venusandapostles · 2 months
Rukawa and his strange concept of tranquility || Ruhana
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Rukawa Kaede loved the quiet, don't take him as a dull bore of life who found fun or noise boring but he sincerely loved its quiet
It wasn't that everything was serenity around him, when he was a child he had to endure the screams of his mother every time he ran away to play basketball with his friends, when he was a teenager the screams of all those girls who followed him. daily to confess, when he finally became an adult, Sakuragi's constant complaints about leaving dirty clothes out of the hamper where they belonged, and when he finally got married, well, Rukawa was more certain that life was trying to steal his peace of mind
It was Tuesday and like every Tuesday the damn nursery rhyme program that Hanamichi had insisted that her son learn since childhood had begun, her son, who was a strange link between her apathetic appearance and the explosive personality of her omega husband, was already there, sitting in a position ready to start singing or so she called Hanamichi to the wordless screams that the barely five-month-old baby began to emit when was just beginning to play the song
— So much energy so early in the morning — he murmured under his breath after watching the child prepare to start singing. Sometimes he wondered how such a small child who spent entire nights crying to attract his father's attention had so much energy every morning as soon as the first rays of sun brightened the atmosphere, in the end Rukawa concluded that it came in his genes from being the son of Sakuragi Hanamichi
Rukawa snorted heavily remembering a certain incident before the birth of his son, he had won the bet but at what cost?
— Ahhh, our little Haruki is so cool — a translucent figure with a pink apron and an English sign quickly walked past Rukawa, pushing his chair carelessly in the process. Hanamichi, who was preparing breakfast like every Tuesday, ran into the arms of his son and was greeted with a huge hug
Rukawa looked at the complicity of the alpha son and omega father from afar and felt a slight feeling of pride, it was his son, which he had fathered with the person he loved and his alpha instinct felt the emotion of seeing that on the other hand his son should being enjoying his father's smell too much
— Come on, Haruki, sing one more song for your father — the baby sounds in the hands of his omega father and, displaying the grace that every baby professes, he screamed a loud howl that made the toast in Rukawa's hands shake with the sound. falling intention — Ahhh, Haruki, Haruki, it seems that your father was never wrong, you are a great talent, when you grow up you will surely be like me — a blush crumbled on Hanamichi's face — I will have to receive so many omegas who will come to chase you, like when I was young — Rukawa yawns bored and Hanamichi frowned at her husband's grimace
— I don't remember having to fight with so many alphas when I was chasing you, in fact I don't remember any — a blush of fury accompanied Hanamichi. Stinking Fox, you dare to humiliate him in front of his beloved Haruki
— Stinking Fox, who said I didn't have more suitors than you? This genius had thousands but you were the only one brave enough to confess it otherwise I wouldn't have even noticed you - Rukawa Kaede knew that the story was not like that and is grateful that it had ended well after the thousands of misunderstandings between the two. , he couldn't even imagine what would happen between them, if he and Hanamichi hadn't talked after the crazy fan club incident and the pregnancy test, maybe his child wouldn't even have been born with him. No, now things were fine and there was no need to think about the past — Hey fox, what do you have? — Hanamichi looked at Rukawa's always serious but thoughtful face, she seemed worried and…
— I think our son has no talent for music — Now Hanamichi is angry
— Haruki, don't listen to your father — he said, covering the ears of the baby who was just laughing — You're great at everything, if you want to be a singer, dad will help you — a kiss on his lush black hair and a loud laugh from the baby livened up the atmosphere
Rukawa may love his quiet very much but Hanamichi and his family are a new state of loud quiet that Rukawa still can't understand but it feels great
— Little bee, fly high and bring me honey — Hanamichi sang along with his son dressed as a bee while next to him an uncomfortable Rukawa performed the same bee movements while a bee suit completely adorned him and the baby in the middle of both – Rukawa sings – Hanamichi scolded him
— Little Bee — bass
— Harder — Hanamichi demanded
— Little bee, fly high and bring me honey — Rukawa plans to get revenge after that, how about we start at the big monkey's waist?
