#ill miss nico tho
baby-prophet · 2 years
I got three hugs tonight including from that girl I developed a crush on a couple of weeks ago LOL
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xamaxenta · 10 months
I like your HC about all the straw hat being alphas if you have time pls talk more about it
Thanks !! I like it too i have alot more to say so ill just go ahead 🙏🏽
Alot of people get curious like how…? How does an all Alpha crew function without a buffer like at least, surely someones a Beta right?
The only exclusions to the ABO rule i guess would be Brook (genderless honestly, prefers he/him as per his biological body when. When he had one YOHOHOHO) and Chopper who is organically an actual animal who ate a DF, he’s a unique case because even tho his zoan gives him human qualities it doesn’t necessarily give him a secondary dynamic like one so i guess take these two as the outliers and thus have no actual scent qualities or biological traits
Anyway the answer is Luffy’s legitimately that guy lol hes gonna be King of the Pirates and really only someone with that kind of conviction can lead an all Alpha crew
But also bc hes a funny goofy guy who just wants to have fun
Zoro is a no brainer, nobody is surprised to learn the pirate hunters an alpha, he’s like the stock image representative whenever you google what does a typical alpha look like … lol (sorry)
Sanji also a no brainer, he may be slimmer in build but everything else from his attitude to his keen desire to provide its not rocket science
Nami is the head turner, rare to find female alphas and rarer that theyre as pretty as she is, shes often mistaken for a beta or omega and shes totally okay with this if it gets her things she wants or if it works out as a means to her ends haha
Usopp is also mistaken for a Beta bc his scent is more controlled — hes so much more polite, listen he grew up without a father figure, had a poorly mother and paraded about with a buncha kids, hes like the fatherly alpha aspect, but its tragic because he sort of stepped into that role himself as a child when he shouldn’t have which resulted in his quicker maturity and better control of his instinct
Chopper- see above
Robin just exudes mystery and power, theres no small wonder that when people find out that intensity radiating across the room isnt from Zoro or Sanji but Miss Nico Robin, perhaps she was never meant to present as an Alpha but after the trauma of Ohara perhaps that changed, she might be one of the first of her case
Franky is a funny case, considering hes a cyborg, he’s technically an Alpha but after all his augmentations he decided he didnt really care much for his dynamic and idk through the power of science and bad science hes more or less an anomaly where people can tell this person is an alpha but???? How? Franky doesnt care if people see him as a freak of nature hes having a good time vibing
Brook- see above
Jinbe - no brainer look at the guy, dudes a chad no need for explanation lol
Anyway Luffys really well adjusted emotionally especially from growing up amongst Alphas — Dadan and her bandits but also because he was taken care of by two kinds of Omegas - Ace and Makino one being closer to his age and feral and the other an adult and more maternal oriented
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ursie · 3 years
nico time!!!!
hates loud noises but also hates complete silence. he likes to have background noise at all times to relax him
would definitely get a cat!! i’m thinking a little black cat that was unwanted for some reason. maybe it’s missing an eye or a leg
he and hazel are actually both goth icons so they can easily share clothes bc they have nearly the same style
LOVES superhero comics!! idk who his fave would be though...
can’t stand superhero MOVIES tho. he thinks it ruins the comics
fairly short since he was malnourished during his major growth periods. also this contributed to his chronic pain a lot
part time wheelchair user ofc, also i think he would wear knee braces bc i imagine he’s got really bad knees
loves to wear skirts and dresses!! they’re comfy and pretty :)
favorite color is purple
i think he’d like makeup, but i also think he would hate having to take it off at night it’s such a PAIN
reyna, hazel, piper, and drew are his best friends
he’s super smart and he loves to learn!! i think he would sort of take his education into his own hands... he’d take classs when he could and he’d learn history from ghosts he talks to
loves to draw and paint, even if he’s not that good at it bc it’s relaxing
jobs i can see for him when he’s older: something with linguistics, school counselor, teacher, househusband
i think he has schizophrenia... idk with the new thing that he hears voices and all, i’d just kill to have a character i love and that is well liked and a good person have schizophrenia because it is portrayed so badly in media and so rarely. i think he would have quite a few of the common negative symptoms. he’d often have a hard time processing things and he definitely has the social withdrawal
