#ignore the wonkiness im tired
superbellsubways · 4 months
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the star of the show
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st4rstudent · 21 days
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renalyxx · 21 days
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He's judging me for wanting choco milk at 1am
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chiffonghost · 1 year
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baeksoo 💫 realizing you are the light i’ve been searching for.
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lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me · 3 months
could you write a quick thing abt hoon and comfort? like the s/o and hoon had an argument and then he makes it up to her. idk if it makes sense but hoon has been running thru my mind lately (never forgetting riki ofc tho)
missed date (request) ♪ park sunghoon
warnings: fluff, comfort, angst if you squint REALLY hard, pet names (angel, babe), gender neutral reader, really bad humor (its completely me), mentions of cuddling, hoon is so sweet :(, i think thats all!
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this wasn’t the idea y/n had for the night. it was supposed to be the perfect night. sunghoon was supposed to come over and they were going to cook together and watch movies. that was until he didn’t show up. as y/n ignored the pinging phone, all from sunghoon trying to apologize and explain. the texts ended suddenly, but soon after, a thud comes from the window. what was that? they wonder. they look out the window to see their boyfriend outside, another rock in his hand ready to throw at the window. they open it and yell down at him “what the hell are you doing here sunghoon?”. “to apologize. please let me in y/n it’s really cold. i know im an ice skater and you call me elsa, but the cold does in fact bother me anyway”. they smile faintly at their boyfriends joke. “fine, i’ll be down in a second. go to the door” he smiles up at them as they close the window. they open the door and are immediately pulled into sunghoons arms. "i'm so sorry angel i didn't mean to forget. vocal practice ran late and i was just so tired that i went straight back to the dorm and fell asleep and i didn't wake up to my alarm-" he rambles on trying to explain himself for skipping their date. y/n couldn't help but smile at his adorable, apologetic state. "hey, it's okay hoon. don't worry" they say. "its not okay! you're upset and i'm such a shitty boyfriend!" they feel bad for him as he clearly felt terrible for the accident. they calmly explain to him "babe, im not upset. it was an innocent mistake. i'd much rather you get rest and accidentally miss our date, then not get rest and come tired or completely forget and we fight. its okay. i'm not mad.". "are you sure you're not mad?" he asks. "not at all" they say, smiling faintly at their worried boyfriend. he responds with a smile back, the adorable fangs that had charmed y/n peeking through. "come on, i expect serious cuddles after our missed date" y/n half jokes, "i couldn't think of a better way to make it up to you" sunghoon replies, the adoring tone clear in his voice. he loved his partner, and he couldn't think of a better way to spend his night then cuddling and watching movies with the person he loved most in this world.
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luckys note!: THROWING ROCKS AT YOUR WINDOW AT MIDNIGHTTT is what this imagine reminded me of and i LOVE it. if there's any 5sos fam reading this: hey im one of you🤭 but i hope this was good this is like my first written imagine so it might be a bit wonky LMAOO so im open to ways to improve my writing!! i hope you all enjoyed and i hope this is what you were looking for ⭐️ !!! thank you sososo much for your request i very much giggled and smiled a lot while writing this
© lvcky-g1rl-syndr0me, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
@siya-bean @ivyannemarie
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eddieboi23 · 1 year
Could I please request a Wenclair x Male reader where Enid and the reader have been at a party and arrive back at the dorm drunk and both flirt with a very sober and mildly annoyed Wednesday?
Silly drunks
Wednesday Addams x male Reader x Enid Sinclair
(Wednesday )
Summary: you and enid get drunk at a party, and come to the dorms to flirt with your annoyed girlfriend ,,, Wenclair
Tw:, swearing, threats, alcohol
(Y/n)=your name
“-this is thoughts-“
“This is talking”
Requested by: @lica24
(I’m aging the characters up, but let’s pretend nothing else changed💀….sorry this took me a bit, life stuff, ALSO, I didn’t think I’d have to say this, but this is not smut, I don’t write smut of minor, that’s gross)
You and Enid haven’t been partying for awhile now, and you both are starting to feel a bit, wonky?