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venusandapostles · 3 months
Hello Mr. Alpha || Jay x Daniel
Chapter 1
Although their marriage had not been for love, on the contrary it had happened due to the negotiation of two important families in the same position and their need to unite, JaeYeol's marriage was literally going well
JaeYeol's wife, who was a beautiful beta woman from a business family allied to his father, had not appeared before his observant gaze in his teenage past until JaeYeol returned from studying abroad. His father and mother had organized a charity meeting and with the Hong family as the protagonist, many members of the upper class attended
However, the lie behind this meeting was revealed to him through the mouth of his older brother, Kitae, who had expressed Yeol's obligation for being the only alpha child born in the family: he must marry in an arranged marriage for prosperous growth of the family
Although at first he thought about complaining. Who does not? They hadn't asked him anything and he didn't even know this supposed fiancée, but after a talk with his mother, a reprimand from his father and a few words from his younger sister, Joy, they had convinced him
The wedding was quick and lavish, televised all over Korea, extremely lavish and expensive, and with such an extravagant number of high society guests that even JaeYeol felt nervous thinking about it 
But all those events had happened five years ago
At this moment the situation was different, his father had called him very urgently to his office the night before so he could meet him and his older brother for breakfast and maybe with his mother too if the situation warranted it
Taking a few concerted steps, he directed his body towards the spacious private room of his father's favorite restaurant, while a beta waitress helped him walk and gently removed his black suit jacket
Inside the room, his brother and father were talking calmly about business-related matters, each accompanied by a cup of coffee
Steve Hong was not a man of many words, nor of feelings, life for him consisted of a quick business that had to be liquidated and closed
— It's good that you have arrived, today's matter is about you — the first to speak was his older brother, making a disgusted face, perhaps because of the bitter coffee, perhaps because of the presence of Hong JaeYeol 
— Take a seat — his father declared and paid attention to him — We have breakfast first, there is enough time to discuss what concerns us today — he stopped suddenly, directing his gaze towards the blonde boy — How is your wife? I heard from your mother that she has been depressed lately.
--- She is — JaeYeol responded without even looking at the food served on his plate — She wants a baby, we have tried many times, but it just doesn't happen
— Your sex life, dear brother, is extremely interesting — Kitae scoffed from the other side of the table — But it's not important here
Yeol raised an eyebrow although it was barely noticeable due to the characteristic hairstyle that covered much of his face
— Well, it is normal to want a child, they have been married for five years, she is a beta and your alpha, although I arranged the marriage, I never thought this type of inconvenience would arise — her father interrupted. the silent fight he and Kitae had in a short time
''You should have married her to your beta son'' Jay only thought as he looked at his older brother’’
The room fell into a brutal silence as his father drastically cut the conversation short and said they would continue with their breakfast. It wasn't until they finished breakfast that the truth of the matter of that meeting came to light 
— Your wife is useless — her father had coldly declared — She is only useful because of her position, the only daughter of an important family, but her womb is infertile, incapable of producing life
Yeol clenched his fists and looked down, he always knew, more than hundreds of times sharing a bed, a dominant alpha like him and not even a child or even the warning of a pregnancy, even an abortion would have been a hope
— She can't have a child — Kitae continued —The Hong family needs a new heir, unfortunately you are the only alpha son of the family, so the next question arises. How will little Yeol be able to have a baby without ruining his multimillion-dollar marriage? — rage grows in Jay
— It's good to have reached this point, the problem is now solved — then he proceeded to explain a detailed plan — First you will send your wife out of the country with the excuse of a long vacation, and then you will meet a omega assigned by me, you will have sexual relations, without marking it you must never forget that you are a married man, the omega will give birth and then disappear with a good sum of money, the child will be raised by you and your wife — when the explanation, Jay was in a bad mood 
Jay wanted to scream, to ask his father if he thought the world revolved around business and money, to ask him if he could think about what he feels or maybe what his wife will feel when she has to raise someone else's child all together his life, a child born of betrayal. But he doesn't, he clenches his fists and remains silent as always
— I know you will thank me one day — Steve stood up and was ready to leave — A father always wants the best for his children
JaeYeol watches him put on his jacket and calmly walk out the door without even looking at him before leaving
