#and fuck goyim especially white goyim
ohwellokcomputer · 9 months
it makes me very sad that I can count on one hand how many of my close friends haven’t 1. spouted misinformation (blood libel really, but when you say “blood libel” around the goyim they start crying) or 2. said something overtly genocidal about Jews in the last few months. i’m really struggling to keep a positive attitude and i’ve found myself isolating from my friends, even the ones who haven’t said anything bad yet, because I don’t want to be around when they do. I just have to keep making excuses for their ignorance, and it’s exhausting. Crazy how none of the “educate yourselves!!!” rhetoric ever applies to Jews and antisemitism-the burden is always on Jews to ensure that we aren’t being slandered or oppressed.
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fadinglight123 · 10 months
If I see any of you shitheads quoting Osama Bin Laden or getting anywhere near saying that a literal terrorist has a point it is on sight and I cannot fucking emphasize that enough
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evilwickedme · 2 years
I really really REALLY don't want to be the antisemitism mutual again bc y'all do not know how much damage that did to my mental health. But the fact that goyim only ever mention the antisemitism in what is literally blood libel: the game as an afterthought, sometimes not even expressing it by name, and instead focusing on the trans issue - I'm saying this as a trans Jew: fucking stop it. Even if not one single penny ended up in jkr's hands bc of this game it would still be extremely harmful. Stop saying "even ignoring the game's moral problems" or "not even mentioning the antisemitism". MENTION THE ANTISEMITISM. This is a game teaching fascist ideals to PRETEENS. It is teaching them that Jewish caricatures deserve to DIE for the crime of wanting their cultural artifacts back, it is teaching them that Jewish caricatures wanting to no longer be oppressed is equal to murdering "wizards" (aka white goyim) (while the main character literally discovers they're pure bloods...) and kidnapping children - THE OLDEST FORM OF BLOOD LIBEL. Jewish lives MATTER. I'm saying this as a trans Jew, but cishet, able bodied, white, neurotypical Jews also deserve to be safe. We all deserve to be able to exist as Jews without being targeted. Antisemitic hate crimes has been on the rise by hundreds of percentages worldwide, especially in the US and Europe. Stop treating us as afterthoughts.
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alastors-wife · 2 years
Attempting to criticize conspiracy theorists and pseudoscience without acknowledging its ties to white supremacy will always come off as a lazy, pathetic and performative attempt at "activism" to me
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spacelazarwolf · 10 days
i'm half ashkenazi and half mizrachi, and i've had four goyim tell me that my ashki heritage effectively overrides any "claim" i had to mizrachi culture. two of them even said that MAYBE i could've, but i "can't because [i'm] blonde" (which, ironically, i got from my very blonde mizrachi side; my ashki family members all have dark hair). it's also crazy because outside of some food dishes, none of them had any idea what mizrachi culture even was.
i can't even imagine all the things people must say to you, especially since they don't even seem to acknowledge that sephardim exist. is it like a schrodinger's evil white colonizer/poor brown victim situation, or is it just the former?
that’s so fucking wild. idk why goyim think they have the right to tell jews whether or not we can claim our own damn culture.
and yeah, it entirely depends on if the person i’m talking to knows sephardim exist. it seems like most goyim think ashkenazi/sephardi/mizrahi are race labels so ashkenazi = white, sephardi = between white and brown, mizrahi = brown. and anyone who looks outside of that category must be forced into the appropriate jewish race category.
i’ve also noticed they think ashkenazi, sephardi, mizrahi etc jews like. are completely separate groups that never interact like we’re completely separate ethnic groups as if we don’t intermarry and have tons of cultural exchange. as if we haven’t been interconnected since the initial expulsion from eretz yisrael.
