#if you think pinning catra is bad then oh boy
parts-of-spop · 3 years
Street racer AU in which Catra is rivals with Adora when they were once partners and then she messes up bad... real bad Part 1/?
“Hey, Wildcat?”
She fights the instinctive urge to hiss at the nickname.
Let it slide. She’s your friend. Don’t be a dick. Be better.
“Yeah, Scorp?” She replies, tugging on her leather, fingerless driving gloves and flexing her hands. It’s comfortable, the sensation as familiar as wearing a second skin.
“Er… Adora’s here.”
That gets her attention but she tries not to let it show; tail lashing only once before she tells it to still and she feigns a casual air.
“And?” She drawls lazily and Scorpia clears her throat.
“She er… well gosh er… not to like… be rude here but erm… she looks downright awful.”
Slowly, retaining her mask of indifference, she turns her head to her friend then follows her worried face towards where the princess herself is stood between tweedled dumb and tweedled dumber.
Holy fuck she looks like shit.
And she cut her hair?
It’s short now. Butch. A messy pixie cut around her ears. It kind of suits her.
What does not suit her is the dark circles around her eyes and the pink risen scar marring her left eyebrow down to her cheekbone.
She looks almost like a different person.
Catra feels herself squirm as she squints harder at the wound.
It appears Arrow and Glitter are somewhat chewing her out; lots of hand waving and Adora is fidgeting with the cuffs of her gloves, tired eyes flickering from one person to the other.
Then she mumbles something, shrugs dismissively and walks away without a backwards glance.
Glitter’s ensuing stomping and flailing in frustrated rage would be funny if Catra could take the time to appreciate it but it’s a bit hard to tear her eyes from Adora’s slumped form.
Thus, she isn’t looking when the sparkly ball of indignation comes stomping across the tarmac towards her, Arrow boy trailing after her helplessly.
“Hey, you!”
Her ear flickers towards the shout and she finally tears her eyes from her ex-best friend to raise a brow at the fuming girl in front of her.
She looks downright murderous.
Or about as murderous as someone who is 5’2 can look.
Her hands are clenched in trembling fists and Arrow boy looks like he desperately wants to grab her and pull her away but is far too scared to.
“What’s got your panties in a twist, Sparkles?” Catra asks dryly and if possible, the girl gets redder.
“Look… I don’t know what your problem is with Adora… but if you ever land her in hospital again then I’m going to personally throttle you to death.”
… Wait… What?
“What the hell are you talking about?” Catra questions, confused and Sparkles huffs back at her.
“How stupid do you think we are? You don’t really think we didn’t know you’d been tailing Adora for weeks? Did you think you were really that slick and clever? I’d bet you knew her schedule better than even we did,” She spits venomously.
Catra’s tail flicks behind her.
“Gotta know the enemy, don’t you?” She says smoothly and Sparkles abruptly loses the heat of her anger and her hands go slack at her sides.
She exhales slowly.
Instead, her face twists into pure and total disgusted hatred.
“Y’know… Adora kept saying to us that you were her best friend… but that can’t be right. She has to have been mistaken,” She says coolly and Catra almost flinches, stomach twisting.
“Glimmer…” Arrow boy whispers pleadingly.
But she’s not stopping and she’s pinning Catra with a look so icy that it freezes her in place.
“Because you told Prime what Adora was doing every second of the day and because of you he knew exactly when she’d be alone and defenceless…” … Oh no. “He knew exactly where to send his goons…” No. “And let me tell you, Catra… hearing one of my best friends being beaten and stabbed to death over a phone line isn’t very fun.”
Catra’s never felt this sick in her entire life.
And she can do nothing as Glimmer steps close to her, eyes seething with pure loathing and she presses a finger into the centre of Catra’s chest.
“You almost got her killed… If not for that phone call… Adora would be dead because of you,” She spits venomously. She jabs the finger into Catra hard and she stumbles back a pace. “So stay the fuck away from her, Catra. We know what you did. Adora knows what you did… So stay behind the wheel and out our way because if you dare hurt Adora again, it’ll be the last mistake you’ll ever make…”
Then she steps backwards and narrows her eyes in a glare.
