#ignore i didnt draw his horns
sleepiestslooth · 1 year
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personal hc that lloyd was born a brunette but because of golden power inheritance it slowly turned blond as he grew up, he tried dying his hair once but his roots are a force to be reckoned with
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fizzlo-and-the-cubes · 8 months
alr to help with the Great QSMP Content Drought of 2024 im gonna empty all the death family headcanons in my brain onto this tumblr dot com post
all these are cubitos unless stated otherwise btw i just didnt want to go through and indicate every name lmao
(also to my qpr deathduo homies (luv yas) I'm a bit of a romantic pissa truther so be warned about that)(but i also suck at writing romance so it's pretty subtle also most of these are about chayanne)
remember last year when Chayanne was almost always asleep because the admin was too busy? i think that his ties to death pulled his conscious into Kristin's domain whenever he slept, so he just spent his time chilling over there (i simply choose to ignore the fact that she isn't canon)
Tallulah can clearly see and hear spirits, all her brother can see are blurry figures and the occasional whisper
Chay's wings started growing feathers very early on, Phil had to pretend he had no idea where they came from whilst also assuring a heavily sobbing Missa that he didn't cheat on him
no one has known fear like a fed worker that tried to touch Chayanne's wings in the early days and almost lost their hands to a newly-grounded crow
unrelated to that Philza Minecraft puts the 'death' in 'death-glare'
Chayanne's first attempts of jumping off the wall on day one were baby-crow instincts but after that he was just doing it for his dads' reactions
Chayanne knows the blade, but he knows strategy far better - both draw blood in the end, regardless
Juanaflippa was the best at swimming, then Leonarda, then Chayanne
when they learn to fly, Chayanne is the best, then Tallulah, then Pomme
Leonarda wonders why bother flying when she has a cloud to do it for her
Chayanne wants to fly just as much as Tallulah, but she's more vocal about it since her brain is experiencing crow instincts for the first time
Phil taught Pomme how to aim
Phil has dreamed about his kids in his hardcore world more than once
Richarlyson was the one who cut Tallulah's hair short (THANK GOD HE DIDN'T LEARN FROM MIKE)
Tallulah often put flowers in her hair when it was longer, so she sneaks some into everyone else's now that its short
Chayanne can summon his mask over his face (like the Visoreds from Bleach. this is because i like Bleach and will put as many references as i want)
Phil acts more short-tempered than before, and the roses have started to wilt
upon arriving on a reset island, Phil finds Missa hanging off of a rose branch
i hc Missa's face to be similar to bad's since they're both reapers (so a black void with two white eyes and nothing else) but instead of horns Missa has flowy, almost mist-like hair that fades to cyan at the ends
Phil saw it for the first time at the prison when Missa's mask and hood slipped off in his sleep (entirely Chayanne's fault) and was completely normal about it end definitely went back to sleep and didn't stay up staring between Missa's hair and the ceiling.
upon stealing a kiss from Missa, Quackity had to sit down for a few minutes because he couldn't comprehend the texture of Missa's face
Phil was fine tho. he's kissed death plenty of times
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spro-o · 6 months
okay, so,,, i got back to reading 4kota, and i have so many thoughts of literally every nature
okay so, allow me to rant a lil
bro why the actual fuck is Arthur just magical hitler now?? 😭 like hello???? it genuinely makes me really sad because he was such a sweet and likable character for most of 7ds and now he wants to create an ethnostate for humans only???? it just breaks my heart, man
SAME WITH JERICHO LIKE HELLO? QUEEN, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS. genuinely tho- nakaba try not to make all your characters pedos challenge (impossible). there are literally so many other ways in which Jericho could have ended up in a similar situation, but nakaba really just chose pedophilia? it couldve been something along the same lines just without the romantic attraction!! a family bond can be just as strong- and it couldve been something like her losing Lancelot or in some other way letting him down, and then thinking that he despises her and holds onto that grudge (which, judging his character it wouldve probably been a small spat that he got over) - but maybe Jericho didnt understand that, or wasnt ready to face him, expecting him to be livid - so she asked for an alternative reality where that didnt happen and they got along great as sister/brother or master/trainee. i wouldnt put Jericho past being so stubborn that she wouldnt believe when Lance would say that he forgave her, and then boom!! same set-up, just without the nasty pedophilia!!
ON THE NOTE OF WHICH- (theres so much of that garbage in nakaba's writing, fucks sake) - i genuinely hate the whole thing happening with Guinevere. the whole non-consensual kiss from a 12 year old to a 16 year old (ewwwww) is one thing, but then when Lance is reflecting on that interaction and he SMILES????
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you have no idea how much this panel killed me to see. Lancelot youre better than this,,,, 4 years is not a big age difference when youre in your 30's, but when youre 16???? please,,,, cmon now,,,
speaking of whommmmm~~ ,,, I ADORE LANCELOT!! SO MUCH!! this is to be expected considering i love Ban, bUT- hes genuinely just such a cool and wonderful character that has some sense in him. i especially loved those panels where he was like jumping around to get himself hyped up cuz like!! Ban does that!!!! i love,,,,
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elizabeth (looking gorge btw, i love that for her) is unfortunately reduced to an object of fondling yet again 😔 literally like the second panel that shes in and shes getting grabbed and groped by Meliodas?? it just feels mad disrespectful to her really deep character that she has such a minor role when you ignore her being sexualised by Mel (in reality nakaba, but i digest)
i love that panel where Anne tells Isolde about what chastity actually is hbghjnhbjh
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR NASIENS WHEN PERCY IS ALL UP IN ANNES BOOBS. genuinely- the dropped bag, and all of he blushing that happened before it during their interactions,,,, that shit broke my heart, man
nakaba try not to draw teenagers naked challenge (impossible) (chapter 86 cover)
this is literally like the cutest fucking thing ever????? i want more calm, slice of life stuff for our skrunglies. they deserve a break
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someone, please, stop all this shit going on with Guinevere (writing this while reading chp 87) – I really despise the fact that nakaba has to make like literally all of the relationships either look like they have a massive age gap (Ban and Elaine), or actually have a fucking criminal age gap (Mel and Ellie). it really is not that difficult to just write a relationship where there is a <2 year age gap, did you know that, nakaba?? crazy, I know (deadass, while I don’t ship them, it would at least be bearable if she was also like 15-16, just not 12 TT)
chion is such a fucking pain in the ass oh mah gahhhhhh
I love Gawain’s lesbian antics <3
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At this point, though I love seeing the characters interact in more casua circumstances, id rather have more fight scenes than god awful, shoe-horned romances between any two characters of the opposite gender (exceptions being Nasiens and Gawain, my sillies <3)
okay,,, thats it for now, but do expect more at some point or another huiyuvghbijhb
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7k9sinthee · 5 months
Yyeerrrpp thats it!!!!!! Oc drop
Ignore unrenderes versions. i dont have room for all rendered pngs and didnt make a templates thing like the imagine below (again)
Lore drop when????
