#do not tell me about spelling errors in the bracket
greekmythssexywoman · 2 years
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on the left side you have:
1. Medea (wife of Jason) vs Galatea (statue brought to life carved by Pygmalion)
2. Andromeda (wife of Perseus) vs Electra (daughter of Agamemnon)
3. Arachne (weaver cursed by athena) vs Echidna (mother of all monsters)
4. Antigone(daughter of Oedipus) vs Echo(cursed nymph in love with Narcissus)
5. Atalanta (married the one who could best her at a footrace) vs Ismene(daughter of Oedipus)
6. Psyche (wife of Eros) vs Iphigenia (daughter of Agamemnon)
7. Circe (witch, the Odyssey)  vs Megaera (one of the furies)
8. Eurydice (wife of Orpheus) vs Hippolyta (queen of amazons)
On the right side you have:
9.Helen (the iliad) vs Siproites (turned into a woman for seeing Artemis bathing)
10. Pandora (created by the gods to open a jar full of evil) vs Io (transformed into a cow by Zeus to hide her from Hera)
11. Ariadne (helped Theseus with the labyrinth) vs Jocasta (mother wife of Oedipus)
12. Clytemnestra (wife of Agamemnon) vs Charybdis and Scylla (The Odyssey)
13. Medusa (cursed to turn anyone she looked at into stone) vs Semele (mother of Dionysus)
14.Daphne (Turned into a laurel tree to escape apollo) vs calypso (the odyssey)
15. Penelope (Odysseus’ wife) vs Briseis (the Iliad)
16. Cassandra (cursed seer, the Iliad) vs Callisto (huntress of Artemis turned into a bear for having slept with Zeus
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sinsandsuccubus · 1 year
SUNDAY NIGHT - Jack Harlow
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Context: “Somethin tell me that a relapse comin.”
Genre: angst
Word Count: 2.2k+
Pairings: Jack Harlow X Ex!Fem!Reader
Warnings: n/a
a/n: Okay, so this concept was based on a story post written by the wonderful @lcandothisallday , called “Promises”, which I have linked at the bottom of this post. Thank you so much for allowing me to recreate your story, I greatly appreciate it.
Also, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, I kept disassociating when I was reading this back over.
Masterlist ☽☾
                                          ☽ ☾
Please don't let nothing get back to me
I've been trying to detach from you
Deep down though, I wanna know about what the fuck you been up to
Old him could have seen that coming
Fuck you I don't need nothing from ya
I was doing pretty good without you
But something tells me that a relapse coming
It was like high-school all over again. Seeing the school in similar shape as it was when you left brought back nostalgic memories. They had painted the lockers and had given the cafeteria and auditorium, as well as the gym, new looks. Of course, new desks were due, and better spirit and decor were all over the place, but overall? The place was a mirror image of memories. You traced the painted gaps of the brick walls with your finger, getting that same smooth feeling on the tip of your finger. Just as you were rounding the corner to the main hallway, you ran directly into a friend.
“Y/N?” You heard a voice speak, their hands landing on your shoulders to steady you. You looked up at the individual only to see someone you hadn’t seen in a long time.
Well, you’d seen, but not actually seen.
“Urban?” You exclaimed, almost jumping into his arms when he nodded his head.
“Holy shit! It’s so good to see you! You look gorgeous, as always.” He spoke, embracing your body in a tight hug. The black, thin-strapped dress that adorned your body as well as the matching black Louis Vuitton pumps and small diamond necklace. A beautiful tennis bracelet sat on your wrist, your hair styled to perfection, almost looking like you walked fresh off the runway.
You had made a name for yourself in your career field, which had put you in a pretty stable financial bracket.
Besides, it was always best to one-up the hoes of your old high-school at your reunion.
Especially since the Jack Harlow was in attendance.
You reflected back on those days when you both were smitten with each other, two teenagers in love. You, actually, often reflect back on it every time he posts on Instagram.
Not that you follow him on Instagram or anything.
No, you totally only see him through Urban’s account, which tags his account in things.
You and Jack had broken up shortly before his debut album, That’s What They All Say, Jack allowing the fame to take over his personal life and relationships. At least, that’s how you see things.
“Y/N, I swear it means nothing. You know that you’re everything to me, it’s all a part of the game baby. I’ve gotta remain a heartthrob for all the fans.”
“But you had to say you were single during that interview?! You couldn’t have diverted the question? Gave a different answer?”
“Like what Y/N?!”
“Oh, I don’t know Jack. Maybe ‘That’s for me to know and for you to never find out.’ Or, or! ‘I’ll leave it up to y’all to think and decide the answer.’ Anything that didn’t scream “Hey, I’m totally single and out for grabs.”
“You know that’s not it works baby. I have to follow a script.”
“Yeah, and I have to follow my gut.”
“What are you saying?”
“I want to break up.”
Sure, you had broken it off, but if Jack hadn’t played the part, you’d still be together.
“Yeah, and you still smell like weed Urban.”
“Seriously, it’s that bad? I thought that cologne I bought would hide the smell good enough.” He pulled up the collar of his shirt to smell himself, looking around the hallway you two were standing lone in. You laughed at his jester, slapping his shoulder.
“I swear you don’t change.”
“And neither do you Y/N.” He looked around again. “I swear Jack was just around here, he’ll be happy to see you.”
“Mm, I don’t think so.”
“Come on Y/N, don’t think like that.”
“Urban, how can I not? I broke up with him when he needed me.”
“Y/N, you and I both know that wasn’t the case. You got out before the fame got to him, which I don’t blame you for. It’s a little too much for me sometimes if you really wanna ask.” He put a hand on your shoulder, sliding it down to rest on your bicep.
“Look, 2fo and the rest of the guys are throwing an after-party after the reunion and I want you to come.”
“Urban, I don’t-“
“Don’t worry about Jack, don’t come for him. Come for me.” He looked you in the eyes, firm in his word.
“Fine. Only for you Urby.”
“I love it when you call me that.”
It was a house party. Urban had let you know before he gave you the address, and you thought it was a good idea to make a pit stop home to change the look.
Designer heels at a house party? In the backyard? Not a good idea.
Urban greeted you at the door and handed you a wine cooler, guiding you to the backyard where everyone surrounded the fire pit.
“Are there marshmallows?” You asked Urban, whispering in his ear.
“Yup. Some of the chocolate is infused though.”
“Of course it is.” You and Urban laughed before catching the eyes of a few of some other people.
“Y/N! Whatcha doin here?!” 2fo ran up and gave you a hug, squeezing you in his embrace.
“Urban invited me, figured I’d stop in.”
“Stop in? You’re staying. Come sit with us by the fire.” 2fo practically dragged you towards the pit, plopping you down in one of the free seats.
“Yo Y/N, how’s it going? How’s life?” Copelean spoke, giving you a fist bump as you set next to him. Sunni tipped his hat, proceeding to continue roasting his marshmallows.
“Pretty damn good. I made a name for myself after I graduated uni, I flew in just for the reunion.”
“How long are you here for?” 2fo asked, taking a hit off the blunt Urban passed.
“Another two days. I’m catching up with a couple of my girlfriends before heading back out.”
“And you weren’t gonna stop by?”
“I didn’t think Jack would like that.”
The area got silent, tension slowly filling the area. Before Sunni cut it with a knife.
“Y/N, I don’t think it was your fault at all. Yeah, you broke up with him, but you wanted out before the fame.” He spoke, taking a long sip of his beer.
“Yeah, and I can respect that. You never seemed like the type to be attracted to the spotlight. I remember when you got published for an article and you wanted to be published as “anonymous”. Cope spoke, laughing as he passed the blunt back to Urban.
“Listen, I was embarrassed-“
“It was good work.”
“Never said it wasn’t. I just didn’t want everyone to know it was me who wrote that long-ass paper.”
“Yeah yeah. Whatever. Either way, I don’t blame you. We all don’t. We just wish you would have stayed in touch with us at least.”
You nodded your head at all of them, them smiling in return.
“Well. Enough of that! Pass me a s’more, without the special chocolate.” Everyone laughed, Urban passing you the unopened bar of Hersey chocolate. An hour passed as you caught up with them all, sharing stories.
“Yeah, so then he thinks it’s a great idea to race with no shoes on in the dorm lobby. So then, as he rounds the corner, he slips and slides smack into the pole. That’s when I learned he was a lightweight.” Everyone laughed at your story, Urban turning his head as a figure appeared.
“Hey, every- Y/N? What are you doing here?” Jack spoke, his voice changing from happy to annoyed. You stood up, turning to face your ex.
“Nice to see you too Jack.” You folded your arms over your chest, Urban placing an arm over your shoulder as he stood.
“I invited her. It’s been a while since we’ve all seen her, I thought it would be good to catch up.”
“Yeah, without telling me. I greatly appreciate it.”
“Not everything is about you Jack.”
“No, it’s not. But I would have appreciated it if someone had told me my ex was coming.” Once again, it was silent.
“I texted you.” Urban spoke, eyeing Jack with narrow eyes.
“Yeah well, I obviously didn’t see it.”
“Yeah, and I obviously shouldn’t be here. If you’re gonna act like that.” You spoke, grabbing a napkin to wipe your hands of the remaining s’more.
“Y/N, don’t go.” Sunni spoke, now sitting up in his lawn chair.
“Actually, I think it’s a good idea.” Jack spoke, making your eyes widen.
“Okay, I get it, you’re hurt by me breaking up with you, but I’d expect you to be more mature than to hold grudges Jack.”
“Yeah, well, you thought wrong. How did you think I would react after you left me?”
“And how did you think I felt when you went on that interview?”
“You’re still on that?” Jack sighed.
“Yes, Jack! I am because that’s the main reason we broke up! I couldn’t live like that knowing I was your dirty little secret.”
“Yeah, well maybe I should have stayed single. Wouldn’t have to deal with you bitchin'.”
You stared at Jack in silence, tension higher than before. You clenched your fist, close to slapping him across the face.
“Say that one more time, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“I said, maybe I should have stay-“
“That’s enough Jack.” Urban spoke sternly, dropping his arm from your shoulders to look at him.
“What? Y’all act like she didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Because she didn’t. We all saw how you acted during that interview, and we all can see how your fans are with you now. Y/N’s not cut out for that, and you know it.” Copelean stood up, moving to stand next to you.
“Damn, so y’all really gonna do me like that?” Jack spoke, glaring at his friends.
“Don’t worry about it guys. I’ll take my leave.” You spoke firmly, spinning around and heading for the patio doors.
“Y/N, wait!” You threw your hand up in response, grabbing the keys to your car off the counter, all the while Urban took to Jack.
“Are you fucking serious dude? You couldn’t have been more of an ass?”
“What? Y’all seriously thought I’d be okay with my ex at my party? Especially that ex.”
“Look, we get it, she broke your heart, but think about it Jack. How would you feel if she went on an interview claiming she was single for the world to see?” Sunni questioned, now folding his arms now his chest.
“I would say it’s for the business.”
“Bullshit. You were furious when Jason Rudolph asked her to prom. And she rejected him right in front of you.” 2fo spoke, raising an eyebrow.
“Face it Jack, you’re upset because you let a good one get away.” Urban spoke, angrily.
“You don’t get.”
“Oh no, I think I do get it. But what you don’t see is the other side. Y/N is my friend too. I was there when she cried after she broke it off. I was there when she felt guilty about it. I was there those nights she texted you and you never responded. And I was there when she decided to move so she wouldn’t have the reminder of you constantly there. You don’t know how bad she felt. She did it to protect herself. You can’t blame her for that.”
Jack was silent. He was taking in all of the opinions of his friends. And truthfully, he believed it. He knew he was in the wrong. He truly hadn’t looked at the other side. And truthfully, he would have done the same.
You had began to start your driving playlist before Jack appeared at your window, scaring you before you chose to roll it down.
“Yes Jack?”
“Look, I’m sorry for what I said out there. I was out of line.” He moved as you stepped out of your car, looking him dead in his face as he spoke.
“I get what you did, why you did it. I understand why you broke up with me. You were only protecting yourself, putting yourself first, and I honestly don’t blame you for it. Now that I see it, I would have done the same.”
You looked at your ex, his curls shining in the, now, moonlight of the night. His crystal blue eyes stared into yours, sending shivers down your spine. Yet you stood firm in your word.
“I’m not stupid Jack. I know you probably listened to what the guys said and brought yourself out here to apologize.” You making air quotes around the apologize.
“I get it. I get it why you’re upset. I broke your heart. Trust me, I understand. But what you don’t understand is that I broke my own as well. I wanted to be with you, I wanted to see you succeed. I wanted to be there when you made it big, don’t you get that? But that interview was just a preview of what our lives could look like if we stayed together. And I wasn’t ready for that. I didn’t want to put myself in that position. Can you seriously hate me that much because I needed to put myself first?” You paused as you looked at him, waiting for him to say anything, anything at all.
But it was silent.
“Exactly what I thought.” You opened your car door, lowering yourself into the vehicle.
“I hope everything goes well for you Jack. And good luck with your new album.” And with that, you sped off into the night, tears in your eyes.
Please don't let nothing get back to me
I've been trying to detach from you
Deep down though, I wanna know about what the fuck you been up to
Old him could have seen that coming
Fuck you I don't need nothing from ya
I was doing pretty good without you
But something tells me that a relapse coming
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thislovintime · 2 years
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"I was booked in here [CBGB, on July 31, 1977] by a journalist friend of mine who’s helping me do a book on the Monkees trip, and after it’s over I’m gonna go back to California and teaching." - Peter Tork, Village Voice, August 8, 1977 (more about that gig here)
“As to my tell-all book, well, I don’t believe that’s going to happen. Never say never, of course, but I’ve thought about it off and on for years, and I never seem to sit down to the computer and start writing the thing. Meanwhile, I do make music, and that’s where my heart is. These days, it’s just about all about the blues.” - Peter Tork, Ask Peter Tork/The Daily Panic, 2008
Below the “read more” cut are some quotes from the unpublished interview transcripts for Peter’s potential autobiography, transcribed from the auction preview images. The interviews were conducted in circa 1975/1976, and listed on eBay some years ago. (I’ve taken the liberty of correcting spelling errors as I’ve spotted them; see words in square brackets. Although, a final editor’s note: can’t help wishing that the transcripts had been given to Peter/Peter’s family instead of being sold on eBay.)
“Davy had [smoked some marijuana] on Broadway, kind of, but he didn’t dig it. Micky had absolutely never had it [marijuana] before. […] [At] my house. We smoked, we had smoked something pretty good, I don’t remember what it was, and there was a Ray Charles record on, and Micky just stretched out flat on his face, and was gone, for the entire time the record was on. And then it was over, he got up, and just this look of amazement crossed his face. […] Michael did smoke, he may have smoked beforehand, just a little now and again, and for a while he was smoking it with us when we were smoking it in rehearsals and so on, and then he faded out of that. I don’t think it ever really attracted him too much. It meant too much. He didn’t like to really lay back that way, the way grass makes you lay back. 
[While living with Mike and Phyllis] I wrote a banjo tune called the Monkee Breakdown. It’s pretty good. […] You had to walk up a huge flight of stairs. His address was actually on the sidewalk, the Something Terrace, Stoneview Terrace, I don’t remember. Michael had a garage and you drove in and you had to drive up a windy little road for a short whole just to get to the garage and then you had to climb about 120 steps. I remember when I walked in after the pilot I arrived separately, arrived back home, as it was, Phyllis walked in from the show, stark naked, scared the shit out of both of us.
Q: Out of her, too?
PT: Well, we were both quite startled.
Q: Oh, it was just you and her.
PT: Mike hadn’t come in yet. I hope it’s not too embarrassing to her to say that. Maybe I should ask her, I think I can reach her.
Q: Got anything else?
PT: Nah.
Q: Do you remember in more detail what you did when he picked you up that day?
PT: No.
Q: Let me backtrack a minute. Where were you when Phyllis walked out of the shower.
PT: I had just opened the door, dropped my bags, moved a step and a half to my left and plunked myself down on the chair.
Q: And was this the living room?
PT: Yeah. And Phyllis came walking out of the bathroom and through the hall, and to the living room. Off the living room was the a door and then there was a hallway with the two bedrooms and the bathroom off of that. i heard her in the shower and I might have told her, but I didn’t happen to say anything at the time.
Q: Ok. How did you meet David Pearl?
PT: I don’t recall. He was just like a guy on the set, a Texas friend of Mike’s. 
Q: When you were living together were there any habits of his that annoyed you or vice versa[?].
PT: No. We were pretty circumspect. We kept out of each other’s way. We made it a point not to get involved with anything that would be destructive.
Q: But you didn’t have little fights over who would clean out the toilet that day and things like that?
PT: No.
Q: Were you uncomfortable living with a couple?
PT: No. I was circumspect as you know about that.
For Pete’s Sake was real handy. […] I was upstairs in my living room. You take a C7 chord and move it up 2 frets. And [what] happens is you have a D9. Cos the C7 chord leaves the high strings open. The high string is the one on the bottom. That is to say, the musical top string is the gravitational bottom string. So that string is an E, which is only a part of a regular C7 chord. But if you add it onto a D7 chord, that chord becomes a D0. And there was this note. This great big 9th note. And it seemed to hang in the air.
Love is understanding. That was what was on my mind at the time. I was into flower child lyrics. And it just seemed natural to rhyme. Love is understanding. Don’t you [know] that this is true. Love is understanding It’s in everything we do. Well, it sort of fell into place. It kind of sounds like doggerel now. 
Q: [You’re] flying to the East Coast. So tell me a little about that. How long it took, what you did there.
PT: Well, I had a strange feeling when I was in New York, on the East Coast. I had fully expected the thing would be picked up, and that I would hurry back. I don’t know why. I didn’t even expect it to have as much trouble as it did. Although, I guess that shows my ignorance. Anyway, I wandered around the old haunts, looked in at the old places, played a few sets here and there, I think, and told some friends that I’d had an opportunity to make a thing happen, that it might happen, and so on and so forth, and I hung out at the house.
Q: Do you remember anybody’s specific reaction to that?
PT: Everybody’s reaction was, ‘Oh, that’s very nice,’ ‘Yes, that’s quite nice,’ ‘Oh, that’s nice,’ ‘Well, good luck, I hope it turns out all right for you.’ It was a kind of lightheaded time. I would wander around and I was so sure. Like, I WAS SO SURE, when you say that, like in italics, that’s the kind of expression you use when it turns out wrong, and what I was actually thinking was, well, it just seemed like that natural thing to happen.”
* * *
In connection with Phyllis:
“The first time I met Peter was at the Troubadour where he performed, long before the auditions. I’ve always liked his warmth and honesty. And he’s always been very kind to me. Both Davy and Peter have lived with us and Peter was always very considerate, helping with the dishes and all.” - Phyllis Nesmith, Fave magazine, January 1968
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undercover-trio · 3 years
De request
Hi! Could I ask for HCs for jealous Team RWBY + Nora (or only team rwby if it's too much) with a flirty and popular female reader? Where reader is popular with girls.
Yus you can, also sorry for the wait, I had to take a small break from writing
I be tired
Also don’t mind I listed the type of popular I wanted the reader to be for each girl.
Sorry for any spelling errors
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
-Mod Penji
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-Heroic popular
It wasn’t really a mystery why you were popular with girls, after all, you had this righteous charisma to you. Ruby noticed how many situations this got you into.
Ruby was laying on her bed, patiently waiting for a reply back from you.
My precious rose
[You there Y/N/N?]
Miss Hero
[Sorry for the wait Ruby, I just got back from piggybacking this girl to the infirmary]
My precious rose
[That’s cool of you!!]
Miss Hero
[After I brought Zwei down from a tree, guarded Velvet from CRDL -I made sure to report them- helped this girl find her purse and saved Doctor Oobleck’s spiked coffee from falling]
My precious rose
[(°◇°;) ]
She didn’t mind when people came back to show gratitude in the slightest!
Ruby saw you down the hallways, there was a girl in front of you, she heard what you guys were saying so there was no need to be jealous.
“Hey Y/N, I just want to say thanks for the other day, you really helped out with moving the speakers.” The girl thanked, Ruby swelled with pride.
“It’s no problem, if you ever need help just I’m willing to be there.” And with that you two went your separate ways.
Those interactions she was fine with.
What gets to her is those girls who look for more, not to mention you’re rather oblivious when it comes to your complimenting style.
Ruby and you were walking down the hall together when this girl came up to the both of you, more specifically you.
“Hey Y/N, thanks for piggybacking me the other day, that was really nice of you.” She started, Ruby immediately didn’t like the way the girl was blushing.
