#if you have question about any of those ladies I am 100% willing to expand on their myth
greekmythssexywoman · 2 years
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on the left side you have:
1. Medea (wife of Jason) vs Galatea (statue brought to life carved by Pygmalion)
2. Andromeda (wife of Perseus) vs Electra (daughter of Agamemnon)
3. Arachne (weaver cursed by athena) vs Echidna (mother of all monsters)
4. Antigone(daughter of Oedipus) vs Echo(cursed nymph in love with Narcissus)
5. Atalanta (married the one who could best her at a footrace) vs Ismene(daughter of Oedipus)
6. Psyche (wife of Eros) vs Iphigenia (daughter of Agamemnon)
7. Circe (witch, the Odyssey)  vs Megaera (one of the furies)
8. Eurydice (wife of Orpheus) vs Hippolyta (queen of amazons)
On the right side you have:
9.Helen (the iliad) vs Siproites (turned into a woman for seeing Artemis bathing)
10. Pandora (created by the gods to open a jar full of evil) vs Io (transformed into a cow by Zeus to hide her from Hera)
11. Ariadne (helped Theseus with the labyrinth) vs Jocasta (mother wife of Oedipus)
12. Clytemnestra (wife of Agamemnon) vs Charybdis and Scylla (The Odyssey)
13. Medusa (cursed to turn anyone she looked at into stone) vs Semele (mother of Dionysus)
14.Daphne (Turned into a laurel tree to escape apollo) vs calypso (the odyssey)
15. Penelope (Odysseus’ wife) vs Briseis (the Iliad)
16. Cassandra (cursed seer, the Iliad) vs Callisto (huntress of Artemis turned into a bear for having slept with Zeus
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newtinalover · 7 years
About Johnny Depp in Fantastic Beasts and what does this mean for me
Well, there is some time I want to comment about the case Johnny Depp in Fantastic Beasts and after these statements by David Yates and JK Rowling, I would first like to share this Claire Willett thread @clairewillett on twitter: https://twitter.com/clairewillett/status/938890109893591040
We all know the story of The Publishing House That Harry Potter Built, how everyone passed on her manuscript until Scholastic said "sure, what the hell, we'll buy it," and then she like singlehandedly turned the ship around with all those sweet sweet Potterbucks. Amazing.
I want to love J.K. Rowling. I truly love the Harry Potter books.  I truly love the world she created.  I truly believe that those books have transformed our culture in some ways that are really positive.  I am a proud Ravenclaw and Hermione Granger is my Patronus. 
I've been trying to put my finger on what it is that makes me feel so disappointed in Rowling's words and behavior of late - not just the Depp thing, but also the Navajo skinwalkers thing from last year with Ilvermorny - and I think I've finally figured it out.
As a writer, I found her origin story so inspiring. She was a broke single mom on public assistance and, as Lin-Manuel Miranda says, she wrote her way out of her circumstances. The art of storytelling changed her life. That's beautiful to me.
So the story of J.K. Rowling the author is the story of someone who was given public assistance by the government, and was given a chance to succeed by a publishing house who believed in her. She was helped when she needed help. That's how she became who she became.
And the story that made her famous is the story of a kid in terrible circumstances - abuse, neglect, loneliness, danger, grief - who is helped when he needed help, and is willing to sacrifice for others.
I believe that the J.K. Rowling who first wrote those books espoused the values that the books stand for. But now she is the most recognizable author in the entire world and is a kabillionaire and suddenly I am no longer sure if her values are the same.
The Ilvermorny debacle was the first moment where I began to really see the defensiveness of Wealthy White Feminism seep into the way Rowling responded to critique of her work. There were so many better ways to handle it and she swung and missed SO BADLY.
See, and here's a place where as a writer I am fully 100% in sympathy with her, Rowling is now completely boxed in by the Potterverse. She's reached a level of fame where this is the only thing the world is ever going to let her write from now on.  Even if it's time to stop.
If she tries to write ANYTHING ELSE, even under an assumed name like she  did with "The Casual Vacancy," she'll get outed and it gets held up next to the Potterverse books anyway.  She can't escape it. So I get the desire to find a way to broaden the world.
What she SHOULD have done, in deciding that she wanted to expand the Potterverse to explore other cultures, is either A) partner with writers FROM those cultures to create and flesh out the backstory, or B) at MINIMUM do a fuckton more research into them than she did.
So when she released the story of Ilvermorny on Pottermore and everyone was like "girl no you cannot use things that are SACRED to Native culture like that," it was clear that no Native folks had been consulted by the white British lady about how this would make them feel.
It is . . . not difficult to imagine how Native peoples might feel like the rich white British lady showing up to appropriate stories and symbols she doesn't understand for her own personal financial gain might be, um . . . you know, an unpleasantly familiar sensation.
So, okay. There's backlash. People are frustrated. The old J.K. Rowling, who built a fantastical wizarding world on the framework of a set of progressive values that champion diversity? You'd think she would have heard that and listened, right? Maybe apologized? Yeah, no.