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jellybeanium124 · 9 months
being a white passing american jew is a perspective worth talking about, I think. because on the one hand I'm not a person of color. I've been treated as if I am white by society my whole life. I have access to white privilege as long as I keep my true ethnic identity a secret. and because of all this I internalized racist ideas same as white people did, which are now baked into my head, and I have to unlearn them. on the other hand, I am part of a racial/ethnic minority that is on the receiving end of a lot of bigotry, especially right now. so I know how it feels to be on both sides of this.
and as I'm sure everyone knows bc white people love being guilty and crying in public, unlearning racism is uncomfortable. catching yourself thinking something racist is uncomfortable. you want to believe you're a good person but then you think or say or do something that really isn't okay (and if you say or do something, you fucking apologize, because you're a grown up). it's that squirmy feeling in your chest, that guilt in your stomach. and something a lot of white people have trouble with is the fact that your discomfort is 10 million times less important than being antiracist. it's human to put your comfort first, but it's wrong, and as long as a white person values their personal comfort above being an antiracist ally, they aren't an antiracist ally.
the thing is most white people on tumblr are at least... vaguely aware of this. at least aware that they have internalized racism they need to work through. but for some ~magical~ reason goyim do not seem to realize that they maybe just might have some internalized antisemitism to work through. so when they get that squirmy feeling that comes from being called an antisemite, they lash out (not that white people don't lash out when they're called a racist, because of course they do). I think a lot of goyim on here just straight up aren't thinking that there's any possibility they may have internalized antisemitic ideas.
so to any goy reading this: you grew up in an antisemitic world. you have antisemitic ideas baked into your head that you need to unlearn. you might have to apologize for something you say or do. and as long as you prioritize not feeling uncomfortable over being a jewish ally, you're not an ally to the jewish people.
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ok im less drunk now so i can actually express myself now
so, i just went to the bar with two of my close friends. we were just chatting and i happened to mention casually that canada has higher rates of antisemitism than the united states, and one of them went on a tirade about how jews are weaponising the holocaust and that its our fault that hamas exists (and antisemitism more generally) among other antisemitic shit, and im just...
i cant with this shit anymore. i want to be angry about this, i want to yell and scream and express just how horrible it makes me feel that goyim feel like they can just... Say shit like that? to their jewish friends? what the actual Fuck? i want to be angry, but if i were to fully express my anger, i would be written off and ignored. something something up to the point where youre not human.
i want to be able to trust people, but goyim are making it So Fucking Difficult. when i talk about antisemitism with people (especially white goyim), they are mostly dismissive. like, yall know so little about antisemitism that you cant see that This is what preceeded the fucking Holocaust.
I. Don't. Feel. Safe.
no Jew i have spoken to does.
and when i express that, you feel the need to rant about how 'we deserve it' and 'it's our fault' and 'we're exaggerating how bad the holocaust was'? I'm sorry, but you're antisemitic.
like, that's TEXTBOOK antisemitism, and there is absolutely NOTHING i can do to tell if someone is antisemitic other than telling them I'm Jewish and seeing how they react.
no matter how progressive someone is (or claims to be), they very well might be Violently antisemitic. 'oppression is bad' except for Jews 'killing is bad' except for Jews 'rape is bad' except for Jews, apparently.
I'm done. i will no longer tolerate this. i will no longer be in relation with antisemites, no matter how much i trust them, no matter how well they treat me, if you say shit like that, you don't deserve to be my friend.
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mossadspypigeon · 1 month
i feel like such a bitch for it but its honestly felt so vindicating to have the pro-pal crowd called out with how theyre calling for everyone to give up their gddamn human rights """for palestine"""
i feel awful for saying it but. in the usa at least, since thats all i can speak for, it feels like theres a real problem among arab communities where there's absolutely no recognition of their history of imperialism/colonizer bs, their history of slavery, and yknow, their entire history with jews + theyre coddled in their beliefs if not outright praised by usually rich white goyische kids. im not saying other communities dont have similar issues, but obviously this is the one having the bigger impact rn (imho) and its a double whammy for how it's happening
it almost feels like some kind of rebellion/backlash against the post-9/11 mindset & racism, but like, in that way that bratty kids rebel where they have no clue what any of the actual original protesting meant, if that makes any sense? like they've heard ppl talk about how shit was fucked in the aftermath but instead of taking in anything, they just wanna be white saviors of the poor, helpless brown ppl being genocided by those eeevvviiilll jews!