Silence flies in the room, Jay is about to get up, when Kitae still intends to continue the conversation with just the two of them
— I know what you were thinking a while ago and it is not important what you feel or what the people around you feel, it is truly important that the Hong family continues to be the Hong family and not only retains its name, but also its reputation and position — Jay has heard enough
Jay stands up determinedly, takes his jacket and is about to leave when he hears the last words of his brother who seems to want to enjoy the atmosphere more
— Don't think about it too much little Hong JaeYeol, don't screw that brain of yours with something that has no negotiation — says something else but Jay is already walking euphorically outside towards his car
And when he's finally alone, he lets out a loud grunt as his fist hits the steering wheel
Screw his father, his brother, screw his whole family, screw everyone
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venusandapostles · 3 months
Why do all first loves end the same?|| Ruhana
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When the first unknown envelope with the name of a well-known person arrives in Rukawa's hands, he decides not to give it much thought and throw it at the back of his training bag. Rukawa spends all his time trying to avoid any conversation about a certain friend with the other members of his team who seem very happy and eager to celebrate about a special event that Rukawa decides not to hear about for his own sake
And yet, some words escape his willful deafness and make his state seem too rooted in bad mood. It's not that the main person in the conversation is not to his liking, it is actually the main topic surrounding that person that he is not very interested in and even cares little about
It is somewhat pretentious of him to behave like this and even many close friends have criticized him for his apparent indifference in the issue that afflicts him lately but in reality Rukawa does not know how to handle that Hanamichi is getting married
Something simple, everyone told him laughing and Rukawa understood that it was, that a person like him who had always kept every stage and moment of his life under control in an apparent cold cloud of ice, is so confronted with the uncomfortable feelings between pain and regret
Hanamichi was apparently going to get married or so said the thousands of invitations that had arrived in his mail a week ago. To cruel fate, Rukawa is sure that Hanamichi was trying to play some trick on him like in his youth or that was what his mind trying to escape from reality thought until one of his former classmates whom he crossed paths one night in a bar, unintentionally brought him up to date with Hanamichi's life
It's not as if Rukawa didn't follow from afar every aspect of Sakuragi's life, every moment and every glory, it was a small whim that he had allowed himself after so long, although that same whim had begun to make him doubt many things in his life, for example whether it was worth standing idly by while the only person he seems to truly love is about to get married
The mere thought makes Rukawa's calm personality tremble, he tries to concentrate again on his training to forget that thought although it is in vain because with the desire to live the idea persists in his head for a long time
After rejecting an invitation from her classmates to the Centro bar, Rukawa sneaks away like a black cat trying to avoid bad luck, it's not that they really take her, it's more thought and superstition. When he gets to his apartment he finds everything the same, lifeless, they are objects, they don't breathe or move but Rukawa sometimes thinks that when he is with Hanamichi everyone seems to have some life in them, even the targets that by law they won't take it
She throws her bag where she can't see it and checks the correspondence that arrives in her mailbox, again new invitations this time it is not the groom who personally invites but the bride. Rukawa holds it in her hands for several minutes. How will it feel to get married? I'm sorry, how will she feel about marrying Hanamichi? Would it be the same as he felt the first time he and Hanamichi fist bumped, or when they were playing together, or when Hanamichi supported him when he had his first fall, or would it feel like that summer afternoon when Rukawa kissed him without his permission? While sleeping. What would happen to her? Do you feel loved by Hanamichi?
— What a bummer — he ruins the invitation in a rush of energy and leaves, furious and frustrated, to take a shower
While the cold water falls over his body other thoughts cloud his mind, especially thoughts related to him and Hanamichi. He couldn't blame the redhead for everything, he was more to blame than anyone because he never expressed the love he had for him and limited himself to leading a quiet and distant but hurt life, it was his calm for being a coward and that stung his skin. That involuntary lucidity that sometimes the mere mention of Hanamichi had in his life was like a bee sting, stronger and more painful it reached Rukawa's skin like an itch and then turned into a visit to the doctor and a few pills, to finish with a Rukawa destroyed by the media, between an involuntary lucidity and a desire to go back to sleep
