#ignis fluff week day 5
atropaazraelle · 7 years
Title: R’n’R
Pairing: Hints of Gladio/Ignis
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW themes but not in itself NSFW
Prompt: Relaxing
Also available on AO3
Gladio grumbled, sinking down into the car's seat as scenery whipped by. The outer edge of Insomnia was verdant green, the view marred slightly by the presence of the wall at the distant horizon. It wasn't nature, though, it was a cultivated greenery, a faux-wild, designed to be safe and manageable. The most dangerous things living in it were stray cats and dogs.
Spending a weekend with Iggy had sounded like a great plan at the time. He'd dragged Iggy out to bars and clubs and strip clubs plenty of times, and Ignis had always seemed to have fun with him. Maybe not so much at the strip club, Gladio thought. He'd sat as far back in his chair as the chair would allow when the girl had gyrated in his lap, looking as if he daren't swallow, and then he'd politely thanked her, tipped her, and retreated behind a table for the rest of the night so no more girls could get close enough. Gladio had enjoyed himself immensely, but he'd been forced to admit that maybe a lapdance wasn't how to get Iggy to unwind for a weekend, so he'd asked him how he did it.
Which brought him here, to Iggy's car, on their way to some spa retreat that Ignis claimed to visit whenever he actually got a day off. As far as Gladio could figure that was about three times a year, and only when he had no other choice, but he hadn't argued. He'd promised Ignis he wouldn't sneer at the idea, even though the notion of it sounded ridiculous. Gladio already received massages; deep tissue massage was a painful but necessary affair when you worked out the way he did, but it wasn't something Gladio considered relaxing.
“If you don't enjoy it, Gladio,” Ignis said, not taking his eyes off the road, “I won't bring you again. I can't say fairer than that.” He flicked an indicator as a turn off approached, and Gladio watched him check his mirrors before slowing down, and again before taking the turn. Iggy was always a conscientious driver. “Just try to keep an open mind, that's all I ask.”
Gladio grumbled again, muttering, “Yeah, yeah.”
Ignis gave a sigh, and no more was said as the car wound its twisting way down the road, and up to a building that looked like some sort of sprawling hotel. “We're here,” Ignis said, selecting a parking spot near the entrance and backing them into it.
Gladio refrained from commenting. The place was fenced in, but the carefully selected and planted trees and bushes were everywhere, and he could hear running water as he got out of the car. He followed Ignis, jamming his hands in his pockets and feeling a little like a child tailing after their parent around a supermarket, or possibly some place of historical interest.
“Mr Scientia!” a female voice called from the reception desk as he and Ignis walked inside. “It's a pleasure to see you again.”
Gladio looked from Ignis to the girl. She couldn't have been more than eighteen, and her face was all full lips and fuller lashes. She was pretty, really pretty, and definitely not the sort of girl that went by Lulubelle and gave lapdances in the Hungry Coeurl on a Saturday night.
“It's good to see you too, Aurora,” Ignis replied, approaching her at the desk. Gladio furrowed his brow. Ignis came here often enough that the receptionist knew him on sight, and he knew her first name?
“You booked for two?” Aurora asked, holding out a clipboard towards Ignis.
Ignis took it, and gestured almost carelessly over his shoulder in Gladio's direction. “This is Gladio,” he said, “he's never been before, so I was hoping this could be an education for him.”
Aurora looked at him, as Ignis took a pen and began to place little marks on the paper he'd been handed. Gladio swallowed, nervously. “Hi,” he said, trying not to sound like an idiot.
She smiled as brightly as the sun, and it was the first time Gladio had ever felt as if he was being sized up by a girl that didn't want to jump his bones. He swallowed, awkwardly. “Hello,” she replied. “Has Ignis explained what services we offer?”
“Massage,” Gladio answered, and fought the urge to shrug his shoulders. “Dunno about anything else.”
Aurora's smile brightened. “Yes, we do massage,” she said. “There's traditional, shiatsu, aromatherapy, hot stone, aquatic, reflexology, cranial, and acupressure. We also offer hand massages in our manicure service, and foot massages in the pedicures.”
Gladio blinked. “That's a lot of massages,” he said, dumbly.
Out of the corner of Gladio's vision he caught Ignis smirking, and handing back his clipboard. “Give me his,” he said.
Aurora smiled as she took Iggy's clipboard from him, and offered him another one out. “Choosing for him?” she asked.
“For his first time,” Ignis agreed.
Aurora gave a nod, turning to a computer terminal. “What about waxing services?”
“For me,” Ignis replied, without looking up as he ticked things off on his new sheet. Gladio took a step closer to read over Iggy's shoulder what he was being signed up for. He saw ticks in boxes next to Hot Stone and Cranial, and watched Ignis put another tick in a box next to Manicure. “Not for him,” Ignis added.
Gladio threw Ignis a sharp look. “You get waxed?” he asked.
Ignis looked up at him and arched one eyebrow above the line of his glasses. “You think my eyebrows stay this pristine of their own accord?” he asked.
Gladio wasn't sure if that reply confused or disappointed him more. “Oh,” he said, although the idea of Ignis getting his brows waxed was weird enough on its own. “I thought you meant,” he trailed off, and gestured with his hand at his own crotch, “you know.”
“Only on special occasions,” Ignis replied.
Gladio stared at the man he'd thought, up until that moment, that he knew. His best friend. Iggy, the workaholic that never took a day off, and didn't have an ounce of chill in him, was stood before him, casually talking about getting his balls waxed as if it was no big deal, and Gladio couldn't for the life of him tell if he was being messed with.
Ignis gave him a flash of smirk, and then handed the clipboard back over to Aurora. She took it, graciously, and then said, “We reserved your usual room.”
“Thank you,” Ignis replied.
There was a little paperwork, then. Things to sign, and questions about musical tastes, and known allergies. Gladio had no allergies that he knew about, and he had to sign a disclaimer to that effect. By the time that was done another pretty woman in a white dress uniform had approached, and Gladio found himself being offered a drink, and escorted away from Ignis.
“Just try and enjoy the experience,” Ignis advised, as a glass of Altissian red was placed in his hand.
Gladio was given a beer, and watched as Ignis was led in another direction by a different pretty woman in white. The room Gladio got taken to was clean, and peaceful, and smelled faintly of lavender. “”If you could remove your clothes?” the woman, with red lipstick and blonde hair, said to him.
“All of them?” Gladio asked. He'd never been nervous about undressing for a woman before, but here and now, not really knowing what exactly Ignis had signed him up for, or what was about to happen to him next, he was.
The woman smiled at him, the same bright smile that Aurora had given him, and subtly different, he realised, from the smile she'd given Iggy. This one was a work smile, not greeting a regular you like smile. “You can keep your underwear on,” she said, “if you wish. Many of our clients don't. When you're done, lie on the table.”
Gladio wanted to ask if Iggy kept his underwear on, the thought of Ignis getting his bits waxed refusing to leave him. His eyebrows, sure, Gladio could see it. It was weird, but Iggy's eyebrows were thin and perfectly shaped, not the big broad caterpillars Gladio sported. Trying to imagine Iggy with untidy eyebrows wasn't working for him, but maybe that was just because Iggy was always so put together.
Maybe he came to a place like this to stay that way? He'd said this was how he relaxed, although Gladio didn't see what could be relaxing about having your hair ripped out. Maybe Iggy found it relaxing to let someone else do the work of keeping him looking put together. Hell, maybe getting his brows waxed saved him five minutes in the mornings, or whatever. It was an extra five minutes in which to down a can of Ebony, knowing Iggy, but he probably wouldn't turn it down.
He stripped down to his underwear once the woman left, taking his time to finish his beer and poke around the room out of idle curiosity. There was a music player, and a metric shitload of towels. One whole wall was nothing but glass, showing a nice, if carefully cultivated, garden with a winding stream.
Gladio lay on the table after poking around, and waited. Once he'd hit the point where he was starting to get bored, a door opened, and a tall, lean man walked in, pushing a covered trolley. “Mr Amicitia?” he asked.
Gladio inwardly cringed. “Only my dad gets called that,” he replied. “I prefer Gladio.”
The man gave a nod. “If you could lie on your front, and we'll begin. Do you know what a hot stone massage involves?”
Gladio looked at the trolley, and found he really had no idea. “Not really,” he admitted.
He got one of those smiles again. “First there's a few minutes of traditional massage, and then we'll continue while I'm holding a stone. I'll place stones on you, in points that I think you need them. If you don't like it, tell me, and I can remove them and we'll leave this as a traditional massage. Is that okay?”
“Uh, yeah,” Gladio decided.
“My name's Otium,” the masseur said. “I promise you're in good hands.”
Gladio had his reservations about that, but he turned onto his front, and tried to relax. Music started playing, something soft, and choral, and Gladio listened to the sounds of Otium setting up his station. A towel got draped across Gladio's ass, even though he was still wearing his tight black boxers, and then warm hands found his shoulders.
