#ii. 「 nyles. 」
suremonty · 2 years
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i. “the tide is turning” - roger waters // ii. “two suns in the sunset” - pink floyd // iii. “four minutes” - roger waters
( nyle dimarco, cis man, he/him ) — Look who it is! If you take a look at our database, you’ll find that MONTGOMERY “MONTY” ROMANO is a THIRTY-TW0 year old RADIO DISC JOCKEY that’s been in Chicago for TWO YEARS, OFF AND ON. According to the file, they’re a mutant on LEVEL ONE with the power of ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION + TIME TRAVEL. That must be why they’re DEDICATED and OBSESSIVE. If you ask me, they remind me of morse code desperately tip-tip-tapping, the sole with no eyes, the desolate confines of a busy wasteland. They are affiliated with NOBODY.
full name: montgomery “monty” romano
date of birth: december 5th, 1934
zodiac big three: sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, libra rising
gender & pronouns: cis man & he/him
sexual orientation: straight gay bi queer
ethnicity: white ( may loves italians :\ )
nationality: american
religion: christian (protestant, very loose in his practice), starting to lean agnostic
languages spoken: english (5), asl (5), morse code - technically an alphabet (5)
enneagram: 3w2
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
alignment: neutral good
ability: time travel + electronic communication
affiliation: n/a
alias: sonny/sunny
triggers: war, nuclear wasteland, nuclear tensions, institutionalization ( very brief mention ), VERY brief mention of suicide
monty’s world was silent from the moment he entered it. he would never know it any other way. teachers tried to force him into the mold, deaf educators in the dime-a-dozen oralist schools teaching him English, speech, and as-good-as-it-could-be lipreading, all while restricting the usage of ASL at best, forbidding it at worst. 
and, though it made socializing with his peers, understanding his lessons, and connecting with his family much more difficult... in the end, maybe it’s for the best. there would be so many disastrous things to see and smell and feel -- adding one more sensation would tip him over the edge.
despite his parents and hoard of siblings, his eldest brother, jack, was the only one who put time and effort into learning ASL with monty. for that reason, they connected well. his brother would go on to have his first and only child at eighteen, leaving monty an uncle at only six. but it was absolutely poor timing...
because the usa could no longer just sit on the sidelines in silent support of the allied powers. in 1941, his eldest brother enlisted to join the army in the war effort, leaving his wife and family with the baby -- but promising he’d be back.
monty spent much of the time his eldest brother was gone connecting with his brother’s girlfriend, mary, who let monty teach her ASL. so those next three years were spent with her, with baby, and keeping up with the news.
1944, jack was sent to the frontlines in the normandy landings. the story went that he went out blazing, that he at least had that much to his legacy, but who could tell any of the thousands of d-day bodies apart ?
monty didn’t need to hear to know that silence fell over his family. he could feel it, even when they were talking at dinner. life only returned in 1945 as a broadcast celebrating two nuclear bombings played ! and monty... he didn’t know what to feel. this meant the war was over, right ? finally, a sigh of relief ! but how many innocent people had died in the fallout of it ? how long would those effects last ?
he did not wake up in his bedroom the next morning. he woke up when a piece of rubble blew against his forehead. and he was surrounded by complete and utter waste. it was hot -- no, it was cold. he assumed it was loud -- no, he assumed it was quiet. there were a few fires burning in the snow, and there was plenty of rubble to spare. nothing was standing. it was completely empty, completely desolate. 
he didn’t know where he was or how he got there. the more he explored, a terrified young boy trying to get home, the more he wondered when he was. 
a few weeks in, unsure of how he was still alive -- but not questioning it -- he came across a tunnel that led underground. already figuring he was going to die if he didn’t find something fast, this was the first sign he’d seen of any life since he’d woken up -- he kept going, past extra doors until he reached one that was bolted shut and looked to serve as some kind of vacuum. 
he did not know it. he could not know it. but, on the other side of that wall, a radio picked up the first broadcast it had heard in ages -- some sort of morse code. a few hours of sitting against that final door that he could not even begin to open, it opened with a gust of air. he dragged himself in. it was shut with that same gust of air.
a man peered through a slit and, after hours of trying to communicate when all monty could see were his eyes, a sentence of 1s and 0s... he stripped himself of his clothes, scrubbed himself with the water and sponge that sat in the corner, and was swiftly let into that final room and tossed a pair of clothes that were a few sizes too big for him. but he wore them, of course.
he was given half a can of uncooked sweet beans, half a bottle of water, and half of some... futuristic chip that he was prompted to sit on his tongue. and half of his nutrient requirements were met.
the man would point viciously to the radio, tap on it... all sorts of insanity that meant nothing to monty until he took a sheet of paper and wrote out a cipher: morse code and the related letters. he, the man, couldn’t risk losing paper to the amount of letters in a word -- a few dots and lines were a quicker solution, and, as he told monty, he could hear him over the radio... which would be cause for concern later.
what year is it ? ive stopped counting. i thought every1 was ded. where am i ? used 2 b canada. what happened ? the east. the east ? yes. what do you mean, the east ? ur not from here. no. where? illinois. america.  u dont know? i don’t. do u know what yr it is? it was 1945, last i checked.
