#ikon quotes
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Ikon magazine, September 1995
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lilianrennifer · 1 year
Jinhwan: Could you at least try and see things from my perspective??
June: *Bends down*
Jinhwan:…. I will obliterate you! 🤬
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years
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사랑을 했다 우리가 만나 지우지 못할 추억이 됐다 볼만한 멜로드라마, 괜찮은 결말 그거면 됐다, 널 사랑했다 우리가 만든 love scenario 이젠 조명이 꺼지고 마지막 페이지를 넘기면 조용히 막을 내리죠 We were in love. We met. It became an unforgettable memory A melodrama worth watching, a good ending That's enough, I loved you The love scenario we created Now, the lights are turned off When we turn the last page Let's quietly close the curtains - iKON - 사랑을 했다 (LOVE SCENARIO) - ✏️ 𝐕𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲: 사랑 (n): love 사랑하다 (v): love 만나다 (v): meet 지우다 (v): erase, wipe off 추억 (n): memory 볼만하다 (adj): worth seeing, enjoyable to watch 멜로드라마 (n): melodrama 괜찮다 (adj): nice, fine 결말 (n): ending, outcome 만들다 (v): make 조명 (n): lighting 이제 (n): now 마지막 (n): last 꺼지다 (v): go out, stop 페이지 (n): page 넘기다 (v): pass (on), turn over, exceed 조용히 (adv): quietly 막 (n): curtain 내리다 (v): fall, descend, go down ✏️ 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫: 1. V + 지 못하다 = cannot/ to be unable to do (something) E.g. 지우지 못하다 = cannot erase 
2. V/A + 은/는/을 N = N that A/V ~noun modifier E.g. 볼만하다 (worth seeing) + 멜로드라마 (melodrama) = 볼만한 멜로드라마 (melodrama that worth seeing)
3. (으)면 되다 = (으)면 되다 = can, it's ok to (do something) E.g. 그거면 되다 = it’s okay like that
4. (으)면 = when. If ~ express a supposition or a condition about a fact E.g. 마지막 페이지를 넘기면 = when you turn the last page
🌸 🌼 🌻
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1991diamondaries · 5 months
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jessicalau7 · 9 months
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jessica lau love doijn
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blog-shikha · 1 year
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Print Sorry personalised wrappers of chocolate Contact for Buy - 78388 23637 Link for Buy - https://www.chocomanualart.com/collections/sentiments-chocolates-gifts/products/print-sorry-personalised-wrappers-of-chocolate-1
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musibutterfly · 1 year
Love Scenario by Ikon
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A popular Korean pop song that was released in 2018. The song was written and composed by the group's leader, B.I, and was met with critical acclaim upon its release. The song is known for its upbeat melody and catchy lyrics, which make it a favorite among K-pop fans worldwide.
The lyrics describe a relationship that has come to an end. Despite the heartbreak, the members of Ikon take a positive approach to the situation, emphasizing that the memories they shared will remain forever. The song talks about the ups and downs of a relationship and how it ultimately comes to an end, but the good memories still hold a special place in their hearts. The song's melody is upbeat, which contrasts with the somber lyrics, creating an interesting dynamic.
In conclusion, "Love Scenario" is a song about the beauty and pain of love. The song's lyrics showcase the emotions that come with the end of a relationship, but the members choose to emphasize the good memories they shared. The song's melody is catchy and upbeat, which makes it an enjoyable listen. The song's message about the importance of cherishing the good memories in life is something that anyone can relate to, making it a timeless classic in the K-pop world.
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"Also I noticed that Catherine who wasn't papped after her wedding had a rude surprise when she went for her mother's birthday in 2019."
Kate was papped loads of times after her wedding. Starting afew days afterwards when she was papped at her local Waitrose in Anglesey which everyone assumed to be an a staged papstroll with agreement of BP so media would leave her alone just as the royals used to do when they went on holidays. 
The frequency of her being papped dropped after her wedding, and then after 2014 following the success of her France papped photos court case. 2014 was the year that EU privacy laws were incorporated into UK law that made it easier to sue paps like that guy, Niraj Tanna, from Ikon pictures who'd made a fortune papping Kate starting the dating years right through to toddler George. 
Infact, it was Niraj Tanna stalking George + Nanny Maria when they were put and about in London that caused William to threaten to criminally sue him that finally stopped the family getting papped. 
Google his name and Kate, you'll see all the pictures he papped her and when they stopped. 
He was often labelled as the Middletons' dial-a-pap because of his uncanny ability to find Kate anywhere in the world unlike other paps, but the relationship got dicey after she sued him. He gave a public statement following the trial claiming that the secret of his success was that the Middletons had formed a relationship with him and called him to tell them where Kate would be.  
