#ignore how I gave up on the clothes.. my Apple Pencil stopped working
shunachii · 2 years
Hello.. albeluc and zhongluc fans…. Have you ever considered zhongalbeluc because i really really have… 3 autistic intellectuals. What more could you want 😭
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Diluc got his kisses too dw ♡
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sweetheart and cupcake
pairing: ethan landry x female!reader
WC: 945 (shes a cute little piece)
warnings: sexual implications, cursing. should be it!
summary: study room shenanigans
A/N: from the prompts by @novelbear​ “hey, sweetheart can you grab that for me?” “you’re talking to me?” “who else would i be talking to?” and “well now i have to find a cute nickname for you. how do you like cupcake?”
@alecmores my editor💗
in the drafts since march12
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it was quiet in the study room. chad doing his complicated math equations, ethan working on his econ paper and you were sitting quietly with headphones perched over your ears as you watched an old nineteen-sixties movie for film studies. the only noise that could be heard within the reserved space was the pencils against the paper, your nails mindlessly clicking together, and the faint humming tune you weren’t aware of doing.
when a certain scene from the movie caught your full attention you pressed pause, moved one of the covers away from your ear, and tapped ethan on the bicep. he didn’t look your way, too engrossed with his homework, but he gave a tilt of his head your way showing he was aware of you.
“sweetheart, can i borrow a pen or pencil? i think i lost the one in my bag.” you shuffled through your notebook and found a blank page. you turned to ethan waiting for the held-out writing device, but he just sat frozen. his hand stopped writing and his eyes widened almost comically.
“ethan? you okay?” a hand touching his bicep again, a simple squeeze to the clothed muscle. it seemed that simple touch brought him back to life as he blinked a few times and turned fully to you.
“i think you broke him.” you completely forgot chad was in the room with the both of you.
“what’d i do? i just asked for a pen.”
“you- you called me sweetheart.” you spotted the blushing rising on the apples of his cheeks, it was cute.
you looked between the two boys and shrugged, “yeah. well who else would i call sweetheart in this room? my very alpha male friend-“
“what the fuck,” chad gave a dry chuckle.
“or my sweet boyfriend. did you think i was just calling myself sweetheart? because i haven’t gotten to that level when talking to myself, we’re still on a no-name basis.”
you watched and waited for ethan to give his answer, his gears turning slowly.
“wait… you talk to yourself? like just randomly?” chad interrupted with his unneeded thoughts on your mental stability.
again you shrugged, “there’s nothing wrong with that. sometimes i’m my only audience, and voice my thoughts aloud and sometimes laugh at them. go back to your math homework, nerd.” chad rolled his eyes but went ignored again.
with ethan still quiet you gave two taps to his knee beside you, “ethan… did it make you uncomfortable? i- i don’t have to call you sweetheart or any coupley name. ethan’s still fine with me, it just rolled off my tongue.”
ethan’s eyes bugged out again and he quickly shook his head, curls bouncing atop his head, “no! no, i like it. a lot actually… just- just caught me off guard. haven’t been called anything along those lines. usually it’s just ethan or names high school bullies came up with and shouted in the halls.” he tilted his head away, eyes hidden in shadow and brunette curls.
“what, they call you penis face or something?”
“chad, either stay out of this conversation or leave the room. your choice in the next five seconds.” you stared at him as you slowly counted down. he again, rolled his eyes but held his hands up and looked at his textbook.
your hands cupped ethan’s flushed cheeks and moved his face to make eye contact with you. you beamed a smile his way, his lips following in your action. swift as the wind you leaned in and pressed your lips against his plush pink pout, nothing wild since you knew chad would start throwing things your way. so just as fast as it happened you pulled away before giving a quick peck to his nose, it caused a scrunch and you would have cooed aloud at the adorable action.
“hey,” ethan whispered and you raised your brows, “since you gave me a coupley name, i should give you one. what about… what about cupcake? as sweet as dessert.”
you had to bite your lips to stop the spreading smile wanting to escape and giggle at the cute, yet ridiculous pet name.
“what?” you took a glance at chad and decided to just fuck with him at this point. so nonchalantly you spoke at normal volume, “did you come up with the name cupcake because you like to eat me? is this also you saying i taste good?”
ethan now flushed as red as a fire hydrant. his face was probably hot with blood rushing from his neck to the tips of his ears. and to top it off, you heard a thump noise and when you looked over chad had his face stuck in his open textbook. your laughter burst the bubble surrounding the two embarrassed boys. ethan tucking his face into the crook of your neck and chad just throwing you his middle fingers.
“okay, this was fun and all. ethan if you want to give me a nickname go for it, but just run a few by me first, cupcake is just… yeah. chad, i’m sorry if i actually made you uncomfortable, i just couldn’t help it. but can someone please now hand me a pen or something? i do have a bit of homework other than just watching movies.”
chad just flung the one in his hand your way, almost getting your eye poked by the dull led. which resulted in you raising your voice at chad for almost making you go blind and chad retaliating with how he wishes he’d gone deaf. ethan just stayed tucked into your neck and quiet, wishing the ground could swallow him whole or something.
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127-mile · 4 years
Damsel in distress.
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Pairing: Hero!Kun x fem.reader.
Genre: Hero/villain!au, feelings realization / Angst, fluff, mature content.
Warnings: Smut (thigh riding, handjob), violence, blood, injuries, revenge seeking, mention of nightmares, of shadows, vulgar language (reader curses a lot).
Plot: More commonly referred to as Kun by his friends, and Pyro by the citizens, he is a hero. He is adored by the citizens, and it is rare to find someone who does not know his name, or the way he handles fire. You know him too, and for many reasons.
One day, he found you, what he thought was a damsel in distress. You were, yes, but only to get to him.
Word count: +15.9k.
A/N: This is part of the Twisted Truths collab hosted by @yangyanghater​. 
+ I really hope this fits the theme of the collab, if not, well, I’ll write something else.
Your breathing is rapid, and choppy.
You know that if you do not calm down within a minute, you will pass out right in the middle of the deserted and dark alley where you are. It was a bad idea to go down an alley, you know, but being in a street surrounded by houses would have turned out to be just as pointless. The crime rate is so high that locals turn off their lights and pretend they do not exist when they hear someone calling for help. Sometimes they'll call a hero agency, but that's very rare. They prefer to remain anonymous, and observe from behind their windows.
You do not blame them, you would certainly do the same if you were in their situation. But at the moment, it doesn't really help. When you feel tears rolling down your cheeks, you wipe them with the palms of your hand, which is also a bad idea, because the blood from your hands spreads more on your skin, and the metallic smell makes you gag hard enough for some bile to go up in your throat. "Help, please help me." you sob weakly, ready to give up your race to drop onto the asphalt to wait for your inevitable death.
A sudden rush of adrenaline makes your legs move before you can stop them, and when your vision clears a little, you notice that you have stepped out of the alley. The streetlights help you see your surroundings, and even though you move further and further away from your apartment, you are a little safer. No villain would dare to attack you right in the middle of the busiest street in town, right?
Your blood runs cold when you hear the growl of the Beast chasing you, and ignoring the burn in your legs and lungs, you start to run again. You do not know where you are going, and why you do not look for a place to hide instead, but you run. You run until you come in direct contact with someone. Your chest hits hard against the chest of a man who has little time to catch your hand before you fall on your butt.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" the man says, and you shake your head. You are not in pain, but for a moment, you feel like you are losing all sense of direction, and the little bit of sanity you have left. "Are you okay? You are bleeding!" even though your eyes are closed, you can feel the man crouch down in front of you, and he takes your arm where what you think is a cut continues to bleed. He grimaces, and cups your face to force you to look at him. "Answer me."
When you open your eyes, you are surprised to find large dark eyes starting at you. Even if he wears his civilian clothes, it would be hard not to recognize Pyro, the hero. You grab his t-shirt, oblivious to the traces of blood you leave on the white fabric. "Help me, I'm begging you, he is chasing me." the pro-hero frowns, and sits up looking around. "Who is?" you shrug, and when he lowers his head, you see flames dancing in his eyes.
"I'll take care of it, but taking care of the victims is a priority." he mumbles more to himself than to you. "Can you stand up?" he asks, and when you shake your head, he is pulling his cell phone out of the pocket of his pants. He types a message, probably to notify another hero from his agency that he needs backups, and when he is done, he turns to you. "I'll call an ambulance."
That simple sentence seems to be what your body needed to give up the fight. Your limbs go numb, and the darkness embraces you tenderly. You feel your head banging against the asphalt, and the pain radiating through your neck and jaw, but that's it, after that it's a mix of noises, movements and then nothing. Complete darkness.
When you regain consciousness, you know that you are no longer on the streets, and for a minute, you wonder if this was not just another nightmare. "Don't move." a voice commands you when you try to turn, and that's when you feel it. The pain in your body, a sharp but fleeting pain. You open your eyes, and you close them when you are attacked by the rays of the sun. "Oh shit, sorry." the voice mumbles.
The person in the room with you is busy closing the curtains, and you are grateful for that. You flutter your eyelids, and when you finally see where you are, you are hardly surprised to see a white room, to hear the steady beep of your heartbeat on the monitor, and to smell the disinfectant smell that is often the one in hospitals. An IV prevents you from moving your right arm the way you want, but it's for your own good, you think.
"How are you feeling?" the voice asks you, and when you finally look at the person, you frown when you see him. Pyro. Why is he here? Yes, he was with you on the street when you passed out, but he should not be by your bedside, the police should be. "I feel like I've been run over by a dozens of cars." you answer with difficulty, your throat dry. "Yeah, I suspected as much. The doctors said your body was really at its limit when we brought you here last night."
With a nod of his head, he points to your other arm, and you see the bandage covering part of it. "They gave you 9 stitches, and they injected you with an antidote to combat the poison the villain injected you when he bit you." poison? It is a lot for your poor head which is ready to explode at any moment. You are also very tired, but you have questions for the hero. "Pyro? Why are you still here?" you ask in a weak voice, and he sits down on a chair that has been brought closer to the edge of the bed.
"You can call me Kun, I'm not here as a hero." he explains, and you nod. "Unfortunately neither I nor my colleagues were able to track down the villain who attacked you last night, so we are taking turns to make sure he does not come back here to finish what he started." yeah, that makes sense, even though you do not know what the villain would like to end, when you do not know why he started chasing you in the first place.
"The doctors said that apart from the tiredness of your body caused by the poison, and the injury to your arm, you have nothing worth staying in the hospital for a few more days. So you will be allowed to go out tonight, do you have relatives with whom you could stay until the situation calms down?" he asks, and you bites your lower lip. This is painful. "No, I am alone here." your answer does not seem to please the hero who crosses his arms against his chest. "We can have heroes stand guard oustide your house."
"I live in an apartment complex with a majority of seniors. Seeing heroes outside my door 24/7 might worry them." Kun sighs, letting his head drop back, and you admire the column of his throat and the way his adam's apple bob as he swallows. It's definitely not the best time to think about it, but Pyro is quite a handsome hero. "No need to worry about me, I'm sure the villain will not come back. I was just a victim who got in the wrong place, at the wrong time."
Kun seems to be thinking, and he stands up to take a piece of paper and a pencil. On it, he writes two phone numbers that he gives you. "Here you have my agency number, and here you have my personal number. If you ever have the suspicion that you are being followed, or hearing noises behind your door, at any time of the day or night, you can call me. I'll send a few of my heroes to check on you every now and then without worrying anyone."
It's definitely not a good idea, Kun knows, but he can't force you to live with heroes outside your door. And the kids at the Hero Academy would get even more attention, even though they are all extremely gifted for their age. "I'll do it, thank you Py-Kun." he nods, and he looks at the bedroom door before getting up from the chair again. "The police is here to take your statement. I'll be outside if you need anything."
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Like Kun had said, the doctors let you out after dark. And they even called a cab so you would not have to walk back to your apartment, which is really sweet of them, you think as you are looking at the city behind the car window. The hero had to leave while you were talking to the police, a villain problem in the streets, at least that's what you understood as he was apologizing loudly for having to leave so early.
When the car pulls up in front of your apartment complex, you give the driver some money before getting off. Nothing is different from last night, although you may had expected to find a horde of villains waiting to kill you. And going up the stairs to the door of your apartment is calm, you meet an elderly person who asks you where you were last night, and that's about it. Nothing life threatening.
You close the door behind you, and you press your back against it, sighing. You slid down until you are sitting on the floor with your eyes closed. You feel like your skull is going to split open if you do not stop moving or even breathing. It is attrocious. "Come on, let's calm down." you whisper, pressing the palm of your hands to your eyes. "Everything is fine. We are fine."
After several minutes, you get up.
In the bag the nurse gave you before leaving, you take out your cellphone. The screen is cracked, but it still works, giving you the opportunity to see the various messages and missed calls from a couple of your friends. You do not read them, only the last one.
From Ten: Where are you? Did it work?
You sink onto your couch, trying to ignore the black dots playing in front of your eyes, and your headache. You could call Ten to make it easier, but you do not know if you can bear to hear him yell at you. Not tonight. Tomorrow maybe.
To Ten: I just got back from the hospital. I'm at my apartment now.
Ten's response is immediate.
From Ten: Fuck. From Ten: Do you want me to come? To Ten: Please, don't. I'm tired, and I have a terrible headache, I just want to sleep it off. Tomorrow. From Ten: Okay, I'm here if you need anything.
You turn off your phone, it will be easier for you, and you grab a blanket to cover yourself up, face included. And in less time than you would have thought, you fall asleep. Sadly, like every night, you wake up in the middle of the night feeling like you are being suffocated by someone or something. You remove the blanket, your breathing heavy and rapid, and you look around. Nobody is here. Like always.
You mumble a few insults at no one in particular, and you sit up. Beads of sweat slide down your face, and you can feel them down your spine. At least your headache is gone, and you do not know if it's because your body is still asleep, but you do not feel like all of your limbs are numb and sore anymore. That's a good thing, you hope.
You prick up your ears when you hear whispers behind the door, and you stand up silently. Of course, since you and luck are not friends, your floor creaks with every step you take towards the door. But luckily it's not loud enough to be heard by anyone in the hallway. You glance through the peep-hole, and sigh in relief when you see two people. According to the clothes they are wearing, they are heroes. You remember seeing them on TV when Pyro opened his own agency.
You know they are there to check that your door is still intact, and that no one is hiding in the common places, but you open the door anyway, startling the two heroes who turn to you. At least, they have the decency to look ashamed having woken you ip at 3 in the morning. "We didn't mean to wake you up." one of them whisper, and you nod. "Don't worry, it's okay." you place your hand against your mouth to hide a long yawn that makes the second hero smile. "Nothing to report?" he asks, and you shrug. "Nothing at all. But like I told Pyro, nothing will happen to me, don't waste your time here."
The man, with his long blond hair and his teasing smile, shrugs his shoulders. "It's our job miss, maybe you can thank us later with a drink, or two." you roll your eyes, and you return inside the apartment, closing the door in front of the two heroes. The first hero punches the other, who whines loudly, earning him a second punch. "Johnny, you are such an idiot. We are here to work, not flirt with the person we are supposed to be protecting!" he mumbles, and Johnny, as you learnt, chuckles softly. "I didn't say she had to do it right now, you really need to chill Yuta."
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Unsurprinsingly, you spend the next day in your bed, sleeping. Your headache did not come back, and the wound on your arm stopped stinging, and you had no nightmares during the 20 hours you spent sleeping. Maybe you could get attacked by a villain more often, it would allow you to get through a full night without being bothered by the shadows.
When you come out of the bathroom after a long, hot and well-deserved shower, you find your phone on the coffee table, and when you turn it on, you see Ten and Doyoung bombarding you with messages. You sit on a chair around the dining table, and dials Ten's number for a video call, which he answers almost immediately. He is not alone, Doyoung is sitting next to him on a dirty and dusty old leather sofa.
"Oh my god, we thought you died overnight." Ten says in a calm manner which contrasts with the anger evident in Doyoung's eyes. "What happened to you?" he asks with clenched teeth. "That fucking villain turned out to be more dangerous that I thought. I thought we said no injury, or at least nothing serious?" you mumble, and the boys frown. "What are you talking about?"
You show your arm still wrapped in a bandage in front of the camera. "That motherfucker decided to bite me, and to inject his fucking poison in me! The doctors had to inject me with some antidote so I wouldn't fucking die." you spit, and Ten and Doyoung look at each other, worried. "It was not in the plan." you let your shoulders drop before crossing your arms over your chest. "No shit Sherlock, I was there when we put together this stupid plan."
"Do you want us to come?" Doyoung asks after calming down, and you shake your head. "No, Pyro has asked several heroes to come and check that nothing is happening to me." Ten grimaces, he knows that if he steps outside, he will be immediately recognized by the heroes, and not just those belonging to Pyro's agency. "I will come, don't take the risk to approach my apartment." the two boys nod, and you end the video call.
You walk over to the front door, and you look in the peep-hole and you are relieved to see that the heroes are not here. You go back to your room to get dressed, before putting on a coat and a scarf in which you can nuzzle your face in. Pyro has not told you that you were not allowed outside by yourself, but you do not want to risk being recognized by him, or by one of his hero friends. You do not want to be forcibly taken back to your apartment, or locked in a hotel room like he said could be a good and safe idea.
You leave your apartment, swinging your backpack over your shoulder, and you leave the building quickly. A car is parked in front, and you see the flashy colors of what must be a hero costume. Luckily, he is too busy looking on his phone to notice you. The rest is also easy, you know the way like the back of your hand, and in twenty minutes, you are already at the door of the bookstore where Doyoung, Ten, and probably Taeyong are waiting for you.
You push the door open, and you smile at Renjun, the young student who works here during the school break when he is not living on the second floor. "Y/n! How are you?" he asks, approaching to give you a quick hug. "I'm doing just fine, and you kid? School?" he nods, smiling. Renjun is an orphan whom you all took under your wing a few years ago, and he has became a perfect little gentleman with good grades, and a smile that would make you blind if you looked at it for too long. "I'm fine, and school is going great too."
"I am proud of you!" you say, and he smiles even more brightly before the door to the bookstore opens to a potential client. "I'm going in the back to talk to the boys, if you need anything come see us, okay?" he nods and you ruffle his hair before you walk though a door behind the counter. The back shop serves as a reserve for books, and as a meeting place. It's not much, a coffee table, a TV hanging on the wall, and two old, dusty sofas on either side.
Oh, and there's a fridge and cupboard filled to the brim with snacks in case Renjun gets hungry. Or Taeyong. Ten and Doyoung's gaze turn to you, and Ten is the first to stand up. He helps you remove your bag, scarf and coat before inspecting the bandage. "I'm fine, Ten. Otherwise I would not be here." he shakes his head. "I know that, but nobody can be trusted. Who tells you they didn't inject you with something weird with the antidote." he mumbles and you tilt your head. "Idiot."
"No but it is true what, since when do we trust doctors." he says, offended and you roll your eyes before sitting down on the other couch. "Because they are doctors, and what would they gain from injecting us with strange drugs, Ten?" Doyoung answers for you, and you look at them. "You scared us when you didn't answer your phone." Doyoung is not one to be sentimental, or even worried, but sometimes he does, and you enjoy seeing the human behind the shell he has created for himself over the years.
"The poison he injected into me made my body tired to the point where even the shadows did not wake me up." you say, and both boys look stunned to hear something like that. "Maybe we should ask him to give you some extra so you can get through the nights." you laugh softly, not a bad idea, but you do not know how many doses you can take before your body completely shuts itself down or stop responding to the antidote which will certainly be harder to find without having to break into the hospital.
"He'll be dead by the end of the day anyway, so that doesn't matter." you turn your head to see Taeyong, his arms crossed against his chest, and his head resting against the doorframe that leads to the bookstore. "We can't kill him. Not now." you say, and Taeyong walks over shaking his head. "He hurt you, Y/n, that was not the plan, why should we let him live?" you take Taeyong's hand when he sits next to you, and his hand is ice cold, as usual.
"Because we still need him. We have a plan, and he is the only way to do what I didn't do the other day." Ten is about to speak, but Taeyong stops him by raising his hand. "What if he attacks you again? What if this time he decides to kill you?" he asks, and you turn completely to him. "Well he'll kill me. We knew from the start that we could not trust him despite the money we gave him, it's a risk I'm willing to take. If we don't do it, only god knows how long will pass before we have another opportunity like this."
Taeyong sighs.
He was born to be a leader, he knows it, and everyone else knows it. But he does not know how to keep his mask of leader on when, you, one of his dearest friends is ready to risk your own life for a mission which should be very simple if only the villain he hired could just stick to the fucking plan and obey him. The simple idea of losing you is something he cannot imagine, it is too much. He is the leader, sure, but you are the glue that keeps the team together. If you die, the team will no longer exist, and once again, he will find himself alone. Because he knows Renjun will resent him and go with Ten.
Or Renjun will find himself alone once more, because, because of him, Ten and Doyoung can hardly be outside without being recognized by passers-by. He is pulled out of his thought when a warm hand lands softly on his cheek, and he flutters his eyelids as he looks at you. "You were getting lost in your thoughts, Taeyong."
Like a cat, he leans against your hand to enjoy the warmth that he misses so dearly. "I know what I'm doing, Taeyong. I'll do everything in my power to finish this mission safe and sound, I promise you." he shakes his head. "You can't make that kind of promise, you know that." yes, you know it, and yet you do not hesitate to do it. It won't be your first rodeo after all, and it sure won't be your most dangerous mission either. It's even one of the simplest if you had to be honest with yourself. "I know, but I'll be back."
"She knows she can't die because I will do all I can to hunt her down even in Hell and bring her back here by the skin of her ass so I can kill her myself." you nod, and you bite your bottom lip so as not to laugh at Ten's choice of words. He always does what he can to make conversations easier, and you appreciat that. Not all the time, but right now, you do, because you can feel Taeyong relaxing.
"Call him Taeyong. Call the Beast."
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The same evening, you are back in your apartment.
You are reading a message Renjun sent you, something about a book he is writing when he is not in class, when noises start coming from the common hallways. You  frown, but you do not move. Even though you know what is going to happen, your heart starts to race. Because unfortunately, when you see how the first part of the mission ended, you wonder if this one is going to turn out as bad. But knowing Taeyong, he probably briefed the villain on what he could do, and could not do.
To The cheap villains alliance: It's starting. From The cheap villains alliance/Taeyong: Please, be careful, and keep us informed as soon as possible.
Before the door swings open, you dial the number Pyro gave you, and when you hear the thud of the door crashing to the floor, probably in several pieces, you call the hero. It is not very late, and yet, he does not answer. It was not in the plan, again. "Where are you, shadow handler?" the hoarse voice of the Beast echoes in the apartment, and also in your head, so that you have to held your head in between your hands. "Do not do that." you whisper.
