thelordofgifs · 7 months
⭐star⭐ for Ilimbe?
(director’s cut ask game)
Yay Ilimbë my darling thank you for asking about her!!
Ilimbë is a story about storytelling, and mythmaking, and how much the telling of a tale reflects onto the narrator themself. For that reason, one of my favourite threads in this fic was the myth of Ilimbë: both the version Finwë tells to Fëanor at the start, and the version Fëanor tells Lalwen later on. (That second version of the myth was something I agonised over a little: did I really need to repeat the story again just a few thousand words later? But ultimately, it’s such an important part of Fëanor’s characterisation that I couldn’t leave it out.)
So there’s the way each storyteller starts out his version of the myth:
“There was an Elf,” said Finwë, “of great beauty and cleverness; but he had no wife.”
which Fëanor immediately clocks as being a thinly-veiled reference to his father himself; and
Fëanor stifled a smile. He was persuasive. “Very good,” he said. “Well, then. Once there was an Elf of great cleverness and beauty — and there was nothing he loved more than to work with his hands.”
Lalwen is a rather less annoying child than Fëanor, and interrupts the story far less often than he did; but she, too, notices straight away that the main character of the story bears a startling resemblance to her brother. So the story starts out with both narrators immediately casting themselves in the role of the protagonist, and their opening lines end up revealing rather a lot about their respective self-images: note Fëanor’s “cleverness and beauty” over Finwë’s “beauty and cleverness”, for one. Fëanor’s extraordinary intelligence is SO important to his idea of himself.
Finwë then takes the story on a rather lengthy digression about Where Ivory Comes From, which Fëanor, who is much less patient, skips to get to the point:
And, being crafty indeed, the Elf carved a beautiful maiden of ivory; and she looked much as a living Elf-maid did, so that more than once his companions would mistake her for a real person, and try to speak with her before they realised.
he is talking! about! his! crush!
On a more serious note, a lot of this story is about Fëanor trying to cast various people in his life in the roles of Ilimbë and her maker: he compares his lifeless, white-skinned mother to Ilimbë, and himself to both the statue and her maker, a crafter and a crafted thing both; but after a brief fling with the idea of Nerdanel-as-Ilimbë, when he attempts to flirt with her by comparing her very pale complexion to that of the statue-maid, he settles on the realisation that Nerdanel is an active person, a maker of beautiful things rather than merely a beautiful thing herself:
Nerdanel was no Ilimbë, to be sculpted and moulded at his will — he could not make her into someone whose sole purpose was to love him. She would wear no adornments of his making, his flowers in her hair or his gems at her throat: she was always entirely, unutterably herself.
So, back to the story he tells Lalwen: he compares Nerdanel to the unnamed Elf even before having this realisation, and drops in the detail – absent from his father’s telling of the story – that the Elf’s sculptures were so realistic people tried to speak to them, which is a talent of Nerdanel’s mentioned somewhere in HoME.
“The Elf brought Ilimbë gifts,” he continued: “all the finest gems, and ornaments wrought of gold and bronze, and sweet-scented flowers, too.”
Here’s another divergence from Finwë’s telling of the story, which is lifted more directly from the story of Pygmalion in Ovid’s Metamorphoses: in the original, the Elf brings Ilimbë flowers, seashells, and droplets of amber, but Fëanor instead chooses to mention gems and metal ornaments – things he himself is good at making! (He and Nerdanel have swapped roles for a moment here again, he the helplessly devoted lover and she the beautiful ideal). Pressed to specify, he decides "at random" that the flowers are peach-blossoms, which. hmmm. sure thing, Fëanor. (Later, of course, he does attempt to literally enact this scene in the story – although probably not consciously – by bringing Nerdanel peach-blossoms to wear in her hair, but then he never gives them to her, motivated in part by the knowledge that Nerdanel is not a crafted thing for him to decorate as he pleases. My FËANOR IS NOT AN INCEL agenda showing here a little.)
The biggest difference between Finwë’s version of the myth and Fëanor's, of course, is the ending:
And Vána the Ever-young, who loves all living things, heard his prayer, although he had not named her in his thought: and the scent of flowers on the breeze came sweet and strong to his nostrils.
(Sidenote, but this detail is obviously a later addition to the story: when Finwë first heard it at Cuiviénen, the Elves had never heard of the Valar! I pondered that for a bit before including it, before deciding that in fact it did make sense for a myth to grow later revisions as religious beliefs shifted.)
