#if you do so then this causes potential legal problems and other troubles for the adults around you
holopossums · 5 months
I am well aware that there are plenty of minors following me. The ROTTMNT fandom skews extremely young, after all.
I'm normally pretty SFW and only occasionally post spicy or suggestive things (even then it's often mild/non-explicit), so I don't bother being all Minors DNI right now. It's not as NSFW as, say, stuff on my personal main blog. However....
Any original post I label as Mature with Community Labeling, regardless of if it's truly that sexual/inappropriate or not, should NOT be seen by minors AT ALL if they were truthful about their age when they signed up for Tumblr.
Tumblr allows you to toggle the feature to show Mature content upon turning 18. If a minor interacts with one of those posts, they really shouldn't be able to.
Minors not being truthful about their age on social media and getting into stuff they shouldn't is on them and out of my hands. I am not in charge of a bunch of kids online. I will simply label my stuff properly and hope for the best.
If you are a minor (or identify yourself as one on your blog) and interact with posts of mine that I label as Mature, you run the risk of being blocked.
Younger folks really need to take care of themselves and not be getting into things they shouldn't, and I will be a responsible adult and remove them should I catch them. 'S how it goes.
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WIBTA if I reported my roommate for smoking weed?
🖍 for identification
Okay so I (19, F) live in the dorms on my university campus. Specifically, I'm in the normal, freshman-only dorms. This means that while weed is legal in my area, very few if any of of people in my building are legally allowed to use it, only the RAs would be old enough
My schools drug policy is basically "Don't, especially on campus or in a way where you can get caught on campus. It we smell it from your room there will be consequences, and if you're somewhere where it's happening but not doing it yourself you will still face consequences". A lot of people don't really care and will smoke it on campus, or return to their dorms still smelling of it anyway. In addition, the smell is a major sensory issue for me (as in, feel sick, break down crying if there too long, very much not okay level). I do what I can for dealing with this myself (walk a bit out of my way to avoid area I know tends to be a spot people will smoke, hold my breath if I can avoid the smell, etc). It's not my business what people do, I get that.
Recently, after my roommate (F, don't know age but about my age) returns to our room she, and consequentially, the room, smell strongly of weed. This is, to me at least, a different situation than the walkway outside the dorm building/dorm lobby/other areas where I have to deal with the smell of weed because, well, it's partially my room. It's where I sleep and work and typically am when I don't have class or show work. And because it's a smaller more confined space, the smell is even stronger, permeates everything, and doesn't just go away.
While I've had things my roommate did cause sensory issues before, I always went with a "just deal" route because 1. She's paying the same as I am to live there and 2. It was mostly things like strong smelling food or having the TV running late at higher volumes, which I didn't know how to bring up with her and aren't Go To The RA type problems.
However, this is a different level, and I've slept in my car last night and tonight and avoided the room all day except to grab things like a change of clothes, my toiletries bag, my purse, etc. which when I went to grab, the room still smelled like weed. Because this is 1. worse than other sensory issues I've run into with her and 2. Something that could potentially get me in trouble if I was in the room and someone came by to check and noticed the smell, I've considered going to the RA/housing staff and telling them about this, but since I've never actually talked to my roommate about any problems, including this, I'm worried it would be an asshole move. Plus, it's possible the campus police would end up involved and thats a whole other level of trouble I would feel bad putting her through. When I first escaped to my car last night I sent a vent text to my brother, which my mom ended up seeing, and she's pushing me to tell someone but I'm worried about it
So, wibta?
What are these acronyms?
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petworthy-pokemon · 17 days
zoroark :3c
#570-571: Zorua and Zoroark
(note: Zorua and Zoroark are similar enough i can lump it as a single entry. BUT Hisuian Zorua/Zoroark are so drastically different they'll need a separate entry later.)
Temperament - They are extremely wary of humans and other pokemon, so you need to build up trust with them, and it's likely they will often try to hide from you or mess with you often at first, however once they warm up to you and form a bond, they'll be very loyal and extremely protective of you! (Which may cause problems if they become jealous...) Even afterwards, they will be so wary they'll try to stay in disguise around anyone they're not familiar with, so you may have to train them to leave a tell in their illusion you can recognize them by.
Anatomy - Zorua is a wonderfully fluffy fox with no typing side effects, a perfect cuddle buddy! Zoroark is the same but now 5ft tall and capable of returning your hugs! ...but keep an eye on those large claws.
Danger - While Zoroark look intimidating, they aren't directly dangerous at all and prefer to not get into a fight unless necessary... BUT! they still can cause you plenty of trouble if they decide to use illusions to lead you into danger or make you get lost, so a malicious or petty Zoroark can cause problems by tricking you into walking through poison ivy or something. Having complete trust with your Zoroark is very important!
Rarity - Due to their skill with illusion, it's extremely difficult to find them and as such they seem rare. Your best option, if you don't have the patience and dedication, is to find a reputable breeder who already has one to obtain an egg.
Ability - While a pokemon with mastery over illusion seems like it would be a lot of fun (and it is!) it's also a lot of potential trouble if they end up having mischievous ideas, especially if they take to disguising themself as you. ...oh actually, since they can append their illusions to others, you could potentially have them disguise you for gender validation. that sounds nice~
Special - It's rarely discussed, but Zoroark are extremely intelligent! They learn and mimic various habits and abilities to blend in better using illusions, and there's even evidence of Zoroark successfully learning human speech in order to communicate while in a human illusion. This would be one of many reasons they can make a great pet, because... come on, they can actually talk back! ...however, this also leads to other potential problems, such as what they could do while pretending to be you, paranoia against you and your zoroark because it blends in too well, legal issues of it doing tasks with/on your behalf, and of course, the moral question of owning a pokemon that's capable of acting and functioning fully on the level of a human.
Final Verdict: COMPLICATED
Zoroark as a pet provides a very unique situation that makes it very tricky to properly categorize, because on one hand it's very cuddly and would make one of the best friends you've ever had, but on the other hand, there is so much that could go wrong depending on your bonds with them and what they're willing to do with their skills at illusion. What seems like a mostly cosmetic skill in battle is extremely powerful for infiltrating and taking advantage of human society. I wouldn't be surprised if there's conspiracy theories about which celebrities or public figures are actually well-established zoroark.
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demonicintegrity · 2 years
Episode 5 is where Harry and Meghan got to me. Up until this point my interest in the docuseries and in them is very much just pleasant curiosity, even with the immense sympathy for what they were going through. After this episode I am more or less flabbergasted and pissed at so much.
Starting off, up until this point I assumed the British media was doing this on their own. Their sense of entitlement and racist attitudes was just a reflection of bigoted greed. I thought the royal family was just bystanding, a false neutrality with no care for how that affects them. But the leaks.
The fucking leaks.
I don’t know how as an institute, you can be comfortable with private plans and documents getting leaked like that to the public. How are you not concerned with security? If shit like that is so easy to leak, both in terms of the people accessing it and leaking and also being okay with that, how are you not concerned that something else could leak?
Someone had gotten their hands on a letter from Meghan. She went through the trouble of trying to be sneaky about it, and yet it still somehow ended up in the Mail’s hands. Who knows if her father even got to see that actual one. And yet nothing was done about it.
And instead of being honest that they weren’t going to pursue legal action, they led Harry and Meghan on for weeks. They had to sue on their own, further adding fuel to the media campaign against them.
And then the plans to move to South America was leaked. Plans about this transition in whatever form were in development for years and it’s gone in a single leak.
Why was the palace so okay with that? Why isn’t it concerning to them that these things are leaked? Why are they so willing to be quiet? Surely, fucking surely, if this can happen to Harry and Meghan it could happen to them too.