“It’s no problem, as cute as you looked in those heels I don’t recommend wearing them again.” You complimented and advised her, not noticing how her blush got even deeper.
Ruby did though.
Yet she knows that you’d drop anything for her, all it takes for you to notice is her looking down.
The girl, her name didn’t matter, in Ruby’s not so humble opinion. She started following you guys to your next class, insinuating it was on the way to her’s.
And with that you two kept talking, Ruby started feeling a little left out and sad. To let you know she bumped into your side, after that she sped ahead.
“What’s up with her?” The girl asked with a bitter tone. You merely smiled in Ruby’s direction.
“Sorry but I have to go catch up with my girlfriend.”
And with that, the girl was left alone in the hallway.
You dedicate anything you can to cheering her up, she was slightly flustered about this at first but now just enjoys how you are.
Ruby sat rather glum in her seat, it was her final class of the day and that whole girl thing just left her with a bad attitude. She would’ve acted like a bitter child in her dorm but here you were.
“Ruby, would you like to go to the bakery with me? And maybe play some Kung fu ninja slayer ultimate death battle? The second one isn’t as good.”
Ruby smiled at your actions and quickly hugged you as you both headed to the bakery.
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-Cinnamon roll popular
Weiss wouldn’t be exaggerating if she said she had a literal ball of sunshine as a girlfriend
“Weiss~ get upppp.” Weiss felt someone’s fingers brushing through her hair, the action made her want to sleep more. Of course she knew only one person who could accidentally make their work harder.
“Good morning Y/N.” She gave a slight smile, still a little drowsy from just waking up. She thought she woke up at a decent time, her new alarm clock being way more pleasant to wake up to than her old one.
You gave her your signature cinnamon roll smile and her morning got exponentially better.
Unfortunately your cheerfulness attracted unwanted attention, you simply thought you made more friends but Weiss saw the looks in their eyes
You were putting your weapons in your locker when you heard someone calling out your nickname in the distance.
“Sunshine!” You looked to see there being 4 older girls, the leader being the redhead named Stella. You quickly shuffled over to them, looking quite cute given you had a lot of big textbooks in your arms.
She understood them, you were just so...cute when you spoke. You genuinely tried to keep up and pay attention with everyone.
“Stell, what’d I say about that name!!” You huffed with a pout, the older girl merely gave a teasing smile as the girls behind her looked at you with interest.
“Sorry cupcake-“ you squaked at the name. “But my team just wanted to meet you, like a lot.” She exaggerated with big hand movements making you giggle, the girls behind her looked embarrassed.
“It’s okay! I wanted to meet them lots too!” You gave them a bright smile, they all looked at Stella with disbelief in their eyes.
“How is she so sweet???”
“I don’t even know.”
You didn’t hear their conversation but took a quick glance at the clock and bid them goodbye.
She supposed she could be considered a sort of knight in a way, just instead of an honorable battle there are threats and grimm(see what I did there?) promises
Weiss saw that whole interaction, her fist gripped hard around Myrtenaster. She observed Stella stay behind while the other girls left, that’s when she decided to strike.
With a slam, Stella got startled at the sound and looked back to stare into cold blue eyes. She shivered at the intensity in them, Weiss perfected the Schnee intimidation expression.
“I’m not going to listen to a single rebuttal, you stay away from Y/N, don’t look at her, don’t even breathe the same air as her. If you do I swear I will gut you like a turkey.”
Stella merely nodded, her being beyond intimidated. And with that Weiss left the locker room to join up with you.
When she did, you smiled at her, completely clueless to what she just did.
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-Teasing/smooth talker popular
Blake wouldn’t call herself possessive, she knew from past relationships how that could go. Yet she couldn’t help but notice the sheer amount of girls with an interest in you.
You had walked away from Blake’s dorm after telling her good morning, she left her door slightly cracked open on accident. As she went to fix it she balked at the amount of girls she saw following after you in the distance.
She honestly couldn’t blame them, you were pretty suave, another main thing that she knew contributed to your popularity.
A girl who was part of the group following you had tripped in the crowd. She closed her eyes preparing for a rough fall yet she didn’t feel it.
“Are you okay dear?” Your smooth voice asked. The girl blushed, your arm was around her waist as you asked this.
She could speak so she nodded causing you to give an amused and slightly teasing smile. You leaned into the crook of her neck.
“Be more careful next time chéri.” Your lips were right next to her ear, then suddenly you left. Leaving behind an embarrassed puddle of a girl.
She wouldn’t notice, much to your amusement, that she would get more clingy and needy.
“Hey kitten, I have to head to Miss Goodwitch’s class, I’ll be back in a bit.” You informed her as you were ready to leave the room.
“Wait, it’s a little chilly so wear this.” She handed you her favorite black hoodie, on the chest it had her initials, white and in cursive. The sleeves and hood were white so you’d have to be a bit careful.
You merely stared at it for a bit in amusement before chuckling and putting it on.
“Thank you dear, I’ll be back soon.” You smiled as you gave her a kiss, not even mentioning the fact it wasn’t even chilly.
A perfect example of an extremely jealous Blake Belladonna would have to be that one time she was waiting for you in professor Port’s classroom.
It seemed the hoodie wasn’t enough to drive some girls off, here you were, leaning against a hallways wall. In front of you was a timid looking girl, she looked the slightest bit like a squirrel, cute but you preferred cats.
“May I help you?” You asked, you looked to the side, you just wanted to be with Blake right now.
“E-erm yes! I was just wondering if you..me ...date..” She trailed off in the end but it was clear to you she asked. You gave her an apologetic smile.
“Sorry but-“ Before you could finish your sentence Blake came with her arms wrapped around you from behind.
“Y/N/N, who is this?” She asked as her head rested on your shoulder. You gave a wry grin at her behavior.
“This is-“
“I’m no one, sorry for bothering you girls!!” She squeaked out as she bolted away.
You didn’t even have to look at Blake to know what she did. She was pretty scary when she glared.
“Is my kitten jealous?” You teased, she merely gave you a slight glare before burying her head further into your shoulder. You grinned at this knowing it was a yes.
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-Chill popular
At first Yang would compete with you each day over who got more love letters, she thought it was pretty funny. At least until you two started dating.
Yang felt her eyes twitch as she saw the love letters fall out of your locker. She knew from experience that some would hint about you two breaking up, most didn’t even have names she could hunt down. It still frustrated her after you two made quite the public announcement about your relationship.
She did not jump onto a lunch table with a speaker for nothing.
You hummed at the letters and put them back in your locker.
This is usually the cause for Yang’s jealousy.
During times when your charm was reaching high levels Yang vowed to always be close to you, no matter where.
Yang and you were standing in front of the vending machine in the cafeteria, you were messing with team JOCK as you got your soda. Yang was fairly involved in the conversation, after all even she could admit that Vacuo’s team was treated unfairly in the final match.
Atlas Aristocrats, that was literally the team name, quite obviously bribed the referee. I mean seriously, Atlas people don’t even like football!!
Now that that’s out of the way, she kept her eyes glued on team JEWL(Jewel). She knew they wanted to join in, yet her glare kept them away. Needless to say even she was surprised at how charming you were today as you leaned and whispered in her ear.
“Ready to eat?” You asked with a dorky smile. She nodded and threw her arm over your shoulders, ignoring the blush she got from your action.
It was basically forbidden to ask about Yang’s small notebook, it could literally fit in her pocket.
Yang could feel you staring at her notebook, she knew you wouldn’t ask though. You were respectful like that, so she didn’t have to worry about you seeing her add Team JEWL’s names to it.
“Wassup?” She asked with her signature smile.
“Ice cream?” She immediately knew what you meant, putting her notebook in her pocket she got ready to take you on Bumblebee to get some ice cream.
Yet every time she crossed something out she looked pretty achieved, and simultaneously a girl would stop obsessing over you
Yang felt pretty proud of herself, she managed to have another girl get the hint. You were taken by a hot blonde bombshell, with smug proudness she crossed out the name.
Suddenly she felt someone hug her from behind.
“Yang, while I am happy you’re making people get the memo I’d rather it be in a way you don’t get detention.” You nonchalantly teased her, she laughed knowing she was caught.
“Sorry Y/N/N~ but aye on the bright side…” Her brain failed her at this moment.
“On the bright side?”
“Uh- it’s bright?”
You snorted at her stupid remark
“Yeah it sure is my jealous bombshell.”
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tears-and-lilies · 3 years
Indictus, cap. I
Milo is so much baby D:
(tablinum = master’s office; impluvium = low water basin for rain water in the atrium; atrium = kind of the central room where the master of the house meets guests and stuff; tablinum and atrium are next to each other and in this case separated by a curtain) --> I’ll put some explanations between brackets at the start of every chapter where necessary, but I try to explain it in the chapter too without breaking the POV so it should be fine without
Tag: @lockedupuniverse @unicornscotty @milk-carton-whump @abitefullofwhump @sideblogformindtrash @whump-it
CW: slavery, broken whumpee, low self-esteem, self-loathing, perfectionism, cruel whumper, humiliation (lightly), slapping, kicking, pushed into small basin of water, forced to stand in cold, noncon touching (non sexual)
Milo was working on lighting the oil lamps and candles in the house, when he was summoned to the tablinum. He swallowed before he pulled aside the curtain to enter the office. He knew he had done something wrong. He always messed up. Too ashamed to look up at the strict face of master Corvinus, he shuffled to his side.
The man was sitting at his desk, tapping his stylus on the wood. He was impatient.
‘Do you know why I summoned you?’, his master said. His voice was low and intimidating.
Milo shook his head.
‘Use your tongue.’
‘Sorry, master. I don’t know, master’, he whispered hastily. Inadequate, he was laughable. How could he forget what mistakes he made? How could he disappoint his master like this?
Master stood up, slamming the stylus down onto the table. He grabbed a piece of paper from the desk and smoothed it out with a rough movement. He held the paper in front of Milo’s nose, barely a finger width away from his face. He pointed at something.
Milo’s breath caught. There it was. A spelling error. So small, yet so stupid.
‘Do you get it now? When I asked you to write down this letter, I trusted you to handle it with the upmost carefulness. Do you understand?’
He could barely manage to squeak: ‘Yes master.’
A slap to his face.
‘Then why do I read this mistake?’
‘I’m- I’m so-’
A kick to his leg. He cried out in pain and immediately clasped his mouth.
‘Dumb slave! This letter is meant for Scaevinus! Do you understand how important this is?! Do you think that, because he’s my friend, you can afford to make mistakes?!’
He grabbed Milo’s wrist and pulled him along. Milo whimpered from the stinging pain in his leg every time he put it down hard. And master was still yelling at him while dragging him to the atrium.
‘Do you know how important it is that he considers me a friend?! Of course you don’t! What does a useless servant like you know about this!’
He was so sorry. Sorry to be useless, sorry to make mistakes. He wanted to tell his master, but tears and a lump in his throat made it difficult to speak.
‘Scaevinus is held in favour by Caesar himself’, master hissed. ‘Therefore, I can’t afford my pitiful slave to make mistakes. Got it?’
‘Y-yes master.’
His master pulled harder and pushed his disappointing slave from the side of the impluvium, the low water basin where rainwater was assembled. Milo gasped as he fell into the low water. The beautiful tunica his master had spent money on for him… It was all wet and soaking.
Other house slaves stopped their work when they heard the splash. Milo turned red. He knew he was making a fool out of himself, and now was deeply ashamed of his mistake.
‘Tonight, you can stand outside’, master said, his voice back to its normal volume. ‘You can stay outside until you’ve dried.’
Milo’s eyes widened. ‘But- but nights are dangerous-’
Master laughed, and Milo’s entire body was blushing now. At least master was happy…
‘You really are an idiot, Milo. Do you honestly think someone would steal a slave as useless as you?’
‘No, I’m sorry master’, he whispered in reply.
‘I’m sure you are.’
Master walked back towards the tablinum. He halted when he took the curtain, and looked back at his miserable slave.
‘I want that letter rewritten tomorrow morning, before the morning greeting. Without mistakes. Understood?’
He stressed every syllable, as if Milo wouldn’t understand otherwise. The worst thing was that Milo wasn’t even sure if he would. Shyly he nodded.
He’d do anything to make up for his imperfections.
Milo was so cold, stumbling inside the house to make his way to his own little room. He had taken the ruined letter with him and now sat at his small desk. He put on a candle, just enough to make out the ink on the paper. On a new sheet of paper he began copying the letter.
Was it normal that it was so cold? He was shivering and he couldn’t seem to stop. He could barely hold his stylus. Before he knew it, he spilled ink onto the paper.
I’ll redo it.
This time, he held the stylus tight and handled it carefully after dipping it in the ink. The words were coming together prettily. Sometimes, master would call his handwriting beautiful. It almost brought tears to his eyes. To think that his work could be worthy of praise…
There he did it again! He messed up! Immediately he grabbed a new sheet of paper and restarted. Don’t think about compliments when you don’t deserve them.
He held the tip of his tongue between his teeth, focusing the most he could to make this letter perfect. Master said it was important. He couldn’t afford to mess it up again. If he kept messing up, he would ruin master’s reputation. What kind of slave embarrasses his master?
Did he just write that word twice? He could kick himself. Another piece of paper it was.
Writing was becoming difficult. His vision was blurry, and the elegant lines he formed the letters with turned into a mess. He started anew. And again. And once again.
Gross sobs erupted from his throat. This was terrible. Why was he so useless? He dropped the stylus and covered his head with his arms, placing it on the desk. He would never be acceptable. Everything he ever did turned out wrong. What could he do now? He couldn’t present himself to his master without a new letter!
He gasped, dried his tears, and started on a new sheet of paper.
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fandomandflowers · 4 years
Beta Reading Guide
A Beta Reader is someone who reads an Author’s, usually unpublished, fan-fiction, or work of writing. Not every Writer is a Beta Reader and not every Beta Reader is a Writer. There are many different ways to Beta Read and it is about finding what works for you and your Author.
To me, Beta Reading is about working with your Author to help them feel as though their work is the best it can be.
You’re offering an outside, Average Reader’s perspective which is incredibly useful in picking up plot holes, spelling and grammar mistakes, changes in tone or theme, and where a sentence structure may not be so good.
Just as there are different types of writers, there are different types of Beta Readers.
I, myself, have very little clue when it comes to Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (or SPaG) so the Beta Readers I use are usually pretty good at that sort of stuff. At the same time though, I can manipulate dialogue and actions to express what the author wants to happen while also being in character. Everyone has a different skillset, and that is part of what makes fan-fiction writing so wonderful. Everything is different.
If you’re interested in becoming a Beta Reader then here are some things that may help you along the way:
Don’t Beta read ‘just for fun.’
While Beta reading is fun, please don’t be one of those people who offer to beta read just because of that. The first thing to know about Beta Reading is that it isn’t about you. That seems harsh, but at the end of the day, it is about helping the Author. While helping them is really fun, and a great way to build relationships with people, your main focus shouldn’t be on what you’re getting out of it, it should be about helping the Author put out the best work they can.
You’re allowed to say no.
This has its importance in every aspect of life, but here we’re talking about if someone asks you to Beta Read a fic for them. A simple ‘No, thank you,’ can save a world of trouble. You don’t have to have a reason, and you are under no obligation to share your reason if you have one. It is better to say no before you start than in the middle of looking into someone’s fic. While you can leave at any point you should never ghost an Author by just dropping out. It is always better to tell them you can’t do it anymore, Authors are lovely and understanding people (Or at least all the ones I have encountered).
Communication is so important!
I am a big fan of Google Docs! Even if you don’t usually use it for writing it is incredibly helpful for sharing, editing, suggesting, and communicating. There is a chat function on Docs, once there are two people (on desktop) in a Document, the chat function will be there in the top right of the screen. But if you and your writer don’t use Google Docs, you must have some other way of communicating. Discord is great; Whatsapp and Messenger work too if you are more familiar with your partner.
Be Open and Honest.
If you get squicked or triggered by certain things, or even if you just don’t like reading them, then let the Author know, because they know what is in their fic! While I know many people who have or do on a regular basis, it isn’t necessary to get squicked or triggered just to beta a fic for someone. If you tell your partner, it might only be one line, and they can block it out for you. If not, then you can move on to other projects.
Be honest about what you are and aren’t good at in terms of writing and editing. I always tell anyone who asks me to Beta for them that I am rubbish at picking up on SPaG errors. And it is okay that you aren’t good at everything, no one expects you to be, but it is expected that you know your own limits. Often Authors aren’t looking for a whole editing progress, just someone to go through it and tell them if it sounds alright.
Ask what the Author is looking for before you start reading.
Is the Author asking you for knowledge on Canon? For SPaG? Tone? Brit Picking? Plot holes? Dialogue? Is the Author asking you if you think everything is in character? It is important to know what sort of advice/help/information they are after so you know what to look at more closely.
If they explicitly tell you they aren’t after help with SPaG (or any other point) then don’t give it to them. Offering something like: ‘I noticed some spelling errors, would you like me to tell you about them?’ is perfectly fine, but if they ask you not to do something, then don’t.
It is also important to establish if this project has a time restraint. Many fests require Beta Readers and so an Author might have a due date enforced. Or they may simply prefer to get it posted as soon as possible. So ask how in-depth they want you to go; are they after accuracy or speed?
There are many different types of fics, and each is written differently so it is important to know what sort of fic theirs is. Crack? AU? Canon? You don’t want to be telling your Author all the Canon mistakes in an AU fic, and you don’t want to miss out telling them about Canon mistakes if you think the fic is supposed to be AU.
Some authors aren’t after a lot of robust and constructive criticism and instead are more looking for support and cheerleading. Also, I like to ask, if they haven’t finished the fic, whether they are looking for ideas on where to go next.
Suggest. Don’t Edit.
Never edit someone’s writing. That seems counter-intuitive, but what I mean is don’t write over what they have written. It is rude and a sure-fire way to make enemies.
I will say it again and again. I love Google Docs! You can change the setting to only make suggestions, so if you cut a word it only shows a strikethrough. Then that suggestion can be accepted or declined. This is great for editing and apart from that, it is also great as the author can pick up on mistakes they have made multiple times which helps them grow.
Commenting is excellent for giving ideas about specific sections, asking questions, and pointing out things you like and think work really well. If you don’t use Google Docs but are still editing on a word document then you have other options, but always ask the Author what they’d prefer. You can use [these handy brackets.] <These too.> You can change colors, or bolden your edits if there is no bold text in the rest of the document. Another alternative is to simply make a list, quote the unedited passage then list the changes that you think should be made, underneath.
If you think something major should be changed, explain why.
I like to do this with almost all my edits, to be honest. If I want to change the structure of a sentence, I explain: ‘I think this makes it more readable’, or 'I think this lends itself to the flow’, or 'I think this allows for more descriptive language’.
From the Author’s perspective, it can be hard to see why you’re suggesting changes. If there is a plot hole then explaining where or why it doesn’t work is incredibly helpful!
The authors are under no obligation to accept any of your suggestions.
Please don’t get offended if the author doesn’t accept a suggestion you made. At the end of the day, it is their creation and they are the ones to decide what happens. I love my Beta readers so much because they’re always seeing things I don’t. Sometimes they give suggestions and I love them, but they also don’t always work with the tone, or they might have changed a bit of foreshadowing… or as is more usual in my writing, they may have wanted to change a very stupid line that I love because I think it is funny, despite literally no-one else ever thinking so.
Try not to change the tone of a piece of writing.
Similar to the last point, this is the Author’s work, they decide the tone of what they’ve written. I tend to write more light-hearted, funny fics than sad and angsty ones so when I beta I try to avoid Beta reading those sorts of fics as my edits just tend to lean more toward making the fic light-hearted. Seeing as I don’t really do Brit-picking or SPaG edits then the type of fic is one of the first things I ask the creator if they want me to Beta.
If an author asks you to leave, then do not argue. Just leave.
You wouldn’t like an argument if you said no to Beta Reading, and likewise, the author doesn’t want an argument for asking you to leave. There are many reasons you might be asked to leave. Life could have gotten in the way, they might feel self-conscious about writing when others can see, they may not like your suggestions, they might feel like they don’t need any more advice or they simply don’t feel like having a beta reader anymore. While it isn’t common for an Author to ask someone to leave, it is perfectly valid and should never garner argument.
Talk to the Author about crediting you.
