#if you want to write books that are decent!!! i don't think that's ableist i think that's just how writing works!!!
wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
i joined writer twitter in an attempt to make some writer friends and learn about the publishing world and y'all it is LITERALLY worse than 2012 tumblr out there. every day i see the WORST takes of my entire life
#someone said ''it's obvious when a writer doesn't read''#and APPARENTLY it is unforgivably ableist to expect people to write books to also read them!!!#like how do you expect to be able to write a form of media you do not consume!!!!!#like i am a proud owner of a broken ass brain i get that it's hard to read consistently but you still have to read SOMETIMES#if you want to write books that are decent!!! i don't think that's ableist i think that's just how writing works!!!#and then someone else was talking about finding comps (similar already published books) & was admittedly a lil snarky about it#but apparently this is every single ism in the entire world!!!#like i think there ARE books out there that don't have obvious comps! the publishing world is very westernized & straight & abled etc.!#but most of the ppl yelling about this are literally writing fairytale retellings Except Now It's Two Princes™!!!#like sweetie please go to your local barnes and noble you will find a hundred books you can use as comps i promise#and then there's a bunch of ppl just straight up ignoring the fact that comps are not supposed to be 100% like ur novel!!!#like. you can compare one element! oh both mcs are bisexual women with adhd! both books have themes of grief!#and now everyone has decided that comps are bad and we shouldn't use them and implying we should makes you Bad#i think comps can be useful. i think 90% of ppl who think their books have no comps have just not looked#ughhHHH it's so annoying but i do get some good writing tips on here#m.txt
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strangestcase · 8 months
why do adaptations or even fandoms project the DID system to Jekyll when he never had it in the book?
DID was discovered shortly after the book was published and of course it being the Victorian era and the Gothic Double as-an-alternate-identity archetype being particularly popular in the late Gothic tradition, due to changing paradigms of mental health and spiritualism, the Victorians fetishized the shit out of the disorder and of course some tried to force that reading into the book. I say some because oddly enough it really didn't kick off, since people found the book as-is much more appealing.
Still, Stevenson got letters suggesting he gave Hyde "realistic" symptoms (unique handwriting, amnesia, etc) and somewhat chastising him for "getting the disorder wrong". Stevenson rejected that reading and corrected the letters, commenting that he hadn't even heard of the disorder beforehand, and that he had rather based Hyde off the then-buddying theory of the subconscious (which would be later developed by Jung and Freud).
As it seems, making Jekyll a system (and I don't mean it in a benevolent lets-put-decent-plural-rep-in-this-book way, I mean it in a wow-scary-disorder-so-terrifying-and-exotic way) is a relatively (?) recent choice. Most adaptations that I know of either don't follow that reading or at least keep it ambiguous enough to let Jekyll and Hyde be its own thing without necessarily drawing any solid parallels to real life disorders- maybe except addiction, but that's a given. Versions of the character that boldly lean in into those specific ableist tropes (not ableist tropes in general, since Hyde is almost inseparable from Scary Autism Is Scary tropes; more on that later) tend to be more "modern" and fall into one of these camps:
-read the book, but wants to be 3edgy5me about it and in too many people's minds "edgy" means "has the scaryweird disorder oooo"
-read the book, doesn't give a shit about being offensive or not because MY plot is BETTER !!!!
-didn't read the book (and you can tell) and is doing this out of pure ignorance (of everything. in general)
-didn't read the book and wants to be 3edgy5me and you know what this person should just make ocs or something
-secret fifth thing: this isn't about jekyll and hyde. this is about the idea of jekyll and hyde and it's going to be incredibly stupid (definitely the most bearable one, usually isn't malevolent, but it has to be done right)
I don't know what adaptation got the ball rolling (if it was only one) but I suppose the problem lies in the average layperson not knowing a Gothic Double (fictional archetype! interesting! fun!) from a honest to god real life somatic disorder that exists in real life and affects real people and of course some people writing the former as the latter and/or viceversa. It's like, God forbid a fictional character dissasociates, or has some saucy identity shit going on, lest a neurotypical writer thinks they're sooooooo smart and have them all figured out! (Because it's not just Jekyll who gets blasted with the Yeah I Don't Know How Plurality Works What Of It ray, let's be honest.) (Coughs Jonathan Crane coughs)
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mossytrashcan · 10 months
ready to agree with you ty's autistic representation is Probably Not Going To Get The Celebration And Empowerment We Deserve. ready to either vent about that or just ignore it completely, until tsc is just a tiny insignificant blip in your universe, the modern books at least. if that's what you or me or probably all of us need.