also since i mentioned that... how much would you bet all those little dumbass "osama bin laden was right" white kids are full pro-hamas weirdos now lmao
you’re right! tbh the circle jerk between entitled leftist arabs and entitled leftist european white people is just that. colonizer recognizes colonizer.
fun fact my friend: they ARE pro hamas. the black non jews who said osama was right are too lmao. you had the right instinct!!
and the thing is: we warned non arab people about this, especially black non jews, and they didnt care or listen. (i am pointing out leftist black non jews btw, we do have a lot of amazing allies). the antisemitism and history of colonization of other groups didnt matter to them. the prejudice matters now that it’s effecting them directly.
it’s been clear for years now, YEARS, that jews do not matter to ultra leftist black goyim. we are not human to them—we are scapegoats for their problems. the group they can shit on and exclude, which is why we are not included in dei or ethnic studies. but they expect our allyship and unquestioning support. they erase our history, gaslight us, and side with oppressors, but cannot be called out.
idk, the entitlement is truly something. it’s a lot.
at this point, i think “white saviorism” is ingrained in most americans no matter their background. it’s more like “american saviorism” tbh. the american desire to infantilize and step in is strong lol. and it needs to be talked about and worked through by every american no matter their skin color. this american entitlement is also why people view conflicts outside of america through an american lens. it’s a problem in so many ways.
and one of the reasons the ultra left hates israel is because we don’t fit into this narrative anymore. the left actually liked israel until the yom kippur war. once we kept winning and didn’t need to be saved, we were dropped.
also leftist black non jews (and arabs) are attacking pro palestine jews rn and accusing them of theft and shit on other platforms. i’ll try to do some kind of update at some point. it’s been a whole entire mess.
(i want to add as well: many leftist arabs and pro palestine folks are blaming jews for this unrest too lmao that THEY caused. typical)
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fdelopera · 11 months
Yo Gentiles! Stop trying to goysplain the history of the I/P conflict at us Jews.
We have studied this conflict extensively, and often for years, because we've had to. Because even when we are Jews in diaspora who have never returned to the Levant and never plan to, the antisemitism that this conflict generates still puts us in danger. And as many of you who are paying attention have witnessed, there has been a drastic world-wide rise in antisemitism over the past month.
When you try to "teach" us about it, especially when MOST of you are using talking points that were developed by Neo-Nazis and the KKK, all you are showing us is that you are lazy, patronizing antisemites.
If you actually want to HELP the Palestinians in this conflict (and I think that some of you do), you need to accept that the following 10 things are true:
We Jews most likely know more about the history of this conflict than you do. We have had to study it in all of its nuance, in all of its painful detail, in order to understand the broader Jewish world. We have to understand the broader Jewish world to decode how Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer and David Duke are using the I/P conflict to coordinate attacks on Jews in diaspora.
We Jews have to know about the I/P conflict for our own safety. But many of you gentiles are learning about it for the first time. And instead of understanding how complex the conflict is, you are turning it into a wargame fantasy where you get to playact as a freedom fighter in La Glorious Revolution. Then you coordinate social media attacks against Jews online, and you go out and attack Jews in person, and you harass us until our mental health crumbles. Great job, goys! Great. Fucking. Job.
You are goysplaining Jewish history at us. Stop trying to tell us a bunch of propaganda that you learned from TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr memes. It just shows us that you're lazy, and that you've got a lot of Jew-hatred that you need to unpack.
When we tell you that you're wrong, listen to what we have to say. Don't talk over us. Use this as an opportunity to do further research. Otherwise you're just behaving like some Fox News obsessed Boomer raging on about election fraud and vaccines.
The Palestinian people need our help, but you are making a TERRIBLE case for helping them when you base your arguments for helping them on shitty propaganda you learned on TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr.
Let me say this again: Your bullshit propaganda DOES NOT HELP THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, and it is easily debunked by just a few Wikipedia deep-dives.
When you spread this propaganda, you sound like the idiots on Fox News that knowingly spread conspiracy theories about Covid. Not only is the bullshit you're repeating easily proven wrong, but you're just showing yourself to be untrustworthy at best ... and at worst, a bunch of opportunistic liars.