I only use AO3, so I am not sure about how things are on other sites. But often I will see in the ‘Author’s Notes’ a thank you to their Beta. This is lovely, I think. It lets the readers know that the writing has been Beta’d, it can make the Beta feel special, and it can work as advertising if the Beta is interested in other projects and wants to make a name for themself. There are also reasons why you may not like to be mentioned at all, if you prefer to stay anon, don’t want to be linked to the work or creator, or for no particular reason at all. So talking to the author about whether you want your name there if they decide to credit you is, I think, a good idea.
I hope this was helpful to at least someone out there. While things change in every situation, the most important thing is being able to communicate, whether you’re a Beta or Author (or both).
Beta Readers are honestly some of the most appreciated people. Ever since I learned what a Beta Reader is, I have learned so much and am so thankful to have friends who are always willing to check out my writing for me.
Special thanks to Streitkertoffel for helping me out Beta’ing my Beta Guide :P
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basilflowers · 4 years
Basil’s Guide to being a good Beta Reader.
A Beta Reader is someone who reads an Author’s, usually unpublished, fan-fiction, or work of writing.
In the Harry Potter fandom community, these are usually unpaid fans. Not every Writer is a Beta Reader and not every Beta Reader is a Writer. There are many different ways to Beta Read and it is about finding what works for you and your Author.
To me, Beta Reading is about working with your Author to help them feel as though their work is the best it can be.
You’re offering an outside, Average Reader’s perspective which is incredibly useful in picking up plot holes, spelling and grammar mistakes, changes in tone or theme, and where a sentence structure may not be good.
Just as there are different types of writers, there are different types of Beta Readers.
I, myself, have very little clue when it comes to Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (or SPaG) so the Beta Readers I use are usually pretty good at that sort of stuff. At the same time though, I can manipulate dialogue and actions to express what the author wants to happen while also being in character. Everyone has a different skillset, and that is part of what makes fan-fiction writing so wonderful. Everything is different.
If you’re interested in becoming a Beta Reader then here are some things that may help you along the way:
Don’t Beta read ‘just for fun.’
While Beta reading is fun, please don’t be one of those people who offer to beta read just because of that. The first thing to know about Beta Reading is that it isn’t about you. That seems harsh, but at the end of the day, it is about helping the Author. While helping them is really fun, and a great way to build relationships with people, your main focus shouldn’t be on what you’re getting out of it, it should be about helping the Author put out the best work they can.
You’re allowed to say no.
This has its importance in every aspect of life, but here we’re talking about if someone asks you to Beta Read a fic for them. A simple ‘No, thank you,’ can save a world of trouble. You don’t have to have a reason, and you are under no obligation to share your reason if you have one. It is better to say no before you start than in the middle of looking into someone’s fic. While you can leave at any point you should never ghost an Author by just dropping out. It is always better to tell them you can’t do it anymore, Authors are lovely and understanding people (Or at least all the ones I have encountered).
Communication is so important!
I am a big fan of Google Docs! Even if you don’t usually use it for writing it is incredibly helpful for sharing, editing, suggesting, and communicating. There is a chat function on Docs, once there are two people (on desktop) in a Document, the chat function will be there in the top right of the screen. But if you and your writer don’t use Google Docs, you must have some other way of communicating. Discord is great; Whatsapp and Messenger work too if you are more familiar with your partner.
Be Open and Honest.
If you get squicked or triggered by certain things, or even if you just don’t like reading them, then let the Author know, because they know what is in their fic! While I know many people who have or do on a regular basis, it isn’t necessary to get squicked or triggered just to beta a fic for someone. If you tell your partner, it might only be one line, and they can block it out for you. If not, then you can move on to other projects.
Be honest about what you are and aren’t good at in terms of writing and editing. I always tell anyone who asks me to Beta for them that I am rubbish at picking up on SPaG errors. And it is okay that you aren’t good at everything, no one expects you to be, but it is expected that you know your own limits. Often Authors aren’t looking for a whole editing progress, just someone to go through it and tell them if it sounds alright.
Ask what the Author is looking for before you start reading. 
Is the Author asking you for knowledge on Canon? For SPaG? Tone? Brit Picking? Plot holes? Dialogue? Is the Author asking you if you think everything is in character? It is important to know what sort of advice/help/information they are after so you know what to look at more closely. 
If they explicitly tell you they aren’t after help with SPaG (or any other point) then don’t give it to them. Offering something like: ‘I noticed some spelling errors, would you like me to tell you about them?’ is perfectly fine, but if they ask you not to do something, then don’t.
It is also important to establish if this project has a time restraint. Many fests require Beta Readers and so an Author might have a due date enforced. Or they may simply prefer to get it posted as soon as possible. So ask how in-depth they want you to go; are they after accuracy or speed?
There are many different types of fics, and each is written differently so it is important to know what sort of fic theirs is. Crack? AU? Canon? You don’t want to be telling your Author all the Canon mistakes in an AU fic, and you don’t want to miss out telling them about Canon mistakes if you think the fic is supposed to be AU.
Some authors aren’t after a lot of robust and constructive criticism and instead are more looking for support and cheerleading. Also, I like to ask, if they haven’t finished the fic, whether they are looking for ideas on where to go next.
Suggest. Don’t Edit.
Never edit someone’s writing. That seems counter-intuitive, but what I mean is don’t write over what they have written. It is rude and a sure-fire way to make enemies.
I will say it again and again. I love Google Docs! You can change the setting to only make suggestions, so if you cut a word it only shows a strikethrough. Then that suggestion can be accepted or declined. This is great for editing and apart from that, it is also great as the author can pick up on mistakes they have made multiple times which helps them grow.
Commenting is excellent for giving ideas about specific sections, asking questions, and pointing out things you like and think work really well. If you don’t use Google Docs but are still editing on a word document then you have other options, but always ask the Author what they’d prefer. You can use [these handy brackets.] <These too.> You can change colors, or bolden your edits if there is no bold text in the rest of the document. Another alternative is to simply make a list, quote the unedited passage then list the changes that you think should be made, underneath.
If you think something major should be changed, explain why.
I like to do this with almost all my edits, to be honest. If I want to change the structure of a sentence, I explain: 'I think this makes it more readable', or 'I think this lends itself to the flow', or 'I think this allows for more descriptive language'.
From the Author’s perspective, it can be hard to see why you’re suggesting changes. If there is a plot hole then explaining where or why it doesn’t work is incredibly helpful!
The authors are under no obligation to accept any of your suggestions.
Please don’t get offended if the author doesn’t accept a suggestion you made. At the end of the day, it is their creation and they are the ones to decide what happens. I love my Beta readers so much because they’re always seeing things I don’t. Sometimes they give suggestions and I love them, but they also don’t always work with the tone, or they might have changed a bit of foreshadowing… or as is more usual in my writing, they may have wanted to change a very stupid line that I love because I think it is funny, despite literally no-one else ever thinking so.
Try not to change the tone of a piece of writing.
Similar to the last point, this is the Author’s work, they decide the tone of what they’ve written. I tend to write more light-hearted, funny fics than sad and angsty ones so when I beta I try to avoid Beta reading those sorts of fics as my edits just tend to lean more toward making the fic light-hearted. Seeing as I don’t really do Brit-picking or SPaG edits then the type of fic is one of the first things I ask the creator if they want me to Beta.
If an author asks you to leave, then do not argue. Just leave.
You wouldn’t like an argument if you said no to Beta Reading, and likewise, the author doesn’t want an argument for asking you to leave. There are many reasons you might be asked to leave. Life could have gotten in the way, they might feel self-conscious about writing when others can see, they may not like your suggestions, they might feel like they don’t need any more advice or they simply don’t feel like having a beta reader anymore. While it isn’t common for an Author to ask someone to leave, it is perfectly valid and should never garner argument. 
Talk to the Author about crediting you.
I only use AO3, so I am not sure about how things are on other sites. But often I will see in the ‘Author’s Notes’ a thank you to their Beta. This is lovely, I think. It lets the readers know that the writing has been Beta’d, it can make the Beta feel special, and it can work as advertising if the Beta is interested in other projects and wants to make a name for themself. There are also reasons why you may not like to be mentioned at all, if you prefer to stay anon, don’t want to be linked to the work or creator, or for no particular reason at all. So talking to the author about whether you want your name there if they decide to credit you is, I think, a good idea. 
I hope this was helpful to at least someone out there. While things change in every situation, the most important thing is being able to communicate, whether you’re a Beta or Author (or both).
Beta Readers are honestly some of the most appreciated people. Ever since I learned what a Beta Reader is, I have learned so much and am so thankful to have friends who are always willing to check out my writing. 
Special thanks to Streitkertoffel for helping me out Beta’ing my Beta Guide :P % Basil Flowers %
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
DARING DO and THE GRYPHON’S QUEST! : MLP Fan Fiction : Part 2 of 19
Return to the Master Story Index
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Carmen Pondiego
Cover art by Aranel the Cyborg, now  Wind the Mama Cat
29584 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 03/29/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
This is a Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony.  Canterlot, Princess Luna and the name Daring Do are owned by Hasboro Inc.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge.  I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.  
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fictions is actively encouraged.
Chapter 2. A Question of Gryphons
As Daring Do was trotting across the quad toward her office, the two Gryphons from the lecture hall bracketed her.
With a curious and concerned set to his crest, the Gryphon on her left asked, “Doctor Do, we did not find the Gryphon Empire nor any predecessor civilization on your map.  Are we not a civilized society?”
“Of course your society is civilized, Rahak.  The reason that it is not on that map is simple.  I have not been able to find ANY reference at all to Gryphons prior to the Nightmare Wars.  The earliest one that I can find is quite dubious.
“Glugemdown reported seeing monster bird like creatures in the Far Northern lands, past the northern extremity of the Sunset Mountains.  His travel narrative contains many clear errors of fact and it was published in 183 Post Nightmare Wars.
“That puts his sighting at about 180 to 181 PNW.”
Rahak’s crest shot up in surprise.  “How is that possible?  We are an ancient kind.  Our legends say that we were born in the light of Creation itself.”
Daring Do stopped in her tracks.  “Can you show me any written sources for your legends?  That would be a breakthrough paper! Academic dynamite!  The whole matter of Gryphon origins is furiously debated in the journals and Meetings of the Royal Societies for Antique Studies!  So furiously debated, in fact, that professor Light Wing is still in the Horsepital with a concussion!”
Rahak’s companion’s crest fluttered up and spread in amusement!  “Really?  Passions get THAT heated?  
“I am Grata, by the way, Professor Do.  Would you be willing to join us in a snack first, and then a trip to the Royal University’s Library?  We would like your guidance in trying to trace the origins of our kind.”
Daring Do replied, “I would like that.  However, we will get nowhere at the RU Library.  That is where I got my Glugemdown reference.  If you have any materials detailing your legends, perhaps those could point us to better directions for the literature search.”
Rahak spread his wings and pounced for the sky!  A powerhouse of a down beat, combined with his leap had him airborne and flying strongly away.
Daring Do looked questioningly at Grata.
She lifted her crest in a Gryphon smile.  “Rahak has gone to get our books with our legends and what we know of our history.  I am afraid that they are written in Gryphon.  Will that pose a problem?”
Daring Do grinned, “For READING, no.  If I have to read them aloud in Gryphon, I will have a sore throat for a week!”
Grata’s crest smiled as she replied, “It is often so.  Equestrian is easier for us to speak and it isn’t easy.  The grammar is no problem.  The sounds are.”
Daring Do nodded sympathy.  The entered the Student Unity Building with its large cafeteria.  As the doors closed behind them, Rahak swooped into the building through the Pegasus Port in the roof. He spiraled down to a table and parked a substantial number of books and cheap popular scroll editions on it.
Grata brought over a drink for him in a good serving bowl for a Gryphon to drink from. Daring Do sat at the table and, tea going cold, immersed herself in both the books and the cheap popular edition scrolls.
Finally looking up, she grinned at the patiently waiting Gryphons.  “You have more here on this table than everything in the RU Library, except for ‘learned argument’ junk.”
She paused to pull her thoughts together.  “How attached are your sort to the Origin in the Fires of Creation idea?
“I sort of noticed a huge hole in the notion myself.  It is near as big as the one in our Hearthwarming Pageants.  Ours have no mention of Luna and Celestia and speak of a “rich and empty land” which we now know WAS inhabited.  It just got emptied before the actual migration arrived.
“Similar hole in your legends.  You speak of the Fires of Creation itself happening to the east of the Eagles.  The first Gryphons were raised by the Eagles.  One flaw is that they were literate.  Eagles are not and never have been.  The literacy came from somewhere.
“The legend contains another point that is telling.  Creation of your kind was not complete in the first generation.  It took a second generation for you to gain hind paws and the tail that you all have now.  In the process, many malformed chicks died before or shortly after hatching.”
Grata softly noted, “That was why our kind fled their original home.  We were seeking a place where our chicks would live.  None now knows where that original place was.
“Our Empress wishes very much to know where our ancient land of origin is.  She wants the truth of our lineage.”
“Your Empress?  Pardon me, but how does she fit into this?”
Rahak sipped from his drinking bowl before replying, “Everything.  We have come here as students at her request.  That was done to conceal our true aim from many at the Imperial Court.  Poorly handled, this could possibly trigger a civil war.”
Grata looked about carefully before continuing, “There is a very strong Manifest Destiny faction growing within the Empire.  Their interpretation of the Legends is that Gryphons were the First Race and all others came after.
“That makes it the Duty of All Gryphons to rule the Later Ones, benignly if possible, by force if they must.
“The Empress does NOT want a war with Equestria.  Our Slaver Civil War, where Equestria intervened on the Empire’s behalf showed those of us who think what fighting Equestria might be like.  The battle of Shattered Claw Pass, even though the Slavers won, proved to be the turning point of the war.  Equestrians and Equestrian led GROUND forces did such damage to the rebels that our top brass could not believe it.  
“Making Master Sargent Iron Hooves, the one who led the Shattered Claw action, an instructor for ground combat turned the tide and sealed the fate of the Slavers.  What is important about that?  He is now a General of the Equestrian Defense Bureau.  No being in his right mind wants to fight the forces that he commands.  That includes the Empress.”
Daring Do whistled softly as she digested the bombshell that the legends had just become.  “I see.  The Empress wants the truth of the legends in the hope of undermining the Manifest Destiny party.”  She drummed lightly on the table while she organized her thoughts.
“Do you two have identification from the Empress that can stand up to a modern spell reader?”
The Gryphons stared at each other in consternation.  “We do, but it is not to be used except for vital tasks.  Why would you ask?”
Daring Do stared about the familiar confines of the dining room to be sure that she was not going to be overheard.  “Because you will need it to go where we have to go next.  We are going to have to go to the Great Library.”
Both Gryphons lowered their crests in dismay and suspicion.  “Isn’t the Great Library just a myth?”
Daring Do gave a lopsided smile as she replied, “If it is, what better place to search for the truth of a legend?”
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wiresandstarlings · 5 years
where would you go to lose all your angles? how would you make it complete?
Last weekend, Oliver Tomajko polled his Twitter followers on whether they lean more on intuition or logic when playing Magic. Oliver's question got me thinking, because both processes are so important. I ultimately voted for intuition. This surprised my friends, since in conversation I reject arguments without sound logical justification out of hand. However, while I distrust my intuition, playing Magic without it would be impossible. 
For example, when I’m deciding whether to play around a combat trick, I can quantify how likely my opponent is to have the trick, how much damage I’m taking to play around it, and so on. But what is 2 life really worth? And what’s my plan for dealing with the trick down the line? No collection of numbers tells the whole story.
I see math as a guide for my intuition. While I can’t work out complicated probabilities inside of games, checking my intuition in retrospect keeps it in line. The more decision trees I solve and hypergeometric probabilities I calculate ahead of sitting down to play, the less likely I am to make mistakes. But no matter how much math I’ve done, my intuition is ultimately at the helm when I make a practical decision. 
To illustrate this paradigm, I want to walk through 2 interesting spots from my games at Dreamhack Anaheim. The first is from my match against Jim Davis at 4-0 on day 1. To introduce the game state, I played Narset on turn 4 with Mystical Dispute up and Narset instantly resolved, meaning that Jim had no instants. He played his own Narset into my Dispute, I played Teferi to force Elspeth Conquers Death, he played Elspeth Conquers Death on Teferi, I played Dream Trawler, he played a second Elspeth Conquers Death on my Narset. (I should have -3'd my Teferi and cannot explain why I didn't, but that’s outside this discussion.) Now it's my turn and I've drawn my 2nd Dream Trawler and an Omen of the Sea off the 1st Trawler attacking. I need to decide whether to cast my 2nd Trawler or to pass with countermagic. 
I know that on turn 6, Jim did not have Shatter the Sky, since he would have killed my Dream Trawler with it. With a draw step and his Narset coming back from Elspeth Conquers Death, he has a 20.4% chance of finding a Shatter with 2 Shatters in his deck. With 1 Shatter, he has a 10.6% chance of hitting. If I play the Trawler and Jim doesn't immediately find and play a Shatter, I'm almost 100% to win. I'll attack him down to 7 with my 2 Trawlers and then he'll have to find and resolve a Shatter through 2 counterspells, since his ECD taxes will have expired. If I play Trawler and he hits a Shatter, then I almost certainly lose. All in all, by playing the Trawler, I lock in an 80+% chance to win. So I need to figure out whether I'm more or less than 80% to win the longer game when I hold the second Trawler.  
To start, I can ask how the game will play out if I stay on 1 Trawler. Jim will get Narset back on his turn and minus it. And then maybe he’ll play another Narset, or a Teferi, or his own Dream Trawler? I know he has at least one threat in hand since he had no instants on turn 4 with 6 cards in hand and has played 2 lands, 3 threats, and missed a land drop since then. And if he plays a threat, I have to let it resolve because he still has the last chapter on his second ECD coming and currently has no targets for it. So if Jim has a Teferi, and that’s his most likely threat, then my countermagic is no good anyway. 
Even if his last threat is a third ECD and he doesn’t find Teferi off of Narset, what do I do? I’ll attack him to 11, then kill his Narset, and then kill him over the next two turns? In the meantime, he’ll get another minus off his Narset, which maybe finds a Teferi, which would force my Absorb with a 6th land, and then maybe Jim wins the fight over Shatter anyway. 
Further, will I even be able to even resolve the 2nd Dream Trawler after Jim Shatters? My hand isn't very good and Jim will have all spells and an active Narset, so probably not. 
Even after all that reasoning, I couldn’t tell you with certainty whether I'm more or less than 80% to win when I hold the Trawler. But when I think about how the game will play out after holding, I feel this total lack of control. So many things can go wrong, it’s hard for the 2nd Trawler to even matter when Shatter resolves, my hand is so bad against Jim’s likely holdings and it’s not going to improve. Knowing how high the number I’m locking in by jamming is, I have this strong sense that holding cannot possibly be right. 
The second spot is from my match against Aaron Gertler, the eventual winner, in the top 4 of the winner's bracket. This is an example of my intuition going astray. 
I navigated the game to a position where I have a Teferi on 5 loyalty and a Dream Trawler and Dovin's Veto in hand to Aaron's 2 random draws, 1 from Shatter the Sky. He casts Incubation, and I have to decide whether or not to Veto it. 
If Aaron misses on Incubation, his unknown card is a brick, and he has nothing on top, then I'll win no matter what I do. Similarly, if Aaron ever has 2 pieces of action, via Incubation or the top of his deck, then I lose no matter what I do. So the key scenarios are when Aaron hits off Incubation and his 2 random draws are bad and when Aaron misses on Incubation but has action in hand or on top (but not both). 
With 40 cards in deck, Aaron's unknown card and top card each have a 17.5% chance of being Escape to the Wilds or Fae of Wishes. (I don't know the exact size of Aaron's deck at this point and I'm not going to count.) So if I Veto the Incubation, I win 67.7% of the time, when Aaron has nothing and draws nothing. On the other hand, Incubation has a 42.7% chance of hitting Fae of Wishes if all 4 Fae are still in his deck. Because I have Teferi in play, Fae of Wishes is the only creature in Aaron's deck that I care about. But when Aaron hits Fae, I basically just lose because of his Clover. 
The upshot of holding the Veto is that if Aaron bricks on Incubation and his last card is exactly Escape (since I lose to Fae in hand no matter what I do) or if Aaron's top card is Fae or Escape (since Granted is too slow with the Trawler already in play), then I win. However, since I always lose when Incubation hits Fae, I have at most a 57.3% chance of winning when I let Incubation resolve, and I lose some of the time even when he bricks. 
