#ihw dialogue
daitranscripts · 5 months
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In Hushed Whispers Masterpost
Main Quest:
Pt. 1 - Negotiations Pt. 2 - Mr. Mustache Pt. 3 - Redcliffe Castle Pt. 4 - Confronting Alexius Pt. 5 - A Bleak Future Pt. 6 - Rescuing Companions Pt. 7 - Spymaster Pt. 8 - Finding the Throne Room Pt. 9 - Alexius (Again) Pt. 10 - The Mages’ Fate Pt. 11 - Return to Haven Deleted Dialogue
Quest Related Ambient Dialogue:
Redcliffe Village
Quest Related Conversations:
Clemence Hanley D’Urvain Linnea Lysas Talwyn Connor Guerrin Revered Mother Eglantine
Related Companion Cutscenes:
Cassandra: Deal. With. It. Vivienne: Something to Consider - Josephine: Ire of the Chantry Leliana: Dealing With a Traitor
Related Companion Conversations:
Blackwall: What Was I Like Dorian: Southern Mages Iron Bull: That’s Honest Sera: So Many Robes Solas: Point Taken Varric: That’s Enough Doom and Gloom - Cullen: For Their Safety Leliana: Things Worth Dying For
Previous Quest: The Threat Remains Next Quest: In Your Heart Shall Burn
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crossdressingdeath · 30 days
DAI does that with a lot of things. Morrigan gets to claim to be a Elven expert, even though you know that is far from the truth if you've played Origins where she didn't know shit. Cullen gets final say in his dialogue options despite you knowing that he's lying. Grey Wardens gets shit on and the Inquisitor can wildly overstep.
DAI has this weird mix of a) expecting you to have read all the books/comics so that they don't have to explain anything and b) assuming that you haven't played the previous games so they can try to rewrite what happened.
Yeah, the required reading for DAI was ridiculous. WEaWH is always the big one because most of the others you can get by without it (even Cole's backstory isn't necessary to appreciate and understand the character, and enough of it comes up in-game to get by), but knowing what Celene and Gaspard did is kind of fucking important, Bioware. And then even when Celene purging the alienage comes up it's used as a mark against Briala for being in a relationship with her at the time even though if I'm understanding the excerpts I've seen of TME Briala breaks it off as a direct result of the purge and (as Dorian rightly points out) that'd be more Celene's scandal than Briala's anyway. Like, they try to make Celene purging the alienage into Briala's crime because she was sleeping with the empress at the time and that's just... ugh. But it's like, I would argue that it would be fair and honestly best practice to assume that people playing the third game in a series have played the first two games? DA has an overarching narrative even if the connections aren't particularly close, if someone wants to start partway through they can but the writing should expect people to be familiar with the games' stories. Maybe have some codex entries summarizing the previous games or a little intro cutscene, but... I don't know, I'm worried about the fact that apparently DAV doesn't need you to have played the first three games when literally all the setup for it is in DAI. Expecting people to have played all the games in a narrative-driven RPG series and not to have jumped in partway through is fair! Expecting people to have read five supplementary novels and two coffee table lore books to understand the plot is ridiculous. At least Tevinter Nights and The Missing so far seem to only be relevant to DAV in that they show some glimpses of what's been going on between games and give us a point of reference for some of the new characters...
The thing that gets me with DAI is that the game really wants you to side with the Templars whether it makes sense or not. Like... let's take the choice between mages and Templars as an example. The game wants you to side with the Templars. It really does, it tries its best to dissuade the player from siding with the mages if you go that route (Cullen's little "Oh... it's so dangerous... we shouldn't do it..." routine is notable when compared to Leliana and Josie, both of whom favour the mages, being very professional about you picking the Templars), it does its utmost to claim that the rebellion was unwarranted when it absolutely was not, the rebels are constantly framed as weak or mean or evil or stupid while the Templars were just misled (by... a guy who told them he'd let them murder all the mages and left out the "in service to Corypheus" bit, they still joined his little walkout to murder people, but the game doesn't get into that), it even lets you switch quests well past what should've been the point of no return if you're on the mage route (WHY CAN YOU SWITCH AFTER LEARNING THERE'S A FUCKING MAGISTER IN FERELDEN TRYING TO ENSLAVE A BUNCH OF MAGES, BIOWARE, WHY THE FUCK IS THAT AN OPTION) whereas with the Templars you can't even learn what your advisors' plan for getting you in alive is until you're locked in. And I'm not going to lie, CotJ is legitimately the better quest. I did it once to see and god damn it is quality, I don't dislike IHW but... yeah CotJ is definitely stronger.
But then you actually look at the story and... why the fuck would you side with the Templars? They left the Chantry because the Divine told them not to murder people. That's explicit, people tell you that repeatedly. They're making excuses for it, but there's always an acknowledgement that... yep, that's why the Templars left, they wanted to kill people and were mad about being told no. Leliana (the most familiar face among the advisors and given Cassandra's previous appearance was threatening Varric and Cullen's was playing yes man to Meredith for nine years and only changing sides once she became a threat to him/because not doing so would mean fighting Hawke Leliana's the one people are most likely to want to side with) is pro-mage and dismisses Cullen's claims that the Templars could help close the Breach as speculation. Which... it is. This situation is completely unprecedented, no one knows what's going to happen. But given mages are incredibly powerful and Templars are repeatedly portrayed as mostly useless in any sort of real danger that doesn't involve children or indoctrinated Circle mages (it is not a coincidence that the only people locked in the tower in Broken Circle who survive with their minds and bodies intact without the demons actively choosing to let them live for funsies are mages; the only Templar who's alive and unpossessed is Cullen, and the demons very obviously could've killed him at any time and just chose not to because they were having fun toying with him) I'm gonna say the mages are a safer bet. Also because... they invited Quiz. That could be a trap, but you know what's definitely a trap? Walking into a fortress full of heavily-armed mage killers who openly want you dead. Meeting with the Templars is really, really stupid (especially if you're a mage) and you don't even learn the plan for getting you inside unharmed until you actually select the quest. Also that plan is basically just "if there are witnesses with societal power the Templars can't murder you unprovoked" because reminder: the Templars are the absolute worst. Why would you ever want these people around. And then if you meet with the mages first like "Well I'll figure it out once I've heard what they have to say, I don't have to commit if I do things this way so I might as well" you learn that there's a Tevinter magister serving an evil Tevinter cult just chilling in Redcliffe and why the fuck would you go to the Templars at that point this needs to be dealt with. The game wants you to side with the Templars but it gives you no reason to do so, I really wonder sometimes if the writers weren't talking to each other at all.
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sapphim · 1 year
i know in your headcanon you do both IHW and CotJ, but when you need to import a keep into Dreadwolf, will you do IHW or CotJ?
well, I'm not planning to play the game on release, but if that particular decision point has a greater impact on the next game than a few isolated lines of dialogue and a codex entry or two, I'd be pretty surprised, honestly
all things being equal, I'd stand with fiona
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dalishious · 3 years
so you know how sometimes when you run around areas you've explored/cleared before (the Hinterlands especially and i *think* the Exalted Plains, but don't quote me on it, come to mind), you'll come across wagons with a campfire and a bunch of random npcs chattering? have you ever thought of doing a transcript for those, or the ambient dialogue around Redcliffe during/after IHW?