At first Gladio was tense, expecting it to hurt like the sports massages he usually got did, but although the pressure was insistent, it didn't cross the threshold into painful, and Gladio started to relax. He was just starting to see how Iggy might enjoy this kind of thing when Otium pressed a hot rock against his shoulder and used that to work the muscle.
The sensation was some weird combination of taking a hot bath the day after a solid work out, and the soothing press of hands against his skin. Gladio groaned, quietly.
“Is that all right?” Otium asked, slowing his movements a little.
“Yeah,” Gladio answered.
All right, Iggy, he thought, he'd give him this one. The massage wasn't bad at all. Even though it was weird lying there with rocks placed on his back, it was oddly relaxing. Even when he rolled over, and the treatment was continued on his chest and stomach, stones tucked into his palms.
Gladio realised he'd missed the end of it when a hand gently shook his shoulder. “Gladio?” Otium called.
Gladio opened his eyes, feeling warm and comfortable enough that he was expecting to wake up in his own bed. “Sorry,” he said, as reality dawned.
Otium shook his head, laughing a little. “We're done,” he said. “If you'd like to put on a robe, one of the girls will take you to the hand and cranial spa.”
Gladio blinked, realising he had no idea how much time had passed. He didn't know where his clothes had gone, either, not that it seemed to matter much as he slipped into a white robe that was just that bit too small for his frame.
One of the girls, and he wasn't sure if it was the same blonde with red lipstick as before or not, came to collect him, offering him another drink as she led him to a different room. There were multiple seats in this one, although it was the same view over the cultivated gardens as before, and this time he saw Ignis, lounging in a corner while someone attended to his hand.
“How was your massage?” he asked, as Gladio was shepherded into the seat next to him.
“I think I fell asleep,” Gladio replied, looking Ignis over. He was in the same white robe as Gladio, although Iggy's fit better. His hair was combed back off his face, and damp, as if he'd been in water, and he had a blissed out look on his face that Gladio honestly hadn't seen before. “Where were you?”
“Sensory deprivation,” Ignis answered. “A dark floatation tank, insulated against sound,” he supplied, glancing at Gladio as Gladio finally took a seat. “A half hour of nothing but myself and my own thoughts,” he said.
Gladio wasn't sure if that sounded terrifying or relaxing. “Fun?” he asked.
“Intense,” Ignis answered, and flashed him a smile. “Everything seems so much sharper when you leave, it's almost overwhelming.”
“You look chilled,” Gladio said, as a girl came over and brought him another beer.
Ignis smiled, softly. “That is thanks to Lenis, here,” he said, giving a slight nod towards the girl that was perched at his hand, carefully working her fingers over his knuckles. “She's a wonder with a manicure.”
Gladio grumbled. He'd seen that Ignis had signed him up for that as well. “Might skip that bit,” he said. “Don't think I could face Iris if I had to borrow her nail polish remover, y'know?”
Ignis shook his head softly, and Gladio caught the roll of his eyes. “You don't have them painted,” he said, “just filed and moisturised.”
Gladio grinned a little. “Doesn't seem like a proper manicure if they're not painted,” he teased.
It was worth it to see the bright flash of teeth from Iggy as he teased back, “Well, I have always thought pink would suit you.”
Gladio kept his grin in place, agreeing, “Maybe I'll be bold.”
A woman came up to him, this one with brown hair, and dark brown eyes, and asked, “Gladio?”
Gladio looked up at her. “Yeah?” he asked, wondering if he was about to eat his words on the bold front. He definitely wasn't having his nails painted. Not here, anyway. He'd let Iris paint them for him when she was eight, and he'd ended up having to glare down a guy that had tried to call him a pussy for it when he hadn't managed to chip it all off again two days later. He didn't fancy having to beat Noct's ass for the inevitable sniggering.
Nor did he really want to tell Noct where he'd been this weekend. Something about this felt weirdly private, like it was his and Iggy's secret. This was Iggy's retreat, he realised. This was where the guy came to escape all the pressures of work, and looking after Noct, and the weight of the world resting on that big brain of his. He'd chosen to let Gladio in on it, to see it and experience it, despite knowing that Gladio had thought it was stupid.
“I'm here to do your cranial massage,” she said.
Gladio smiled at her. “No problem,” he answered.
Ignis rested back in his chair, giving a satisfied little hum of pleasure, and when fingers ran through Gladio's hair and kneaded gently at his scalp, Gladio echoed the sound. “Hey, Iggy?” he asked, closing his eyes. His only response was a soft murmur from Ignis, that sounded as blissed out as he'd looked. “Thanks for opening my mind.”
“You're quite welcome,” Ignis replied.
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
New (For Day 5 of @ignoctweek : Bed Sharing) I’m late oops AO3
The door creaks open and Ignis awakens immediately. He's never been a heavy sleeper and being in a new home, a new place, it's hard to get comfortable. It's only been a few weeks since he arrived at the Citadel, and he's still not used to his bed.
Firstly, it's much more comfortable than his previous bed. His head falls into the squishy pillows, and he thinks it should be easy to fall asleep, especially since the blankets feel like they're filled with the softest Chocobo feathers.
Secondly, the bed is huge! His tiny body barely takes up a fraction of the space, and he finds himself tossing and turning over the large mattress.
And finally, it's always perfectly quiet. There's no one in the halls near to him, and his room is so silent, one could hear a pin drop. Yet, there is something unnerving about that; so unnerving Ignis wakes up at the sign of any noise.
Hence why he pushes himself up in bed to see why his door is opening.
The prince is standing in the doorway, and Ignis immediately puts on his glasses to see him better. His tiny arms are wrapped tightly around a pillow and his lips are curled down into a pout. His eyes look tired, but his brow is filled with worry. Ignis notes that even in the dark, Noctis looks paler than normal. However, the prince has never come to his room this late at night before, so he wonders what this could possibly be about.
"Your Highness..." he says sleepily. "What seems to be the matter? I don't believe you're supposed to be out of bed this late."
Noctis bites his lip, and glances down at the floor. His feet turn inwards and then back out.
Pushing his glasses up to rub his eye, Ignis yawns. "It's alright. You can tell me. I won't tattle."
The prince opens his mouth and then closes it, repeating the action a few times, trying to decide if he actually wishes to speak to Ignis about whatever is bothering him. "I...I had a bad dream," Noctis mutters finally, burying his mouth into his pillow once he spits the confession out.
"A nightmare?" Ignis blinks. Noctis nods quickly and his black locks shake with the movement of his head. The prince is here because he had a scary dream? Surprising that he would choose to walk to Ignis' room instead of his father's.
"What...was it about?" Ignis asks, wondering if he maybe needs to speak about it.
He shakes his head faster, his small fingers digging into the pillow. "I don't wanna talk about it!" he says quickly. "But..." he mumbles. "I-I don't wanna be alone."
"Oh!" Ignis says, suddenly realizing what the prince is getting at. "And you...wish to stay here?" Ignis asks, his sleep deprived mind blurting out the question before he can really think about it. It's surprising to him though; he hasn't been here long enough to warrant this level of trust from the prince, right?
"I didn't wanna wake up my dad, and...well, you're my best friend," Noctis shrugs.
Ignis' cheeks flush, and immediately he understands. Of course he's Noctis' best friend. They speak every day, and minus Gladiolus (who seems angry a lot of the time), Ignis is probably the person closest in age to the prince.
And really, when he thinks about it, Noctis is practically the only person Ignis talks to. So they are best friends it would seem. He moves over, making room for the prince, though there's plenty of space in the large bed.
Noctis scrambles onto the sheets and snuggles under the blanket, tucking his pillow behind his head. "Thanks," he says softly, yawning now that he's comfortable.
Ignis pulls the covers up to tuck Noctis in, slipping down under the blanket with him. "Anytime my prince," he smiles, placing his glasses on the nightstand.
"Goodnight, Iggy," Noctis says all mumbled, already drifting off.
"Goodnight my prince," Ignis replies, happy to help Noctis, even with something like this.
And it's the best night sleep he's gotten in his new bed.
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blossattic · 7 years
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Ignis Fluff Week Day 5 @ignisfluff Take a break + Relaxing.
That day, Ignis got the chance to admire the beauty of a stunning dawn, the sun casting his warm and gentle rays over the Disc of Cauthess. Not a sound, and the calm ambiance make him relax.
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jastiss-blog · 7 years
Ignis Fluff Week Day 5 - Take a Break / Prompt: Relaxing, sorta day off
Summary: You note that a grieving Ignis needs to take some time off to properly heal and plan a little trip to a small island for some R&R.  Reader insert, unspecified reader gender, some Episode Ignis spoilers (one line, not much at all), SFW, angst and fluff. @ignisfluff
In the wake of the Dawn, emotions run hot as a forge, deep as the ocean, joyous as a newborn babe's laughter and unpredictable as nature.  The land, parched, tainted, struggling to create new life in the wake of the taint it has endured in the decade of Dark.  Flesh turned pale, starved of brilliance, scorches in what is meant to be healing rays.
Life is peculiar, indeed.  Any hope that one could return to business as usual has been dashed.  Mankind works together to keep power running, pushing it to places worldwide, rather than simply Lucis as was done by the Glaive during the Dark.