It’s only then you realize the punch seems, more sour than it’s supposed to.
You nudge enid, and slur. “Heyyy eniee, the punch seems a lil, weiRdd. Maybe we shouldd leave?”
Enid blinks and slurs back. “Whaaa noooOo.” She chugs the rest of her drink.
You hold her hand and go up to Bianca.“Mm hey did someone spike the punch?”
She looks at you, seeming drunk out of her mind. “Wha?? Who are you?” She suddenly giggles.
You raise your eyebrow at her.
“Ok, mm hhow about we walk you to ur dorm?”
She stops giggling, and just nods slowly. “Mmm Yea ok, sure.”
Enid speaks up “Mmm oK Yea i don’t feel good Let’s go.”
She kinda just, drops her cup on the ground and leans on you.
You being the most sober walk Bianca to her dorm, while practically carrying enid. You’re actually kinda proud of yourself , being as drunk as you are.
Soon you and enid get to her dorm, loudly at that.
You walk in to a pitch black room, then suddenly a lamp turns on , revealing a tired and annoyed Wednesday.
You jump in surprise and Enid squeals.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?”
Wednesday stats with cold eyes and raspy voice, likely from her waiting for you two to come back ,past her bedtime.
You blush. “Heyyyyy weddds-“
She shushes you.
“You’re both intoxicated, arent you.” She asks, but it sounds more like a statement.
“I thought I told you both to get here around 19 pm sharp, It is now 3 am.”
You giggle, trying to lighten her mood.
“We’re just intoxicated from your love.” You say, giving her sloppy wink.
Enid then stumbles to Wednesday.
“Dont be mad babbyy.” She leans on Wednesday, who begrudgingly lets her, for the sake of not falling over.
You get on the other side of her. “Yeaa cmon, it was only once, well be carefulll.”
You say, resting your hand on the back of her neck, and head on her shoulder.
Wednesday doesn’t know If it’s due to lack of sleep, but she feels a burning feeling in her face whenever you two get so close.
“Enough.” She stated with a flushed face. “I was only waiting for you two to get back ,so I could lecture you and go to bed.”
Enid pouts. “And because uou love us right?”
Wednesday scowls. “No. Now get off me, both of you.”
You smirk and sink to kiss her jaw. “What if we dont wanna weds?”
Wednesday nearly chokes and push’s you both off.
You fall and Enid falls on you. It hurt, bit not too bad because your body is tingly.
Wednesday huffs and walks to her bed, then gets in it, clearly ready for sleep.
You pout and help enid up. Then you both try to get in bed with her.
She glares at you both. “No.”
“Awww come on Wednesday….” You whine.
“We’ll be careful and quietttt.” Enid whines along with you.
Wednesday says nothing to you both.
After a few seconds pass, she looks at you both, clearly annoying.
“Are you getting in bed or not?”
You and Enid perk up snd go to the bed, slipping in and cuddling with Wednesday.
“Not a word.” She declares.
And you both ignore that and continue to flirt with her until it seems she will catch on fire.
Then you both pass out cold on top of her, leaving Wednesday to deal with her complicated feelings.
“-Idiots.-“ she thinks to herself.
“-I’ll lecture them more tomorrow, im too tired…not because i like them sleeping on me. That would be idiotic.-“
She eventually falls asleep.
In the morning, you and enid have no idea what happened, but still get and earful from Wednesday about, “inappropriate behavior.”
You both don’t care.
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cyberfanzz · 1 month
About Cyber + Masterlist‼️
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Hey! I’m Cyber, I’m a smau creator only here on tumblr lol. My main fandoms include Jjk and Bsd (though I don’t really write for bsd anymore), I occasionally make art content and just silly posts!