I’ll add it to the to-do list :)
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autopotion · 4 years
since i was just thinking about it, here are my personal favorite teams for the main quests of dragon age, if i’m not considering my current love interest at the time
in hushed whispers: dorian obviously he’s required. no real strong feelings about the other ones since, unlike pretty much all of the other main story quests in this game, IHW is pretty much just dorian’s quest, but iron bull is funny ‘cause he recites 99 bottles of beer on the wall to stave off the boredom (and if you bring him to redcliffe village earlier he’ll warn you against trusting dorian ‘cause it’s “always the pretty ones” lol), and solas is HILARIOUS because how the fuck did the dread fucking wolf get stuck in red lyrium jail for a goddamn year. if i need a rogue i always go with sera since i love her over varric, but now that i’m thinking about it varric would be a fucking scary pick for IHW because of how much red lyrium ruined his life in kirkwall so tentatively varric?
champions of the just: cassandra, vivienne, sera. cassandra has so much extra dialogue, being a templar herself, and vivienne has a few things with the orlesian nobles at the beginning as well (”i could not possibly forget the occasion.”) plus she’s very pro-templar so she’s great for this one. sera’s good for your rogue slot ‘cause if you do the flag ritual and admit you just picked at random she’ll get a bit where she’s like omg that’s brilliant.
here lies the abyss: this quest is split up into bits, and i slightly rotate my party depending on what i’m doing. blackwall is there for all three sections; he’s the most important person for the entire quest tbh for obvious reasons, and he has a plethora of unique dialogue. varric i take along in crestwood and the approach so he can pal around with hawke (especially since i rarely take him along for any other main quest), but he doesn’t come to adamant with me, since that rogue slot goes to cole, since adamant fortress is the most story-relevant section for cole in the entire game. the mage i bring with me to adamant is typically solas, since he has tons of unique dialogue as well, especially paired with cole. my mage for the initial sections doesn’t matter.
wicked eyes wicked hearts: after playing through the blackwall romance it’s no contest for me. absolute best characters to take along are sera, vivenne, and blackwall. sera gives you an extra quest and lots of extra dialogue, so that’s a no-brainer. vivienne BELONGS in the winter palace, like, this is her stage, this is where she’s at home, and it really shows. and blackwall has a lot of unique dialogue himself with so much foreshadowing it’s ridiculous. the problem with WEWH is the fact that you really gotta bring your love interest along to get the most out of the romance, and if you want sera’s quest, that leaves you very few slots to work with. still, though, if you can finagle it, sera/vivienne/blackwall is the best possible party.
what pride had wrought: solas is absolutely mandatory for this quest for obvious, ancient elfy reasons. dorian also has unexpectedly interesting dialogue, especially if your nemesis is calpernia, so if i’m not playing as a mage, he’s usually my second choice. i know her opinions are controversial, and it’s very easy to make her mad, but sera is also a great pick imo because, as abrasive as her opinions are, she has so much special dialogue. if that isn’t the vibe you’re looking for, then cole is also a good fit for this one as solas’s (regrettable) bff, and if only for the line he has after morrigan flies after abelas: [filled with wonder] “she turned into a bird!” for the warrior pick i would absolutely say cassandra. this is the culmination of the inquisition’s work and she ought to be there for it.
doom upon all the world: honestly i tend to just fill my team with my faves of the run and make sure i have lots of ranged combatants, but if you haven’t before, you should bring cole along at least once. he has unique dialogue with corypheus and unique followup dialogue at the epilogue banquet because corypheus spoke directly to him. no other companion has this afaik.
in jaws of hakkon i’m constantly rotating my party (though cole is a great one to bring along in general because he’s one of the few companions that approves of constant spirit shenanigans), but for the descent my team is usually varric, cole, and vivienne. varric (FINALLY) has unique dialogue, cole consoles valta after renn’s death, and i just like vivienne more than dorian (solas is already gone at this point).
and finally, trespasser. like jaws of hakkon, i rotate my party between sections, but iron bull finally gets a chance to shine with plot relevance so i like to bring him on as much of those sections as possible (the exception being the final section if i allowed the chargers to die, just ‘cause his death leaves my party partially empty). other than that, my only other feelings amount to: bring dorian to the first section you have the dorian/iron bull romance active; bring varric and/or human!cole into the deep roads; bring sera and/or spirit!cole into the library; and bring your faves to the final area.
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lekshk · 4 years
Bangalore days - Nanna Life in Namma Bengaluru
If you hear the word Bangalore, which Malayali would say no? ~ Kuttan (Nivin Pauly's character from the movie Bangalore days) That was the case for me too but life had become stressful when I moved from Mumbai to Bengaluru a year back. My parents settled in Trivandrum, I was juggling between 3 cities. Three operations and a dialysis back to back, my move was a blessing because I could reach my parents faster anytime at a cheaper cost. However, the strain associated with it was good enough to take a toll of my mental health. I was missing Mumbai and all the struggles associated with moving to a new city were clearly affecting me. Work was equally demanding and even though I had a supportive team, I was always having a sense of not being able to give enough. Soon, I started becoming toxic to everything around me. Nothing made sense and I would get irritated at the drop of a hat. Loneliness started creeping in and it just felt like the odds are not in my favor. If only someone could understand me. That's when I came across this quote. Have 3 jobs in life – one that gives you salary, one that keeps you fit and one that gets you creative. ~ Unknown source What excited me reading it, I don't know. Probably the possibility of donning multifarious hats awoke my Mumbaikar spirit. Suddenly, I could feel the buzz and the energy in my bones and I started looking forward to it. To start with - Salary, well, I already had the job. What should I do to keep fit? That's when another quote struck! When you want something badly, the whole universe conspires to make it happen. ~ Pauolo Coehlo (The Alchemist) Salsa, Bachata, Jive – as if the ballet dancer in the picture of Dance with me studio was staring at me. I used to see it everyday while commuting to office, but how come I never payed attention to it?! So, dance it is! Fitness – check it off! Next- Creativity Again, Paulo Coehlo's words started ringing in my ears. I had always wanted to learn art. Cool, that's settled then! Enroll for art classes and burst your creativity! Now, a 9 hour job and Bengaluru traffic don't go hand in hand. I had to find a way where I could have the cake and eat it too! Soon, a time table was set considering the commute time and the space for intermittent relaxation periods. Because self care, while necessary, shouldn't become exhausting by overdoing it out of excitement of newfound strength and invincibility! You can conquer the world but hey! hey! take one day at a time! I realized weekdays I was out for work anyway. So, enrolling for classes on such days would be a good idea because that would ensure I attended them no matter how much ever tiring they seem because the traffic here would discourage you to step out of the house on weekends. I decided the weekends could be a leisurely one instead. Hence, I chose the less peak hours of 12 to 9 pm shift which fortunately my project had. Twice a week, I would attend dance classes in the mornings and freshen up in the office shower rooms and login to work. Surprisingly, even though initially, it was hectic, dance brought out joy in me. I would feel rejuvenated and work was becoming pleasurable. My face started to glow, I would joke with my colleagues, call my parents regularly. There was more laughter and happiness around. The remaining 3 days I would do simple yoga in the meditation room in the office premise. I also made it a point to spend half hour in the library known as the Information Resource Center (IRC). Reading edit page in Bangalore mirror became a ritual and attending video screenings arranged by IRC became part of the work DNA. It motivated me to work better and build effective relationships at work. I enrolled for art workshops during weekends and would spend an average of 3 hours of learning. Here, there was no pressure of commitment because it would be a one time activity and one could take our art work the same day. Soon, I ended up making macrames, dot mandalas, paintings using fluid water colors, acrylics and pallete knives. A finished art work would make me feel proud and the weekday stresses melted away in the art. The remaining hours went in cleaning my room, washing clothes, watching movies, go for shopping etc. The new found love for myself, made me even bolder now. I realized, I had always wanted to teach music. And lo! the opportunity came in and I got 3 kids between 5 to 16 