I get my answer soon enough when Harry says the details about potentially revoking their titles is revealed only in his email to his father. An email Harry explicitly didn’t want make for this reason. I am willing to bet money it was his father, now King Charles. He leaked that one. Who else could’ve been on that email? Even if he written up a draft for something or other with it, how many people realistically should’ve saw it? What did they have to gain to leak it, so early in development? Money’s money i guess, but even then, you’d think it’d concern fellow staff and royals just how little integrity staffers would have if it’s them leaking. The emails were apparently from the 1st to 3rd and the leak was days after. They weren’t even ready to go through with it this time.
Backtracking for a second here, that letter was only sent because Meghan apparently became responsible for getting her father in line. I still find it incredulous that her father was speaking out on how terrible the family is treating her and he’s concerned and the family goes >:/ at that. So bothered. Bothered enough that when Meghan is like “hey this is happening in the news please advise I am actively trying not to cause strife with you” theyre like “write a letter” and then dont give a shit that the letter is leaked to the very news they’re having problems with! Fucking hell.
Anyways, the letter’s leaked and nothings done about it. The plans to leave are leaked. The plans to leave again are leaked, this time with a nice dose of “no you cannot see your grandma now.” Which I call bullshit on with the Late Queen btw. You’re telling me as the head monarch, you make plans with your grandson. That is the first obligation you made for the time, made entirely by yourself. Then, entirely unknown to you somehow, your week is full. And despite being the literal Queen of England, you cannot move anything around in your own schedule? Either she was being pushed around a lot in that old age or that characteristic quiet she has was just her being a doormat. In her own words (allegedly i suppose but what reason would Harry have to lie about this?) Harry was the first one she made obligations too but didn’t even bother to try and make it work at any point in that week.
Personally, if I made plans with someone, especially family who I know is struggling and want to see me, I would do those plans. It’s whoever I promised first for that time. And If i absolutely cannot, I apologize and reschedule.
I would also, in the place of any other family member or staff who decided the Queen’s schedule was full only when Harry tried to visit, not try and interfere with someone trying to have a chat with their grandmother. At best it’s rude not to give notice to those kind of things and at worse it’s a selfish piece of shit move.
AND THEN, you have this royal meeting without Meghan. Because that’s so fair. It gets heated and again, I’m calling bullshit on the Late Queen being quiet. You’re telling me as the head of the family you’re gonna watch your family turn on each other in an ugly way and saying nothing? You’re gonna watch the press lie and say you were blindsighted, painting your grandson as disrespecting you, and say nothing?
She either was pushed around by the other family and staff or a doormat. I cannot for the life of me decide which is worse. Because the former is direct disrespect for your respected and loved family member and the latter is said family member not caring enough to make a stand everyone knew would change things. Blasted woman had all this power and influence and not once tried to use a fraction of it to even encourage the press to back off of her family. What horseshit.
But of course, when William is accused of bullying, damn near instantly there’s a statement. That Harry hadn’t seen much less consented to have his name on. All this nothing for Meghan and Harry but the second the press thinks “hm, could William have a hand in this wedge? Could it be possible he’s kinda a dick about things?” suddenly they can say something.
The sympathy I had for the royal family dies here.
With this bombshell after bombshell, Meghan’s hate is a coordinated attack on twitter. I don’t know why that surprised me but it did. I think whats most surprising is how few people it took to create such a consistent storm. Once again we are seeing what unregulated harassment does. What awful seeds are planted and maintained in a echo chamber in the name of free speech without consequences. And even though Meghan is far from the first and only to be targeted, nothing will be done. She isn’t even offered support from the family she marries into once again.
The paparazzi doesn’t leave her alone. Once again no one cares about the trespassing and stalking. This is seen as acceptable for some fucking bizarre reason. I hope each and everyone of those bastards trying to peak at a family so obviously trying to be left alone gets dragged through the mud. Truly, there is no standard of morals these days.
What got me to the point of rage is when Meghan flips through her security book and a death threat tweet is an example of what needs to be reported. I think I’m jaded enough where the knowledge that she likely had death (and probably rape) threats was there, but didn’t register as much. Unfortunately I am part of the generation that grew up on this new tech. Someone getting these threats is fairly run of the mill here. To the point of what really can be done. It’s lost it’s effect, or so I thought. Until I am reminded that death threats are treated severely for a good reason. Until I am shown a person who isn’t jaded by the internet horrors reacting to this and I’m reminded that 1) this shouldn’t be just the normal internet experience and 2) seeing people echo again and again that you should be dead weighs on you. Especially combined with the stalking from the paparazzi.
I am reminded that these are real people experiencing things they shouldn’t be experiencing.
When I only knew of Harry and Meghan through skimmed headlines once in a bluemoon, I was also on team “Youre stepping back from the royal family why would you get royal protection?” I mean, it was simply just a courtesy at that point right?
Now realizing just how harassed they were, it wasn’t just pulling security. It was pulling security on a very short notice on their family with a toddler knowing damn well what harassment they were facing.
This family did not give a shit if anything happened to them. Did not give a shit for their piece of mind, for their physical safety, for anything. Even if it was a courtesy, you’re telling me a couple that has undergone so much harassment from day one, your family, didn’t deserve it? Especially when the original plan was to still do things for the Queen and commonwealth but just financially independently now?
What a load of shit. The way I would’ve cut all contact and burned bridges immediately. This isnt just a dysfunctional family, this is a truly hateful one.
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years
On the topic of Piltover’s Finest being parents... unpopular opinion but I think Vi would be more the “strict” one when it comes to the law than Caitlyn would be. It seems counterintuitive and yeah it is, but I can explain.
Yeah Vi doesn’t give a shit about breaking laws and Officer Vi’s whole schtick is the “bad cop” to Caitlyn’s “good cop.” But it’s one thing that she’s the one doing it, and another one when it’s her kids. Cause Vi the “bad cop” has already been to prison once. She knows the horrors there and experienced it first hand. Nothing scares her (at superficial glance). But her kids? They theoretically have never experience prison, maybe not even struggles. They might not have it in them to take it. And that’s not including the tangible Adult Fear parents have when their kids are at risk for whatever reason. A good parent would take any evil if it means sparing their own children of it. They want things better for their kids than it was for them. Vi would be that way.
So if their kids get into big trouble that cops could be called? That’ll put the fear of the Law into her unlike anything she does. It’ll especially trigger her trauma over her initial arrest (and the events surrounding that including the lost of her brothers + trauma of her sister), especially if her child in question is around the same age. It’ll remind her exactly what went down in Stillwater, what she saw, her experience and what she did there to survive. Heck, I don’t even think she’d need to experience it to give her that fear. I could see Vi preemptively forbidding her kids from getting into any major mischief in Zaun especially if it means avoiding a potential disaster like That Day at the Cannery or Stillwater. If not banning them from Zaun outright.
Caitlyn, on the other hand, her whole deal is her childhood and number of young adult years were spent being overprotected and micromanaged by her parents. It wasn’t until she made that choice to pursue the case over the shimmer business and corruption in Zaun while breaking the law on her own that she was able to get her life into gear. Yeah it cause inconceivable waves of trauma (and indirectly, the loss of her mother) but it also 1) allowed her to do things and get to where she is 2) Caitlyn isn’t one to dwell on the emotional anyways and 3) if we must dwell, it got her Vi. And she’s the sheriff now. If there’s trouble, she’d be there to fix it.
As a parent then, Caitlyn would be the “less strict” one in the legal. Granted there is a good excuse for the mischief. Or not even then. I mean, Caitlyn never does arrest Jinx in League lore. I’m pretty sure if her kids got into some big mess in some bid for exploration/independence in Zaun (or Piltover or wherever she has jurisdiction) she’d facepalm, give them a firm talking to, and then throw the arrest warrant into the chimney fire and leave it at that. I could see her being stricter if there’s a very pertinent danger afoot in the area (something akin to Urgot showing up) or maybe sympathizing a bit with Vi’s point-of-view (even if not entirely agreeing with it). She isn’t gonna police (heh) them around like her parents did for her that’s for sure.
