#if you harass me I feel it's fair I tell you to fuck off
boneless-mika · 11 months
If you ever have the instinct to make a useless addition to a post that you know will be received badly? Possibly because you're aware that you're about to say something nobody should or perhaps it would cause an argument with one of your closest friends?
Somebody said something incredibly foolish and inconsiderate in your favorite fandom tag and you just get an itching to tell them to stop it but you know it would not change their mind?
May I recommend this epic new technique called "pretend you never saw the post". I have been utilizing this technique for years and I truly believe that with enough practice you, too, can stop saying things you shouldn't
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thedroloisms · 6 months
I think what's worse about people doing it to Dream is he's very reluctant to call attention to it himself so people do it for him and it's not just with abuse. They'll do it about him being queer or about having rsd and people need to realise if he wanted to use those things as excuses but he doesn't. Like it's okay to recognise the influence those things have on a person but you can't reduce an issue down to a single factor and remove all the nuance.
i mean yeah he "doesn't use it as an excuse" because 1) he'd be crucified even harder than he already is 2) people already make things up in their head abt him using it as an excuse when he doesn't (like claiming he uses his RSD to get out of things, which was particularly hilarious back in 2021 or whatever when it seemed debatable if he even knew what RSD is) (like this is the same guy who like, during every drodcast around that time, would like list off textbook adhd symptoms and then be like 'yeah idk why i do that tho') but ... that's. like.
like the point i was making isn't just "we shouldn't make excuses using his abuse/queerness/neurodivergence because he doesn't do it" -- in situations where a conversation revolving around smth like queerness or victim advocacy or neurodivergence is relevant, then i don't think these topics should be barred from conversation? as an example, people used to get on people's cases all the time about mcc 14 and how you shouldn't talk about neurodivergence in relation to it while dream was like. clearly and obviously overwhelmed and out of it literally almost until the end of the conversation because of the buildmart rework. just because dream wasn't going "wow, this was an overstimulating environment that clashed terribly with my adhd" out loud on stream doesn't mean people couldn't independently hold conversations about how the game was kind of designed to be stimulation hell, with or without relating that conversation to dream.
obviously people should have more tact when they talk abt abuse specifically, re: dream. i just...don't think that throwing his situation into his face (especially as a weapon to use against other people) is in any way appropriate. people can, have, and will use his experiences against him.
but back to my main point, it's less about "not using these things as excuses because he doesn't" and more about "not using these things as excuses when they're not excuses." like. while i understand that being a survivor, being queer, being nd affects literally everything you do...as you said, there's a difference between understanding the impact something like past abuse can have on your feelings and actions and concluding that your actions and feelings are valid because of your abuse.
like. just as an example. if a DV victim acts erratically while details of their specific situation are being dredged up and said person does things out of character for themselves like shutting down their accounts on social media and refusing to acknowledge an important situation Immediately, even if they themselves don't bring up the specifics of their situation, i think it's fair to say "hey yall are lacking any empathy whatsoever to a survivor of DV who is a victim in this current situation, grow up and piss off."
on the flip side, if someone who's been through abuse is harassing people online and doing things like campaigning for them to lose their platforms and refusing to give any information as to why they believe this is necessary or provide any proof outside of "just trust me, they're bad bro" and cries that they're trying to do the right thing because they're an abuse victim...being an abuse victim does not excuse your current behaviors, many of which are enabling and/or encouraging abusive actions and telling people (such as abusers!) that your corner of the internet is a safe place for them to make baseless accusations (including towards their victims) as long as it's towards someone you don't like. which is, you know, fucked up and kinda abusive. i sympathize with the trauma that these people have been through, but bringing up your victimhood is not immediately relevant to the current situation and also doesn't excuse abusive actions.
i hope that made sense?
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
idk if this is something you would answer but how do you unlearn shame of being horny 😵‍💫
hi anon,
this is a complex question. unlearning shame of any kind can take a long time to sort out, and will be driven more by internal work you do to challenge and shift your own thinking than by anything else.
a good place to start may be by doing some reflection as to what you find shameful about being horny in the first place and working back from there to recognize sexuality and desire as morally neutral things.
for instance, I get a fair number of people asking if it's okay to think about real people that they know when they're horny, or masturbate to fantasies about those people. they feel a lot of shame about this, as if they're causing harm to these people by imagining them in sexual scenarios. but making up funny little scenarios in your head to nut to is a harmless act that only you will ever know about. it's not like whipping out your dick (gender neutral) and masturbating at strangers on public transit; what you do to get off in your private time only impacts you.
a problem would only arise if you decided to start treating your real, actual acquaintance, not the imaginary sexy version of them, differently, for instance by making untoward comments about their body, treating them as if they are obligated to be interested in spending time together or having sex with you, or, god forbid, telling them in detail about your sexual fantasies. now you're doing sexual harassment, which is inappropriate because of the hurt and discomfort is causes the recipient. being horny isn't the problem here, it's how you're treating another person.
people also feel a lot of shame around many other types of fantasies, especially if they involve dynamics that are off-limits or illegal in real life. often, the worry seems to be that being aroused by these imagined scenarios is akin to expressing support for these things to happen in real life.
listen: sexual fantasies about rape are some of the most commonly reported among cis women, and that's not because tons and tons of cis women secretly think that rape is a cool thing that should happen more. the people playing Baldur's Gate 3 and fucking Halsin while he's wildshaped into a bear aren't all chomping at the bit to commit a sex crime against a real animal. noticing that "teenage" characters on TV played by actors in their 20s and 30s are hot does not make anyone a pedophile. fiction is a safe realm to explore and enjoy things that we would never in a million years want to see happen in real life. I love Batman, but I can assure you I would not be a happy camper if a real-life billionaire started running around doing vigilantism in a fursuit while endangering a gaggle of teenage sidekicks.
and if you want to explore some of the stuff you're into in real life, awesome! great! there are ways to go about negotiating a lot of different kinks safely and responsibly (although probably not the bear thing, sorry about that). the world is full of people who want the experience of being stalked, beat up, kidnapped, and sexually assaulted - all mediated through pre-negotiated arrangements with people that they have chosen to enact these fantasies with them. so what is there to be ashamed of in that situation? sure, the situation you're engaging in might sound scary without proper context, but so do a lot of things. a stranger cutting open my skin, very likely causing bleeding, and leaving me with a mark that I'll have for the rest of my life sounds scary, and it definitely would be if it wasn't a situation that I agreed to! but that's also what getting a tattoo is, and that's an experience that I love so much that I pay for the pleasure. nothing to feel bad about there as long as you're playing safely!
listen: there's nothing wrong with being horny. the human sex drive is a completely natural one born from biological need that makes getting off feel good. there's no more sense in feeling shame about being horny than there is in feeling shame about being hungry or needing rest, although people do of course manage to feel bad about those as well. regardless of what causes it, when you feel the shame well up you have to push back on it and ask yourself who actually directly benefits from you feeling badly about yourself in that moment, and who is actually tangibly hurt by the actions you're shaming. and if the answer is "no one," move it along!
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yunhogosailing · 25 days
women’s rights, stan culture, and “idolization”: what the fuck are we doing here?
tw: sexual abuse
i am absolutely dismayed to hear of the ongoing situation involving taeil, despite knowing very little about him as a person and having surface level knowledge of nct 127 as a group. i am even more dismayed at the discourse surrounding the way nctzens, especially taeil stans, have been reacting to the news since the announcement this morning.
i dont want to rant and ramble bc that helps nobody. i’ve read my fair share of thinkpieces on various platforms—some well thought out, some covering the bare minimum at best, and even more demonstrating a complete lack of understanding as to how we need to approach these subjects both as fans and as consumers. i feel as if everything that needed to be said has been said, but i do want to touch on a point of my own, and tell you all how you can help support the ongoing korean feminist movement.
it is not healthy to go about your entire life assuming that you will see the worst of someone eventually.
this is true for anyone you meet: an idol, a family member, a friend, and a complete stranger. i’m exhausted by all of the Hot Takes admonishing those who feel a sense of loss, sorrow, and disgust upon finding out that someone who they were led to trust could potentially be capable of doing something as heinous as what is being alleged against taeil.
“you don’t know these people” you’re correct! i most certainly do not.
“don’t put these people up on a pedestal” nobody is doing this by virtue of simply being a fan.
