#a fangirl dictionary
tiktaalic · 10 months
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and if i said this was from rhaenicent
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spacedlexi · 2 years
absolutely wild to me that i will see the takes “mass effect andromeda is just a rewrite of me1″ and “mass effect andromeda just isnt a mass effect game” side by side do you not hear yourselves
#its n7 day i get to talk about mass effect all i want#i see the 'mea isnt a bad game its just a bad mass effect game' take so often#but like!! what does that even mean!! no one ever explains what they think qualifies as a mass effect game#i agree that elements of mea are similar to me1#but i dont necessarily think thats a bad thing?#it gives people something familiar to attach to when theyre surrounded by a new cast and galaxy they have to get to know#andromeda definitely qualifies as a mass effect game#and i especially respect it for trying to go back to the original roots of mass effect which was supposed to focus on exploration#does andromeda have faults? absolutely. disappointing is the best word i can use to describe iy#but my disappointment mainly comes from being able to see What they wanted to accomplish with mea and how they really fumbled it#due mainly to poor management#which is the saddest part#theres a lot of good ideas there!! especially with what you learn in the last like 5% of the game lol#people will compare mea to the entire completed me trilogy when thats not fair and should Only be compared to me1#in terms of its story and characters at least. and i think the mea cast developed much more by the end of the game than the og crew did in 1#like we all remember liara being a weird fangirl and tali being a walking dictionary#mea combat is the me series at its best even if youre one of the people who Hates that you cant control squadmates#having mapped powers makes the combat sooo much faster and more fluid and theres no way to have that while keeping the power wheel#i was sad about the loss of it too but your squadmates are pretty good at comboing your moves it just takes getting used to#also people who say the pacing is bad when they follow one mission across multiple planets when youre just supposed to focus on one location#like i said mea disappoints me but its still rated a 7/10 like thats not a bad score by any means?? i agree a 7 is fair#anything below a 5 is dubious but people think if a game is anything less than a 10 then its a failure#really the biggest hurdle to get over is the fact its a new cast in a new galaxy with a pc that is young and inexperienced#just such a shame that it got dogpiled and memed so hard that we'll probably never get a direct sequel it deserved a 2nd chance#mass effect andromeda get behind me#rant over andromeda deserved better#it speaks#ALSO the 2 player characters were twins thats GOLD and was underutilized i just want the ryders back
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mincedpeaches · 5 months
I know no one wants to hear about my adventures in comphet on the gay website so this is probably my last update on guy that got me a transformer for a while but
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Stone COLD clocked as a supernatural fan💀💀💀 goodbye
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demonslayedher · 5 months
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode: --The other day, my fellow otaku colleague sent me a screen cap of her dictionary looking up the word "abazure" and I was like, "I know what episode she's on."
--And, after finishing this season, she announced she has a new favorite character. You can all guess where this is going. We gushed about how wonderful Mitsuri is, like, an hour after I wrote some otherwise unprompted Mitsuri gushing. Mitsuri is so worth gushing about. And Ufotable has done her such justice!!
--First off, Love Breath. Just. So good. And they basically handed the ending them to her this season as her own personal theme music. Speaking of sounds! Cat noises on the Love Breath. And you know that part at the beginning of the ending theme when she looks in the mirror and pats her cheeks? You can hear it.
--Speaking of the ending theme, one of the demons she is shown defeating is mostly in shadow, but you can still make out stripes on him similar to Akaza... but more similar to Speedy from the Rengoku Special. Rengoku nod!?!? Also, although they aren't the same character design, in part of Mitsuri's flashback she pictures a mother and son very similar to the pair she saves in the Gaiden. Rengoku nod!?!? --'k but also... the Rengoku Gaiden had Rengoku give her a haori, and that thing got totally obliterated in that attack she took with her face. That attack also tore her uniform in many places, and that is made of material that can at least withstand a normal demon's claws and teeth. Underneath, however, she doesn't even look bruised, which goes to show how strong her constitution really is.
--OKAY BUT ALSO... right after we see her say she'll treasure the socks, Iguro says, "don't bother, if they tear, I'll just give you new ones"? We see that despite how frayed and torn her uniform is, THOSE SOCKS ARE STILL IN TIP-TOP CONDITION.
--Iguro, what are those things even made of?????
--So for as much as Muichiro gets to show his ease in battle by verbally messing with Gyokko (at least once he has the double whammy of memories+mark), Mitsuri is so physically capable that it totally makes up for her less-than-stealy frame of mind. Our girl can be right in the middle of battling an Upper Moon and be like, "wHaT DiD tHat cHiLd jUsT cALL mE!?!?!?!? Oh wait yeah not a child BUT STILL"
--And I love that Zouhakuten is so ULTRA-SERIOUS that he takes her totally at serious face value as an opponent instead of caring one way or another about her personality, which surely must have thrown other demons off in the past since she's so unlike other Corp Members they might have faced before.
