#im a uni first and foremost
clairedaring · 5 months
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HUI at the Press Conference of WHU IS ME: COMPLEX
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steelycunt · 6 months
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kitkatabasis · 6 months
god what I wouldn't do for agrippina the younger's memoirs.
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chaikajpeg · 1 year
Love your the ancient magus bride works ❤❤❤
thank you so much! :,)
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husberttee · 7 months
me sitting on the bus staring wistfully out the window at the electric/builder guys fixing up a shop like god i wish that were me. that should be me. get me out of uni
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b4tasquad · 9 months
hii im happy ur back!! could you write dad!kenny please 🙏
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Authors note: i finally finally finally got myself together and wrote something for Kenny. can’t believe i haven’t before 😧 also i don’t usually write anything involving pregnancy or anything so this is new…
Warnings: mentions of tough pregnancy?? nothing more
“Can you take her?”
Your voice is hoarse, a mix of the lack of sleep and the headache you could feel incoming making you feel all the more tired. At first, you thought your words would go by without an answer, and with a huff, you sat up. Right as you were about to get out of the comfortable bed and attend to your needy infant, Kenny shuffled from beside you.
With one hand he gently pushed your body down, and with the other, he rubbed at his sleepy eyes. You didn’t argue, instead letting his hand lay you down on the lulling mattress again. Carefully, he got up in an upright position and turned to your tired form.
“Go back to sleep baby, I got her,” Kenny promised, pecking your lips quickly before making his way to the crib.
A feeling of immense gratitude spreads around your body in the form of tingles. Watching your fiancé carefully wrap the loud child in his arms, and rock it back and forth made a little smile form on your face. It was in moments like these you thanked yourself for choosing the right man to bring a new life into the world with.
Kenny was the greatest father you could wish for your 2-month-old daughter. He handled her with such care and love and it was clear she felt comfortable with him. She didn’t have to say who her favorite was for you to know. But even if you joked about how it was unfair, seeing as you’d birthed her, you loved how attached your daughter was to her father. He deserved all the love.
Upon finding out that you were with a child after freshly turning 24, all of your dreams seemed to evaporate around you. You were wrapping up your last year at uni, and your life was the most chaotic it had ever been. Adding a pregnancy to that, how the hell were you supposed to get through?
Your family was quick to inform you of their support, and that they’d be there for anything you might need. While you appreciated their efforts, you were still not confident that it wouldn’t ruin your life. This was a child. Someone that would consume most of your time, need the most love. It wasn’t an easy decision, even if people were up for helping you with it from time to time
Kenny had been your boyfriend for a while when you dropped the bomb on him. You were ready for anything. Him leaving, getting angry, demanding for you to get an abortion. But instead, he pulled you into him, smiling from ear to ear.
“What are you smiling for?” You had asked him, feeling more at ease as his smile widened.
“What do you mean what am I smiling for, Y/n, we’re having a baby.” Kenny chuckled, shaking you gently in excitement. He was over the moon, jumping up and down til it suddenly dawned upon him. “As long as you want to though.”
That was the moment you knew that whatever happened with school, you’d have a caring man by your side to battle through it. Even in his exhilaration to have a child, he made sure that it was something you most and foremost wanted. It wasn’t something he had said with any specific intention, but even so, his words affected you in such a powerful way.
Your pregnancy had you testing new waters in both your relationship with Kenny, but also with yourself. While readying yourself mentally for the struggles you would face both in and after birth, you had plenty of time to sit back and think. The 9 months were nothing but pure torture. While you knew gaining weight and feeling weak was inevitable, you had not known to what extent. Besides the change in your body, your hormones were messing with your head badly. You lashed out, broke down, or was abnormally quiet and you hated yourself for it. The people around you stood beside you through it all, and whenever you did something, it always made you feel bad long after they’d forgotten about it. This stupid pregnancy was changing you, and you felt as though by the time it was over, you’d have no one in your corner anymore.