years of age under my tutelage! I was now an entrepreneur! It was here Maya Angelou's words came to my rescue- If you get, give. If you learn, teach. I realized only when you give back to the society, your life becomes meaningful. And volunteering is a great way to start here. What better than TATA initiatives? I began teaching spoken English to security and house keeping staff once a week on weekdays. Though my joy grew multi fold, so did my work obligations. Volunteering on weekdays gradually became a distant possibility. But I was not to give up. When plan A doesn't work, there's always a plan B and the remaining 24 English alphabets! I decided to contribute through content creation instead of teaching and shifted volunteering to weekends instead of weekdays. This resulted in getting associated with other volunteering activities such as making doodles for road safety or attend awareness sessions on mental health or environment conservation or read stories to kids in a children's home. It is said that charity begins at home. For me, it began with myself. The moment I started to take care of myself, it got extended to my family and friends, colleagues and relatives, work place and communities. It was now time to give back to the city that embraced me with open arms. Through The Ugly Indian suggested by a dear friend, I contributed to this NGO's efforts to beautify Bengaluru by adopting the streets, flyovers, underpasses, metro stations, parks through simple geometrical wall paintings, garbage cleaning and sapling plantation, all of them famously known as spot fixing. I realized my problems were indeed manageable. And slowly my cribs turned into love. The expectations from myself, my family, work, colleagues, friends, relatives, communities became easier to maneuver. I started maintaining Gratitude and Thought journals. It is said that either you do what you like or like what you do. I know I have the capacity to look for things I want and pursue them. How about trying the other way round? i.e. instead of going for what I want, can I go for what is available? What does the city offer? Do I like it? Do I want to experiment with it? The answer was a big YES! Famous for numerous start ups, the city is active with events such as dialogues with books, travel, cinema, board games, comedy nights, karaokes in various cafes or at cubbon park and with film screenings and theater performances in metro station auditoriums too! People are ready to welcome new ideas and experiment with them. Boasting of cycling enthusiasts too, I also went for one day cycling trips. The Indian Heritage Walks (IHW) helped me see the city through a different lens. Karnataka being a state blessed with forests, beaches and heritage sites, weekend getaways are pretty popular in the city and I managed to visit Hampi (a long time wish, thanks to the Malayalam movie Aanandam) and Coorg through an adventure group and Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation (KSTDC) respectively. My next in the wish list is Jungle lodges! As Bengaluru traffic is unavoidable and since I travel by AC Volvo buses of Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), I decided to read a book during the commute to not only avoid the boredom but to also add variety to my creative pursuits. Known also for pub culture, I reconnected with my cousins already settled here, and together, we explored pubs, fine dine restaurants, reminisced the old days, shared laughter, played poker, watched cricket matches and had loads of fun in simple terms! From all this I realized, when you know and accept who you are and then go for what you want, what you think, say and do, come in perfect harmony. You end up loving more, giving more and caring more. Genuinely. At the risk of sounding cliched, life is indeed a balance. It is simple but we make it complicated. That reminded me of a joke shared by a psychiatrist in the TV show Satyamev Jayate - Agar 100 saal ki zindagi, 10 saal mein jeena chahoge, toh pareshan hi rahoge na? (If you aim to live a 100 year life in 10 years, wouldn't you be stressed?) Now I give percentage of importance to all that matters to me. I neither chuck out anything or compromise anywhere. Because I know I can have it all but not all at once. I remind this kindly to myself and just play with the levels of significance. I try to be flexible enough to change them when necessary. I also try to embrace negative emotions like disappointments, anger, frustration and later change the way I feel about it. Now I don't feel like running away from the past or being afraid of the future. My endeavor instead has shifted to be the first rate version of my unique present. Trust me, it's very hard to practice but it is definitely worth giving a shot. I would like to end on a funny note, keeping in mind the pub culture of the city - When life throws lemons, I order a tequila. In true Bengalurean style, Enjoy Maadi!
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Picture collection 1 - (From top to bottom) Family, Cousins, Friends
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Picture collection 2 - Volunteering with The Ugly Indian
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Picture collection 3 - Alumni meet with storytellers (Kathalaya Academy of Storytelling)
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Picture collection 4 - (From top to bottom) Know Your Indian Roots, Dialogues with Books, Tipu Sultan Palace through IHW, SPIK MACAY Classical Vocal Concert
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Picture collection 5 - Mime performance with TCS colleagues (Team Mounam)
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Picture collection 6 - Art & Craft Workshops
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Picture collection 7 - (From top to bottom) Story reading at children's home, doodling for traffic awareness, mental health awareness session at NIMHANS through Volunteer For Cause (VFC)
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Picture 8 - Trip to Yelagiri with family and cousin's family
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Last but not the least - my love for plants as a gift to all my wonderful readers
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witchdoodle · 7 years
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Elf / Rogue / Alchemist (Elf / Mage / Force Mage)
Varric’s nickname: Sneaky - because he’s so damn quiet all the time he keeps accidentally scaring the shit out of people by approaching them from behind. “We gotta put a bell on you, kid.” 
Shan was raised in the Circle for as long as he could remember, and his gregarious, troublemaking personality made him popular with his peers and disliked by everyone else. His antics were harmless at first -- he was essentially the Ferris Bueller of his Ferelden Circle -- but gradually became more political over time until at seventeen he instigated a riot that resulted in two injured templars and a dead mage apprentice. He was made Tranquil rather than executed, and lived in the tower performing enchantments, making potions, and minding the stores until the rebellion, when he was abandoned by both mage and templar alike and left to fend for himself.
What would their companion card look like?: Shan in profile from the waist up, arms limply at his side, head tipped back, eyes wide, blank, and unseeing. A phantom hand is reaching down his mouth into his throat. 
Recruitment mission: You will find him at the gates of Haven, asking to speak to the Herald of Andraste. If you agree to meet him, he tells you who he is, and that he’s been searching for purpose since he was abandoned during the mage rebellion. He will ask you if he can stay on to work for you, because he thinks the burgeoning Inquisition is where he can  be the most useful. 
Where they would be in Skyhold / Haven: In Haven, inside the Chantry. If you talk to him he says he likes to hear them sing the Chant because it is familiar. In Skyhold, he’s inside the mage/templar tower, though his exact position changes depending on how you upgrade it.
Personal quests
* Quest 1: You approach Shan and Vivienne talking; Vivienne mentions that there are Circle artifacts missing in the wake of the rebellion, and Shan says he knows who took them and provides you with locations. You go track them down. At every location you find the rebel mage who took it and can either convince them to give it up and let them go, or just kill them for it. Shan approves of acquiring the items either way, unless you cured his Tranquility in his final personal quest, in which case recovering the artifacts is Approves but killing the rebel mages to do so gets a Greatly Disapproves if he’s in the party. * Quest 2: Shan is kidnapped by Venatori whilst he was out scouting for the Inquisition; they intend to use him to create another ocularum. You have to rescue him before they kill him. He can be killed during this quest in which case he obviously becomes permanently unavailable. You find him in the Hissing Wastes, and the quest goes into further detail about the shards and ocularum and how they’re made and why they’re important (i.e. why you’re doing these dumb collectathons.) It also goes into more detail about what happened to the majority of the Tranquil after the rebellion. This quest is unavailable if you did not trigger it before his final personal quest. * Quest 3: After you complete Promise of Destruction, regardless of your approval level with Shan, a cutscene triggers with Cassandra, Solas, and Shan. Solas has found out that Tranquility is reversible and is understandably angry that nobody has done anything about it. He insists on reversing it for Shan.