--And then you got Hantengu, running from his responsibilities as the #1 Most Relatable Demon.
--Some other animation moment I loved: NEZUKO'S FACE as she looks at Mitsuri with admiration. I can't get enough of those two. I'd like to think that if Mitsuri and Nezuko met when Nezuko was human, mature elder sister Nezuko would be just as enamored with her. Like, that day Nezuko tells an adult off for hitting a child, say Mitsuri comes to her rescue and also stands up to the guy, but then when Mitsuri is lightheaded with hunger Nezuko uses that chance to treat her to a snack and chat with her, Takeo is probably watching this all go down and feeling very overwhelmed seeing that chatty side of Nezuko, so when Tanjiro comes by he might be like, 'help,' but then Tanjiro probably starts going into fanboy mode right alongside fangirl Nezuko and Takeo would be doubly overwhelmed.
--Also, I loved that Tanjiro (who already finds Mitsuri amazing) is like, "wow, whoever made that sword is amazing," which makes a very nice through-line about Tanjiro's admiration for the swordsmiths. If we look back at that scene in the opening when Kotetsu is showing him the swordsmiths at work, there's such a nice chance in Tanjiro's expression as he feels extra resolve as he appreciates how this is how the swordsmiths fight.
--Another part of the animation I love in this episode: How you can feel the shifty G-forces as Genya struggles to hold on to the twisted trunks of wood, and then all the strength of his jaws as he pulls at the bark. I also love how this is really the only explanation we ever get of his powers, and we're all supposed to be like, "Huh. Okay."
--What I don't love about this episode is that we don't get to see Tanjiro & Nezuko's faces--or Genya's face, for that matter--when he throws the tree. Those were some good faces.
--While I am sad at Ufotable for taking that out, we have to appreciate all blessed new material they gave us for fleshing out Mitsuri's background. We all fell a little in love with Mitsuri's dad, didn't we? Since we've never gotten it in any canon material, I do have to wonder how her parents reacted to her joining the Demon Slayer Corp, and how that even came up in the first place.
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--I ate sakura mochi while watching this episode, tee hee hee.
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reivrze · 1 year
Hey hey heyyyy-
Omg I love ur blog sm 😍-random, ik, but I do rly love it. I love all creators Ngl, the dedication to writing and posting is not something I have 😭.
Anywaysssssss I was wondering if you could do a fanfic/headcannon (u choose) of idol!enhypen and how they would react when their s/o started intensely fangirling over their new concept pics. 99% sure all engenes can relate to that rn 😩.
Oh right….and can I be the 🪷 anon if u do anon claims…?
Thanks smmmmm!
a/n : hiii ! thank you for the kind words, they motivate me so much ♡ ♡. i can definitely relate to ur reqs considering i almost died seeing those concept photos, 100% srs. as for the anon thing, i've put you down as 🪷 anon in my anon list ! anyways, i hope you like the outcome !!
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pairing(s): bf!enha/idol!enha × gn!reader genre(s): fluff kinda / headcanons format warning(s): thirsting over enha, this is not proof read, i have no motivation to proof read it, i might do it later
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희    ;    heeseung would laugh so hard when he learned from your best friend that you were on the floor, having a meltdown after seeing the concept photos. he had begged for her to send pictures. the people around him giving him weird looks after he bursted out laughing in public. he'd find it even funnier after seeing that he was now your new wallpaper.
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제    ;    jay would feel a little embarrased at his pictures but hearing you being a fangirling mess over him would boost his confidence so much, he'd be so thankful that he has you around to remind him constantly that he is hot, sexy, beautiful, amazing, handsome, attractive, pretty, adorable, captivating, sharp, elegant, stylish, every compliment in the dictionary basically.
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크    ;    jake would get so happy, like he'd have this sheepish smile when he sees that his phone was getting spammed of you going crazy. he'd call you the minute he was available, he'd be laughing and giggling during the whole 3h of call of you just rambling about hot good he looked in his photos.
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성    ;    sunghoon would get super confident but also shy? like internally he gets so timid and finds you adorable but on the outside he plays it off as "yeah i'm hot and i know it". it'd be adorable watching him try to keep his cool when inside, he's literally dying from the happiness he gets when he sees you fangirl over him.