"Do you really think your boss's threats are going to stop me from doing what I want?" Oh shit. You get up from the couch, and hide behind it, as if it would stop a villain like the Beast from reaching you. "If you are here, I guess the antidote worked. Too bad my poison can only be cured once. The body still remembers it, and this time, it will be fatal for you." you dial Pyro's number once more, but this time, you hands are shaking so much that you wonder if you'll make it.
"Answer, you stupid hero." you mumble, and that's when you hear a sleepy voice from the other side. "Kun! Pyro! Oh my god, he is here, he is in my apartment!" you hear a noise, and you do not know if it's coming from your apartment, or the side of the hero who gets out of bed suddenly. "Help me, please, please." the sobs are fake, but you know that if you set your gaze on the Beast, you will cry for real this time, and that's the last thing you want. A villain does not deserve to see you cry. A hero either for that matter.
"I'm coming! Hide somewhere." you nod even though he can't see it. "Hurry up, please, I'm scared." you whisper, and the man makes an affirming noise before hanging up. It takes a lot to scare you. Heroes don't scare you, and neither do villains. But there are always some exceptions, and god, you would have liked to never meet this exception. If you make it out alive, you'll make Taeyong understand that next time, he'll have to hire a normal villain, not someone like that damn Beast.
"It surprised me when your boss contacted me to help you on a mission." the Beast says, and you hear the heavy sounds of his footsteps on the creaking floor. "I didn't think he was stupid enough to contact someone wanting you dead." okay, your death is wished for by many villains, heroes, and humain beings like others, but the Beast? What did you do to make him so angry that he risked betraying someone like Taeyong just to get revenge? Petty much?
"I don't care if I die, if that means I would have had the chance to kill you first." after that, he is silent. He has stopped moving, and his voice is still ringing in your head, so you have no idea where he is. He may very well be in front of the sofa, as he may be in your bedroom. You lower the brightness of your phone to send a message to the group chat.
To The cheap villains alliance: Taeyong, if I get out alive, you are a dead man.
Yes, you have to let him know that from the moment you leave this apartment, preferably alive, he will have to watch his back.
"I expected better from you, shadow handler." you lift your head and your breathing hitches when you see the Beast watching you over the back of the sofa. Oh god gamn it. You get up, and you walk around the sofa. "What did I do to you?" you ask when you finally find your voice, and the Beast laughs so hard that you clench your teeth so as not to scream to cover the atrocious noise. "Don't you remember? Don't make fun of me, I know you always remember everything."
He approaches you dangerously, and as he takes a step forward, you take a step back, at least until your back makes contact with the living room wall. You are stuck. But it is not over, not yet. The Beast made a mistake. He didn't turn off the lights when he entered. If he knew you as well as he says he does, he should have known that with the lights on, you can do whatever you want. You close your eyes, and you concentrates. At least you try, it is hard to think with the breath of the Beast so close.
He is so close that you can feel the warmth and the putrid smell of his breath against your face. "Come on, try harder, I'm sure you can remember." he whispers, and he raises his hand, and before he can make any movement, his arm is blocked. He looks shocked at first, and when he turns his head he laughs when he sees a hand around his biceps. "Do you really think your little shadows are going to keep me from turning you into dust?" he asks. "No, they are not strong enough, but yours on the other hand.."
He frowns when he is thrown back by his own shadow. Even though it's just a shadow, it has the same strenght as the Beast, so it's easy for the shadow to get rid of him. The Beast crashes on the dining table, and one foot goes loose under his weight, and he collapses to the groung. "You will pay for that." yeah, you don't doubt it. You haven't used your power for a while now, so that simple use of the Beast's shadows is enough to tire you out. You won't be able to do it any more.
When the Beast gets up, other footsteps are heard in the apartment, and damn it, you are relieved. It could very well be help for the villain, but for once, you want to be positive, and think that this is Pyro, and his little hero friends. You slip down the wall, and you do not even have to pretend to cry, since your cheeks are already wet and shining with tears. You hadn't even realized it. Is it because of fear? Fatigue? You wish you knew.
You close your eyes, and you take a long breath that is cut short when two hands rest on your shoulders. "We are here, hey, we are here. Take a deep breath." it is not the voice of Pyro, but that of one of the two heroes who have come to check on you. Yuta, if you remember his name. Death Stare, yeah that's him. You hold your head in your hands when the Beast screams, and you are hardly surprised to see that you are the only one affected by his voice. "We're gonna get you out of here."
Death Stare takes your hand, and he helps you stand up. "I'll join you in a minute." he says before taking you out of the apartment. "The Beast..The Beast.." you continue to whisper, and Yuta squeezes your hand in his. "Everything will be fine, don't worry, you are safe now." you almost trip down the stairs a few times, but Yuta is always here to put you right back on your feet. When you are outside, you are shaken by the cold wind which whips your face, and your bare arms. You didn't have time to take a jacket. You didn't have time to take anything either. At least, you have your phone in your pocket.
Your gaze is caught by the lights of the ambulance and police cars that are parked outside the apartment complex, and you bite your lip. That's a lot of people, luckily your face is not known by the police, unlike Ten and Doyoung who think a mask is unnecessary when using their powers in public. "I have to let her here, I'm trusting you with her, I have to go back." Death Stare says to a woman who nods, and put her hand on your arm to get your attention. "Come inside, or you'll get cold."
She helps you get into the ambulance, and immediately makes sure you are okay. She checks your pulse, your heartbeat, your blood pressure, and finally the stiches. Fortunately, they are still intact. "How do you feel?" she asks nicely, and you shrug. "Shaken." that's all you can answer, and the woman understands perfectly, she does not pressure you into talking more.
The next minutes are quite strange.
It is sometimes silent in the street, or it is sometimes noisy because of the screams. But silence always returns. At least until you hear the sound of broken glass, and the sound of gunshots being fired. You straighten, and you grip your thighs with your fingers, so hard that you hurt yourself, but at least it helps you keep your head cool. After a while, the ambulance door opens, and when you turn your head, you see Pyro. He is not in his civilian clothes, but in his hero costume. It's black, and understated, unlike the heroes who like to add flashy colors to their costumes.
"It's over." he says angrily, and you sit up, your head tilted. "The Beast ran away." oh.
Heroes don't kill villains. They are here to stop them, and to bring the victims to safety, and sometimes it does not go as planned, and the villains escape. It is very rare, especially against heroes like Pyro, Death Stare and Mayhem (John). You start to shake and once again, this reaction is natural, and not forced. If the Beast was close to killing you today, you know he will come back, time and time again, no matter what Taeyong tells him, to finish whatever he started.
"What am I going to do?" you ask in a weak voice, and the hero gets into the truck, closing the door once the paramedic is out. "I have nowhere to go, especially now that he knows where I live." Kun takes off his mask, and he runs his fingers through his hair where they stick to his forehead from sweat. "I will protect you personally. You have nothing to fear anymore, I promise you."
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Kun didn't lie.
After the Beast's attack, he decided that it would be safer for you to move in with him, in his apartment. Heroes don't do that. Normally in this kind of situation they let the police deal with the victims who are still in danger, but for some reason, Kun decided it would be different this time, that he would protect you himself.
You looked surprised, but deep down, you were very happy about it. Despite the Beast not obeying Taeyong's basic plan and orders, you came much further than you had thought you would. Because yes, getting closer to Kun is what you were looking for, not for a second you would have thought to be in his apartment. By offering you that, he had just made it easier for you without even knowing it. Heroes are not so bad after all.
Kun's apartment is not as you would have imagined. You know that pro-heroes make a lot of money, even more so when they have an agency and great heroes working for them, so you expected a large apartment, with floor to ceiling windows giving a splendid view of the city, with expensive furniture and artwork on the walls, but not at all. Kun's apartment is large enough for two people, and the decor is simple, just like him.
It's easy to feel good here, to feel at home, even though you are here on a mission, and not to imagine what your life would be like if you had made different decisions. Well, you still need protection from the Beast who will not give up until he sees your dead body at his feet, so being here is always a plus.
Taeyong, Doyoung and Ten do not think the same.
You had to wait until Kun left for work the day after the attack to contact them. Before that, you had to convinced Kun to go, you had to convince him that everything would be okay, and that he would not come into an apartment devastated by the Beast. You made it clear to him that even if the Beast found you thanks to your scent, he would never dare set foot in the apartment of a hero like Pyro. The Beast is brave, yes, but not to stupid as to sign his death warrant. At least, that's what you want to think.
Now you are sitting in Kun's bed, your back against the headboard, one leg pulled up to your chest, and you phone poised precariously on your knee. You dial Taeyong's number, the latter waking up much earlier than the other boys. After two rings, he answers.
"Y/n, how are you?" he asks, he is trying to sound calm, but you can feel the tension in his voice. You do not know if it's because of your radio silence last night, or because of the message you sent him, promising to make him a dead man. "The Beast made it clear to me that he was going to use the contract you gave him to kill me, so I don't know how I'm doing Taeyong." you mumble, and you hear his breathing quicken. "But on a more positive note, I'm at Pyro's. He lets me live in his apartment until they find the Beast."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry." Taeyong whispers, and you imagine him walking down the halls of the apartment above his bookstore, trying not to wake the boys up by talking too loudly. "You have to do something for me now, Taeyong. Find the Beast. Kill him, because if the heroes find him, he will not hesitate to throw everything out about the contract for a remission. And if he does, I'm next on their list."
You hear the sound of the door opening and closing, probably the one in the kitchen where he is going to lock himself up to prepare Renjun's breakfast. The other boys can do it on their own, and also because Taeyong enjoys torturing them a little. "The heroes don't know who you are, even if he gives them your alias, they will not believe him, they won't have any proof to arrest you."
"Taeyong, if he speaks, I won't be the only one in danger. Ten and Doyoung will be even more so. What about Renjun? What will he do when the heroes show up in the middle of the night in the bookstore to take you out? He'll be alone, once again. And god damn it, I don't want this kid to have to suffer one more time because you are not doing your fucking job properly!"
Taeyong remains silent for a long minute, and even though you know you crossed the line, you do not blame yourself. He needs to hear it. "You're still here?" you ask weakly, and hear him clear his throat. "Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to spit out some more of your poison. It's the first time you've really told me what you're thinking, so go ahead, tell me everything, you know I can take it."
You bite your lip. You and Taeyong have known each other since high school, you know that nothing you can say will change your friendship. At least you hope so, because you have a lot to tell him. "Taeyong, you are a good leader, believe me, I've met some terrible ones. But this time, you screwed up completely. The minimum to do when you hire a villain for a mission like this is to check if they have something against one of us, for fuck's sake! I almost fucking died twice because of you, and the fact that you trust the first person who dares to smile at you show that maybe you should step away from being a fucking leader! You're so fucking needy for attention that you are ready to put us all in danger."
"Is that what you really think?" he asks in a small voice, and you sigh. But before you have time to answer, you hear the sound of the key in the lock of the front door. "I have to go." you hang up and shove the phone the the pocket of your hoodie. "Y/n, where are you?" Kun asks, and you turn your head towards the door. "Your room." the young hero pushes the door open, and he smiles when he looks at you. "Is everything okay? Is the guest room not good enough for you?"
You shrug, ignoring the question. "What are you doing here? I thought being a hero meant being overworked, especially right now." you tilt your head, and Kun smiles, giving you time to look at his dimples. Cute. "Touché. The other heroes take care of everything, so I asked for some free time to be with you. I can't protect you if I'm on the other side of town." he is not wrong, you think, pushing yourself to make room for him on the bed.
Kun settles down, hugging a pillow tight against his chest, resting his head on the headboard. "And how do you plan to protect me?" you ask, and he shrugs. "By preventing you from leaving the apartment, by not letting you go anywhere on your own." you frown, giggling. "Try to follow me in the bathroom, and I'll show you that it is not just heroes who can fight." it's enough to make Kun laugh, and it's a sound you might have enjoyed under other circumstances. "I can not wait to see that."
"You don't think I'm capable of fighting you, mister pro-hero?" you ask, turning to him and he closes his eyes, laughing softly. "I have powers too, you know, and I'm sure I can kick your little flames' ass." Kun suddenly seems very interested as he straightens up, resting the pillow back on the bed. "Do you really mean that? Do you want to show me?" you do not think your body will be able to withstand a fight with someone like Pyro, but you know you could kick his ass under normal circumstances.
"I would love to, really, but we are not intimate enough for me to show you my powers." Kun throws his head back, laughing heartily. "You really are something." you shrug, what can you say, you are amazing. "Did you go to the hero academy?" he asks, and you nod, biting the inside of your cheek. "I went there, and I missed the provisional license, twice, so I decided to give up." Kun pouts, and luckily, you are strong, otherwise you would have leaned down to bite on his lower lip. "It's a shame, who knows, we could have been partner."
"I would have hired you in my agency, because we know very well that my agency would have been way more successful than yours." you smirk, and you know you are looking for troubles, but you need to know where Kun's limits lie. "Do you think you would have found better heroes than mine? Better than Death Stare, Mayhem and Strike?" you run the tip of your tongue over your lower lip, sighing, ignoring the way Kun's gaze follow your tongue. "Mayhem spends too much time flirting with victims, so of course we can always do better." it's a slippery slope you are going down, because you know that Pyro and Mayhem have always been best friends.
"I take it that he flirted with you." he says, and you shrug, you are not going to tell him. "It doesn't surprise me, but you know, that's part of his charm, the citizens adore him anyway!" well, you can't deny that Mayhem is hot. He is tall, muscular, and his long hair suits him perfectly. "Maybe I should have flirted back, I would have someone else to help me kick your ass." Kun rolls his eyes, getting up from the bed. "Two against one? That's not really fair, but even like that, I know I would win."
You have to show him what you are capable of, within the limits that your body imposes on you. You close your eyes, and it only takes half a second for one of the shadows who love to torture you during the night to appear in front of you, watching you curiously. With a nod, you indicate the curtains, and the shadow hastens to open, bathing the room in a yellow light. Immediately, Kun's shadows looms behind him as he prepares to leave the room.
"What the hell?" he frowns when he feels a pressure on his arm, preventing him from going any further, pulling him in once more, and slamming the door in front of his face. "A problem?" you ask, tilting your head. Kun is surprised to see you on the bed, as someone seems to be holding him back, but when he turns his eyes, the shadow is back on the floor, as still as Kun. "What just happened?"
You get up from the bed, shrugging your shoulders. "You are getting old Pyro boy." you say as you open the door and leave the room without the slightest problem. "Did you do that?" he asks, following you. "Me who did what?" you open the fridge to take out the bottle of water which you open to take a sip. "You used your powers to keep me from going out!" you laugh, practically choking on the water in your mouth; "I told you Kun, we are not intimate enough. You probably just imagined it all."
Kun shakes his head, he knows what he felt, and it was a hand on his arm. A cold hand, almost ghostly. He knows you did it, but as of right now, he can't prove it. But he will. He'll for you to show him your powers.
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For the week after moving in with the hero, you need to put yourself back in your place when you start to feel more at home than with a man you are supposed to betray. But it's difficult, because Kun is such a lovely host, who puts your needs and protection first, even arguing with his friends because he does not want to leave you alone. But at the end of the day, you know you can't afford to fall for him.
In another life, maybe.
This morning, you are awaken when the curtains in your bedroom are drawn open, letting in the sun which warms the bare skin of your legs. You turn onto your stomach, covering yourself with the blanket, muttering something Kun does not quite understand. "Get up, sleeping beauty, we have to go out!" at that, you stuck your head out of the blanket, frowing, your eyes still closed. "Go out?" Kun nods, but you don't see him do it. "I have to go to the agency, so you are coming with me."
You get out of bed quickly, and Kun laughs as you walk into the bathroom to get dressed. Unable to return to your apartment to retrieve clothes, you used the hero's credit card to buy everything you need until you are finally allowed to go home. And when you come out, Kun is already ready to go, his hand resting on the doorknob. "Ready?" he asks, and you nod.
The agency is not far from the hero's apartment, but he takes his car not to take the slightest risk. The Beast could be anywhere, stalking your scent or even your cell phone if he is smart enough, because you do not know if Taeyong did what you ask him or not. When he parks his car in the parking lot, he turns to you. "You better behave, with the heroes, okay?" he says, and you take a falsely offended expression. "Are you really doubting me, hero?" you ask, and he sighs. "You said you would kick my ass last time, god only knows what you can tell them."
He is not wrong, so you shrug. "I say this because I know it's true, and I could kick all their asses, trust me." he chuckles, and gets out of the car. You follow him closely, your hands buried in the pockets of your coat. When he pushes the door of the agency, you are surprised to hear nothing but silence. You expected to see heroes running to and fro, responding to call from panicked citizens, not to see them behind desks, speaking in low voices not to bother anyone around.
"Kun!" a voice breaks the silence, and the hero rolls his eyes as he watches the hero with the long hair approach you. "Oh, who do we have here, Y/n. You know I'm still waiting for you to buy me a drink." he says, turning to you and you tilt your head. "To thank you for letting the Beast come into my home in the middle of the night?" Johnny's cheeks take on a pinkish tinge under the attack, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Kun turn his back to you so you won't see him laughing. "You are not wrong." Death Stare says, leaning against a door that probably lead to other offices.
You wink at Johnny when Kun asks you to follow him into his office. When you enter the room, the bright colors attack your retina right away. "Oh my god, you are a fanboy!" you exclaim and Kun clears his throat. From all part of his office, you can see figurines, posters, and merchandise belonging to the current number one hero in the country. "I never thought your office would look like an 8-year-old's bedroom, that's really cute."
Kun whines as he drops into his office chair, and he busy himself working on his computer so as not to have to answer you. You laugh, and turn to a section of the wall where various newspaper articles are hung. "Are these the arrests you made?" you ask, and the man looks in your direction. "Yeah!" he bulges his chest, probably extremely proud of his achievements. It is not for nothing if he is so popular amongs locals.
You recognize several villains, for having spoken to them at least once, or for having witnessed the arrest live on television. But your gaze stops on one particular photo, and you frown. A boy, quite young, with red hair, and a smile on his face despite the handcuffs and the hero preventing him from making a move. Your eyes fill with tears, but you shake your head, you can't cry. Not here. Not in front of the hero. He would start to suspect something when you are so so close to succeeding your mission.
You do not hear Kun approaching you, and you jump when he opens his mouth. He must have noticed the article you dwelled on. "Red Arrow." he begins, and you bite the inside of your cheek. "I admit that catching him was all down to luck. From the moment he started causing chaos in town, I thought I would never get a hold of him." he explains. Yes, you know what happened. You know that Lucas has escaped the grasp of the heroes and the police on countless occasions. Thanks to you, Doyoung, Ten and Taeyong.
"Why?" you ask in a trembling voice, and Kun watches you, arching his eyebrows. "He was so young when he was arrested, not even 18. Why did you arrest him?" Kun sighs, and he pulls away from the wall to sit on the edge of his desk. "You can't let a villain go free because he is young, Y/n, that would be reckless. Powers get stronger and stronger with age, we could not risk seeing him grow bigger, stronger and more aggressive."
You scoff, shaking your head. Lucas was not aggressive, he would never hurt a fly, he just had trouble controlling his powers like a lot of people in the world. He didn't pass the hero academy entrance exams, and no one taught him how to wield his powers. Taeyong tried, but he too had to manage his own life behind. In a way, it's your fault if he is in jail now, you are the ones who didn't take the time to train him properly when he joined the family.
But it is also the fault of the heroes who refused to understand that it was not his fault. Sure, hanging out with villains does not promise a bright future, but he was not looking to hurt either, it was not in his plans to kill two people with his arrow that day. He couldn't control it. It's that simple, he never really caused any chaos in town, but it is nearly impossible to make heroes understand a thing. "Are you okay?" Kun asks, and you must be looking extremely suspicious, but you take a deep breath, turning on your heels to face the hero, nodding your head, smiling despite your anger. "I'm doing perfectly fine."
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Renjun's reaction is not what you expected. The boy has a bloody temper, he gets angry very quickly, especially when he doesn't understand something, and when he feels abandoned. So you thought he would get angry when he saw you walk through the door to the bookstore, but instead, he leaps into your arms, wrapping his arms around your neck. "I missed you." he whispers, and you rub his back. "I missed you too, kid."
After a little minute, he takes a step back, and he pouts looking at you. "I promise you everything will be back to normal very soon." he does not seem to believe you, but that's okay. You put your hand on his cheek, and he leans into the warmth of your hand. "You'll see, before you know it, I'll be back." he nods, and you place a kiss on his forehead before walking through the back door. The boys are not here, and you are not surprised, it's way too early.
So instead, you push a hidden door at the back of the room and you go up the stairs to the apartment they share. The place is quiet, except for the sounds of hushed conversation coming from the kitchen. The door is open, and when Ten's gaze lands on you, the conversation ends. "What are you doing here? Did something happen?" he asks, getting up from his chair, and you shake your head.
"Everything is fine, don't worry." you say as you open the fridge. You take out several ingrediens under Taeyong's suspicious gaze. "May I know why you are raiding our fridge?" you stuff everything in your backpack, and you turn to the boy. "Kun was asleep when I left. If he is up when I get back, I'll tell him I was at the supermarket to make him a well-deserved breakfast." they nod their heads, they don't question you anymore, they trust you. "I needed to see you."
"Oh, do you miss us?" Ten coos, and you almost regret coming. "Maybe a little, but I will not give you the pleasure to say anything more." you mumble, and Taeyong pulls up the chair next to him so you can sit down. "Everything is going fine, don't worry. The Beast doesn't seem to have tracked me down yet, and the heroes haven't seen him in town since the last attack." you explain, and Taeyong releases a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I'm close to my goal, so give me a few more days."
The boys worry about you, they let you know several times a day, and you understand. You are the target of the Beast, that Taeyong couldn't find, and on top of that, you spend your time surrounded by heroes. Heroes who could find out who you really are, and lock you up like they did with Lucas. "We are going to get him back, don't worry." you can promise Renjun to come home quickly, but you cannot promise the boys to bring Lucas back. It's a delicate situation, and even if you manage to get close to the goal, you do not know if you will be able to go that far.
Basically, the mission was to get revenge for Lucas' arrest, but over time, and in the sights of how your relationship with Kun progressed, you figured that maybe there was a way to get the young boy back. You do not know if it's actually possible, but you need that little bit of hope to hold on. You turn to Taeyong who is nervously playing with the hem of his hoodie, and you put your hand on his. "I'm sorry Taeyong, for what I told you last time on the phone." the man shakes his head, smiling tenderly. "Don't worry, it's already forgotten."