When you regurgitate propaganda at us Jews, all you are telling us is that you don't give enough of a shit about the Palestinian people to do ANY research into the history of this conflict, other than looking at some infographics and memes.
You are making us Jews VERY wary and skeptical of you, because most of the "information" you've learned from TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr is influenced by Neo-Nazi and KKK propaganda, and you are being useful idiots for white supremacists.
Again, repeating fake shit about this conflict DOES NOT HELP the Palestinian people. It just makes Jews distrust you. And it makes us SCARED to get involved in this movement. Because we are NOT going to march side-by-side with goyim that are spreading dangerous antisemitic lies about Jewish history and Jewish people.
Because Palestinians are dying!
So stop trying to tell Jews made up stories about our history.
LISTEN TO JEWISH VOICES ABOUT JEWISH HISTORY. (And DON'T listen to JVP, for fucks sake. Learn more here.)
Accept that we know more about the history of the I/P conflict than you do.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
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ablednt · 4 months
"You can't remove Jewish people from Israel because they're not safe anywhere else"
1. Returning sovereignty to Palestine does not equal expelling everyone else, they'd become citizens of Palestine. The idea that restoring sovereignty doesn't equal colonizing the colonizers is a basic concept of the Land Back movement please actually listen to people
2. You can say that being israeli and being Jewish are synonymous as long as you want but it won't erase antizionist Jews OR Palestinian Jews
3. Imagine thinking Israel is safe for Jewish people like. The whole reason y'all are so loud about october 7th is because it shattered the illusion that Israel is a safe place except instead of considering that a nation that actively and violently displaces people is generating that hostility itself you blame the evil brown people for wanting their homes back
4. Even if Israel was some magical perfect utopia free of antisemitism, if that comes at the cost of violent oppression of the native people then yeah I don't care the same way I don't care when people in the US are afraid of Land Back movements because "they'll do to us what we did to them". Get the fuck over it. Yk like you've been making them do for decades to centuries.
5. To reiterate here when you say that Israeli occupation must stay in power to protect Jewish people everywhere you are quite literally saying "my safety is more important than Palistinian's" and "my life is worth more than theirs" like it's not doing you any favors
Don't get me wrong the world is a terrifying place especially if you're marginalized, especially if you're Jewish, I am not going to deny that or to minimize the centuries of generational trauma and ongoing oppression that Jewish people face. I don't blame you for wanting to prioritize your own community's safety. I just don't think that your need for safety (especially everyone who's never even been to Israel but needs the Israeli state as a symbol of safety rather than a current reality of it) outweighs Palestinian's needs for safety.
"Being Jewish is traumatizing my friend has trauma over being bombed" that's really awful and I feel for them. I also feel for the thousands of children with amputated limbs because Israel is bombing them. Right now. As I type this.
"Jewish people have been displaced for generations we lost our homes" yes and that's extremely traumatizing, everyone deserves to have a home and to feel truly safe and like they belong there. Millions of Palestinian's who made new homes after their real ones were stollen are now living in tents that are still being bombed and shot at.
It's absolutely not that Jewish people's safety shouldn't be a priority or that it's at all okay to pretend that being Jewish is what gives any Israeli their privileges or to equivalate Jewishness to oppressiveness.
It's not even to say that Israel's existence as a colonial project is uniquely evil or that the US is exempt from that same scrutiny (like all the white americans parroting "the only good colonizer is a dead colonizer" without a hint of self awareness)
It's that a nation built on the blood of another's will never truly be stable or safe for anyone. You can stall the violence but it will return eventually and even the most oppressed people Will Fight Back.
I will add to this to any fellow goyim though that whilst you fight for Palestine you should also be fighting to create safe places and communities for Jewish people where you live. The only way to combat the rhetoric that only Israel is safe (when it never has been and never will be) is to prove that there's safety and community to be found elsewhere.