“as a boy group stan you should always keep in mind that men are shit.” are you starting to see my issue, yet?
you are not naive or stupid for believing the best in someone, even if this is a person you have never met and will never know on a more personal level than as a fan of an idol. i am exhausted with the seemingly popular belief that its somehow healthy or normal to navigate through life operating under the assumption that everyone around you has the capacity for violence and harm. it is not healthy. as a survivor of sexual abuse and harassment, one of the first things i had to regain over my life was a sense of control and sanity. this meant ridding myself of the fear that i could be re-victimized at any moment. statistically speaking, it was always a possibility. but realistically speaking, i was doing far greater harm to myself throughout my recovery when i was afraid of the men around me.
if you are an nctzen, if you are taeil biased, do not feel bad about being blindsided by this. do not start assuming that the other members must have been aware, or must be involved, or must have committed some crime of their own; that is simply not how the real world works. if you are a fan of boy groups, keep your standards high but do not view this as a reason to be hyper vigilant of the people you stan. do not assume the worst until they present you with the worst. expecting people to be decent is not idolizing someone. its when you refuse to hold them accountable to the actions that they have done that you cross the line between being a fan and being an enabler.
why is this important to keep in mind?
we as kpop stans are in a particularly unique position. we are consumers of a byproduct from a culture that is undergoing a severe women’s rights crisis.
just recently, a series of telegram groups were discovered in which hundreds of thousands of users created and shared artificial explicit materials (deepfakes) involving women and young girls spanning from kindergartners to university students to adults; family members, classmates, coworkers, etc. the figures of the perpetrators involved could potentially be as high as 300,000 individuals, and a overwhelming majority of those in these chats are believed to be men.
this incident is coming right off the tails of another, more infamous group of telegram rooms nicknamed “the Nth rooms”—where a number of men helped to orchestrate one of the largest cases of digital sex crimes in south korean history, victimizing over a hundred women and young girls for the purpose of disseminating violent sexually explicit materials.
even before the original Nth Room case, korean women had more than enough reasons to fear for their safety; molka (hidden camera) crimes were on the rise, with over 30,000 cases being reported between 2013 and 2018. korean women were being assaulted and killed in their homes and on the street for no reason (significantly high femicide rates are still an issue in south korea today). women were being prosecuted over the mere belief that they may be involved in the country’s feminist movement—experiencing professional repercussions over accusations such as reading a book, having short hair, or making a gesture. in the wake of this anti-feminist backlash, it became increasingly common for men to voice their discomfort for what they believe to be “radical” measures taken by korean women to ensure their safety and improve their futures. see, for example, rapper San-E who wrote a diss track towards feminists and is still able to walk these streets relatively unharmed due to his position of privilege.
the notion that you should always assume that every man you meet is a potential sex criminal or a misogynist is harmful simply because that is the exact reason why korean feminists have been working so hard to change the legislation surrounding sexual crimes for the last two decades. the ultimate goal of gender equality is having that reassurance that no matter what gender motivated crime is committed against you, you will be entitled to justice through the courts and free of the stigma of being a victim in society. korean women want to be able to interact with their brothers and fathers without worrying about ending up in a deepfake video. korean women want to be able to venture outside their homes at night without fear of being followed and abducted. korean women want to be able to use the restroom at work without having to check the stalls for microscopic recording devices. the idea that you should be weary of those around you and those who have gained your trust is detrimental to your mental health, and with this knowledge, korean women have been actively working tirelessly to ensure a future where they will not have to worry about this.
it could be your faves, but theres no guarantee that it will ever be or that it will never be. rather, work today to uphold the standard that women should be protected and hold those who have violated their rights as human beings to the full power of the law. keep the names of those who have suffered or died from violent crimes against women alive and their stories in the media. south korean feminists are asking for our help in spreading the news about the recent deepfake Nth rooms, because they are facing silence and noncompliance from domestic media outlets to do their due diligence in investigating this matter.
they are suggesting that you take korean news articles surrounding the deepfakes, or korean feminist posts discussing the telegram groups and any events that are being planned to protest for women’s rights, and run them through a translator if needed in order to share them with english speaking news media. the idea is that as long as international eyes are on the atrocities being committed against women in the country, the korean news cannot suppress their voices.
here are the twitter accounts that i know of who are taking the risk to share their stories and that of other south korean women:
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mixelation · 5 months
oh, i wrote this last night. reborn au, tori immediately after she ~trains with the hokage~
Tori staggered into the jounin breakroom feeling vaguely like she’d just walked directly through a tornado and came out alive only by some act of god. There were a handful of other people scattered across the tables in the room, including Kakashi. He snapped his copy of Icha Icha closed as soon as Tori stepped in. 
She’d only ever seen Kakashi in the breakroom a handful of times, and each time he’d been there specifically to harass someone. She turned her back on him and headed over to the kitchenette along the far wall. Kakashi stood and waltzed over to her, somehow giving off both the air of being lazy and of being a cat stalking a mouse.
“Well?” Kakashi said, and she could hear the shit-eating grin in his voice even if she couldn’t see it. “How was it?”
Tori grabbed a cup from the drying rack and stepped around Kakashi to shove it under the hot water dispenser. A nice, soothing cup of tea would be great right now. 
“You can tell me,” Kakashi said, selecting a tea bag from the basket at the end of the kitchenette’s bench for her. “We’re definitely full siblings now. Who else will understand?”
He offered her the tea bag. It was chamomile and lavender. Tori accepted it begrudgingly. 
“It was confusing and humiliating,” Tori said through gritted teeth. 
“Sounds about right,” Kakashi said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Do you feel like a genin right after your first mission?”
Tori dunked the tea bag a few times and pouted. 
“....yes,” she admitted. 
Kakashi leaned over her, the outline of his shit-eating grin just barely visible in the room’s fluorescent lighting. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, just shy of mocking. 
“....no,” Tori muttered into her tea. 
Fifteen minutes later, Kakashi was buying her a drink at a noisy bar and trying very hard not to laugh at her. 
“I just don’t think it’s fair,” Tori rambled. “Do you know how many heavy-hitters I’ve sparred with? I thought I was immune to embarrassment by now. I thought I was done with it. What the fuck did I just do?”
“Did he smile and tell you a good job anyway?” Kakashi asked. 
“That’s the worst part,” Tori said, burying her face in her hands. “He was nice the entire time.”
Kakashi patted her shoulder. “It’s only going to get worse.”
"What do you mean?" Tori asked, her face falling. "How?!"
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
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this is literally not true what the hell is lee hyumnin doing
this whole conversation was completely out of character for both of them. in the novel og lloyd is way more crass and rude the entire time, he doesn't even ask about julian himself and he never expresses any regret or apologizes for anything he did out loud.
and he absolutely hates javier. i cannot emphasize this enough, it is never even hinted at that og lloyd ever cared the slightest about javier. nevermind that he wanted to be his friend or felt sorry about breaking his sword and harassing him as kids.
"Fine. Let's hurry. I never liked that jerk anyway. I don't want to bump into him"
"You don't like him?"
"No." Ghost Frontera nodded at Lloyd's question. And in the most obvious tone, Ghost Frontera retorted, "It's not fair for a human to look like that. I hate him. I feel like life is cheating me whenever I see him, and it pisses me off. I've been in a bad mood ever since my father put that bastard on my side to guard me."
does this sound like a man who just "wanted to become friends with him"??
this is history revisionism and i won't stand for it!!/j
and like. does this really look like a kid who just wants to be friends
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like. does it.
again javier is six years old here. he saw his parents die in front of him a year ago and then spent an entire winter on the streets fending for himself and is just now finally settling into a new place that was supposed to be safe for him
he looked like this
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look at him. he's a baby.
they're not even the same age!! og lloyd is five years older!! there was never a point in their relationship where og lloyd wasn't just a bigger and older kid harassing a child five years his junior!!
and he didn't feel sorry about it. at least not enough to make amends or even apologize.
and the problem with making og lloyd more sympathetic is that it undercuts just how much he'd fucked up. it makes it look like it was just a misunderstanding and that everyone should've just tried a little bit harder to understand him when no!!! they did try they did love him he just didn't care about it!!
and it's especially egregious when the webcomic seems hellbent in making lloyd look like a total dickhead at every moment possible!
making him kick og lloyd into the reincarnation gate??? telling him he sounded pathetic and didn't want to hear him for another second????why are you making your protagonist so fucking unlikable??? what's the fucking purpose of that???? how come the character that acts like a total asshole in the novel gets to be sympathetic in the adaptation but not your fucking main protagonist??????
that's the main issue actually! making og lloyd more sympathetic always seems to be at the cost of making everyone else look worse which fucking sucks!! because he's not meant to be like that!!! that's not the point of his character!!!
not to mention that they completely rewrote og lloyd's wish to not be born as a human in his next life??? like??? at this point you're just. making shit up. not even trying to follow the original source.
this episode was just. bad. nothing i can really rescue about it it's straight up just a bad adaptation
i hate it here lmao
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lollytea · 8 months
Unfortunately due to TOH being cut short by Disney a lot of character arcs and more storyline could not be fully fleshed out and finished as Dana had to wrap up everybody’s story in just a few episodes
I'm fully aware that Disney's intervention is responsible for a lot of the plotlines getting suffocated. Which is why I don't think it's fair to go harassing crew members with "why didn't THIS happen??" and all that, because nobody really knows what they endured working on those final episodes and how much they had to cut and rewrite. But from things Dana has said, it was likely a very stressful and exhausting experience. So I don't like to make assumptions about the crew being incompetent. Nobody knows how the season WOULD have turned out if they had been granted full creative freedom and breathing room to develop it to their hearts content.
However, me not directing personal ire towards the crew doesn't mean that I think that the show is immune to criticism. Its flawed. It might not be entirely the crew's fault but that doesn't mean we can't talk about how it's flawed. If anything, I think acknowledging and dissecting its weaknesses is a good learning opportunity for what we should consider when creating our own stories.
