#ill try to schedule the M O U T H S U R G E R Y for like the 29th or the 2nd or something so that
saltyxtides · 2 years
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☪ —— 001.
ISOLATION.  I s o l a t i o n.  Isolation.  If there is one thing they have been doing is staying out of TROUBLE && out of s i g h t.  They may do what’s expected of them from the daily routine/schedule, but when it comes down to it they have been avoiding the community room, && nearly everyone else since the swap but Clarissa.
☪ —— 002.
WHEN it comes to Clarissa, there is a bit of an effort they spend about 15-20 minutes with her after Lunch, && it’s usually just them playing around the piano.  Making an effort, but also explaining to Clarissa that they needed some space.
☪ —— 003.
WHEN it comes to Dr. Wardeyn  — Jude Wardeyn — Bayden’s Mom — M o m?  Never having a role model like parents, or any mother from what they remember.  Taking an interest, they have been doing research.  Getting Dr. Wardeyn’s science articles printed out.  Hopefully, somewhere around the Asylum someone’s got to have biography books, written books, anything about Dr. Wardeyn that they could borrow/get there hands on.  They have been doing some research, they are trying to view Bayden’s Mom as a human that also carries trauma buried deep inside of them, regardless of there own personal feelings ( especially the explanation of Bayden’s life ).  Trying to put Dr. Wardeyn on a parental pedestal.  Yet they are very NERVOUS && w o r r i e d they are going to mess things up, because it means a lot to Bayden..
☪ —— 004.
STAYING away from Rowan ( Bayden ) as much as they can since the swap.  There is a lot of ANGRY/h u r t emotions spiraling through them.  It’s not an excuse but, they are angry at Bayden.  The original Rowan didn’t understand, BUT neither did Bayden.  Because if Bayden did, they know that they guarded themselves && had a hard time trusting others.  But they trusted Bayden, && that was special.  Yet Bayden kept calling her “Rowan” && it got complicated.  They can’t believe they thought Bayden was different.  When Bayden’s around in Rowan’s body they act civil, but it’s pretty clear there presence is constantly not there like it was before.  Isolating themselves.  If Rowan ( Bayden ) needed to find them they know where to look.  + the Monty stuff.  && his own mother.  It leaves marks && questions that they have to find out themselves.
☪ —— 005.
BEING in Bayden isn’t as easy as it seems.  In honesty, they have come to understand why Bayden hosts himself in Rowan’s body.  It’s a different world for him.  
Auditory&Parasitosis Delusions happen a lot — they hear random sounds  — && see things they have no control over ( eyes, maggots, ants, snakes, spiders, cockroaches && scorpion-moths  )
Hypnagogic Hallucinations, ect.
☪ —— 006.
They also have to change the way they draw.  It’s not exactly as easy as one would think.  Though the Deer they have been drawing are parasitic.  Sick/Ill.  Rabied.  Dead && covered in mushrooms.
Deer they are studying:
Schomburgk Deer
☪ —— 007.
Avoiding Nurse Janet like the plague.  Deep rooted Depression.  Go away.  DEEP ROOTED DEPRESSION EVERYONE GO AWAY.
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roseband · 6 years
oh my god im so upset cause like
i have to get my wisdom teeth done in my 2.5 wk break between the two summer classes cause the first session ends on 6/28 and the second starts 7/16 but like my got7 tickets r for 7/11 
im gonna be mildly drugged up on codine when seeing mark i cry ://
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ficforce · 4 years
Obi Relationship Alphabet
Reader is a F!Nurse
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A- Activity (What is their favourite activity to do with you.)
Obi and Y/N are very busy with their jobs, they’re both constantly on call and deal with tense situations all the time.
They really enjoy some downtime, Y/N has shift work rather than the 24/7 work pattern the Fire Force has, so she often goes to Obi and they chill out in the rec room. It can be something as simple as putting on a movie or even going for a run together… providing Obi gives her a foot rub later.
B- Beginnings (How do they act at the beginning of a relationship)
It was professional at first, communicating at the scene of an Infernal to protect the public and make it as painless as they could.
There was an instant attraction. Obi noticed her compassion first and Y/N adored how he tried to give comfort to the ones left behind. Obi’s not great at speaking to people and he fumbled a lot, he tripped over his words and got bashful easily. Y/N thought it was adorable that a big man like him was so cute.
It took them a long time to find time to go on their first date but they were sickly sweet with each other.
C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)
Once Obi got over his bashfulness he found it easy to talk to Y/N. She was a good listener and always seemed to know what to say to help him work through a problem. She never made him feel stupid like Princess Hibana could.
When Y/N gets exhausted from work she can get emotional and Obi is a brilliant soundboard for her to talk to. He gets her completely but doesn’t tell her to stop complaining. Everyone needs to deflate every now and then - Even him.
D- Drunk (What are they like when they’re drunk)
Together they’re disgustingly cute, nose kisses, cuddles, showing off for each other and the dreaded cute talk.
If Obi is drunk then he becomes a cuddle, he wants to show off and he wants everyone to be enthusiastic and get ripped with him. Y/N can usually distract him but he’s really heavy and if he passes out there’s not much she can do.
If Y/N is drunk she gets a bit of a handful, she treats everyone like a kid and tries to look after them all, even if she’s fall down drunk, she’ll usually be cuddling someone. She’ll take almost any dare and Obi usually ends up fireman lifting her out of there to get her sobered up.
E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)
Their lives revolve around emergency situations. They’re cool and calm whilst keeping their compassion. When it comes to each other it goes out the window.
They can’t breathe, they have a moment of sheer panic where they just don’t know what to do. They have to almost forget that this is the person they love most in the world and treat them like any stranger.
Afterwards, they won’t be apart for a second.
F- Free Spot (I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with)
Obi used to go to her ambulance with pathetic little injuries just so he could talk to her.
G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)
They’re not really big gift-givers. They prefer time together.
Y/N likes to bring him food he likes and she’ll gift him with professional massages and physio to make sure he doesn’t overwork his muscles.
Y/N’s really into going out to parks, experience days and food. Obi will use his whole days off to take her somewhere fun and won’t let her pay for a thing - he’s got everything planned.
He tries to take her out to different street food places often.
H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)
Whilst on duty they are professional, they might have a few private conversations and check-in with one another but that’s it.