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선    ;    sunoo is stuck in between fanboying over you fangirling and side-eyeing you. he'd probably try to act annoyed but he can't hide the fact that his ears would become all red and his cheeks a pink tint. he'd his face in the crook of your neck out of embarrassement.
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정    ;    jungwon would feel releived to hear that the pictures came out well and that they're good enough to make you nearly faint. he'd been stressed about if the concept would go well and to hear you rant about how attractive the pictures looked would take weight off his shoulder.
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니    ;    niki, niki, niki... ah.. this boy would tease you forever, it's a horrible idea to let him know the effect he has on you. he'd film your little meltdown and would never let you live that down. his ego would skyrocket and for the rest of the month, if you ever whined about anything, he'd pull the video out and threaten to send it to his whole contact list.
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© miyu 2023 - do not copy, translate, repost or plagiarise my work anywhere !
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cringengl · 1 year
"Delusional fangirls": the 'never ending story' of the dismissal of byler being rooted in misogyny.
As someone who is passionate about both feminism and fandom culture, when I got sent this ask a little less than a month ago, it made me ask myself the question on why shipping byler has been viewed in such a negative light, and you'll never guess, but it's rooted in misogyny.
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Even if this ask is a troll, it's clearly replicating what can be seen not just in the Stranger Things fandom, but in general fandom culture, showing the prevalence of this issue. Although this post will be looking specifically at byler, what I'm discussing in this post isn't an issue specific to byler, even if I will be considering some things that are byler specific, such as the likelihood of byler endgame.
Before we start, I just want to talk about why I'm talking about misogyny instead of homophobia (though homophobia will be discussed a little later but it's not going to be the main focus of this post). Homophobia and why people dismiss byler has already been talked about a lot (for example, I've seen posts about people saying that making byler endgame would be a 'risky' move and as Stranger Things produces a lot of money for Netflix, therefore they won't do it, the belief that they wouldn't/shouldn't break up a heterosexual ship for a homosexual one or the failure to put Will outside the 'tragic story of a gay kid that falls for their straight best friend' box).
The dismissal of byler as a 'valid' ship is just as much down to misogyny as it is homophobia and it's an issue that I haven't seen as talked about, likely due to how byler is made up of two guys. If anything I've seen way more people call the byler community misogynistic, and whilst these things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, I do want to open up the conversation about how misogyny deeply affects the public perception of byler and byler shippers as well as talk about how ingrained misogyny is in fandom culture.
The average dismissal of byler as a ship tends to look like this:
All bylers are teen girls.
All bylers are stupid and delusional.
The motivation to ship byler is born out of a fetish of mlm relationships.
Not only is this a summary of what that anon sent me in May, but it's also a rhetoric that can be seen across multiple anti byler statements/posts/comments etc. It's way more common than you may think.
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So what is the fangirl stereotype?
A fangirl by Oxford dictionary definition is mainly characterised by the word "obsessive", which has been constantly portrayed in a negative light by the media, and isn't exactly a new phenomenon, with Beatlemaniacs being called "the dull, the idle, the failures" in a 1964 New Statesman article. In fact it hasn't been until the 2020s where the epidemic of constantly making fun of teen girls has finally been criticised.
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The most common stereotype of a fangirl is someone who is screaming, crazy and rabid, with "rabid fangirl" having its own Urban Dictionary definition.
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Even fangirls of fanbases that are most notorious for 'crazy, rabid fans' have come out and said that they have been misrepresented, such as the comments section of this documentary about One Direction fans made by Channel 4 in 2013.
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The stereotype of having a fetish for mlm relationships.
Another common stereotype of fangirls is the fetishization of mlm relationships. Whilst this is a very real issue that needs to be addressed properly, I very clearly remember seeing women talking about "getting off" to scenes in Call Me By Your Name when the movie first came out, however this accusation is often misplaced, meaning it loses it's power as an accusation, leading to the perception that it isn't as big of an issue that it actually is.
Girls, women or even afab or feminine presenting people who ship two men together are often seen as people with fetishes and accused of such. Not only is this sexist as it assumes that women's interests are sexually motivated, but it also reduces women's intelligence by suggesting that the only reason that they are interested in it is because of a sexual factor. This also ties back to the oversexualisation of gay relationships due to traditional, religious, conservative roots- classic homophobia.
And whilst this might sometimes be the case, this ideology ignores something extremely obvious: not all fangirls are straight (which clearly shows why we need lesbian visibility day haha).
This era we are in right now seems to be the dawn of LGBTQ+ rep that seems to be more and more prevalent and the amount of mainstream movies and TV shows that have positive and well developed queer rep is growing day by day. However, queer representation had been previously very hard to find and even now is not perfect (remember that one lesbian purple cyclops from Onward that appeared for like 10 seconds, said the easily censorable word "girlfriend", and was then never seen again??).