“… So… you’ve finally got nothing to say now? No snarky remark... Aren’t you happy?” She says grimly and Catra is mute, ears pinned flat against her head and heart thundering in her chest. “You finally did it, Catra… You’ve actually fucked up Adora… and she knows it…” Her face twists into a cold sneer. “I really really hope you’re proud of yourself…” She adds in a spite-filled hiss before turning and walking away, gently brushing past Bow and he stands, fumbling for a moment like he wants to apologise or say something.
But then he looks at Catra and his eyes turn steely, his brow knitting in a hard line.
He closes his mouth.
His jaw clenches.
And he leaves without a word.
The silence that follows is deafening.
Catra can’t hear it through the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears.
Adora nearly-…
Adora almost-…
Holy fuck… What’ve I done?
“Wildcat?” Scorpia murmurs tentatively.
It snaps her back to reality and in moments, she’s scrambling to the nearest bush and heaving into it, throwing up breakfast and bile through tears that aren’t all from the vomiting.
I nearly got Adora killed.
Another heave.
Adora could’ve died… scared and bleeding on the phone to her friend.
“Easy there. I gotcha,” Scorpia says soothingly, her claw against her back, rubbing in circles.
It takes a long time for the retching to stop and Catra suspects it’s more due to there being nothing left to throw up.
She spits out the lingering vile taste and quietly accepts the tissue Scorpia is offering her so she can at least make an attempt to clean herself up.
Her tears have painted her fur flat against her cheeks but she’s so miserable and sickened with herself that she doesn’t care like she usually would.
This is the single greatest fuck up of her entire fuck up of a life.
She tosses the tissue to the floor and Scorpia doesn’t comment on her littering like she ordinarily might.
Then she buries her face in her hands and the comforting smell of leather pulls her back to the ground steadily. Breathe deep. Nice and steady like Perfuma taught you.
Several minutes later, she lifts her head and exhales shakily.
“You okay, Wildcat?” Scorpia asks gently and she wants to cry again.
“I didn’t… I didn’t mean for Adora to… to get hurt. I wouldn’t…” She trails off helplessly, closing her eyes with an unsteady sigh. “Never mind… Let’s just go race.”
“We could leave? Are you up to it?” Scorpia suggests and Catra huffs.
“No but we can’t leave. Weaver would have our asses if we did… Let’s get it over with.”
That’s easier said than done.
Because safe to say, Catra is well off her game.
And it starts before the race even begins…
Because by sheer god awful luck, her suped-up Camaro is directed to slide in beside Adora’s familiar white and gold Mustang and that allows Catra to get really up close and assess the damage.
Which really doesn’t help the guilt and shame she’s feeling because she looks even worse up close.
She looks like a corpse.
And their windows are wound down so they can have any last minute check-ins with their teammates and Catra’s ears are sharp enough that she can hear Adora’s breaths come uneven.
She’s in pain.
The clammy sweat on her face confirms it.
“Not so pretty these days, am I?”
Catra jumps at the sudden words and realises Adora is talking to her, her voice flat and empty.
She’s never sounded so blank.
She doesn’t turn her head from the road ahead, hands flexing around her steering wheel.
“I…” Catra chokes uselessly and then eyes that should be a warm blue flicker sideways to glance at her.
There’s nothing in that look… just cool lifelessness.
“... You’ve finally won, Catra. That’s all there is to it,” Adora states, in that same unfamiliar tone.
Then her hand lowers to her door and the window slides up between them.
Catra gapes helplessly at the side of her face but Adora ignores her, staring ahead and setting her jaw.
Catra slumps back into her own seat, eyes stinging with tears.
… This doesn’t feel like winning. This feels like losing the biggest game of all time.
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Library Escapades
@more-fandon-than-friends and @unring-this-bell Summery: Remus wants to ask Virgil out, but then things happen...