black coffee is gross but if it has cream then it’s good!
his eyes are one of his best features. they’re so dark and he has nice eyelashes
Anon it’s like you’re in my mind.. and ye Nico really does have a “has a heavily stigmatized mental illness vibe” especially with how his symptoms are treated by other people-and he does canonically struggle with episodes ect. He does have PTSD, and depression. Also I think his favorite superhero is Spider-Man 🥰
Send me your thoughts/hcs/ect
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smallblueboyscout · 4 years
Tumblr media
Holy shit I’ll try to keep this short but its 2:30am and i have work in the morning, tho really this is gonna get long!!
I’ve had Jon for a full year!! 
And I’m over 660+ followers (i sadly missed the big 666. one of yall gotta take one for the team and unfollow me long enough to post that). This is the longest I’ve ever had a muse. And never with so many people to ever interact with me before. i probably seem over dramatic or silly when i say things like yall make me cry when you compliment me, but I mean it. I never imagined anyone would interact with my jon, aside from hazy and ash. thats all who usually ever interact with my muses. If i even reach 50 followers, its a miracle. Its why i tended to muse hop. No interactions and my muses tend to just die due to lack of attention. I had little to no knowledge of DC comics, knew nothing of Superman, and somehow you guys still tolerated my existence and rped with me. i cant name everyone who’s been special to me, but ill try to list a few people, and then @ some of my favorite blogs. if i dont tag you, that doesnt mean i dont care about you, it just means I was running out of time. If we’ve interacted icly or oocly at any point, you have my personal thanks.
Special thanks:
Hazy. @failedprince​ always someone i want to thank. generally for being my friend through the years (its been at least two right? got to be more, because i was part of gracestuck before i was in walmart, and i joined walmart in 2017). for joining isola with me as hyde, and interacting with my muses, even when you have no idea who they are, or even when youre not fond of the series. <3
@ilreghost​ i cant remember your other blogs, partially cause theyre kyn but!! You’ve also been super supportive of me and listening to me ramble about jon and talk about threads and stuff going on with him. Youre an amazing fiance and I love rping with you.
The isola mods!! For letting me join as jon and giving me an opportunity to play him!
Literally anyone in isola who has interacted with me or rped with me! Lin, Battler, Nico (the mun not the muse), Travis, Harley, Tim, Dami, Bruce, Ikol, Joker, Baku, Peter. I’m sure I’m forgetting someone but it is almost 3am. 
Indie DC blogs who gave me a chance! Literally, I knew nothing of DC and for some reason you guys scrapped the bottom of the barrel and came to me because you really wanted to interact with a Jon, and decided to stick around?? Especially through all my low activity and minimal interactions with you guys. I don’t understand why you guys keep following me, since i almost never rp with indies, but I am grateful.
theres so many people i can thank, but its getting late. just know i love all you guys, and im super grateful you ever gave me a chance. i know my portrayal isnt perfect, and im really slow to reply to my stuff, but ive still had a lot of fun.
ok i love you guys (how many times have i said this?), thanks for reading this. ill think about maybe doing a small giveaway or something as a thank you eventually, but we’ll see. goodnight <3 
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hatsukoi-butterfly · 5 years
Nothing Left to Cling To Review
Spoiler alert!!
First at all, I want to start with Jolex storyline since it's the only one I care about what I waited for the most. The first scene of the episode where they're taking everything that can be dangerous for Jo hurts me so much, especially when they took her ring. Honestly, almost every scene of Jolex made me so sad - how she tells Alex that he has a way out, or how she tells him he doesn't deserve someone who breaks like glass. I hate seeing her so sad, I hate that she thinks of herself as crazy only because she has mental illness. Yes, it's a big part of who she is now, but she's also a brilliant surgeon, super smart person and has such a good personality. She has depression, but it doesn't mean she doesn't deserve love. I was a bit annoyed with the fact Alex didn't tell her all of that after she repeatedly talked about her "craziness" and how he deserves better, but I'll let it go since he clearly had a rough time too. I love that Richard made him realise that he needs to give Jo a reason to stay, but I have to admit the second proposal was a bit awkward. I loved their conversation, but they're already married (I don't care they didn't send the marriage license!!!) So proposing again was weird. However, I really love how he admitted that he thought of leaving but then realised she makes him a better person and he wants to grow old with her and he loves her in sickness and health. It was beautiful. And she jiggles before he kissed her!! I always noticed how she jiggles every time she is going to kiss him or he's going to kiss her and I told myself that the moment she does that, the moment we know she got a little bit better.
