#ik its a cliche but its a team effort
magicmodric · 5 months
toronto fans martyring marner are gonna regret it. even if this team had mcdavid we would lose in the first round to boston. it is written
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bugoverlord · 4 years
my rankings of sanders sides characters w detail cuz im extra (recent ep spoilers)
this is from best to worst in my opinion! pls don't attack me if i put ur fav character on the bottom, i love them all so much!
1. Janus- his character is all that i look for in a character, sassy, determined, sarcastic, and overall fun! he has a very deep knowledge into philosophy and i love that so he really connects w me. he helps thomas in a very important way, and has always caught my eye even before his redemption. he's funny and pretty persuasive when he needs to be. i also love, love, love his outfit!
2. Logan- he always has a way of getting across his point clearly and helpfully. he is a dork who absolutely does have feelings, but struggles to show them in a way that makes sense to him, so he plays along with the others singing and acting bits when he deems fit. you can tell he cares a lot about all the sides, thomas included, and he isn't frightened by the dark sides in the way that the other light sides are. he can see that even the dark sides have jobs that help thomas, and can help calm everyone down to get the jobs done. he is hot-headed much like i am, and petty as well. but i think these characteristics just add even more depth to this already amazing character! 
3. Virgil- he was my first favorite side, and i relate to him a lot. he can be funny and goofy, but overall he is one of the most serious sides. he is not very good at keeping calm in dire situations, but that just shows that his character is really just a ball of anxiety. he has put on a mask of a tougher person than he is, and has trouble opening up due to (maybe) something having to do with the other dark sides in his past. he appreciates the others efforts to be nice and will take any chance to make fun of roman. when i first saw this character shown in a good light, it helped me deal with my anxiety not as an illness, but a part of me that isn’t all bad. his aesthetic is something i aspire to be, and he will always have a place in my heart. 
4. Remus- he is so random and funny! the first time i saw his character i knew that sanders sides would be changing into a more mature series, and i was excited. i think his dynamic with the others, (including janus!) will be something that thomas will have fun playing with, and i will have fun watching. he is very inappropriate, but his character still has depth. he represents the catholic guilt that thomas had to deal with thought his life, and i relate. growing up catholic thought me that who i was wasn't ok, and its great to relate to a character that represents something so serious in a funny light. i can't wait to see where this character goes in the series, and im very excited about seeing him and janus interact.
5. Patton- he is a very fun character and i love the recent talk about him not always pointing thomas in the right direction! he is a baby, and tries his hardest to make everyone happy, but doesn't know how to express his sad emotions without making someone upset so he bottles his emotions up till it hurts thomas in the process. the way he deals with emotions makes sense for his character, because the morals he has layed out for thomas basically are the same rules he has for himself. i like how he is owning up to not knowing everything and is showing that sometimes the morals we knew growing up will not transfer well into adult life. having a character so peppy but with so much depth is really hard to pull off without making it look cliche, but thomas and his team pulled it off! i love him 
6. Character Thomas- while i love him very much but c. thomas is obviously there to move the plot forward in the eps. and to teach the audience how to deal with these dilemmas properly. he is very funny, and i love the tone of the most recent eps! going against the ‘light sides’ to get help from the ‘dark sides’ really shows how much thomas is realizing how little he knows about himself. he's slowly but surely realizing that every side has a job to help thomas, and all of them are worthy of being loved, cared about, and listened to.
7. Roman- i will always love roman so much, but he has the biggest ego. ik he literally is thomas’ ego, but it is damaging the other sides when he is always talking about himself. he obviously resents the dark sides bc he's afraid of his brother and one day becoming him. this is why he constantly makes fun of janus and virgil, because he's afraid of them and he's insecure. he recently has gotten more depth to his character which is great, but in all honesty i don't like how he treats the others. he's not boring, but he's also not interesting in a way that i want from a character. his pride and ego ruining the respect i had for him. i love him, but i think ill love him more once his arc is completed in these next few episodes.
there you go! my opinions on the sides and c. thomas! i love all of them, just some more than others. its alright if you disagree, but please don't attack me y'all. ily thank u @thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook
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