Ships: Dukexiety, Moceit, Logince, CriticxRemyxEmile
Warning: misunderstandings, teasing, pinning, cursing, getting kicked out of a library
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
(Based off an incorrect quote by @crowsmadreadful)
*thank you to @kawaiikat54 for helping me with ideas!*
Just the same as every high school, Sanders High has cliques. And there are subcategories within those cliques.
There are the Lights, consisting of:
Roman Royal, the  dramatic theater jock.
Patton Hart, the pastel student council president that’s on the homecoming court.
Logan Cortex, the professional president of the debate team and Valedictorian.
And Virgil Storm, the emo who has won awards for his art.
There are the Neutrals, consisting of:
Remy Sommeil, coffee obsessed sassy boi.
Emile Picani, cartoon crazed confidant and friendly advice giver.
Critic Judge, fashion guru, a real life Edna Mode.
Then there are the Darks, consisting of:
Janus Deceit, self care fanatic and dress up day king.
Remus Royal, resident bad boy and has gotten his creative writings paired with Virgil’s art on various occasions.
Now these are just three cliques, but they are the most popular. Everybody know knows everyone, they are all friend, and many of them are even dating.
Roman and Logan are the couple that either everyone is surprised about, or already assumes are together.
Remy, Critic, and Emile are the couple that are never apart, and looks wrong when one is alone.
Janus and Patton are the couple that confused the most people, but flirt and are adorable so that everyone immediately ships it.
Then there is Remus and Virgil... the otp that isn’t. Yet.
For you see, Virgil used to be in the Dark clique, but started getting awards for his art and subsequently started hanging out with the Lights.
He still hangs out with the Darks, but he was just looped in with the Lights and never left.
Remus has been pining after Virgil basically since elementary, when he read his version of Cinderella out loud, and Virgil gave him a drawing he made based off the story.
Remus still has that drawing.
Janus, of course, teases him about his crush constantly. Especially when Virgil is just out of earshot.
“Oh, common Remus. I’m sure if you ignore your feelings and just pin forever, Virgil will eventually notice and beg to be with you.” Janus said as Remus’s eyes followed Virgil’s form to the front of the library.
Remus whips around and has a hopeful look on his face. “Really?”
Janus face palms and Patton sits on his boyfriends lap, whacking him playfully.
“Now now Snakey, be nice! And Remus, the only way Virgil will know you like him is if you tell him.”
Logan, who took a seat by Remus in the middle of Patton’s advice, decided to speak up.
“Yes, because he is the only one who has missed all of your advances, he is quite a, what’s the word...”
“OBLIVIOUS GAY!” Roman shouted, then kissing Logan on the cheek and getting shushed by the librarian.
“I was summoned?” Remy question, with Critic and Emile shaking their heads fondly at him. Once they were seated, the only spot left was a seat next to Remus.
The groups did this at every library hangout/study session, and neither person has yet to catch on.
Emile, turning the conversation back to Remus and his gayness, said, “Remus, why don’t you what Catra did in the finale of She-Ra, and profess you love!”
“Yes,” Critic continued, “and make sure to do the kiss as well, because I for one would love to see Virgil start glowing rainbow.”
Everyone laughed, and Remus started thinking about what it would be like to actually ask Virgil to be his boyfriend. ‘How would I even ask?’
Remus watched as Virgil took a seat next to him. ‘I could simply say-‘
“Hey Remus. Will you go out with me?”
Remus turned to Virgil and flinched. Virgil looked completely heartbroken, and then...
“Fuck! I didn’t me to say that out loud!”
Virgil was confused by Remus’s outburst, but everyone else was trying not to ruin the moment with laughter.
“What?” Virgil asked, still looking hurt.
Remus took a minute to compute what just happened, and then blanched.
“Oh my god.”
“YOU asked ME that?” Remus questioned, pointing to himself the Virgil.
Not being able to take it anymore, the entire table but Remus and Virgil erupted into laughter. They were only able to control themselves after the librarian threatened to kick them out.