You do not know what you would do without him, or without Doyoung and Ten. "I have to go, I don't want him to send his squad to find me." you get up from your chair, and you sigh. It's harder than you thought it would be. Leaving what you call your second home, even if you live on your own on a daily basis. "Be careful, alright?" Doyoung says, and you nod. "Of course. Always."
When you walk through the apartment door, and walk to the bedroom, you find Kun still asleep. He looks peaceful, with his hair messy on the pillow, and his blanket covering part of his face. In another life, you think, heading for the kitchen. From your bag, you take out the ingredients you stole from Taeyong's fridge, and you busy yourself with preparing breakfast. You never had the chance to do so, because Kun always wake up before you, and he made it his personal mission to make you as comfortable as possible.
You are not as good as him in the kitchen, and it ends with an unmistakable uproar when the pan in which you were cooking the eggs fall to the ground. You do not know how it happened, but it did. What you don't know either is how Kun manages not to wake up in a hurry, ready to yell at you for being so reckless with his dear cooking equipment. But no, you can still hear his long breaths as you approach the bedroom.
"Weirdo." you whisper as you return to the kitchen to finish breakfast. Okay, the eggs don't look very good, and you are not even sure it's perfectly cooked, but it'll do. You pour coffee into a cup, and orange juice in a glass that you nearly drop. This is the last time you will enter a kitchen, you think, carrying the tray to the bedroom. You put it on the bedside table, and sit on the edge of the bed.
You do not need to open your mouth, because the smell of food is enough to make Kun stires awake. He pushes the blanket away, a smile on his face, his eyes still closed. "Good morning." he whispers in a sleepy voice, and you can't help but smile too. When he finally opens his eyes, and his gaze lands on the tray, he sits up against the headboard. "What is that?" he asks. "It's for you. It's not perfect, and I really don't recommend eating the eggs, but it's a way of thanking you."
"You don't need to thank me, I told you that already." he takes the cup of coffee, and he blows on it gently. "I do it because it's my job, and because I want to." he explains, and of course, you understand, but still. "Yes, but I'm making you miss your job, that's not good." he takes a sip of coffee which is, just as he likes it, and that makes his heart beat a little faster. Maybe. "I'll go back to work when I know you are safe."
Will you ever be completely safe? You are not sure, but it's something Kun doesn't need to know. You take the glass of juice, and take a sip under Kun's amused gaze. "What?" you ask with a frown, and he shakes his head. "Nothing." he doesn't stop smiling with amusement, and it starts to annoy you. "What?" you whine, and he throws his head back to laugh. God, you hate how much you love that laugh.
You put your glass on the tray, and you take the cup from Kun's hand to put it down too. Kun is startled, but when you get back on the bed to sit on his lap, he doesn't say anything more. He puts his hands on your hips to keep your from tipping back, and he tilts his head. "Hi." you roll your eyes. "Hi yourself." you put your hands on his shoulders. "Are you going to tell me why you are looking at me like that?" he shakes his head, and you pout. Kun is a simple man, and when you pout, he gives you what you want. Usually.
You see Kun's gaze slide over your lips and giggle softly. "Because you are beautiful?" you wrap you arms around the back of his neck to play with his hair, and that's enough to make Kun's head straighten up. "You're not too bad either." his fingers slide down your sides, and he tilts his head. "Can I kiss you?" he asks in a low voice, and you nod. Is it for the mission, or because you are actually craving it? Who knows, not you anyway.
Kun leans in and rests his lips on yours for a simple kiss, but in to time, the kiss becomes much more fiery. You nibble Kun's lip and he opens his mouth slightly, and you take advantage of it, finding his tongue, tasting the coffee he was drinking. The hero's fingers tighten around your waist, and instictively, you roll your hips, causing the young man to growl. "Do you know how bad I wanted to do this." he whispers against your lips, you did not know, but you are happy to know that you can have that kind of effect on the hero.
"I don't know, tell me." you whisper, and is surprised when Kun rocks you onto the bed to straddle your hips. He bends down, and runs the tip of his tongue over your lips, and the contact is gone as quickly as it happened, which makes you sigh, much to Kun's delight. "You wanted too, I know that." he seems so sure of himself that you roll your eyes. "What makes you say that?"
His lips slide slowly down your cheek, your jaw, ending in your neck which he kisses warmly. "I see you, you know. I see you looking at my lips when I speak. I see the way you look at me when I get out of the shower." You could laugh, really, because even though you are here for the purpose of betraying Kun, you are human, and the hero's body was sculpted by the Gods, there is nothing you can do about it if your eyes slide over his chest from time to time.
"Because you don't?" you ask, but your sentence is cut short when Kun bites the skin of your neck. He licks the wound, and he sits up, caging your face in between his hands. "Of course I do. It's hard not to." so much for being professional, you think, rolling your eyes. You push him to the other side of the bed, and it's your turn to be on top, your legs on either side of Kun's thighs, Kun who looks at you with a smirk.
"What do you think you are doing?" he asks, and you shrug, rolling your hips very lightly against Kun's crotch. "I was thinking of watching a movie." Kun sits up, his torso against your chest, and he smiles. "I do not think so, no." he puts his lips on your throat which he kisses several time, biting the skin a little harder each time, enough to make you buck your hips. "Eager, aren't we?"
He takes one of your ankles in his hand to maneuver your leg so that it is on the other side of the leg you are already standing above. He makes you sit, and when you roll your hips again, he clenches the muscles of his thighs, and it is enough to make you moan softly. "Are you so need that you are going to use my thigh to get off?" he scoffs, and you put a hand against his mouth. "Shut up Kun."
The friction of your clothed clit against Kun's thigh is something you cannot describe. It is rough, but good at the same time. "If you want to get off like this, you should at least do it properly." his voice against your ear makes you whine, tears already forming in the corner of your eyes with the pleasure flooding you so suddenly. He moves his hands on your waist to move you quicker on his thigh, the tense of the muscle against your heating core is absolutely delicious.
You try to bite your lips to quiet your moans, but it is useless, especially when Kun bites your lower lip, forcing your mouth open. He kisses you, swallowing all of your moans. He feels uncomfortably tight in the confines of his boxers, but he does not say anything. "You are doing so well baby." his mouth his hot, and you close your eyes shut. Seeing Kun's face, and his smirk would only bring you quicker to the edge.
He feels the way your thighs are shaking, and he scoffs. "Already ready to cum? Good girl." you are making a mess of his leg with your juices, and if normally you would be embarrassed, you can't find it in yourself to be right now. "Come on, cum for me, show me how good you can be." his voice is low, and honey-like. And like that, you feel your climax hitting you. And it hits harder than ever. You see stars behind your eyes, and you are pretty sure you black out for a minute or so.
"That's it." Kun whispers, and when you body falls limp against him, he rubs your back, kissing the top of your head. "You did so well." you feel the beads of sweat rolling down your spine, and you grimaces slightly. Without a word, and still out of breath, you take your shirt off under Kun's hungry gaze. It's when you move to sit back on his lap that you see and feel the tent in his pants. Poor baby must be so hard right now.
"I can take care of it." he whispers, his lips finding their way to your naked shoulder to kiss and bite as he wishes. "Let me." you say, and he helps you take off his boxers by lifting his hips from the bed, and when you are finally back in the same position, you take his hard and leaking member in your hand. You use the pre-cum to make the slide easier, and immediately, the boys huffs, eyes closing. He's been waiting for his release that he doesn't know how long he'll last.
You kiss him, all teeth and tongue, it is sloppy, disgusting, with drool running down your chins. Kun bucks his hips, fucking into your hand and you move quicker, twisting your wrist in a way that makes him moan. It's obsene the sound that come out of his mouth, but you love to hear him, so much. The hero is usually so composed, that seeing him coming undone because of your hand is a good ego boost.
"Fuck, I'm going to-to cum." he groans, and you smile softly, biting on the lobe of his ear. "Are you?" he nods with vigor, and you drop your head, opening your mouth big enough for a bead of spit to drop on the top of his dick, to make it extra wet, and with how he reacts, that's how he likes it. You run your finger in the slit, and with your free hand, you fondle his balls, and when you feel him tense up, you watch as rops of sticky cum dirty your hand. "Good boy." you say like he did earlier, and he smiles, completely blissed out.
"Gross." you say looking at your hand, and you rub it clean on Kun's abs. The hero winces at the feeling of the cum when it starts to dry on his skin. "You are gross." yeah, you are. You yelp when he takes ahold of your thighs to get out of bed, not letting go of you. "What are you doing?" you ask with a laugh. "We need a shower."
And if he showed you how wet he likes things in the shower, then so be it.
When you open your eyes, the first thing you notice is the warm body against yours. Kun's arm is firmly around your waist, and you feel his breath against your neck. It must have been barely two hours since you fell asleep, which means the sun is still shining outside, and you still have time to enjoy the day. Well, if you can. Because when you try to stand up, Kun's arm pulls you closer to him, and you sigh weakly.
If the boys knew what you just did, they would be pissed off. It was definitely not in the plan, but it takes what it takes to make Kun more open to you, more vulnerable. Enough to break him more easily, you think, looking at the ceiling. You remain motionless for a few more minutes, letting yourself be lulled by the hero's regular breathing, and after a while, he finally releases his grip on your waist to turn his back to you, you take the opportunity to get out of bed.
Your clothes have been thrown haphazardly around the room, and it takes a moment for you to find everything. But instead of putting them on, you throw everything in the laundry basket in the corner of the room, and you take a clean t-shirt and pants from the section of the wardrobe reserved for you in the guest room. When you return to the hero's room, you observe Kun. He is always so peaceful when he sleeps, and you have to refrain yourself from running your fingers through his soft hair.
In another life, you think.
There is a reason you didn't let Kun convince you to show him your powers. You needed to save it, to regain strenght so that you could use it as much as you needed. You walk over to the window and push the curtains so that the bedroom is completely bathed in sunlight. Even though the shadows are stronger at night, they are easier to manipulate and recall when there is natural light.
You call a single shadow. The one who is the most obedient, the one you spent all your childhood manipulating, the only one who does not torture you at the first given opportunity. "Prevent him from moving if he wakes up." you articulate without any sound coming out of your mouth, and the shadow nods. You walk out of the room, and with a silent step, you stop in front of Kun's office door. It is not difficult to enter, since he has nothing to hide, so the door is not locked. You only need one thing, the key to the agency.
And when you find it, you refrain from making a sound of victory, you do not have time for that. You pick up your phone, and open the conversation with the boys. You could call them, to make it easier, but you do not want to risk waking Kun up, or getting his attention.
To The cheap villains alliance: Are you there? From The cheap villains alliance / Ten / Doyoung / Taeyong: Yes! To The cheap villains alliance: Perfect. I have the key to Pyro's agency. The details of Lucas's arrest are out there, but to get there on my own, I need your help. I need chaos. I need all of the agency's heroes, Kun included, to be on the streets. From The cheap villains alliance / Taeyong: You can count on us. When do you want to do it? To The cheap villains alliance: Tonight. Wait until night has fallen. From The cheap villains alliance / Ten: The festivities will begin at 9 p.m.
You smile, you knew you could count on them. And they are the best at creating chaos without actually causing injuries. You do not want that, you do not want innocent blood on your hands. You just want the heroes out of your reach. You quickly leave the office, stuffind the key in your pants pocket. For Kun not to notice, you'll need to keep him occupied until it is time for him to go, and leave you alone.
So you go back to the room where Kun is only waking up. The shadow sees you, and it disappears with the blink of an eye. And you sit on the edge of the bed, you hand resting on Kun's cheek. "Hello sleeping beauty." he smiles, his dimples deep and tempting. You take advantage of the sight given to you by a very sleepy Kun, because it is certainly the last time you will see him like that.
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From The cheap villains alliance / Ten: Let the show begin.
From where you are standing in the living room, you smile when you see the message. You do not know what they are going to do, or whatever they are going to do it themselves or ask some trusted villains. But you think it will be the latter, the safest option. It would be silly to get caught by the police when they are so close to getting Lucas back.
To The cheap villains alliance: Be careful, kids.
You put your phone in your pocket, and you settle down next to Kun. The hero has spent the last twenty minutes searching for a movie on Netflix. He puts his arm around your shoulders, and you move closer to him, close enough that your thighs are touching. The movie begins, and when his phone rings on the coffee table, you try not to show your excitement.
"Sorry." he mumbles when he sees Johnny's picture showing up. He picks up the phone, and he leaves the living room to answer. You do not move, even though you are dying to know what they are saying to each other, but when he comes back to the living room, he is much more agitated. "I have to go." he says, and you stand up, frowning. "Is something wrong?" he shakes his head as he walks to his office. You follow him closely, and you watch him put on his costume.
"Villains have decided to fight in town. They need every hero they can get." oh, so that's it. You know that this is Ten's idea. The latter loves to create conflict between villains just to see them fiight, to see the strenght they really have. Little shit. "Be careful, Kun, please." you say in a low voice, and he turns to you. He cups your face and kisses you. "I promise you." he turns around you, and without another word, he leaves the apartment.
You have no time to waste, because you do not know how long it will take Kun before coming back. You dial Taeyong's number, and the man answer almost immediately. "So? Is he gone?" he asks, and you nod as you pull on your coat. "Yeah, just now. A brawl of villains, really?" the man laughs as you leave the apartment. "You have to ask Ten, I have nothing to do with it."
Yeah, that what you thought. You go down the stairs at full speed, while being careful that the neighbords do not see you go. "They haven't gone there, hopefully?" you ask, and the noise he makes does not bode well. "Ten wanted to go up there to watch, and Doyoung followed him to stop him from doing anything stupid." fuck.
"Yeah, that's Ten. If either of them gets hurt, or arrested, I swear to god I'll find them and kill them myself. I think being suffocated by your own shadow is a good way to die." you mumble, and Taeyong laughs softly. You know he must be rolling his eyes. "Is Renjun home?" Taeyong does not respond, and you hear the sound of doors opening on the fly, and you stop dead in your tracks.
"Taeyong? Taeyong, is Renjun home?" when you hear nothing but silence, you start to build up in tension. You do not know if it's worry, or anger with Taeyong who does not tell you anything. "Lee-Fucking-Taeyong, if you don't answer me right fucking now, you're going to die too." when he picks up the phone, he is out of breath, he must have run down the stairs to check the bookstore.
"He is not here."
"Taeyong, you only had one thing to do, and that was to make sure Renjun was home!" you say with clenched teeth. You want to yell at him, make him understand that the situation is much more serious now, but you cannot be noticed by passers-by. You probably already look stupid standing in the middle of the sidewalk. "The villains don't know Renjun, they won't know they have to be careful is he ever passes by."
It is not for nothing that they are villains. They don't care about anything. They only live to hurt heroes, and to cause chaos. If they have to hurt a teenager to beat a hero, or a cop, they'll do it without a second thought. Renjun cannot defend himself, at least not against them. "I thought I heard him in his room when Ten and Doyoung left, that's why I didn't check." Taeyong says in a quick voice, and you sigh.
"Call Doyoung, tell him Renjun is not home. Tell him to find him and bring him home. Ten too. That they don't stay outside, it's too dangerous." you are about to hang up when Taeyong speaks. "And you, are you going to continue the mission?" good god, you want to hit him right now, he wastes the little time you have. "Taeyong, Renjun trusts us to protect him, and take care of him, we don't have time to talk, you fucking stupid leader, call them!"
You hang up without thinking about what you just said to Taeyong, or the time you actually lost just to insult him. Renjun is important, and so does the mission. You cannot favor one in spite of the other. You've made up your mind, not only are they going to bring Renjun home, you are also going to get Lucas out. You shove your phone in your coat pocket, and run to Pyro's agency. As you predicted, the agency is empty, and silent. You close the door behind you, and walk to Kun's office.
No one has ever dared to break into an agency, and the heroes all trust each other, so you do not have to worry about cameras, since they don't have any. In the office, you rummage in the drawers, and cupboards to find the keys that will give you access to Lucas.
See, it's not for nothing that this date is so important. If this month is so important. A month ago, you were sitting in the back of the bookstore with the boys, and you were watching the news when Lucas's picture popped up on the screen. A hero, Pyro, spoke up, so proud of himself when he announced that Lucas would be sent to a higher security prison the following month. He also said that in the meantime, the boy would be kept by the heroes in the underground cells at the agency. That day, he spoke without knowing that his words were not going to be forgotten by three people eager to find their friend back.
"Is that what you are looking for?"
The voice is followed by the sound of keys. And when you turn, you tilt your head when you see Kun with the keys leading to the underground cells. You shove your hands in the pockets of your coat, your head bowed. "How did you know?" you ask, and for a second, the hero is taken aback by the lightness with which you speak, as if you had just asked him to talk about the weather. "I always knew."
"What do you mean?" you ask, frowning. The hero sighs, and he doesn't show the slightest sign of a struggle, which means he has not visited the other heroes. "I knew it the moment I saw you, on that street, when you passed out. At first, I thought you had really been attacked by the Beast. And then in the second attack, I heard him speak, I heard him call you the shadow handler, and the contract. That's when I found out." what follow does not bode well.
"All the heroes know you. You, and your little friends. You had caused quite a stir after the arrest of Red Arrow, and that's how I made the connection. Why did the famous shadow handler would come out of her hiding place if not to help her friend escape." you run your tongue over your dry lips and take a step in the direction of Kun who is not moving.
"So, why did you save me? Why did you ask me to live with you?" even in the dark of the office, you can see Kun's cheeks turn red. "Because it was the best way to keep an eye on you, but I guess I was wrong. You are way smarter than you seem." you and your friends are very smart, and you have a lot of resources.
"What are you going to do?" you ask, and the hero lets his shoulders drop. "Are you going to stop me? Are you going to lock me up with Lucas? Oh maybe you will kill me?" he shakes his head, and the sound escaping his lips is almost painful. "See, I knew you were manipulating me the whole time, and yet for a while, when I saw that nothing was happening, I really thought you had changed your mind about Red Arrow."
You roll your eyes as you look around. "Kun, a villain cannot change. Once they start doing evil, nothing can bring them back to the right path. You have said it yourself, and more than once." he approaches you in turn, and he is so close that you can smell his perfume, the smell of embers which clings to his costume. "But maybe you could have? You and your friends are not the worst villains we've had to deal with, quite the contrary. You don't do anything for fun. You don't hurt citizens, and you only tackle the heroes when you really have no other choice."
You know all this. You know the boys and you are not the worst. You do what you can to survive. The proof, what villain would open a bookstore for the love of books, and what villains would "adopt" a child without a family because they can't stand the idea of him being alone as they have been for too long. "Lucas has not done anything wrong. When a hero can't control their powers and hurts a citizen, we don't lock them up for the rest of their life! So why him? He never did anything bad in his life!"
Kun hears the emotion in your voice when you speak, you are really affected by Lucas' situation, and he understands, really. "I had no choice. It's the rules, Y/n." you laugh coldly, closing your eyes to keep the tears from running down your cheeks. "Your rules are stupid." you both remain silent for a little while, but your attention is suddenly drawn to the window when you hear an explosion. "So what are you going to do?" you ask with a sigh. You are tired of this situation.
"If you want to stop me, do it now, because the others are going to be here very soon, and really, you don't want to compete with them." Kun takes the last step between you, and he puts his cold hands on your cheeks. You do not move, because you know he will never hurt you. You've seen it in his eyes so many times over the past few days. He won't do anything to you, except if he has no choice. Being a hero means putting aside your human side to be able to make the best decisions, and the hero will have to fight against the villain.
"If you get Lucas back, whare are you going to do?" he asks, and you are surprised at his question, so you shrug. "We don't want anything other than to give him the house he hasn't had since he got locked up, Kun. We are not going to go out in the streets to make the heroes pay for the time we lost with him. Like you said, we are not like other villains. I just want to be reunited with my family." you whisper.
Your family, yes, that's what they are. A found family is sometimes much better than the biological one. Blood is thicker than water, it is true, but sometimes a found family is so much more. "And me?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper. "Did you never feel anything for me, or were you just looking to see me weak to take advantage of it?" that's the question you unfortunately do not have an answer for. Feelings are not something you like to dwell on. Love attracts nothing good.
"What would that change? You won't let me go anyway." you respond, and Kun leans in to kiss you. And you are weak, so you respond to the kiss. But rather than delve deeper into it as Kun so desires, you close your eyes, focus, and let the shadows do what you can't do on your own. They pull Kun back, preventing him from moving. He is immobilized by invisible forces. You take the keys that have fallen on the floor, and before leaving the office, you give him one last look. "In another life we could have been happy."
The hero doesn't even try to struggle, he lets the shadows hold him in place, and all he can do is watch you go without a word. His heart is breaking, of course, but it's all his fault. He knew what you wanted, and yet, he let you get under his skin, he let you make him weak.
On your way to the underground cells, you pull out your phone, and the relief you feel when you see Taeyong's message telling you that Renjun is home, and that he is fine, the boys are fine is so strong that you could cry. Before losing the already weak signal, you send a message to Taeyong.
To Taeyong: Take the car, and be in front of Pyro's agency in 5 minutes. Don't ask question, and be ready to go.
If he answers, you don't know, since your phone stops working, possibly due to the technology used to keep the villains and their powers at bay. Lucas is not the only one here, all the cells are occupied by villains who seem to be asleep, or drugged, you do not know. "Lucas?" you ask, but get no answer. Good god, who would've thought the underground prison would be that big.
The prison does not only belong to Pyro, but to all the hero agencies in town. They all have access, so while Kun doesn't try to stop you, it's not a given, who knows if a hero is not going to descend on the other side of town at any time. It takes you a couple of minutes to find him. "Lucas." you sigh.
The boy doesn't react immediately, but when you approach, his eyes lift up to you. At first he is not sure what he is seeing, he thinks he is dealing with yet another mirage. "Lucas, we are leaving." he frowns and gets up on shaky legs, and walks over to the bars. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" his voice is so weak, your heart breaks a little. "I'm taking you home." he tries to smile, but you see that he is too tired to do so, but you know he is grateful to see you.
Opening the cell is another story.
You are not familiar with the tech they use, but if the villains are kept in a constant state of fatigue, it doesn't have to be that complicated, right? A computer and several monitors are close to the door that leads to the agency. Cameras that monitor all the cells and buttons. So many buttons. "Fuck." it may take some time.
"The green button." you turn when you hear a voice. That of a villain. "What?" you are not stupid, you are not going to be fooled by a villain. "If you want to open your friend's cell, you have to press the green button closest to his cell's camera." he explains, and you frown. "Why are you helping me?" you ask, and the villain shrugs in defeat. "He is young. He does not deserve what awaits him in prison." you agree completely.