and i hope you're doing okay and absolutely no pressure to answer this ask, but i was curious. a little too curious to see what you think: is it just me or does like 60% of the tlh gang come across as autistic to you? james, christopher, potentially thomas, even maybe anna. like genuinely i don't think any of the whole gaggle (it's a big cast!!) are neurotypical except cordelia. even will and tessa don't exactly give off Neuronormative Vibes. like i know it isn't mentioned, but then again it's also 1903??? (and our current merged conceptualisation of the whole autistic spectrum is only from 2013--hate what that means for tda and likely twp but That Is A Different Rant). anyway to me they're for the most part decent, empowering, anti-ableist for the most part autistic rep. is it just my wishful thinking?
Anna is soooo autistic in my mind, her funky fresh gender, slay tendencies, random snake decor, and overall blunt vibes are so not neurotypical
Idk if I ever got autism vibes from James, but he def has like so many mental illnesses that he could have symptom overlap. Honestly, the whole tlh gang is just super neurodivergent w/ a touch of the tism
I do think it says something about CC’s ability to write autistic characters, too. She could totally pull off Ty flawlessly, she understands autism and neurodivergence very well, but she’s just refusing to??? I think she’s just in her own head about it and doesn’t realize how majorly important her autistic rep is
Also, I fully believe that the sudden gear shift to Dru/Ash (for TWP marketing) was because she just didn’t want to have to give Ty a major POV. She’s literally never shy’d away from MLM rep (Malec has their own entire series lol), and the fact that the fandom was delusional about it being homophobic makes me sooo mad. Like, it’s super obvious that she will do ANYTHING to not write a Ty pov. She prefers GHOSTS over him
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
Maybe in the future you could avoid using the R-word? I’m sure there are plenty of ways you could have criticised Percival’s Mevolent without using an ableist slur.
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TL;DR: No. At this point pretty much everything is a slur/offensive, so I might as well just keep saying ‘retard’ instead of making every post I write a parkour of trying to avoid the current offensive-flavour-of-the-day that no one but 3 people on the internet actually think is offensive.
Long Version: 'Retard'/'retarded' is the correct word tho. It's an actual medical term. The more modern versions would be 'mentally handicapped, disabled or underdeveloped'. Should I use those instead?
Oh nevermind, those terms are offensive now too.
You can sanitize and rip the humanity out of the language all you want, whatever new word you come up with will end up being a insult too in a very short amount of time. Bc the problem is not the word, it's the undesirable condition it describes that makes it offensive. So no matter what word you are going to use to describe a person with said condition, it will always be offensive in this world of chronically offended snowflakes. I mean, they are literally trying to claim 'dumb', 'insane' and 'crazy' are slurs now despite those being like the tamest insults you can come up with.
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And it gets even crazier than that. Apparently the terms ‘mother’ and ‘father’ are offensive now. So is the term ‘homosexuals’?? Remember when that was the polite term to use instead of ‘faggot’? Remember when ‘queer’ was an offensive term? And now it’s apparently ‘reclaimed’. What’s acceptable and why not changes every day and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. At this point you’d need to hire a layer to keep tabs of this shit bc no person that actually has a life can keep up with this.
I understand why I probably shouldn't say tr*nny or the n-word but I don't understand why retard, dumb or insane should be more offensive than the multiple calls to McFucking kill Landy just bc he's too incompetent to write his own book series decently. Something which is quite frankly far more psychotic, yet I'm more likely to get called out for saying the new slur 'psychotic' (yes, that's considered offensive now too) than for literal death threats.
In a world where everything offends everyone and even the terms that are considered polite today are offensive tomorrow, why should I give a damn who I offend/using offensive terms? Grow a thicker skin, watch some George Carlin and learn to laugh and enjoy life for once, will ya?
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janiedean · 5 years
Hey, lately I've seen a lot of people hate on book!Tyrion and talk about what a terrible person he is and wanted to hear your take on that, because I don't really get it. I think that he is a really interesting character in the books, more so than in the second half of the show, if you ask me.