That's because the Potterverse is no longer just the story she poured out from her heart in that tiny apartment in the few hours she could carve out while her kids were sleeping, the story that saved her and turned her life around. Now it is a multi-million dollar business.
Which brings us back to the Johnny Depp question, and why her response today was so enormously frustrating.
The thing that is very very important to understand about writers whose books are made into movies or TV shows is that they have control over casting, writing, story structure and production approximately nothing percent of the time.  There are incredibly few exceptions.
People like Diana Gabaldon and George R.R. Martin are given a lot of creative control, compared to other writers, in the making of their shows, because they were big-ass stars already and they have agents who would have demanded that before signing anything.
But the vast majority of writers, when they're lucky enough to sell the rights to something, have no ability to affect the outcome after that.   Which includes casting.  99.99% of writers who find a problematic actor cast in their book's movie are stuck with him.
But the exception to this rule is people exactly like J.K. Rowling, and that's why I'm angry at her.
Rowling is a producer on the Potter movies.  Rowling has arguably more creative control over the film versions of her books than any other writer who has ever lived. If she wanted Johnny Depp out, she could have made it happen.  She did not.
Let's recall that the old Rowling, the one writing the first Potter book by hand on legal pads in her public assistance apartment, the brave and creative scrapper whose love for these characters saved her and kept her going, wrote a hero who ESCAPES A LIFE OF ABUSE.
Harry lives with a family that abuses, mistreats and neglects him, and then gaslights him about that abuse until it's all he knows and understands and he can't imagine a better life, but he's saved by people who tell him "you deserve better than this."
What makes it possible for Harry to return to the Dursleys' house every summer between school terms and no longer suffer psychological harm from their abuse is that now he understands that that treatment was not normal and not something he somehow deserved.
There are also too many incidents to count throughout all seven books where a major plot point hinges on a character saying "this is a terrible thing that happened to me" and whether or not they are believed about their own story: ´´Did that thing REALLY happen? Did you REALLY see the thing you thought you saw? Does such a being REALLY exist? Is Voldemort REALLY back? Is that REALLY true? That sounds implausible. I know that guy, he can't be a Death Eater. He comes from such a respectable family...´´
You see where I'm going here, yes?
The old J.K. Rowling we all fell in love with built a world where BELIEVING PEOPLE WHEN THEY TELL YOU ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM, EVEN IF IT IS IMPLAUSIBLE OR TERRIFYING, is the most important thing you can do.
But the current J.K. Rowling is the CEO of a massive multinational corporation built on the backs of that story she first wrote by hand back before she had any wealth or power, and Johnny Depp is an actor who has been proven to be able to anchor a film franchise. So.
It was frustrating enough when she was merely silent.  Today's statement is so much worse than saying nothing.
Today's statement achieved the following things: --it confirmed that she would, in fact, have had the power to do something about casting Depp in that movie if she had chosen to exercise it, and that he continues to remain in this franchise with her enthusiastic consent.
--it confirmed that she had all the same information the rest of us had about Amber Heard's story and her allegations of abuse, including all the documentation and testimony from other witnesses, at an early enough point that there would have been time to recast.
--it gave us vague assurances that she did some degree of due diligence in looking into the story to assess whether or not it was true, but offered no specifics of any kind.   --it explained away that lack of specifics with some handwaving about confidentiality clauses.
--it declared that she, J.K. Rowling, now possessed information she was not at liberty to share which essentially exonerates poor Johnny Depp from these mean and unfair accusations of wrongdoing, and suggests that we should take her word at face value.
"I looked into it and I can't tell you what I found out but rest assured, Johnny Depp is innocent and we all love him and that gold digger Amber Heard made it all up" is so much worse than "no comment."   It's so, so, so much worse.
This is EXACTLY the kind of privileged white feminism we saw with Lena Dunham's statement last month: "yes, I believe women, I'm a feminist, I trust women when they come forward about their abuse .... unless I'm friends with the guy, then she's lying."
This is what you say when you've built your brand on being a progressive feminist and you want people to believe you still are - YOU want to believe you still are - but now there are huge amounts of money at stake and suddenly things are a lot more complicated.
Believe me, I get that she's in a tricky position.  It is easy to stick by your principles when it costs you nothing.  It is harder when big things are at stake.  I don't know what's in Depp's contract, or in hers. I can't fathom how much money we're talking about here.
But this is why this whole situation is so fucking depressing. 
Because J.K. Rowling is not the Harry Potter of her own life story anymore.
She's no longer the scrappy underdog who came from a world of no privilege and always took the side of the powerless. She's like one of those dudes from the Ministry of Magic who was too scared to take a stand because they didn't want to lose their comfortable position.
And it's so sad.  I'm so much more sad than angry.  I mean I'm angry too, but my overwhelming feeling is " . . . oh. okay. so as soon as you have a shitload of money you're just like every other rich person in the world."
It would have been so easy for her to release a statement that basically said "I stand by my values, I believe women, I believe abuse victims, I am the person you always believed me to be, but here are the limits of my authorial control on films."