Off duty and in public they’re obviously together but don’t overdo it. Y/N likes to hold hands or he’ll put his arm around her shoulder/waist. They will kiss but chastely, nothing too much.
Off duty in front of team 8 is similar to public but there’s more nuzzling and cuddling.
In private… well, that’s not your business.
I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)
They both get irritated but try not to take it out on others.
Obi will train harder and snap at people.
Y/N has an ‘irritated expression’ and people can literally feel it rolling off her… best leave her to Obi.
J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)
With the world the way it is, they’d take what they needed and use the rest to help victims of Combustion.
K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)
They care more about others than themselves.
One day they’ll go too far
L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)
Each other, other people, dumb little things.
M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)
Because of his bodybuilding, Obi doesn’t sleep very well, he’s always pumped up and has to keep his carbs up. He’s up and ready to go.
Y/N loves to sleep when she can, she’s usually exhausted and collapses in bed, mornings are the worst!
She’s groggy and a little grumpy until she’s awake enough.
On rare occasions where she stays over, Obi will stay in bed to hold her until he literally can’t be still anymore. He’ll let her know he’s going and smile as she grumbles then goes back to sleep.
He never rushes her in the morning… she’s been taking shooting lessons from Hinawa.
N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)
Obi is needy when he’s feeling ill, it’s rare but he behaves like a little kid and wants Y/N to mother him.
Y/N’s needy in the morning, she wants cuddles and is just useless without her Captain.
O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?)
Somewhere quiet, maybe out in the country or up a mountain…?
P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)
Obi gets hurt often and he brushes it off, Y/N hates it, she wants to make him comfortable and will look after him if she can.
Y/N isn’t a wimp but she does cry when she’s in pain. Obi hates it, he wants to make it stop but he doesn’t really know how. He feels guilty that she’s hurting.
Q- Quote (What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship)
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu
R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)
They can sometimes go weeks without seeing each other, it depended on their schedules.
They will head out, recently they like to visit Asakusa in the evening, the street food is great and Company 7 doesn’t mind putting them up.
S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)
Life. Work… It’s really stressful.
Downtime is important.
Obi works Stress out and Y/N sleeps it off.
T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)
Y/N takes it really hard when she can’t save a life
Obi is the same.
U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)
They always have time for others.
V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)
They don’t fight physically. Sometimes they argue about the other taking time off and that they work too hard but that’s about it.
W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)
Hinawa has told me that Obi and Y/N are always awed by each other - it’s sickening.
X- (Explicit headcanon. For all you degenerates)
They’re at it like rabbits, they’ve had sex all over the Company 8 building and been caught a few times. Y/N loves how he can fuck her to within an inch of her life whilst his words and hands and kisses somehow remain soft and loving.
Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?)
Y/N would like Obi to stop exercising in the same t-shirt. He’ll put it on clean, sweat in it, take a shower, then when he goes to train again later puts on the old sweaty thing. It gets washed at the end of everyday but for Sol’s sake, Obi, just put a clean one on!
Z- ZZZ’s (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)
Together they like to cuddle up.
Alone, Y/N cuddles a firm body pillow as a substitute.
Alone, Obi doesn’t sleep as well.
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ahgaseda · 6 years
the NSFW alphabet | Jackson (Got7)
{ this post contains graphic descriptions and explicit content : please read at your own risk! }
A = aroused (how he acts when he's in the mood)
he will be the biggest flirt you’ve ever seen but also blunt as hell. like hey baby you wanna come take a ride on this thick dick. he will get real frisky when he is in the mood. hands roaming everywhere. kissing on your neck and nipping beneath your ear. he can finesse when he needs to and get you all riled up. but he aint above begging either. he will forsake all pride and dignity for a nut and you can have as much fun as you want with that.
B = body (favorite body part of their partner)
he loves your body. he will worship every inch of it and touch you for hours. he loves your boobs. he loves your ass. damn it he loves your thighs and your hips. mine mine mine he says. he always gotta have his hands on you and he just lives to play with your body. even in non sexual ways too he will pat your butt to a beat or jiggle your boobs when you come out of the shower. he just cant help it. youre his goddess and he wants to show his appreciation at all times.
C = climax (what he's like when he orgasms)
he is loud af. and you will know he’s getting closer by the way his voice pitches higher and higher. he is not afraid to let you know in great detail how good he feels. also swears quite a bit. probably mixes up his languages in the heat of the moment. you will become very familiar with swear words in each language he knows lol. he the type that warns you hes about to come even though its oh so painfully obvious.
D = dominance (is he dominant, submissive or a switch)
he is a switch and he is unpredictable. his desires change on a whim. if hes in the mood for you to tie him up and ride him he will tell you. if he wants to shove you against the wall and give you the work he will let you know. power dynamics don’t really concern him in the bedroom unless youre feeling a little frisky and need to be put in your place. he wants to please you above all else.
E = experience (how experienced is he in the bedroom)
he knows what he’s doing. and he is very confident in the bedroom. he knows hes hot and strong and can give you whatever you want. it needs to be said but aries are not opposed to loveless sex. being in love with your partner is a bonus not a requirement. despite that they will be the first to admit the sex is better when a connection is there. it just is.
F = fortitude (does he have a lot of stamina and energy)
one round is boring to him. if you’re both up to it once is not going to be enough. he likes to mix things up and keep the fire going until hes exhausted and blown off all that steam. he will eat you out or let you ride his thigh between rounds. the time it takes for him to get hard again is very short and in some cases he can stay hard after getting off but it varies.
G = gratification (what really gets him off)
mark him as yours. be aggressive and possessive. be spontaneous. he needs fire and passion but most of all he craves being needed and desired. hes fairly easy to please in the bedroom because he brings so much of the energy himself. getting to let it out is where he gets the most release. pleasuring you gets him off the best. seeing his partner taking what he has to give and losing themselves to ecstasy that he caused will make him bust in a heartbeat.
H = habitat (preferred place to get busy)
anywhere. anytime. he don’t care. yall regularly joke about having fucked on nearly every surface in the house. he also moves a lot so sex that starts against the wall can lead to the table or what began in the bed can end up on the floor. there is also a lot of bath or shower sex with jackson. plus he welcomes you visiting him in the studio. he loves a good distraction and orgasm combo.
