#ill do stuff on charlie later tomorrow i promise
honkhonkrichard · 5 years
21 with reddie
 21. Best Friends Sibling AU
This got way longer than I thought and I’m calling it ‘Get it right the First Time’ after the billy joel song okay ‘njoy! (WC: 1600+)
“He’s adopted. We all are.” Stan said out of the blue, after dinner. 
“What?” Richie asked.
“Eddie. He’s adopted. So is Ben. Bill is too.” He said again, louder this time. 
“I-I mean.. I guessed.” Richie shrugged. “Cause they’re white and you’re-” Richie threw a hand over at Stan. “Not.” 
“I forgot the word.” 
“I-I didn’t have to know, dude, it’s not a big deal.” Richie stammered.
“You were staring at Eddie the entire meal.” Stan said loosely, eyes never leaving his book. 
Richie shifted. He was staring at Eddie. How could he not? He was… gorgeous. Big grey eyes, freckled, tan skin, wavy blond hair and the cutest little face. He had a look of perpetual surprise and annoyance, like someone just stole his parking space. 
He sat a the table quietly nearly the whole meal, watching the conversation with curiosity and every now and then, his eyes shifted over to Richie. 
Richie couldn’t take his eyes off of the younger boy. He was so… pretty. The light from the dining room was framing his face this side of perfect, and his sweater was too big and it gave him the sweetest little sweaterpaws- 
“I wasn’t staring at Eddie.” 
Stan’s eyes looked up from his book, sharp and intelligent as usual. “Liar.” 
“So what If I was?” Richie said, probably too defensively. “What’re you gonna do about it?” 
“Give you my blessing.” Stan said from behind his book, light green eyes still locked on Richie. 
“I don’t think I get you, Uris.” Richie lied, because he was quite sure he did. Rich hadn’t been subtle with his idiot grin and enthusiasm with trying to talk to Eddie, who didn’t reciprocate in the slightest.
“I think you do, Tozier.” 
“Stanley?” Someone said from the door. 
Richie looked up to see Eddie clamped around the door frame, sweater paws and cute grumpy surprise in full swing. Turns out he was wearing little shorts too. Richie gulped. 
“Yes Eddie?” Stan said innocently, putting his book down.
Eddie shifted uncomfortably and looked Richie over, the frown in his lips grew. Richie felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?” 
“Sure.” Stan blinked, and stood up. He looked considerably older than his siblings, Richie decided, trying not to imagine his hands around Eddie’s thighs. “Rich, you’ll give us a minute?” 
Stan left the room, and Eddie disappeared with him, leaving Richie alone with himself to think about how much Eddie licking his lips after dinner had drove him crazy. 
I gotta stop. Richie thought, rubbing his face. Gonna go half chub thinking about it too much. He decided to mindlessly fiddle with his bracelets. 
Stan strutted back into the room not longer later, sunk back down into his desk chair, handed Richie a small slip of paper and tucked his hands behind his neck, stretching out like a cat. 
“Get out.” 
Richie’s eyes widened. “Eddie doesn’t like me, does he?” 
Stan shrugged ominously. “It’s me that wants you out.” 
“You have a crush on my baby brother.” Stan said simply.
“Baby.” Richie grinned.
“Out please.” 
Richie huffed and grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you tomorrow though yeah?” Stan nodded in response, and Richie left the room, closing the door behind him (He may be a douche but he wasn’t a barbarian.)
Richie silently gazed into the hallway. All the doors were labeled. Ben’s door was closed, Bill’s was half open (Though loud horror movie noises were coming from behind it.) and what Richie assumed was Eddie’s was wide open; the quiet sound of tapping the only sound from it. 
The horror movie paused and Bill swung his door open, eyeing Richie curiously. 
“Sup man?” Richie waved. 
“W-What’re you doing?” Bill asked, voice lower and more angry than it had been at dinner. 
“Uhhhhh I just left Stan cause he kicked me out and then I got lost in thoughts. What’s up with you?” Richie admitted. 
Bill glared him up to down. Richie wasn’t sure why he was angry. They got along fine at dinner, joked about how they had no idea they both worked at the same place (Charlie’s vinyls, Bill had the day shift, Rich took the night shift) and now he was being judged. 
“If you fuck over my brother, I’ll slaughter you.” Bill promised, and then closed the door. 
“What?” Richie mumbled as the horror movie clicked back on. 
Richie made a face and went down the hall, and couldn’t stop himself from peering into Eddie’s room. 