This first lawsuit significantly cooled whatever relationship they had, but he continued to pap Kate following her marriage right upto the second threatened lawsuit, this time by William. 
He stopped completely after that, claiming retirement as an active pap and instead concentrating on his photo agency. 
Ironically, one of the London paps hired by Meghan to be her go-to paps for a limited time came from his agency. This was the guy who papped her wearing the M H necklace and is often quoted confirming her staged papstrolls. She hasn't used him since she returned to LA. 
Ps: Niraj was the source of the Jecca/ married William. 
He used to tweet about them and hint at something between them including captioning a papped William + Jecca at a Spanish airport as William's Camilla implying that Jecca was to the WK marriage what Camilla was to the CD marriage. 
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barnesbabee · 1 year
a goodbye.
I made this account in 2020 when covid hit because I was bored with nothing to do and there was a severe lack of iKON content. After having barely any attention on my iKON content, I wrote an ATEEZ smut and it just... blew up. After it blew up I got more and more into ATEEZ and I just kept writing, because I loved writing, I loved the community, and I loved that so many people liked my content and supported me.
Throughout my journey I definitely grew up as a person, I started out as very toxic and problematic, and although I'm still very much opinionated I am not that person anymore. I made several "enemies" (with big quotes) and a lot of drama, but I can't deny that it was fun. I also made a lot of friends along the way and going on discord with them and talking about this meaningless drama and stirring up the pot was very, very fun.
Out of all of these long time friends I keep contact with Nova (previously @/needyateez) that has become a dear friend of mine, and even if the only thing I take out of this journey on tumblr is Nova, I would still be very happy.
As I mentioned, I've grown up as a person, I have other responsibilities, other hobbies, and to be fair I haven't been that much into kpop for a while now (I still listen to it, but that's about all I do), so I was just holding on to the memories of how I used to feel when I came to the platform "back in the day".
I still enjoy writing, just not the type that I do write here, I haven't enjoyed writing smut in a long time but I knew that smut/fanfic would be the closest thing I'd have to people reading and enjoying my stuff so I kept on going.
But it doesn't make sense to me anymore. The things I enjoyed, mostly my friends and community around me, seem to have gone dry or to have left the platform altogether, and I just don't have a lot of fun here anymore.
I'm (most likely) going to leave the account up because Im sure that I will enjoy coming back to look at what I've been able to make.
That being said, a big thank you to everyone who stuck around and supported me through the years, it has been a ride, and a fun one. Thank you to all the friends I've made along the way. May we meet again :)
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unsigned-me · 4 months
Rainy Day Quotes
There is little weather I agree with more than those with rain. I will trade the blazing, burning days for the murky sky before it howls with wind and water.
“Dashing in big drops on the narrow pane, and making mournful music for the mind, I hear the singing of the frequent rain.” —W. A. Burleigh.
“In the evening or after the rain, the whole earth, its womb moist with a seed redolent of bitter almond, rests after having given herself to the sun all summer long.” —Albert Camus
“In raining bullets on those silent faces, already turned away from this world, you think you are disfiguring the face of our truth.” —Albert Camus
“How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, in the broad and fiery street, and in the narrow lane; how beautiful is the rain!” —Longfellow.
"The rain is as contrary as I ever was," she said. "It came because it knew I did not want it." She threw herself back on her pillow and buried her face. She did not cry, but she lay and hated the sound of the heavily beating rain, she hated the wind and its "wuther-ing." She could not go to sleep again. The mournful sound kept her awake because she felt mournful herself. If she had felt happy it would probably have lulled her to sleep. How it "wuthered" and how the big raindrops poured down and beat against the pane! "It sounds just like a person lost on the moor and wandering on and on crying," she said.” —Frances Hodgson Burnet
“The clouds consign their treasures to the fields, and softly shaking on the dimpled pool prelusive drops, let all the end pure or a a decision, o’er the freshened world.” —James Thomson.
“The rain is playing its soft pleasant tune fitfully on the skylight, and the shade of the fast-flying clouds passes with delicate change across my book.” — Nathaniel Parker Willis
“Clouds overlaid the sky as with a shroud of mist, and everything looked sad, rainy, and threatening under a fine drizzle which was beating against the window-panes, and streaking their dull, dark surfaces with runlets of cold, dirty moisture. Only a scanty modicum of daylight entered to war with the trembling rays of the ikon lamp. The dying man threw me a wistful look, and nodded. The next moment he had passed away.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky
What do you think of the rain? It’s it welcomed with arms wide, hair whipping about? Or is it scowled at like a misplaced paint stroke in your otherwise impeccable piece? No matter your opinion, I love you all the same.