But instead she confirmed that SHE HAD A CHOICE, SHE HAD THE POWER, SHE HAD THE ABILITY TO DO THE THING THAT A HEROIC PERSON WOULD DO and instead of being Hermione Granger she was like . . . Cornelius goddamn Fudge.
This is what White Feminism looks like. It means you stand with other women when you look good doing so (like roasting Trump on Twitter, which costs her nothing), but you won't stick your neck out and use your unfathomable privilege if it might negatively impact you.
For the life of me I don't know why she's doubling down on Johnny Depp, when Hollywood is full of dudes who would fall all over themselves to headline a Rowling film franchise and who have never abused anyone in their lives. But she is.
So, that's where we are. She's made her choice. She's said her piece. She's not the woman we wanted her to be.  I'd like to believe that she once was that person.  I'd like to keep believing in the woman who first sat down to write that story. But who knows.
I am not personally invested in the "Fantastic Beasts" 'verse, and haven't seen the first movie, though someday I probably will. There are good questions to be asked about boycotting vs. not boycotting. I think that's a personal decision, tbh.
I don't think it is morally bad or wrong to see these movies because Johnny Depp is in them.  I think if this story means something to you, you shouldn't let this take that away from you.  I think we're allowed to enjoy things that are problematic, as long as we're aware.
Go see it if you want to see it. Don't feel guilty for enjoying it. Don't apologize for loving the story. The story belongs to you. The world belongs to you. If you love it, it gets to be yours. But if @jk_rowling disappointed you today, let her know why.
Having said that, I would like to add just a few things about my vision of whoever accompanies the magical universe of Harry Potter there, no less than 16 years:
When I knew that this world would return to theaters in 2016, I was absurdly happy, since I had felt ''orphan an HP' 'since 2011, when the last film was released. I've always considered myself a feminist and sympathetic to the cause of marginalized groups, so imagine the impact when I knew that Johnny Depp would be in the franchise that not only taught me about these exact values ​​of empathy and love, but I grew up seeing JKR campaigning for these causes too. In a way, she was one of my biggest mirrors.
But until then, honestly, I've never been to follow JD's career, so I knew, by all accounts, about his case of aggression against his ex-wife Amber Heard. When I heard that he was in FB, I soon learned more about it. It should be considered that the information is inaccurate in this respect, but what we have in hand is that:
1) There is a historical legacy that shows us the oppression that women suffer, on a world scale. No matter how much a woman says that she has suffered any kind of aggression, if her word is questioned by a man, she will, in the vast majority of cases, go out as a lying prostitute, or as a mercenary, or as someone who only wants destroy the career of the 'innocent' man.
2) In everything I research about AH and JD, that's exactly what caught my attention: how much people are struggling to invalidate her word, even she PROVING that the assaults happened.
3) Yes, Evidences! First let's talk about the much-discussed video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdmB2zoaiu4
Some claim that he was out of control, that he hit objects but that at no time does he hit him. If this is not concrete proof of an emotional uncontrolled that certainly falls into psychological and then physical aggressions (remember that domestic violence follows a cycle that begins with psychological violence that goes up to the physical), I do not know what else it can to mean. If I am close to a person uncontrolled in this way, even if she did not attack me, I would certainly be terrified.
´´Oh! But Amber certainly provoked him! He was drunk! Surely if he had been sober he would not have done it!´´
This is the most ridiculous excuse of all and it resembles when they try to blame the victim of a rapist because she was wearing "short clothes". It's also similar to when Kevin Spacey tried to justify his crime by saying that '' I did not remember, I was certainly drunk ''.
Some people also say that the video was edited and the man who appears there actually was not JD. I'm sorry, it's ridiculous too.
4) ´´But AH withdrew the accusations! So JD is innocent!´´
Oh really? Are you so blind so you can not see that she did it out of sheer pressure from all sides? We have recently discovered the rotten side of Hollywood, whose victims are mostly what? That's right, women! So it is more than obvious that Amber was pressured to withdraw the accusations through a series of agreements, such as those made explicit here: http://mashable.com/2016/08/16/johnny-depp-amber-heard-divorce-statement/#rz12DBHO3OqR
In the part that says:  "Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain. There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm." For me it is more than clear that JD himself assumes to have attacked Amber, you who do not want to accept.
5) '' Amber is an aggressor too! She hit your ex girlfriend! ''
As if that justified what JD did ... but come on: http://ego.globo.com/famosos/noticia/2016/06/tasya-van-ree-nega-que-ex-amber-heard-seja-violenta-diz-site.html
Tasya issued a statement defending the ex and would have told TMZ sources that Amber's domestic violence arrest would be ridiculous because she was never violent. Besides, Tasya and Amber remain good friends. If the aggression were true, the logic would be that Tasya kept away from Amber, would not it? And even if the aggression had happened, that would not erase the feat of JD
6) "But we must separate the staff from the professional! JD is a great actor! ''
Oh really? If you hired a gardener to work in your home, and later knew that when he comes home he hits the woman, would you continue to use his services quietly? If your answer is yes, forgive me, but you have a dubious character. Men are already privileged in a macho society just because they are men, imagine then a white and rich man.