Kenny Ojuederie never left you alone for long tho. Through a period of 9 long months, you’d broken up with him, told him you never wanted to see him again and locked him out of your apartment… twice. But even with all these obstacles you were for sure would have made someone leave, Kenny continued to stand tall in his fight to be there for and with you. He loved you and your unborn child, and it would be a cold day in hell before he let hormones divide you.
Through his determination, you realized how much he loved you, and even more your love for him. He was your soulmate. There was no simpler way than explaining it as such.
‘’Should I give her the bottle now?’’ Gazing up from the food you were preparing, your eyes landed on your fiance’s unsure expression. He stood in his sweats, your daughter in his arms as he nodded towards the newly washed baby bottle on the counter. At closer inspection, you could see how tired she really was. The time wasn’t no more than 4 pm and her eyes were closing and opening.
You hesitate. ‘’It’s early.’’ She had woken up from her nap only 2 hours prior, and you knew that if the two of you let her sleep now, she wouldn’t even close her eyes tonight. ‘’She won’t be able to sleep at night’’
Kenny winces. ‘’Well, looks like you can’t sleep, princess’’ He smiles at her, raising her in his arms.
Smiling, you go back to making dinner, mixing the stir and adding spice now and then. Kenny continued to occupy the baby, playing with her as you made the food in peace. Just as you turned the stove off, the two of them appeared in the kitchen again.
‘’Looks like mommy is done with the food’’ You usually hated when people spoke to babies in that voice, but listening to Kenny had your mind wandering to a place of happiness. Missing your daughter, you gesture for him to give her, and he does so.
You hold her against your chest, smiling at her. Kenny watches you too with fondness, eyes sparkling and heart hammering against his chest. ‘’I love you’’ he randomly states, and before you have time to say something back, he kisses you.
You reciprocate his actions before pulling away and laying your head on his shoulder, baby secured between your bodies. ‘’I love you and our little family.’’
He cheeses, loving the sound of that. ‘’Our family. Fuck, say that again’’
You lean into his ear, a shit-eating grin resting on your lips. ‘’Our family… our family… our-’’ He wastes no time taking hold of your jaw and pressing your lips together for a second time. The kiss holds lust and passion, but most and foremost the purest and most genuine affection. Kenny kisses you like you’ve given him his life back, a reason to keep going. And while your lovesick mind can’t fully comprehend it yet, you truly have.
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mikuni14 · 5 months
Three clarifications: 1) all my opinions are completely subjective and based entirely on my feelings, 2) I definitely left out a lot of what I wanted to write, and I will probably remember it after the New Year lol 3) The Sign wins all the best categories, BUT the series isn't over yet. I included it in my list anyway (I also included Twins)
Unfortunately, 2023 is me continuing the trend started in 2022, i.e. dropping the series, sometimes even just before the finale. There are about 35 series I dropped this year (!!!!!). Some of them I literally stopped watching the moment MLs appeared on the screen, like Dinosaur Love. Sorry but nope. Why is this happening? Perhaps because of the huge number of series. Before, I watched everything, even the worst productions, because I simply had no choice. Now there are so many new series, also so many great older series that I can come back to with pleasure, that I don't regret dropping something, that in the past I would have forced myself to watch until the end. Life is too short to waste it on mid series 🤷‍♀️
My list:
Perfect relationships: Our Dating Sim, Jun&Jun, The 8th Sense, Love in Translation, MickTop - My Universe, The Sign, Twins, Our Dining Table, Sing My Crush, um, Destiny Seeker 😄
Perfect relationships minus this one thing (usually an awkward kiss, sorry, this is very important to me): Unitentional Love Story, Laws of Attraction. WHY. These are not Sotus times, it's 2023, there are no excuses, learn to kiss, it's the easiest thing to DO
Many series disappointed me, but most of all, the one in which I had such great hopes: Chains Of Heart, come ON, this series had EVERYTHING to become one of the best series this year!!