I = intimacy (how emotional is he when it comes to sex)
not really during sex itself but it will come in afterward. he loves to cuddle and talk after sexy time. but there will be days when he slows it down and makes everything a really sensual affair. intimacy will be the focus and everything will be very intense. this doesnt happen too often but he takes great pride in those nights. usually birthdays or anniversaries or holidays.
J = joke (how much does he play around)
there is a time and place for humor and it depends on the mood. most of the time he is good at reading the mood. generally he likes to be playful and have fun during sex. if you cant laugh during sex then whats the point lol since hes such a dramatic flirt he will definitely have you cracking up before during and after sex but especially during foreplay.
K = kink (toys or kinks)
body worship. both giving and receiving. it definitely plays a big role in those really intense sessions. sex is his favorite hobby so you can expect plenty of kinks and toys in bed. keeping in mind he wants to please you so not much is off limits and he will always be down to test out anything you want to try. he also the type to be into pegging and you can expect him to bring it up during playful banter shamelessly.
L = lust (how often does he want it)
he is an Aries so his sex drive is quite high. very hot blooded and the type that gets hard at the drop of a hat. seriously you can just mention handcuffs in passing and his dick will stand up like hello i have been summoned lol
M = masturbation (mutual and solo)
he jacks off regularly no big deal. having such a high sex drive hes just gotta relieve the stress whenever he can. watching you masturbate is a kink of his but only in theory. once you get into it he has to jump in. it turns him on so bad and he doesnt have the patience to be a bystander. hes not into you watching him either. hes gonna want your hands on him asap. phone sex is a lot of fun with him though. he loses his damn mind over it and threatens to hop on the next plane to come home and fuck you.
N = never (what he will not do)
a hard limit for him is pain. he is not going to do anything that causes you considerable pain. sure he will spank you or choke you within moderation but dont expect him to push the limit with anything more hardcore than that. also degradation doesnt do it for him. he will call you a dirty slut or daddys little whore in taunting but hes not going to go farther. its too contradictory to his personality and even if its in roleplay it will still leave a bad taste in his mouth.
O = oral (giving and receiving)
the pussy eating champion lol. seriously he eats you out all the time and loves every moment of it. if you aint screaming like a demon is coming out of you then he aint happy. he also the type to suck you dry and totally not expect anything in return but he tends to do it before sexy time cause he loves you to be wet and sensitive when he fucks you. now when it comes to blow jobs he is the happiest boy alive. getting head is his weak spot. you can have him singing your name and shaking like a leaf. will not shut up about how well you blow him.
P = position (favorite position)
he loves them all. he the type to change positions rapidly during the same round. he cant stay still. he wants to hit it from every angle. but his favorite could be the Lotus. youre both sitting up face to face and youre straddling his lap which means not only can you ride him into the sunset but he can also move to meet you. he likes that youre both fucking each other plus the feeling of closeness and constant kissing melts his butter. though hes not opposed to doggy because he can dig in deep he prefers being able to see the way your face scrunches up in pleasure.
Q = quickie (what is a quickie like with him)
quickies are fun. he likes quickies. they happen very often. he loves the spontaneous and rushed nature of them. but he will also want more when hes done. once hes in the mood he has a lot of sexual energy to burn through. quickies are more a fast fix for a reservoir thats always overflowing. but the best part about a quickie with jackson is beast mode. when that kicks in just hold on tight and enjoy the ride.
R = roleplay (favorite routines and tropes)
fear not damsel he is coming to the rescue. he can start off strong with tropes but in the heat of the moment hes gonna forget all about it. at a certain point he runs out of patience and concentration and all he can think about is getting that nut. with that being said he likes a challenge. if you make him work for it he will be eating out of the palm of your hand. he also likes anything primal and animalistic. that fucks him up real good.
S = seduction (how he gets you in the mood)
he is playful. but his hands are expert. his kisses are sweet but intense. he starts targeting all of your weak spots and does not hold back. hes a professional smooth and dirty talker. the shit he says will have your mouth watering. he likes if you dont give in too easily and he can lay it on real thick. but then there are times when he will just point blank tell you hes hard and asks if you would like to help him with it.
T = teasing (what is the best way to arouse him)
if you wanna get him in the mood then tell him. tell that boy you wanna ride the soul out of him and hes all yours. he needs to be needed. he also very visual so wear something provocative. get handsy. touch him and get his attention. if it were up to him yall would never ever leave the bedroom. very rarely will he turn you down for some loving. he would have to be exhausted or ill to not want a romp with you.
U = underwear (lingerie and costumes)
oh yes lingerie will get him in the mood but beyond that its just gonna get ripped off anyway. the birthday suit is his favorite outfit. he does particularly enjoy costumes though. he will actively send you screenshots of lingerie or costumes that he finds to see if youre down to try them. he mainly prefers you sending him naughty pics of you in these ensembles. he saves them on his phone and looks at them whenever hes away from you on schedules or tours. he would make his fave the lockscreen on his phone if fansites wouldnt lose their shit about it.
V = verdict (what do you think of your sex life with him)
sex with him is fun but passionate. its also very frequent. morning sex is like part of the normal routine. despite how often the two of you get down it doesnt get stale or boring. hes always mixing things around or spicing things up that there is no shortage of variety. passion runs so deep in him that it spills into everything he does including his loving. even the quickies are mind blowing. jackson is very open about sex and the conversations you have with him about it are very natural and comfortable.
W = words (how vocal is he and dirty talk)
he is not afraid to be loud but he is ever unpredictable. if hes the one on top his focus is giving it to you good and may not be as noisy. if youre on top he will be as vocal as he needs to be to let you know youre doing a hell of a job on him. will wake all the neighbors when you blow him and will wake all of his ancestors when you overstimulate him. his dirty talk is shameless. will you text you raunchy shit and then go into sweet detail of how you are the precious love of his life in the same freaking breath.
X = x-rated (how does he feel about porn or sextapes)
a very big fan of both. he will watch porn on his own or with you. it doesnt matter. can be inclined to film the two of you in bed and will watch it all the damn time. likes pov cams the most. is the type to totally strap on a go pro and go to town on you as a gift to himself.