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In order from (top>middle>bottom)left to (top>middle>bottom)right,,,,
Ella; PoTO oc whos ,,x Meg Giry,, GAY!!!!!!! Violinist,,,!!! HAS A FATHER???? AND A MOTHER???? AND A HAPPY ENDING????? (yeah,,,),, heterosexual eyes even though shes GAY!!!!!!!! Despised men a bit
Zombee; cutie oc whos a bit of an artist but gave up in the end,,, DEAD(and gay)!!!!!!! Friends with; Odalis !! Betrayal 💔💔💔
Marie; basically self-insert fod 1990 poto because,,, x Cherik ofc,,,, singer yum!!!!! In the same universe as Ella but they dont know eachother too much so they dont interact much,,, both end up happy :33333
Odalis; DEAD!!!! gem body 😯!!!!! Crystal hair,, no it is not soft and silky,,, it is hard and unmoving 💔,,,,, a bit gay but doesnt even know who they are,,, tragic......more betrayal💔💔💔
Elysia; TWST OC!!!!! First oc like ever drawn,,, is a literal star,,,, one of the youngest ocs (2nd),,, too many scars to count (is too clumsy for the Earth world amd often forgets how to move)
Charles: !!!!THE BABY!!!!!! is dead unfortunately 💔💔 (no one gets to live happy) baby of Oli (not rlly but whatever) actually the calmest of all my ocs,,, everyone else is either GAY, on that zaza or tweaking a bit,,
Angel; SWEET CHILD💔💔💔 Betrayal is a common theme,,,, family betrayal,,, chefs kisss,,,, family issues EVERYWHERE,,, poor baby only called an angel after dying brutally💔 burned eyes she cannot see properly,,, loves Verona with all her soul,,, religious trauma (same)
Oli; OHMYGOD!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!! literally THE father,,, if all ocs(mine or others if??) met him,,, hes so sweet pls, actually died peacefully at a nice, old age,, a bit of poor vision from old age,,, actually looks hes in his like early 20s but hes in his 40s,, no specific age because age is nothing when its in the thousands (4000=40,, 2000=20, etc.) Same universe as; Charles, Angel, Verona
Verona; oh poor baby,, literally towers EVERYONE. (7'1),,, absolutely in love with Angel but tries to avoid her,,, why? Because Angel is a literal angel (not yet) and doesnt want to mess up her goal,,, isnt aware Angel is willing to lose everything for him,,, Scary horns and teeth,, hides everytime he can 💔💔
Milo(below); WOLVES!!!!!!!! i love wolves sm,, i was wantinf to make this oc for so long but didnt know the style,, this is just raw like headshot and theres no fit yet,,, literally messiest hair ever,, LIVES IN THE WOODS????? universe hopping moron (has gotten stuck in ulternate universes before (actually was there because it mean she got a family fot once)) wants the golden locs fairytail life (find family and be happy with them, even if they arent wolves as well),,, she wont get it but still wants it, WOLF NOSE BECAUSE YES!!!!!!! Honestly couldnt give a fuck but does because she feels bad 💔 (no one gives a fuck about her)
I had another oc that was like maned wolf oc who was trans (ftm) but i lost it so ill draw him soon 💔 (if i remember to do so)
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^^^^ These are wanted crimials,,, be on look out,,,,,, they might steal ur forks and spoons....... and socks if u arent carful................
Ask for full lore and i will so absolutely drop everything to explain 🙌🙌🙌🙌
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mite75 · 4 years
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I’m trying to decide how I want mouri to look??? do you guys have one you like better? his face and hair is what I'm most focused on >>; I know what traits I WANT to give him but idk 100% what looks best??
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sastrugie · 4 years
john entwistle biography review
ok so first: I didnt really like the biography because I thought it would focus on totally different aspects. John was a musical virtuoso and that hardly ever gets mentioned in the book. But we get exact axccounts on how much money he spent on what day and in which pub he bought which champagne. like wow thanks. The other personal stuff is basic who knowledge you can read in any other Who biography. His autobiographical bits were joy and fun! Maybe the only reason to buy the book in my opinion. He writes totally different than the author...
ANYWAYS: here my fav facts from the book that you probably didnt know before
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this is the face of a man who -when his father gave him driving lessons for his 21st birthday as a present- decided driving wasnt really his thing and he spent the money on clothes and parties instead. He never had a drivers license ever and also never desired to have one 
the hospital he was born in, was bombarded and destructed one day after his birth
as a child he was really weak and thin and had basically every disease that existed
his family was poor af
his father left the family early and held contact with his son, but soon disappeared with a new family
his stepdad, Gordon, disliked John alot and would ignore him, hated everything John did or said and he let his bad moods out on Johns mother, which caused John to be very silent and observative around the house so that there wouldnt be any trouble
he did everything to please Queenie (his mom) so that there was no fighting, according to Alison
loved drawing and playing but usually alone since he had no friends apart from their dog
he heard a trumpet solo once from a trad jazz band when he was 6 or so and decided he wanted to learn the trumpet
my fav line of the book probably: “despite his own expectations, he passed the exams to go to grammar school” like same
at school he was bullied from the older boys but soon left alone by them because he would fight back with badass comments 
he applied for the school band for the trumpet but the tallest guy in the year was chosen (he was the 2nd tallest)  which made John mad, but he discovered the french horn
soon he found a friend, mickey brown, at last and he gave him the nickname “ent”
he was so terrible in P.E that he was dismissed with other pupils to play somehwere else, they were called “the hockey misfits” and guess who was among them: Pete Townshend.
yeah as you might know they became besties because they loved music and black humour.
he found himself a gf (alison) and Pete & a school gang (like 4 ppl) and his life seemed to finally get where it should.
