#if you live in these kinds of temperatures you have to acclimate your body to them
drdemonprince · 9 months
hi devon! love your work so much and also just rly want to take an edible with you and shoot the shit but my actual question is as an autistic person who was taught to orient around other peoples needs how can i re train that laser focus to kind of hone what i need/like/desire? i feel really lost and spend so much time thinking about what other people may like or want i have no idea what i want even at 29
oh my goodness, my entire next book on Autism is all for people like you! I believe that part of unmasking requires that we learn how to disengage from the opinions of others, widen our distress tolerance, get more acclimated to the possibility of change, learn how to initiate the activities we like more, and just generally get more in touch with our bodies and our desires. this is a lot of work but it's all in the realm of skills that can be practiced... which is why i'm currently trying to sell a book that is entirely research, examples, and exercises around these things. i will also be publishing lots of small tastes of this work pretty regularly on my substack in the next few months.
in the meantime, i would encourage you to start reallllly really small, by taking greater notice of what you don't like. and i mean really start out with miniscule declarations of negative feeling. "i dont like this song, can we change the channel on the radio?" "i dont want to eat at the olive garden actually" "im cold, can you turn up the heat or tell me where the blankets are?" "this bar is too loud, i'm going to have to leave." REALLY small stuff. even stuff of that scale probably feels TERRIFYING. start with these things, and ride out the initial discomfort or embarrassment that arises when stating a need or preference.
you'll notice that each of these "no's" is actually getting you closer to figuring out what you want as well. you're saying you dislike something, or that you are uncomfortable -- but you're also practicing articulating a thing that you actively do want, whether that's a blanket, a more comfortable place to spend the evening, or something better to listen to or to watch. it's hard to ask oneself massive existential questions about who you truly are and what you want out of life. but asking yourself if anything small in your immediate environment is uncomfortable is far easier.
the great thing about this method is that you can practice it all the time. any time you're in a new space or situation, just take a moment to ask yourself: what would i change? the goal is to always find something you could advocate or ask for. this flips the masked autistic instinct to never ask for anything until you're in absolute agony completely on its head. you are LOOKING for things to request, LOOKING for sources of mild discomfort to voice -- and youll get better and better at noticing what you like and what you dislike the more that you do this.
with time, you will be able to articulate far greater wants. i dont want to spend my weekend at my grandmother's house. i dont want to live in an apartment with someone who is constantly criticizing me. i want to live by the water. i want a job where i can control the temperature of my workspace at all times. i want dogs. i want to be able to go running in the morning. i want a bathtub. i want to paint and listen to music. i dont want to marry this person. and so on!
this is a massive oversimplification, but there you go. a little bump of the full supply that hopefully will hit bookshelves early 2025 if i play my cards right
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script-a-world · 1 year
Submitted via Google Form: Tropical Climate
Hi, I'm trying to build a world in a tropical climate that is always between 30-40 degrees year round. But I've never actually lived in such an area, although I've visited. It is crazy hot for me and even worse, there was barely any air con. I absolutely sweltered. Is it some kind of microevolution that allows people to live there just like people living in the Himalayas? But tropical climates are quite wide spread and aren't a niche like the Himalayas? Or maybe it's just me. Of course I know that there was no air con over 100 years ago, but global warming certainly warmed things up recently. I don't know but I always hear of people adapting to very cold weather, but nothing about the heat?
Feral: I don’t know that there’s really any microevolution involved, as that would imply a genetic, heritable change. 40C is pretty hot to be sure, but 30-35C is still within the range of normal for human habitation. That is, afterall, below the average human body temperature. Sweat will be the main physiological source of thermoregulation, so humidity will play a factor: the lower the relative humidity, the higher temperatures a human can withstand. There is definitely acclimation at play with hot temperatures, just like there’s acclimation with colder temperatures. Generally, if you are in an area of the world where AC is typical, you are acclimated to a temperature lower than what would be expected for that same area 100+ years ago (not accounting for climate change). 
I think a lot of adapting to hot weather is about adapting habits for regulating your body temperature, like water intake, clothing, and sunscreen. If you’re like a lot of people from temperate climates when traveling to hotter climates, you probably don’t drink enough water. You likely also dress mainly in synthetic fibers or cotton, which are not ideal. Linen, hemp, and wool are all hydrophobic fibers, which means they don’t absorb water, like sweat and the humidity from the air outside, allowing evaporation off the skin for natural cooling. Believe it or not, sunscreen doesn’t just help to prevent skin cancer; it also helps regulate your temperature while you’re wearing it by preventing the depletion of nitric oxide in your skin from UV exposure. People living in hot climates are also likely to have waking/sleeping habits that coincide with keeping out of the sun and not doing labor during the hottest parts of the day, for example, the Spanish siesta. Consider the natural food options people in hotter or tropical climates will have access to; you’ll notice that it’s not a lot of starchy root vegetables, which is fine because people there don’t need the extra carbs for the body to process for warmth.
But, of course, individual humans are going to have individual reactions. I’m from the American South, where it’s hot and humid. I’ll go outside in sweatpants in 32C weather, but that is not considered normal here. Nor is it normal in American Northeast, where my cousin grew up, for people to be outside in several inches of snow and still wearing flip flops, and yet my cousin does just that. We understand some factors as to why this is, but not all reasons are completely clear.
When dealing with tropical climates in particular where the humidity is much higher, the wind is a very important consideration for comfort. That’s why when we think of tropical climates, we’re often thinking of beaches, even though that’s not a requirement for climate. Human habitation is more likely to spring up around bodies of water that encourage breezes.
Something to consider is your climate. Do you have a wet and dry season? A monsoon? Or is rainfall steady through the year? If it rains at dusk like clockwork every day, people will adjust for that. If there's a dry season then water storage will be a big deal. If it rains constantly then that will leach nutrients from the soil, making agriculture more difficult - there's a reason the most agriculturally productive places in the tropics are volcanic or where rivers deposit silt, most rainforest soils are extremely poor. If there's a strong dry season and a strong wet season, or a monsoon, flooding is likely to be a problem.*
Speaking of, adapting our surroundings via the built environment is a major way humans stay cool. I’m not sure where you’re from, but you’ve probably noticed at least some the homogenization and globalization of architecture. I think of the American Suburban Home as the quintessential example of this. The ubiquity across a country with 9 climate zones (in the contiguous states) would simply not be possible without central air & heating and the precursors of the 20th century. 
Buildings used to be adaptations to the specific variables of the plot of land they were being constructed on. This is a factor in vernacular architecture. There are a few features common throughout much of the world based on climate factors.
Height: buildings where it is very hot are traditionally taller. There are a few ways this might manifest: steep rooflines, stilts which promote under floor board breezes (also important where it’s likely to flood), or sometimes narrow, even tower-like, structures. This helps to take advantage of the stack, or chimney, effect, which naturally ventilates the structure.
Width &/or Depth: buildings were it is very hot are traditionally skinnier in at least one of these dimensions, depending on the orientation of the lot. This allows for strong cross-breezes, as all windows, doors, and other ventilation points can be easily and uniformly placed across from one another. 
Integrated Exterior Shade: lanais, verandas, piazzas (of the Charleston variety), porches, and interior courtyards (like those found in riads) all help provide shade at those aforementioned ventilation points so the air coming through is cooled, not to mention preventing direct sunlight from heating the interior. They can also provide space for additional important functions like sleeping porches. 
Material: There are a lot of materials that are traditionally used based on the specific climate types (and therefore availability) to control the thermal mass; you’ll just need to pay attention to the thermal properties, like conductivity and diffusivity. Adobe, earth shelter, and logs will be found in hotter climates. And of course, the color of those materials will impact the heat absorption. It’s generally understood that white will reflect more light and therefore more heat than black, which will absorb it all and pass it into the interiors. 
For more modern construction, check out this brochure from the National (USA) Renewable Energy Laboratory.
*Thanks to Utuabzu for this paragraph.
Licorice: I used to live in a VERY HOT country in North Africa that was 30-40 for much of the year. For the local people, this was normal; they did not seem at all bothered by this heat and very few of the houses had air conditioning. When the temperature dropped below 25 they started putting on their winter coats and wooly jumpers. If you grow up in that climate and you’re used to it, it’s comfortable for you. 
NB This was a desert climate - hot and dry - rather than a hot and wet tropical country. But I’m sure the same principle applies: if it’s what you’re used to, it’s comfortable for you. 
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creaturebehavior · 2 years
even though california gets just as hot as arizona, and arguably often times feels hotter in some areas that are more humid, california tends to experience these extreme temperatures either in waves, or for just a few months out of the year.
because of this, californians respond to extreme heat by remarking about it, complaining about it, posting about it, often stating the specific temperature or posting screenshots of their weather apps.
in arizona, i rarely hear anyone specify about the temperature unless it’s springtime and they’re giving you the first warning of the year that next week it’s gonna be 117. i never see someone in AZ making a post on social media about the heat. hearing someone comment randomly about the heat isn’t nearly as common, usually someone will only comment about the heat if it’s in relation to something else, like in the salon for example people sometimes say things like “dont worry about blowdrying my hair, it’s so hot out it’ll be dry by the time i get to the car” or like.. getting in my friend’s car the other day she was like “gotta love how hot the steering wheel gets when you don’t use a windshield cover in arizona”
but yeah it’s funny, i have been going on facebook recently lol and i see a lot of people from california posting about the high temperatures and yesterday talking to my ex boyfriend (who lives in the bay area) on the phone he mentioned it being 107 degrees out two or 3 separate times lol and it was the same exact temperature here and i hadn’t even thought about it at all. it didn’t even feel hot out, just warm.
it’s kind of insane how your body acclimates to weather. like how whenever i moved to oregon meagan never got cold she was always wearing leggings and a sweatshirt outside at night like we’re in southern california or something lol i’d be like how are you not cold?? then by the end of the year living there i was comfortable doing the same thing.
and the first summer i moved to arizona was torture, but the second two summers haven’t felt too bad to me in comparison
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davidbyrnemspaint · 2 years
Headcanons for The Gman under the cut since it's not story enough for my AO3 but way too weird for my main blog
Half Life
•Uses he/him pronouns.
•Completely blind in human terms. He navigates through infrared detection using pit organs in his mouth. His non-human form doesnt have eyes and the pit organs are external. This explains why he is never quite looking at you in HL:A and why his eyes never seem right in the other entries. He just doesn't have the need to focus them. This might also explain why he sounds out of breath so often, as inhaling through his mouth would give him a better sense on where someone/something is than his nostrils. He would have a pretty clear idea where Gordon or Alyx were at all times due to the fact that Gordon's a walking microwave and Alyx is probably irradiated. In terms of living by himself in human society he would probably need extra assistance via a cane/braille/etc
•His eyes aren't useless, though. He uses them to get into humans' minds for hypnosis, illusions and various manipulative purposes.
•Probably also has a sense of electroreception considering the fact his species are all cold-blooded, they'd have to be able to see each other without body temperature. Maybe they can communicate where they are verbally/telepathically
•His true form cannot be perceived by most Earth species. Because of this he can shapeshift alongside his mind manipulatory stuff
•His way of speaking could also be chalked down to the infrared/heat pits mentioned above. However its more likely that he just isn't used to vocalizing like that
•Doesn't understand the concept of human sexualities he actually couldn't care less (he's pan)
•Had trouble acclimating to the pressure and air composition on Earth, and still gets sick from long or repeated visits.
•He can manipulate light to some degree
•Doesn't have to eat as often as the average human, but needs more protein intake than such a diet would allow. His species are purely carnivorous
•Zero sleep schedule. He just sleeps when he gets tired. Probably sleeps a stupid amount like a cat
•Actually really baby crazy, be the baby human or whatever alien Gman is. He hasn't had any of his own so he often helps his kind watch over new litters whenever they arrive
•I'm not getting into anything nsfw that's AO3's job
•He has the outward appearance of a human but still has the innards of whatever alien he is
•He made Gordon listen to Talking Heads for 20 years in stasis no I will not elaborate
•Uses they/them pronouns.
•The reason Tommy says he's an orphan is because Gman never officially adopted him. Gman found Tommy as a child, abandoned. They had just begun infiltrating the human race so they had no clue what adoption papers were. They thought you could just claim children as your own if they didn't have parents. That's how it would work logically. Somehow this didn't hinder Tommy from going to school or college. Tommy calls Gman his dad but doesn't actually recognize them as a parental figure because it was never officialized and Tommy is very serious about policies (My more serious HC on why Tommy says he's an orphan is because he didn't want to freak Gordon out by telling him his dad is some omnipotent eldritch alien, or Tommy legitimately didn't know about them)
•They are more integrated into human society and understands sexuality. They identify as bi with a male leaning.
•Didn't have an official last name before Tommy showed up so they let Tommy choose it. They answer to any name that'd vaguely fit a middle-aged man (Garry, Greg, Jim, etc) because they don't have one in an Earth language
•I've drawn this one but I'll mention it again. Gman (and by extension Tommy, if they're blood related) subsists off of glucose alone, like a hummingbird. That's why Tommy says he sees faster after he drinks soda
•Benrey is partially the same species of alien that Gman is but his geneology is mixed with other sentient aliens (from Zen specifically)
•Gman was highly involved with Bubby's creation, often coming in to see how things were coming along (and was tasked with disposing of the failed prototypes)
•Gman got along well with Coomer and Bubby before ResCas
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blantonshah69 · 1 year
Tips on how to Best Incorporate Pet cats Into Your Home
affordable cat toys Cats are extremely clean pets that immediately desire to remove any filth they encounter during their day time. Naturally, cats will lick themselves plus wipe the dust away with their very own tiny paws. Nevertheless, that can be done a much more efficient task with the appropriate shampoos and skin lotions inside your personal bathroom. If an individual have a female cat it is essential to have your ex spayed once the lady becomes old enough. Perhaps if she stays on inside all the time, she can get out when in heat and find yourself pregnant. Unless you want the inconvenience of getting rid of kittens, spaying is best option for your cat. Protect your current cat from strangling by causing sure the cords of draperies and blinds will be secured and out and about of reach. Whenever you make or get a dangly toy to your cat, be confident to supervise during play. Put the toy away if you will not be all-around to watch. If your own cat takes just about all the ornaments off of the Christmas tree, may fight it. Get started collecting attractive cat toys and indestructible ornaments to beautify the tree up coming year. Be sure not to decorate along with potentially dangerous items like tinsel and garlands. Tinsel is the choking hazard intended for cats and garlands might cause strangulation. Feline medications can be bought affordable on-line. If it's a good emergency, buying on-line may not end up being an alternative. But, in the event that your cat is usually on a typical medication , you can easily save quite the bit by buying that online. Once your cat accompanies you upon a trip, keep in mind to think about the health and fitness of their ears. You may take pleasure in it, however it may be hurting the cat's ears. If your cat seems upset or agitated, ignore the music and speak calmly to him. When delivering a brand new kitten residence, bring it slow. That is tempting for children to want to experience with the fresh addition to your house instantly. But the little cat will very likely be scared. Give the cat the perfect time to acclimate itself to your residence and to acquire comfortable with everyone. Felines love to be upward high. Raise your cat so that that can scan the particular area. You don'tneed the big cat tree in the living room; simply provide a solid corner next to a new window. To finish the package, put a cat sleep or blanket. Tend not to try to bathe a kitten that will is below 4 weeks old. It is far from very easy regarding a young pussy-cat to regulate typically the temperature of their very own body. This may result in typically the kitten getting the chill. To get on the safe area you should wait between 12 plus 16 weeks as soon as they are born to wash them for the first time. If the cat's scratching post seems old and put on, don't throw it away quickly. Your cat can enjoy the publish most when that has been well utilized. Your cat may not want in order to use the new itching post and begin destroying your furniture alternatively. While there will be nothing wrong with using clumping cat litter for older felines, you ought to stay with sandy cover when dealing using kittens. The clumping litters are usually taken care of with all forms of chemicals that will may nto become safe for smaller cats. Once these people are older, you should be able to make the move with no issue. When you realise that the cat is expectant, make an scheduled appointment with the veterinarian as soon because you can to be able to make sure that is really the case. There are a new few serious health issues that can mirror pregnancy, so an individual want to help make sure that nothing of these has afflicted your cat. The cat needs to get regular examinations and vaccinations. This is the just way to create sure that these people stay healthy and even don't get any kind of illnesses or parasites. A veterinarian can certainly provide these providers for you. Animal shelters may be used as well if there is not a vet close to you. Whenever possible, show your cat's toenails once weekly. In case the nails develop too long, the pet cannot withdraw the claws. This causes your pet to be able to experience discomfort. Regular trimmings also avoid the claws from snagging carpet fibers, garments, and other fabrics. If you cannot do this kind of, you should at least provide scratching playthings and posts for your cat. Did you obtain cat when an individual failed to have some sort of job and a person are now going back to work? In that case, then your cat is incredibly likely to get bored and lonely. It can easily be a good idea to get an associate cat to always keep yours company when you are with work. Cats sometimes fall victim in order to similar illnesses to be able to humans. They're some sort of part of your current family, which suggests you should really know when they're not necessarily feeling well. Have got a vet check out your cat in the event you suspect this. The well-informed vet will be able to tell you exactly exactly what is wrong and in case immediate care is usually necessary. Make sure you feed your diet dog food specifically created for cats. While the bag of doggie food might always be cheaper pound for pound, it will not contain typically the necessary vitamins, minerals and especially protein articles to keep felines healthy. Providing a cat dog food on a regular base can also trigger kidney failure and other serious illnesses. Most cats do certainly not like water in all and will go crazy in case their owner endeavors placing them within a bath. This will be why you will need to obtain the cat accustom to water and even teach them it's far not a bad thing. Once your cat gets a look at their clean, shampooed hair, it'll never be afraid of water again!
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spirantization · 3 years
A Brief Guide to Living in High Temperatures
B.C. is experiencing a heatwave at moment with temps going up to 40C, and I offered @vimesbootstheory some advice on how to deal with it since they were concerned about reacting negatively to the heat. I've lived for about 3 years in India, in a place where the temperature routinely gets up to 45C in the heat of summer, and as a Canadian who is comfortable in cold weather it was a bit of an adjustment. No doubt other places and people will be going through extreme heat this year, so I hope I can offer some insight for those of us who are not accustomed to these sorts of temperatures.
1. Drink electrolytes! Not just water, which is not always enough. Your normal body temp is around 37C, so existing in temps higher than that will cause you to sweat just by existing. You need to replenish both fluids and electrolytes. You can get sport hydrators like Vega that you mix in with water, or drink fruit juice with some salt mixed in (it sounds gross, but it tastes surprisingly good). Try to drink at least a litre more than you normally would, but ideally as much as you can. This is really the most important thing.
2. Limit exposure to cold things. I know this sounds counter intuitive, because you're boiling out of your skin and nothing would feel better than to dunk yourself into a vat of ice. But trying to fix the extreme temperature with another extreme temperature will make your body very confused and destroy your ability to regulate your own body temperature. It might feel good in the short term, but you'll heat up again quickly and it'll feel twice as hot. You know when it's hot out, and you go into a store that has the AC on blast, and then you go back outside and you get hit with a wave of heat and you feel ill? Exposing your body to too many temperature jumps is really hard on it. Be nice to your body. It's doing its best. So in this vein:
avoid drinking iced beverages (hot, room temp or chilled is okay)
avoid cold showers, take cool showers instead (my true galaxy brain suggestion is to take hot showers; if you take a hot shower you will trick your body into thinking the air is actually cool. The opposite works in cold weather by taking a cold shower but I'm too much of a baby to do it.)
If you're really overheating, wet a cotton scarf or cloth and put it over your head and neck. Don't put ice directly on your skin.
3. Be careful with the AC. If you have a unit where you can set the temperature, try to set it as high as you can comfortably handle it. 25C will still offer relief if the outside temp is 38C, but it's not as extreme as jumping down to 18C. Having a fan and decent air circulation is important to making the room feel cool.
A big part of why I'm saying this is because my experience with these high temps has been in India, so you can take this with a grain of salt. I've lived in places where the buildings are not designed to be airtight, so the outside is leaking in constantly and it's impractical to have the AC running all day. And sometimes the power goes out and that's it, you don't have the option of AC until it comes back on and you've got to find a way to deal in another way. It might be 20 minutes or it might be 20 hours. Other parts of the world have more reliable power grids than semi-rural India, but there's always the possibility of drastically increased consumption of power causing blackouts anywhere in the world.
4. Stay inside during the heat of the day. Avoid going outside between 10am-6pm when it's the hottest. If you have to go somewhere, try to go early in the morning or later in the evening when the sun is about to set.
5. Set realistic expectations for yourself. You probably won't be able to do all the things you'd like to do. Going for a walk or exercising might be too much. Concentrating can be difficult. If all you're able to do is stare out a window, drinking water and sweating, that's okay. Give yourself permission to do a little less or feel grouchy.
That's about it! Please be safe out there in the heat, and take care of yourself. It's going to be a hot summer.
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jamaisjoons · 4 years
erised ⤑ pjm | m.
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 the last thing jimin had anticipated when he’d followed you into the room of requirement was to find you, the demure little head-girl, in front of the mirror of erised. moaning his name. 〞hogwarts au. pwp au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: slytherin head-boy!jimin x hufflepuff head-girl!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: mild angst ⋆ fluff ⋆ smut
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 29k 🥴
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: hard dom!jimin, big cock!jimin, possessive!jimin, sub!reader, virgin!reader, female masturbation, mirror sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, teasing, minor thigh spanking, fingering, degradation, humiliation, dirty talk, corruption kink, biting, orgasm denial, orgasm control, begging, pussy slapping, marking, object play? he teases her with a vibrating wand, praise, object insertion, clit spanking, crying, begging, overstimulation, clit torture, forced orgasms, multiple orgasms, squirting, manhandling, spanking, minor anal play/teasing, power play/dnyamics, virgin sex, wet & mess sex, unprotected sex, once again jimin has a ᵖʰᵃᵗ cock, kneeling doggy style (kind of oath sex position), mild pain kink, rough sex, hair pulling, creampie, brief cum play
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: sol writing a jimin au? truly, it must be a miracle,,,,, this really was supposed to only be a 5k commission,,, but i thot if i need to suffer and write for jimin,,,, perhaps i should suffer and write him an entire au with plot,, just like he deserves 😌
⏤ commissioned by @opaljm​​ in exchange for a blm donation // beta read the these lovely people: @yeoldontknow​, @luffles424​, @peekaboongi​, @sunshinekims​, @inthecrescentmoonight​, @tricethecharm​, @jjungkooksthighs​, @dontaskshhhhh​ and @nervouskiwi​!!
⏤ disclaimer: in order to ensure all characters are 18+, i’ve tweaked the hogwarts curriculum to include ‘apprenticeships’ and ‘masterships’, essentially wizarding equivalent of graduates/post-grad, and as a result, yn is 21 and jimin is 22!! // additional disclaimer: i know absolutely fuck all about tarot cards and readings and therefore thank you to the lovely @yeoldontknow​ for picking which cards to use as well as giving me the explanations/details of the reading!
⇥ this ones for all my kinky virgins out there, hope y’all stay freaks 😤
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Hidden in the private dorms of the Potions Apprentice Quarters, you sit on the floor in the common room. Large, arched windows litter one side of the room, charmed - just like the Great Hall’s ceiling - to reflect the weather outside of the castle. Though, unlike the Great Hall, the charm could be turned off at will - allowing a magnificent, if not eerie, view of the underwaters of the Black Lake and all of its creatures. Currently, the charm is off, and the lake’s murky waters cast a dark hue to the room, bathing everything with a dark-teal tinge. Dark, crushed-velvet curtains drape down from the ceiling, the velour fabric only adding to the ominous scene of the Black Lake.
Despite the dismally grim sight of the lake, the rest of the common room is pleasant, and homely - if a little cold. With the space shared by all Potion’s Apprentices, from years eight to ten, regardless of the house, the interior is decorated in shades of black and grey rather than Hogwarts House colours. Dark, almost black, wenge wood furniture litters the room: from the large beams that run across the ceiling - holding onto the chandeliers, to the towering bookcases that fringe one wall of the room - brimming with rare potion tomes; as well as the glass-lined cabinets that cluster one corner of the room - teeming with vials and flasks of all sorts of potioneering ingredients.
The carpet that lines the flooring, however, is a light shade of mottled grey - the material piled and shaggy, and oh so soft under bare feet. Lavish leather sofas and armchairs of smoke-grey sit in one corner of the room, right beside the ornate brick fireplace; and a large frame of white gold hangs above the mantelpiece, containing the portrait of Gunhilda de Gorsemoor: a gifted potioneer who had developed the cure for Dragon Pox in the sixteenth century. Potions tables occupy the far corner, right beside the ingredients cabinets; each surface littered with a series of flasks and beakers, as well as glass phials, a pestle and mortar, various ingredient prepping tools; and, of course, a cauldron.
A sudden chill runs through the air, causing a shudder to run down your spine. It’s the middle of November, and yet, somehow the air feels colder in the common room. Though, you have a feeling that’s more to do with the fact that the dormitory is located in a far corner of the Hogwarts Dungeons, as well as being surrounded by the cold waters of the Black Lake. You don’t know why, perhaps it was just an oversight, but the temperature of the dungeons had always been bitterly biting. As a result, you nestled further into the warmth of the furry blanket laid over your lap - a gracious comfort from the brisk chill in the air. You’ve been living in the Apprentice Quarters for almost three years now, and yet, you’re still not used to the frigid temperatures of your dorms. To be honest, you don’t think you ever will.
Of course, being a Hufflepuff, you’d spent seven years on the floor just above - the common room located in the basement of Hogwarts. Alas, contrary to the dungeons, the basement is warm, in particular the Hufflepuff Common Room, and so, these past three years, you’ve struggled with the cold. Part of you wishes you were still within the comfort of the dorms you’d spent the better part of your Hogwarts Career in. However, after graduating from seventh year, you’d immediately applied for an apprenticeship in Potions. Upon having succeeded in your application, it had meant you’d had to move into the Dungeons, and from the Hufflepuff Dorms to the Potions Apprentice Quarters - a living space you currently share with Park Jimin.
Speaking of Jimin, he sits beside you and, unlike you, the cold doesn’t seem to bother him one bit. In fact, on the contrary to your body huddled into the shaggy comforter, the Slytherin Head Boy is casually pouring over the table: his back bent as his dark eyes skim across the parchment paper. His cloak rests casually on the sofa’s armrest, his sleeves rolled to his elbows and hair dangling in front of his eyes. You don’t know how he does it; how he so easily braces himself against the cold. Though, it could be because he’s spent ten years in the dungeons now - having acclimated to the cold over the decade.
From the corner of your peripheral vision, you take in the Head Boy. Naturally, you and Jimin had grown up together throughout your time at Hogwarts. And so, you’ve seen him change from the pudgy little eleven-year-old boy he was, to the man he is now. At twenty-two, Park Jimin is every bit the Pureblood Aristocrat he was born and bred to be: with dark pine-green hair that falls like silk around his face and sharp, cunning eyes - nestled between soft lids - that could stare into your soul and discover your deepest, darkest secrets (without the use of Legilimency).
Eyes scanning over his form, you watch as his lips quirk in concentration, his own gaze skimming across the large potions textbook as he jots down his notes. Against your will, your stare is pulled toward his hands. One is splayed onto the textbook, his pointer finger marking his current space on the page. The other glides across the parchment in front of him, his Eagle Quill scrawling over the paper in balletic movements as he jots down his notes. The gracefulness of the motions immediately captures your attention. His hands always surprise you, no matter what they’re doing. They’re somewhat small, and on the thick side - and a lot of the time they look incredibly cute. However, sometimes - like now - you’re surprised by how… attractive they are.
His fingers loosely grip the quill, the flexion of his knuckles practically mesmerising you as they protrude through his smooth, creamy skin. The bony features of his digits, and knuckles, are only emphasised by the thick rhodium ring he wears on his middle finger: the palatial band studded with gems of dark lilac and ebony. You have no doubt that it’d cost a fortune. Though, it’s probably closer to priceless; and most likely an antique, Park family heirloom. The backs of his hands are vascularised, and with each movement, you note the way the prominent vein bulges. You don’t know what he’s writing, but whatever it is, you know it’s probably incredibly advanced. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise you if he were scribbling different ingredients and their uses down, so he could create his own concoctions.
When you’d first moved in with Jimin, three years ago at the start of your apprenticeship, you’d been surprised by how often he’d actually studied. Particularly because Jimin was naturally gifted in Potions, and on his way to being one of the most skillful Potioneers the Wizarding World had ever seen. Thus, it was no surprise when you’d found out he was the other chosen Potions Apprentice for your year. Soft sigh drawing from your lips, you turn your attention back to your task at hand. Or well, tasks.
Juxtaposingly to Jimin, you were by no means a Potions Genius. Of course, you loved the subject, it’s just that you had to work a little harder in order to keep your grades up. Hence, the sight that greets you. Three pewter cauldrons sit on the table in front of you; the corners of your lips quirked into a frown as you inspect them. One of the pots contains a deep burgundy liquid, the potion rippling blood-red under the lighting of the torch sconces; signifying its completion. As a result, it’s the only one that’s set to the side. The other two still bubble over the bunsen burner: the left shimmers a pale, pearlescent lilac, while the right is a strange, putrid puce colouring that has you worried.
With a glance down to the potion tome beside you, your frown deepens. At this stage in the potion’s brewing, it should be a soft orange shade, not fetid-green. A low hum of distress emanates from your throat while you skim down the recipe - wondering just where you’d gone wrong. No matter how much you scour the textbook, you simply can’t seem to find it, and slowly, you grow more desperate. Especially as the potion’s critical stage approaches. You need to add minced Puffer-Fish soon, but if you add it now, when something is clearly wrong, you don’t know what will happen. Though, you doknow it will result in a useless potion.
Without warning, “You didn’t powder the Bone fine enough,” comes a husky voice. The sound vibrates right beside your ear, a warm breath simultaneously fanning across the outer shell of your ear. Abruptly, you jump in your seat, almost knocking the brass scales holding your meticulously measured Puffer-Fish mince to the floor.
Almost as if he’d anticipated your movement, Jimin’s hand shoots out to steady the apparatus. Although, even as his arm moves, he stays unbelievably close to you, and the proximity of his pillowy mouth next to your ears has goosebumps pricking at your skin. Angling your head, you come face to face with him, your eyes going wide. Directly adjacent to yours, his lips are just a hair’s breadth from yours - so close, in fact, that they virtually graze against yours. Heat creeps up: from the base of your throat, all the way up to the tips of your ears; and not expecting him to be so near, you jolt away.
The motion causes Jimin to quirk a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at you, and his reaction only has the flush to your cheeks deepening. Ducking your head down, you tuck a stray hair behind your ear, and, “Oh… I didn’t realise,” you mutter under your breath.
The instant the words fall from your lips you blanch, internally kicking yourself. I didn’t realise. What a joke. You’d fucked up your entire potion and all you could say was I didn’t realise. By Morgana, you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. Here you are, a Potions Apprentice, and you hadn’t realised the bone wasn’t powdered fine enough. How had you even made it here? Especially since the potion you’d managed to botch was the Skele-Gro potion; one taught to second years. Meanwhile, your Blood-Replenishing potion, an expert recipe, is completely perfect and complete.
If Jimin cares about your response, he doesn’t say anything. Rather, he gestures towards your cauldron. “Why are you brewing three potions at once? Even brewing onerequires all your attention and concentration,” he states plainly, causing you to wince imperceptibly. He doesn’t mean to, but inadvertently, he’s rubbed salt into your wound.
“Madam Pomfrey’s running out of certain potions and I offered to help replenish them,” you reply, your voice coming out quieter than you’d intended to. Jimin simply hums.
“I guess that explains the potions you’re making. I was almost worried,” he says, his soft lips pulling tight as a lop-sided smirk crawls onto his mouth.
Not understanding, your eyebrows knit together. “Worried?” you frown. Jimin’s smirk only deepens, before he lounges back on the cream sofa. The movement draws attention to his strong body, his toned muscles bulging under his shirt, while his thighs strain against the tight material of his slacks.
“I mean, you’re brewing Blood-Replenishing, Skele-Gro and Wound-Cleaning potions out of the blue, any sensible person would be worried about their safety. I was starting to fear that you’d hex me, and then heal me before I could report you,” he jokes.
Swiftly, your jaw drops, and hastily shaking your head, “I would never-” you begin retorting, only for Jimin to hold up a hand and halt you.
“Yes, yes, you would never hurt me. Or anyone for that matter. I know, ____. It was just a joke,” Jimin cuts you off with a chuckle. “Besides, you’re too much of a Hufflepuff to think of anything so cunning,” he continues. His words have you blushing harder, your bottom lip protruding in a slight pout. After a brief pause, he nods to your cauldrons once again. “Anyway, that doesn’t explain why you’re brewing three at a time,” he says, his sentence phrased more like a question. With a sigh, you feel your shoulders deflate with weariness and lifting up a hand, you rub the bridge of your nose.
“She needs them as soon as possible. Quidditch games are going to start soon, and she’ll need all her potions restocked by then. If I don’t get them out of the way today, I won’t have any time to do them between Head Girl Duties and the Apprenticeship,” you answer
“Hmm… Still though… three potions at once is a lot. More than that, if they’re healing potions, you need to be even more careful. One wrong step and it could mean the difference between life and death,” he lectures. You know he means it well, and he doesn’t mean to upset you, but you can’t help the way your stomach sinks at his words.
He’s completely right - potion making, at its heart, is both a science and an artform. Of course, most magic requires careful consideration, however, potions even more so. Namely because, as he’d said, the slightest error could change the entire nature of the potion. That exact reason is why you’re here, as a Potion’s Apprentice. You see, your life’s dream is to qualify as a Healer, and in order to be a Healer, you now need to have some sort of post-N.E.W.T qualifications in either Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts or Herbology. Of course, it hadn’t always been like this. Before the Second Wizarding War, once a student had graduated from Hogwarts, they would be required to enter into a Healer’s program, or any job really, straight away.
However, once Voldemort had been defeated, the entire Wizarding World had needed to rebuild itself - having lost too much in the aftermath of the Final Battle. In a way, it had been somewhat of a - morbid - blessing; mainly because, it had meant that the stagnating magical community had grown and bolstered itself into the twenty-first century. One of the consequenting changes, had been the reintroduction of Apprenticeships and Masterships, meaning that students now had an option to gain an extra qualification or two that would better prepare them for the future jobs - kind of similar to the muggle equivalent of university. Though, of course, these apprenticeships continued through Hogwarts, rather than a separate magical institute.