There were lots of knick knacks everywhere, succulents, a big desk and Eddie curled up in his too big sweater, typing away on a laptop. He noticed Richie, clearly looking at him through the corner of his eye (still surprised and annoyed) and took a deep breath, trying to continue typing. 
Richie gave a him a toothy smile. Eddie did not respond. 
“So… Uh… Do you.. like… Did I- Um.” Richie tried. Words weren’t working. 
Eddie sighed and got up from his chair and then-
closed the door. 
Richie snapped some finger guns at the closed door. “Cool.” He said. “Dope I’ll uhhhhh see you later.” 
That night, Richie nodded along to the music blasting through his headphones, and emptied his pockets. Wallet. Phone. Rings he forgot to put on after he washed his hands for dinner. Piece of paper Stan gave him that he never read. Pop can tab. Wait.
Richie picked up the paper and unfolded it. It had a small message written in red pen on it; it looked like it had been scribbled over relentlessly. It also had a snapchat username.
Snap: KasperEddie youre rly hot attractive and it makes me nervous but i wanna keep talking 2 to you - eddie (the small blonde one of stan’s brothers who gets really nervous around you)
Richie didn’t bother fighting the smile off his face. His day was looking up. Even though it was 11:26 at night. 
He nabbed his phone and collapsed on his bed, adding Eddie’s username, and taking a quick photo of him lying in bed and sent it to the cutie patootie. 
Tozier Boy🤙 (Trashrecords): Heyyyyyyyyy got ur message closing the door on me was rly sex c of u
The response was almost immediate. It was a photo of Eddie’s computer. Looks like he was writing an essay.
Eeeeeeee: Sorry you make me nervous I didn’t know what else to do
Richie grinned wildly and stuck his tongue out at the camera, still lying in bed
Tozier Boy🤙: ill let it slide cause youre cute as hell xox
Then he texted Stan.
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:29): you BASTART whyd u kick me out if eddie liked me
And got a snap from Eddie: A photo of his keyboard:
Eeeeeeee: oh!!! 
“Holy fuck.” Richie whispered. “You are fucking adorable.” 
and he sent Eddie a photo of his ceiling saying just that.
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:35): Because Eddie told me to. Said you made him nervous. He also told Bill he liked you and if you started speaking to Eddie Bill would put 30 rounds in your chest.
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:35): hot damn 
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:36) Also; Ben wants you to come back over and give him “Romance Advice” because you seem “With it” 
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:37): u never told me ben was a grandpa
The next image was of Eddie’s face, which was cute enough, except he had drawn blush onto himself. Eeeeeeee: thank you
Immediately following it was a black screen: omg im covered in acne and im sweaty im so sorry
Richie took a photo of him making a desperate face. 
Tozier Boy🤙: can we go out i need to get you comfortable with me holding your cute little face as soon as fucking possible also can u go call Ben a grandpa its very important
A photo of a confused bed tucked into a beanbag chair: Eeeeeeee: he said stan JSUT called him that fjkdhflkjdhfjdkhjkd
Richie smiled against his pillow, trying to breath slowly to calm himself down. Holy fuck this fucking kid. 
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:45) We’ve made Ben very sad. 
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:45) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:46) He told me Eddie called him a grandpa too and made the “:(” face and then told me you just “Walk with.. uhm.. swagger and stuff. [You] just seem to know what he’s doing..” Little does he know-
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:46) who’s gonna tell him im dumbass
Then Richie went back to Eddie, trying to pull himself together, took a photo of his dog. 
Tozier Boy🤙: so…. did u…… wanna …..hmmmmmmm… go out sometime.?
The next photo was of Eddie’s wide eyes, it was blurry, like he was moving as he took it. 
Eeeeeeee: !!!!!! CAN U BRING UR DOG
“God damn.” 
Tozier Boy🤙: which one I got 2 an old man corgi (Amante/Ames) and this baby (Bellissima/Belle) 
Then Eddie sent another black screen. 
Eeeeeeee: Fr though I would like a date. Do you like ice cream?
Tozier Boy🤙: im lack toes and taller ants i love ice cream how about this saturday at noon?
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:53): Eddie’s cackling madly what the fuck did you do
You to Stealink my NOTs (11:53) lack toes and taller ants dude
Stealink my NOTs to You (11:54): Cool. Stop it.
Eeeeeeee: sure!!
Richie dropped his phone to the side and danced against his bed. Waving his hands to The Safety Dance. Dates, dogs and cute boys. Okay. 
He spent the rest of the night talking with Eddie, grinning widely the whole time. 