Season 3 is a bit of a mess. There's good stuff. There's some less than good stuff. I think ultimately, as a story about Luz, King and Eda, it knocks it out of the park. When they were left with no other option, they decided to prioritize the writing of their three protagonists and I think that was the correct choice.
But I've been thinking about the three specials and how they stand on their own, quality wise, and honestly, there's valid criticism to be said that is completely unrelated to the shortening.
Bear in mind that the crew has known since Follies that the show was getting cut short and they needed to start wrapping up loose ends. So it's not like they started writing Thanks to Them believing it was the first of 20+ more episodes. They knew that they were going to be writing a 40 minute special. So the execution had to be tight, concise and satisfying, right?
Well...it was....weird. Definitely fun. Good for fan service. The main hook was the witch kids navigating the human world in their dorky witchy way. And initially, that was enough. But once the novelty of that wears off and we focus on the plot of the special, what do we have left?
Thanks to Them is very guilty of lore baiting. Dropping in stuff that they know damn well that they're never going to elaborate on, leaving the audience with a feeling of intrigue that is never going to be satiated.
I personally think that is just bad writing. They knew they didn't have a full season 3 and rather than rewrite the means of which the hexsquads finds answers, they still made the choice to drop in what are most likely vague ideas from the initial draft.
I think, if they had no intention of developing it in future specials, there was no point to that scene of Masha telling the Wittebane story. It was just...filler. To stretch out the running time. Which is....kind of precious. Only 40 minutes. If you're obsessive enough about lore, you already knew the story from the Hollow Mind paintings. That scene was for casual viewers. Which is useless, because there's no point in casual viewers learning about Evelyn and Caleb because it never went anywhere.
Also. I personally think that if there was any value to learning the Wittebane lore without making it plot relevant, it would be for the sake of character development. We wanted to know how the kids would react to this knowledge.
Well how did they react?
*Shrug* They seemed a little unnerved but they kinda forgot about it the second they got off the hayride.
So what was the point of all that? What was the point?
Is it because we wanted "Goodbye, Evelyn," to be more of gut punch?
Was it worth it? Was "Goodbye, Evelyn" worth it? We know fucking nothing about Evelyn.
I think the rebus was a stupid and lazy means for the kids to discover Titan's blood. You introduce this mysterious object that was hidden under the floorboards and then you just use it as a plot device.
When the kids uncover the rebus and find the secret code inside, the viewer is not thinking about how it can be used as a means to an end (finding blood) The viewer is thinking "what the fuck is that thing and how did it get there and how did Flapjack know it was there?"
Questions that will not be answered <333
ALL IM SAYING is that I'm sure the crew could have come up with another way for the kids to have a Titan's blood treasure hunt. Maybe they could have dug a little more into the history of Gravesfield and follow leads on weird things happening on this one spot in the graveyard (which turns out to be because there's magical energy there, revealed when Luz realizes she can use glyphs)
I just think that if you're gonna leave the mystery box a mystery, you shouldn't have included it.
And I know. Its subtle storytelling. There's elements of what could have been a far more complex story and they're leaving hints of it here and there.
Well the thing about that is I think the hints are very unsatisfying and weaken the episode's plot significantly.
Also I don't think they should get to just pick and choose what parts of the lore are subtle and what parts are ham-fisted.
YES we are going to be reminded like three times that Flapjack is being secretive and hiding things from Hunter.
NO we are never going to get a payoff for that because he gets shanked and dies first.
BUT!! BUT!! If you squint, its IMPLIED that Flapjack belonged to Evelyn and blah blah blah
You don't get to rub things in the audience face and then choose to be all subtle about it at the last minute. Pick one or the other.
Anyway....I think they could have written Thanks to Them as more of an intriguing and suspenseful horror mystery where they spend forty minutes gathering clues and everything finally clicks together at the very end. That's not what we got.
We got a very weak attempt on the Hexsquad's part to be little detectives, but like a minute of screen time was devoted to them dicking around in a library, a costume shop, and a zoo.
I don't think we can blame the shortening for this.
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kookieswan · 10 months
Red Light - Hole in the Wall
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Nightmare!Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: Horror AU, Monster AU, Psychological horror, some Angst as always, some small fluff.
Warnings: MC and JK drinking, mentions of harassment and injury/death- pretty tame otherwise. It should be noted that this story will contain themes of horror/psychological horror and also explore obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. Please be warned!
Summary: You had always hoped you’d make friends with your coworkers, and you technically have. You just never thought it would be over bloodshed and secrets.
Notes: Taking it back just a little bit to the night before Star Crossed Lovers. I hope you all enjoy, sorry for the very long wait 😅
This Part 35 of the Red Light series. Find the Masterlist here ♥️
“I still don’t know how you convinced me to meet you here of all places. I can’t et say it’s my scene.” A small hole in the wall bar in the downtown area, there’s a surprising amount of people around, the drunken patrons moving around you clumsily. Eyeing Jungkook as you sit down, you watch him sip on his Jack and coke as he shrugs. He pushes another toward you as a gift.
“I knew we wouldn’t run into anyone else from work here since it’s mostly old shitbags we deal with; it seemed like the best bet. Plus, everyone’s already fuckin wasted so they won’t listen to a word we say.” Glancing around, it’s clear that everyone’s been drinking for a while. People are laughing and yelling up at the bar, others on the dance floor making a fool of themselves. It makes you smile.
“… Fair. So, I imagine there’s some background information you want to tell me that speaking of at work is a no-no. Yoongi’s outburst today wasn’t completely surprising but given how he’s been lately it did seem out of the blue.” Yoongi’s been on his best behavior for the most part, so the outburst is a little concerning. You know that there’s definitely a solid reason, Freeman doing something as small as opening his mouth gave you a decent chunk of intell.
Jungkook sits his cup down, staring into the drink for a minute. He taps the glass and then glanced around, long hair brushing his shoulders. It’s off to see him dressed so casually, but he’s probably thinking the same about you in jeans and a sweater.
“It definitely wasn’t fucking unwarranted. Imagine the worst fucking person you know, multiply it by a billion, then add two. That’s Freeman in a nutshell. He’s the dirt underneath your feet that you’ve dragged around for much too long.” You know a few people like that, but it pains you to know there’s a new addition into the group of slime balls. You sip on your Jack and coke, eyes glancing out over the bar. The light twinkle prettily overhead, properly distracting everyone from you. Good.
“I feel like a gossip for asking, but what did he do? I can only begin to imagine with how the other doctors act on our floor.” Jungkook scoffs, a look of pure disgust taking over his face. It’s obvious that the man in front of you dislikes many of the doctors just as you do, but his hate for Freeman seems to run deep.
“I can only give you my point of view for now… But, he clearly didn’t like Yoongi from the start. Was always fucking nasty to him, tossed insults, said disgusting shit disguised as a fucked up compliment. You met him, you know. I had to keep my cool, letting people in on what we have isn’t the best idea.” What they have.. You raise an eyebrow, and Jungkook raises back. Making a motion to zip your lips, you don’t say anything else and let him continue.
“Didn’t matter what we did though; he found out, I still don’t know how, neither does Yoon. It was endless fucking tourture after that; he was like a fucking monster... I’ll let Yoongi tell you the rest about him if he wants to. Not my place. You know why they keep me around though, won’t fire me?” It’s one of your biggest questions in regard to them, although the answer is somewhat obvious in your head. You lean inward, giving the guard in front of you all your attention.
“They know I’m the only one that can calm Yoongi down. They know that, I know that, and so I’m stuck there. They’ve sent an arsenal of threats my way about what they’ll do if I try to leave. Not that I would, I won’t leave him behind.” So you had guessed right. Yoongi’s a wild card, definitely unwilling to listen to just anyone. Without Jungkook, the doctors would be at a total loss. You nod, a grim half smile taking over your face.
“I’m so sorry Jungkook, that’s horrible. I wish there was something I could do but it seems I can barely keep myself afloat anymore.” It’s true; without Hoseok you wouldn’t have made it. He keeps you by king down in the depths of that place, and the other nightmares do too to an extent.
Jungkook shakes his head, quickly downing the rest of his drink. He slams the glass into the table and stretches, leather jacket squeaking slightly as he does. Scooting himself forward, the man scrunches his nose just a bit. Kind of like a mad bunny.
“It’s fine, we just never thought he’d come back. I heard he was transferred to a different facility, and then that pig Andrews took his place. But here we are over a year later with a dead Andrews and that asshat back in power.” It makes you pause, a wave of guilt washing over you even though it’s not remotely your fault. It’s not like you knew anyway but still… If you had known about freeman, you would have kept him at bay.
“… I’m so sorry. I know it’s not directly my fault, but still…” The lights flicker over head, a small sense of melancholy taking over your mind. Drinking always makes you emotional, and but you take another sip anyway. Jungkook scoffs, tugging at the hoop earring he’s wearing.