7) '' Amber is a slut who just wanted to take money from him! ''
Honey, she's an actress, she's also rich. She does not need it. Oh, and for your information, all the money she got from the JD deal was donated to institutions that help victims of domestic violence. Your stupid argument falls.
8) '' Okay, the aggression may be real but that's no reason to boycott! We should not boycott and support JKR and the other actors that are in play ''
Okay, I agree in parts. In fact, the rest of the cast is not to blame for this whole situation. Do you think I'm happy to know that most likely I will not see my beautiful girl Katherine Waterston playing Tina Goldstein so beautifully? Am I happy not to see Eddie as fantastic as Newt? Am I happy not to see my beautiful Newtina couple getting together (and probably kissing) finally? That I will not see Jude Law as my dear Dumbledore ???
It's exactly this immense sadness that I carry after these statements that leads me to the imminent decision not to follow the Fantastic Beasts franchise. Everything JKR taught through Potter stories (which - he was a victim of abuse) falls to the ground when they not only hire someone like Johnny Depp, but put him as the protagonist! It's so contradictory and disappointing! 
I repeat: 16 years are loving and admiring a woman who today decided to simply say: 'Yes, we know that fans are not 100% satisfied with JD in our cast but we do not care, we want more visibility and, of course, money' '
After JKR's statement, an immense disgust swept over me and I said goodbye to the franchise, emphasizing, more than ever, my eternal love for Katherine Waterston and the ship Newtina, which were my greatest gifts from the first film. 
I remembered the farewell scene between Newt and Tina and I cried. I know they are not to blame, but JKR taught me: "The time will come when we will have to choose between what is right and what is easy.”
I make the right choice, according to my values ​​and principles, even though it hurts me. I decided not to follow the FB franchise anymore, and I would like to be respected in that regard. No, I AM NOT LESS HP FAN BY CAUSE OF THIS! I had the displeasure to read that those who boycot FB are not really fans. GET OUT OF YOUR CASUAL! YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN NOBODY TO SAY THESE STUPID THINGS!
Respect my decision and my pain! Respect my decision to follow what my heart asks for at this moment! JKR is no longer the same woman who wrote the HP series to get away from her abusive reality, she has changed! Now she is a millionaire (thanks to us who consume her material, by the way) and obviously want to win more for it. I reiterate that I will continue, with all my might, loving Katherine and Newtina, accompanying future works of Katherine and the other cast members, but I keep only that of the woman who once inspired and loved me so much.
If one day you read this, JK Rowling, I wish you to be very happy, know that your story inspired me and changed my life in many aspects, but today you no longer have my support and I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you never go through abuse again so that you need to prove that you are speaking the truth, like as happened to Amber, and it happens to all of us, every moment.
PS: Sorry if there are any terrible errors in writing, but I'm Brazilian and not accustomed to English.
Eloany Homobono.
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datingdummies-blog · 7 years
Single Parent
To boldly go where no man or woman has ever gone before?  Well you already know thats a lie with this type because not only has another man or woman already gone there, but they have even made a couple of bonus mini human/s to boot.  Spoiler alert, they're not a virgin and the days of being a “reborn virgin” and still being able to get away with it are long gone.  You can bet that with this type you are not taking the “easy” way out by any means and things will be challenging.  They come with not so easy to carry baggage. (approx 10-200lbs a piece, actually) The type of baggage that an airplane would tell you, you need a seat for. Its also extremely frowned upon and disruptive to the others when you try to stow it away in the upper compartment of the airplane and even more so when you try and just carry it on hoping it fits the specs. 
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I’ll never forget the first day I really felt every single letter of the phrase “single mom.” I remember coming off of a 12 hour shift as a graveyard 911 dispatcher.  I was completely drained of any and all energy, had piles of laundry stacking up and my kids were due to be home in just a few short hours.  I was faced with a moment of choosing sleep or responsibility.  I remember staring at the pile of laundry wishing it would just fold itself or I had a partner to help me with that dirty, judgmental pile of laundry, but I had no one.  No one would be there to say “honey I got it, you rest” or “babe, go take a bath I got this.”  (Not that when I was married those phrases were ever mentioned anyway, except maybe in fantasies that ended in me sleeping and him cleaning). So I did what any other single mom probably does when faced with the same conundrum.  I slammed the door in the face of that bully pile of laundry and decided I would no longer allow things like piles of laundry to fold shame me in my own home.  I was a single mom now and things were going to change.  I mean my kids maybe had to sleep on that pile of clothes for a couple of weeks but ultimately I feel I won that battle.  I know to some of you, you're like who cares?  Anyone who knows me knows this bugged me regardless of my tough gangster posts about not caring.  I am mildly OCD and a pretty clean and responsible person so this moment was my ok, you just can't do it all moment and something had to give.