Why didn't he do it? Easy, so as not to ruin everything he had built and it's not that he cared that everyone knew his sexual orientation, the United States was a very free country in terms of tastes, it was more because of what Sakuragi would think, that was a real problem, Rukawa I loved him, and as a boyfriend, not as a friend. How to explain that? Hanamichi would be leaving, which was why he had decided to leave first and leave things as they were
In the end he had thought that time and distance would fix everything and in the end everything had gotten worse
Opening the shower a little more, he concentrated on the falling water
Why do all first loves end like this? Not as tragic as Romeo and Juliet but always with the heart of one of the two parts broken, in the past Romeo and in the present he
It's like some Law not written or experienced by any scientist, but Rukawa knows that it exists because if it didn't exist, his heart wouldn't hurt so much and his eyes wouldn't have shed tears that night thinking about the speech he would read at his first love's wedding
"Me and Hanamichi" are not the exception to the law
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venusandapostles · 3 months
The Son of a genius|| Ruhana
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As a young basketball genius, Japanese Hanamichi Sakuragi currently residing in the United States hopes that the child in his womb will also become a great genius like him despite sharing genetics with the stinky fox. However, Rukawa Kaede, who is currently looking at the red and fat face of his happy husband in front of a string of thoughts that she cannot hear, thinks that perhaps his son will also become a big fool like his big father the red monkey and that worries him
—Hey fox, what are you thinking with that stupid face? — Hanamichi asked as he saw how Rukawa's face had suddenly turned black. Rukawa gave him an indifferent look, Hanamichi was not outraged, we are talking about the fox with the paralyzed face
— I think about my son's future if he is born with a single thought neuron just like you — a red vein exploded on Sakuragi's face after having heard such nonsense
— Damn you, stinky fox. What words are you saying about this genius? I am a talented person, a basketball genius. Just look at how many interviews I've been in and how many matches I've won, clearly my son won't be an idiot with a paralyzed face like you, he'll be a genius — he pointed his finger at himself — A genius like me — Rukawa looked at the proud face. for a long time and then he let out a long snort that the omega did not take well at all. What does that silly fox snort mean? — He asked through clenched teeth.
— I think my son will really be a fool. He will yell and act like a bully all the time - Hanamichi held his breath in anger — In the future I think we will have to go to the principal's office many times and apologize to many teachers, we will also have to apologize to many girls. I'm sure our son will harass a lot of girls — Hanamichi looked at him redder and redder — I just hope that at least he looks like me physically because he will completely have your personality — And that was what ended up completely infuriating Hanamichi
— Hump. As the son of a genius he will obviously look like me and clearly many girls will run to him. He will have the face of a genius — he said, doing the action that many television models did every day in every interview — My son will be someone recognized and all thanks for being born from the womb of this genius omega — Rukawa raised an eyebrow and looked at him with insight
— Didn't I do anything to make you pregnant now? — Sakuragi stopped her great show of exaggerated poses and looked at him with a slight mockery
— For the time you lasted that night we can say that you practically contributed nothing. Only two minutes and you had already come completely, it was disappointing Rukawa I always thought you were a more dominant alpha — a last note of mockery dropped into the voice
— I was drunk and horny, and the whole way you came rubbing your pheromones, my body was already overheated — he murmured between his teeth — but if it weren't for my semen you would never have been able to have a child, in the end I'm as much of a father as you — He said to Hanamichi, Hanamichi made a childish mockery by sticking out his tongue — Besides it may have only been a few minutes but look what I did — and pointed at Hanamichi's belly
— It doesn't matter if it's your semen or not, it's my son in my womb, I'm feeding him and taking care of him so when he's born he will look like me irremediably — Rukawa gave him another look
— Do you want to bet, Sakuragi? — a fire spreads through the black eyes
— What bastard would bet with his own son?— He asked and then looked at his belly and caressed it — If he won, you have to take me on vacation to that place I always wanted to go and buy me a sports car — Rukawa looking without looking at him — Okay, but if I win you have to have a sex marathon with me until you get pregnant again and give birth to another baby — Hanamichi looked at him
— Perverted fox, but it's okay, I accept it — Rukawa moved forward and returned to concentrating on sleeping his naps. Hanamichi sneered in a low voice, he would clearly win
— A beautiful child — Mrs. Rukawa applauded, looking at the newborn child that her son was carrying in her arms — Adorable, Adorable baby, look at your grandmother — Hanamichi, lying on the bed exhausted, could only curse for making fun of childbirth when he watched the recommendation videos from other omegas