he and the man spent the next four months together underground, the man eventually coming up with a way to express morse code without the paper. tap monty on the shoulder, make him watch him tap the wall in morse code. but it was far from paradise, and, more than that ? their supplies were running out faster than expected, what with the man only having prepared supplies for himself.
he volunteered to go look for supplies aboveground, but monty realized that he was the one who was communicating through the radio. if something happened to the man, monty would have no way to know ; if something happened to monty, however ? so he left with a walkie-talkie, an extra coat, and half a canteen of water.
it grew colder and the conditions grew worse. by the time he finally found a few non-perishables locked away in a safe, he didn’t know where he was. he couldn’t find his way back to the man. and the signal only worked one way. so he had two options of what to tell the man: he was going to stay where he was, or he was going to keep moving and hope for the best.
if he did the former, there was a good chance the man would have to leave and try to find him. if he did the latter, he was diving further into the possibility that he’d never see that shelter again... but there was also that slim possibility that he’d be saving them both if he could find him... so he sent a signal that he was lost, but he was going to keep moving and hope for the best. the walkie-talkie wave seemed to tap against his mind, to offer the only description possible: ‘goodbye, ed.’ ‘goodbye, monty.’
he was thirteen when he hopped again, this time quick as a flash. hopped just far back enough to watch the missiles fall from the sky, cars ‘screeching’ to a halt, mothers holding their children close, and pulled forward just in time to survive the blast. this time, a different country. this time, closer to the fallout. 
there was no one for him this time, though. he was on his own. he sent out frequencies, but saw nothing. felt nothing. 
certain his streak of good bad luck had finally run out, turned to simple bad luck, he was only days away from succumbing to his hunger or his dehydration or the elements or all three... but, instead of dying, he woke up in his bed. in 1949. four years after he went missing.
his family had been certain he, too, had died. perhaps ran away first, gotten lost, then gotten himself killed. it had been four years after they woke up and didn’t find him in his bed, after all ! was it a miracle ? yes ! did it also feel like some kind of abomination, like something ungodly ? yes ! 
after the initial many-a-hug, they grew... frightened ! he connected to the house radio and morse code played, explaining his unbelievable absence... but no one there knew morse code ?! and no one there knew asl ?! and speaking took more effort than he’d like to put in, especially after all those years completely shut up ?! where was mary to translate for him ? where was baby ?
that much, he could express. chicago. as ed taught him how to say in morse code: what a goddamn shithole !
but, only moments later, everyone’s attention snapped to the radio. they understood what he was trying to say. after the initial shock, they were mouthing: we can hear you. with vicious points: the radio. we hear you.
the story he told was completely unbelievable. but so was being able to hear his speech through the radio, so... live and let live...
they did take note of how he began to draw more into himself. he became obsessed with this nuclear apocalypse he claimed to have witnessed, he drew a strange man with dots and lines underneath and hung it up in his room. he couldn’t focus in school and his grades suffered terribly. at 17, seeing he was still as distant as ever, still writing in morse code, still drawing that man and trying to tell everyone who it was and what was going to happen and no he didn’t know the year or the details or- they had him institutionalized.
before he could undergo more than two rounds of electroshock therapy, he was an 18y/o in 1962. just in time for the cuban missile crisis. and this time ? not only had he seen the after effects of nuclear bombings, he understood the magnitude of this threat. and this time ? they were not fighting to free concentration camps and prisoners of war, they were fighting just to prove who was more powerful. they were building walls and sending dogs into space because they had to prove one was better than the other... and if they had to press the button to really show who was who, then they had to press the button. 
was this the wasteland monty had witnessed ? he didn’t know. he didn’t want to find out. he could put a stop to it somehow, right ? he was the only person who’d seen both, as far as he was aware...
traveling to the 70s, the country was still together -- and tensions were still high. without any other ideas, he began doing what only idealists would think would work: sending false reports over radios and broadcasts. but instead of bringing people together through shared fear -- and shared gratitude that they were still alive when they learned that the report had been a hoax -- he just scared them, then brought them back to their regular lives (those who didn’t kill themselves or run to their shelters, that is).
he continued moving back and forth within the timeline of the cold war, relentlessly trying to stop the crisis... but he only had so much he could do without making it even worse. he could activate it. if he wanted to, he could activate it.
in 1991, when the announcement that the cold war was over was made, something in his timeline glitched. he spent three days in wwii, the first two being... entirely random to him, the final one being right there in d-day... where he got to see that jack didn’t go out blazing. and he was pulled just in time -- but this time, to three days in the trenches of the vietnam war, a useless side effect of the cold war. about to be taken prisoner, he was pulled forward into the year 1999 in the middle of a countdown to a new kind of apocalypse, just to be pulled even further forward into 2020... and he finally had reprieve.
but if wwii wasn’t the cause of the nuclear apocalypse, and if the cold war wasn’t the cause of the nuclear apocalypse, then it still had yet to come. and the doomsday clock was moving fast.
left in actual civilization and... no immediate peril in 2020 chicago, he spent the next two years starting to cultivate a life. every now and again, he would glitch to a different year for a few days, but the power he had never been able to tame... seemed to be beginning to tame itself as he spent more time in a calm, but focused, state of mind.
he took on a job as a disc jockey, using the walkie-talkie he’d always held onto to transmit his thoughts across the microphone. a very standard american voice. and, so long as he had the walke-talkie with him, one that he could transmit from anywhere in the city. as long as he intercepted at the necessary times, it didn’t matter if he was in the station or not... which has been very helpful for his digging.
the end ?