If you have any additional quotes you’d like to share with me, by all means do share. Frances Hodgson Burnet is an author I need to reread properly, all those late nights smiling at a page… ah, I must read it again. If you’d like to read it with me, let me know, I’d be overjoyed to share.
Yours always,
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lilianrennifer · 1 year
Donghyuk: If your problem can't be solved with a nervous laugh, I'm afraid I’m all out of advice for you.
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ssshhe8 · 5 months
Ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes. I’m trusfrated 👍
An EXO-L took to Facebook to post a fake “translation” where they “revealed” that HYBE often paid for their groups awards, brand deals, charts, etc.
Well, that’s WHAT the KPOP fans took from it.
Instead of acknowledging that the translation was faked they decided to carry the delusion into other fandoms.
Now almost (yeah pretty much all the fandoms) are attacking BTS. Saying they PAID their way. Somehow they went from being extremely poor at their start to buying their career.
Just gonna casually mention how their album debuted with 34 Sales but that’s Payola for you.
I’m sure in 2010 when they were formed, they knew they would have multiple nominations at the Grammys.
I just know it!
Also. It gets better. According to KPOP fans HYBE is the reason for every groups failure. Especially the Big Three Groups. They’re also to blame for every single song by another group/company that did not chart.
Somehow HYBE even managed to pay G-Idle to block Aespa on the chart? I’m not sure how they profited from that but it happened.
Furthermore, HYBE/BTS are to be blamed for Big Bang, EXO, IKON, and more groups loss of popularity. I saw something about Loona too?
It is because of this that BTS won an award over EXO back in 2017. Yep. Something that happened in 2017 has been brought up in 2024.
I was also informed that HYBE paid for the following: The sinking of the Titanic. Jungkook’s Stuck Potatoes, Jin’s Decision to Cut his Cake with his hand. RM’s inability to Drive. Jhope’s fear of bugs & Snakes. And Taehyung and Jimins dumpling incident. I strongly believe they were involved with Suga bumping his nose with his straw too.
You know the time when he was on Live with his shoulder strap, drinking an americano? He kinda smiled real shy after he bumped his nose and giggled.
But one thing I rarely noticed mentioned was the reason behind all of this.
Min Hee Jin.
And her plot to Casually mention as many groups as possible in hopes of igniting a fanwar to Distract the public as much as possible from the actual allegations against her. The break down wasn’t working good enough, I guess.
“Step on Aespa’s neck.” She Quoted from Bang PD.
That group was literally minding their business before you dragged them in that mess. Not to mention her open hatred for Le SSERAFIM being the first GG to debut. This woman is mentioning every group alongside New Jeans.
I have no problem with these fandoms or their groups. It’s not hard to simply focus on the ones you like. But the way they’re going for BTS, Who has been minding their business and doing their required military service, is uncalled for.
It’s natural to lose popularity. You’re not going to win every single award… if you love the group then support them to your best ability. Don’t worry about who is ahead of you.
It’s just very WEIRD & DELUSIONAL behavior that is making kpop as a whole look very immature.
Also the fact that most of these groups are friends yet their fandoms are fighting like children for everyone on Twitter to see.
Yeah. I name dropped but I’m not dragging any group. I’m simply quoting what I seen on Twitter and giving my opinion. I swear it will benefit you not to get on there. There are some funny tweets tbh. A LOT of viral tweets. But it’s just extremely messy.
It’s back to 2017-2018 for BTS fans on twt. Every fandom on there is lurking. I feel bad for the ones just minding their business.
Lastly. Some bts fans are just focusing on Namjoon’s comeback (as they should.) Pre-ordering for Right Place, Wrong Person is available now!
Also, I gotta mention how ENHYPEN casually danced to the Sweet Venom remix while the company is in flames. ✨They are icons ✨
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zachary002 · 7 months
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Hello this is part of me if you want to know me more, I'm a cyber account with He/him as my pronouns and my name is Leon Zachary I born 21 Agustus 2002 so I'm already on legal age also my zodiac is Leo. Everyone who knows me calls me Jeko, Jaki, Jo, Jod or kak/bang ( if they're younger than me ). My MBTI is ENTJ but, I don't know my love language. Sometimes I use Jay by ENHYPEN, Kyungjun by TNX, Taesan by Boynextdoor, Eunho by PLAVE and Choi Hyunwook (actor) as my persona ( because they're 2002 liners).
Now talk about my interest. I hope this is not boring at all.