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Being a single parent is tough work.  Generally we were put on this earth to procreate. Which also means the general idea of the situation is two parents, maybe even four parents when your parents eventually get remarried.  However being a single parent, you're just that, single, alone and doing a meant to be two person job.  You’re not allowed to look around and run pretending thats not  your kid in aisle ten at the store on the ground kicking and screaming about a candy bar.  When the dirty looks start coming my way when my kid is throwing a fit I just try to blend into the crowd and give dirty looks at the other parents pretending that whosever kid that is, better stop this shit show now because its downright embarrassing for that parent. Unfortunately for me and when the store clerk reviews the film and realizes its my kid, he requires me to take responsibility.  Possibly your kid might even call you out with a simple trail of tears while walking behind your grocery cart pathetically calling out to the candy bar that at the end of the shopping trip you will shamefully give in to, because as much as we enjoyed the store shit show we don't also want it to turn into the car ride home shit show.  
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When reflecting on my childhood and thinking of the many good cartoon movies or shows that were available to me I remember the single parents in Disney and Pixar films.  Sadly, if you really think about the movies you watched as a kid, the mom is usually dying and the dad is left with the children. I believe it’s because Disney knows the most common person who stays home and cares for the kid is the mom so when you kill the mom off, the dad is left to not only play one role but two, and having to watch him be sensitive and vulnerable while still mourning the loss of his wife is just rough to watch but also makes for a good movie.  Typically women are better at showing, sharing and soothing their child’s emotions.   So while I know a man is capable of these things, Disney is cashing into the idea that watching a man do it is more entertaining or at least a lot more interesting for viewers to watch him try to  wear the many hats that can make up a single parent.  
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When you sit down and really think about single parents in terms of cartoons. You will start to see so many more cartoons in a different light, because when you watched them as a kid you probably didn't give it a second thought.  SpongeBob, they have Mr.Crabs and his Whale daughter.  Not sure how this happened.  Maybe nickelodeon can explain this tale for us someday? Toy Story, it was Ms.Davis we never saw a dad so we have to assume death or divorce.  Aladdin, Jasmine’s dad was a single father.  Even down to Nintendo thinking of Mario Bros.  King Koopa had a million children but no Queen Koopa?! We don't even get an explanation on that one. Finding Nemo we all watched and maybe even shed a tear when the mom tried to protect her babies and ended up getting eaten leaving the dad alone to watch his one remaining child Nemo with his gimp fin on his own.  
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in real life, cartoons, video games and movies one thing rings true for this type. They always put their kids first.  When you have a true blue solid single parent, you will always be second until you earn the right to share the number one spot with the kid/s.  This type is pretty known for their “flakiness” and how busy they tend to be.  Please don't lose faith in them.  They probably like you but once again they are putting their kids first.  Also babysitters are hard to find, trust and the cost is getting more expensive as the years go by.  
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I think its important to address the initial asking of the question “Do you like kids?”  There is a huge difference between liking kids and actually being capable and willing to someday help raise them.  Yes you need to know that you're capable and wanting to be with the mother or father but the next thing you need to figure out is if you're capable of loving those kids and treating them as your own someday.  If you don't think you're up for that challenge, you need to let this amazing, strong, and independent woman or man go.  They don't have time for you, nor the energy to exert on catering to your needs.  When actually going on a date don't plan for a late night if they have their kids that night.  The typical babysitter watches the kids for about 4-6 hours tops and thats going to run the mom or dad about 50-100 dollars a pop.  So if you're a lady and he pays for you, please thank him at the end of the night and show your appreciation.  Going out with you cost him a good amount of money and he had to have been excited about you to be capable and willing to do that.  
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Parents have curfews, and while we don't turn into a monster or a pumpkin at midnight we do end up losing lots of sleep.  Kids don't understand, nor should have to that mom or dad went out drinking last night and have a hangover that most people would be able to nurse all day.  But this type needs to buck up, put his or her panties on and be able to make breakfast and entertain these mini humans however they deem fit.  When they decide to leave you alone for a millisecond and the world goes quiet and you get a five minute power nap, you’ll be sure to wake up to your walls covered in peanut butter, your stove is smoking and the smoke alarm is undoubtedly going off. 
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Another warning for the wise with this type is never, ever get involved with the ex and any drama that might come with these children.  Be the support, but never make yourself known to the issue.  It will only hurt your ex in the long run, any future possible friendship with the other half of the parenting equation and really it does no one favors especially the children involved.  Staying neutral is your best bet when it comes to anything with the ex. The single parent most commonly dates other single parents as well.  Single dad and moms just get each other already.  They understand their place and that the partner can't just drop everything and go out just because its taco Tuesday, hump Wednesday or thirsty Thursday. They also know they are capable of loving children and knowing the amount of work that goes into kids. When it comes to meshing the two families together it seems it could cause for some interesting combinations and you might need a bigger house for your Brady bunch sequel to continue.  However I think in the long run single parents finding each other is a beautiful thing.  I have also heard of many success stories built around a single mom or dad finding a completely kidless capable adult as well.  So really its dealers choice on this one and only you holding your hand can say whether or not you'd like to fold.  Make your choices wisely parents, this person will help mold these babies in the amazing human they will be someday.  