But Fëanor, who has very valid reasons to resent the Valar even in his youth, cuts the "divine intervention" part of the story entirely, and fuelled by a sudden spurt of jealousy gives Lalwen a much darker ending:
“But he went hastening to Ilimbë,” he said, “and put his lips to hers — and to his great surprise, they gathered warmth from his. And the Elf watched as before his very eyes colour bloomed in Ilimbë’s white cheeks, and her lungs drew breath for the first time: for he had loved her enough, it transpired, to bring her to life. But as she stirred, and smiled at him, the Elf felt his own hands grow cold, and his heartbeat stuttered. For in his love he had given too much of himself to Ilimbë, and his own fëa grew weak as a candle-flame in too strong a breeze; and as Ilimbë watched he fell down dead at her feet. And he has never returned to dwell among his people, and his ivory-maid mourns him yet. The end.”
Míriel comes into everything he is, every facet of how he perceives the world: and so the story which started out as a cute little projection of his growing love for Nerdanel becomes, very suddenly, a parable for his own mother's death. Now, suddenly, Míriel is the crafter, and Fëanor casts himself in the role of the crafted thing, loved so fiercely that he killed his maker. Does he even understand that art can be made without killing the artist? Unclear, especially considering that he is going to go on to make the Silmarils.
The line "his own fëa grew weak as a candle-flame in too strong a breeze" is a reference to Míriel's illness, but any mentions of spirits and fire in the same line obviously evoke Fëanor himself, too. And a lot of this is foreshadowing of his own eventual fate, doomed never to return to life. Although later in the story he rejects the comparison, he's really very much like his mother.
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De Myriam Mihindou
Jusqu'au 10 Novembre
Au Musée du Quai Branly
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Invitée à réinvestir la galerie Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, l’artiste franco-gabonaise Myriam Mihindou propose une installation inédite qui célèbre la culture punu par le biais des collections d’instruments de musique et des archives sonores conservées au musée. Par le travail de la céramique, l’assemblage d’objets, de sculptures, de formes, de matières, de sons et les interactions suscitées avec les visiteurs, elle propose une œuvre qui donne à voir, entendre et ressentir la relation qu’elle entretient avec sa culture.
Myriam Mihindou rend hommage aux pleureuses punu, dont elle fait elle-même partie, véritables accompagnatrices d’âmes qui guident les défunts vers l’au-delà et les vivants dans leur deuil. Elle réinterroge une pratique ancestrale ainsi que les récits et les mythes qui l’accompagnent et, par son œuvre plurielle, « totale, performative, organique et corporelle » comme elle aime à le souligner, met en évidence la vertu cathartique des chants et des larmes de ces femmes sur le corps social et individuel.
N’hésitez plus, vous pourrez vous aussi dire, J’ai un ticket :
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cyborgnews · 4 years
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Плавание 🏊‍♂️ ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ Вчера попробовал плавать с протезом. Когда я профессионально занимался плаванием для компенсации гребка я использовал специальную лопатку чтобы нагрузка была одинаково распределённой, теперь для этого можно использовать протез. ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ По ощущениям 1:1. Скорость плавания стала выше. Доступны все стили кроме баттерфляя, тут мне тяжело поднимать руку из воды. ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ Теперь осталось понять, как себя поведет протезе после купания, так как в нем есть металлические детали и пружины. Скорее всего придётся смазывать их. Об этом чуть позже. ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ #плавание #протезруки #киборг #amputeelife #imadaptive #limbloss #limdifferent #ilimb #трансгуманизм #бионика #бодипозитив #лужники #бассейн #протез #технологии #разработки #протезирование #безрук #ампутация ⁣⁣⠀ #cyberpunk #cyber #влог #блог ⁣⁣⠀ (at Luzhniki Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDga_FXjKOa/?igshid=jjglsi0cornr
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zombie-chan · 4 years
Qinni Tribute
I’m having a hard time processing my emotions. Sometimes I think that is the beauty of art. It lets you process. 
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flavioperalta68 · 3 years
Prótese de mão biônica que mexe os dedos aqui estou segurando uma caneta para escrever #superação #motivação #touchbionics #ossurbrasil #ossur #choqueeletrico #conforpés #flavioperalta #ilimb abraços Flávio Peralta amputados vencedores #amputadosvencedores (em Amputados Vencedores Palestras Sipat -Cipa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ9CMSUBnWl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ilimbs · 6 years
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Simple red, white, and blue for a hot 4th of July. T-shirt and shorts: Lane Bryant Shoes: Skechers Earrings: Hot Topic Necklace: American Eagle (?)