Mrs. Rukawa pampered her grandson for a few more minutes before leaving for a moment to look for some medicinal juice that she had brought with her for Hanamichi. Rukawa took advantage of this to sit next to Habamichi who was waiting to see her son
— Smelly fox, hurry up and give me my son, I want to see the face of the future genius of our family — Rukawa did not make Sakuragi wait and handed him the child, but the previously funny expression fell into a vein of rage
Cunning eyes like a fox, long eyelashes and beautiful black hair was what Hanamichi found after seeing the boy. He didn't have a single feature of him, Rukawa next to him sneered
— Our son is extremely impressive — Hanamichi looked at him
— Damn smelly fox, don't make fun of this genius, you may have won this bet but not the war, maybe my little genius looks like you but he will definitely have me as his favorite father — Rukawa smiled and leaned down, placing a small kiss on Hanamichi's forehead that blushed on the way — No matter which of the two that child looks like, he will still be a very loved one, stupid monkey — Sakuragi moves forward by inertia — But I win, so when will we start planning a brother for the little genius? —Smelly fox
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venusandapostles · 3 months
How idiots love || Ruhana
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As a man who has lived fifteen years of his life lost in the ignorance of love, Rukawa Kaede who has shown fabulous talent at basketball but terrible at intimate relationships (not that he has had any yet) is officially in a dilemma existential while he looks at the countless amount of flowers in front of his eyes and can only sigh indifferently at the gaze of the flower shop clerk
— Need help? —The girl asked, Rukawa wouldn't admit it out loud but she did need it. Rukawa nodded quietly while the girl smiled at him — Are you looking for the perfect flowers to give to your girlfriend or are you looking for something for a family member or friend? — Rukawa felt a little uncomfortable after the girl deduced by herself that she was a woman although he couldn't blame her
— They are for a rather annoying idiot — he said, the girl looked at him surprised, Rukawa tried to erase the indifference a little — I have liked the idiot for some time and I want to give them flowers for a sincere confession, however I am a totally ignorant person in the theme of love—recognizes. His basketball skills may be high but if we talk about this kind of skills, Rukawa Kaede is just a dumb kid, even that dumb monkey knew more than him
— I see — the girl smiled embarrassed for having deduced that the flowers were for a girl, her mind is somewhat closed — Then today I will help you. What kind of feelings do you want to convey to those people? — Rukawa looked at her — You know, what do you want to tell him? The language of flowers is extensive and each one represents something different. If you explain to me what you want to convey to that person, I will choose flowers for you — The girl explained with a lot of work
Rukawa's mind went blank again. Buying flowers for Hanamichi had not been his idea, he had asked his mother for advice on confessions and she, perhaps thinking of a girl, had suggested giving her flowers or chocolates, so he ended up choosing flowers for something strange. What if Hanamichi didn't like flowers? Rukawa didn't want to think about it too much, he had to have a positive attitude. About the feeling he wanted to express was something pure and sincere
— I think it would be like a kind of pure or silly love — the saleswoman smiled a little surprised. Rukawa looked at her
— Wait a moment — the girl ran into the store. Rukawa didn't look away from her. When the girl turned around she was carrying in her hands a beautiful bouquet of tulips as white and resplendent as that spring morning — Tulips symbolize a pure and true. Although you are both still young and anything can happen, maybe looking at these flowers the person you love will take your proposal seriously and accept - Rukawa looked at the girl and then took out his wallet
— Thank you — he said, taking the flowers in his hands without changing his expression
The girl watched Rukawa walk away with a slow but decisive step and from her heart she asked for good wishes for him and for the person to whom she would give the tulips
Sakuragi hit the ground with her shoe as she missed a shot again. He had been practicing the same throw all day and still could not achieve something cordially polite, his mind was in another place or rather with another person. Preparing for a new shot that he failed again completely exhausted his patience
What was happening to the smelly fox currently? It was the first question that came to mind and it occupied much of his thoughts throughout this week. Rukawa Kaede was not the most expressive person, Sakuragi knew it, he acted indifferent to the entire environment around him, the only time he had shown or broken that apparent mask of indifference was only when he missed a blow, however for a whole week he had been acting strange and was in what seemed to be a bad mood and although Sakuragi's curiosity pushed him to find out what was going on in the smelly fox's head, when he asked him he was ignored for three days straight
And Sakuragi didn't know why this made her heart hurt a little, and apparently she didn't want to know either. Taking the orange ball in her hands again, she tried to make a clean throw, failing again on the spot and deciding that it had been too much entertainment for today