Shan will indicate he does not wish to pursue the cure. He says that if he regained his emotions he would feel distress about things that have happened to him since the Rite, and that he does not wish to experience that. You can respect his wishes, in which case the Inquisitor will say that being Tranquil doesn’t mean he lacks free will and if he chooses to remain in this state that’s his right, or disregard them, saying that experiencing discomfort is part of life and he deserves justice for what was done to him against his will. Despite initially saying he doesn’t want it, Shan greatly approves of either option. Curing him is arguably the “correct”/”good” option -- if you do he tells you how happy he is that you ignored his desire to remain Tranquil, and that he wasn’t able to freely choose to be so -- but. Yanno. 
If you decide to do it, you get a cutscene where Solas takes the Inquisitor (non-physically) into the Fade, regardless of whether the Inquisitor is a mage. You have a brief journey, and get the attention of a spirit of joy. You have to convince it to help you touch Shan’s mind and restore his connection to the Fade. It’s not hard, just dialogue options. Cue cutscene. Afterwards, Shan is distraught. Confused. Disoriented. Frightened. He’s unable to control his emotions and laughs until he cries hysterically. Much later he will approach you and thank you for helping him, saying that nobody has ever tried to help him before. He says it will be a painful adjustment, but he thinks he’ll heal.
If you decide not to do it, it skips to a cutscene where Shan approaches you on your way to your quarters. He thanks you for respecting his wishes and says that since he has been made Tranquil most people do not see him as a person and do not ask for his input on anything. He says it is kind of you to listen to his wishes, given how few of them he has anymore.
If you choose to reverse Shan’s tranquility his character does a complete 180. He becomes highly emotional but irrational and impulsive. His emotions are often inappropriate for the situation he is in. Any approval/disapproval he would have gained normally is doubled. His class changes to mage, his specialization from Alchemist to Force Mage, which is mostly field control abilities. All of his ability and attribute points are refunded so you can respec him as a mage.
How to get their approval: IHW/COTJ: Conscript the mages (approves), ally with the templars (approves). IHYSB: Save all the Haven townspeople (approves). HLTA: Ally with the Wardens (approves). WEWH: Celene rules alone (approves), all 3 forced to work together (greatly approves). WPHW: Skip the puzzles (approves), ally with the Sentinels (approves), Morrigan drinks from the Well (approves).
Shan generally approves of choices that are pragmatic and uphold the status quo. He very rarely greatly approves/disapproves of anything -- he has no strong opinions and few preferences -- and so building up his approval can be very challenging. However, he approves every time you fill a requisition, so his approval can be infinitely farmed, and most side quests that involve helping someone garner slight approval from him if he’s in the party.
How to get their disapproval: IHW/COTJ: Ally with the mages (disapproves), disband the templars (disapproves). HLTA: Exile the Wardens (disapproves). WEWH: Allow Celene to be assassinated (disapproves regardless of who you support as emperor afterwards). WPHW: Do the puzzles (disapproves), slay the Sentinels (disapproves), Inquisitor drinks from the well (disapproves).
Are they romanceable? No, you get several flirt options but he’s disinterested. He has no full romance. After his personal quest, if you never slept with him, you can continue to flirt with him but it goes nowhere - he says he’s flattered but he needs some time. In Trespasser, if you never slept with him, cured his Tranquility, and flirted with him but never romanced anyone else, if you flirt with him again he’ll express interest. Can you have sex with them? Yes as Tranquil, but it’s pretty obviously framed as a Bad and Immoral thing to do. If you slept with him while he was Tranquil and later choose to reverse his tranquility, the next time you talk to him you get disapproval and he seems conflicted and upset.  Are they open to polyamoury? Yes, but every romanced companion gains some level of disapproval if you sleep with him. Iron Bull will straight up break up with you, he Strongly Implies that what you did was rape. If you reverse his Tranquility the option is unavailable. 
If they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who?: No.
Who are they friendly with?: Sera. Surprisingly. She’s nice to him, you see a much softer side of her in their banter. You can trigger banter where she says awkwardly that she’s sorry that that happened to him. The Inquisitor can be like, I thought you didn’t like mages, and she’s like, no I don’t like /magic/, it’s not his frigging fault and it’s fucked up that they do that. Varric is also very nice to him, because Varric tends to pick up strays. He becomes close with Cole if you choose to reverse his Tranquility; Cole helps him talk out what he’s feeling. He becomes VERY close with Sera in that event as well. If you thought she was annoying on her own wait until she has a close friend egging her on.
Who do they dislike?: Solas, Dorian, Vivienne, Cassandra, in that he doesn’t dislike them so much as the former three are repulsed by him/pity him and the latter he is completely closed off towards. If you choose to reverse his tranquility his relationship with Solas changes, becoming very complicated and strained; Shan and Sera will often gang up on him. He has a very unique relationship with Vivienne, where his very presence makes her uncomfortable though she tries to hide it and clearly pities him rather than fears and loathes him like she does Cole. If you choose to cure him they have a lot of heated, spiteful banter, and he’s able to effectively call her out on her classism and economic privilege. He is very angry at Cassandra if you cure his tranquility and chews her out for the Seeker’s failure to do the ONE THING they were supposed to do -- CONTROL THE GOD DAMN TEMPLARS. He absolutely loathes her and everything she represents.
Companion card changes: (use a text descrip. if you have no images)
Loyalty: If you choose to reverse his Tranquility: he’s standing in a brightly-coloured field of golden blossoms, his cupped hands drinking from a waterfall, glowing and soft and at peace. If you choose to have him stay Tranquil: he’s standing in a waist-deep pool of still water, hands out by his sides, eyes closed, face obscured. Romance: (if any) N/A
Side Missions: (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests) His first personal quest is this, just designed to get easy approval with a character whose approval is otherwise hard to build up.
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit? As Tranquil, Shan has very few opinions. He generally supports the templars because that’s what he’s been told to think; he’ll spout off a bunch of their party lines as if reading from a pamphlet. If the Inquisitor challenges his view on the templars he becomes confused and doesn’t know how to respond. If you reverse his tranquility his opinion veers sharply in the other direction. He is disgusted by them. He hates and fears them. He is angry, telling you that he thinks they should be disbanded and most of them tried for war crimes, and the Chantry is an institution of violent oppression. He views closing the Breach and stopping Corypheus as the most obvious priority and thus generally approves of any practical decisions the Inquisitor makes in pursuing that goal -- this results in some weird approval changes, like, he disapproves of you doing the puzzles (wasting time) but then approves of allying with the Sentinels (slaughtering potential allies is inefficient).
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: His second companion quest can result in him dying permanently.
Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
He is standing repeating the Chant in a monotonous tone of voice. He is not imprisoned because there is no danger of him fighting back or attempting escape. He does not understand where he is or what is happening to him, and is even more placid than usual; he will follow the Inquisitor and Dorian regardless.
At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace?
As Tranquil he is standing in the main ballroom, very straight and stiff, next to Josephine. If you talk to him he will tell you that people keep assuming he is a servant despite his Inquisition uniform and kept giving him orders and then he’d get lost. Josephine finally figured out why he kept wandering off and wrangled him close to her so she could tell people to leave him alone. If you ask his opinion on the ball itself he will only say that it seems excessive and inefficient. He does not understand the Game.
If you’ve done his personal quest by that point he’s hanging out with Sera, making fun of various nobles, but there’s an edge of discomfort to his voice and dialogue. He’s paranoid that people are staring at him or that they somehow know there’s something wrong with him. He’s afraid of saying the wrong thing and hurting the Inquisitor’s reputation. He’ll tell you you look pretty/handsome even if you’ve never flirted with him.
In the Fade: Your Inquisitor’s reaction upon entering the Fade? Archdemon’s taunt, and Inquisitor’s response? Epitaph on their grave?