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 45a (NSFW)
Cowritten with @disastrousintention. Author note - contains a flashback scene.
Duffy yawned as she looked up from the computer screen and tried to focus her eyes on the clock. 2.46am. She'd been unable to sleep so she'd snuck downstairs to try and finish her assignment. The table around her was littered in books and papers. Her eyes were growing heavier by the second and she couldn't help resting her head on one of the books and closing her eyes.
Charlie had woken briefly and frowned noticing the bed beside him was empty. Where the hell was she? He figured she’d be downstairs, probably working on her assignment but went down to check. Finding her asleep on her pile of books, Charlie placed the blanket around her shoulders and tucked her up.
She woke up a little while later, confused as to where the blanket had come from. As she moved the muscles in her neck and back complained loudly.
Charlie and the children were just coming downstairs at the time she woke.
"What time is it?" Duffy mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
“7am.” He replied.
She looked at the computer and sighed. "I was hoping to have gotten more done than that." She grumbled.
“Hey! You’ve done amazing! Don’t beat yourself up, please.”
She tried to stand up but her back really didn't like the idea. She leant heavily against the table edge.
“Is your back giving you jip?”
"I'm too old and fat to be sleeping in chairs." She muttered grumpily.
“Old maybe yes. Fat you are certainly not!”
"Hmm." Though it had been a few weeks they hadn't yet told the children the news.
“You’re not fat!” He sighed, “You’re growing a baby!”
She glared at him. "Keep your voice down!" She hissed.
He sighed, “We need to tell them at some point.”
"I know, but not yet."
He nodded, “But soon?”
"I know I can't keep it a secret much longer."
“Maybe we can tell people after our scan?”
"OK. If half the department hasn't guessed by then!"
“Has anyone said anything to you?”
"I've heard a few whispers about the fact I've gained weight."
“Who’s said that?!”
"We both know what young nurses are like for gossiping." She sighed. "I haven't been as sick this time so that's making a difference."
“You know I love your pregnancy curves anyway. More skin for me to kiss, lick and suck.” He grinned, “Not to mention all the other bonuses.” He paused for a second, “He’s definitely a he then?”
"I was certainly a lot more sick with the girls, that's for sure!"
“Yeah you were.”
"Have you heard anything or does everyone just think I've gotten fat?"
“I haven’t heard anything.” He replied.
"Great!" She sighed, rolling her eyes. She caught sight of the clock. "Shit! I need to get ready for work!"
“Relax. The boss isn’t in, you can’t get into trouble.” He reassured.
"I know coz she's stood here having a disagreement with her husband!"
“I wouldn’t say it was a disagreement.”
"Well you're preventing me from getting ready to leave..." She chuckled.
“Go and get ready.” He smiled.
Several minutes later she came back down dressed in fresh clothes, her uniform draped over her arm. She began to gather her books and laptop into her bag to take with her.
By now the girls were sat around the table, waiting for breakfast. They said goodbye to their mum and gave her a kiss. “Love you mummy.” They called. Charlie smiled, kissing Duffy softly, “Don’t work too hard gorgeous. Have a good day.” His hand discreetly squeezed her bottom.
She winked at him. "I'll try not to but there's a lot to get through today." She sighed.
“Remember to take frequent breaks. I don’t want you hugging the floor.”
"Yes sir!" She mocked.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “Love you.”
"Love you too." She blew him a kiss as she headed out the door.
Every day he counted his blessings on finding someone so beautiful and smart.
It was nearly 10pm before Duffy finally arrived back home. She dropped her bag down the hallway and leant back against the door with a sigh.
Suddenly her phone pinged with a text message from Charlie. It read, 'There’s a bath and bubbles waiting for you. And your favourite dinner in the oven xxx’
She smiled and trudged over to the stairs to take off her shoes. She looked up, debating if she had the energy to walk up to the bathroom.
“I can always carry you up the stairs if need be.” Charlie said from the doorway of the living room.
She squeaked, not realising he was there.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”
"Aren't you on the early shift tomorrow?"
“I am, for my sins.” He smiled.
"Shouldn't you be in bed already then?"
“Yes but I wanted to wait until you came back.”
"Want to join me for that bath then?" She grinned.
"Maybe..." He grinned.
"Ah the truth reveals itself!" She giggled, holding out her hand towards him.
He smiled brightly and placed his hand in hers.
She groaned as he pulled her to her feet.
“Sore feet?”
"Sore everything." She admitted.
“Need a little massage somewhere?”
"Tempting..! Though don't let me fall asleep." She insisted.
"I still have more work to do."