This is a spot where my intuition misguided me and doing the math reveals the severity of my error. At the time, my instinct was that Aaron had around a 30% chance of hitting a Fae, from doing similar calculations in the past. If that's true, then the decision is close. But not only is Aaron much more likely to find Fae than I thought, I also just wasn't thinking about how few true haymakers Aaron had in deck. If Aaron had 6 Escape-type cards (noncreature must-counters), then I'd only have a 55.8% chance of winning by countering Incubation, and it's again a close decision. But as is, I incorrectly estimated both probabilities and made a clear mistake. 
I obviously won't be able to repeat all this reasoning inside an actual game of Magic. But by doing the math now, I’ll hopefully be able to intuit the correct play the next time I’m in a similar position. 
(As a bonus mistake from that game, I should have used Teferi to bounce my Banishing Light before casting Shatter the Sky on the previous turn. That line I just missed.)
Thanks for reading, as always. I'm planning to write more soon, maybe about topics outside of Magic again, but I'm always planning that. 
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
How incorrect tagging contributes to SPN ship wars
@radioabsurd left this very impassioned rant about the behavior of SPN fandom in the main tags.  Let me point out that there are things here, that I would say are correct.  There are things however, that I am not happy with.  I am not certain about this person's sincerely.  Let me put it that way.  I edited bits that contained blasphemy because I don't want that nonsense in my post.  I also added bold font to the bits that made me smirk.  Other than that, everything is as it appears.  My commentary is in italics and brackets.  Thank to doll face for forwarding this to me. 
Supernatural Fandom
If you hate the actual angel Jensen Ackles, don’t talk to me, like my shit or any of that.
[A polite suggestion for people to ignore her]
If you hate the actual angel Misha Collins, fuck off and don’t talk to me or like my shit.
[Disrespecting Misha warrant the use of profanity.]
If you hate on the actual angel Jared Padalecki, please block me or you will get blocked.
[A please is thrown in, so the politeness is back.  Also, note the order in which these actors are mentioned.  Any other person would mention Misha last.  But no, Jared gets last place, like an afterthought.]
I’m so tired of this hate people give each other in the fandom with the ship wars and shit.
[Honey, I would like to point out that all the hate, especially the violent ones directed to the actors, comes solely from the destiel shippers.  Everyone else retaliates.]
I FUCKING ship #destiel and #cockles, but in no way do I think J2 are not important to each other. They are the bestest of friends. In no way do I hate on Daneel, Vicki, or Gen(They are all actually queens).
[Well, at least you agree that the Js friendship is hated on by the Misha shippers.  The wife hate is a landmine.  Do people hate the wives because they ship the boys or because they genuinely found nothing to like in the wives?  I don't really care much for an actor's relatives.  But if the boys are happy, whatever rocks their boats.  Besides, who they marry is not my business.  Out of sight.  Out of mind.  If I like them, I would have no reason to go overboard and call them 'queens'.  But that is just my opinion on the subject.  Julia Roberts was never called a queen, despite her success.  Just pointing that out.  Do I think they deserve any hate?  I don't know them well enough to answer that one.  But if you put yourself out there, you are going to get the bad attention with the good.  As long as the hate doesn't extend to death threats, I say freedom of speech.  Just tag it appropriately.] 
Even If I don’t ship #wincest I’m not going to FUCKING hate on somebody for their ship because guess what! I FUCKING ship #thorki and #t'cherik and wow I must be such a disgusting human being but these are freaking fictional characters and aren’t real! (Not talking about real people ships)
[This seems friendly enough until you get to the second mention of this topic.]
If you don’t agree with something please FUCKING get over it and block it or ignore it.
[You should see the replies I get, from hellers I call out of tagging incorrectly.  They don't block or ignore.] 
Jeez, and all the ships hate on the wives and the other people on the show, not just one ship. XXXX, why am I even in this fandom.
[I concur.  There are haters of ships and people.  But unless you go into their appropriate tags, you will never find them.  Guess who tags all their hateful filth, including calling Jensen a homophobe, in the main tags? Yep, the destihellers.]
Also, if I get freaking hate on shipping #thorki (they’re not even real brothers okay, get over it) or #t'cherik (in the comics theyre not cousins thank you very much) and your in the supernatural fandom then your actually the problem.
[I don't know how to tell you this, but Sam and Dean are not real brothers either.  They are fictional.  So basically, in an offhanded manner, you have kind of insulted the people, you are telling others not to insult.  Just thought I would point that out.] 
haters get on my nerves 👌🏽
[You are absolutely right.  I cant stand them either.  Especially the ones who tell Jared to kill himself and threaten to kill Jensen.  All destihellers.  I don't deal with haters as much.  Because I believe it is your prerogative to hate whoever you want.  As long as you tag it properly.  But I draw the line at death threats, because the hate has moved into malevolent territory.  That is why I don't go onto the anti tags.  Let them hate.  But when possible felony becomes an issue, I speak up.]
(there might be spelling errors but that’s life so what eves)
 [True!  My typing is atrocious.]
Tumblr media
My issue with this rant: 
I appreciate the effort.  Don't get me wrong.  But there are issues presenting themselves here.  This rant is addressed to the entire fandom.  The problem is that is doesn't differentiate between the instigators and the retaliators.  There is an assumption, within the rant, that everyone should like the same things in the same manner without personal opinion or prejudice.  And to be honest, that kind of uniformity in human psychology, is unheard of in human societies.  We are all different.  We cannot be expected to enthusiastically love anyone or anything unless we have been given viable reason to.  The other baffling thing on this post is the anti Vicki tag.  Interestingly, there is no other post with this tag.  As far as I can see, nobody hates Victoria.  People are generally quite indifferent towards her. 
So you are basically giving fandom and onlookers the impression that this woman gets hated when, in reality, she doesn't even force a blimp in the radar.  The only time I saw her being discussed, was when I watched in bemused amazement , as J2 tinhats were comparing her to one of the Js wives and talking about how much more nicer she was and how they respected her more.  So those particular J fans don't hate Victoria.  Do Misha's fans hate her?  If so, how are they tagging their hate.  I haven't seen anything. 
You post makes no mention of actor harassment, cast and crew harassment, threats of arson and vandalism and actual attacks on fans by other fans.  There is a different between someone saying ''I cant stand Vicky'' and ''I am going to burn Vicky's home down, while she is still in it''.  A similar arson threat was sent to Jensen by a Misha fan.  Receipts for this, and other threats, are on my blog.  To my logic, death threats are a more pressing issue than hate.  All of the aforementioned are by destiel shipping and Misha stanning perpetrators.  To people who are not aware of this reality, if they read this post, they will assume that everyone in the fandom is hateful.  They won't know about the truth.  So no, all the shippers do not have an equal hand in trouble making.  There are some that are worse than others. 
Finally, your tagging is contradictory and troublesome.  Tumblr recognizes 30 tags only, but the most effective are the first five.  For a post of this nature, you shouldn't have tagged Danneel twice.  Danneel has fans from her other endeavors. like One Tree Hill, who are not SPN fans.  They don't need to see this drama, which has nothing to do with them.  So that tag is a general/main tag and you should stay out of it.  The last two tags are for ships outside our fandom, and basically what you have done, by including those tags, is exposed outsiders to the dirty laundry that this fandom is known for.  This is where SPN's faulty reputation comes from.  ''Mentions'' is also a very widely used external tag.  It has not an SPN related tag, neither is it related to this post.  Tagging this post under that tag, also brings this fandom into disrepute.  The tags on this post, does this fandom no favors.   
The post is not a hate post, [you are reprimanding all and sundry over putrid behavior] and therefore does not belong in the anti tags.  If you are trying to right the wrongs of this fandom, do it in the main ship tags, for the whole shipping section of fandom to see.  You cant tell people how to feel about someone.  And posting this particular rant in the anti tags, is essentially you telling those people not to hate whoever they genuinely cant stand.  If you are talking about a ship, tag the ship.  If you tag your post #anti Jensen, you are telling people, this post is about why I hate Jensen.  That is the point of that tag.  That is not exactly what your post is about, is it?  Now I tag in the main tags, and not in the anti tags because I tackle any subject that is going to cause a death threat to reach Jensen.  That is the policy behind my tagging system.  Your tagging system doesn't seem to make sense.  You cant tag Jensen and anti Jensen.  These two tags contradict each other. 
Don't tag the characters on a TV show, because that is not what your post is about.  People who are non-shipping fans of Dean Winchester, don't want to be bombarded with this shipping-related rant.  This is not courteous to them.  Also, if you misspell a tag, the tag has consequently been rendered useless.  So there is essentially no point in having that tag.  Just replace or remove it.  Its not that hard.  Also, I don't think you know what a bibro is.  There are non-shippers amongst them.  So why are they a part of this ship-war rant?  You can't tag SPN or Supernatural, because the entire fandom doesn't need to see this.  The entire fandom are not shippers.  You were not addressing the entire fandom, so leave them out of it.  In fact, your title is incorrect too. 
Judging by the crux of your post, the tags should have been:
Destiel, Wincest, Cockles, J2 Tinhats, Wincestiel  
All the ship names are present.  So anyone who is involved with these ships will read them and understand.  If you want to add more tags [which I don't recommend] then add the following:
Sabriel, sastiel
I would tag these two ships because they are ships that three actors are a part of.  I don't recommend tagging the actor's names, because the post is not about them, but about shipper behavior.  They are merely mentioned as the motivation behind the hate, by your logic.  Their names are still general tags, and people searching Jared Padalecki might hate shipping and this post will give credulity to their hatred because it is invasive and makes shippers looks bad....well, worse would be the apt word to use.
I am conflicted about the motive of the rant.  No, I don't believe any of the actors are ''actual angels''.  They are human and flawed, some more than others.  I don't think their wives of sovereign control of anything.  But I appreciate the effort in bridge-building.  The doll face that sent me this, found the wincest remark offensive, but I am willing to give your the benefit of the doubt on that one, because I assume it was an honest mistake.  I am not a wincest fan though, which I why I am reacting a little differently.  Perhaps, because I am not emotionally invested. 
P.S.:  Speaking of wincest, someone told me that even wincest ship posts are being tagged with the actor's and character's names.  I don't care what you ship, but by using general tags, you are not driving on your lane.  Stop mistagging.  Unless Jared Padalecki is really pregnant with someone's lovechild, don't tag him in an mpreg post.  I don't think he wants people knowing about his baby bump.  Tag politely.  Tags like Top!Sam and Bottom!Cas are NOT general tags, so that is ok.  But Sam Winchester and Jared Padalecki, for example, are general tags, so keep your shippy stuff away from it.  Wincest fans, its your job to clean house. 
The reason why I am lenient with the wincest ship and J2 tinhatters, is because they are not repeat and frequent offenders, and they don't send death threats to actors.  In fact, if you search the wincest tag, you find a small handful of offenders, and a destiel offender who tagged her post weecest and wincest even though it was about destiel.  Now, why do that? 
Respect the tags.  Respect the actors.  Stop behaving like SPN owes you something, and keep your fantasy on your side of the fandom.
Please excuse the typos.
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lesbianfreyja · 6 years
hey do u have any ways u force urself to write. i need to write this fucking faulkner paper and like ik i can and itll be good once i do it i just need to Do It its already like 900 years late. im loving yahfhskjd law so so so so much btw i rlly love ur characterization for den and the whole fic is just so endearing and enjoyable like theres heaviness to it but its not like overbearingly angsty and its just rlly fun to read
i have some advice but it might not be universal or healthy (lol) and it differs heavily based on what i’m writing
fic writing is for fun, and that’s why i try to remember when i’m doing it. sometimes it becomes obsessive (because i have ocd, and because i love validation, and that’s quite the line to tread lmao) but ultimately i do it because i love it/i have shit to say/stories drum in my fingers until i get them out, even if it takes time. i’m glad you love it!!!! if people didn’t i’d get demoralized way more often! with fic writing, usually i can’t force myself to do anything until i know the basics of what i want down - right now i’m stuck on a scene b/t charlie and mac because i know what i want them to get out of it, but i have no idea what the outside context of the overall conversation will be. usually in that case, i just have to wait it out.
inspo will come to me when it comes, maybe from binge watching the show, maybe from watching smth else, maybe from a convo i have irl or a dream or what have you. in the meantime i write as much around it as i possibly can. i’ve currently written every single scene for the next chapter that either came easily or at least didn’t come extremely difficultly, and once i have part of a scene down i usually let the characters’ voices follow me through the rest of it…sometimes you just have to let them run free. writing fic for me is often a solid push and pull of me nudging the characters down the path i want them to take, but mostly i just sit there and imagine them talking, and see what they say. i have to parse apart exactly how i think they’d say it, but i can get a fair amount of their tone and message just from listening to them have the convo in my head. not to be extremely embarrassing on main but when i was obsessed with twilight, stephenie meyer basically said this in her faq and it really resonated with me lmao. this applies to original fiction btw too. that’s why its often easy to finish a scene once i’ve begun it, if i can get a piece of the convo than usually i can build outward - give me a snippet of a convo and i can begin to see their location, what started this convo, and their motivations. i’ll have to trim it down to fit their tone/how often they lie/how difficult they find it to express themselves later, but after i get it all out, it’s easier to cut away the ooc parts until you’re left with glances to convey what used to be a paragraph and what have you
can’t write a sex scene? have a drink or two and write it all spelling errors and all, it’s usually way dirtier than i intended too but you can clean ALL that up and make it in-character in editing
academic writing was never nearly as difficult for me, especially once i got to college. pretty much everyone i know used adderall to write essays, and i sat down a few times expecting to do that myself, but i ultimately never ended up needing it. in high school i was smart enough to more or less make shit up to get through it (i always say the only thing i learned in high school is how to bullshit effectively) but in college you get to pick your research topics, or they’ll hand you a book and tell you to pick whatever part of it you want to write about, so i usually latched on to one snippet of interest and expanded from there (many of my essays were about how the characters were secretly gay or more or less feminist than they should be, as you can imagine)
i was never much for formal outlines, and i DON’T subscribe to the 5 paragraph essay format, but i usually made a basic outline in my notebook so i’d remember to hit all the points i wanted to make/be able to steer myself back on course when i started rambling abt something. usually i have an overarching point, and like 2 supporting arguments that i go into HEAVY detail about and probably have some supporting arguments about them within themselves. make an outline that lists your thesis and your 2 or 3 main points. if you CAN easily, write down some supporting arguments for those main points, but don’t get caught up on it.
how do i start? just sit down and fuckin start. deadass. tell yourself that if you finish before 8pm you can smoke a bowl or something, then smoke a bowl after you’re done regardless of the time. then sit down and just start typing, WHEREVER your mind wants to begin. let it, it’s way easier to follow your motivation than try to corral it, you’ll just end up giving yourself writer’s block
intros are easy. don’t worry too much about starting them; you can come up with a catchy first sentence way later (same with a catchy ending sentence; i still CANNOT write last lines for the life of me). for your intro literally just say: These 2 or 3 things are connected, actually, and I think they connect in a specific way to prove [thesis]. you can bulk out the intro later, but MOVE ON. that’s not the important part of the essay, at all. if your thesis can’t be turned into a question THAT YOU THEN ANSWER, then it needs to be bulked out. you should be able to make it a question, for example: Why is Emily Dickinson a lesbian? becomes “Dickinson’s lesbianism is the driving force behind her decisions to do x, y, and z” in which x y & z are the main points of your essay.
don’t worry too much about sources or quotes. i can’t tell you how many times i just made arguments in essays and then put in brackets [find a throwaway quote about x to support this later], then highlighted the text so it’d stand out and i’d remember to get back to it later. then MOVE ON.
don’t get caught up in anything, not grammar, not specifics, not finding the perfect segue between paragraphs. just try to get down everything you have to say FIRST, or you’ll bog yourself down and lose steam. sit there until you’re done making your points, then take a break
conclusions are easy. scroll back up to your intro. what does it say? put that back down, exactly, and bulk it out a little by referencing some points in the main paragraphs of your essay. if your intro just said “x y and z is true” then your conclusion should say “her woodcarving shows x is true, the fact that the moon was full that day is why y is true. these two things make z true”
go back and find sources/quotes to plug into all the times you wrote [find a throwaday quote]
TAKE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE OFF. if you try to edit and expand immediately, you WILL fail to catch things. if you’re a little unfamiliar with your own writing, you’ll be able to catch things like spelling errors, things that make so little sense you have no idea what you were trying to say, times you forgot to plug in a quote, or when a transition sounds a little like a record scratching instead of playing smoothly
if you’re really pressed for time: just fucking send it in without doing a second reread, because FUCK IT. getting it done is more important than perfectionism; fixing those last straggling spelling errors gets you +2 points whereas being a day late loses a letter grade
most importantly: WRITE ABOUT WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT. if you’re only getting specific prompts, try to twist it as best you can until you give a fuck about it, it’s WAY easier to write about shit that matters to you. i LOVED twisting prompts until suddenly this boring ass white boy book is secretly about this minor female character that appeared on 2 pages, and after awhile i got really fucking good at it.
just sit down and start writing. you’ve got to start somewhere, even if you end up erasing and rewriting the starting point later. at least you’ve got the ball rolling.
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Part 1
First off, I’m going to have to break this review up into pieces. I’ve got too much to rant about - complete with screen grabs - that tumblr will hate me. Not to mention, I want to show you the pain and then talk about some of the more salient problems with this book in depth. 
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A little over a month and a half ago I said I was going to do something stupid. I was going to read my way through Faleena Hopkins’ book You Don’t Know Me. I got through the first half in a fairly decent clip - the writing was not good, the characters weren’t good, the plots were flying more than mosquitoes in summer... and then I got to the part where I just started continually shouting.
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Laws of physics, laws of nature, laws of storytelling were all thrown aside as if they were garbage and then literal garbage was shoved into its place.
This was not a good book. This is not me ragging on her as an author. But I am not joking when I say I’ve read stuff by actual teenagers that was much, much better than this. And because I had to suffer through it, you have to suffer through my ranting.  Aren’t I nice?
The story takes a common trope “Secret Love Child” and combines it with another “The Missing Heir” and adds a dash of “Draco in Leather Pants” and “Poor Little Rich Boy” into the mix. By the way, if you can’t guess, TV Tropes is my wiki-walk rabbit hole and I have no regrets. The same cannot be said for this book.
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Rue Calliwell (and I don’t care if I misspell the name - the author doesn’t; why should I?) is trying to make it in Los Angeles. She works the graveyard shift at a local grocery store while trying to catch her big break as a dancer. When Jack Stone, one of America’s Famous Billionaire Playboys, suddenly appears on her doorstep hopping mad, she wonders what died in his Wheaties and maybe if she can kiss away the frown he’s fixing her with. (Yep, she’s dreaming about some brother banging.) After dragging the story out for way too long, it’s finally revealed that Rue is the bastard daughter of Jack’s father and that he’s been embezzling from his company to stock up an inheritance of $50 million that has Rue’s name all over it. If she refuses the money, it goes to the KKK and she can’t allow that to happen. While her other brother, Sean, treats her to a Pretty Woman makeover, Jack wrangles their best friend Alec (and super hot lead singer of a band that’s never mentioned and isn't important to the plot in any way) to seduce his sister and then break her heart. Because that’s what all pissed off brothers do, dontcha know? 
So where do I even begin with this?
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How about at the beginning... I have over 120 notes that I made on this as I read it. I’ll share some of them with you.
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This is the opening paragraph to this book. There is so much wrong with this I just can’t even. From the random thought, to the run-on sentence (a Faleena Hopkins Trademark), to the weird-ass descriptors. Frowning Forehead? Are there lips on this forehead? Another face? Not to mention that there are missing en-dashes and it’s in a confusing tense. (Most of the book is in first person/present tense... because of the contraction, the sentence can be read as both present and past tense.)
The story introduces us to Rue, Jack, and Sean in pretty short order. Rue is supposed to be the heroine. The one we’re rooting for. Jack is the antagonist. One of the two wronged brothers and the one who thinks that Rue has an agenda. He is not a nice character. Then there’s Sean who is too good for this world and is written like every single stereotypical gay best friend but he’s got a “SECRET!” You have one guess what that is going to be.
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If you can’t tell, this is in reference to Jack. But not only do we have a wild apostrophe, but we also have Exorcist levels of neck contortion. Not to mention a super awkward sentence.
This is also a Faleena Hopkins Trademark.
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I also mentioned that the story was in need of a good editor. Not just a proofreader, but an actual story doctor who could prune the 15 or so subplots down to something manageable while actually giving us a romance. Not a sex story shoved into a family drama. By the way, this story BARELY qualifies as a romance and I’m not totally convinced it is. The main characters end up together, but it is in no way satisfying and the focus of the story wasn’t on the relationship. More on that later.