Many grieve.  Those not taken outright by daemons simply went missing, assumed... ah, to speak it was painful, often glossed over in polite conversation, only uttered into clasped hands, sobbed out in misery.
Ignis is one who grieves.  He must think you don't know.
The True King has ascended.  Ignis' charge, nay, his best friend stolen from him.  This much he has told you outright.  In his dreams, he's told you much more: the tale of the revelation on the altar of the Hydraean, carrying the sorrow of the knowledge that Noctis would be sacrificed for an entire decade.
His nightly screams rend your heart to pieces.
So you hide your plans to whisk him away to the shores north of the ruins of Insomnia, not quite as far as Galahd, a private space for you to share with your grieving husband.  He needed the break; he had been throwing himself into the relief and rebuilding efforts to keep his mind off of his pain.  For the next week, it would simply be the two of you.  Gladio even gave you some of his nicer camping gear with which to set up.
You rise earlier than Ignis, a feat in and of itself, slipping out of bed as stealthily as possible.  You take a moment to examine his sleeping form: on his back, hands resting easily at his sides.  The warm weather meant he didn't need a shirt, allowing you to gaze upon his toned upper body, the faint scars upon him.  The man was so damned breathtaking... you drag your eyes away from his form, lest you get sidetracked.
By the time Ignis pads barefoot into the kitchen, simultaneously pushing his visor up his nose and stifling a yawn with one hand, you have his Ebony ready and the bags packed.
"Going somewhere?" he rumbles, morning voice deep, gravelly.
"We are, yes," you chirp back happily.  "I've got everything ready, so once you're caffeinated and dressed, we can leave."
There's a pause in which he frowns.  Gears turn, grind... the need to work is warring with his desire to be with you somewhere nice.
"Darling, you know I can't just-"
"You can't just pack up and go away for a week when so much needs to be done?" you cut in, knowing precisely what he'll say to your plans.  "Ignis, rebuilding will take years.  You and I need some time together.  You need some R&R."
"There is simply too much to be done," he denies.  "Most of them are but civilians.  They are in need of someone such as myself for aid.  I cannot abandon them.  Noct wouldn't.... he... he wouldn't..."
Though Ignis has maintained a careful façade the past six months, his cool exterior never cracking, he unravels before your eyes.  Stumbling on his late friend's name, his memory, a single tear falls from Ignis' ruined right eye, quickly followed by a second before he can compose himself.
"I will not stand idly by," he whispers, voice cracking.
You walk over to him, gently placing your arms about his shoulders, looking him squarely in his milky eye.
"You cannot honor his memory by running yourself ragged, love," you remind him.  "Let me know when you're ready to go.  I'll give you a few moments." ~~~
It takes some time to travel to the spot, but you find yourselves tucked away on a lovely stretch of beach northwest of Insomnia about midday.  The two of you set up the tent and camp stove together, a sense of calm finally falling over you like a warm blanket.  Waves lap at the shore nearby, wildlife nearby begin their serenades, the mesmerizing symphony of nature bringing lazy smiles to your faces.
Fish swim lazily in the ocean around you, a fact that makes Ignis laugh.  He mentions that Noct would be busy trying to fish out all the surrounding fish, ignoring all else until he was satisfied.  The two of you laugh together, noting that a gentle breeze blew from behind as a fish jumped high out of the water, landing with a splash that soaks you both.
"I see you, Noct," Ignis breathes, a tear in his eye.  He grasps your hand tight, resting his head against yours as a shuddering breath leaves his body.  "This was a good idea, Y/N.  Healing.  Very relaxing.  I suppose it's not so bad an idea to take a break sometimes."
Dinner is taken on the beach, Ignis laughing as you manage to get sand in your food and drink.  In retaliation, you try to fling sand in his, but he's simply too quick, even blind as he is.  You pout, returning your gaze to the masterpiece that is the sky at sunset.
"Describe it for me," Ignis whispers slowly.
"Hm?" you question.  "Describe what?"
"The sunset, darling," he clarifies, smiling gently at you.  "Be my eyes this day."
You smile, scooting closer to whisper to him, raising his hand to paint the picture with it.  "Always."
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angelic-guardienne · 7 years
so i kinda accidentally messed up (time limits, man) and got that bad end so... hhhhh. trying again tomorrow bc i’m forcing myself to study for the (3) tests I have tomorrow. 
Another note, regarding my Day 5 submission, I’ve fallen behind (as I haven’t actually written my day 5 thing, just planned it) but I kinda saved myself? I’m sure everyone noticed, but I’ve been posting those on the JST timezone rather than my own timezone, and that timezone is 14 hours ahead of mine. Soo, come tomorrow, “America’s Day 5,” I’ll most likely have the story up. Thank you for being patient with me thus far and giving AMAZING reception to the other parts. They’ve been what’s been keeping me going this far, this fast, so thank you so much. We only have two more pieces (including day 5) until we reached the esteemed Reverence, so hang in there for me! We’re almost there!!
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heartlessfujoshi · 3 years
the switch - a vices au one shot
Title: The Switch  Fandom: FFXV Series: Vices AU Pairing: Ignoct (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Ignis Scientia) and Ardynoct (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Ardyn Izunia) Rating: Explicit (NSFW - Oral - 69 - Fluff) Word Count: ~3210 Summary: After a long week, Ignis asks Noctis about the time he'd spent with another escort at Cauthess, and Noctis finds himself having to confess something he thought would never be discussed.
A/N: For the fifth anniversary of FFXV being out, I decided to write 5 stories in my Vices AU. They will be a mix of ratings, so each story will be posted separate. I hope you'll enjoy going back to this AU, as I had a lot of fun writing them again. :) Please enjoy!
Noctis rests his head on Ignis’ lap, the two of them sitting on their couch, enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon. The past week, they’ve been going nonstop - traveling around the city to different meetings that his father didn’t feel like attending, so he went in his stead. It has been a very exhausting week, and getting to do this right now is exactly what he needs to recharge. 
“What’s on your mind, Noct?” Ignis asks, as his fingers continue to gently comb through his hair. He sighs, closing his eyes as he lets the stress fade away, leaving only the slight want that is always present when he’s alone with his lover. “You’re rather quiet this afternoon.” 
“I’m enjoying the moment, Specs.” He turns his head and looks up at him, and sees Ignis has a knowing smirk on his face. “No, no. I’m good - I just want to lay here.” 
“Are you sure about that, Mr. Luke? Because I know it’s been a rather long stretch since the two of us…” 
They both look over at their second bedroom - the room that’s meant for their very specific playtime with one another. Noctis swallows, then shakes his head. “No, I think I’m okay for now. Maybe tomorrow? It was a long week.” 
“That it was.” Ignis agrees, resuming his gentle scalp massage that left Noctis to be a lump of goo. “But we survived, and now we’re reaping the benefits.” 
“My father wanted me to go to Lestallum this weekend, but I told him no. After having to stand in for him all week, he can go and do something himself this weekend.” 
He knows he sounds a little bit of a brat with that comment, but he knows Ignis won’t hear it as such. “There will be a time when you will need to do everything. Your Prince title will not just be for show.” 
“That time isn’t now, Ignis.” He closes his eyes, and appreciates the companionable silence. 
Ignis’ fingers wander down to the nape of his neck, where he begins to gently massage him. “You know, I was thinking about something the other day.” 
“Oh? What about?” 
“You may not like it.” 
That got his attention. Opening his eyes, he stared up at Ignis, who was looking out the window. “Try me.” 
“I was thinking about that time when I wasn’t at Cauthess, and you had the….pleasure of being with Loqi.” 
Noctis almost choked on his own saliva as he sat up quickly, putting a little distance between him and his lover. “W-Why would you think about something like that?” 
“I’m not sure. It just sort of popped into my head when we were meeting with the President of Ravatogh. My mind tends to wander to strange places sometimes.” 
Clearing his throat, he looks out the same window that Ignis has been focused on. “What about it? Do you want me to tell you what happened?” 
“Did you enjoy sleeping with him?” 
“No?” The surprise in Ignis’ voice makes his own palms begin to sweat, as he realizes he’s going to have to tell Ignis something he never thought would be something that would come up. “Why not? He was a good escort.” 
Scratching the back of his neck, Noctis can feel his cheeks heating up as the memories make an unexpected return to his head. “Well, you see - I never slept with him. That’s why the answer is no.” 
“What?” Ignis turns to look at him, his aquamarine eyes alight with confusion as Noctis looks back at him. “What do you mean, you didn’t sleep with him? Was it just oral? Or physical touches?” 
“That was the plan, except we didn’t get that far.” 
“Why on Eos not?” 
~Several Months Ago~ 
Noctis doesn’t know why he’s here. Cindy had told him that Specs wasn’t available tonight. He should have left, but after Cindy had made a case, he’d agreed to who she suggested putting him with. Now he’s sitting at the bar, wondering if he’s made the right decision by being here at all. 