“You need to relax. It’s been a long day for you!”
"I'm not going to have much time to work on it tomorrow though."
“Please don’t push yourself too hard. I don’t want you to get ill.”
"I won't. I'm only going into the school for a couple of hours tomorrow."
“Promise me?”
"It's only a ten minute presentation and then I'll be sat with the kids answering questions and showing them some of the stuff we work with everyday." She rolled her eyes. "Its a group of four and five year olds - how tough can it be?"
“Probably very tough.” He pointed out, “And hard work.”
"Yes, they're so much harder to deal with compared to drunks and addicts." She rolled her eyes.
“They throw the same amount of tantrums and ask just as many questions.” Charlie answered.
"I think I can tackle your average four year old Charlie!" She laughed.
“I’m not saying you can’t. You can handle everyone!” He replied.
"Then stop fussing and let's go have a bath."
“I’m waiting for you.” He smiled.
"You're the one arguing!" She countered with a laugh.
“Am not.” He pouted.
"The bath is going to be cold at this rate." She remarked as she began to slowly climb the stairs.
“And who’s fault will that be, Mrs Fairhead?”
"Yours?" She shrugged.
“Yours.” He pouted.
She was about to retort when she opened the bathroom door and discovered he'd lit candles and placed fresh towels on the side.
“Do you like it?” He asked.
She tried to speak but burst into tears instead.
He didn’t say anything before he pulled her into a hug.
“What?” He whispered, rubbing her back.
"I need to stop crying at everything!"
“I only lit some candles.” He smiled.
"It was such a sweet thing though." Her bottom lip was starting to tremble again.
“I’ll do anything for you. You know that don’t you?” He pulled away to meet her eye, “Let me go and check the bath is still warm.”
"I swear I wasn't this much of a hormonal wreck last time!"
“With the boys? Or with the girls?"
"Either!" She sighed. "Oh I don't know, maybe I was and I've blocked out the memories." She laughed wryly. "You're determined to try and guess aren't you?"
“Maybe.” He grinned. “Of course! I love guessing!”
"Its going to be a long few months..!" She giggled.
“A very long few months.” He began to undress in the bathroom. “Now are you getting in the bath or..?” He grinned.
She nodded and quickly undressed before stepping into the bath and sliding under the water.
He got in behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, “Your body is beautiful!”
She laid her head back against his chest and sighed as she closed her eyes.
He kissed the top of her head but didn’t say anything.
It didn't take long before she was snoring softly.
He smiled sadly as he heard the snores and for a while just left her to snooze.
She suddenly awoke when Charlie's hands grabbed her as she tried to roll over in her sleep. "Huh?" She mumbled as her face narrowly missed the water.
“You’re in the bath.” He told her. “Come on let’s go to bed.”
"No, I need to eat and do some more work." She argued weakly.
“No you need to sleep. You’re exhausted.”
"I'm fine!"
“Will you just stop arguing for once and listen to me? Please?”
She grumbled as she slowly pushed herself up out of the bath and dragged a towel towards her.
He helped her up and out of the bath. Before he got himself out and draped a towel around him.
"I'm not an invalid!" She muttered under her breath.
He didn’t respond to her comment. He was only trying to help!
She wasn't in the mood to be fussed. She was perfectly capable. She hated being treated like she was fragile or weak.
There was an awkward silence as they went into the bedroom and got themselves ready for bed.
Once changed into her pjs she desperately wanted to go to bed but she also kept thinking about all the other things she needed to get done. She walked towards the door.
“Come to bed, baby?”
"You said there was food in the oven. You're always complaining that I don't eat enough!"
“Shall we have dinner together then?”
"OK." She agreed.
He smiled. They went downstairs and Charlie took the food out of the oven. He’d made her favourite.
Duffy sat on the sofa. They couldn't be bothered with the formality of sitting at the table this late in the evening.