Taking the ball in his hands he prepared to gather his things and was ready to leave when the image of Rukawa carrying a beautiful bouquet of tulips hit his sight
— Stinky fox. What is that? —I point to the bouquet of flowers in Rukawa's hands. He frowned stupidly. He should have known, the dumb monkey is too much for all this, he should have been more subtle
— You're really stupid, aren't you? Can't you see they are flowers? Don't you know what flowers are? — Sakuragi, as innocent as she may be (in some things), noticed the apparent sarcasm in Kaede's voice and looked at him
—Obviously they are flowers, stinky fox. What I mean is why do you bring those flowers to our training facility? Is there a basketball rule that involves flowers? — That genius needs to know — Sakuragi hummed, Rukawa shook his head and quieted the voice in his head that told him to offend the silly monkey, he was there for another purpose
Sakuragi looked perplexed at Rukawa's next steps. Crouching gracefully in front of a stunned Sakuragi, Rukawa extended the bouquet of flowers towards Hanamichi, Haruko had told him that this would give a more romantic feel to the whole thing
— Big silly monkey... — he cleared his throat, erasing the words from his mouth. Sorry. Sakuragi Hanamichi Do you want to be my boyfriend? — He asked and then a certain redhead's world came crashing down
Sakuragi looked at Rukawa and then looked at the ball in his hands and like two idiots we are talking about, Sakuragi's first reaction was to throw the ball at Rukawa with such force to the point of losing consciousness for a few minutes
— Smelly fox Have you lost your mind? — Hanamichi shouted before noticing the blood pouring from Rukawa's head and the body not moving. He just killed the fox after it asked him to be lovers. Typical of two fools
— Hey Hey hey. Smelly fox, you better wake up, this genius won't take care of you — Rukawa frowned at the annoyingly loud voice that filled his ears. His head hurt a lot and the light from what seemed to be the infirmary was beginning to bother his eyes — Smelly fox, are you listening to me? Did the blow make you more stupid? Hey, Hey — Rukawa couldn't and threw his long, agile hand up to Sakuragi's mouth
—Why don't you shut up for at least two minutes, Sakuragi? I'm trying to adjust to the situation after you hit me with a ball — Rukawa cleared his throat. Hanamichi blushed, he hoped that like in cliché movies and dramas, the person who was hit had amnesia but it was obviously the smelly fox
— Hey, it was unintentional. Seriously, my nerves have that inertia to hit you — Rukawa mocked with a snort
—Hit me why? Why did I confess to you? Great idiot genius — there's still a part of Rukawa that doesn't accept that he lost his last allowance money to buy flowers for Hanamichi — It was the best way to reject me, idiot monkey. Couldn't you think of a better one? Although very original of you to hit me with a ball of my favorite sport to break my heart. I must applaud genius — Sakuragi was surprised when he heard those words. He had never heard Rukawa express or say as much as he did now. Apparently the smelly fox really likes it quite a bit
— Stupid fox. Who said I gave an answer? — Rukawa looked at him — I was so surprised that I threw the ball towards your face, it was a surprise due to inertia — Sakuragi blushed — Did you really like it? You're not trying to set this genius up — Rukawa also denied out of inertia
— I've liked you for a while, I realized after our fight so I decided to sneak up on you and then confess my feelings to you on Valentine's Day that's why I bought you flowers — Rukawa looked for the tulips and found them near her bed — The girl from the flower shop said they meant pure and true romance — Sakuragi looked at him with big red cheeks
— Oh. Smelly Fox Who would think you were a romantic guy? Although I cannot reciprocate your feelings one hundred percent for now, I will work hard so that in the future each of us can be one hundred percent lovers — Sakuragi said happily. In the end he realized that perhaps what he felt for Rukawa was neither hatred nor envy, it was something more and that the change in him heart every time he saw the sleeping fox was not anger
— Well then, let's both work hard to have a long-lasting relationship — he exclaimed — But don't think I won't get revenge for this. When I get out of here I'll kill you — Sakuragi laughed
For a long time there was no shortage of smiles in the infirmary, cheering up the atmosphere. The love of two idiots may seem illogical in the eyes of outsiders but when you really know the formula it transforms into the purest and truest love
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venusandapostles · 7 months
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The principal looked critically at the teenagers sitting at her desk that morning. According to the teachers, the two had been fighting since the start of school, which led to the end of recess when the two got into a heated fight that ended with the older boy hitting his slightly younger classmate
— May I know why this fight between the two originated? — both teenagers did not say anything, the boy with black hair and tall stature for barely fourteen years old lowered his head in a sign of redemption --- I see, then I will definitely have to wait for his parents to come to my call — a grimace appeared on the beta boy's face
