#ig i’m afraid i probably won’t have enough time to say bye to all of you… or properly say i’m leaving if i am
sherbetyy · 11 months
uhhhhh btw if i randomly disappear from this site forever/deactivate my account out of nowhere and don’t respond to messages, don’t think i’m dead (unless i am but i highly doubt that). it’s hard to explain but yeah it might happen eventually. unfortunately.
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frogsandbeesyay · 3 years
Sbi oneshots:
lol hi ig here are some sbi oneshots
Things I will do:
Mild gore
Potentially triggering subjects
Anything that isn’t on the won’t list
Things I won’t do:
Shipping of any sort (they’re family fuck off)
Heavy gore
R@pe/sexu@l assault
Also most of these are set in a Kindof half Minecraft half real world type of thing. Like it’s their Minecraft personas but mostly un lore related.
I do accept requests but I’ll finish most of my ideas first probably unless I see one I really like :D
K let’s get started
Oneshot #1: accident
No trigger warning for this one, but there is mild crying involved and mention of a bruise, so I just thought I should mention that but I don’t think it’s considered a tw.
I’m a sucker for techno and Tommy fluff :p
Techno- 17
Wilbur- 17
Phil is old
Techno and Tommy were really close, everyone in sbi knew that techno had a soft spot for Tommy and Tommy opened up easily to techno. Who knew that a monotone pig hybrid and a slightly annoying angst child would get along so well? Techno never admitted to having a soft spot for Tommy, but everyone could tell. It was the little things, like overprotective stances and putting extra marshmallows in Tommy’s chocolate milk. They probably bonded because of their equally traumatic pasts that no one liked to mention. But still, techno was Tommy’s big brother which meant he had to tease Tommy and annoy Tommy and vise versa. He was always careful not to overstep though.
One day, Wilbur and Phil headed off to the village for a few hours to trade with the villagers, so it was just techno and Tommy. Tommy was being extra annoying and stole the t.v remote while techno was flipping through channels.
“Hey give that back nerd” techno said trying to grab the remote out of Tommy’s grip.
“Make me pigman” Tommy giggles.
They began playfully wrestling for the remote. Techno easily pinned Tommy down onto the couch, being much stronger than him. Tommy wriggled out of techno’s grasp and held the remote higher in the air. Tommy giggled and playfully held it higher. Techno jabbed his fingers into Tommy ribs, which distracted Tommy enough to be pinned down again by his brother. Techno held him down roughly, and then for a second something flashed in Tommy’s eyes. Techno, surprised, let go quickly, and Tommy wriggled onto the other side of the couch.
“Hey nerd you good?” Techno said concerned he actually hurt his little brother.
“Yeah I’m Fine, Heres your remote,” he handed techno the remote, “bye” and rushed up to his room.
That was weird, thought techno. His brow furrowed. What if he messed something up? Did he do something wrong? He quickly walked over to Tommy’s room and stood by the door. He stopped dead when he heard tiny sniffles coming from inside the room.
“Hey Tommy, can I come in?” He asked through the door.
Tommy cleared his throat and wiped his face. “Y-yeah sure come on in!” He tried to make his voice sound normal, but winced at his stutter.
Techno walked in and saw Tommy sitting by his bed, tear lines on his face. He immediately rushed over and wrapped Tommy into a hug.
“Toms? What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
He felt Tommy shaking in his hug.
“I-I..” Tommy began
“Hey, hey it’s ok.” Techno tried to be comforting, he really wasn’t good at making people feel better.
“I’m sorry I’m being such a crybaby. It didn’t even hurt that bad, I-I was just so scared that you w-were gonna-” Tommy mumbled into techno’s chest.
“No! Toms it’s fine to cry, it’s my fault I wasn’t being careful. Please never be afraid to tell me I’ve crossed the line, ok?”
“Mmk” Tommy whispered. Techno slowly unraveled from the embrace and looked at Tommy.
“Hey toms can I see your side?” Tommy nodded. Techno lifted up his shirt (PLEASE DONT MAKE THIS WEIRDDDD) and looked at his ribs. There was a small bruise from where techno had jabbed.
“Oh my god Tommy, I’m so truly sorry I didn’t mean to. And I didn’t mean to scare you either..” Techno said, guilt washing over him.