Some more about me
I’m 18+ (not telling my specific age for privacy and safety reasons), but that does not mean my content is. If I ever have a post that’s 18+, I will mark it as so and give a warning. I love reading, it’s my favorite thing to do to unwind at the end of the day. I honestly get overstimulated and stressed pretty easily, but this is probably because of my sensory issues :P
My favorite color is blue, but I usually use a pink divider and pink highlighted texts, I don’t know why. (Maybe it’s bc I just love the color- idk)
I love writing but it’s honestly pretty hard, I won’t lie. It sometimes makes me shut down since I sometimes blank and don’t know what to write lol :]
I hope my posts are enjoyable to the people who already view them, but I try to get better over time. (Sorry if anything I wrote seems wonky currently still sick and struggling 😡😢)
Master list
Jjk Smau
“Not the Plushie:((”
“What’s the word…”
“I had a Dream.”
“Dress up! :D”
“Flower Surprise! <3”
“Aren’t you funny?”
“Bf! Toge Inumaki Texts‼️“
“Can you get me some… 😔🙏”
“I’m asexual‼️😁”
“Boys and Girls ❤️“
“Contacts?? 😡”
“Meet My Parents!”
“Workout! :D”
“Workout! :D Pt. 2”
“Are your requests open?”
Yes, they currently are! I just haven’t been making them because as of 8/20 I am sick sadly 😭 but I will get back to making these as soon as I get better!
“Do you allow Angst?”
Once again, yes. But angst is hard for me to write because I honestly have trouble thinking how different characters would react + being able to make a response that makes sense from the reader. Which is why I may not write an angst request! 😭 (but if you send me one and I don’t respond in like two days, please don’t think im ignoring you! I might be working on it or just busy atm)
Those are kinda the only questions I get asked lol :p
Hope this helps with stuff- idk-? 😭 I’m so tired bro
Goodbye from Cyber! Have a good day :D
Cyber has left the chat…
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i-sveikata · 8 months
I have a few questions, but please do not feel pressure to answer them. You can ignore as you please! 💙
What is your favourite scene? That you read again and again after you have written?
Which chapter was the most fun to write? And which chapter that made you pull your hair while writing?
Is there any chapter that you want to change a few parts in it? Or that you say “Oh I wish I’d go different ways in this chapter, I wish I haven’t written like this.” etc.
Have you ever felt demotivated while writing graveyards that you wanted to discontinue?
What is the thing you feel excited to write in the future?
and for the wip game: head, heart, mouth please 🥰💙
No no i love questions!!!! Hmmm i think probably the first scene that i ever wrote? which was vegas and pete's clash of wills in the red room of the compound or the escape scene when pete fled the safe house. those two feel very vivid to me when i think of all that's happened so far. (there's also another scene that's still to come but i won't spoil that one ;) not yet )
i honestly can't remember lol. all of the chapters have been fun to write! it's one continual story in my head the chapters are more just break off points for the readers tbh
oh that is a good question. weirdly i never get that??? i do occasionally go back and edit spelling mistakes or wonky sentences when i reread but ive actually never experienced that. usually the decisions i make writing often lead to more progression of the narrative or like foreshadowing for the future (often without me even consciously intending it) so the different things i put in there end up tying together with other stuff. kinda like chasing down a rabbit hole that connects to a entire underground warren but somehow manages to lead back to the main tunnel in the end.
no not exactly i wouldnt put it like that. i've been tired or creatively exhausted and ive taken breaks knowing that i need them in order to keep writing (which is mostly what the delay between this and the last chapter was- also all the family christmas stuff and the stress that comes with that, plus i got covid two weeks before xmas, then i got the flu and walking pneumonia again a week after that and then i went on holiday first week of jan hahaha there's just been a lot going on that's left me physically and mentally exhausted lol) But no that hasn't crossed my mind- i don't usually have trouble finishing stories (even ones as insanely long as this) but i do go through inspiration/idea droughts which is when taking a break for a bit can come in handy.
im actually pretty keen to start working on my original work after i finish graveyards. hoping to dedicate some real time to it so i can finally finish off the entire draft and start looking into trying to get it published so fingers crossed!
Of course you can sentences below!!!
Because when the words seem to sink into Vegas’ head, when the question filters through he turns automatically, expectantly towards Pete. As if out of everyone, he knows exactly where to lay his unspoken query.