Y = yawn (what is he like after sex)
he wants to chat. he wants to know how he was in bed. he needs to know if sex with him made your day a little better. he wants to know what you want for breakfast in the morning. he will ask if the bills are paid. may even ask you to remind him to take his vitamins tomorrow. it takes him a few minutes to simmer down with all that energy. still flirts uncontrollably but mostly wants to make small talk until he finally drifts off while spooning you cause you his goddess. 
Z = zodiac (what his sign says about him in bed)
an Aries loves sex. they have a high sex drive. since they are a fire sign there is never any shortage of heat and passion in the bedroom. having a partner that is not compatible with them in the sack can be a major deal breaker. but despite being a selfish sign aries desperately want to please their partner or else they feel insecure. if you aint enjoying it then they arent either. while they prefer fucking over making love, they can temper this to suit their partner without any fuss but at the end of the day they really just wanna have a good time with you.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // masterlist }
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arcanaarcanorum · 6 years
The frell? I’ve been tagged? *checks* ...I’ve been tagged. ...Huh. 
Rules : answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A: Age - 25
B: Birthplace - Washington (STATE)
C: Current time - 9:44 am
D: Drink I last had - Water
E: Easiest person to talk to - *opens mouth, closes it, thinks* ...I know wayyyyyy too many people in my life. Can I get back to you on this one?
F: Favorite song - Oh, dear lord, I’ve got too many...
G: Grossest memory - I... have the memory of a stainless steel sieve so the only “gross” memory I can think of is the state of my sibling’s room under normal circumstances...
H: Horror yes or horror no - Horror... maybe? I can’t stand movies like Saw (the only horror movie I can claim to have even seen is Cabin in the Woods). (At this point, you can look at my avatar and then look at me weirdly, but that series is a bit of a genre buster to begin with.)
I: In love - ^^ Been married for the last two and a half years, so I’d say that’s a pretty solid “yes”.
J: Jealous of people - I try not to be, and I try to keep it very under wraps. It can help drive you to be better at what you do, but at the same time... >.>
K: Kiss number 1 - Was not with my husband, but it was during high school
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - You know that’s a memory trick, yes? (Half-jokes aside, my husband claims this happened when we first met - I was too dense to really notice my own feelings back then. ^^;)
M: Middle name - Bethany. Parents aren’t even sure where it came from, it just seemed to fit.
N: Number of siblings - One bio sib. You may have seen them on my dash (I occasionally share things they share with me). I’m not tellin’ who for the sake of their privacy. As for adoptive sibs... I know one lurks on here (wherever they are), my adoptive older brother introduced me to my husband in the first place in high school, and my adoptive little sister rooms with me and my husband. 
O: One wish - That’s... a good question - I normally don’t think on these things... Hey, can we get healthcare for people with mental and chronic illnesses that doesn’t threaten to put most of the people I know into poverty? Please?
P: Person I last called - *opens mouth, closes, grabs and checks phone* Who was my last outgoing call...? My husband, apparently, and I don’t even remember why; normally, I’m the one getting called.
Q: Question I am always asked - *crickets*
R: Reason to smile - I’m gonna hafta go with the same sentiment that chuckling-chemist did: you’re not the writer of 50 Shades of Grey, and likely can make something that blows it out of the water.
S: Song I last sang - In the car? “Nothing Sacred” by Circle of Dust (Klayton, you have so many bandssss). In performance? I think that was my faire’s usual closure (if you’ve heard A’Soulin [A’Soalin? How the frell’s it spelled!?], you’ll know what it is).
T: Time I woke up - 9:17 am. Because my husband has been trying to keep a somewhat consistent schedule during his days off.
U: Underwear color - Tan. -.-
V: Vacation destination - Tokyo, Japan. London, England. Edinburgh, Scottland. Those three for certain.
W: Worst habit - Overthinking. Nights can get baaaaad in my head sometimes.
X: X-rays - Normally just my teeth, but I remember getting an x-ray of my chest for some reason, I don’t recall why.
Y: Your favorite food - BERRIES. (And white grapes. ...and meat. >.> A vegetarian I am not.)
Z: Zodiac sign - Libpio Libra
If you wanna do this little thing, feel free, for I have no idea who to tag. ^^;
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atelophxbiia-blog · 7 years
💻 ┇⊰ ❛ @starstxff​ ⨾
Whatever the fuck Jae was doing to him, Jung-Su wanted it to stop. He could feel some sort of pull through his nerves, and if it was a pull to relax him, it was going the wrong way because Jung could feel his heart beat a little bit faster, and anxiety start to roll through his body. Maybe it was his unusual powers kicking in as a safety shield, but instead of relaxing him, he was much more insistent on getting out of the situation. His fight or flight response kicking in slightly, and his response? Fight, so his words had a bit more of a bit to them, and he gripped his fingers tightly in his lap. He wasn’t sure where this guy was from, but he wasn’t from KNPA, and he wasn’t human. That much Jung could slowly figure out. A smirk fell on his lips as he stands up, adjusting his glasses on his face. 
 Was it perchance the same people that went after his father? Even though a part of him yearned for death, he wouldn’t give without a fight. After all, what would all his training of been for? He had a bit of pride in himself to at least give himself a willing chance. He wouldn’t have put all those hours in for nothing. “Bullshit,” Jung finally responded. He made it purposeful to exaggerate his stare up to his eyes. He may be taller, but he was slick, and he could worm his way through this situation. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
“You’re not from the KNPA. Any idiot could tell. You literally don’t look like it, nor do you have a badge I’m assuming. I don’t know how you got in here, but you need to leave.” He was sure that was an empty threat and the other wasn’t going to leave at all. He supposed he only said those words to make himself seem like a badass in all the movies that he had listened to. He paused for a moment and chuckled bitterly at himself. When he was nervous, he supposed he talked a lot more than he thought. Was this his version of fighting? 
 “Or at least tell me why you’re here for me. If you’re here to kill me, make it quick. If you’re here for money, I don’t have any. If you want power, you came to the wrong person. And if you want someone to read your newspaper for you, well, it’ll be a bit harder, but I can do it for you.” Jung usually never talked this much. He kept much more to himself and offering only a few sarcastic phrases to the few people that he had engaged with. He had found that most people didn’t quite enjoy his rather sadistic sense of humor and tried to stir clear. There also was the guilt of feeling bad for a blind man. Some people didn’t like the idea of hanging out with him because they felt like they had to be someone other than themselves. They treated him like a glass ready to break at the slightest joke.