“I’m so confused.”
“Well babes, what happened was-“
“Remus has liked you forever kiddo!”
“Yes! And he didn’t think you wanted him to be your knight it shining armor!”
“So I totally told him how much of a hopeless case you were and how you would never go out with him.”
“Roman gave me a new slang word to study.”
“And I told Remus to confess his love like Catra!”
“And I told him to kiss you like Catra.”
Virgil looked around the table at all his friends then looked at his crush. “So... you like me? Is that a-“
Before Virgil could even finish his question, Remus surged forwards and kissed him.
The entire table cheered, Janus got handed $20 and Logan got handed $15.
They did get kick out this time, but Remus couldn’t find it in himself to care, because now he has a boyfriend!
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randommusicalfluff · 4 years
Hcs on Catadora?
• Catra is a huge ler
• Like, she doesn't mind being a lee, but boy does she love wrecking the hell out of people
• Particularly Adora
• Well, when she figures out what it is that js
• I like to think that the best friend squad ambushed her one day and she was never the same.
• She was on her toes the whole rest of that week, before she considered revenge.
• Catra knew for a fact that Adora had to be ticklish, look at that nerd. So of course she goes ahead and to no one's surprise, she's ticklish!
• And that's when the war started.
• Everyday since then they've been going back and forth scaring the hell out of each other and then taking that chance to wreck them.
• So far Catra is winning, but only because she's a little less ticklish than Adora. Not because Adora gives in after a while, psshh, no that's lee behavior
• Which is exactly why her girlf teases her to the moon and back about it.
• Oh ho ho, but don't assume Adora isn't an amazing ler.
• My girl is strong and she can easily pin Catra down in seconds.
• Her favorite method of tickling though is getting to brush Catra's fur. Because Catra is deathly ticklish around her stomach and sides, so when her girlf needs a bit of grooming and she's being stubborn.
• You better bet that brush becomes a million times more tickly than before!
• Adora just barely has to bring the brush into sigh before Catra hightails it out of the room
•On the flip side, Catra loves and I mean loves tickling Adora with nibbles. Her fangs definitely come in handy in that regard.
•Her claws are also feared among the princess alliance, after witnessing She Ra be completely obliterated by a few scritches under her arms.
•Catra loves how everyone cowers when they know she's in a bad ler mood, because she's target anyone or everyone.
•"You better sacrifice someone quick or else I'll come in and you're all toast!"
• *Cue loud screaming*
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cruelfeline · 5 years
I’ve probably written about this before in some fashion, but good luck to me finding it in my got-dang Hordak tag. And I’m not sure if I addressed it specifically. And I have time and energy and the desire to bleat. So here we go. This goes out to all the antis out there who seem to have significant trouble understanding this concept. And to the rest of you who might be curious.
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So: why didn’t Hordak, upon arriving on Etheria, simply stop with the destruction and the conquest and just settle into being a Good Boy? If he truly were capable of being a good person, he’d have done that, right? The fact that he made a new Horde and tried to take over Etheria proves that he is, at his core, an incorrigible imperial warlord with no hope of ever just being a normal person, yes?
Y’all know me by now: my answer to all of this is no, him doing what he did on Etheria doesn’t condemn him to Pure Evil Status forever. First, two factors that affect Hordak on a more “baseline” level:
1. The Clone Thing. Go read that. Oh, and also go read more about it. To give a general idea: being a clone, rather than a regular, independently born person, completely changes what Hordak understands to be good and bad. It alters how easily he is able to lead a new life. It alters what he understands life and its purpose to be. It alters what he sees as possible for himself.
2. The Morality Thing. Briefly put: what you and I understand as moral and ethical and good is not a universal constant. It is heavily dependent on our life-long socialization in our respective human societies. What is terrible for us may not be terrible for a non-human. This obviously alters what does and doesn’t seem like appropriate behavior to Hordak. 
By themselves, the two above factors can answer why Hordak tries to conquer Etheria without necessarily labeling him as “hopelessly monstrous.” But I think the more nuanced, certainly more human aspect of the answer lies in another question: why doesn’t Catra stay in the Crimson Wastes with Scorpia?