Less seriously though, I could see Caitlyn being a lot more strict in more “household” things. She might throw away the arrest warrant, but she will get on their case if these adventures are affecting their grades or something. Or over how someone (her hyperfixating about a case and not noticing, Vi, another one of the kids) tripped over a toy in the family room cause there was a mess there. Or getting upset over ruckus if it breaks something (especially if important). You know, not that major stuff.
Vi I could see being much more lax about stuff like that. Kid broke a super rare, super expensive vase chasing their sibling down the hall? No problem, just let cool!Mom Vi talk to angry!Mom Cait over that. Got a bad grade on the midterm? Aw man, at least you tried (and finished it! that’s good at least.) She’d be a lot more chill about those things.
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roseychains · 7 months
I love how you try and act all mature and intelligent in your writing. Real convincing.
"let’s break up your argument into a few parts, and let me debunk each one
First you say this can get adults in trouble? Simple solution, don’t interact if it’s really going to cause problems."
My dude. You are in a public space. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to follow the rules. Why would you go into a public space and post something your not supposed to and then try to act like if they dont like it they shouldnt even be here. Once again public space. A community you are not welcome/old enough to be in. And you are telling other people that if they dont like it they just shouldnt interact or be here at all? You dont make the fucking rules child. You arent even supposed to be here.
"Next, you say that smut is a adult only space. And that’s only true to some extent. Of course, child pornograhpy is illegal of course, but this isn’t explicit depiction of children or sexualizing them, it’s writing about fictional characters. But as for the legal aspect of it, the problem occurs specifically when adults go out of their way to interact with minors. I, atop all my posts the first content warning in bold is that I am a minor. It’s impossible to miss, I’m not going to get anyone in trouble. It’s not like I’m specifically sharing it with adults either. I put things under smut tags but again, are warned I’m a minor and further, a LOTTT of minors my age (15-17) read smut, and comply with whatever rules the author puts. If they say MDNI, then we don’t interact, it’s not difficult to comply with an respect boundary’s. Another legal aspect is roleplaying, which, ew, no."
Ok first of all. Its true to the FULL FUCKING EXTENT. ITS LITERALLY IN THE WORDS. Its smut its fucking sex its nsfw its fucking porn. ITS ONLY FOR ADULTS NO MATTER WHAT WORD YOU PUT IT IN ITS THE SAME DAMNED THING.
Second of all if you understand you can get adults in trouble just by them interacting with you why fucking post at all. Can you prove every other minor on here interacting with you is a minor? Can you prove no adults interact with you? Its not even just about your safety but ours aswell. And you know that. You know that theres the potential that if an adult is found enjoying your content their lives could be ruined. Despite everyone telling you to just wait until you are older, the dangers of grooming, the fact that no one even wants you in this adult oriented space, you just dont care. You think you want something and decide you deserve it because of that. Everyone else be damned.
You do specifically share it with adults. Its a fucking adult space. The majority and the target audience of which is fucking adults. You post it publicly. Also your "smut tags" show up in character tags too idiot.
"zhongli smut" shows up in just "zhongli" because it has his damned name in it.
Again i and every creator out there are well aware of you children reading and consuming our shit. We lurked too. And thats all you should be doing until you are an adult. Also "it’s not difficult to comply with an respect boundary’s." Is fucking rich coming from a kid who cant stay out of an adult space and not post adult content when told not to.
"Moreover, there can be potential problems for adults who have anything to do with explicit fan fiction, but again, that’s why it’s a warning. If they want to read it, by all means they are free to do so, at their own discretion."
Wow what a way to pin the blame on adults. Sure. The adults in the adult space talking about adult topics are at fault.
About the image you share i find it really interesting you only did a quick google search but didnt even bother to look further into it. That "answer" you found is under a better answer asking about someone finding a kid just like you.
"Explicit fiction is legal no matter who writes it or shares it.
But adults who have ANYTHING sexually to do with minors are risking all kids of state and federal crimes. State and federal sex crime prosecutors who go after pedophiles don't believe any adults who claim they "accidentally" found or shared something relating to a minor and sex.
You sound like a pedophile, because that's what most pedophiles claim --it was a "mistake," an "accident," they were "just clicking on it to see if it was what it claimed to be," they were "just going to report it," "it was [their] 1st time, they were only looking for a minute," etc. etc.
If you're not a pedophile, see if you manage to avoid people who come right out and say they're minors."
You ignore the fact that they even said adults having ANYTHING to do with minors relating to this stuff can get in trouble. That means even just LIKING your posts.
"The other answer simply says this (not included: laywer advertisement)A minor cannot write or read explicit stories on the Internet. Yes, you can be charged if you allow minor's on your site."
"Thirdly, you say I’m pushing myself into adult spaces, simply not true. I have never once interacted with an MDNI blog, in any way shape or form. It’s disrespectful. All I do is create my own works. Under tags that, you guess it, aren’t restricted based on age."
Oh but its not disrespectful for you to even be in a space you arent supposed to be in in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE? Do you think the internet begins and ends on your blog? Keep your works PRIVATE. Also no porn/nsfw tag is restricted based on age on tumblr. There was a porn ban and any tags that are "restricted" are banned for everyone. Even adults. What fucking popular website has age restrictions for tags. And what child actually tells the truth about their age. Even if the tags arent restricted you are well aware they are about adult content. Do you seriously think that just because its not flashing in bright colors to get your attention that its about adult content that its somehow free for you as a minor to use? Gain some damn common sense would you?
"And finally, you say I’m participating in adult activity’s. I’m typing explicit words with a keyboard. Not showing anyone, not showing myself, it’s only found under tags ppl would want to see it."
Again character names show up in character tags. Tumblr does not sort entirely based on sentences. Thats why i can see people talking about nothing to do with a character in the characters tag because in the tags the talk shit about said character they didnt mention in the post itself.
By posting it with tags you do, in fact, show it to people. By posting it publicly at all you are showing people.
Also no one wants to see a minor writing smut in any tag. We dont fucking want you here so why cant you respect that?
"typing explicit words" my dude you are writing porn. You are making porn. A child cannot legally make or consume porn.
In conclusion, it’s writing for crying out loud. It’s reading. It’s letters on a screen. If you have a problem with it, your more than welcome to block me. And in the meantime, I’m gonna keep writing, it’s fun, and able to be done safely. Hope this helped.
Oh nooo its just letters on a screen
Ok. Theres a youtuber who wrote a fanfic of their younger sibling getting raped. Written during the time their sibling was a minor. This youtuber used to bragg about it all the time until they realized they could get in trouble for writing csem. Then they wanted nithing to do with it and denies it to this day.
Is that just words on a screen? "Oh but i dont write explicitly of minors" it doesnt matter. Its just words right? You writing porn is just words huh?
Also, a word of advice minors read smut, a lot. Writers are unaware of it due to the fact that you can read something without interacting, which is respectful imo. You went, and left no trace. Minors, specifically my age (15-17) are gonna have desires and hormones. It’s pretty damn normal. So having a safe space, a little outfit to exercise things safely isn’t that better than going out and having sex?? Minors writing smut is harmless and hurts no one.
Word of advice, we fucking know. So glad you think you are special and quirky. Dont fucking speak to me about what is "respectful" ever again. You only think something is "respectful" when it benefits yourself.
You do not need to share your porn. Im an demisexual woman who is still a virgin as an adult. Ive read porn since i was 11. Ive never once had the thought "omg if i dont shove myself into this adult space and talk about sex im gonna go have sex with real people to compensate for it"
You sound so fucking dumb.