BORN - in late 1934, completely deaf. already had three siblings... would have even more later on.
GENERAL EARLY SCHOOL YEARS?: was discouraged from, sometimes punished for, using ASL at school due to oral education being at its peak. he was taught english, speech, and lip-reading, but that only extends so far. his eldest brother, jack, learned sign to communicate and connect with him. the rest of his family was a little bit busy with the amount of kids...
AGE 6: at eighteen, his brother has a child with his first wife, mary. monty becomes an uncle.
AGE 7: jack goes off to fight in wwii. mary takes up his torch when it comes to providing monty with company. 
AGE 10: word is sent that jack died fighting in the frontlines in the normandy landings.
AGE 11-12: atomic bombs fall on hiroshima & nagasaki and everyone is celebrating. this is something that monty both does and does not understand... wakes up in the fallout of a nuclear apocalypse. it’s not 1945 anymore, it’s not illinois anymore.  he hopelessly travels around for weeks, unsure of how he’s alive! and, right as he’s sure he’ll be succumbing to the elements, he finds the passage to an underground bunker. after a whole series of events, he manages to get inside a safe place with a man named ed. ed manages to communicate to monty that he had sent morse over the radio. and when monty doesn’t understand, ed creates a morse-code-to-english-alphabet cipher and begins speaking to him using that as monty communicates over the radio. monty learns he’s in canada, but ed doesn’t know what year it is anymore. the cause of the atomic bomb that had hit was ‘the east.’ they eventually devise a strategy that’ll use no paper at all. ed taps monty on the shoulder and has him watch him tap the wall.
AGE 13: they start running out of supplies. ed volunteers to brave the elements, but, ultimately, monty figures that he’s the one who can communicate through technology. if ed tried to send word to him over the radio, he wouldn’t hear it, but the same wouldn’t be said when it came to monty. monty took a walkie-talkie with him and traveled out. when he finally came across non-perishables, he realized he was completely lost. he decided to tell ed that he was going to keep walking and hope for the best. they exchanged goodbyes. monty felt ed’s morse coming through the walkie-talkie. he hops back in time, just a few years, and watches as the missiles head right towards him -- whatever new country he’s in. disaster occurs all around him as women hug their children and cars come to a sudden halt and the timeline saves him by mere milliseconds, jumping him forward a few months. he spends the next year trapped in this side of the wasteland with no one to talk to.
AGE 14: he wakes up in his home, just barely making it out alive. but it’s 1949. after a few mistrials, he communicates with his family over the radio. and they cannot believe their eyes or ears: first of all, he’d just literally spoken through the radio? second of all, he... had been in a nuclear apocalypse? not just missing? hmm...
AGES 14-17: he is constantly preoccupied with this ‘fallout.’ he’s drawn into himself. he talks about it, he draws pictures of some guy with some symbols underneath... wtf?
AGE 17: his family decides to institutionalize him.
AGE 18: after going through two rounds of electroshock therapy, he is transported to 1962, just in time for the cuban missile crisis.
AGES 18-28: the timeline decides it wants him right in the middle of the cold war. he’s certain that this is what will bring the nuclear apocalypse if he can’t stop it. he goes about it by sending false broadcasts, hoping to unite people under gratitude when they come out with their lives... or maybe fear... or maybe love... but nothing seems to work. everything he tries tends to just make things worse. he could activate it if he wanted to.
AGE 28: he’s in 1991 and the cold war is over. with that news, the timeline fritzed.  he was in wwii for a few days. the final day, he was by his brother and saw that he did not go out blazing. then he was in the vietnam war for a few days. about to be taken as prisoner, the timeline yanked him to a party he was not invited to on december 31st, 1999. it was in a bunker with a group of people counting down to the end of civilization. when the clock was one second away from hitting january 1st, 2000, he was pulled forward to 2020. nothing seemed to be immediately off, unlike his past three destinations...
AGE 29: he decides it would be best to stop relying on homeless shelters -- the timeline has not interfered in a while, so he pools together some money and eventually gets a shoddy apartment in chicago.
AGES 30-32: he builds a life in chicago. he still travels every now and again, but he hasn’t spent more than two days in a different time in years. although he still can’t quite tame his power, it seems to be taming itself. he becomes a disc jockey. due to the main requirement being, you know, working through radio waves, so long as he has his walkie-talkie to communicate over, he can run the job from anywhere in the city. this is in the headcanons section, but it’s important to note that he also uses his walkie-talkie to talk to other people. ever since it started translating morse into direct words, he doesn’t have to rely on sign, and what they say gets translated in his mind through the walkie-talkie. 
much like his fc, he is completely deaf. he is familiar with and fluent in ASL, but carries a walkie-talkie to communicate his thoughts and translate the words of others into morse code to ensure the general ability to communicate with anyone he comes across. (yes, it would probably work with other devices. no, he is not going to give his walkie-talkie up to experiment with that.)
identified as straight until he was 15 (...i mean, the 1940s-50s + four years spent without other people, save for a few months with a guy closer to a father figure than anything else...). identified as bi until he was 20. identified as gay until he was 25. identified as bi until he was 27... has always really relied on the decade... doesn’t fully know what to label himself as, simply uses queer.