The thing is, villains are vicious, who says that by pushing the button you won't open all the cells and release the villains in town? You want your friend, not to create chaos in the city. But you have no choice, if you call the shadows to bring Kun back here, he will certainly change his mind and prevent you from doing what you want to do. So you find the screen leading to Lucas' cell, and you press the button.
At first, nothing happens, but after a few seconds, a metallic noise is heard and Lucas's cell opens. "Oh fuck, thank you!" you run toward the boy who seems reluctant to come out, as if expecting to be attacked, or laughed at at his idiocy before being locked up again. "Come on, Taeyong is already waiting for us outside." at the mention of the leader, his eyes brighten and you help him walk. Lucas is tall, like really tall, so it's hard to keep him from falling, especially in the stairs, but you get there.
"Wait." you whisper as you lean him against the wall so he can hold himself up while you lock the door to the cells. The freezing cold of the underground has seeped into your skin, and you begin to shake, so much that an easy task becomes difficult. "Come on." you mumble, but Lucas puts his hand on yours. "Let me do it." and he does.
"Let's go home." you put Lucas's arm around your shoulders, and you walk toward the door of the agency, but first, you stop by the office. Kun is still there, held by the shadows. When he hears the footsteps, he looks up at you, and.. and he smiles sadly. "Be happy." that's all he says before you force the shadow to release him. When the shadow disappear, you also disappear.
He will soon hear the sound of an engine, and that of a car racing away. And he will be alone. Alone with his broken heart, a bunch of villains to calm down on the streets, and a lot of explainations to give. Love brings nothing good, you were right about that.
In another life, you both think.
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unholyhelbig · 4 years
How about part two to the workplace Au you just did? Loved the first one!
A/N: Sure thing! I’m glad you guys liked the first one so much (You can read it here)
Request more prompts here | Read on ao3! 
Chloe could read the discomfort on Beca Mitchell’s face as soon as she unzipped the bag that she had picked up from the dry cleaners. She was struck with the instant scent of lavender detergent, fanning her hand over the outfit like she was picking the next lucky number for the lottery.
Beca had her hand on her chin, a flash of red made her head spin. She was in sweatpants and a grease-stained shirt. She figured that if she had ignored the date on the bottom of the flyer long enough, maybe Chloe would just forget.
No such luck.
“How did you find my apartment?” She asked, clinging to the door.
“It was in your file.”
“I feel like this is slightly illegal.”
“Slightly,” Chloe pushed her way through the door and looked around the apartment. It was kept in a shockingly messy state. Beca presented herself as someone who dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every ‘T’. At least, that’s how she was at work. But there was a leaning tower of pizza boxes and a couple of record sleeves strewn across the room. “You’re not even close to ready.”
“I forgot,” She let the door swing closed “what if we just ignore this PR bullshit and watch a movie instead. Technically I’m still socializing.”
Chloe turned on her heel and scanned Beca up and down. She hugged the bag close to her. “It would look horrible for me to ditch a party I planned.”
“Then you go. I’ll keep watch here.”
The coder flopped down onto the pile of blankets at the far end of the sofa. She crossed her socked feet and waved her hand in the air as if asking Chloe to continue. For the first time tonight, she noticed the makeup and the slim fitted dress that hugged every inch of the woman’s curves. The black material made the sharp disdain in her eyes glow even further.
But goddamn it, if she wasn’t absolutely captivating. And she smelled lie oranges. Beca had half the mind to stealthy survey her fingers for any trace of a ring. She hadn’t done so in the office, but there was no man to be seen in them. She had blown her chance, she figured, by being her authentic self.
“Red isn’t my color.” She stared at the dress. It had a plunging neckline and would make her look pale. She wasn’t working with much, Chloe was kidding herself. She was also here three full hours before the dreaded thing was supposed to start.
“Just give it a shot. You promised.”
“Wrong. I considered.”
Chloe tossed the bag at her. The fabric was nice, soft against her fingers. She stared at the slight bit of lace and the little bag of gold jewelry that the woman had attached. A few rings and a necklace tipped with a triangle that practically pointed at her cleavage.
“Alright, whatever. I’ll shower.”
She hoisted herself from the couch and tried not to stare too long at the look of triumph on Chloe’s face. It was equally as infuriating as it was attractive. She grabbed a towel from the pile of unfolded clothes on the other end of the sofa and vanished into the back hallway.
Chloe stood like a statue until she heard the water running. Then her curiosity got the better of her and she started to glace around the space; the walls were slathered in charcoal grey and a few album covers were framed and tacked up. Beca had a record player and an extensive library of music. It seemed to be the only tidy thing in here.
She walked over to the couch and picked up one of the blankets. It smelled like detergent and whatever musk Beca radiated herself. She started absently folding, chewing the inside of her lip, so deep in thought that she hadn’t even realized that the shower had shut off and Beca padded into the room in nothing but a towel, still soaked to the bone.
She cleared her throat “Did you clean up?”  
“It’s a nervous habit,” Chloe turned and tried not to let her breath catch. The employee usually stuck with baggy sweatpants and even baggier shirts. They didn’t’ have a dress code at work and she border-lined pajamas with her outfit choices. But Beca? Beca had a figure. “You ready?”
“I’m at your mercy.” She grumbled, “But no eyeliner.”
“oh, come on.”
“You’re not getting close to my eye with a pencil, forget it.” She crossed her arms over her chest, not letting the towel slip in the slightest “Fine. But I’m doing it. Stop pouting.”
Chloe begged to differ. She didn’t pout. She didn’t’ want to push it any further though, so she nodded and grasped the dress before letting Beca lead the way to her room.
           Beca tugged uncomfortably at the hem of her dress as they exited the car. It had hiked up as soon as she sat down, but at that point, she didn’t’ care. The weather had taken a turn to the colder side and she just wanted feeling in her legs. A light dusting of snow had forced their driver to flick on the wipers and move closer to the glass to see past the haze of headlights.
Chloe grasped at her wrist absently, forcing her to stop shifting the fabric. Her hand was warm enough to shock her into complying, but not without a glare. They looked like quite the pair; Beca was almost the same height as Chloe with the heels that were supplied, and she stood out horridly. Red like blood on the snow after a fresh hunt.
The company had spared no expense with the carpet, purple like their logo and leading into a lavish lobby in a hotel that Beca had never been in. She was sure they would throw her out if she walked in and asked to use the bathroom with fancy soap. But when Chloe was at her side, looping her arm through her own, she could pass instantly.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Chloe read the blush on the woman’s cheeks “I’m sure if I weren’t holding onto you, you’d be face down on the floor by now. Take it slow.”
“You sound like a stage mom.”
“In that case,” she frowned “You’re a horrible student.”
Beca scoffed but was secretly thankful for the human crutch. Chloe had an easy way of walking about her, she pulled her shoulders back and lifted her chin, and acted like she owned the whole building. It was one foot in front of the other, and Beca wobbled on the first few, but eventually evened out. Maybe the stance was a tactical thing- to keep the balance.
They walked through the doors and Beca instantly felt her legs wobble at the direct warmth. There was a clothed table by the entrance, lined with identical masks. Chloe plucked a red one off the table and passed Beca a black one, looking at her expectantly.
“The whole purpose of this is for you to get comfortable being around people. Maybe you can do that if they can’t see the top half of your face.” She spoke with ease as she knotted her own mask. And she had to admit, even though this was utterly stupid, she wouldn’t have recognized Chloe in a crowd. Not if she hadn’t spent the last four hours with her.
She fastened her own mask and took Chloe’s outstretched hand, begrudgingly but thankful at the same time; the ballroom was equally as impressive, violet lights on an installed dance floor and clothed tables with little favors and plates. It looked like a wedding for bank robbers, but Beca couldn’t help letting her mouth prop open.
“Shocked?” Chloe asked, scanning the décor “I do know how to throw a hell of a party.”
“The last party I went to was not this classy.” Beca breathed “We did have bongs made out of apples though, so I’m going to need you to step up your game.”
Chloe smiled, it looked brighter under her mask. She leads them towards a table in the corner and plucked two flutes of champagne from the passing waiter. Alcohol. That was something that Beca wasn’t opposed to. She finished it in two long gulps.
She hovered awkwardly by as the woman who had dragged her here in the first place spoke with a couple of people that she wouldn’t have recognized even if they were shrouded by masks. They shouted over the music; a man in a snazzy looking suit questioned her presence.
“This is one of the most talented coders we have!” Chloe shouted over the sound of the base “Almost single-handedly created the VPN.”
“You’re impressive!” He called out to her “Such a pretty date too!”
Chloe just laughed and Beca thanked him over the bass. He squeezed Chloe’s shoulder before vanishing into the crowd. She leaned close then, her breath hot against Beca’s collarbone, and that familiar floral scent clouded her lungs and judgment. “See, that wasn’t so hard. You’re a natural. Want to dance?”
She did not, in fact, want to dance. But Chloe pulled her onto the floor almost as smoothly as the champagne glasses. Beca was glad that she had swallowed it so quickly. It made the idea of dancing seem more appealing. And Chloe did have good taste in music.
They worked themselves into the crowd and Beca let the sound flow through her. She ignored all of the people, for the most part. Chloe was painfully obvious behind her, grinding close, running her hands across the dress that she had picked out. Beca felt like she was back in college- and she had to admit, she was having fun.
She lost track of how many songs they had danced to, but eventually, the DJ lowered the music and spoke into the microphone. “Alright folks, we having fun? I hope so! I want to interrupt your masquerade for just a moment.”  
There were a few groans from the crowd, but none of them sincere.
“Now, I know you’re all being secretive about your identities tonight. But I want to pull the one and only Chloe Beale onto the stage. Y’all okay with that?”
There were a few shouts from the people around her, followed by applause as Chloe gave Beca’s arm a squeeze and maneuvered her way through the crowd. A woman in an even tighter navy blue dress helped her up the stage and Beca clapped along, lilting her head as she watched, captivated like the rest of the room.
This didn’t’ feel customary, bringing the party planner up to say a few words. Not when it was essentially a giant PR event for a tech company. Beca crossed her arms over her chest as Chloe captivated an entire crowd.
“I’m glad you’re all having fun under the cover of the night,” She lowered her voice dramatically, flashing that brilliant smile. “And we’re so happy to unveil our new VPN, that everyone has been working so hard on.”
It had been months of coding, Beca having to fix so many bugs that the 0’s and 1’s ran circles around her head. Hearing praise from Chloe’s lips made her tingly- or maybe that was the buzzing of her skin after eating cold pizza for breakfast and drinking on a nearly empty stomach.
“We strive for innovation and protection, and our new product can give you just that.” She gripped the podium and waited for a few cheers to settle “When I first started this company in my parent's basement, which doubled as our laundry room, I never imagined this. Thank you, and enjoy the party!”
Beca’s heart had seized in her chest then, as the music started up and the people around her moved with the rhythm once more. She let them bump into her as she mindlessly walked to the edge of the lit-up floor, towards Chloe.
This made sense to her, finally, it made sense. The reason why she was pushing her so hard to interact with other people in the office, why she didn’t have a title on her door. Chloe was the boss. Chloe had seen her ratty apartment and, oh my god, Chloe knows she smokes weed.
The woman in the navy dress talked animatedly to the woman at the side of the stage, nodding and gesturing to the rest of the room. Chloe looked pensive, she mumbled something under her breath and immediately turned towards Beca.
“Dude, what the hell?” She asked, sounding less elegant than she’d hoped.
Chloe shrugged “Stacie from HR wanted to talk to you first but I thought I’d give it a shot.”
“This is literally your party.”
“Like in your honor. Not something you planned.”
“Well, I did that too.” She shrugged nonchalantly as Beca gaped at her “Look, Beca. I like you, okay? You’re one stubborn girl. And I wanted to spend a night with you, is all. When the report about your lack of social skills happened across my desk, I took a chance.”
She felt her cheeks heat up “You could have just asked me, you know?”
“Would you have said yes?”
“Absolutely not,” She pointed her finger “But only because you’re making me wear a dress. Maybe next time, we could just settle for street tacos or something?”
Chloe laughed, and it was a beautiful sound that mixed so perfectly with the music. “Next time?”
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Stay, Part 1: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Training Time
Tap…. tap…. tap.  Katsuki hit the back of his pen against the desk.  He was mostly done with the exam Ectoplasm gave at the beginning of class, but decided to take a bit of a break and breathe for a moment.  He wasn’t too worried.  The exam was mostly like the class work they had done for the past couple of weeks, so he reviewed over his notes to study for the past few days.  He was also number 2 in the class, only barely behind Momo Yaoyorozu.  Nothing was worse than chasing after someone, but if he had to be behind someone, he definitely wanted it to be behind the girl with the nice ass so he at least had something to look at.  He laughed a little at that, but was suddenly startled by the squeaking pencil of someone nearby.  
Izuku was next to him, pressing his pencil hard against his paper, furiously writing on the exam.  It felt as if someone was grating Katsuki’s ears like they were made of cheese.  He glared over at Izuku, whose head buried in his exam, muttering to himself something that was inaudible.  Katsuki went back to his exam, trying to ignore the sounds coming from next to him.  Katsuki finished his last question and walked to the front to turn in his paper.  He walked past other students, who were diligently working against the clock.  
“You two finished?” Ectoplasm asked.  Katsuki turned to see Izuku next to him, also holding onto his test.  They both nodded.  “Good, pass them here.”  His voice was so deep it gave Katsuki the chills.  Katsuki handed over his paper.  At least when he sat down, he wouldn’t have to listen to Izuku’s pencil.
Katsuki started to turn around when he heard Izuku say, “Sir—?” Ectoplasm shifted his gaze over to him.  “Could I go to a training room?  There’s something I still need to work on and I want to get it right before the practical this afternoon.”  
“Yes.” Ectoplasm said, a man a few words.  “You should go too, Bakugou.”  
Katsuki glared at him and growled, “I don’t need to train.  I’m ready for this afternoon.”
“You two are the first ones done and I don’t want you distracting the other students.  You can practice together.”
Katsuki thought about it for a few seconds.  He wanted to train, just not with this nerd. “Fine.” He eventually said through his teeth.  Izuku nodded his head with a slight Mhm sound. Katsuki grunted, but started walking out to the training room.  It wasn’t too far from the building they were in now, but it was definitely a few minutes away.  “That’s the problem.” This walk.
“Huh?” Izuku said.  
God, could he never get a moment of peace away from him?  They lived together in same dorms, went to school together, in the same classes together. Christ, they fucking grew up together. He could never just get Izuku to leave him alone.  “Shut the fuck up, nerd, I didn’t say anything.”
“What’s the problem, Kacchan?” he asked, ignoring him. He had clearly heard what Katsuki said a few moments ago.  It made Katsuki’s blood start to boil.  
Katsuki stopped and tried to push it out of his mind, but it spilled out of his mouth, “You are, nerd.  I can never get rid of you.”
“Do…do you want me to go, Kacchan?  I can wait for someone else to be available—,”
“You started this.  Besides, you heard what ‘Ultra-plasmic’ or whatever-his-name-is said.  You need the practice and I need a human target.”
Izuku smiled a little. “Yeah, well, I didn’t plan for him to put us toge—a human target?”
“Shut up, Deku.” Katsuki growled.
They were quiet for a moment and just as Katsuki thought Izuku had actually listened to him, Izuku said, “How do you think you did on the test?”
“Jesus, you never stop talking.” Katsuki glanced at him.  His freckles became increasingly darker when his cheeks were pink.  Katsuki rolled his eyes.  “But I think I did fine.  Just reviewed my notes to study.”
“It was certainly easier than I thought. Ectoplasm’s exams aren’t normally that easy, so I thought maybe it was a trick, but I think that the answer to question 3—,”
He’s rambling now. Katsuki tried to tune him out as he continued to talk about one of the questions.  Katsuki was not going to tell him he found that question a little challenging as well, but there was a little trick that Ectoplasm had taught them and Katsuki was sure to write it down.  
“I used the technique he taught us earlier in the week where you have to—,”
“I REMEMBER!” Katsuki snapped, turning towards him.  He felt his shoulders at his ears.  He tried so hard to relax, especially when Izuku was around, but he made it so hard.
They had reached the building and Katsuki thought about blasting the door forward before Izuku jumped forward, grabbing the door. “Tch,” Katsuki snapped and stomped his way past Deku, trying not to look at him, but caught a glimpse.  The bastard was smiling.  Fucking smiling.  Why is he so fuckin’ happy all the fucking time?
They walked to the locker room to change out of their formal uniform into their blue, P.E. uniforms, but Izuku just said, uneasily, “I’m going to go to the bathroom to change.”  Katsuki watched him nervously laugh and walk away slowly.  He took off his school uniform, pulling the tie off first and unbuttoning his shirt.  He thought for a moment if he should be completely shirtless for the fight, but thought against it.  He wanted to be as sweaty as possible for his fight against Izuku.  He took his pants off and the door to the locker room burst back open, startling Katsuki for a moment.  It was just Izuku, who was already done changing.  Fuck, he’s fast.  The clothes were tight against Izuku’s body and didn’t leave much to the imagination.  Katsuki made a sort of grunting sound and finished putting on his clothes as well, which loosely hung from his body.  
“Good, you’re ready!” Izuku said and jumped up, walking directly next to Katsuki.
“Walk behind me, you idiot!” Katsuki said and Izuku chuckled and took a good step back.  The fuck is he laughing at?  
They walked into a training room and unsurprisingly, it was being used, but not by students.  Mr. Aizawa, their former homeroom teacher and Eri were practicing using Eri’s quirk.  Her horn was slightly bigger than usual and she was concentrating incredibly hard on a large apple tree with Aizawa watching her closely.  She was more proficient at using it as the apples upon the tree shrunk in size.  
“Eri!” Izuku said.  She turned her gaze, noticing the boys in the doorway.  She was shocked to see them both, but Aizawa’s hair went up, his gazed fixed on Eri and her quirk suddenly stopped.  The apples were no longer apples, but instead had been shrunk and flowers took the place of them.  It almost looked like a totally different tree.  The apples were in a new, but old stage of life—their blossoming stage.  
“Deku?” she said, squinting over at the doorway, making sure it was him.  “Deku!”
“Wow!  Looks like you’re really getting a handle on your quirk, huh?” Deku asked, running over to her.  Katsuki didn’t run the way Deku did, but instead just walked over to the tree and pulled off a small apple that hadn’t quite been rewound all the way.  Eri nodded, her horn starting to shrink thanks to Aizawa.  
“We reserved this room until 2 today—,” Mr. Aizawa started to say, but Eri interrupted.
“Excuse me, Mr. Eraser?” she bowed her head in respect. “I would like to take a break and maybe watch Deku?”  She was so sweet, even Katsuki couldn’t deny it.  She didn’t make eye contact with the teacher, but Mr. Aizawa closed his eyes for a moment, his hair falling on against shoulders. and reached into his pocket for his eye drops.
“I’ll give you a break.  You watch the boys.” Mr. Aizawa used the eye drops and blinked a few times.  He then held his hand out and Eri took it.  He then turned his gaze to the boys.  “Do you need any input?”
“Actually, yeah, that’d be—,” Izuku started, but Katsuki glared at him.  If he could slice Izuku in two with his eyes, he would’ve, but Izuku must’ve seen him because he shifted to, “No, we should be fine.”  
“Sure thing.” He knelt down to Eri, who finally looked up at him.  He pulled his hair back into a bun and told her, “Sit over there, I’ll be right back.” Aizawa pointed to chairs behind some glass.  “You can watch them through there, Eri.  Maybe you can learn something from these two.  Though probably not.” He turned and looked directly at Katsuki.  “Be careful.”
“Tch.” Katsuki didn’t need anything from Aizawa. He had left them to Ectoplasm to help train Eri.  And while that was admirable, Katsuki couldn’t help but think that Aizawa was a better teacher than Ectoplasm.  He learned so much in his first year, but now in his second, he was stuck with someone who didn’t have the first clue how he learned.  Katsuki wasn’t like the others.  He’d grown up since Eri’s age of people telling him that his quirk was so special and that he was special.  Aizawa had a way of always letting Katsuki train how he wanted and that’s how he learned.  By doing, not by listening.  And Ectoplasm was too busy helping the mediocre students try to catch up to him.
Catch up to him and fucking Deku.  
He watched Izuku take off his jacket to reveal a perfectly carved abdomen—a skinny six pack, but Katsuki quickly looked away as Izuku pulled his pants up, but not before he caught a glimpse of Izuku’s lower abs that cut into a prominent v-shape.  He shook his head.  That was a sight.  He tried to shake it out of his head, but then Izuku turned around and threw his jacket to the side of the room.  His shoulders were getting bigger and more muscular, but not as big as Katsuki’s, who took off his jacket as well, but he wasn’t completely shirtless. The tank top was tight against his chest, but he didn’t mind that.  He’d never admit it, but it was like getting a constant hug.
Izuku stretched for the fight.  For this afternoon, students would be pinned against each other to learn how to better use their quirks. It was like the sports festival, but each student had worked on one special move and that was the only thing they could use against each other. They already had their pairings—Izuku being paired against Sero and him being paired against Mina Ashido.  He had a solid plan to beat her.  In truth, he didn’t think she was going to be all that difficult to beat, but he had to watch it against her acid.  She could throw it at a distance or use it as a hose between her fingers.  His special move was one he perfected, especially if he could use his equipment. This match was pointless because Izuku is not the same opponent.  Izuku and Mina’s fighting styles were completely different, but it would at least let Katsuki blow off some steam.  
Izuku got in a ready stance.  His fists up and close to his chin, his legs shoulder width apart, one foot behind.  Izuku had figured him out, that’s for sure.  Katsuki could almost see Izuku thinking, but before he could come up with a stupid plan, Katsuki lunged forward.  He felt the heat run down his arms from his chest into his hands.  He had his hands in his pockets on the walk over to build sweat and in combination with the heat powering through his arms, he felt the sweat in his hands spark for a moment and he immediately blew a large explosion in Izuku’s face.  
“Die!” Katsuki yelled.  Smoke filled the room, but cleared quickly and Katsuki noticed Deku wasn’t standing where he’d thrown the explosion.  What?  Where’d he go?  
“Smash!” the sound came from behind Katsuki, echoed in his ears but he reacted too late.  Izuku’s shoes kicked him square in the jaw and sent Katsuki flying.  The kick hurt, but it wasn’t the initial attack that Katsuki had to prepare for.  It was the gust of powerful wind that came after.  The force was like a storm.  Katsuki used his quirk to propel himself forward, toward the wind with minimal effort to keep himself from flying through the wall.  Izuku was lifted slightly off the ground, but struggled to keep his balance.  He still hasn’t learned to float yet?  All Might had told Izuku to try and learn his master’s quirk.  It seemed Izuku was trying not to fall forward.  