You dont get to say its respectful to leave no trace but then go ahead and write porn publicly and show the while damned world. What a fucking entitled hypocrite you are.
And sure it would be harmless if you fucking kept it to yourself and lurked like a normal person.
Also just because it technically isnt hurting anyone does not mean people are liable to legal repercussions. Peoples lives can be ruined because of shits like you. It doesnt matter how likely or unlikely you think it is. That doesnt matter. The fact is there is that chance.
"they shouldn't have interacted with me"
the world doesnt revolve around you. We shouldn't have to make room for you, and cater to you and make sure you are comfortable when you aren't supposed to be here.
"If anyone has a problem with these claims, feel free to send another ask. Just be respectful, just like we are to you."
You do not get to tell us to "be respectful like we are to you" when you can't respect the fact that we dont want children in an adult space. You dont get that option.
Block me then, not that hard omfg 👎 I’m done tagging my responses tho. Firstly, like you say it is a PUBLIC space. Meaning, anyone can access it and if you claim it to be an “adult space” you have no grounds to stand on. Even if everyone agrees, it’s still a public community/space. Anyone can access it. Who the fuck are you to gatekeep a public tag?
Writing is for everyone, sue me.
Next, I’m not getting any innocent adult lives ruined because I tag everything appropriately, it they are an innocent adult and genuinely scared. Then they can read the minor warning and move on.
And finally, no one is forcing you to cater to me what? If it bothers you, block me. Not hard
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armed-aphrodite · 2 years
Obsessed with Pentiment and the Oresteia in dialogue.
Spoilers below the tag
(Oresteia spoilers, but you’re already 2,400 years late) A trilogy of tragedies, the Oresteia covers the final years of the curse of the house of Atreus. A family of blood, incest, murder of all varieties, the house of Atreus has been at each other’s throats for centuries. Right before the first play, Agamemnon, the eponymous character sacrificed his own daughter Iphigenia so he could sail to Troy to get back his brother’s wife. Upon his return, justice for Iphigenia comes as Agamemnon’s wife Clytemnestra offs him in the bathtub with her lover (Agamemnon’s brother) Aegisthus. Justice for Agamemnon comes from his children with Clytemnestra, Orestes and Electra, who are told by Apollo to kill Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. Thereafter the furies pursue Orestes for matricide.
However, the trilogy ends not with more bloodshed, but with a trial (an etiology for Athenian legal trials) headed by Athena. With no small bit of misogyny, Orestes is found innocent, and the Furies (goddesses of vengeance) are renamed the Eumenides (the kindly ones) and given a role with the city; retribution has been coopted by the city as a justice system is formed. All of the pain and agony of previous generations built upon each other led to this moment, and then it ended, the curse lifted. All’s well that ends.
(Pentiment spoilers here on out) Pentiment, a game about how the present is built on the past, uses its three-part structure to similar effect; given its calls to antiquity (although Roman much more often than Greek) I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s purposeful. We Feel how decisions small and large reverberate decades down the line. The current Bavarian town is built upon the ruins of a Roman city and (I WARNED ABOUT SPOILERS, MAJOR ONES, TURN BACK NOW) its religion is too, in its way. But it flips the script on the Oresteia in the progression of its crimes, or rather, its justice.
The Oresteia begins with a stone cold murder. But it moves to a god telling someone to commit murder, which makes Orestes’ matricide more questionable. It’s Wrong, but also a god told him to – the pious thing to do is to go and commit murder, if it’s morally questionable. The ending ends the murder spree and sets everyone free on the backs of another god (or goddess) and the justice system.
Where religion and law are freeing in the Oresteia, in Pentiment the first act begins with a trial from a religious figure of importance, his Reverence Jacob Estler. But rather than a beacon of truth, he is a cause of great pain – based on your investigation, he has someone killed. Nobody knows if he’s right, because it’s not the point – all of the suspects were grievously wronged by the murdered party, and the town is worse off without whomever is blamed (well we can talk about Ferenc). We see the problems and trauma caused by the loss of whatever individual is taken. Estler isn’t come to solve everything, but is the problem to be solved.
In the second act, there’s a middle ground attempt at justice, a Vehmic Court pushed by the peasantry. It’s mob justice, but still an attempt is made to find the true murderer and bring them to justice (gruesome as that justice is).
In the third and final act, there is no court, and the process is slow. This is the process of one woman seeking to right her wronged family member, and also the depressed old guy who helps her. The God’s justice, man’s justice, these have failed, but when someone goes on a vengeance quest, the true culprit is found, justice is served. But instead of wrapping it up neatly in a bow, the game implies that this is but one moment in time. It looks back on the history of the town, and implies a future, depending on what you tell the townsfolk about the culprit and his motives. That future is not clean, and likely fraught with inconsistencies and potentially more trouble with the church. All things are ongoing, all things are part of the same jenga tower. Nothing ever ends.
What is the point of all this? No idea, but if Pentiment is a tragedy, we deserve a Pentiment Satyr Play. Greek tragedy trilogies came with a satyr play, and by god I want to play as In-Your-Walls post-Act 2 Maler stealing things, getting up to shenanies, just acting like a little pixie to the townsfolk. Maybe play a part in getting Endris hitched.
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Categories of Practical Magic
So most people would think of “categories of magic” as meaning something like divination vs. cursing vs. potion-making, or fictional/Otherworldly schools of study, or otherwise differentiating things by the purpose of the magic and the tools it utilizes. What we’re doing, though, is defining a few "types" of practical, physical-realm results-based magic based on where they derive their power from and what sorts of rules they tend to follow, as they all have different considerations for how they work, especially depending on where you're working magic in the multiverse. That bit may sound absurd to some, but it is the basis of Otherworldly Reconstructionism, and therefore deserves an explanation, and honestly if the absurdity seems to be too much you may wish to reconsider some of your stances on Nonhumanity and metaphysics as a whole.
For those of you who understand that truth, knowing and understanding the different categories of magic can be insights into and potential fixes for using magic in multiple places. Pattern-based magic can be exceedingly difficult to work on the astral and oftentimes cause trouble when attempting to find substitutions for plants, minerals, and substances not found in this world, for example, and spirit-based magic will fail if you try to send someone or something to run an errand for you in a place they have no access to. By analyzing your situation, your tools, your methods, and your goals with these categories in mind, you can achieve greater success and understanding in your workings.
All of these categories may overlap, and we're certain there are more types of practical magic, but in general, there are four categories of magic aimed at achieving some sort of material or short-term life goal based on how they work: pattern-based, archetypal-based, spirit-based, and resonance-based.
This is the format of most spells with ingredients based in correspondence. These types of spells often rely on physical, chemical patterns and actions and sympathetic magic according to the planets, elements, concepts, etc. associated with both historical and here-and-now physical Earth life.
Pattern-based magic can seem anywhere from eclectic to rote and formulaic, but at its base it relies on patterns of correspondence or similarity between things, and many books of spells and magical ingredients are rooted in pattern-based magic such as this, usually drawing on the lore of specific traditions such as the Doctrine of Signatures. Author Raven Kaldera calls this type of magic "thaumaturgic", however that specific term technically refers to practical or "low" folk magic aimed at getting results and improving circumstances. Pattern-based magic can still cause change on nonphysical levels and be used to achieve transcendental results.
This type of magic can actually cause problems and confusion when working a spell on a Nonhuman individual, as many do not have any sense of personal connection to their human body, appearance, or even chosen daily use-name, legally-backed or not. As a result, traditional taglocks may be useless unless modified or worked with unconventionally, and typical spell correspondences may as well be useless. (We’ll address these things in depth at another time.)