“It’s ok techie I know you didn’t.” Tommy replied, smiling.
Time skippppppppp
Phil and Wilbur came home that evening to see techno and Tommy cuddling on the couch. Techno’s arms wrapped protectively around Tommy’s small frame.
“Awww” phil cooed. Wilbur snapped a photo on his phone. Phil raised an eyebrow and Wilbur mouthed blackmail, to which Phil nodded knowingly. He loved his sons and he was glad they got along so well.
A/n: I actually kinda liked this :) it’s really cute lol k bai
Oneshot #2: Claustrophobia
A/n: so Ik this has been done a few times but I really like this idea so here’s my take. Also this is more lore-based. like it isn’t actual lore but it happened on the dsmp so there’s that. Also Wilbur is Tommy’s only brother in this story, techno and tubbo aren’t related to them.
Tw ⚠️ : Claustrophobia, panic attack, Hyperventilating, crying, scratching, mention of blood
I think that’s it lmk if you find anymore
Techno- 21
Phil isn’t in this one bc I’m lazy
Tommy POV:
I had been working on decorating my room in Pogtopia. I was decorating it with red stone blocks and pistons because I think they look cool together. I felt safe and content knowing that my friends were right out there and would protect me. I was starting to feel a little claustrophobic, but I was fine since there was still a space open for me to see.
Suddenly the red stone block sets off the pistons witch pin me up against the wall, making me immobile. I start to panic but remain calm when I remember there are people here to help me.
“Hey Wilbur?” I call out, my voice trying to maintain its signature annoying tommyinnit tone even though I’m scared out of my mind.
Wilbur POV:
I hear my name being called from the other side of the cave. Oh my god it’s Tommy again what does he want? He’s been so annoying all day. He’s my brother and I care about him a lot but he can be a little much sometimes.
“WILBURRRR” I hear again. I try to ignore him but I hear footsteps behind me.
“Can you deal with him I’m trying to farm potatoes here.” A monotone voice says.
“Yeah, fine” I say annoyed. I walk over to Tommy’s room and all I can see is one side of a piston sticking out from behind the door.
“Wil? I’m stuck can you help me please?” He says. I let out a hearty laugh. What a Tommy thing to do.
Tommy POV:
I was expecting Wilbur to help me out, not to laugh. Surely he’d let me out soon, right?
“Hey techno, tubbo look at this, Tommy got himself stuck between pistons,” he says giggling. My heart sunk. I could feel myself getting more and more panicked, help help help.
I hear footsteps signifying that the other people had arrived.
“H-hey guys can you please help me, I have really bad claustrophobia” I say, trying to keep my voice strong. I’m met with laughter. I can barely see through my door, it’s my only source of light and I’m grateful.
“Tommy, you’re such an idiot.” A monotone voice said. My eyes start to sting let me out let me out let me out.
“What if we blocked off the door that would be funny” I hear tubbo say. No, tubbo knows about my claustrophobia, he wouldn’t, no.
“Good idea haha” I hear Wilbur say, still laughing. My stomach sinks to the ground as my only light source is cut off.
I feel myself slipping, beginning to panic but trying to muffle my sobs.
Technoblade POV:
I’m laughing along with the others at Tommy’s stupidity when I hear a sniffle come from inside the room.
“Is he crying?” I ask quietly. I’d never seen Tommy cry before. Wilburs eyes widen.
“Oh shit. I thought it was a bit.” Tubbo says his voice cracking. “He really is claustrophobic.” Wilbur hurries to open the blockade. It opens and we see Tommy curled up onto himself between the pistons, sobbing quietly and covered in blood. Wait- blood? No one moves a muscle out of shock. I break out of it and swiftly pick up the sobbing boy my arms and hold him close. I’m horrible and physical contact but he really needs help.
Tubbo and Wilbur follow me out of the room, both of their eyes already shining with unshed tears. I gently set Tommy down on the ground and he immediately curls up on himself in a protective position.
“L-let me out” he mutters. My heart breaks. Tommy and I weren’t close but he was just a kid and I did care about him. Tubbo starts to cry. Wilbur rubs tubbo’s back while I clean Tommy’s wounds. He has gashes on his arms and hands that looked like they were scratched in. I realize he must have scratched himself during his panic attack. A silent tear flows down wil’s face. I can see the guilt in his eyes. I clean his wounds and bandage them up. Then he sits up, having calmed down.