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I mean, look at her: she was happy, right? So why leave?
If you can answer this question, you can essentially pin down the personal reasons behind Hordak trying to conquer Etheria.
Catra elects to return to the Horde not because she’s super into subjugating the populace and ruling the world, but because in her mindset, in the mentality that trauma and emotional dependence and abuse have cultivated, she needs to rise in the Horde in order to be okay. Or, at least, she thinks she needs to, which is pragmatically the same thing at this point in her story. 
Staying in the Crimson Wastes, ruling a wasteland gang, hanging out with Scorpia: none of these things fill the hole she has in her. None of these things conform to the ruleset governing what success and happiness mean to her.
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In her world, happiness and comfort and security come from winning against Adora and proving herself to Shadow Weaver. Her actions are bad and reflect extremely poor decision making, but they come from a place of deep pain and are shaped by an understanding of the world created by her own awful past. They don’t mean that she’s a horrible, evil person at her core: they mean that she’s emotionally sick. They also don’t mean that she can’t rise above this mindset, but it is markedly difficult to do so. Choosing to “be a good person” is not as simple as it sounds. We’d all like it to be, but it’s just not. Especially not with all of the baggage attached.
Turning back to Hordak, the situation is the same. It’s easy for us to say “just be a nice person and build a new life on Etheria and stop being an imperial dick,” but it’s not that simple for him.
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He, too, has a warped worldview shaped by awful trauma and deep emotional pain, alongside clone and alien morality. His understanding of what will bring him security and happiness is tainted by his (possibly literally programmed) emotional ties to his brother/abuser. It’s not a simple matter of “oh, this is how to be good!” when a certain set of life-rules have been programmed/manipulated into you since you popped out of your vitrine, assigned to further your brother’s war. 
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To you and me, it is blatantly obvious that one doesn’t have to conquer a bunch of sovereign nations in order to be branded “worthy of life,” but this is not the case for Hordak. I know this sounds bizarre, because he is a grown man-clone-bat-thing, but it’s true: he needs to be taught, probably multiple times, that he doesn’t need to do this in order to be worthy of existence. Because that’s where he is at, mentally and emotionally: in order to be worthy of life, one needs to conquer for Big Brother.
In short: Hordak doesn’t lead a normal life because he’s just not able to. Not without strong emotional/social support and pretty hefty re-education on what he is and could be. Which he was starting to get from Entrapta until things all went to shit. 
also antis if any of y’all read this and are able to understand Catra’s position while still condemning Hordak then I simply cannot help you you are beyond my reach godspeed
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jacscorner · 4 years
Herding Cats
“If your gut tells you something is a bad idea, then it usually is.”
-Me, promptly before I decide to follow up on my bad idea
So this is a She-Ra fanfic that’s my half of a trade. For some ungodly reason, I figured I’d share it here. I mean, it’s my corner, so why not?
Well, mostly cause I think the She-Ra community here hates me.
So yeah, if my long-ass warning didn’t make it clear, this isn’t a ‘for all audience’ fic. Below is a sp anko fic. So, you know, if you’re NOT into that, then don’t read. If you ARE into it, however, then have fun. :V
The weight of the crown was ever heavy. Princess-er-Queen Glimmer had thought that with the war over and The Hoard no longer a threat to Etheria or the universe as a whole, she thought that her duties wouldn't be so numerous. Boy, was she wrong. After all, the aftermath of the war was left at her feet now. And, as the Queen of Brightmoon, eyes fell upon her. Not only that, but her various friends were across Etheria doing damage control, helping with repairs, and taking out any lingering Hoard Bots or dismantling any Hoard Outposts that didn't get the memo.
"Done." Glimmer sighed as she pushed her pen aside and put her head down on the table. She gave a low groan; with another round of paperwork done, Glimmer just wanted to close her eyes. For just a few minutes, she wanted to close her eyes, go to sleep, and take a nice, long break and not have to worry about papers or policies for a few minutes.