“_____, don’t blame yourself. Andrews was fucking harassing you and I’m not even slightly surprised Hoseok slaughtered him; I would have helped go in the chance. Hell, maybe he’ll kill Freeman too, I don’t think he was fond of the guy either.” You would have helped too. It’s terrible to admit, but some of the people down there just can’t be helped. It’s funny, the Nightmares you’re supposed to be testing have more humanity than the humans.
You sit in silence for a while, gazing over the bar and breathing in slowly. It’s the first time you’ve went out with a coworker after finishing school, and it’s to talk about the hell you live through everyday. The story of your life, you suppose. Glancing up at Jungkook, you think it’s some to bring it up, because talking about it inside of the facility…
“Can I ask you something? It’s not something I would likely ask at work.” Jungkook looks up from his phone, eyes wide as he nods slowly. You clear your throat, almost nervous to ask. You’re essentially prying for information at this point and it makes you feel uncomfortable but it has to happen.
“You can ignore me, and I’ll let it go, but can Yoongi… Well, does he have any… Abilities? I’ve had my suspicions but this morning was something else. I wouldn’t ask if I don’t think it was important to know.” You try not to ramble but Jungkook stares. And stares. Barely moves as he looks at you, eyes slowly narrowing as he remains quiet. It answers your question, but still, you say nothing until Jungkook speaks again.
“What do you think?” The bluntness makes you laugh abruptly, a loud laugh that nearly carries over the noise of the bar. Jungkook huffs and smiles, rolling his eyes as you continue to giggle. Well, you suppose the cat’s out of the bag now. It’s a good thing you think, you hope.
“Touché. Sorry, I won’t dig anymore. I just want to keep them safe and need to know what to look out for. I can’t ask stuff like this at work for obvious reasons.” Jungkook looks serious again after this, his face intense as he stares into your soul. With a sigh, he sniffs and starts to play with a piece of his hair.
“You’re not stupid _____.” That’s the confirmation you really needed, it all makes sense now. The rattling, shifting, things moving in the corner of your eyes. Nightmares can have abilities, and they can be wildly different.
You nod, looking down at your manicured nails as you pick at them. You don’t usually chip them this bad this early. Kissing your teeth in a very unprofessional way, you blurt out your own thoughts.
“I think they can do a lot of impressive things, more than humans can.” Jungkook doesn’t even seem remotely surprised, lips pursed as he nods, the lights flicker overhead again. How much does he know…? The question hangs in your mind, but you know that he’s been around much longer than you have, so he’s seen more. Experienced more.
“… We’re fucked, aren’t we?” The sudden question makes you grin, nodding your head slightly as you finish off your drink. Even with all the damage control you’ve been doing, somethings bound to go wrong eventually. It’s just a matter when and where. Standing up to grab another drink from the bar, you address the guard quietly.
“More than likely Jungkook, I’m much too inquisitive. Let’s see what the coming days bring.”
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writingsofwesteros · 3 months
Just a few of the possible kinks Trailer Park Aegon might have
DEFINITELY into runny makeup/ruining makeup. He really loves seeing his girl all dolled up and then making a complete mess of it
Public sex and being watched. Sometimes both, depending. He absolutely gets off on the smugness of having a pretty girl on his dick. And this girl is indeed, very pretty. He also enjoys the embarrassment for her. He would 100% send a fake text to a former boyfriend of hers to meet again, only so that he can see her getting absolutely railed into next week by Aegon. Or gagging on his cock. Might even annoy/harass the guy by sending links to some videos that he made with her. Absolutely gets really touchy in public. Especially after dark. He’s constantly pawing at her and begging for “just one go” and only with the hand MAYBE the mouth. This won’t last. Soon she’ll be braced against a wall with her skirt up. Or he’s discreetly bouncing her on his cock near an ill lit bus stop. If he ever does get on the bus late with her, he WILL be asking for that handjob again anyways.
Body writing can be fun for him. Loves to write degrading things on her. Along with cumming on her body sometimes of course. Or writes “property of Aegon” on certain body parts. Occasionally jokes about her getting it tattooed
Blindfolds are an absolute hell yes for so many reasons. Sometimes he’ll make her think they’re alone when they’re far from it. Or sometimes he’ll make her think they’re being watched when they’re alone. He’s a menace and he knows it
He dabbles in general with light bondage. Definitely does it more when they’re filming. But otherwise he might do things like gag her with her own panties as punishment for wearing them without permission. Or tie her hands with his belt. Will 100% be open to collaring her tho. Having her sit by his feet and tugging at the collar when he wants that pretty mouth to get to work.
Other honorable mentions
MASSIVE fixation on breasts. Is very needy in his own way and does beg, just in a “come on, I need you so bad just let me have you.” Way. And is very clingy after. Totally gets off to other guys watching them but would NEVER allow one of them near her holes. Those are his. Discovers a breeding kink after accidentally getting her pregnant and it’s all over from there. He loves how she’ll always be tied to him now. And how he was responsible for that change in her body.
He also loves the money it makes to be fair but-
Definitely makes a show of feeling her up if someone has a meeting with him. Telling her to go get the goods and smacking her arse as she leaves. And sitting her next to him or in his also and squeezing her breast when she returns.
Let’s her take charge occasionally in his own way when she rides him. Encouraging her to “milk my cock!” And “oh fuck, I love how you clench around my dick. Keep riding good girl, take all of it”
Essentially he’s a smug, touchy, pervert. But honestly he’s most likely gotten really attached and he would lose it without his bimbo. He’s a nasty menace but he grows to love her more than anything
Love all of this and completely agree !!
Poor thing is completely ruined by him and now can't go hours without him close. Aegon has her in his grasp and will not let her go.
He forces her head up and down whilst she's completely unaware of the audience of her ex so close .
Theyll be at a rundown diner and he'll be playing with her under the table. Making her order their food in between whines
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 9 months
For a good while now I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that my friends on here would be better off without me- and like I KNOW that’s the depression talking but that doesn’t make it any less. Y’know. Prevalent BXBSHSNWJ like I can’t stop thinking about how I just do Not deserve any of the praise I get in the slightest or how I always seem to inevitably hurt my close friends one way or another and how I need to be a better friend etc etc etc etc etc
And I’m SURE a lot of that has been a result of my parents splitting up but I’m trying to walk backwards and figure out where the source of this random bout of depression mightve come from and I really really hate to say it but like. I think it might’ve come from what thr fuck happened to me on twitter
Like. Man. I was sexually harassed via having literal porn spammed through my DM’s, peer pressured by somebody I didn’t even know into sending my very private TikTok login information including my phone number and location, and then they all turned around and called me a liar because I couldn’t provide proof and they had their followers publically make fun of me for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT- that shit really, really fucks with you man
The worst part is watching Jiao go off to her followers days later with the most woe-is-me post crying about how everyone just wants to harrass her and how she’s just an innocent twitter user 🥺🥺 meanwhile she is (apparently) STILL doing the EXACT SAME THINGS to people to this day. But nobody has the guts to call her out because she has a large following and anyone who does is just automatically racist and sexist
I don’t think it’s very fair that I’ve been left with trauma that, to this day, months later is affecting the relationships around me- and again I’m sure most of this is just. An unfortunate mixture of the constant stress I currently live in with my parents splitting up and general depression/suicidal thoughts but as far as I can tell that’s where the origin is from
But tldr I’m sorry if I ever get randomly sad on here BCNEHWNEUENSI no matter how hard I try I just. Physically CANNOT shake the feeling that the friends I’ve made on here would be infinitely better without me no matter how hard I try, and asking for reassurance otherwise seems very silly on my end BXBEBWNJENDXIDK
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
I know what it looks like but it's not what you think. I'm just trying to harass your top scientist into revealing company secrets. It's cool.
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This would be the funniest possible time for Huesca to die. We've done Locked Room Quartet. We've done Open Air Locked Room. Are you ready for the Most Locked-est Room Ever Locked!?
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The same underlings who tried to solve the last four murders? Sure, those guys are credible.
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What is Yomi implying here? That Makoto came down here and knocked out two guards, then left in a car to go pick me up, and then came back down to capitalize on the chaos created by a fake letter he'd sent to Yomi earlier?
Because that... is alarmingly plausible and answers my question as to why that letter would even exist.
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Looks like we pushed too hard. Makoto's being placed under arrest.
...so. Like. Am I cool to hang out, Yomi? You're just taking him, right? It's fine for me to still be here?
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We almost got away with it. Yomi was so laser-focused that he was legit going to take Makoto and leave us here. Your masterful disguise of freezing up and being so useless that you become mistakable for a floor lamp was working until you spoke up!
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Floor lamp. Like I said. Pay us no mind and have a wonderful day. Oh, what is that noise in the distance? Is that the sound of some malcontents? Someone must go step on their necks, and that someone is you, Yomi. You got this, man. I believe in you.
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Aww, that hurts my feelings. You were ready to get Halara'd trying to kill us all over me, like, yesterday. :( Am I really that forgettable?
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I hope so too. It'd take out this entire building. We've got Yomi and Makoto here at the same time, plus Huesca. That'd solve a lot of problems for Kanai Ward right there.