I have to say dating a single mom or dad does come with its perks!  I know I always carry some form of entertainment (like a hot wheels car or crayons) in my purse with me along with a countless number of snacks and I usually have juice boxes in my car for emergencies.  You probably were first attracted to this type because they're capable and determined, independent and strong and basically an all around life conquering badass. Yes they're complicated people at times and the situation you're entering does come with its challenges but ultimately they are gorgeous, loving, fulfilling, soul expanding, incredible people and you're lucky they want you to be apart of their life and their kids lives.  If they've chosen you to help mold these mini humans you know you're an important, worth while person that they are trusting.  So I leave you with this if you are dating this type currently, please always remember that the reason children have so much energy is because they're currently siphoning all of yours and their mom or dads energy like midget gasoline thieves.  
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golfiyauniversity00 · 5 years
The Beauty Myth - How Do Women Really Feel About Their Looks?
In 1991, Naomi Wolf distributed The Beauty Myth itemizing her comprehension on how ladies keep on being persecuted all through society to support men.
Wolf contended that the impelling and utilization of the fantasy of magnificence would be men's definitive weapon against ladies and their apparent rising force.
Ladies keep on confronting barricades in the working environment because of the political and foundational utilization of magnificence to characterize worth. Despite the fact that men characterize the belief system of excellence, the division of magnificence isn't characterized consequently leaving the female befuddled about her own sentiments of self.
This enables large companies to impose unreasonably the work that womens do expanding their income while enhancing both female consumption and reasonability. This has thus diminished the female's confidence, an integral asset for control.
Naomi Wolf composed this book in 1991 after both the first and second rush of feminisms. It is safe to say that we are leaving upon a third flood of women's liberation? Numerous cynics of women's liberation report that the already overpowering shamefulness towards ladies and their cries that made and supported Women's Rights developments have now been weakened to a minor whine. Is there any fact to this announcement?
I need to utilize this article to inspect consider the possibility that any progressions have occurred since 1991 and how ladies' lives might have changed.
Ladies have consistently been important to the work environment regardless of whether not regarded for their commitment. Dormant history educates us that because of the First World War (WW1) in 1914 - 18, ladies were important to move out of the home where they attempted to satisfy the business hole because of men being at war. At the point when the war finished, ladies would not normally like to surrender this degree of budgetary freedom and come back to the home. Cross-referencing chronicled data, the battle for Women's Rights started a lot before thusly ladies were at that point mindful of the treacheries towards them along these lines educating regarding the hesitance to 'come back to the home.' In 1848, 68 ladies and 32 men delineated complaints towards ladies including ladies reserving the privilege to cast a ballot and marked a Declaration of Sentiments in New York. It was in 1872 that saw the national development start in the UK as the National Society for Women's Suffrage and later the more compelling National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Without this cross-referencing, one would be excused for mixing up that up until WW1 in 1914, ladies were not learned about their out of line treatment towards them.
With the information that ladies did without a doubt realize that they were being dealt with unreasonably and that they really felt sufficiently able to make a move in various structures demonstrated both relentlessness and quality; words that were not used to portray ladies by any means. Since 1991, what has changed to reinforce Women's Rights to being increasingly equivalent to men?
Very little as I would like to think from the perspective of passage level top professions for ladies albeit as indicated by an ongoing examination did by Astbury Marsden, they found that this year has seen an expansion of 100% of ladies in the executives positions. This compares to 12% by and large from 6% in general a year ago. We ought to be appreciative! Shouldn't something be said about the critical compensation holes among people for equivalent employments? All things considered, as indicated by Dr. Carla Harris from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), the hole is extending, as of now for each dollar a man makes, his female partner acquires 82 pennies. I question particularly that you will locate an observable distinction in the UK. Actually, upon look into, ladies earned 15% not as much as men. Is this hole aggravated in poor financial occasions?
So very little has changed as far as regard for females and the commitment they make in the public arena and for society. Very little as far as how females are seen, for the most part contrarily and for sexual joys. Anyway what is all the more frightening (maybe an over-embellishment) is that in spite of the fact that there have consistently been ladies 'night-laborers' (whores), ladies give off an impression of being participating in their own war against themselves. Give me a chance to place this into point of view about this inner war going on with ladies. Despite the 'style' required for night laborers to draw in for work, ladies are currently utilizing this equivalent idea for endorsement from men and meanwhile pursuing an unverified war on their confidence. Not so those ladies couldn't have cared less for their looks already, as their preparing custom is normal in pulling in a mate. In any case, as a result of the Beauty Myth, the characteristic birthing procedure of preparing for a mate has gotten obscured, confounding and ingrains an absence of trust in a female. The gifted affectation of the Beauty Myth embraced by men however calculatingly not obviously characterized (Naomi Wolf) has left ladies endeavoring to accomplish the unbelievable as well as the unattainable as excellence is left open for understanding by the viewer (men).