If you bring Shan to the Fade before the completion of his final personal quest, you will, briefly, see the restoration of his personality before his Tranquility. He has all of his emotions and personality back, and is disoriented and distraught, fearful of everything, hysterical. (It’s quite a party if you bring him, Cole, and Sera.) The Archdemon will taunt him about having to return to the physical world and the return to his broken nature, how he will lose this forever and never be whole again. He will beg the Inquisitor to leave him behind in response, saying he’d rather die there whole than live fractured. His epitaph is Living.
If you bring him after the completion of his personal quest, he’s nervous but very interested. He wonders if you might meet the spirit who helped heal him. The Archdemon taunts him by threatening to sever his connection to the Fade again, and he will angrily retort that he will kill himself before he ever goes back to the way he was, that he will never allow anyone to hurt him like that again. His epitaph is Silence.
Trespasser: What is your Inquisitor up to two years after Corypheus’ defeat? Any special events with them over the events of Trespasser?
If he was kept Tranquil you can find him standing in the courtyard. When you approach him you get a cutscene where random important people keep coming up to give him orders and he walks off to obey them. The Inquisitor finally puts a stop to this and tells him to tell the next person who tries to order him about that he’s already under orders to stay put until the Inquisitor tells him otherwise. He says thank you; Shan always appreciates it when the Inquisitor respects his personhood and doesn’t treat him like an automaton. When you talk to him further he reveals he went to Kirkwall with Varric where he works as his valet. He finds it acceptable and seems grateful to have purpose in his life, and says that Varric is kind to him and has been watching out for him. He’s also been paying him but Shan doesn’t know what to do with money. He tells you that he’s perfectly content, and the Inquisitor will tell him if he ever changes his mind about having his tranquility reversed he can always come to them for help.
If you cured his Tranquility he’s a Red Jenny. You’ll find him in the tavern drinking with Sera and a group of random NPCs and get a cutscene where he enthusiastically invites the Inquisitor to join them for a drinking contest, which you can win or lose. (And if you lose your character has a wobbly stumbling walk for a minute when you leave and it’s cute.) Later if you talk to him he tells you he’s been wandering Orlais causing trouble for important people, and reconnecting with his magic. He’s fascinated by how he seems totally unable to do enchantments anymore, though he’s kept up his alchemy (and will offer the Inquisitor a mystery potion they will politely decline). Recently he came into contact with a Dalish clan and is hesitantly trying to reconnect with his elven heritage as well. If the Inquisitor is a Dalish elf you can speak a phrase of Elvish to him (”and how is that going?”) and he’ll respond fumblingly in awkward, not quite grammatically correct Elvish (”I not good at speak Elven yet”).
If you never slept with him, never romanced anyone else, and flirted with him at least 2-3 times in the main game, you can flirt with him again and he will now be receptive to it, having had a chance to heal emotionally and reconnect with himself and his personhood. You can smooch him and he’ll say he might be interested in something if you’re willing to be patient with him.
No major special events, but he has different commentary depending on his state. If he’s no longer tranquil he will strongly urge the Inquisitor to try to help the dragon, and has dialogue where he’ll say the qunari are just as bad as the Chantry when it comes to how they treat their mages. If Vivienne is in the party she’ll protest that the qunari are way worse, but he will angrily tell her that unless she’s ever been mutilated she has no idea how bad it was for MOST mages in the Circle, and she should not assume her life of privileged exception was the norm.
Other Major Events: Any other major events that happen with them over the course of the main game?
Shan, like Varric, has a unique weapon that can be upgraded and customized; those are the only daggers he can equip. As Tranquil, he is a rogue and can equip his daggers or any bow. As a mage, he can equip his daggers or any staves.
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wardenmages · 7 years
i opened up da:i to a save in redcliffe village during IHW only to realize my party was cassandra, vivienne, and sera. which wouldn’t be a problem any other time, but all of them disapprove of being nice to connor, and that’s like. a non-negotiable dialogue choice
but they can’t disapprove if i, never bring it up in the first place and hide all signs of mental illness
0 notes
daitranscripts · 5 months
In Hushed Whispers: Deleted Dialogue
Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
Various snippets of dialogue that didn’t make it into the final cut of the game - listed in scene order.
Varric: Walking into a trap. This bring back some memories.
Cassandra: Let us hope this ends better than your stories wound. Varric: Not up for a frantic run through the castle with three dragons on your heels, Seeker?
Solas: Let us hope this ends as just one more for your collection.
Vivienne: Shall we go in?
Varric: Just keep Alexius talking until our agents have finished their dirty work. You ready?
Vivienne: We shouldn’t keep the magister waiting, my dear. He’s so been looking forward to this.
Sera: Oh, of course. Can’t have fancypants knot his knickers.
Cassandra: I’m sure he is. I hope we’re as prepared.
Iron Bull: Sooner we get inside, sooner I can hit something.
Vivienne: Let’s try not to start a fight until Leliana’s people have finished their work, shall we?
Blackwall: It’s a brave thing you’re doing. Let’s hope we live to talk about it.
Sera: Is “brave” just another way of saying “dumb”?
Blackwall: Just remember: we have to keep Alexius busy until his reinforcements have been dealt with.
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daitranscripts · 5 months
Redcliffe Ambient Dialogue
In Hushed Whispers
The Hinterlands Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
Before completing In Hushed Whispers:
Mage 1: What’s happening?
Mage 2: I… I don’t like this. Something strange is happening.
Mage 1: Demons in the countryside. Are these the end times?
Mage 1: What was the grand enchanter thinking, inviting Tevinter here?
Mage 2: I’ve been saying for years, mages gotta stick with mages.
Mage 2: Of course, we called Tevinter. Who else would help up?
Mage 1: I voted for freedom, not to be annexed by Tevinter.
Mage 1: We should have never left the Circles.
Mage 2: We’re never going back. I’d die first.
After completing In Hushed Whispers:
Villager: The Inquisition saved us!
Villager: The Inquisition had those magisters running with their tails between their legs.
Villager 2: The mages are gone. I say good riddance.
Villager 2: Redcliffe is our home. No magister can take it away.
Villager 2: Hail the Inquisition! Redcliffe is ours again!
Villager: We should have chased down those Tevinter bastards and made them pay for what they did.
Villager: I hope the Inquisition dragged those mages off to a hole somewhere.
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daitranscripts · 5 months
Redcliffe Conversations
Revered Mother Eglantine
The Hinterlands Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
The PC approaches Mother Eglantine near the Redcliffe Chantry.
Mother Eglantine: They say Andraste sent you to save the world. If it’ll help save lives and bring peace, I’ll be the first to believe.
Dialogue options:
General: I’ll do my best. [1]
General: You sound doubtful. [2]
General: I don’t care what you believe. [3]
1 - General: I’ll do my best. PC: I’m trying. I hope I don’t disappoint. Mother Eglantine: I hope so too.
2 - General: You sound doubtful. PC: I don’t have to worry about you falling at my feet in worship, then? That has been tiresome… Mother Eglantine: I believe we must tend to our own lives to find salvation.
3 - General: I don’t care what you believe. PC: Your beliefs mean nothing to me. Mother Eglantine: Good. Perhaps the adulation of thousands won’t go to your head.
4 - Scene continues.
5 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Do you support the mages? [6]
Investigate: Are you alone here? [7]
Investigate: Do you support this alliance? [8]
General: Goodbye. [9]
6 - Investigate: Do you support the mages? PC: Are you working for the mage rebellion? Mother Eglantine: Mages are children of the Maker, no less than the rest of us. They struggle no less with questions of faith.