“Hey toms, you good?” I ask quietly. He slowly nods. Then he looks around the room and his eyes widen when he sees Wilbur and tubbo crying.
“G-guys it’s fine I-I’m ok!” He tells them.
“No, it’s not fine,” Wilbur says, “we should have listened to you and realized you needed our help. I’m a horrible big brother.” Tommy leans in a hugs Wilbur and tubbo.
“It’s ok, I forgive you guys, just- never again, ok?” We all nod quickly.
“I’m sorry too.” I add in. “For laughing at you when you needed us.” I finish, my cheeks red, I didn’t like apologizing, but I knew I need to. Tommy nods in forgiveness. He’s truly like a brother to me.
A/n: I don’t like this one as much and i kinda lost motivation towards the end but I think it turned out fine :p this one took really long lol
Oneshot #3: Family movie night
A/n: Ik this has also been done before buts it’s adorable so I’m doing it
Techno- 18
Phil is old
No trigger warnings, just fluff :D lots of platonic cuddling though so beware
Techno, Wilbur and Tommy all got home from school at the same time. They all immediately dumped their bags down by the door. Techno and Tommy stomped up the stairs to their rooms and Wilbur slumped down onto the couch.
“Jeez what’s with you guys today” phil said confused at his children’s behavior. Usually they come in and greet him at least.
“I’ve had a really long day, techno too, I don’t know what’s wrong with Tommy though, he was like this on the bus, too.” Wilbur says from the couch. Phil nods his head and goes upstairs to check on his Children and make sure they’re ok.
He knocks quietly on Techno’s door. He hears a grunt of approval so he opens the door. The pinkette is sitting on his bed with a math book on his lap.
“Hey Phil” he says looking up.
“Hey Techno, what’s up?” He asks, taking a seat by the pig hybrid.
“Nothing much, Im a little stressed out about schoolwork though.” He says, eyes returning to the book. Phil nods in understanding. He was in high school once, he remembers how stressful it can be.
“Maybe we could have a movie night tonight, once everyone finishes. You guys have been working really hard, you deserve some time off.” Phil says.
“That sounds nice.”
Phil nods and leaves techno to study, going left to Tommy’s room. He knocks on Tommy’s door.
“Come in.” Tommy says, in a rather weak tone. I walk in, slightly concerned. I see Tommy sitting on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees, staring angrily at the wall.
“Toms? What’s wrong?” I ask, kneeling down to look at him. His brow furrowes.
“Am I a bad friend?” He asks, still not making eye contact.
“No toms, of course not. What make you think that?” I ask.
“Then why does tubbo like ranboo so much more than me?” He says, “I thought I was supposed to be his best friend”, he finishes, his voice cracking.
“Toms look at me,” I say and he turns to face me. “If tubbo is making you feel left out then tubbo is the one not being a good friend. Just because he’s excited about his new mate, doesn’t mean it’s gonna be this way forever, ok?” Tommy thinks for a second then nods.
“We were think about having a movie night tonight just like we used to.” I say. Tommy’s eyes light up in excitement.
~time skip lmao~
“Will can you pass the ketchup?” Tommy asks. Ever since he was little he liked to dip his popcorn in ketchup. Will also liked this, but techno and Phil found it absolutely disgusting. They were all sitting together on the couch, Tommy resting in wills arms and Phil’s wings wrapped around everyone lovingly.
“So what movie are we watching?”
A/n: super lame ending Ik but I liked the rest ig. Stay safe stay hydrated Luv u
Oneshot #4: My son
A/n: Here’s some actual Angst. This is very lore based. I know that there’s one of these in literally every oneshot book but here’s my take bc I want to.
Wilbur- 19
Phil is old
Tw⚠️: insanity, death, sword
Phil’s POV:
I look into the pleasing eyes of my son, begging me to end his misery. I think about not doing it, I really do, but I can’t look past the begging in his eyes.
My hands tighten around the grip of my sword. I watch as my son’s eyes change from begging to excitement for blissful relief. The fresh smell of gunpowder lingers in the air as I raise my sword in preparation.