This is the realm of passed-down folk magic and the rituals and so-called superstitions that seem to have inherent power across time and space regardless of whatever reality, world, dimension, or whatever term you prefer from which that specific spell or ritual hails from. This can be due to historical usage building up an archetypal energy store, or that archetypal energy store existing elsewhere in the multiverse to be called upon, or some other unknown factor resulting in it becoming a more widely-accessible energy "program", so to speak. 
Kaldera classifies this form of magic as "theurgic", however we ourselves, along with many others, use that term to denote works of magic that involve connecting and developing different parts of the self such as transcendental alchemy and invocation/evocation to achieve direct contact with other entities for reasons of self-progression and adopting traits of those entities.
Most Recon work will be at least partially archetypal-based magic, as it draws on Otherworldly archetypal patterns and energies that are pre-established and can be tapped into and potentially modified depending on where you are, and as such can have practical applications not aimed at personal betterment and ascension.
Spirit-based magic is directly partnering with a spirit, deity, wight, ancestor, kami, egregore, oversoul, etc. to achieve results on any level that does not involve merging, possession, or emulation of said being. This sort of magic is the traditional reason behind the summoning of demons, imps, and familiars to perform tasks for the practitioner, ranging anywhere from ensuring a romantic/sexual partner is "delivered" to the mage, to hiding or revealing hidden treasure, or instructing the summoner in herbology or mechanical science. Asking a SoulBond or spirit companion to gather information for you is spirit-based magic! There's just a different set of agreements in place in those cases (that is, you already have an interpersonal relationship, working or not) when normally such things would involve propitiation, petition, and prayer, especially when approaching a new “business partner”.
This is the most direct, but most tricky form of magic. It can be thought of as the basis for the other three types, as they all rely on resonance in some way, but with a modifier. This type of magic could be seen as a sort of "meta-magic", magic that transcends boundaries and awareness yet is inherent in all forms. Pattern-based magic seeks resonance through physical means. Archetypal-based achieves resonance through a storehouse or transmitter of magical energy. Spirit-based magic reaches resonance by using an intermediary. But all types ultimately aim for changing the energy of a person, place, thing, concept, scenario, etc. to a different goal energy, and resonance-based magic alters the resonance of something directly to achieve said goal. You seek to make that thing resonant with your goal, and to maintain that resonance long enough for it to become permanent, or at least fully manifested.
Maintenance of the resonance is often the hardest part, since nothing exists in a vacuum, and any energy by nature will move and alter things on some level by proximity. Whether that's the physical heat energy of water transferring to your body to raise your temperature on a material level, or the magical energy of your species transferring to your aura and energy signature to manifest unusual phenomena, there will always be contrary factors that redirect that energy, accidentally or intentionally.
Resonance-based magic is often the basis for pure energy work and astral magic, and can be difficult to learn and master for a whole host of reasons. 
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Good Morning Have Some FAITH AU Lore
“I’m not going to spoil everything”, they say as they proceed to do exactly that for the main group of the AU/fic
Anyway. Adam. I skirted around talking about him but with the second part of the story stuck in limbo (Mark’s segment of Part 1 is giving me Hell) I might as well talk about him
He’s the oldest of the main cast. Jonah is 12, Evelin is 12 and a half, Adam is 13. He likes to see himself as the leader of their group. Jonah would object to that and dubs Evelin as the leader, which causes some infighting; but that’s besides the point
Adam is what some might call a problem child. He was orphaned at four years old for a reason he either can’t or won’t remember, and he’s convinced that he’s grown “too old” to be adopted so he doesn’t bother trying to meet with potential families no matter how interested they are. He tolerates Mervin (Jonah’s father), he rebuffs any of Dave’s attempts to get to know him and he shoots down most attempts to befriend him unless he sees some use in the other person. He’s got into a few illegal scrapes, also--nothing major, just enough to get him picked up by a police officer and grounded once he was back at the house. (Ruth Weaver was usually the one who picked him up, since as they kept happening she found the kid was starting to grow on her. Adam claimed she was “an annoying tyrant just like the rest of them” and yet locked himself in his room when she was reportedly dead. How does anyone know where they stand with this kid)
I mentioned earlier that Jonah met him during a dubiously legal event. Out of risk of not mentioning it in the fic at all, I’ll detail it here and may even write it out as a Tumblr-only side thing.
Initially, Jonah was a “I’m only friends with you until I get what I want” friend. Adam saw use in him and took him under his wing. Jonah was loud and goofy and vocally stimmed when he was nervous, but he knew how to pick locks and lie his way out of trouble. He was the son of a lawyer, so Adam was pretty sure this was a two way idle-fun friendship: they were only friends because they were bored, so this wouldn’t last a year. One day Jonah will try to throw him under the bus and that’ll be it.
And yet during this event, they got caught spray-painting a wall by a policeman. Adam ran for it, Jonah stayed, Adam counted down the seconds to him being blamed for dragging such a clean-cut kid into illegal activities...And Jonah covers for him. He takes the blame for the tagging, claims that the building was abandoned and was going to be torn down anyway and somehow charms the policeman into letting them both go with a warning. For whatever reason, this “my daddy is a lawyer” kid gets them both off the hook when he could have just as easily saved his own skin and gotten Adam another free ride back to his foster home.
When asked why, he just shrugged and claimed it was what friends do. They went back to spray-painting after that, but it felt a little safer between them; as if even if they got into danger one of them would have the other’s back no matter what.
Which is why Adam verbally tore himself apart when Jonah went missing. But THAT story, you’ll have to wait to see the events of...
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umegalettingsblog · 2 months
Benefits of Using an Edinburgh Letting Agent for Landlords
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Handling one’s rental property can be exciting as well as overwhelming. Despite being a potential source of steady income, managing a property comes with numerous responsibilities and tasks. It is in such instances that the intervention of letting agents becomes necessary to streamline and provide invaluable support to owners. If you require an expert Edinburgh letting agent, then Umega is your solution; it specializes in both Estate Agency services and lettings.
Save Time and Effort
Being a landlord involves investing substantial time and effort in items like tenant search, property marketing, viewings, paperwork, and maintenance requests among others. These could consume most of your spare time or even become full-time jobs. But by hiring experienced Edinburgh letting agents like Umega, you can outsource these tasks to pros who have the skills and resources required to handle them efficiently.
Expertise in Local Laws and Regulations
Letting agents are knowledgeable about local laws governing rentals that may change from one city to another city or state to another state. Some examples of such legislation for landlords include selective licensing requirements for specified areas or HMO safety regulations (homes of multiple occupancy) within Edinburgh. To a landlord,  they can look daunting as landlords do not have the time or technical know-how but an Edinburgh letting agent will know the latest laws or any changes in the laws. 
Modern Marketing Techniques
Taking professional photos is no longer sufficient when advertising rental properties anymore. Thus; instead of traditional methods which may not generate much interest from potential tenants, modern marketing techniques such as social media ads or virtual tours are used by most letting agents.
Umega also has an online portal where all available properties are listed so they reach a wider audience. This will mean more people can see your rental thus increasing your chances of finding suitable renters.
Thorough Tenant Screening
The challenging aspect for most landlords usually lies in getting reliable tenants who will cause less trouble if any at all. In this case, a letting agent can perform background and credit checks on potential tenants and contact past landlords or employers for references. This significantly reduces the risk of problem tenants who can cause damage to your property or maybe troublesome.
Efficient Rent Collection
When you hire a letting agent, they will be in charge of rent collection too. This way there is no embarrassment between you and your tenant even if he/she does not pay immediately or cannot afford to pay the full amount per month. Rent is collected promptly and any issues are dealt with through efficient systems put in place by letting agents.
Professional Maintenance Services
Property maintenance for one’s rental property especially when one is living far away from it or very busy can become a real pain in the neck. They do therefore provide access to professional maintenance services via their network of trusted contractors, such that these professionals will manage all repairs, upkeep, and other things needed at your rental property at Umega.