Characters most harmed by the plot: Boston and Babe. I will also never forgive Between Us for what they did to the most awesome couple ever: WinTeam
Interesting series that pleasantly surprised me with how different and unique they are: Be My Favorite, Bake Me Please
Series that I have watched until the end, that are a complete waste of time and that I have bad memories of: Step by Step and La Puie
Characters that were just plain awful and that I would avoid in real life: first and foremost, of course, that EUN JI bitch and Tae Hyung (The Eighth Sense) also Sangin (Sing My Crush), practically everyone from Only Friends, Phat and Saengtai (La Pluie), Pat (SBS), Wen (Moonlight Chicken), Charlie. I'm not writing about terrible parents, there were a lot of them this year
The craziest series I've watched anyway: Till The World Ends 🥳
It's been a year of shows about workplace romance, but only a few managed to portray it in a good, even cute way without creepy power imbalance: Jun&Jun, ODS, Love in Translation, probably Cherry Magic (still airing)
New stars✨ that rocked my 💖: Daou (LiT), Babe (The Sign), Frame (Twins), Guide (IFYLIA, Bake Me Please) and Mark Pakin, my king 👑
My obsessions this year: Jae Won (The 8th Sense), Charn (LoA), Yang (Love in Translation), Im Han Tae (Sing My Crush), Sprite, THARN and Phaya. Overall, 2023 was full of characters who were a wonderful mix of pathetic and crazy in love and who made me feel like 🥺😍😭🥳. These were the men (and boys) mentioned above, but also Yoon Tae Joon (Unintentional Love Story), Cheng (Chains of Heart), Pisaeng (BMF), Tinn (My School President), Mick (My Universe). I love all of them 💖
Hot guys 🔥: ok, there were a lot of them this year, but definitely Chi Jun (Jun&Jun), Yang (LiT), Im Han Tae (SMC), Palm (NLMG), Songkhram (Destiny Seeker), Way and Alan (Pit Babe), Yoon Tae Joon (Unintentional Love Story), Mark Pakin in all his roles, obviously Tharn and Phaya ✨
Characters that I always look at with fondness, that I watched with real pleasure,, who brought only high-quality content and made this year better for me: Tharn, Phaya and their friends (YAI), Tinn, Charn and their friends (NAWIN and the girls), Mick (MU), main couples from SMC, Jun & Jun, ODC and LiT, Our Dining Table, Yoon Tae Joon (Unintentional Love Story), MR. TIWSON 👑, Peach, Sprite (every time I write the names Peach and Sprite I crave a fruity drink 🍹)
Hottest scenes 🔥: everything that is happening in the PhayaTharn universe so far, and
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With so many series from Thailand, surprisingly few made a huge impression on me, the same in the case of characters or couples that I was obsessed with and which I would happily rewatch many times. I was even more surprised by Korea, which, with an incomparably smaller number of series, still created real gems, fantastic couples and interesting, liked characters. It was Korea that gave me probably the most interesting character this year: Jae Won. Although Thailand shot a Tharn-shaped arrow straight into my heart at the very end of the year 💘
It was a very good year, hope 2024 will be even better. What I wish for myself and all of you, my lovely jellyfish bolsters 😘😘😘😘😘
I wanted to thank everyone here for being so awesome this year, everyone who wrote great reviews and funny posts and notes, everyone who worked hard to gif the best scenes and who promoted the series fiercely. I watched many of my favorite series only thanks to your gifs. I love you all so much, you are the best! 🥰
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hypogryffin · 6 months
Genuine curiosity as well as making sure I can express myself properly in the future. You mentioned dislike for the term "Abrahamic" when referring to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths as a singular classification. And I totally get that a TON of people saying Abrahamic really just mean Christian.
So, what term would you use if you wanted to refer to the shared origins of these religious groups? Like, what would be the good religious term that is similar to linguistic terms like Germanic or Romantic? Or would you say there really isn't or shouldn't be one term that can refer to all of them?
fyi im a uni dropout in buttfuck nowhere manitoba so my opinion is highly uninformed and furthermore as my credentials are "stranger on the internet who draws good" im crazy underqualified to give you a new term to use.