moving back and forth in the timestream has its pros and its cons. one pro ? he can survive for weeks, even months, after traveling forward without food and water. traveling backwards ? he better get to some water damn fast.
his father had some sort of dormant mutation related to bad luck, hence why monty only seemed to travel to shitty historical events. a secret his eldest brother kept was that he had telepathy... and used that to understand what monty was saying, not ASL. 
his on-air persona is ‘sonny/sunny,’ inspired by the ‘sunshine units’ & project sunshine ; the station is radio KONT - aka, radio contingency (with a ‘k’ because all american radio stations have to either start with a ‘k’ or a ‘w’ and actually chicago is based in the ‘w’ region, but... i came up with that name before i knew that so... pretend with me!)
has also kept the clothes that ed gave him to change into. is not an artist, but does have a picture of a poorly-drawn ed hanging in his apartment with morse code for ‘goodbye’ beneath it.
uses 40s-80s slang like any of it is still applicable. but with most of his childhood spent in the 30s/40s and most of his early adult years spent in the 60s-80s... look at that tubular dish! she sure is groovy!
relatives ! as i said, he had a hoard of siblings and should, technically, be 88. plenty of time there ! could even have a child ! who’s older than him...
exes/flings/ons/etc ! you have to be careful when you have an untamable power that’ll put you in peril one second and drag you out the next. although he loves the company of others, he’s never gotten very close to anyone due to this... but...
regular listeners/callers ! eye think that could be fun.
people whose relatives he knew ! the 1940s-1990s were a wild time !
plenty of other things ! my mind is just getting fried from my cormac mccarthy novel :\ 
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anchorageroleplay · 7 months
Hello anon, the list is HUGE, but here is are some potential suggestions for you to consider:
Henry Golding, Mahershala Ali, Riz Ahmed, Daniel Kaluuya, John Boyega, Timothee Chalamet, Dev Patel, Oscar Isaac, Michael B. Jordan, Idris Elba, Jason Momoa, Javier Bardem, Sterling K. Brown, Daveed Diggs, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Ji Chang-wook, Kim Soo-hyun, Park Bo-gum, Kim Woo-bin Tyree Henry, Shameik Moore, Trevante Rhodes, Anthony Mackie, Can Yaman, Burak Deniz, Çağatay Ulusoy, Barış Arduç, Engin Altan Düzyatan, Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, Tolga Sarıtaş, Çağlar Ertuğrul, Aras Bulut İynemli, Onur Tuna, Lee Min-ho, Park Seo-joon, Hyun Bin, Song Joong-ki, Gong Yoo, Lee Jong-suk, Keanu Reeves, Nyle Dimarco, Martin Sensmeier, Aldis Hodge, Peter Gadiot, Ryan Gosling, Kofi Siriboe, Raymond Ablack, Lewis Tan, Zeeko Zaki, Luke Grimes, Chris Evans, Miguel Gomez, Berk Cankat, Clayton Cardenas
Hope this helps!
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thenoticeblog · 1 year
Willow: House of Griots | Pilot Script Table Reading
We’re back at it again with the Principal Cast of “Willow: House of Griots,” working through a table reading for the Pilot Episode. We discussed upcoming events, reviewed production scheduling and details, watched our short film “Willow: State of Emergency,” and sunk our teeth into this special 90-minute pilot episode of “House of Griots.” Much love to Elliot Guilbe for the Photography, Glenn Quentin for the Production Support, and Sultan Ali for the Marketing Support.
Principal Cast Ashley Noel Jones as Willow Kerubo Brown Suzanne Darrell as Iyoba the Foundress Cameisha Cotton as Diane X Kirrin Tubo as Taina Lilian Oben as Vanessa Charles Masiko Ensemble Reader Tommy Coleman Stage Directions Reader Heru Khuti
Showrunner & Writer Paul A. Notice II
Heads Up: Our Short Film “Willow: House of Griots” will be available on Amazon Prime later this year. Keep an eye out for our announcement. In the meantime, save the date for our upcoming Short Film Screening at Weeksville Heritage Center coming OCTOBER, 21st, 2023! Details coming soon!
You can Support “Willow: House of Griots” here.
Special Thanks to all of our supporters: Josmar Trujillo Nana Dakin Will Duggan James Reilly Kirrin Tubo Paul Notice Sr. Marco Rodriguez Nyle Emerson Doreen Notice Jade Notice Nichole Villafane Sita Sarkar Justin Prince Kiera Williams Paul VanDeCarr Jeannette Colyvas Daniel Notice Laura Edmondson Tommy Schaperkotter Glinetta Collins Larry Powell Erica Saucedo Megan & Liv Jeannette Colyvas Ian Harkins Jim Costanzo Melissa Noelle The Ellen & Andrew G. Celli Foundation, Inc. Holly Heckart Sarah Fleming Edward Rice Ataefiok Etukeren Joann Selvidge James Gantt Jade Notice Marie Casimir Rama Orleans-Lindsay Shiloh Hodges Benedict Nguyen Lizette Vernon Lily Bo-Shapiro Saleem Kashif Kendra Foster Anika Chowdhury Lia Bonfilio Katrina Reid Zell Davis Robin Holmes Gabby Sherba
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hollowayhqs · 1 year
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Label: The Hunter
Species: Human
Affiliation: Council 
The Hunter is no stranger to tragedy. After losing their family in a raid on a vampire coven, the Hunter found themselves alone. They travelled the USA for a while, doing their job. Saving people, hunting things. But life on the road can be lonely and dangerous. All good hunters need a base and after stumbling on the town and looking into the strange number of supernatural goings-on in the town. The Hunter decided to stay and has attempted to retire from the family business. They view Holloway as their home and worked closely with the council to maintain the safety that the residents of Holloway have become used to. 