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But let’s go back to the editing.
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Sorry about the italics not translating between Goodreads (where I can access my notes) and what’s in the actual book.  Trust me when I say that this woman hasn’t met an italic she didn’t love, except when she should use them.
As you can see, there are now enough errors for me to mark it down a star for poor proofreading.  And I’m not even a quarter of my way through this. The errors continued including something I find a death knell... the author spelling her main character’s name wrong. I’m not going to bother sharing more of her proofreading errors, unless they are really eye-roll enducing.
Another reason why this book is so bad is because the foreshadowing is heavy-handed as fuck. Like I’m going to hit you over a brick with it but I want you to act surprised when the reveal takes place. It’s that bad.
Here’s one of the most egregious examples.
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We didn’t get the actual reveal of what was in the summary until 7% of the way into the book. Which is 21 pages and 5 Chapters into the book. Even then, the author played with it for a while, making it so that Rue didn’t believe the lawyer and thought this was some elaborate reality show prank. Yeah.
The author also wasn’t terribly good at hiding her foreshadowing.
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This was in the character’s head. You don’t hide that kind of thing in your own head. It’s why most mystery writers don’t write from the POV of the killer, “The Strange Case of Roger Ackroyd” aside. It gives away the mystery. Coupled with the over abundance of POVs and this heavy handed handling of the character. I would have dropped this plot line entirely.... More on this later.  Trust me, what goes on with Sean is a rant in and of itself and is enough for me to rate this one star.
Now let’s get into the flashback portion and will portion of the plot.
This is where the first gif really starts showing through.
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Part of me really wanted to send Hopkins the Wikipedia article on cancer. The other part of me wondered: if this is what she considers hyperbole, then what other horrors did I have in store?
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I shouldn’t have asked.
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This is brought up, but never actually addressed. Also I need to talk about how the father gave Rue the money. He gave it to her in a lump sum. $50 million. Not a trust. Not a foundation. Just here! Cash!
The author tries to address it later. But fails.
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And that’s assuming that there aren’t locality taxes and again congrats you’re in a higher income bracket.
The biggest problem with this is that the father would know better. Or have the money offshore... not something that would be transferred into a U.S. checking account to make the IRS piddle their pants like an errant puppy. The father who claims to have loved the mother and the daughter, would make sure that the daughter had the money to keep her comfortable for the rest of her life and not able to spend it or give it away all in one go.
I used to work for a lawyer’s office who specialized in estate planning (and real estate) - in most cases, if you have more than $250,000 in assets that will survive your death, it’s recommended to have a trust because the federal government takes so much.
These tricks are one of the many ways that the rich stay rich.
As I mentioned before Rue gets a makeover, courtesy of Sean.
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I’m thinking of the now deleted video of hers... But here’s the author.
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So of course from here on out, I’m picturing Faleena as Rue... which did not help matters.
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The reason why I say this is a nice lampshade is literally until she finds out that Jack and Sean are her brothers, she’s fantasizing about sleeping with them and kissing them.  Which again is “Ew!!!” for the reader and not funny and kinda crosses the pseudo-incest vibe that Amazon will allow and goes into Incest because again, we the reader know what the score is, it’s in the damned summary.
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This is a huge problem in the book. The sainted mother who died of the mystical cancer is the sole woman who doesn’t get the slut/bitch/sexist treatment. Huge problem. Not even Jenna is immune (which happens later) and Jenna falls into another bad trope which I will get to later.
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There’s more, but let me tell you, headhopping in the first person, present tense is tough. You’re deep into one character’s head. That takes talent.
Crappy talent. But talent.
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This is where I’m going to stop my first post. We’ve just got the first mention of the love interest, Alec. And opened up another problem.
How is Alec Sean and Jack’s only friend? I say this as someone whose best friends growing up were identical twins. Most siblings, especially those that aren’t twins, won’t have the same bestie. They don’t want the same bestie. It’s a thing. They may have friends in common, but most best friends tend to be someone else. Mostly so they have someone they can rant to about the other.
If you think this is bad, wait until you meet Alec and the new siblings have a night on the town.
It’s going to be great....
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES- From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 7
This Book is called Ecclesiastes, or the preacher, (in Hebrew, Coheleth) because in it Solomon, as an excellent preacher, setteth forth the vanity of the things of this world, to withdraw the hearts and affections of men from such empty toys. Ch. --- Coheleth is a feminine noun, to indicate the elegance of the discourse. It is very difficult to discriminate the objections of free-thinkers from the real sentiments of the author. It is most generally supposed that Solomon wrote this after his repentance; but this is very uncertain. S. Jerom (in C. xii. 12.) informs us that the collectors of the sacred books had some scruple about admitting this; and Luther speaks of it with great disrespect: (Coll. conviv.) but the Church has always maintained its authority. See Conc. v. Act. 4. Philast. 132. C. --- It refutes the false notions of worldlings, concerning felicity; and shews that it consists in the service of God and fruition. W.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 7
Prescriptions against worldly vanities: mortification, patience, and seeking wisdom.
[1] What needeth a man to seek things that are above him, whereas he knoweth not what is profitable for him in his life, in all the days of his pilgrimage, and the time that passeth like a shadow? Or who can tell him what shall be after him under the sun?
Quid necesse est homini majora se quaerere, cum ignoret quid conducat sibi in vita sua, numero dierum peregrinationis suae, et tempore quod velut umbra praeterit? aut quis ei poterit indicare quod post eum futurum sub sole sit?
[2] A good name is better than precious ointments: and the day of death than the day of one's birth.
Melius est nomen bonum quam unguenta pretiosa, et dies mortis die nativitatis.
[3] It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to the house of feasting: for in that we are put in mind of the end of all, and the living thinketh what is to come.
Melius est ire ad domum luctus quam ad domum convivii; in illa enim finis cunctorum admonetur hominum, et vivens cogitat quid futurum sit.
[4] Anger is better than laughter: because by the sadness of the countenance the mind of the offender is corrected.
Melior est ira risu, quia per tristitiam vultus corrigitur animus delinquentis.
[5] The heart of the wise is where there is mourning, and the heart of fools where there is mirth.
Cor sapientium ubi tristitia est, et cor stultorum ubi laetitia.
[6] It is better to be rebuked by a wise man, than to be deceived by the flattery of fools.
Melius est a sapiente corripi, quam stultorum adulatione decipi;
[7] For as the crackling of thorns burning under a pot, so is the laughter of a fool: now this also is vanity.
quia sicut sonitus spinarum ardentium sub olla, sic risus stulti. Sed et hoc vanitas.
[8] Oppression troubleth the wise, and shall destroy the strength of his heart.
Calumnia conturbat sapientem, et perdet robur cordis illius.
[9] Better is the end of a speech than the beginning. Better is the patient man than the presumptuous.
Melior est finis orationis quam principium. Melior est patiens arrogante.
[10] Be not quickly angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of a fool.
Ne sis velox ad irascendum, quia ira in sinu stulti requiescit.
[11] Say not: What thinkest thou is the cause that former times were better than they are now? for this manner of question is foolish.
Ne dicas : Quid putas causae est quod priora tempora meliora fuere quam nunc sunt? stulta enim est hujuscemodi interrogatio.
[12] Wisdom with riches is more profitable, and bringeth more advantage to them that see the sun.
Utilior est sapientia cum divitiis, et magis prodest videntibus solem.
[13] For as wisdom is a defence, so money is a defence: but learning and wisdom excel in this, that they give life to him that possesseth them.
Sicut enim protegit sapientia, sic protegit pecunia; hoc autem plus habet eruditio et sapientia, quod vitam tribuunt possessori suo.
[14] Consider the works of God, that no man can correct whom he hath despised.
Considera opera Dei, quod nemo possit corrigere quem ille despexerit.
[15] In the good day enjoy good things, and beware beforehand of the evil day: for God hath made both the one and the other, that man may not find against him any just complaint.
In die bona fruere bonis, et malam diem praecave; sicut enim hanc, sic et illam fecit Deus, ut non inveniat homo contra eum justas querimonias.
[16] These things also I saw in the days of my vanity: A just man perisheth in his justice, and a wicked man liveth a long time in his wickedness.
Haec quoque vidi in diebus vanitatis meae : justus perit in justitia sua, et impius multo vivit tempore in malitia sua.
[17] Be not over just: and be not more wise than is necessary, lest thou become stupid.
Noli esse justus multum, neque plus sapias quam necesse est, ne obstupescas.
[18] Be not overmuch wicked: and be not foolish, lest thou die before thy time.
Ne impie agas multum, et noli esse stultus, ne moriaris in tempore non tuo.
[19] It is good that thou shouldst hold up the just, yea and from him withdraw not thy hand: for he that feareth God, neglecteth nothing.
Bonum est te sustentare justum : sed et ab illo ne subtrahas manum tuam; quia qui timet Deum nihil negligit.
[20] Wisdom hath strengthened the wise more than ten princes of the city.
Sapientia confortavit sapientem super decem principes civitatis;
[21] For there is no just man upon earth, that doth good, and sinneth not.
non est enim homo justus in terra qui faciat bonum et non peccet.
[22] But do not apply thy heart to all words that are spoken: lest perhaps thou hear thy servant reviling thee.
Sed et cunctis sermonibus qui dicuntur ne accomodes cor tuum, ne forte audias servum tuum maledicentem tibi;
[23] For thy conscience knoweth that thou also hast often spoken evil of others.
scit enim conscientia tua quia et tu crebro maledixisti aliis.
[24] I have tried all things in wisdom. I have said: I will be wise: and it departed farther from me,
Cuncta tentavi in sapientia. Dixi : Sapiens efficiar : et ipsa longius recessit a me,
[25] Much more than it was: it is a great depth, who shall find it out?
multo magis quam erat. Et alta profunditas, quis inveniet eam?
[26] I have surveyed all things with my mind, to know, and consider, and seek out wisdom and reason: and to know the wickedness of the fool, and the error of the imprudent:
Lustravi universa animo meo, ut scirem et considerarem, et quaererem sapientiam, et rationem, et ut cognoscerem impietatem stulti, et errorem imprudentium :
[27] And I have found a woman more bitter than death, who is the hunter's snare, and her heart is a net, and her hands are bands. He that pleaseth God shall escape from her: but he that is a sinner, shall be caught by her.
et inveni amariorem morte mulierem, quae laqueus venatorum est, et sagena cor ejus; vincula sunt manus illius. Qui placet Deo effugiet illam; qui autem peccator est capietur ab illa.
[28] Lo this have I found, said Ecclesiastes, weighing one thing after another, that I might find out the account,
Ecce hoc inveni, dixit Ecclesiastes, unum et alterum ut invenirem rationem,
[29] Which yet my soul seeketh, and I have not found it. One man among a thousand I have found, a woman among them all I have not found.
quam adhuc quaerit anima mea, et non inveni. Virum de mille unum reperi; mulierem ex omnibus non inveni.
[30] Only this I have found, that God made man right, and he hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions. Who is as the wise man? and who hath known the resolution of the word?
Solummodo hoc inveni, quod fecerit Deus hominem rectum, et ipse se infinitis miscuerit quaestionibus. Quis talis ut sapiens est? et quis cognovit solutionem verbi?
Ver. 1. Above him. We are intent on things which regard us not, while we neglect the important concerns of heaven. Hebrew may be joined with the preceding. C. --- Prot. (11.) "seeing there are many thing which increase vanity, what is man the better? 12.) for who knoweth?" &c. H. --- Some strive to obtain riches or honours, which will prove fatal to them. C. --- None can perfectly know the nature of things either present or future. W.
Ver. 2. Name. "It is necessary for the sake of others," (S. Aug. de B. Vid. xxii.) particularly for those who have to direct souls. S. Greg. in Ezec. C. --- In this second part is shewn that felicity is procured by a good life. W. --- Death. Speaking of the just, for death is the beginning of sorrows to the wicked. C. --- Some nations mourned on the birth-day of their children. Val. Max. ii. 6. Eurip in Ctes.
Ver. 3. Come. While at birth-day feasts (Gen. xl. 20. Matt. xiv. 6.) people give themselves up to joy, and cherish the idea of living long. C.
Ver. 4. Anger. That is, correction, or just wrath and zeal against evil, (Ch.) is preferable to a misguided complaisance. Prov. xxvii. 6. C. --- Anger, when rightly used, helps us to correct our faults. W.
Ver. 5. Mourning. They submit willingly to correction, (S. Jer.) or think seriously on the dangers of sin and God's judgments.
Ver. 6. Wise man. Much prudence is requisite to correct with fruit, and to persuade the sinner that he is under a mistake. C.
Ver. 7. Laughter. It is loud and soon over. Eccli. xxi. 23. Lu. xxvi. 5. C.
Ver. 8. Oppression. Lit. "calumny." The most perfect can hardly bear it. Heb. "oppression (or calumny of others. C.) will make the wise insane, and a present will ruin the heart." Mont. --- Avarice blinds us. H. --- Deut. xvi. 19. "a corrupt judge examines ill the truth."
Ver. 9. Speech. Heb. "thing." The best projects often are seen to fail. --- Beginning, as the auditor is on longer kept in suspense. --- Presumptuous. Rashness must not be confounded with courage. C. --- Hasty and immoderate anger is hurtful. W.
Ver. 10. Bosom, as in its proper place. The wise may feel its impressions, but he immediately makes resistance.
Ver. 11. Foolish. Men endeavour to excuse themselves by the manners of the age. But there have always been both good and evil. C. i. 10. C. --- Corruption was prevalent in former times as well as now. M.
Ver. 12. With. Heb. also, "above, or much as riches." C. --- These are impediments in the hands of the reprobate, while they promote virtue in the good." S. Amb. Lu. viii. n. 85. --- The man who has only wisdom, cannot do as much good as those who are also rich. C. --- The moderate use of riches helps the servants of God, while they do not set their hearts upon them. W. --- The sun, to men on earth.
Ver. 13. Them. Money may procure necessaries for the body; (H.) but wisdom gives a long and happy life. Prov. iv. 10. Bar. iii. 28. C.
Ver. 14. Despised. God never neglects first. Trid. Ses. vi. 11. --- He detests sin, and at last abandons the obstinate, though he never fails to offer sufficient graces. A person who is of an unhealthy constitution, or involved in sin, cannot be cured by man alone. Yet we must not cease to preach, &c. while we expect all from God, who gives the increase. 1 Cor. iii. 7.
Ver. 15. Complaint. Prosperity and adversity succeed each other, that we may be neither elated nor dejected too much. S. Bern. ep. xxxvi. --- If we enjoy the advantages of nature, we must be thankful; if we feel pain, we must cheerfully submit to God's will. H.
Ver. 16. Vanity, during this miserable life. --- Wickedness. This seemed more incongruous under the old law, when long life was promised to the just, (C. Ps. lxxii. 3. Ex. xx. 12.) though it chiefly regarded heaven. H.
Ver. 17. Over just, viz. By an excessive rigour in censuring the ways of God in bearing with the wicked. Ch. --- Give not way to scruples, (S. Bern.) nor to self-conceit. Alcuin. --- Become. Heb. "perish," being oppressed with majesty. Lorin. T. C.
Ver. 18. Overmuch. No sin can be tolerated. C. --- But as all offend in many things, (v. 21. H.) they are encouraged to rise again with diligence and sorrow.
Ver. 19. From him. Who is otherwise withdrawn, &c. Heb. "take hold of this, and not neglect that: for he who feareth God, will walk with all them." He will avoid all extremes both of virtue and vice. C. --- Prot. and Mont. "he shall come forth of them all," and advance towards heaven. H.
Ver. 20. City. It has the advantage over more strength. C. ix. 16.
Ver. 21. Not. 1 Jo. i. 8. Crates said it was "impossible to find one who falls not." Laert. vi. H. --- We must not flatter ourselves with impeccability, v. 18. C. --- See Seneca. Clem. i. 6. Peccavimus omnes, &c. and de Ira. i. 28. M.
Ver. 23. Thy. We must be satisfied with a good conscience, as we cannot control the thoughts and words of all. S. Amb. Of. i. 1.
Ver. 24. Me. This is a proof of having made great progress in wisdom, since the half-learned are the most presumptuous. C.
Ver. 25. Much. Prot. "the which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out?" H.
Ver. 26. Reason. Of all things. In this natural wisdom consists. Sept. "and number." He examined the pretensions of philosophy, which attempted thus to predict future events; but found that it was all deceit, like a harlot. Olympiod. --- He explored the qualities of different things, as an arithmetician counts numbers. M.
Ver. 27. Her. He speaks by experience, (S. Jer.) as none perhaps ever fell more terribly victims of impure love. C. --- Though a plurality of wives was then permitted, Solomon did wrong in marrying strangers; and in suffering himself to be deluded by them, so as to erect temples to their respective idols. H. --- All the attractions of women are replete with danger, and can only be overcome by God's grace, and by flight. 1 Cor. iv. 8. Prov. vii. 22. and xxii. 14. C.
Ver. 29. Man. The superior part of the soul rarely thinks of good; but the sensual part always inclines to evil. W. --- Solomon found danger from all women, (S. Jer.) and there is none who may not prove fatal to those who are off their guard. C. --- Yet some are doubtless innocent, like the bless Virgin. H.
Ver. 30. Right. He fell by his own free-will. S. Aug. de Civ. Dei. xiv. 11. W. --- The great corruption of the world is not, therefore, to be attributed to God. Eph. iv. 23. Our first parents were led by curiosity to examine whether the fruit was good, &c. (S. Cyr. Cat. ii. Chal. Boss.) or mankind, in general, make useless enquiries. --- And he. Heb. and Sept. "they," &c. C. - Of the word. That is, of this obscure and difficult matter (Ch). if this sentence have any connection with the preceding. It is placed at the head of the next chapter in Heb. C.
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progmoessay175 · 4 years
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irisnights · 8 years
161122 Goblin Cast Drama Talk — An English Transcript
Hello! Since I saw many people wanted to know what the cast of Goblin said during their nearly hour-long drama talk after their press conference, I went ahead and translated a Chinese-subbed video into English. If you take anything out, I’d really like for you to link back to this page.
Notes and observations are [in brackets], and I’ve bolded each speaker and important questions being asked. If there are any errors, feel free to comment or message me, and I’ll try to correct them! There are bound to be things lost in translation, since I’m not familiar with Korean and am instead translating from another source’s Chinese subs. (Also for the few times I use romanized Korean terms, it’s only if I feel like it would emphasize how close the cast are, ex: oppa, hyung, etc.)
I’d encourage you to follow along with the video to catch all of the cast interactions! The video can be found here. (Please message me if it’s broken - I’ve updated after Youtube blocked the first link.)
MC: tvN’s 10th Anniversary special production Goblin drama talk starts now! I’m Shin Na Yeong, the MC. Very happy to meet all of you.
[obnoxious clapping, Wookie starts a chant of the MC’s name, they’re like a bunch of little kids lmao]
MC: Wow, it’s lively in here. This must be the atmosphere of Goblin. Right now, this drama talk is streaming live through Naver’s V-App. During the livestream, we’ll directly reply to any questions you have for the cast. We also hope lots of viewers will click the “heart” button.
After watching the press conference and how excited the cast members were in welcoming me just now, you can tell the atmosphere is great here. I’m sure this lively atmosphere will be on display during our drama talk as well.  
[MC gives short intro/summary of drama]
Although this drama has a great plot, the circumstances that bring these cast members together cause great anticipation. Right now, these cast members are sitting right next to me. Say hello to the main cast of tvN’s 10th anniversary special project Goblin!
[everyone is clapping and saying hello]
MC: Right now there are a lot of people who are watching this livestream through Naver’s V-App. Please give a simple introduction of yourself (and the character you’re playing) to the audience.  
YSJ: Hi everyone [laughs]… Hi everyone, I’m Yook Sung Jae and I’ll be playing Yoo Deok-hwa. As a character, Yoo Deok-hwa is the third generation chaebol descendant of a family that has served the goblin for generations. I don’t know where I heard this from, but he’s a little proud [?] but also a very cute character. I hope everyone will like this character a lot. 
KGE: Hi everyone, I’m Kim Go Eun and I’ll be playing Ji Eun-tak. Eun-tak is a very positive and cheerful girl who can see ghosts. 
GY: I’m the goblin in Goblin [laughs]. Like water, wind, and earth, he’s everywhere at once. A lonely and shining god. Yes, a lonely and shining god named Kim Shin.
