’d hollow himself out if it meant you would feel loved for it.  
“But no matter how much he loves me or any of the others,” Duo said, his tone lightening and a smile slowly creeping back onto his face, “he’s not gonna empty out his rewards account to land me the Presidential Suite all on my lonesome.  So.  Take that to the bank...and see where it goes.”
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