Naturally, with your dream job being a healer, you’d taken up the Potion’s Apprenticeship. Mostly due to the fact that you want to work in the Cures and Remedies Department of St. Mungo’s: a department dedicated to brewing potions, as well as creating new ones for the ever-developing medical needs in the Wizarding Community. Which is also why Jimin’s lecture hits you harder. If you were already making such silly mistakes, you’ll sooner fail your dream than achieve it - and probably kill or harm a few people while you’re at it.
Realising that Jimin had stopped talking, a tense silence befalling the two of you while you wallow in self-pity, “I’m sorry,” you mutter under your breath. As soon as he hears the despondent tone to your voice, Jimin’s face softens.
“No need to apologise, you didn’t do it maliciously,” Jimin says. Then, nudging your knee with his foot, “Scoot over,” he says.
Eyebrows creasing, curiosity colours your face as you watch him close his book, before waving his wand and muttering a couple spells under his breath. Immediately, his parchment rolls up into a scroll, before flying through the air and into his bedroom; along with the rest of his things. Once he’s cleared his stuff, he scuttles off of the sofa, and onto the floor beside you. In your confusion, you hadn’t moved quick enough, and as a result, Jimin’s crossed knee falls onto your lap. With a blank stare, you glance down at his thick thigh, and feeling the weight of his limb onto yours, you quickly kick yourself into motion.
Shuffling to the side, you make space for Jimin, the Head Boy slotting into the space next to you and under your blanket - the cover draping over his own lap. In your new position, he’s now level with you, your pantyhose-clad knee brushing against his while your shoulders practically touch. He’s close enough that the scent of his expensive cologne is more prominent: notes of sandalwood and bergamot dancing in the air and through your senses. The woodsy-sweet aroma virtually entrances you, your head swimming with the beguiling fragrances and beckoning you to sink deep into them. For a moment, you take a deep, albeit subtle, breath - wanting to breathe it in even more. Nonetheless, Jimin’s voice is swiftly breaking you out of your trance.
“You need to add minced Puffer-Fish to this, right?” he asks as he peers at the Skele-Gro potion, the rancid-green liquid still bubbling under the high heat of your bunsen burner. Abruptly coming to your senses, you nod, trying to ignore the fuzzy warmth that settles in the pits of your stomach. “If you add it now, it’s most likely going to result in Skele-Gro,” Jimin mumbles, and hearing him, you immediately perk up. Perhaps all wasn’t lost yet. That is, until you hear him continue. “Except… it will probably result in the bones continuously growing without stopping - even once they’ve fixed themselves.”
“Oh. So I need to start over?” you ask as you pull your bottom teeth between your lips. Did you even have time for that? Or ingredients? If you go down to Slughorn’s Office in order to get a fresh supply, he’ll most likely question why and you’d rather notexplain that it’s because you’d been incompetent enough to mess up a second year level potion.
Jimin hums in thought. “No, I don’t think so. You’re also brewing Wound-Cleaning Potion, yes? That means you have Dittany Essence?” he asks, causing you to nod and pass him the dark-blue vial. “Adding three drops should counteract the effects and bring it back to what it’s supposed to be,” he continues, and you watch as he uncaps the glass bottle, before carefully pipetting exactly three drops of the solution into the cauldron. After placing the Dittany Essence back down, he stirs the potion anticlockwise five-times, and you observe in complete awe as the potion returns to a pale orange - the exact colour it's supposed to be.
“How did you…?” you breathe out, astonishment heavily lacing your voice. Beside you, Jimin simply shrugs.
“It’s a common mistake second years make when brewing Skele-Gro… not powdering the bone finely enough, I mean. Adding three drops of Dittany Essence and then stirring anticlockwise five times brings it back,” he replies casually. Despite his nonchalant tone, though, you find your body slackening with defeat.
“I can’t believe I made such a stupid mistake…” you mumble under your breath. The self-deprecating tone to your voice has Jimin clicking his tongue at you in a tut as he nudges your knee with his.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re brewing three potions at once - and two of them are advanced potions. Both of which you’ve brewed perfectly so far. You probably didn’t notice that the powdered bone wasn’t fine enough because you didn’t expect to mess up a simple potion,” Jimin immediately says - in a bid to comfort you. It works, because swiftly, you feel your stomach flip: butterflies blooming in the pits of your abdomen at his praise.
Against your will, a smile creeps onto your face - the corners of your lips tugging, and, “Thank you,” you mutter under your breath. A tinkling laugh slips through Jimin’s lips, and he bumps his shoulder into yours.
“You’re a perfectionist and a hard worker, ____. Both of those traits make a good Potioneer, ____. Which you are. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here. You need to stop beating yourself up over small things,” he continues. His face is twisted into a bright smile, his plump lips stretched thin and displaying his teeth, as the apples of his cheeks bunch under his eyes - causing his eyelids to slit into thin, crescent-moons. Your own lips tug into a sheepish smile, and you look at him gratefully.
“I know… it’s just such a silly mistake,” you respond.
Jimin snorts at your answer, and, “Everyone makes silly mistakes. Even a Potions Master or Mistress. It’s inevitable with the amount of potions we brew,” he scoffs. His words placate you even further, and you feel your earlier upset fade to nothingness - replaced by ease. Sensing the fact that you’ve perked up, Jimin grabs the rest of the prepared ingredients for the Skele-Gro potion. You look at him in surprise, Jimin simply smiling kindly in response.
“Why don’t you focus on the Wound-Cleaning potion? I’ll finish up the Skele-Gro,” he suggests. Swiftly, you shake your head.
“No, no. It’s okay! I’ll be more careful! You don’t need to help if you’re busy,” you quickly refuse - not wanting to be a burden - as you reach for the ingredients once again. Jimin simply scowls, and holding out his arms, he uses his strength to bar your hands from touching the tray.
“I’m not busy - I was just doing some light research on Phoenix Tears. Now be a goodgirl and let me help you,” he hisses. The instant the command falls from his lips, you feel your stomach twist, and your eyes widen slightly at the command. For a moment you still, not expecting them. There’s a playful lilt to his voice, and you know he doesn’t mean anything by it; yet, you still find your arms obediently dropping to your side.
Head ducking down, you turn your gaze to the surface of the table in front of you, in an attempt to hide your face from Jimin’s view. It would not do well for him to see the barest hint of a blush on your face. Especially since he hadn’t meant it in that way in the first place. Nodding your head, you acquiesce to him, and begin working on your potion once again; Jimin taking over for the second one.
The two of you work in near silence - the quiet broken up by the sounds of the bubbling potion, and the hissing of the fire. Intermittently, the blunt sound of chopping or the sound of the pestle grinding into the mortar echoes through the air: the two of you continuously prepping your ingredients as you brew your potion. With how close you are to each other, you practically invade each other’s space, and yet, as if by magic, neither of you get into each other’s way. While you concoct your respective draughts, every now and then, you find your attention wandering towards Jimin.
In the midst of brewing, Jimin is fascinatingly exquisite. That’s the only way you could describe it. Warm honey-kissed skin glows under the saffron lights of your dorms, the high arcs of his cheekbones glistening with every movement. The button of his nose is slightly scrunched, and similarly, his lips are pulled into a tight purse: his entire visage an epitome of concentration. The potion is easy, and an elixir he could very well brew in his sleep. Nevertheless, he focuses on each and every one of his actions, working meticulously and methodically as he concocts his potion.
Deft hands move expertly, alternating from preparing the different ingredients and adding them to the mixture, to carefully stirring the potion. Umber eyes scrupulously watch the simmering cauldron, his keenly trained gaze observing the elixir for even the slightest changes. You have no doubt that under his ever watchful eyes, the potion will be of the highest quality, even with how relatively easy it is to create. At some point, you finish your potion, and turning off of your bunsen burner, you turn your attention to Jimin. Unable to help yourself, you find yourself completely lost in how he effortlessly works; each movement, each gesture, completely second nature to him. It’s an artform. It has to be. At least, with the way he works it is.
You don’t know how long you watch him - but with each second that passes, you note something more about Jimin. You notice the way his eyes light up every time he successfully completes a stage, and the way the soft skin of his eyelids flutter, thick eyelashes kissing his cheeks, every time he blinks. You notice the slight sheen of perspiration that coats the back of his neck, most likely from the heat of the bunsen burner, rather than tenseness. Mesmerised by the movement, you follow a single drop of sweat - watching the way it trails down the thick curve of his neck and over the subtle bulge of his Adam’s apple, before percolating into the collar of his shirt.
Out of the blue, Jimin lets out a deep sigh, and with how intensely you observe him, you notice the way his shoulders ease - the movement so faint your eyes essentially strain to spot the movement. The motion is surprising, because the potion is easy, and yet, he still felt some level of tension. Though, that only leads you to appreciate him and his love for potions even more. Potion Making is easy for Jimin, and for the greatest part of it, it comes instinctually to him - but still, he takes the utmost care with each brew - no matter what the difficulty.
A strained groan resonates through the air, Jimin’s throat rumbling as he stretches out the kinks in his muscles. Thoughtlessly, he lifts his arms above his head, the muscles of his biceps pulling taut against the material of his shirt, and the motion causes the hem of his shirt to rise above the waistband of his black slacks. Against your will, your gaze finds itself drawn towards his waist, your eyes honing in on the sliver of his smooth skin of his hips that peeks through the gap. You don’t eye it for long, however, because as soon as it comes it's gone, Jimin’s hands drop down to his sides; the shirt’s hem consequently falling back into place.
“Are you all done?” his voice suddenly tears through the silence, and abruptly, your eyes snap back up to his - watching as he flicks off the flame under his cauldron.
“W-What?” you stutter, prompting Jimin to arch a strong eyebrow.
“Are you done with the Wound-Cleaning potion?” Jimin reiterates, purposely enunciating each of his words. Owlishly, you blink at him, your stare completely blank. At the same time, your brain slowly processes his words, your mind still slightly spellbound by his previous beguile, and eventually, you process his words.
Jerking slightly, “Yes!” you practically yelp, only to wince at the loudness of your own voice. Swiftly, you compose yourself, and clearing your throat, “Sorry… yes. I’m done,” you mumble. A look of concern flashes across Jimin’s face, and carefully he sweeps his gaze over you.
“Are you okay?” he asks, and the clear worry etched into his voice has your heart fluttering.
“Y-Yes,” you squeak out, wanting nothing more than to bury yourself into the blanket over your laps. For a fleeting instant, Jimin watches you carefully, and momentarily, you fear he’s going to press you further. Nonetheless, a couple of seconds later, he’s shrugging you off.
Glancing at the grandfather clock nestled in one unassuming corner of your shared common room, “Oh wow. Has it really been that long? It’s almost dinner time,” he murmurs, an astonished inflexion lacing his voice. Following his gaze, your own eyebrows widen when you spot the ornate clock, the baroque hands reading six-thirty. “I’m going to go shower and then head down,” Jimin begins as he gets up from his space beside you. His movement causes the blanket to partially fall off of your lap, exposing your right leg to the air, and involuntarily, you shudder at the cold.
“Go on then, I’ll wait for you,” you readily respond as you pull the blanket back over your lap. Drawn up to his full height, Jimin looks down at you curiously.
“Are you sure? I may be a while,” he replies, causing you to shrug and wave him off.
Waving your wand, you mutter an ‘Accio’ and summon a book from the shelves that line one wall of the common room. “Take as long as you need. I’m not hungry right now anyway. We can go down together when you’re done,” comes your own response.
Spinning on the heels of his Dragonhide boots, “Alright then. Thanks, ____,” he calls out as he walks back towards the bathroom. Your only response in a noncommittal hum, your attention already drawn to the book.
It’s almost half an hour later, when you hear Jimin return from the shower. Automatically peering up from your book, you move to close it - now more than hungry and ready to go down to dinner. Nonetheless, the moment you spot Jimin, you find yourself freezing. The door to the bathroom is wide open, clouds of steam gently drifting through the threshold and dancing around his frame as he steps into the common room. However, it’s not the water vapour that has your attention. No. it’s Jimin.
The very Jimin who is dressed in nothing but a thick towel wrapped around his waist.
Park Jimin is by no means short. Of course, compared to some of the other wizards that inhabit the castle, he’s not considered tall either. Nonetheless, he stands imposingly - a raw, powerful swagger that rolls off of his demeanour with every movement. It’s no wonder he’s considered the Slytherin Prince, and as he practically saunters out of the bathroom, with just a towel hanging off of his otherwise naked frame, you can’t help but feel that domineering aura. Droplets of water bead his skin, forming little rivulets as they run down his body and towards the hem of his towel.
The sheen of water that glazes his flesh catches the torchlight that surrounds you, causing his skin to glisten as he’s encased in a halo of gold. His hair is slightly damp, the deep green shade blackening to onyx; the wet tips sticking to his face. Helpless under his charm, your eyes trail down his body: from the corded muscles of his shoulders, down the smooth expanse of his torso - stopping briefly to take in the dusky-mauve nipples that grace his pectorals - and along the faint outline of his abs. When you get to the hem of the towel, your eyes coast over the definition of his hips: your heated stare charting the prominent ‘v’ that carves itself into his pelvis.
Trailing your gaze further down, you level it at his covered crotch. The terry cloth material of his towel is bulky, and effectively hides the rest off his body from your gaze - the bottom edge grazing just past his knees. Still, as he walks, you spot the barest hint of his muscular thigh - the limb peeking through the slit of the towel as he walks towards his bedroom. With each movement, heat flashes across your skin, your spine tingling as you find your stare honed in on his pelvis.
Then, all of a sudden, he’s stopping.
“See something you like, Sweetheart?” Jimin drawls, his voice cutting the terse silence that enwraps the room. Abruptly, you break from your trance, your gaze snapping up to his face.
His arms are crossed across his chest: the sinewy muscles of his biceps bulging under the movement; and his hip is cocked to the side, his knee sticking out through the fabric of his towel as he gazes at you. Wry, but voluptuous, lips are twisted: the thick petals of his mouth pulled in a lop-sided smirk, his teeth poking between the seam - almost predatorily; and taupe-brown eyes twinkle with mischief: a playful light dancing in the onyx depths. From the knowing glint to them, you know he’s spotted you brazenly devouring him with your gaze.
Heat immediately crawls over your cheeks, and you audible swallow, your throat suddenly tight. “N-No,” you squeak out, your head ducking further under the cover of your book. Though, even as you do that, your eyes peek over the edge - an action Jimin easily catches.
Smirk widening into a wolfish grin, “Are you sure, Princess?” he purrs and, hearing the nickname, you can’t help the way your stomach knots in the pit of your abdomen.
“Y-Yes,” you stammer, your body curling further into the side of the sofa - in a bid to make yourself seem smaller. Jimin hums in response. The deep tremors reverberate through the air, echoing through the quiet common room and causing your breath to hitch.
Jimin’s tongue pokes out through the seam of his pouty mouth, and after swiping it across the plush bottom lip, he pulls the petal between his teeth. The act is incredibly enticing: the plush flesh slowly slipping from under his incisors before plumping out once more. Entranced by the movement, your eyes narrow onto his lips, and you suddenly feel your throat run dry. Spotting the way your attention focuses onto his mouth, Jimin lets out a low chuckle, and hearing the rich sound vibrate through the air, you inhale a sharp audible breath.
The sound resonates through the common room, heightened by the quiet - and swiftly, you feel the heat that stains your skin intensify. Body burning under your own embarrassment, you practically curl into the foetal position: your knees pulling towards your chest, a small squeak emanating through your mouth. Hearing the sound, Jimin simply chuckles again, and this time, taking pity on your form, he drops the subject and walks towards his bedroom.
“Cute,” he laughs you off as he shuts the door to his private room. The moment you hear that word, you can’t help the pout that forms onto your face, nor the way you blush ever harder.
God you hated when he teased you like that. Partly because of the way a fuzzy warmth settles into your stomach, and partly because you know that’s all you’ll ever be to Park Jimin.
Having lived with Jimin for three years, you think you know him pretty well. You know him well enough to know that he keeps Sugar Quills hidden around the dorm, practically addicted to the confectionery; and that he writes letters to his mother once a week, usually on Saturday, in his free time. You know that when he’s had a particularly hard week, he unwinds by reading his prized, first edition copy of ‘The Twelve Uses of Dragon’s Blood’ - a tome he’s had to have read thousands of times by now. You know that despite him being the heir to the Park name - an age old, aristocratic pureblood line that dates back centuries - he doesn’t care about status, or power, and rather judges people on their own merits and hardwork.
You also know that Park Jimin, as sweet as he is, is the biggest playboy the school has ever seen - actively flirting with any and all the other apprentices from the other subjects. It’s not like he could help it. In fact, you’re sure that it’s practically ingrained in his nature. Though, when he looks like that - a frightening middle between incredibly adorable and devastatingly sexy - you sort of understand it. Because if you looked like that, you’d take any and every opportunity to use it as best as you could. And Park Jimin definitely used his allure
A terrifying mix of cunning, ambitious, sweet and distressingly handsome, Park Jimin has probably broken more hearts than you can count; and is most likely the sole reason for every Apprentice’s wet dreams. Girls flocked to him, and boys wanted to be him - so it’s no surprise that Jimin was highly sought after - nor that he was the biggest flirt you’ve ever met. Hence why you hated when he flirted with you. Mostly because, you know he never does it seriously. And also because the last thing any of the girls he actually flirts with are, is cute.
You would know.
You’ve seen them sneak out of your dorms on the off chance he brings them over. Though, more often than not, he tends to sneak into their private quarters. That is, of course, if they aren’t one of the Potions Apprentices from the lower years. You and Jimin being in your third year of the Apprentice program, and your tenth and final year of Hogwarts. That is, of course, unless either of you choose to do your Mastership - which would be another five years.
If you’re being honest, you don’t really have anything against being cute - mainly because when he says it, he says it with a sweet smile. What you do have against it, however, is that he says it almost as if you’re a child, and not a grown, twenty-one-year-old woman. Though, that may be more to do with your own shyness and inexperience; especially in terms of the opposite sex. But still, you couldn’t deny that it hurts sharing a dorm with Jimin, and being in such close proximity, and yet still having him not be attracted to you.
Sure, he flirts with you - using any opportunity he can get to tease the ever-loving hell out of you. But it’s not like he means it, or that he ever takes it any further than his flirtatious banter. Not like he does with most other girls. No. When Jimin flirts with you, there’s always an air of jest, and restraint around him. He doesn’t stare at you with his smouldering gaze - as if he could devour you whole with just his eyes. He doesn’t lower his voice to that raspy husk of his - the one that is filled with a promise of sin. And he definitely doesn’t exude that same aura of raw dominance - the one that has most girls’ cores trembling with an ache that only he can satiate.
Of course, what you do have, in comparison to those other girls, is Jimin’s friendship - which is more than you can say for most of them. Particularly because most of Jimin’s friends tend to be the other guys on the Apprentice Program. After all, it’s hard to befriend the people you’re constantly trying to sleep with, or have slept with. You think. You don’t really know… You know, considering your own sexual inexperience with other men. Yes, Jimin has never shown any interest in you, and he’s never really flirted with you seriously, but at least you can say that you’re actual friends, and that you get on with each other beyond wanting to tear each other’s clothes off.
Although, needless to say, you doubt he’s ever thought of tearing your clothes off.
Which is… not something you can say about yourself.
Lost in your own thoughts, you don’t notice Jimin return - now fully dressed. At least, not until you feel his plush lips ghost against your ear. “Are you ready to go?” comes the low, sultry purr of his voice. Not expecting the sound, you immediately jump in your seat, your head whipping to the side as you stare at him wide eyed. Once again, you come face to face with him - the proximity making you jerk back with a strangled cry.
“Jimin!” you shriek in surprise, and your choked yelp has the Head Boy bursting into a peal of laughter. Heart thundering within the confines of your chest, and the ever-present flush of embarrassment painting your cheeks once again, “Stop doing that!” you chastise, your face twisting into a sulk as you glare at him. Entire body wracked with laughter, Jimin heaves for air as he tries to catch his breath - short gasps breaking through his howling.
When he continues to laugh, your lips twist into a deeper pout, and your glare intensifies; and sensing your rising ire, Jimin swiftly holds up his hands in a motion of surrender. “Sorry, Sorry. You were just so lost in thought, I couldn’t help it,” he chuckles while wiping his teary eyes. “What were you thinking about that had you so enraptured?” he asks, an impudent smile etched onto his lips. Remembering just whatyou’d been thinking about, your blush deepens, and you swiftly shake your head.
“Nothing!” you quickly interject. The abruptness of your answer has Jimin cocking his eyebrow, and eyes narrowing playfully, he looks at you - mischief dancing in his dark eyes.
“Oh? Doesn’t sound like nothing,” he purrs. Then, eyes widening in thought, a smirk creeps onto his face, “Hmmm. Were you thinking about me? Maybe something along the lines about how you’d seen me in just a towel a little earlier?” he croons, and you suck in a sharp breath at the low huskiness to his voice. That’s a first.
Pulling your lip between your teeth, you swiftly shake your head while throwing the blanket off of you. “N-No. I was thinking a-about how h-hungry I am,” you quickly snap, wincing slightly at the shakiness to your voice. It’s a brazen lie. Even you don’t believe you. And there’s no way in hell that Jimin does, at least not from the sly smirk curled onto his lips.
“Are you now? Hungry for food, or something else?” he teasingly quips, causing you to huff.
“S-Shut up. Let’s just go,” you mutter under your breath, your head angled to the ground as to try to hide your own mortification.
Jimin simply laughs at you, his shoulders shaking with mirth, “Whatever you say, Princess.”
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On the seventh floor of the North Tower, the next day, you sit in the Divination classroom. Warped shelves frame the circular room, cluttered with various odd curios. Fading tarot cards, argentate scrying mirrors and lustrous crystal balls fill half of the shelves; china teacups, dust-lined feathers, and candle stubs filling the other half. Wooden furniture crams the room, the walnut timber long since scratched, chipped and faded: ravaged with time as some edges collect dust. The classroom is dim, with a few shafts of mellowed sunlight filtering through the greyed, heavy velvet curtains that hang from the tops of the arched windows.
Chandeliers dangled by wrought iron chains - and sheer, red scarves cover the lamps, bathing the room in an eerie crimson glow. A fireplace sits in the front of the room - right by Professor Trelawney’s table - the amber fire flickering behind cast iron grating. Though, rather than illuminating the space in its light, the dancing flames only add to the arcane feel surrounding the room. A brass kettle swings over the hearth as the tea leaves steep; and a sweet, woody scent wafts through the room. Sat at one of the many round tables nestled inside the room, you sink further into the paisley upholstered armchair, watching as the girl opposite you shuffles the Tarot deck effortlessly.
“Do you want a specific reading?” Eve, the eighth year prefect, asks.
Shrugging noncommittally, “Just whatever,” you reply. Eve huffs for a second time, blowing a thick black curl out of her eyes before glaring at you.
“You could at least attempt to take Divination seriously you know, even if you don’t believe in it,” she scolds.
Sending her an apologetic smile, “You know I’m only here to help you with your Divination homework.” Once again, Eve huffs. Nonetheless, with the way her shoulders relax, you know she doesn’t take offence by your words.
“Alright fine,” she sighs in defeat. Then, sending you a grateful look, “Thank you for this by the way. I know you’re busy, being Head Girl and in the last year of your Apprenticeship and all,” she continues, her nose wrinkling in the slightest.
Gracing Eve with a kind smile, you casually wave her off, “It’s alright. I owe you for helping us out anyway,” you respond. From behind you, you hear a low chuckle, causing the hair at the back of your neck to stand on edge as you hear the rich sound.
“You mean we owe her one, Princess.” Breath catching in your throat, you swallow imperceptibly, willing yourself to calm down. “Well, more specifically, I owe her one,” he continues as an afterthought.
His words cause your stomach to flip, butterflies flurrying through and leaving a fuzzy feeling in the pit of your abdomen. Angling your body in the chair, you turn, only to be met face to face with Jimin. With how cramped the Divination classroom is, there’s usually barely any space between the side edges of the various chairs. However, currently, the classroom is mostly empty, less than ten of you occupying it. And yet, somehow, you still find yourself impossibly close to him.
Eyes blowing out marginally, your mouth forms a surprised ‘o’ at the distance, or lack thereof, between the two of you. With how close you are, you can smell his sickeningly sweet breath - the scent of Sugar Quills so strong you can practically taste them on your taste buds. Swiftly realising your position, you back away in an abrupt movement - your chair scraping against the hardwood flooring. The screeching noise draws the attention of the other students, the muted, ambient murmurs coming to a halt as they turn to you.
Your cheeks immediately flush, the heat of embarrassment crawling from your throat to the tips of your ears. Ducking your head down, you sheepishly smile at the class and mumble out a ‘sorry’. At your apology, the rest of the students quickly turn back to their divinations, causing you to let out a breath of relief. Only for it to hitch when you hear the light tremors of Jimin’s tinkling laugh.
Turning back around, you flick your gaze over Jimin’s face. Dark hair - the colour of blackened pine - frames his face, the strands falling like silk over his head. His locks are parted in the middle today, rather than hanging loosely in front of his forehead, and the front-most tresses bear a slight wave; revealing soft lids and sharp brown eyes. Dressed in his white oxford shirt - his Slytherin robes hung loosely over the backrest - and his sleeves rolled up to the elbow, he looks the epitome of sin. It doesn’t help that his tie is loose around his neck either, the top button of his collar undone and revealing the thick arc of his throat, and the barest hint of his defined collarbones.
He’s lounging in his chair, his ankles crossed as he stretches them under the table. One of his elbows is pressed to the armrest, leaning his chin on the base of his palm, while his other arm is stretched out, long fingers drumming casually on the table. As your gaze roves over him, you can’t help the fuzzy feeling that settles in your stomach as he stares at you - obsidian eyes practically staring into your soul. Easily, he spots the fact that you’re staring at him, and immediately, a teasing smirk pulls at generous lips, his strong eyebrow quirking playfully.
“See something you like, Sweetheart?” he purrs, his sweet voice a few octaves lower as he mimics the sentiment from last night. The memory him dressed in nothing but a towel flashes in your mind: the sight of his muscular, wet body ingrained so deeply in your mind that just the recollection of it manifests itself as something incredibly tangible. A shiver runs down your spine at memory, as well as the deep tremors of his voice, and as the hairs at the back of your neck stand on edge, you duck your head - in a bid to hide your flushing cheeks.
“N-No,” you stutter out, and with the way your voice croaks, your blush deepens. Hearing your stammer, Jimin’s grin widens - his heated gaze roving over you almost predatorily. Responsively, you feel yourself shying from his eyes, your body curling into itself protectively.
Noting your reaction, Jimin lets out an airy laugh. God, you were such a Hufflepuff. He wasn’t one to often believe in the whole ‘students embodied their house traits’ bullshit - after all, people weren’t set into specific personality moulds. But when it came to you? It couldn’t be more true. A Hufflepuff through and through, you’re as hardworking as you are kind - and downright humble about it. It had been an incredible surprise when you’d been chosen as the Head-Girl beside him, most people expecting it to go to Penelope Graham. However, to everyone’s utter shock, it had gone to you instead, your scores in the Apprenticeship second only to himself. A fact that you’d kept to yourself, despite Penelope being one of the brightest Ravenclaws Hogwarts had ever seen, and a stellar Herbology Apprentice.
Thus, your grades, paired with your hard work throughout the years; not to mention your kindness, and willingness to help anyone, had landed you the Head Girl position. A choice that was still a sore subject for Penelope, who would lament about it to anyone and everyone. Nevertheless, if Jimin was being completely honest about it, however, he much preferred you to Penelope. And not just because Penelope didn’t know how to shut her mouth. Even when it was full of his cock. Though, he’d also be lying if he said it wasn’t partially because of that. Really, he didn’t know how she managed to prattle off constantly while still managing to breathe, and sucking his dick. It was almost magic. Pardon the pun.
No, you were a much better fit to him. Your patience was known through the school, and paired with your strong sense of fairness, it meant that most pupils, if not all, would more often approach you for help with their problems. And as a happy result, they’d leave him alone to get on with the more important duties. In fact, that’s exactly how you’d split your workload: you’d handle the student-body and prefects and anything pertaining to people in general, and he’d work on the other more mundane tasks; such as patrol duties, ensuring Prefect rosters for Hogsmeade weekends were sorted and all those odd bits and bobs.
Needless to say, it’s not like Jimin didn’t want to help the students. He doesn’t mindhelping them, and as Head Boy, he’d be duty bound to sort out whatever petty problems they have. He’d just do it begrudgingly, because the last thing he cares about are the frivolous issues of the student body. Really, who cared if Jonah Robins sat at the table Amber Cowen and her friends usually sat at in the library? A problem he knew you’d dealt with just a little over a week ago. Somehow, you’d managed to convince Jonah to leave the girls alone and all balance between the third years had settled. Something which caused Jimin to scoff. See, if it had been him dealing with it, he’d just tell the girls to find another table. Because it’s a table and it didn’t matter where they sat, as long as they did their work.
But that’s just him.
You, on the other hand, had a better sense of justice - and finding out that Jonah had purposely sat at the table to annoy the girls - you’d gotten him to move. Of course, most of the problems presented by the students were of similar nature - and Jimin didn’t understand how you had the tolerance to deal with them day in and day out without going insane. Though, that was just another one of the classic Hufflepuff traits manifesting in your personality. Honestly, he doesn’t think he’s ever met someone more Hufflepuff in his life.
“Uhh… Jimin?” you quietly call out to him, and his eyes widen slightly as he’s broken out of his contemplative reverie. Facial expression relaxing, Jimin realises he must have been intensely scrutinising you for the past couple of minutes - completely lost in his own thoughts.
Eyes casting over your face, he observes you for a moment. You refuse to look at him, your eyes skimming over the room as you actively avoid his gaze. Incessantly, you cross and uncross your legs, your body fidgeting under his heavy stare, and sensing the thick waves of nervousness that exude off of your being, Jimin’s lips twist into a mischievous smirk. And there it was. The one trait of yours that had piqued his attention when he’d first been officially introduced to you three years ago. Your timidness.
“Is something the matter, Princess?” he drawls, a perfectly trimmed eyebrow cocking. Immediately, you freeze, your cheeks heating even further as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth; only to gnaw at it. God, Jimin groans internally, you were so easy to provoke.
“N-No,” you stammer once again.
Lolling his head to the side, and resting his cheek in his palm, Jimin graces you with a sly smile. “Really? You look like you have something on your mind?” Then, flashing his teeth almost devilishly, “Maybe something from last night?” he hums. There’s clear innuendo in his voice, and unintentionally, you let out a little squeak. The sound is high-pitched, and just barely audible as it’s forced from the back of your throat.
“Last night?” Eve asks, her voice curious as she glances between the two of you. The heat of your mortification burns even brighter, so inflamed now that it starts sweltering your skin. Breath caught in your throat, you gnaw even harder on your lips - almost breaking the skin from how much you chew it. What are you going to even tell her? Nonetheless, before you can come up with an excuse, Jimin is already opening up his mouth.
“Just a small mishap in the Potions Apprentice Common Room. It’s none of your business. Shouldn’t you get on with your reading, anyway? I’d like to go back as soon as possible,” he interrupts, drawing Eve’s attention back to her homework. Face scrunching in distaste, she glowers at him.
With a huff, “You’re clearly lying to me. But fine, if you don’t want to tell me that’s your business,” she mutters, a scowl curled on her lips. Then after a short pause, “Also, if you don’t want to be here you don’t have to be. Feel free to leave,” she bites. Jimin discernibly bristles, and sensing his rising indignation - most likely from Eve’s snapping at him - you quickly hold up a hand.
“Why don’t we all just calm down?” you calmly say, smiling gently at both of them. Both Eve and Jimin open their mouths to argue, before closing them; Jimin shrugging his shoulders offhandedly while Eve lets out a deep, conceding breath. Turning to Jimin, your earlier embarrassment slowly ebbs away and you clear your throat, “You don’t have to be here you know. I was the one who offered to help.”
Jimin scoffs in response before waving you off dismissively. “The only reason you offered to help was so that Eve would take up setting up the Yule ball in my place,” he begins.
“Yes, because you have that Wizarding Chess competition you want to go to,” you butt in, causing Jimin to nod.
“Yeah. A competition I could have skipped. But you asked Eve to help you instead, so I could basically shirk my Head Boy duties, and it’s now more work for you,” he explains. Once again, you shake your head.
“It’s not that much work. Besides, I don’t mind. You’ve been talking about this tournament since last year, I know you’ve been looking forward to it,” you cut him off once again. Jimin halts for a moment, simply looking at you, a picture perfect expression of stoicism painted across his face.
Honestly, who were you trying to kid? He knows how much work the Yule ball is, and that while third-year Apprentice’s tend to have more free time (and hence why they now have the Head Boy or Girl position in comparison to seventh year N.E.W.T students), you’ve taken up a few more of the Prefect’s duties, since the seventh year Winter Exams are coming up soon. More than that, with how often students come up to you for help, your official duties tend to get pushed on the backburner even further. Hence why you’d had to brew three potions last night. Once again, he has no idea how you do it. Or why you do it. You’re way too courteous, and far too kind - even to the people you don’t know.
Letting out a sigh, “It is more work. Which is why I’m here. Even if I’m not really helping, I’m going to see it through with you,” Jimin says. Involuntarily, you feel your chest tighten, that telltale warmth flurrying through your stomach as your heart flutters within your chest. Before you can thank him, however, Eve bangs her tarot deck on the table.
“Maybe you’ll let me do a reading for you then?” she asks, her top lip curling shrewdly as she smirks at Jimin. The Slytherin Head Boy simply sneers in response.
Turning his attention back to his open textbook, “Yeah sure. When Merlin rises from the dead,” he snickers under his breath. Then, “Just get on with the reading,” he mutters. Eve’s mouth curls into a snarl, but before the eighth-year Gryffindor can respond, you draw her attention.
“Should we start?” you say, an encouraging smile on your face. Eve’s gaze flicks to behind you, and for a moment, you think she’s going to say something. However, she simply takes a deep breath and calms herself down.