Besides, this saves time for you while at the same time ensuring that all maintenance tasks are handled efficiently and properly- reducing the chances of having recurring issues that might cost you more in the future.
Legal Support and Advice
Letting agents also offer landlords invaluable legal support and advice. They can assist you in understanding your rights and obligations, drafting lease agreements, and dealing with any potential legal problems that may arise during a tenancy period. Thus, it keeps you compliant with the law at all times and helps prevent potential litigations.
Regular Property Inspections
Periodic checks on a rental property help to ensure that tenants are maintaining it well. By carrying out these inspections agents produce detailed reports that reveal possible difficulties requiring attention. This assists in preserving the condition of the house over a long period as well as its market price.
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind is one of the biggest advantages of letting agency services. When professionals manage your property, securing every aspect of its handling, you have an opportunity to focus on important areas outside your estate or business.
In conclusion, there are numerous benefits landlords get by hiring an Edinburgh letting agent like Umega. These include saving time & effort, ensuring legal compliance & peace of mind; hence making managing a rental property smoother and easier through a leasing agent. Whether one has multiple properties or they are just becoming a landlord for the first time, involving a professional letting agency will be advantageous when operating within the rental market.
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ezytaxes · 11 months
Sneaky Ways to Save Money Through Effective Bookkeeping
Do you ever find yourself struggling to save money, no matter how hard you try? It can be frustrating and de-motivating, especially when unexpected expenses pop up. But what if we told you that there are sneaky ways to save money through effective bookkeeping? Yes, it’s true! With a little bit of organisation and strategy, you can keep your finances in check without sacrificing the things you love. Here, with help from bookkeeping services in Melbourne, we’ll show you some clever tips and tricks that will help you cut costs without even realising it.
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Sneaky Ways to Save Money
There are many sneaky ways to save money through effective bookkeeping. By carefully tracking your expenses and income, you can find ways to cut costs and save money. Here are a few sneaky ways to save money through effective bookkeeping:
Track your spending: Carefully track where you are spending your money. This will help you find areas where you can cut costs.
Review your expenses: Take a close look at your expenses and see where you can cut back. There may be some areas where you are spending more than necessary.
Create a budget: Once you know where your money is going, create a budget to help you keep track of your spending and make sure you are not overspending in any area.
Stay organized: Keep all of your financial records organized so that you can easily track your progress and identify any areas where you need to make changes.
Seek professional help: If you are having trouble managing your finances, seek out professional help from a bookkeeper or accountant who can assist you in getting your finances under control.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
There are a number of common mistakes that can lead to ineffective bookkeeping and ultimately, less savings. Here are some of the mistakes to avoid:
Not separating personal and business expenses – This is one of the most common mistakes made by small business owners. It is important to keep personal and business expenses separate in order to maintain accurate records and avoid any potential confusion or legal issues down the road.
Not tracking all income and expenses – Another mistake that can lead to less savings is failing to track all income and expenses. This can cause problems when it comes time to file taxes or make other financial decisions. Make sure to keep meticulous records of all money coming in and going out in order to stay on top of your finances.
Not staying organised – Staying organised is key to successful bookkeeping. Having a system in place will help you keep track of income and expenses, as well as other important financial information. Without a system, it will be more difficult to find the information you need when you need it, which can lead to costly errors.
Not keeping up with changes in tax laws – Tax laws are constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments. This will ensure that you’re taking advantage of all available deductions and credits, which can save you a significant amount of money come tax time.
By using the effective bookkeeping techniques we discussed, you can gain control of your finances and save a considerable amount of money. Keeping track of all incoming and outgoing expenses is essential to ensure that no funds are wasted on unnecessary purchases or services. You will be surprised by how much money you can save if you stick to a consistent budgeting system and regularly review your financial records. Start saving smart today with these sneaky ways to save through effective bookkeeping!
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Are Mileage Blockers Illegal?
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Are mileage blockers illegal? – That would be the first question that came to your mind when you first heard about those modules. As long as mileage plays a significant role in determining the vehicle’s lifespan, people are eager to use various tools, including mileage blockers to manipulate the data. To say briefly, manipulating mileage for deceiving others is a criminal offense. However, there are situations where the usage of that tool can be ethical. Before we discuss which is the best blocker in the world, let’s discuss why mileage is so significant, what was an older method for correction, why is odometer fraud so widespread, and where the legality of the usage of blockers comes down.
Let’s get down to business and learn more about mileage blockers and their function in more detail. Thus, you will know when and why to use it reasonably.
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It depends. Namely, mileage blockers are quite ethical modules that are used for ethical purposes, for example, test drives. However, if the tool is used for correcting odometer readings to deceive potential buyers, you should know that it is a criminal offense. Apart from mileage blockers, many alternatives are meant to alter the data. If we compare blockers and rollback modules we can say that blockers are more ethical. Their prime purpose is to stop counting kilometers when the automobile is in a controlled environment and we want to test the performance.
As we already mentioned, odometer fraud is a crime. It is strictly controlled by the government. The federal government takes measures to eradicate the crime. There is a law that requires written disclosure of the mileage registered on an odometer to be provided on the title by the seller to the purchaser. Vehicles that are 10 years or older are exempt from odometer disclosure statements.
Despite the severe fight against this crime, it is still increasing. The worst is that it became harder to spot such manipulation. In the past, when analog odometers tampered it was easier to guess. Let’s discuss in detail what is the statistics of the crime and the motives of those who commit that.
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Are mileage blockers illegal? – Yes. According to the Federal statute 49 U.S. Code § 32703. It states that: A person cannot “disconnect, reset, alter, or have disconnected, reset, or altered, and odometer of a motor vehicle intending to change the mileage registered by the odometer.”
What causes the rise of crime? – The importance the mileage carries in determining the value of the automobile. Sellers use the possibility to make their property younger and put the higher price. According to NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), this crime costs American car buyers more than $1 billion annually. To tell the truth, sometimes it is exaggerated, but mileage can be an indicator for many things such as maintenance schedule, possible wear and tear, engine lifespan, and so on. When we say that it is exaggerated, we mean that a vehicle with 20, 000 miles traveled can be in worse shape than another with 60, 000 miles.
This fraud happens internationally. Needless to say, it is not only America’s problem. According to Carvertical.com research, the statistics of rollback odometers vary from country to country. The research was based on 900,000 car history reports generated throughout 2021. The leaders are the Baltics: Latvia comes in the first place with 24% of possible signs of odometer tampering. It is followed by Estonia and Lithuania. The issue is less severe in western European countries. The main reason for this is that those countries are wealthier and people there tend to buy brand new automobiles.
The reason why this fraud brings big economic damage is the results it has. For example, when you buy a clocked auto, you pay more than usual, you have to pay more for maintenance and repairs than you expected and you have trouble selling it in the future.
The answer to the question (Are mileage blockers illegal?) is unambiguous. However, was it always necessary to use those kinds of tools for rollback? – of course not. In the past, older cars had mechanical odometers. So, it was possible to roll back numbers manually. Another method was to jack up the rear wheels on safety stands and turn the wheels in reverse. It is time-consuming, but this slowly lowers the mileage numbers on the odometer. Now, most automobiles have digital odometers. So, you need instrument cluster removal or use a rollback device in order to change the odometer reading. Plugs into your car’s computer port, people can program the mileage to show what they want. After a quick reset, the car will display the miles that were programmed into it.
It should be noted that tampered digital odometers are even harder to spot because there is no visible clue. That is the reason why it became a challenge for buyers to detect fraud. They need a complete pre-purchase inspection and additional history check in order to make sure that the mileage is genuine.
Below we discuss modern means of manipulating odometer, let’s see how mileage blockers differ from other alternatives.