Now, Teddy and Owen. I have to admit Teddy is my least favorite Grey's character, or one of my least favorites at least. I really dislike her. I also think he storyline is Owen is stupid and the whole Owen Tom Teddy Amelia thing is annoying as fuck. If I were Tom I would get so mad about what she did to him, but he didn't because he still loves her. I feel sorry for him. He deserves love and be happy and she clearly not the person for him. However, I liked how they showed that she has trouble being a mom. I said couple of times that I can't really "think" of her as a mother, and I'm glad they showed that it's indeed not easy for her. She's a work person, she doesn't really know how to handle it. Also OWEN OFFERING TO MILK HER?? I laughed my ass off oh my god. It was so freaking funny. It's such Owen thing to do. I really disliked how she told him they need a new house tho. Really? Giving away your perfect house only because "this is not how we supposed to start our relationship"? Ridiculous, in my opinion. I hope they'll have less problems from now on, I am sick of the whole love triangle or whatever that thing is. I hope they can focus more on her struggle of being a mom and still be the good surgeon she is.
Amelia and Link! I really like them together, I ship them. I found the way Amelia wanted to take things slow so nice - Grey's always jump into things, people sleeping with people instead of going to actual dates and such so I loved that they actually dates. The whole... Sex with more than one person was a bit weird, but it's such and Amelia thing to do lmao. I loved how Link just went with it, they really fit each other. He's more open minded than Owen and it makes them work. And he's so sweet! I didn't like him at first but now I really do. I also LIVE for his relationship with Alex. Let Jo's boys be friends!! Anyway, now I want to talk about Amelia's pregnancy. It's... First of all, a lot of people in the fandom guessed it's going to happen and I don't know how?? I didn't see it coming, really. And I don't like this storyline, to be honest. Amelia just started to have some "normality" in her life after the whole Owen Teddy Leo Betty whatever thing. She dates and she's happy and now all of the sudden she's pregnant? They didn't really had to do that, I hope she's not REALLY pregnant even though it might breaks her. Also, I'm 100% she's pregnant with Owen's baby because they want thr drama. Urgh.
Jackson and Maggie. I shipped them at the beginning then noticed they're very toxic to each other so I'm glad this is over, but I didn't like how it went. Maggie got SO mad which partly makes sense because he did leave her alone, but I didn't think that's what she'll be so mad about. To be honest, I would like more if they made Jackson seriously hurt - not because I hate him, I LOVE him! - but because it feels like they have nothing to do with him now so they're just giving him random storylines and not very interesting ones. Maybe this could make his story a bit more interesting to watch. I feel bad for Maggie tho, she's really hurt and she's so sensitive I feel sorry for her. I don't know much about Vick from station 19, I only saw one episode of that, but they seemed cute together. I saw a lot of people are against that so I don't know what to think. We'll see where it goes. I just want both Maggie and Jackson to be happy. Not necessarily means they'll have a romantic relationship with someone - Japril was an endgame for me, so for now I think he can be happy without a girlfriend just like Meredith was fine until now. But if he goes with Vick, that's nice too. As for Maggie... She needs someone ad nerd as her lol. I hope she finds someone. I liked her with Deluca, how about making them getting back together? I don't know.
Meredith and Deluca. I REALLY dislike their relationship, I can't stand it, it makes not sense. However, they were barely together this episode so it wasn't a torture to watch lol. Meredith collecting garbage makes me laugh SO much everytime I see it, I live for this. This is just great. And when Bailey asked if he can wear Meredith jacket for school? I laughed so much. And when Zola asked how to spell criminal. It's so sad it's just extremely funny lol. We all know she'll get her medical licence back, she's Meredith Grey and everything and you can't have a medical drama without the main character lol. For now I'm fine with her collecting garbage because it's so funny.