(sorry for replying this late I needed time to get to it and stuff happened haha)
soooo... tldr: I think *tumblr* has a shitload of issues with tyrion that are 90% rooted in the fact that this website thinks hating men is cool/that men are the worst always *and* also only cries ableism when it’s convenient or to call ableist things that are not in fact such (ie ‘omg if you use stupid is ableist’ which... automatically implies that anyone with a disability is *stupid* and the likes), and in tyrion’s case there’s.... an overlap of those specific issues added to the fact that since he’s a general fan favorite regardless of any fault of his then it’s fine to trash on him. going in depth on it:
now, there’s admittedly a difference in between book and show tyrion in the sense that the show version is a lot less gray and has cut on a lot of material in that sense, but like...... it’s d&d who after they decided to chunk the book storyline couldn’t write him properly so I’m not touching that topic because it’s not *his* issue, it’s theirs, and as you said... well obv. he’s more interesting in the books, because he has a lot more layers and he actually does something post-asos instead of rehashing the same three jokes that aren’t even on par with *his* book humor because he’s too smart for d&d to pull off correctly (I mean from S6 to S8 they managed to give him good lines in... the finale? PROBABLY? but they can’t write him, it’s their problem);
when it comes to book!tyrion, he obviously has faults same as 99,9% of the characters in these books, but all of those faults are... absolutely understandable given his background? I mean, so he hates his father and his sister, has fairly unhealthy coping methods and that got worse after asos, but... he comes from a lifetime of parental/familial abuse that crowned with tywin forcing him to rape his then-wife who actually did love him and convincing him he was unlovable, cersei was molesting him in the cradle and the only person who cared about him outside the uncles brigade which wasn’t around all the time was jaime who went off to get traumatized for himself at thirteen, and that just because of how he looks and for his disability, do we ask him to be a perfectly adjusted person? not really, and actually the fact that he tries to be better than 99% of his family all the time and that he actually has a lot of empathy for disadvantaged people and empathy in general says a lot about how he’s a pretty damn decent person, not a terrible one;
now, I think that this fandom on tumblr has ten problems with him because in order, the fact that he’s a man already puts him on a disadvantaged level but that’s common to most guys in this fandom like on tumblr in this fandom if a female character fucks up and a male character fucks up, the latter will be called out upon it way more than than the female character. also, abused male characters don’t get recognition for that 99% of the time. but that also means that his disability gets brushed off/ignored because since **according to tumblr standards** it’s not stopping him from doing most of what he’d like and no one takes it into account, his abuse gets brushed off/ignored because WELL HE’S NOT THE ONLY ONE, the fact that he’s a man means he has male privilege and whatever the fuck else and since he’s technically (in the book at least) Not Standard Attractive then he doesn’t even get the shitload of excuses hot people get in virtue of being hot;
also, there’s a certain attitude I really don’t like at all whatsoever to describe the fact that in his POVs he always goes about how much he hates his father/cersei or WHERE DO THE WHORES GO in adwd as whining/being unable to get over it/dying of self-pity but like.......... that’s..... how he copes with knowing he’s been treated like shit? like, thing is: in a literary genius foil with his brother who has no idea of the crap he was unjustly subjected to if not very subconsciously and whose coping method is *going away* and/or forgetting about things and/or not thinking about them, tyrion’s coping method is never letting himself forget it and honestly.... so he thinks shit about his father and sister all the time? tough luck, they’re his abusers, ofc he does. he can’t get over thinking no one will love him because of his looks? tough luck, he was told that all his life and when he found someone he thought did tywin organized that rouse so he’d think she was with him for money and he forced him to rape her which is also called rape by proxy so he’s also a rape victim and he was thirteen? wow, if I were him ie someone whose first advice to a main character in these books was ‘never forget about your weaknesses and make them your armor so people can’t hurt you with them’ then I also would be thinking about that all the time. he’s an abuse victim and he’s not away from his abusers until the end of asos, what are we expecting, that he’d get over it? actually it’s a way healthier method than jaime’s because at least he knows he’s been wronged all along and he can see both c. and his father for the assholes they are but at least he knows that and he harbors no illusions about them even if he still kind of wants them to love him same as most people would, but like... that’s not whining? that’s stuff that it’s absolutely normal he should be thinking? also, the