his worst subjects were geography and german like wow (im a german geography student lmao)
once they played in a pub and johns stepdad was there and was super angry and gave john a list with his fav pubs and told him “these are the places I never want to hear your fucking music playing”.
after walking home pete decided to switch the guitar and john wanted to become a musician more than ever
Roger found him and John kind of convinced him (it took months apparently) to get Pete into the band and then it all started
he judged the beatles because John Lennons harmonica was “out of tune” in love me do, wow ok you nerd
john started smoking with 20 and was the last one to quit his job for the band and he was against drugs at first (bc he had a “civilized” job) but then decided to give a shit, dyed his hair black, bought cigarettes, smoked dope with pete and did speed too
he wanted to step out of himself and feel good about himself and he was always a fashionnerd so he started buying and trading and selling clothes (he once was dismissed from school bc he wore the school uniform incorrectly)
with 18 or so he was still living at home, had a toy soldier collection and a pet budgie
pete and his college friends made fun of john bc he wasnt a student and still lived at home, although john could have gone to college too and he wanted to, but his stepdad again said no and he had no choice.
he was very awkward and introverted but could open up with his music 
he was really into pop art (esp pop art clothes)
was a pseudo mod bc he only liked the fancy clothes and motown music
with the who he found a purpose in his life and finally could be different than ordinary ppl
hated when people touched his hair, he literally hated it
would fuss much about his hair in general
once after a concert they were starving and the room service was alreday home so they had to look on used plates and food wagons and John found a shrimp and said: “who wants to dine with me tonight?” (idk that really made me laugh)
keith moon was john entwistles soulmate and they were the cutest, most iconic and funniest duo ever end of discussion
his amps would soon be called little manhatten bc he had so many bc he wanted to be loud
he actually went to sing at church once when he was like 24 and the band made fun of him then he stopped
in the late 60s he bought a house with alison in a normal neighbourhood and went walking the dogs on sundays and stuff
but he was a party animal and always the last to go
he was really sensitive and cried often according to Alison but only in front of certain people
he would totally step out of his way to please people
when they played at the monterey pop festival they didnt bring their own amps along and john was furious bc he said the american amps are shit and kit was like “no” and john didnt talk to him for the whole festival until their perfomance was over and they had sounded like shit to tell kit “I TOLD YOU SO” thats how extra he was
when he got money he would spend it bc he was so used to being poor that he thought it wouldnt last long and he had to enjoy it NOW
he was always calm and everyone respected him and kit told a story where he entered the room and roger was at keiths throat and and pete was screaming something and john was sitting in the corner cleaning his nails. thats who energy
liked to dance at parties
his fav drink was rémy cognac with 40% and he would drink like 1 bottle alone everyday in his later years...wow dude
he was also gentlemanTM and once paid taxis for girls from london to brighton after a party
once at a wedding the free drinks were out and John just gave the barkeeper his creditcard and said he will pay for all the drinks of the night for everyone (it wasnt his wedding)
Roger once said: “John made smartass comments that deserved a punch in the face” sounds like him yes
he didnt really care about money and always wanted to pay and never told anyone how much things had cost and brought gifts for everyone
soon that ended in a shopping addiction tho and he bought ridiculous things for ridiculous amounts of money
when the who was inactive he sank into depression :(
held the band together during who by numbers & who are you
wrote and played all the quadrophenia horn parts himself
never lost his passion for art and always drawed alot, said Alison
cried when Christopher was born aww
once he saw their manager in an art museum and how he wanted to buy a painting but couldnt afford it, so John bought it secretly and shipped it to said managers home as a gift
We all know John was a huge collector. His most treasured collection was .. wait for it: teapots.
he tried to save Keith from being arrested once and ended up being arrested too lol
wanted to write a scifi concept album but desorted the idea and gave some songs to the who (905) or Pete
was a good cook apparently
When he gave a hug HE was the one who decided when to let go sdfghjk
hated confrontation and would hire other people to tell someone bad news
he spent so much money on dumb shit like wtf
but didnt really care either
probably the master in picking up and seducing girls
he let his stepdad live in the quarwood mansion when he wasnt there but Gordon was still an asshole wtf
the contact to his real dad was really sporadic
when the who ended, it hit him really hard and he didnt know what to do besides partying and buying stuff/hording stuff
was very insecure and selfconscious in the 80s according to Maxene :(
he actually took pete breaking up the who really personal and was sad 24/7
was that kind of guy that said bad stuff about the who but when you said bad stuff he would try to kill you on spot
with cocaine he felt really confident and still like the 60s/70s rockstar he once was but he didnt understand that these times were over and he needed to move on
sometimes went into random pubs with friends and made jam sessions for the guests
he still was generous and loving until he died and tried to play with other bands but it was not the same
he really liked Kenney and hung out with him more than with his wife at some point lmao
was a total giver and people who worked at quarwood would steal money from him but when someone pointed that out he got angry with that person for even suggesting that
was a real softieee (and a huge nerd)
all his friends said that he was shy at first but once you got to know him he would come totally out of himself, was very funny, loved to tell stories, was very very loyal and would try evertyhing to make you laugh aww
all in all a glorious story with a sad ending and he did destroy himself completely, but lets remember that Pete Townshend described old John still as "wonderful, mature and elegant” so lets cling on to that :)
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Cori's Tale (Pt.1)
I was never much for listening to the old stories they told us about monsters and humans fighting. It wasn't that I didn't care- I just had better things to do, like drawing. I had a black backpack with gold spikes for all my sketchbooks and drawing materials, I never leave home without it. The other kids at school think it's weird, I've never taken the thing off since I got it, but I like it! That's all that matters.
Oh, how rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself have I? Cori Sable, resident nonbinary disaster child. Not that it's of any consequence what my gender or lack thereof is, after all I'm only twelve years old aren't I.
But back to the important stuff! I live in a community of lots of people, it's fun, we get along pretty well when people aren't calling me names or telling me the backpack I wear is pointless and stupid and I should just get rid of it.
If I had to complain about anything, it would be the fact that no one seems to notice how many kids go missing at Mt. Ebbot every year. Every year some kid gets dared to climb it, and every year they don't come back. With the way the other kids look at each other sometimes, I worry they know exactly what they're doing when they send someone up there.