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Alright, we've time-skipped. Now someone is surely dead.
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Aren't you a little short for a Stormtroo--Desuhiko. Halara must have delivered my IOU message.
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To be fair, I'd be doing shit like this to him if he was the one over a barrel like this. Though I'd be going for more goofy prankster shit. Desuhiko is weirdly obsessed with shilling the Yuma/Kurumi ship at every possible opportunity.
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Fuck, I thought it'd be Fubuki or Halara. Someone useful. Instead, we get these two clowns. But I suppose it will have to do. Thanks for rescuing me, try not to die on the way out.
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DON'T UN-DISGUISE. Y'all have helmets. Just take those off. You don't need to strip down and make yourselves fully vulnerable to being caught, you fucking morons!
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He didn't, actually. If he used DIsguise, he would have taken on an appropriate height for a Peacekeeper grunt. This was a disguise, but it wasn't Disguise. Which was honestly for the best.
Given how much Disguise takes out of Desuhiko, a non-Disguise disguise was the right call. With face and body fully covered, there was no need to burn energy on the full shapeshifting shenanigans route.
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While true, your behavior in the past has done little to establish a relationship of trust and open communication.
It's like parenting. When you constantly tell Yuma, "DO NOT go snoop around, DO NOT get in trouble with the Peacekeepers, AVOID solving mysteries or doing anything meaningful," and then get mad at him every time he does those things? It's not going to discourage him from doing them. It's going to discourage him from telling you that he's doing them.
If you convey to your child/apprentice that they cannot confide in you about the things they are doing, then they will continue to do those things but they will not confide in you about them. Yuma went behind your back because everything you've said to him up to this point has convinced him that you must be lied to.
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My IOU letter!
No, for real, what is that actually? Did Fink the Slaughter Artist tell them I was here?
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...that's not a yes.
But it's also not a no. This sent a chill down my spine.
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Nuh nuh nuh go back. Don't just yadda-yadda over your arrival here. You have to pass through a biometric scanner to enter the premises. How did you pass through the biometric scanner?
I guess Desuhiko could have Disguised a member of Amaterasu staff to get them through. That shit is practically shapeshifting so it might alter his biometrics. That or they smuggled their way in on, like, a troop transport? Maybe?
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That is a fair assessment of what happened, yes. Yuma's floor lamp impersonation needs work.
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Yomi had a plausible explanation for that, but obviously Makoto himself couldn't have dropped the letter at the sub. The timing of which still makes me think he did it specifically to get them to come fetch Yuma.
Makoto and Fink aren't proven to be in cahoots but they're likely to be in cahoots. Cahoots are more plausible than not at this point in time.
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Hold up, your plan is to kidnap Amaterasu's most highly-protect employee from the middle of their HQ and then walk out?
Yakou, 95% of the time I want you to grow a spine. Then, in the other 5%, you are the boldest motherfucker I've ever met. I love it. I'm here for it. It's too bad Huesca's most certainly dead by now.
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Into the poison gas chamber and DIIIIIIIIE!
...plan needs work, but we can workshop it. Gonna stay positive!
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The hell is that supposed to mean, Desuhiko? I'll have you know that I have only Disguised as a woman one....
...five times. Out of five.
Okay, yeah. That's fair. Gimme the female suit and the polyurethane molded breast forms you set aside as mine.
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You heard it here, folks. Yuma doesn't have a preference between male or female. Canon he/they.
Purple question-mark hair and pronouns.
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You don't need your bag. These were disguises instead of Disguise. You should still have two of the disguises on you, Desuhiko. Would it be that hard to locate a third?
...we're going on this detour so you can make Yuma a female Peacekeeper, aren't we?
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actorsmask · 3 months
That was the moment I knew
Title from The Moment I Knew(Taylor’s Version)
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Love wasn’t something new to the Fool.
Blythe saw love everywhere. They see it when watching Hook and her father interact, see it in the way Bronya and Seele look at each other when they think no one else is, see it in how the Landau siblings all banter and make jabs at each other with no real malice, see it in how Sampo admires the Silvermane Captain from afar while scouting out the city for escape routes.
They also felt love themself, just like any other person. They love Hook, finding it endearing whenever she leads around The Moles and runs up to them with stray cogs or with a fun story from a recent endeavor of hers. They love Natasha, appreciating all the times she comforted them during small hiccups and treating their wounds, for acting like a mother. They love the Landaus, for considering them as family and for being so welcoming and helping them find things to enjoy. They love Sampo, for taking them in in the first place and helping them through one of the hardest times in their life. They just loved Belobog, loved Jarilo-VI. Love wasn’t something new to them at all.
So why the hell were they currently on a rooftop in the Overworld with Sampo and freaking out about it?!
about love?!
“Well to be fair, the love you’re feelin right now is in a waaaaaay more different category than the love you feel for Belobog! Ya know, that stuff is because they’re family! This love that you feel for that Hatsu is romantic love, my dearest sibling~!”
“Shut up. I didn’t ask you, prick.”
“Oh really? Kinda seems like you did Blythey!”
“Did. Not.”
“Then why did you ask if we could talk on the rooftop with the best view of the stars, which is where we always talk about things bothering us? You even brought snacks to distract yourself!”
“I was just hungry!”
“Yeah, hungry for a distraction that is. Listen, you expect good ol’ big brother to take you in for over 6 years now and not pick up on some habits of yours?”
“... Go fuck yourself.”
Damn it, Blythe couldn’t deny that. They didn’t know what else to do about this, the last time they felt love in this kind of way, it didn’t end well for them. What were they supposed to do??? It’s not like the two of them are on steady footing right now…
”Soooo…” Sampo drawled out, twirling his dagger around with his hand as he looked at Blythe. “Who was so interesting to my usually ever reclusive—“ “How am I reclusive?” “—sibling who has never shown an ounce of interest in pursuing a romantic relationship, suddenly abandons that mindset and freaks out over it like a girl in highschool?”
“For The Laughter, you had to give me a comparison like that?” The look Blythe gave Sampo made him laugh out loud, tossing his dagger up before catching it and pointing it at them. “Sampo Koski never lies, my dear sibling! And you never answered my question, so spill it already!” He put his dagger away and leaned his chin on the palm of his hand as he waited for the other to answer.
Said other was already fidgeting with the necklace dangling around their neck, clearly hesitant to tell him who they fell for. Sign #1 it was someone that would make Sampo doubt their taste in people.
”Awfully quiet there—“ “It’s the guy I told you about a month ago. The purple hair with green eyes that I nearly killed.”
Blythe didn’t dare to turn their head and look at Sampo, already able to see the look he’s probably giving them right now in their head. It stayed like that for a hot minute until they turned to look at hi— Yep, he was giving them that look that said ‘really?’
The now very surprised and caught off-guard brother sighed and shook his head, staring at Blythe to gauge whether or not this was a joke, and the look on their face told him everything he needed to know about this situation.
“So you mean to tell me that you fell in love with the man that has harassed you in the past, has attempted to kill you, shot and cut you multiple times, and is currently freeloading in your apartment because he got himself injured and sick because he doesn’t even have a stable job???”
“… Well, when you put it like that…”
Sampo sighed and rubbed his hand across his face before looking back at Blythe, raising an eyebrow. “You sure this isn’t some sort of coping mechanism? Your good ol’ big brother here thought you were doing rather well inside that red head of yours!”
“And I am, don’t worry! I just… I don’t know how I fell in love. I was sitting on my couch one day and was thinking about him, I got that fluttery feeling in my stomach and how my chest squeezes tight. I get flustered every time he barely grazes my arm with his hand and—“ Blythe yelped in surprise when Sampo suddenly shoved a cookie in their mouth, making them glare at him as he shrugged and ate his own.
They rolled their eyes and ate their cookie as well, taking a sip from Sampo’s water to spite him, to which he just chuckled and ruffled their hair. This was a regular thing for the two of them to do, sit under the stars and catch up on everything that’s happened. With Sampo bullying Blythe of course, what sibling relationship would one be without banter?
“You didn’t need to shove a cookie in my mouth.” “Weeeell, you were starting to ramble! And your big brother doesn’t need to hear every detail ya know, just need the gist!” They rolled their eyes again as they playfully punched him on the shoulder, making him laugh again as he sighed and lied down, pointing a cookie at them. “So?”
“So what?”
“So what do you wanna do about this? Your feelings.”
“Knew it. You don’t know what to do, right?”
Blythe deflated like a balloon and lied down as well, staring up at the stars. The twinkling circles in the sky had been able to be seen more clearly ever since the Stellaron was sealed, so it was a much more enjoyable experience now. And it made for the perfect spot to wallow in their feelings with some good company.
“You know everything already, so you should know how complicated it is right now… Things have started to finally loose tension and I suddenly garner feelings for the man I nearly killed,”
“Both of you tried to kill each other.”
“That’s besides the point! Even if it somehow does work out, what if—?”
They stopped talking and groaned, running a hand through their hair then down their face, clearly tired of thinking. The Laughter must be doing this to them, why else would they suddenly find themself in a situation like this?