A small part of me says that I won’t actually go through with it, but I will. I raise my sword higher and get it positioned to kill.
“Dad?” He says. Just that word, that heart wrenching word makes me hesitate. Is this really what he wants? To be mercy killed by his own father?
“I’m sorry.” He finishes. Every fragment in my body tells me not to kill him, but his eyes are so compelling. I have to. The message is sent, he’s ready.
My sword plunges through my son’s heart.
A/n: Woahhhhh ok so that was intense. But anyway I hope you enjoyed :))) I promise I will make up with it with some tommy/techno fluff in the next chapter. Stay safe and drink water <3
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I’m bored and tired so instead of going to sleep I am going to write headcanons because my brain has no juice left to think of new original never done before scenarios atm smh I need coffee
But Karasuno first years in Attack on Titan universe specifically Survey Corps let’s go
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☀️Hinata Shouyou☀️
- Did absolute shit in training.
- Couldn’t use the ODM gear until like five hours after scheduled training.
- Shadis hated him just saying.
- Like he just thought HInata was dumb and reckless.
- BUT he didn eventually master the ODM gear.
- His size and agility really helped him out.
- He’s kinda like a downgrade of Levi when it came to ODM gear.
- Like he’s really quick on his feet and knows how to use it properly but cmon no one can beat Levi.
- Couldn’t use the two swords for shit.
- Like he just couldn’t.
- His little arms didn’t have enough power in them to even cut through an inch of the wood from training.
- So he trained at night when everyone else was sleeping and eventually got better.
- But he doesn’t know how to make tactics.
- He’s a dumb one okay?
- Like he constantly gets the formations wrong and has to improvise with the other soldiers all while running from titans.
- Overly enthusiastic in battle like he sounds like he’s on both steroids and crack.
- Then gets hurt.
- And is scared shitless.
- A lil bit of a coward on the battlefield ngl.
- I mean at least he’s not dead ig.
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🥛Kageyama Tobio🥛
- Thinks he’s soooo much better than Hinata in training.
- He’s not.
- The only thing he does better is using the swords.
- Mans got some mad power in his arms fr.
- And maybe he was a liiiil bit quicker with learning the ODM gear.
- His manoeuvring skills are way inferior to Hinata’s though mainly bc he’s so much taller and heavier in general.
- Cuts v deep and accurate when slicing napes of titans.
- It’s almost scary how he never cuts the wrong part of the nape and manages to cut deep and long enough to kill it every single time.
- Shadis was okay with him.
- Like he stood out as an all-rounder but he wasn’t the best at anything.
- Makes fun of Hinata during training.
- But then gets absolutely smoked in hand to hand combat.
- It’s ironic how bad he is at that.
- Hinata managed to throw him.
- Anyways, he’s usually way more calm and composed in battle.
- He’s smarter than Hinata so he knows how to stick to a plan and modify it to their needs.
- He’s okay with tactics.
- Plays safe on the battlefield.
- But when he sees a clear chance he’s cutting down those titan mfs to kingdom come.
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🌙Tsukishima Kei🌙
- Doesn’t do very well in training.
- His height makes it hard to do anything physical tbh.
- No one can even reach his face.
- He’s okay with the swords, but took a while longer to figure out the ODM gear.
- BUT he’s a master tactician.
- Like holy shit he’s so good.
- He’s the type of person to predict every single possible outcome and think of solutions.
- Those solutions save so many lives in battle wow-
- Like how dare this lil bitch talk back to me-
- He’s probably tried headbutting him but he’s too tall.
- So he just punches his gut.
- Tsukishima ain’t afraid of no bald ass boomer bitch.
- In battle he’s usually riding alongside Erwin I think.
- Constantly discussing what to do next and looking out for smoke signals.
- Him and Hange and besties lolol.
- They’re always on some weird titan anatomy science shit that no one can understand.
- Made fun of everyone during training despite having a hard time with it too.
- Surprisingly good at hand to hand combat.
- Hard to take down bc height.
- Was gonna go to the Military Police Brigade but chose the Survey Corps over them because he wanted to protect Yamaguchi.
- Works alongside Armin too but tbh Tsukishima’s better than Armin fight me.
- Calm during battle but doesn’t like to get hands dirty.
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🍃Yamaguchi Tadashi🍃
- The most average out of the bunch.