“Hi, Mr. Luke!” The blond bartender - Prompto, was it? - appears in front of him. “Would you like another glass of Mesmenir?” He points to the empty glass that’s sitting on the bar. “Or would you prefer something else?” 
“Am I making a mistake, Prompto?” He asks, clearly not really hearing what had just been asked of him. “I feel like I’m making a mistake. Specs isn’t here.” 
“It’s his night off!” Prompto nods his head, and grabs the bottle of Mesmenir and begins to pour more into his glass. “And what’s wrong? Who’re you going to see tonight?” 
An arm drapes over his shoulder, Noctis startling at the touch. “He’ll be under my care tonight.” He turns to look at the man that’s just joined them - the escort that goes by the name of Loqi. “Good evening, Mr. Luke. I’m ready to go back if you are.” 
“I’m ready.” He looks at Prompto, then looks at the full glass. “Sorry to make you waste that.” 
“No problem!” Noctis can feel his heart beating hard in his chest, hoping that Loqi can’t tell how nervous he is right now. “Have a good night!” 
Loqi had yet to remove his arm from around his shoulder, which shouldn’t bother Noctis but it does. It doesn’t feel the same as when Specs put his hand on his lower back. That’s the touch he’s aching for right now, but since he’s not here, this is what he’s stuck with. He tries to smile, but it feels fake as he looks up at Loqi, who looks like he knows exactly who he is and is excited to have a story to tell. 
They go into a room, and he sees Loqi turn the light on that he knows is above the door. “What sort of things do you like to do, Mr. Luke?” Loqi asks, as he walks closer to him. “Are you a man that likes to be touched? To be the one to touch?” 
Before he’s able to answer the question, there’s a knock on the door. Both men turn their head towards it, as it’s clear to Noctis this isn’t normal behavior for Cauthess. He sees Loqi go over to the door and stays by the bed, feeling like he’s going to be sick as he doesn’t want to be here. This doesn’t feel right. 
“Pardon the interruption, gentlemen~.” Noctis lifts his head and sees a man standing there, looking like he isn’t sorry for the interruption at all. The man has a killer smile, vibrant violet red hair, and wears a suit that Noctis knows is expensive, as he has a few himself. The way it's cut, he can tell it’s custom-made. “Loqi, I’m afraid there’s been a change of plans tonight.” 
“Oh?” Noctis sees a look of anger cross over Loqi’s face. “Is there something wrong, Ardyn?” 
Ardyn. He doesn’t recognize that name at all. Not that he’s a frequent client here or anything, but from the looks of this man, if he works here? He’s on the expensive side. “There’s nothing wrong, Loqi. But one of your high profile clients has come in, and has requested you~. They’ve been given a drink, and will be sent to your room in a few minutes.” Ardyn looks directly at Noctis as he speaks. “Why don’t you go there now, and I’ll take care of Mr. Luke for the evening~?” 
“You’re the one in charge.” Loqi spits out, and then leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. 
“My apologies for his behavior, Mr. Luke~.” Ardyn steps closer to him, Noctis exhaling the breath he doesn’t realize he’d been holding for that entire conversation. “Would you care to sit down? Or, perhaps, another drink from the bar? Was it Anak? Or Mesmenir, is that your drink of choice?” 
He sits down on the edge of the bed, still feeling a bit out of sorts after that entire exchange. “Am I being charged more now because of this?” 
“Absolutely not.” Noctis watches as Ardyn approaches him. “I know that you’ve been coming here to see Specs, and I’m so sorry you’ve caught him on a night off.” He follows his movements as he comes to kneel down in front of him. He inhales sharply as this man puts his bare hands on his thighs - another difference than what Specs does. Specs always wears gloves, while this man seems to not care. “You’re here tonight because you’ve got that certain itch, isn’t that right, Mr. Luke~?” 
“Yes.” Noctis doesn’t bother to deny it - why would he, when Cauthess is a place that offers relief from those particular itches that seem to strike at the worst times. “But I….I don’t know if I want to sleep with you.” 
Ardyn lays his head on his thigh, and he feels his cock stiffen at the touch. “That’s quite alright. There’s no need to go that route, if it isn’t something you’re interested in.” Ardyn’s hand slides up his thigh, Noctis spreading his legs a bit wider unconsciously as he feels the pad of his thumb touch close to where his cock is resting. “Why don’t you tell me what brought you in tonight, and what you were planning on asking our Specs to do for you~.” 
“I….” Noctis moans as Ardyn’s thumb makes contact with his cock, the gentle push through his slacks making him lose all of his thoughts. Heat floods through his body as that little push happens again, and this time he feels Ardyn’s warm breath against his crotch, his face now buried against it as he rubs his face against his zipper. “Oh, Gods…” He drops his hands to the bed, clutching onto the edge for dear life. 
The warm heat of Ardyn’s breath makes his toes curl inside of his shoes. This was moving much faster than he anticipated, but really - does it matter? Not to Noctis. Not when this man is asking him specifically what he wants. He is paying for his time here tonight, and he is going to get his money’s worth. While this man may not be Specs, it’s clear that he knows what he’s doing, and a little part of Noctis is glad that Ardyn replaced Loqi. Not that Loqi wasn’t attractive, but Noctis didn’t feel a spark. This man, whose face is still pressed against his crotch, is making him feel things, more so than Loqi had. 
Putting his hand on Ardyn’s hair, his fingers closed tight around his long red-violet hair and tugs on it. “I want to feel your mouth on me. I want to come tonight - multiple times. I d-don’t know if I’m comfortable to have sex, but I’m good with oral and hands.” 
“Anything you wish~.” Ardyn stares up at him, Noctis’ breathing becoming a bit more shallow as he stares down into amber eyes. “May I take care of getting you undressed?” 
“P-Please do.” He nods his head, his heart beating rapidly in his chest as he tries to control his nerves. It’s not like he and Specs have an arrangement - Specs services many other clients besides himself. This isn’t like he’s cheating on him. He’s just….broadening his horizons, even though he’d originally come here to spend more time with Specs. 
It is easy to lay naked with this man, who strips off all of his clothes, touching him with feather-light touches that has his body aching for more. The man seems to make an art of teasing his body, which leaves Noctis moaning like a damn whore. He’s on the verifiable edge by the time Ardyn’s mouth returns to his now naked crotch, his cock dripping with precum as he stares it down. 
“How many times do you wish to come with my mouth?” Ardyn asks, as he starts to lick his cock with slow, deliberate touches. 
Noctis struggles to respond, as his body is already in a heightened state thanks to this man’s skillful ways. “Once? Twice? I don’t know.” 
“We’ll play it by ear.” Ardyn chuckles low, then begins to suckle on the tip. “Relax, Mr. Luke. It’s time to let me take care of you now~.” 
His head drops onto the pillow as a loud moan tears from his throat, Ardyn’s mouth slipping down all the way to the root. His mind goes utterly blank as that warm, wet heat surrounds him. The gentle suction varies between soft and then hard, Ardyn’s fingers anchoring his hips down to the bed. Noctis moans and thrashes as he tries to get out of his hold, but truth be told, he likes feeling like this - like he’s trapped and can’t escape. Another kink that he locks away to explore with Specs on another night. 
Ardyn’s mouth is a gift. He doesn’t know what he’s done to secure this escort, but Noctis doesn’t care. He will gladly pay all the money he has in the bank, as Ardyn’s mouth moves up and down on his cock. The minute he comes, Ardyn keeps his mouth secure around his cock, swallowing everything that he’s giving to him. Noctis releases a deep, guttural moan as he’s brought back to full hardness after the man sucks him off, the need to stop itching at his brain but he ignores it in order to feel more alive. 
He tugs on Ardyn’s hair hard. “I want to do it to you too.” He begs, wanting to know what this man looks like under his slacks. He’s sure that he’s well endowed, and that excites him. 
“Whatever you wish, Mr. Luke~.” 
Catching his breath, he stares up at Ardyn as he watches him get undressed. He rolls a condom onto his cock, and as much as Noctis doesn’t want to taste rubber, he knows it’s for the best that it happens this way. 
Ardyn senses his thoughts, and brings his mouth to his ear. “Don’t worry, they’re flavored~. It won’t taste too much like plastic.” 
“Will you get off?” He moans, as Ardyn’s hand has found its way back to his cock, his fingers now teasing the sensitive tip. 
“I will.” Amber eyes meet his, his heart pounding hard in his chest as he accepts it. 
“Whatever you wish~.” 
Noctis waits as Ardyn gets himself situated, the two of them laying in an almost yin-yang position on the bed, his mouth salivating as he stares at the thickness now covered by the prophylactic. He waits until Ardyn’s mouth is back on his cock, and then begins to lick his wrapped cock. Ardyn moans in approval, and then he waits for him to make another noise as he pulls his cock into his mouth, Noctis groaning as he feels it grow a little thicker against his tongue. 
It doesn’t take much for him to start humping Ardyn’s face, and is pleased when Ardyn follows his lead and does the same to him. It makes him feel filthy, it makes him feel dirty, and it brings such a surge of pleasure to his body that he can’t stop the noises he makes. He feels Ardyn’s hands on his hips, guiding him on how to thrust as he bobs his own head on Ardyn’s cock. He puts his hand around Ardyn’s cock and starts to jerk him off as he keeps his mouth around the tip, his own orgasm approaching fast. 
