koucholate · 2 months
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My piece for the @dofus-to-tofus Zine that released on July 31 ✨
You can view the full zine --->HERE<----
Enjoy everyone works!!
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cocogum · 6 months
A current list of every confirmed LGBTQ+ characters in the Krosmoz.
The characters are placed chronologically by their era NOT by their names ‼️
Genesis Era
Sadida (Asexual) : has applied photosynthesis to produce ten Sadida dolls, his children.
Feca (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Otomaï.
Sacrier (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Lupa.
Great Dragon (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Enutrof (Agender) : he takes the form of a dragon, so he also applies to Tot’s tweet.
Aerafal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Aguabrial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dardondakal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougalorasalar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Terrakourial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Ignemikhal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Shinonome (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Balthazar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougaloragran (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Adamaï (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Efrim (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Phaerys (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dofus Era
Tylezia (lesbian): the Red Death, mother of Dreggons, daughter of Terrakourial, fell in love with Oyukipoca, the goddess of Bow Meaguars.
Oyukipoca (lesbian): Night-That-Roars, the goddess of Bow Meaguars, had the Vulbis Dofus with Tylezia, which hatched into their son Tyzerion.
Jahash (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Julith (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Simone (Lesbian) : you can see her dating a female ecaflip by the name of Julie in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Julie (Lesbian) : she fell in love at first sight with Simone and has been seen dating her in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Alibert (Gay) : his sexuality has been confirmed in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he had been kissed by a man on the cheek and liked it.
Gustavio (Gay) : he appeared in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he wrapped his arms around Alibert’s neck and kissed his cheek.
Otomaï’s unnamed mother (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess feca and had a feeling that the “man” was Feca herself because as soon as she finished praying, the “man” appeared.
Larentia (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess sacrier who was disguised as a man and knew about it because she sees “him” bleeding and loving it right after transforming into a beast to leave.
Atone (Non-binary) : just as they died, Oropo told them to rest in peace: “you were a sister, a brother, it didn’t matter.”
Marline (Gay) : had a VERY huge obsession with Khan Karkass, a popular Boufbowler player. has been confirmed by Tot on a tweet that he was a character who specifically confronted Khan’s toxic masculinity.
Wakfu Era
Queen of Bonta Astra (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to another queen of Bonta.
Astra’s unnamed wife (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to Astra who was already the queen of Bonta.
Canar (Gay) : his character was based on Albin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
Renar (Gay) : his character was based on Albin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
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bitter-panacea · 1 month
Untitled post wakfu Alternate Universe
In this au, Arty doesn't get resuscitated by the gods after his sacrifice. Instead his soul is allowed to return to his dofus and he is reborn as Ignmikhal much later, losing his humanity and his memory in the process.
Since then, Goultard has repressed A LOT of memories and feelings to be able to handle life and to keep on living as normally as possible after the events of the dofus manga. He could simply have not functioned otherwise. His mind had to in order to protect itself.
The wide majority of his memories regarding the Symbiote and Arty (both are intrinsically linked since Arty freed Goultard) being repressed created a new personality/alter in Goultard's system, Vanya, that holds onto these erased memories and embodies the trauma that resulted from being with the Symbiote for around 1400 years, as well as the trauma of losing Arty.
By now, Arty is just a very vague memory, more of a feeling to him than a person Goultard actually remembers... Arty is the fire that burns in his chest and makes him keep going, not give up. The light of a dead star thousands of light years away still reaching him to guide him through the darkest nights. A sort of incorporeal guardian angel. But remembering him truly and acknowledging the loss would break Goultard.
The premise of this au is that a catalyst event (I have two possible ideas but can't decide which one I like more) abruptly forces Goultard to face painful forgotten memories and emotions, awakening Vanya (who he had no idea existed).
Here's an older post about Vanya. (Not pictured in the post is the Symbiote introject who inhabits him.)
He manages to stop him from completely taking over, but barely. (Possibly ends up seriously endangering his friends because of it). He's going through intense flashbacks and is flooded with unbearable emotions. He's hopeless but his sick mind tells him the only thing that can cure him is the crimson dofus. He goes alone to find Ignemikhal.