“Still struggling, Deku?  Can’t say I won’t like taking advantage of that!” Katsuki asked, walking towards him, the heat running from his chest to his arms in waves.  His hands were suddenly engulfed and sent shocks of sparks into Katsuki’s hand. “Funny.  I thought this was going to be difficult.  Or at least harder than Ashido.”  Katsuki propelled himself forward with his quirk and just before landing pushed another explosion at Izuku.  “I won’t miss this time!”  He was right and Izuku was flown across the room, his body hitting the glass.  Eri flinched, but it didn’t break.  There wasn’t even so much as a crack.  
“Come on, Deku!” Eri shouted.  Deku looked up at her and smiled.  
Why?  Why was he so happy all. the. time?  Katsuki’s anger built when he saw that smile.  Deku was good in close quarters combat.  All Katsuki had to do was keep his distance, but all the sudden, a black, jet like stream flowed from Deku’s body.  It curled around Katsuki’s arms and held them by his torso.  The more he struggled, the tighter it got.  Dammit!  All Might wasn’t kidding.  Fuck, black whip is strong!  Deku pulled Katsuki towards him and yelled a loud, “SMASH!” before his foot kicked Katsuki in the stomach.  Katsuki heard a crunch from his ribs before his back hit the wall and then he was on the floor.  Fuck! Deku was coming at him faster than before, his feet touching the wall before stomping Katsuki into the ground. He laid his body flat and used another explosion to push Deku into the ceiling.  Katsuki grabbed him and pulled him up over his head.  His back slapped into the ground.  Katsuki was standing above Deku, but felt Deku’s legs sweep out from underneath of him, sending him to the ground and their situation quickly reversed: Deku now stood above Katsuki, but Katsuki grabbed the back of Deku’s neck.  If Deku was going to send him flying, he was flying too.  They were so close, Katsuki could feel Deku’s hot breath against his face. He looked into Deku’s emerald green eyes and for a moment, Katsuki was stopped.  They held the gaze for only a moment and Deku leaned forward slightly, their foreheads together.  Katsuki, thankful for the moment’s peace, held up his right hand.  One more blast outta do it.  He yelled out one last battle cry, but as quickly as the heat ran down his arm, it left.  
“Enough.” It was Mr. Aizawa.  His eyes were bright red and his hair stood stiff.  He was holding the binding cloth that wrapped around his neck. “You two are done.”
“What?!” Katsuki said.  “That wasn’t even five minutes!”  
“You’re right.  It was two hours.” Aizawa said.  
The boys exchanged looks.  The smoke started to clear the room and on the other side of the glass sat not just Eri, but almost the entire class of 2-A.  
“Mr. Eraserhead.” The soft voice of Eri almost instantly calmed Katsuki.  “I can heal them. I’ve been practicing really hard!”
In truth, Katsuki was surprised to see Mr. Aizawa shake his head.  “Not this time.  Their injuries aren’t that bad that they need a full rewind.  They are mostly tired.”
“I broke a rib!” Katsuki yelled at Aizawa and Eri looked up at the teacher with hopeful eyes, but again, the teacher shook his head.  
“Nothing the nurse can’t fix.  Head there now boys.” Aizawa said.  “Without fighting.”
Katsuki watched the teacher’s hair fall and the heat of his quirk return to his body.  It felt so unnatural, to not have a quirk.  Probably how this loser felt all growing up.  They both nodded and the class watched them in shock as they headed out.  Had they really fought for two whole hours?  Katsuki could swear it only felt like maybe a few minutes at most. He looked at Deku.  He was bleeding pretty badly and was panting hard. His curly green hair was wet and sticking to the side of his head as sweat dripped down his forehead and the side of his cheeks.  
“That was fun, Kacchan—ow!” Izuku said, putting on his jacket, but flinched slightly.  “I think I dislocated my shoulder.”  He started to mutter.  Katsuki looked over at him once more.  “We should do that again!”  
“Whatever, nerd.” Katsuki smirked and they headed over to the infirmary.
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luna-almighty-god · 4 years
Guardian Angel N°7 [These links are invisible, but they're not nothing]
Hello everyone, this is chapter seven !
This story is obviously not canonical, please do not refer to it if you are looking for canonical information.
The music used is not from me, it's a cover found on youtube, I invite you to listen to it here !
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
He looked at length at the grass that stretched out in front of him, the blue sky without any clouds above him. He sniffed the air, that sweet floral fragrance of softness and freedom, and as he sat more comfortably against the stump of tree he had found, he took out his notebook to slide the tip of his pen over the blank paper, as he gently whispered this melody whose origin he no longer knew:
“Mon trésor, prends ma main ..”
The sound of the pencil in action, the sweet smell of ink mixed with the bluish colour ...
“Serre-la fort, tout ira bien ...”
He drew a first face, his hand waving by automatism, his memories as the only model for his work.
“Je suis là, ne crains rien...”
Two silhouettes, the shape of a soul between the two beings, then the more fleeting trace of a third person, a smaller silhouette than the first two.
“Mon cœur bat contre le tien...”
He forsook the third being to concentrate on the two larger ones, bringing them details, relief, playing with shadows, contrasts, the nuances of his unique colour.
“Et si l'avenir te fait peur, tourne la page ... Dessine un ciel plein de couleurs, un nouveau pays... “
His pen ceased all movement as he hesitantly ran through his barely finished drawing.  Not the slightest landscape, he did not feel capable of making one, did not have the slightest idea of which to transcribe on paper. The trio of skeletons in front of his eyes seemed too false to him, like a terrible lie he was trying to swallow.
 “... sache que l'encre des souvenirs ne sèche pas ...”
He closed his eyes, clutching his modest work to his chest, ignoring the barely dry ink that stained his clothes and the paper he crumpled gently.
“Qu'entre tes mains peuvent s'écrire d'autres "il était une fois" ...”
He was silent, with a heavy heart, ready to cry.
A familiar hand rested gently on his shoulder, delicate and comforting. Nyx reopened his eyes, turned his head to meet the gaze of his beloved uncle:
"Dream... ?”
The Dream Keeper gave him a smile:
"It's nice what you were singing... What was it?”
Nyx lowered his eyes, a poor sneer came to be born on his face:
"I don't know... I could hear Plum singing it sometimes...”
He felt his uncle tensing up.
“... Nyx... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- Why my uncle?”
The black-boned skeleton raised his eyes, giving the adult a heart-rending smile:
"It wasn't you who killed him.”
*** ***
Nyx opened his eyes. For a brief moment he looked up at the ceiling above him, in that near-darkness that made him shudder. Only the light coming from the corridor prevented him from giving in to a panic attack, even though his mind was still too overwhelmed by the memory that had assailed him.
He didn't like the past playing tricks on him.
He breathed, realizing that to relive such a realistic memory, he must have been in a semi-somnolent state. And that was not acceptable, not at all. Because he was no longer supposed to be able to sleep, rejected by the world of dreams that did not accept his presence.
And anyway, he didn't need to sleep anymore. His body was going without without a problem at all.
Another sigh. He wanted to straighten up, but refrained from doing so, feeling a weight against him. Perplexed, he lowered his eyes and managed to discern, thanks to the little light, the shape of a small skeleton drowsing against his chest.
Nyx had a tender smile, came to slide his hand behind the little one's back to gently caress him.
It was a bit embarrassing for the older one: at first, he didn't want to be here. But Ink, too happy to see him again and convinced that Nyx didn't have a home of his own - which wasn't wrong - had insisted like a madman to take him in for the night.
So Nyx found himself in the guest room without really having a choice. Even so... He could have teleported away from here, started running away from Ink again, and concealed his presence from everyone. But ... he didn't want to risk hurting the painter, nor PaperJam who seemed - for some strange reason - to have become attached to him.
And Nyx felt bad. It was wrong to hide so much from those two. Bad for giving up Ink. Bad to be so jealous of PaperJam who hadn't done anything...
He covered the child with a tender glance, continuing not to reflex to caress his back, while letting himself go to his dark thoughts.
Error had not returned this evening. Apparently he had left after an argument with Ink and, according to the artist, he would not return until the next day.
Nyx knew it was his fault.
[It was always his fault]
His hand stopped caressing, he swallowed.
His body vibrated.
An icy blade seemed to pierce him, as terror and anguish took hold of his limbs, his soul began to pulse with force.
He teleported himself by reflex, but his magic did not allow him to go far enough. He collapsed right next to the bed, barely made it to the bedside table, cold sweats running through his whole being.
He clenched his teeth, barely holding back a plaintive groan, trying to keep control of the pain that made him shake, and, as every time, as every fucking time, he was seized with convulsions and a frightening urge to cry.
His complete will could only allow him to scan the room with his eyes ... before he saw his bag, abandoned on the desk.
He squealed, tried to get up, but his legs suddenly flew away, causing him to fall, falling to his knees.
He tried again, leaning on his hands, on his palms and phalanges which were no longer even able to stay still.
[No no no no no !]
He hiccuped, tapped into its magic, but its instability only brought him one more pain, a throbbing, heart-rending pain that emitted a sinister crack from his soul.
[He needed it]
“... Nyx?”
He petrified, alerted by the little voice of PaperJam. He raised his head, saw that the child had straightened up by rubbing his eyes. And if the little one was still half asleep, it was quite different when he saw the state of the older one.
"Wh- Nyx?!”
He climbed down from the bed in panic, rushing to the collapsed skeleton ... before hiccupping when Nyx grabbed his wrist, with a violence he didn't know.
"Jammy, shut up, I beg you, shut up... !”
He had whispered loudly, his tremors redoubling in intensity. Ink shouldn't hear them, shouldn't see him like that!
PaperJam, confused and frightened, had however no difficulty to execute himself and gently nodded his head, before Nyx, who let out a sob, begged him again, close to losing consciousness:
"My bag ... I need my bag ... !”
The child didn't understand why, but nodded his head again, hastily retrieving the bag that was too big for him, which he led to Nyx with difficulty. Because he was afraid, afraid to see his new friend in such a disastrous state. His friend who seemed to be suffering so much...
Nyx grasped the bag without a shadow of relief, plunging his hands inside, searching with dull anguish for the source of his relief.
And he found him.
PaperJam widened his eyes, unbelievingly observing the dark apple that was pulled out of the bag, but what made him shudder was the way Nyx threw himself on it, devouring it with a great bite, not trying to savour it but to swallow it, to swallow it as quickly as possible, without leaving a single trace of it.
The child retreated, livid, feverish in the face of this spectacle that he found atrocious. How could it have been otherwise when he saw Nyx, usually so calm, twisting and groaning painfully, unable to hide his terror and his pain?
But it all stopped abruptly, as suddenly as it had happened. Nyx calmed down suddenly, his body stopped shaking. For a few minutes, he remained on the ground in silence, as if he was coming to his senses, that he was coming to.
He blinked his eyes, turned his head towards PaperJam.
Once again, Jammy saw him. He saw behind this marble mask, this false face that Nyx stubbornly wore without understanding why. He saw all the guilt and sadness in the older man's eyes.
"J-Jammy... Sorry, you shouldn't have seen that...
- ... Why should I?"
Nyx didn't answer, looked away feverishly.
The child felt his soul clench. Before Nyx could react, he came to throw himself into his arms, imprisoning him in an embrace that was meant to be tender and comforting:
“... It's going to be all right, Nyx ... It's all right, Nyx ... okay? It's going to be okay...”
The one with the black bones remained forbidden, before delicately responding to the hug ... then to bury his face in the neck of the youngest one, to start shaking once again, feeling the tension fall back, his panic disappear ...
"Don't tell daddy... ! cracked Nyx who started sobbing. Don't tell anyone...
- ... Yes, I promise...”
PaperJam squeezed the larger one a little harder, welcoming his distress with the slightest hesitation. But even as he focused on his friend's condition, the child didn't fail to notice one thing. He had not failed to hear the way Nyx spoke of his father.
Nyx who had clearly called Ink "Dad". But that too was a secret he should keep, wasn't it?
*** ***
The adorable chirping of a young baby echoed like a sweet melody in the huge salon of the castle. The chirping followed by a pretty childish laugh, before the tiny being who was playing on the carpet fell backwards, losing its little balance to be received by carefully placed cushions so that it would not get hurt.
“He's still cute, commented Dust, who watched the little one from the couch.
- What do you mean 'still'? Killer grunted and elbowed him.
- Aha, you're getting offended too quickly, Kil'!”
Horror put his head through the kitchen door:
“It's his son Dust, no wonder he's so protective!
- We didn't ask you!” replied the skeleton of dust.
And the baby started chirping again, flapping his legs and hands in an attempt to stand up. Waiting, Killer came to his son's aid, gently reassured him:
“That's it, Insomnia, you're doing great!”
At that moment, Nightmare and Cross entered the room. The baby's smile grew bigger as he reached out his arms towards the nightmare master, still laughing innocently, his left eye shining with a lovely bluish glow.
Nightmare stopped dead in its tracks, staring hesitantly at the child. Finally, after a few seconds, he sighed and his tentacles came to seize the child, before carrying him to his arms. Since Insomnia's birth, the Nightmare Keeper had been confused: he didn't know how to raise a child properly and felt unfit to fulfill his role as a father. The proof was that he was most uncomfortable holding his son in his arms. But fortunately, his lover was there to support him and the rest of his team of broken arms.
“How was your day?” Killer asked as he joined the master of the house, kissing him chastely to welcome him.
Nightmare nearly blushed and simply grumbled:
“Still nothing. He's nowhere to be found.
- Ink hasn't given any news either?
- No, he hasn't.”
The tentacle skeleton went off to the couch while gently holding his son in his arms. Cross exchanged glances with Killer and Dust, before nervously twitching his fingers. Finally he took his courage in both hands and looked at his superior:
“... Nightmare ... That 'Nyx' that you and Ink talk so much about... Maybe we should stop looking for it?”
He petrified at the sudden emanation of negative emotions. Nightmare was angry, very angry, and his hoarse voice shook each of his subordinates:
“Say that again?
- ... I'm sorry, it's just... We've been looking for three months. Maybe he's...  I mean, he's... ?”
Nightmare rose abruptly, too abruptly. For some reason, which he could not explain, the absence of Nyx irritated him greatly. This instructive skeleton, who had been squatting in his house for weeks before disappearing like that, in a snap of his fingers! We did not make such a blow to the masters of nightmares, not without assuming the consequences... !
He suddenly froze, taken by Insmonia who started to cry. The poor baby couldn't understand why his father was screaming, nor why everyone seemed so scared. Large salty drops came pouring down his face as his sobs had replaced his pretty laugh.
“In... Insomnia...” stuttered Nightmare, feeling a terrible panic take hold of him when he didn't know how to react, like calming his child.
Killer quickly joined him, kissing his son on the forehead, caressing his face with the tips of his fingers while whispering words to calm him down.
But Insomnia did not calm down, not at all.
Until the understanding of a voice full of gentleness, a voice coming out of the shadows that sang a melody:
“Mon trésor, prends ma main ...
Serre-la fort, tout ira bien.
Je suis là, ne crains rien.
Mon coeur bat contre le tien.
Et si l'avenir te fait peur, tourne la page.
Dessine un ciel plein de couleurs, un nouveau pays, sache 
Que l'encre des souvenirs ne sèche pas ...
Qu'entre tes mains peuvent s'écrire d'autres "il était une fois" ...”
Insomnia slowly softened, ceasing to cry in favour of listening to this unknown song, this song that insinuated itself into him, that cradled him tenderly as he began to babble again. Surprised, the Bad Sanses and their leader scanned the room, looking for the source of this music ... Only to come across Ink and PaperJam standing quietly in the doorway.
“Wha... Ink! growled Nightmare, still holding back from screaming so as not to scare Insomnia. I told you before not to go in unannounced.
- That doesn't stop you from leaving your door open every time I want to come in!” replied the artist, sticking out his tongue.
The master grumbled, but said nothing back. Killer raised a perplexed eyebrow:
“Ink, was that you singing?
- Ahah, no, not at all! It was him!”
The locals followed Ink's finger pointing to the shadow of the couch, before that same shadow was lifted off the floor to swirl and take on the appearance of a skeleton. A skeleton that Nightmare recognized immediately, making his eyes widen:
Then he looked at Ink:
“You found him and you didn't tell me?!”
Then turned again to Nyx:
“And you little bastard, you dare to reappear like that ... ?!”
Insomnia's new sobs interrupted him again, and he received the accusing looks of his comrades.
Nyx giggled and approached:
“You can argue with me all you want, but afterwards if you want to.”
He leaned gently over Insomnia. The baby immediately stopped crying, intrigued by this newcomer who gave him a little smile ... and made him burst out laughing with a ridiculous grin.
Nightmare and Ink blinked, blissfully, while PaperJam also started to laugh. Nyx stopped his grimace to pouffe in his turn, tearing a smile from the bad guys.
Killer came to recover his son before his lover had another tantrum:
“Gentlemen, if you have anything to say, don't say it in front of the baby!”
Nightmare pouting but listened to his lover, brutally grabbing Nyx and Ink with his tentacles before taking them to his office.
*** ***
The door slammed brutally. Nyx held a shiver as he felt the tentacle release it. He cleared his throat, dusted off his clothes to hide his discomfort as he felt the eyes of the other two skeletons on him.
“Insomnia is very cute,” he commented to break the ice.
Nightmare snapped his tongue, deeply annoyed.
“I don't care what you say. Where the hell have you been?
- Here and there, sailing the multiverse.”
He held back a squeak when an appendix brushed against his cheek, narrowly missing to skewer it. But Nightmare had dodged it on purpose, not wanting to hurt him despite what he let on.
“I warned you... he growled. I told you to always warn me when you left my house, you cheeky little man!”
But the master of the place froze in contact with Ink's hand on his shoulder:
“Come on come on, we've yelled at him enough, he understands!
- Wha... Don't you interfere!
- Oh, come on Night, say it frankly that you were worried instead of making your bad face!
- Don't call me that! And I wasn't worried !!
- Oh, I knew you were a tsundere at heart !
- Damnit Ink!!”
Nyx felt a gentle warmth take possession of his body as he watched the two skeletons squabble with complicity. The two really liked each other in the end, having become good friends, and the black-boned skeleton didn't know how to react, except to feel immense relief.
He really didn't think it would turn out so well.
He smiled:
“Well, now... So I'm warning you that I'm leaving this step.”
He turned around... only to be suddenly grabbed with both arms. Ink and Nightmare had grabbed him at the same time, puckering the arches:
“Is this a joke? said the nightmare master.
- I'm sure you don't even know where to go! continued the painter.
- Are you at least eating properly? You look like you're ready to fall apart at any moment!
- It's true, it seems you're even more tired than when we met!”
Nyx swallows, looking at the other two with incomprehension while starting to curse himself: he was acting so badly that his weakness was so easily perceived?
"It's just that ... I don't want to impose myself ...
- Are you kidding me?! Nightmare exploded. You came into your own the first time we met! You've been crashing into our lives and into MY castle without letting us get a word in edgewise! You even managed to manipulate us at will! So now you shut up and listen to us!
- But... (laughs)
- Your fucking room is still empty and we've been cleaning it up since you left! So now you put down your bags and relax, because we're not about to let you go!”
Nyx, with his throat tied by emotion, vainly hid his joy behind his mischievous smile:
“So you're sequestering me?”
The tentacles fluttered as the guard grunted:
"Exactly! I'll take you in the Bad Sanses, you're going to pay me the rent you owe me!”
Ink looked up at the sky:
“A real tsundere.
- We didn't ask your opinion !”
The painter gave him the finger of honor, Nightmare did the same, and Nyx was about to cry.
All this was very much like the family life he had dreamed of.
Next Chapter
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Credits =
Dreamtale->  Joku
Error -> LoverOfPiggies
Ink -> Myebi
Killer -> Rahafwabas
Cross -> Jakei
Dust -> Ask DustTale
Paperjam -> 7GoodAngel 
Insomnia -> EnaPouyou
20 notes · View notes
keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Beneath an Aurora Sky (Ch. 8)
Summary: The South Pole Station is equipped for research and Edge has always made sure things run smoothly for the inhabitants. His charges are meant to follow his rules and regulations, and in turn, he makes sure they survive in the arctic temperatures. It takes plenty of hard work and determination and Edge, along with his crew, can handle both.
He wasn’t counting on one of the newest researchers. He wasn’t expecting Rus.
Tags: Spicyhoney, First Time, Arctic AU, Hurt/Comfort
Notes: So, bourbon came up with an amazing AU and did some lovely art for it: please look at it and love it.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Read Chapter 8 on AO3
Read it here!
Leaving Rus sleeping alone in his bed was one of the more difficult things Edge had done in recent memory. He only slept briefly himself, persuaded by Rus’s warmth and the unfamiliar comfort of holding someone in his arms, but in the end, it was early in the day and Edge was too restless to stay in bed as long as Rus should.
Instead, he carefully eased away from his bed companion. Rus made a soft sound of complaint and Edge froze, waiting until he settled again. He looked small buried within the blankets, the shadows beneath his sockets still dark and obvious. He was covered from his chin to his toes, as chaste as a fresh apple, and yet somehow, simply watching him sleep was a temptation. Edge shook away the urge and took a moment to tuck the covers warmly around him before escaping the room. Hopefully Rus would sleep for a few hours yet.
Outside the door, he straightened his clothes so they looked a little less slept in. If Undyne saw him looking like he’d just rolled out of someone’s bed, she wasn’t going to keep her opinion to herself and Edge didn’t need a dose of her crowing glee today.
Today was one designated for necessary maintenance and when he went out to the building that housed the Core generator, Red and Undyne were already there, working together in companionable silence. They both looked up at him as he walked up and whatever greeting Red was about to give died as his sockets narrowed.
“you smell weird,” Red said in lieu of a good morning. He pushed up the protective goggles that replaced his normal sunglasses, his entire face scrunched in distaste. “doesn’t he smell weird?”
“You see a nose on this face?” Undyne grumbled. She shut the maintenance door before pushing up her own goggles; the Core was damagingly bright and Undyne didn’t have an extra eye to lose. “Weird, how?”
“I do not smell weird,” Edge snapped. Predictably, they ignored him, looking him up and down suspiciously. Honestly, it was becoming obvious that he needed to add more duties to their schedules if they had this much free time for speculation on their hands.
Red only shrugged, scratching at the stocking cap covering his skull. “i dunno, just weird, sort of sweet. like sugar, maybe, or honey? where’ve you been today?”