Only a few people made it past that round, and when Jung told them that he also had a terminal disease. Most people ran. Only one or two stayed, taking in his sense of humor, his sickness all while keeping attain of their personalities – something that Jung had always appreciated in other people. He knew everyone was different but some people were just so bland. They conformed so easily to the ways that people thought they had to be. Arguably, that’s what he was supposed to be, and that’s why he opposed it so much.  He didn’t want to become the person that he was supposed to be. He wanted to be someone different. He sighed again, sitting back down in the chair. 
 “Also make it quick, I have a lot of work I need to do.”
W E L L. this one is ( W O R D Y ) , isn’t he?
to be honest, jae's not all too sure what to make of all the B R A V A D O; the two of them had barely seen each other in passing in the past, let alone spoken to one another, so whatever the other's personality had been  B E F O R E  is  completely unknown to him. which is also when he recognizes that he has no clue whether or not the other is bluffing him right now. could he really  read  through all his lies, his disguise? or was he just trying to call his bluff to try to get him off of his back?
as he considers the possibilities, he continues to slowly run through jung-su's sys- tems—trying to  keep  his  touch  ( l i g h t ) ,  especially  since he could sense him TENSING up &&  resisting instead of relaxing. as he moves upwards into his head, though, he find himself meeting some [ RESISTANCE ] , but  not  the usual mental type. instead, he finds it  harder  than  usual  to  smoothly move through the nerves && with a slightly  creased  brow,  he  attempts  to  work  past it when he suddenly realizes—-
oh. O H .                                                                ( he's B L I N D )
it's a realization he purposely holds at bay && lets dawn slowly so that he wouldn't give himself away. but if jung is as blind as  he  assumes,  then there's no way that he can see a shift in his facial expression. then again, jae remains C A U T I O U S ; the other had been meant to be his genetic MIRROR && his powers were still intact. though, considering the fact that he had been scheduled for termination because of an unspecified terminal illness, maybe his powers had d e t e r i o r a t e d , too. the mere idea causes  a  wave  of  C O C K I N E S S  to  flow through him—but with a quick clearing of his throat, he forces himself to stay calm.
" here is my identification card, if you insist on  proof,  mr. myong, " jae says slowly, reaching into his pocket and producing a fake driver's license in a leather and plastic cover. in it were other proofs of identification, giving the case a bit of WEIGHT—per- haps just enough to trick jung. holding  it  out,  he  tries  to  keep his mouth but as a S M I R K tugs at the corner of his lip— " i apologize that there's no braille for you to read. I should talk to the department about making our ids more ACCESSIBLE."  
silently, he stands there  with  his  hands  folded  && allows jung to have his moment. frankly speaking, the more that jung spoke, the more information he was freely hand- ing over to jae, saving the time and breath for asking questions—two  things he finds himself quickly running out of, so he appreciates any shortcuts that can be offered to him. by the end of it, jae allows himself a small snort of amusement in response to the other's M A C A B R E humor. if there is one thing that the  two  of them clearly share at this point, it's their G A L L O W S humor when faced with ( D E A T H ) .
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" i know it may be hard for you to believe, but you are safe in my care, " jae continues to try to assure him, allowing the easy smile on his lips  to slip into his words, trying to be as welcoming and unassuming as possible. " you  have  never been as safe as you are now. of that, i can G U A R A N T E E  you."
&& he tries his H A R D E S T not to, but an amused  laugh  flickers  through his chest. he waits for the other to sit down and he knows that this is the wrong move—he needs to stay friendly, he needs the other to come with him willingly, if for no other reason than because it will make things far easier. for the ( B O T H ) of them.
" do you hear that, mr. myong? " he asks, using the moment to  draw  the other's atten- tion to the silence that had settled over the office. && he lets it H A N G, lets it linger be- tween the two of them—lets it SINK in before he speaks again. " we  are the only two in the office. so trust me when i say that there is no work for you  to  get  back to. at least, not for now."
taking a step back, he leans lazily against a desk, resting his weight against it with a flat palm as he looks over jung—thinking about how he is supposed to be a reflection of himself. his ' what if. '
" maybe you would like to try again. " jae stands up straight  and  adjusts  his clothes, clearly mocking jung at this point. " hello, mr. myong. i am with the knpa && i have some questions for you."