“Alright, yeah,” she says, returning her own apologetic smile. “You don’t want any particular reading, do you?” she asks, and when you shake your head, she smiles. “Then, it’s okay if I pick one?” she questions. This time you nod, and Eve’s smile brightens. “Alright, wonderful! Then… I’m going to do one on love and sex,” she continues. Immediately, you choke on your own spit.
“Eve!” you splutter, causing her to look at you, her eyes glinting mischievously.
“What? I’m almost nineteen, I’m allowed to do them,” she says, her voice laced with faux innocence. Scowling slightly, you send her a pointed look.
“That’s not the point!” you try to argue.
Swiftly, a coy smile creeps onto Eve’s lips, “Oh? Does the prim and proper Head Girl have something to hide?” she sing-songs. Feeling an intense stare on the back of your head, the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You don’t even need to turn around. You already know Jimin’s attention is on you both once again.
“N-No! It’s just-” you begin, only to deflate. What could you even say? Sensing your defeat, Eve snickers.
“Well, if you don’t, then there’s nothing wrong with me doing one, is there?” she asks. With no way out of the situation, your shoulders fall and you let out a muted noise of concession. “Perfect! Then, I’ll begin,” Eve continues.
With her mind made up, Eve begins to work. She starts by setting up her reading space: placing three candles onto the table. A pink one sits at the top of the table, right in front of you, while a white one sits in the left corner on her side, a purple one on the other. The candles form a large triangle, her tarot deck placed right in front of her, and an incense burner sitting right in the middle of the table. After the candles, she begins by placing her crystals down: rose-quartz and garnet are placed on the corners beside the pink candle on your side, and then an onyx on her side - in another triangular shape. Once she’s set up, she waves her wand - four bottles flying from one of the shelves that lines the classroom and into her hand. From the inky scrawl on the labels, you read them as ‘dried cherries, ‘saffron sprigs’, ‘steeped deer musk’ and ‘jasmine-infused oil’.
Meticulously, she adds the ingredients to her incense pot: exactly four teaspoons of dried cherries, half a sprig of saffron and three drops of the steeped deer musk. Once she’s done, she adds two tablespoons of the jasmine oil, before crushing it all together using a pestle. Once the mixture has formed a smooth paste, she inspects the concoction, before nodding in satisfaction - happy with her handy work. Carefully, you watch her. The eighth year Gryffindor is sly, and witty, and more often than not a handful to deal with. Still, she’s kind, and helpful; and when practising Divination - her favourite subject - there is no one who’s more reverent than her.
Fully prepared to begin her reading, Eve finally closes her eyes, and levelling her breathing, she takes in deep inhale before exhaling shallowly. From your divination class in fourth year, you know that she’s trying to find the centre of her magic. It only takes her a few moments, and then, she opens her eyes. Muttering a few spells under her breath, she points her wand towards the candles, slowly bringing them to life. She starts with the white candle, and then the purple, and finally the pink; and when she’s done, she taps her wand onto the incense burner.
Immediately, the mixture is enkindled, visible puffs of smoke wafting from the paste and into the air. The scent is rich, and fragrant - the notes of jasmine and cherry entwining together in a sweet aroma that has you entranced. The light perfume is deepened by the scent of the saffron and musk; the two heavier notes cutting the floral essence with a darker, more sensuous odour. The incense is inebriating, and calming at the same time, and you find yourself readily wanting to dive deeper into it’s intoxicating hold - let the scent consume you and lull you deep into its grasp.
With her ritual completed, she places her wand down onto the table beside and after a quick shuffle of her deck, she closes her eyes once again. Lips moving subtly, you hear her lowly mutter another spell, and then, she begins pulling the cards. Enraptured by her movements, you watch as she draws exactly five cards, placing them in a pentacle shape around the burner, and in the middle of the triangles of crystals and candles. Her eyes remain closed until she draws the fifth card, and then, eyebrows cinching slightly, she mutters another spell before finally opening her eyes.
Glancing down at the spread, she cocks her eyebrow, a small frown marring her face. The slight perturbation etched on her face has you intrigued, and practically on the edge of your seat, you wait for her to say something. You don’t have to wait long, however, because letting out a surprised whistle, “Well, this is certainly unexpected,” she breathes out.
“It is?” you ask, shuffling to the edge of your seat as you look at the cards closer. Eve hums in response.
“Yeah. The first card - The Hanged Man. You’re in need of urgent release. You’ve become rigid and careful, and there’s a strong need to release your inhibitions,” she begins. Only to pause, “But… you’re indecisive about what you want, and this suspension of your feelings is causing a sense of unhappiness. You need to open yourself emotionally, and more physically,” Eve begins explaining, her manicured nail tapping at the card as she speaks. Hearing her words, you immediately freeze, your muscles locking as Jimin’s face suddenly flashes in the back of your mind.
Oblivious to your shock, Eve continues, her finger moving to the next card, “The Devil. Usually, this card is ominous, and bears a sinister edge; one that most fear. However, in this reading, it’s a symbol of intense hedonism and fervent passion. It’s a card full of lust, an indicator for an intense yearning for a person. There’s a desire to submit; an overwhelming physical urge.” Her voice hangs heavy in the air, and with each word she utters, you feel yourself growing hotter and hotter; your collar suddenly tight. However, you refuse to move. You can’t move. Because you can feel Jimin’s heavy stare behind you, his presence magnified by the sudden silence of the room.
The dull sear of mortification settles in the pit of your stomach, and suddenly, you can feel all the students’ gaze on you. None of them, however, are as intense as Jimin’s; his eyes practically boring into the back of your skull. You want to open your mouth, to tell Eve to stop, lest you embarrass yourself any further. Nonetheless, you simply can’t bring yourself to do it. You don’t know why. Perhaps, it’s because your mouth is suddenly dry, almost as if you’ve swallowed cotton. Perchance it’s because your throat is tight, the muscles suddenly constricting - stifling any words that form in the back of your pharynx.
Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because a small, masochistic part of you is curious: intrigued by what else Eve will say, what else she will reveal… and perhaps even Jimin’s reaction.
“When The Lovers follow The Devil, that’s usually a sign of not only balanced, emotional love, but also physical desire. There’s a need to be touched, to be claimed, and consumed; and an even greater sexual hunger that covets your partner, or the object of your desires. You want to truly submit, with implicit trust and consent, to this person,” Eve’s deep, yet distant, voice continues. Again, however, she pauses - almost as if in thought, and staring intensely at the card, she bites her lips. “This could also be a sign that the person you desire, desires you back,” she mutters.
That has you audibly snorting. Yeah, right. You highly doubt that. For a moment, Eve flicks her gaze to you, her eyebrow quirking in intrigue, and swiftly, you send her an apologetic smile. Shifting in your seat, you sheepishly gesture for her to continue. Eve’s stare falls back to her cards, her hand moving to the fourth, and penultimate card.
“The Tower. The fear that giving into these lustful urges will be your undoing. To give into your desires will be to bring about a change that you aren’t necessarily ready for - or maybe that you think you’re not ready for - since it’ll lead to a significant change in your life. Still, this card is one of extreme surrender to chaos, a surrender that you are refusing, or resisting,” she begins once again.
Then, circling her nail around the card, and tapping - two audible thuds resounding through the air, “Nevertheless, the liberation that comes from giving in is an extraordinary release, even if the act of giving in is terrifying. The Tower is an important card. It is one that cannot and will not be avoided. The major life change must happen. It must be experienced for you to progress in life,” she foretells, her voice almost foreboding.
“Which brings us to the last, and final card. The Ace of Pentacles. This is usually a symbol about fresh career starts. However, in a reading about love, it tends to read as an egg wanting to be fertilised. The ten of pentacles is a family oriented card, but this one is the act of conception; the desire to engage in sex. However, it’s more than just carnal hunger. You want this person; truly and utterly. More than you probably even realise,” and with that last declaration, Eve finishes her reading.
A strong silence befalls the classroom, her last words lingering in the air and echoing in your mind over and over again. For long, drawn out moments, neither of you say anything - you: because you’re caught between mortified and speechless, and Eve: to let you truly grasp and process her words. The few students that straggle about are equally quiet, more than fascinated by the surprising divination. None, however, are more surprised than Jimin.
Unable to tear his eyes from the back of your head, he simply gawks at you. Truth be told, like you, he doesn’t believe in Divination; even with its roots nestled deep within magic, it’s still considered an imprecise school of wizardry. That being said, he can’t help the way your taromency has piqued his interest - especially, considering the fact that it’s a reading based on your love and sexual feelings. At first, he’d been ready to ignore both you and Eve, and happily sink into ‘Moste Potente Potions’ - a book he’d managed to liberate from the Restricted Section, thanks to not only his Head Boy status, but also his Apprenticeship.
However, the moment he’d heard Eve explain the first card, he’d been ensnared by your divination. With each word that had slipped out of Eve’s mouth, he’d grown more and more curious, not to mention shocked - because really, there was no way that that was your reading. Jimin has lived with you for three years now, and he likes to think he knows you well enough.
He knows you well enough to know that, no matter what, you refuse to drink pumpkin juice - finding the drink sickening - and yet, you adore pumpkin pasties; a treat you frequently buy on your trips to Hogsmeade. He knows that you can’t fall asleep at night without reading a book - and that you often read ‘The Tales of Beedle the Bard’, having read them so frequently, in fact, that you could probably recite each story word for word. He knows that you aren’t a huge fan of chocolate, but that every month, for one week, you will inhale it like your life depends on it.
He knows you well enough to know that though friendly by nature, your actual friends are few and far between: choosing to give your trust to a select few individuals. You don’t call people your friends lightly, and it gives him immense joy, and pride, that he’s one of the few people you’ve granted that title. Most importantly, however, Jimin knows that you’re completely, and utterly, inexperienced with men. In the decade you’ve been at Hogwarts, not once have you ever had a boyfriend. He knows because he’s asked around. Purely out of curiosity, of course.
With how much time people spent at Hogwarts, rumours tended to be rampant and everyonehad at one point, had a rumour about them and someone else. Everyone, that is, except for you. At first, Jimin had worried that the two of you wouldn’t get along - that your inherent natures would be the complete opposite and that he’d hate you. After all, he didn’t want to spend his Apprenticeship years hating the only other Apprentice in his year. However, after meeting you in his eighth year for the first time, he’d finally understood why you’d never had any rumours. And that was simply because you spent most, if not all, your time studying.
By all means, it was only exacerbated by your incredibly shy, and timid, nature - especially when boys were concerned; but it was primarily because, you just didn’t seem to think about romance or sex. Which was precisely why he had never really given you a second-thought when it came to spending time with you. Of course, he flirted with you, but it was more playful than anything. Mostly because he enjoyed watching the way you’d get flustered, and how you’d stutter to respond to him. It was incredibly cute, and dare he say, endearing.
Yet, even then, he’d never considered actually pursuing you, and even now, he doesn’t know if he would. You’re complete opposites, and he doubts that you’d even wantanything to do with him - especially since you very clearly knew his reputation. His reputation being that his stable, steady girlfriends are few, and far between. More than that, he’d always dismissed you as someone who’d be into vanilla, missionary sex day in day out; and granted, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that if that’s what you liked. But the last thing he, Park Jimin, ever would be, is vanilla. Hence, his reasons for dismissing you as a partner early on.
However, that was before today. Now, he’s not so sure. And not being sure is driving him completely wild. Because now, now he wants to know just what you really are like. Just what really makes you tick in bed.
“So, ____, who’s the object of your desires,” Eve’s voice suddenly breaks the silence, her eyebrows wiggling at you. Breaking from his reverie, Jimin immediately hones his attention on the two of you once again. This, he has to know. He doesn’t know why, but he’s suddenly filled with the burning need to know just who you so carnally want to submit to.
“N-No one,” comes your choked reply, and even though he can’t see you, Jimin already knows that your face is flushed with heat. “I-It must be a wrong reading,” you quickly continue, Eve’s eyebrows shooting into her hairline.
Humming in thought, “Hmmm. It’s all open to interpretation ____, so perhaps,” she ponders out loud. A coquettish smile curls onto her face, and levelling you with her impish stare, “Would you like another reading to be sure?” she asks. Swiftly, you shake your head.
“No, it’s pretty late. And Jimin wanted it to be done as soon as possible,” you quickly interject. Ears perking at the sound of his name, Jimin lets out an airy life.
“Oh no, by all means, do continue if you need to. I remembered I have nowhere to be,” he purrs. Despair floods your stomach at his words, and internally you scowl. He had to choose now to be genial? Really?
“See, Jimin doesn’t mind,” Eve snickers. Letting out a little huff, you quickly get up from your chair and begin gathering your things.
“Still, it is late - almost curfew in fact. You should all start getting to your dorms,” you reply, your voice louder so the rest of the students hanging in the class could hear. A chorus of groans resonate through the air, but nevertheless, they begin packing up their own divination items.
“Spoil sport,” Eve mutters under her breath, however, there’s no real heat to her words; and like everyone else, she too begins clearing the table. As she waves her wand, the bottles, candles and crystals flying back to their original places, “Are you sure you can’t let me do another reading? It would really help,” she asks.
With a sigh, you shake your head, “I’m sorry, I have Head Girl patrol duties tonight, and I still need to get back to the dorms and shower,” you respond.
Behind you, Jimin immediately freezes, his book partially in his bag as he himself gets ready to leave. Now, that’s interesting. Glancing at you from the corner of his eye, he casts his gaze over your body. A lie. A very clear lie - but a good one - because only he would have known it’s a lie. You don’t have Head Girl patrol duties tonight, you know that, and he knows that. Why? Well, because he’s the one who comes up with the patrolling schedules - and you definitely don’t have any tonight. Which begs the question, why are you lying?
Naturally, it could be because you don’t want a second reading, but Jimin has known you three years now, and it’s not often that you refuse to help. Moreover, it’s also not often that you lie - which only has his intrigue growing. Just what were you up to? Not that you do have to be up to something, you really could just not want to have a second reading, and usually, Jimin would happily accept that reading. If it weren’t for the niggling feeling in his gut that it’s something more, and if there’s one thing Park Jimin does, it’s trust his gut feeling.
Hearing your explanation, Eve swiftly deflates. “Alright, that’s fair enough. Still, thank you though. I’m sure Trelawney is going to love this,” she grins. Though, that only has sheer mortification rippling through you. Because really, the last thing you want, is Trelawney hearing about your deepest, darkest feelings. A part of you wants to ask Eve not to use it, however, she’s promised to leave your name out of it, and knowing Trelawney, she’ll barely even pay any attention to it - both facts quickly settling your embarrassment.
“You’re welcome,” you respond with a nod as you gather your bag. Then, turning to Jimin, you tersely smile at him, and, “Ready to go?” you ask - your eyes flicking from his to the space behind him, as if you’re avoiding his gaze.
Momentarily, he looks at you, but no matter how long he stares, you refuse to maintain eye contact. The peculiarity of your actions only has his curiosity growing more aroused. Internally making up his mind to get to the bottom of your behaviour, “Yeah, let’s go,” he simply responds.
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It’s later that very same night, when Jimin finds himself up well past moonrise. Usually, by now, he’d long since be in the comfort of his bed, enjoying the privacy of his own dorm. Or he’d be sneaking into the room of another apprentice. Today, however, he finds himself waiting in the Potions Apprentice common room; nestled on one of the plush velvet armchairs that makes its home by the hearth. Weak flames lick at the scorched wood, the fire waning as it slowly dies out. It bathes the darkened room in a dim light, and despite his position right beside the fireplace, the shadows hide his body well enough.
Internally, he wonders how long he has to wait for you to make a move, for you to sneak outside the common room and towards wherever it was that you wanted to disappear for the night. Really, he doesn’t know why he cares so much, and normally, he wouldn’t; you’re a grown woman after all, and you’re more than welcome to your secrets. Which is what he’d say if you were anyone else. But you’re not. You’re ____ Graves. The same ____ Graves he’s lived with for the past three years, and the last thing you have are secrets. Realistically speaking, he should probably give up and head to bed, because really, why did it matter what you got up to late into the night. However, ever since hearing you so easily lie to Eve, he simply can’t get out the incessant need to find out what you were hiding.
That is, if you are hiding anything. Because really, the later it gets, the more he finds himself wondering if he’s deluded himself into believing that you had secrets in the first place.
Mentally, he wonders if he should just head up to bed. It’s way past curfew, and you don’t seem to have emerged outside of your private bedroom; the rest of the Potions Apprentices having all retired for the night long ago. As he sits in the armchair, he contemplates his decision. It’s nearing midnight now, and you still haven’t so much as moved, and he’s really starting to believe that perhaps you’ve already retired for the night. Just as he shifts, however, he hears a door creak causing him to freeze immediately.
Head snapping to the stairs that lead towards the bedrooms, he watches as you slowly creep out of your bedroom and down the stairs. The common room is dark: the only light source the dwindling flames of the fireplace, and the faint, overcast shafts of moonlight that filter through the still waters of the Black Lake; and as a result, your wand is lit up - the eerie blue-tinted light of the ‘Lumos’ spell guiding your way through the space. Hidden by the shadows of the corner he finds himself in, Jimin’s breath hitches as you carefully tiptoe past him.
To his absolute luck, however, you don’t notice him. Instead, you simply slip out of the portrait that guards the Potions Apprentice Quarters. Jimin waits a couple moments for you to get far enough from the entrance before swiftly following you out. As soon as he slips through the portrait, he sees your frame disappear behind one of the corners, and hastily, he casts a disillusionment charm onto himself, followed by a ‘Muffliato’, before he begins tailing you.
It’s late after curfew, and as a result, the corridors are completely deserted. Iron sconces hang high up the beige brick walls and the flickering amber light illuminates the large, arched halls of the castle. Expertly, you navigate through the maze-like hallways, and with how purposely you move - your feet directing you down a specific route - Jimin knows you’re not out for Head Girl patrol duties. Albeit, he’d already known that. Though, this simply confirms his suspicions.
The entire journey, Jimin keeps a steady distance from you - close enough to keep you in his line of view, yet far enough that you won’t feel his presence. You lead him down twisting and turning corridors, and up towards the Grand Staircase. Realising that you’re planning on moving to a different floor, Jimin quickly moves closer towards you, still staying far enough for him to remain undetected, while keeping up with you as you navigate the ever-changing staircases. He doesn’t know how long he follows you, but around ten minutes later, you slow down your pace.
A look of surprise flits across Jimin’s face as he looks around. From the looks of it, you’re both on the seventh floor, in the left corridor. Though, he has no idea whyyou’ve come here. This area of Hogwarts is barely used. There are no classrooms in this corridor - it’s essentially a large stretch of hallway. Despite this obvious fact, however, Jimin watches as you walk down the passage, stopping when you get to a large tapestry. Quietly coming up beside you, he looks at the moving depiction in confusion.
Trolls dressed in ballet tutus are illustrated on the large curtain, their green-skinned body fanned out in various positions as they dance about with large clubs held in their giant hands. In the middle of the cluster, is a man, dressed in medieval-esque clothing, two of the trolls hitting him with their weapons intermittently. Suddenly, recognition dawns within him. It’s the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach the trolls ballet. Enraptured by the odd, mobile tapestry, Jimin doesn’t notice you move - not until he watches a large, ornate wooden door manifest itself into the castle’s wall.
Eyes widening, he takes a step back - the sudden appearance of the entrance surprising him. He doesn’t have long to collect himself, however, because without a moment’s hesitation, you’re opening the door and entering it. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Jimin hastily slips into the room after you - the door shutting behind him with a quiet thud. As soon as he steps inside, however, he pauses - not expecting the sight to greet him.
The room is large, yet completely barren. Marble arches and pillars line the perimeter of the room; plush carpet, the colour of beige, lines the entire floor - and even through the soles of his Dragonhide boots, he can feel how soft it is. There’s only one piece of furniture that sits inside the odd space - a large mirror. With clawed feet, and an ornate frame that has faded into a dull, metallic shade of gold with time, it looks ancient; and wholly mysterious. There’s even a strange inscription in the framework, in a language he can’t quite decipher, but one that seems familiar at the same time.
Nonetheless, Jimin doesn’t have much time to contemplate the peculiarity of it all, because all of a sudden, you’re moving. Drawing his attention once again, he watches you step up to the mirror, looking into the reflective glass intensely. The entire occurrence is strange, because it’s just a mirror, and yet you watch it so curiously, so intensively, that he wonders just what you’re looking at. And then, for a second time that day, he has an epiphany. He knows this mirror. Or well, more specifically he’s read of it.
It’s the Mirror of Erised - the one that shows you what your heart desires the most.
Now even more curious, Jimin’s head tilts to the side as he looks at you, his face a picture of curiosity. Soon, however, it morphs into shock. Because, completely out of the blue, you start stripping.
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Febrile skin flushed with desire, you stare into the Mirror of Erised. The sight that greets you is no surprise to you, at least not anymore. You see, the first time you’d stumbled upon the Room of Requirement, had been this summer, towards the end of your ninth year. Back then, you’d just been a prefect, and on one of your nightly patrols, you’d stumbled across strange noises coming from one of the abandoned classrooms on the seventh floor; and being the principled prefect you were, you’d instantly investigated. The sight that had greeted you, had shocked you to the core.
You had expected lots of things behind the classroom door. Perhaps it was Peeves, causing a ruckus as he usually does. Or perchance Filch doing his own rounds. Or maybe, just maybe, it was two students out past curfew. However, the last thing you’d expected was to see Penelope Graham, the second-year herbology Apprentice, bent over a table as Park Jimin thrust into her from behind. Her uniform had been in a state of dishevelment, her shirt wide open and her bra pulled under to reveal her breasts. The most surprising thing, however, had been the fact that her hands were tied up, and her panties stuffed into her mouth as Jimin harshly moved behind her.
Suffice to say, the entire scene had been such a shock, and way more than you’d expected to find behind the classroom door. More than that, you couldn’t bring yourself to break them up, your own timidness getting the better of you. As a result, you’d quickly turned around and ran away - racing to the opposite end of the seventh floor - only to find yourself in the empty left corridor, right by the large tapestry that depicted Barnabas the Barmy and the trolls. You can still remember your embarrassment, the sight of Jimin roughly fucking Penelope burned into the back of your mind. As you contemplated what you’d stumbled across; pacing back and forth in front of the tapestry, you’d accidentally come across the Room of Requirement.
The randomly-appearing door had surprised you. You’d heard of its existence of course, from your cousin, Sybil Lovegood, but you’d never gone looking for it. Curious about what the room had manifested for you, and needing to recuperate from what you’d just witnessed, you’d entered - just to discover the empty room, and the Mirror of Erised. What you’d spotted in the reflection, your heart’s greatest desire, a few months ago had completely shocked you.
Because depicted in the magic glass, is you - your body naked and bound - as Jimin fucks you, just as roughly as he did Penelope. Or perhaps, even rougher.
Shaken by the discovery, you’d swiftly left the room. Only to return the next day. And the weekend after. And then the week after. However, then you’d broken up for holidays, and in your tenth year so far, you’d been too busy with head duties to return. By all means, you’ve spent many nights laying in bed, with fantasies of Jimin sweeping through your head as you lose yourself in your own pleasure. However, your fantasies could never compare to what the mirror showed. Though, the real deal probably couldn’t compare to this either, but what could you do? You doubt Jimin would actually ever fuck you; that is, if his adversity to flirting with you was any indication.
Tonight is the first night you’ve returned in a while, prompted by Eve’s tarot reading, and eyes darkening with hunger, you watch your reflection’s face twist with lewd pleasure; Jimin’s intense, domineering gaze levelled on you. Molten lust pools between your thighs, your stomach twisting with the desirous heat of hunger as your core trembles. Your gaze trails down the body of your mirror-image, settling on your core, and almost as if he knew, mirror-Jimin lifts your reflection’s leg up - allowing you a better view of her swollen, sodden cunt.
A low whimper resounds through the still room, your voice breaking the quiet. All of a sudden, the heat that sears your body is too much, causing you to grip your wand tighter, and vanish almost all your clothes with a simple spell - purposely leaving your skirt on. Cool air brushes against your heated sex, and a low mewl falls from your lips at the sensation, your thighs spreading a little further. Without wasting a single moment, you slip your hand between the apex of your legs, merely to cry out in pleasure when your fingers brush your throbbing bud.
Knees buckling at the pleasure, you tentatively stroke your clit, your breath turning laboured as ripples of ecstasy course through you. Nonetheless, it’s not enough, and you have no doubt that this position is soon going to get uncomfortable. Thus, without wasting another moment, you carefully drop to your knees before sitting on your ass. Bending your knees, you draw your thighs closer to your body, before spreading them wide open. Able to access your bare folds more freely, one of your hand dips between your legs: a single finger trailing through your dewy slit.
You run the digit through your sex a couple of times, and once the pad of your finger is coated in a thin film of your own wetness, you press it to your clit once again; slicking the bud under your ministrations. In the mirror-reflection, Jimin mumbles something indiscernible into your mirror-self, and you watch as her cheeks tinge with heat, but as usual, does as he says. Her hand winds down towards her spread thighs, only to splay her cunt wide open. Then, in one smooth motion, Jimin spears his cock into her - impaling the entire length into her dripping pussy.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you responsively dip a finger into your own honeyed entrance. The rings of muscle are tight, and firm, but slippery with your arousal, you manage to slip a single digit into yourself. Steadily, you push your finger into you. It’s fairly short, and girthy, and yet, there’s still a pleasurable ache to the intrusion - your inner walls rippling around the digit. You push it in as far as you can before crooking it at the knuckle. Promptly, you feel your body shake - your nail inadvertently dragging against your sweet-spot.
For a moment, your eyes blur at the euphoria, your eyes threatening to shut. Nonetheless, you forcibly keep them open - your gaze focused on the way mirror-Jimin begins surging into your reflection, your entire body bouncing from his rough thrusts. Imitating his actions, you begin plunging your finger into your silken depths - the movement causing the pad of your digit to drag against the erogenous spot inside of you repetitively. With each stroke, you feel the pleasure inside your stomach intensify, morphing from a dull ache into a maddening burn.
Nestled in the shadows, Jimin’s jaw drops at the lewd sight of you. When he’d decided to follow you tonight, this was the last thing he had expected. At first, he’d meant to announce his presence - question just what you’d been staring at. However, before he could say anything, your clothes had suddenly been divested off of your body - flying into the air before folding neatly onto a pile on the floor. Tongue-tied by the action, his jaw had dropped, and he’d been rendered speechless - because really, why would he have expected you to suddenly strip to just your skirt?
Nonetheless, his astonishment set aside, Jimin can’t help but feel his skin heat as he watches you - his cock twitching to life in the confines of his trousers. He still has no idea what it is you’re seeing, but still, the sight of your legs spread wide, and your hands buried between your thighs is incredibly hot. From his position, he can’t see you in full - your skirt partially covering your sex - and with only his imagination to go off of, his mind runs wild. He wonders just what your cunt looks like as you pleasure yourself: does your clit throb? Are you soaked beyond belief - strings of your arousal leaking down your ass? Does that little cunt of yours tremble around your fingers?
Each question has waves of hunger washing through him, and with each thought, hot lust bubbles through his veins. Desperately he wishes to find out the answers - to remove your hand and push your skirt up - only to bury his face between your thighs. He wonders how you look amidst an orgasm, and the type of sounds you make; the type of sounds your cunt makes. Even so, even with his urgent desire overtaking him, he knows he can’t. He enjoys being your friend - a hard title to come by - and this would cross a boundary he’d initially been hesitant to cross; especially since you’d never shown interest in him, or any other boy for that matter. More than that, however, he figures he should leave you to your own privacy - having voyeuristically watched you for long enough.
However, just as he’s about to turn on his heel and exit, a sudden cry of pleasure tears from your throat - louder than any other that has spilled from your mouth. All of a sudden, you jerk, and your free hand darts out behind you: the palm dragging against the ground as you brace your entire body. Your back twists, the motion pushing your chest further into the air - drawing his attention to them - just for it to move to the way your thighs begin trembling. Holy fuck. Were you about to cum? Merlin, he reallyneeds to get out of here.
“J-Jimin,” you suddenly whimper and Jimin stops short - the muscles of his entire body locking. Did you… had you just…?
Breath catching in his throat, Jimin strains his ears; focusing his entire attention on you. It couldn’t be. There was no way you’d just said his name. His mind was obviously playing tricks on him. Swiftly, he dismisses the sound. Until, “Oh… Jimin,” you moan. It’s louder this time, and clearly - so discernible, in fact, that it resonates through Jimin’s ears.
Turbulent eyes roving over you, and once he’s confirmed that it is indeed his name, a smirk curls onto Jimin’s plump lips. His cock strains inside his boxers, the hardened member straining against the tightness of his trousers as it begs to bury itself inside of you. A surprising reaction, considering he’d never seen you in that way before - then again, how was he not supposed to want you, after learning that your heart’s desire, is him. Suddenly, Eve’s voice echoes through his mind, and recognition dawns inside of him. He’s the man from the divination - the one you truly want to submit to; the one you so desperately yearn for. Immediately, the smirk on Jimin’s face twists further, pulling into a large, predatory grin.
Well, who was he to deny you your deepest wish?
Stalking closer towards you, Jimin waves his wand discreetly - ending both the charms that hide him from your view. However, so lost in your own pleasure, your focus concentrated on whatever it is you see in the mirror, you don’t notice him. Closer to you now, your soft mewls and whimpers are louder - the sounds practically music to his ear - and this time, when you call out his name, “Need something, Princess?” he purrs in answer.
Instantaneously, you freeze. Every single one of your muscles locks at the sound, your lust dissipating as dread settles in your stomach. Head snapping up, you finally notice Jimin’s reflection in the mirror, and blinking blankly, you slowly realise it’s the real Jimin. Swiftly, you shut your legs, the movement locking your hands between, as you stare at him wide eyed.
Mortification surging through you, “J-Jimin,” you stammer out.
“Oh, Sweetheart, don’t stop on my account. I was quite enjoying the show.” His eyes flash with mischief, his gaze dropping towards your legs perceptibly, before locking back onto yours.
“I-I can e-explain,” you stammer out.
Jimin simply hums in response. “Oh? I think I have a pretty good grasp of the situation, Kitten,” comes his rumbling voice - the husky warbles reverberating through the air and directly to your core. Inhaling sharply, your eyes widen imperceptibly. Kitten. That’s a new one. More than that, the pet name drips from his lips like viscous honey, laced with a promise of lust-filled sin.
Deliberately, he stalks around you, your eyes following him - as if transfixed - until he’s directly in front of you, just beside the mirror. With your positioning - his broad body towering over you - your face to crotch with him, and quickly, you spot the prominent bulge of his cock. Throat tightening, you swallow thickly - your mouth suddenly dry. Jimin spots your gaze easily, causing him to chuckle.
“Eyes up on me, Kitten,” Jimin purrs, and almost as if you’re trained to obey, you follow his command; albeit, reluctantly.
Forcibly tearing your eyes from his covered manhood, you level your gaze onto him once again. He stands above you, fully clothed; waves of powerful dominance seeping off of his entire demeanour. Meanwhile you’re next to naked - with your hand still buried into your cunt - and as a result, you can’t help the ripples of humiliation that strum through you; your core reflexively clenching. Against your will, a wanton whimper escapes your mouth, your cheeks tinging darker with the heat of embarrassment. From the way Jimin’s eyes twinkle, you know he’s heard you.
“It looks to me like you’ve been playing with that little cunt of yours to thoughts of me, am I right?” he teases, and pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, you tentatively nod. Jimin hums once again, his head cocking to the side as he regards you coolly. Under his intense gaze, you feel completely exposed - his heavy stare roving over your entire body as he scrutinises you.
Then, his eyes landing on your skirt, Jimin lets out a low, taunting coo. “Is that pretty pussy wet, Princess? Does your cunt ache to be filled by my cock?” he asks. The vulgarity of his words doesn’t surprise you, you always had a feeling Jimin had a filthy tongue on him, and reflexively, you nod once again. Under his teasing words, you feel yourself grow wet, your lust-filled desire mingling with the humiliation that flutters through you.
Surreptitiously, your hand begins moving, the digit still buried inside you flexing as you slowly plunge it into you. The movement is imperceptible, and near non-existent, but somehow, Jimin still spots it. With a chuckle, “Is this turning you on, Sweetheart?” he coos. Mouth still dry, it’s all you can do to nod. However, Jimin’s eyes simply narrow into slits, and, “Articulate,” he hisses.
“Y-Yes,” you force out obediently, your finger moving even faster. Jimin coos tenderly, his lips curling into a wry sneer.
“Of course it is, Kitten,” he coos. Then, gesturing his head towards your hand, “But is your hand enough? Wouldn’t you like the real thing? Wouldn’t you rather have my cock?” he asks, a playful lilt to his voice.
You don’t even have to contemplate your answer, because immediately, “Please,” you whimper.
“Please what?” he hisses, and realising he’s going to force you to say it, you inhale a deep, steadying breath.
“J-Jimin,” you stutter out in an attempted protest.
“I want to hear you say it. I want you to beg with that pretty, innocent little mouth of yours,” Jimin purrs, his eyes darkening with dominance as he watches you.
Brushing your humiliation to the side, you take in a deep, steadying breath. “P-Please g-g-give me y-your cock,” you stutter out whilst imploringly staring at him through the thick of your lashes.
Immediately, a roguish grin crawls onto Jimin’s lips, and chest purring in approval, he walks around you - the heels of his expensive Dragonhide shoes clicking against the ground - before he settles behind your body. His long legs splay on either side of you, the limbs bent at the knee: effectively caging you between his figure. The strong muscles of his chest press flat against your naked back, and involuntarily, you shiver - his warmth seeping into your skin.
Hands moving to loosely rest on either of your thighs, the cold metal of his ring making you gasp as it presses against your febrile flesh, “Spread your legs,” he orders. The sound rumbles against your back, and for a moment you hesitate - the tips of your ears burning in humiliation. Nonetheless, you do as he says: tentatively splaying your legs open once again. Jimin watches your reflection in the glass, his eyes dropping to the apex of your spread thighs. Material of your skirt falling between, it obstructs his view of your cunt, causing him to let out a low tremor of disapproval.