Sampo noticed how they went silent, glancing at them and seeing that distant look in their eyes, a very familiar sight to him. He sighed and sat up, looking at them.
“Because what if it turns out like your relationship with Maeve?”
“… mhm…”
Blythe looked away and turned to lie down on their side, staring down at the roof tiles and dragging their finger across the lining of them. They pretended not to notice how Sampo moved closer until he ruffled their hair again, humming softly and leaning into the comforting touch.
”I’m scared of that happening again, even if it’s been more than 5 years, I still… Is that weird of me?”
“Well, I think it’s perfectly normal to be honest with ya. With what you told me, and the state you were in when you wandered into the Tavern, I’d say it’s a wonder that you’ve already healed a lot!” Sampo pulled Blythe’s head onto his lap, leaning back on one hand as he used the other to play with their hair to give some comfort. Another habit picked up over the years.
A sigh was heard as Blythe hugged Sampo’s hand, looking down this time at the city. A lot of the lights in the buildings were off save for a few, creating a gentle ambience. ”So it isn’t dumb?” Sampo smiled and shook his head, poking their nose teasingly. “It isn’t, quite valid actually.” They sighed again, this time in relief when he said that.
The two of them remained in a comfortable silence for a while, sometimes with Blythe occasionally breaking the silence when humming a random song that came to mind. Sampo decided to ask again,
”What do you wanna do with your feelings, then?”
Blythe stayed silent again, not looking at Sampo and not moving to do so. Just when he thought they wouldn’t give him an answer, they sat up and looked him in the eye.
”I-I don’t… Know what to do. One part of me wants to try and pursue these feelings, then the other part of me is telling me to give it up. How could the two of us even date in the first place?”
“But… The part telling me to try is louder than the other saying to give up. I don’t know why, but I just… After seeing how the two of us are getting more comfortable with each other, I…”
Sampo smiled and pulled them into a hug, ruffling their hair again before pulling away and smirking at them. “Well, good ol’ Sampo Koski will be here to support you if things go wrong! Always a spare room for you back at base.” This made Blythe hug him again, a big smile on their face.
”Thank you…”
“No problem, Blythe. Just tell me if that Hatsu guy does anything weird to ya, I’ll be sure to teach him a lesson if he does!” They laughed and nodded in agreement, even if they��d be able to defend themselves, it would be nice to have support.
Blythe doesn’t know what the upcoming months will be like. Will they be happy? Will they be sad? If they ever acted on their feelings, would Hatsu reciprocate? They don’t know at all, but they’ll laugh through it all, laugh it all away. Then when they’re alone, they can go seek solace in the arms of the family they earned.
If only they knew, that at the same time, Hatsu was in bed clutching his heart with a blushing face. Just now realizing why it felt like he was having a heart attack every time Blythe showed him the slightest bit of kindness.
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I hope you enjoyed this! I don’t really know how to write Sampo, so pleaaaaase forgive me if he seems OOC
I didn’t read back on this much other than to change spelling errors, so sorry if it’s also inconsistent
But I hope you liked it! Who knows I might make another part where Hatsu is actually in it
@/4a-t5u is the Hatsu acc!
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schmem14 · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag @maesterchill! Read their answers HERE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
My stats tell me that I've written 50, but 5 are multi-chapter collections, so... a lot. Yeah.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
733,820. If you asked me three years ago if I could ever write that much I would've laughed in your face. Isn't growth amazing?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter (though I do read some Good Omens, Carry on Simon and Bagginshield stuff)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
UGH. I don't want to be honest here, since 2 of the five are Dramione fics I've now listed as ANON because of harassment reasons. I'll give you the NEXT five instead ;) 1. 93 Diagon Alley (Harry x George) They were roommates 2. HP Cocktober 2022 Collection (Multiple) Prompt fest 3. Solace (Harry x George) Unhealthy coping mechanisms (sex) 4. When Malfoy Met Granger... (Draco x Hermione) WHMS remake 5. Mistletoe, or Die F***ing (Harry x Fred x George) Self-explan.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I try to, because the BEST part of sharing is connecting with people who enjoy what I've done. Community, ya know?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mastermind (Draco x Hermione, Draco x Harry, Draco x Ron, Ron x Harry) The worst UHEA I've ever inflicted on y'all is this Dronarry fest 2023 story. Dark stalker Draco goes off the rails in the end. It's a masterpiece, I'm so proud of it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
From Sunset to Star Rise (Harry x Ron) Cozy fall vibes, falling in love, little to no angst (Ron has a tiny bit of anxiety, that's all)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Mainly the bigger ship ones (Dramione, looking at you) If you're wondering WHY I write rare pairs a lot, it's because rare pair fandom is a safe space with AWESOME people. We may be few in number, but WE GO HARD and LOVE HARDER.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
ALL KINDS (though I'm not great a fluffy smut). Check out my HP Kinktober Collection 2023 posting daily RIGHT NOW. It's very kinky and dark.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The closest I've come to crossover is more like "inspired by a vibe." I wrote a Community (TV Series) inspired paintball fic here: All's Fair in Love & War & Paintball (multiple ships)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, BUT I've had people post me on Goodreads. Read my thoughts on why this is bad fandom etiquette HERE
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had many requests, but no one has followed through yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! But I'm interested in this concept, especially if the co-author is someone I vibe with.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
STAWP. It's too hard a question! Lately, I'm obsessed with Dronarry, and any combination of those three. I also think I'm more in love with stories than ships. If it's an amazing story I end it with "OMG this is the BEST EVER" and I say it about a lot of ships.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm writing a multichap Drarry fic where Draco is a wandmaker, and it's falling in love fluff. I'm terrified to write them because I feel like I'll get torn to shreds because the Drarry fandom is too amazing for the likes of little old me. I'll just read Drarry and call it good, and MAYBE I'll get the courage to finish someday.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ideas. I'm chockful of ideas. Also, I read a ton, so I think the more you read, the better you write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fluff. I HATE writing fluff. Why is it so hard?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't typically do it because I'm monolingual and don't want to fuck it up. I don't mind when others do it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
How to Care for Your Monster Book: A Guide by Rubeus Hagrid  (Hagrid x Monster Book of Monsters) Y'aaaaaallll... I have no regrets about this fic. It's the only fic I've ever written that is perfect, I'll never top it, it's just so funny and weird (like me).
Tagging: @the-francakes @mugsdontlie @swoontodeath @vukovich @mintawasalreadytaken @peachpety @nv-md @lumosatnight and anyone else who wants to
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formulatrash · 1 year
What's your take on the hockey booktok thing? Since you mentioned it on twt
my initial take would be that all these people scare me so much I don't want to get into it but also people keep messaging me to be like did you know people ship carlando" off the back of it and yes. I did know that.
my understanding of what's happened on booktok, which I absorb any information about only twice a year during whatever version of this is blowing up at the time, is pretty limited. partly because I'm not on tiktok and partly because I can't read. but the crux of it seems to have come down to people writing disgustingly thirsty comments on a hockey player and his wife's posts, regardless of what they were about, somehow feeling empowered to be horny not just on main but in someone's face because of booktok.
that's, clearly, not remotely acceptable. if there are communities of people out there that thirst about me I don't know about them (although the cold tendrils of horror about the Wikifeet page have just gripped me and no, oh god, that isn't the phrase I should've used at all get me out of here) but there are loads of people who fucking hate my guts. that's like, fine, it's their own business; if they keep it on discord or whatever and away from me it doesn't do me any harm. lord knows, I have committed the act of hating and indeed being horny, sometimes simultaneously, when I was at a safe enough distance for none of the subjects to ever know.
this is a thing about fandom. if you post "Max Verstappen looks breedable" on here then he's extraordinarily unlikely to ever see it or probably know what it means. if you comment that on Kelly's instagram posts, even if you don't like her and even if that's for valid reasons, that's very different.
as I gather it, the booktok thing has exploded into RPF in general. which, I gotta say, RPF and sexually harassing a dude and his family are in fact very different things. one has a rich history, both as actual ways of telling history (Anthony and Cleopatra: RPF, Chernobyl: RPF, the god damn Gran Turismo movie is RPF about an uncomfortably large number of people I know IRL and to be fair it looks like it slaps I'm gonna see it) and as a longstanding artform. RPF's history of horny is even extremely longstanding, with obscene RPF being used by both the French and Russian revolutionaries to undermine the concept of royal divinity.
RPF is political because it involves an interpretation of real events and people. and the perspective from which that's written will always be political. RPF can, certainly, be feminist; there's quite a lot of retellings of classical stories that fit this. RPF can, also, be fucking weird horny shit. or terrible man takes. or incredible, tender, queer retellings; Kaz Rowe's graphic novel about real-life surrealist Claude Cahun is an obvious example of the latter. Pride, the film about the miners' strikes and the AIDS crisis, is another.
so yeah, it is a legitimate and recognised form of literature and art and also uhhhh. well. I mean the omegaverse is definitely recognised, legally, in court because of that one case but I don't know that even its fiercest enthusiasts would really be all that keen on describing it. not as like, literature or anything just I think most people would rather literally never have an IRL conversation about that. ever.