What has been the outcome?
Budgetary commitments to restorative, diet and medical procedure have all observed a flood in willing captors, all looking for this magnificence fantasy and all fairly very down and out when they understand that the goal lines continues moving. Corrective organizations revel in attributing what their most recent item is and how brilliantly amazing some fixing is, presently contained in their item. That is to say, who on earth truly known about Pentapeptide, not to mention inquired about what it did before purchasing the item?
Organizations, for example, those in the restorative business depend on the poor confidence of ladies to guide their items to. Ladies consequently react in an ardent snatch for the 'wonder' item that will fight off or if nothing else hinder the maturing procedure. Ladies are made to feel that they never again outwardly please and as per Wolf, organizations can make strides in expelling the female from her job in the work environment for a more youthful model. Recall Miriam O'Reilly winning her case against the BBC for what she affirms being expelled on ageism and exploitation grounds? A below average triumph since she didn't win on the grounds of sexism. What this lets me know is the thing that Wolf previously recognized in her book, that it is extremely hard for a lady to guarantee against sex segregation as the law completely underpins what it calls a BFOQ (bone fide word related capability USA) or the UK's form of GOQ (authentic word related capability Wolf). This means an organization may reject a lady on the off chance that they feel that she doesn't match their belief system of excellence. Presently recall, this degree of magnificence isn't characterized and what might this truly state? As excellence is subjective depending on each person's preferences (self) is it not?
The council for Miriam O'Reilly was hung on the 4-nineteenth November 2010, 19 years after Wolf's production in this manner ladies are still evidently being focused on and treated by what they look like and not what gifts they may have in the work environment. So no genuine advancement here at that point!
Next time you go out on the town to shop, pay special mind to the quantity of various excellence items. Know about the measure of time and vitality that ads use to sell you their extensive measures of items and the pictures they use. The utilization of against wrinkle creams on models most likely not even yet 20 years of age yet. Why in the world they need against wrinkle cream is past me. Next, these sorts of adverts will be demonstrated utilizing a multi year old!
Presently take a gander at grounded items, for example, lipsticks. Presently you can get ones that last throughout the day. Truth be told, you need another item to get the lipstick off in light of the fact that ordinary chemical and water doesn't generally work. Organizations need to keep re-developing the wheel to keep their benefits up so their creative mind goes out of control and concocts a wide range of items all doing likewise however in an unexpected way. Ladies succumb to this; simply investigate her make up sack, results of the equivalent however extraordinary thing, barely utilized because of the plentiful sums.
Shouldn't something be said about items containing a specific fixing that will 'advantage' saw 'sacks' under the eyes. Do you truly feel that by purchasing this item will reduce 'loose eyes'? For what reason would it be advisable for it to, in such a case that it did then you would need to quit purchasing the item once you have been restored? So organizations utilize sufficiently just to have a slight effect and you need to keep re-purchasing to verify better outcomes. I envision organizations chuckling at ladies as they remain far along the edge of the room tossing in the enchantment fixing (in other words how disagreeably low the fixing is regarding weight and efficiency). Presently, I am not saying that a specific fixing doesn't work, for instance caffeine. Be that as it may, following your stunning cup of tea, you could without much of a stretch reconstitute the teabag and put this on your eyes. Most likely has more caffeine in the teabag than in the costly item you purchase.
Give us a chance to take a gander at how different organizations have taken advantage of the formation of poor confidence in womens. A gaudy measure of cash is spent by females on diet items with the expectation that the 'extra' pounds they think they are conveying will vanish leaving the female with a feeling of acknowledgment and saw excellence. The sugars utilized in numerous nourishments are supplanted with a substitute that is less calorific. To me, this is only a ton of pointless synthetic concoctions being siphoned in the body and for no genuine increase. Prepared sugars are bad for anybody in immense sums and an astute thing for wellbeing purposes is lessen your admission not substitute this with something that requires the body to work more enthusiastically to separate it in the event that it can use by any stretch of the imagination.
For investigate purposes, I composed in 'what impact does fake sugars have on the body?' and I didn't need to look far to plainly observe the risks of fake sugars. As per creator Marcelle Pick, (Obstetrician and Gynecologist) she talks straightforwardly about being appropriately educated regarding conceivable symptoms of sugars. I won't specify the organization as I don't wish to give them any type of presentation yet you can do your own examination. This specific name brand is the exchange name for Sucralose; an engineered compound unearthed in 1976 by researchers in Britain looking for another pesticide group
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ginnyzero · 5 years
Fashion, Business, & Writing 2
What is Your Creative Style?
Fashion is a business. (I’m probably going to pound at this on the first sentence of every post in this series. Please get used to it.) And one of the first questions they should ask at any fashion school but don’t is “What is your style?” Or, “What is your design aesthetic?”