Angling his head to the side, he brushes his lips against the outer shell of your ear, before taking the topmost part between his teeth and biting down softly. The sudden action causes you to let out a soft whimper, and you both see, and feel, Jimin’s lips twist into a sardonic smile. Lightly nibbling on the cartilage, his hands indolently trail further up your thighs, causing your eyes to flutter at the sensation. Just when he gets to the soft flesh of the top of your inner thighs, however, Jimin suddenly stops.
“Lift up your skirt, Princess. Show me the way that cunt drips for me,” comes his command. The intonation of his voice is low, a slight rasp underlying it, and reflexively, goosebumps prickle at your skin.
You suck in a sharp breath, and with shaky hands, do as he says. Gripping the hem of your skirt, you hesitantly lift it up - both your eyes glued onto the mirror - where you watch the way you slowly expose your sodden cunt. The moment your bare sex meets his gaze, Jimin lets out a pained groan. Swollen with need, the flesh of your sex is puffy - your clit visibly throbbing as a thick sheen of your wetness coats your skin. Pools of arousal gather around your entrance, the ring of muscles trembling under his heavy gaze, causing thin rivulets of slick to trail down the seam of your ass.
“Oh? You’re fucking drenched. What is it that you see in the mirror, that has you leaking like this? You’re practically creating a puddle,” he chuckles, a dark, taunting inflexion cutting his sweet voice.
A near inaudible whimper falls from your lips, and when you don’t respond, Jimin bites your ear harshly. Soft stings of pain strum through you, and, “Y-You,” you cry out in response, your cunt clenching visibly.
Watching the way the ringed muscles contract, “Oh? Just me?” Jimin chuckles darkly. You shake your head in response.
“N-No… us,” you reply. Fingers flexing, he begins softly massaging your thighs: kneading the supple flesh under his deft digits.
“Tell me.”
“W-What?” you ask, shock evident in your eyes. Tongue flicking out, Jimin licks the outline of your ear, only to brush his lips against the shell.
“Tell me what you see,” he elaborates. Thick waves of hesitation exude off of you at the command. There was no way - absolute none - that you could describe the vulgar scene, born from your deepest fantasies, and depicted in the magical surface.
Sensing your trepidation, Jimin’s face softens, and he buries his face into the side of your head. Lips pursing, he places a tender kiss to your hair. “We can stop if you want, or if it’s too much,” he mumbles; his hands soothingly rubbing your thighs. Your heart flutters at his concern, and you shake your head quickly.
“I-I’ve just… never done something like this,” you begin, your voice coming out as a whisper. Internally, you cringe at the timidness of it. It’s not that you don’t want to fuck Jimin. You do. Desperately. It’s just, you’re not used to it - to having someone see this side of you - and the idea of revealing it to Jimin, the object of most of your lascivious fantasies, is more than just a little daunting.
Awareness crossing his face, Jimin nods, and you watch in despair as his eyes turn tender - a stark contrast from the heavy dominance that had just twinkled within them. “We can go slow… I’ll be gentle,” he offers.
“No!” you instantly object, Jimin’s eyes widening at the sudden protest. Realising how loud you’d been, you quickly curl into yourself and avert your gaze. Throat tight, you swallow thickly; and gathering your courage, “I- I don’t want gentle. I- I want you to be rough. I want you to fuck me,” you confess, A few pauses break your sentences as you force yourself to be honest with him, however, once the words are out, you feel a sense of relief flood through you.
Jimin sucks in a sharp breath, and against the curve of your ass, you feel his hardened cock throb. “Are you sure?” he asks, his eyes searching yours. This time, when you nod, there’s not a semblance of hesitancy.
Bolstered by your sudden courage, “I want you to fuck me as hard as you can. I want you to dominate me, and make me cry,” comes your sudden declaration. The hands on your thighs flex, Jimin gripping the flesh almost painfully.
“Fuck.” He takes a deep breath, and then exhales just as deep. “Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asks once again.
Unwavering, “Yes.” Then, “Please,” you add - practically begging him now.
“Pick a safe word.”
Surprised by his words, “W-what?” you dumbly ask, causing him to smile at you genially.
“You’re a virgin aren’t you?” he asks; his tone is passive, almost kind, and not mocking at all; yet, you still find yourself growing embarrassed as you nod in response. Pressing another kiss to your head, “Then pick a safe word you can use if things are getting too intense and you need to stop,” he continues.
“Oh. Um… Mallowsweet,” you blurt out after a short deliberation.
The instant the word slips from your mouth, Jimin lets out an amused exhale, and you feel his lips curl in bemusement. “Mallowsweet? Really? The first thing you thought of was a potion ingredient?” he asks, causing you to pout.
“Safe words have to be something you won’t normally say during sex,” you mumble, and once again, Jimin laughs.
“You’ve got me there. Alright, Mallowsweet it is,” he nods. Then, after a short pause, “Don’t hesitate to use it, okay?” he continues. You don’t say anything, simply nodding firmly. Happy with your assurance, “Good girl. Now, tell me what you see,” he praises, only to follow the sentiment with a command.
A ripple of excitement courses through you at the heavy authority that laces his voice once again; his eyes dark with domineering hunger as he practically scrutinises you. Attention returning to the mirror, your breath catches in your throat at the sight that greets you. Your reflection selves have changed positions, now almost perfectly imitating the two of you. Cradled in mirror-Jimin’s embrace, your counterpart has her legs spread wide, and her lips spread even more lewdly - her own digits splaying them apart - as Jimin fucks his thick fingers into her drenched heat.
When you don’t say anything, your attention instead focused on the erotic scene depicted in the magical surface, you suddenly hear a loud slap echo through the air. All of a sudden, a sharp sting of pain flares across your thigh, and you hiss when you feel Jimin spank your flesh.
“I gave you an order, Princess. I expect you to obey,” Jimin spits, his voice hissing against your ear.
“Ah- I’m- I’m spreading my own…” you begin, only for your own mortification to pause.
“Your own?” Jimin prompts, a smirk curling onto his face at your clear embarrassment.
Letting out a whine, “V-vagina,” you choke out with a stammer. Immediately, Jimin brings his hand down onto your thigh, a sharp slap resounding through the air.
A low cry slips through your lips and, “Cunt,” Jimin hisses.
“Cunt. You’ll call it your cunt, or your pussy. Do you understand?” he responds, causing you to nod your head. “Good girl. Now, continue,” he urges, his hand delicately massaging your thigh as he soothes the flesh he’d spanked.
Cheeks burning, “I-I’m spreading my own c-cunt,” you whisper. A jolt of ravenous hunger sparks through Jimin as he hears the vulgar word slip from your lips and he lets out a low, pained groan. He’d ordered you to say it, and yet, it somehow sounded even sweeter, even more sinful as it drips from your mouth.
“Are you now? Show me how,” comes his next order. Shuddering at his breathy voice, and thick ripples of pleasure coursing through you, you do as he says.
One of your hands uncurls itself from the material of your skirt, the other hiking the fabric higher up your body. Next, using your now free hand, you press two of your trembling fingers on either side of your cunt, before spreading them in a ‘V’ shape. Under the ministration, you both feel, and watch, as your slick folds are pulled apart - revealing even more of your bare sex to Jimin’s gaze. Seeing the way your flesh peels open, Jimin lets out a strained groan.
“Fuck. Look at you. Dirty fucking slut,” he spits, and hearing his words, the walls of your cunt automatically clench. With the way your pussy is bared for Jimin, he easily spots the movement, causing him to chuckle. With another spank on your thigh, “Do you like that, Princess? Do you like the way I call you a slut?” he taunts. Fist curling tighter into the cotton fabric of your skirt, you nod shyly. Jimin’s hand splays further down your thigh before he begins drawing slow, teasing shapes into your flesh.
A shudder runs down your spine at his actions. In their new position, his fingers are impossibly close to your cunt - so close, in fact, that you’re sure he can feel the intense heat radiating from your sex. Deliberately, however, he keeps them away from where you need them most, and under his ministrations, you slowly feel your body temperature rise; the ache in your pussy intensifying tenfold. One finger moves awfully close to the flesh of your nether lips, and each time he draws an indiscernible shape, the bone of his knuckle grazes your clit.
“Do you want me to keep calling you a slut?” he taunts, and eagerly, you nod your head, a wanton whine slipping through your throat. “Then beg,” he hisses.
With a whimper, “P-Please degrade me,” you moan.
“Merlin, you’re such a fucking whore. Who would have thought that the innocent, shy Head Girl was such a desperate, needy little slut?” Jimin questions, and hearing the blatant derision in his voice, your stomach flips with humiliation. Then, pressing his lips to your ear, Jimin moves his hand to purposely graze your cunt. “I’m going to fucking ruin you,” he groans, his eyes swirling with dark lust. Then, he gestures back to the mirror.
Already knowing what he wants, you take in another breath. “Y-You’re f-fingering my p-pussy as I s-spread my c-cunt,” you stutter out, your ears burning at the crude words.
“Like this?” he teasingly asks. Inhaling sharply, your eyes flutter as you feel his middle finger teasingly caress your dewy folds: the pad of the digit tracing down your swollen lips. You nod your head.
“Y-You’ve got t-two fingers in me. T-Thrusting them as you f-fuck my cunt,” you continue. Finger moving further down, Jimin runs the tip of his nail around the quivering, ringed outline of your cunt.
“Fuck. Such a pretty, needy, pussy. See how it trembles for me?” he asks. It’s rhetorical. You know it is, because the next thing he’s doing, is plunging his finger into you.
A high-pitched moan spills from your lips, your back arching as your head falls onto his muscular shoulder. He stops once he’s knuckle deep, and curling his finger, “I’m going to fuck this tight, unused little cunt, Princess,” he continues. The cold metal and cut gemstones of his heirloom ring presses against the sodden, heated flesh of your cunt. The band is incredibly thick, the maddening girth threatening to plunge into you as it presses against your entrance.
Nonetheless, Jimin stops. Instead, he languidly pulls his finger out, before abruptly plunging it back inside. Heavy moans elicited from your throat, your cunt spasms as you feel his ring press against your ringed muscles once again. Thrusting the crooked finger in and out of you, he indolently tests the pliance of your inner walls; relishing in the resistance he feels. “By Morgana, you’re so fucking tight. Such a tiny, little hole…” In a deliberate motion, he pulls his finger out - so slow, that you can feel every ridge of his knuckles as it retreats out of you.
As he holds up his finger, your eyes widen at the sight. The entire length of his digit is coated in a thick sheen of your wetness; filmy strings trickling towards his palm. The glint of his ring catches the low lighting, the shine only highlighted by your arousal. Jimin lets out a baritone chuckle, “So fucking wet too. You drip like such a slut.” His hand moves back down to your cunt, and stroking up the slit, you whimper the pad of his finger brushes your throbbing clit, the wet bud slickening under his ministrations.
“I’m going to make you cum so much that all you can think about is the way my fingers, or tongue, or cock feel inside of you,” he murmurs. The intonation of his voice is heavy, with an intentional husk to it, that has you whining in need. With each word, he tantalisingly circles your engorged bundle of nerves. His touch is feathery, virtually non-existent, and the tormenting motions has your core burning with need; the muscles of your thighs twitching intermittently.
“Mmmm, yes. By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to be a cock-hungry little bitch, begging me to fuck you like the cumslut you are.” All of a sudden, he presses his digit down onto your clit before rolling it in hard, tight circles.
Abruptly, “Ah- Please,” you cry, your thighs beginning to tremble on either side of Jimin’s. Between his filthy words, his purposeful taunting ministrations, and your own, previous ministrations, you swiftly feel the telltale fog of euphoria cloud your mind.
Jimin dips his head into the crook of your neck, and watching your body through the glass of the mirror, he stares darkly at your figure. You’re completely wired: eyes-half lidded and clouded with lust while your mouth is parted - breathless shallow gasps slipping from your throat. With each stroke of his finger against your clit, he watches your entrance responsively clench - forcing thick streams of your essence out of your honeyed hole and down your ass.
“Are you close, Kitten? Are you going to cum from just having me tease this needy clit?” he taunts, his breath fanning across the flesh of your neck. Throat tight with desire, it’s all you can do to nod your head. Pleasure burns in your abdomen, your skin flushing with heat. Still, Jimin continues his ministrations - pulling you closer and closer towards the brink of your orgasm. “Fuck, yeah you are. Merlin, you’re so sensitive... Tell me something Princess, no one’s played with you like this, have they?” he asks.
Pulling your lip between your teeth, you shake your head once again - too tongue-tied by pleasure to speak. Plump lips wrap around your flesh, and flicking out his tongue, Jimin begins peppering hot, open-mouths kisses along the column of your throat. Teeth grazing against your sensitive skin, “No. They haven’t. I’m the first to see you like this, aren’t I? The first to touch this pretty cunt, and watch you drip for me,” he murmurs. The reverberations of his voice thrum along your throat, causing you to buck into his hand.
“I’m the first person who’s going to make you cum, Princess,” he whispers. Then, without a warning, he takes your clit between the knuckle of his forefinger and his thumb, and twisting, he pinches the bud. Simultaneously, Jimin sucks your flesh into his mouth, before biting down harshly. The abrupt pain has you crying out, your thighs shaking harder as you feel yourself teeter over the precipice of your climax. Before it can come, however, “But not yet,” Jimin growls before pulling away.
“N-No,” you cry out, tears misting your eyes as you feel your impending orgasm begin to fade. Thoughtlessly, you pull your hand away from where it’s spreading your cunt, and instead, you grab Jimin’s wrist; attempting to pull it back.
Swiftly, Jimin brings his hand down onto your cunt - harshly. A sharp, wet, smack resounds through the air as his fingers impact your swollen flesh. Under the ministration, you feel your clit smart: ripples of pain and pleasure thrumming along your nerves and setting your veins afire. Biting down on your flesh once again, “You’ll cum when I want you to cum, slut. Until then, be patient,” he hisses. A whimper slips from your throat, and you nod before letting go of his hand. Purring in approval at your obedience, Jimin’s tongue roves over your throat, soothing the tender flesh he’d harshly bitten down on.
“Spread your cunt for me again, Princess,” he orders, causing your fingers to fall back to your lips as you pull them apart. Jimin rewards your actions with soft kisses, his plush lips teasing the flesh of your throat. Lightly, he begins suckling and nipping: the skin blooming with bruises under his ministrations.
As he litters your throat with his marks, he retrieves his wand from beside him, and holding the long piece of elm he drags the tip through your slit. You gasp in surprise, your eyes widening as you watch him tease your folds with his wand. Against your throat, Jimin whispers a spell, the words inaudible. Out of the blue, however, his wand comes to life - the entire length vibrating as the point presses to your clit.
“J-Jimin,” you howl, your legs snapping shut as you feel the intense reverberations of his wand against your aching bud.
Immediately, Jimin increases the vibrations, and, “Keep your legs open, slut,” he orders. Sucking in a sharp breath, you forcibly part your thighs again, even as they tremble violently from the mind-numbing pleasure that wracks through your body from his wand. “Good girl,” he praises, his wand indolently circling the outline of your clit.
“J-Jimin- P-please,” you choke out, the muscles of your throat straining to spew out the words. Delirious with overwhelming ecstasy, your eyelids flutter with every motion, causing Jimin to chuckle.
“Do you want to cum, Sweetheart?” he asks, his voice dark, and taunting. Hastily, you nod your head. With how intensely his wand vibrates - the pleasure concentrated onto your clit, where the tip of the wood incessantly presses against the bud - you can feel your stomach twist and knot with each second that passes.
“Yes,” you gasp out. At the same time, your hips start rocking as you grind your clit into his wand - relishing in the powerful reverberations of the vibrating charm that strums through your clit. Again, the telltale sear of euphoria burns through your bloodstream.
Wanton hunger skims through you, and feeling how close you are to your orgasm, you begin wildly thrusting your hips. In the reflection of the glass, Jimin simply watches with a smirk as you ride his wand. With each roll of your hips, your clit drags against the vibrating wood - your cunt rippling over and over as you chase your high. A smirk crawling on his hips, Jimin mumbles something indiscernible, and you cry out when the vibrations increase tenfold. Screwing your eyes shut, you cry out in pleasure. However, for a second time that day, just as you’re about to sink into the mind-numbing ecstasy of your orgasm, Jimin is pulling away.
“NO! P-Please no. N-No, please. Please,” you cry - the words spilling from your words over and over again. With your orgasm cruelly ripped away from you for a second time, you can barely think. Behind you, Jimin lifts his head up, and presses a soft, soothing kiss against your head, and feeling the tender action, you whimper. Through the mirror, you look at him with teary, pleading eyes, and “P-Please,” you sob. Jimin simply lets out a sardonic smirk.
“If you want to cum, keep telling me what you see,” he coos, his eyes flashing with barely concealed dominance.
Eyes blurred with pleasure, and so caught up in the ecstasy Jimin reaps upon your body, you’d completely forgotten about the mirror. Blinking the tears from your eyes, you focus your attention onto the magical glass once again, only for a wanton moan to fall from your lips at the sight. Your reflections have swapped positions now - your body riding Jimin reverse-cowgirl. Even in the mirror, your legs are spread wide - giving you a lewd view of the way Jimin’s thick girth spears your tiny cunt wide open.
“Y-You’ve got me on your lap… my legs spread a-as you fuck me,” you begin once again. Jimin hums underneath you, his lips once again peppering hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column of your throat.
He rewards your compliance by pressing his wand to your clit once more, before he runs it down your dripping slit, and towards your cunt. Feeling the thin wood trace the ringed muscles of your honeyed hole, you clench involuntarily - the action threatening to swallow the tip of his wand. Jimin spots the motion, and laughing lowly, he begins pressing it against your cunt. With how wet you are, you easily take the slim piece of wood into you, your eyes rolling at the thin intrusion. Unlike Jimin’s, or your own, fingers, the wood is unrelentingly hard, and you feel it slowly open up the soft flesh of your inner walls.
As he continues pushing the length into you, soft pangs of pain flutter through your velvet depths - the untouched walls slowly widening. Still, the pain is next to non-existent, and with the vibrating charm accompanying the invasion, even that subtle ache is drowned out by pleasure. Once half the wand is inside you, Jimin stops, and instead, he begins fucking you with the wood.
“Like this?” he asks. You pull your lower lip between your teeth, and biting down hard, you nod in response. “How am I fucking you?”
Automatically, “H-Hard. You’re f-fucking m-me hard,” you respond.
Jimin’s free arm moves to wrap around your body, and your breath hitches when you see him inch his left hands towards your cunt. He moves deliberately, your eyes dilating with desire as you watch it in the reflection of the mirror. Even with your gaze trained on the appendage however, you’re not ready for the way his fingers feel as they stroke your clit. The moment you feel the calloused pads of his fingers caress your throbbing bud, you let out a keening mew - your thighs trembling on either side of his legs.
Simultaneously, Jimin picks up the pace; fucking his wand into you even faster as he begins toying with your swollen clit. A shudder of pleasure races down your spine at the foreign pleasure. Despite his wand being slim, your untouched inner depths are unaccustomed to the intrusion, and as such, intense waves of ecstasy flourish through your body. Hot, voluptuous lips trail down the arc of your throat, and getting to the flesh of your shoulder, he bites down - hard enough to indent the shape of his teeth into your skin - and causing you to gasp.
“Be explicit. Tell me what you see,” comes his next order.
“Y-Your thick co-cock is spreading my c-cunt as you fuck me h-hard. I-I can see the way you c-cock opens my pussy,” you describe. Jimin lets out a strangled groan under you.
“Is that right?” he grunts. “Does my cock look good in your cunt, Princess?” Jimin begins taunting. “Do you like the way that pretty little virgin pussy stretches around my fat cock?” His warm breath fans over your naked shoulder, Jimin suckling his marks into your flesh between his sinful words. “Are you imagining how it would feel? How I’d fill you up - stretch you out - and carve the shape of my cock into you? So that you know who that precious cunt belongs to?” The intonation of his voice is incredibly deep, and turbulent with salacious desire. It tremors through the air, cutting the sounds of your wet cunt and erotic moans.
“F-Fuck,” you whimper at his words, your cunt involuntarily quivering around his wand; sucking it even deeper.
Feeling the movement, his wand slipping further from his grip, “Oh? You like that don’t you? Of course you do. Filthy little cockslut. Look at the way you swallow my wand. The way you drip and coat it in your cunt juices. You’re practically gagging for it. Begging me to defile this tight, sweet cunt,” he taunts. His words elicit a high-pitched, breathless whimper from your throat, and eagerly, you nod your head.
“Please fuck my cunt,” you beg, your eyes wide and imploring as you stare at him through the reflection. For a moment, Jimin stills. Your words are unprompted, and as such, completely unexpected. Yet, hearing the words drip from your mouth, laced with wanton ardor, has his entire body thrumming with exhilteration.
“Fuck. You’re a sin. My sin,” he groans in response. Then, he mumbles something unintelligible. You barely have time to comprehend what he says, because out of the blue, you feel your inner walls begin to stretch. Crying out at the sudden change, your eyes widen as you feel the girth of Jimin’s slender wand get thicker. The girth sluggishly increases, yet, with each second that passes, you feel your smarting walls stretch around the unyielding invasion.
Jimin doesn’t say anything. Rather, he begins fucking his wand into you ever quicker, simultaneously increasing the pace of his fingers against your clit. Pleasure and pain intermingle together, your eyes rolling back as your thighs begin to tremble. The sensations Jimin lavishes on your body are far too much to comprehend, and swiftly, you find yourself drowning in the fog of euphoria. Stomach twisting with the knot of your incoming orgasm, your breath turns laboured as you begin fucking back onto Jimin’s wand.
With each plunge of his wand into you, you feel your walls pull apart just a little more, and the vibrations of the wood only has your veins searing with desire. Soon, the wand swells past the size of what feels like two fingers, and you cry out when the burn of the stretch begins rippling through your inner walls. The pleasure is too much to handle, but you never want it to end. In fact, you wish it’d last forever: the sensations wholly addicting. In spite of that, however, “M-Mallowsweet,” you whimper.
Immediately, Jimin stills, and halting the spell, he slowly pulls his soaked wand out of you. Sitting up straight behind you, the hand playing with your clit moves, and he wraps his arm around your waist in comfort. He looks at you in concern - worry painted across his delicate features. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” he swiftly asks, his gaze roving over your body. A surge of timidness floods through you, and biting your lip, you simply shake your head.
“I-I’m okay. I-I just,” you begin stammering, only to stop when you feel your embarrassment amplify tenfold. Jimin’s strong eyes knit together, and pressing his lips to your head, he presses an encouraging kiss to your flesh. Taking a deep breath, you gather all your courage, and, “I want your cock to be the first thing that stretches me out,” you whisper. At the sound of your steady voice, you internally cheer. At least you’d managed to get the words out without being a stuttering mess this time.
Sharply, Jimin sucks in a breath. Then, “Fuck,” comes his strained grunt.
In an abrupt flash, he moves. Grasping his wand, he plunges the wand into you once again. The sudden intrusion has your spine contorting, your head digging into Jimin’s shoulder as you cry out in pleasure. Expertly, Jimin angles the wooden rod inside of you and begins thrusting it in and out of your core with rough movements. At the same time, he mumbles under his breath, and your thighs shake as you feel the girth increase twofold as the wand begins vibrating inside of you once more.
“Ah- Jimin,” you cry, your eyes screwing shut as pleasure blinds your senses.
The hand around your waist pushes back between your thighs before he slaps your pussy once again. With the angle of his hand, the impact is concentrated on your clit, and feeling the sharp sting, a wail of ecstasy tears from your throat. Vehemently, Jimin begins spanking your cunt - focusing the slaps directly onto your hardened bundle of nerves. His punishing motions are only intensified by the way your fingers faithfully splay apart your folds: exposing the entirety of your throbbing bud to his actions.
“F-Fuck- Jimin,” you cry, tears beginning to mist at your eyes from the overwhelming mix of pain and pleasure that courses through you.
Pressing his lips to the shell of your ear, “Desperate little slut. You’re such a fucking cocktease. Do you have any idea what you do to me? Hmm, Kitten? Do you know how hot it is when you practically beg me to ruin that tiny cunt of yours? Hmmm?” Jimin growls out. You whimper at his voice. The usual sweet intonation is long gone. Rather, it’s filled with a mix of pure, carnalistic need, and dark dominance. Each sentence that spills from his lips is emphasised by a harsh thrust, and when you feel the tip of the vibrating wand drag against the sweet spot inside you, you cry out.
“Ah- Fuck- Jimin, please,” you sob. Between Jimin’s harsh spanks on your clit, and the vehement way he plunges his wand into you, you find your orgasm quickly building up. Heat prickles at your spine, your skin pricking with goosebumps as the white-hot pokers of euphoria sting at your flesh.
“Look at me,” Jimin hisses, and through the fog of deliriousness that clouds your mind, you hear the command. Opening your eyes, and briefly wondering when they’d shut, you come face to face with your reflection: Jimin’s intense gaze capturing your own. The sight that greets your eyes has you whimpering.
Your pussy is swollen, and so sodden that you can see thick strings of your arousal cling to the side of Jimin’s palm: the hilt of his hand grazing your cunt with each piston of his wand into your welcoming depths. Wetness leaks out of you in droves, and you don’t know how you haven’t noticed it, but you’re sitting in a puddle of your own wetness - the juices of your entrance soaking into the fabric of the back of your skirt. The lewd sight of your body has your breath turning shallow, and inhaling quick, sharp breaths, you feel your thighs begin to shake.
Spotting the telltale signs of your approaching climax, “Are you going to cum?” Jimin asks, and you swiftly nod your head. “Beg me,” he grits out.
Instantly, your mouth parts, however, your mouth is suddenly dry, and so lost in your incoming orgasm, you can barely find it in yourself to string together a coherent set of words. Still, you force out a few words; though, they come out garbled and incoherent. Lips curling into a sneer, Jimin snarls at you, and immediately rips his wand out of you. The sudden emptiness has you shaking your head, a loud howl of displeasure ripping from your throat. Wildly, your hips thrash, and you attempt to follow his wand as you feel your orgasm begin to subside.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Jimin brings down his hand onto your cunt - hard - and feeling the intense spank, your entire body jerks. “If you want to cum, you’re going to have to beg,” Jimin spits out.
Screwing your eyes shut, the tears finally begin falling down your eyes and you let out a dry sob. “W-Wanna cum. P-Please, J-Jimin, wanna cum. Please. Please. Please,” you wail.
With another spank to your clit, “Good girl,” Jimin praises. Then, he plunges his wand back into you.
The gesture is abrupt, and completely unexpected, and instantly, you’re forced over the edge of your own orgasm - the knot in your stomach suddenly unravelling. Shallow sobs ripping from the midst of your throat, the back of your head digs into Jimin’s shoulder almost painfully, and your body arcs as you begin cumming. Thighs quaking on either side of Jimin’s, your cunt clenches painfully around the wood inside of you, as blinding euphoria ricochets through your body.
With how much Jimin has already edged you, the force of your orgasm is threefold, incredibly overwhelming; and like nothing you’d ever experienced before. Toes curling with pleasure, you howl out his name, the sound coming out inarticulate, and close to inhuman. Waves of rapturous ecstasy surge through your body, your blood boiling with searing heat as your orgasm overtakes you. Momentarily, you feel yourself drift from reality - floating through the thick haze of elation - as you relish in the intoxicating sensation that floods through you.
Nevertheless, almost abruptly, you’re crashing down to reality. A dull, stinging ache shoots through your sensitive walls, the pain of overstimulation overtaking your mind-altering pleasure. Even with your entire body trembling from the force of your orgasm, Jimin continues plunging the vibrating length into you; though, his hand has moved from spanking your clit to rolling it in tight, vicious circles.
Hands jerking, you unclench your fist from your skirt, the other moving from your splayed cunt, and instead, you grip at his thick thighs. “H-Hurts- T-Too much,” you weep, the tears flowing freely as you blubber out a slew of strained moans.
Still, Jimin pays no mind to your cries, and instead, “Again. Cum for me again,” he urges. Twisting his wand inside of you, he shifts the angle to the tip of it, and presses it flush against the soft bundle of tissues that make up your sweet spot, before increasing the vibration to the highest setting.
A strangled howl tears through your lips: the intense reverberations against your g-spot causing you to careen straight off of the precipice of your climax. Second orgasm rolling in directly after the first one, your body violently quakes over him, and you wail out Jimin’s name - the muscles of your throat straining at the sound. This time, your cunt clamps vigorously - almost painfully - and you sob at the fervent heat of euphoria that consumes your entire being. The power of your contracting walls abruptly forces Jimin’s wand out of you, his eyes widening as you practically shoot out the long piece of wood.
“Fucking hell,” Jimin breathes out - his attention glued onto your cunt.
Gush after gush of wetness erupts out of your cunt; the jets of your cum pelting against the glass and dousing it in your essence. Jimin watches you squirt with wide eyes, the action completely unexpected. It only takes him a few moments to recover, however, and rapidly, he presses his fingers to your clit: strumming the viciously pulsating bud in quick, back and forth movements. His ministrations have your orgasm drawing out even further, and thick tears roll down your cheeks at the overpowering sensations that flood through you.
Brazenly, Jimin’s eyes stick to your swollen pussy, watching the way your drenched entrance contracts around nothing as you leak all over yourself, the mirror and the ground. Everything is drenched in your cum, from your own thighs, to parts of his trousers, all the way towards the mirror: rivers of your essence trailing down the magical glass and onto the floor. The heady scent of sex is heavy in the air, and taking a deep breath, Jimin’s chest purrs at the intoxicating smell of your cum.
Body erratically quivering from the aftershocks of your orgasm, your cunt continuously clamps around nothing - and with Jimin’s wand no longer pistoning into you - the sudden emptiness is only exaggerated by the involuntary movement of your walls. Coming down from your high, the ache between your thighs grows to be too much for you, and, “C-Cock- I n-need your c-cock. F-Fuck me. Please, fuck me,” you stammer out, the words coming out slurred; your tongue loose from your orgasms.
For a moment, Jimin falters, and looking at your fucked out form in the reflection, “Are you sure-” he begins.
Hearing the trepidation in his voice, you focus your glassy gaze onto him through the mirror, and, “Ruin me,” you breathe out. Despite the breathlessness in your voice, there’s not a single shred of hesitance in your eyes. Just ravenous hunger.
The corner of Jimin’s jaw flexes as he grits his teeth. Promptly, his apprehension ebbs - giving way to unbridled dominance as his gaze turns dark with lust. A low growl resonates through the air, “As you wish.”
In one smooth motion, Jimin’s hands move to your hips, and then easily, using all his strength, he lifts you and throws you up against the mirror. Eyes widening, you yelp at the sudden movement, your knees scraping against the smooth floor while your clammy hands press against the cold glass. You don’t get a moment to process the change. Without a moment’s hesitation, Jimin’s hands are curling between the soft flesh of your thighs, and forcing them apart, he spreads your legs further. The roughness of his actions cause you to groan, and willingly, you splay your knees further; pushing your ass out towards him.
Jimin’s chest tremors in approval at your gesture, and roughly pushing your skirt up your ass, he spanks the plump flesh. “Good little slut,” he praises. The sudden, acute impact on your lower cheeks has you squealing, the sound morphing into a garbled groan of pleasure. Emboldened by your reaction, and the way your ass ripples under the ministration, Jimin repeats his action.
A harsh slapping sound echoes through the air, pain flaring along your ass cheeks, and responsively, your head drops onto the mirror. The glass is cold, and refreshing against your sweat-soaked forehead. Jimin barely pays you any mind, and instead, he spanks you once more - as hard as he can. This time, you howl in ecstatic pain. Between the thick band of his ring, and his bulging biceps, this particular spank strikes your ass in the most enticing way possible. Cunt clamping down around nothing, you let out a low whimper at the incessant ache in your core, your breath fogging against the mirrored surface.
“J-Jimin- fuck me, please,” you beg.
One last time, Jimin brings his hand onto the plump cheek, before gripping the fleshy globes with both hands and pulling them apart. Under his action, you find your cheeks tinging with heat with mortification: Jimin exposing the entirety of your cunt and asshole towards his gaze. Seeing the way the puckered rim twitches, Jimin groans, and keeping one of your ass cheeks parted, he moves the other hand to brush your tight entrance.
A single finger indolently traces the ringed muscles of your ass, and you let out a breathy whine, your muscles locking at the sensation. “Such a pretty little asshole,” Jimin casually mutters. With how turned on you are, not to mention cumming so hard you’d squirted, the back entrance is completely slicked with your own juices. Grazing the blunt tip of his finger against your asshole, Jimin begins tracing teasing circles around the rim. “I bet it’s nice and tight in there. I bet you’d look so fucking hot struggling to fit my cock in that tiny little hole,” he mumbles. His voice is breathier, and filled with hunger, and you can’t help but whimper at the sound.
Suddenly, Jimin presses his finger against the rim of your ass, and your eyes widen as you feel the pressure: his finger threatening to enter your virgin ass. Nonetheless, before the digit can dip inside, he’s pulling away. “But that’s for another day,” he murmurs. “Right now, the only hole I’m interested in, is this one.” Abruptly, he forces two fingers into your cunt.
“AH-” you gasp, your eyes fluttering when he begins thrusting his thick digits in and out of your sodden entrance. Instinctively, your hips begin writhing, and pushing them back in slow movements, you fuck yourself onto his fingers: in a bid to take them deeper into you.
The silken walls of your cunt ripple around his fingers, and with each surreptitious contraction, your velvet cavern threatens to swallow his fingers further. “Such a needy cunt,” Jimin hums, his lips ghosting over the length of your shoulder as he presses chaste kisses to your skin. Parting his fingers in a ‘V’ shape, Jimin groans when he feels the tight resistance of your walls, “And so tight too.”
Driven near insane by the filth he spews, and the way he plunges his thick digits into your pussy, a soft mew slips from your lips. Nonetheless, it’s not enough. “D-Don’t t-tease m-me. W-Want your c-cock,” you beg with a stammer; your voice coming out higher pitched, and more desperate, than you’d intended.
“Insatiable whore,” he purrs, and despite the clear derision to his words, his tone is sweet. Almost affectionate. Still, Jimin pulls his fingers out of you, and instead, his hands move back to your ass. Cupping the cheeks, he pushes the plump flesh up and outwards, bearing the entirety of your dripping cunt to his gaze once more. He mumbles another spell under his breath, and to your utter surprise, a loud tearing sound fills the air.