Whilst fandom spaces with TV shows and movies such as Stranger Things may have lots of female or female presenting/aligned people, there is also an abundance of queer people in almost any fandom, especially one with existing queer characters or ones that claim to be "an anthem for the marginalised and imperfect", which of course leads to the abundance of queer women, and can also be seen in the byler tag.
However I do want to point out that obviously not all people in fandom spaces and the byler tag are female and/or queer, but a lot of them are and this does vary fandom to fandom. Furthermore, I really don't know the actual ratio of different genders specifically in the Stranger Things and byler fandom- however I feel that it doesn't matter as shipping and other fandom traditions have been associated with teen girls and women anyway. The suggestion that all bylers are teen girls is a sweeping overgeneralisation and the fact that it's used as an insult and a way to demean this ship is sexist.
Queer representation and shipping mlm ships- even if they are not canon.
So how does this link to the abundance of shipping male characters? This is clearly something that has been going on for a long time, as illustrated beautifully through this reddit post:
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And you might be wondering that if there are a lot of queer women in these spaces, then why isn't there more sapphic ships? And of course the answer is misogyny.
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Women in TV shows and movies are so often underdeveloped and fall victim to millions of sexist stereotypes that make them unlikeable and boring, such as 'damsel in distress', 'strong and unfeeling' or they just have a 2D personality. Furthermore, female characters in media are just less numerous in media. All of this is is we have measures of the Bechdel test.
This is also not helped by the constant cancellation of wlw shows after only one season, which does not allow for the development of the characters or their relationship (I Am Not Okay With This, Warrior Nun, First Kill, Willow, Paper Girls etc).
This idea is only supported by the arcane fandom, where the most prevalent ship is Caitlyn/Vi on pretty much every social media site and ao3, likely due to the focus and development on their relationship.
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Moreover, male friendships often have a lot more focus on them than female characters and their relationships. This was particularly obvious and blatant in My Hero Academia, where despite Deku and Uraraka (the het ship) being set up to be endgame, the main relationship that has the most focus and development is the one between Deku and his friend turned enemy turned rival turned best friend (??) Bakugo.
Whilst positive and intricate male friendships are never a bad thing, it does become very annoying very fast when those pieces of media also push female characters to the sidelines (and then also oversexualise them, which is often seen particularly in anime and manga such as mha).
So it's no coincidence when mlm relationships become more popular through the want for queer representation, female characters being ignored and the male characters and friendships having better development (as well as the use of queerbait to bring in a wider audience). However, other fans with little critical thinking skills and the general audience tend to jump to the conclusion that the amount of mlm ships that include straight men (even though these 'straight' men are fictional and don't have confirmed sexualities) is due to fetishization and fans being "weird and delusional".
Back to byler.
So let's link this back to byler. One thing that drew me to make this post is due to how bylers have been called "delusional" which was a specific word I saw byler shippers being called a lot in the June/July era.
Even the word "delusional" implies a detachment from reality and one of the most common sexist views is that women can't lead or make good decisions due to their supposed inherent irrationality, which is apparently caused by hormones and being over emotional (despite testosterone being used as an excuse for cheating- high sex drive- and aggression issues as well as anger not being counted as an emotion. One of the biggest reasons that the stereotypes around fangirls are rooted in misogyny is due to the polar opposite treatment of male sports fans, which if you remember the insane violence that occurred when the fake Tubi ad appeared to disrupt the Super Bowl, this idea is insanely hypocritical).
It confused me as even from a general audience perspective, it would seem that byler at least had a decent chance of becoming endgame, so why is it being so easily dismissed?
It is because shipping, especially mlm ships, are strongly associated with fangirls and are therefore seen as weak, delusional and irrational, not something to be taken seriously and likely the product of a fetish.
Not only is this harmful for the perception of mlm relationships in media, but it also promotes internalised misogyny- distancing yourselves from "rabid fangirls" as soon as possible so that your not seen as one and are instead seen as more rational and sensible.
The powerful arc that Mike and Will have gone through for four seasons now doesn't matter, nor the fact that El's independence is linked with Mike's absence or even what the implications of mleven endgame for not just a queer audience but a general audience would be. None of that matters as ships like byler aren't taken seriously, they're dismissed, due to misogyny (and homophobia).
In conclusion, fuck the patriarchy, let's change fandom culture for the better.