"GAH!" Glimmer jumped out of her seat as a loud horn blared in her ears. She shot out of her chair, magic engulfing her fists. "Who?! What?! Where?!" Through the ringing of her ears, Glimmer could hear the faint sound of laughter. She powered down, letting loose an annoyed groan as she knew who was laughing.
"You're not funny, Catra." With Adora going to the Crimson Wastes to help Huntara establish a proper government for the inhabitants, rather than the lawless, dog-eat-dog dessert. Naturally, Adora felt that letting Catra come with would complicate matters. Diplomacy wasn't a strong suit for Catra.
Glimmer groaned as she glanced up on the ceiling. As expected, Catra was hanging from the ceiling, one hand holding a noise maker with her other limbs clinging to the ceiling. "And I told you to stop climbing the walls. Especially in my workroom."
"Oh calm down, Sparkles." Catra rolled her eyes, dropping down from the ceiling and nimbly landing on her feet, much like a cat. "You're just angry that I caught you sleeping on the job."
"I wasn't sleeping on the job." Glimmer glared, "I was taking a break. I've been working since dawn." Glimmer said to her defense before looking out the window. "Oh man, and it's almost noon by now."
"1:30 actually."
Glimmer's eyes grew wide, "I missed lunch?! Why didn't you come get me?! I told you to call me when lunch was ready!"
"Sorry, I was busy." Catra said with a shrug. Before Glimmer could ask, Catra cut her off. "Lots of good food on that table." Catra watched as Glimmer glared at her. "What? There's still something for you down there."
The Brightmoon Queen took a deep breath as she said, "you know what? Whatever." She knew Catra was just trying to get under her skin, but dammit, it was working. She turned to the door, "I'm going to just take a break and get something in my stomach." Before she reached the door, she heard something that made her heart skip a beat; the sound of paper ruffling.
She turned on her heels and shouted, "Catra, don't you dare!" She saw Catra sitting in her chair, holding one of the many papers in her hand.
"What? I'm not doing anything~" Catra told her. "Jeez, I can't read any of this chicken scratch. Is this cursive?"
"Catra, I'm warning you!" Glimmer teleported in a flash of sparkles and appeared beside her. She tried to grab at the paper, but Catra was quick enough to keep the paper out of her reach, using her sole to keep Glimmer at bay. "Put that down! Now!"
"I'm just checking your work."
"Those are important royal documents, Catra!" Glimmer shouted, "this isn't a game!" Glimmer continued to teleport around to try and get the paper from Catra's hands, but Catra was able to predict each jump from the Princess and kept the paper at bay.
With another reach for the paper, Catra moved from her spot on the chair and jumped onto the table. Her feet landed gracefully, but with her tail's swish to keep balance, it knocked over the stack of papers, sending them flying all over the desk and onto the floor.
Both of them stood still; both equally stunned in what had happened. Catra didn't intend to make this big mess of papers onto the floor, and yet, it happened. The two shared a brief look of shared shock before Glimmer's glare returned with renewed rage.
"Well, I'd better get going!" Catra jumped for the table and headed to the door, making a dash for her escape. But before she could reach the door handle, she felt Glimmer having gotten a hold of her tail with an iron grip. She gave a yelp as the Brightmoon Queen pulled her in with little resistance.
"Oh no you don't, Catra. Get over here!" Glimmer then teleported again, back to the desk. Glimmer then sat herself down on the table before yanking and pulling Catra along. She kept a firm grip on Catra, who flailed and struggled to get her tail free from Glimmer's fist.
"C-come on, Sparkles! It was an accident!" From the awkward position, she tried to kick Glimmer's hand with a leg, but couldn't quite get good leverage. "Ah! Y-you're yanking on my tailbone!" Glimmer then took a seat in her chair as the Queen started to reel Catra in like a fish. "N-now come on, Glimmer. N-no need to do anything hasty!" Catra was very familiar with what was about to happen, but her plea fell on deaf ears as Glimmer pulled Catra close before she was grabbed and set down across the Brightmoon Queen's lap.