You watch in shock as your skirt falls to tatters on the floor below you, but before you can say anything, Jimin is pressing his naked hardness flush against your bare sex. A shallow gasp slips through your lips, only for it to morph into a low groan when he begins grinding the velvet shaft into you. Hands still pressed flat against the mirror, you watch Jimin through the reflection. He’s still fully dressed in his uniform. The top few buttons of his white oxford are unfastened: exposing the defined peaks of his collarbone, and a few inches of his chest.
Meanwhile, his leather belt is undone, the two long pieces hanging on either side. Similarly, the button of his trousers and his zipper are open, his thick cock standing proudly through the opening. Attention dropping to the throbbing member, your eyes dilate with lust. He’s thick - incredibly thick. So thick, in fact, that a tremor of fear flutters through you, because there’s no possible way it’s going to fit inside of you. And yet, mixed with the fear is overwhelming anticipation, because you can’t help but want to feel his cock stretch you out. Even in the most painfully pleasurable way.
Jimin grips the base of his shaft with one hand, and angling it towards your entrance, he smacks the head against it. A loud, wet smack resonates through the air, and feeling the heavy weight of his cockhead against your wet cunt, you whine in need. Flexing his hips, Jimin slips his cock between your thighs before he begins thrusting it against your folds. Your slick lips spread on either side of his thick girth, and with each thrust, the prominent seam of his cockhead drags against your hardened clit.
Losing yourself in the pleasure, you let out a slew of breathless groans - your breath condensing on the glass - as you undulate your hips back onto him. Chest purring, Jimin lowers his head and presses an open-mouthed kiss onto the flesh just below the nape of your neck. At the same time, one of his hands grip your ass tighter, the other still holding onto his cock; and staring at you through the reflection, “That’s a good slut. Wet my cock with your cum,” he urges. Your body shudders at the sound.
Even as he kneels behind you, almost eye-level with your own gaze, he’s somehow still incredibly imposing. Noticing your gaze on him, Jimin smirks predatorily: his teeth peeking through the seam of his lips. Dark eyes, tumultuous with desire, lock onto your own, and while holding your stare, Jimin drags his cock through your folds in one long stroke, before pressing the head at your fluttering entrance. As the crown of his bulbuous cockhead pushes against your ringed entrance, you both moan.
Turning his attention down to your drenched folds, Jimin hisses when he spots the way your honeyed hole ripples. “Such a small, wet, little cunt,” Jimin groans. Then, gripping his cock tighter, he circles the head around your entrance, “Merlin, look at how tiny your cunt is compared to my cock. I don’t think it’s going to fit,” he chuckles.
Despite the clear taunt to his voice, you shake your head. “It’ll fit,” you whine, your hips thrusting back to take him into you.
Humming, “Hmmm, are you sure, Kitten?” he asks, and furiously you nod your head.
“I can take it. I can. Please. Please fuck me open. Please,” comes your soughed pleas, your eyes swirling with unbridled hunger. Behind you, Jimin exhales deeply at the clear neediness to your voice.
Jaw flexing, “Then take it,” he hisses through gritted teeth. That’s all he says, because the next thing you know, he’s pressing the crown of his cock against your cunt. A dull pressure builds up against your entrance, and your eyes widen at the sensation, a stifled whimper slipping through your lips.
You’re soaked, your entrance positively dripping, and as such, he should easily slip into you. In spite of that, however, he struggles to enter you: his absurd girth causing the taut muscles of your pussy to protest the stretch. For a moment your eyes flutter shut, causing Jimin to release your ass, only to spank it instead. “Look at me. I want you to watch as I fuck this tight, unused little cunt open for the first time,” he hisses.
Whimpering, your eyes snap open, your attention catching his. And it’s at that exact moment, that Jimin thrusts harshly. The force of his movement causes the mushroom-tip of his cockhead to squeeze into you with a sudden pop. Spine twisting, your back arches as a dry sob tears from your throat. Your eyes mist with tears once more, pleasure and pain surging through your body.
“J-Jimin,” you whine with a wince. A searing ache burns ripples through your tight cunt, the ringed muscles smarting as they strain around Jimin’s dense shaft. But, it’s not all pain. No, even through the agonising burn, there are intoxicating undercurrents of pleasure - the ecstasy cutting your discomfort.
Hands moving to rest on your hips, Jimin skims them over the swell before rubbing soothing circles into your soft curves. Arcing his neck down, he buries his face into your neck and presses a soft kiss to the column. “Shhh, Princess. You can take it, can’t you?” he cajoles. Regardless of his soothing gestures, however, Jimin continues pushing his unrelenting hardness into you.
Nodding your head, you force the entrance of your cunt to relax further, and feeling the muscles ease slightly, Jimin presses the rest of his cockhead into you - right up to where it meets the shaft. Once sufficiently inside of you, Jimin’s fingers flex, and digging the pads into the flesh of your hips, he begins pulling you onto his cock. Inch by heavy, agonising inch, his unyielding hardness spears into you. Gradually, the thick girth of his cock stretches out your walls: pulling your virgin passage apart around his heavy intrusion.
When he’s around half way into you, you let out a strangled cry, “F-Fuck, y-you’re h-huge,” you whimper. Jimin chuckles wrly.
“Are you sure you can take it, Sweetheart? Hmmm? Can your sweet, little, virgin pussy take my fat cock?” he taunts, slipping another two inches into you.
Nails scraping against the smooth glass, you drag your hands down the surface and hastily nod your head. “I-I c-can,” you respond.
Plump lips pressing to the roots of your scalp, “That’s my good girl,” he praises with a kiss. His warm breath fans across your scalp, and you shiver involuntarily.
Without a warning, his hips flex, and Jimin roughly thrusts the final few inches of his cock into you, the length bottoming out to the hilt. The sudden movement has you howling, your head falling onto the mirror once again. Against your will, your cunt ripples around his cock, your inner muscles contracting and clenching around his unrelenting shaft as it tries to force out the thick intrusion. Nonetheless, with Jimin’s hips pressing firmly against your ass, the clamping only massages his cock. Cock completely buried inside you now, his balls pressing flush against your wet sex, Jimin halts.
In the reflection of the mirror, Jimin watches as your face contorts in a mix of pain and pleasure. Your eyes are hooded: the lids fluttering with every passing impalement of his cock; and your mouth is parted: your breathing laboured as you struggle to take his cock. Regarding you with his dark, lust-filled eyes, he trails his gaze down your body - stopping briefly at your throat and shoulders - where he admires the love bites he’s littered onto your skin. Trailing his attention further down, he passes by your heaving chest: your breasts rising and falling with the movement, and your stomach, before stopping at the apex of your thighs.
In your current position, he can’t see the way his girth pulls apart your walls. What he can see, however, is the way your thighs tremble: the inner flesh covered in a thin sheen of your own arousal; and the way your nether lips drip with your wetness: filmy strings of your essence dangling in the air, some clinging to the skin of your thighs. Involuntarily, his cock twitches at the sight, and feeling the movement inside of you, you whimper out.
You have no idea how long you both stay like that - Jimin’s hands tenderly massaging your hips as he impales you on his cock. In fact, it feels like forever: time passing by slowly as you swim in the pain of his cock splaying your innermost depths. Gradually, however, the ache begins to ebb, and before you know it, you're left with just the delicious feel of Jimin’s immense girth splitting your cunt open. Perking up, you lift your head off of the glass, and taking a shuddering breath, you experimentally clench around his cock.
At the voluntary movement, Jimin’s shaft is emphasised inside of you, and you could swear that he hadn’t been kidding when he’d said he’d fuck the shape of his cock into you. Twin sounds of pleasure cut through the air: your low moan intertwining with Jimin’s strangled groan. Dropping his head down to your shoulder, Jimin bites down onto your flesh, and feeling the pain of his teeth sinking into your skin, you cry out in pleasure.
“Don’t do that unless you’re ready for me to fuck you,” Jimin warns. Deep inflexion of his voice resonating through your ear, you exhale deeply and repeat the motion. Except this time, you clench even harder.
“Fuck me,” you implore.
Mouth twisting into a derisive, lop-sided grin, “Hold on there, Kitten,” he purrs. That’s the only warning you get.
In one smooth motion, Jimin is retreating his cock out of you, until only the head is nestled inside of your cunt; only to thrust back in quickly. With one, swooping surge, he bottoms out of you, and the force of the movement has your entire body jerking. Grounding his knees onto the floor, Jimin uses the leverage to begin fucking you roughly. Hands braced up against the mirror, you attempt to find some form of purchase as your entire body jerks from his rough thrusts. However, with how smooth the glass is, you find none. Rather, your clammy palms slowly slide down the surface.
Sobs of pain and pleasure wrack your body with each drive of his hips, your toes curling as pleasure burns through your veins. Each plunge of his cock into your silken depths has you feeling every inch, every ridge of his cock. His immense girth pulls apart your walls deliciously, filling you up to your absolute limits. As the velvet shaft drags across your inner walls with each plunge, you feel him stimulate nerves you didn’t even know existed - the motions setting your entire body afire.
Jimin grips your hips tighter, and somehow, you feel his pace increase as he begins practically jackhammering into you. Your body jerks from the force of his thrusts, and consequently, you bounce harder onto his cock. Spreading your knees to brace yourself a little more, Jimin seizes the opportunity, and he angles his hips before he ruts into you even harder. The motion forces his cock to enter deeper into you, and you wail as you feel the blunt tip of his cockhead kiss the soft walls of your cervix with each thrust. Nonetheless, he pays you no mind, and instead, begins pulling your hips - forcing you to fuck back onto his cock.
His rough actions draw out feverish groans and slurred moans from your lips. The change in angle means that with each plunge of his cock, the head of his cock drags against the sweet-spot inside you, before it batters the back of your cunt. Soon, a dull ache begins settling deep within your stomach, and with each vehement pump of his cock, the discomfort slowly intensifies. “A-Ah, J-Jimin. T-Too d-deep,” you croak out with a stammer.
Dipping his head down, Jimin drags his lips against the shell of your ear. He takes the tip of it within his mouth, and biting down hard, “Isn’t this what you wanted, Sweetheart? Didn’t you want me to ruin your cunt?” he growls out. Then, with one deep thrust, he forces as much of his cock into you, before suddenly coming to a halt. “But if you want, I can stop.” The low tremor of his voice has your cunt clenching.
“N-No. Please d-don’t stop,” you whine, a mix of neediness and displeasure lacing your voice. Delirious with lust, you buck your hips onto his cock, and Jimin swiftly spanks your ass.
“That’s what I thought,” he hisses.
Out of the blue, one of Jimin’s hands moves from your hips, and instead, he hooks the arm under your knee. Hiking your leg up, he exposes your entrance to the both of you, and in the new position, nothing is left to your imagination.
The entirety of your sex is swollen with need, your clit visibly throbbing as it begs for attention. Slick with arousal, your entire cunt glistens in the low lighting of the room, and with how wet you are, thin rivulets of your arousal drip down your folds and onto Jimin’s balls. Dropping your gaze a little lower, you whimper at the sight. Your cunt is completely stretched, the ringed muscles pulled thin as they struggle to accommodate Jimin’s thick length. Like the rest of your pussy, your honeyed entrance is equally swollen; undoubtedly from Jimin’s brutal thrusts.
“Fuck. Look at you.” Jimin’s voice suddenly cuts the silence of the room. “See the way that unused little cunt has stretched? Mmmm. So fucking hot,” he hums.
Pulling out his cock, the both of you watch as your cunt grips his length, the ringed muscles being pulled with the movement. Once he’s only got his cockhead buried inside of you, Jimin thrusts in roughly once again. The sudden intrusion has you crying out in pleasure. “Fuck. How are you still so tight, Princess?” he grunts, his voice coming out strained. “Merlin, I’m not going to last long,” he mumbles, more to himself than anything.
“P-Please cum in m-me,” you whimper in response.
Jimin takes in a deep, steadying breath and then eyes flashing mischievously, “Oh, don’t worry, Princess. I’m going to ruin this cunt for anyone else. I’m going to fuck you so good that the only cock you want, the only cock you crave is mine. And then, I’m going to cum deep inside you, and dirty up your desperate - wet - pussy even more. So that you know, it’s all mine,” he growls.
“Now watch me fuck this sweet little hole open,” he orders. The next one of Jimin’s thrust causes your vision to blur, white spots blinding you.
Keeping your leg propped up with one of his arms, he moves the other from its position on your hips. Fingers tenderly stroking your hair, you shudder at the affectionate touch, only to cry out when he grips your hair and yanks your head back. The movement exposes your neck and using the opportunity, Jimin buries his face into the crook as he bruises it with more of his marks. At the same time, he begins riding you furiously - enjoying the way your inner walls ripple around his cock in the most enticing way possible.
Each thrust has his hips smacking against your ass and the sound of skin slapping is only broken by both your moans of pleasure, as well as the wet squelching of his cock fucking into your sopping wet cunt. Taking the flesh of your throat between his teeth, he nips and nibbles, causing the skin to turn tender under his ministrations. Then, releasing it, his tongue flicks out, he licks one broad line up your neck.
Getting to the spot just under your ear, he bites down on the soft flesh of your earlobe. “You like this don’t you, Kitten? You love the way this fat cock stretches you out. The way I ride your pussy hard and fast,” he taunts. The words shoot straight through your ear and down to your core, your cunt clenching responsively around his cock. You let out a garbled moan of affirmation, and Jimin lets out a throaty laugh.
“Merlin. Who knew the sweet little Head Girl was such a whore? Everyone thinks you’re so innocent. How do you think they’d react to seeing you like this? Your legs spread as you take my cock?” he questions and the teasing lilt to his voice has your thighs shaking.
Fog of euphoria nipping at the edges of your being, you feel the dull ache inside your stomach slowly intensify with every one of his thrusts. The muscles of your throat tighten at the pleasure, and in a bid to lubricate them, you swallow thickly. Behind you, Jimin continues plunging his cock into you, over and over again. Each thrust has his thick shaft dragging against every erogenous zone inside of you, and soon, you find yourself climbing higher and higher towards your peak.
Teetering on the brink of your orgasm, your stomach knots and twists. But it’s not enough. Between the apex of your thighs, your neglected clit viciously throbs - practically weeping as it begs for attention. Dry sob falling from your lips, “M-More. W-Wanna cum,” you croak out. Consumed by the pleasure Jimin reaps onto your body, electric ecstasy courses through your veins - your blood boiling with desire as you feel your end drawing nearer once again.
Swiftly, Jimin releases your hair. Instead, he thrusts his hand between your thighs and finding your clit, he presses the pulsating bud between his fingers. Toying with it gently, “Is that right, Princess? Do you wanna cum? Hmmm? You wanna cum all over this cock?” he ask, an apparent purr to his voice.
Driven mad with lust, it’s all you can do to gasp out your response. “Y-Yes. Please,” you slur. Skin prickling with goosebumps, your body flashes with heat. With each moment that passes, you can feel your orgasm slowly building up, your entire sanity dangling by a single thread.
Hearing your jumbled response, Jimin suddenly takes your hardened clit between his knuckles, and twists. “Then cum,” he orders with a hiss.
Instantly, a strangled wail of pleasure rips from your throat, the muscles of your oesophagus straining under the sound. The additional stimulation causes you to hurtle off of the precipice of your orgasm, and for a third time that night, you drive head first into bliss. Fingers scratching at the glass, you howl out Jimin’s name. Wave after wave of unadulterated bliss sweeps through you, the tide of your climax flooding into every fibre of your being as you sink into euphoria.
Eyes stinging with tears, white-spots blind your vision. Intense tremors wrack throughout your body, but even with the way your muscles tremble under him, Jimin continues thrusting his cock into you. His ministrations intensify your pleasure, and letting out a series of strangled sobs, you screw your eyes shut. Abruptly, the walls of your cunt clamp around his cock in a vice-like grip, and Jimin feels you grow wet once again. With your inner walls clenching and unclenching uncontrollably around Jimin’s thick cock, the Slytherin Head Boy lets out a carnalistic snarl.
“Fuck. That’s it, Princess. Cum around my cock. Fuck,” he urges with a groan. Nevertheless, your euphoria-addled mind barely registers his words. Instead, you fall forward, your body turning limp as you lose all semblance of your sanity as you revel in the waves of rapture that rocket through you. “Oh fuck. I’m cumming,” comes his strained groan.
Underlying ripples of pain begin fluttering through you as Jimin continues surging his cock in and out of your erratically contracting entrance; his fingers still mercilessly toying with your pulsating clit. Overstimulation gripping at you, “Please,” you weep.
Pace faltering, the hand playing with your clit moves to wind around your waist, and Jimin pulls you flush against his chest. Burying his cock as deep into your silken depths as he can, his thick shaft drives through your blissfully beaten cunt and you feel his blunt cockhead ram against the soft walls of your cervix. Instantaneously, your toes curl in pleasure, and your eyes roll into the back of your skull. Tears streaming down your cheeks, you let out a shuddering wail as your walls clamp down around him - almost painfully.
Without warning, Jimin’s pulsating cock swells inside of you, and with a deep roar, he begins cumming. Spurt after spurt of hot cum spills deep inside of your inner walls; Jimin painting your inner walls white with his essence. His cum is thick, and incredibly warm, and as you come down from your elated high, you relish in the feel of it flooding your stomach. Slowly, his cock turns flaccid, and you whine when the bulging thickness begins shrinking inside of you. Once he’s fully spent, he slowly begins pulling out of you.
The movement causes you to flinch, your raw cunt spasming with overstimulation as you feel his cock drag out of you. As soon as his cockhead pops out of your entrance, Jimin runs his nose against the back of your shoulder, and pressing a kiss to it, “Open your eyes and look at your cunt, Sweetheart,” he orders. Sluggishly, your eyes slip open before you lower your gaze to the juncture of your thighs.
Breath hitching in your throat, your eyes dilate at the sight. The previously taut muscles of your entrance are slightly parted open; the ringed flesh intermittently clamping around nothing. Thick trails of his gooey cum run out of your cunt and down onto the floor. Jimin’s teeth suddenly graze against your shoulder and, “See that? See how that tight little hole gapes? How you leak my cum? Such a pretty, ruined, cum-filled cunt,” he taunts.
Lazily, the hand on your clit dips further down your folds and towards your open entrance. A whine emanates from the back of your throat as you both watch, and feel, him press two fingers into you, the digits easily slipping into your battered entrance as he plays with his cum. Flinching at the intrusion, you weakly bat at his hand, an inarticulate sound of protest slipping from your mouth. Chuckling, Jimin pulls his hand away, and wiping his cum across your folds, he kisses the back of your neck.
Carefully, he brings your propped up leg back down, and you flinch at the stiffness in your muscles. So consumed by pleasure, you hadn’t even noticed the muscles begin to turn sore. The moment your knee is back down on the floor, your body slumps. In fact, you’re sure the only reason you don’t fall to the ground is thanks to Jimin’s body propping you up. Jimin lets out another throaty laugh, and wrapping his arms around your body, he pulls you flush against his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asks, and despite the concern in his voice, you can’t help but notice the faintest inkling of amusement.
For a moment, you simply heave for air - in an attempt to satisfy the burn in your throat - and once you’ve caught your breath, you nod. Swallowing thickly, you lubricate the dry muscles of your throat, and, “G-Good,” you verbalise. Another chuckle resounds through the air.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t look like you are,” he teases. Lips curling into a slight pout, you meekly smack his thigh. Though, still weakened from your orgasm, you’re sure he barely feels it.
“You’d be like this too if you’d been fucked as hard as I was,” comes your response, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“You’ve got me there,” Jimin responds with a laugh. “Are you even going to be able to make it back to the dorms?” he asks, a teasing smile on his face.
You pause hearing his words. Then, pulling your lower lip between your teeth, “Oh… we can sleep here… if you want,” you whisper, your eyes dropping to stare at the floor.
Jimin raises an eyebrow at your sudden timidness, and for a moment, he can’t help but think how cute you are. Really, he’d just fucked you to kingdom come, and yet here you were, getting all embarrassed with asking him to share a bed with you. Nonetheless, he ignores your shyness. Instead, “There’s no bed here,” he deadpans.
Suddenly perking up, “Oh! This is the Room of Requirement. We can just ask for a bed. See,” you respond, gesturing your head to the side of the room. Tilting his head, Jimin watches in surprise as a bed suddenly materialises out of nothing. For a moment, he wants to question it, however, after a few short seconds, he simply brushes it off.
Instead, his arms tighten around your body, and carefully, using all his strength, he picks you up. He carries your limp body towards the bed, and with each step, you find your heart beating faster and faster. Eyes transfixed onto his face, you chew on your lip once again. His flesh is covered in a thin coating of perspiration, and the ends of his dark-pine locks are soaked with sweat. Still, however, he looks beautiful: his skin glistening under the low lighting of the room.
Getting to the bed, you feel Jimin lower your naked body onto the mattress. The instant you feel the heavy weight of the cotton sheets, your spine shudders. Not wasting a single moment, you quickly shuffle your body under the covers, your shoulders relaxing when your bare figure is once again hidden. Beside the bed, Jimin strips down to his boxers. Deft fingers undo the buttons of his white oxford, and once all are unfasted, you watch as he peels the sweat-soaked material off of his body, his toned muscles rippling under taut, honey-kissed skin.
Once his shirt is off, Jimin swiftly shimmies out of his slacks - the fabric pooling around his ankles. Unable to tear your eyes from him, you watch as he steps out of the article, his thick thighs bulging within the confines of his boxers. Which, speaking of, once again hides his cock. You have no idea when he’d tucked it away, but you can’t help but feel disappointed. Nonetheless, your displeasure doesn’t last long, because the moment he’s done stripping, Jimin walks to the other side of the bed, and crawls into the covers beside you.
Feeling the bed dip with his weight, you turn to him, and nervously smile at him. Jimin easily notices your bashfulness and freezing for a moment, he looks at you in concern. “If it’s too awkward to share a bed, we don’t have to,” he says. Quickly, you shake your head.
“No! It’s not that… it’s just… this is the first time I’ve shared a bed with someone,” you mumble out, your head ducking under the covers in embarrassment. A deep-bellied laugh resonates through the air, and you feel Jimin tug the covers down.
Squealing at the sudden movement, you attempt to hide once again. However, Jimin’s arms swiftly wrap around your bare waist, and in one smooth motion, he pulls you into his embrace. “I’ve already taken your first time. It’s only right that I take this first time too, then,” he jokes. Despite the lighthearted tone to his voice, you find your chest tightening.
The feel of Jimin’s warm skin pressing against your back has your shyness quickly fading, and instead, your body melts into his. Head pressed to his bare chest, you hear the steady beat of his heart. The rhythmic pulsing soothes your nerves, and involuntarily, a soft smile curls onto your lips. Thoughtlessly, you snuggle further into him, and reflexively, Jimin’s arm tightens around your waist; allowing you to search for a comfortable position. Once you find it, you still, before revelling in the tenderness of your actions.
Silence befalls the room, and for long, drawn out moments, you simply relish in them. That is, until you really process the intimacy of it all. In your current position, your naked chest is flush against Jimin’s, the soft swells of your breasts pressing against his own, muscular ones. One of Jimin’s hands lazily traces shapes onto the flesh of your hips, the other tucked under the pillow. Your face presses into the crook of his shoulder, the deep notes of sandalwood and bergamot intertwining with Jimin’s own natural scent.
Stiffening in his arms once again, butterflies flurry through your stomach. You’re not stupid. You know that realistically, just sleeping with each other, doesn’t mean that you’re together. If that was the case, Jimin was probably dating every single apprentice, not to mention a few mastership students, in Hogwarts. No, you have no real fantasies that this means anything to Jimin. And yet, as he holds you in his arms, you can’t help but let your mind wander.
Sensing your nervousness, Jimin flexes his arms. He bends his head, and brushes plump lips against your forehead. “What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice deep, and baritone.
“Nothing,” you quickly respond. Jimin simply lets out a deep exhale of amusement.
“Doesn’t sound like nothing,” he replies. Then, nudging your head with his nose, “Go on, tell me what’s on your mind,” he urges. Sucking in a sharp breath, you contemplate his words. For a few moments, you simply deliberate on whether or not you should say it. Or well really, ask him. You have no idea how he’ll react, and you know there’s a good chance he’ll simply laugh and wave you off. Nevertheless, this could be your only chance.
So, taking a deep, steadying breath, you gather all your courage, and, “Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?” you ask. The words rush out of your mouth in one single breath, and pulling away, Jimin regards you in surprise.
“Like… a date?” he clarifies, and bashfully, you nod your head. He doesn’t answer straight away. Instead, he simply watches you carefully, his features carefully passive. With each second that passes, you feel your courage and hope dwindle; mortification once again settling in your bones. Then, to your utter surprise, Jimin speaks.
“Sure,” he agrees. Eyes widening, your face shoots up as you gawk at him.
“Wait, really?” you stupidly ask. At your question, Jimin snorts.
“What? Did you not really want to go?” he asks, and despite the evident playfulness of his voice, you quickly shake your head.
“N-No. I just… didn’t expect you to agree,” you reply lamely. Jimin nods.
“Well, if I’m being honest, I’ve never really thought about it. Or you… like that,” he begins, and swiftly, you find yourself deflating. Sensing your upset, Jimin bends his head down and presses a kiss to your shoulder, “But, that was only because I didn’t really think we would be compatible… but after tonight… you’ve definitely piqued my interest, _____,” he continues.
Hope blooms through you once again, and against your will, you find a smile curling onto your lips, “Really?” you ask. Hearing the happy inflexion to your voice, Jimin can’t help but chuckle.
“Yes, really,” he replies. Then, a grinning wolfishly, he teasing grazes his teeth against your shoulder before biting down softly. The action causes you to gasp, and Jimin lets out a low growl. “Besides, I can’t wait to learn what else you saw in the mirror.” Instantly, your cheeks flush, and you let out a little whine.
“Stop teasing me,” you grumble.
Humming, “Nope,” Jimin replies, popping the ‘p’. “You’re too cute when you’re embarrassed for me to do that,” he explains.
You let out a little huff, and open your mouth to retort. Only to pause. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind, and responsively, your eyebrows knit together. Curious as to what the mirror showed him, “What did you see?” you ask. A wicked smile curls onto Jimin’s face, his dark-pine hair hanging loosely in the air as he grins at you.
“Nothing,” comes his simple answer. Eyebrows creasing in confusion, you look at him in scepticism.
“Nothing?” you repeat, disbelief clearly laced in your voice. Jimin only hums in response. Bending his head down, he brushes his voluptuous lips against yours.
“The mirror shows you what your heart desires most. And in that moment, I had exactly what I desired,” comes his simple response. Instantaneously, a warm fuzziness flurries through your stomach; but as soon as it comes, it goes. Because, the next moment, Jimin is pulling you in for a deep kiss.
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a/n: i hope y’all jimin fans are well fed, i know i’ve been starving y’all sjfjsjjfjdf anyway. this was super hard to write because i don’t see jimin sexually nor romantically so i struggled with it A LOT but 😭i hope i did it justice 😭 please don’t forget to lmk what you thought 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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ohmysparkle · 3 years
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Spellbound is my upcoming piece for the Strange Devotion collab hosted by @bearseungmin. I've been working on this piece since around march... and I don't want to overpromise but I think It'll be around 100K across a few teaser scenes, and three of four chapters. I've spent months researching and editing and writing, and it's been very fun! I'm also accompanying the series with a lot of visual media, such as maps, newspapers, and other elements (which I have created myself) that can help you immerse yourselves in the lore. I would immensely appreciate feedback and comments.
🌙✨Tag List: @xviternity @straykisz
Here is the first little bite of this project.
✧・゚: *✧ ` . *: ・゚ : * ・゚✧ * : ・゚✧ *.✧
Pairing: Hyunjin (Stray Kids) x Reader
Genre: Dark Fantasy AU, Mystery, smut.
Teaser Length: 1.6K
Warnings: None in this chapter. For the series overall, smut, gore, witchcraft, religious themes, and I hope it gets scary too!
✧・゚: *✧ ` . *: ・゚ : * ・゚✧ * : ・゚✧ *.✧
The woman in front of you is beautiful. She must have been the most beautiful woman that many people had ever seen in as many lifetimes.
You hold her face in your hands and it’s hard to the touch, firm and polished like stone - the skin does not drag as you run a finger over it, inspecting her features. She is not cold, not warm; the same temperature of the room, in fact. Her eyes are perfectly still, looking beyond you and never at you; unflinching, unfocused. They seem to hold a thousand colors of amber and earth in them and they are so still they seem like glass. Her skin lacks its luster, only temporarily, but its olive and brown hues still show beneath the pallor. You imagine how it must have shone among the sun of the land from which she came, and how it would feel in that warmth from that ancient time.
You see the gash at her neck, poorly mended who knows how long ago. That must have been what killed her, you think. She must have been near fourty when she died, an age that in her beauty still seemed only the ripening of a flower, and not as many would think, its wilting. You wonder if you too would grow beautiful in such a way… or would you simply age?
She doesn’t blink as she doesn’t breathe. She has no need to move and if she so desires she could stay still for years on end and awaken in another era feeling only that she has overslept. It is only when you call her name that she does answer.
“Berenice.” You call her. It sounds very foreign in this small town where the two of you have met, just as yours does. But she doesn’t call you by your name. She only calls you Doctor, as everyone else does, it would seem far too strange to give her your name - it’s too foreign, too different, and above all; too revealing.
As you wonder, her features flick with animation, her eyes widen and adjust, her head turns to yours, her lips part and she exhales the stagnant breath that she had held within her for several days now.
“Yes, Doctor.” She answers. She speaks with that same placeless accent that you have heard in others of her age, who have ventured in different lands and times and tongues, speaking in a way that is so mixed and mended that it seems to come from no place at all. It’s an alien way of speaking, and you hope it’s not what unmasks her.
“How do you feel?” you ask her, still pressing the pads of your fingers into her flesh as it softens, almost mimicking the texture of the living. Good… that’s good. So long as it continues to soften, it is good.
“Alert, weakened.” She explains. “Lesser.”
“Lesser?” you question.
“Than I was.” She hums, thinking of the words, archaic and unintelligible ones most likely occupying the beginnings of her train of thought before she can describe her thoughts to you. “Yes - less. Like half a person, or an empty person.” She clasps her hands, balls them into fists. The change in sense and strength is always so unsettling to them, you always see the same reaction.
“It will be expected for the first few weeks, but you’ll feel better as your diet progresses and you begin to sleep normally. The sun may make you ache and irritate your eyes, but it won’t harm you as much anymore. You can begin to acclimate at your discretion. Slowly you’ll feel like you gain strength, but it is completely different. You won’t be able to do the same things, so be… careful.”
“Will I feel hunger?” She questions.
“Yes, but not the same appetite, not quite. You will be able to resist. One day you may even begin to crave what you call ‘human’ food.” You chuckle. She does technically eat human food.
“So I will not eat and drink from man?”
“You always could, but it won’t give you the same satisfaction. It won’t sate your appetite. There will be no more bloodlust, as you had before, and like I said, you might even enjoy human food.”
“And am I human?”
“I would say you always have been… you are just sick.”
“Your kind do not think so.”
“Pffft! Nonsense… many do. And well, I’ve proven it to be an illness, haven’t I? And you are on the path to recovery.” You scoff, “‘your kind’, ‘my kind’, it's a pointless label. Here, there, wherever, it’ll be different.”
“Still they confuse us with the other blood drinkers.” She argues. Those of her age aren't usually quite expressive, but you hear a sadness in those words.
“Aaah yes, the nightcrawlers. Creepy crawlies! They are not like you, they can’t walk in the sun because they have sold their soul and God can burn them in His light, like witches! Your kind, the sick, can. Daywalkers and Nightcrawlers. Different names depending on where you are, but still that’s about it. Step in the sun and they won’t confuse you.” You say after tapping the tip of her nose. She is hundreds of years old and seems confused by the gesture, so perhaps that approach should be exclusive to your child patients.
“God, you believe in Him?” This one was quite inquisitive - curious of the world. You wonder how she has lived, if it’s been in seclusion, away from the times, away from the world.
“One way or another, ‘He’ is there. Or She. A long time ago I had a… group of sorts that I worked with. Everyone had their own creed, and we’d all share blessings and icons from these faiths indiscriminately. Be it wrong or right, any belief can be a channel for us to make the distinctions that protect us, that we have faith in. There is us, the good, and the other, mostly bad. If you believe or not, there is a need for this sort of scheme and these figures. The names, the chants, the rituals. They all have a purpose when it comes to fighting certain things. You need to know what to call things, what belongs where, what is good and what isn’t… So you can pick and choose your doctrine to work with - fundamentally, that’s it I guess.”
“Hmm… I have known many gods in my time then.”
“And have you ever known them to be true?”
“Like you say, it does not matter if we believe it or not, but I have seen things and men need to give them names.”
“Straightforward I think, in the end we all seem to speak of the same things.”
“Then can you be straightforward once more and tell me when I will be human again?”
“As I’ve said. You always have been.” You sigh before answering, “as you begin to… acclimate, and follow the instructions I’ve given you, you’ll feel more like your old self. After a year or so the symptoms may have almost entirely disappeared, and you will also take on the detriments of mortal health without any enhancements, if we may call them that. Your senses will dull, as will your strength, you will weaken and become less resilient.”
You pause to look at her, before deciding to confess. “I think it may be impossible to completely eliminate the toxins left in your body, I’ve only been doing this for some years so it’s difficult to say what the long term results will be. If you are ever compelled, by your own will, or some shocking external factor, to begin to drink regularly once more, then you will feed your body the same es en es needed for the illness to grow within you once more.”
“I see. So I must be wary, forever.”
“Not forever anymore.”
“Not anymore.”
The woman stands and walks as if she were floating, still such minuscule precision in her movements. You watch the beauty in awe as she prepares to leave, as she wordlessly says farewell with a kiss to each of your hands and cheeks - another ancient gesture. You’ve warned her to be cautious of unfriendly eyes on her journey home, as you have warned all incoming and outgoing patients who come and go so secretly and illicitly. You expect that she will remain unseen - simply another person in the crowds.
You could only hope that the newly added eyes of one monster hunter Hyunjin Hwang would not target her on her way out, or those who have yet to arrive.
Because what would you do if they were?
What would he do if he discovered you?
And more importantly… what would you do to him?
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whumpster-fire · 3 years
What if The Abyss Was Real?