Some other tiny things - I can clearly see why Richard is so mad and while I don't understand why he doesn't retire I don't really get why Catherine got so mad about him getting a new job. What did you want him to do? Sit at home all day? It's your fault you didn't try to help even though you know Meredith is the only one who deserves the punishment she got. I missed Carina! So happy to see her back, she's always a nice addition. Levi and Nico were sweet this episode, I hope it means they'll be better this season because their relationship so far was toxic as fuck.
That's it I think! See you next week
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a03feed-percico · 5 years
a much needed conversation
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DOUyuC
by wellfuckallthegoodnamesaretaken
Percy find Nico after he confesses. They talk it out. Secrets are revealed and a new understanding is reached, cause they both respect eachother and are not idiots.
Or; the missing scene we all needed tbh. Now featuring: Bi Percy and Confused Nico.
OR or; me crawling out of my well after several years of not being active in this fandom to shame everyone for characterizing Percy like That.
Words: 2004, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan, Will Solace
Relationships: Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan/Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan/Annabeth Chase
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Kinda, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, Its just them talking really, percy is not stupid yall, au where percy knew abt nicos crush and also had a crush on luke, canon cant stop me cause i cant read, STOP WITH THE NOT UR TYPE JOKES THEYRE NOT FUNNY, percy isnt an asshole and hes not dumb stop treating him like that smh, he made mistakes yea but he cares abt nico, Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), literally im only writing bc im tired of yall treating my boy percy like hes a five year old, so heres 2k words of him being Good At Feelings and nico being Confusion, Forgiveness, Late Night Conversations, Awkward Conversations, Out of Character, the only characters are nico and percy, the others are just mentioned, Bisexual Percy Jackson, Gay Nico di Angelo, percico is tagged but its not percico tho they just become good friends, stop treating percy like a villain in solangelo fics or ill steal ur fingerbones, my friend borrowed my copy of boo and didnt give it back, so im writing this based on memory, its prob not canon compliant lmao, its prob ooc but, still more in character than some things ive seen, so i dont care
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2DOUyuC
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lupurel · 7 years
Tag three friends and your three favorite things about them!
well first um You obviously @hadeschain
01. ur funny as hell tho honestly tht applies to all of the Wank Jr squad im lookin at u gys like i legitmately have had so many times where i Cannot Breathe because of ur guys’s sense of humor. uve killed the man02. i LOVE OUR FRIENDSHIP DYNAMIC SO MUCH OK we have a pokemon-esque rivalry and its good i cant belivee Sun and Gold rivalry confirmed???? gold confirmed for rival pokemon sun/moon??? they rly missed an opportunity with this one 03. not afraid of death
and thEENENNNN oh god the pressure is on idk how the fuck to dish out thse last two spots OK FUCK IT ILL RANDOMIZE ALL THE PEOPLE ON MY FRIENDS PAGE HERE WE GO - 
MY 3 FAV THINGS ABOUT GREEN (figures you would hack and get the number 2 spot you f**ker)
01. like nico just SUPER FUCKNG FUNNY (green voice leaning heavy into the mic) WHBT THE FUCK02. jst super reliable tbh? always there for anyone n puts up with too much crap03. would never snitch on a tru friend unless its about their kinks OR their superwholock blog
01. doesnt mind whatsoever when i ramble on for 50 hours about baby park ??? Specifically Niche?she is a trooper AND ALSO ITS SUPER FKN COOL HOW WELL SHE DEVELOPS LKE EVERY ONE OF HER ‘VERSES SHES GOT TALENT02. is the only slytherin i know im pretty sure unless someone hasnt told me they r slytherin yet. this isnt rly a fav thing but i just thought everyone should know tht. do i need more slytherin friends? Probably03. JUST REALY CHILL ALL AROUND... shes the type of friend you could act the stupidest around and still not feel stupid because she encourages the dumbness in just the right way even tho she coulda roasted u 10 years ago if she really wanted to
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for the honesty hour thing, do all the even number ones 😎
AAAAAAA ily thanks for all the questions, now hopefully all my answers make sense pff
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on who I’m with! If it’s a small group I can be really outgoing, and especially around my friends. In school I tend to be really quiet and hardly talk at all.