"And that's the story of how the humans were victorious in the Battle of Mt. Ebbot," the teacher closed her book, placing it on a shelf next to her. I hadnt heard a word of what she said, not that it mattered since I already had the whole thing memorized to begin with. I glared enviously at the back of the room, where teenagers sat on their phones, willingly able to ignore the story and not get in trouble. We werent allowed to get phones until we were fourteen, and even then we had to get jobs first, and recite the story of monsters vs humans. I don't think I'll ever get a phone, I'm terrible at doing work for one. For two the way everyone here tells the story of our fight seems very biased, it's almost like they didn't try to cooperate with the monsters at all, just maim and kill and lock away where no one else can find them. It's rather rude in my opinion, monsters just seem like weaker magical humans, they just look different and have a different culture, I don't see what's wrong with that.
Of course, bringing this up would be a detriment to my already tediously hanging reputation here. A kid who isn't well liked would be ill-advised to go spouting off about how monsters and humans aren't so different, about how maybe if we'd shown a little mercy we wouldn't be in this situation.
See, we used to be able to live in separate houses, used to be able to get stuff whenever we wanted. But it turns out a lot of that was because if decent trading with monsters, and of course, no monsters, no nice things. Not to mention, going through an entire war is hardly good for anyone involved, it's actually probably the worst possible event to go through. That's what led us to here, with so many orphans the human race decided "why not just make all children orphans" and took us away from our parents nearly as soon as we were born to be raised in these communities, only able to escape once we prove sufficient enough to survive on our own.
I'll probably never get out, they'll kick me out at twenty-one of course, but the problem with that is, I don't think I'll get the hang of life by then, or ever really. There's just to many things to learn! How to drive a car, how to use a phone, how to get a job, how to talk to people, it's all way to much. And with no one helping me out, I'm basically trying to operate a plane where all the buttons are the same color and the switches don't have labels.
Recess was my least favorite part of the day. I used to like it, but now I get pushed off of everything I try to use. On top of that, recess is when The Choosing happens. If you haven't figured it out yet, that's when someone gets dared to climb a giant mountain or risk being labelled a coward and ostracised, one time a kid refused and they got them kicked out entirely!
"Cori!" I heard a rough grumbling voice call my name. I turned to face the girl, her name was Ulana, and she was the one who decided what happened to all of us. Red hair braided behind her back, Jean's ripped in so many places it couldnt possibly be intentional, the only thing scarier than her was the twin brothers that always followed close behind. Sora and Pevril were oddities of their own, with Sora having black and blue eyes and Pevril being abnormally tall for a child. They were of course, only scary when around Ulana, other than that, I didn't see them as much of a threat, sometimes it even seemed like we could be friends.
"What is it, Lan," I said, raising an eyebrow.
"Don't call me Lan," growled the girl, she was nearly a foot taller than me, and almost old enough to age out of the community to. But she was looking for a reaction, and I learned long ago that I should never give one to a bully, not if I had any self-respect.
"Right, well what do you want then?" I tilted my head to the side, focusing more on the sound of children playing in the distance than Ulana.
"I bet you can't climb Mt. Ebbot and survive," I froze for a second. I was aware I wasn't well liked, but perhaps i should've paid attention to just how deep that disdain went.
"And if I don't accept?" I said, digging my feet into the ground.
"Then I'll take that nice backpack of yours and chuck it in with the next kid, and you'll get kicked out," I wrapped my hands around the backpack straps subconsciously.
"Fine, I'll play your game, but if I do make it back, you can't send anyone else down ever again," I said, looking her directly in the eyes. There was a glint there, one I that sent shivers down my spine.
Mountains were, of course, cold, but my legs had a weird relationship with temperature. I had a blue and indigo striped hoodie on, one with little grey horns at the top, and black shorts with black boots. The ever important backpack was still tossed over my shoulders, sketchbook and art materials jostling around inside.
I reached the top of the mountain soon after, there was a crater at the center. I thought to myself for a second, whether Ulana had mentioned anything about going into the mountain, or if I could go home saying I had climbed it myself. I was in fact, so caught up in this decision, that I was caught off guard by a light shove from behind, and sent hurtling down the crater, my backpack clutched to my chest.
I landed, miraculously, in a pile of soft flowers, that seemed to cushion my fall.
I couldn't tell where I was, just that I was really far down, and the sky was really far up. I made the decision to keep walking.
After a few mere seconds of this I came across a patch of grass, where an orange tree stood at the center. I paused for a second before realizing- the tree had a face.
"Howdy! I'm Orangey, Orangey the orange tree!" It spoke, in a voice that sounded cold and calculated.
"Uh- hi- I'm Cori- the not orange not tree-" I said, doing a sort of two-finger salute in return.
"You're new to the underground arentcha?" Said Orangey, I nodded in response.
"Let me help you," suddenly something jumped out in front of me. It was glowing, different shades of pink blue and yellow faded in and out of what looked like a heart.
"This is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!" Said Orangey, he seemed unphased by the tri-color phenomenon of it.
"Your SOUL can get stronger when you gain LV, that stands for LOVE," he said. I wasnt sure that sounded right, Love didnt seem like the kind of word one would need to abbreviate.
"Down here, LOVE is shared through friendliness pellets," spinning orange shapes appeared on all sides, I eyed them suspiciously "Go on! Catch as many as you can!" Said the tree. I chose to go the opposite route, backing away as the shapes closed in on me.
The tree's expression changed, it was one of anger and hatred "Smart kid, aren't you," its voice was deeper, less calculated, more angry and bordering on psychopathic.
The pellets surrounded me on all sides, preparing to close in. The tree began to laugh, a cold and unfeeling cackle that sent a chill down my spine. The pellets were inches away from my skin, when suddenly they'd disappeared, the tree was gone. Something- no- someone- walked out if the shadows. He was tall, with white fur and horns, and a tossle of light brown hair at the top of his head, adorned with glasses, a blue shirt, khakis, and a grey cardigan.
"What a cruel creature, torturing such a poor innocent youth," he spoke in a softer voice, one that reminded me of how the guardians back at the community spoke to the younger children.
"I am Patton, caretaker of the ruins, come with me, I will keep you safe," Patton held a hand out, I accepted it after a few moments hesitation. Patton walked with me through an archway, into an elaborate structure, covered with vines and flowers. I felt something spark in me, I thought back to the sketchbooks in my backpack.