"abrahamic" is probably the most alright term i know of, since its supposed to be the blanket terms for "[monotheistic] religions that have abraham as a "patriarch" ". this is a fine category of religions that is not exclusive to judaism, christianity, and islam, though those are the 3 most prominent. its distinctive, its not crazy niche or crazy unspecific, and it works. my problem with the term is that people Use It Wrong to the point it kinda ruins my "relationship" (for lack of a better term) with the word. its not that the term belies classification i dislike, its that i hear people Use It Wrong so often that i associate it with people or arguments that i disagree with, think are in bad faith, or are entirely too uninformed on the matter.
if we "needed" a new term, i guess the only things i could "reasonably" suggest would be something to the effect of "monotheistic" (but that widens the category, im just not sure How Much as im, again, not informed on many world religions past my own and the ones i experience) or maybe "western religions" (which is a bit of a disingenuous name for a lot of reasons but first and foremost because all of "the big three" and as far as i can remember at least some of the smaller, less known abrahamic religions were formed in "the middle east").
i cant say there shouldnt be one term to describe the group of religions were talking about or what a better one is, first and foremost because whatever the broad category is called, im literally not using it? i think this post and the one where i first talked abt my dislike of the word are the only times ive used that word outside of middle&high school social studies classes. i think abrahamic is a fine descriptor, because i dont need to describe what its defined as in my day to day life. i just *personally* take issue with the way ive heard people use it.
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hjemne · 3 months
Hi Hjemme!! 💗💗💗 First and foremost I hope your uni life is going flamboyantly 📚 as someone who wont ever have time for uni I feel proud for anyone who is innit. But er I wanted to ask a favor, I read works on Archives and I'll be going awol from the internet 4 like a year very soon, so would it be ok if I were shared your full script of Where It Hurts on Google Docs? (i 100% wont be upset if no, im sorry if im a pester) - sincerely a smol fan
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Thank you for being so sweet and lovely, youre not pestering at all! 🌹 I hope your time away from the internet is healing, and I'm super touched that my work would be something you'd like to read during your time offline <3
Here is the google doc with everything that's been published and my notes for future chapters (+ some finished epilogue sections!) A lot of it isn't finished, and I'm sorry you have to read it in note form 😔 I was being so meticulous when writing the first chapters, even going so far as to print it out and edit it by hand, so the reason I haven't shared it sooner is because I was a little embarrassed at how messy the rest is. I'd honestly be really interested in any thoughts you had about it so (if you want to) feel free to let me know what you think! You're welcome to download the document, but please don't post it anywhere or do anything weird with it lol
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diddybok · 5 months
OOOOH ok interesting - first and foremost, guy best friend is a FLOP for being so lazy with your friendship, because you were initially interested in letting things get interesting, but now that HE'S trying to do that ON TOP of historically being flaky with the friendship? like no heaven forbid he goes out of his way during the day but oh at night when he's feeling it you have to? LIKE MATE BE FOR REAL AND be respectful?? it really seems like he likes you right now - did he seem disappointed after you kissed the friend?
if you're over him and his flakiness, then by all means drop him, you deserve infinitely better than waiting for him to want to see you - you deserve someone, a best friend, bf, something else or both, who would love to see you any time of the day and is ACTIVE in seeking you out 💕 i've been through a similar-ish situation with a flaky guy friend showing some level of interest, and a stalker girl mutual friend who seemingly encouraged him and i, but goes off to have a whole ordeal with him after mild things happened between the guy and i, when he apparently was "in love" with her the whole time? that's irrelevant 😭
my point is, i have tried to stay neutral with him the whole time, even though i knew him longer. it would be nice if none of this happened and we could still talk normally, but i'm not interested in trying to fix it, so being neutral is the way to go, rather than dropping him completely, to save the awkwardness. if you were to be neutral with him then you could potentially keep his door open if something were to happen in the future, which might be useful?? but it seems like you're pretty interested in mr uni pookie 😏😏😏😏😏😏 I SHIP IT
all the best with the two of these guys, and i guess just have fun with it?? enjoy the ride 🤪 always here if you want to chat or vent, or spill more tea 😊
omg this is like girl/chix talk time and i want to make it a regular occurrence where we all just talk abt shit happening in our lives atm! obvs not forcing anyone to!