Catra gave a worried squeak as Glimmer adjusted the catgirl's position. "H-hang on a second!" She kicked about like crazy to try and escape. "Let go! Let go! I said sorry, didn't I?! I don't want a spanking!" Glimmer, however, had a lot of experience with spankings. Both giving and receiving. She knew how to wrangle in a brat who wouldn't hold still.
Glimmer raised one leg and pinned both of Catra's in one, fell swoop. The pin not only kept Catra from kicking, but also pushed her butt up into the air as Glimmer used one hand to force down Catra's torso by the shoulder. With her squirming effectively squashed, Glimmer raised an open palm into the air with a long, agonizingly slow wind-up.
"YOW!" Catra let out a squeal as Glimmer continued to smack around Catra's butt. They were sporadic and seemed to go at random speeds. Fast smacks to one cheek, then a moderate spread of swats all over her butt, slow spanks on the lower, more sensitive under curves of  her butt. They were seemingly random, but in truth, Glimmer was warming up Catra's butt all over with a long, painful warm up.
"C-come on, Glimmer! I-I'm too old for a spanking!" Catra objected, trying to raise an arm to cover. She couldn't reach, but Glimmer acted on instinct; she grabbed Catra's hand and pinned her arm to her side before she went back to smacking her butt through her tight pants. They did next to nothing for protection, aside from covering her toned butt.
"Oh yeah?" Glimmer's hand began to pick up the pace, smacking one of Catra's cheeks with a flurry of fast-tempo swats. "Too old for a spanking? Well, if that was true, you wouldn't be acting like a little brat." Loud smacks echoed through the room as Glimmer's unforgiving hand smacked across Catra's bottom. She fidgeted and struggled to get away, but Glimmer had a firm grip on her. "Struggling is only gonna make it worse."
"I can't help it!" Catra hissed at her as she tried again to break from her grip. "I-it hurts!"
"Good!" Glimmer shouted, the spanking finally stopping. But Catra knew it wouldn't be for long. "It's supposed to hurt. That's how you learn your lesson." She then grabbed Catra's pants, causing the catgirl to give a stunned gasp.
"D-don't you dare!" She tried to kick again, but her legs were still pinned. She felt Glimmer hook her pants with her thumb and she could feel her bottoms get peeled right off her bum. "G-Glimmer! I mean it! St-stop it!" She shook her hips best she could, but that only aided in Glimmer taking her pants right off and exposing her pink, warm cheeks.
Glimmer was taken aback when she swiftly bared the catgirl's bottom in one fell swoop. "No panties?" She mumbled those words aloud before saying, "are you telling me you've gone without panties all this time, Catra?!" She gave a much harder smack onto the center of her butt. It gave a bit of a bounce, but Catra's booty was fit and well toned. It wasn't as hard as stone, but it would not jiggle and shake with each smack.
"OW!" Catra yelped, she'd be bucking her hips if she wasn't pinned to Glimmer's lap. "Y-yeah? And what's your problem?!" Tears were stinging in the corner of her eyes, lip quivering and her breathing heavy.
The Brightmoon Queen gave a huff as she raised her hand back into the air. Catra looked back with disdain, but then her eyes grew wide as she watched Glimmer's eye glow with her magical power.
"W-wait! What are you doing?!"
"YOWOWOWOW!" Catra gave a long howl as she thrashed about underneath Glimmer's hold. Glimmer was going much slower with her spanks, but they were much harder. Burning, heavy handed blows landed on Catra's cheeks. From left, to right, to left again. Over and over in a continuous loop of hard smacks across her ass, leaving Catra to scream and shout.
"St-stop!" Catra choked out, her tears flowing down her face without any restraint. Catra's free arm clawed at the ground, a desperate attempt to try and crawl away. Glimmer, however, would not let her go anywhere. Catra's butt was helpless as her burning smacks painted her ass a painful shade of cherry red.