Pete knows that this is a fight he can’t win. So even with his heart pounding in his ears, Pete bows to Mr Korn before straightening up again.
Kinn’s mouth turns down and Pete already knows his answer. Even if Mr Korn tries to sidestep again and pretty it up.
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sarcophagid · 2 years
Give me your thoughts on every tokrev female character (you can skip yasuda if you want....lol)
yeah ok 👍 
u sent this ask like a month ago but smth i saw recently was the theory that to “save mikey” takemichi had to “let go of hina”, making the series finale include hinatas death. which... i get it hinatas not a particularly popular character (tbh none of the girls are ✌️😃) but the idea that she has to compete with mikey over who’s “worth saving” is just stupid. regardless, idk what 2 think abt hinata. it’s probably just wonky writing but at times hinata was almost a paragon of forgiveness kindness etc that it was funny how she had people killing and dying for her. and she heard kisaki was the guy doing all this awful shit and was like “oh yeah tettas just silly like that 😝” GIRL?? 
as much as emma being sunshiny and content w/ everything is nice it would have been interesting to see her perspective on being in between the toman-tenjiku conflict idk. does she shoulder worries about her family that she doesn’t let on? plus sort of having to ‘grow up fast’ being neglected for much of her childhood (why she noted being ‘lonely’ in that one chapter), a lot of ideas that just went unexplored -_-. 
takeomi was curbing senju’s potential but so was wakui bro. she had a whole arc and backstory just to be hit in the head by sanzu and forgotten about i’m still mad about this idk what i expected and i know nothings gonna be done about it now but senju was such a solid character... the balance/inbalance between being seen as an ‘invincible’ leader of brahman vs. just also being a kid, and how in both roles her obstacle was the dark impulse (brahman is like the reincarnation of og black dragons to stop mikey’s bastardization of shinichiro’s vision of ‘age of delinquents’, and how senju blamed herself for sanzu’s mutilation by the hands of mikey) she was a lot more involved with mikeys dark impulse thing than a lot of people let on. im so tired of mikey conversations though so honestly ignore that last part 
yuzuha is one of my favorite tr characters she never appears but thats ok i’ll just make shit up and live in delusion. sm stuff abt yuzuha is just so crazy! smth smth yuzuha being so similar yet different from taiju about using violence, “i hate it so much i want it to die but i love my family” & “why would god make me kill my siblings which i love so much?”, both of them emulating their parents but failing etc... but also the yuzuha trivia is good fun. she does archery and girls love her swag. she also hates “good looking guys”. i think about that one a lot. just like me fr (wildly different reasons). 
ill add yasuda out of spite just bcz u said i had the option not to. she may have had like 4 panels total but her ride or die attitude lives on forever in my heart 😤😤 shoutout yasuda love u y-dog
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get-more-bald · 1 year
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cringetober prompt 12 - niche interest.
for this one, I chose the sea bishop from the comic book series "Brom" by Unka Odya. maybe I intepreted it the promt a bit wrong but I really like his design and I guess the comics are kind of niche?
ignore the wonky things there, i need to go to sleep fast 💀didnt color him because the comics are in black and white, I dont like the colors he was given outside of them by the creator, and also im tired
forgor his necklace
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feeling absolutely fucking batshit today
I want to take a hammer to my phone, kitchen scissors to my stupidly long and unmanageable hair delete all of my accounts and hit up my toxic ex who cheated on me to go camp in the desert somewhere. im so tired of existing in my own head and body and dealing with my internal dialogue and brain day in and day out. of wanting to be beautiful and cool and liked and nice and perceived as nice. im so tired of shyly smiling at people in my ceramics studio that I don't even like because I don't want to be disliked. of scanning my body every day and thinking about what surgeries I wish I had to change it. of how I can convince my mom to pay for teeth whitening because my teeth have always been yellow. of trying to be nice and calm and supportive to my little sister who never makes even a slight effort to check in on me or be there for me. of constantly trying to take the high road with her in order to preserve the relationship. being there when she calls me to vent about everyone and everything even though she can't be bothered to answer a simple text from me. of continuing to engage and communicate with people I generally dislike and have nothing in common with because im so insecure about my lack of life experience and lack of friends in a city where I've spent 99% of my life. im tired of all of this shit contributing to me being generally disingenuous and fucking vapid and shallow. Turning 25 is throwing me for a loop because all I can think about is how im finally coming to accept my appearance and how its all going to go away soon. im so tired of giving so much of a fuck about shit that does not matter. at ceramics today this young woman maybe 25 and strange older dude were talking about their seizures and brain disorders and matching scars from brain surgery. and a mom and daughter who looked homeless wandered in because the daughter was curious. that's the stuff in life that matters and makes a difference. not my yellow teeth, or big nose or cellulite. or if people like me.