"Can I sit down for a second? That was a little scary," I said. Patton smiled and nodded, setting himself down in a pile of flowers between two sets of stairs. I sat down as well and pulled out a sketchbook, beginning to draw the things surrounding me.
"Oh! An artist!" Patton said excitedly.
I smiled and brushed it off slightly "Not so much artist as bored little kid with to much creativity," was my only reply as we sat there, trying to ignore the things my head was telling me.
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runearcana · 4 years
Reasons I am Terezi:
My soon to be deadname sounds like Terezi.
I have an absurdly long tongue. 
I look and dress like Terezi. [my hair ends up short, and when I straighten it, it always has a curve at the ends like hers. Ive always thought I look like a female version of Karkat and even tried to be more like him.] I primarily wear black t-shirts with nerdy images.
I love mysteries, solving them, and have a knack for knowing the law on an intuitive level.
I had a best fuckin friend forever that I did everything with. We called ourselves the Greythorne Sisters. I was Wither and she was Malice. [telling much?]
When I broke up with her, I.. used my very strong foresight and saw that there would be issues if we stayed friends. Karkat also encouraged me to do it and was outside when I went through with it. After I told her, she literally crumpled, and I hugged her one last time. She didnt expect it at all. ._.
I went insane with regret and self-hatred afterwards.
My ultimate crush looked, acted, and spoke [yelled] EXACTLY like Karkat.
The reason I got into Homestuck was because I was incredibly shocked at how his likeness was captured in the fan art, and even the official art. EVERYTHING is the same except he has grey-blue eyes, caucasion skin color, lacks horns. Everything else is the same. He sounds most like a more masculine version of Broadway Karkat. Very wicked and masculine voice. Extremely intimidating guy despite his size. [hes not short, just shorter than youd expect someone with a cocky personality like his.]
Karkat even called us the Scourge Sisters. 
He hated Vriska. He was jealous of her as well, as anyone interested in me would have been.
I loved Karkat, more than anyone except Vriska, but my self-esteem was too low to believe he legitimately cared about me. On some level I knew he cared about me, but I was too BLIND to see it.
I didnt know I loved Vriska more than Karkat until I had already lost her. v.v
Vriska and I had a serious BDSM relationship [kismesis] after being moirails a very long time. We should have stayed moiraills. :[ It was really my fault that she acted the way she acted.
I am an empath and I can legitimately taste peoples energies. 
I may as well be blind because my eyesight is useless to me without glasses.
My favorite color isnt red, its TEAL, but I have a crazy fetish for fiery guys.
Libra ascendant, which is funny because A. your ascendant was your sign in a previous life, and B. its the realm of your PERSONALITY. [Sun is about your life path and moon is about emotions. :P]
I am creepy and cute [or was when I identified as female]. I love scaring the shit out of people. >:]
I like 1337, but I refuse to type that way all the time even though quirks are awesome conceptually. I mean if I could program the computer to remember my quirk, itd be different, but that isnt a thing yet. Itd definitely spice the internet up much more. :]
I still play with plushies and whatevers at hand and draw with chalk.
I adore dragons and see myself as one because I was born in the year of the dragon. :P
I like to cosplay, and wear capes pretty often. 
Dave is someone I cared about a great deal. He had a crush on me, but I saw him as a brother. Dirk is a total piece of shit and hurt Dave and Karkat and its why they have so much in common. He IS Daves bro. Dave sort of sticks up for him and Dirk has clueless followers. 
Gamzee was a best friend of mine like Dave and we technically had a kismisitude relationship. Gamzee told me Karkat was his best friend but I didnt know it was mutual. He was very upset that Gamzee and I were kinda together.
One night I was sitting at the end of Vriskas bed, thinking she was asleep, and trying not to wake her up with blowing my nose. She was awake and spooked and said she thought I was cackling like a maniac at the end of the bed like a creep. I thought it was pretty much a good assessment.
Another time she told me that while I was asleep, she saw an *evil* me with a sharp toothed grin and grey skin. It didnt seem improbable to me.
John is my biological brother. Hes a Virgo sun, and hes a nerd. :] Hes the only person beside my dad and aunt I talk to. [lots of friends I have, lol.]
Rose is a c*nt but I was fascinated with her for some reason. Rose hates Homestuck because of the fanbase. [lolll]
Kanaya is her sister, not gf/wife. Shes cool, and a reasonable person and was a friend, but we didnt talk much. I dont know why really.. x.x
Aradia was my best friend before Vriska. She and Sollux are married. I had a crush on her hsband and it was awkward.
Equius is an ex. Longest relationship Ive been in was with him.
Eridan is as much of a insufferable asshat as he is in the series, but not good looking in the slightest. He can be.. surprisingly insightful at times. None of us like him, even us INFPs. [Dave and I.]
I see Aranea as my mother. Talks non-stop, ruins lives.. but I used to look up to her.
Calliope was a fellow dragon lover friend that Dave introduced me to. Her handle was Celestial Serpent and she is even more asexual than I am. :]
My friends saw my and Karkats connection as being more like Karkats and Nepetas. He treated me like I was autistic and mostly ignored me. Probably until I confessed to him, and then after I went crazy because I had lost Vriska, and hoped that I could rely on him to be there for me. but despite all that bravado cockiness of his, hes a total wimp. ._.] Karkat and I had a ridiculously brief unspoken relationship that was only through telepathic communication and I got beyond frustrated and kissed a woman, and it was over like that. No one knows about this but us. Its another thing that I have ruminated on and hated myself for and deeply regretted.
I envy gamer girls who are actually good at games and wish I could be more confident and popular. v.v; [Latula]
I had a character on Gaiaonline with the Chucku Norisu scarf and the winged staff item and people drew freebie art of it for me, and when I looked at my pictures after learning about Homestuck it was pretty crazy.
Vriska [best artist I know] drew a character that looked a lot like Terezi that I had liked a lot.
I was very isolated when I was young. Neglected by my parents for the most part and felt too different from other humans. I always wanted a tree house and bulit my own club house that I hung out in as a kid.
My friends pretty much unfairly looked down on and even despised Vriska except Gamzee.
I love the taste and sight of blood. [Im a sadist.]