His ears ring as he comes again, his body going numb as he experiences that complete high. He bobs his mouth up and down on Ardyn’s cock, and feels the condom grow a little fuller against his tongue as he hears Ardyn release a deep moan. Satisfied that he’d made the man come, he pulls his mouth off and rests his head against the soft mattress. He feels Ardyn move away, but doesn’t see it happen as his eyes are closed, and he’s breathing deep, trying to regain some semblance of control over his body. 
“Would you care for a little more, Mr. Luke? Or will that be enough to satisfy that itch you had upon entry here at Cauthess?” Ardyn returns to the bed, and sits beside him, his hand resting on his shoulder before moving up to comb his fingers through his hair. “I’m open to anything, as I know you’ve paid for an hour session this evening.” 
Noctis isn’t sure what he wants. On the one hand, more sounds great but he’s also pretty good right now. “It’s enough.” He smiles, feeling slightly delirious after such an intense moment. “Thank you, Ardyn.” 
“You are most welcome. Allow me to help you get dressed? If you prefer, I can pull Loqi out and make the illusion appear that you’ve been with him the entire time this evening.” Ardyn helps him up off the bed, and starts to get him dressed. “It won’t hurt my feelings if that’s what you prefer~.” 
Blushing, he knows it won’t really matter but what if Prompto tells Specs he came in? “If you could get him?” 
“Say no more.” The escort nods his head, then helps get Noctis’ tie in order. “Wait right here, and he’ll be along to take you back to the bar, where you’ll enjoy another two rounds on us. I insist.” 
“I would like that.” He reaches into his pocket, and hands him the tip he’d planned to give Specs. “For you.” 
Ardyn shakes his head. “Keep that for when you come back and see Specs. I require no tip tonight, Mr. Luke.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“As part owner of Cauthess, I insist.” Ardyn winks, then heads out the door, leaving Noctis to stare at it, his brain failing to process that he’s just been with one of the owners of the establishment. 
“He took Loqi away from you.” Ignis looks at him, a look of surprise on his face. “I knew Loqi wasn’t that great, but for Ardyn to come in like that - that’s bold.” 
Noctis nods his head. “It was surreal. It still doesn’t feel like that happened. But that’s the story.” 
“He trained me, you know.” 
His mouth drops open. “He did?? That must have been….fun.” 
“He’s one of the best in the business.” His lover looks at him, a fond smile on his face. “I’m the lover that I am because of what he taught me. In a way, it seems fitting that you got to have a session with him.” 
“You’re not mad?” 
“Why would I be?” Ignis reaches forward, and before Noctis can stop him, they’re kissing each other with soft, meaningful kisses. “It doesn’t matter now, because you’re mine. And I know that what we share together is more than enough for both of our sexual appetites.” 
He laughs, and nods his head. “And then some, Specs.” Noctis kisses him on the lips. “Come on - I know I said I wasn’t into it tonight, but I think I’m feeling up to having a little fun time in our playroom.” 
“Whatever you wish, Mr. Luke.” Ignis nods his head, the heat back in his aquamarine eyes. “Lead the way, and I will follow.” 
Noctis stands up and holds his hand out to him. “Let’s go together?” 
Cross-posted to AO3
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clairefiredragon · 3 years
My FFXV Rare Pair Fics for August 2021
So on Twitter for the FFXV Rare Pairs week, I wrote a fic for every day! Here are all the fics in one central location. 
Day 1 Title: This Night Enchanted  Theme: Fairies  Pair: Ignis/Ravus Tags: Alternate Universe, Fae & Fairies, Fairies, First Meetings, Fairy Ravus, Summary: Ignis has been asked by King Regis to go out on a diplomatic journey to the fairy realm, to the fairy kingdom itself. The two kingdoms wish to make ties and peace between them, and so Ignis is sent to be the main representor for the humans. While there he meets the royal fairy family, including prince Ravus who seems to have a lot of distain for humans. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33436774
Day 2 Title: Ice and Fire Theme: Demi-Gods Pair: Prompto/Ravus Tags: Alternate Universe, Demigods, Demi-God Ravus, Demi-God Prompto, Fluff, First Meetings Summary: Ravus was a demi-god, a child of an Astral. He was a child of Shiva and throughout his years he had a bit of a reputation for not being the friendliest. Whether this was a trait of Shiva or just something that was his own, but he was always rather distant and cold towards others. He had the hardest time trying to befriend someone else, whether they were demi-god or not. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33462118
Day 3 Title: The Mysterious Behemoth Theme: Spell gone wrong, Familiar, Witch Pair: Gladio/Luna Tags: Alternate Universe, Witches, Witch Luna, Magic, Spells & Enchantments, Fluff, Cute Summary: Luna is a young witch out to find herself a little familiar. She comes across a mimi Behemoth and she thinks she feels a magical connection. Taking it home she finds that her new behemoth isn't actually what she thought it was. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33466999
Day 4 Title: When in Limbo Theme: Ghosts, Limbo Pair: Noctis/Ravus Tags: Alternate Universe, Assassination Attempt(s), Coma, Limbo, The Nox Fleurts don't exist in this universe, Ravus is a overseer in the Limbo realm, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Romance, minor mentioning of blood and injuries Summary: After an assassination attempt, Noctis is left in a coma. But during that time, he finds himself in a realm that is limbo. Between life and death he waits to see what will happen, but he isn't alone. He finds that he will have someone to keep him company. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33488782/chapters/83199118
Day 5 Title: Miqo'te Shenanigans Theme: Animal Transformation  Pair: Prompto/Y’jhimei  Tags: Alternate Universe, Post-Canon, Fluff, Cute, Animal Transformation, Miqo'te Prompto, Dimension Travel, Post-Episode Ignis Verse 2 Summary: Prompto and Y'jhimei have finally decided to test the teleporter to take them to her world. They figured it would still work both ways, so they decided to give this a try and take a little vacation together. The only thing they didn't expect was how Prompto looked when they arrived in Hydaelyn. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33517108
Day 6 Title: The Hunt for the Adagium Theme: Monster Hunter Pair: Ardyn/Verstael  Tags: Alternate Universe, Monsters, Monster Hunters, First Meetings Summary: There has been legends of a monster known as the Adagium. Verstael believed he could be the one to finally find the creature and defeat it. He didn't expect the encounter to go quiet like this. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33611932
Day 7 Title: Betrayal at Paradise  Theme: Secret Relationship Pair: Loqi/Noctis Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No Prophecy (Final Fantasy XV), There is peace between Niflheim and Insomnia, Angst, Fluff, Kidnapping, Assassin Creed Festival, Secret Relationship, Happy Ending Summary: Noctis is at the Assassins festival, enjoying his time there. But the day takes a bit of a turn when Nifheim soldiers show up to try and capture him. Part of him worries that word had gotten out about him being here, but the only one who could let the Niffs know would be none other that his secret boyfriend; Loqi. But is it true? Is Loqi even here? That's what Noctis has to find out. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33629779
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merryfortune · 3 years
Day 5 / Awkward Hugs
Social Interactionism 2021
Event: @hugsaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Ship: Wisteriashipping | Spectre/Yusaku
Word Count: 1.8k
Tags: Developing Relationship, Bittersweet, Fluff with a Sad Ending
AN: since today’s Hugsaku prompt overlaps with my birthday, it was only natural for me to write Spectre/Yusaku as a birthday treat to myself (hence why, no spoilers), they can hug twice in this fic as a treat
  Yusaku’s plan, like they usually did, involved three steps. There might be more steps or issues within those three, broad ideas but so be it. That’s also how it usually was.
  One. He would apologise to Spectre.
  Two. He would find the Earth Ignis.
  Three. He would reunite Spectre and the Earth Ignis.
  He wasn’t sure if the steps to his plan were in descending order or difficulty or not, but he would abide by these three steps to the best of his ability. Of course, coaxing Spectre out into the open, one on one, was going to be difficult and it was part of step one. Yusaku could have just sent a letter addressed for Spectre or even an e-mail but he thought that was impersonal. He wanted it to mean something big and something dear because when he wanted to apologise, he wanted to do something more than just create a clean slate between them. He wanted to earn Spectre’s trust and maybe even affection as the third step in Yusaku’s plan would likely hinge on that.
  However, Yusaku thought that Spectre was even more hermetic than him which was saying something. Yet for all that agonising, just sending a summons for Spectre and Spectre alone at the usual spot for his and his team’s encounters with the Knights of Hanoi, though mainly Ryoken, was enough.
  Quite honestly, Yusaku was expecting to be stood up when he waited by the Stardust Road. He stood with his hands laced over the rail and he stared out to sea. All around him, dusk descended with orange skies and indigo clouds; it dyed the sea that lapped at the rocks and cement below a very, very dark colour and just as Yusaku thought that Spectre might not appear, a familiar stranger dejectedly stood beside him, leaning over the rail with him.