I tried to run but im so out of shape and I've just been drinking soda and eating junk food and not even drinking water so I couldn't really. instead I walked down to the elementary school where I went and laid on the grass. the first Xanax I took started to calm me down and I felt more at peace. I walked home and went to Vons and bought a slice of birthday cake and a pack of American spirits. I smoked one on the way home and took a hot shower. I rubbed my face with face wash until the foam covered anything. I cleaned my room before I left the house today and it was genuinely really nice to come home to. I tuned on both of my fans to full speed and im sitting here typing this. Im going to turn on the Simpsons. or maybe a movie. and eat my cake. I took another Xanax before my shower so im hoping that will help me fall asleep. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. but I know that I don't want to go to work and preform. [preform as cool girl and make crude jokes to the back of house. preform as cute and funny because I think my manager is hot. preform in general. im so tired of it.
I swear im so fucked up im a perfect candidate for someone to get me to join some cult. shave my head wear loose robes.
I screamed bloody murder 4 times in my car on the way home tonight. a "primal" scream. im getting my mental health advice from corny Netflix teen movies now I guess.
why was I worried about the length of my t shirt today, of the bagginess of shorts. of what shoes would be the coolest with the two.
more likely than not this is all just manic irritable behavior and energy that's a direct result of my not taking my meds consistently, and getting my period from skipping my bc, and more than likely ill sleep the day away tomorrow like I have been for almost a month now, and rush off to work, not brushing my teeth or forgetting deodorant and showing up late with wonky makeup I did while driving. and ill buss tables while sports bros ignore me and curse at their football games. but tonight I feel like I might just be finally and officially fed up. of trying to control everything and edit and curate everything to the point that I've driven myself so crazy that it all needs to go out the window and im just going to be this crazy unhinged but relatively at peace person.
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irene-dimension · 4 years
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❝ Me? Pray to lady Irene?  Well...see thing is... I know Lady Irene is responsible for stopping the war between humans and wyverns long ago. She also single-handedly disbanded the monarchy and put the corrupted king to his grave. You wouldn’t have the title of lord if it weren’t for her. However there are people like Molly, who believe she’s more than a human, that she’s a goddess. I’m sorry but I believe Lady Irene was a strong woman and warrior by heart. I believe she left her essence of magicks in the world, but I do not worship her like Molly does. But that’s Molly’s belief and I am in no way shape or form one to tell her or anyone else otherwise. We all have our beliefs and we need to respect that. Especially in times of need like this one. ❞
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knicks-knacks · 4 years
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how my build is looking so far in my survival world. not bad for only just starting out. ignore the hole in my house.
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writingadream · 5 years
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ineffable inktober day 9: bookshop
so the bookshop is maybe not the focus of this image, but at least they're in it. so
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idiotphobic-archive · 5 years
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hi my camera sucks n also doesnt like my glasses 4 some reason but heres some before, during n after i got my hair dyed shtuff
they/them | mutuals can rb if they want 2
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silsdragonart · 7 years
I really hate tumblr and it’s fucking block feature on this stupid site. what’s the point if I can still accidentally reblog shit from peoplle I dont like, dont want too, or that I have blocked for nasty shit they’ve done and said? If you guys see me reblog from someone who’s said or done something problematic feel free to message me anon or not and i will toss that shit off my blog.
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