Links to things I watched/read in order to help make this post (not including the misogynistic and homophobic is reddit/tumblr/twitter posts lol):
(Do bear in mind that these tend to talk more about music fans/fandom rather than TV shows)
Frailty, Thy Name Is Fangirl: Misogyny and Fandom Culture
Shaming Fangirls: A Practice Rooted In Sexism
How misogyny-laced comments, actions in fan culture can drive others out
Ted talk: For the love of Fangirls | Yve Blake
From Beatlemania to the Beliebers, What Makes a ‘Fangirl’?
The Channel 4 Crazy About One Direction documentary and the ad for the documentary
Fetishizing Gay Relationship: When Ship and Fan Fiction Turn Toxic
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atlaculture · 11 months
REALLY Off-Topic Post
So I just watched the “The First Slam Dunk” movie in the theater, and I cried at least five times during the movie. T w T
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I really, really, really loved it.
If you’re a Slam Dunk fan, and especially if you’re a Miyagi fan, I can’t recommend seeing it in theaters enough. This is the animated finale we deserved after over 25 years of waiting. It’s also a beautiful gift to those who’ve kept up with all the post-manga supplementary stories that Inoue’s released in the past three decades, particularly the one-shot Piercing.
Fun Fact: I actually did a rough fan-translation of Piercing back in the 2000s as a teenager, because the one-shot had only been officially translated into Spanish and Italian at the time. I literally got a Spanish-to-English dictionary and spent hours figuring out the text as best as I could. I used MS Paint to add my translations into the little speech bubbles and shared the one-shot everywhere I could think of (DeviantArt, 4Chan, random anime forums, etc).
So... yeah. Needless to say, I’m a humungous Slam Dunk fan and a Miyagi stan. And if you also like Slam Dunk and have seen this movie, please message me so I can have someone to fangirl with.
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asnowperson · 10 months
Let's learn Japanese with Lord Gloria and Mr. Bonham!
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The new addition to my Japanese vocab is: ミーハー. This word didn't ring any bell for me, and the definitions I got from JP-ENG dictionaries didn't satisfy me. This word sounds so weird. I needed to know where it came from.
The English equivalent of ミーハー would be "jumping on the bandwagon, mindlessly following the crowds, becoming a fan of whatever is popular at the moment, fangirling/fanboying, being a sheep, being easily influenced." So it has negative connotations, and means that you have no taste of your own, but are only a follower.
The Japanese sites I consulted say that there is no consensus on the etymology of the word, but it is said that it came into usage in the early years of the Showa era (so, early 1930s). Some say that girls' names starting with "Mi-" and "Ha-" were very common back then, and you would call those girls "Mii-chan" and "Haa-chan". So, that became a word to look down all the basic young girls who followed the latest fashions/trends, and the terms "miichanhaachan" and "miihaa-zoku" (miihaa gang) were coined. Then the word "miihaa" stuck, and it is still kind of relevant slang.
Knowing this background makes Mr. Bohnam calling the Earl a "miihaa" even funnier.
And the fact that even this cute Danish ballet dancer couldn't stop Dorian from constantly worrying about Klaus is proof that he was totally miihaa-ing for him XD
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sugoi-writes · 2 months
FUCK. I WROTE PART NINE AND HAD IT ALL READY TO GO AND THEN MY KID GOT HER HANDS ON MY PHONE AND CLOSED THE APP. THANK LUCIFER I HAD THE FIRST HALF SAVED AS A DRAFT BUT STILL. OTL sending this separate because I was paranoid she'd do it again and I would have to write the second part a third time 😭 also realizing I forgot to put my sig at the bottom of Pt.9
..... Annnnd of course, after pressing send I remember that I forgot to rewrite the part where reader chokes Alastor when they cum. just shoot me holy motherfucking shit
At some point I'mma just make these into a full blown PWP fic. It seems like they get longer with each installment 🤣 (I'm sorry btw, I always feel kinda bad whenever I leave long messages in anyone's inbox 😫
It's a fitting pet name Hunny Pun! You're the queen of puns and you're so so SO sweet like a Honey Bun! is that icing or Alastor's jizz on you??? ... im so sorry i'll see myself out again 😭 CAN'T FIND AND KISS ME IF I FIND AND KISS YOU FIRST BABES~! ❤️❤️❤️
I can't hold on to my anonymity anymore guys so I'mma be making Pt.10 my reveal post~ it's killing me that I can't leave rabid fangirl messages on your works like you all do here for me! I really did wanna wait until I got the Smutmus Holy Trinity complete or at least in the revision stages but just- GAH! I NEED YALL TO KNOW HOW AMAZING I THINK YOU ARE. Beautiful beautiful minds, inside and out i can't even-!