Having to face him, seeing that the dragon doesn't recognize him, clearly doesn't know who he is, that there isn't any Arty left in him, makes him go berserk and they fight. Just like during their very first fight, Ignemikhal/Arty has the upper hand. Vanya, losing, too exhausted and hopeless to keep fighting, gives up and let's the dragon start eating him, slowly killing him. While this happens, the crimson dofus (or rather Arty's soul and essence subsisting inside it), through Goultard's inner world/headspace, tries to communicate with its former guardian and forever loyal friend. Goultard, drowning in his own mind, grabs onto Arty's spirit and refuses to let him go.
A mix of Goultard's divine powers, his utter despair, and Arty's desire to help Goultard, creates an energy surge that essentially short-circuits and rewrites the crimson dofus' programming, forcing back his past incarnation by force. Bringing arty back.
They both get rescued and brought back home by the tofu brotherhood.
Arty is back but some things seem different about him. He has more control over his powers, he has an easier time using them than before. But has a much harder time controlling his draconic nature, behaving in very "animalistic" ways by moment. Struggling to understand and/or suppress new confusing urges. He has more draconic features physically as well. He's kept a few memories from other incarnations (before and after him) and also remembers sensations from when he was "inside the crimson dofus". He remembers feeling Goultard's presence, his heartbeat, his emotions, his warmth, when he was inside him.
Goultard is seriously injured after his fight with the dragon. He keeps the crimson dofus in him. According to him it helps him "stay stable and stop Vanya from taking over". Is this real or is it just what he thinks? Who knows.
All of this means some of the people who know about this are very much against it, and think whatever Goultard did to make that happen was an unbelievably stupid mistake.
Goultard still seems very unstable (he is, Vanya does come back when Gou is going through intense emotions, sometimes co-fronting with him.) And letting him have the crimson dofus could turn out to be extremely dangerous. But it belongs to Arty and it's his decision to let Goultard have it.
Some of them also really don't trust Arty and think he could be dangerous as well.
Most importantly, Goultard and Arty are now both tethered to the crimson dofus. Nobody knows exactly what it entails since this has never happened before. And it's gonna take them a while to understand and learn to control this new power. The crimson dofus being "reprogramed" by force could be terrible and risk affecting the balance of the universe that the dofus are supposed to keep.
Arty doesn't feel comfortable with most people calling him Arty. Calling him his "human name" is reserved to only a few people he fully trusts, it's sort of a privilege (Gou obviously, and later Kerubim because he was a friend of Crail, maybe some other people as they get to know one another.) Others call him Ignemikhal or just Mikha for short.
Arty, as well as his new dragon related issues, has to deal with the fact he was basically dead for around 650 years. The world has drastically changed. Which makes him realize how little he knew it. (They go looking for Crail's farm where arty grew up but the land it used to be on has long been covered by the sea after the flood). Almost nobody remembers or even knows that he destroyed Bonta and the same thing is true for how Goultard's reputation has changed over the centuries. Their fight against the Cornu and Arty's sacrifice have almost been lost to history (it isn't common knowledge at all) and the statue built in their honor has long been replaced by something else. Goultard tries to sound optimistic about it (although he himself despises immortality) and calls it a second chance. But Arty sees it in a much more nihilistic way. He's now acutely aware of his immortality, and that oblivion is inevitable.
Everyone he knew and cared about except for Gou is now dead. Which makes him realize how few people he knew and cared about. He hoped Goultard would have known at least a little about what happened to the other guardians. But he disappeared and never saw or heard from them again after Arty's sacrifice. All he knows is they all went their own way (except for Dodge and Ejipe who stayed together). Thinking about Lily being all on her own after his death breaks Arty's heart. Goultard starts acting weird every time Lily is mentioned.
Goultard is extremely upset about the distance that slowly grew between him and Arty after they formed the guardians, when Arty started showing more attention and affection to Lily, and less to him.
The last moments they spent together before Arty's death left a very bittersweet taste to Goultard. He can't help but think Arty was ultimately going to abandon him for Lily but died before he could. His feelings of dependency on arty and his attachment and abandonnent issues are back and he struggles to keep them in check.
This eventually leads to conflict as Arty gets increasingly more annoyed and confused at Goultard's behavior. Who refuses to explain until confronted.