“He took the fashion victim breakfast earlier—" Undyne trailed off, her eye widening. “No. You didn’t.”
Edge sighed at the dawning awareness on both their faces. “Nothing happened.”
“Nothing happened in a way that left you smelling like snack cake?” Red asked with gleeful scorn.
“All I did was convince him to get some sleep.”
“and offered yourself as a mattress?” Red prodded him in the knee with a sharp elbow, easily dodging the kick Edge aimed at him. “gotta say, boss, that’s right neighborly of ya. anything else you felt like giving him? or maybe you need to borrow a cup of something sweet, bet he’s got a few things he could offer.”
“I didn’t come out here to discuss my proclivities, Red, I came out because Alphys told me you haven’t been in to use the machine. You need to—” Edge stopped and sighed. The space where his brother had been standing was already empty.
“Gettin’ soft, Boss,” Undyne said dryly. She sank back to sit on the floor, her hands dangling between her knees. “Usually you would’ve had that bad puppy by the scruff of the neck before you said a word. Maybe you needed a longer nap.”
“I didn’t need a nap at all,” Edge said, irritated. But she wasn’t wrong; his distraction with Rus was throwing him off un unexpected and very unappreciated ways.
“Maybe you need somethin’ else.” She ducked but Edge’s swipe at her was only halfhearted.
“We may as well finish this; he’s not going to come back as long as I’m here.”
“I could nab him for you, boss.” Undyne smiled widely at him, her needle-sharp teeth gleaming in the harsh fluorescent lighting.
“No,” Edge shook his head. “All that would get us is a tendency for him to run from you as well. I’ll corner him eventually. I wish I understood why he hated the machine so much; it’s helping him and using it is painless.”
“Dunno, boss.” Undyne dug through the toolbox, hefting up a heavy wrench. “He’s never been too fond of the lab, though. Weird, ain’t it, he was the one who helped us get this gig.”
“I know,” Edge murmured. When they’d been cast out of the Monster community, they’d been allowed into the Human world as neutrals, for whatever the worth that ‘allowed’ offered. After a few months of what could loosely be called surviving, Red was the one who told them about the Institute’s offer. Edge couldn’t have said how he even came across it; after his injuries, Red had been confined to the squalor of their cramped, shared apartment while the rest of them struggled to earn any coin they could in a world that often despised them for existing.
At first, it all seemed entirely too good to be true. His brother somehow contacting the Institute and all of them being offered employment? Despite his reservations, Edge had cautiously agreed, with Undyne and Alphys following at his heels. They’d been given funding and resources to come to the station on a strict six-month contract.
It hadn't taken them long to prove themselves, handling the workload and temperatures far better than the Humans before them, and between Alphys’s energy experiments and Edge’s strict policies, they’d come to be known as a safe place for scientists to work without fear, either of the elements or anything else. The Institute handled the roster and funds, they handled the rest.
That six-month contract quickly become a year, then two, and they were coming up on a third with no end in sight. His contacts at the Institute offered respites for them frequently, even suggesting to temporarily shut down the station for them to take a vacation to warmer climes.
Thus far, each offer had been refused. Even Alphys, whose appreciation of heat was well known to them all, made no bones about the fact that leaving what had become their home held little interest for her.
They might not own the station, but there was no questioning that it was theirs.
And right now, they had a Core to maintain.
“Let’s get this finished,” Edge picked up a set of goggles, readying to open the maintenance door again.
“You got it, boss.”
Red managed to avoid him for most of the day, sly bastard that he was. He’d always had a sort of preternatural skill at avoidance, for work, for confrontation. If it was something his brother didn’t want to deal with, then he simply wouldn’t.
Except for while Edge might lack his brother’s skills in wiliness, he made up for it with an excess of stubbornness. A plan was slowly forming to capture his brother and he only needed an extra pair of hands to do it.
His phone chimed and Edge paused, retrieving it from his pocket with surprise. They weren’t able to use the actual phone function on the devices but so long as they were in range of the WiFi, it could be used for messages. Not that they gave their personal information to any of the scientists, it was strictly for in-house communication and emergencies, or in his brother’s case, the terrible puns and memes that caught his attention. So who…?
It was a further shock to see the message was from Alphys. He had no doubt that Undyne and Alphys sent each other horrifically sappy messages all day, but he couldn’t think of any occasion of Alphys messaging him in the past.
The message was brief: Rus is outside, on the back side of the station.
Alphys hadn’t included so much as an emoticon, so the sly insinuation Edge was feeling was probably only in his own mind. He still mentally set aside the plan he was working on and went to pull on his outdoor gear.
True twilight had passed an hour before and outside the velvet black sky was strewn with stars. The aurora wasn’t visible tonight, but the sight was no less stunning, so long as one paused to look up. Hundreds of stars caught in the pale web of the Milky Way, chasing away the darkness.
Edge walked to the southern side of the station, his boots crunching on the hardpacked snow. The lights of the station set a glaring halo around the buildings and it made the dark surrounding it all the starker. Outside the circle of lights, he could see unfamiliar shapes not far away, one of which was likely his target.
The facility was never completely locked down. Rus wasn’t the only one whose research could be time sensitive, but scientists were supposed to use a special sign out alert if they were working outside alone. Edge hadn’t checked if Rus used it, though he probably had. Not that it mattered; Alphys had plenty of ways to get information, more even than Red.
His footsteps were ample warning of his approach. Rus didn’t look at him, his attention was on the device in front of him, a telescope, although unlike any one Edge ever saw before. Strange dials and extra lenses dotted it and Rus was adjusting them briskly with gloved fingers.
His laptop was sitting on a small camp table, the screen dark. Next to it was a pad of paper and a pencil. Edge barely glanced at it; it was impossible to say if the notes were in an unknown language or if Rus’s penmanship was simply that terrible.
Edge was the one who broke the silence, “How long have you been out here?”
With a final twist of one of the dials, Rus looked up at him. His pale eye lights were amused but there was no mistaking the dark circles lingering beneath his sockets. “well, hey, good afternoon to you, too. not too long, boss, i’m fine. besides, bonnie gave me a thermos to take out with me. keeps me toasty from the inside out.”
Hearing that their cook was giving special privileges to her obvious favorite was no surprise. To hear Rus calling him boss did give him a prickle of discomfort; after hearing his real name in that sleep-husky voice, he’d distantly hoped to hear it again in sly cheer of his waking hours. Perhaps he didn’t remember; Rus had been nearly asleep. It didn’t seem right to bring it up again, not right now.
Rus poured out a steaming cupful into the cap of the thermos and held it out teasingly. Edge took it and sipped, grimacing almost immediately. It was sweet enough to send a cramp through his tongue and he handed it back with haste, ignoring Rus’s grin.
“Don’t stay out here too long,” Edge warned. Though he might check on him again; Rus seemed the type to lose track of time, absorbed in whatever data he was getting from the star-strewn sky.
“i won’t,” Rus made a little ‘x’ over his chest with one finger and when Edge started to turn away, he added lazily, “what, no goodbye kiss, edge? you already shorted me one earlier. sneaking out while i was sleeping,” Rus shook his head sadly. “i missed your whole walk of shame.”
Edge stopped. His breath fogged in the arctic air and here in the darkness with the heavens staring down at them seemed like a moment for honesty.
“What do you want from me?” Edge asked bluntly. They’d shared words, kisses, and even a bed at this point but answers were few and far between. Rus, his conundrum, his puzzle who offered kisses and yet was shocked when Edge offered to nap with him.
A look at Rus found his easy flirtation faltering. He looked up at the glimmering stars, his own breath clouding around him as he said, with unusual sincerity. “right now? a kiss. we can see about tomorrow later.”
He’d be gone in a few short weeks and Edge wouldn’t see him again, unless he came back for another rotation and even then, that could take a year, longer. He was, in no particular order; a distraction, an astronomer, a fashion victim. A student. A temptation.
Edge leaned down and took his kiss.
It was nothing like the short, sweet touches they’d shared. He swallowed Rus’s startled moan, pulled him suddenly to his feet to better ravage the sweetness of his mouth. The feel of Rus in his arms only filled Edge with the urge to pull him closer, to learn how to tease more of those breathy, startled cries free.
Until his tongue curled against Edge’s with stunning intent, forcing him to stifle a moan of his own. Rus tasted of sickly-sweet coffee, of his own softer, delicate sweetness and they stood there in the icy blackness of night, sharing it between them with a desperate press of teeth and tongue.
It was far too cold for any more than this, dangerously so, and with great reluctance, Edge drew away. Only to catch Rus as he wobbled on his feet.
“oh,” he mumbled, panting in foggy gusts. Color was burning high in his cheek bones and his soft eye lights were temptingly hazy, but this time Edge resisted.
“Don’t stay out too long,” Edge repeated. He straightened Rus’s scarf, carefully rewrapping it.
“hah, actually, i’ll head in now, i've got my data.” Rus gave him crooked smile, but his eye lights were back on the stars. The flush in his cheekbones was lingering. “bet you’re busy all day, anyway. playing chaperone for anyone?”
An idea occurred to Edge then, so beautifully simple it was bound to work. “No, but actually, I could use your help with something.”
“really? me?” Rus seemed stunned, almost absurdly so.
“It won’t take long, but I don’t want to keep you if—“
“no, no! i can help!” Edge watched in bemusement as Rus hastily began packing his gear, only stepping in to help when he was sure it was safely stowed. He slung the carry strap for the telescope over his shoulder, wincing at the weight. Rus didn’t even protest, only gathered the rest of his equipment.
He was entirely too excited for a simple favor and Edge only hoped he didn’t regret offering. Red was not the easiest to deal with in the best of moods and if his plan worked, he was going to be very angry at them both.
Hopefully, it would be worth it.
42 notes · View notes
helpinghanikan · 5 years
In the family
Avengers (and Matt Murdock) x Reader
Sum: Family business is good business, how you fit in is to be seen. 
AN: Mob au
Steve Rogers:    
           A single lamp was on in the corner of your living room. Steve had tried to stay up for you again.
           He’s sitting in the corner of the couch in his regular clothes. One leg up, head leaned back against the arm rest, one arm over his face, probably placed there after “shutting his eyes for a few seconds” that resulted in the nap.
           A drawing pad is open on his lap, pencil fallen from his hand and onto the floor. It was the pad you had bought him awhile ago, the big expensive kind. “I saw it on my way back,” You had said. “It was on sale,” you had said to get him to accept it. It was not, actually, on sale.
           He had been drawing the doorway next to your turned off TV. Door open, showing one corner of your bed and the bedroom’s wall paper. Using dark shadows on paper. Where the only outline in the door was that of the bed, everything outside the doorway was lighter, like he hadn’t focused on them as much.
           His art had started to take off around the same time you started with your “social club”. Less time spent together, more time with the drawing pads. Longer you were out the better the things you brought back. New TV, bed spread from a specialty store instead of the local Walmart, and more drawing pads.
           The one he used was closed gently. Placed on the coffee table without any noise.
           He was a very weird sleeper. Slept like the dead but a certain sound, high pitched or too loud, would send him bolted upwards. Things like walking on soft feet, or a fan running wouldn’t wake him up. Picking up his leg and placing it next to the other, next coming the couch blanket over his body.
           It’s best that he didn’t know about your little “club”. He loved you madly, enough to not ask questions, but also enough to worry. It’s best he didn’t know, it’s best that he just sleeps.
         Tony Stark:
           It’s easy to forget the danger that comes with your life. A lavish penthouse, drivers and constant respect from absolute strangers had a way of spoiling a person. That a gun had to be constantly strapped to your hip did little to change that.
           It’s not until his hands grips yours that you are reminded of that. A whisper into his ear, a slamming phone call or just glancing at a text and his hand is somewhere on your body. Shoulder, knee, ankle, and hands were always open for his hand to hold. Your entire life becoming a human stress ball for your husband.
           You only ever asked what was wrong when he comes in upset, then it’s up in the air towards the cause. His answer will always be sarcastic;
           “Having a bad day?” You would ask as he walked past.
           “No, it’s going great. Black mail is in now a-days, right?” That was the farthest he would explain it. Reaching for the closest part of you to him and groaning into the hand covering his face.
           You don’t know where he went, you don’t know what he was doing and, you didn’t want to know. What you do know is that he comes home late, that he is paid well, and that he loves you, no matter what.
           “Shoes…” You remind him.
           Thunk Thunk
           You had only been asleep a few minutes ago. Still half-awake, blinking slow while approaching Thor. In the walkway past your main entrance he mostly strips on the welcome mat. Shirt, pants, tie and, of course, shoes are bundle together and put into your arms. One long blink as he leans down and kisses your cheek.
           “Thank you,” He says, walking towards the shower before you yell at him about that too.
           Your hand grabs around the handle of the hammer left by the door. The one thing he kept forgetting, leaving that thing head down on the tiles, smear of red left behind you’d have to clean later.
           Clothes are tossed into the tub in passing. Trusty large bucket pulled from under the sink, dish soap taken out, bleach put in. A dangerous combination if they were to ever mix, but it was best to keep them together. “It’s just cleaning supplies, officer.” You would say when they’d finally appear with a warrant.
           On your knees in front of the tub it fills with freezing water. Dish soap poured in and you begin scrubbing. Be it from wanting to finish quickly or that your muscles weren’t alive yet, your pajama shirt would be soaked by the end of the cleaning session.
           Water is a candy-apple red by the time the stains are gone from the shirt. The pants were easier, given the black color. The shirt was the faintest pink from the water, that would be removed after a regular run through the washing machine. Where they both go after wringing them out and tossing them in.
           The hammer was another story, soaked in bleached, scrubbed with a tooth brush. Left in the sink to naturally dry and then to be placed back into the tool belt in the garage. When somebody asks why only your finger prints are on it, “because it’s mine, why else?”
           An alarm would sound in the wee hours of the morning for you to put it back before living hours. For now, though, you strip as Thor had. Tossing your wet clothes in with the others and starting it up. Thor had many white shirts and black pants, why were these so special?
           He’s just coming out of the shower a few seconds after you return to bed. Hair damp, muscles relaxed, a thick hand lays on your side under the covers. A kiss, just as sweet as the first, is placed on your temple. He smells like rain and copper.
           Not that you would know anything about that.
         Bucky Barnes:
            This young man before you is a dime a dozen. Although the “leader” of his little group, you wouldn’t be able to pick him out from the group as anything but a drone. He wasn’t exactly a skeleton like the other quivering street rats forced into your office. He was fatter, but still gangly none the less. Not that he was looking to you, looking over your shoulder the entire time.
           “So, was it an accident? Or are you just stupid?” you ask after a few seconds.
           He finally looks to you, only for a few seconds, then returning over your shoulder. “I didn’t- nothin’ was meant by it. We just- yeah, we just got drunk.”
           “So, you were confused.” You finished for him.
           He nods quickly as the boards creek under a walking weight somewhere behind you.
           “The Winter soldier” or “the white wolf” had a bigger reputation then you did. To very few he was Bucky. A man with a bloody past and one hell of a resume. This brought him into your payroll and eventually into your arms.
           “Yeah, we, uh, I’m sorry. We were drunk and, we’re so sorry.” At least now he was looking in your direction, with Bucky standing behind your chair.
           “You were drunk, so drunk that you picked a fight. Went into an alley and beat a twenty-two-year-old until his jaw broke.” Picking up a file and slapping it down for effect. It was actually filled with receipts from take out for tax reasons, but he didn’t need to know that. “So drunk that you left him there and weren’t even smart enough to try and get out of my territory.”
           The truth was Mikey, one of your boys with too big a mouth, had started the fight. But you’d have to deal with him later.
           He incredibly quiet at this point. Unsure where he’s supposed to stare, looking between you and Bucky just behind your chair.
           “I’m so sorry,” He tries again.
           “He has bills, a lot of bills now and I’m not putting that on his family.” You spat, opening your receipt file. “I’m putting that on you.” The file is slammed down again, hoping not to lose any of the receipts and get yelled at by your accountant.
           He’s staring right at you now.
           “Get your shit together, get the money together and everything is going to get a lot easier.” He’s nodding fast before you even finished your statement. “Bill will be in the mail, get out.”
           He practically runs from the room. Sam smirking as he followed him out, making sure the rat actually left your building.
           Your wolf’s hands go to your shoulders. Squeezing them softly, a soft kiss to the top of your head when there is no one there.
         Natasha Romanoff:
           That bitch, that absolute bitch.
           “I’m so sorry,” Were the words your ‘work friend’ had said in the office. Stepping into your space with false kindness, before dropping the bomb without a second thought.
           He had supposedly seen Nat at this high-end bar he moonlights at. You had every reason to ignore his accusation; he had only met her once, in the winter when you both wore heavy coats and hats, in a passing “hey,” before moving on. A far reach from the supposed get up Nat was wearing that night. The words “she was a little whore-ish looking” were used, the glare you gave sent him running back to his cubical.
           He was right though, that weekend there she was. Sitting on one of those too expensive stools, leaning against the bar with one arm. The other putting her hand on the knee of the man in front of her, she was looking at him with a Gatsby worthy look. The same she would give you, seeing it given to someone else, though. It was probably easier to be shot.
           In another lifetime you might have stormed in and started a scene. Instead the wound was too much. Sending you limping home to ignore her calls and text. You’d still be too hurt to read the paper some days later. Completely missing the man’s obituary.  
         Bruce Banner:
           They always go for the supposedly weakest member of the family. A few days the same car had been following you, more specifically he, Bruce didn’t notice. Even with your head looking back to it every few steps when you walked.
           You were preceptive, not sneaky.
           It wouldn’t be long before they’d try and contact him. That would come maybe a week after, when which ever branch of law enforcement on your ass figured out his schedule. He was on the street earlier then usual that day. Leaning forward into a car window that you unfortunately recognized. This slowed your walking to a complete stop; an exception were the one and two taking you between buildings. A horrible hiding spot if anyone were to actually be looking at you.
           He steps away from the car with half a smile. It’s the kind he does to replace frustration, laughing at something said by the people in the car. It pulls out from curb as you start half-walking, half-trotting towards your man. Your line of questions completely ignored as his hand takes yours.
           “Stark gonna help us with that vacation?” You asked over lunch.
           The “opportunity” those agents had offered Bruce were laced with reminders of his past. That of the anger which went out of control, the record he had to be upfront about at the beginning of your relationship and all that could easily go away.
           “He’s more then willing to, where he wants us to go may be… too much.” Bruce says, hidden behind a menu. Tony’s idea of laying low was a penthouse outside of the united state jurisdiction. “Rogers owes you a favor, though, right? Maybe he has an idea?”
           “That’d be too close to home, we need a more…exotic place to relax.” He offered. “Shuri loves me, her family has a place.”
           “That works, should I bring a bathing suit?” You had asked.
           You would both be gone from the radar within a week.
           The floor is so much more comfortable then the couch for reading. Back to the cushions and legs spread out, you don’t bother looking up when he enters the house.
           Call it fake or call it protection, T’challa’s personality changes depending who he is with. With outsiders he can considered cold, several are still under the impression he doesn’t even speak English. The family he was respectful, big brotherly with an unrestricted face. His inner circle and the jokes come out, more teasing to their boss and relaxed shoulders. With you, everything is gone.
           The entire world a weight he drops at the doorway. Calling out to you which you don’t bother responding to as he would find you no matter what.
           “How’d it go?” He sits on the couch next to you, your shoulders, naturally leaning into his legs.
           “It was very long, everyone was…yelling.” He’s tired, legs stretching out under the coffee table. Chest sliding farther down the couch with a groan. “It was done, though. Of course.”      
           A few seconds of silence as you finish the page your on, placing book mark and closing the binding. He doesn’t move from his spot on the couch, even when you placed the book on the coffee table and stood up. Staying in his relaxed position, only making a small noise when your warmth leaves his legs.
           He jerks slightly when you walk around the couch. Arm moving from his face to see you looking down at him. Your hands on either side of his head, scratching through his hair line, massaging his head. Humming is added when your thumbs rub over his eyebrows, gently across his eyelids and two fingers against his temples
           Although “Black Panther” was just his mob name, he did tend to act like a cat. Eyes closing softly, a groan in the deep of his throat, head moving to chase your hands when they move too far from their duty. If he were any more feline like he’d be purring.
           Pietro Maximoff:
           A club is a stupid place for a business meeting. It’s too loud, even in the private booths, and the over priced drinks just made the guy out as being a snob. Sent as Stark’s representative you had to play the game on the guy’s terms.
            It was why you were currently scanning over the banister. Looking for that little color flashing in the strobe lights.
           And there it is, silver tie hung loosely around his neck. Leaning against the bar, your cute lookout taking his break from scoping out the club. He catches your eye after looking upwards, a little head tilted upwards. Not a trap, we’re good.
           You give a head down, come up, need help.
           He’s smiling before disappearing into the crowd of moving bodies. You turn to the “clients” you were meeting. Stark had talked about expanding for awhile now. More into the school district (that many of the families own kids attended the school was just a coincidence) hence the yahoos you were forced to talk to.
           Two sons from old money sitting in the lounge chairs. A woman draping over the back of the elders brother, she not paying attention, around his neck, standing behind the chair like his cape.
           “Do you like the place?” Younger brother asks as you sit down.
           “It’s very bright. Nice and young, just as Boss had described the two of you.” Stark had actually used to words ‘freshly dropped from community college’ but yours were better. “A little young running this place, young to be as powerful as you both are.”
           They preened like birds at the compliment.
           “It wasn’t easy,” Oldest jokes and you all have a good life.
           Pietro was a quick little jack rabbit. The fastest runner in the family, which was how there was suddenly a glass in your face. Weight on one arm of your chair as he leans against you, putting the arm around your shoulders after you take the glass. Your arm around his waist. A new pretty thing to show off you were just as good as they were.
           The youngest twerks an eyebrow while the eldest squints.
           “Pretty young yourself to be here, why?” He asks.
           Tips of your fingers gently touch the small gap of skin between Pietro’s shirt and pants. “Boss wants some of your area, he’s more than willing-.”
           “He wants a piece of our shit?”
           “Just a piece, a small piece.” You say. “Are you even using it? Don’t you want money? Don’t you want a cut without doing any work?”
           Both brothers take a long drink from their glasses. Pietro takes the chance to take the glass from your hand. The arm candy with the tendency to steal, scandalous.
           “Why didn’t Stark come himself?” Oldest asks.
           “He’s so old, you really think he would like this place? It’d be the same as bringing your grandpa to the club.” You explain.
           “Jude,” Youngest says, gesturing for his brother to come.
           “We’ll be back.” Oldest says, following his brother to the off-side office. His cape following close behind, being sure to keep hold of his arm.