- Shadis liked him, surprisingly.
- He was a good kid during training, listened to his orders, never messed around, good kid.
- Definitely felt inferior to Tsukishima.
- Think of him as the Marco to his Jean.
- Except Yamaguchi’s Marco and Tsukishima’s Jean.
- No he’s not dead don’t take that the wrong way.
- He’s really just your average soldier man I don’t got muchto say about him.
- Doubts himself way too much like baby don’t worry you’re doing great.
- Tsukishima came to like him as a comrade and as a good friend.
- They’re also secretly gay for each other but won’t admit it.
- Improved A LOT by training in his own time.
- Does good in hand to hand combat.
- The only one that managed to take Tsukishima down.
- Needs to work on coordination though.
- He’s usually just tagging along with Tsukishima because he’s come to be a tiiiny bit dependant on him.
- Ah he’s such a bean why did he choose such a hard life oh god-
- Very, very queasy in battle.
- Always has the worst case scenarios in his mind.
- Constantly thinks he’s gonna die soon.
- But then cuts down titans like no tomorrow mainly out of fear.
- Tsukishima has to comfort him sometimes.
- Everyone in the Corps ships it but they still won’t Marvin Gaye and get it on.
Hope you enjoy reading this crackpot of hcs I wrote at 2am I’m going to sleep now bye:)
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winchesterandpie · 7 years
When Soulmates Don’t Matter (Bucky Barnes x reader)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 2156
Warnings: Nothing. Just all the fluff that was missing from the first part
A/N: So, this is the highly requested part 2 of When Soulmates Go Wrong and oh. My. Goodness. The response I got on that part was incredible! Thank you to everyone who was commenting on it, you seriously made my day! As usual, the Gif is not mine and feedback is welcome. Unusually, I’m going to break in here to tell you that this is probably the last thing I’ll write in a while (I’ll have a post coming out with and explanation for that on Tuesday), so hopefully I can go out with a bang. Love you guys! And without further ado, here is part 2!
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
Two weeks ago:
 The super soldier had read the letter over several times before it finally registered with him. When it did, however, nothing could stop the waterfall of silent tears that cascaded down his face as he curled in around himself.
Too late, too late, too late, ran constantly through his head, along with guilt at having unknowingly pushed her away.
For a long time, he stayed there on his bed, the letter lying just out of reach of his hand. Eventually, Bucky fell into a fitful sleep just before Steve came to the doorway, looking on sadly at his friend.
  “So why did you call us all in here?” Wanda asked the Director, who had made a surprise visit to the compound
“Because there’s news to be delivered, and I’d rather not have to say it more than once.” A hush fell across the Avengers, who were scattered across the various couches and chairs. Nothing good ever followed a sentence like that.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Bucky’s voice broke the silence, full of pain. The two weeks had done nothing to dull the sting of her departure.
“I’m afraid so, Sergeant Barnes. She got us the intel that we needed, but then stumbled across something else when we lost contact yesterday.” Director Fury had to pause, testament to the weight of the news he bore. “Three hours and forty-five minutes later, Agent Y/N L/N gave her life to destroy the base. All we saw of it was a massive bubble containing the wrath of the elements. Elements she is known to control. Nothing but rubble was left when the storm died down, and no survivors were found.
“About an hour after her death, we received a delayed transmission containing the information she used to decide what she did. All I can say about it at this time is that the transmission detailed some alarming plans, and that, as hard as it may be to accept, Agent L/N made a very brave and very necessary call.
“By way of information, there will be a memorial service in her honor one week from today. Everything is taken care of. If you choose not to come, I respect that everyone grieves in their own way. But if you do choose to come, we would be glad to have you.” When he was done, it was as if time had frozen. No one dared move a muscle, or perhaps they couldn’t. With nothing more to say, Nick turned and left the room, likely having other matters to attend to with the intel Y/N had bought with her life.
“I can’t believe she’s gone.” Natasha Romanoff, the deadly Black Widow, was near tears as she processed the information.
“She was a good kid.” Tony clearly didn’t want to say much, exiting the room abruptly. Likely he was on his way to the lab, a drink, or both. Bruce followed soon after, unable to force words out of his throat.