It's important to listen to Jewish people and to take their fears into genuine consideration and act on that. What is never okay is allowing their fears to thrive at the expense of Palestinian lives.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 11 months
I'm going to say something a bit abrasive and insensitive: even in the diaspora, some of us have fixations on Bloodlines that are fucking Weird, especially those of us who have latched onto genetic testing services
yes yes, result of trauma and displacement and conversion and parts of our history blotted out and family history being forgotten through assimilation, many conditions going into it, sure. it is still fucking weird for us to use genetic testing as a way of self-discovery and finding “community”
in the worst cases, it's overtly aligned with the Zionist entity's eugenics/anti-miscegenation policies. how can you be surprised at hostility toward intermarriage and children of intermarriage while embracing Genetic Self-Discovery?
it's fucking weird. whatever your own personal special reasons, it's not really less disturbing to me than when white goyim get into their 23andme viking larp shit. Politically-Applied Biology But Making It Jewish
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party-gilmore · 11 months
TL;DR - if you’re trying to use chanukah this year for zionist propaganda as either a:
goy who’s trying to use it as an excuse to ramp up your antisemitism, or
zionist who’s trying to use it as an excuse to ramp up anti-Palestinian sentiment, or
that lovely combination of BOTH we see from christian fundies/evangelists
then I wish you a very happy GET FUCKED.
I still truly can not wrap my head around how people are taking -
“Jewish holiday remembering a fight back against an occupying force for the right to continue living our lives on our own land and continue the religious observances intrinsically linked with our culture, meant not to glorify the violence but to celebrate the refusal to give up and give in even under threat of death”
- and go forth in thinking that the moral of said story is NOT to support Palestine trying to do the same damn thing.
Chanukah still will be joyous for me. It still stands as a bright reminder of jewish resilience and perseverance the fight for our own liberation. But for me it will also be a reminder of vigilance, and the Never Again that we promised after the Shoah - that ANY of the trials we were put through, genocide or occupation or slavery - should never again be visited on another people.
No matter what a group of radicals within them might say or do.
It should be a rally and a reminder not just of our own fight against antisemitism but also to support others in theirs, to CONTINUE coming out around the fucking world to stand in open defense and support of Palestinian liberation and to KEEP trying to stop anyone from putting another people through what we’ve gone through. ESPECIALLY Israel.
Even a half-assed attempt at a good faith reading should understand that the moral of chanukah is in no way, shape, or form to justify the State of Israel’s actions, or that it’s somehow intrinsically a “zionist” holiday. Its literally memorializing a battle AGAINST assimilation and occupation and oppression and massacres.
And anyone who’s not a complete and utter fucking twat is going to recognize that that should translate into supporting Palestine as they face the same exact fight - but at an EXPONENTIALLY increased threat. The kind of power being leveled against them right now boggles the fucking mind. In no way am I trying to diminish what Jews in that era faced but. Bombs, white phosphorous, that kind of DIRECT control over modern resources such as medicine and electricity we’ve come to rely on. UNFATHOMABLE to those days.
And ABOVE all that. I can not fucking stand for EITHER 1) goyim using chanukah as “proof of inherent jewish zionism” to ramp up their antisemitism around the holiday, OR the other end of that equation, 2) radical zionist Jews literally fucking like “if you aren’t zionist i better not see you even fucking TOUCHING chanukah this year” WHICH!!!! i CAN NOT BELIEVE I HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!!!!