I haven’t done a dumb “Applying real-world physics to fantasy settings thought experiment shitpost” in a while, I feel like doing one for Made In Abyss.
Okay so long story short, The Abyss, from the manga/anime Made In Abyss, is a really big hole in the ground. Specifically, it’s a circular chasm with an unknown depth estimated to be at least 20,000 meters, but there’s a magical curse that causes any human being attempting to ascend to get sick, with symptoms getting worse the lower you’re trying to ascend from, and if you go too deep you’ll die if you try to return.
Gee... sounds a little bit like Decompression Sickness, doesn’t it? So now I’m curious: would the increased atmospheric pressure in The Abyss be dangerous even if there was no magical curse?
To get this out of the way: a 20-kilometer deep hole can’t exist on Earth in real life - not because lava would come out, because continental crust is usually thicker than that (although the Abyss is on an island in the middle of the ocean so it might be getting into the mantle), but because rocks aren’t strong enough and the immense weight combined with the effects of erosion would cause it to collapse and fill itself in after a while. If there was a hole that deep, the bottom would probably be unsurvivably hot because of a combination of geothermal heat and Adiabatic Lapse (i.e. for the same reason high altitudes are really cold, a really low negative altitude would be extremely hot because any descending air mass will be compressed by the increasing pressure and when you compress air it gets hotter).
But assuming fantasy physics do keep the rocks stable and the temperature normal-ish, would the atmospheric pressure make the Abyss deadly to return from / descend into?
Let’s find out!
High pressure is a hazard divers in the ocean have to contend with, and much like in the Abyss, descending is relatively safe but ascending is the tricky part. It’s very hard to actually crush someone with pressure because the pressure inside and outside your body tends to equalize since we’re mostly made up of non-rigid liquid... gel... stuff. If you rapidly take that pressure away though, you get nasty effects like the solubility of gases in blood decreasing, causing gas to come out of solution and form bubbles which fuck your everything up. This is generally not a worry when going to high altitude because normal atmospheric pressure is only equivalent to about 10 meters of water, but if you go from a highly pressurized atmosphere to normal pressure too fast you can be in danger. In fact, decompression sickness was originally identified in bridge construction workers working in pressurized work chambers called caissons.
So could the Abyss cause that?
Well... the pressure gradient in a column of air is a bit different from in a column of water. In any fluid the rate of pressure change with depth is equal to the weight density of the fluid. In water, this means the rate of change is linear, approximately 1 atmosphere per 10 meters of depth, because liquids are incompressible and their density doesn’t change much with pressure. In air it’s a different story. The pressure change is much slower because gases are less dense than liquids, but it’s nonlinear, because air is compressible - the deeper you go the higher the pressure gets, and the higher the pressure gets the denser the air becomes, and the higher air density means the pressure increases faster. In fact, the pressure grows or decays exponentially with changing altitude!
This can be modeled with a “constant” called the Scale Height - the height it takes for the pressure to change by a factor of e. Scarequotes around “constant” because it isn’t: air density is a function of temperature as well as pressure, and like I said temperature isn’t constant with altitude. It also varies with molecular weight, and therefore with air composition, and therefore with humidity - humid air is lighter than dry air.
Luckily the Abyss has a constant-ish temperature (ish. The 4th layer’s really hot, the 5th is cold, but it’s not like it’s going from antarctic winter to boiling). What about humidity? Well... the thing is, the vapor pressure of water, and therefore the maximum possible partial pressure of water vapor in air at 100% humidity, is a function of temperature, but as the pressure increases that partial pressure becomes a smaller and smaller percentage of the total pressure. Even at the surface, the air won’t be more than 5% water vapor unless it gets above 30 *C, and only about 2% at 20 *C. So the effect of humidity should be pretty small.
So let’s assume we can approximate the air in the Abyss as dry air at... 27 *C because that’s 300 Kelvins and makes my math easier. That’s pretty warm, but the 4th Layer, Giant’s Goblets, is hot, humid, and really big vertically so it probably skews the average upward a bit. This gives us a scale height of about 8800 meters.
So what are the conditions like?
1st Layer: Edge of the Abyss. Depth: 0 meters. Pressure: 100% sea level.
I think the boundary between the city of Orth and the Abyss proper is around sea level? This is just normal air, with no health hazard to humans.
2nd Layer - Forest Of Temptation: Depth: 1350 meters. Pressure: 115% sea level.
So far so good. The air at the bottom of the first layer is a little thicker and contains a little more oxygen, so you might actual feel better going down there. Someone returning to the surface after an extended period of acclimation to the air down there might get mild altitude sickness.
 2nd Layer - The Inverted Forest: Depth: 2600 meters. Pressure: 135% sea level.
The pressure is know about the same as you’d experience at the bottom of a typical public swimming pool. Be careful to equalize your ears! The pressure difference between here and the surface is the same as between the surface and around 3500 meters above sea level, which is pretty darn high! The inverted forest itself and Ozen’s observation camp is probably a bit higher up than this so the pressure’s a bit lower, if somebody rapidly went all the way up to the surface after living down there for months they might get significant altitude sickness?
3rd Layer - The Great Fault: Depth: 2600-7000 meters. Pressure: 135-220% sea level.
This is a pretty tall layer, and by the time you reach the bottom the air is more than twice as thick as at the surface! This also means the updrafts hit extra hard because all aerodynamic forces - lift and drag - are amplified with the greater air density. A falling object’s terminal velocity is around 70% what it is at sea level. If somebody decided to skydive directly to the Giant’s Goblet, they’d still need a parachute but they could use a parachute of about half the area and still make a safe landing - if they weren’t eaten by the giant flying monsters or crashed into the cliff face by the winds.
4th Layer - The Goblet of Giants: Depth: 7000+ meters. Pressure: 220%+ sea level.
The top of the Goblet of Giants is humid and swelteringly hot. While the humid air doesn’t actually contain more water vapor than humid air of the same temperature at sea level, there’s still more air to absorb and conduct heat. The human body might have trouble cooling itself under these conditions, and delvers could succumb to heatstroke very easily. I’m not sure if the body would just adapt to this much oxygen and get rid of red blood cells en masse, so altitude sickness might not get that much worse.
Cooking under these conditions would be strange, because the ambient pressure is now higher than the pressure inside a pressure cooker. Riko would probably have to use specialized recipes to account for water boiling at over 120 *C and the environment basically being a pressure cooker even if you’re just trying to grill something.
4th Layer - Garden of the Flowers of Resilience: Depth: 9,000 meters. Pressure: 278% sea level. The air’s still getting thicker and thicker. The pressure is equivalent to being 18 meters underwater. Decompression sickness might now be a risk if you rapidly ascended to the surface via a gondola. Without a gondola, there’s no way anyone could climb that rapidly. You will not bleed out of every orifice.
5th Layer - Sea of Corpses: Depth: 12,000 meters. Pressure: 390% sea level.
Time to enter the dark, icy depths! The pressure down here is high. A typical car tire is a little over 2 bars above ambient or 3 bars absolute, so if you brought an inflated car tire down here it would be deflated by the pressure. A soda can would also have gone flat long before this depth. The air is now cold, but probably still humid from the sea and water platform thingies all around. This is a dangerous environment because the thick air cools things like human bodies very effectively, creating an elevated risk of hypothermia and frostbite! The Sea of Corpses is a pretty apt name: swimming or diving in this water could turn deadly very fast.
5th Layer - Ido Front: Depth: 13,000 meters. Pressure: 435% sea level.
This is the point of no return! Ido Front’s near the bottom of the 5th layer but apparently the real boundary is below “sea level” a bit. The curse of the 5th layer is loss of senses and hallucinations... which is actually kind of accurate except for the part where you have to ascend to be affected. The pressure down here is close to the limit for recreational scuba diving because breathing air at such high pressures can lead to Nitrogen Narcosis, and delvers would suffer from slowed reactions and reduced mental acuity. However, it’s not severe enough to cause real hallucinations at this depth, at least at the exposure durations for divers.
6th Layer - Capital of the Unreturned: Depth: 13,000 meters. Pressure: 435% sea level. You... can still return from this depth. Divers do it all the time. They have to take decompression stops around every 10 meters - or 1 atmosphere. To create a 1 atmosphere pressure change Bondrewd’s Happy Fun Time Elevator would have to drop its victims to nearly 15,000 meters, near the bottom of this layer and rocket them back up to Ido Front in a few minutes. Even then this is the safe practice because people were sometimes getting sick and occasionally dying. So uhh... myth busted I guess?
7th Layer - The Final Maelstrom: Depth: 15,500 meters. Pressure: 580% sea level.
By this depth, the partial pressure of oxygen should be reaching 1.2 bars assuming the air is mixed with surface air somehow. Oxygen toxicity is now a major concern: the safety limit for exposure duration at this partial pressure of oxygen is about 3-1/2 hours, much shorter than how long a delver would be down there. The true Curse of the Abyss is now setting in, as the amount of oxygen in the air damages the central nervous system, causing seizures. At greater depths than this the high atmospheric pressure would quickly incapacitate and kill a delver. Sufficient breathing gas to descend this far probably couldn’t be carried in large enough quantities to survive navigating whatever the hell is down there.
Interestingly the depth of the 7th Layer actually more or less corresponds to the real-life limits of human physiology, and if there was a chasm this deep in the real world, we would be just as unable to explore the deepest depths without the benefit of modern technology.
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binunus · 3 years
midnight dip | yoon sanha
a/n ah!! my first written post! thank you love @astrolight25​ for requesting hehe i hope you like it!
{requested: How about a Scenario about the reader and Sanha go to the beach? With a alot of Fluff! 💕}
pairing: sanha x reader
genre: fluff, slightly (barely) suggestive
word count: 2.2k _______________________________________________
Your POV
Nights like these came very rarely. With Sanha and your busy schedules taking up most days, a date night — no, full date day — where both of you were free was a blessing. 
Most of your dates were indoors in the comfort of your apartment, it made sense amidst the pandemic and also because if you ever had a date in his dorm, the boys would never let you two live.
“Baby,” Sanha mumbled nuzzling his face drowsily against your stomach. You took your eyes away from the show you were both watching and looked down, lightly combing your fingers through his hair as you hummed, smiling at him. “Let’s go to the beach.”
You snorted a little, surprised at his sudden request, “Huh?”
Your boyfriend sat up with a little yawn, placing his hand on your thigh, “I wanna go to the beach.”
“Sanha,” you laughed, “right now? It’s almost 10 pm, what if we get caught?”
“We won’t,” he reassured, standing from the couch, “Eunwoo hyung told me about this one private beach he went to, there’ll be no one there baby, promise.”
You were hesitant, but you knew with Sanha’s pout and big pleading eyes that you were a goner. He beamed when you let out a sigh, knowing that you agreed, and leaned down to press a kiss on your lips. “I’m gonna pee real quick, pack a change of clothes baby!”
“I am not getting in the water!” You called as he turned to go to the bathroom. He only chuckled, not even looking back as he teased, “We’ll see about that!” ___
Before you could even get behind the wheel, Sanha took the keys from your hand, shooting you a wink before opening the driver’s door and getting in. You only grinned and took your place in the passenger side. Usually when you and Sanha were going out for a drive, you let him take the wheel since he didn’t drive much himself when he had schedules with the boys. 
He held out his right hand, which you immediately took, and laced your fingers together as he backed out of your apartment and started driving to the beach. Your destination was about a little more than an hour away, the whole drive there full of laughter, singing, bad attempts of rapping, and stolen kisses at stoplights.
Much like Sanha said, the beach was empty, your little beach towel where the two of you sat sticking out like a sore thumb in the wide open sand. Sanha leaned back against his palms, you fitting snugly in his side as you rested your weight on his body. He hummed along to the music playing from his phone, no conversation needed as the two of you watched and listened to the crash of the waves.
It was so serene and romantic, all anxieties you had of your relationship being exposed was washed away in the water along with the sand. “Ahh, this is nice.”
“It is,” You nodded with a soft smile, craning your neck kiss his cheek, “I’m glad you convinced me to go on this date.”
“I knew you would agree anyway, baby.” He teased lightly, nudging your head with his nose. Scowling, your hands grabbed at his sides, tickling him in revenge for how much he teased you. “Ah! y/n!”
Sanha shrieked, laughing uncontrollably at your attack. His arms gave in as he thrashed his body around, causing him to fall back on the beach towel—you following in his wake. The two of you giggled at your current position, Sanha quickly wrapping his arms around your waist to prevent you from moving. 
You couldn’t help the blush that crawled itself onto your cheeks as the two of you locked eyes. He smiled, adoration written all over his face as he stared at you. Habitually, you both leaned in, closing the distance and connecting your lips. 
Kissing Sanha like this always gave you butterflies, even though it’s been more than a year since you began dating. He moved his lips gently against yours, wanting to savor this moment. You gasped against his mouth as he flipped your positions, his arm anchored next to your head as he hovered above your figure. Your hands gripped at his shoulders, marveling at how broad they’ve become as you pulled him closer. You made a mental note to thank Bin later for forcing Sanha to work out with him—the progress he’s accomplished only making you crave for his body more, your stomach churning as his kisses started to get more passionate, desperate.
You moaned as his tongue weaved its way in your mouth, the corner of Sanha’s mouth tilting up in a satisfied smirk at your reaction. He pulled away all too soon, your face flushed as you stared up at him with a glazed expression. Your boyfriend looked at you, pride filling him with the fact that only he can make you like this with just a kiss. You blinked your eyes in an attempt to compose yourself, trying to read the look on his face. “Babe, no.”
He laughed as you deadpanned at him, your sweet goofy boyfriend back as he peppered little pecks all across your face, “Why not?”
“I am not about to have sex with you on the beach. The sand will get everywhere! Sanha, do you know how dirty sand is—we could get bacterial infections or something—“
“I’m just kidding, baby.” He giggled brushing his pants as he stood up, offering his hand to you. You took his hand, not before you scolded him by hitting his shoulder, and laced your fingers together, your boyfriend swinging your arms up and down as he led you to the shore. You shivered as you feet made contact with the cold water, it didn’t help that the sea breeze also blew past you, snuggling into Sanha to conserve warmth. “You cold?”
“Just a little,” You nodded, your free hand hidden in the sleeve of your cardigan. He hummed, pulling you in front of his body, wrapping his arms around your waist and easily resting his chin on the top of your head. Sanha’s height towered over yours, blocking the wind from hitting you. “Oh! Baby, it’s a full moon, look!”
Sanha smiled at your excitement, looking up in the direction where your finger was pointing, “You’re cute.”
Blushing, you lightly elbowed his stomach, the boy only pecking your crown in response as he tugged you flush against his chest. He swayed your bodies side by side in contentment, humming along to the song that you can vaguely hear from his phone back by the beach towel. “Do you have your phone with you baby? Let’s take a picture.”
You nodded, fishing it out of your shorts pocket and pulling up the camera app. You had dozens of photos of you and Sanha together on your phone, often looking back at them when you missed him throughout the day and he was busy with his schedules.
A couple selfies suddenly turned into a photoshoot, your boyfriend casually directing you in how you should pose. You laughed as he made you do the typical couple shot where you hold hands and you look back at him as he takes a picture. You couldn’t take Sanha seriously as you glanced back, unable to stand still for a single shot.
“Waahh! This is it! Baby, you have to send me this one, I’m going to make it my background.”
“Hey, what if someone besides the guys see it? We’re dead if it happens.” You whined, stomping your feet in the sand. 
“We won’t get caught, promise.” He said reassuringly as he removed his cardigan, dropping it on the ground and gently placing your phone on top. You gave him a pointed stare, “Yoon Sanha, what are you doing?”
“It got hot,” He said simply, walking towards you. You scoffed, not believing his bullshit one bit and turned on your heels, attempting to run away. Sanha laughed as he chased you, a teasing I’m gonna get you leaving his mouth as he closed in on you.
You knew you could never outrun him, especially with all this sand, but you should at least try a little before he captures you. He giggled as he hooked his arm under your knees, easily picking you up in his arms. “Baby, please, the water’s cold!”
“We’ve been standing in the water for the past 10 minutes, I’m sure our body temperature has acclimated to it.” He grinned, a tight grip on your figure so that you wouldn’t wrestle out of his grasp. You pouted, pinching his ears as he walked into the sea, a curse leaving you as you felt your skin get wet. “Sanha!”
The boy dunked you both under water, the sudden cold causing you to shoot up and resurface. He laughed fondly, watching as you brushed your hair out of your face. “Isn’t this refreshing, baby?”
“You’re annoying,” You said tilting your head to try and remove the water that got stuck in your ear. Sanha smiled cheekily, hands on your waist as he pulled you in face to face, leaning his wet forehead against yours, “But you love me.”
“Yeah, I guess.” You mumbled deliberately avoiding his eyes.
“y/n,” He said quietly, almost a whisper, brushing your noses together. “I love you.”
Your heart pounded loudly in your ears at his serious confession, not even missing a beat as you responded back, “I love you too, Sanha.” Snaking your arms around his neck, you kissed him sweetly, the boy smiling into your lips.
“Thank you for being with me.” He said, hugging you tighter, “I know that it must be hard having a boyfriend you can’t even post or tell anyone about, I feel sorry to you a lot, y/n...”
“You shouldn’t feel sorry baby,” You said gently playing with the bangs of his wet hair, “I know what kind of situation I would get into when we decided to date and I’m fine with it, really! As long as at the end of the day, I’m still yours and you’re still mine.”
“Always,” He nodded, a somber smile on his lips. 
“Besides, it makes dates like these even more worthwhile,” You said pecking his nose, your boyfriend agreeing instantly. The two of you played around in the sea for a little bit until the feeling of clothes sticking to your skin felt uncomfortable.
You both shivered as the wind hit your wet skin, clinging to each other for heat. You jumped in surprise as Sanha’s ring tone blared loudly in the quiet night, the boy answering after seeing the caller ID.
“Yoon Sanha! Where are you?! It’s almost 2 am!”
“Ah Jinjin hyung, I’m with y/n-”
“Why are you wet?!”
You snorted at the flood of nags that the older boys gave your boyfriend. Sanha scrunched his nose up at you, turning his phone so that you were in view. You waved in greeting, the five boys on the other side of the call struggling to fit in the frame as they affectionately called your name.
“y/n-ie! We miss you!”
“y/n, you’re wet too. Oh my, what are you troublemakers doing?”
“We’re at the beach, guys.” You said with a laugh, “I’ll bring Sanha home safe, I promise~”
“Our schedule doesn’t start until noon! Have fun and be safe until then kids!”
“Be smart! Use protection!”
Without even giving the chance for either of you to respond, the boys hung up leaving you in silence. Your boyfriend only shook his head at the chaos of his brothers, swinging your arms again as you approached your car. After changing out of your wet clothes and into the spare that Sanha convinced you to bring just in case, the two of you got back into the car, getting ready for the hour drive back to your apartment.
“You alright to drive, baby? You’re not tired?” You asked, a bit of worry in your tone. Sanha nodded with a smile, leaning over to kiss your cheek. “The water woke me up, I’ll drive us back safely, don’t worry.”
The drive back to your apartment was calmer in comparison to the drive up to beach, the two of you enjoying the quiet streets and highways as soft sounds of r&b filled your car. You glanced at him every so often, a smile of admiration on your face every time you did so.
“Nothing,” You grinned, “I just feel lucky to have you.”
Sanha met your eyes quickly before looking back at the road, “And I’m lucky to have you, baby.”
“I love you.” You said cutely, squeezing his hand. He laughed, his voice rising two octaves, taking his hands off the wheel as you stopped at a red light. Sanha cupped your face, squeezing your cheeks together before planting a kiss on your lips, “I love you too, y/n.”
You smiled as the butterflies fluttered in your stomach again, he really was your boyfriend, huh?
Sanha let out a giggle as the light turned green, putting his attention back on the driving, “You’re so cute.”
You scrunched your nose at him in disagreement, but said nothing as you played with his hand in your lap. Humming, you looked out the window and enjoyed the rest of the drive. Dates like these with Sanha came once in a blue moon, but every time they happened made all the waiting and sneaking around worth it. _______________________________________________
a/n ah !! im soft !! i love sanha pls he deserves the world and more. anyway! request me for anything hehe I love all our boys
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Breaking Free
Summary: Imagine being something that HYDRA had no idea what they helped create. Thor recognizes you for what you are and takes you to Asgard to learn. Now.. imagine breaking free.
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Words: 5.2K Warnings: Mentions of scars/torture. Violence. Brief active shooter situation. Marvel!AU. Frigga lived, Odin died. Thanos didn't happen.
Another day, another HYDRA base taken out.
The Avengers have had various tips about where the scattered fugitives could be hunkering down, but nothing proved useful until now. And with how determined the men and women were to keep their base from getting into Avengers' hands, the team knew they had to be hiding something of value.
"Alright, FRIDAY, send 'em out." Tony drops a small suitcase at his feet, the case popping open so small bots can take flight and scan every nook and cranny of the base.
Wanda, Steve, and Natasha have accompanied Tony after preliminary scans showed no bodies in the building, while Bucky and Clint take stock of any weapons they've pulled. Even Bruce is there, on standby for any medical emergencies.
"Sir, my scans have picked up a room underground with a single heartbeat within."
"A secret room? Yay. Send me the route to take, FRIDAY." Then addressing the team, he says, "We got a body. Still breathing in a hidden room. Time to investigate."
Natasha's hands immediately rest on the guns strapped to her thighs and Steve takes the shield off his back to hold out in front of him. Tony meets Wanda's eye and she nods, taking the lead with a red shield faintly glowing in front of her. From behind, Tony guides her.
"How did we miss a body?" Natasha wonders, keeping her footsteps light.
"The room is underground and HYDRA's apparently gotten smarter. They've layered something around the room to keep it from being detected."
"Something?" Wanda muses. "You mean you don't know what it is? You are losing your touch, old man."
Steve and Natasha quietly chuckle as Tony mockingly gasps.
They soon come into a room, it's floor looking like tiled stone. There are no doors, no windows, nothing.
"Okay," Steve drawls. "What now?"
"We go down," Tony says. "At least that's what FRIDAY is telling me."
Everyone glances down and Wanda shoots a blast of red energy downward that goes through the floor without damaging it. Sure enough, she picks up what FRIDAY is telling Tony. "I sense them," she says. "There's someone down there."
Natasha walks over to the back left corner of the room, she stepping on a button in the floor. Two of the stone tiles slide open, presenting a set of stairs.
"I love secret rooms," Tony exhales with restrained glee.
Tony reclaims the lead and the four are surprised when they reach the bottom. The underground room is much larger than they anticipated and, in fact, there's a room within a room. The walls to the room are clearly one-way if the oblivious girl is anything to go by, and she's clearly under surveillance given the numerous camera angles they've got up on screen and her vitals beeping off of another.
Wanda hesitantly walks up towards the door, a frown tugging down the corner of her lips.
"You okay there?" Natasha asks, stepping up to Wanda's side.
"I.. know her." At her admission, Tony and Steve quickly look up.
Any day that the doctors aren't poking or prodding is a good day, so today you're enjoying the day off by reading a book. You've stayed in bed since the room is unusually cold (HYDRA sometimes liked to be cruel and change up the temperature in the room), thumbs hooked through the holes of your long sleeves and blanket pulled up to your chest.
You've received breakfast and lunch on time leading you to believe the day is just like any other, mostly, so you're startled when the door hisses open and in walks a face you haven't seen in years.
"W-Wanda?" The book falls aside and you hesitantly stand up in disbelief.
"Hello, Y/N." She looks good. Almost as pretty as the day she and her brother walked freely into HYDRA's arms, and before they started the testing. You huff a laugh of awe before others walk in behind her, and your smile immediately drops. You scramble onto and across your bed, putting your back into the corner. "Wait!" Wanda pleads, holding the three newcomers behind her. "It's okay. They're friends. Remember the Avengers? The ones Strucker told us were bad?"
"This is them. Well some of them." Heart beating faster, your gaze darts from one face to the next. The longer you take them in, the more you recognize them. There's the one they call Iron Man, the one they call Captain America, and the Black Widow. "They took me in after Pietro and I did everything to tear them apart, and now look at me. I'm an Avenger now."
"HYDRA said you went rogue." Wanda nods, smiling faintly. "I was proud of you."
Wanda shakily laughs, she stepping closer. Slowly, but surely, you come out of the corner to meet her halfway. "I am sorry I didn't look for you sooner. After Pietro died, I-"
"Pietro died?" Wanda nods, eyes tearing up. "I-I'm so sorry," you say. "He was- he was-"
"I know." Wanda pulls you into her arms and you let her hold you, your arms slowly wrapping around her as you shed a few tears for the boy who sometimes tried to console you through your own testing. "Come on. You can grieve on the jet. We need to go."
"Go? Go where?" Pulling back, you glance at the other three who are still lingering by the door.
"With us," Iron Man tells you. "And just so we're clear, what exactly is it that you do? Pietro had the whole speed thing going for him and Wanda is possibly the strongest Avenger, after me of course, but you? We're in the dark here."
"Oh. I, um, I-"
"She doesn't know," Wanda says, turning to face her team while holding you close to her side. "HYDRA did everything they could to her, but Y/N never displayed like Pietro and I. Unless they figured something out after..?"
You shake your head. "No. They never did. I think they were getting tired and were about to write me off as a failure."
"Well they're gone now." Wanda assures you. "So you're coming with us where you can properly recover and our doctors can look you over."
"A-Are you sure?"
"Positive." Captain America smiles at you, placing his shield on his back. "Any friend of Wanda's is a friend of ours."
You shakily nod and then startle when the Black Widow hands you your pair of slippers. You hadn't even seen her move and she flashes you a grin in apology. Then after you have on your slippers, you refuse to take anything else from the room. You want nothing of HYDRA.
Iron Man leads the way out with Captain America and Black Widow at your back. Wanda remains at your side, an arm around your shoulders as she tries to keep your attention so you don't see the bodies that are still strewn about.
You have to close your eyes against the sunlight and the fresh air feels heavenly that Wanda holds you just a little tighter.
"I know. I know," she murmurs.
You're led to a fancy looking jet where three other men are waiting. You freeze upon the sight of them, but Captain America is quick to clear the air.
"It's okay. They're Avengers too," he says. "That's Clint, Bruce, and Bucky, but you probably know them as Hawkeye, the Hulk, and-"
"The Winter Soldier," you mumble. The team, however, hear you and Bucky shifts uncomfortably. "HYDRA was really pissed when you went rogue. I was proud of you too," you say while cracking a smile.
Wanda chuckles as Bucky loosens up. "You are proud of anything that was a thorn in HYDRA's side."
"Of course. It was different for you and Pietro. You signed up for their testing. HYDRA plucked me from the streets and forced it on me, so anything that pissed them off was okay in my books."
You're placed on the jet while the others finish loading up, talking about how the mission went. Every time you ask a question about one of the Avengers, Wanda corrects you to use their real names instead of their superhero names.
Just before lift off, Clint approaches you with what appears to be a change of clothes. "Here's something of ours if you're interested. I bet you're just itching to get out of HYDRA clothing."
You accept them. "Do you have any long sleeves? I'm not- I'm not a fan of short sleeves."
"It's kind of warm out. Are you sure?"
Gulping, you nod as you set the clothes down in your lap. Taking a moment to think about it, you tuck in your thumbs and pull up your sleeves. "I'm sure." On display are your scarred arms, scars from where the doctors sliced in hopes of activating some sort of healing ability.
"Oh Y/N," Wanda sighs.
Clint stares, jaw clenching the longer he stares. You catch sight of Steve and Bucky staring, so you quickly pull your sleeves back down. "I'm fine with my clothes for now. I'll just change later."
"I, uh, I have a long sleeve if you're comfortable with wearing it," Clint says. Meeting his gaze, you eventually nod and he excuses himself to go retrieve it.
Wanda nudges you. "I think his fatherly instincts just kicked in."
You bite back a laugh, shaking your head. "Shut up."
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The Avengers are everything you hoped for. They help acclimate you to being free and having choices again, and Wanda is there with you every step of the way when you have to visit with the doctors for weekly check-ins. They're all very interested to know what HYDRA did to you, but their testing is a lot more professional and they continuously ask you if you're okay with what they plan to do before actually doing it.
But since they have taken you in, the Avengers have also made it known that they'd prefer you to know some self defense just in case you ever needed to defend yourself. Reluctantly you agreed with them, and Natasha and Clint worked with you while Steve and Bucky offered advice from the sidelines.
Not every day was a good day, however, and sometimes you just didn't want to be disturbed. But when those episodes happened, it was Wanda and Clint who dragged you out for some fresh air. And when one of those episodes got really bad, Clint took you away for a weekend and it was then that you met his family. His wife Laura was the sweetest, and his three children were adorable. And out of his three children, it was Lila who you bonded with almost immediately.
Laura and Clint were glad to see you get along with the children, so it became a weekly visit. Then the two parents were just ecstatic when you and Wanda volunteered to watch the kids so they could have a date night.
You spend months with the Avengers, bonding and opening up to the superheroes and their family, but with your luck it was only a matter of time before things went sideways.
The Avengers have taken over one of the public parks- essentially making it a large family day for anyone and everyone. Tony hired caterers to make all sorts of foods that could be eaten with just your hands, Steve and Bucky brought in all sorts of games and activities for the children to do, and Clint ended up flying in his family for the day.
You end up with Lila and Cooper, tossing a baseball back and forth as Laura keeps an eye on Nate nearby. Every Avenger is scattered about, interacting with the kids and just having a blast. One minute you're laughing at the brother and sister teasing one another, and the next gunshots are ringing out.
Lila and Cooper immediately run towards you, panic clear in their eyes as screams rip through the air, and you tuck them under your arms before heading for Laura who's screaming for her children. On your way towards her, you catch one of the gunmen taking aim in your general direction and you don't even think as you yank the kids to a stop before wrapping yourself around them as best as you can. You're practically curled around the kids when the shooting stops, the panicked civilians knocking you over in their rush to get out of the park.
You fall, taking Cooper and Lila with you, and then rolling off of them when you think you've hurt them. They're obviously crying, but Laura is soon there to try and soothe them. You're on your back, staring towards the sky when she asks if you're okay.
"Y/N? You alright? I can't thank you enough for being with the kids," she says, relieved.
With Nate settled on her hip, Lila and Cooper wrap themselves around their mother. You grin and shakily raise a hand to give her a thumbs up. "I'm-" You cough, seeing and feeling spittle fly. Only it's not spittle.
Laura's eyes widen. "Why are you coughing up blood? Did you get shot?!"
It's then the pain in your back hits you, but the pain is radiating from your back to your front. Your eyes tear up and you manage to lift your head to glance down at your chest where two spots of red are just blossoming.
"No, no, no," Laura mumbles. She turns around in a frantic, calling for her husband. "Clint! Clint, she's been shot!" She practically pushes Nate into Lila's arm, the younger girl taking her brother and pulling her other brother back with her when her dad and the others rush towards them. Laura drops to her knees. "Come on, Y/N, stay awake."
"What are we looking at here?" Clint asks as he drops on your other side. "I'm really sorry, Y/N, but I'm going to have to rip your shirt open." You nod and then cry out when the ripping jostles you. Clint swears. "Shit. Two gunshot wounds. Cap, we need to get her out of here asap."
"Move. I can help." You glance above Clint and see Wanda with her boyfriend Vision. The purple being is frowning down at you, but your gaze moves with Wanda as her eyes and right hand start to glow. She sends a pulse of red energy towards your chest, but you feel nothing. Wanda's brow furrows. "It's not- it is not working."
You cough again, blood splattering your chin, and Wanda works harder. You don't know how you know, but you know nothing they do will work. It's time. Gulping, you shakily reach for Wanda's hand. "I-It's okay." Wanda's hand stops glowing and her bottom lip wobbles. "It's okay."
"I have the suit," Tony says. "If I fly her right now-"
But you shake your head, cutting him off. "I'll still die." Tony clams up, jaw clenching as vulnerability seeps into his gaze. Everyone you've gotten to know since they've taken you in is gathered around. You stare at each and every one of them, offering them a bloody smile. "T-Thank you. For everything."
Your gaze remains on Wanda as your vision starts to blacken around the edges, the last thing you see being Wanda as she openly loses control of her emotions.
Vision is quick to squat behind Wanda and pull her back into his embrace, and Clint bows his head. Laura cries but keeps herself under control, she being the one to reach out and shut Y/N's eyes. She's also the one to close Y/N's shirt before getting up to her feet to console her children. Tony has Pepper reeled in close to him, Steve and Bucky are left staring in disbelief, and Natasha, Bruce, and Sam are doing their best to keep everyone else at bay.
Laura and Pepper eventually leave, taking the kids back to the Tower with Sam as their escort. The rest of the team stay to give statements about the suspects they apprehended and to get Y/N's body released to them asap.
"We can't move her," Bruce says once the cops have taken over and set a perimeter around them with yellow tape. They've even offered them a tarp to keep people from taking pictures of the body. "Not yet."
"Can we at least get a tent?" Wanda asks. "I don't like all the gawking."
The police proceed to take their sweet time getting the Avengers what they need, so Tony has something setup with all his fancy tech. Then within the privacy of the tent, everyone seems to sag and let the grief overtake their features once more.
As everyone mourns quietly, it's Natasha who notices the smoke. "Guys? What's going on?" Y/N's body starts to smoke more and more, and everyone's eyes widen. "Wanda, can you make it stop?"
Wanda hurries over and lets red energy envelop Y/N's body, but she still continues to smoke. "It's not working. Why isn't it working?"
Y/N's body then bursts into flames and everyone scrambles around. Wanda cannot put her body out, nor can any amount of patting with a spare blanket. But almost as soon as the flames started, they went out and left in Y/N's body's place is a cocoon of ash.
"What.. the hell?" Bucky murmurs.
Wanda is crying again, confusion obvious in her features as everyone tries to piece together what the hell just happened. Bruce goes to squat down for a closer observation, but Vision stops him. "Don't. I don't believe she is finished."
"Finished? What the hell do you mean by finished?" Tony asks.
Something within the ashes twitches and the whole team freezes. More movement is seen until a perfectly unblemished arm breaks free. Wanda gasps and hurries forward, dropping down to her knees as the cocoon where Y/N's face is cracks.
The cocoon continues to crack all over as Y/N starts to move more frequently, and Wanda helps her sit up.
"Aw hell, she's naked."