LDW: Hi everyone, I’m Lee Dong Wook and I’ll be playing the grim reaper in Goblin, who lives together with the goblin and Yoo Deok-hwa in the same house. There will also be interesting happenings with Sunny. And also my character has complicated relationships with Eun-tak and Gong Yoo, so please anticipate that.
YIN: Hi everyone, I’m Yoo In Na and I’ll be playing Sunny. My character is a woman who is a little immature, and she’s the owner of a chicken shop that doesn’t have a lot of customers. She’s known Eun-tak, who works at her chicken shop, for a long time. She also falls in love at first sight with Lee Dongwook’s character.
MC: Right now on V-app the hearts/questions/comments are coming in nonstop! Before we start the drama talk, to ease our nervousness a little, we’ll start by answering a question: What are your wishes/aspirations for Goblin? Let’s start from YIN this time.
YIN: Are these real-life wishes, or…? Ah… I wish Goblin could be 100 episodes.
[prolonged whining and groaning]
MC: Right now we’re hearing the actors groaning. Oh, GY has resurrected from the dead. LDW, do you have any hopes for this drama?
LDW: Obviously I hope Goblin will do really well, and I hope everything goes smoothly for all of us (the cast members). We’ve all grown really close while filming this drama, and I hope we’ll be able to stay close for a long time.
MC: And how about GY, who says Goblin absolutely can’t be 100 episodes? Do you have any wishes for this drama?
GY: I’d like it to be more like 10 episodes… [laughing] Ah, sorry. Well, wherever it is, it would be nice if I could be sent there quietly.
MC: Where are you going?
GY: Well, wherever I want to go. No matter where. Just give me that kind of power/ability. Hold my hand and lead me there. That would be good. After you watch the drama you’ll understand why I’m saying this.
MC: Ah, so now we’ve given the audience a little bit of suspense.
GY: We can’t tell you all of it.
MC: Right.
[LDW says something that isn’t subbed, YIN replies/hits him on the arm, more talking in the background]
GY: KGE, you know what I mean, right?
[everyone turns and looks at LDW/YIN, KGE tries to hand them the mic, YIN refuses]
MC: What a lively group we’ve got here! How about you, KGE?
KGE: It would be nice if the goblin would listen to what I have to say.
MC: It sounds like you’re saying this to GY.
KGE: Oh, I’m not. If I could have a little space to move around a bit, that would be good.
MC: Well, I don’t know the details to this either, but I feel like this has to do with something important in the drama.
GY: This has to do with a scene we filmed.
MC: Got it, I guess that’s all we’ll get for now. Last, Sungjae?
YSJ: A more real-life wish would be for gold to appear directly in front of me. Nah, I’m joking. I want a loveline.
MC: Ahh, a loveline.
YSJ: Just now when we were taking press pictures I was the only one without a partner.
MC: Ah, well I hope your wish will be fulfilled.
We just watched the highlight video, and the story/plot of this drama is really very powerful. I’m sure the cast members will have some special thoughts and feelings after watching it. Let’s hear some of these thoughts/feelings. You’ve gone over some of them in the introductions already, so why don’t you say/summarize how you feel in 5 syllables?
‘After the highlight video, I felt this way’  expressed in 5 syllables.
I’ll give you guys a little time to think.
Right now GY is picking up his microphone like he’s ready to talk… …but now he’s immediately putting it back down. Okay, let’s hear it.
GY: ‘Very exhausting.’ You just saw the 6 minute teaser—for the past week, in order to explain my character, I’m filming the part where I’m in human form. So I’m appearing as a ‘war god’ (?). This is my first time filming a sageuk/action sequence, and the costumes/props are really large and heavy. Wearing all of that while carrying the sword and moving around was seriously very tiring. So thinking of the action sequence, that’s why I’m saying this.
LDW: Then I should follow that by saying “(You) really worked hard.” If I were to say a sentence, then I’d want to address all of the cast members and the film crew/staff: ‘Let’s do well/better.’
MC: So far we have ’Very exhausting’ and ‘Let’s do better’…
GY: I keep saying it’s exhausting, I’m capturing the traits of my character. But Dongwook is the kind of heartwarming person who knows how to console people, he really knows how to put on [run?] a show.
MC: So in the drama we’ll continue to see this kind of ‘bromance’. Okay, what about you, YIN?
YIN: ‘Year 2016’.
MC: ‘Year 2016’?
YIN: Yes, because our drama Goblin wraps up/closes out this year. [turns to LDW] Ah, that’s not very good, I’ll just say whatever
GY: They told you to say 5 syllables.
YIN: [spelling out] ‘Year 2016’!
GY: Ugh, this is tiring.
[LDW and KGE tease him by exaggeratedly demonstrating how to count the syllables]
GY: Okay okay I got it!
[MC asks actors to talk into the microphones]
MC: KGE, if you were to say 5 syllables to express how you feel about this drama, what would say?
KGE: ‘Handsome and beautiful’.
YIN: Ah good job [everyone claps]
MC: And Sungjae?
YSJ: I don’t have anything special, so I’ll just say ‘Wooow’.
GY: Wooooooooow
LDW: That’s cute.
YSJ: I really only have amazement [literal translation: exclamations]. It’s really cool/entertaining. Although I think as long as I can appear more it’s good. But it’s really so cool.
MC: Now that we’ve each used 5 syllables to describe our characters and their personalities, let’s officially start discussing the drama.
YSJ: The replies say ‘it’s so boring’.
LDW: Ah, we’re boring?
YIN: All of us?
GY: Good thing it’s saying everyone’s boring. I thought they were only calling me boring. But that’s okay!
MC: Okay, let’s officially start talking about the drama! Through what opportunity/circumstances did each of you take on Goblin? You can speak your heart, whether it’s background stories or exposing the secrets of your fellow cast members. Since GY is holding a microphone, why don’t we start from him.
GY: I’m only holding it because you told us to hold our microphones!
MC: Then why don’t you start us off? [lmao]
GY: It’s been a long time—around 4 years—since I’ve been in a drama. No matter what, because this role/character isn’t a human character, I feel a little anxious, a little burdened. Even so, when talking with the scriptwriter, I could tell that she was really enthusiastic about this project. I could really tell how much she trusted the actors. I was really touched. Plus the director became popular through other projects/dramas, so I really trust the two of them.  Now that I’m approaching my 40s—please receive this sincerely(?)—
LDW: This is such a sad subject…
GY: Ah, seriously. So I was thinking of how—
LDW: It’s okay, we all have to go (through it), there’s no before and after [probably lost in translation idk]
GY:  So I was thinking, right now, when I at least still have energy [literally ‘vitality’], I could film and show everyone this kind of magical/fantasy drama. So after agonizing over this I decided to take this drama.
MC: When GY was talking, LDW said something like “We all have to go, there’s no before and after,” what kind of work do you think Goblin is?
LDW: Of course, I feel the same way as GY. I really trust the scriptwriter and director. And like I said (during the press conference), I was told that GY would be playing the role of the goblin, so I thought it would be pretty good to play the role of the reaper. In contrast, I actually first expressed that I wanted to play the role, because I really thought this role would fit me well. Plus, in the future, YIN and I will be able to show an interesting love story/plot, so please anticipate that.
But just now, after hearing that we were boring, it’s been making me feel burdened. Why don’t we go around and show some personal talents or something.
GY: No no no let’s not do that. Actually I’ve even done a V-App stream before and they never said we absolutely had to be entertaining—
LDW: Of course, of course.
GY: It’s more important for us to sincerely discuss the drama.
YSJ: Ah now they’re all saying ‘it’s interesting! it’s interesting’
LDW: There’s also… how do I say it, what is it… wasn’t our press conference just now also streamed live? So I wanted to say things/answer questions we haven’t already said just now.
GY: No but it would be better to carry on answering according to the questions, right?
LDW: Ah yeah, I understand. So YIN, what thoughts do you have about this new project—
GY: [talking over LDW to KGE]
LDW: Let’s do this freely then.
GY: Let’s all just say what we want to then.
LDW: So YIN, how did you decide to take on this drama?
GY: Do we do this for 30 minutes then? 30 minutes? Give every person a camera, whatever everyone wants to say, you can say it.
LDW: Okay, let’s laugh it out then. Which room do we go to. [gesturing at camera]
YIN: Well, for me, of course I really wanted to act in this scriptwriter/director’s work. I was the last one to join the cast, so I already knew which actors would be playing each role, and I thought this drama would be really great and would be a lot of fun. So with these thoughts, and with a lot of trust, I didn’t have any reason not to take on this role.
MC: When YIN was talking there were many comments appearing that said “kekekeke this is fun this is interesting” 
YIN: They’re teasing me, right?
MC: No, no, don’t feel too pressured. Okay, then let’s hear KGE’s feelings.
KGE: I think I feel pretty much the same way. Wow, this is a lot of pressure [laughs]. Of course I also really trust the scriptwriter and director. Actually, at first, when GY confirmed his role, I was curious about to see who the female lead would be. Then shortly after that I received the offer for the role. It felt very magical. Plus I already was a fan of GY… and after I accepted the role, LDW, YIN, and YSJ all confirmed their roles, so I felt like accepting the role was a good decision.
MC: The comments keep saying “this is fun/interesting”. So last we’ll have YSJ share—what’s the attraction point of the drama?
YSJ: Attraction point… For me, first I already saw the confirmed lineup for the drama, and I thought, ‘Wow, if I could act/work with them I would definitely be able to learn a lot of things.’ It’s with spirit/sincerity(?).
LDW: Why are you looking over at us when you say that…
GY: It’s said with more spirit/sincerity than what KGE said just now [idk how to translate this]
LDW: Just now hearing KGE saying she was originally a fan of GY, GY and I both had to sigh.
YSJ: Oh and also my older sister really likes GY and LDW, she’s been a fan since a long time ago.
YIN: Actually in Korea pretty much every woman/girl is probably a fan of the two of them.
KGE: Right, right.
YSJ: And so she told me I definitely had to take the role. So I did. That’s all.
LDW: Then GY, why don’t you say a few things to Sungjae’s sister?
GY: Me?
LDW: Yeah, why don’t you say something first.
GY: Is her name…?
YSJ: Seonhyo. It’s Seonhyo.
GY: Hello Seonhyo, I don’t know if you’re watching, but I’m happy to be able to meet you like this. I’d like to ask how old you are.
YSJ: She was born in ’92.
GY: Ah, so young. Very nice to meet you. Well, looking at YSJ, you’re probably very pretty. Next time come please visit us onsite/here. Thank you.
YIN: [to LDW] You should say a few sentences to my older sister, her name is Ah-na.
LDW: How old is Ah-na…?
YIN: My sister has a kid already.
LDW: Ah, is that so… I hope you can become a good mother. Next time, come visit us here. Please love Goblin a lot, thank you.
MC: Ah, so far we haven’t actually asked many questions and already the chemistry [between the cast] is this strong. Everyone’s personality/role seems to be very clear, too. Please compare each character’s personality with their real-life personality. But actually, it seems like we’re gradually seeing these personalities come through; GY plays the goblin, LDW plays the grim reaper. If we were to compare the personality of your character to your actual personality in real life, what would be similar/different?
Ah but why is everyone just exchanging glances/looking at each other? Let’s give the microphone to LDW then.
LDW: Okay. Uhh… [gets distracted by microphone cord] Sorry but this mic cord is tangled with this chair. Uh… as for the grim reaper… …do you want us to talk/compare for just our own characters? Ah, then I’ll talk about the character Sunny/YIN.
YIN: …Don’t….
LDW: Ah, you don’t want me to? I’ll only pick good things to say. We’re in front of cameras, after all.
YIN: It’s just… right now I don’t think I’ve found anything in common with the character Sunny, have you found anything?
LDW: No. [laughs] If you haven’t found any similarities yourself how could I…
YIN: Then what were you planning on saying…?
LDW: No, because Sunny is a pretty reckless… the character in the drama is quite reckless, and her self-awareness is very strong… This is a very strong, clear character. But in reality YIN is a much gentler person, who can really listen to other people’s thoughts, and can really look after/care for other people. She’s a really great person.
YIN: Thank you.
LDW: Yes, congratulations. [laughing] What even was that ending just now?
MC: Who wants to talk a little about someone else’s character next?
GY: One way KGE is similar to Eun-tak is that she’s very open/cheerful. This is what’s most similar. As for differences… compared to Eun-tak, KGE is smarter. [to KGE] That wasn’t bad, right? Okay, now talk about my character next.
KGE: First, the goblin’s… uh…
[GY purposely puts a hand on her chair, KGE gets nervous]
KGE: You kept praising me and now I don’t know what to say! Because originally he doesn’t really praise me that much. A similarity between GY and the goblin character is… first… well… that prankster/joking kind of look/style? When going through lines with Eun-tak he’ll be noisy, excited… he’s also like that in reality. As for differences…
MC: Does [GY] really never praise people? Right now KGE has this really imposing(?) feeling… as you were saying?
KGE: Yes, well, as for differences, GY is a lot younger.
MC: The goblin is over 900 years old, after all…
GY: Yeah, well…
MC: Yes, so a large age difference, and…?
KGE: When the goblin is talking, there are times when he’s pretty indifferent/cold, but GY is warmer.
KGE: Not bad, right?
GY: Yeah, that was pretty good!
MC: Next, YIN?
YIN: First, in reality LDW really has a lot of charm [high-fives LDW]. If we were to talk about similarities and differences with the grim reaper, the reaper is a funny kind of man, and in real life LDW really is that kind of funny, interesting man.
[prolonged embarrassed pause]
LDW: Uh, then, lastly, I’ll…
[KGE and YSJ imitate LDW/YIN’s high-five]
LDW:… I’ll talk about Sungjae, then. Of all of us, Sungjae is the most similar to his character in the drama. He’s cheerful/open, cute, and refreshing/cool, and when I was watching replays, one time he was filming outside—I said this before, right? ‘You’re really very handsome’, like that. While I was watching replays, without even knowing it this phrase just tumbled out of my mouth, because he really looks so bright and clean. I really felt like, ‘ah, being young is so great’, ah… it was like that.
[If you’re following along with the video, we’re at 24:16.]
MC: So we just heard everyone’s comparisons to their drama characters’ personalities. Because it’s a romantic fantasy drama, the subject matter and characters of Goblin seem to be quite unfamiliar for the cast as a whole. I’d like to hear what everyone did to prepare for this drama. Also, there’s a sageuk (historical drama) segment, there’s a goblin, a grim reaper [literally ‘messenger of hell’], these kinds of strange characters… To play these roles, did the cast members have to specially prepare (for) anything? Characters like the goblin or the grim reaper, these roles really must not be simple to play…
GY: Right. Like you said, they’re not human (characters), so in the beginning I really was at a loss, trying to figure out how to play this character. But after filming, there were actually many parts that could be simplified. Because the characters are not human, there’s a kind of ability to do anything. Therefore, when I’m acting, there’s a lot more freedom. So this (fantasy) aspect was originally quite stressful, but as time went on, it actually came in handy.
As for the sageuk part, there were action sequences, but we had less time to practice than imagined, so it was a little unfortunate. But I was helped a lot by the martial arts crew and staff, and the director filmed the scene in a really, really cool/handsome way, so I was very satisfied with it.
LDW: As for studying and understanding the grim reaper character, I have the same thoughts as GY. Also, there was a lot of preparation before we even started filming… Actually while filming we exchanged a lot of thoughts and ideas, especially when GY and I were filming together, it was a little… Later when the drama is broadcast you’ll know what I mean. Because it was like we were acting out the reality/situations we were envisioning in our minds. We were discussing with the staff and cast members, ‘how do we act this out’. I thought that kind of creative process was very interesting overall.
MC: Then, what about KGE, who’s playing a high school student? Did you do anything to prepare for this? For example, imitating the expressions of contemporary high school students?
KGE: For language/expressions… In reality I didn’t really mimic them that much because scriptwriter KES designed the script very appropriately, so there wasn’t really that kind of problem. On set, I also discussed a lot of things with the director. Also, the first time I filmed with GY, it was also through discussion and collaboration that I was able to get used to the character.
MC: What was YIN’s situation like?
YIN: For me… actually Sunny is a pretty strong character, and in the beginning I introduced my character like that. When the character Sunny talks to other people, she’s not willing to concede to anyone, that kind of defiant attitude. But in reality my personality isn’t like that. I’m the type to immediately soften... [giggles] …so to not be like that, I put up pictures of KGE and the others at home.
[Cast laughs, LDW says something, YIN makes a small circle with her hands.]
Yeah, just ones that you could hold like this, not just pictures that I saw at other places. Photos that were taken to see what the profile shots would look like(?). I used really thick paper to make them into signs [that you can hold], So there was a picture of KGE where she was smiling really brightly, and in order to get/act a little tougher I would face the picture like this and just practice like that [laughs]…
MC: Ah, so you practiced before. Right now, looking at the comment section, new comments are continuously streaming in. Everyone is saying you guys are all very entertaining, so you guys don’t need to worry. Lastly, YSJ’s situation, you’re living with the goblin and grim reaper, right?
YSJ: Ah, yes.
MC: Your character is probably also not that easy to portray, right?
YSJ: Um… In reality it’s a little difficult. At first, because I’m originally nervous around strangers, while filming for the first time I was really just like my character Yoo Deok-hwa, bouncing(?) back and forth. It was pretty tiring. But gradually we became more comfortable with each other, so that kind of feeling I had in the beginning went away. Also in the beginning I knew that the character Yoo Deok-Hwa is a third generation chaebol(?), and not just a normal chaebol, he’s /very/ chaebol, so I was wondering how to seem more boastful/proud(?). And more like a chaebol. Once I went on set and put on Yoo Deok-hwa’s capable-looking(?) clothing… was in a huge house… drove a luxury car… naturally, that chaebol-feeling came to me. Those kinds of hand motions, that kind of gaze, all of that. I really felt like, ‘Ah, this drama’s sponsors are so awesome’.
[cast laughing at him]
Seriously, I was like, wow, they’re not fooling around here. Especially the car. You can even open the top cover.
GY: Aren’t you a little too simple/honest?
YSJ: It’s awesome, it can even make noise. The house is also super big. The fridge has a screen, and it’s even a touch screen! So it’s really pretty good!
LDW: That’s great. You’re too good at PPL (product placement), you just advertised everything.
MC: Okay, now we’ve heard everyone’s answers, and we’re really anticipating this drama. We’ve prepared some highlight pictures from filming, so now we’ll take a look at the pictures and then ask everyone to explain more in detail about them.
Let’s first show everyone the first picture. Can you remember this scene, GY? On the top picture, GY is acting as a warrior/general and as the goblin, [audio goes mute]…
GY: The top picture is when my character is still in human form, when we were still filming the beginning of the drama. When I was still living as a general. My appearance was that of a gallant general who is the people trusted and depended on. The bottom picture is when I was reborn as the goblin. I think it was the first time I filmed. This was when I was talking a walk. This is the part of the drama where the goblin is (most) terribly upset, so at this moment my character is actually in deep [gloomy] thought. Yes, it should be this picture. In my estimate, I was probably thinking about Eun-tak, the character played by KGE, who is sitting next to me.
MC: The first picture looks very intense, and this was even when you were still in human form, wasn’t it?
GY: Yes. It was probably during the Goryeo dynasty/era?
MC: This must be your first time acting as a general in a sageuk, right?
GY: Yes, it’s my first time.
MC: What kind of preparation did you do?
GY: I prepared armor! [cast laughing at him]
MC: Ah, right, and what else? You even had a sword…
GY: Yes, and after that there was a wig. I even put on a wig. Didn’t it look very natural? They made it look pretty natural. [The cast is snickering at him in the background LMAO] So I prepared a wig, and also… well, everything I mentioned was prepared for me by the staff. Originally I thought filming a sageuk really wasn’t suitable for me, so… although it wasn’t like I was specifically avoiding sageuks, since my debut I’d never acted in one. This time, in Goblin, I didn’t even know I’d be showing everyone this kind of [sageuk] appearance, but I’m very satisfied that I’m even able to create this special and handsome/cool appearance. Beforehand, I did have my worries.
MC: In reality, the GY that we’re familiar with is more like the feeling the bottom picture portrays, but the intense/strong appearance seen in the first picture leaves a deep impression on us.
Alright, then let’s look at what’s happening in the second picture. It’s the goblin and Eun-tak, walking together on the street. KGE, what kind of setting/scene is this?
KGE: Uh, this… The two of us went to Canada together. Because it was Eun-tak’s first time leaving the country, [my character] was really excited. And then seeing all of the maple leaves falling to earth, it felt like walking the red carpet, in the lively Eun-tak’s perspective. [gestures to GY]
MC: [to Sungjae] Do you need a mic to talk?