           Pietro gives your glass back after their gone. “So, I am just here for my looks?” He asks.
           “You love it,” You state, knocking your head back for the last of the drink.
         Peter Parker:
           For the two years you’ve known Peter you had no idea his statues. That the “prince of the family” was the same guy holding your hand and walking you home after school. That the black car following you down the street was nothing to be concerned about. Or the dark reason bullies had suddenly stopped bothering him.
           Like at most schools bullies were a problem that was “complicated” to deal with. Peter, unfortunately, was on the receiving end of quite of a bit of it. The same could be said about you, girls are more brutal then many are willing to admit. Both of you had your reasons not to tell anyone, the office was aware but what could they do? Excuses came from the secretaries about how horrible it was for the bullies and the sympathy you needed to feel for them.
           Thus, the side by side walking you did together. Hands going from swinging by your sides to interlocking fingers.
           Although you neve told your parents about the problems, Peter had the truth forced from him after coming home with a black eye.
           Peter was a bad liar, but great at keeping secrets. Had you never asked about the car suddenly dropping him off and picking him up everyday you wouldn’t have noticed the bullies. Noticed the red and blue casts around their arms, that they were completely avoiding Peter’s eye contact and even turned around at the sight of you.
           “My dads are really protective.” He said one day at lunch, that was the truth. “I don’t know what happened, though.” That was a lie.    
         Stephen Strange:
           Following basic directions were easier then most complained about.
           “More pressure, a lot of pressure.” He’d say.
           “Hold this back for me.” He’d say.
           “Sweetie, go wash up.” He’d order before you’d enter the room.
           In the end you were little more then a glorified nurse. One without any medical training but plenty of experience holding people down and handing over medical tools. The toughest made man would grab the hell out of your hand during stitches.
           Thor does this now, his face cringing into distortion. Holding your hand and focusing on you instead of the stitches being put into his leg. “Is it out yet?” he asks, with a groan.
           “You don’t remove a bullet,” Stephen says form the other end of the table. “Just patch it up,”
           Thor lets out a little “ah!” when the surgical needle goes through a thicker piece of his skin. Your hand pressing against his forehead to keep him from sitting up and seeing all the blood and a foreign object going through his skin several times. Doesn’t matter how tough he was, how much blood he sees on the regular, when it’s your own; there’s something different.
           “Stop whining.” Stephen says, wiping the disinfectant from the wound.
           After that it’s a few seconds of wrapping bandages around his calf. Pant leg pulled over and Stephen scoots over to look over his patient. Pulling the small pill bottle of golden “magic” he definitely did not create himself.
           “Wait till you get home, take a quarter, a quarter, of a spoon when you get home. If you do, don’t touch the butterflies, just don’t touch anything.” He warns, holding it out to him.
           “And there’s no refill, either.” You add. Stephen pointing to you for emphasis.
           “Thank you, Dr. Strange,” Thor says as though he hadn’t gotten the lecture a hundred times by now. He sits up on the table, smiling at you. “And nurse.”
           Neither of you had the legal license anymore. Not that it was needed to patch up bullets.
         Matt Murdock:
         “You been through the sports lately?” Officer something-face says on the other side of the table. He’s slouched in his chair, paper held in front of him as though hiding from the other side of the room. “I don’t read it myself all that much. Watch too much of it, I already know what they’re gonna say. It’s all gonna be wrong.”
           This was the tactic they were going with: good guy, nice cop, spends the first bit talking to you. Rope into a conversation, get you comfortable and get you to spill. When that didn’t work after awhile another cop would come in storming. Yelling at nice cop for being so nice and going on a rant hoping you’d interject. After that, a ping pong game of questions from both cops until you snap and say something.
           Now, the only thing you could do, was mentally prepare for it. Sitting there like a pouting toddler, arms crossed, refusing to look at him.
           “Where’s my lawyer?” You said the magic words an hour into your interrogation.
           “You know we’re not gonna be able to talk they arrive?” Nice cop says.
           “Stop talking,” the door slams open and your angel walks in. Hand out, sticking to the wall so he doesn’t run into the table during his march through the room. “Is my client under arrest, Officer? Has she been
           “And they arrive,” Nice cop says gathering his paper. “Mr. Murdock, where there’s blood you’re sure to follow, starting to think you might be a shark.”
           “Only if the blood is my client’s. Is she under arrest?” He asks, hand leaving the wall. Going instead to your shoulder, both as comfort and to acknowledge where you were.
           “There was a murder, with her MO.” Nice cop says.
           “I’m sorry, I was unaware she was convicted of murder.” Sarcasm, he was at the previous trials and arrests. Nothing was ever held against you.
           “You know all your clients are, Murdock.” Nice cop says, starting to become not-as nice cop. “This time, she wasn’t so careful.”
           “I wasn’t even there!” You almost yelled, toddler now throwing an almost tantrum in standing quickly.
           Matt’s fingers curl into your shoulder, practically slamming you back into the chair. Leaning into your space and whispering a soft, “Shut the fuck up.” Before standing straight.
           “Is she under arrest?” Matt asks again.
           “Not yet,” Not-as cop admits.
           “Then we’ll be seeing you.” His arm is around your forearm. Pulling you up from the chair.
           Matt, the man at the top of your don’s payroll, was smart enough to wait until you’re both outside to ask; “What did you do?”
Carol Danvers:
          Her hand is a constant reminder at any small bit of exposed skin. Sliding their way to what little space was between your shirt and pants. Gently past your hair to the back of your neck for a conversation. And now, even at a formal event, her too hot fingers rest on your forearm. Standing next to you but having yet to involve herself in the conversation.
           Her never leaving presence was supposed to be a threat. “Stay in your lane, do your job, pretty girl. Nothing will happen to you, Carol won’t let anything happen to you.” The big boss had said as the strong blonde stood close to you.
           It’s hard to see Carol as a threat when all she’s done is protect you. More then once her hand grabbed the wrist of someone ghosting over your backside. Getting close enough her fire breath whispered in your ear to not go with somebody or to get ready to duck, even just saying “take off your heels” and you keep the smile but lose the shoes.
           The smart part of you knows she a threat, but the reasonable part believes she may also be more.
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gretavanfleetlife · 6 years
Only Time Will Tell:
Chapter Two
AN: Thank you guys sooo much for the amazing feedback in the last chapter!! I tried to write this one as fast as possible without compromising the quality of the story. Hope you all enjoy!!💕
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2,330
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You are woken up by the sound of a car honking loudly outside your bedroom window. You open your eyes slowly and let out a wide yawn as you glance at the clock.
"Shit!" you curse as you throw your covers to the side and race towards your closet, tripping over your dirty clothes that lay scattered across the floor.
"Shit shit shit shit..." The honking continued as you reach into your closet and grab the first things that you touch, not bothering to see what you chose before throwing them on. You try running a brush through your tangled hair before giving up and quickly tying it up in a loose ponytail.
You grab your bag and rush downstairs, continuing to mumble profanities as you call out a brief goodbye to your dad.
"What did you say y/n? I can't hear you over all this goddamn honking!" your dad complains through a mouthful of bacon. You sigh and jog briskly into the kitchen to give your dad a hug.
"I said I'm leaving now," you repeat, "bye dad." He waves you off and continues to devour his meal. Your stomach grumbles but you know that there's no time for breakfast, so you grab an apple on your way out the door instead. You walk swiftly towards Josh's car and see him shaking his head at you while continuing to honk the horn. You give him a quick wave and hop into the seat beside him, relieved that Josh has finally decided to stop making so much noise as he takes his hands off the wheel, crossing his arms.
"You're late," Josh complains as you buckle your seatbelt.
"Good morning to you too," you reply sarcastically, "sorry, I must have slept through my alarm."
"Woah, isn't your phone set to play Safari Song? How on earth did you manage to sleep through that?"
"I guess I'm just so used to tuning out your voice that it wasn't a problem," you shrug, grinning and hitting his shoulder playfully.
"Ouch," Josh replies, smirking at your tease, "hey isn't that Jake's shirt?" he asks you, noticing your outfit and giving you a confused look. You look down at your t-shirt for the first time, reading the words 'Church of Rock and Roll' printed across it.
"Yeah, he gave it to me when he grew out of it," you shrug, taking a bite out of your apple.
"If you say so," Josh replies, clearly unconvinced.
"What is that supposed to mean?" you chuckle.
"I'm just saying if you're fucking my brother you could have at least told me," Josh says, keeping his eyes on the road while earning a slap and a groan from you, "which is not ok by the way!" he states, shaking his pointer finger at you and furrowing his eyebrows. You let out a giggle and shake your head.
"You know I wouldn't," you smile lightly.
"I know you used to have a crush on him when we were younger," Josh replies, raising his eyebrows at you while throwing you a glance. Your eyes widen as you almost choke on your apple.
"You knew about that?!" you shout.
"Y/n everyone knew about that. You weren't exactly subtle," Josh laughs, watching you shield your face with your hands.
"Alright fine...whatever that was ages ago. Can we talk about something else please," you smile at Josh, blushing furiously as you remove your hands from your face and drop them into your lap.
"Alright, if we must. Are you excited for the last day of school?" Josh questions as you speed down the road towards your high school.
"I almost forgot actually, summer took way too long to get here," you reply, thankful for the change in conversation as you relax into your seat. "I'm even more excited for your party tonight though!" you grin giddily at Josh who returns it with a wide smile of his own.
"I can hardly wait," Josh beams as you pull into the crowded parking lot of Frankenmuth High. You thank Josh quickly before hopping out of the car and slamming the door, briskly jogging into the school. You walk hurriedly to your classroom and open the door, giving your teacher a brief apology before taking your seat at the back of the class beside Sam. You give him a quick smile but notice he doesn't return it.
"Hey," you whisper.
"Hey," Sam responds, not bothering to look up from his phone.
"What did I miss?" you ask Sam, who puts away his phone and takes out his math binder.
"Nothing," Sam whispers as he puts in his earbuds begins copying down algebra questions from the board at the front of the classroom. You sit in silence as he scribbles down numbers and you glance at your phone, noticing a text message from a very close friend of yours.
'Danny: wanna get pizza for lunch?'
'Y/n: definitely. Meet me at your locker.'
You quietly nudge Sam who takes out his earbuds and looks at you.
"What y/n?" he sighs.
"Danny and I are gonna get pizza for lunch, you coming?"
"I dunno, maybe," Sam says, returning his attention to the equations in front of him.
"Oh, um ok," you stumble, slightly shocked that Sam doesn't want to eat lunch with you, and especially Danny, his best friend. Maybe he's still upset about whatever he was worried about yesterday. You have an idea of what might cheer him up, so you nudge him again, "Hey are you excited for Josh's party tonight?" You whisper excitedly.
Sam drops his pencil and frustratedly turns to face you, "Maybe you should just do your work and stop obsessing over the fucking party," Sam spits loudly. He sighs and turns his back to you. You are stunned at Sam's harsh words, having no idea as to why Sam was so pissed at you. You and Sam didn't say another word to each other for the remainder of the class. A long hour later, the bell rang and you left quickly to head to your next class, not wanting to interact with Sam after his bitter outburst. You spend the entirety of your next class daydreaming until the bell rings for lunch. You walk to Danny's locker and see him rummaging through his bag, his long black hair falling over most of his face. He throws his bag over his shoulder and closes his locker, smiling when he sees you standing next to him.
"Hey y/n."
"Hey," you reply, "let's go I wanna talk to you about something." Danny follows you as you lead the way into the crowded cafeteria. You grab some pizza and walk towards your usual seats. You set down your tray across from Danny, who looks around the room, confused.
"No Sam? He always sits with us," Danny asks.
"That's what I wanted to talk about," you sigh, receiving a worried look from Danny. "Sam's pissed at me for some reason but I can't figure out why. Has he told you anything?" Danny shakes his head in response while taking a large bite of his pizza.
"No, he hasn't said anything," Danny frowns, "I've noticed he's been pretty distant lately though, really quiet too which is weird for Sam. Usually, I can't get him to shut up." You give a small laugh and continue to eat.
"I dunno Danny, but whatever it is he better get over it soon before the party tonight!"
"Yeah, it should be fun. I'm planning on asking out Mackenzie tonight, just between you and me," Danny says as you beam at him.
"It took you long enough! That girl is all over you," he smirks and waves his hand dismissively.
"We'll see," He mumbles.
The rest of the day dragged on, leaving you very tired and causing you to sleep through your third period biology class. Heading towards your final class before summer officially begins, you nervously hum a tune to yourself as you head towards the music room. Avoiding Sam has been easy so far, but you know that you will have to interact with him soon. You take a seat at the back of the class, across the room from your usual seat beside Sam. You take out your guitar and begin to lazily play the tune that has been stuck in your head since the day began. You close your eyes and sway to the music, ignoring the chatter and quiet music that fills the rest of the room as other students began to practice around you. As you near the end of your song, you open your eyes and catch Sam watching you play from across the room before he quickly looks away, busying himself with his bass guitar. You smile as you feel a familiar blush creeping onto your face. Sam has always loved listening to you play guitar, and you used to play together all the time growing up.
Your music teacher steps into the room and briskly declares a sectional rehearsal. You were hoping this wouldn't happen since you're in a group with Sam as well as a few others.
"That's just fucking perfect," you mumble to yourself as you walk into the small practice room with your fellow group members. You sit down beside Claire, a talented pianist with long brown hair, practicing scales on an organ. Ethan, a tall, muscular boy with short blond hair and stunning blue eyes enters the room next. He takes a seat beside you, holding a guitar similar to yours as you see Sam following him in and sitting across from you. The rest of the class is spent jamming with your group, playing songs that you've rehearsed several times before as well as improvising tunes as you play. You and Ethan are focused mainly on each other as you both concentrate on harmonizing your guitars. Every now and then you share a smile with Ethan as you appreciate the beautiful sounds of your dueling guitars. As you play you can feel Sam's eyes on you, but you refuse to look at him, letting yourself relax into the music instead. The bell rings and Sam immediately gets up, rushing out of the practice room without a word. Claire follows him out, and you are left alone with Ethan as you both put away your guitars.
"You played great today y/n, you're a really talented guitarist if I haven't said it before," Ethan smiles as you head out into the halls together.
"Thanks, so are you!" you beam as you admire his kindness. You find yourself blushing slightly. It isn't the first time that you've admitted to yourself how attractive you find him. You get an idea and start to fiddle anxiously with your bracelet.
"Hey um, a friend of mine is throwing a party tonight, would you want to come? Most of the people in our grade will be there so I figured you might be interested. Unless you're not which is fine too, there'll be drinking and shit which might not be your scene so..." you ramble but are quickly cut off by the feeling of Ethan's fingers entwining with yours. You look up at him and he smiles back at you.
"It sounds great y/n. I'll be there." You give him a wide smile as the two of you walk towards your locker, both of your hands still laced together. You give him more information about the party and he listens intently.
"It'll be this address at around 8:30," you say, scribbling down Josh's address on a loose piece of paper before handing it to him.
"Thanks y/n, see you tonight," Ethan says, smiling as he leaves down the crowded hall. You watch him go and feel your heart flutter as you pack your bag and head outside towards Josh's car.
"look who finally decided to show up," Josh calls to you from behind the wheel, "What took you so long?"
"Just talking to a friend," you say as you hop into the backseat beside Danny and Sam. You decide to tell Josh about Ethan after the party, not wanting to get his hopes up in case nothing ended up happening between the two of you. "Hey Jake, Danny, Sam," you say as Jake greets you from the passenger seat and Sam ignores you, staring out the window.
"Nice shirt y/n," Jake smirks at you as you share a knowing laugh with Josh.
"Jake and I were just picking up some supplies for the party tonight," Josh informs you, motioning to the many cases of beer stacked in the trunk.
"I figured," you respond, sharing a laugh with Danny.
"We're planning on practicing when we get home, you wanna listen in?"Jake asks you as you shake your head at him.
"No that's alright, I think I'm just gonna take a nap," you reply as Jake nods, turning on the radio as you drive to the Kiszka house. Normally you'd love to listen to the boys perform, but you don't feel like being around Sam. Once you arrive, the twins bring the cases of beer into the house as you head up to Josh's room, flopping on his bed and hearing the faint clinking of bottles in the kitchen. After a while, you fall asleep to the distant sound of rock and roll coming from the garage. You dream you're at a local bar listening to boys' band, Greta Van Fleet, play their music for the crowd as you dance and sing along. You have a feeling they'll make it big someday, they're too talented not to.
Your dream comes to an abrupt end as you are startled awake by Josh, shaking you wildly as you groan and open your eyes.
"Y/n wake up! It's 7:50 already you've got to get ready!" he yells in your ear. You smile at him and bounce out of bed, eager to get ready for the busy night ahead of you.
Taglist: @aliensforleaders @obetrol-and-cocktails @goodoldfashionedqueen @kiszkaboi @greta-gvf @rogers-wristbands @strawberry-fieldsssss @littlegeekwonder @spngvf @mutantpanda54 @allons-ytomyworld @diggrycedric @sammysgirll @rogerinascigarette @thaliamessi
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Dragonic: 2
AN: HAPPY GAJEVY DAY!! Even though this doesn’t have our fav couple it does have our favorite person! Levy of course! So here’s another update!! You can read the previous one on FF.net and AO3! :D
Pair: Gajevy (of course!)
Summary: When the Iron King is nagged into getting a tutor, he is pointed in a direction by a Queen who wants to help her friend in a poor situation. What happens when an old language brings these two together. (Kingdom AU)
She sat there for hours reading the language she loved ever since her father taught it to her. She often spoke out loud to make sure she kept her pronunciations correct and would repeat a word or phrase until it sounded right to her ears. Language was a passion her father passed down to her, so practicing it relentlessly was like making sure she kept something of her fathers.
“Levy, it’s almost time.” Warren spoke softly, causing her to close her book with a snap. “It always amazes me how many books you can read within a short amount of time.”
“Me too sometimes, but thanks for always pulling me out of my trance. I don’t want to make the Master angry again.”
The look on his face was grave as he remembered the time she got in trouble because she missed her curfew. She told him to warn her when four hours past so she could be sure to leave. He regretfully forgot and haven’t forgotten since. The look on her face when he saw her next was torture enough and caused his guilt to lodge into his heart.
“I put everything on your cart, now go, your curfew is fast approaching. I’ll put the books away.” He spoke, already collecting the books that surrounded her.
“Thanks, Warren! I’ll see you in a week or two.” She hugged him before running to the front of the store to grab the cart her friend supplied her. Grabbing the handle, she pulled it onto the road and towards her home. As she walked at a brisk pace walking on the shady side of the road attempting to avoid the unbearable summer heat, she whistled a tune her parents used to sing to her. The song was in Dragonic and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t sing it correctly. She forgot many of the words but the tune stayed in her head, so she settled for either humming it or whistling it.
She stopped only to give her lunch to a small boy that seemed to be lost and malnourished. “If you go to town, go to either the cobblers or the florist. Tell them, Levy sent you and they’ll help you.” he nodded his head vigorously with his mouth full of bread and meat.
When she made it back to the ‘House of Purity,’ she gave the shoes and clothing to the respective persons then tucked the wagon into the small shed near the gardening tools for safe keeping. When she was back into the house she was rushed by small girls that were used only for housekeeping until they were of age just like her. She tried to help them and give them tips whenever she could.
“Ms. Levy! You’re back!” the small girl with dull red curls beamed as her friend with straight brown hair grabbed Levy’s hand.
Bending down to talk to them softly, she asked, “did you gather everyone?” and she smiled when the girls nodded their heads. “Alright, shall we go?” she asked as her little friends nodded their heads holding her hand.
They walked together to Levy’s bedroom where three other small girls could be found in-between her bed and Faye’s bed. With them now sitting in a small circle, using the beds for cover, Levy begun. She removed a book from underneath her mattress, opening it to a familiar page, placing it in the middle of the circle. Each of the children tried their best to sound out the words in hushed tones with Levy encouraging them in an equally hushed tone. Every day, before or after dinner Levy would do her best to teach the young girls how to read and write. It was forbidden in the house so they snuck around a lot, constantly changing locations, so they won’t get caught.
She was almost done correcting her small students on their writing, when someone bounded in.
“Levy! We must get dressed there’s a suitor com-” Mary, her other roommate stopped when she saw the students and her.
She’s never liked Mary and Mary never liked her. There’s something about her that just makes Levy want to distance herself away from Mary as much as possible. She had a constant bad attitude and was the masters personal tattle teller whenever she saw something that was against house rules. So, of course the smile that quirked her lips made Levy both irritated and fearful. Mary turned on her heels running out of the room and probably straight to the master’s office.
“Quickly, little ones, to your rooms! I’ll take care of this!” She said sternly gathering her sparse supplies as they hurried to their rooms. Thinking on her toes, she hastily stashed her supplies under Faye’s mattress praying he would only flip hers over.
She stood in the middle of the room with her hands behind her back, waiting for the master and Mary to come into the room. Raising her chin high and stiffening her back as the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard, she prepared herself. The heavyset man dressed in fine robes and slick brown hair stomped into the room with Mary following close behind him. It always irritated Levy how he could dress and eat well but he couldn’t spare any jewel when his ‘precious girls’ needed it. He only spent jewel on them when he had too.
“Levy,” he snarled, his breath causing her face to scrunch up in disgust. “Is what I heard, true? Are you teaching my girls to read?”
Raising her chin higher to look up to him, “I do not deny it.”
She watched as his eye twitched and his jaw clench in anger. “What have I told you about filling my girl’s heads with silly thoughts of academics? They don’t need to know how to read or write!”
“It does matter. We have every right to learn as much as you do. Just because we are females does not mean we don’t have a right to education and-”
“SILENCE!” He yelled raising his hand as if wanting to strike her, “I will deal with you and your students once, we are done with our suitor. Now get dressed.”
Panic flushed through her as she thought of her little friends being punished. “NO! Please, don’t punish them! Punish me, give me all of their punishment, please! This was all my idea, not theirs.” She begged her confidence failing. They were too young to go through the punishment he usually inflicted upon his girls and she would rather her take all he had than watch their sweet faces sink in and become frail.
He stood there for a moment pondering it over as he twisted the edge of his thick brown mustache in between his thumb and pointy finger. “This is the second time I have caught you trying to teach my girls and this will definitely be the last.” He spoke a sinister smile forming, causing her to falter. “For a week you will be given Mary’s chores and she will be given yours. You will also eat only one small meal a day in the morning only. You will not meet the suitor today, as well as be dismissed from eating dinner tonight. If you pass out during your work, you will be given an extra day to your punishment to make up for lost time. Am I understood?”