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boapisada · 4 years
Olha a jantar de hoje! Repost from @myoelectric_outdoors • One of my favorite things to do is cook. I honestly rarely wear the prosthetic arm once I am home, but I figured I would show a little of how I do use this arm when I do use it to cook. I find it easier without my prosthetic arm on, but this page is to inspire, and show what can be done with prosthetics. 🔥🔥YOUTUBE LINK IN BIO FOR MY CONTENT🔥🔥#amputeelife #amputeeproblems #amputeeissues #amputeesofinstagram #amputeestrong #prosthetics #prostheticsocket #prostheticsorthotics #myoelectricarm #bionic #bionics #bionicarm #bioniclimbs #myoelectrichand #video #educate #ilimb #bebionic #myoelectricoutdoors #amputee #amputado #protese #inclusion #inclusao #pcd #curitiba #ortopedica #boa_pisada https://www.instagram.com/p/CDZ8hVJgBbg/?igshid=1tlot3sz89xdf
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cefasartist · 7 years
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@Regrann from @daverotten - Rebekah Marine #RebekahMarine #SexyAmputee #amputee #amputeemodel #touchbionics #iLimb @RebekahMarine #dblmissions #hope #glorytoGod (at Brakpan CBD)
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depizan · 6 years
paradife-loft replied to your post: In other news, I still feel completely blah and am...
damn, I whine enough about having to upgrade phones…. sounds like an excellent plot/character idea though for a robot-bodied person (or just a cyborg) losing their shit over having to download into a new body :O ….anti-cap revolution started by cranky robot sick of having to redownload their brain :3
Yeah. I don’t want an Apple iBody, or even iLimbs. You’d have to replace them every couple of years!
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rebekahmarine · 7 years
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Bionic Model Rebekah Marine wearing Touch Bionics ilimb quantum. #lifewithoutlimitations
Photo by Stevie Chris Hair/makeup by Frankie Flemming Makeup Artist Retouching by Picturebox Creative
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navigatethestream · 7 years
I feel like this quote comes right on time, in the wake of spending the past four weeks of colloquium listening to people talk about Harroway (having never read her work) and also the health care repeal dance that might be coming to a vote again soon. These two things collide in my head, especially in the wake of disability activists across the country getting arrested and graphic footage periodically surfaces of people getting dragged out of their wheelchairs, being separated from their adaptive devices, all in the process of being removed from government buildings.
There's been so little overt conversation about how that technology makes a lot of that resistance possible, that same technology that is acquired and maintained with the help of Medicaid.
But by the same token, I think the way I've encountered the cyborg as it relates to disability in passing conversation makes that discussion difficult. Not only is there an assumption of a futurity without disability (cyborg technology exists to eradicate disability all together), but even when disability is present there's a lack of interrogation about capitalist notions of productivity that undergird why disabled cyborgs are a good thing. A disabled cyborg becomes a good thing because they now have the ability to perform productivity in ways that are commonly understood as "normative" as opposed to determining what productivity and living means to the individual. To impose either on people without critical interrogation, or really just asking people how they view themselves, is really no better than the larger narratives about disability that already exist and get hyper-imposed on people without consent or question.
Even in difficult moments, its necessary to reflect on how things collide within the same headspace of the collective imagination, and how our interpretations of embodied resistance disrupt or reify and to what end.
Sometime to think about as another possible ACA repeal looms over like gray skies: 
"Representing the cyborg/disabled person as both seamless and self evident obscures the facts of these very technologies. In a context in which most disabled people in the United States are on un- or underemployed, and in which almost a third of disabled people are living below the poverty line, many of these cyborg technologies remain out of reach for the people for whom they are imagined. The 'cyborg-style iLimb hand' heralded in the UK Register, for example, costs eighteen thousand dollars, and the price tag leaps higher if we include not only the device itself but the training and maintenance it likely requires. The ability to become cyborg is too often economically determined." from "The Cyborg and the Crip: Critical Encounters" in Feminist, Queer, Crip by Alison Kafer (pg 107)
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thelordofgifs · 2 months
3 + TFS, 11 + the handmaiden, 4 + ilimbe!