YSJ: No, no.
MC: Then I’ll say it. YSJ just said, it’s more like you were walking with a red carpet wrapped around your neck.
LDW: Isn’t it more like a piano cover?
[everyone looks at him like ???]
LDW: Ah sorry I’m sorry
GY: In this scene of the drama I’m a little impatient. Because it’s her first time outside of Korea, Eun-tak is especially excited/hyper, so she’s just incessantly following me. If she’s not scampering back and forth like a puppy by my side, I’m trying to lead her forward while walking, this kind of situation.
MC: Actually, after looking at the comments, I’m seeing people saying the two of you have great proportions/positions(?). It’s just like it’s from the perspective/angle/position of a girl who really likes someone. The two of you suit each other so well! It seems like the chemistry between the two of you is pretty special. When you were filming in Quebec, was there anything else [that happened] that was interesting/fun?
GY: Quebec is a place that has so many tourists, and in the beginning we hadn’t thought of that. Compared to filming in Korea, when we were filming in Canada, there were more people who would come over to record/take pictures of us. There were people from China, Canadian locals, people from Japan, tourists… if they weren’t really doing anything, they’d all come over and take pictures of us. So even though that made it a little more difficult to film, we got to advertise for the drama pretty effectively.
Additionally, the local Quebec news station also broadcasted a very eye-catching piece of news. So at that moment I could really feel the impact/influence of Korean dramas.
MC: ’This kind of appearance/scene, of course they would release news about it’… Okay, the comments have continuously been increasing, from ‘Really very compatible’ to ‘With this kind of goblin, I also want to be caught/taken’, ‘Really wish to be taken/caught’, it’s really getting very chaotic.
Alright, let’s take a look at the next set of pictures. Finally, we get to see the pictures of our grim reaper wth Sunny!
[In the corner you can see LDW spots YIN struggling to look at the picture, so he moves in front of her to block her view, which she protests. What a flirt.]
MC: In the picture, the two of them are standing face-to-face, looking straight at each other. But it also feels like you guys were just arguing with each other, what’s happening here?
LDW: [to YIN] Why don’t you explain?
YIN: Ah, this scene… Sunny is saying to the grim reaper… Wait, am I allowed to say this?
LDW: Yeah, we can’t tell you everything
YIN: Right. This… it isn’t like that.
LDW: What isn’t?
YIN: [laughing] Ah I don’t even know anymore either [bursts out laughing]
LDW: ‘Ding!’ [”Wrong!”] Uh… this is after the two of us meet for the first time. This is the second time we meet. It looks like I scolded Sunny, in this scene we were filming. This was actually the first time YIN and I filmed together.
YIN: Ah, that’s right.
LDW: You didn’t remember?
YIN: Of course I remember!
LDW: So originally that day I thought it would be really awkward, but the filming process was actually much more comfortable than I had imagined it would be.
YIN: Yes.
LDW: YIN voluntarily came up to me and asked if we wanted to go through/match our scripts, so I’m really very thankful to her for taking the initiative. She took the initiative to set the atmosphere.
MC: The first time you met, was it under really intense circumstances?
LDW: Yes, it was like that. The first time we meet, it’s really intense. Uh… there’s a reason. There’s a reason for that.
MC: A reason… we’ll just have to watch the drama to find the answer to that, then.
LDW: Yes, of course.
MC: Okay, we’ll quickly move on to the next picture. Ah, this picture… it’s like it was secretly taken. Bromance! In the second photo, GY has his back to LDW like that… what’s the situation here?
GY: There’s no way to explain the details of this…
LDW: Right… This… I’m really sorry, we can’t tell you all the details because then it would be a spoiler.
YSJ: In this scene…
LDW: Good job.
YSJ: …this is a picture where the grim reaper is staring at the goblin’s back.
[everyone starts laughing/cheering]
LDW: [laughing] Ah, correct! Wow, YSJ is doing so well!
MC: Ah, yes, I really hope everyone could speak into the microphone. [turns Sungjae’s mic around for him] See, everyone’s answering correctly!
GY: Okay, this is when I slightly injured the grim reaper’s self-esteem [pride/ego?]. So the reaper is a little angry in this scene. But I’m immersed in my own emotions, and I didn’t even notice.
LDW: At this scene, where the goblin yells at me to “Go away!”, this kind of scene.
YIN: Here LDW looks kind of like a female lead, doesn’t he?
GY: It looks like his eyes are shining with tears.
LDW: [embarrassed laugh] Uh…
GY: Okay but LDW’s eyelashes are really pretty. It sounds strange when I say it like this but—
MC: No, no, please continue
LDW: It’s very strange. Very strange.
GY: For a man’s eyelashes, your eyelashes are really very pretty. Even from here, you can see that his eyelashes are so long!
LDW: Omo, cham… [hits GY on the shoulder]
GY: I really…
MC: Could you turn to the side so everyone can see? Show the camera, too…
LDW: How?
GY: It’s like Bizarro.
LDW: I don’t think you can see them.
GY: Ah his eyelashes are so long
LDW: Why would you say Bizarro, you complimented me so why would you mention Bizarro
MC: Right now in the comments there are people saying ‘It’s like GY and LDW are playfully arguing/flirting’
LDW: Yes, well, in the drama there will be a lot of scenes where we’re just bickering back and forth. That will be one of the interesting features of this drama.
MC: It’s a little like a relationship that’s somewhere between love and friendship.
LDW: Yes, it is. A love-hate relationship between the goblin and the reaper.
MC: A love-hate relationship, right. Okay, let’s look at the next picture.
[We’re at 38:40 in the video.]
MC: We finally get to see YSJ! These three are mysteriously together—there’s GY at the door, but also LDW and YSJ, what’s happening here?
YSJ: Well, even though we can’t explain in detail, this is when we got kicked out of the house. 
MC: Kicked out?
YSJ: Yeah, we got kicked out. 
LDW: YSJ and I were kicked out of the house.
MC: GY kicked you guys out of the house.
LDW: Yes. 
YSJ: Also if you look closely, there’s a thin layer of ice on the ground around reaper-hyung (LDW). You could emphasize/focus on that, I guess.
MC: Ah, looking here at this photo, there is a thin layer of ice. So although we can’t explain further, this is a point of emphasis.
YSJ: And...
LDW: Ah, well, to put it simply, if the goblin is fire, then I’m ice. The reaper is ice. We can think through this kind of comparison.
YSJ: Also the outfit I’m wearing is one of the most eye-catching out of the collection... people kept saying it looks like the principal from Crayon Shin Chan...
LDW: No no it suits you!
YSJ: It suits me?
LDW: It suits you, it’s very cute.
YSJ: If I put on sunglasses I’d become the principal [from Crayon Shin Chan].
MC: Actually, the bromance between these three is something we can really anticipate from the drama, and a lot of people are saying that they’re excited for this just from seeing the talk. 
Right now YSJ feels a little sad because he’s the only one without a loveline, Are there any episodes where you have bromance [with the older brothers] instead?
YSJ: [looks toward GY and LDW, laughs] Is there anything?
LDW: Well... how do I say it... the bromance...
YSJ: Up until now, I haven’t experienced anything particularly deep...
LDW: Well, we can be certain that amid the complicated relationship between the goblin and grim reaper, Deokhwa is a very important character. He acts as a wall that can keep the two from colliding.
YSJ: Right now I’m basically stuck between goblin and reaper hyungs, not knowing where I should go next...
LDW: Ah, like a love triangle?
YSJ: [laughs] Yes, because I also want a love line...
MC: So even in a situation this forced, you want to find something to make a loveline out of...
GY: But it’s not like he absolutely doesn’t have anything going on. I always feel like in the latter half of the drama, YSJ’s character will have some kind of importance, especially because the scriptwriter never really talked about it. I feel like there definitely will be some other person of interest that appears later.
LDW: I also feel that way.
MC: Do you also hope this will happen, YSJ?
YSJ: Well, I definitely hope so. 
MC: Right now there are a lot of comments about YSJ. When he mentioned how his clothes look like the principal from Crayon Shin Chan, a lot of commenters were saying that fashion depends on the face. A lot of these comments have to do with YSJ, so I’ll ask YSJ again - you just said there weren’t a lot of significant bromance episodes, so let’s slightly change the question. Do the hyungs treat you well on set?
YSJ: Oh! [looks over at GY and LDW, starts laughing]
MC: Oh, he got a little nervous!
YSJ: No, no. 
LDW: He hesitated a little...
YSJ: No, it’s because I’m still a little shy/unfamiliar, but the hyungs have been really easygoing/treated me comfortably... right? [laughs]
GY: Sungjae is so busy, he just released a new album and is in the middle of promotions. Honestly sometimes I feel so sorry for him. He gets to the filming site, and because he has a little less screen time than us, he has to wait a long time before filming, too. There were also times where he’d wait a full day and still not get to film, too. Idols originally have super busy schedules, and on top of that he has to promote a new album, so it honestly seems like a level of ‘busy’ that we can’t even imagine. But even when he comes to film, he doesn’t show that he’s exhausted, always greeting us with a clear/bright face, so I’m really thankful to him for that. 
YSJ: Every time I go for filming I always feel really excited, like, ‘Oh, I get to see GY and LDW hyungs now!’ [starts laughing]
LDW: BTOB fighting!
GY: Everyone please love BTOB’s album a lot, there’s not a lot of promotions left so please support them till the end!
LDW: [untranslated] Fighting!
MC: Ah, it’s so nice to see that the hyungs really treasure Sungjae so much. Just now, in response to Sungjae’s wish for a love line, there were a lot of comments coming in saying ‘Absolutely not!’ 
YSJ: ‘Absolutely not...’ well... Acting is acting, please don’t misunderstand! If the scriptwriter is watching right now... could you give me a little bit of a loveline... Right now this is my fourth project, but I haven’t had a successful loveline/love experience. 
MC: So this time... you want to experience (a loveline)?
[YSJ nods]
MC: I see. Wow, right now, since the actors have been talking nonstop, there are 46,960... almost 47,000 people who are watching our live broadcast. 
GY: How many people have ‘liked’ the broadcast?
MC: As for likes (’hearts’), there are already 980,000. I just added one myself. 
LDW: Ah, is it good that there are so many hearts? 
MC: Of course.
YSJ: If we reach 100,000 hearts...
LDW: Will they give us something? [Look at GY cracking up and hitting him on the shoulder lmfao]
YSJ: ...you have to show them aegyo as a thank you. 
LDW: We do?
YSJ: Yes, you.
GY: In the past when I was promoting for a movie, I did a V-app broadcast, and I asked the same thing you just did.
LDW: Ah, ‘is getting more hearts a good thing?’ 
GY: Yes, ‘if we get a lot of hearts will they give us money?’
LDW: Oh, exactly. Something like, every time we reach a certain stage it goes up by 100 dollars.
GY: See, the reason why we became close is because we’re so similar. 
LDW: That’s true.
GY: We really don’t get anything from it.
LDW: Of course more [hearts] is better. Because they’re giving us love, right. It’s like just the two of us are talking now. 
YSJ: From what I know, if there are a lot of viewers and hearts, the broadcast can get on the main page. 
MC: Ah, as you were talking we just reached 10,000 hearts. 
YSJ: 100,000!
MC: Ah 100,000, my mistake. We’re over 100,000 hearts now. It seems like it’s time for you guys to show some aegyo... [laughs] Right now everyone is asking questions, I’ll ask everyone to personally take a look at them and try to answer. So the number of hearts passed 100,000. Just now I took a quick glance at questions for GY. From Train to Busan, then The Age of Shadows, and now Goblin, you’ve been incredibly busy this year. So for you, GY, what kind of a year has it been? I just saw some questions like that.
GY: Yes. Since my debut, I think this is the first time I’ve had this much work within a single year. As an actor, it felt like my career was almost fit to burst [?], and the results were all really positive. It was a year full of blessings. So I hope this kind of good luck can extend to Goblin, and I hope Goblin will be able to receive everyone’s love. 
MC: Alright, next let’s take a look at LDW’s questions. LDW, you too have been continuously active in your projects; what’s driving you to film projects so continuously?
LDW: Ah... well... in this capitalist world, I have to eat and live... Actually this is my only television drama of this entire year, so it’s not like I was continuously working. Because Gong Yoo’s had a phenomenal year, I also hope the success can transfer to Goblin and yield great results. 
MC: Right now the number of hearts keeps increasing. We just hit 100,000 hearts, and now there’s 60,000 more of them. Okay, so in KGE’s case, a lot of people said this: 'You seem just like a real high school student! How did you maintain such a youthful appearance? You're clearly around the same age as I am, it’s so fascinating! What's the secret to your youth?’
KGE: The secret... um... there’s nothing special. If I get chubbier it all just goes to my face, so it’s probably just because of that? 
GY: Ah, so because your face gets chubbier you look younger? More child-like?
KGE: Yes, that’s it.
GY: Well the way I see it, it’s because she’s very cheerful/open, and laughs a lot, so she appears younger, brighter. 
MC: I see. Then for YIN, just now you showed great chemistry with LDW. I saw a lot of comments saying you’re so cute, or that you two are going to start rumors/scandals, these kinds of comments. But there were a lot of comments about your voice, too, asking stuff like ‘How do I make my voice as sweet [honey-voice] as yours?’ Is there a secret to that?
YIN: The secret to my voice... uh... 
MC: Were you born with it?
YIN: Actually, even though my voice is originally like this, but I think it’s also because I was a radio DJ for a really long time. When I first heard my own voice I just couldn’t stand it, so among the sounds I could make, I practiced how to make my vocal tone soothing to the ears.
KGE: Not only is YIN’s [vocal] tone is so nice to listen to, but the way she talks is beautiful as well. She can really brighten the mood of anyone who’s listening to her. 
LDW: That’s true. She’s really talented [skilled] in speaking—
[KGE and YIN bashfully pretend to swat each other from across the table, YIN hits LDW on the shoulder, everyone starts laughing]
LDW: [sighing] Ah, seriously. When she’s praising others, or when she’s talking with other people, she’ll never make the other person feel bad [cause them to be in a bad mood]. Her speaking skills are really strong. 
KGE: Her praise is really genuine. 
LDW: Exactly. 
KGE: She doesn’t make people feel like it’s only out of courtesy/just for show.
LDW: Her reactions are very honest.
MC: Let’s all take a look at the real time comments. There are a lot of questions for YSJ. Just before we started on questions, we talked about aegyo, right? Because we’ve gotten over 100,000 hearts now, there are a lot of people that would really like to see you do aegyo [literally, ’the voices yelling for aegyo are louder and louder’]. 
YSJ: It seems like I’ve heard them, too. Uh. I’ve done this way too many times. [Looks over at the rest of the cast, who probably suggested he sing.] 
The new song, huh? [clears throat] sings chorus of I’ll Be Your Man]
GY: Finish it up with aegyo. 
YSJ: Okay. [Sings part of the chorus of “I’ll Be Your Man”] Please give a lot of love to BTOB’s “I’ll Be Your Man”! [finger heart]
[cast is clapping, LDW gives him a standing ovation]
MC: You can’t lose/go wrong with that! Is there anyone else here who’s prepared some aegyo? 
YIN: The oppas here will act as representatives for our team. 
MC: Who are they, YIN?
YIN: LDW, how long has it been since you debuted?
LDW: This year would be my 18th year since debut.
YIN: It’s already been 18 years, but a lot of people might not know that LDW is actually really good at aegyo. He’s really a very cute guy. 
LDW: People not knowing about that is perfectly fine with me...
YIN: [laughs] Please let everyone know...
LDW: You want me to do aegyo?
YIN: Yes, I do. 
LDW: Ah... [fake sighing]
MC: Once we say you have to do aegyo, now everything’s a mess, plus there’s YIN’s testimony now...
LDW: Ah, this is a big problem, what do I do now? What should I do for aegyo? GY [hyung] should do it with me.
[GY turns away from LDW immediately]
MC: Just do finger hearts.
LDW: Yeah why don’t we just do finger hearts together?
MC: Why don’t GY and LDW do finger hearts together. 
LDW: [bursts out laughing] What are we even doing here?
GY: Right now it seems like we don’t have much time left in this live broadcast, I still have a schedule coming up.
LDW: Let’s just face the cameras and do finger hearts at it.
GY: Everything’s out of order now.
MC: Where? Where? They’re saying it’s fine, they’re telling you to hurry up and do [aegyo] it...
LDW: Alright, we got it. 
[GY’s soul is leaving him.]
MC: Okay, so the two of you can do finger hearts together. Or you could form a large heart together, that’s fine, too. KGE suggested that you two just make a large heart together.
GY: You might as well just pour alcohol over me at this point. [?]
YIN: Why don’t you two just do something like this? [demonstrates LDW’s signature move where he pretends to shoot you in the heart etc] 
LDW: What? Ah...That’s something we did during filming.
[GY and LDW form a large heart with their arms]
MC: Okay, so the cast has brought to you a very cute and lively atmosphere for this Goblin drama talk. Now, like GY said, we don’t have much time left. Sadly, we need to bid farewell to the cast of Goblin. Although we’ve talked [about] a lot, let’s all just say a few final things for the viewers of this V-App live broadcast. This time we’ll start from YIN.
YIN: The year of 2016... Right now we’re in the middle of a very cold winter, and there are many bad things happening. Even though we may feel frustrated/uneasy, I hope we can end 2016 on a good note through this drama. We’re working very diligently, and we hope everyone will love Goblin a lot!
LDW: A troubled [disaster-filled] year is about to end, and I hope that together with Goblin, everyone can welcome the end of 2016 with a cheerful mood. Also, the weather is getting colder, I hope everyone can stay healthy. Please love Goblin a lot, thank you!
GY: After a long time, I’m once again meeting you all through a television drama. Along with these great actors and friends who are sitting next to me, we will show everything we can, without regrets. Please anticipate [this]. Even though it sounds a bit arrogant if I say this, perhaps we will be able to present a drama whose quality [literally ‘handsomeness/coolness;] can live up to/match the level of expectations. So I wanted to carefully say, please anticipate. Thank you.
KGE: I... oh, do I look here? Okay. Right now, we... [laughs] ...are in the middle of filming, and it’s very interesting. Although a lot of heart-wrenching things have happened, everyone who has worked on filming this drama has a lot of energy, and are really enjoying the filming process that’s going so smoothly. [I think] If you watch it, you’d really enjoy it as well. Please cheer for Goblin a lot!
YSJ: Of course, I also think the drama is really awesome. The opportunity to meet these handsome and beautiful brothers and sisters is the honor of my life, and I’ve really learned a lot. I hope this is a drama that will help me grow/mature. Also, I kept seeing people telling me to greet the fans in the comments, they were asking me that in Korean. [waving] Hello! 
MC: So in this way, the Goblin cast members have each given their final thoughts. Right now, the number of hearts has almost reached 127,000, and there are still a lot of people watching live. So we can see that a lot of people are really excited for the first broadcast of this drama. Unfortunately, our time here is up, and we have to end the drama talk for Goblin here. Thank you everyone! Let’s all face the camera and wave goodbye together. Next Friday, at 8 pm on December 2 is the live first broadcast on tvN, please anticipate Goblin! Thank you.