Kerubim and Arty form a very cute bond. Kerubim is overjoyed to finally meet Crail's grandson and loooves telling Arty old stories about him and Crail, their old master Nabur, and the other guardians. With Kerubim's help, they find out more about Lily. Who after taking the ivory dofus back to Bonta, decided to become an huppermage and dedicated her life to protecting Bonta and the ivory dofus. Her and Jahash knew each other well and she was a kind of mentor to him.
Goultard can't move on and heal from what he went through in the past until he accepts and confesses his true feelings for Arty. After it finally happens, Gou and Vanya "absorb" each other, integrating.
Arty and Gou have gained new abilities thanks to their connection with their dofus. They can sometimes communicate telepathically, and feel each others emotions. They also have the ability to fuse (steven universe style lmao).
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jinxedeyes · 1 year
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tot never made these two meet because he knew theyd be too powerful as canon besties (let's forget the fact that ignemikhal tried to chomp yugo in the final OVA episode it's fine. it's Fine)
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
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Finally got around to finishing rewatching the OVAS with @british-hero on netflix, so have some more screenshots that I managed to snap!
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kakasz · 5 years
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cabo-chan · 3 years
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Optimus Prime - Huppermage/Dragon
Optimus Prime through the phases of his life as a Huppermage, finding out he is the incarnation of the ivory dragon, Dardondakal, and embracing that part of him
(This was inspired by a mixture of the case of Arty/Ignemikhal and Ao Bing from the 2019 "Ne Zha" movie.)
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alys-the-eliatrope · 5 years
How did the pregnancy proceed in the eliatrope sweatcheroo? If in this alternative universe, Alys gave birth with the help of Dofus, did the family have a place for Mavis? Which of two children will be born a dragon?
Thinking of offspring for dragon!Alys is a rabbit hole; it goes deep and not exactly where one would like to go IF they stick to canon lore logic… which I do. I make it difficult for myself and not fun for anyone else, whoops.
I will need to explain a few things first so my answer and reasoning make sense. This is going to be a bit lengthy so I am going to put it under a cut. Please carry on reading if you’re interested and want to dive into me overthinking and taking stuff far too seriously.
So, here we go!
As sad as it is, Mavis will never be an Ambassador Fluff child no matter what universe. I wrote her completely out of that role like three or four years ago and I have no intention to reverse that decision. I know this sucks because I am aware a bunch of my Watchers like(d) her and would have loved to see her become a daughter of my ship. I can only apologize for this never happening.
As for Clustus and the Eliatrope Switcheroo AU, I am not sure but I do know that any offspring dragon!Alys manages to produce will not be an Eliatrope. Why? Well… *prepares glasses*
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Eliatrope dragons are unable to create a Dofus containing a dragon and Eliatrope. Heck, not even the Goddess Eliatrope can pull this off without the Great Dragon dropping in for a “productive” visit and he only done so once. He made her the six Eliatrope Dofus because she so desperately wanted kids and then he bolted to let her raise those twelve kids on her own.
Now, divine beings aside, dragons are only capable of creating a Dofus when they are emotionally charged with a positive feeling, in most cases this is love. Dragons are unlike humans; they don’t just fall in love on a whim and judge mortals by having a peek inside their heart and judge their worth. Have ill intent or are simply a jerk? A dragon will sniff that stuff out faster than you coming home and smelling your favorite dish is being prepped in the kitchen. So a dragon falling in love is an extremely rare occurrence and this makes the creation of a Dofus almost just as rare. 
In short, dragons are nitpicky as fek and have extremely high standards most mortals can’t even reach because they have mortal flaws.
But say that a dragon finally finds a mortal (or another dragon, who knows) they deem worthy of their respect or love. In most Dofus cases we know about, a Dofus either acted as a vessel for the Dofus’ creator to reincarnate through after they died (Grougalorasalar, Dardondakal and Ignemikhal are great examples of this) or as a vessel of power (see in-game Dofus). Any known cases where a dragon-created Dofus actually brought forth offspring are so few, it’s almost nonexistence. 
Almost though! 
Dragons may be few and rare in the World of Twelve but they came from a Dofus. As scary as it is for Eliatrope fans, the World of Twelve holds more (non-Eliatrope) dragons than the Eliatropes ever had, and even then the number of the Wo12′s dragons is low. Based on this, we can logically assume that the six Eliatrope dragons we know and love either never made a Dofus or the Dofus they did create held no offspring. 