okay imma start by saying REAL!!! i think in this case i would just put a hard line of it being strictly platonic. i already started to distance myself from him and i think he kinda caught on yesterday when i wasn’t entertaining it like i would have in the past.
but yeah all feelings for him are, and i can confidently say, gone🧌 but yeah no the other guy is so cute i wanna squish his cheeks😣
BUT WOAH??? youRE tea?!?! stalker girl and your friend😲 that’s acc kinda crazy. oh my god that would make me feel so, just, my eye would be TWITCHIN! the audacity. i strongly dislike girls like that, boys is a given because they do it to themselves by being themselves,, but the girls that try to set it up KNOWING behind your back they’re pulling a madness?
yeah you’re done for mate.
i woulda instantly removed myself from both of them. probably the guy too because wdym you were in love with her but talking like that with me? how are you to act then if we got into a relationship. next thing you know you get the “hey girly i know you don’t know me but-”😭😭
but i’m not getting my hopes up for uni boy, rather im already preparing for it all to be a purely just friends situation which 😀 is fine because he’s a good mate, so i guess it’d be a win win if it goes either way! but again no getting my hopes up. because i’ve learnt my lesson too many times whilst ignoring the facts and ended up getting all upset when i grew to attached😪
anyways that was fun, thank you for fuelling this little talk time with me!
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Hi Jade, I always thought of writing here and I was thinking of waiting till the next chapter (like mate stop procrastinating) but here we go... I've seen some people bad mouthing fanfics here and you saying that Tumblr hasn't been a happy place for you but I want you to know that your writing was one of the few things that helped me during one of the hardest times I've went through this summer. This is a bit embarassing for some reason lol but since I'm writing anonymously I can talk freely. Let me warn I may talk about some triggering topics and I don't know if you even want to read such things but my depression and anxiety became worse and I was also diagnosed with an eating disorder this summer. I really felt like giving up a lot this year and I feared that I'd. Thankfully I found some things to hold on for in life especially with uni starting. But during the summer I felt really alone and hopeless. This is half joking and half serious but I spent most of my time online and everytime you updated I was like "omg thank god I didn't do stupid things, here's the new chapter." "oh i should hang on a little more so that i can see the end of the fic." I always look forward to new chapters and I can imagine how hard it is to focus and be inspired when life goes on, responsibilities shows up and people try to degrade your work. But in the end I really hope and believe that nothing breaks your soul and your love for writing because you can always be an escape from reality and a peace of mind to someone who's in trouble without even knowing. I even made goddamn streusel cakes lol (unfortunately I had no strawberries left but apples weren't that bad either). Sending so much love to you and pardon me if I made any grammatical mistakes while writing to the greatest writer <3
trigger warning; depression, anxiety, ed
oh my god. first of all, thank you so much for feeling comfortable enough to open up and share this with me. i can’t thank you enough for telling me something like this, and how your message turned my week around.
its definitely strange to not have it to be a happy or safe place at the moment, because tumblr, for me, since years, has always been a safe space where i felt like i could share the writing i like, in a form that’s interesting to me. i love writing fiction, films and building stories about love, and with something like fandoms and fanfiction, its so simple to share with people. but currently with the hate threats, it’s definitely not feeling like a space where im comfortable anymore, so your message really impacted me, because it reminds me what i write for.