[Cast waving and saying their goodbyes/thank yous]
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podcastdx · 5 years
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
Jean: [00:00:16] Hello and welcome to PodcastDX. The show that brings you interviews with people just like you whose lives were forever changed by a diagnosis. [00:00:24][8.7]
Lita: [00:00:26] I'm Lita. [00:00:26][0.2]
Ron: [00:00:27] I'm Ron. [00:00:27][0.2]
Jean: [00:00:28] And I'm Jean Marie. [00:00:28][0.5]
Lita: [00:00:29] Collectively we are the hosts of podcast dx. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment. Always ask the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking any new health care regimen never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. [00:01:03][33.6]
Lita: [00:01:05] On Today's podcast We are going to be talking about the human papilloma virus. And the FDA approved. HPV. Vaccines HPV. [00:01:14][8.9]
Jean: [00:01:18] (sing-song-rap) Are you down on HPV? [00:01:18][-0.1]
Lita: [00:01:19] (sing-song-rap) Yeah! You know me! [00:01:19][0.1]
Ron: [00:01:19] (clears throat) Ok Then. I've heard this a lot but. Please tell me what. Does HPV stand for? [00:01:24][5.2]
Jean: [00:01:25] HPV stands for human papilloma virus. And there are over actually 200 viruses that are considered to be HPV. Viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control. About a quarter of the population currently have HPV infection and nine out of 10 individuals will get an HPV infection at some point in their life. [00:01:46][21.2]
Lita: [00:01:47] And most cases of the infection are taken care of by the body's own immune system, right? [00:01:51][4.4]
Jean: [00:01:51] That's right. Some HPV infections though can lead to cancer later in life. [00:01:57][6.0]
Ron: [00:01:58] Well how does somebody get an HPV infection? [00:02:00][2.3]
Jean: [00:02:00] Typically through skin to skin contact. According to research. Some studies actually suggest that HPV could. Even be spread through something as simple as a French kiss. But it's the skin to skin contact. [00:02:13][12.3]
Ron: [00:02:14] Well. Why is that such a concern? [00:02:16][2.0]
Jean: [00:02:17] Studies have shown that it. In HPV infection and can lead to cancer. Including cancer of the throat tongue. Tonsils. Cervix the bulldog vagina. Anus. And. An HPV infection can also lead to warts. On the body. And non cancerous tumors. Of the respiratory tract which can interfere with breathing. [00:02:37][20.0]
Ron: [00:02:38] Well is there anything we can do to reduce our chances of getting an infection. [00:02:42][3.7]
Lita: [00:02:43] Absolutely. There are three preventative vaccines currently. Gardasil, Gardasil 9, And. Server. They're all approved by the CDC. The vaccine can actually help prevent future HPV related illnesses and cancer. [00:03:01][18.4]
Jean: [00:03:02] And right now in the U.S. Gardasil 9 is the vaccine that's being given. [00:03:07][5.2]
Lita: [00:03:08] OK. Well, it just surprised me that according to the Mayo Clinic the vaccines can actually protect against cervical cancer. [00:03:16][7.6]
Jean: [00:03:17] That's right. [00:03:17][0.2]
Lita: [00:03:18] And then, I don't know is there a link between HPV and breast cancer. [00:03:21][3.3]
Jean: [00:03:22] There's still research that's being done on that. But we've seen a possible link between HPV and breast cancer. [00:03:26][4.4]
Ron: [00:03:29] Well who should get the HPV Vaccination. [00:03:31][1.7]
Jean: [00:03:32] Right now. The CDC recommends that males and females between the ages of 9 and 14 years of age should receive two vaccinations. So they receive one vaccination and then receive the second vaccination approximately six months later. Those between the ages of 15 and 26. Will actually receive. Three vaccination doses. So they'll receive one. Vaccination. Two months later something one in six months after that they'll receive the third vaccination. But you should always consult. Your health care provider to see which that the definition schedule. Would work best for you. [00:04:06][34.1]
Ron: [00:04:07] OK then. Is there anyone that shouldn't get the vaccine? [00:04:11][3.5]
Lita: [00:04:12] You should probably discuss your concerns and any concerns that you have. Regarding the HPV vaccine with a qualified physician. The CDC warns that some individuals with a severe life threatening allergic reaction to any of the components in an HPV vaccine should not get vaccinated for HPV. [00:04:32][19.6]
Jean: [00:04:33] Just like when you're going to get a flu vaccine they ask you if you have any allergies for that kind of thing, that flu vaccination. And if you are pregnant, Allergic to yeast, are suffering from any serious illnesses. You should always consult your physician before getting vaccinated. They don't recommend pregnant women, or people with severe allergies to yeast, get vaccinated with a HPV vaccine. Or if you had a reaction in the past to another vaccine or to any HPV vaccine. [00:05:01][27.7]
Lita: [00:05:01] Right. Well that's often how they say always consult your physician before getting vaccinated for where they think they're going to get their getting vaccinated. Where do they think they're going to get them? They are getting vaccinated at the physician. they've got to consultant them!. [00:05:12][11.1]
Jean: [00:05:13] Over the past 11 years there's actually been a hundred million doses of the HPV vaccine distributed in the U.S. alone! [00:05:21][7.2]
Ron: [00:05:22] What are some of the possible side effects of the HPV vaccine. [00:05:25][3.6]
Jean: [00:05:26] Well I'm glad you asked according to the vaccine. Adverse Event Reporting System which is where. Any side effects for a vaccination are reported the most frequently reported side effects are those that you would expect with any injection. So. These would include but not limited to fainting, headaches, Dizziness, nausea, feve, and pain and possible discoloration or inflamation at the injection site. So if whenever possible you should be seated before you get vaccinated. And if you feel dizzy. Then you want to remain seated. [00:05:58][31.9]
Lita: [00:06:00] But those arent really bad side effects. I mean, when you think that you're preventing a certain type of cancer. [00:06:05][5.5]
Jean: [00:06:06] Well, you're you're helping to prevent it. [00:06:08][2.1]
Lita: [00:06:08] Right. [00:06:08][0.0]
Jean: [00:06:09] Right. [00:06:09][0.0]
Lita: [00:06:09] I mean that's certainly worth it. [00:06:11][1.6]
Jean: [00:06:11] Right. In the time that we're reporting this the only HPV vaccination like we said that's administered in the U.S. right now is Gardasil nine. It covers more of the human papilloma virus. And as of December. 2017 . Of the twenty nine million doses of Gardasil nine. There were only seven thousand or just over seven thousand reported adverse events. And about three percent of those. Seven thousand events were actually considered serious in nature. [00:06:42][30.7]
Lita: [00:06:43] No not really a bad statistic. [00:06:45][1.5]
Jean: [00:06:46] No and if you can help prevent. Future incidents of cancer then I think it's well worth asking your physician about a human papilloma virus for you. Or your kid. [00:06:55][9.4]
Ron: [00:06:57] I do have a question though. Where it is about 3 percent were considered serious. What is considered serious? [00:07:02][5.1]
Jean: [00:07:03] Anything that. Requires. Sustained. Medical intervention or has sustaining effects. On your medical condition. So having a slight fever that goes away without being serious. Having a slight dizzy spell at the time of the vaccination I did not consider it serious. But if there is a serious reaction to what actually. Of those. Vaccinations. Of the. Millions and millions of vaccinations that were distributed. There were. Some concerns about a. Link between that and the Guillean Barr syndrome. But it's a very rare disease that damages. Your immune system starts to damage from nerve cells having muscle weakness and perhaps paralysis. But. Out of the. Millions of vaccinations. Only four. There only four reports of GBS. So I think that's still a rather low. Statistic. Or Statistics. [00:07:59][56.6]
Lita: [00:08:01] Yes kind of heard you when you're trying to cover so many different people. Somebody different people are going to have different infection. You can't cover everything that they're doing your best. [00:08:11][10.5]
Jean: [00:08:12] Right. And they said too that. A number of the. Incidents may have been the result of. An error where the vaccine was not stored properly or vaccination was given to someone who should not have received the vaccination. [00:08:24][12.5]
Lita: [00:08:25] So they might have been allergic to use. Like you were saying it was and didnt to the vaccine right. [00:08:30][4.5]
Ron: [00:08:30] So all in all it sounds like the benefits far outweigh. Any any of the adverse effects we could get from the vaccine. [00:08:37][6.2]
Jean: [00:08:37] I know. I was. In that age bracket or if I had children of that age I would certainly recommend that they receive a human papillomavirus vaccine. [00:08:46][8.5]
Lita: [00:08:46] Is this something that pediatricians are recommending to do. [00:08:49][2.5]
Jean: [00:08:49] Yes. The CDC has recommended as well. [00:08:51][1.8]
Lita: [00:08:52] I mean I haven't really heard too much about it. So you were kind of surprised by whether you brought it up and we were able to talk about it today. Thank you very much Jean. [00:09:01][8.9]
Jean: [00:09:01] No problem. I think most of the advertising been directed at the younger generation. [00:09:07][5.4]
Lita: [00:09:08] OK. Well that explains it. I dont listen to that. [00:09:10][2.3]
Jean: [00:09:13] M and M, And Nick at night. [00:09:14][0.8]
Lita: [00:09:14] No, Im on a different channel completly. [00:09:16][2.1]
Ron: [00:09:16] . Well that was definitely a very interesting. Conversation. I think I learned quite a bit myself. [00:09:25][8.7]
Lita: [00:09:26] I did too. Good topic Thank you. [00:09:27][1.3]
Jean: [00:09:28] Thank you. [00:09:28][0.3]
Lita: [00:09:28] Continuing with today's topic we will be interviewing Courtney Miller who is an integrative nutrition health coach. Courtney believes strongly in empowering women who have HPV to work on their diet to boost their immune systems which in turn helps fight HPV naturally. Courtney's book HPV free will be released on April 22nd on Amazon. There are approximately 15 million new cases of HPV every year in the US. As we discussed earlier there are many different types of HPV subtypes can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers. [00:10:11][42.7]
Lita: [00:10:13] Hello Courtney and thank you for joining us today. [00:10:15][1.2]
Coutrney: [00:10:16] Thank you so much for having me, it's My pleasure. [00:10:18][1.6]
Lita: [00:10:21] I understand that you have been diagnosed with HPV and found the strength and determination to assist others in fighting it through the holistic medicine approach including diet? [00:10:30][9.7]
Coutrney: [00:10:30] Yeah that's correct. I've actually had a long journey with HPV. My journey started back in 2010 when I was originally diagnosed with HPV and at the time I didn't know much about the disease or the virus at all. [00:10:49][18.5]
Lita: [00:10:50] Sure,. [00:10:50][0.0]
[00:10:51] And so I went off of you know what my doctor said which was just to wait and see. So I went ahead and went home and passed by a year and went back and from that point on it had changed into cervical dysplasia. And so I went on you know kind of long journey with trying to figure out what to do with that. A doctor would recommend a Leep the Leep is just a laser that kind of cuts in the narrow edges of the cervix to remove any of the mutated cells. I did go ahead and get a Leep and after that experience I went back and got tested and the dysplasia had returned actually worse than before and the doctors offered me another Leep. [00:11:33][42.6]
Lita: [00:11:34] Oh. [00:11:34][0.0]
Coutrney: [00:11:35] And when it was about that point when they were just offering me a second sleep and I just knew something else could be done here. So I started doing a bit of my own research and really started to learn how the body's immune system has the ability to heal this virus and what we can do to help boost our immune system so that the body has a better chance of clearing the virus and mutated cells of the cervix. [00:12:01][25.6]
Lita: [00:12:02] And thats how you got into the Integrative Nutrition portion of your career. [00:12:09][7.0]
Coutrney: [00:12:10] Correct, Yeah. So it was at that point that I started doing research and I really realized how important our diet is and how our body works and how our body is able to heal itself oftentimes when you go to the doctor they just tell you to wait and see which doesn't feel very empowering at all. [00:12:26][16.3]
Lita: [00:12:27] Right. [00:12:27][0.0]
Coutrney: [00:12:27] Really it's kind of more or more like the wait and worry approach you go home and you freak out and you're stressed out and you think of all the worst case scenarios. And when we do that we actually put our body into a state of stress and when we're in that state of stress our immune system is actually weakened. So I really want to reach out to other women to help empower them that they can do something to you know you can take that six months and you can make some changes to your diet you can improve your lifestyle and improve your chances of clearing the virus. So it's you know it was four years after that point after I refused that second Leep, that I did research I read every book I could find. I scoured the internet for articles and kind of put together my own prescription of what I was going to do to take care of myself. And a big part of that was my diet. It was mostly a whole food plant based diet. I didn't go strictly vegetarian or strictly paleo I don't really like to fit into one box. But I tried to eat healthy and listen to my body and I think that's the most important part you know using your body as a guide to know what you should be eating. You know for me I still included small amounts of meat and dairy for other people dairy doesn't work well with their system and it's better if they you know cut it out completely. [00:13:52][85.0]
Jean: [00:13:54] IWho knows you better than you. [00:13:55][0.9]
Coutrney: [00:13:55] Exactly exactly. So there was a lot of experimenting along the way. You know I would keep changing it up keep reading more trying new things but also trying to keep it simple. You know I think a lot of times we get caught up on looking for one pill or one supplement or you know one quick fix. And to me I knew if I was going to heal that I had to do an overhaul of my entire lifestyle and really look at not only diet but also the way I was living my life you know the way I was spending my time how I interacted with, you know, the people around me how I interacted in stressful situations all of those I think, play an important role in the healing process. [00:14:40][44.8]
Jean: [00:14:41] Sure it sounds like a very holistic approach and actually it gave you some control in this situation as well. [00:14:48][7.0]
Lita: [00:14:48] Don't you wish the doctors had the same insight. I mean it seems like what you're saying makes perfect sense. [00:14:55][6.1]
Jean: [00:14:55] Well I think integrative health and that whole approach maybe, you know, that's coming more into, I don't want to say, into fashion, . But yeah the whole integrative health approach is definitely in line with what you're saying Courtney. And it sounds like. [00:15:10][15.3]
Coutrney: [00:15:11] Right. [00:15:11][0.0]
Jean: [00:15:11] An amazing amount of work on this. [00:15:13][1.4]
Lita: [00:15:14] Yes. And you're staying so positive and and now besides helping yourself get through this you're also helping others by being a. coach. so do you actually work one on one with these people in the studio or gym or is the training done remotely. Tell us a little bit about the career that you chose. [00:15:33][19.6]
Coutrney: [00:15:35] Yes I've done most of my training remotely. I find actually women feel a little more comfortable to open up about such a delicate situation when we're on the phone. You know it's a little easier rather than face to face. Just talk to someone openly though. Often oftentimes I find remotely worked really well. And then that way it's fading you know both me and the client time from having to meet at a certain location. You can meet with me wherever you are. You can meet with me in your pajamas if you'd like. [00:16:05][30.0]
Lita: [00:16:05] (laughter) [00:16:05][0.0]
Coutrney: [00:16:06] You know I just want to make sure you know you're comfortable and so usually do one on ones. And as I started doing that more health coaching I realized that doing just one on one was really limiting my reach. I started seeing there's only so many clients you can work with one on one you know in any given amount of time. [00:16:26][19.4]
Jean: [00:16:27] Exactly. You're only one person. [00:16:29][2.0]
Lita: [00:16:30] Maybe clone yourself. [00:16:30][0.1]
Coutrney: [00:16:30] So yeah. Exactly. [00:16:31][0.6]
Coutrney: [00:16:32] But until then I tried to look at how I could expand my reach. So what I've shifted to doing is writing this book and spending more time on getting the knowledge out there to more women. And I'm still operating like one hour empowerment sessions to help boost and jumpstart your healing journey. But other than that I'm really looking at ways that I can connect with more women and really get the information out there to more women. So I'm trying to do more with the book now and looking to actually next year release some E courses online that women can work through at their own pace. [00:17:11][39.1]
Lita: [00:17:12] That sounds great. [00:17:13][0.6]
Jean: [00:17:13] Yeah you can definitely reach the masses. [00:17:15][1.7]
Lita: [00:17:16] Right now I know that you've done a lot of research since you were diagnosed with HPV but you can remember back to when the doctors first inform you. Did you know what to expect back then. [00:17:27][10.8]
Coutrney: [00:17:27] Absolutely not. Like many other women I think I was confused scared overwhelmed. I had a lot of questions and not a lot of answers no to a lot of the doctors HPV is so common that I was just another woman with HPV. But to me it you know it was affecting my whole life and my whole world and I had a lot of questions even if I didn't know what those questions were or what to even ask at first. So I didn't know what to think. And I had seen a couple different doctors and kind of got some differing differing opinions. You know one doctor told me that the virus would stay in my body forever while the other doctor told me that it would clear on its own. Either way I felt really powerless like there was nothing I could do or at least that's kind of how I felt after I left the doctor's office originally. Just like there's not much I can do I just have to wait and see what happens. And that I think is a problem with the health care system I think we should empower women if we're doing nothing but waiting and seeing in that six month we should take a look and see what what it is that we can do. So at first I had no idea I really had to do my own research on my own and what I learned is just to take notes to write things down to ask questions and to actually hold the doctors responsible to answer your questions and in doing that I felt a lot more empowered and more in control of my own situation and more in control of my own health care plan. And I think that was actually a big part of the healing process too when we're not sitting by as just a you know a patients you know we're not just a bystander to our own health care plan but take charge of it. We have a better chance of healing. [00:19:20][112.9]
Lita: [00:19:21] That's really amazing. You have the best outlook of anyone that I have ever met. [00:19:27][5.8]
Jean: [00:19:27] And it's very exciting that you can get your book is just coming it's just a matter of days and we can really that is a source of empowerment than anything. I just I'm very excited for you and I'm excited for all of us women out there every now have this resource available to say. [00:19:46][18.6]
Coutrney: [00:19:46] Yeah I'm pretty excited about it too. [00:19:48][2.3]
Coutrney: [00:19:49] I definitely put my heart and my soul into this book. I tried to keep it short and sweet and inspiring not overwhelming you with all of the information on HPV or specific diets that you should follow but getting you excited about being in charge of your own health care plan and starting to take action and showing you ways that you can take a little step that might add up to make a big difference when you go back for your next pap smear and say six months or a year. There's a lot you can do in that time to really change it. So I've tried to capture that in the book which comes out this Sunday the 22nd. And for those first three days I'm actually offering the book completely free so that Sunday Monday and Tuesday go to Amazon download the book app free to me it's really just more important to get that information out there get women inspired to do something about their health and get them taking action so that they feel more in control that they can make informed decisions about what to do next. In a seemingly overwhelming and sometimes scary situation. [00:20:54][65.3]
Lita: [00:20:55] Sure in and the title of your book again is HPV Free? [00:20:57][2.5]
Coutrney: [00:20:59] Correct. HPV free a holistic approach to boost the immune system and clear the infection naturally. [00:21:05][6.0]
Jean: [00:21:06] Okay. And we're definitely going to put a link on our Web site for people who want to find your book. And it sounds like I mean just read a great resource for those who've been diagnosed with HPV but it also sounds like a great resource for everyone who wants to take a more holistic approach to their health. [00:21:19][13.3]
Lita: [00:21:21] It's not just HPV what you're saying. Courtney will work with anybody with anyone's disease no matter what it is. Because like you're saying getting the stress out of your body so that you can heal better is such a big step. And that's probably the step that the doctors don't do. But your attitude and your coaching and your techniques. That's exactly what we need. [00:21:43][22.4]
Jean: [00:21:44] Yeah and we are so grateful that you took the time to tell us about this and to talk with us today and you're offering book free when it first comes out to reach more people out there and it's just an amazing amazing job that you've done here where we're proud to have spoken with you today. [00:21:59][15.6]
Lita: [00:22:00] Gosh yes absolutely. [00:22:01][0.8]
Coutrney: [00:22:02] So thank you so much for having me. [00:22:04][2.2]
Lita: [00:22:04] You know. Absolutely. COURTNEY Now this is your time to wrap it up and we'll let you say whatever it is that you want to say to our audience so that they can feel empowered today. Go right ahead. [00:22:16][11.3]
Coutrney: [00:22:17] Absolutely. So if you're out there if you've just been diagnosed with HPV if you've been told by your doctor to wait and see and you're at home and you're scared and you're nervous please understand you're not alone. This is nothing to be ashamed of and you're not dirty because of this. This is a common disease that many of us have and many of us will have throughout our lifetime and really opening up and finding others to connect with has really helped me. So you know find a friend talk to them about it and you don't have to have it all figured out to start doing something today. I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning. I just knew I had to do something. So I started making changes start you know making little changes to your diet adding a little exercise size you know spend a little more time giving yourself some love take care of your body you know love it and be kind to it and honor it and you will start to find your way. There's a lot of women out there. I do have a support group as well. On Facebook it's called Empower and shine and it's a support group for women who've been diagnosed with HPV and it's a great place to connect to start to get some ideas to start to move forward and feel a little more informed so that you can make the best decisions for your own health care. [00:23:41][84.0]
Jean: [00:23:42] That's fantastic. And also on any of the other social media sites for people to reach you. [00:23:46][4.3]
Coutrney: [00:23:47] Yes. You'll find me on Instagram as well at Shine Light health. And then on Twitter Twitter my handle is shine light heal. [00:23:55][8.2]
Lita: [00:23:56] thank you again. And you look forward to reading the book. [00:24:00][4.7]
Coutrney: [00:24:01] Thank you so much again for having me I look forward to sharing it with everyone out there. Absolutely. [00:24:05][4.2]
Lita: [00:24:07] If you have any questions or comments related to today's show you can contact us at podcast D X at Yahoo dot com through our Web site where you can link to our Facebook page and also see more information as we build our site. Please go to podcast D X dot com. [00:24:27][19.3]
Ron: [00:24:28] If our listeners have a moment please give us a five star review on item podcast. [00:24:28][0.0]
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