I'm not 1000% clear on how carlando got into this but clearly that's broken containment a long time ago anyway. when you had Sky doing love heart interviews 15 races into them being teammates or whatever, there was an obvious amount of gay chicken being played by the producers that frankly, as a queer person in motorsport, I'm a lot more comfortable with the fan version of.
no, obviously, I do not think they are dating - or want to think that tbh - but frequently-queer fans projecting the wish fulfilment of seeing a kinder and more representative world for their desires, in places hidden from the subjects, is a lot less weird than leering, laughed-at dating questions and milk baths. in an ideal world it wouldn't have to be a secret, yearned-for alternative because things would be safe and open enough for there to be real queer stories everywhere but that, unfortunately, is not the one we currently live in.
wish fulfilment and telling stories are not the same things, necessarily. sometimes you tell the stories to remind yourself it's ok to have wishes or to work out what those even are. I don't think there's anything necessarily harmful about what names the characters have in those, provided the line between reality and any real people's privacy is kept.
clearly, with the booktok thing, that's where things went extremely wrong. generally tiktok as a whole seems to have a very odd perception about other people's agency, whether it's pranking videos or like the girl who filmed people peeing at Spa. if you regard everyday people as content opportunities (spoiler: the law does not think this and particularly in the EU you cannot film people without their consent) then I guess it's easy to slide over to seeing an athlete as a target for what I suspect very few of the people doing it recognised as very unpleasant and invasive harassment.
there's nothing wrong with fancying athletes. there's nothing even wrong with sexualising them, provided you respect some boundaries and provided it's not part of the conditions of their working contracts. there's a lot of difference between there being a discord where, idk, people say Mitch Evans is hot (he is, although somewhat implausibly he genuinely does not know this) and sponsors for female tennis players wanting them to wear revealing outfits and stay skinny or teenage girls being encouraged into provocative photoshoots by people who promise them roles, etc. teenage male athletes being pressured into doing things they don't want to yet or maybe at all to prove they're men, queer athletes being forced to hide who they are or repress it entirely.
would it be a little bit odd to find RPF of yourself? yes. I won't lie, I would judge the characterisation. I already do judge that on the frankly very weird things people write about me. you have never seen RPF as strange as the narratives people will make up about you in the comments of an article about hydrogen and frankly those scare me a lot more than whether someone thinks I'd be assigned beta or whatever.
stumbling across something, rather than having explicit sexual fantasies forced into your face, especially on what's your own social media pages where people you know in real life can see them, is very different though. some people who engage with RPF cross lines, whether that's weird conspiracy stuff about girlfriends being faked or stalking people's friends accounts etc.
RPF doesn't inherently cross lines, even when it's public; there's a very interesting interview here with Jann Mardenborough and the guy who plays him in the Gran Turismo movie about, among other things, portraying a fatal crash he was involved in. clearly, Jann is not only aware of but is the executive producer of what's ultimately fiction about himself and there's an ownership there, of course. but some parts of the movie are made up, for sure.
obviously I'm like, the not-very-secret infiltrator here because clearly I am On Tumblr and know what AO3 is. I follow a bunch of people who write fanfic because they also make nice gifs of my favourite blorbos and I like to think we can all make peace with our own boundaries about that kinda thing. also I read every single Shane/Ryan fic in like 5 weeks and honestly, not going to apologise except to myself for persisting with a few that didn't pay off.
but like: you do not have to make RPF or any fandom activity unethical. the way you conduct yourself does that and some people step way out of line.
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bobbyseyesmile · 2 years
Pride and Passion | 4
Chapter 4
Note: Chapter 4 takes place AFTER chapter 5. It may seem weird but I tried to play with the timelines a lil' bit. I don’t always continue the story where I left it off. Hope this helps a bit heh
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“Ding Dong!”
Rick turned his head around, the low and raspy voice way too familiar to his ears. He rolled his eyes and turned towards Daryl: “They’re here.”
Daryl nodded and buckled his crossbow over his shoulder. “I’ll tell the others, Tara’s with Carl and Judith in the house.”
“Good. Tell her to stay put there, I don’t want my other kids near this psychopath…”
Daryl’s eyes lingered on his best friend for another second before he nodded again. “I know. I’m sorry.” He felt like shit- even though Rick assured him hundreds of times that it wasn’t Daryl’s fault, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the only reason you weren’t here was because he had to lash out that fateful night.
Rick on the other hand knew how his friend felt, the guilt-ridden expression never leaving his face, but he didn’t hold any grudge towards Daryl. It wasn’t his fault.
Even though Rick was angry at you and your decision, he knew it was the right one in that heated moment. If it wouldn’t have been for you, others would have died- maybe even Carl. You were a grown-up woman and could handle yourself, but it didn’t change the fact that you were his daughter. And he cared. A lot.
“Ricky!” Negan’s voice echoed over the streets of Alexandria “How’s my favorite Rick doing? Ya got some new shit for me?”
“How is she?” It was the first question Rick asked every time the Saviors arrived. It made Negan chuckle every time, and he babbled about how good you were treated in his Sanctuary. But this time he didn’t chuckle and he didn’t babble his usual cocky responses.
“Well, Rick, I have to say your hot-looking daughter is a little force of nature. She causes me some troubles, not gonna lie.”
“W-what did she do?” Rick was sure whatever you did wasn’t your fault- you would never do stuff to endanger the group.
“She’s got a mouth oh her, ya know that? Talking back when she should be quiet, humiliating me in front of my people, even in front of my other wives… Tsk, tsk, tsk. You and I got a little problem there, you see where I’m coming from?”
“I’m sure if you would let me see her, I could-“
“Are ya shitting me, Ricky? What do you think, that I’m stupid?” Negan showed a row of his pearly whites before licking his lips “She’s a lot like you, Rick, and to be fair and square- I don’t fucking appreciate it, ya hear me? So maybe I should punish her by punishing you, ya think she would get that little message?”
Rick looked down to his feet, he started to feel dizzy. He was lost in his own thoughts when a loud bang ripped through the air, interrupting both men in their conversation.
“Fucking bitch!” a man yelled and both men started running towards the noises.
“What happened?” Rick asked and looked around staring in flustered and shocked faces. After a second he saw Rosita on the floor, a knife to her throat while she was held down by two men.
“This fucking bitch shot me!” the man held his bloody hand, clearly losing a finger in the whole process “I’m gonna kill her!”
“Woah, woah…” Negan walked in the circle of people that had formed and stared down at Rosita. “Did ya really just shot one of my men?”
“He didn’t stop molesting my friend- Tara didn’t do shit, she just kept the kids safe in the house.”
Negan stopped at her face for a while before turning to the wounded man: “Is that true? Did ya harass the nice lady who watched the kids?”
“They had shit hidden from us, I just wanted to check out what it was!”
“It was the baby food.” Tara suddenly intervened and had Negan’s attention “I-I had just finished making a bottle for the little one and put the formula away, I didn’t hide it- it was just bad t-timing, I swear.”
Negan looked around before nodding and slowly putting Lucille to his side. “Alrighty… See Rick, that’s exactly the fucking problem with you people- always causing me some trouble, we can never finish a trade in peace…”
“We’re sorry.” Rick muttered while rubbing his eyes. He started to get a migraine.
“We?” Negan repeated and raised his eyebrows. “Don’t ya mean, you are sorry for not having your people under control?”
“Splendid.” Negan’s usual smirk was gone, he looked pissed and growled a few commands to his men that they should hurry and start the trucks. “And Rick?” Rick looked up, sweat dripping down his temple. “This shit today? Your daughter will pay for that.”
Rick’s head started spinning, the helpless feeling that he couldn’t do anything for you manifested in fear, whatever sick things Negan had planned for you. “Wait! Negan, I’m sorry what happened, I’m sure we can talk about it-“
Negan turned around, now pointing Lucille right at Ricks face: “Talking-time is over, Rick, gotta teach your people a lesson or two here: We take the hot Señorita with us." Negan pointed at Rosita who was immediately taken and shoved into the trucks while she screamed and struggled.
"You don’t fuck around with me, ya hear me? You do what I say, and for god’s sake! Keep your people in line or next time I’ll bring you a finger from your beautiful daughter, got it?”