Lowering her head in defeat she spoke, “Yes, Master Everlue.”
“Good, now I suggest you get some sleep. You start at dawn.” He stated as he turned his back on her leaving her and Mary in the room alone.
“Good Luck, surviving in the heat, Levy. I’ll tell you all about the suitor, if he hasn’t chosen me.” she spoke arrogantly as she sauntered to her trunk to get dressed in her finest gown.
Levy ignored her as she slumped onto her bed, waiting for her and her roommates who came in later to finished getting dressed. Once they were gone, she removed her supplies from underneath Faye’s mattress, folding the sparse pieces of paper, placing the stump for pencils, and book deep in her trunk. Sighing, she ignored her rumbling stomach as she forced herself to sleep. Falling into the same the dreamless sleep.
She woke up as usual before the break of dawn, and got dressed in a lightweight brown dress, leaving her feet bare and using twine to secure her hair up into a bun. When she made her way to the kitchen, being greeted with a solemn look from Joy and a plate with only a biscuit and a small apple and cup of water.
As she sat down at the table eating her sparse breakfast, Joy spoke. “Don’t worry about the girls. They didn’t get punished. They did get yelled at but I guess the Master is good for one thing and that is his word.”
Finishing off the remnants of her breakfast, Levy stood up from the table, walking to the back door. “Look after them for me, will you. I know I won’t have the strength to help them for a while.” Joy agreed before Levy left for her work.
Mary’s job was to tend to the gardens and not so lucky for Levy, there were many gardens. Mary was perfect for the job because she was raised on a farm before she was sold and was a very sturdy woman. Much stronger than most of the girls in the house, but you couldn’t tell. Looking around, Levy surveyed the vegetable gardens and the four fruit trees they had. Lettuce, potatoes, carrots, snap peas, tomatoes, apples and peaches. She had to pull the weeds and collect the crops that were ready.
“I’m so glad I read a few farming books,” she sighed to herself as she grabbed the first basket heading to the lettuce patch first.
She slaved for what felt like days under the watchful eye of the sun, causing her sweat to drench her dress. Every so often, Joy would come out to give Levy a drink of water, trying to sneak her pieces of food. Levy would decline, refusing to get another friend in trouble, but her aching body cried for nourishment. All she could do was ignore it, humming her usual tune to distract her from the hunger pain in her stomach, remembering the first time her father sung it to her.  
“Daddy, that was beautiful! Where did you learn it from?” Levy was only a small child, so curious about everything around her. Her father ruffled her hair, before tucking her tightly into bed.
“A student of mine was singing it during our lunch break. He’s a very difficult student to teach, but I think he’ll learn what he has too eventually.”
“Is he nice?”
Her father thought for second before chuckling, saying, “in his own way, he is.”
“Can you sing it to me, again?” she yawned, her eyes drifting close as her father chuckled lightly before singing the song again.
From then on, her father sung that to song to her until that last night they were together. She wished she would’ve asked more questions about his students, she would’ve tried to track down who he learned the song from. But from where she was standing, she couldn’t do anything except feel her body shake with hunger and fatigue take over every muscle as she walked back into the kitchen with the last batch of apples to be cooked, pressed for cider or sold. Downing another glass water, Levy realized drinking water helped the aching in her stomach somewhat but it also didn’t because she had to constantly go to the bathroom.
Going to the bathroom she shared with the other girls of the house, she hastily bathed so she could finally rest her sore limbs in her bed. And once she was safe under her covers, it didn’t take long for sleep to take her
If you told Levy, that her punishment lasted exactly week, she would call you a liar and insist it lasted a month. The last few days were the toughest, as she desperately wanted to lay down in the field and just go to bed or even sneak into the kitchen to eat more food. She knew exactly what her master was doing with only giving her a small breakfast. It was giving her a taste of what she was missing, causing her hunger to grow and grow. On her last day, the master was waiting for her by her insignificant breakfast of a single peach.
“Why, good morning, Levy. You have done very well for a person of your size. I’m surprised you haven’t passed out, but my dear, you have lost a lot of weight.” He smiled his hands resting on his oversized belly.
“Good morning, Master and thank you.” she spoke as she curtsied, holding out her dress, before straightening. She looked at him, waiting for him to speak, seeing the proud smile on his face from the clear look of hunger and exhaustion on her face.
“Before you eat, I wanted to give you a task. After you are done with the gardens, you must go to the next town over and deliver this message for me. I heard that a King will be riding through these parts soon, and I want to be sure he stops here before he departs.”
Levy, desperately wanted to cry out how ridiculous it was for her to finish the gardens and walk to town before nightfall. But she didn’t have the energy and she definitely didn’t want another day added to her punishment.
“As you wish, Master.”
“Excellent! You may fetch the letter from Joy when you are done and Levy, you may not carry a bag with you. Only the letter.” He said sternly before brushing past her to walk back to his office.
Siting down with a huff, Levy ate her breakfast savoring each bite as Joy examined her.
“Be sure to eat more before you leave,” she whispered.
Shaking my head, “No, I can’t. I know I cannot last much longer but I only have until tonight and my punishment is over. Promise me tomorrow morning that I’ll have a big breakfast.”
Joy frowned at the tired girl, not liking how she looked but agreeing otherwise. She watched as she walked slowly to the gardens leaving the letter on the table. “The Master has gone too far this time.” She spoke to herself.
By great luck and planning, Levy didn’t have much to do, besides pick the snap peas and collect the last remaining fallen apples and peaches. Once she stored the food into the pantry, Joy handed her the letter and a cup of water before sending her on her way. Tucking the letter into the pocket of the dirty apron she still wore, she walked as steady as possible to her favorite town. But this time with every step, her feet felt heavy and she wasn’t looking forward to it.
Her usual 30 minute walk took an extra 45 minutes due to her slow pace and suffering heat, but she was relieved when the town was within sight. She was glad that Jet, Droy and Warren were busy with regular customers to see her walk past, but she’s sure they probably wouldn’t recognize her in her somber state. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the Head of the Town’s office. She quickly deposited into the hand of the secretary stating simply, “this is for the King that is rumored to arrive. Please, by my Master Everlue’s request deliver it to him.” It didn’t come out as smooth as she thought, it was more slowed with her vision blurring in and out of focus and a migraine sticking spikes into her eyes and brain.
“Are you alright, sweetie?” The secretary asked as the starving girl stumbled to the door.
“Yes…just need…some air.” She muttered before leaving. Her staggering increased when she got onto the road as horse drawn wagons dashed beside her and people bumped into her.
She stopped for a moment to only shake her head, trying to get her vision to finally focus, but as soon as she took another step her vision went completely black.
“Hey! Watch out!” a tall man yelled as he pulled the reigns of his two horses, stopping them from stomping on the girl that just collapsed in the street. His horses were of top breed and the carriage he pulled was dark blue with gold flame details. Everyone knew someone important was in the carriage and knew to keep their distance unless called upon. The tall man, jumped down from his seat, inspecting the girl that fainted in his path. Recognition and disbelief painted his face as he scooped the girl up princess style, carrying her to the carriage. Their awaited someone he knew, he had to explain why he stopped, and he knew they would want to see for themselves.
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gloomy-goober · 7 years
Royal Sized Changes
Eighth grade is that terrible time where one begins to question where they belong. This even happens for young sides, especially to those that have always been sure what they were meant to do. 
Creativity is going through some things and changes need to be made. 
@holdnarrytight @justanotherpurplebutterfly @twinkly-lights @here-to-vent @that-space-gay-writes
The first thing he felt was the softness of something under his hands. The first breath he took reminded him of a freshly rained over forest. The first sight he saw when he opened his eyes was mystical lights over his head. In that moment he knew who he was. 
He was a side of a young boy named Thomas. His purpose was to represent hopes, dreams, self-love, and to create ideas. The young boy knew what he liked as he sat up and looked around the place he found himself in: Disney movies, singing, dancing, and making people smile. 
He slid of the bed that mimed something from Snow White’s pedestal after she had eaten the apple. A small gasp escaped him when he felt grass under bare feet. A giggle escaping the young boy as the lights around him began to circle him and he recognized them as fairies. 
This room was not just a room but an enchanted forest. It held thing that would mime a normal place but he felt in his soul it was an area for him to have a grand adventure. Because grand adventures and dreams are something he was good at. Because here, dressed in the green of Peter Pan, he was...
Roman gave a sharp gasp as he sat up from his dream. The young side looking around his room in a panic as he tried to locate the source of the noise. The room had changed a lot since the young side had first materialized in Thomas’ mind. 
The forest had become more of a mural on the walls and it was covered by more than a few posters of his favorite movies. The bed he slept on mimed a hammock from the lost boy’s secret hide out rather then Snow White’s glass coffin. The grass of the floor was now stones of a castle that was covered by a grand carpet. There was a large desk where different ideas were scribbled out in crayon, pencil, pen, and colored pencil. Above it was a mirror and in the drawers held paints, scrap paper, and a few other odds and ends. 
It was a mishmash of different areas of fantasy, not so cemented in one fanciful world like it had once been. The young side did his best to ignore this fact, it was one that had been disturbing him recently as he took it as a sign that he was lost. He put his efforts on finding the source of the noise, which came from his grand doorway where a nosy side had peaked in. 
Heart smiled brightly at him from behind his glasses. The polo under the grey cardigan was a bright yellow today which must mean the emotional side was in a very happy mood. 
“Sorry to wake you,” Patton said with a small chuckle, “I was just wondering if I could borrow some construction paper. I got this nifty little idea but I can’t seem to find my supply.”
Roman yawned and got off of the hammock as gracefully as he could. The current choice of bedding was not the nicest form to wake up from. He just did his best to stand up quickly and find the boots that had currently added onto his usual outfit. 
“It is quite alright, Patton,” Roman said with a small smile, “I was just about to get up. Simple naps are great for dreams but I would much rather be out there living them.” 
Patton moved into the room more. “Yeah...so about that paper.”
“Left side, top drawer,” Creativity said with a sigh. He did his best to not sound dejected when the other did not ask what the dream had been about. Not like Roman would have told it was more of a memory 
As the emotional side began to dig around in the desk drawers, Creativity went and grabbed his wooden sword from beside the door. He carelessly strapped it to his belt and glanced over at the other. 
“Make sure you out back whatever you don’t use and close my door.”
“You going out out?” Heart stood up straight with his arms full of different colored paper.
Roman smiled a little at the attention and rested his hand on his bedroom’s door. “Just a quick ride. Want to further think on this amazing idea I have for Thomas.”
Patton squinted his eyes at the young side and gave off a small hum. It was obvious the other was trying to see if this creative side was lying. That had been a big habit for Heart as of late; the side had been showing a strong sense of a moral compass. 
Luckily, Roman got off on the small little lie this time. 
“Alright, my little knight, have fun,” Patton said with a small laugh and turned back around to continue his raid in Roman’s drawer. 
With that blessing, Roman left his room and traveled down the hallway to the front door. He did not acknowledge Logic as the other side came out of his room or the youngest side as the little ball of angst that sat on the main hub’s couch.
Roman’s mind was set fully on getting out of the hub and out into his Land of Make Believe. 
A soft and kind morning breeze gently rustled the grass blades around him and barely moved a hair on his head out of place. At the base of a hill was a lovely clear lake that reflected the beauty of the sunset that painted the sky many different colors.
Beside the lake sat Roman, with his boots off and feet in the water. He poked at the squishy sand with a stick in a bored fashion. 
Normally, the side would be amazed by the wonder of the sunset that was being preformed above him but he could not get the weird feelings the memory of a dream had left on him. 
Those first days of existence and awareness had been the most sure of himself that he had ever known. Somehow that had all dripped away when he finally got to leave his little room. He got lost in the idea of people to share his gifts with and then came another...one who shot down his ideas more then the realistic logic. 
It did not even go to mention that as Thomas aged so did he. The green outfit he had adorned upon arrival had started to fade from its usual splendor. It had even stopped growing with him. 
The young side threw the stick out into the lake in anger and sat back on the damp ground with an annoyed sigh. 
“Who am I?” He shouted up into the open sky. 
Behind him a few birds too flight from the sudden scare and made the boy jump. He turned his head fast and watched at the creatures flew up into the darkening sky. Oh if only he could fly away like them. 
“Hello, young knight.”
The child yelped in fright and jumped to his feet in fear. The young side quickly grabbed his wooden weapon to protect himself against the new assailant. The speaker turned out to be the last person he would think of as a threat.
“Arthur, it is just you.”
Before him was an older man with a kind smile on his face. Arthur was one of the first villagers that Roman had made up and the young side had made sure to give the man the best job in the town: namely the mayor while he was not around. 
“Oh don’t sound so disappointed,” Arthur teased and leaned on his walking stick, “Now, what are you doing scaring off all the birds for?” 
Roman sighed and let his sword hit the mud. “I am not feeling...quite myself recently. You see I am starting to wonder what my role is.”
“Your role?” 
“Yes, my role. The others are seemingly finding themselves out just fine. Hea-Patton is becoming more and more like a parent every day. Logan seemingly wants to be boss or something.” Roman looked down at the cracking red nail polish he had on, “Hades, even Anxiety has the whole emo bad guy thing going for him. They all seem so sure on who they are and I am just...just me.”
Arthur looked at the young teenager with concern as the child waved his hands around in the air. 
“I’m just me!” Roman continued with distress, “Just some wanna be lost boy that is already too old to fly off to Neverland. The side without a role besides to push his host to...to do something grand and encourage him without an idea on who he is.” 
“Now, now, no need to cry,” Arthur reassured gently. The old man pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it over to the distressed side. “Not everyone knows who they are gonna be right away. I bet your bottom that those friends of yours are just as lost as you is.” 
Roman wiped the tears from his eyes with the offered cloth and looked at the older man confused. “How can you be sure? They...they seem to sure of who they are. Well, most of them at least.” 
“Because no one really knows. It is all part of growing up,” Arthur chuckled, “You are still learning. Those confident acts are just clever disguises to test the waters.” 
“Disguises?” Roman sniffled. 
Arthur nodded, “Yes, sir. Disguises and if those don’t work out they will probably shift over to something new that they think will better suit them.” 
“So...so it is like auditioning for a role? You read the lines to see if you really want to be that character.”
“Exactly,” Arthur smiled at the teenager as the boy slowly began to understand. “Besides, who cares if you didn’t get to fly off to a magical land. If you did that there would be no one ‘round to protect this little kingdom.” 
Roman wiped the last tear from his face and looked past the lake at the distant castle. The very first thing he had made when he had entered the subconscious. Beside it was the hazy vision of the village where the people, his subjects, resided. 
“You are right. Would be just awful if I left you all without a leader,” Roman gave a weak chuckle and smiled up at Arthur. “Thank you, dear friend. You always do help me through the worst trails that life has to offer.”
The old man gives a crooked smile and ruffled the boy’s neat hair. “Just doing my duty, your highness.”
The familiar nickname gets a laugh out of the young side and he moves away to escape the abuse to his head. 
“No go and get home before it gets too late,” Arthur says as he leans down slowly to pick up the boy’s boots, “Don’t want you out this close to the woods when it gets dark.” 
Creativity took the boots with a small smile, not bothering to put them back on. 
“Thank you again, Arthur. I shall visit you soon.” 
The teen waved back at the man as he hurried over to the horse he had rode out to this small lake. Arthur waved back and then started on the slow walk towards the usual path that led to the village. 
The small talk may have been partially his made up world trying to make him feel better but it did boost Roman’s, and Thomas’, self esteem. The young side knew that he could take his time to figure out what he was going to be in the working of the sides home but for now he was going to do what he did best. 
Rule the kingdom he made, make dreams come true, and give Thomas amazing ideas and inspiration. 
A full smile was on his face when he got back to the castle. The young teen slid off the horse and handed her over to the stable hands without much thought. He did not notice how they stared at him slightly as he strutted out of the building with his head held high. 
A simple hummed tune left him as he pushed open the main doors of the castle and went back into the main hub of the mind palace. The regal exterior bleeding away to more of a suburban home-like setting. 
“Greetings, everyone. Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me,” Roman laughed and let the front door close behind him. 
The smile faded from his face when he did not get the usual greetings back. There was no simple ‘salutations’ from Logic or happy exclamation from Heart. Anxiety was as silent as ever but there seemed to be something slightly off about this silence. 
Roman blinked and looked over the three others confused; the smile on his face fading away. Logan’s knife, covered in jam, slowly slipped from his hand as he stared at the side. Patton had his hands over his mouth and Creativity could not tell if the other was in a good or bad kind of shock. 
Surprisingly it was Anxiety who finally spoke up and his statement made Roman even more confused. 
“Sup, Princey.” 
“Princey?” Roman was taken aback but the bold new nickname the other just gave him. “Now, Anxiety, I know I am of regal stature but I highly doubt...I...deserve...MALIFECENT’S HORNS!”
Roman caught sight of himself in the entrance hall mirror and could not help but to stare. The faded green of Peter Pan’s tunic and tights was gone. In its place was more of an outfit that resembled Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid. It was the more ornate outfit for a moment, one that resembled Eric’s fancier outfit, but in a blink of an eye it was the more simple outfit seen throughout most of the movie. 
“What in the...” Roman reached for his reflection but Patton barreled into him for a tight hug. 
“Oh Roman you looked so handsome!” The emotional side giggled gleefully, “I am loving this more simple look, though. Very nice and still very royal.” 
“Yes, it is a...change from the boyhood dream,” Logan supplied and got back to fixing his toast, “Disappointed you have not moved in a less fanciful direction but I guess that cannot be helped.” 
“Oh, shush, Logan. Roman looks amazing as Peter Pan or as a handsome prince,” Patton reprimanded. 
“A handsome prince, you say?” Creativity wiggled out of Patton’s tight embrace and smirked at his reflection in the mirror. A small flash of gold appeared on the simple shirt before it disappeared again. 
With great dramatics he turned around to face the main hub where the other two sides were. He struck a pose upon stopping. A hand up in a showy way near his face and the other vertical as if to make a mock frame.  
Anxiety rolled his eyes and gave a deep sigh. 
“I was joking,” Anxiety mumbled and sunk deeper into his over-sized hoodie.
Sadly for him, it was too late to take it back. The idea had been planted and it was starting to grow in the flamboyant’s sides mind. A confident smile much like the Disney prince’s gave appeared on the Roman’s face. 
“Prince Roman,” Creativity said the new title slowly and gave a small approving nod, “That does have a nice ring to it.” 
And if it does not stick I have time to change. 
Roman dropped his hands and made his way into the room; Heart trailing behind him with his usual happy grin. 
“Now, who wants to hear about my epic quest?” 
“Oh I do!” Heart said readily. 
“Not really,” Logan supplied, “But you are going to tell it anyway.”
The logical side was right. As soon as Roman sat down on a squishy chair in the min hub he already had an epic tale on hand to tell them. Sure, it was a lie, but what fun would it be to tell them he had truly battled his self worth rather than having battled and evil dragon-witch?
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weeebunfindable · 4 years
Breakup (8/30/2020)
So Friday, two days before today, Will and I broke up. 
Yeah. You read that right. How did this all happen?
This week I have been feeling so numb, and I’ve been feeling less romantic feelings for him. I realized that with the start of school, I really have to divide my resources well, and both him and school are now distance, an I’m finally getting better to where I want to succeed in school again. 
I told him this and he wasn’t happy. He felt like he didn’t fit into my schedule, even tho as a boyfriend I’m always supposed to make time for him.
I kept telling him that I didn’t want to breakup with him, I kept trying to find alternatives, but it was like breaking up was the only answer he’d take. 
I never wanted to abandon him, I never wanted to leave. All I figured out was that he felt more like a friend to me. I didn’t want things to happen like this. 
That night, I ate edibles, drank a bottle of cappricio because I thought the edibles weren’t working, then got drunk and high, then drank another bottle of cappricio. I downloaded Grindr to try and fuck my sorrow away, and when I got too sick to even move, things took a turn for the worse. 
I sat in the bathroom with the lights turned off, shaking with pain and anxiety, it was too much. I took a towel with me, and went to my bed. I think I had ended up masturbating because I needed a distraction, but then I was hit with immense guilt. I couldn’t take it anymore, I hated myself. I hate everything about myself. I don’t even remember why I did it, but I picked the scissors up, placing them horizontally on my skin, and started to make scratches. The scratches got deeper and deeper, and I found myself dragging the blades into and across my skin. It felt so good to rub back and forth, injuring myself, causing myself pain. I deserved it. I am a terrible person for hurting him. I can’t stop the cycle. 
The next day, I went to try and hookup with someone, got lost, then when he opened the door, I was catfished. This man was nothing like his pictures. I walk into the pitch black room, unable to see anything. He motions me to come toward the couch as he strips. I hesitantly take my clothes off and lay with him. He starts kissing me; he has no lips. I am disgusted. I try to entertain the man, focusing on the way his skin and body rub against mine, the force caused by the push and pull acting on my body turning me on ever so slightly. But it isn’t enough. Suddenly, I am unable to think, the only thing that is on my mind is Will. I am a fucking idiot. I get turned off, get up, apologizing every other word saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t do this anymore.” I dress with speed, and walk with force towards the light coming from the bottom of the door. I leave and walk all the way to a curb, sit down and just have a moment. It is 1 AM and I am 20 minutes away from my apartment, sitting on a curb. I’m a fucking mess. 
Today was better, I watched Moonlight finally, and I went to Best Buy to return my apple pencil. Then I texted Lillian and she took me out to eat her treat. We kinda talked about the breakup, but most of our conversations strayed elsewhere. The food was sooooo good, but my fortune cookie said “You and your wife will be very happy in the future :) “ which threw me off secretly. I lost my future husband. 
On the way back there was a guy stopping this girl from leaving to get off. I noticed it and immediately became anxious. I couldn’t just ignore it because she was visibly distressed and this man had his hands on her. I hated that so much, and how uncomfortable she was. The man didn’t know I was the only other one in the car. My original plan was to pretend like I was just getting off, but instead I just sat closer, so she could see I was there. Then when it was time to get off, I walked passed, asked if she was okay. She gave me a look like I had meddled in her business, but I don’t care. I don’t deserve a “thank you! you saved me!” I just did what needed to be done. The guy then let her off and I walked behind her, watching her cross to the opposite platform to catch the net train to whatever stop she initially intended to get off at. I hate men like that, who think they’re entitled to bodies. Fuck that. 
Anyway, I am not okay. Every time I think of Will, I get a bad stomach ache. My feelings are so confusing. If I had no romantic feelings, why do I feel like this? I blame myself a lot for this. I was not strong enough for him. I felt like I did everything right, I was so honest, but the truth can still hurt. 
I just feel bad. 
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