HOW DO YOU MISS THE POINT OF “this week we celebrated the time occupying forces tried to purge our culture from the land we are actively living on, or - failing that - purge us, but we didn’t give up and now we remember that we made it through by having a joyous time with our families” THAT FUCKING BADLY???? THAT YOU THINK THE KEY TAKEAWAY THERE IS “getting the land it happened in” INSTEAD OF “surviving as a nation and a people”
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vadvis · 6 months
The fucking thing is the Zionist movement has been allowed to become as cataclysmic as it currently is due to the inability for non Jews (+ really specifically white Americans) to accept that a form of extremism in Judaism can exist. It’s because Jewish suffering is all that goyim are familiar with bc their only exposure to our culture is watching suffering porn documentaries in 8th grade and being told that Jews are sad, pathetic things that need their protection. They can’t understand that extremism would exist within Judaism, as it does in literally any other religious based cultural group, because they view Jewish people and culture as beginning and ending with the holocaust. And then form a savior complex about it. Trying to explain that Zionism is a form of religious extremism and what ashkenazi white nationalism is just does not compute to them. And even if they begin to recognize the fact, they still refuse to speak up about it because they’re too afraid of being labeled antisemitic (bc they are). You can criticize and admonish and completely denounce any other form of religious extremism, but you can’t do it for Zionism because you can’t imagine Jews to be anything but the photos from the holocaust you saw when you were 13. So you side with them because you are so gripped by guilt and savior complexes that you just can’t separate Jewish people from our suffering for even 1 second to recognize different facets of our deeply diverse community as having as many complex problems as any other marginalized group. Of course this is also only fed into by being more readily accepting of any form of extremism as long as it comes from someone who also has white skin. Zionism being anything but universally condemned specifically by people outside of the Jewish community is only allowed to exist the way that it does because of racism and antisemitism. And at the end of it all they’ll still side with zionists because in their minds if they get their way then they can rest easy knowing there won’t be Jewish people around them anymore. That they’ll all go away and colonize some place they’ll never have to see them again. Meanwhile the rest of us who exist outside of the extremism (and especially us who are targeted by that same extremism from our own fucking “community”) are left with symbols of our culture and our ancestors being associated with hatred forever. To fucking grapple with the reality of people who are supposed to be our siblings being complicit in genocide. Idk man I don’t even know how to properly articulate what this shit feels like and how unreal being a pro palestine sephardi feels like. Isolation and heartbreak and disillusionment don’t even begin to cover it. Fucks sake man
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anethara · 10 months
i/p conflict. there is nothing coherent under this read-more. also a slur. and typos probably.
so. when i signed up to take this seminar about israel (ironically, about two weeks before 10/7), i did so thinking, "well, who knows. hopefully i will learn some new stuff and wrestle with this subject i have largely rejected whole cloth on account of annoyance." i expected to meet information i did not like or that made me uncomfortable. that's fine. that should be the drill, really, if you're jewish. "disturb us, Adonai, ruffle us from our complacency; make us dissatisfied" etc etc. and do you know what? it has changed my mind about some things - although, probably not the way the hartman institute imagined it would (the curriculum is a decade old). i'm not going to get into all that right now though.
no, i want to kvetch about something else that has happened in this class. i need to bitch and moan about the fact that almost no one else in the class seems to have come to the table with the same attitude. and i wonder: what the hell did you think we were going to discuss? we're talking about the challenge we face as reform jews in grappling with the israeli government's abject ideological failures. the whole program exists to resuscitate a conversation that had basically been abandoned by millennial jews because if our jewishness is in part defined by a commitment to social justice, we cannot feasibly support a state that flagrantly flouts those principles! so most of us threw our hands up on the subject of israel, and especially us american jewry - we said 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
when all of this really popped off and suddenly every gentile could identify israel on a map, i was disgusted to realize something i've heard from basically every other jew ever, especially older folks: we will never really be assimilated, not truly. you're not nearly as american as you are jewish. this was logical knowledge, but until i experienced the ensuing tire spike of leftist antisemitism, it wasn't practical knowledge. it was like saying "yeah yeah i know how velocity works" and then getting into a neck-breaking car crash. because of this reaction, i did what a lot of us have done for the last few months: i retreated. i retreated because there has been no escape. in an age of surveillance normalcy and clickbait news, i cannot avoid incendiary headlines; goyim i haven't spoken to in months have flocked to my dm's (or invited me to dinner! without warning!) to ask me about my opinion on the war - a handful of these inquiries have been well-intentioned, if clumsy good-faith attempts, but most of them have the putrid aftertaste of "are you a good jew, or a bad jew?" lingering on them. even my beloved blue hellsite is not safe for me. and believe me, i have gotten very good at curating my dash over the years, but you people have found a way to fucking blast me with some of the most rancid, white supremacist tinfoil hat shit i've ever seen out in broad daylight, so to speak. i cannot tell you how many times in the last few months i've seen mutuals reblog something that made me think, damn just call me a kike and move on it will be better for both of us. so yeah, i've retreated. my non-jewish social circle shrunk exponentially within a matter of days. something i've had to repeat a lot is "i will have this conversation with other jews but i'm done having it with gentiles."