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Sometimes you just gotta vent
I am so unbelievably frustrated with my best friend right now. Obviously I adore her, but that doesn't mean she isn't selfish AF sometimes, and this isn't even for my benefit it's for her poor boyfriend's. So Brianne and Kyle have been going out for 6 years, a long time yes, but unsure if this includes the month or so they broke up in their second year because Brianne doesn't like to think about that because it doesn't fit in with her fairytale romance, yes that's my girl. Keep in mind they are both older than me (Kyle just turned 30 and she'll be 26 in a few weeks), but ya...they've been together long enough that Kyle has started saving for a ring. Now obviously I know this because I'm the best friend and kind of Kyle's only friend in like a 30 mile radius, but did I find out from him telling me? Nope...I found out cuz my crazy best friend has already found his money envelope multiple times and has clearly counted the money because a few months ago he reached about a grand in savings. N mind you they live together on their own, so this is money he's been saving while paying for his half of the rent, his car bills, his debt, fun stuff for them to do, and whatever other amenities they need. And he'd only been saving for a month or so, so yeah, he was proud. What does my beautiful, spoiled best friend do? She picks up the envelope and goes, "Honey, I'm so proud. You're about a 4th of the way there!" Good. Freaking. Lord. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those girls who's all "NO DIAMONDS, GIVE ME A TWIG WOVEN INTO A BAND N ILL BE HAPPY" like no. It's supposed to symbolize your love, you're supposed to wear it forever, and you want it to last and be good quality. So yes, it should be probs the nicest ring you own, but this is not what you say to your BF who's been busting his ass off. First of all, it shouldn't be anywhere that she can count it (I yelled at him about that) but honestly Brianne's kinda crazy n if really it's in their place she probably would have found it. But oh lord, so this sets them off into a fight cuz he's like "wtf how much do u want me to spend?!" And she's all "do you think I'm not worth that money?!" Uuugggghhhhhh. I've gotten this from both sides now and as per usual, it's a simple miscommunication as are like 96% of normal couple fights, and so naturally they both freak out to me and I have to calm them down and translate what the other person means. I placate them, brianne agrees to stop harping and Kyle continues to save. But it gets worse when she hangs with her mom. Again, I freaking LOVE Brianne's mom, but she like Brianne seem to have this whole "more money = love" mentality which is super fucked up. They start looking at potential rings to get an idea of what she'd want, fair. She also discusses how they have a family friend that can get them better quality rings for cheaper prices, awesome. But then when she comes home from that convo the price for the ring is now 5 grand and to make matters worse, a month later, Kyle texted me today to say now it's 6 grand. What the actual fuck?!? So I will talk to her about this and tell her to back the fuck off, cuz here's the thing: she never needs to know nor should she ever know the god damn price of her ring. Why does it freaking matter?!?!! If it's what she wants and what Kyle wants and it's gonna last however long, WHY DOES THE PRICE MATTER?! And here's where my best friend makes me wanna rip my hair out. In her head, that money = love thing, is real. She's so much about labels and I don't get why. I was shopping for her birthday today but I'm low on funds so I looked around charming Charlie's and target thinking "maybe I could get her a cute dress or nice shirts for work". But then I think, when have I ever seen her wear any of the clothes or accessories I've bought her? The answer: never, unless it's a label. It's sad that it's her mind set, but it seems to be. Idk who the fuck she's trying to impress, but it seems to be rubbing off on her poor boyfriend and I'm frustrated. This is not the way for them to start off a marriage and I cannot be there to couples counsel them every step of the way. An engagement ring is supposed to symbolize a promise to be together forever, a symbol of your love and devotion to one another, not a way to wave your hand around and be like "look how fucking loaded my boyfriend is!!!" I've legit heard her say stuff like "your ring / wedding are going to be so much better than mine" LIKE WHAT?! I'm no where near to that level! No one has ever liked me enough to be with me that long!! I haven't fucking been on a date since high school!!! Why would you compare a 6 year theoretically good relationship to my pathetic lack there of love life?! Clearly she's insecure, but I don't like why. Kyle has his faults, for sure, but he loves the crap out of her...he wouldn't have stuck with her for so long if he didn't. But fighting over how expensive a ring is doesn't bode well at all. What are you going to do when it's a house? Or kids??? This fundamental lack of understanding and communication within a relationship can doom it. Now they are not the kind of ppl who'll walk away, they're more the sweep our problems under the rug and complain to others kind of people. But that's worse!!! Those feelings can only bottle and fester until they explode and no one wants to be there when that happens, I just hope they grow the fuck up and actually have adult conversations and try to hear each other out and fix it. I just wish she knew how freaking good she has it. I'd give anything for some fucking affection. Like I don't need 5 or 6 grand anything, I'd just like a kind, fun boy to go do stuff with and really just snuggle up. I'm so fucking lonely it's not even funny! I have fantasies about fictional characters cause that's all I've got. The last real life boy I had a semi crush on is gay as the Fourth of July. So really, I just wish people would stfu and be grateful. I try to, but then I gotta deal with this. I'm exhausted and need to get up for work tomorrow, but this is the bullshit that is plaguing me. Le sigh, maybe one day she'll listen to me. Sorry for the rant, needed to happen.
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