According to the common misconceptions, mileage blocker and other odometer correction modules are the same and equally unethical, but it is not so. One is stopping counting miles and the other is changing existing data.
The goal of rollbacking existing kilometers is obviously unethical. Needless to say, people purchase it for fraudulent purposes. It serves as a means of deceiving other people. On the other hand, the best odometer correction tool, Mileage blocker from a Super Kilometer Filter is designed for a particular purpose. We created the most reliable module you can use for testing the performance of your beloved auto without worrying about unnecessary miles on the odometer. You can use it in a controlled environment and be sure that it won’t disappoint you. We do not recommend using it on public roads. Remember, are mileage blockers illegal? – No, until you decide to use it unethically.
What makes mileage blocker special?
The best thing about the blocker is that it is undetectable. As you know most rollback modules remove information on the surface, data still stays in another control unit. So, it just takes a small effort to detect genuine mileage data. On the other hand, the Mileage blocker works like a magic wand! It is not traceable during diagnostics. How does it happen? It happens simply because it removes information from all control units unconditionally.
We know that the market is full of competition but choosing the product that offers you a flawless performance takes effort. Premium quality module from Germany is designed to exceed your expectations by all means. You won’t come across additional issues which you often have when it comes to lower-quality alternatives. We devote a lot of time to programming, so you can be sure that altered mileage is completely undetectable. Ironically that’s the reason why people tend to use the module for malicious purposes. That’s why there comes a legitimate question: Are mileage blockers illegal? Even though using mileage blockers is allowed in most countries, there is still room for this question. It’s all dishonest people’s fault.
It doesn’t cause any flaws in the Can Bus system
The most unsatisfying thing with many alternative modules is that they cause flaws in the Can Bus system. CAN Bus is a quite complex system, It’s the electronic communications system in vehicles that allows different parts to communicate with each other, including the engine, the transmission, and the brakes. So, this is no longer a problem when it comes to the extraordinary Mileage blocker. Hence, loyal customers around the world choose it. Needless to say, their satisfaction is our priority, So we provide a good support.
How to install
Installation is very easy. It is installed behind the speedometer. If you are a DIY enthusiast, it will be the easiest task for you. All you need to do is to follow instructions, remove your digital dashboard, insert the module between the incoming cable and the dashboard and that’s all. The mileage stopper will automatically integrate with the software to halt the mileage recording process when required.
Good to know
Just a reminder! Legal usage of the module is completely acceptable. Are mileage blockers illegal? – Mileage blockers are not illegal as they are meant for testing purposes unless they are used with the intention of deceiving others.
So, you already know that the legality of mileage blockers depends on several factors. You also know about mileage fraud and its statistics, which indicate that it happens too often and you can easily become a victim of the fraud. The above-mentioned information will help you easily identify the trap you are going to fall into. Needless to say, you should purchase and enjoy new gadgets for your car, but do not forget ethics. Let’s ask the question in another way. Instead of “Are mileage blockers illegal?”, let’s ask: what does illegal usage of mileage blockers mean?
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balivillaforsale2 · 1 year
Getting a Villa in Bali: Things You Need to Know Initial
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beachfront villa for sale bali
Millions people go to Bali each several years, it's golden sand beaches, ornate and additionally tranquil temples in addition to beautiful smiley consumers - prove an essential attraction for people out of all over the world. Security through the region has been vastly improved and stabilised since the disastrous bombing, and visitors can be returning to the Of the islands of smiles inside their droves.
There has do not really been an increased time to consider getting a villa in Bali, and the really astute investors got within much much quicker.
beachfront villa for sale bali
Despite popular thoughts and opinions, purchasing a villa around Bali is not likely to be easy or simply cheap, and one can find local laws that want to be considered every last step of the manner. It's also worth talking about that a holiday house can have high preservation costs that need to get met even when you just aren't enjoying your new des res, so methodical planning is for the utmost importance.
Still don't let that set you off, when you are willing to take the time to command you investment certainly, you will still be in a position to bag yourself an extraordinary deal.
The legal aspects of buying a accommodation in Bali
Quite a few new investors inside Bali don't originally realise that foreigner are not allowed to very own land, in addition they can be not permitted owning freehold rights around any particular construction. The only option designed for foreigners looking to take pleasure in the benefits of ownership with Bali is to acquire was is known as a "HAK PAKAI", which within its essence is usually nothing more than a rental with 25 yrs.
This type of lease can be of no actual value to shareholders as you can't obtain any sort of financial merchandise such as a mortgage in such a type of arrangement. One other real problem because of this is that it restricts you from letting out your apartment to other Bali holiday makers while you're not using it with your personal friends and households.
There are a number of answers to this tricky difficulty though, mostly normally, to hold the putting together in trust by having a native Indonesian man as the nominee, or even form a type of unknown investment business, that is a PMA.
A solutions are like complicated as they tend to be time consuming, but they over and over again work well for good investors who help make the time to ensure these people really understand the device and process along with chose wisely the moment selecting a nominee. An unsatisfactory nominee choice cause no end from trouble.
However , there are lots of companies that will assist you around navigating the coming issues for people excited about buying a villa inside Bali, so in that respect there really is no need to tussle through the process on your own
When Buying a Property in Bali, area experience is important
If you take nothing more away from this article, an important bit of advice you'll get about buying a house in Bali is actually: to make time to look at the island before you make, and ideally from different times within the year.
Choosing the best site for your new Bali villa and everyday life changing investment is normally of the utmost value, so in any event being certain you try prior to deciding to buy - can be pretty much essential. Navigate the island, obtain a feel for various places, there formulate, and the type of expats who reside generally there.
Speak with your potential neighbours. Knowing a little bit of Bahasa before hand works wonders in this operation, and make sure you communicate with as many expats at present living your perfect as possible. This will show an invaluable source of info on the most dependable premises management agents in the region, and is often the strategy people stumble over the best deals -- like new Bali Villas up for sale that are fitted with yet to be publicized.
Sound guidance is usually to spend at least one thirty day period enjoying and visiting the island, remaining in different Villa renting in different regions, previous to making your decision.
Buying a property in Bali can be quite a stressful but also envigorating process as you appreciate how far your money will stretch, but it isn't without its problems and pitfalls. High of this can be avoided with sound advice and rush the process.
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zenruption · 1 year
Leave It to the Pros: Home Improvements You Should Never Do Yourself
Many homeowners take on their own home repair projects because they may be fun and rewarding. There are some home modifications that should not be carried out by unskilled people, even though it may sound appealing to save money and time by doing it yourself. These tasks could need specialized knowledge and skill that only experts have. It's critical to determine which home modifications may be properly completed on your own and which ones should be left to the professionals. This article identifies five home upgrades that should only be undertaken by experts.
Electrical works
If not done properly, electrical work can be lethal. Regardless of how tiny or relatively straightforward the task may be, homeowners should not attempt to perform electrical repairs or installations themselves. An electrician who is qualified and experienced can solve electrical problems effectively and safely. They are equipped with the right tools and machinery to guarantee that the work is completed in accordance with the law. Even if it appears to be a straightforward task, such as replacing a light switch, there can be underlying problems that only a qualified electrician can detect. The best course of action is to call in a professional if you're unsure of how to handle an electrical problem.
Little leaks to significant obstructions are various types of plumbing issues. While some of these issues can be resolved by using straightforward instruments like a plunger or drain snake, others call for the skills of a qualified plumber. For instance, in Australia, plumbing and drainage works are legal to perform only by a licensed plumber. So finding a certified, insured, and skilled plumber in Sydney, Melbourne or Perth is crucial if you need to do any pipe work. The self-help approach to plumbing issues might result in more damage and expensive repairs and can even get you in trouble with the law. Plumbers have the expertise and understanding to identify the problem and resolve it quickly and effectively, thus saving you time and money. In order to avoid more plumbing issues, plumbers can also do preventive maintenance such as routine drain cleaning.