— You can't call my mother — the blonde boy expressed excitedly, the director looked at him — She's too busy to attend to this kind of unimportant things — he explained playing with his fingers
— Young Kang, I'm sure your mother will never be busy enough to come to a meeting with me when the problem is as serious as it is now, and I called her a few minutes ago and confirmed her arrival — the boy He puffed out his cheeks angrily — About you, Young Yoo --- the other teenager did not raise his head, he had not even looked at the director since he entered the room — I also called his father and him…. — the woman was interrupted
— My father needs to earn money to support me — the gaze never lifted — Madam Principal, please do not bother my father with the trouble I have currently caused, you can punish me by cleaning our classroom all year round and if you want my entire stay in this institution, but please do not bother my father — the director looked at the fourteen-year-old boy with a slight grimace
— I'm very sorry Mr. Yoo, but the rules of this school apply equally to everyone, so your father is also on the way, we will talk about his punishment later — the blonde-haired boy snorted indignantly — Now I will ask again, why did you two fight again? I have heard from many teachers that both of them do not usually get along in class and that they usually argue very often but I never thought that they would fight — the woman exclaimed excitedly — They can both have rivalry and want to fight but it is not the best solution for when We feel angry — the woman explained in a low voice
— It's not my fault, it's not my fault — the beta boy quickly declared — It's all his fault, he always walks around with that arrogant face thinking that he's better than everyone just because he was born damn dominant alpha. he despises everyone despite his origin and the fact that we all know the level of poverty in which his entire family lives — the director looked at the beta student with a little anger — Hump, my mother is one of the bosses of a food conglomerate, plus my father is the president of a multinational store on the most famous street in Korea, just because he was born alpha, that bastard has no right to believe himself better — exalting his voice he continued — You're a Poor bastard who lives off other people's scraps, you have no right to look at me. Besides, an orphan like you should not be in this school, now I understand why your mother died — the director seemed amazed by the speed of the impact of the seat as soon as the child got up
Eyes as black as the abyss were seen and the fist in the air was about to hit the poor beta child who opened his own eyes as big as the one who is amazed by the eclipse. He expected the worst, but it didn't come
The Joker who was wearing a dirty construction suit stopped his son's punch in the air with his right hand as the young teenager looked at him in surprise upon seeing his father's almost dead eyes
Yoo Jiho slowly lowered his fist at his father's gaze, the beta boy ran out of reach of father and son next to his mother who was observing everything from outside with a cold and annoyed view by the door. The director fixed her glasses and looked at them both
— I... — the voice stops, the Joker diverts his attention from his son and goes to the woman who was hiding a scared beta between her skirts
— I'm sorry for what my son caused — the cold voice echoes throughout the room. The omega woman whimpered in anguish
— There is no need to apologize, they are both teenagers and my son is not so innocent — the beta looked at his mother — I know his personality and I am not indifferent that he was the one who provoked this fight — I smile
— Mom — the blonde boy shouted. The principal looked at both parents in shock
— The two are expelled for two weeks, thank you it's just a simple expulsion with the whole scene they made in my office, they should be expelled for life — and then both parents along with their children were expelled from school
The omega woman put her son in the car where she slapped him several times after calling him rude and making him promise that the next time he saw that boy he would apologize for everything he said, the beta boy promised although she doubted he ever would again
Joker did not look at his son but began to walk softly, Jiho stayed behind his father without making a sound. The road was long until the usual apartment appeared before his eyes
Two figures were sitting at the table in the poor apartment as they shared a simple meal. Jiho looked crestfallen at the slightly worn floor as the Joker slowly ate the somewhat raw rice that his son had prepared for both of them
— He mentioned my mother, he deserved to be hit by me — the teenager explained even before his father asked, Joker didn't say anything — He can't talk about my mother so simply, no one can that's why I hit him to protect my mother's memory — Joker hasn't spoken yet — I hope you understand me — the crestfallen boy turned his attention to the ground
The silence was interrupted when the Joker stood up to put away the empty bowls. Jiho did not eat his food, but instead followed his father outside, where he usually sat smoking as dusk fell. Jiho sat next to him
— Can you at least say something? Scold me perhaps? — she asked in a dull voice — It would be nice — her serious look left