Dialogue options:
Special: Should there be Circles? [10]
[back to 5]
10 - Special: Should there be Circles? PC: Does that mean you support their freedom? Mother Eglantine: Given a choice between the Circle and death, most mages willingly gave up some small freedoms for safety. But the pendulum swings, and now it seems any restraint is too much. I think they should have the chance to prove they deserve freedom. [back to 5]
7 - Investigate: Are you alone here? PC: I don’t see any other priests in the village. Where is everybody? Mother Eglantine: The magister had the others “escorted” out, but I refused. He can throw me out if he wants. Until then, I tend to my flock. [back to 5]
8 - Investigate: Do you support this alliance? PC: What are you feelings on the mages working with Tevinter? Mother Eglantine: The Imperium burned Andraste. Since then, we have led four Exalted Marches against them. Yet, in all those Marches, they still acknowledged the Maker. Now, I speak of Him, and the magisters laugh. Something has happened, and I dread to learn what. [back to 5]
9 - General: Goodbye. PC: I will leave you to your duties. Mother Eglantine: Maker speed you, my child.
If spoken to after IHW is completed: Mother Eglantine: I’m still getting used to having all the mages gone again. The magister left so much hatred in his wake. I wish you luck healing those wounds.
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daitranscripts · 5 months
Redcliffe Conversations
The Hinterlands Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
The PC approaches Talywn in Redcliffe.
Talwyn: Inquisition, huh? I wish to Holy Andraste you’d gotten here sooner. These Tevinters make my shoulder blades itch.
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Tell me about yourself. [2]
Investigate: You don’t Tevinter? [3]
Investigate: Tell me about the alliance. [4]
General: I should go. [5]
1 - Investigate: Tell me about yourself. PC: Who are you? Talwyn: name’s Talwyn, formerly of the Circle of Magi in Hossberg. Lived my whole life there, since I was ten and came into my magic. Three meals a day, quality education, a roof over my head. If you’re not summoning demons, a mage’s tower is a fine place to be.
Dialogue options:
Special: Aren’t you with the rebellion? [6]
[back to 1]
6 - Special: Aren’t you with the rebellion? PC: If you were happy in the Circle, why are you here with the rebels? Talwyn: We’re all rebels now. The vote saw to that. The majority wanted to dissolve the Circles. The rest of us went with them or were cut loose. Vivienne (if in party): There are still some of us who are loyal in the empress’s court. Talwyn (Vivienne not in party): I figured I’m better off with my fellow mages than on my own.
2 - Investigate: You don’t Tevinter? PC: You’re not happy with this new alliance? Talwyn: Something’s not right with that lot. They’re not like us. Magic or no, I’d rather count myself among decent folk than sand with magisters.
3 - Investigate: Tell me about the alliance. PC: How did the grand enchanter end up working with Tevinter? Talwyn: One minute, we were bracing for the templars to attack, The next, we had a magister ally. It was a stroke of luck that’s given us an edge… in a way. Out of the frying pan…
4 - General: I should go. PC: Goodbye. Talwyn: Be careful. The Tevinters likely aren’t happy you’re asking questions.
Talwyn: I’d leave while you can.
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daitranscripts · 5 months
Redcliffe Conversations
Hanley D'Urvain
The Hinterlands Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
The PC speaks to one of the mages in the Gull and Lantern.
Hanley: The Inquisition! Thank the Maker you came. Tell me you’re here to reinstate the Circles and end this madness?
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Who are you? [2]
Investigate: Why do you want Circles? [3]
Investigate: Let’s talk about Tevinter. [4]
General: I must be going. [5]
2 - Investigate: Who are you? PC: I’m sorry, I didn't get your name. Hanley: Hanley D’Urvain of the Cumberland Circle of Magi. I heard of your miraculous survival at the Temple of Sacred Ashes, and I’m so honored to meet you.
3 - Investigate: Why do you want Circles? PC: I thought this was the stronghold of the rebellion. Why do you want the Circles back? Hanley: I never supported this rebellion. I’m a loyal Andrastian, and I deplore the chaos this war had wrought.
Dialogue options:
Special: Then why are you here? [6]
[back to 1]
6 - Special: Then why are you here? PC: Then what are you doing in Redcliffe? Hanley: The Circles voted. Rebellion won out. What was I to do, launch a counter-rebellion on my own? I follow my first enchanter’s lead, as I always have. She brought us here. [back to 1]
4 - Investigate: Let’s talk about Tevinter. PC: I take it you don’t support the Tevinters? Hanley: Andraste’s ashes! Never. They don’t even sing the right Chant! And they sacrifice children, don’t they? I don’t know how the grand enchanter could even think of accepting their offer. You can get us out of this bargain, can’t you? Before we’re all shipped to the Imperium like cattle?
Dialogue options:
Special: Where are they? [7] [back to 1]
7 - Special: Where are they? PC: I haven’t seen anyone from Tevinter in the village. Hanley: They’re all at the castle. Plotting, no doubt. [back to 1]
5 - General: I must be going. PC: Thank you for your time. Hanley: It’s been an honor.
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daitranscripts · 2 years
Redcliffe Conversations
The Hinterlands Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
Linnea is in the back corner of the Gull and Lantern after meeting Alexius. 
Linnea (human mage PC): I remember you. You were a few years ahead of me in the Ostwick Circle. Really come up in the world, right? Marked by Andraste, ordering templars about. Must be nice.
Linnea (all other PCs): We don’t need your kind here. Your Inquisition is just templars by another name.
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate (human mage PC): I don’t remember you. [2]
Investigate (all other PCs): Tell me about yourself. [3]
Investigate: And the Tevinters are better? [4]
General: I want to help the mages. [5]
General: The Inquisition’s different. [6]
General: You need me. [7]
2 - Investigate: I don’t remember you. PC: And you are…? Linnea: Linnea. I’m not surprised you don’t remember me. You were the perfect apprentice, and I barely passed my harrowing. Linnea (faithful PC, spoken about siding with templars): You were just too good to be true, loyal to the Divine, willing to forgive and forget with the templars. Linnea (non faithful PC): You were the one the first enchanter chose to send to stop the Conclave. I was the one he left here. Linnea: You’re the “Chosen of Andraste.” And I’m just me.
Dialogue options:
Special: I’m sorry I upset you. [8]
[Back to 1]
8 - Special: I’m sorry I upset you PC: I never meant to make you feel bad. Linnea: Forget it. The magister’s not going to fall for you. We’re with Tevinter now. People respect every mage. [Back to 1]
3 - Investigate: Tell me about yourself. PC: Who are you? Linnea: Linnea. Just Linnea. Don’t ask what Circle tower I’m from, because we’re done with that. We’re all free mages now.
4 - Investigate: And the Tevinters are better? PC: You’d rather bow to Tevinter than join the Inquisition? Linnea (non-Andrastian/questioning PC): Don’t tell me you bought the Chantry’s lies about how evil Tevinter is. Linnea (faithful PC): All you Chantry types think the same way. “The Imperium is a great evil that must be avoided.” Linnea: It’s just because they’re ruled by mages. No one wants to look at them and say “Their mages are free, and the world hasn’t ended.”
Dialogue options:
Special: Don’t they use blood magic? [9]
[Back to 1]
9 - Special: Don’t they use blood magic? PC: But don’t magisters summon demons and practice human sacrifice? Linnea: The Chantry says whatever they think will scare us. What’s wrong with blood magic? People don’t like the idea of us controlling their thoughts, but they have no problem with us throwing fireballs in their wars. In Tevinter, the mages police themselves. It works. [Back to 1]
5 - General: I want to help the mages. Human mage PC: I want to make sure we’re never locked away in Circle towers again. PC: I’m here because I believe mages deserve their freedom. [10]
6 - General: The Inquisition’s different. PC: Why does everyone think we’re part of the Chantry? We left The Chantry. They hate us. [10]
7 - General: You need me. PC: Tevinter’s as big of a threat as the templars. You’re better off with the Inquisition. [10]
10 - Scene continues.