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theboardwalkbody · 8 years
a - Age: 25 b - Biggest fear: it’s a toss up between a couple: 1 - never amounting to anything (i am very ambitious) 2 - never having that financially stable life i dream of 3 - never finding a partner who loves, understands, supports and accepts me (i want a big happy family, i do) 4 - never overcoming my stupid brain’s bullshit (read: never overcoming my mental illness / never being mentally stable) c - Current time: 5:38pm (finished at 6:00pm) d - Drink you last had: water e - Every day starts with: looking at the clock, sighing that it’s so late already but not wanting to leave the warmth and comfort of bed so then i roll over and go back to sleep until finally i wake up a second time and curse how really late it is now and then force myself out of bed. (what an excellent routine, amiright?) f - Favorite song: Overall it’s Everything You Want by Vertical Horizion, fave by The Used is a tie between Cry and Buried Myself Alive, and then currently (not my fave but I can’t get it out of my head) is Shape of You by Ed Sheeran.  g - Ghosts, are they real: eh h - Hometown: East Coast in boring town because really, it was cool when I was like 8 but beyond that I hear it’s shitty now. i - In love with: to be honest, Joe Gilgun and IDK how I am supposed to deal with this lol j - Jealous of: successful people, financially stable people, people in relationships, people having babies, people with dogs, everyone and their brother on my fucking FB basically. k - Killed someone: obviously not.  l - Last time you cried: this morning, like four times. No joke. saw a dog’s purpose - cried every single time that damn dog died. every. single. time. m - Middle name: Lynn n - Number of siblings: one younger sister, 3 older step-brothers. o - One wish: To be in a happy, loving relationship where my partner/husband and I are happy with each other, our lives, and our children are happy and safe, and our pets are happy and where we are all financially stable enough that my children never need want for anything, we can afford doctors and we can afford family vacations and going out to dinners and movies and we never struggle to pay bills or make ends meet. p - Person you last called/texted: @lunasawyer who, may I just say, I am very annoyed with the fact that her username is not flounder or floofarooni/floofaroono because thats, by default, what i try to type every time. q - Question you’re always asked: "When are you finishing school? You’ve been going forever and it’s about time you stopped so that I don’t have to pay child support or your health insurance and I can stop having to fake like I’m giving you money for school so that I can save that whole whopping 100.00 in child support so I can go spend it on strippers or random women I meet while I lie to my girlfriends about what I am doing.” (OK that’s not it verbatim but it’s what it translates to). r - Reasons to smile: don’t asked depressed people such things because at the moment I can think of like four things and that’s it: joe, my baby bean and my baby rock and also the fact that my homework is done. Oh, Hamilton is super great we can smile about that, too, I guess. s - Song last sang: I think... what was the last song I listened to last night... it was either Captain Kelly’s Kitchen (Dropkick Murphys) or a song by Beautiful Bodies but I can’t remember which was last lol. t - Time you woke up: 8:40am (ACCOMPLISHMENT! That is two whole hours ahead of schedule). And only because the movie started at 9:40.  u - Underwear color: tan v - Vacation destination: I’m aiming for a trip to South Carolina or something to see the solar eclipse. I also wanna try and get to California because I heard rumors about swimming with sharks just because they show up in the water in the summer. I’d love to find somewhere out west where you can see the milky way when the sun goes down. Maybe you can see it in New Mexico where my uncle’s at. Maybe I’ll crash at his place and stare at the sky. It’ll save me money that’s for sure. lol. Disneyworld, obviously. Outside of the US - I really wanna get my ass to Ireland. I always wanted to go to the Australia Zoo (well, since 2001 anyway), but it would be so expensive, so Ireland is taking the top spot on the list. Also Italy and England.  w - Worst habit(s): Trichtillomania (which is more of a disorder than a habit), I am stubborn as fuck which makes me too set in my ways to listen to people’s advice normally, uhhh... is not eating properly and sitting on my ass all day a bad habit?  x - X-rays you’ve had: teeth xrays, chest xray, foot xray, back xray. All other photos taken of my insides were CT scans or MRIs so they dont count lol. y - Your favorite food: I will always order chicken fingers with fries and honey mustard (and use a gratuitious amount of ketchup) it’s my favorite non-home cooked meal. Home cooked I would say chicken goo probably?  z - Zodiac sign: virgo Thanks to @just-a-lunatic for tagging me ;) Tag: @thenightisdarkandfullofscience @biscuitstudent @cutestormsloth @lunasawyer and anyone else who wants to do it my eyes are stinging, i can’t go on, i apologize lol.
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rpeeze · 8 years
gged by @totallyacejasongrace Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, HAVE FUN! A - Age: 28 B - Biggest fear: needles C - Current time: 12:26am EST D - Drink you last had: Ginger Ale... if we're talking alcohol it was sangria on Christmas. E - Every day starts with: taking a field trip to the bathroom with my niece before putting her back to sleep F - Favorite song: this isn't fair. I have way too many of those. I have a soft spot for all things Elvis G - Ghosts, are they real: I don't know about corporeal ghosts, but I def believe that people are still around me. Like if I speak ill of the Yankees, my Grandpa WILL haunt my dreams that night, and he's been gone 22 years H - Hometown: A city on the coast in Jersey I - In love with: music, the stage, helping, laughter, faith, learning, my family J - Jealous of: people who have it together, because I'm definitely still trying to figure myself out. K - Killed someone: not that I know of... L - Last time you cried: the 9/11 episode of Bones was on the other day and that one always gets me... M - Middle name: Lynn N - Number of siblings: five. 4 sisters. 1 brother. All older. O - One wish: a normal sleep schedule P - Person you last called/texted: called: my sister johannah. Texted: andstopher Q - Questions you’re always asked: “how are your parents?" Or "so what are you up to now?" R - Reasons to smile: love and understanding S - Song last sang: I was singing "breathe" from in the heights in the shower. Does that count? T - Time you woke up: well, I didn't technically sleep last night, so I went to sleep with the baby at 9:30am and slept till 12:30pm. See what I mean about sleep?? U - Underwear color: burgundy-ish? V- Vacation destination: I want to road trip across the continental US. And then find a way to end up in Hawaii. Also Ireland and Australia. W - Worst habit: i get into a rut of unproductiveness. And it takes a lot of break it. I'm in one now and am not loving it. X - X-rays you’ve had: both ankles (hairline fracture and a sprain), left elbow (contusions), ribs (I was told an old rib injury was healing. One I didn't know I had...), left wrist (some muscle damage), and I've had CT scans and ultrasounds for kidney stones and ovarian cysts, and an MRI or two. And also a CT for migraines Y - Your favorite food: caraway seed soup. Pizza from santillo's. Shrimp scampi. I like food. Z - Zodiac sign: aquarius
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ficsforfangirls · 7 years
A Carry On Dictionary: Letter E
Letter A     |     Letter B     |      Letter C     |      Letter D     |     Letter E
Letter F (Rated: M)     |     Letter G     |     Letter H     |     Letter I     |     Letter J
Letter K     |      Letter L     |     Letter M     |     Letter N     |     Letter O
Letter P     |     Letter Q     |     Letter R     |     Letter S     |     Letter T    
Letter U     |      Letter V     |     Letter W (Trigger Warnings)     |      Letter X
Letter Y     |     Letter Z
AO3 with the whole collection <3
elope, {ih-lohp}
to run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent, approval, or knowledge of a parent/of parents
There are nights that you never forget, and not even because of the things that happened. Some nights the air is so crisp and fresh that it can be left on the tongue for hours. The sky is so dark that the stars don’t seem so far away. Each and every step over the earth and its many decorations has a strong feeling of significance, even if the steps are to nowhere in particular.
  Baz feels this way as he wanders away from the reception hall. Inside the guests were eating and toasting and cheering and those wonderful proper things that humans can do without worry of illness. Lying about his dietary habits is easy enough but it grows tiring, and quickly at events of this size. Instead, he pardoned himself to the restroom. Better they think he’s having a bit of ‘tummy trouble’ than ask him again if he has an eating disorder.