Another area where DIY is not advised is roofing. Even for the most seasoned DIYer, climbing a roof can be risky. Only skilled roofers have the specialized knowledge, abilities, and tools needed to repair or replace a roof. Even a minor error, like improperly caulking a roof vent, can cause expensive water damage to your property. Experienced roofers can spot problems and make the necessary repairs to keep your home weatherproof. Professional roofers may also provide guidance on adequate ventilation, which can lengthen the life of your roof and lower energy bills.
Structural changes
Only a qualified contractor should remove walls or install new windows or make any other structural improvements to your house. The stability and structure of your home may be significantly impacted by these kinds of adjustments. Your home could collapse if a load-bearing wall is incorrectly removed, and improperly fitted windows can result in energy loss and water damage. A licensed contractor has the expertise and knowledge to guarantee that the changes are made legally, safely, and in accordance with the code. Also, they may offer advice on the best supplies to utilize, ensuring that your house is constructed to last.
Gas appliances
If not installed or repaired properly, gas appliances, such as a stove or water heater, are exceedingly dangerous. Even minor gas leaks have the potential to be fatal and cause an explosion or fire. This is why only qualified specialists with the expertise and training required to complete the work safely should perform gas-related home upgrades. Professional gas appliance installers and repairers have a lot of knowledge in identifying and resolving gas-related issues in addition to the necessary tools and equipment to ensure that the job is done correctly and in accordance with the code. Preventive maintenance is essential for gas appliances. A qualified expert can give you advice on the correct maintenance, including routine cleaning and inspection.
While DIY home renovation projects can be enjoyable and rewarding, it's vital to know which tasks can be completed safely and which ones should be left to the experts. Home modifications that involve gas, electrical work, plumbing, roofing, or structural changes are just a few examples of those that should never be performed by unskilled people. Some undertakings call for specialized knowledge, abilities, and expertise that only experts can provide. Doing these undertakings on your own can result in costly and harmful errors.
1: freepik.com
2: freepik.com
3: freepik.com
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How Legal Translation Services May Improve Your Law Firm
Professional legal translation services are essential for your business or personal life. They can help you ensure that a patent registration or copyright has been secured. They can also help you achieve your goals by providing a full text. A reputable translation company will make sure to do thorough research on the content before translating anything. They'll also make sure to incorporate any special terms you require. All of these things can improve your business or personal life.
Professional translations are a must when you're trying to establish credibility. If your document is not properly translated, it could hurt your case and affect the outcome of your case. Investing in a legal translation service can help you to avoid costly legal malpractice lawsuits. Not only will a professional translation save you time and money, but it will also increase your credibility in the eyes of the court or agency. Your clients and attorneys will be grateful you did.
When you're serving clients in different countries, communicating with them can be a challenging process. Inaccurate translations can cause problems for your business, including contested lawsuits and financial penalties. Misunderstandings can lead to legal judgments and even jail time, which is why it's important to use localized language. By enlisting the services of a professional legal translation company, you can avoid this trouble and maximize your international marketing efforts.
In addition to legal documents, your website's articles and other content should be translated to ensure your firm is marketed correctly in all locations. When legal documents are translated, they must adhere to the laws and regulations of the destination country. The language of these documents must also be accurate, as different legal authorities follow different rules and laws. Legal translations must follow these rules and adhere to the "right or wrong" standard to avoid potential problems.
When selecting a translation service, ensure that the provider has a long history in legal translation. Look for references and online reviews from previous clients. A good translation company has a system for handling such projects, which helps make sure the documents are accurate and up-to-date. It should also be responsive, especially if you need urgent translations. In order to get the most out of legal translation services, you should choose a local translation company with a strong reputation.
A reliable translation service should provide the final deliverable with the appropriate format, thereby reducing the cost of the project. You also want to ensure that the translation company does not send raw content. Most legal documents require formatting, so a good language service provider should include desktop publishing and other services that make your project ready for implementation. If the document is complex, you should choose a company that can provide these services. In addition, they should be willing to offer you additional services. 
The cost of legal translation services can vary, and the price depends on several factors. The cost of a simple personal document will be lower than that of a large corporate contract. The cost of legal translation services will increase if the document is a complex document containing two major languages, for example, Spanish and English. A bilingual translator will be less expensive than a bilingual translator, but a specialized Pashto and Indonesian translator will be more expensive. For more details visit: http://globalinterpreting.com/legal-translations-services/
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juliamargrait · 2 years
Rusty Cars: What Causes Them?
Introduction: Is your car reliable? Do you know how to maintain it? If you answered “no” to both of these questions, then you might be in for a problem. Rusty Cars are a problem. And not just any old problem, either. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, over 50% of all crashes are caused by rusty cars. That means that even if your car is running perfectly, something may have gone wrong and crashed into your windshield—or worse. To make matters worse, your car might not even be the only one with problems. By understanding what causesRusty Cars and how to fix them quickly and easily, you can protect yourself and your passengers from serious injury or death.
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What are Rusty Cars?
Rusty cars are made of metal, which can cause them to rust. The metal can corrode and cause different parts of the car to come apart. This can result in the car being unable to start, causing damage to the inside and outside of the car, and looking dirty.
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Rusty Cars Can Cause Damage 
Do fender flares cause rust When a rusty car is used, it can cause damage to other parts of the car. For example, if a part is missing or has been replaced with a less-safe material, it could potentially damage other parts of the car as well. Additionally, if something falls out from inside a rusty car, it could go through the windshield and onto the ground outside, potentially harming someone else in the process.
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Rusty Cars Can Look Dirty
Rusty cars can also look dirty because of how bacteria has taken up residence on some of the metals in a car. When there’s too much bacteria present, it causes rust to form on exposed metal surfaces and this can make the area look dirty or browning.
How Rusty Cars Cause Damage.
If a car is dropped, the metal on the bottom of the vehicle will rust. This process can start very quickly and can cause major damage to the car. Rusty cars that are dropped more often than other cars will also have more rust and will be more difficult to fix.
Rusty Cars can Cause Damage when They Are Hit
If a car is hit, it will likely result in some damage to the car. Rusty cars are especially susceptible to being hit because they're made of glass, which can be easily shattered if hit. If you're ever in an accident with a rusty car, make sure to take it to a mechanic as soon as possible so that your injuries aren't further exacerbated by the damage done to the car.
Rusty Cars can Cause Damage When They Are Made of Glass
Sometimes, rusty cars may also exhibit signs of being made of glass. For example, if one side of the car has many dents or there are broken windows, this may be an indication that this vehicle was once made out of glass and has since started corroding on its own accord. If you're ever driving a car that seems to be made of glass, be sure to take it to a mechanic as soon as possible to get the damage fixed.
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Tips for Avoiding Rusty Cars.
One of the most important things you can do to avoid rusting your car is to keep it clean. Not only will this help remove any build-up that may have caused the rust, but it will also protect your car from becoming dirty and stained.
If you can, try to take preventative measures by keeping your car clean and free of debris. For example, using a dryer on low or no heat might help to remove any built-up grease and oils. As for Dropping Your Rusty Car...
Don't do it! It's not just a matter of aesthetics - dropped cars can cause serious damage to both the inside and outside of a vehicle. If you're unlucky enough to lose your license or registration while driving a rusty car, you could be in for some costly repairs (and possible legal troubles).
In addition, it's always a good idea to change the tire on a rusty car as soon as possible - not only does this prevent further damage, but it also reduces the chance of getting stranded on the side of the road.
Rusty Cars are a popular product on the internet. They can cause damage if dropped, hit, or when they're made of glass. It's important to keep your Rusty Car clean and avoid dropping it. If you have any questions or concerns about your purchase, please contact us at [email protected]
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