where do the whores go thing in adwd is....... basically he just learned that his biggest trauma was not what he believed it was and he has to reconcile himself with the fact that a) tysha never not loved him, b) jaime was in on it even if he subconsciously knows that he also was a victim in that ploy (when he dreams about killing him in adwd he’s crying, sooooo) and he has to know because jaime told him out of *guilt* and he damn well knows it, like he’s re-elaborating the entire thing, obviously he’s fixated on it??? I mean the moment I figured out a specific thing that I hadn’t realized about an unhealthy relationship I had with someone I spent a month thinking about it every other moment for a month and it was nowhere near that same level of terrible, and I’m surprised that he thinks about that for all of adwd? like, I find those justifications very iffy and incredibly dismissive of a) his trauma b) his abuse victim status;
also there’s the whole HE KILLED TYWIN thing but..... I honestly am baffled it’s even a thing fandom thinks he should pay for or anything. like, the problem is that he killed *shae* in that context, and that was also out of feeling betrayed after just learning of how it really went with tysha, and that’s why he’s on the downward spiral/his lowest point in adwd, but.... tywin? really? like tywin is an asshole period, he abused him all his life, he traumatized the shit out of him for his entire life and made him grow up thinking he was unlovable and outright told him he wanted to drown him, and not even counting what tywin did to *him*, we’re talking about someone who went and calmly planned the red wedding the moment he realized there was no way he could take out robb without treachery and didn’t feel particularly bothered by it on a moral level, and we’re sad that he died or think that tyrion has to pay for it because he killed his abuser who also never really was a father to him in any sense of the word? like what the fuck does tyrion owe tywin? literally nothing and tbqh it’s tywin narratively reaping the seeds of what he’s sown if tyrion goes and offs him. like, a lot of people re fixed on this thing about OH HE KILLED HIS FATHER HE DOESN’T DESERVE REDEMPTION but the narrative doesn’t ask it of him. he has to make peace and find his own redemption for killing shae at that point, not tywin. tywin had it coming since the moment he showed up. like, saying he’s a horrible person for offing someone who only ever abused the shit out of him doesn’t really fly as far as I’m concerned;
at this point we get to ‘okay but in adwd he does a lot of questionable things’, but..... a) he’s supposed to be at his lowest narrative point and a lot of people have done a lot of questionable things at their lowest narrative point in these books, I mean if I think theon can have a nice life and get better after his WF stint I can think that tyrion can have a nice life and get better after his adwd stint, b) it’s nothing he’ll be proud of when he pulls his shit together (and he already had started by the end of adwd) but I mean... it’s nothing worse than most people who have to pull their shit together in these books have done lately, like honestly writing him off as a horrible person because of his adwd stint reaaaaally reeks to me of double standard which is based on the fact that no one around here wants to recognize that he’s an abuse victim and his reactions are valid and that yes his disability singles him out and is the reason people target him and not his merits or demerits. I mean he even spells it out, he’s been on trial for being a dwarf all his life/everyone already judged him for that regardless of his actual faults, and that’s not him being delusional, it’s the truth. he’s a person who certainly has faults same as anyone else but guess what a lot of people around fandom do what tywin does and exacerbate them if you ask my opinion;
(that also can be seen when it comes to what people think of the guy being shipped around because believe me I wish I hadn’t seen people saying he couldn’t be a good option for sansa because he’s not the beautiful gallant stainless dude she deserves, and I’m saying it as a sansan shipper first but come the fuck on) (other than that tyrion/bronn is ofc the superior ship but nvm me)
also there’s the whole thing where people decided that since tyrion is a general fandom fave in between the w.org/reddit crowd/general audience then obviously if the dudebros (ugh i can’t with that generalization anymore sure af freefolk is less puritan than tumblr from what I see) like him then he has to also incarnate the Worst Type Of Male Fan Of Asoiaf In Existence and like........ now, I don’t doubt that when it comes to the *general audience* there’s a lot of misconceptions going around plus a lot of his character faults get ignored (I mean when I went on w.org the first time the first thread I ran into was like ‘wow sansa is a bitch for not kneeling at once when they married and making him feel like shit’ I mean that’s a situation where you should feel bad for both but calling her a bitch for not wanting to kneel while marrying a guy she was forced to who also belonged to the family that killed her brother and mother and her father too is like......... come on seriously?) but that’s the same with most fandom faves in any