 Penny Bunce, or rather Missus Penelope Monroe…
 Memories of the last day she’d spent overnight in London flood Baz’s brain. On that same day he moved back in with Simon. Not unlike this night, he knew it was something he would never forget the instant he took a deep breath inside the taxi. Returning to this comfortable life with Simon that he’d grown to miss, crave even, was all he could have asked for in the New Year. After Penny left, things began to fall into place a little more quickly, though not necessarily in the traditional ways.
 For example, Simon isn’t as physically motivated as Baz, so they have different ways of communicating their desires. Baz hangs a necktie on the key rack when he’s feeling neglected. Simon will put an upside down glass on the coffee table when he definitely isn’t interested in physical affection, though when he is feeling quite the opposite he’ll move the cactus from the coffee table to the kitchen table. Perhaps it is unconventional but it works. Since then, they’ve become far more open about actually discussing what they want from each other intimately.
 Aside from that, Simon got a job as a receptionist with an accounting firm. It barely qualifies as full-time job but the hours are nice and the schedule has allowed the pair of them to start going on proper dates and become a more traditional couple. So many positive things have changed that Baz can hardly believe it’s only been eight months since Penny moved to America.
 Sometimes, on rare occasions, Baz considers what his future will look like with Simon. Baz can die. There’s no doubt about it. The unknown variable is more in regard to how long he will live naturally. Simon is still young and he has a few years before aging will set in and create visual distinction between them. However, that time will come. How will it affect them? What will people think or say when Simon is old and grey with a young man in great health fawning over him in what will unmistakably be a romantic way.
 Could Baz ever get married to Simon?
 There had been jokes made and daydreams where the thought had crossed his mind but never in this serious of a manner. Hanging his head low, Baz gloomily kicks small pebbles off of the sidewalk. More than anything, this life with Simon, he wanted it to be his whole story. From beginning to end: Simon Snow and Baz Pitch against the world (and the odds, sometimes). Cliché? Yes. Gay? Definitely. Boring? Perhaps, but that’s what made it so worth living!
 “Who sneaks out of a wedding reception, Basilton?” Simon’s gruff voice erupts the city silence, which is distinctly difference from actual silence. There’s noise everywhere but none of the sounds belong to people. When you are surrounded by the city’s silence, it is a suffocating sense of stillness despite all the things moving so loudly in all directions. Though he went outside to be free of the social structure and obligation of the other guests, he welcomes Simon warmly. Mostly, anyway.
 Hands stuffed in pockets and chin tucked against his chest, Baz replies in a weak tone of just barely enough interest to be convincing. “I only care about one wedding, my good sire, and I am afraid to admit that this simply isn’t the right one.” His laugh is nervous at best. Red hair bouncing and frizzing from the last tendrils of summer’s humidity, Simon not only closes the distance between them but fills it completely. Not even a second passes before Baz forgets that it was every empty to begin with.
 “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but,” Simon’s cocky tone captures Baz’s attention. Well, locks onto it rather. He was already paying attention but this ensures that his mind doesn’t stray to this thought or that one. Every sense is dialed onto Simon Snow and how he plans to finish this thought. “But that sounds like a question pretending to be a statement.”
 It certainly hadn’t been his intention, though the smile that curls his lips without permission betrays the reality of his commentary. “Not at all my aim, I assure you.”
 “So we’re not eloping then?” Raised brows and lips pressed into a straight line across his face, Simon reveals in no way that he’s being serious or hiding the fact that he’s joking. Baz stands there without changing his expression or body language in any way. It remains awkwardly tense until Simon simply repeats the question. “Not going to elope since you don’t like weddings, huh?”
 Baz nudges Simon with the knuckle of his left forefinger, applying a small amount of pressure to his shoulder with each point of contact. Does he ask? Does he wait? Or does he admit that he would like nothing more than to be married to him – right now – yesterday, even! He settles for something less expressive. “It’s not off table, if that’s what you’re trying to get at, Snow.”
 “Then let’s go.”
 “Let’s go do what?” Baz coughs, “Elope?”
 Simon shrugs his shoulders, moving backwards in a wobbly sort of jog. “Yeah, why not? Not chicken are you?”
 “Race you there, then,” Baz says. And he doesn’t really know where he’s going, so they’re most just racing to this unknown place in the future together. Maybe they get married, maybe they don’t, but they both want to and that’s where they are running. Truth be told, though, Baz really wouldn’t be opposed to marrying Simon right there under the night sky… so dark that the stars look close enough to be touched… Kissed even...
 And between those kisses, Simon admits that he knows a place. He’d been looking into it all day just in case he got up the nerve to ask. If Baz had asked, Simon wouldn’t stand to wait for a proper ceremony. As it turns out, though, the fiery young man didn’t even have the patience to wait for his boyfriend to ask.
 Oh yes, this is a night Baz will never forget, and not even because he’s getting married on a whim. This is a night that easily sows itself into the fabrics of the mind. It asked to be special; it came to be significant because it demanded to be so.