A designer’s style is the type of clothes they design. Style is the way they create and what they create. It’s part of knowing who they are as a person and an artist. Every designer whether they know it or not has preferred types of colors, inspirations and social groups that they work with and use. Designers will most likely throw out the typical fashion buzzwords, hard versus soft, masculine versus feminine, sexy woman with a bit of edge. The type of thing that really actually says nothing and are next to meaningless when every designer uses the exact same words to describe completely different things.
Classic, bohemian, avante-garde, chic, club wear, American beach wear, country western, punk rock, hip hop and so on and so forth. These are broad words that define style types that people wear. These words define silhouette, seam lines, fabric applications, embellishments, color palettes and historical and cultural influences. And they are a lot more specific than “hard versus soft.”
Let me put it this way, Ralph Lauren is a very classic designer. If you wear Ralph Lauren who favors yachting and British hunting themes in his work, you are also likely to favor Chanel and wear the Gap. Classic designs are like the button down shirt, the front pleated pant and the suit jacket. Classic designs also rely heavily on the 1950s, think cardigans, A-line skirts and pearls. Jackie Kennedy Onassus is considered the epitome of classic style. Whereas Avante-Garde is the very opposite end of the spectrum. Avante-garde is fashion that tries to push the envelope or changes the proportion of the body in strange ways. Balenciaga and many popular Japanese designers that have come to France fall under this style. Lady Gaga is the style ambassador.  Avante garde fashion is art. It is more about form rather than function. You couldn’t wear avante garde pieces to any conservative business office.
The fun thing about fashion styles, most of them you can mix and match. (Outside of Classic and Avante Garde, never shall those two meet. It’s pistols at dawn, a fight to the death.) You can take bohemian and mix it with more brightly colored whimsical styles. Chic goes well with just about everything since black with sleek tailoring is always in vogue. When the fifties meets biker wear, you get rock-a-billy. Every designer has a certain style and designs a certain way, and it’s important that they know it and are willing to change over time as well.
How a designer styles their clothes is important because it is the first step, the first clue into who are they designing for outside of themselves. By knowing what they design and what they design well, a designer can start on the next step, going to work for a company that is strong in that style so they can sharpen their own skills. Or going to a company that is weak in that style in order to expand that companies horizons. Or, starting their own company they can be able to articulate in words (not always pictures) what their clothes look like and are about.
And this is just as important in say, being a writer or a video game designer or a painter or photographer. What is your style? What do you create? Who are you as a person?
When writers discuss writing style. We generally are talking about how a writer strings words together. What their sentences are like, how many adjectives and adverbs do they use. But style is more than the technical nuts and bolts when it comes to writing. Writing style can also include what type of novels they write. There are romance writers and mystery writers and writers of speculative fiction and writers who write nothing but “literature.” Style can be defined even more by tone. Is it light and comedic with a happy ending or grim dark with gritty realism? Is the story as written intended for adults or children or people of all ages?
It’s important that a writer knows their writing style. It’s more than just knowing where their book would sit on a book shelf in a bookstore. It is the first step in knowing who else will want to read your book too. Some people want to read fluffy things, other people want to read sitting on the edge of their seat things and still other people want to read dark gritty things. It’s all a matter of preference and taste. (And some people like reading all of it as long as it is in their preferred genre.)
I could say that I'm a science fantasy writer. But that's a very broad definition and doesn't set me apart from any other science fiction and fantasy writer out there. I know what I do and what I do well is put characters in rather absurd situations for the sake of comedy and sit back write what happens. But I'm not exactly a humor writer either. I like explosions and going different places. I also like werewolves. So, if I say, I'm a werewolf adventure writer, then it might hit closer to the mark of my creative writing style. (Two of the three book ideas that I am currently working with involve werewolves, the biker novels that are science fantasy and a straight up fantasy novel involving broken fairy tales and dragons. The last in development is a straight up science fiction series based on something completely different.) I can say to readers, do you like adventures? Do you like humor? Do you like werewolves? Then you might like my books.
As a fashion designer, if anyone cares, I'm a whimsical chic person with a touch of avante garde. This means I like black and sleek tailoring with splashes of color and sparkles. I like textures and I like creating dramatic things for the sake of creating dramatic things. I like taking the biker punk leather aesthetic and mixing it with business wear or beach wear. I like taking athletic wear and mixing it with club wear. Women who are 100% owning the fact they're female but can get down with the boys. (Fergie comes to mind, Angelina  Jolie, Michelle Rodriguez.)  Once again, it comes down to adventure, clothes for women who like to be on the go whether they ride motorcycles, drive street legal go-karts (MINI Coopers) or muscle cars (the Camaro being my favorite but I'm biased. Thanks daddy.) I defined my girls in three ways; the wild child, the cool chick and the femme fatale. (Because I'm complicated damn it.)
Knowing your style, what it is and what you’re good at in it, is a very important first step in any business journey. Know thyself. This is one of the hardest parts of being a creative person. What do you as a writer, designer, artist, bring to the table of the world? What inspires you? And what do you in turn create and release to the world? What is your style?
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