and now. and now. i cannot have this conversation with other jews!!!! at least, almost none who i see and interact with regularly. overnight, three fourths of my reform congregation turned to populist, nationalist rhetoric. people who months ago were championing reproductive freedom are now saying alarming things about the "duty" of jewish women to produce, and this is verbatim, "lots and lots of jewish babies!" today, in class, i had to fucking hand-hold someone through a reality check about the fact that hamas was not democratically elected so much as """democratically elected""" (read: at gunpoint) and you could see the gears turning, you could almost physically watch as this woman realized that if what i was telling her was true (which rabbi corroborated), that would logically terminate her justifications for violence against palestinians. "i just feel like if you support israel's military actions, there's no space for you in this conversation," she said, referring to the class. never mind that every fucking week we get derailed and the thing devolves into arguing about philosophical potholes and logical fallacies (which would be fine on saturday morning but this subject begs a slightly different tone imo). all we fucking do is hear out the pro-bibi spiel like patient parents and then gently try to offer facts and information only to be told we aren't 'making space' for the opinion that 'war crimes acceptable actually.'
anyway, all this to say that i am feeling deeply isolated and lonely right now. i don't want to talk to my remaining gentile friends about this. i can't talk with other jews about this, apparently. i haven't attended services in months (i'm usually there every week, fri-sun). i've been showing up to class via zoom (which i hate) so that i don't throw hands.
i gave rabbi a ride home the other night. she asked me, in the most earnest voice i have ever heard from another human being, "so. how are you doing?"
i do not know what compelled me to reveal this, especially to someone i have not had the easiest relationship with, but i said, "i'm sad. i'm lonely." she nodded. "hanukkah sucks this year. everyone who has ever conveniently forgotten about the maccabees for the last several decades - everyone who has celebrated a sanitized festival of lights so that we could compete with the christian slice of the hallmark card market - is suddenly trotting out the story of the revolt." she was still nodding. "and now, they've all gone and conveniently forgotten about how the hasmonean dynasty ended."
she seemed to chew on this for a moment. i like that about her. then she said, "if they ever even know about that part to begin with."
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noveldivergence · 9 months
Hi @noveldivergence! I'd love to know more about your project, Organized Hate in the Social Media. What drew you to this subject? What is your take on the issue? Have you discovered anything surprising in your research? Thank you!
Oh thank you so so much for this ask!
From the moment I got on my current career path, I've been bothering my superiors up the food chain to work on this project (as well as a project on the rise of cult indoctrination....still working on that).
Late 2023, I was finally allowed to bgein work on Organized Hate in the Social Media Age, a collection of articles that will eventually make a complete and complex modern reference guide for local and federal law enforcement; local, state and federal politicians; and approved academic institutions. The goal is to educate people on the rise of contemporary hate groups flourishing via use of mainstream and niche social media.
My personal take on the issue, which is supported by research and my department directors in the intelligence office I work for, is that social media has created a way for hate to organize and recruit more effectively and efficiently than ever before in history. I'm still diving into more of the roots of the issue as it began as early as the first days of the internet opening to the public.
Thus far, the reference guide has an introduction, a chapter on a recent antisemitic hate group known as The Goyim Defense League, a chapter on the use of deep web and niche far-right social media platforms to organize and destabilize the United States power grid through domestic terror, and a currently unfinished chapter on Patriot Front. When complete, it will be both a history text and a reference guide, much like other publications I've worked on in my time at the agency, but by far the one that I actually find the most worthwhile the put time and effort into.
It drew me as a project because I grew up in a fundamentalist evangelical household and sect, and while the group has always been radical, seeing how it's radicalized even further right since I "woke up" and left the sect over a decade ago has been terrifying on a deeply personal level.