Dave made a proposition that he, me and Karkat be in a poly relationship and I turned it down. [I did not want to share Karkles with ANYONE. I know in the comic Dave actually disliked the idea, but the poly thing came up with the three of us. I dont know if Karkat was cool with it or not because he always used Dave as our go-between, but if Dave made the offer it must have been Karkat approved. Asshole. -.-]
Karkat and Dave live together and are more than likely morails. Karkat isnt attracted to Dave, but Dave has said he is attracted to Karkat.
I had a dragon umbrella that looked like a cane that I loved a lot.
Karkat is pretty much the unofficial group leader, or at least he was in my opinion. I could see Sollux saying Id make a better leader, though, because Im more clear-headed and calm about things and people from that group respected me [more than I was aware of].
We are all connected somehow.. but the main group consisted of Dave, Gamzee, Rose, Kanaya, me [Terezi], Karkat, and a few people I didnt see as characters from Homestuck. Vriska was not allowed to hang out with us at first. When she finally got her freedom [with my help] she wouldnt hang with the group, and they saw her as taking me away from them. They thought she treated me poorly, but she really didnt. -.- [Vriska did nothing wrong, theyre all just jerks.]
I dont hang out or talk to any of them anymore except John. Im always finding myself reminiscing and I really just wish I could forget I ever met them so I could start over fresh.
I have a spirit guide that is a DRAGON and teaches me anything Id like to know, especially in esoteric matters. His name is Shadowfall Ryu. Ryu is Japanese for Dragon. [lusus] and I agonize that I dont know him irl. Everyone knows about him. I have drawn so much art of him and talked about him so much. He is my ideal self. [i know the lusus in the comics is female, but whatever. Its still interesting.]
I collect dragon stuff, including plushies. I still play with them and wish others would play with me.
List goes on and on.
I cant make this stuff up.
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umbrellaacademyblog · 6 years
yoooo.... could you do something, anything, for some bonding between Five and Klaus? I really love their dynamic but we saw so little of it in the show!
A/N: Thanms for the ask! I did them as young kids, don't know why just did. If you want a version of them older(like age in the show) just send me another ask but here. Hope you like it
P.s I kinda struggle with writing kids, especially siblings as kids because my only brother is 8 years younger than me so I don't have personal experiences with that so if you have any tips please let me know.
P.p.s This is set before Grace is made and I know that she gave them their names but I didnt want to call Klaus number four the whole time so I didnt.
“Number Four! What are you wearing!” Reginald shouted.
The young boys’ face was sprinkled with random spots of makeup. His lips were messily coated in a bright red and his eyes were outlined with a dark blue and a light green color. He had pink eyeshadow dusted on his cheekbones and mascara lightly coated in his eyebrows.
“They were in Nanny’s room.” He said feebly, “I just thought…”
“You just thought? Did you even think? You broke into your Nannies room and stole her private items.” Reginald stared at the young Four. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Klaus stared at the floor tears starting to slip from his eyes.
“I…I…” Klaus started.
“You’re not focused Number Four!” Reginald interrupted. “You will spend four hours in the mausoleum tonight. Maybe, you’ll actually learn respect and how to get over your fears.”
Tears started streaming out of Klaus’ eyes.
“No! Please, No! I’m Sorry!” Klaus wailed. Reginald grabbed him by the forearm and dragged him out the door.
“No! Please! I’m Sorry. I won’t to it again I promise!”
Reginald ignored the screams as he dragged him past his siblings. Nobody knew what was really happening. Just that it was punishment time for Klaus. Klaus struggled against his father and tried to reach out to his siblings for help.
They all kept their heads down, not able to look at Klaus. Five was the only one with the stomach to follow the commotion.
“Please! Don’t I can’t!” Klaus begged trying desperately to free himself from the man’s grasp.
Klaus was dragged out the back and when the mausoleum came in sight he went hysterical.
“Please, Dad! No!” He fought with everything he had but it still wasn’t enough. “Don’t put me in there! I swear! I won’t go through Nanny’s stuff again!”
Reginald stopped in the doorway unlocking the opening.
“It’s not about that anymore Number Four, you’re undisciplined and out of control.” He managed to slip the old lock off and pry the door open.
Klaus couldn’t breathe. The air grew too insignificant to the death inside.
“Please don't” he begged, but all that managed to escape was a soft wheeze.
The world seemed to blur around Klaus as Reginald threw him in the dusty graveyard. He landed on the rough dirt and shakily examined the familiar room.
“Four hours!” Reginald shouted. A loud bang followed. Klaus knew that was it he was trapped.
He ran to the door pounding,  begging for forgiveness. He could feel the temperature dropping as he felt the ghosts behind him.
Klaus screamed until his throat felt raw and his fists became bruised.
“Klaus?” a soft voice whispered behind him. Klaus squeezed his eyes shut trying to ignore the ghosts around him. He could feel them all around him, grabbing at his skin.
“Klaus,” he felt someone shake him and he quickly covered his ears.
“Please, just go away.” He weakly begged. He sat down and pushed himself against the wall trying to become as small as possible.
One harder shake and Klaus threw his eyes open in fear.
“Klaus, it’s okay. It’s me.”
Klaus slowly lowered his hands from his ears. Five was squatting in front of him with sadness in his eyes. He was wearing his blue pajamas and had twigs tangled in his head.
Klaus had splotchy makeup scattered on his face, clothes and hands with streaks of water from his tears outlined by his makeup.
Klaus’ heart stopped as he examined his brother.
“Are you… You’re not?” Klaus started barely able to get the words out.
“I followed you here. Didn’t want you to be alone.” Five answered quietly.
Klaus eyed the ghosts behind his brother. “So you’re not dead?”
Five chuckled lightly. “No, not yet.” He sat in front of Five and cleared his throat.
“Why’d Dad put you out here.”
Klaus hugged his knees and sniffled. “I got into the nanny’s stuff.”
Five chuckled a bit. “I can tell.” Klaus looked away suddenly and his shoulders slumped. “not that it looks bad. I mean, yeah it looks bad now, but it looked really good before.”
Klaus raised his eyebrows and a smile peeked out the corner of his mouth. “really?”
“Yeah,” Five assured, “it looks good on you.”
Klaus looked at his knees and sighed. “Well, I’ll never be able to try it ever again.”
Five sat silently in the awkwardness stealing glances at his sad brother. Klaus was trying to ignore the ghosts all around him and Five. His eyes darted around trying to avoid their gazes and whenever a ghost came particularly close a soft whine would escape his lips.