Seriously though, I can't even begin to express how grateful and happy I am to have met any of you! And there are no words in the English dictionary (or any at all really) that I could use to describe what I feel about how accepting and supportive you've been! I could NEVER thank yall enough for helping me to find the joy in writing again. I love all three of you so much and I'm honored to call you friends!! 🥺🥰💋
- ☄️❤️ Smut Santa
False Alarm for the Next Part!! And honestly, thank God, the vibe is still not charged HAH--
Oh no!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you!! I had a similar experience when writing my part 2 to my Nun! Alastor fic. Fun fact: had to re-write it 5 times because I kept forgetting to save it. ;;_;; hhhh my baby fever is so bad I'm crying, but man, KIDS! What a little stinker 🥹❤️
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Also, my ask box is usually super empty? Like, you could LICK the floor with how neat and empty it is? I LOVE messages? Even better if they long like Alastor's girthy fucking co--
We--We were- when we??? ALASTOR GETS--??? MY HANDS AROUND HIS???
*Danny.Exe has experienced an Error*
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☄️❤️Anon... babycakes. At this rate I'm gonna do more than fucking kiss you. I think we're past that now. And if you keep calling me 'Hunny Pun', or similar pet names, I'm just gonna jump your bones--
Hug you!!!! I meant hug you!!!
GUYS CODE TREAT, CODE TREAT, THE ANON VEIL IS DROPPING!!! ITS DROPPING DHDHDJDHDJ-- You will never gain a mutual as fast as you will then I SWEAR
☄️❤️!!! Smut Santaaaaa! 🥹😭❤️ Your mind is a beautiful, smutty, enchanting place!!! Knowing that you've been religiously cranking this out, while also having a kiddo... Seriously, how do you do it??? If anyone deserves the praise rn, 🎵it's you??? It's you, ITS ALWAYS YOU!!🎵 ❤️❤️❤️
Don't push yourself too hard! Please? ❤️ I will treasure these rare, scrumptious little treats for as long as I have brain cells left ❤️ I will call you friend until you tell me to quit or I lose my voice for good. And even then, my lips will keep moving and repeating the same thing until I'm blue in the face. ❤️❤️❤️ you are such a sweet, sweet, soul, and I can feel your vibes, and they are so wholesome! I can't wait to meet the person or sexual fiend behind it all! I feel like I speak for us all, and not just the main 3, but EVERYONE: everyone who has read your posts love you to bits. And they love your work to bits. Best believe when you publish your first work, we'll be there. En masse. And we will be EAGERLY returning the love you surprised us with.
Thank you for all that you do. On this post in particular, you deserve a foot rub, a forehead kiss, and a hug that lifts and spins you off your feet! 💗💗💗
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Have a blissful, best of days you can have, dear! You deserve it! 💗
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giggleboxstudios · 1 year
Hot Take:
Glass Joe is NOT and SHOULDN'T be a """Tumblr Sexyman"""". Here's why...
Ever since the "Forbidden Characters" page on the Sexypedia has been deleted for whatever reason, the whole damn site has become unorganized chaos. I wouldn't even consider "vandalized" parts of the wiki to be the only vandalized areas. Because the entire wiki vandalized itself!!! And it did so by being hypocritical to the "rules" and adding any single popular character imaginable on there who DOESN'T even fit the proper definition of "Tumblr Sexyman"! Here is the best definition of Tumblr Sexyman according to the Urban Dictionary:
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Glass Joe barely fits the qualities above, therefore he does not fit the definition of Tumblr Sexyman. Does he have a "dark side"? No. Is he not as attractive as Tumblr makes him out to be? No. He is not like the Onceler, Sans, Bill Cipher, or whatever. He's just an Ensemble Darkhorse with a seemingly twinkish figure!
The reason why people are now misusing the term, "Tumblr Sexyman" is because they see a character and they WANT them to be a sexyman, which is actually an unfortunate thing to begin with. I say it's unfortunate because fans (mostly preteens, teens, and young adults even) get MADE FUN OF for liking characters who are Sexymen. And the term-misusers are making it harder for fans to show their love for the characters without getting bullied! Real sexymen become sexymen thru weird selfcest ships, self-proclaimed Wives and Girlfriends on YT (a.k.a Fangirls), tons of Cascada-esque AMVs, fetish art, Animation Memes, etc.
If Glass Joe received all this treatment above, then yes, he will fit the bill. Another possible reason for the misuse of the Tumblr Sexyman label is so the Sexypedia can seem active and full because almost everything there FEELS like filler to me, with occasional accurate examples that deserve to stay on the wiki (E.g. Bill Cipher, Tony the Clock, Jack Horner, etc.)