im so sorry to hear that you went through such a time, and i truly hope you’re doing much better now. ive had people close to me who have been through such situations and im so proud of you for not giving up and for still holding on. for you to say that my story helped me is a lot, perhaps way too much credit than i deserve, but honestly if my stories make you happy even just 1%, that’s enough for me.
i have been writing my entire life, but only shared on tumblr for a couple of years, with reservations because when you share any form of art or writing on the internet, you’re always inviting hate and anonymous comments from people who may not understand the intent of the work, and i could always go back to not sharing my writing since first and foremost i always write to express my ideas of love and receiving hate for love stories kind of negates that, you know? this week has made me feel like not wanting to share my writing anymore in the future, so thank you for telling me this.
i am grateful to have been an escape and piece of mind for you when you most needed it, and just that makes me feel like i was successful in sharing some love into the world.
you made streusel cakes from slwy? im honestly going to cry, ive never made streusel cakes myself but i will for you, im serious. going to get the recipe and coerce my best friend into doing that with me, just to celebrate you and slwy, and love.
once again, im so proud of you for getting through this and im so happy to have been there for you, even if unknowingly.
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awek-s-archived · 2 years
i’ve never liked this stan culture behaviour where you have to essentially devote yourself to the thing you’re a fan of. like of course i spend some of my free time watching/listening to my fav artists. i love them and i want to support them and help them succeed. but i don’t want that to consume my life, that’s so unhealthy, especially considering i don’t know these artists irl
for me, streaming my favs 24/7 isn’t a productive use of my time. and that’s not me saying that i’m not streaming. my favs will be at the top of my spotify wrapped, don’t you worry. but in 5 years time i don’t wanna look back on my life and see that i just spent my time inside on my phone or laptop dedicating my life to an artist, who might not even still be making music anymore. i want to go out into the real world and make fun memories
and the fact that people get mad when i say that, and that i’m not a real fan?? when people talk about people being chronically online, this is what they’re talking about. i’m not having other people, who are complete strangers to me, telling me how i should be a fan of something. i have a job. i’m at uni. i want to have fun with my friends, go to cool places, etc etc. AND i can still be a fan of something as well, but that’s not gonna be my priority. I’M my priority. i want to live MY life. and i’ll do that however i want to
and i promise you, x member from x group doesn’t give a fuck. they don’t want their fans to dedicate every waking minute of their lives to them
a simple rule of life: as long as you’re not harming yourself or others, you do what you want with your life and let other people do what they want with theirs
exactly!!!! you’re 100% right. at the end of the day you only got one life and you gotta live that however you want (or however you can) and frankly i DID spend my teen years completely devoted to strangers on twt before i began living my actual life and discovering that all of that is actually meaningless and didn’t bring me any genuine joy. i like studying and being with my friends and learning from my mentors first and foremost and as you said i’ll enjoy artists and media however i can at the time. i obviously listen to music and buy it when i can but im not gna dedicate my entire existence to people who don’t know me or care about my existence.
i rly don’t know why this entire thing is so controversial .. no one is saying people can’t have their own interpretation of stan culture, just don’t force it upon other people who have better things to be doing with their lives.
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girlwikipedia · 2 years
i luv autumn im an autumn girl first and foremost im sleeping with my good blanket and wearing the cutest outfits i cant wait until it gets colder and i get to go to uni every morning with fog and see the little changes in everything and eat autumn meals
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kyopmi · 2 years
PLS i feel like such a complete and utter menace with how many times i've just randomly popped into ur inbox again like 'hElLo HaHa . . . '
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BUT IM. okay. im not gonna lie here but i AM better. i think??? life is just HHHH i hope its not treating you the same as it was to me a few months ago @__@
i'd love to know what you've been up to tho? how have you been? ‹3 *holds you at gunpoint until you tell me all the fascinating and fun things youve been doing while i was gone*
its ok bcs you are MY menace >:((
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i'm glad to hear you're doing better!! and i'm hoping it will only continue to get better for you bby 🫶 ik life can be so sucky sometimes, but i hope you're taking care of urself first and foremost!!!
i don't think i've done anything fun LMFAO just dealing with all my uni stuff 😵‍💫 but the good news is i'm aall done now and set to graduate this semester!!