Linnea: Right. And I’m the empress of Orlais.
If spoken to again:
Linnea: Go back to your templars. We don’t need you.
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daitranscripts · 2 years
Redcliffe Conversations
The Hinterlands Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers
After speaking to Alexius, Clemence is in the Gull and Lantern
Clemence (mage PC): Magister Alexius only wishes mages to remain in Redcliffe. He will approve of you. He does not approve of me. Many villagers have already left to escape his ire. Clemence (non-mage PC): Magister Alexius does not approve of those without magic, like you and me. You may not wish to stay long. Many villagers have already left to escape his ire.
1 - Dialogue options:
History perk: What do you know of Redcliffe? [2]
Investigate: Why does Alexius disapprove? [3]
Investigate: When did the Tevinters arrive? [4]
General: I should go. [5]
2 - History perk: What do you know of Redcliffe? PC: This village has a history with mages, doesn’t it? Do you know the details? Clemence: During the last Blight, the arl of Redcliffe became ill. Not even the efforts of the Circle could save him. His young son, who was an undiscovered mage, made a deal with a demon to keep the arl from death.  The boy became an abomination. Through him, each night, the demon raised an army of corpses to assault the village. Clemence (if the Hero protected Redcliffe in DA:O): The Hero of Ferelden defeated the demon and stopped the undead hordes from destroying Redcliffe. [Back to 1] Clemence (if the Hero did not protect Redcliffe in DA:O): The demon was defeated, but not before the village was destroyed. It took many years to rebuild. [Back to 1]
3 - Investigate: Why does Alexius disapprove? PC: What does Alexius have against you? Clemence: He does not like to be reminded of what mages can become. He says all Tranquil must leave Redcliffe, but who would take us in?
Dialogue options:
Investigate: You’re Tranquil? [6]
[Back to 1]
6 - Investigate: You’re Tranquil? PC (human mage): I didn’t realize. From your speech, I should have recognized you as Tranquil. [Back to 1]
PC (mage PC): You’re one of the Tranquil? Clemence: Yes. My talent for magic was… insufficient to protect me from demons. Rather than risk me becoming possessed, the circle removed my connection to the fade. My magic is gone, along with my dreams and desires. Those now in Redcliffe prefer not to see us. [Back to 1]
PC (non-mage PC): What are “Tranquil”? Clemence: Those like me without the strength of will necessary to protect ourselves from demons. Rather than risk me becoming possessed, the circle removed my connection to the fade. My magic is gone, along with my dreams and desires. Those now in Redcliffe prefer not to see us. [Back to 1]
4 - Investigate: When did the Tevinters arrive? PC: How long have Tevinters been here? Clemence: Magister Alexius arrived at nightfall, two days after we retreated from the Temple of Sacred Ashes. He forced anyone without magic out of the castle, save those he required to serve him. Even the arl was sent away. [Back to 1]
5 - General: I should go. PC: Farewell then. [7]
7 - Scene continues.
Clemence: One moment. You are a member of the Inquisition, are you not? I am an alchemist. You must require potions. If the magister will not have me here, perhaps I can offer my services.
Dialogue options:
General: Please join us. [8]
General: We don’t need you. [9]
8 - General: Please join us. PC: We would be delighted to have you working for the inquisition. Clemence: Thank you. While one lives, it is good to believe there is still a use for one’s talents. [10]
9 - General: We don’t need you. PC: We are sufficiently supplied without you. Clemence: Of course. It would reflect poorly on any alliance with the free mages to have someone like me around. [10]
10 - Scene ends.
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daitranscripts · 24 days
Solas Conversation: Investigate
Tell Me About Yourself
Solas Masterpost
PC: I’d like to know more about you, Solas.
Low approval Solas (conscripted mages): And let slip where I might hide when this is over so your soldiers can drag me back to the Circle in chains? No. Solas (allied templars): And let slip where I might hide when this is over so your templars can hunt down the apostate elf? No. Solas (pre-IHW/CotJ/allied mages/conscripted templars): There is little to tell. What I learned in my studies may help you. My childhood in a village to the north will not.
Solas: The fate of this world depends on you, Inquisitor, and to that end, I offer my aid. But my life is my own. Scene ends.
asked before Solas: All right. What can I tell you? [4]
first time asking, neutral approval or higher Solas: Why?
Dialogue options:
General: I respect you. [1]
General: Do I need a reason? [2] -Solas slightly disapproves
General: I must know I can trust you. [3]
1 - General: I respect you. PC: You’re an apostate, yet you risked your freedom to help the Inquisition. Solas: Not the wisest course of action when framed that way. PC: I appreciate the work you’re doing, Solas. I just wanted to know more about you. Solas: I am sorry. With so much fear in the air… what would you know of me? [4]
2 - General: Do I need a reason? PC: Why not? Solas: Privacy? Caution? Concern about the direction of this Inquisition once our work is done? PC: Then don’t tell me. I wasn’t asking as part of the Inquisition. Solas: I am sorry. With so much fear in the air… what would you know of me? [4]
3 - General: I must know I can trust you. PC: You’re an elven mage. Not from the Circle, not Dalish. You’re an unknown element.
mage PC PC: If I’m to trust a self-taught apostate with my life, I need to know more about him. Solas: I don’t see myself as self-taught… but then, since I have not told you, you’d have no way of knowing that. All right. What can I tell you? [4]
non-mage PC PC: I wouldn’t trust my life to a blade before I’d tested its balance. Solas: Nor would I. All right. What can I tell you? [4]
4 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why study the Fade? [5] Investigate: Where have you studied? [6] Investigate: Do you work with anyone? [7] General: Goodbye. [8]
5 - Investigate: Why study the Fade? PC: What made you start studying the Fade? Solas: I grew up in a village to the north. There was little to interest a young man, especially one gifted with magic. But as I slept, spirits of the Fade showed me glimpses of wonders I had never imagined. I treasured my dreams. Being awake, out of the Fade, became troublesome.
Dialogue options:
Special: That sounds dangerous. [9]
[Back to 4]
9 - Special: That sounds dangerous. PC: Did spirits try to tempt you? Solas: No more than a brightly colored fruit is deliberately tempting you to eat it. I learned how to defend myself from more aggressive spirits and how to interact safely with the rest. I learned how to control my dreams with full consciousness. There was so much I wanted to explore.
Dialogue options:
Special: Clearly, you woke up. [10]
[Back to 4]
10 - Special: Clearly, you woke up. PC: I gather you didn’t spend your entire life dreaming. Solas: No, eventually I was unable to find new areas in the Fade. PC: Why? Solas: Two reasons. First, the Fade reflects the world around it. Unless I traveled, I would never find anything new. Second, the Fade reflects and is limited by our imaginations. To find interesting areas, one must be interesting.