4. Are you easy to get along with?I like to think so? Sometimes I could see myself being a little overbearing or disagreeable.

6. What kind of people are you attracted to?NICE PEOPLE, if you’re nice to me I’ll cry.

8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Hmmm dunno, my ex I guess tbh.

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?My best friend Talia! We hung out at lunch today which was rad bc we hardly have time, and we talked abt feelings.

12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?-Cry Wolf— The girl and the dreamcatched-Howl— Florence and the machine (Oh my gosh wolf theme here jeez)-Rainclouds— The arcadian wind-No guts, no glory— Cassio monroe-Jump into the fog— The wombats

14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Kinda, yea!

16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Bruh

18. Do you still talk to your first crush?HOoh man who even was my first crush? Nah i dont think so

20. Do you like your neighbors?OMG my neighbors are a nice elderly italian couple whos son still lives w them, and he talks rlly loud and gruff and loves comic books and is like a friendly lumberjack and theyre great

22. Where would you like to travel?Anywhere sounds nice w friends! Road trips are def my style, just place to place yknow.

24. Favorite part of your daily routine?The couple hours before my sister and I go to bed, when we just chill in her room and draw or talk!

26. What do you do when you wake up?Bathroom probably lol

28. Who are you most comfortable around?My sister 100%

30. Do you ever want to get married?Maybe, idk

32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?NAH

34. Do you play sports? What sports?I dont play sports lol

36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?YA

38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Idk, someone nice who makes me smile and I can make smile. Idc

40. What do you want to do after high school?cry

42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m probably in a mood, sometimes I just detach bc something minor upsets me and it takes me a while to find a voice/personality again

44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?BOTH SOUND TERRIFYING but im gonna say ocean yea ill stay on earth thx

46. What are you paranoid about?My dad finding my blog or hearing me talk abt really personal stuff he wouldnt approve of

48. Have you ever been drunk?Nupe

50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Grey

52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?Make my voice normal lol

54. Favourite store?BARNES & NOBLE OMg

56. Favourite colour?
ALL maybe pastel purples/pinks??!!

58. Last thing you ate?
Pasta lol

60. Ever won a competition? For what?Cant remember asdffg. I won a camp competition and the trophy was an old icee machine theyd spray painted silver. my teams names all got written on it.

62. Been arrested? For what?NO OMG

64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?I have two tbh. My technical first kiss was this girl who sprung it on me w/o asking, i was still dating another guy at the time. it was surprising and a little intense, it freaked me out and i hate remembering itWhat i like to call my real first kiss was w the guy id been dating at the time, he kissed me after band practice and both our dads were in the room but it was really cute and sweet

66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS and i love them all so much. All my real friends ive known for so many years, and most of my tumblr friends are pretty new but i have so much love for all yall

68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr. twitters cool but it confuses me haha

70. Names of your bestfriends? Katie, courtney, chris, stef, & talia !

72. What colour are your towels?Uuuuh is it bad i cant remember? Red? We have a few colors cuz their all old and dont rlly match

72. How many pillows do you sleep with? (??? theres two 72s omg lol)HELLA

74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I have a pillow pet and a toothless build a bear lmao, and theres probably like 4ish other merch plushiss that i love

76. What colour is your underwear?pink pff

78. Favourite ice cream flavour?coffee!!

80. What colour pants?Dark blue denim!

82. Favourite movie?Hmm Descendants probs heheh. Or HTTYD!

84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Ive only seen mean girls, and that was like years ago hahaha

86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?NEMO

88. Last person you talked to today?My sister ;3;

90. Name a person you love?YOU BB

92. In a fight with someone?Na bro

94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Like 5ish that i use regularly, probably more tho

96. Favourite actress?

Hummm Dove cameron lol

98. Do you tan a lot?YES in the summer yea

100. How are you feeling?Tired & a little anxious

102. Do you regret anything from your past?YA always

104. Do you miss anyone from your past?A friend i used to have in middle school and freshmen year lol, but he moved

106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Not that i know of. maybe.

108. What should you be doing?ENGLISH HW ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WHAT CAN YA DO

110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Mmm

112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Katie (My sister), I bet. Yikes.

114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?YA

116. Are you listening to music right now?Radio in the car! Idk the song, its pop but its new so i dunno it yet

118. Do you like Chinese food?Yea

120. Are you afraid of the dark?SOMETIMES BRO

122. Is cheating ever okay?NO??? NO!!!

124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Not really

126. Are you currently bored?Luckily anxiety is occupying me idk if “bored” is quite the word for it

128. Would you change your name?Hmmm maybe maybe not, idc. 
If I changed it it be to something like peter or even nico
130. Do you like subway?Eeeeh

132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?This questions repeated i think but my friend Talia!

134. Can you count to one million?WH i mean theoretically… ye..s?

136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Open, so the cat can get in/out