Fives face lit up like a lightbulb, and he excitedly grabbed Klaus’ hands.
“Don’t worry.” he said looking into Klaus’ eyes, “I’m going to be back, I have an idea!”
Without any further words or hesitation, Five disappeared. Klaus hugged his knees tighter and hid his face into his shirt.
‘Klaus,’ they whispered. He tried not to cry. Five was coming back! Five had to come back he said he would!
Klaus felt them growing nearer, he could see them multiplying. The musty air grew thicker.
Fives coming back. Fives coming back. He echoed in his head.
He didn’t know how much time had passed but it seemed like forever and yet he was sure it was only minutes. The ghosts fought for his attention and he refused to give it to them.
“Klaus!” A familiar voice called. Klaus jumped up and hugged Five. Five struggled to hug back but the items in his arms forbid it.
Klaus let go of his brother and eyed the bag in Fives hand.
“What’s that?” He asked pulling Five back down into the corner.
Five eyed Klaus excitedly as he revealed the light purple box with gold accents along the rim. Klaus immediately recognized it.
“That’s the Nanny’s makeup box!” Klaus gasped. Five grinned ear to ear as he carefully opened it.
“Yep. Except tonight it’s yours” Five slid the open box to the grinning Klaus. He immediately began shuffling through carefully examining each thing.
He pulled out random items that caught his eye and placed them to the side.
“What’s that pencil for?” Five asked pointing to some eyeliner.
“I don’t know,” Klaus admitted, still shuffling through the makeup. “I think it’s to make it easier to draw things on your face.”
Five picked it up and examined it. “Like what?”
Klaus shrugged, “I don’t know whatever you want.”
Five offered the pencil to Klaus, “Can you draw devil horns on me?”
Klaus chuckled and grabbed the eyeliner. He pushed the box to the side and scooted closer to Five. He grabbed his head softly behind the ear and began drawing.
Five giggled at the feeling of the pencil against his face. When Klaus finished the left side he moved to the right and shakily drew matching horns.
“Done!” Klaus announced dropping the pencil. Five reached into the bag and pulled out a small hand mirror admiring Klaus’ work.
“Very good.” he said monotone. “Now I’m ready for the day!”
Klaus giggled some bright red lipstick.
“Let me make them red!” he said reaching for Fives horns. He shaded them in and handed him the mirror again.
“Now you're ready.” Klaus giggled.
Klaus searched through the makeup some more not looking for anything in particular. He was just happy to be exploring these wonderful tools.
“Do you want to be a girl?” Five asked as Klaus drew a happy face on his cheek.
Klaus stifled a laugh as he put the mirror down. “No, do you?”
“No, I just thought. You always play with girl toys”
“They’re not girl toys they’re my toys!”
Five shrugged. “This stuff isn’t yours.”
“But your playing with this stuff too does that make you a girl.”
Five stared at the floor thoughtfully. “No, I’m not a girl.”
“Neither am I,” said Klaus happily.
The ghosts never left but neither did Five, they stayed in there together until Reginald came to take out Klaus. Five teleported away seconds before the door swung open and Reginald was surprised to see that Klaus wasn’t hysterical.
“Have you overcome your fear Number Four?”
Klaus nodded his head and carefully stood up. “Can I come out now?”
Reginald checked his watch and sniffed.
“Go clean that crap off your face and then hurry off to bed.” Klaus nodded and slipped past his father practically skipping to the bathroom.
There Five was trying to scrub off his Devils horns.
“Thanks” Klaus said as he stepped up to the sink.
“For what?” Five asked as he dried his face.
“Playing with me,” Klaus added as if it was obvious.
Five smiled. “I don’t know what you're talking about,” Five quickly turned off the sink and ran out the door trying to stifle laughter.
Klaus smiled at himself in the mirror, struggling to get the last of the mascara out.
‘Thanks Five,” he thought, “for helping me keep the ghosts away,”
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
OC Recap-thingy???
hecc i put this off for too long 
i dont really know what that anon meant when they requested this, but i hope this’ll do (readmore bc this is gonna be Long)
Crinoline Parisa
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Ribbon’s mom
where’s her husband??? we just dont know
she’s doing her Best™ to be a good mom to Ribb
Lace Parisa
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Mirror World!Ribbon
an edgy lil shit
very grumpy
why have i never posted a coloured pic of her
Shadeleine Walsh
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Mirror World!Adeleine
Probably the OC I fiddle the most with.
She has a really strong Texan accent for some reason??? I don't know why I gave her it
Takes magic lessons from Wiz( that magician guy that no one seems to remember/care about?). As it turns out, their brand of magic is not anything she can pull off.
Works as their assistant sometimes... Even if it can be slightly terrifying because of their methods (their magic lets them make the tricks a bit more than just illusions). Shaddy has gotten cut in half (or more parts) more times than she cares to count.
Actually more interested in drama, but she's taken what she got.
She's good friends with Shadow Kirby! They hang out a lot!
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Her name used to be Shado. And yes, that IS pronounced the way it looks like it is. She hated it.
Owns an oversized magenta sweater and wears it at ever chance she gets. Wiz hates it.
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there wasn’t originally another character in this picture what are you talking about
Shadow Marx (left)
Mirror World!Marx (no duh)
Mild insomniac. He hates it.
Just wants to sleep, like any other noddy.
Dating Mirror Magolor
May or may not have kept him up with his late-night thoughts a few times.
Syzzle (right)
Mirror World!Gryll
Doesn't care about Star Stacker (or any similar game) in the slightest.
A complete NERD
Probably owns a library or something
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Theatra (left)
Mirror World!Claycia
Complete drama queen
Which is good, because she's an actress.
Gay as hell for Shadow Elline
she’s supposed to have horns like Claycia, but I forgot them in this picture
Shadow Elline (right)
Mirror World!Elline (what a shock)
An inkbrush fairy-thing
Writes most (if not all) of Theatra's stuff
Gay as hell for Theatra
the ‘straight man’ of the duo, despite being neither straight nor a man
Mirror Magolor
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Mirror World!Magolor (obviously)
An anxious little negg (nerd egg)
A cinnamon roll (unlike his counterpart)
Protect him
Knows nothing about where he came from
Dating Shadow Marx
Slightly annoyed by how much he keeps him up. But he stops rambling... eventually.