When they heard of the news of the Cu-Sith they joined the council’s efforts to protect the town from the creature. Although they were not involved in the actual fight with the Cu-Sith they are now working full time for the council in an attempt to locate what happened to the witch who faced the creature (James Whitley). 
Character restrictions: This character appears to be 25+
Suggestions: Aaron Tveit, Ana De Armas, Caio Cstro, Nyle DiMarco, Raymond Ablack, Rahul Kohli, Yahya Abdul-mateen II
This character is open for application.
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ajmkvsims · 1 year
"The Housemates Who Are Here To Win" (Part II)
The housemates are getting livelier and livelier, and conversations are buzzing around the room. Maciej, who is back from a quick bathroom break, returns to his conversation with Nyle. This time, though, he’s holding back and Nyle is much more comfortable. Continue reading Untitled
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revolutionfm · 2 years
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𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆     ...    mw older fcs please? 30's - 50's?
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some  faceclaims  between  30  and  60  we'd  absolutely  love  to  see  are  baifern  pimchanok,  manny  jacinto,  oscar  isaac,  jessica  alba,  yahya  abdul  mateen  ii,  boyd  holbrook,  aldis  hodge,  riz  ahmed,  melisa  pamuk,  lucy  liu,  michelle  yeoh,  sandra  oh,  poorna  jagannathan,  pedro  pascal,  omar  sy,  laverne  cox,  dev  patel,  jamie  clayton,  isaiah  mustafa,  gabrielle  union,  adam  dimarco,  ni ni,  daniel  henney,  berk  cankat,  aditi  rao  hydari,  brenda  song,  casey  deidrick,  im  jinah,  gemma  chan,  diane  guerrero,  henry  golding,  lewis  tan,  lizzo,  michael  b  jordan,  nyle  dimarco,  rahul  kohli,  parveen  kaur,  william  jackson  harper,  danny  ramirez,  bensu  soral,  deniz  baysal,  logan  lerman,  alicia  vikander,  lauren  ridloff,  davika  hoorne,  danielle  brooks,  genesis  rodriguez,  tom  ellis,  elçin  afacan,  jessica  chastain,  lupita  nyong'o,  salma  hayek,  zazie  beetz,  john  cho,  carmela  zumbado,  ian  anthony  dale,  kerry  washington,  maggie  q,  viola  davis,  jeremy  pope,  rami  malek,  tyler  james  williams,  mahershala  ali,  keith  powers,  tenoch  huerta,  jessica  lucas  &  bie  thassapak  hsu.
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retaliationrp · 2 years
aside from your sidebar and off the top of your head, who are your most wanted face claims right now? of any ethnicity and age!
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀 lot in this tag right here. We'd love to see Lewis Tan, Michelle Yeoh, ahya Abdul-Mateen II, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Michiel Huisman, Boyd Holbrook, Regé-Jean Page, Zeeko Zaki, Alfonso Herrera, Kofi Siriboe, Nyle Dimarco, Laith Ashley, Ryan Destiny, Jurnee Smollett, Damaris Lewis, Jessica Sula, Ashley Moore, Laura Harrier, Jamie Chung, Alice Braga, Viola Davis, Laverne Cox, MJ Rodriguez, Yaya Da Costa, Levy Tran, Summer Bishil, Jamie Clayton, Nico Tortorella.
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loopedliability · 4 years
tag drop #2
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viduamarchive · 7 years
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dear-indies · 2 years
Can you please recommend me FCs of any ethnicity for a cisman that can play between the ages of 25 and 35? Thank you in advance :D
Like the other ask I received, I’ll only be listing those with resources at time of posting! 
Daniel Sharman (1986)
Colin Morgan (1986)
Oliver Jackson-Cohen (1986) Egyptian Jewish / English.
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (1986) African-American. 
Dane DeHaan (1986)
Nick Bateman (1986)
Jai Courtney (1986)
Penn Badgley (1986)
Hale Appleman (1986) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, English - is queer.
Brandon P. Bell (1986) African-American.
Push Puttichai Kasetsin (1986) Thai.
Lewis Tan (1987) Chinese Singaporean / Irish, possibly English.
Manny Jacinto (1987) Bisaya Filipino, Tagalog Filipino, Chinese. 
Rushi Kota (1987) Indian.
Ludi Lin (1987) Chinese.
Varun Dhawan (1987) Punjabi Indian.
Casey Deidrick (1987)
Freddie Stroma (1987)
Michael B. Jordan (1987) African-American.
Tyler Hoechlin (1987)
Ben Levin (1987) Chinese / Unknown.
Aneurin Barnard (1987)
Çağlar Ertuğrul (1987) Turkish.