(fic ask game)
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
An easy one! From part 29 of the fairest stars:
Maedhros has never loved anyone without making of them a god – it is all tangled together in his mind, worship with affection, ardour with idolatry.
Something about how Maedhros is Fucked In The Head... something about how well Maglor (the POV character here) understands him anyway... I'm normal. about them :)
11: What do you like best about this fic?
handmaiden was a tricky one to write! I've never written a genderswap before, and it's only my second-ever smut piece. That being said, I think the sex scene turned out pretty hot :)
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Ilimbë has a lot of good dialogue, I think: it's a conversation-heavy piece. But I think my favourite is Fëanor's Big Romantic Speech in the final scene:
“And I love you,” he said. “I was made for loving you. I love watching you work. I love how excited you get when you sketch out a design, and that you are strong enough to lift your stones by yourself. I love it when there is stone-dust in your hair and clay on your nose and you are so absorbed in your work that you must be reminded to eat. I love that you are so often travelling, and never content to stay still. I love your laugh. And I think you very beautiful.”
Fëanor spends a lot of this story thinking about purpose, and art, and what he was made for, and what exactly parents intend when they make children. He poses the question to his mother, when he goes to visit her body: What did you make me for? Was it worth it? and, of course, receives no answer. Here, then, is the conclusion he's come to – I was made for loving you. What an absurd, and absurdly romantic, thing to say! What an insanely unhealthy self-view to take! Are these two going to become the first divorced couple in Arda? Yeah, unfortunately. And this is part of why.
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masscentralmedia · 7 years
Veteran Receives High-tech Prosthetic Hand
Veteran Receives High-tech Prosthetic Hand
Veteran Daniel Glanz shows off the new prosthetic hand, an iLimb Quantum, which he received at McGuire VA Medical Center. Photo by Jason Miller
By Patrick Gordon, Public Affairs Specialist
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Veteran Daniel Glanz lost his right hand while serving in Afghanistan 12 years ago. Today, Glanz has a brand new prosthetic hand with world-class technology which gives him the…
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cyborgnews · 4 years
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Вчера мой видео Пранк залетел в паблики на аудиторию в 23 млн. 🤓 Один на 17 млн, другой на 6 млн. для меня это прям ВАУ. ⁣⁣⠀ Также в клипах VK это же видео зашло на 50К просмотров. В Тик-Ток на 250К Итого суммарно его увидели больше 2,5 млн. Человек к сегодняшнему часу. ⁣⁣⠀ Но это не первый прострел есть и другие, которые до сих пор крутятся в Тик-Токе на 6 млн и 8 млн. ⁣⁣⠀ К чему я тут все эти цифры говорю, а к тому, что эта тема интересует людей. Пусть и через юмор. Это круто! 😎 ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ Значит я выполняю свою миссию по популяризации кибер-людей и протезирования, любви к себе. Последнее, кстати, самое важное чему нам надо учиться друг у друга – Любить и принимать себя.❤️ ⁣⁣⠀ Спасибо всем за просмотры и подписки! Я вас Люблю! 😻 ⁣⁣⠀ Пойду дальше делать контент. ⁣⁣⠀ Ваш Кибер Илья. 🦾 ⁣⁣⠀ Ph: @cyborg_news⁣⁣⠀ Спасибо Евгению за идею: @ladys_man216 ⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣⠀ #amputeelife #imadaptive #limbloss #limdifferent #ilimb #arm #amputee # amputation #бодипозитив #bodypositive #ямогу #мотивация #человекмотивация #моторика #киберрука #протез #prosthesis #ортопед #prosthetic #ильякиборг #юмор #тикток #смешноевидео #видео #юмор #funnyvideos (at АФИМОЛЛ Сити/ AFIMALL City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFex6i8DHYA/?igshid=1sgnhds4w0vi4
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nancibmoore · 7 years
Veteran Receives High-tech Prosthetic Hand
Afghanistan Veteran Daniel Glanz has a brand new prosthetic hand, an iLimb Quantum, with functions that are programmable with a smartphone app and can change functions with a simple gesture. Read the full story
The post Veteran Receives High-tech Prosthetic Hand appeared first on Battlefield to Boardroom.
Veteran Receives High-tech Prosthetic Hand
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ilimbs · 6 years
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Casual and cool for summer Shorts and necklace: Lane Bryant Shirt and shoes: Wal-Mart
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