“I should’ve stopped her.” Steve’s words were barely audible as the man buried his face in his hands
“When she decided on something, no one could stop her. It wasn’t your fault.” One soldier moved to comfort the other, opposite what would have been the predicted route. The first words out of Bucky’s mouth came after he had processed the information were not what anyone expected. Nonetheless, he pulled the blond into a hug.
“That much is true. She was a stubborn one for sure.” A halfhearted chuckle left Clint’s lips, but the gloom seemed to lift its oppressive weight, even slightly.
“There will be celebrations in Valhalla for the worth of the warrior they have gained.” Thor smiled slightly, thinking of Y/N and how well she would fit with other warriors he knew were there.
“If I may, Y/N left something for you all in the event of her death.” FRIDAY’s voice spoke into a lull in their conversation.
“I’m sure she’d want Tony and Bruce to see it too, so would you call them up here?” Natasha requested quietly.
“Certainly, Agent Romanoff.”
 Once Tony was there, FRIDAY directed them all to sit before the TV turned on. All of a sudden, a heart-breakingly familiar face cropped up on the screen. Y/N gave a little wave, and a tear dripped down Bucky’s face.
“Hey guys. Not to be cliche here, but… if you’re watching this then I must’ve died out there…”
 Meanwhile, somewhere in the middle of nowhere:
  A dirty, soot-covered figure trudged through the snowy woods in New York. Injuries caused her to limp, and it was a wonder she was still upright. She’d somehow managed to traverse countries and seas without being seen, and definitely had a destination in mind. There was simply no way she could have made it this far without one.
Coming over a rise, she gave a sigh of relief and collapsed against a nearby tree. What lay in front of her was the compound she’d come to as fast as she could.  Sucking in a massive gulp of air, she gathered her willpower and forced herself back to her feet. Even injured as she was, it was ingrained in her to move silently and remain unseen, and so she made her way across the open ground. Eventually, she dragged herself through the door.
“Oh, FRIDAY! Hey, can you do me a giant favor and not tell the team I’m back just yet?”
“Are you going to tell them?”
“That’s actually where I’m heading. Where are they?”
“In the common room, miss. Director Fury was just here delivering the news of your supposed death, so they are watching the video you left.”
“Well, I’ve got the perfect plan for my epic return, then.”
“I’m glad you’ve come back.”
“Me too, FRIDAY.” Quietly I made my way to where the team was, supporting my weight with the wall. Too soon, I was in front of the doorway, actually hearing the recording. Ew. Is that really what I sound like? I’d better go apologize to everyone I’ve ever spoken to. With a deep breath, I steeled myself against all the worst scenarios running through my head. Maybe they’d decided that it was better without me around… Bucky will be happy with his girl, his soulmate, and he won’t want me anymore… NO, don’t think like that. You can do this.
It was with that thought that I slipped into the room, just in time to hear the end of my speech
“So I guess I’ll see you guys on the other side. Just don’t make it too soon, alright? Bye guys.” The screen went dark as the recording of me disappeared with a wave.
“Wow. So touching. I’m really gonna miss her,” I said, pretending to wipe at damp eyes. Which, admittedly, I had done once or twice when actually filming the video. When I spoke, the entire group of people shot bolt upright, turning toward me with a speed that almost made my head spin.
“Y/N?” I barely had time to register the one word question before being knocked backward by a human projectile. It took my tired brain a few seconds to realize who it was with their arms around me. Bucky, as it turned out, was gripping me tightly, the scent of him enveloping me as I buried my face in his neck.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m here.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“We all did.” Natasha was the next to speak, though Bucky still hadn’t loosened his grip in the slightest.
“To be fair, so did I.” I pulled away from the crook of his neck, looking around him at the others.
“But you’re alive.” He finally let me go, and I was instantly dragged into more hugs from everyone.
“Whoa, hey, guys! Watch the grip would you? Even I can’t get out of explosions like that completely unscathed.” I was released, though a concerned person pulled me lightly against him to keep me standing. Bucky, of course. “In fact… I think I’m gonna pass out now.” And, in fact, I did. Right into Bucky’s arms. Can you get a more dramatic return than that? I think not.
  When I came to, I was most definitely not in a room I regularly spent time in, though it wasn’t long before I figured out that I was just in the infirmary. Everything, and I mean everything ached - a deep ache that settled in my bones. I startled when the door opened, but relaxed when a familiar face came through it.