İlhan Şen (1987) Turkish.
Dayo Okeniyi (1988) Nigerian.
Nick Sagar (1988) Afro Jamaican and Indo Guyanese.
Jovan Adepo (1988) Nigerian. 
Cody Fern (1988) - has chosen not to label and/or openly label his sexuality but is openly dating another man. 
Jermaine Fowler (1988) African-American.
Alfred Enoch (1988) Afro-Barbadian / English.
Max Thieriot (1988)
Shawn Youngchief (1988) Metis.
Alex Saxon (1989)
Chai Hansen (1989) Thai / Unspecified Australian.
Carlos Valdes (1989) Colombian.
Daniel Kaluuya (1989) Ugandan.
Giacomo Gianniotti (1989) - is gay. 
Pierre Niney (1989) Egyptian Jewish.
Nyle DiMarco (1989) - deaf - is sexually fluid.
Caio Castro (1989) Brazilian.
Raymond Ablack (1989) Indo-Guyanese.
Kim Woo Bin (1989) Korean.
Frank Waln (1989) Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux.
Jesse Rath (1989) Goan Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Trevante Rhodes (1990) African-American. 
Jack O'Connell (1990)
Jacob Anderson (1990) Afro-Caribbean, English.
Meyne Wyatt (1989) Wongutha-Yamatji.
Jake Weary (1990)
Lucas Till (1990)
Alp Navruz (1990) Turkish.
Dev Patel (1990) Gujarati Indian.
Amadeus Serafini (1990)
Luke Kleintank (1990) 
Çağatay Ulusoy (1990) Turkish.
Dalmar Abuzeid (1990) Sudanese.
Furkan Andıç (1990) Turkish.
Alex Roe (1990)
Julio Macias (1990) Mexican.
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - is queer.
Jake Manley (1991)
Regé-Jean Page (1990) Zimbabwean / British.
Zeeko Zaki (1990) Egyptian.
Fırat Altunmeşe (1990) Turkish.
Bill Skarsgård (1990)
Aras Bulut İynemli (1990) Turkish.
Harvey Guillén (1990) Mexican - is queer.
Mehmet Ozan Dolunay (1990) Turkish.
Craig Arnold (1990)
Jordan Calloway (1990) African-American.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai, English, Scottish, Danish, Manx.
Ozan Dolunay (1991) Turkish.
Cody Kearsley (1991) Metis.
Berk Atan (1991) Turkish.
Mena Massoud (1991) Egyptian.
Serkay Tütüncü (1991) Turkish. 
Jaime Lorente (1991)
Oliver Stark (1991)
Brock O’Hurn (1991)
Pico Alexander (1991)
Ncuti Gatwa (1991) Rwandan.
Avi Nash (1991) Indian.
Jake Borelli (1991) - is gay.
Ben Hardy (1991) 
Tolga Sarıtaş (1991) Turkish. 
Yang Yang (1991) Chinese.
Xiao Zhan (1991) Chinese.
Richard Harmon (1991) English, French-Canadian, Italian, Mi’kmaq.
Shamier Anderson (1991) Afro-Jamaican.
Alexander Ludwig (1992)
Lucien Laviscount (1992) Afro-Antiguan / English.
Chase Stokes (1992)
Joe Keery (1992)
Ekin Koç (1992) Turkish.
Logan Lerman (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Barry Keoghan (1992)
RJ Mitte (1992) - has cerebral palsy.
James Scully (1992)
Chay Suede (1992) Brazilian.
Drew Ray Tanner (1992) Chinese, Afro-Jamaican, French-Canadian, possibly other.
Tommy Martinez (1992) Venezuelan.
Jake Choi (1992) Korean - sexually fluid.
Jordan Rodrigues (1992) Malaysian.
Alperen Duymaz (1992) Turkish.
Burak Çelik (1992) Turkish.
Jessie T. Usher (1992) African-American.
Tyler James Williams (1992) African-American.
Jack Quaid (1992)
John Boyega (1992) Yoruba Nigerian.
George MacKay (1992)
Woo Do-hwan (1992) Korean.
Sean Teale (1992) Venezuelan, Spanish, Welsh.
Jeremy Pope (1992) African-American - is sexually fluid.
Nick Hargrove (1992)
Jacob Artist (1992) African-American / Polish.
Nick Hargrove (1992)
Casey Cott (1992) 
Maxence Danet-Fauvel (1993)
Franz Drameh (1993) Gambian.
Tolga Mendi (1993) Turkish.
Mert Yazıcıoğlu (1993) Turkish.
Stephan James (1993) Afro-Jamaican.
Nik Dodani (1993) Indian - is gay.
Jacob Scipio (1993) Indo-Guyanese and English.
Ronen Rubinstein (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish - is bisexual.
Suda Masaki (1993) Japanese.
Lukas Gage (1993)
Fady Elsayed (1993) Egyptian.
İsmail Ege Şaşmaz (1993) Turkish.
Deniz Can Aktaş (1993) Turkish.
Daniel Ezra (1993) Black British.
Alberto Rosende (1993) Cuban / Colombian.
Alberto Rosende (1993) Colombian / Cuban.
Jordan Fisher (1994) African-American, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Cambodian, Tahitian - he/him/they.