  “I didn’t even hear you.” Yusaku murmured.
  Spectre snickered. “Most people usually don’t. If I’m not careful, if I’m not making a fuss, most people won’t notice me at all.”
  “But Ryoken does?” Yusaku guessed.
  “Yes.” Spectre replied with a bitter smile.
  There was a moment of silence between them. It was uneasy but not necessarily uncompanionable. It was just there to acclimatize them between greetings and the actual conversation, of which, Yusaku initiated it and very boldly at that.
  “I’m sorry.” he said.
  Spectre harrumphed. “Whatever for?”
  “For tricking you into destroying your field when we duelled. That was a cruel thing to do.” Yusaku said. “I can tell you have a very genuine affection for your Sunavalon cards. So, I’m sorry.”
  “That’s water under the bridge,” Spectre said, “but thank you. I appreciate the sentiments.”
  “I’m glad. Because, well, I felt bad about that.” Yusaku stated.
  “You shouldn’t though… I goaded you into, remember, I wanted you to do something cruel and I ought to be impressed that you exceeded expectations.” Spectre replied.
  “Well, now I’m trying to do kind things.” Yusaku said.
  Spectre’s pupils dilated at that – and Yusaku noticed even if it was a small quirk of his body language.
  “No, don’t tell me…” Spectre said, realising where this conversation was going, he had thought it was strange that Yusaku would call him out of the blue like this but he figured he would indulge it, he was his master’s servant after all, so he assumed – hoped – it was eventually going to funnel to him.
  “Yeah,” Yusaku murmured, “I am. I want to bring back the Earth Ignis, or just, um, Earth as he’s called.”
  Spectre shook his head. He wanted to chastise Yusaku, but he couldn’t find his words. He just looked stiff instead.
  “I was hoping you would help but I don’t want to force you.” Yusaku added.
  “I’ll allow it to happen,” Spectre elected to reply, “but I won’t help.”
  “Thank you.” Yusaku said.
  Yusaku was expecting the conversation to end there. He was right. It did. But not how he thought it would. Spectre, slovenly, pushed himself off the railing, ready to return to the marina and retire to the yacht for the night because dealing with Yusaku was exhausting but not quite.
  Yusaku was somewhat surprised as Spectre gave him an unexpected hug. He blinked and he felt Spectre’s arms surge around him. His hug was tight and Yusaku wasn’t sure what to do as he felt Spectre’s head beneath the crook of his chin and his arms on his waist. Yusaku swallowed and he half-heartedly tried to push Spectre off him. He didn’t feel in danger, even if Spectre was a peculiar and oftentimes unpleasant person, but he did feel… Awkward being hugged by him.
  “What are you doing…?” Yusaku asked, blushing.
  Spectre got the hint that now was the time to stop and it seemed he didn’t appreciate being rejected like that. He straightened up his coat and looked mildly annoyed. His brows furrowed and his eyes fixated on some weedy flower growing between the pavers on the ground.
  “I thought it was appropriate. It’s a kind thing, isn’t it?” Spectre asked. “You apologised and now you have yet another channel for your sense of justice so. I thought it was the least I could do.”
  “O-oh, well then,” Yusaku murmured, “thank you.”
  “Well, good luck, I might not want to be involved in whatever it is you plan to do to bring back my Other Self but good luck. I will make sure we don’t… intervene on whatever basis we can find to prevent further resurrections of the Ignis.” Spectre said.
  Yusaku hazarded a small smile. He appreciated it but he didn’t know how to say it beyond words. He figured there were other actions that he could take – and he did take them.
  Steadily over the next few weeks, Yusaku with the help of Kusanagi and Ai, he began to piece together the data belonging to Earth. It was getting much, much easier after all the practice that he had gotten with Ai and then applied that to bring Flame back to Takeru and Aqua back to both Miyu and Aoi. Though, that didn’t make the finding of the pieces all that easier, just the putting them back together and Earth was in plenty of pieces but as Playmaker, Yusaku found them all.
  He restored Earth back to form and Earth was overjoyed to see his good friend Ai once more. They had a hug or two with Ai crying and screaming that he was so glad that yet another of his friends was back; just two more to go. Playmaker was fond as he watched Ai jump and down with Earth in his arms, it was quite the sight to behold given the fact that Earth was much bigger and much heavier than Ai.
  But in the midst of that jubilation, Earth looked up with sorrowful eyes at Playmaker. It seemed he knew where this was heading. Even if he and Spectre hadn’t been all that close previously, there was a disappointment to what Earth had in mind for if he came back.
  “I didn’t remember Aqua first,” Earth began to explain as Playmaker, atop his D-Board, made a beeline for where he could hope to find Spectre, either alone or with Revolver, “I remembered him.”
  Ai nodded. It had been the same for him. He had remembered his dear Yusaku before he remembered anything else or any of the others. It was bittersweet.
  “There he is.” Playmaker commented quietly and he saw Spectre on his lonesome.
  He was standing in the shade of a tree. It was wiry with white bark; its beet purple foliage moved slowly on the breeze. That appeared to be the most natural place for him to reside, he was staring out into the distance of the sort of asteroid field-like area on the hinterlands of the Neo Link VRAINS. The roots of the were spilling out the bottom of the rock platform that it and Spectre was planted on.
  Playmaker drew in closer and Spectre looked up at him. He had a morose look on his face. He took a breath.
  “You fulfilled your goal, I presume?” Spectre asked.
  Playmaker nodded and he made a hand gesture. He allowed Earth to follow through on it and Spectre’s eyes widened. For a moment, he looked completely and utterly happy. Childishly happy. But then he flinched.
  Earth lifted his hand and he didn’t know what to say.
  So, Spectre decided to say it for him.
  “It is good to meet you,” he said, “but I don’t believe our continued meeting is advised.”
  Playmaker inhaled sharply. He was surprised – almost offended – to hear that.
  Spectre came closer to the edge, came closer to Earth and he reached up to where Earth floated against gravity. Gingerly, Spectre pet the top of Earth’s head and he liked how the Ignis’s skin felt on his fingertip. There was a muted joy to Spectre’s expression.
  “I did my best,” Spectre said, recalling the Incident, “for my Mother, she would want me happy and proud, so I duelled my best for you. But when I was told, the new goal of the Hanoi was to destroy the Ignis, I accepted that whole-heartedly. So, I did my best. I endeavoured to eliminate the Ignis if it meant I was useful. I – I don’t believe I can go over the past ten years of that goal so easily, to say nothing of the others, Revolver-sama and the Lieutenants, and even if we are neutral, trying to atone. I want to be my best self for you, Earth. Until then, I don’t believe it to be advisable for you to remain with me.”
  Ai made a strange expression, but it was the same that Playmaker was making. A certain defensiveness which had become unguarded as Spectre explained himself.
  Earth nodded. “That makes sense. I can accept that decision, Partner, but when you are ready, I will be too.”
  “Thank you.” Spectre said and he turned to Playmaker. “Can I ask something selfish of you?”
  “I think I know what it is, but it’s not selfish, Spectre.” Playmaker replied.
  “Can you please home him, please? Keep him safe?” Spectre asked.
  Playmaker nodded. “I can do that for you, yes.”
  “Thank you.” Spectre said.
  Playmaker let his D-Board drop a few more levels and once they were at a mismatched but even height, Spectre hugged him again. Playmaker stiffened but this time, he hugged back as he felt one of Spectre’s hands close to his neck and the other round his waist. Gratitude emanated from Spectre’s hug and though Playmaker felt awkward, he wasn’t a hugger, he didn’t think himself good at it, he still tried to return Spectre’s sentiments. He mimicked back and he could hear a repressed sob in Spectre’s breathing as they held each other in this embrace.
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cyberseignis · 4 years
General RP style and preferences
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not. Elaborate on any points you’d like with a *
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP. ____
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Types of RP / How I do threads
| I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord *| Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses| * On request 
Plotting Preferences
| Wing it | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs |
Type of threads I do / Prefer
| Oneliners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Mulit para | Literal Novels |
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping threads
| I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! * | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you** | I reply on a schedule/queue (specify if you’d like) **| I usually reply within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly |
* I sometimes do lose some, sometimes my tracker fails or I forget to draft, Please let me know! ** This blog is slow and sporadic, but I won’t ever abandon it without saying anything! *** When I do get around to this blog, I load up the queue for one post a day :)
Romantic or sexual ships
| I don’t do these ships (specify reason if you would like)* | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based (specify reason if you’d like) | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff or smut |
* The ignis are A.I. and my smol jellybean babies. Even Ai in his SOltis form. There will be no ships of this nature between the ignis and a human. This doesn’t mean I don’t think they can love or anything like that, but shipping not the main point of this blog.
| I do NOT do smut at all (specify reason if you’d like) * | I’m very selective about it | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to the subject on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and love to|
*Not on this blog, they baby.