"Catra, I'm not gonna put up with this attitude of yours." Glimmer told her, her hand starting to alternating smacks on her seat with smacks on the lower curves of her bottom. They were more sensitive, causing Catra to hiss and wail with each smack. No doubt the next time Catra sit, her weight would fall on these sensitive spots. "And whenever you decide to act like a little brat, I'll turn you right over my lap again."
"Y-you can't do that!" Catra bawled as another smack hit her lower curves. "OW! J-just stop already!"
Glimmer responded with more smacks. She was slow, and her hand felt heavy, but she was starting to pick up more speed. Her hot palm went in a square like pattern: left cheek, right cheek, lower right curve, left curve, back to cheek.  Catra was gasping and sobbing. Her entire body was shaking as the smacks sent shockwaves up her spine. As they picked up, Catra was left overwhelmed as tears began to form puddles on the floor.
"Anything you'd like to say now, Catra?" Glimmer raised her palm again, holding it in midair as she gave Catra a chance to speak through her sniffling.
"N-no." Catra grunted, her body trembling and face soaked with tears. She was greeted with another smack to her lower curves, bringing Catra to screech.
"How about now?"
"J-just let me go!" Catra shouted. "I'm not some kid you-" Catra was cut off by another smack to the same area, bringing another dry shout from the catgirl.
"We're not gonna stop until you're sorry." Glimmer told her as she prepared another spank. "Now then, anything you'd like to say now?"
She could faintly hear Catra mumble something. She no doubt heard a 'sorry', but Glimmer wouldn't accept that.
"I didn't catch that." Glimmer scolded her, "say it right or we keep going, Catra."
Catra shouted, "I-I said 'sorry', okay?! I-I'm sorry, I'll behave! I-I promise!" She was hiccuping and sniffling with every word. Glimmer dispelled the magic in her hand. Glimmer then let go of Catra's hand and unpinned the catgirl's legs. Catra's legs were shaking and she got ready to climb off of the Brightmoon Queen's lap.
Instead, however, Glimmer pulled Catra in closer. Catra's eyes were wide and she got ready to scream again, but was silenced when Glimmer pulled Catra in for a hug. She rested Catra's head in her bosom, one hand stroking her short hair as the other wrapped around her body. She could feel her shaking legs levitate off the floor, no doubt because of some kind of magic spell.
At first, Catra wanted to jump out of Glimmer's hand, but feeling the Brightmoon Queen rub her back and comfort her was an unfamiliar feeling that left Catra stunned. It wasn't bad. It was just different. In fact, this 'different' felt kind of good. This was far from her first spanking, but this warm feeling in her chest-as opposed to the one from her ass-felt much different. Catra couldn't help but lean into Glimmer as her river of tears began to dry.
"Feeling a little better?" Glimmer asked as she gently stroked Catra's hair.
"Y-yes..." Catra mumbled. She'd feel a lot better if she didn't get spanked at all, but Catra was too exhausted to really bring up such a point.
"Good." Glimmer smiled warmly, "because you're grounded."
"For two weeks."
"H-hang on a second!" Catra objected as she pushed off of Glimmer. "Y-you can't just ground me!"
"Sure I can." Glimmer told her, "I'm the Queen and you live in my castle. And bratty kitties who get spanked get grounded."
"B-but that's not fair!" Catra shouted, "a-and I'm not a-"
"Catra." Glimmer's scolding tone stopped Catra in her tracks. It left Catra quietly trembling as she felt Glimmer's eyes burn into her soul. "I'm not gonna tolerate a tantrum. Nor am I gonna keep dealing with your bratty attitude. Unless you want another spanking, you're gonna pull up your pants and go to your room."
"Y-yes ma'am..." Catra mumbled, gingerly pulling her tight pants over her scorching bottom. She hissed as she managed to cover her spanked bottom before she gingerly started out of the room.
Once Catra closed the door behind her, Glimmer gave a low groan, pulling her chair closer to the desk before she slumped over. "Ugh, I sounded like my mom..."
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