“Doctor Cho.”
“Ah, it’s good to see you awake again. You’ve had someone waiting out there since you came in.”
“Let me guess, is it Bucky?”
“You hit the nail on the head.” I chuckled lightly, imagining exactly how he looked sitting out there, likely with dishevelled hair from not doing anything besides wait. “Do you want me to let him in?”
“Yes, please. If you don’t have more things to check, that is.”
“No, I’m pretty much finished for now.” I pressed the button to raise the bed a little higher, settling into the pillows as she opened the door. The second the door was open wide enough, a familiar brunet was sliding through the doors, his hair just as messy as I had predicted. It was no time at all before he was by my side, taking my hand in his tenderly.
“Hey. How’re you doing?”
“Better than I expected to be, given everything that happened.” He hummed softly, his steel blue eyes more gentle than I’d ever seen them.
“Did you really leave because of me?” My shoulders slumped. I’d known this question was coming eventually, but it was a confrontation I wasn’t sure I wanted to have just yet.
“I… yeah. But it wasn’t your fault!” I was quick to add the last part, not wanting to cause more guilt, especially when I was sure he’d been blaming himself the whole time.
“You shoulda stuck around another half hour, doll.” He pulled my hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss to my knuckles.
“Buck?” My confusion caused him to laugh a little. Shaking his head at me, I was glad to see his tired eyes crinkling up at the corners, worry lines lifting from his face as he laughed.
“Sweetheart, I never got the chance to tell you what happened on the date. Now before you get all huffy, let me explain.” Boy, did he know me too well. “She lied. She wasn’t my soulmate. If you’d have stuck around, you’d have gotten the story when I got home at 8:15.”
“I’d have still had to go. I wasn’t lying in my letter when I said that someone had to.”
“I know. But could you just listen for another second?” His other hand came up to tap my nose. “I’d have told you that you’re the one I’m in love with. And I know it wouldn’t have stopped you from going, but when I heard you died…” Bucky’s voice started to crack as he took a long breath to compose himself.
“Hey, I’m right here. I made it back. Back to you.” It was all I could do to brush the pad of my thumb over the back of his hand, but that felt inadequate.
“I just… When I heard… I thought you’d die without me ever telling you. I thought I’d lose my chance to tell you that I don’t care about the soulmate thing. Not when I have you here, by my side and breathing. And… I know you’ve heard promises like that a thousand times, I know that you’ve got scars and healing wounds, so this may not be the time to start anything… But I swear to you, I will do everything I can to help you and just be there for you.”
“I’m in love with you too, silly. I thought the letter told you that. And… I trust you. If you say you’ll be there, then I believe you.” All the pain in the world wouldn’t be enough to distract me from the wide smile that spread across his face. “Now get up here and kiss me, would you?”
With an unstoppable lightness, he moved closer to my head, bringing his forehead to rest against mine. In a long moment, we just savored each other’s presence. Eventually, however, the magnetic pull between us could no longer be ignored, and our lips met in a kiss that was far too long in coming.
“Just try not to die on me again, hmmm?” He pulled away, pressing another kiss to my forehead.
“I’ll do my best. But it is an occupational hazard. I worry about you too, y’know.” The sentiment of the moment was somewhat ruined when a yawn forced its way out.
“I know, doll. I know. Now get some sleep.”
Forever Tags: @riddikulus-obsessions @addictionmarvel
When Soulmates Go Wrong Tags: @javapeach @universallyawesomestpersonever @the-doctor-called-loki @lady-thor-foster @xuhwheredidkylogox @imgettingmarriedtobuckybarnes @hillrich @mayfeather27 @peppermint--teas @lovely--anathema @emotionallysalty @fandom--filth​ @ros-theoldastronomer @fairchild21​ @bookluver01​ @angel-with-broken-wings​
@sammysgirl1997 @ultrawholockedunicorn @i-had-a-life-once @kboogie09 @the-craziestone @my-halo-on-fire @irene-rogue-adler @ladymelissastark @sassycat15 @vivianbabz @infiniteshipper @awinterloveuniverse @valiantlyirontree @ohheylookitsyou
(Bold strikethrough means that your tag didn’t work... Sorry about that)
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