Now, I can hear some of you lore nuts reading this already sharpen your pitchforks because there is indeed a single scene in Wakfu Season 2 where we see other dragons among the Eliatropes: 
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Unfortunately, aside from this single shot, we never again see an Eliatrope dragon which isn’t one of the Six. Not in the Wakfu manga, which so generously gave us more (up to date) Eliatrope lore, or any of the other flashbacks we got about the Eliatrope past and fights against the Mechasms and/or Orgonax. There are only ever Eliatropes shown with not a trace of other dragons existing.
From this alone, I always assumed that the shot of Glip with the young Eliatropes and copy-paste Adamaï’s was an error. If it weren’t, Ankama would have shown us more dragons in any flashbacks or history retellings. 
(I do want to make clear that this is my conclusion and observation on this plothole and I will respect if anyone thinks otherwise and believes there were other dragons among the Eliatropes. I mean, it would be awesome if true! For this post and my fanon stuff, I’m sticking with my own conclusion about there not being other Eliatrope dragons.) 
So back where I left of… Rarety. It rules high among dragons and Dofus no matter where they come from. It sucks but it’s one of the reasons why dragons and Dofus are so special.
Now…. say dragon!Alys creates a Dofus for her lover. Will it be a reincarnation vessel for herself, a relic of power or will it hold offspring? The rules of Dofus creation and purpose are so wonky… But, for the sake of the ship (and your question, Anon), let’s say it holds offspring. It will most definitely be a dragon because a non-Great Dragon dragon created it.
But then we stumble onto the next issue: Do you know how long it takes for a Dofus to naturally hatch? It can take decades or even centuries and this is solely based on previous hatching accounts. It took Yugo and Adamaï centuries to reincarnate and hatch. We don’t know if Nora or Efrim ever hatched, and they died a bit before Yugo and Adamaï did. If this is true, it means they have been inside their Dofus for centuries and were still in it during Wakfu Season 3. Just like Mina and Shinonome who also died around the same time as Yugo and Nora back then. They’ve been inside their Dofus for 10,000 years. Yikes. 
The long hatching times is mostly due to a Dofus needing to gather Wakfu (or so I was told!) and this can take a looong while. Oh dear, that’s not very promising. 
Hatchings which were forced through unnatural causes, like Bolgrot, Chibi/Grougaloragran and Glip, are ones I won’t be looking at for this because Alys would never force or jumpstart such a precious process.
So to give a maybe unsatisfying answer to your question ( I am so sorry…): There is no human-like pregnancy. Dragon!Alys magically creates a Dofus like any other dragon in love would. The Dofus may hatch (eventually) and bring a little dragon into the world. It will not be Mavis.
Thank you for your question and for reading through my rambling.
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aguabrial · 4 years
Sure, I'm the smallest, wittiest dragon, but i'd like to see ignemikhal being a parent. Tough work!
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nelsonmagno · 8 years
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Dofus tome 23′s ending, next step: L’antre des frères dragons (My brother dragons' den)
It’s confirmed that Dofus manga series will end at the 30th volume.
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bitter-panacea · 3 months
Thinking about wakfu era gou getting desperate from loneliness and how much he misses arty, begging Ignemikhal to stay with him, even if he doesn't remember him, despises him, he can do whatever he wants to him, beat him, kill him, but to please not abandon him, just let him stay by his side, let him be his...
But this incarnation of Ignemikhal doesn't want anything to do with him. He knows goultard used to be the guardian of the crimson dofus, but he doesn't feel anything else for him. Goultard's utter desperation and devotion disgust him.
He's not arty anymore.
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jinxedeyes · 1 year
they put ignemikhal in the dungeons and dragons movie
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
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Napping in the Fields
Arty used to shepard a herd of Gobballs, so I’ve been having thoughts of a massive godzilla sized dragon just snoozing out in the fields with a herd of fluff-balls happily grazing nearby, or even clambering over his sleeping form. The sight of a dragon would certainly keep most predators away, and considering Arty is a heavy-sleeper I can only imagine he’d not be too bothered if his herd ran up and down his scaly hide.
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
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It’s a shame the Dofus Manga characters don’t get much fanart, because honestly I love Arty, Lily, Vald and Dodge. But then I realized Arty’s dragon design is different every time it shows up, and it lead to me raging and failing to draw it several times before I ended up with this simplified doodle.
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kakasz · 5 years
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kakasz · 6 years
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