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sailorhyunjinz · 2 years
cherry how do i grow my tumblr account
well shit you asked the wrong gal-
i mean first and foremost, it depens on what you post. some things are more popular than others here on tumblr, some fandoms are bigger than others and will therefore attract more or less people to your blog
but i would generally say that tagging your posts correctly and with popular tags is really really important!! dont tag smut under just "stray kids" cause,,, not everyone is over the age of 18 on that tag and some people are really put off by smut posts for example so having respect yk
being active!! be active on your blog and even if you dont make a bunch of original posts still make sure with updates and reblog stuff you love and feels relevant to the blog!
interact with others in the fandom or community you're in!! it will draw in more people but you will also make friends, i assure you that if you are open to making new friends you will get them, ive met some of the best people on here SO DONT BE SCARED <333
(this is so ironic since i barely post anymore because,,, uni AND NOW DURING MY BREAK IM WORKING and honestly ive just been struck with a huge writing block so,,,, y-yeah,,, but i still love and cherish this blog so so much so i would never want to quit being on here :(( )
and also please im so flattered you came to me to ask that question?? THATS SO CUTE OF YOU SO THANK YOU, i hope your blog does well <33
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nvvacanesworld · 3 months
hiii nova. 🍣 anon here! hope you’ve been having a good day/night so far.
ahhh i js wanted to say that i was binging your tumblr during my after uni yesterday and i have sm i wanna say!! sorry for not sending this ask earlier, uni gets so hectic 😥
ahhh first and foremost — your gojo fic 😍😍 i loved part 2 smm, trust me you did such a good job! hsjsjss toji had me blushing and giggling like crazy. so so happy that mc and toji got to interact a bit more hehe. but omfg gojo 😭 i’m a gojo girl thru and thru but i was praying on gojo’s downfall loll
i also read ur fic ‘last spring’ and it was sooo good. i don’t really read much aot but that was just so hajsjsjsj i cant describe it with my mere words but it just hit right yk. i loved the angst so so much :D
OK BUT LETS TALK ABOUT UR OLDER BF SERIES. BYE IM FERAL. older bf nanami was so sweet ahh it was written so well too omg omg omg. i haven’t read older bf! toji yet but im sure it’ll be just as great!
once again tysm for taking the time to write for us here on tumblr :)) ur so talented haksjsj 💗 i can’t wait to read more of your works!!
heyyyyy omg i’m so happy you sent this ask and i hope everything is well(◡‿◡✿)
and i understand uni being hectic so don’t worry about it seriously
im happy you enjoyed the gojo fic i well like the second part of it was lacking so much so much to the point i feel like i may go rewrite it. I’m actually planning another gojo fic this time a series.
don’t judge my shitty layout skills
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and i’m glad someone liked last spring lmao it flipped but i feel like that’s because the aot fandom is dead kinda and everyone moved to jjk. Like my jjk fics get so many notes in like mere minutes but last spring was so dead so like days (ㄒoㄒ)
with older bf nanami i tried to plan it out as them like meeting and then developing a relationship and then dating because it felt so weird to just dumb into them dating ahhhhh idk i’m glad you liked that tho even tho the layout was not your traditional layout for those type of head canons
with older bf toji i literally had to rewrite it so many times and was almost crying in the hall because it kept deleting. But i powered through so it’s okay even tho i feel like my first rendition was so much better than what i put out. The first time it deleted was bc my phone died. I’m gonna start writing on my computer bc it auto saves that way. I hope you like it though come back and tell me about it PLEASEEEE i want your opinion. I’m pretty sure it’s longer than nanami’s and with the way i am they are just gonna keep getting longer ( ̄▽ ̄)
I’m so happy i took that jump to just start writing the amount of support i’m getting from you and people like you makes my heart jump
until next time 🍣
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