More info on him can be found here
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Rose Symyva (left) and Violet Larivi (right)
They're married
Rose is pretty chill, Vi's a bit more eccentric.
Don't insult Violet unless you want to face Rose's wrath (which you don't).
I don't know much about them yet, they're mostly just designs.
Typhiste Nirymsu
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He was An Ass
Dated Magolor at one point.
Used to be a prince (now he's just dead)
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Also dead, but less so.
Died from electrocution.
Doesn't remember anything about her life, which distresses her.
When she was alive her name was Iris
Updated version of one of my first Kirby OCs 
Niaviri Taysin
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Also dead (for real this time)
A good little egg
Was a florist!
v gay with Odalania
Tislora Altryb 
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Mags’ mom
v sweet egg
maiden name is ‘Azaress’
was closer to her son than Aparctias was
idk what else to say about her
Aparctias Altryb
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Mags’ dad
firm, but kind
taught the egg most of what he knows about magic out of family tradition
also got him started on learning English
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Hynwari (left) and Sanfyria (right) Rimaddim
only exist in the Popa AU
super dead, even in the AU 
both of them are Very Short (Sanfyria especially). they could make Meta Knight look like he’s average height
Popopo (the green half of Kirby)’s parents
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she’s supposed to have speckles i just forgot them in the original pic
they were specifically targeted to be killed just so their son could be taken from them by Nightmare
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Hazel Pesyphomia (left) and Amelia Evitheth-Pesyphomia (right)
Adopted a certain artist as their child.They love that noodle-orb a lot
Amy would absolutely fight you if you were to insult her wife or her kid.
Were honestly really scared the first time one off their kid's drawings came to life
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You know her. She's the one with all of those scarfies.
Spoils those little beasts
Was actually supposed to be trained as a Spynum, not a Simirror, but was more interested in magic than archery.
Lives mostly-alone in the woods.
Amicia Tyopt
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technically that’s not actually her in that picture but let’s look past that
as implied above, her body was stolen by sectonia (shown above)
idk anything about her personality yet tbh
Osgifu Amata 
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handmaiden moth, in more ways than one
worked for Sectonia Way Back When
Eglantine Cujoi
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Into™ gals
first body stolen by Sectonia
deceased in both body and mind
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anime-verse oc
demon beast
just read this it’s got all you’ll need to know about her
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Jordan (the one with the spear) and Coral (on top of Jordan)
BWD's siblings
Jordan is their older brother, Coral their younger sister.
He works as one of Dedede's guards. She's too young to work.
Jordan's a little jealous about Taylor (BWD) outranking him, but he's proud of them at the same time.Coral is a little ball of energy.
They were the other Waddle Dees in Dream Collection's intro, and the sleeping Dees with the eye implants next to Bandanna Dee in Robobot( in the modern train level I think?).
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Really freaking good at magic
Lean Bean
Worked for Typhiste's family
Gay™ with Niaviri
also has a casual clothes ref
Magolor (not that one)
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yes, every other time ‘Magolor’ has been mentioned I was referring to canon one. i call this one Old Magolor/Classic Magolor/etc. for simplicity
this is who canon mags named himself after
Old and Dead
one of the lor’s previous captains
Cymboria Taysin
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niaviri’s younger sister
she’s the bigger one
very sweet
good at magic
likes to travel 
often brings foreign flowers back to nia!
Morastrum Altryb/Nirymsu
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doesnt exist in the mainverse
a Good Lil Girl
... even if her dads (mags and ty) are both Asses
last name depends on if Typhiste is alive or not
likes sweet foods
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mirror world!drawcia
an automaton made by wiz 
speech has a Low Quality Garble
incredibly bitter over the loss of her sister
always has at least 5 throwing knives on her
Glorious Nebula
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really old 
their language shows their age 
how are they still functioning
no one’s really sure how they lost that quarter of their face
used to have one of those shooting star decorations, but it got broken off at some point i totally didnt just forget it
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??? (left) 
old and dead
one of the ancients
married to garulin, was very happy with her
probably worked a lot on the clockwork stars, but did help with other artifacts as well
pleasant guy, but not really anything special if you ignore his place in history
Drusorig (middle)
also old and dead
another one of the ancients
i don’t have a proper ref for him, but there is this
he has dark fur, for all that matters
i dont trust him
very strong magic
the master crown was his own personal project
he didn’t trust anyone else with it so i think you can imagine who the subject of his experiments with it was.
destroyed most of the evidence of his experiments before his death so no one would know about them
it worked
Volzavair (right)
also also old and dead
guess who’s also one of the ancients (it’s him)
actually has a proper ref
gay, but ended up marrying a woman out of convenience and desire for offspring
relatively weak magic, specialized in technology
worked on the Lor Starcutter, but died before it was completed
his oldest kid probably finished it
Kyneriun Snekell
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press ‘f’ to pay respects
sweet pastel boy
loves baking
a little younger than magolor
Dalindia Nirymsu
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was queen regnant
could be a pretty strict ruler, but tried to be a just ruler
her husband is dead(er?)
ty’s mom
tried to keep him in line
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i’m not even sure if that should be their name but i’ll just... roll with it
theyre nonbinary
a literal doodlebug (pillbug artist)
painted these portraits
doesnt have any magical abilities unless floating their hands counts
bought Paintra from Paint Roller, and was... pretty surprised, to say the least when she suddenly came to life
regardless of their surprise, they’re trying to take good care of her
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a honey bee
runs a cafe
very polite, but not a pushover
more or less a design with a few ideas attached at this point
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married to the unnamed green ancient
technically one of the ancients but not commonly acknowledged as one
pretty good at magic
mostly worked with the artifacts’ ‘mind’s, both through programming and magic
Shadow Sectonia
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mirror world!sectonia (what a shock)
floralian jewel wasp
accidentally ended up corrupting other world!sectonia by having too much contact with her
naturally a wasp. hasn’t stolen anyone’s body
she’s too nice to do that
dead. actually got murdered around the same time her counterpart died
spoilery elements below (don’t worry he’s the last OC here)
Shadow Taranza
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mirror world!taranza (who would’ve guessed)
like, ‘would unhesitatingly die for someone he cares about’ kind of loyal
nervous mess, even before Sectonia died. that only worsened things
he’s not okay
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