Taglist: @toxic-ink @jaywinchestersalvatore @crosshajr @neganswoman @tone-stark (if you want to be added, pls let me know)
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wordsbymae · 2 years
I have a new oc. It’s cop/deputy x civilian reader. I have many ideas on how I want them their relationship to be at first (they met during high school), but yeah. They live in a small town. He leaves to go into the military then to police academy and then he comes back. Reader has never left the town because she preferred to live a quiet and tranquil life. That’s until the Yandere comes back and is definitely those cop assholes. He just harassing her, pulling her over, interrogating her, etc etc for no reason at all. To her he’s still trying to bully her like he had in high school when in reality he wants her (since high school) but to him if she dosen’t go out her way to talk to him then she must’ve no feelings for and that pisses him off. But he’s not only an asshole to her but everyone else as well but maybe not to the extent he does for her. That’s until it’s the town’s fair and (not sure what the context it is but for the sake of it please go along with it :) she has to distract him for her friend to be able to leave the scene. So he’s waiting at the front of their commission booth to harass her yet again, but she comes back to looking wildly different. Dress is higher up, buttons pop (cleavage is very much out there) and there’s this beckoning look in her eyes, as if she’s a siren trying to seduce him (she is). And she cruisers right in front of him, bending slightly front and give him a look into her dress. He’s looking around and behind him, to both check to see it’s him she’s displaying herself for and nobody is noticing what’s going on. She hates him right? So what’s this? He’s nor shameful or subtle about checking her out. In his defense, this is for him right? He might as well enjoy it. To have his utter divine attention she’s flirts with him, praising him. Rubbing her hands up and down his arms “oh my~you must workout, because oh how strong you feel” (proceeds to flex under her hand) “yeah, couple times a week.Gotta keep the body strong, who else is going to there to protect you” and for him she finds herself in a state of uncontrollable giggles. Usually this type of stuff wouldn’t work on him, but watching him eating out of the palm of her hand, feels a bit too easy. Behind his shoulder her friend is signally to her to move him to the back (the back is where the forest is). Reader shyly tells the Yandere “oh something not working, and I couldn’t find any other big and strong men to help me” and without question follows her to the back. In her mind hes going to “help” fix the thing maybe make out with her a bit and that would be all. On the other hand, he’s walking into those woods to fuck. I mean, how dumb can he possibly be, she was obviously giving him the signs that she interested in him, but to want to be somewhere dark and secluded she’s dosen’t need to express herself any further, he understands and can’t wait to deliver! The find is perfectly fine and after what seems to be her fifth “are you sure” he gets up and looks as if he’s ready to leave. That’s until he throws himself on her. She’s surprise at first but goes along with it. Very heated. That’s until she’s feels him dry humping like a dog in heat. He open more of her dress to suck and bite on her tits. At this point she complete forgot her entire mission and is immense in the electric pleasure that’s coursing through her. He wanted to fuck her, so badly, but… he’s utter adoration and obsession for her clouded hs mind. He finds himself under her dress, her panties dangling off from her ankle, her right leg thrown on top of his shoulder and he’s eating her out as if he would perish if he dosen’t do so. There’s more to this scene, but I’ll leave it up to you :)Afterwards, he managed to convince himself they are in a relationship. She thought it was quick and done deal, and that’s when she finds out it’s not so easy. and for his name I wanted a name that when you read you would immediately think “yup that’s definitely a name a country asshole would have” like I have Hunter, Brock, Colton, Randal (Randy for short), Cyrus,Gunner, Mack, Tanner.
Autumn, you gotta stop reading my mind. please it's invading my privacy. but no seriously how did you know. how did you know this has been my secret fantasy like forever. it has to be those brown deputy uniforms too, you know the ones from the movies and they are almost always set in the 50's/60's/70's? that stupid brownish deputy uniform does something to me and I'm obsessed. Also, it is so crazy how American movies and tv shows influence other countries, because when I imagine a situation like this it's about us deputies (stupid uniform) and suddenly I'm in America? and then I spend a whole 10 minutes making up a plausible reason for me being there and then I forget about the hot steamy romance I was going to create and then get sidetracked researching sheriffs in Australia (i didn't think we had any but we do! they look after the courts).
anyway, that's not the point the point is that I want to be pulled over by a cocky deputy, with a porn moustache! who's had a crush on me since school but didn't know how to show it so instead he pulled my hair and pinched my cheeks (and flipped up my skirts) like a total dick head and I thought I was finally safe with him gone but then he comes back? and he pulls me over all the time?? and constantly harassing me.
he thinks he's being so obvious too, he thinks he's flirting. he thinks that he's almost courting you. why else would he always pull you over and brag about being the best deputy in town for 20 minutes before letting you off with a warning? and he would be so pervy and gross too. he's leaning into the car through the window looking straight down your shirt and he's smirking like a dick while he talks down to you, about how pretty ladies shouldn't be driving, and how you should be more focused on your "lady things" like the home and makeup and playing dress up. and then he's saying shit about how it's gonna be a ticket that's far too expensive even though you didn't do anything wrong and then your panicking cause thats a whole month's rent (or food if you don't rent) but don't panic cause he's got a solution! then he's being all gross saying how if you help him out with a little problem he'll forget all about the ticket and you're so confused about what problem he's talking about until he runs a hand from your neck down to your chest and you're pushing him away before he can squeeze and you're snatching the ticket from him while he just laughs and he tells you to sleep on it and come back when you need him (you don't).
Oh yeah! he's a resident asshole. it doesn't help he's arresting any guy he thinks looks at you too long and aggravating people into making the first swing so he can arrest them for assaulting an officer. I like thinking the reader is a waitress and he always comes in for his break and he's such a sleaze. he'll run his palm from your back to the round of your ass and then back up while your leaning over collecting plates, and he'll refuse to tip if you make a fuss. he's constantly staring at your cleavage when you bend over. he'll pinch the back of your thighs just under where your uniform ends while you're taking his order, you tried standing a bit away but he just gets shitty so when you do stand closer to get him to stop his rant on the disrespect he's being shown he puts his whole hand up your skirt to your ass so it's better to let him get away with the pinching, he's slapping your ass when you walk by and he's calling you sickly sweet pet names from across the room asking where he's food at. He won't even tip well and say shit like if you want the rest you should meet him round the back and earn the rest with real work or he's tipping far too much but saying that you can pay him back by letting him drive you home. and you'll say no, but he'll wait anyway till the end of your shift ( a whole 4 hours later!) and he's coercing you into his car and then he's making dirty jokes the whole way home and asking if you have a boyfriend and telling you to wear your hair a certain way next time he's in cause he likes it like that. just general dick head shit.
and I'm loving this fair idea! maybe she's distracting him from her friend or even a brother who is being wanted by the law and the deputy thought they saw them in the crowd so he's marching through the fair trying to find them so the reader is like well shit I gotta distract them. and what better way to do it than pull up their dress and open a button or two. and he's winded. he's barreling around a corner thinking he sees the criminal when he comes face to face with his pretty lady (his words not mine). she looks a bit different, she always looks lovely but she looks like she's dripping with sin. he can just see the lace of her bra sitting out from her dress. he can hardly talk as she's complimenting him, cooing and fawning all over him. he regains himself when she's grabbing his upper arm and he can't help but start bragging about how strong he is, have to be when you deal with criminals it must be so scary it is, for others but not for a real man like him. you're so brave just doing his duty ma'am. someone has to protect pretty little ladies like you.
you start to lead him in the complete opposite direction of your friend (big brain idea, the reader is Leroy's (or even clem's) sister and thats why she needed to distract him for the deputy, maybe not, but I can totally see her still not being a criminal but being a lot like her mum and being clement's absolute angel and I think it would be funny a family get together and clement and Leroy just starring down this cop). any way! you start leading him in the opposite direction and he starts talking about his time in the military and all his daring dos in the police force. you're then saying that your car broke down over near the woods and you need a big strong man to fix it (he puffs his chest out for that one) he practically drags you in the direction she pointed, desperate for you to see how helpful and strong he was.
I think it would be funny that he is 100% convinced that this is gonna end with his dick inside her. he doesn't mind which hole but he's been dreaming of this moment forever and it's gonna happen tonight. reader, on the other hand, is relieved her friend got out and is now thinking of an excuse to get rid of him. he very very quickly fixes the car, nothing was wrong with it of course but he played it up saying the car would be ruined if you left it or it would cost hundreds if you took it to a mechanic and of course, the reader is still playing the damsel in distress and mistakenly said the one thing he's been dying to hear. "how can I ever repay you?". he's pushing her up against the car and practically grinding into her, he's ripping the buttons of her dress off and falling to his knees and the reader doesn't even have a chance to say anything before he shoves his mouth onto her clit and making a mess of his face. she can only stand there one leg over his shoulder, holding his hair trying to quiet her moans.
after it's done and she's trying to not fall onto her face and he's standing up and wiping his mouth she's expecting him to leave but he's moving her to the back of the car and lifting her onto the tray and then he's rutting into her while standing and shes splayed over the tray dress open and body revelled wholly to him, and she's seeing double stars, she can't do much while he's squeezing her breasts and harshly gripping her thighs. cause I'm a slut he takes her undies afterwards and gives her a wink saying ill see you soon. after that, he thinks they're dating and he refuses to let her walk to work, instead, he pulls outside her house forcing her into the car to drop her off at work and then he's waiting outside to drive her home. it's concerning since he shouldn't know when her shifts are since they change every week. it wouldn't be too bad if he didn't take detours down lovers lane where he then shoves his hands up her skirts while kissing her neck while she leans away and tries to push his hands away, it never works and she always ends up going home without her undies (he's gotta bit of a kink).
okay okay, I see those names and I raise you, Bo or Wyatt. I do love Colton (colt) or randy or hunter. man, I cannot pick. There's a reason Eli is my only oc with a name I picked.
hope you liked it! ignore anything you don't like! lots of love mae xx
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