It was a fight to get it approved. There is an acknowledgment that right-wing terror is an issue. You cannot deny the statistics of it. There IS an intense hemhawing about actually putting something like this out for our distribution audience because, as you might guess, it's a well known fact that a lot of law enforcement on a local level especially are affiliated with rightwring terror, either implicitly or complicitly. I don't even mean "oh, of course, police brutality inherently supports these causes", I mean there are cops with Nazi affiliations, there are cops with white supremacist street gang affiliations, there are even outlaw motorcycle gangs made up almost exclusively of white veterans and active police force.
Fuck them and everyone who upholds them! The information needs to exist and it needs to be in people's hands.
The most suprising information I have uncovered thus far was unintentional skjgdhlfg I accidentally uncovered that a relative of a relative was running an active neo Nazi fight club out of his business and got the property investigated. I'm not allowed as of yet to know what happened, as they do not want anyone knowing it was me, but it busted them up and got them identified on the state news. It was well known they were affiliated with hate, so it wasn't anything anyone in the family was unprepared for (not that I'd've cared it it was, anyone who supports the bastard can rot), but still very nervewracking, and I still kiiiinda fear retaliation if it gets out ^^;
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I am so fucking tired of being mistreated and walked over. In order to be walked upon, you must be lying down. and I'm done lying down.
I am only starting to speak up about these kinds of grievances of mine in recent years because they have brought so much pain for the last 15 years. I have had former classmates tell me I didn't face racism growing up, or that I dealt with bullying. I have had others tell me I have nothing to fear on campus. A tall, white, straight man telling me, a queer jewish asian, that I shouldn't be at the very least worried is rich. I have traveled to more than 25 countries and to all four hemispheres, I think I can talk about where and where I don't feel safe. And right now I have felt safer walking through Istanbul at night than walking around my own city. And this is fully due to the rise in antisemitism. and the lack of support from goyim I have seen for the women who were raped and assaulted on 10/7.
I don't talk about being sexually assaulted and harassed for 6 years by one of my classmates because I have a friend who tells me people should have been nicer to my assaulter. This person also follows my main account, which is part of the reason I created this side blog. I don't want people who know me to see these posts. It's easier talking about deep trauma in front of strangers than people I have known for 16 years.
I am terrified that I will run into him one day. I cry about it at night. I hope that 10 plus years has changed my physical appearance enough to go unnoticed. I think one of the scariest realizations was that he still remembered me in high school, because one of his classmates went to my dojo. And she told me I was still on his list. It terrifies me that I could still be on his mind. I have blocked his family members on social media, because his grandmother and my mom are Facebook friends. Which means he could know what I look like now.
I never express this fear out loud because people around me see me as a strong person, which then makes it hard for me to break down around them. I am the strong person my friends go to for support, but I feel like I would crush them under the weigh of my problems. I mention it in passing sometimes, but I never get into the details. because it scares me to vocalize it.
I have trained in karate and Brazilian Jiu jitsu for 10 years. It took me two years before I was comfortable rolling (bjj version of sparring and training) with male students in full uniform. It took until my 7th year training to be comfortable wearing leggings and rash guard to class. I would wear gi pants and a rash guard, because the thought of men touching my legs with their hands makes my skin crawl. But once the pandemic came around, it was no longer practical to wear gi pants and cheaper to wear leggings. And even though I am one of the highest ranked women at my dojo, I still don't feel comfortable in male dominated classes, especially when I am wearing just leggings and a rash guard. In karate, it took me a few years before I was comfortable wearing just my bra under my gi. because I was worried how it appeared to men on the floor.
I have never been super comfortable wearing revealing clothing, but I have been slowly reclaiming those clothes. And I am slowly trying to overcome this trauma. I spent a good amount of time this summer not wearing a shirt because it was so fucking hot in Portugal (and I only brought seven shirts with me: 3 work shirts, 3 day trip shirts, 1 sleeping shirt). And for the first two weeks, I was living with three men and two women. It scared me at first, but I decided that if I am used to changing around women, and wearing skin tight clothing while grappling, I could wear my bra and biking shorts in my own living space. So I did. and it felt great.
I will keep talking about these events, partially because it makes me less afraid and partially because every time I tell a story, the easier it gets. Maybe one day I will be able to say some of the things in this post out loud. for now I will keep taking small steps
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