— What use would my scolding be? — Jiho looked at his father — Will he help you go back to school sooner? — he asked and Jiho denied
— I'm sorry dad. I promise not to fight again — he looked at the ground again although this time there was not something worn but a large sea of green grass
— Yoo Wooin never had as calm a personality as the other omegas, even with you in his womb, he fought with me every time I recommended him to finish Sabbath Crew — Jiho smiled, he kept a large collection of photos on his youngest mother's personal phone along with the other Sabbath Crew members — He never listened to me, not even when that night I asked him to return safely to me — smoke flew throughout the atmosphere, Jiho He thought about the date of his birth, the same date as his mother's death three days later
--- Maybe if I... --- Joker interrupted with a growl
— Wooin would never let you not be born, we were both so obsessed with your birth that we even planned to have more children when you were still in his womb — the image came to his mind — Wooin loved you very much from the first moment — a lonely look — I think he would have changed his whole world for you, like I did — Jiho didn't look at his father, there were some tears. in his eyes. Joker didn't say and got up — Buy her new flowers tomorrow, I talked to Red Glasses this morning and he told me that some idiot threw away the ones I gave him yesterday. Remember that he hates sunflowers — and the door closed
Jiho smiled softly. He would never tell anyone right now, but in the future he would make his mother proud by reestablishing the Sabbath Crew. It's his name, Yoo Jiho will become the number one street racer. Just watch him achieve it
The Joker frowned at the change in his son's expressions. Approaching the table next to the bed, he picked up the somewhat old portrait that he had forced Wooin to take on his first date
— Every day he looks more like you — and I leave him a soft kiss
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venusandapostles · 8 months
Wooin's damn Mondays
The phone started ringing like crazy when it was barely eight in the morning on a Monday. Wooin, being the crazy bar gambler that he was, had been on a pretty fun date with someone last night and it had ended almost before dawn, so having his phone ring so early didn't please him at all. Bringing his body closer to the table, he grabbed the device and a grimace appeared on his face as he realized who the bastard was who dared to bother him so early
— Damn, your sleeping ass can't take a simple call — Sungho Choi's annoying voice was not long in coming as soon as Wooin picked up the call — I need you for something and you're not even worthy of answering this garbage. Come quick here, I have something for you — Wooin raised an eyebrow in disapproval. Does that bastard know what time it is?
- hey, are you finally done going completely crazy? Look what time it is, I haven't even had breakfast, I barely get out of bed but your mouth is already screwing up my day — there is a kind of reproach at the end of the sentence
— I don't give a shit if it's only six in the morning or if you haven't had breakfast or lunch yet, I said, move your fat ass over here — paused, Wooin frowned as the other person next to him began to wake up -You have an hour, not a minute less, not a minute more — and then he hung up, Wooin growled morosely. Who could fuck up so early on a Monday morning? Sungho Choi could
Even with sleep clouding his mind, Wooin tried to get up only to be stopped by two large hands owned by a jester who still had a sleepy look. Joker was neither a light nor a heavy sleeper, but it was inevitable not to hear Wooin's screams right next to him, so he ended up waking up
— Where are you going? — He asked, Wooin looked at him, they were still naked after what happened yesterday and Wooin could see the Joker's great friend between the white sheets like a tower about to collapse again
— I need to go see Sungho — Joker grabbed him tightly by the waist, Wooin felt even more in a bad mood — Let go of me, I have to go. You can sleep more if you want — Joker shook his head several times and said that he wouldn't let him go
— It's very early, have breakfast first and then you can leave. Now I'll go prepare breakfast — Wooin looked at him as his muscular body stood up shamelessly, completely naked, and picked up his boxers from the floor-Go to the bathroom, when you get back everything will be fixed. get ready — the Joker spoke earning a snort from Wooin
Wooin got up naked and headed to the bathroom. He wants to kill Sungho for waking him up so early on a Monday after enduring the entire night of action with the Jester who seemed to be more animated than usual. When he turned on the shower, he waited for the tub to fill completely. As he did so, something hot running down his thighs caught his attention. Peeking his eyes up at his large thighs, he watched as a white, viscous liquid dripped between his legs and fell directly onto his feet.
The idiotic bastard hadn't put protection back on even though he had told him so a thousand times when they decided to start having sex. Huffing, he clenched his fists furiously. Damn Mondays, cursing his bad luck, he got into the bathtub
Can anything else ruin fucking Monday? Joker burned his omelet, Red Glasses threw his drink at him, and Hyeok almost ran him over with his bike. It's a good start, if it were a horror movie.
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