You blink rapidly at the now flustered Avengers standing around, accepting a blanket that Natasha wraps around your shoulders. "Um, guys? What happened?" The Avengers stare in awe and disbelief as the girl they watched die right before their very eyes is helped to her feet. Feeling a breeze has you rearranging the blanket to wrap all the way around you and under your arms, and it's then you realize every scar HYDRA ever gave you is now gone. "Wanda? Is- is this my power?"
Wanda is still speechless, so it's Vision who says, "Is anyone familiar with the myth of the Phoenix?"
You blink owlishly at the purple being, letting Wanda take one of your arms as she runs her fingers up and down smooth skin. And before anyone can really question what is going on, the sound of the crowd outside amps up. You look around in a panic, yelping when a rather large man enters the tent.
"Thor?" Steve muses. "What are you doing back on Earth?"
"Heimdall saw something. Something extraordinary," he breathes in awe. Though he answers Steve, his astonished gaze is dead set on you. "A Phoenix, as I live and breathe."
"Uh you know about this?" Tony asks.
"Can you help?" Wanda wonders, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
Thor steps closer, his gaze now darting to your sides and above your head. "Magnificent."
"Uh, Pointbreak? What's going on?"
Thor snaps out of his awestruck demeanor, he chuckling and smiling sheepishly at you. "I'm sorry. I just- we thought your kind to be extinct."
"M-my kind?"
"A Phoenix. Mother has sent me to offer you sanctuary on Asgard. A Phoenix who has just risen has much to learn. We can help you, my lady."
You lean further into Wanda. "No."
"What?" Thor frowns. "But we can help you. You can learn to fight and to use your powers. You can read up on your history."
While his offer is intriguing, you can't help but feel a certain way. "I don't want to leave the people I've come to think of as family."
Clint sidles up to your other side, faintly grinning. Then looking at Thor, he asks, "Why can't she learn here? With us."
"Because a fledgling Phoenix learning control could be dangerous," Thor explains. "Your friend could stay here, but if she slips on her control it could be catastrophic for whatever part of Midgard she's in, including the people within her vicinity. But in Asgard, under the watchful eye of my Mother, all will be well."
Every person in the tent remains quiet and it's easy to see that they're all now having second thoughts. You really don't want to leave, but if what Thor is saying is true, then you don't want to hurt anyone or damage anything.
So realizing you have no other choice, you step forward. "I'll go."
"What? No," Wanda says. She steps forward with you, shaking her head. "If you go, I'm going with you."
"You need to stay." Smiling softly at your friend, you say, "Earth is going to need it's strongest Avenger. I- I don't know what my future holds, but I know it involves you and everyone else," you then say while staring at everyone gathered around, "but I just need to figure myself out first. And if that's in Asgard, then so be it. I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Just so you're prepared," Bruce starts, anxiously rubbing the lens of his glasses with a small cloth, "time works differently in Asgard. Six months there would be a year here."
"So in other words, learn control as quickly as possible? Got it."
Wanda frowns. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes. Not only do I want to, but I need to."
"So it's settled," Thor booms. "The fledgling comes to Asgard."
"Y/N," you say. "If we're going to do this, my name is Y/N."
"Of course. Apologies, my lady."
The sincerity in his voice and expression oddly makes you blush, and Wanda snickers when she catches sight of it. You nudge her in retaliation. "I'll go, but can someone please get me some clothes before I'm whisked away to another planet?"
"On it," Natasha muses. "I'll pick something up from the tower and inform the others."
"Okay. Thank you."
When Natasha leaves, Wanda gets you a chair to take a seat in. Bruce politely asks if he can check your vitals and you oblige him, knowing full well his scientist brain is all over the place with your resurrection. Steve, Bucky, Tony, and Clint can't seem to stop hovering and you have to continuously smother your laughter when Steve lays a hand on your shoulder only to remember that you're naked under the blanket before snatching his hand back. He tries to play it off every time, but Wanda and Bucky see right through him.
Then when Natasha finally returns, she's not alone. Pepper, Laura, and the kids immediately form a group hug with you, and you let them hold you and cry until they're done. They have so many questions that you can't answer because you don't know how to.
Lila is the most vocal about you not leaving to Asgard when you tell them the plan, but you and Clint take turns assuring her that it's for the best. She eventually agrees and the team gives you a semblance of privacy so you can change.
Once done, the Avengers and family take turns giving you hugs. You shed your fair share of tears, especially with Wanda and Lila, and then you turn towards Thor. "Alright. I'm ready."
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Asgard is completely breathtaking and overwhelming all at once. It had been a bit of a challenge in the beginning with everyone staring in awe at the mere sight of you, but you soon realized why when Queen Frigga explained. Fledgling Phoenixes could not hide their auras, so pretty much every Asgardian could see the aura of a fiery bird around your persons.
Queen Frigga personally watches over your intense training when she's not meditating with you, and you slowly adapt to the strict schedule in your temporary home. The Queen also gives you history lessons about your kind which leads you to asking if you're actually a true Phoenix. The experiments HYDRA did gave their subjects bastardized powers, so if they gave you the powers then how could you be a Phoenix?
But Queen Frigga squashes every one of your doubts with the help of Asgard's healers, and they tell you that creature blood has always ran through your veins. And because you had creature blood, it voided anything and everything HYDRA pumped into you. The Phoenix within had just been dormant up until the point of your death were it finally awakened and led you to evolving. And now that you had been awakened, there was no going back.
Six months had come and gone, and though you visited with Heimdall weekly to check up on the others back on Earth, you missed them like crazy. Thor had visited once and you made sure to send them souvenirs, he then coming back with letters and pictures from the team, and drawings from the kids. It was all bittersweet, but you knew Asgard was where you needed to be for now.
The training intensifies once you realize how to release your Phoenix powers without injuring innocent people standing nearby and how to reign it all back in, and once you get that under control the hand-to-hand comes a lot easier. The Warriors Three and Sif think it's a great honor to spar with you, and an even greater honor to see you in all your Phoenix glory when they eventually get their asses handed to them.
Another six months pass by meaning you've been gone from Earth for two years, so you're relieved when Sif brings word to you and Thor that Midgard is under an alien invasion that they're having trouble keeping up with.
You glance up at Queen Frigga, having been walking with her and Thor, and she smiles adoringly at you. "Go. You're ready."
She leads you over to a balcony overlooking her kingdom and Thor holds his hand out, summoning Mjölnir. He smiles leisurely. "Keep up, little Phoenix." He then runs and leaps off the balcony banister, catching Mjölnir midair and heading for the Bifrost Observatory.
Gathering up the skirt of your maroon dress, the shimmering wings that have been tattooed on your back unfurl into fiery masses as you roll your shoulders. Your eyes blaze a bright golden yellow and Frigga chuckles as she cups your face in the palm of her hands. "Go show my son that a woman can be just as powerful as he is, if not more."
You smirk and kick off your sandals, turning and rushing towards the banister. Fiery wings flap, lifting you into the air, and you speed towards Bifrost Observatory to go help your family.
The Avengers are scattered about the city, comms being the only thing keeping them in touch with one another as they fight to contain the aliens and rescue as many civilians as they can. They are no stranger to alien invasions, and fortunately Tony and Bruce had enough satellites around the Earth's atmosphere to detect such a breach, but this invasion is a lot more organized than they're used to. Not even the combined efforts of Wanda and Vision can keep the aliens at bay.
"We need a plan," Clint pants, wiping sweat and blood from his brow. "We're losing ground here."
"What we need is a Hail Mary," Tony says. Flying overhead, he turns so he's facing the sky. "You hear that, oh watchful keeper of the Bifrost? Send us Pointbreak back!"
"His name is Heimdall," Natasha grunts. "If you want him to hear us, how about you use his name?"
"We're getting our asses handed to us, Romanoff. I'll use whatever damn name I please."
"Uh, guys?" Steve says. "I think Heimdall heard us."
Hulk roars off in the distance as a blue beam of light shoots down from the heavens. Thor flies out of it not a moment later, red cape billowing behind him. He emits short bursts of lightning bolts, lightning crackling outward the moment he lands in a crouch and slams Mjölnir onto the ground.
The aliens seem to go into a frenzy then and the Avengers all sigh as a collective.
"Of course Thor made it worse," Bucky groans.
Wanda lands next to Thor a moment later, fatigue weighing her down. Thor smiles down at her as she asks, "How is she?"
"Why don't you ask her yourself?"
Wanda's brow furrows before a screech can be heard resonating from within the Bifrost. She looks back just as an enormous fiery Phoenix soars out right after. The Phoenix makes a loop, screeching and fanning flames downward at the gathered aliens.
"Holy shit!" Clint practically shouts. "Is that Y/N?!"
The aliens start congregating, backing themselves into one another, back to back. The Phoenix targets them, flying circles around them, coming in tighter and tighter until there's a vortex of flames that disintegrates the enemies.
"She truly is magnificent, is she not?" Thor beams.
With the aliens distracted and flocking towards the newer and bigger threat, the Avengers rush to meet up. Everyone tiredly greets Thor before going back to watch the fiery bird do damage to the aliens' numbers.
"One year in Asgard and she's learned all that?" Tony wonders.
"Aye. She took her training very seriously. If my Father were still alive, he'd have been pleased with her attitude towards learning."
The Phoenix lands not too far from the Avengers, but close enough to see her glowing eyes and her veins glowing like embers beneath her skin. An alien makes a beeline right for her, but instead of panicking Y/N merely holds her arm up, palm out, and the alien disintegrates mid-run.
Bucky whistles appreciatively. "Am I the only one glad she's on our side?"
Steve chuckles. "Nope."
Not another alien takes its chance, so Y/N reigns in her wings. They disappear back into tattoo form and Y/N stands there barefoot, her Asgardian dress billowing around her legs as she walks back towards those she's come to call family.
"Done already?" Thor muses.
"Thought I'd let you have some fun," you tease. "Can't have you running back to your Mother complaining that I didn't let you play."
"Funny." Thor starts to twirl Mjölnir, chuckling. "But I'll take what I can get."
Thor lifts off, raining down lightning at the scattering aliens.
"Y/N?" You glance towards Wanda, smiling faintly. "Are you okay?"
"Never better, little witch." You wink and she starts to laugh, closing the distance between you to embrace you.
"You're only twelve weeks older. I am not so little."
The team chuckles, everyone then taking turns to greet you in some form. Clint's the only other one to embrace you, his hug tight and relief obvious.
"Not to cut this reunion short," Tony says, "but I think Thor can use a helping hand. Lets show these aliens that Earth's not a planet to be messed with."
"As if you even had to ask," you say.
Fiery wings unfurling once more, you hover midair, smiling when Wanda joins you.
"Ready, witch?"
"Ready, little bird."
Steve chuckles, tightening the strap of his shield on his forearm. "Avengers! Assemble."
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renthony · 4 years
Betta 101: A Care Guide For the Uninformed
Y’all know betta fish, those cute little fuckers that want to fight anything and everything. These are my tiny assholes, Helios and Mercury:
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[Image description: Two side-by-side photos of betta fish. The first photo shows Helios, a black halfmoon betta with yellow fins. He is swimming through the leaves of a plant rooted in colorful gravel. The second photo shows Mercury, a purple and pink veiltail betta, resting idle at the top of his aquarium. End image description.]
Betta fish are some of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby, and no wonder! They’re cute! They have a wide variety of colors and fin shapes, and each one is truly beautiful. They stand out in any aquarium, especially in aquariums with darker-colored decorations.
The thing about bettas, though, is that there are a lot of misconceptions about how to take care of them. Every few days I see someone else buying a betta that they’re not equipped to care for, and it makes me so sad.
Because bettas are so damn popular, they’re also, sadly, one of the most mistreated pet fish on the market. Since I’ve spent a lot of time both learning about and caring for betta fish, I thought I’d put together a quick 101 guide and resource list for anyone interested in getting a betta of their own!
This’ll be pretty long, so the rest of the post is under a cut.
Rule Number One: Bettas are not decorations!
Because betta fish are so beautiful and attention-grabbing, they’re often thought of, and used as, nothing more than decorations. Betta fish in tiny bowls or cups are used as centerpieces at weddings, bettas get added to vases of cut flowers to add some pizzazz, and bettas get put in artsy glass bowls to brighten up some bank manager’s office somewhere.
None of those are acceptable ways to house a betta fish! Bettas are not decorations, and they need to be cared for by someone who loves and values them as a living creature, not an attention-grabbing bauble.
Rule Number Two: Bowls are bad!
There’s a very persistent myth about betta fish: “they live in puddles, so they don’t need very much space.” It’s why they wind up in things like centerpieces and vases so often. The thing is, just because betta fish are capable of surviving harsh conditions and minimal amounts of water for a while, it doesn’t mean they’re able to thrive.
Betta fish do not naturally live in puddles! They are native to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, and live in rivers, canals, and bodies of standing water such as rice paddies and flood plains. If a betta lives in a rice paddy or floodplain and the water level drastically decreases, bettas are equipped to survive those harsh conditions for a short period of time, but it is not a healthy way for them to live their entire lives. They require plenty of space to swim and claim territory.
The suggested minimum amount of water for a pet betta fish is 2.5 gallons, or 9.5 litres. Personally, I don’t like to keep a betta in anything less than 5 gallons, or 19 litres, but that’s just my preference because, on average, the smaller the aquarium, the more frequent the need for water changes and maintenance. Currently, the smallest tank I have is 10 gallons, which houses a single betta.
Rule Number Three: Temperature is important!
Wild bettas live in a tropical environment, which needs they need warmer water! Your betta aquarium should have a consistent, steady water temperature of between 74 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, or 23 to 27 degrees Celsius.
Some people who live in warmer climates may not need to use a constant heater, but every aquarium should have a thermometer so you can check the temperature. If you can’t maintain a betta-appropriate temperature without a heater, you’ll need to get one.
Some aquarium heaters are pre-set to specific temperatures, which are fine as long as they’re preset to the right one, and some heaters are adjustable -- it doesn’t matter which one you get and is largely a matter of preference. I have both types of heater and find them equally easy to use, though adjustable heaters have the benefit of versatility should you want to keep different fish in the future.
Rule Number Four: Filters are a must!
You need a filter, period. There are many types of filter, and aquarium hobbyists have different preferences for different fish, but what matters is that a filter exists in your tank. The hang-on-the-back style filters that come in most aquarium kits are perfectly fine, though it’s important that your filter has a low flow, because betta fish can be battered around by strong currents in an aquarium. You should also avoid under-the-gravel style filters, as they are largely not effective enough to filter an appropriately-sized tank.
For those looking for a budget-friendly option, many betta keepers love sponge filters! I personally don’t use them, not for any particular reason other than hang-on-the-back filters were what I had on hand.
I personally don’t have a lot of experience with every kind of filter, so if you’re interested in more details about your filter options, I recommend these YouTube videos:
How to Choose The Right Filter For Your Aquarium!
10 Things You Should Know About Aquarium Filters
Fish Tank Filter Basics!
The BEST Aquarium Filter for BEGINNERS?
Rule Number Five: Careful with decor!
Bettas have very delicate fins that can be easily caught and shredded on sharp decorations. Most plastic plants are dangerous to bettas for this reason. The general guideline for betta-safe decorations is that if you can lightly sweep a single piece of toilet paper across the surface of a decoration without ripping, it should be safe for your betta. If the TP rips, it’s not a betta-safe decoration.
If you notice your betta’s fins are ripped or damaged, and it isn’t a case of fin rot*, it could be damage due to a sharp decoration that you need to remove.
You should also be careful not to use any decorations that might leech paint or other harmful chemicals into your aquarium water. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and choose a different decoration.
* For more about fin rot, see this YouTube video: FIN ROT Fish Disease Prevention and Treatment
Rule Number Six: Bettas need hiding places!
A betta fish’s natural environment is filled with plants and plenty of places to hide, so you should provide them in your aquarium!
Live plants such as anubias and java fern, and floating plants such as salvinia and Amazon frogbit, are perfect and typically easy to find in aquarium shops. With betta fish, there really is no such thing as “too many plants.”
Live plants can be intimidating, though, especially for new aquarium hobbyists. If you can’t find or don’t want live plants, you can get your betta some silk ones instead.
You should also provide things like caves for your betta to hide in. These can be whatever you’d like, from natural-looking logs to hollowed-out coconut shells to colorful themed decor. Just remember what I said up in rule number four about sharp plastic and chemicals!
Rule Number Seven: Careful with tankmates!
Betta fish are highly territorial and extremely aggressive. If you put more than one male betta fish in a tank, they will kill each other, full stop. Your betta does not need a buddy to keep him from getting lonely, end of story, and intentionally housing multiple male betta fish together is blatant animal cruelty.
So don’t do it.
Some experienced betta keepers may keep multiple female betta fish together in an aquarium called a “sorority tank,” but it must be done extremely carefully, and may still be prone to fighting, so this isn’t something you should do if you’ve never kept bettas before.
Male and female fish are never kept together except for supervised mating by an experienced breeder. In the wild, female bettas are able to leave as soon as they release their eggs, leaving the male fish to tend the nest of eggs. In an aquarium, a female must be removed immediately after releasing her eggs, or the two fish will fight, most likely to the death.
While betta fish are territorial and aggressive, and can’t be housed with their own species, they can sometimes be kept with other species of fish. Mileage varies depending on the individual temperaments of your fish, though, and you should carefully research any species you intend to house together.
I have experience keeping my bettas with snails and neon tetras, and they all get along just fine, but other betta keepers have had different experience. For more information on selecting potential tankmates, check out the YouTube videos below:
Top 10 Tank Mates For Bettas
7 Most Popular Betta Tank Mates You Need to Try
Betta Fish Tank Mates | Top 10 Most Popular Tank Mates For Bettas
BETTA FISH TANK MATES | 10 More Great Tank Mates For Bettas
Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish
Top 4 Betta Tank Mates
Rule Number Eight: Know your aquarium 101!
If you’re an experienced aquarium keeper, congrats, those are pretty much all the basics of betta fish! There’s plenty more information out there about details and specifics that I encourage you to go out and research, but I’ve pretty much covered Betta 101!
For more information, check out these YouTube playlists:
Betta Fish Care 101
Better Know a Betta
Betta Fish Information
Your First Betta Tank
For those who have never kept fish before, there’s a lot to it that you need to know, and would make this post way, way too long.
So! If you don’t know what a nitrogen cycle is, or how to acclimate a fish, or how to condition water, here’s a list of Fish 101 playlists YouTube. Be sure to do plenty of research, and good luck on setting up your first aquarium!
Fish Keeping 101
The Fish Keeper’s Guide to Aquariums
Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up an Aquarium
The Ultimate Guide to Your First Aquarium
Bonus: Have fun!
I know this giant post seems intimidating, but setting up and maintaining betta aquariums is some of the most fun I’ve had in a hobby. I find everything about these little fish to be utterly delightful, and if you do, too, I promise you all the time and investment is worth it.
Go forth and have fun, and don’t hesitate to show me pictures of your betta!
Like this post? Reblogs are better than likes! I also have a Ko-Fi profile if you’re feeling generous. Thanks so much!
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downwiththeficness · 4 years
A Need So Great-Chapter 5
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Summary: Eva Moore is assigned to work the last year of her contract with the DEA in Colombia. She just wants to get to the end of her tenure, but she keeps getting drawn further into a string of murders in the city. It isn’t long before she’s forced to face the ghosts of her past.
Word Count: ~4,300
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
A/N: For the purposes of this story, Carrillo isn’t married--or, if you like, divorced. A/B/O dynamics are prevalent, and they come with their own warning. The overall rating for this story is Explicit, although not every chapter will contain adult themes.
Taglist: @dirtynerdy98 @1zashreena1 @heresathreebee @deliciouslyclassytrash
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 9, 10, 10.5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
“Do you think we could have chosen a place that wasn’t right next to a fire?” Eva asked as they sat.
The restaurant across the street was ablaze, lending heat to the already hot day.  The smell permeated almost everything, dark acrid smoke.
Connie rolled her eyes, “Do you want to go somewhere else?”
They’d gone back and forth for half an hour before finally settling on a restaurant, Eva had no intention of choosing again. This was fine.  The doors were closed and it the air was on.
“I’m good,” she pronounced with a smile.
“Okay,” Connie replied as she opened the menu, “There’s a new class at the gym next week. You want to try it?”
Eva scanned the menu, trying to find something light as she wasn’t that hungry, “What kind of class?”
“Hot yoga.”
Looking at Connie from over the menu, Eva lifted a brow, “What the fuck is that?”
“Its yoga,” Connie explained, “But, hot.”
Eva was skeptical, “Hot as in temperature?”
“Isn’t it hot enough outside?”
Eva had yet to acclimate fully to weather in Colombia.  Louisiana was hot and humid, especially in the summer, but this was an entirely different, unrelenting feeling of walking through a wet blanket at all times. She’d taken to rubbing her thighs with deodorant just to keep from chafing.
“Well, yeah, but this would be a dry heat.”
“Oh, a dry heat. As opposed to the one hundred percent humidity outside of the air conditioning.”
Eva considered it, “Sure, what the hell—that was not meant to be a pun.”
Connie laughed a little as she turned a page of the menu, “Pun excused.”
Sirens blared from the street, the fire department had showed up to deal with the fire.  Eva watched as they got the hoses out and connected them to the nearest hydrant. Soon enough, steam was billowing from the windows, the fire doused. She noticed a few police vehicles pulling up and forced herself not to look through the window for a specific ambling gait.
Eva set the menu aside, “Is Steve still picking us up?”
They’d gone shopping at a local market, taking time to mosey through the little boutiques.  Eva hadn’t found anything she wanted, but Connie had picked up a cute little ceramic cat that reminded her of the one she’d recently lost.  Eva had taken one look at the woman’s face and knew not to ask for specifics. As it was, Eva was glad she’d forgone a purse that day, choosing to keep her key and some cash in her pocket instead.  She couldn’t take any more weight on her body than her light t-shirt and shorts.  
Connie nodded, “Yeah, he’s on his way.  Should be here before we get done eating.”
“That fast?”
She shrugged, “He’s ready to get this weekend started, I think.”
“Anything special planned?” Eva asked, folding her arms in front of her.
She had no social life to speak of, outside of the occasional night drinking with her coworkers. Although she’d picked up a few phrases, the language barrier kept her from really connecting with anyone outside of work. She lived vicariously through the people around her, which suited her fine. Her life had, had enough excitement for her taste.
Connie considered it, “I’m thinking we spend two days in bad.”
“Sounds like the perfect weekend to me. You’re lucky to have a husband to spend it with.”
Shrugging, Connie said, “I have a good husband. It’d be different if he wasn’t.”
“That is true,” Eva agreed, “Doesn’t matter how good the weekend is if you’re stuck with a bad partner.”
“Can I ask,” Connie started, looking tentative. “How did your husband die?”
“He was murdered,” Eva answered evenly, carefully avoiding Connie’s gaze.
“I’m sorry—sorry, I know you said it was good thing.”
Eva swallowed, “Yeah, it was. Especially since I’m the one who did it.”
She let that sit for a while, watching at Connie processed it, “Did he deserve it?”
“Yeah, he did,” Eva hated the way her voice cracked. She cleared her throat and focused on the approaching waitress.
They ordered, and while they waited for their meals, they sipped overpriced cocktails and Eva noticed a man walking in with a leather bag.  It was medium sized, non-descript, and she dismissed it immediately—except, a few moments later, another man walked in with a similar bag. The letter “E” was embroidered on it in brightly colored thread. It was fabric this time, but nearly the same size, held in the same way. Down and to the side, heavy. They didn’t sit together.  In fact, they didn’t even look at one another. Eva might not have even noticed if they weren’t white, hair slicked back from their face. Even from a distance, she could hear that they spoke English. Odd.
Eva tried to focus on the conversation, but found her eyes drifting to the side, eyeing them. One had a cup of coffee, the other a beer.  No food for either.  And, after paying their checks (about five minutes apart), they both left their bags underneath the table, tucked into the wall. A kind of desperate panic rose up and slapped her hard across the face. She’d seen this before.
“Connie,” Eva said lowly, grabbing the woman’s arm. “Listen to me.”
“What is it?”
Eva shushed her, holding up a hand, “Listen, stand up. Slowly. Leave, right now.  Move quickly, but do not stop. Do you understand?”
Connie’s eyes were wide, but she nodded. “What about you?”
“Right behind you. I’m going to be right behind you.”
Eva felt her body shake a little as she stood, but she turned Connie by the shoulders and gave her a little shove towards the door. And, she was right behind her, until she wasn’t. One of the waiters grabbed her arm, probably thinking that they were running out on the bill.  
In her periphery, Eva saw Connie’s step slow, she shooed her away, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
She kept moving towards the exit, but another waiter was approaching.  Eva was going to have to act quickly.  She apologized again and stepped into the waiter’s space, turning so that she could tap the elbow of her trapped arm with the elbow of the arm holding her.  It worked like it had a million times before and the waiter’s grip broke despite his attempts to keep her with him.
Eva bolted. The sound of yelling and more sirens seemed to dim as she felt tears form in her eyes, pushing through the doors to the street. Though she was relieved to be outside, she wasn’t far enough away for the fear to even begin to dissipate.
Connie was standing on the other side of the street.  She could see Steve’s car pull up, he looked worried as he stepped out.  Eva’s feet slapped the pavement, she stumbled as she leaped off the curb and kept running. Arms out to her sides as she regained her balance.
She made it halfway across the street when the explosion burst forth from behind her.  The force of it hit her square in the back with heat and pressure.  Eva hit the ground, catching herself on her hands. Her ears were ringing as she tried to stand, failed, and fell back down. She let her forehead touch the asphalt as she tried to collect herself. She couldn’t get a full breath.
Just one explosion, she thought. Two bags, one explosion.
Eva heard her name and hands landed on her back, turning her over so that she sat on her hip, knees tucked underneath her. A familiar face hovered in her blurred vision.
He cupped her face, “Are you alright?”
She stared, “What are you doing here?”
“We thought the fire might be arson,” he said, then, “Are you okay?”
She nodded even though she really didn’t know, “I’m good.”
Eyes scanning her body, he gave one curt nod and helped her to her feet, “I’m going to check on survivors.”
He got about three steps away before she was calling his name and grabbing at his arm, “Don’t. Don’t go in there.”
“It will be fine, just stay here,” he assured her in a tone she knew he used with victims. She immediately hated it.
Angry, Eva reached up and gripped both of his shoulders, “No, there are two. There are two.”
She had to get him to see that it wasn’t over.  She had to make him believe her. Two bags. Two bombs.
He looked her in the eyes, hands falling naturally to her hips, “Two?”
And that’s when the second bomb went off.  They were closer than Eva had been when the first one detonated, and it sent both of them to the ground.  Eva hit hard, the back of her head aching sharply. Horacio landed on top of her, knocking the air from her lungs. She felt her entire body go a limp and she couldn’t open her eyes.
Carrillo recovered much faster than she did.  He lifted to all fours, his expression concerned as he touched her face.  Eva blinked up at him, the smoke from the fire on either side of the street almost blanketing out the sky above. Mouth thin, he looked up, calling for a medic.
More sirens, more yelling, more noise.  Eva eventually got to standing, though she leaned almost all of her weight on him as he led her to the back of a van, both doors open. He sat her down and barked orders. A blanket was wrapped around her and her vision blurred a little. She groaned.
“Hey,” he said, forcing her to look at him, “Sit here.  I’m going to check on the others. Don’t move, and don’t fall asleep.”
She nodded and leaned her head on her hands.  And then he was gone, and she was left sitting for a long time. Workers came and went, though they mostly left her alone.  She glanced behind her, the van was empty, save for a few medical supplies.  Shuffling, she leaned her head to the side. Her body hurt all over. There wasn’t a position she could find that felt even remotely comfortable.
“You okay?”
Eva flinched, then righted herself, “Hey Connie.  I’m good.  Just a little disoriented.”
Connie seemed to hesitate, “How did you know?”
She thought about it, thought about saying the unmitigated truth.  Thought about it and decided against it.
“I didn’t,” Eva replied eventually. “It was a gut thing.”
“Your gut saved my life.”
Eva looked up at her with a smile that was tired, “What are friends for?”
Connie looked a little bit like she would cry, Eva reached up and patted her arm, saying, “Go. Start your weekend.  I’ll be fine.”
“You’re sure.”
“Yeah, got a blanket and everything.”
Connie looked unsure, but she shooed her away. There was nothing Connie could do that Eva couldn’t do for herself, except maybe get her some decent pain killers.  Eva had a few stashed away at her apartment.  She thought she might be okay, could always ask later.
The longer Eva sat, the more tired she became, until she gave up and curled on her side on the floor of the van, pulling the blanket over her body.  She wasn’t sure how long she was asleep, but too soon hands were shaking her roughly. She grumbled, fighting to stay unconscious. Her head hurt and she was so damn tired.
“Eva,” called a voice. She ignored it.
More shaking. Her name was called again, but she kept her eyes firmly closed. Arms wrapped around her middle and pulled her upright. Her head lolled forward into a chest that smelled like comfort and safety.
She breathed deep, immediately recognizing the scent.  Eva wanted to obey, but her body was too tired and her brain couldn’t keep up.
He pressed his mouth just under her ear, speaking directly into the sensitive skin, “Wake up. Right now.”
Eva had once read that, when an alpha gave a direct order, omegas had no choice but to obey.  She’d always believed it was complete bullshit right up until that moment. Her eyes flew open and her spine straightened, hands coming up to land on either side of his neck. He lifted his head to look her in the eyes, relieved.
“You’re going to the hospital.”
Eva started to shake her head, but he was already calling out to the driver, reaching down to lift her by the back of her thighs. He pushed up and in, not bothering to worry about getting her into a proper seat.  Crawling in after her, Carrillo closed the back doors. Eva leaned back on her palms, trying to catch up. Her mind a honey slow and muddy.
“I’m fine,” she said eventually.
He glared at her, “You’re concussed.”
“Am not.” She knew exactly what a concussion felt like.
He opened his mouth to answer, then seemed to think better of it. Instead, he leaned against the back seat and pulled her to sit between his legs, her back laying against his chest. She went willingly, glad the for warmth of his arms, the feeling better than the blanket. When her eyes closed again, he gave her thigh a little tap, barely anything that could be considered a slap. It made her jump, the contact sharp.  She huffed, earning herself a chuckle.
“Stay awake.”
“Make me.”
She didn’t know why she said it, just that it had popped into her mind and out of her mouth almost as fast as the thought had formed.  She didn’t even have the energy to feel bad about it.
With little preamble, he reached down and slipped an arm underneath her thighs, swinging them over one leg.  The move made her a little dizzy and she had to lay her head on his chest so keep her bearings.  Beneath her ear, his heart thudded, a little too quick for him to be calm.  
“Its a half hour to the hospital,” he told her, pushing her hair from her face. “You need to stay with me.”
“’m tired,” she whined, trying to curl in on herself.  
Making a soft noise of censure, Horacio tipped her head back so that they were nose to nose, “I know you’re tired, but you’re going to do as you’re told. Understood?”
Eva blinked lazily up at him long enough that he repeated the question. She nodded despite her eyes drooping again.
“How did you know that there were two bombs?”
The question surprised her a little, though she absolutely should have expected it, given who she was talking to.
She sighed, “Saw them.”
“Did you see who put them there?”
She hummed in the affirmative. One hand came up to play with a button on his shirt, thumb circling the circumference.
“Would you know it if you saw them again?”
“I have no idea.”
He grasped her hand, threading their fingers together and squeezing, “What did they look like?”
“They looked like regular dudes.” When he scoffed, she continued, “They looked like generic, mid-thirties guys.  No tattoos, no distinctive features. Just...people. I wouldn’t have even figured it out if they hadn’t carried the bags in so weird.”
His dark brows drew together and she immediately wanted to run the pad of one finger over the little crease between them,“Weird how?”
“Like they were carrying a bomb.”
He was silent for a while, and Eva relaxed against him, listening to his heart and lulled by the motion of the car. Every once in a while, the driver would say something and he would respond in kind, his voice vibrating through her side.
“You saved my life.”
It was the second time that day she’d been told that. She’d saved three lives if she included her own. But, she hadn’t saved anyone else in that restaurant—hadn’t even thought about it until that moment.  She pushed down the guilt for a time when she wasn’t so tired.
Eva shook her head, “Nah, you would have survived it.  You weren’t that close.”
It was his turn to shake his head.  He looked down at her meaningfully, “I would not.”
Patting his chest, she simply said, “You would have. You’re always going to be fine.”
“Eva,” he breathed, eyes filled with something she couldn’t quite place. Gratitude, maybe.
I n response, she nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck, finally indulging the in the act of drowning herself in his scent. Eva hadn’t had a home since she’d been married off, but fuck if he didn’t smell like home to her. Later, she might blame what she did next on the (non-existent) concussion.  But, at the end of it, she just did what she had been wanting to do since she’d first sat down across from him in that conference room—since she’d first sat down in that terrible office chair.
Bringing one hand up to brace against his chest, she shifted just a bit to get the angle right and kissed him right over the gland where his scent was strongest. Adrenaline had pushed more of that delicious smell to the surface and she needed to take a little of that into herself.
It wasn’t a particularly practiced kiss, just the touch of her mouth to soft, fragrant skin. His response was immediate, a tightening of his arms to keep her close as he turned his head to give her more access. A little growl that he cut off too quick sounded. Eva paused just a moment, her mouth hovering over his skin as she watched him swallow hard, waiting.
Then, very carefully, she did it again. And again, each kiss just a little deeper than the last until she parted her lips and ran her tongue over it, drawing in the taste. He breathed her name and she reveled in how desperate he sounded, how his grip had tightened even more around her. Beneath her hand, his heart was pounding, his chest heaving as he drew in short, staccato breaths. A warm feeling of power coursed through her, encouraging her to keep going.
Nimble fingers slipped into his hair and she held him still so that she could keep tasting him, feeling a little drunk with it. Eva wanted to draw that taste deep into her so that she could have it even when they weren’t together, wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t lose it the second they parted. It was sweet and a little salty with his sweat, rolling around on her tongue and filling her senses to overflowing.
Groaning, Horacio pulled her from him, his lips finding hers.  He kissed her roughly, a small punishment for the feelings she was evoking. It was all teeth and tongue, a biting, sucking, assault that she welcomed. Eva held tight to him, wishing he would give her just a little room to move so that she could swing one leg over his hips to bring them closer together. Too soon, he was drawing away, holding her steady when she went to follow.