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3inghao · 7 years
HI CRUSH ANON HERE AND I WANT TO START OFF BY SAYING TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT FEEL EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN MY LOVE LIFE I LOVE YALL HAHHAHHA I DIDNT EXPECT FOR ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN :'))))) at the same time tho i feel like things might have to be put on hold for a while i dont know !!!! ok sorry sorry ill explain so ,, ive figured out that im like really really into this boy. in a way thats probably not the best for me right now, esp bc ive got a lot of things to juggle right now (1/17)
but also bc ive been thinking and like ,, ok so this story might put things more into perspective. so its like monday and i get a text from him thats just like ‘hey what are the rest of your classes for today/do you have like 15 min or something to be in a shoot of mine before it gets dark’ and im like PANICKIN bc ofc hes asked some of us to be models for his photography hw before and its always super casual BUT this is the first time that IVE ever been asked specifically (2/17)
and so obviously i jump at this offer and im like ‘umm i dont have any more classes today so sure just lmk when and what to do :) also whats the shoot about?’ and hes like ‘ok cool we can meet at your room at like 5:15 and ill tell you about the shoot when we meet up :)’ and he wanted us to go to this reaaaaally pretty park at sunset and do the shoot around that time and i was like ‘ok do u want me to wear anything specific’ and he was like ‘nothing in particular :)’ (3/17)
and so i start getting ready and im nervous af bc it meant spending more time alone with him and i felt so unprepared for that LMAO but yeah so he comes up to our room and i open the door and my heart skips a fucking BEAT and i almost slam the door in his face but i force myself not to aha and so we go and hes like ‘ugh im so tired i want coffee lets get coffee’ and so we went into the starbucks around the corner but then i was like yo will we make it to the park in time (4/17)
and hes like ‘o shit yeah’ so we leave without getting coffee rip but yeah we go to the city park and oh my gskldgskd it is so fucking pretty its right before sunset so everything is golden and the sky is rainbow but you can already see the moon and holy one of the prettiest views i think i have EVER seen !!!!! and then he explains to me what the project is finally and hes like so its an experimental photo set thats supposed to represent all the things we left behind in modern society (5/17)  
and so for me he said he wanted me to pose in the city park at sunset sitting on a bench with my hands cupped like i was holding a heart (hes going to photoshop the heart in later when hes editing the pics) and then like leave it behind on the bench and look at the sunset behind me which is supposed to represent and i quote “leaving love behind in the pursuit of beauty” and i literally was like 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 the whole time LMAOOOOOOO (6/17)
but yeah so we did that in like 15 min but after we were done i legit didnt want to leave bc (i wanted to spend more time with him but also) IT WAS SO FUCKING PRETTY SKDHJDFH and ahhhh i like looked over at him and he looked sooo at peace just like looking out over the water and the sunset and the scenery was so beautiful i almost blurted out hi i think ur beautiful but i stopped myself in the nick of time thank god LOOOOOL (7/17)  
but he like made eye contact with me and i like held myself together but there was a moment where i felt like djdhskjdkd idk how to describe it i was kfskshdhdjdh idk it could be just my imagination but I FELT LIKE THERE WAS SOMETHING THERE AHHHHHHHH and i was so tempted to ask him about the hand holding on saturday but i didnt i held myself back again thank god lol and then all of a sudden he goes ‘hey do u want pics’ and im like wot (8/17)
and hes like ‘do u want some pics of urself? like we r already here so !! plus i want some photos to put on my photography insta’ and i was like sljkddjkd ok why the hell not so he directs me into different poses and stuff like that and after the sun sets we finish and then we r walking back bored af so we start wandering around the little shops nearby and then we finally get home and then our friend texts the group chat like ‘hey anyone want dinner now’ (9/17)
and we were already really close to a dining hall so the two of us went and got dinner and our friend just joined us later and then during dinner when it was just the two of us we started talking about me losing the bet of when our friends were gonna hook up and so i have to treat him to japanese bbq and we were talking about when and hes like ‘well theres nothing im gonna celebrate for a while except my best friend from home is coming bc her sisters getting married here” (10/17)
and i was like ‘omg thats great ??? congrats to her !!!! omg’ but idk this is where it gets kind of confusing bc idk we were talking about maybe going this weekend but his best friend was coming and he was planning on spending all his time with her but i think he said that we could go get japanese bbq with her too ?? and i think i said ok but i dont think we locked down any like specific date and time at all ??? this part is a lil confusing to me (11/17)
so anyways that happened and i havent really interacted with him after that whole thing like we still have a streak on snapchat lol but he will do this thing where he wont open or respond to my snapchats for like literal hours ,,, even though i know hes ON snapchat bc he will like watch my stories ??? like w o t ???? i dont think hes doing it on purpose if that makes sense ?? but its still annoying and borderline infuriating and sldkghsldkgh (12/17)
and also like ok ,, his best friend came like yesterday and i saw her on his snapchat story and h o l y g o d she is the most beautiful girl on all of fucking planet earth i shit u not like i actually !!!! screamed when i saw her shes so fucking gorgeous and on his story theres a bunch of snaps of the wedding etc and a pic of him and her in a photobooth and sldkgsldkghs holy ???? i dont know how to put this into words but they are p e r f e c t for each other (13/17)
like in every way possible they are literally best friends and shes an actual goddess and together they look sooooo aesthetically pleasing it is legitimately intimidating and ahhh sldkgldgkh so the thing is !!!!! i already have practically no self esteem left ,, and a dinner with like HER and THEM will probably d e s t r o y m e from the inside out i will literally just feel inferior in every single way possible and i have NO IDEA HOW TO EXPLAIN THIS UGH !!!!!! (14/17)  
but yeah that kinda just made me realize that i might need to take a couple steps back ??? from this entire thing and him in general ,, and also that before anything happens i really want to work on me first like obv x has got his shit together and theres that whole thing with his best friend and idk !!! i like have pledged to go to the gym way more and get my fucked up sleep schedule back to some resemblance of normal and f o c u s on my academics and skincare and eating more healthy !! (15/17)
like i wanna be a person that everyone can look at and be like yes !! u go girl shes got her shit together and yeah !!!! aha :’) and also i need to COOL IT with my feelings about x like as amazing as he is and as fun as it is to spend time with him and as much as i want to pursue everything about this relationship i dont think im in a place mentally and emotionally where i can handle that so !!!!!! for now im gonna (try to) just distance myself a lil (16/17)
and yeah !! if he asks to go out for japanese bbq tonight/tomorrow i think im just gonna be like ‘ahh i wish i could but im super swamped with work rn sorry :(((‘ (which is 100000% true) and just leave it at that *deep sigh* anyways thats where i am at this point thanks for tuning in yall aha :’) i just need to not be hurt in this relationship and distancing myself for now is the only way i know how to prevent that ,, and i probably wont be that successful but !!! heres to trying :) (17/17)
awwwwwwwww crush anon BUT THE SUNSET DATE (yes im calling it a date) does his best friend go to the same college as you guys?? bc if he’s single and she doesn’t live anywhere near him there probably really isn’t anything between them that you need to worry about. I def support the focusing on yourself bc the more confidence you have in yourself the less insecure you will be once you actually get into a relationship so go you!! my gf and i are actually starting to facetime each other and work out together too so all of us can struggle in that tryin to be healthier lyfe! i think in one of the other asks you mention more happened? but i also think that maybe a bbq date with him wouldn’t be bad? and i think you should try to have it with just him and no one else! idk fill me in on any new developments :0
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