Now that we have the Sexypedia site in mind, let's talk about the Aran Ryan page...
People in the Punch-Out fandom probably wanted this to happen despite Aran Ryan NOT really being a sexyman. He's just an Ensemble Darkhorse! Get used to it! Not every character popular within fandom has to BE a Sexyman anyway. And it has me questioning: Why do people want their favourite characters to be Sexymen so badly these days? What is the goal and intention behind this? (Can someone provide an answer in the notes please and thank you)
In Conclusion, Glass Joe shouldn't be a Tumblr Sexyman because he doesn't have a fan reception like the traditional Sexyman, nor does he fit in that many tacky tropes listed in the real definition. Like Aran Ryan, Glass Joe is literally just an Ensemble Darkhorse within the Punch Out fandom. End of story.
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dodscans · 5 months
Hello, tysm for your work translating DoD! I have a question about chapter 68 - when Suleiman says Hurrem sent him poems again in the letter, he comments that she's "much better at this than me." Do you know if "this" is referring to Hurrem being better at composing poems than him, Hurrem being more consistent about sending him poems than he is with her, or something else? Thanks!
Hi anon. Sorry for the late response (because work has been killing me).
When he says that in chapter 68, he means that she's a better poet than him. Actually, Suleiman dabbled in poetry himself and has his own diwan. That's really cool. The Latinized version of his diwan can be found here. I'm not at all knowledgeable about classical Turkish poetry, so my comments are probably bullshit, but from what I gather, Suleiman was quite an accomplished poet. To a modern, ignorant reader like myself, his poems reeks of simping. Well, based on what I've learned in high school about classical poetry, it is indeed about simping about an idealized "beloved" in the most exquisite way, and Suleiman follows this trend. They don't have to mean what they say, because that is how poetry is supposed to be written. But knowing that all those flattery could have been written for Hürrem makes all the difference. Join the squeal party, fangirls!
So, him saying that Hürrem is better at poetry than him shows that she's quite well-read and intelligent, and has the respect of another fellow poet. And I'd like to emphasize that classical Turkish poetry wasn't just about saying pretty things; you had certain metres to follow, and say what you wanted to say in those meters with the fanciest mix of Persian/Arabic/Turkish vocabulary. I, for one, fail to understand those without the excessive use of a Ottoman-modern Turkish dictionary.
On an unrelated note, I have read some of her letters to Suleiman we still have today, and she sounds too cute! I can't tell if that's how palace people spoke at the time, or if it was her actual accent, but reading her letters about how much she misses and is worried about Suleiman make me go "awww..." While a considerable amount of letters were written by the Harem ladies' scribes, they say there's evidence that Hürrem wrote hers herself. Domestic Hürrem and Suleiman ftw!
Actually, thank you for this question. I need to revisit her letters sometime, some of which are compiled in this book.
tl;dr: Hürrem is a scholar and an intellectual.
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anchorandrope · 2 months
random as fuck but if you had the opportunity to handle one book to matt vines and one book to jeffrey azoff, which one would it be? i'd love to also know why but i respect if you only wanna give the name!
i love this question omg?? smart and hilarious at the same time!
if i had the chance to give them a book, i would love to personally write them. i will write two books, one for vines and one for azoff - same concept but different executions because they are different people. the title would be something like "matt vines / jeff azoff dictionary" and it would be a dictionary of every insult of the english language, including slangs (with the actual definition of each insult) but at the end of each definition, i would include an example of that insult used in phrase where i can remember them moments where they fucked things up! for example:
greedy: having or showing an intense and selfish desire for wealth or power. e.g: jeff azoff is greedy for how he managed the situation around "vote with kindness" during a global pandemic.
i would love to include a "for reference" to include sources that prove this (videos, pictures, etc.) just for them to see how publicly idiots they are, in case they don't know yet <3
BUT unfortunately i don't write books and these books don't exist, at least as far as i know, so if you wanna know what book that already exists i'd handle some of these options with a handwriting dedication of mine:
"harry potter", the dedication says "there are more people on earth that believes that jk rowling was expelled from hogwarts and that is why she wrote harry potter than people who are fully convinced your client is straight"
"public relations: strategies and tactics" by wilcox and cameron, the dedication says "this is the first book i read when i entered college to study public relations, start here" (its funny because this is actually true hajdhakdbs)
"me" by elton john (his autobiography), the dedication says "maybe you can work out your lack of empathy with this one"
after answering this, i genuinely believe that handling them one of these options will heal my fangirl soul a bit lmao
and just to clarify in case a vines / azoff serial dick sucker see this: im aware they are not the only ones responsible, yet they are their managers! huge decisions are, in fact, approved or even thought by them! hope it helps!