Active hours [Specify Timezone, if you’d like]
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards | *
* I’ve usually got a tab open on this blog, but I still to replies sporadically
Activity Schedule
| SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activity (specify if there’s a certain time you have school/work/etc. off that you are most active) | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time |
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do selective calls (specify) | I don’t do calls, but always fee free to ask me for one! | I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often |
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I won’t do (specify here) |
| I don’t do crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m selective with crossovers (specify reason if you’d like)* | I love crossovers! |
* Mostly other ygo crossovers because it’s kinda hard with other fandoms even if they are tech heavy but don’t follow the same rules. But when in doubt, ask!
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countingpaperstars · 5 years
Chapters: 7/7 Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Couch Cuddles, Hugs, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Drabbles, 5+1 Things, Fluff and Angst, Duty, Tenderness, Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV, Nerdiness, Magical Girls, hair petting, gentleness, Rained In, Sickfic
Gladio hates being sick with every fiber of his being. It isn’t something he can fight, something he can foresee and attack, and it makes him feel utterly useless.Notes:
Well, we made it lads! Here's the last chapter of my very late contribution to Gladio Fluff Week. Thanks for coming along on this journey with me. Hope you enjoy!
Day Seven: Books
(Please support by reblogging! <3)
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ao3feed-ignoct · 4 years
True Love Is...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OIX6Qu
by HardNoctLife
A series of vignettes of various bro-ships to celebrate Valentine's Day week! Based off a prompt in my DC group. Each chapter will be a different scenario and ship, so please check author's notes and summaries for more information.
True Love Is...
1. Supporting Your Partner (Promptio) 2. Remembering When They Forget (Gladnis) 3. Learning to Compromise (Promptis) 4. Teaching Them to Rest (Promnis) 5. ? (Ignoct) 6. ? (GladNoct) 7. Sharing the Love (OT4)
Words: 2830, Chapters: 3/7, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia
Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Vignette, One Shot Collection, Love, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Valentine's Day, Texting
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OIX6Qu
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k-ovic · 5 years
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Promnis Week, promnis week 2019, Domestic, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Established Relationship, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles Summary:
Both Prompto and Ignis have the day off, and Prompto convinces his boyfriend to sleep in for once.
Day 5: Living together/domestic | Prompto is in Insomnia when Niflheim invades | Ignis fucks Prompto to relieve his stress
A bit late but day 5 of @promnisweek! Enjoy some short fluff!
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shadyafternoontea · 6 years
This is disgusting fluff. Just straight will-rot-your-teeth, will-make-you-vomit-a-little fluff. I couldn’t help myself. I literally have like three smutty works in process, but my gross heart needed this today.  Imma come back hard with angst and smut don’t you worry. I’m still working on your requests, you beautiful anons.
I actually relate more to Iggy here, but you know, what can you do? This turned out WAAAAAY more domestic than I expected, but shit I’d be whatever Ignis Scientia needed. My precious bean deserves the world.
@whimsyofthewind @atarostarling @jastiss @singergurl91 @sugarbombxv
How many times do I have to tell Noct to not put off his training?
Another late night. It was the fifth one this week and it seemed like he’d be working through the weekend. He glanced at his watch, looking at the second hand inching another bit closer to ringing in 10pm, taunting him.
His phone chimed with a message from Gladio, but Ignis chose to ignore it for the time being while irritation crowded his senses.
He instead glanced back at the thread directly below Gladio’s.
Today 5:00 PM
What’s the ETA?
                                       Unknown, I’m afraid. Noct has yet to finish his plans.
Tell him if he doesn’t I’m coming over and kicking his ass.
                 I think I am forbidden from courting prisoners. It would be unseemly.
Such a man of the Crown. But I’d let you interrogate me ;)
Today 7:00 pm
I let myself into the apartment. work sucked as usual. see you later!
Today 8:30 pm
Heeeeey, you okay? Will you be home for dinner?
He hadn’t responded. He normally loved spending time with his other half, but tonight, the frustrations of his life crept in.  He had spent all day babysitting Noct—answering for him, shuffling him into meetings, trying to impart into his thick head the gravity of his responsibilities. It hadn’t helped that Regis seemed to expect Ignis to be the one to make Noct understand his duties.
And now, he was expected to take care of yet another person. He pinched the bridge of his nose, willing his frustration away, but all he got was the beginning of a headache coming on.
The last thing he wanted to do right now was make dinner. He wondered how horrible it would be to tell you that he’d prefer to be alone tonight, but he couldn’t bring himself to imagine the crestfallen look that would surely fall.  So, like always, he tamped down his irritation and his own needs and then made the way to his apartment.
Perhaps this relationship was a mistake. I don’t know if I can do this—
He was so lost in thought that he never heard the singing until he pushed the door open and was met with sights and sounds and smells he hadn’t expected.
“Darlin’, darlin’, stand by me, oh, stand by me—”
The sound of the door opening brought you out of your current reverie of belting the lyrics of your favorite song into the wooden spatula, and you turned out to see Ignis blinking at you looking rather speechless behind his spectacles.
You were dressed in one of his old college shirts—the one with SCIENTIA embroidered across the back that always left him a little bothered and much too smug—and cleaning the kitchen with tupperware still stacked on the counter waiting to be put away.
“Oh hey you!” You said giving a beaming smile. “I was just putting away a plate for you! I made a chicken stir fry and some rice. I figured I’d make something since you’d be late.”
You turned away, still talking as you wiped down the counter to set the kitchen looking as immaculate as you knew Ignis preferred. “Figured you’d be ravenous because I know you probably skipped lunch…” You didn’t see Ignis put down his briefcase and stride towards you.
“Anyway, I’ll just reheat this by the time you wash up and—”
You were in the process of turning around, but you never finished your thought. You were pulled into a warm body and into a kiss that made your heart race and legs wobble. It was a kiss that consumed you and by the time Ignis pulled away, your face was flushed and lips reddened and swollen. You were immediately pulled in further against his chest and felt his forehead settling onto your crown.
Ignis felt the tension ebb away as your arms went around his back to clasp him tightly to your smaller frame. He relaxed, letting his weight settle into you. You held him steadfast, letting him sink his weight into you.  In all his time with you, he seemed to have forgotten why he had fallen for you. He was so used to being advisor, protector, provider (and occasional babysitter) that he never considered that not only could you be your own protector and provider, but that you would also be his.
Silence filled the room save for the faint rustle of fabric as you ran your hands soothingly along his back, helping him ground himself.
Ignis pulled away, that damn headache finally having dissipated. Resting his forehead on yours, he gave the first smile he had given all day.
“Welcome home,” you said with a smile.
And there in the embrace of your arms, he knew that he finally was home.
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gladiofluff · 6 years
Masterlist and Thank You
On behalf of all the mods for Gladio Fluff week we just want to say thank you. For an awesome week! This week couldn’t have made it without your wonderful creations and ensure they all get the love they deserve we have whipped up a master-post so they can be forever immortalised. Enjoy! If you feel you have been missed off this list (or don’t want to be associated with this list) then please feel free to let us know.
Here is a master list of all the submitted work for Gladio Fluff Week.