11 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Is that why you’re here? [12] +Solas slightly approves
General: I hope that works. [13]
General: Weird, but good for you. [14] -Solas slightly disapproves
General: That’s unnatural. [15] -Solas disapproves
12 - Investigate: Is that why you’re here? PC: Is this why you joined the Inquisition? Solas: I joined the Inquisition because we were all in terrible danger. ㅤㅤ ㅤ Solas (at Haven): If our enemies destroyed the world, I would have nowhere to lay my head while dreaming of the Fade. [back to 11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ Solas (in Skyhold): If Corypheus destroyed the world, I would have nowhere to lay my head while dreaming of the Fade. ㅤㅤ ㅤ high approval PC: Ah. Solas: Inquisitor… that is why I joined, not why I stayed. [back to 11] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 13 - General: I hope that works. PC: I wish you luck. Solas: Thank you. In truth, I have enjoyed experiencing more of life to find more of the Fade. PC: How so? [16] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 14 - General: Weird, but good for you. PC: Well, it’s not the worst reason I’ve heard to go out and enjoy life. Solas: I am glad to hear it. In truth, I have enjoyed experiencing more of life to find more of the Fade. PC: How so? [16] ㅤㅤ ㅤ 15 - General: That’s unnatural. PC: The only reason you live your life is to be able to see more of the Fade? Solas: Yes. PC: That’s no way to live. [16]
16 - Scene continues.
Solas (warrior PC): You strengthen your body to deliver and withstand punishment. The muscles are an enjoyable side benefit. Solas (rogue PC): You train to flick a dagger or an arrow to its target. The grace with which you move is a pleasing side benefit. Solas (mage PC): You train your will to control magic and withstand possession. Your indomitable focus is an enjoyable side benefit.
Solas: You have chosen a path whose steps you do not dislike because it leads to a destination you enjoy. As have I.
Dialogue options:
Flirt: You like my side benefits? [17]
[Back to 4]
17 - Flirt: You like my side benefits?
warrior PC PC: You find the muscles enjoyable? Solas: I meant that you enjoyed having them, presumably. PC: Ah. Solas: But… yes, since you asked. PC: Hmm. [back to 4]
rogue PC PC: So you’re suggesting I’m graceful? Solas: No, I am declaring it. It was not a subject for debate. PC: Hmm. [back to 4]
mage PC PC: Indomitable focus? Solas: Presumably. I have yet to see it dominated. I imagine that the sight would be… fascinating. PC: Hmm. [back to 4]
6 - Investigate: Where have you studied? PC: You said you’d traveled to many different places. Solas: This world, or its memory, is reflected in the Fade. Dream in ancient ruins, and you may see a city lost to history. Some of my fondest memories were found in crumbling cities long picked dry by treasure seekers. The best are the battlefields. Spirits press so tightly on the Veil that you can slip across with but a thought.
Dialogue options:
Special: Which battlefields? [18] +Solas slightly approves
[Back to 4]
18 - Special: Which battlefields? PC: Anyplace in particular? Solas: I dreamt at Ostagar. I witnessed the brutality of the darkspawn and the valor of the Fereldan warriors. I saw Alistair and the Hero of Ferelden light the signal fire… and Loghain’s infamous betrayal of Cailan’s forces.
Dialogue options:
Special: Tell me what happened! [19]
[Back to 4]
19 - Special: Tell me what happened! PC: I’ve heard the stories. It would be interesting to hear what it was really like. Solas: That’s just it. In the Fade, I see reflections created by spirits who react to the emotions of the warriors. One moment, I see heroic Wardens lighting the fire and a power-mad villain sneering as he lets King Cailan fall. The next, I see an army overwhelmed and a veteran commander refusing to let more soldiers die in a lost cause. PC: And you can’t tell which is real?
pre-HLTA Solas: It is the Fade. They are all real. [back to 4]
during HLTA, Alistair/Loghain is Warden contact Solas: Perhaps Alistair could tell you more, yet even that is just another perspective. Solas: Perhaps Loghain could tell you more, yet even that is just another perspective. [back to 4]
post-HLTA Alistair/Loghain was Warden contact Solas: A pity you did not ask Alistair earlier, yet even that would have been but another perspective. Solas: A pity you did not ask Loghain earlier, yet even that would have been but another perspective. [back to 4]
7 - Investigate: Do you work with anyone? PC: Have you always travelled and studied alone? Solas: Not at all. I have built many lasting friendships. Spirits of wisdom, possessed of ancient knowledge, happy to share what they had seen. Spirits of purpose helped me search. Even wisps, curious and playful, would point out treasures I might have missed.
20 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Wisdom and Purpose? [21] +Solas slightly approves
General: That’s amazing. [22] +Solas slightly approves
General: Can they be your friends? [23]
General: Spirits are not your friends. [24] -Solas disapproves
21 - Investigate: Wisdom and Purpose? PC: I don’t know of any spirits by those names. Solas: They rarely seek this world. When they do, their natures do not often survive exposure to the people they encounter. Wisdom and purpose are too easily twisted to pride and desire.
Dialogue options:
Special: Those are demon names. [25]
[Back to 20]
25 - Special: Those are demon names. PC: You’re saying that you became friends with pride and desire demons? Solas: They were not demons for me. PC: Meaning? Solas: The Fade reflects the minds of the living. If you expect a spirit of wisdom to be a pride demon, it will adapt. And if your mind is free of corrupting influences? If you understand the nature of the spirit? They can be fast friends. [back to 20]
22 - General: That’s amazing. PC: I’m impressed that you could become friends with spirits. Solas: Anyone who can dream has the potential. Few ever try. My friends comforted me in grief and shared my joy. Yet because they exist without form as we understand it, the Chantry declares that spirits are not truly people. [26]
23 - General: Can they be your friends? PC: You trust these spirits not to possess you the first time you accidentally make a wish? Solas: Do you trust your friends not to turn on you? PC: Well, yes, but they’re people. Solas: Ah, of course. PC: You know what I mean. Solas: Are people only people because they are flesh and blood? [26]
24 - General: Spirits are not your friends. PC: When I asked if you were with anyone, I meant other people. Solas: Ah. “People,” as opposed to spirits. We are flesh and blood, so we are real. [26]
26 - Scene continues.
Solas: Is Cassandra defined by her cheekbones and not her faith? Varric by his chest hair and not his wit?
Dialogue options:
General: Yes. Spirits are people. [27] +Solas approves
General: You need a body to be real. [28] -Solas slightly disapproves
General: Spirits lack free will. [29] -Solas slightly disapproves
General: I’m not arguing this. [30] -Solas disapproves
Flirt: I enjoy getting to know you. [31] +Solas slightly approves
27 - General: Yes. Spirits are people. PC: I hadn’t thought about it that way, but I see your point. Solas: I… thank you. Few are willing to entertain such a notion. [back to 4]
28 - General: You need a body to be real. PC: They’re not defined by their bodies, but they do have bodies. You need one to be a person. Solas: A demon possessing a corpse has a body. PC: A living body. Solas: A demon possesses a living mage to become an abomination. PC: They didn’t make that body. They just took it over. Solas: Technically your mother created your body, with some help from your father, one assumes. PC: You’ve thought about this. Solas: On occasion, yes. [back to 4]
29 - General: Spirits lack free will. PC: Spirits are bound by their nature. You said it yourself. They’re shaped by contact with real people. Solas: Just as Leliana was shaped by contact with Divine Justinia, as those who serve the Inquisition are shaped by you. If I change your mind in this conversation, does that mean you’re no more real than a spirit? PC: You’ve thought about this. Solas: On occasion, yes. [back to 4]
30 - General: I’m not arguing this. PC: I’m certain you have some rhetorical trick ready to counter anything I say. Solas: It’s likely. I’ve had a lot of time to discuss the question with people. Or “spirits,” if you prefer. [back to 4]
31 - Flirt: I enjoy getting to know you. PC: You have an interesting way of looking at the world, Solas. Solas: I try… and that isn’t quite an answer. PC: I look forward to helping you make new friends. Solas: That should be… well. Herald: That isn’t quite an answer, either. [back to 4]
8 - General: Goodbye. PC: We’ll talk later. Solas: Goodbye.
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