Rafael L. Silva (1994) Brazilian - is gay.
Dylan Arnold (1994)
Chris De'Sean Lee (1994) African-American.
Alex Høgh Andersen (1994)
Omari Douglas (1994) Afro-Jamaican. 
Nick Robinson (1995) 
Alex Høgh Andersen (1994)
Park Jin Young (1994) Korean.
Kofi Siriboe (1994) Ghanaian.
Berker Güven (1994) Turkish.
Algee Smith (1994) African-American.
Kedar Williams-Stirling (1994) Afro-Jamaican.
Diggy Simmons (1995) African-American.
Cody Christian (1995) Penobscot, Passamaquoddy / English.
Nick Robinson (1995)
Ashton Sanders (1995) African-American.
Justice Smith (1995) African-American / Italian, French-Canadian - queer.
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thenoticeblog · 1 year
Help Us Launch Our Afrofuturist TV Show!
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT EVERYONE! We’re raising $30k to shoot Episode 1 of “Willow: House of Griots” this Fall. Give whatever you can and share this video!  
*Make a tax-deductible contribution today at https://thenoticeblog.com/willow 
⁠"Willow: House of Griots" is an Afrofuturist multiverse TV show that follows an elected alt-world observer, as she ascends to power in an Afrocentric vampiric world on the verge of collapse. ⁠
Written & Directed by  Paul A. Notice II
Produced by Suwana Chowdhury Pierre Jean Gonzalez Paul A. Notice II
Production Manager Tina Hill
Associate Producer Sultan Ali
Assistant to the Showrunner Daniel J. Notice
Episode 1 Starring 
Ashley Noel Jones Suzanne Darrell Kirrin Tubo Cameisha Cotton
TNF Board of Directors Elliot Guilbe Glenn Quentin Paul A. Notice II
Special Thanks to our latest donors:
Will Duggan James Reilly Kirrin Tubo Paul Notice Sr. Marco Rodriguez Nyle  Emerson Doreen Notice Jade Notice Sharon Richardson  Nichole Villafane Sita Sakar Kiera Williams Paul VanDeCarr Jeannette Colyvas Daniel Notice Jasmine Byrd
*Every contribution is tax-deductible thanks to fiscal sponsorship from The Notice Foundation, a 501(c)3 that develops and supports media from BIPOC, Queer, Immigrant, and Formerly-Incarcerated narratives.
**This project is made possible, in part, with funds from the Media Arts Assistance Fund, a regrant partnership of NYSCA and Wave Farm, with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
#fundraiser #crowdfunding #afrofuturism #thefutureisblack #scifi #fundraiservideo #thenoticeblog #blackartmatters #nonprofit #donate #trendingreels #viralvideo #videos #donatetoday #angelinvestors #taxdeductible #fundraising #happyfriday #willowhorror #reels #crowdfundingcampaign #melanin  #blackisthefuture 
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waterfallstudies · 5 years
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day 2/100
today i went to the first meeting of my french film elective and it was a lot of fun!! i'm really enjoying the film so far. we're watching les intouchables in case anyone wants to check it out.
today i...
worked on a presentation for my school's gsa about gay asl (the picture is a slide from this presentation. you can’t tell but the picture of chella & nyle demonstrating the sign is actually a gif & it took a while for me to compile gifs for all the signs they demonstrated in this video)
read act ii of romeo & juliet
cleaned my laptop & phone screens
it's kinda late so i don't think i will do anything else substantial today but i don't have class until 1 tomorrow so i'm gonna wake up early and grind some stuff out hopefully :)
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evanbvckley · 6 years
your top 5 male models?
i. francisco lachowski. ii. matthew noszka. iii. diego barrueco.iv. pietro boselli. v. nyle dimarco.
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retaliationrp · 2 years
mw males?
𝐖𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 here. On top of those, I'd love to see Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Michiel Huisman, Boyd Holbrook, Regé-Jean Page, Zeeko Zaki, Alfonso Herrera, Kofi Siriboe, Tommy Martinez, Avan Jogia (he/they), Brock O'Hurn, David Castaneda, Drew Ray Tanner, DJ Cotrona, Jon Berthnal, Nyle Dimarco, Laith Ashley, Luke Mitchell, Marco Pigossi, Raymond Ablack.