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saltynovember · 1 year
So my friend told me the other day that Netherlands uses different second person pronouns depending on the nation he wants to address in the jpn manga. So I checked and turns out she’s right.
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Hetalia World Stars ep 445. Here, you can see Netherlands calling Japan “Ome (おめ)”
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...and Netherlands addressing Germany, Italy, and America/Anglosphere “Wamera (わめら)”. These words are both Fukui Prefecture dialects so its difficult (even for jpn readers) to recognize the precise nuances each pronoun hold.
Thus I looked up a dialect dictionary online to confirm the meaning of each second person pronoun Ned used. This is where the fangirl screaming begins.
おめ (Ome): Can be translated to common word “Anataあなた”. “You” but for person you are close to, such as a friend or spouse/wife.
わめ (Wame): Fukui dialect of “Omaeお前”. "You", but not for people you really like. Very casual, sorta bad way to call people.
わめら (Wamera): “We” or “you guys”. Plural noun of “Wame”.
Oh Netherlands...you could have simply used ''Omera (plural noun of Ome)" for Germany, Italy, and America...instead you chose to walk a gayer path. You bastard.
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histoire-de · 3 months
What do you mean the "rō" kanji in Kuroo Testurō is not 郎 (like in every Japanese first name ending in rō) ? Why did it took me 10 years to notice ? When it literally has the Moon key in it ?
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I'm ashamed to be such a bad fangirl. I should have gushed about that. And then tell everyone that if you look at that kanji in a French kanji dictionary, the first meaning is "gai".
This is definitely the kind of content I would have provided on LJ 20 years ago. In fact, I'll probably write a LJ post about that. I should.
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quietsuperstitions · 2 years
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If you look up “no chill” in the dictionary, you will find a link to the latest episode of Marginalia Pod because BAZ IS BACK and we have A LOT of feelings about it!
In episode four, we discuss chapters 25-34 of @rainbowrowell​’s Carry On through the theme of control. Something Baz has in spades and Simon, well... he’s trying.
Look, I’m gonna be honest, we are always great, but this episode is particularly delightful. If you also have nothing but love for Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch, it’ll be right up your alley.
You can find us at the usual podcasting places - just search for Marginalia Pod. Or google us! We love this book/series and we’re not shy about it.
The whole vibe of the podcast is to treat texts as sacred, taking them at face value and seeing what we can learn from them - it’s the book club you didn’t know you needed!
We’ve previously read The Raven Boys, Fangirl, The Scorpio Races, Strange the Dreamer and Neverwhere, if any of those take your fancy.
Ok thanks bye.
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moonartemisia · 6 months
hii hii about the ask selfship if posible can I request 8, 16, 18 for the HaTitia? pls :'))
┈➤ Alright, selfship ask scenarios of Hajun and Letitia:
ׂׂૢ 8. constantly bragging about dating each other or keeping the relationship relatively secretive? ✧.*
— they're in a private relationship, as both artists ofc it's hard to say that many people will tell and spread a lot of gossip if they made their relationship open and public. Which Hajun needs to be mindful of especially he has a huge line of fangirls, as a Korean rapper, he is aware of the "sasaeng" around him. But him protecting his privacy is absolutely secure. He could have a separate account for him to follow only his friends aside from his public account that he has. He posts some pictures that isn't part of his public account not to maintain public scrutiny, he post Letitia there often. Letitia is the same, but with her fans from the Philippines. Both of their foreign hometowns are chaotic with artist/celebs dating rumors.
ׂׂૢ 16. kids or no kids? ✧.*
— They barely had a discussion about their future, not to mention Hajun isn't much open about himself nor his goals. Subtle to keep it on his own. Letitia respects that, quite difficult to talk about it since his family doesn't know that he is dating someone outside of Korea. And yet, still holds the Yeon Family's shares and company name in Japan. Much to say, no they haven't talk about about kids at this moment. They're still young adults having their right moment in the present for now. :/
ׂׂૢ 18. cuddle in bed or need their space to sleep? ✧.*
— while Hajun's apartment is spacious but only has 3 bedrooms specifically where Anne and Allen stayed. There are times Letitia hangs out with BAE often in his apartment, so obviously she will sleep at Hajun's space. Anne and Allen would've teased the shit out of him that bothers the blonde deep inside, however, he has he inner clingy side to Letitia when they're alone much to say PDA isn't on his dictionary. Only few touchy moments like holding her hand when his two fellow friends are present. Hajun loves being a big spoon to her when they enjoy each other's company. Bet Anne jokes Hajun whatever on earth they're doing inside his room all the time XD
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