Day 1 (Cuddles/Being Read To OR Sleeping In):
@greygerbil - A Brief Respite - G - Gladnis | Ao3
@grabthekitties​- Cuddles/Being Read to (Art) - G - Gladio, Ignis and Prompto | Tumblr
@aithilin - Short Vacation - T - Gladnoct | Ao3
@widget-2 - Bedtime Stories (Art and HC) - Gladio, Ignis and Noctis | Tumblr
@terinangel - Cuddles - T - Gladnis | Ao3
@chipeppers - Sleeping In (Art) - G - Gladio | Tumblr
@kingsglaiving - Cuddles (Show Me a Hero) - M - Gladnis | Ao3
@butterfly-girl86_girl86 - Only Us - T - Promptio | Ao3
@avistella - Sleeping In - G - Gladio/Reader | Tumblr
@larkawolfgirl - A Broad Chest and Fantasy Dreams - G - Gladnoct | Ao3
@fairygodpiggyart - Free Days, Lazy Days - T - Promptio | Ao3
@xxphoenixdownxx - A Perfect Evening - G - Gladnis | Ao3
Day 2 (First Kiss OR Hugs):
@aithilin - First Kisses - T - Gladnoct | Ao3
@greygerbil  - A Night Out - T - Promptio | Ao3
@larkawolfgirl - Raspberry Kisses - G - Promptio | Ao3
@terinangel - First Kiss - T - Gladnis | Ao3
@widget-2 - A Brotherhood Gladnis Kiss (Art) - G - Gladnis | Tumblr
@kingsglaiving - First Kiss (Show Me A Hero) - M - Gladnis | Ao3
@grabthekitties - First Kiss (art) - G - Gladnis | Tumblr
@avistella - Hugs - T - Gladio/Reader | Tumblr
@fairygodpiggyart - Change of Plans - T - Promptio | Ao3
Day 3 (Closet Nerd OR Perfect Big Brother Gladdy):
@aithilin - Brother - G - Gladio & Noctis | Ao3
@candybl0ss0m - Awesome Big Brother - G - Gladio & Iris | Tumblr
@widget-2 - FFXV Wonderland Headtrip (Art and HC) - G - Gladio & All | Tumblr
@terinangel - Perfect Big Brother Gladdy - T - Gladio | Ao3
@kingsglaiving - Perfect Big Brother (Show Me A Hero) - M - Gladio & Iris | Ao3
@chipeppers - Closet Nerd (Art) - G - Gladio/Sania | Tumblr
@avistella - Perfect Big brother Gladdy (Art) - G - Gladio & Iris | Tumblr
@greygerbil - You and Me Against the World - G - Gladio & Iris | Ao3
@tsunderegrumbling - Friday Nighy Date - G - Gladio & Iris and Gladnis | Ao3
@fairygodpiggyart - Gladio's Guilty Pleasure - T - Promptio | Ao3
Day 4 (Surprisingly Gentle OR Hair Petting):
@aithilin - Gentle - T - Gladnoct | Ao3
@candybl0ss0m - Gentle Hair Petting (Art) - G - Gladio & Noct | Tumblr
@larkawolfgirl - Steal My Heart like you Could My Life - G - Promptio | Ao3
@greygerbil - Helping Out - E (NSFW) - Promptio | Ao3
@butterfly-girl86_Girl86 - Calm - G - Gladnis | Ao3
@carolyncaves - Locks - T - Gladnoct | Ao3
@kingsglaiving - Surprisingly Gentle/Hair Petting (Show Me A Hero) - M (NSFW) - Gladnis | Ao3
@xxphoenixdownxx and @tsunderegrumbling - Teasing Waters - E (NSFW) - Gladnis | Ao3
@widget-2 - And all is forgiven (Art) - G - Gladnis | Tumblr
@happinessfordeeppeoplee - Surprisingly Gentle - G - Gladnis | Tumblr 
@terinangel - Hair Petting - T - Gladnis | Ao3
Day 5 (Snowed/Rained In OR Protection):
@greygerbil - The Shield - T - OT4 | Ao3
@aliatori - Surprise - T - Gladnoct | Ao3
@kingsglaiving - Rained in (Show Me A Hero) - M (NSFW) - Gladnis | Ao3
@avistella - Protection (Art) - G - Gladio & All | Tumblr
@terinangel - Snowed In - T - Gladnis | Ao3
Day 6 (Teenage Rebellion OR Growing Old):
@greygerbil - Runaway - G - Gladnis | Ao3
@aithilin - Promises - G - Gladnoct |Ao3
@larkawolfgirl - Take a Load Off - T - Gladnis | Ao3
@terinangel - Teenage Rebellion - T - Gladio |Ao3
@candybl0ss0m - Teenage Rebellion - G - Gladio & Iris | Tumblr
@avistella - Rebel - T - Gladio/Reader | Tumblr
@kingsglaiving - Growing Old (Show Me A Hero) - M  - Gladio & iris and Gladnis | Ao3
Day 7 (Books OR Free):
@greygerbil - Lineage - T - Gladnoct | Ao3
@butterfly-girl86_Girl86 - How To Be A Better Kisser - T - Promptio | Ao3
@araneasgf - Until Next - G - Gladio/Sania | Ao3
@terinangel - Free - T - Gladnis | Ao3
@avistella - Books (Art) - G - Gladio | Tumblr
@widget-2 - Right Back Atcha (Art) - G - Gladio & Iris | Tumblr
@liliumelendir - Ex Bibliotheca Lucis - G - Gladio | Ao3
@aithilin - Hidden Gem - G - Gladnoct | Ao3
@kingsglaiving - Free (Show Me A Hero) - M  - Gladnis | Ao3
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larkawolfgirl · 6 years
Take a Load Off (Gladnis)
@gladiofluff For Gladio Fluff Week, day 5: growing old
Read on ao3
Gladio sighed contentedly at the feel of the solid body in his grasp when he awoke. Even retired as he was, it was still a rare day Ignis out-slept the sun (which could be seen seeping in through the closed blinds across the room). Gladio tugged the sleeping man closer and laid a kiss to his shoulder blade. His husband made a small noise and stretched out his muscles before truly waking.
Gladio grinned at him. “Morning, gorgeous.”
He meant it. Even though they were old geezers by now and Ignis’ hair was more grey than dirty blonde, he looked none the less attractive. His eyes were still a striking emerald that could strike as much fear as they could arousal, and his body was still all lean muscle. Even most of his flexibility remained—which never failed to take Gladio’s breath away given most their age were labored with canes or wheelchairs (thank you Crownsguard training regimens).
Ignis returned a tired smile, never fully alert until drinking his morning cup of Ebony. “What time is it?”
Ignis made to get up but Gladio held him still. “No, you don’t. Breakfast can wait a few more minutes.”
Ignis sighed but relaxed back against him regardless. “Oh, fine.”
Gladio smiled, content just snuggling there for as long as he could manage. Someone had to be here to reign Ignis in now that no one was asking anything of him--not even Gladio—for the first time in his life. Their adopted son moved out years ago, well on his way now to starting his own family, and it has been over a year since Noctis’ son took over the throne relieving their old friend as while as themselves from duty. Gladio was thrilled to finally be able to spend quality time with his husband, but Ignis has had trouble adjusting to this leisure lifestyle, never having been prone to relaxing, always worrying about what needed to be done and thinking about what he could do for someone else. Now that he was stuck mostly at home with Gladio, he found himself mildly obsessed with household chores and taking care of Gladio much the same way he used to with Noctis.
Ignis was a creature of habit and Gladio wouldn’t ever change that. Still, he wished he would take a load off every once in a while.
He brushed his toes over Ignis’ leg. “This is nice, isn’t it?”
Ignis hummed in agreement. “It is nice for a change, yes.” But only a second later, he said, “Though, I really should get breakfast started. There is laundry to get done and those dishes from last night.”
Gladio moved his leg further over his. “Come on, just forget all that. Just for today, alright?”
Ignis brought his hand to his chin in thought. “Have I somehow forgotten some occasion? I know it is nto our anniversary.”
Gladio chuckled right into the blonde’s hair. “Does it have to be for you to relax?”
“I supposed not.”
Ignis turned himself around to face him and gave him a slow, lazy kiss. Gladio wasn’t young and driven for morning sex like he used to be, but this was still nice and sent pleasant tingles running through him. He held Ignis close by the hair while his other hand ran down his back to cup the swell of his ass. Ignis’ legs tangled with his and pushed back into the hand on his rear.
He sighed when they broke apart and ran a finger over Gladio’s morning stubble. “How about you clean up and I’ll get that breakfast started.” Gladio opened his mouth to protest, but Ignis placed his finger to his lips. “No laundry or dishes, promise. Just cooking.”
“You know, I don’t mind cooking.”
Ignis just shook his head. “As I have said a million times, I take great pleasure in cooking. Besides, I enjoy taking care of you. It keeps me busy, and I fear I never properly developed how to spend so much amble free time.”
Gladio frowned and placed a kiss at his temple. “That is a shame, but perhaps we can remedy that. You enjoy reading, right? Try reading something other than strategy and history books. Try an adventure or romance. Might not be able to put it down.”
“That sounds like a fine idea. Perhaps while I am at it, I will give water painting a try.”
Gladio waggled his eyebrow. “Want to paint me like one of your Altissia girls?”
Ignis huffed a laugh. “I would never paint you as cheap as that. You are worth a richer, more powerful tone.”
“Ah.” He rolled onto his back, pulling Ignis on top of him in the process. “I like it when you stroke my ego.”
Ignis’ smirk was devilish enough to make Gladio reconsider attempting morning sex. “I know.” He pushed himself up. “But that will not fill our empty stomachs.”
Gladio smirked back at him. “I think I know how to keep you occupied and filled.”
“Do you?” Ignis asked, raising an impeccable eyebrow.
Gladio sat up to nose at his ear. “How about we come back to bed after breakfast?”
Ignis pushed his face against his. “It is a tempting offer. Let us eat and see what happens, shall we?” He left the room, eyes shining in that striking way Gladio loved.
Gladio plopped back against the pillows. This was the life. The ease and safety of it. No more late nights and early mornings, no more careless, rebellious Noctis to watch after, no more running head-first into danger. It did his heart good knowing Ignis would always be there when he went to bed as well as when he woke up the next morning. Part of him did miss being out in the action, missed the thrill and excitement of it all, but the larger part of him was happy being able to just do whatever the hell he wanted. If he wanted to steal Iggy away for some days-long vacation he could. Not that either of them were really up for that at their age, but the point was he could. And if he wanted to have sex with his husband right after breakfast, he could, without having to worry about missing some appointment either.
Stroking a hand over his bare chest, he decided he better actually go clean himself up if he was going to try to get lucky.
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greygerbil · 6 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Author: greygerbil Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Relationship: Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia Language: English Summary: When Noctis, Prompto, Ignis and Gladio get stuck in a cave after a fight with a behemoth as they wait for a storm to blow over, Gladio makes sure everyone's comfortable. This is a post-timeskip, All Bros Live AU.
For Gladio Fluff Week, Day 5: Rained In OR Protection
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