#if you support hamas in any capacity you want all jews to die. no ifs ands or buts about it
ohwellokcomputer · 9 months
it makes me very sad that I can count on one hand how many of my close friends haven’t 1. spouted misinformation (blood libel really, but when you say “blood libel” around the goyim they start crying) or 2. said something overtly genocidal about Jews in the last few months. i’m really struggling to keep a positive attitude and i’ve found myself isolating from my friends, even the ones who haven’t said anything bad yet, because I don’t want to be around when they do. I just have to keep making excuses for their ignorance, and it’s exhausting. Crazy how none of the “educate yourselves!!!” rhetoric ever applies to Jews and antisemitism-the burden is always on Jews to ensure that we aren’t being slandered or oppressed.
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