Listening: SZA, Keshi, Bon Jovi, Bryan Addams, Travis Scott, Billy idols, Avril Lavigne, One ok rock, King Gnu, Yuuri, Kim Taeyeon, Jay Park, BiBi, Camo, J-min, DPR, Day6, Simon Dominic, Ash Island, Paramore, Adele, oceanfromtheblue, Baek Yerin, Zico.
Watching over: K-drama, K-movie, Movie, Anime, Serial, Thailand lakorn ( loving all genres LGBT or gore too much), serial Indonesia (not indosiar).
Learning about that: some daily quotes, dark academia, Manga or comic, manhwa/manhua, doujins, Wattpad, webtoon, some prompts or phrases.
Do you have the same interest with me? And you want to be my friend? Here I hope that you're welcome to be my friend and I hope you enjoy my daily tweets.
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disheveledmaze · 5 months
a letter that i will never send to the boy i met when i was 14
“they say we were something, but too bad we were children.”
it has been 5 years since the last time we met. our relationship ended abruptly because you said you fell out of love. i'm sorry, i didn't understand my own feelings, you said. now we don't talk anymore. was i deserved to be mad at you? did you know that i've unsent numerous closure texts to you that night? was i a fool to still love you, although your friends made fun of me afterwards and you did nothing to stop it? was i dumb enough to still hoping that we still could be friends and entered the same school and see each other's growth? did you know that i came to your school's event because i thought i had a chance to see you again, (although i guess the universe disagreed with me), only to made me realize that i missed you so much at the time.
perhaps i loved you. however, what the fuck's love? what does love mean?
did you mean it when you said you loved me before you fell out of love? what did you mean by “love doesn't need a reason”? the “i love you” that we sent to each other before we slept was probably nothing and pointless, wasn't it? did i mean it when i said “you deserve better”? did you mean it when you said you changed your mind that (perhaps) you liked me after two days i said i like you and you rejected me (i didn't even ask for a date)? did i genuinely like you, although i understood nothing about love? well, everything seemed like a joke because we were children, right?
“we’re still so damn young, in and out of believing in love”
perhaps they were right, too young, too dumb, to know things like love. i know better now. i would never forget the aches that cracked inside my heart, plenty of sad songs that i listened and sad quotes on instagram that i liked while trying to forget you, and how you made me questioning where i went wrong which caused me severely sick and devastated.
well, it means nothing now. we were kids. we barely thought about how bitter the world is, didn't we? we knew nothing about love. perhaps, i, myself, still don't even know what love means to me. why did i love you in the first place? were my feelings towards you truly, genuine love? did i, or we, made it up just to feel something? to experience the feelings of in love and to be loved? perhaps you were right. i, too, didn't understand my own feelings. was i too naive to conclude that i loved you when, i, we, were too young, and barely understood anything. perhaps i was wrong. i was dumb. we were dumb. and maybe i loathed you for what you've done. you've never apologized for it. your friends humiliated me. and i loathed them. such a stupid-dramatic-childish past that i wish it didn't happen.
despite all the horrible things that caused after we separated, i wish you well. you were part of my life that perhaps i wouldn't forget it. i remember that you listened to river flows in you by yiruma and you recommended me listen to love scenario by ikon. i remember when you said you read sirkus pohon by andrea hirata. i remember when we called at night, you played guitar for me and you helped me solving math problems because you were good at math. you undeniably made me happy, for once. i know that probably you have forgotten me and these stupid little things.
i know that now, you're currently studying in the prestigious business school in the country. i have never had the chance to say congratulations to you, nor even talk to you again, so,
... see you later then, though, i'm not sure that even fate will let us see each other again. good riddance.
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blog-shikha · 1 year
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Extremely Sorry Chocolate Box For Girlfriend | boyfriend | Lovers | Couples Contact for Buy - 7838823637 Link for Buy - https://www.chocomanualart.com/collections/sentiments-chocolates-gifts/products/extremely-sorry-chocolate-box-for-girlfriend-boyfriend-lovers-couples
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lenterablog · 11 months
Kutipan (Quote) Muhammad Ali Petinju Legendaris
Dalam dunia olahraga, nama Muhammad Ali adalah ikon yang tak tergantikan. Dia bukan hanya seorang petinju legendaris yang meraih banyak gelar juara dunia, tetapi juga seorang tokoh yang memancarkan kebijaksanaan dan kepribadian yang kuat. Muhammad Ali dikenal bukan hanya karena bakat tinjunya, tetapi juga karena kata-kata bijaknya yang menginspirasi dan memotivasi jutaan orang di seluruh…
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