He caught her eye, smiling in a way that showed those adorable dimples,“We’re about five minutes away. I need to be able to walk out of this van, Eva.”
She took his meaning and nodded, working to calm her breathing.  Hugging her close, Horacio kissed the top of her head as they neared their destination. Eva let him bear the full weight of her body, too comfortable to try move. He gripped her around the waist with one arm, his other arm over her legs, hand folded over the back of her thigh to keep her curled into his body, as close as they could be in that moment.
The hospital was pretty standard. She’d been to enough of them to know. Eva was checked out in quick order. By some miracle, she was not concussed.  However, they were quick to let her know that she needed to monitor her symptoms and come back if she began to feel worse.  They hadn’t let him back with her, but Horacio was waiting for her when she was wheeled out.  
He looked out of place in his uniform among the other families, but the worried look on his face was right at home. She smiled at him, thanking the nurse.
“I had one of my men bring my truck. Did you drive to the restaurant?”
She shook her head, “Connie and I took a cab.  Steve was supposed to pick us up.”
He helped her into the passenger’s seat, “I’ll take you home, then.”
Carrillo didn’t ask for her address, just started on the route.  Eva should have guessed that he’d looked up her details the second they’d met, but she hadn’t really thought about it. He drove through the city with confidence, not once asking her for directions.  She dozed a little bit, and he turned down the radio, letting her rest.
They were at her apartment building far too fast, and then he was cutting the engine and circling around to help her out of the truck. She wobbled a bit on her feet and he placed an arm around her waist, guiding her. Wordlessly, he slipped a hand into her pocket, pulled out a few bills and the key to her unit. She watched him with a smile, unabashedly entertained that he was just...doing. He didn’t ask, he didn’t prompt, he just did it—got her to the hospital, got her home.
Inside, he set her key and cash on coffee table and helped her to sit down on the couch.
“You stay here.  I’ll be right back.”
He disappeared for moment or two, and she could hear movement down the hall. Eva leaned back into the cushions and relaxed a bit. It occurred to her that she should be at least a little concerned that a man was possibly going through her things, but she just...wasn’t. It could have been the near death experience, or it could be that she didn’t have the mental energy—didn’t really matter. She was comfy, let him do what he wanted.
His boots stopped in front of her, Eva lifted her eyes to see him leaning down and reaching for her hands. Horacio helped her to stand and guided her further into the apartment, down the hall, to her bedroom. He’d turned on the lamp on her nightstand, the warm glow welcome.
“Oh, my God,” she breathed when she caught sight of the bed.
It was piled with every blanket she owned, probably pulled from the closet. He arranged several spare pillows in a semi circle, made a little indention in the center of it all so that she could fall right into it.
“You made me a nest,” Eva said as he helped her to sit on the edge of the bed.
Horacio looked up at her, kneeling to pull the laces of her shoes and slip them from her feet, “You’ve been through some trauma.  You’re going to need to rest.”
“You made me a nest,” she repeated, a little incredulous.
He nodded, tugging off her socks and rolling them up to tuck into her empty shoes.
Eva placed both hands on his shoulders, asking him without words to look at her.  When he did, she could see just the tiniest bit of apprehension there. She instinctively new he was a little worried he’d overstepped. This was the opposite of the truth.  No one, no one, had ever made a nest for her before.  She’d always had to build them herself when she needed to, feeling ashamed the she could barely function when that time of her cycle came. And, he’d just gone on and made one for her, knowing that she would need it, anticipating the need and fulfilling it.
“Thank you.”
There weren’t words for what she was feeling, this intense, awed affection for him that was only partly instigated by her gratitude.  In that moment, she vowed she would return this favor one day, that she would square their books when he was in need.
Horacio ran a hand from her ankle to knee, thumb drawing a circle on the outside of it, “You are welcome.”
Unable to stand it any longer, Eva leaned over and kissed him. She had no other way of conveying what she was feeling. He returned the kiss and she could feel him smiling into it. Eva moved with him as he rose, his hands resting on either side of her body.
“Get in the nest, Eva.”
Shimmying a little, she backed into the space he’d made for her, one hand holding onto his uniform to keep him near enough that she could press soft slow kisses to his lips. He followed, hands walking next to her a few inches at a time until his frame could no longer stretch long enough to meet her.
Eva dropped against the pillows, but kept her grip on his shirt. When he didn’t move to join her, she gave a little encouraging tug.
Horacio shook his head, “You need rest. You won’t get that if I get in there with you.”
Although the words were matter of fact, there was heat behind them. There was want in his eyes, rolling off his body in waves. Eva shivered, and reluctantly released him. Sighing, he pulled blanket after blanket over her, cossetting her completely. She was warm and comfortable in a way that she hadn’t been in a long time and her eyelids drooped as she began to drift.
“I will call to check on you tomorrow.”
She nodded and watched him turn off the light, casting the room in the orange pink of the setting sun. Then, he turned and headed for the door, taking one last glance at her before he turned the corner into the hallway.  A moment later, the click of her lock turned sounded in the quiet of the apartment.
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"We understand why you did it but...we're a team, right? Together we can fly even higher. Always." (HQ Fluff Week, D1)
Restless, Ch2
Read Chapter 1 | Ao3
Hinata can't help the bouncing. It's been years since he's been back and after "sightseeing" from afar (because really, they could still be recognized, it hadn't been that long since they left) they're home.
Tsukishima scoffs, "It's only been a few years for us, it's been nearly their whole lives."
Hinata smiles, grabs Tsukishima's hand in his, reminds himself that yes, that's true, it could have been Tsukishima's whole life, nearly gone in the sixty years they'd been away, is glad they found a way to make it not so. But he also feels slightly guilty. Was Tsukishima glad he'd left all of this behind? It was still early but what if...
Tsukishima squeezes his hand, "Stop thinking, you always think about stupid things and then get sad."
Hinata pouts, "Not stupid!"
Tsukishima rolls his eyes, "Really? Then why the constipated look? Need a bathroom? You can probably run into the woods." He frowns at the lack of homes as they continue to follow the road, "Where did they say to meet again? I can't believe Tadashi lives so far..."
Meanwhile Hinata just splutters, "That's so unsanitary!! And no I'm not constipated, we haven't even eaten human food!!"
Tsukishima laughs and tugs at his arm, "Then everything is okay, let's hurry."
Hinata feels a smile come to his face again and he yells out, "Okay!" Because really, Tsukishima is right, somehow everything has been alright
Which is why they even have this opportunity
After being gone with little to no communication, most of Karasuno had paid them a surprise visit at their new home, which was so far out North that Tsukishima had nearly frozen when they'd first moved there.
(Hinata remembers how he'd felt so useless, unable to help warm Tsukishima. It was the opposite really, his body much too cold, and after sleeping together for years, making sure to keep his distance, at least at night when Tsukishima's temperature also dropped, had made him very sad. They'd both acclimated to the situation in time)
They had only just finished a feeding session, which Tsukishima had almost forcefully made Hinata do. He'd noticed how Hinata somehow felt colder, he had been spacing out, and that tanned tinge to his skin was starting to become paler. He had started to look like, well, a creature
"Just hurry up and drink!" He'd pushed his arm under Hinatas nose, his sweater sleeve drawn up. He'd seen the way Hinata's eyes had dilated, his mouth opened, but still he held back
He'd sighed, touched Hinata's lips, "It's okay, I'll be fine, it'll only be a bit."
Hinata had drank, carefully, watching him, making sure he really was okay. He'd then lapped at his skin, tickling him with his tongue, kissed the fading and new marks of his teeth, staining his lips red, and then bandaged him up, pulled his sleeve down, kissed him over the cloth, held his hand
"I love you."
The knock came when Hinata was putting away the first aid kit
They had both been confused. They hadn't told anyone their new address, although they also hadn't tried to hide it either (anyone who truly wanted to find them could with a bit of detective work). Tsukishima pulled on a small blanket over his shoulders as Hinata went to open the door
Karasuno's relieved but upset faces greeted him
They'd sat around their small living room, the air slightly tense.
It had been interesting to see Hinata apologize and try to hide what was going on, his flailing and muttered words so obviously lies that even Kageyama wasn't convinced.
Tsukishima had finally given into Hinata's side stare and admitted, "He's a vampire."
Hinata just gaped at him.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, it was Kageyama who broke the silence with a so that's why your hands were always so cold, which made Tsukishima want to facepalm. Really? So easily? And because of that? Hinata could have just had bad circulation (although thinking about it, that probably wouldn't have made much sense either)
But then the pieces began to come into place for the others too and Tsukishima begrudgingly was glad for Kageyama's words. The little things that everyone always found off but never truly questioned surfaced
Sugawara, "The passing out?"
Tanaka, "I knew it was weird you didn't eat as much as us even though you ran around the most!"
Nishinoya, "So cool!! Can you turn into a bat?!"
Daichi, "Wait, are you...?"
He'd shaken his head, "No." He paused. They may as well tell them about their plans too, "Not yet."
That was how they shared their biggest secret. And also when they were made to promise not to disappear again
Sugawara had smacked their backs, "Our first years are so high maintenance! I can't believe you made us come all the way out here!"
Taukishima had just sighed, "We haven't been in school for years."
Sugawara was quick to reply, "And yet you two still act like kids, especially with this little stunt!"
Azumane had been kinder. He'd grabbed Hinata by the shoulder, a soft smile on his lips, "We understand why you did it but...we're a team, right? Together we can fly even higher. Always."
Hinata had cried big ugly tears, "Always!"
It was the first time Hinata had broken his rule about returning to a place before it was safe and he's glad the reason is this little town where he's gained so much. Perhaps he'll find himself living here a third time (another rule broken) in the distant future, Tsukishima at his side
But for now, they sneak into town in order to meet up with their friends, practically family, without anyone's notice.
"Finally, there it is," Tsukishima sighs
It was a perfect little home with a big backyard, nearly merging with the woods behind it if it weren't for the fencing around the house. There also weren't many neighbors, which was ideal for the occasion. They came in through the back, the door left unlocked just for them
There's a woman on the porch, her silver hair cropped, and her tiny feet dangling in the air, sandals right under just in case she needs them. She has a baby on her lap, a pacifier keeping them occupied, while another child, this one a toddler, runs around with a volleyball in hand. He seems to be blubbering about something Hinata can't make out. He feels his eyes prickle and he grins wide
"Yachi!!" he waves at her while pulling Tsukishima along.
Yachi turns around, only just noticing them. She rearranges the baby so they are sitting up, "Hinata!! Tsukishima!!" She turns into the house, "Tadashi, they're here!"
There is some shuffling indoors and then a freckled man appears, his back slightly angled, "Tsukki?!"
From there, an outpour of people comes. Tsukishima mutters an I can't believe the King is still alive, I thought he'd keel over first, and Hinata can't help the bellow that leaves his body
And Kageyama, such a force on their team, is still loud and awkward and unwavering. And he needs a cane because of an injury
Sugawara had laughed when he'd told them the news a few months back, "He still acts like a kid, his body can't keep up!"
Azumane is the first to properly greet them, "You two really haven't changed."
Nishinoya is on his heels, still bright and energetic. His hair is shorter and speckled with gray, and just as wild as his high school days, "Of course they haven't, you know why!"
Azumane laughs, "Not because of that."
Yachi asks Hinata if he wants to hold the baby, her grandchild from her youngest daughter, now 23 and conveniently not home. Hinata nods enthusiastically and he's instantly charmed by the gurgles and kicking and the honey-brown eyes he's sure they've inherited from Yachi (Yachi blushes, but nods, "Yup! My daughter and her husband both have dark eyes so all mine!).
As he's holding the child, he realizes this is the first time he's been this happy, not about leaving, he will always hate leaving, but at how things turned out
He watches Tsukishima carry the other child, who hadn't stopped staring at him because "Ta'! Me, up, up!"
Daichi and Tanaka aren't there yet, both of them running late (Sugawara tells them Daichi went to pick up Kiyoko and Tanaka from her family home where she'd been visiting her parents' graves. He'd laughed at Hinata's worried look, Don't worry. None of them are actually driving.) - but everyone else is sitting outside in the shade of the porch, recounting the latest gossip. Their laughing is loud and Hinata thinks that his family has also not changed at all
He looks over at Tsukishima, who now has a slightly disgusted look on his face as he lets the child climb on his shoulders, his dirty hands pulling at his blonde hair
Hinata smiles.
Together they really have flown to the top
It's perfect.
i was conflicted about tenses and character names #rip (ah well)
i hope you guys enjoyed! this is sort of the “good ending” of this used to be oneshot i wrote for the seasons of anime exchange, but like i mentioned in that posts notes, i kind of wanted to continue but didn’t know if i should do the good or bad ending xD maybe if there’s a hq angst week i can post the bad ending :”) but for now, i think this will be it?! who knows
Prompts for day 1: - Reunion - Found family - "We can fly even higher!"
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let-it-show · 4 years
So I was actually at a swimming hole today when I got inspired to write this...its good to post something in between parts of my new story (new chapter soon!) Anyway I had intended for this to be a cute, short drabble of these two just having fun but the thing ran away from me and got incredibly horny wtf. There’s no actual smut, though, SORRY. Random Elsanna scene go!
No matter how secluded it was, no matter how warm it was, none of Elsa's words had worked on Anna. While Elsa had absolutely no trouble melting off her dress and dipping herself into the cool water completely naked, Anna wasn't willing to go farther than her bloomers and her undershirt, because what if someone did come along?
"Nokk led me here, and is watching for our safety but I'm telling you, Anna, we are far from any camp. Come in here with me," Elsa tried to tell her.
"You just want to leer at me," Anna had replied back while she examined their admittedly secluded surroundings. The wonderful little pools of water were between large rocks, surrounded by not only tall grass and bushes, but the forest as well. Upstream from where they were at the moment, multiple little waterfalls fed into the water flow.
There was nothing but nature.
Elsa smirked at her. "And is there really anything wrong with that? I do see and touch your naked body often."
Anna blushed and just shook her head while Elsa shrugged and started down to the water.
The water looked cold, and that didn't help. Cold didn't bother Elsa at all and especially when temperatures were up she wanted to be in a shower of snow or ice cold water. Anna, not so much. She liked to cool off by swimming but sometimes river water just looked too chilly.
She did lean against the side of one of the boulders to watch Elsa. Her sister looked like some kind of mythological beauty swimming in the water like that, her white-blonde hair spreading around her and seeming to float. She was like a gem in the river...
A sexy gem with gorgeous breasts that were going to be dripping wet. Anna couldn't wait to rub her hands over them, nevermind Elsa's stomach and thighs. Knowing how good she looked made her feel even more on alert for anyone who might spy. There wasn't a single person out there aside from herself that deserved to see Elsa like that.
While she waited, and to distract herself, Anna found a little pool of water that came up a little past her ankles. It felt very nice. The coolness was refreshing. Still...if she went swimming, that was cold water on her whole body, and on top of that Elsa might prank her with even colder water.
Elsa swore she just liked to see Anna's nipples hard but Anna knew she found the squealing and colorful language adorable. Then Elsa would have the nerve to act all graceful and above such silliness when Anna raged at her. She would then kiss Anna, nudge her legs apart and, well...
"Changing your mind any?" Elsa asked, climbing out of the pool, coming up at her like a damn goddess. Anna's eyes were immediately drawn to the glistening pearls of water on her skin and the way her wet hair draped over her shoulders, dripping down her chest.
Would it be weird to have sex on a giant rock in the forest? She was tempted to shove Elsa against the rock and kneel between her legs for a little afternoon delight. Elsa always tasted so amazing...and thinking about her only made Anna feel hotter. She was not doing herself any favors.
She took a deep breath and focused. "You done already? You just got in," she responded.
"I'm going to climb over this rock to get to the other pool, it's a little wider even if not as deep," Elsa explained. "Maybe you'll come in then?" she asked, giving her a pleading look.
Oh that look was hard to turn down when Elsa was naked! "Maybe," Anna grumbled, because it was not fair, not fair at all.
Elsa stepped closer to her, until their faces were inches apart. "What, am I distracting you? Don't say its not fair. I told you to take off all your clothes and you won't." She said it with such a smug, queenly look.
Anna wanted to wipe it off her face with a well placed bite on her breast, but she resisted. "And I still won't," she declared, staring Elsa down. Being difficult with Elsa was fun sometimes. Elsa would take out her frustration by doing certain wonderful things to Anna's body...
She needed some self control that's what she needed. Relief flooded through her when Elsa rolled her eyes and turned away to face the steep, light grey rock she needed to climb up in order to access the next spot. She walked toward it and looked down to place her feet safely.
Then she bent over to keep her balance.
Her ass was like a beacon to Anna and before she could stop herself, her legs carried her forward, out of the shallow pool. Elsa was going to be an obnoxious tease? Well, Anna knew how to deal with that, and her hand was raised as she closed in.
Elsa had started to go forward when Anna's open palm connected hard with her pale butt cheek, nearly sending her face forward into the rough ground. The wet, sharp sound of the perfect smack echoed around them briefly along with Elsa's yelp of surprise at her backside being suddenly attacked.
Anna bounced back on her feet. That had been one good sounding smack and even if her hand stung a little, totally worth it! The light shade of red on Elsa's bottom? A mark of success! She laughed loudly. "Yes!"
"Really!?" Elsa asked, glaring over her shoulder and still appearing stunned.
"Well you can't just stick it in the air like that and think I won't do anything!" Anna declared, oh so pleased with herself. She stuck her tongue out.
Elsa turned and looked at her, and that's when Anna backed up a little. Her victory was probably about to be short lived. She didn't dare run either, because the slope of the solid ground was uneven, easy to trip and hurt herself on terribly. She'd have to take whatever punishment Elsa gave her.
The good thing was, as Elsa came closer once again, Anna had an idea of what to expect. A bite, a pinched nipple, iced body part, a long kiss that left her unbelievably turned on before Elsa walked off again - she could deal with it all. As a result, she stood proudly when she could back up no more.
Elsa closed the distance, snaking an arm around Anna's waist. Anna could already feel the tickle of ice on her skin, but she didn't budge. "Very bold of you to come after me like that," Elsa whispered in her ear, body almost pressed against Anna's own.
"Bold of you to be naked around me and not expect shenanigans," Anna retorted, placing her hands on Elsa's damp, cool hips. Oh they felt good, so good! Maybe Elsa would punish her by shoving a hand down the front of her bloomers and doing...stuff. Her brain was already shorting out.
"I suppose that was foolish of me," Elsa purred, dipping her head down to kiss Anna's neck lightly. She didn't suck or bite, only kissed, and Anna made a content little sound. Elsa prodded her to turn in her arms and Anna complied, eager for what could be next.
Her back pressed against Elsa's generous chest, and Elsa continue to neck her as she fondled Anna's breasts through her shirt. She squeezed and grabbed, breath hot on the crook of Anna's neck. Elsa knew just what to do to reduce Anna to a needy mess. Anna was shifting the way she stood, trying to cope with just how wet she was starting to get.
And that was when it happened. Elsa suddenly tightened her grip around Anna's middle and starting walking forward forcefully, toward the first pool of water she'd been in. Anna's eyes went wide and she realized she couldn't stop them with the momentum Elsa had given them. "Elsa no-nono no no Elsa hey no ELSAAAAAA!"
That was when Elsa half shoved and half threw Anna into the water. It was so cold as her body crashed through the surface and Anna spun around trying to get her bearings!. Good thing it was somewhat deep. She could find the bottom and she could stand on it with her head poking above the water, but her eyes were half open and she was coughing and sputtering and glaring.
There was Elsa, sitting with her legs dangling in the water and once again looking super proud of herself. "How's the water?" she asked innocently.
"It's-it's just fine!" Anna declared angrily. Being in it a few seconds was all it took for her body to get acclimated and it was actually quite pleasant. She could float around in there for quite a while. But she wasn't going to say that!
"Bet you wish you'd gotten naked," Elsa teased and Anna fumed. She supposed Elsa could tell she was slightly pissed, because she sighed and dropped the attitude. "Well, Anna, are you okay?"
"...Yes." Anna knew that if she did get hurt Elsa would drive herself crazy apologizing. Elsa liked to have fun with her, but didn't go too far. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" Elsa questioned, tilting her head.
Anna blinked, swimming closer to where Elsa was perched. "Yes? I think so?"
"So...you probably don't need mouth to mouth?" Elsa asked, and smiled so sweetly at her.
That little...! Well, that was fine. Anna grinned. "No, but you might."
Then, before Elsa could question it, Anna grabbed her pretty ankles and pulled hard. It didn't really take much. With an undignified shriek Elsa was yanked into the water, and Anna laughed.
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jihoonluvclub · 5 years
Promises (M)
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About: Drawn to the lake outside your home since you were little, you’ve encountered creatures in the water pulling you in. You meet one from you past on a rainy night looking for his mate. Pairing: Siren!Joshua x Reader Genre: Smut Warning: Explicit content, breeding, cream pie, sea creature sex Word Count: 3.2k
There was a steady fall of rain against your window, as it had been for the past week, leaving you stuck inside with nothing to do. You cleaned, you watched tv, you cleaned again, and still there was nothing left to occupy your time. You were stuck inside of your small town, the entrances to the city being flooded out by the constant water fall.
Your hometown was usually busy at this time, many people wanting to visit the large lake and river attached to it but over the years people have stopped coming by. Businesses shut down and people moved away. The tales of demons and creatures in the water warding off any potential visitors.
You knew the real reason that most people moved, the flooding. It would pour so badly water would almost reach your doorstep. Most of the younger couples in town didn’t want to deal with the water repairs or being trapped in by the rain, so they left. You stayed in your hometown, prepping food and water supplies for weeks worth of using just incase the weather left you stuck.
You had to admit, ever since you were little you enjoyed the tales of mythical creatures living just outside of your home. You dreamed of one day swimming off with mermaids, to be given the ability to breath underwater, to communicate with the humans that lived under the lake.
Ever since you were old enough, you would go out on your own and swim through the water, searching for your fin-clad friends. You would spend whole summers in the water, quietly hoping something would take you from your boring repetitive life at school and home. No one believed you when you had first claimed to see something, a shimmering tail emerging from the water and inky black hair floating along the surface before diving back down.
You would sit on the edge of the docks, drawing and watching, waiting for more movement to show everyone. One by one, people said no, that you were just seeing things. But you knew, and you continued to swim that lake, determined to understand all the secrets hiding inside the blue water.
Only one other time did you see something, years and years later, that time you kept it to yourself. You would swim at night when you couldn’t fall asleep. After a restless night you went to the lake, hoping the movement and coolness of the water would rest your mind. And with a gasp you noticed something out in the middle of the water. Too far out for even you to swim, you felt in your heart that it was not just another person.
It looked like a man, maybe your age, with messy hair that glimmering grey and silver under the moonlight. His eyes were almost as black and shining as the water he emerged from. You were frightened but entranced, excited to have finally seen something in the water after so long. You waded towards the figure, but soon enough they dove back down, leaving your sight for good.
You tapped your fingers against the windowsill in your bedroom, staring out into the lake. You felt like you needed to be there. The rain was letting up, for the time being at least, bolstering your need to being in the water. You changed into a long raincoat with your swim clothes underneath. The fall weather had not come yet, making the lake still bearable at night.
You walked down your backyard, opening the gate that lead straight to the pier. The rain wasn’t as bothersome as you thought it would be. You ran down to the water, leaving your dress on the wooden platform before splashing the liquid on your skin, hoping to acclimate your body to the temperature drop.
It was almost midnight, leaving you to be the only one awake in the whole neighborhood. You dipped into the water, shoes and raincoat left behind. Being surrounded by the water was soothing, calming down your restless mind.
Your heart jumped when you saw a flash of something white out in the lake. There was no lightning, not even thunder in the skies. Where had that come from? Before your eyes could adjust to the dark again, a figure with dark eyes and silver hair moved towards you. You were terrified until you focused on the figure once more. Those eyes, that hair, you knew this figure. After so many years, you could still remember that face.
You waved at the dark form moving closer, unsure if you were actually seeing what you thought that you were. It dove under the dark blanket of water, out of sight once again. You sighed, unable to hide your disappointment. You scared him off once again. It will take years to see something like that again, if you ever do.
Suddenly you felt something move towards you, the water pushing and pulling near your legs. You felt something brush against you thigh and it took everything inside of you to not scream in shock. Whoever, or whatever, it was that touched you brought their head up from the depth of the water and looked back at you.
Your chest heaved, shock and awe filling your face as you took in the delicate features of the man before you. He looked impossibly beautiful, eyes glimering like the galaxy, two iridescent silver fins sticking out from the edge of his ears. His lips were rosy and plump, jaw sharp and angular.
He reached down and grabbed your hand, pulling you forward. He moves within the water faster than you expected, urging you to cling onto him tighter as he sliced through the tension of the lake. You briefly thought out the old tales of sirens and other such creatures, the stories of them devouring humans or hypnotizing them to their death.
You two made it to the lakeshore on the other side of the water, a sandy embankment where he perches you on. His arms rest on the sand, his head laying on top of them as he gazed at you. You finally noticed more of his body, only visible from the bright shine of the moon.
His arms were long and lithe, short fins emerged from the muscles of his arms. Your eyes tried to trail down his back but the rest of his body was still submerged in the water. You realized you were staring, and soon enough you felt the way his eyes stared at you. You cleared your throat, hoping you could speak with him.
“Hello?” You were unsure if he could understand you. He blinked and tilted his head to the side, his neutral expression betraying no emotion. You feel your heart jump to your throat again when he opened his mouth and revealed a row of teeth, almost human but pointed at the ends.
“Hello.” His voice was light and silky, the kind that could gently persuade you to do anything he wanted. Your heart pounded in your chest, aware of the potential danger he could being you. Aware of the seclusion of your environment. Aware that no one else was around, just the two of you. Your feet unconsciously dug into the sand.
“I thought you had stopped coming by.” His gaze shifted across your body and back to your eyes.
“You… you know me?” Perhaps this really was the same creature, the one you’d seen so long ago. Something in you hoped that was true.
“Yes. I’ve watched you for a long time. I saw you once when you were younger and I was as well, yet you didn’t scream or try to harm me. I’ve watched you come to the lake since then.”
You were drawn into his soothing voice but jumped when the water splashed behind him, giving you a flash of the tail you’d grown so familiar with seeing in the water. Your hand raised as if to touch him and you quickly drew back as he did too.
“I’m sorry.” You say, feeling your face flush with embarrassment. You shouldn’t have done that, and you move to back away until he raises his own hand towards you slowly.
“I’ve been warned to stay away from humans, that they only want to hurt us. You seem different.” He paused for a moment, slowly moving his hand across the sand towards you. “You may call me Joshua. What can I call you?”
Tentatively, you move your fingers closer to his, stopping once they touch. They felt cool. You said your name, and he repeated it, the sound rolling from his tongue easily as if he’d said it a hundred times before. He flexed his fingertips against yours before he slipped his fingers between your own, letting out a deep hum.
“Joshua,” you stammer. The fact that you had just met him and the way you were following his every word and touch had your heart racing in a mix of fear and excitement. Perhaps the rumors were true, that these creatures killed humans without remorse. “Why did you show up now?” You hold your breath; afraid he might turn on you, turn into the creature people feared.
His fingers slid from yours down to your wrist, easily wrapping around the flesh. “I can feel how fast your heart is racing,” he speaks through the silence. “Have you found a mate yet?”
“A what? A mate?” You concluded that he had no idea what he meant by that, the question repeating in your head as his touch grew warmer. But the look in his eyes told you that he knew exactly what he was asking.
“No. Umm… That’s not really how humans work. I guess...” He tilts his head to the side and one of his ear fins twitches. It’s almost cat like, cute under any other circumstance. “Normally, we get to know each other first. We court each other, if that makes sense.”
“Hmm,” he drawls. “For us, mating comes first.” There’s a moment of silence between the both of you. Then he hauled more of himself out of the water, revealing a muscled chest that tapered off into an even wider tail.
You had only seen his tail from far away, never able to see the full beauty of it. There was a deep ‘V’ where the scales of his tail started to form under his abdomen. Joshua’s tail was silver like the rest of his fins, each scale shining in a ray of purple and pink hues. He was breathtaking.
“I have been watching you for so long though. You are perfect for me.” Joshua snaked his arms around you, pulling you across the sand as he laid his head in your lap.
You tried to calm yourself down, unsure of what to do. Even with half of his body out of the water, you had yet to see the end of his tail. He was much larger than you and more beautiful than you could have imagined. Raindrops still splattered against your skin, cooling down you flushed skin.
“I would never force you, not when you are special to me. But I would like you to be my mate.”
“I don’t even know if I can give you what you want.” You answer unsure of how ‘mating’ with someone, something, like him would even work.
His eyes widened for a moment, rolling off of you onto his back. He shyly looked down his body, a slit emerging from between two scales on his tail. An appendage, smooth and pink peeking through. Your eyes trailed between his tail and his heaving chest. “Oh,” you breach out as Joshua reached out towards you.
“I want you.” He states, already sounded breathless. His fingers link with yours. “If you will mate with me… or at least try.. Touch me first. I do not want to scare you.”
You move closer after a moment of hesitation. Your hand grazed along his chest, his skin feeling slick and cold, similar to his hands. Biting down on your lip you moved your hands lower. Each movement of your hands had him panting and whining out. Joshua was far more sensitive than you would have expected for a creature so big.
“Lower,” He breathed out, “please.”
You followed his commands, running your fingertips over the shifted scales below his abdomen. He hissed out when your hand brushed over the tip of his member. Sharp teeth that could tear your throat out gleamed as he moaned out your name.
There was something arousing in making a creature as marvelous as him whimper out your name.
“Lower your hands,” he instructed with that soft voice that dripped like honey.
Your hand wraps around the pink length that seems to continue growing. It was slick, smoother than silk and pulsing in your palm. The more you pumped it in your hand the more of it emerged. You were at a loss for words when it moved and arched toward his stomach, full revealed to you. Just as large and grand as the rest of him.
The closer it was to the base of his tail the thicker it became. Tt was firm despite his ability to move it. It was unlike anything you had ever seen, yet it was undeniably appealing. A slick liquid began to drip from his tip when you experimentally pumped his shaft. “I’m ready.” Joshua took your hand from him and he met your eyes. “Please, will you mate with me?”
Nothing about your dreary rainy afternoon could have prepared you for this to have happened, but your swimsuit was off within seconds. All hesitation was gone the second he looked at your bare body.
“You are even more perfect than I imagined.” He said, and there was no hint of shame in his voice as he complimented you.
He slid into the water and beckoned you forward. You were suddenly struck with nerves. How the hell was this going to work? Noticing your hesitation, Joshua reached his arms forward. “Come. I will help you in.”
His earnest expression couldn’t mask the lust present in his eyes as his eyes trail over your body. It was enough to propel you forward and into his arms, squeaking as he effortlessly hoisted you into the water and against his body.
His cock brushed against your entrance, causing you to gasp and reach out in the water for something to grab onto. He hushed you, his large hand holding tightly onto your waist. “I’m not going to let you go.”
Joshua cradled you with one arm against him and trailed his other hand down your body, spending time brushing his fingers over your chest until you were whimpering against his shoulder. When he felt satisfied, his hand trailed lower to rub at your sex, working you open with one broad finger and gently rubbing until he could fit a second one in with ease.
“Joshua,” you moaned, desperate for more friction. He pressed his cool lips to your forehead and soothed a hand on your back. You find your words, leaning back to meet his deep black gaze. “I’m ready too.”
“Hold on to me.” His arms were wrapped securely around your waist, but you followed his command anyways, gripping his shoulders and leaning your forehead against his. A moment later you felt something slick pressing at your sex, sliding inside with ease. You groaned as Joshua pushed more of himself inside of your core. The sway of his tail underneath you was rocking you gently back and forth on him.
“Just a bit more,” Joshua grunted.
The flex of his cock made it easy for him to finally fill your core with his length, drawing out a loud whine from your throat. There was only a bit of a sting from the stretching before it subsided into a pleasant feeling of fullness.
“Perfect,” Joshua breathed, bending forward to capture your lips in a kiss. He tasted a little salty and you almost giggled from the strangeness of it all, but Joshua gave a tentative pump into you and you moaned into his mouth instead.
“You’re perfect,” he said again. Joshua started to increase his pace and held onto you to fuck you on his cock, easily maneuvering both of your bodies in the water.
You held on to his thick shoulders and rolled your head back in ecstasy. It felt better than you ever could have imagined. You were desperate to kiss him again but he towered over you even in the water, so you rolled your head forward instead, resting it on his chest, moaning against him.
The rain was still falling into the lake, having increased into a downpour, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care when Joshua’s hand slid down to start working your sex.
“Please,” you moaned into his chest, squirming in his grip. Joshua groaned loudly and increases his movements, his tail gyrating in the water to match his quickening pace. It only takes another moment for you to come undone on him, clenching around his cock and crying out his name as your orgasm came to a head in your lower half. Joshua moaned out your name and when you look up to meet his eyes it was clear he was looking down at you in adoration.
“I’m close,” Joshua grunted. “You’re going to take it all.”
“Yes,” you groaned, clinging to him tighter. Joshua growled and thrusted in deep before he stilled. You could feel his cock twitch inside of you, making pleasure continue to ripple through out your body.
“You’re my mate, I want you to have all of me.” He panted out, clinging on to you. You still against his hold, feeling his cock expand inside of you, pushing your walls to your limit.
Joshua soothes a hand down your back, as he had earlier. “I won’t hurt you.” You feel hot liquid fill you, multiple streams of release filling your walls. He mumbles words of comfort and praise to you all the while.
You are soon lifted off of him, cradled in his arms as he swam across the lake with you pressed against his chest. “You did so well.” Joshua hushed against the top of your head as he kissed your hair, rain droplets continuing to wet your hair.
��My mate,” he said, smiling as he rested you against the peer with your clothes ready for you. You were glad that you decided to leave in the rainstorm, but you were unclear on your future, what was going to happen now? For now, you just wanted to sleep, despite the rain falling against your skin.
With you clothes finally in place, you bent down from the pier capturing his lips in a kiss before saying your goodbyes . You watched as his tail fluttered against the water in fondness, just as you watched him drift back to the middle of the lake. He turned to you once more before diving under the water, “Promise me you will meet me again. Soon.”
You smiled at him, “I promise.”
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