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same day essays
About me
Ube Sample Questions
Ube Sample Questions Logically, it ought to have been hit very onerous, but the health care system carried out exceedingly nicely. Throughout the crisis, testing charges across Canada have been persistently five occasions that of the U.S. To be considered, college students must request communication be despatched immediately from their Registrar to stating an official cumulative GPA. Transcripts containing “keys” to calculate an official GPA are inadequate; the conferring establishment should talk a pupil’s official GPA on to PSU. It is the applicant’s responsibility to request this communication. Portland State’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions will evaluate all submitted coursework and notify students of their admissibility. Effective June the Supreme Court of Ohio has adopted the rules governing the Uniform Bar Examination UBE the switch of UBE scores and the growth of the practice pending admission rule. PSU accepts three nationally recognized High School Equivalency exams that show faculty and profession readiness to permit for admission and not using a commonplace high school diploma. Below are the minimal scores required for admission for each examination. Applicants who attended an accredited highschool that does not confer traditional letter grades may require holistic evaluation for admission. Client has requested Attorney to submit a form advice for admission to the bar for Client s son. February 2015 July 2014 February 2014 July 2013 February 2013 July 2012 February 2012 Sample MBE Questions FREE The NCBE has launched 10 MBE Civil Procedure Sample Test Questions. ube pattern questions Each of the questions is linked to the corresponding reply. MEE Questions and Analyses from older administrations are available by accessing the next files. Q What if I pass the UBE but don't pass the NYLE or vice versa A A candidate who fails the NYLE however passes the UBE could re take the NYLE. The Uniform Bar Examination UBE is coordinated by NCBE and is composed of the Multistate Essay Examination MEE two Multistate Performance Test MPT tasks and the Multistate Bar Examination MBE . It consists solely of the Multistate Bar Examination MBE the Multistate Essay Examination MEE and the Multistate Performance Test MPT and offers portability of scores throughout state traces. 1800 online MBE multiple alternative questions or fifty two hours of practice . You should reply the questions within the spaces supplied. Rigos Professional Education Programs provide premium high quality evaluate guides that help students obtain the absolute best pass rates for the Uniform Bar Exam UBE 2020 . I signed up for Barbri however nonetheless wished to seek out extra MBE inquiries to practice. UBE is the one producer in Japan that produces Nylon 12 with built-in manufacturing from uncooked supplies. com Phone Hours Monday Friday 8 45am 4 45pm Eastern Time Free MEE Questions and Analyses from Older Administrations. Over the last months, a quip has circulated on the internet suggesting that to live in Canada today is like proudly owning an apartment above a meth lab. Canada isn't any good place, but it has handled the COVID crisis properly, notably in British Columbia, where I live. BarMax is free to download providing you with entry to our MPRE course featuring audio lectures black letter law outlines flashcards and real MPRE questions from earlier exams. Jul UBE Essentials is now available for immediate download here on the weblog UBE Essentials covers the essential content material tested on the Uniform Bar Exam. Applicants are directed to Article II of the Rhode Island Supreme Court Rules and the Board of Bar Examiners Rules of Practice Governing Admission on Examination for data on the bar utility course of. MEE Practice Questions by Subject Area 9 20 MEE questions grouped by topic to align with how users examine for the bar examination. The NCBE has also launched 21 MBE Sample Test Questions. When you approach a railroad crossing with out flashing warning PROS You can by no means have sufficient apply questions. Feb Looking at the timing of the MBE you should answer a hundred questions in 3 hours both within the morning and the afternoon. com Study for your 2020 Bar Exam utilizing these 50 sample questions the identical kinds of questions that we anticipate will appear within the MBE. We also offer a mixed topic MBE practice take a look at and a full length simulated MBE. The UBE Uniform Bar Exam is turning into increasingly popular across the nation. Vancouver is simply three hours by road north of Seattle, the place the U.S. outbreak began. Half of Vancouver’s inhabitants is Asian, and usually dozens of flights arrive every day from China and East Asia.
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Mega_HD-720p!!. Palm Springs (2020) Pelicula’ Completa (en) Español Latino
*Ver>>>* Palm Springs Película Completa En Español Latino Repelis Gratis Descagar HD.360p | Descargar HD.720p | Descagar HD.1080p Visita aquí para ver & descargar
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Lanzamiento: Jul 10, 2020 Duración: 90 minutos Género: Comedia, Fantasía, Misterio, Romance Estrellas: Andy Samberg, Cristin Milioti, J.K. Simmons, Peter Gallagher, Meredith Hagner, Camila Mendes Crew: Andrew Dickler (Editor), Allison Jones (Casting), Matt Friedman (Editor), Paul C. Warschilka (Assistant Editor), Akiva Schaffer (Producer), Andy Samberg (Producer)
SINOPSIS Palm Springs (2020) - Comedia Películas 90 minutos. Зависнуть в Палм-Спрингс, Палм-Спрінгз, Палм-Спрінґз. Cuando el desenfadado Nyles y su reticente dama de honor Sarah tienen la oportunidad de encontrarse en una boda de Palm Springs, las cosas se complican al verse incapaces de escapar del lugar y el uno del otro
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Definition and definition of film / film While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been. The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
❍❍❍ formats and genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres TV shows are more diverse than most other media due to the variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It can be current (as in the case of a local news program and some television films) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They can be educational or educational in the first place, or entertaining, as is the case with situation comedies and game shows. [Citation required] A drama program usually consists of a series of actors who play characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (with the exception of soap opera series) generally remained static without storylines, and the main characters and premise barely changed. [Citation required] If the characters’ lives changed a bit during the episode, it was usually reversed in the end. For this reason, the episodes can be broadcast in any order. [Citation required] Since the 1980s, many FILMS have had a progressive change in the plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television films to have this kind of dramatic structure [4] [better source required], while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further illustrated such a structure had a predetermined story about the planned five season run. [Citation required] In 2019, it was reported that television became a larger part of the revenue of large media companies than the film. Some also noticed the quality improvement of some television programs. In 2019, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh declared the ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative: “I think these qualities are now being seen on television and people who want to see stories with such qualities are watching TV.
❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍
Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings! Thank you for watching The Video Today. I hope you like the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like or share if you like what we shared so we are more excited. Scatter a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors. ”😊😊
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