fandom, it doesn’t mean that if some of his fans see him with rose-tinted glasses then on this side of the pond we have to decide he sucks when he doesn’t, and as I said time and time again..... do we remember the last time that in any fandom the general audience favorite character who sells the merchandise more than anyone else is a disabled abuse victim who doesn’t shut up about it and tries to be better than anyone else thinks them able to? because I don’t and while tyrion is not top five asoiaf for me I’m very glad that *he* is the general audience favorite. so they don’t get the point or see him with rose-tinted glasses? happens to fandom faves in general, but it doesn’t mean that he’s a terrible person in the text just because the dudebro crowd (if we wanna call it like that but meh) likes him. so what, he is the audience fave? good, I’m beyond fine with him being the audience fave. I honestly don’t think it’s an argument that should even be brought up because ‘that character’s fans are shit so the character is automatically shit because we judged the fans on their supposed gender’ is not an argument. *shrug*
tldr: I think people on here exaggerate his flaws (that everyone has) and are bitchy about the fact that he is the general audience favorite because how dare a guy who’s as far as we know cishet (which is already bad for tumblr standards), not standard hot (crime!!), has a disability (which gets ignored 90% of the time when discussing his privilege or lack thereof), is an abuse victim who won’t let you forget it and you can’t deny/headcanon differently (which is a thing tumblr can’t accept - I mean, men being abuse victims, and with hc differently I mean that people outright deny that idk jaime was one because he doesn’t realize he was so you have to actually read into the text to realize it, but they can decide he’s not because it requires effort to put it together - or deny sandor was one because we don’t have his pov and we only see his destructive coping methods and so on - with tyrion they can’t because he never lets you forget he was and admitting it is apparently hard, also one of his abusers is a woman and We Do Not Admit That Women Can Be Abusers On Tumblr Dot Com) and who has fucked up but not worse than most people in these books be the audience favorite? WE JUST DON’T KNOW. personally I think he’s pretty damn great and an amazingly conceived/written character (I mean in a series where all the characters weren’t so well-rounded and I didn’t have other people I latched on before that he’d have totally been top three material for me he just got unlucky to be in the one series where everyone is well-rounded and there’s people that I resonate personally more with but really he’s an amazing character all around) and I can’t wait for him to pull his shit together in the next book and possibly get the nice ending he deserves along with better dialogue than d&d gave him, but from there to say he’s a horrible person.... geez. my list of horrible persons in these books runs very long and he’s nowhere near it. ofc he has faults but no character in these books is faultless except maybe gilly, and not even people under the age of twelve are faultless in these books come on. 
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fatphobiabusters · 7 years
I would love to write a book, probably one with a polygamous fat person as the main character since I relate to that to most but I'm worried. Society has taught me so many hateful things that I need to unlearn and I'm worried that I'll end up unknowingly end up putting it in my stories. Like I didn't know before following this blog about all the ableist word that I use everyday that I'm still trying to unlearn. And is just. Scary. I don't want to hurt anyone.
Hey, I’m a writer too. I can relate to this so hard. I’ve been working on a story for a while about which I was really excited, with a fat woman for a protagonist, but I realized not that long ago that I accidentally did the “woman falls in love with her abuser and so his abuse is romantic and also abusers can be good people” trope, and I’ve had to rework it. It’s disappointing, sure, but it makes you a better writer, being able to scan your work for these things and fix them and create something new. Now, my story is “woman falls in love with an actually decent guy who doesn’t treat her like crap and is happy because she knows she deserves that,” and I think that’s a much better story (p.s. the guy is trans now).
And maybe you will accidentally hurt someone with your writing at first. It’s early and you’re still learning and unlearning. We all are. But if you work hard to make up for it, continue to educate yourself, and continue to grow as a writer, you’ll be okay and I am sure people will forgive you when they see that’s not the kind of person you are. 
It’s scary; I know. Being a writer is a big responsibility. Fiction can and does have an impact on people’s perception of minority groups, for example. So listen to marginalized people when they discuss fiction that hurts them and why. Learn about words and tropes that are harmful. Keep learning and unlearning, and I promise you, you’ll be the brilliant writer we know you can be in no time.
I have faith in you. I know you can do it.
-Mod Bella
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