138. Curly or Straight hair?Mines p straight

140. Summer or Winter?Summer

142. Favourite month?March

144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?MILK CHOCOLATE

146. Was today a good day?It was pretty good yeah!!

148. What’s your favourite quote?
“Comparison will kill you” idk who its by

150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line“He didn’t have the time to dawdle here like this now”
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doing that thing where i answer questions about my year bc i did it in 2015 and 2016 here we go
1:What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? had not one but TWO relationships of some type (!!), dealt w/ actual heartbreak, had one girlfriend, moved to a city 100% on my own, came out to a shit ton of ppl, interned, had a job where i was not sexually harassed (go madewell), ok there’s literally so much more i dont even know what else to include  2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? my ones from last year were: “stop dealing with other people’s shit, learn to love urself (even if other ppl don’t show that towards me), don’t fuck up anymore with drinking, do more things outside of school than just going out” DAMn binch i did all of these things. go me. um this year i think i’m gonna focus on myself but also be okay if u focus on others (ie relationships) and also be okay with heartbreak and instead of hiding it be okay with those emotions 3:Did anyone close to you give birth? nope 4:Did anyone close to you die? uuummmmmmm i dont think so????? 5:What countries did you visit? wow y’all i stayed in the U.S. this year that’s a first 6:What would you like to have in 2017 that you lacked in 2016? last year i said a girlfriend and this year i say a girlfriend who doesn’t move to chicago haha who can relate 7:What dates from 2016 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? some nights from this summer in ny (even when i was lonely as hell), every moment with kelsey (including saying goodbye), many concerts this was a good year for concerts, literally that is all but like i had a pretty good year  8:What was your biggest achievement of the year? getting hired at madewell and to still work there wtf, getting an internship in ny (yeah BABY), moving to nyc alone and not dying???, going on my first dates ever this year even if some of them sucked, having relationships that were either really good or not that good, FINALLY coming out to myself and close family/friends as a lesbian, discovering the women’s studies major and realizing why i wanna be in school 9:What was your biggest failure? this is gonna sound cheesy but i literally dont know 2017 was actually good personally (like yeah it sucked as a whole but for me personally so many good things happened) 10:Did you suffer illness or injury? yeah i had that thing where i was sick for like an entire month this fall perks of dating someone 11:What was the best thing you bought? oh boy oh boy clothes bc nyc, some good ass concert tickets 12:Whose behaviour merited celebration? i dont like this question what does this mean…….. 13:Whose behaviour made you appalled? my roommates from the summer were pretty shitty bc they said some homophobic shit 14:Where did most of your money go? clothes (rip nyc) and bougie ass dinners with expensive ass wine (rip nyc again) 15:What did you get really, really, really excited about? all i gotta say here is nyc that is aaalllll  16:What song will always remind you of 2017? american dream by lcd soundsystem 17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? © richer or poorer? sooooo much happier even tho i’m in a really bad spot right this second bc of kelsey like everything else is really good, uhhhh thinner i think bc i started dancing again, poorer rip 18:What do you wish you’d done more of? spent more time with kelsey, got out of my comfort zone in nyc even more than i did (like meet more ppl even tho i met a ton of ppl), and also like hang out with friends i feel like i didnt go out that much this year bc i was swamped with so much shit 19:What do you wish you’d done less of? crying (lol a repeat from last  year), literally just wish i did less... stuff this past semester i had no time for myself bc i kept myself way too busy 20:How did you spend Christmas? xmas hasn’t happened yet 21:Did you fall in love in 2017? hmmmmm yeah i would say i did (i’m emo again) 22:What was your favourite TV program? new twin peaks!! 23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? honestly no wow i’ve gotten so much less petty than last year 24:What was the best book you read? have not had a single time to read for pleasure this year except for rn i’m reading call me by your name and i know it’ll be the best book of the year for me  25:What was your greatest musical discovery? beach fossils, angel olsen, snail mail (lmao i only listen to snail mail bc the drummer goes to my school and i’m friends w/ him but like they’re so good) 26:What did you want and get? first a “relationship” that wasn’t really real but like it was something even tho i was only in it bc it was my first time, then i got a good relationship that was too good to be true tbh, um an internship, good ass friends (@ nico) 27:What did you want and not get? a girlfriend that would last over winter break and not move to chicago 28:What was your favourite film of this year? call me by your name of fucking course 29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? nyc, kelsey (kelsey kelsey kelsey), a job tbh??? 30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2016? def getting more into pants def getting more of that fashun lesbian look which i’m into but also still def wearing whatever the fuck i want and still calling it fashion ALSO nyc made me better in terms of style like wowza 31:What kept you sane? kelsey, my friends that i know will be my friends for life after this year, nyc 32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? timothee chalamet my son, also angel olsen not a celebrity but i’m in love with her 33:What political issue stirred you the most? trump/pence once again, but getting more into gender/sexuality politics bc of my women’s studies major 34:Who did you miss? kelsey that’s literally it (gonna miss my best friend nico next semester when he’s in china tho :-( ) 35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. it’s okay to be alone at times (@ nyc), don’t confuse happiness w/ a specific someone with happiness with having a someone in general, be true to urself/be unapologetic in who u are (this is about me being a lesbian), love actually doesn’t suck it’s actually a cool awesome feeling and savor it while it lasts, actual real heartbreak does fucking suck, if u want something go for it and do it without thinking about it too much (@ nyc again) 36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. i’m too lazy to think of some rn sorryyy 
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