#im actually kinda bad at drawing angsty things even though i really want to...
poofbark · 9 months
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you are everything and nothing to me
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Obey Me: The Brothers Accidentally Trigger an Abused MC (Asmodeus) (5/7)
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert on abuse or mental health. I’m not portraying how one should respond to these situations, only how I think the characters might. Abuse and trauma in particular are very complex topics, and people respond in all sorts of ways to them, and sometimes it gets really bad on all sides.
I can only draw from my personal experiences as well as those of people who have shared their stories or who I’m close with. There’s no one narrative of abuse and how it affects someone, so what I’m familiar with might not be what you’re familiar with. Let’s try and all be respectful of each other.
Content Warnings: Heated arguments, reference to past abuse, parental abuse, trauma response, breaking down in tears, this is quintessential hurt/comfort y’all, buckle up, mentions of alcoholism and abuse of alcohol as well as child neglect
I know abuse is never an easy or light subject, but this also has the added issue of addiction and alcoholism, so I’d like to add a second disclaimer here: addicts are not inherently abusive. If you or someone you know struggles with an addiction to anything, that doesn’t make you a monster or a bad person. I want to make it as clear as possible the problem here is neglect, and MC’s personal triggers related to alcohol, not a grand statement about addiction.
Now then... HERE IT IS! The long awaited fifth entry in this very angsty series. I’d say, “Don’t worry, things will pick up from here!” but uh... I don’t know what to do for the twins, sooooo... I’m not gonna make any promises about timing, but it Is Coming.
Lucifer (X) Mammon (X), Leviathan (X), Satan (X), Asmodeus (you are here), Beelzebub (X), Belphegor (X)
The flashing lights. The sea of sweaty, stumbling bodies. Music that pounds in their ears and shakes their bones. The miasma of a thousand perfumes and colognes failing to cover up the smell of drunken debauchery and things MC doesn’t want to think about. For the first time during their stay in the Devildom, it really feels like Hell.
But this is where Asmodeus thrives. MC sees him on the dance floor now, a gaggle of admirers all but clawing at each other to get closer to him. His cheeks are flushed, from exertion or alcohol no one can say, all sinuous movements and fluttering eyelashes. A demon- a concubus maybe? - is stroking along his upper pair of wings and saying something that makes him grin lavisciously in response. He looks at home here. In his element. Happy.
No sudden drops in energy followed by artificial cheerfulness to disguise the slip-up. No befuddled stares when he thinks they’re not looking. No boring plans with MC to worry about cancelling again. 
They should be used to this. They’ve always been a bother to everyone around them, not even their own parents wanted to spend any more time with them than absolutely necessary. More nights than not, they’d carry home the stench of the bar back with them, and MC knew they’d be paying their bus fare with the change from recycled bottles once again. 
Ugh, why did they let him talk them into this? They’re so stupid, this is how it goes every single time, they can’t go anywhere fun, all because of that smell-
Someone calls their name, enthusiastic but slurred. MC turns around on their barstool and comes face to face with Asmodeus, in all his lipstick-smeared glory. 
“MC!” he repeats, drawing out the syllables in their name. “What are you doing all the way over here? Come dance with me, silly!” 
He paws at where he thinks their shoulder is, missing and settling for the front of their shirt instead. He tugs them off their seat and they stumble into his arms. His hands wander and the lights are flashing and he smells like perfume and cologne and that damn smell of alcohol-
MC shoves the Avatar of Lust as far away as they can, yelling, “Get OFF of me!”
On any other day, Asmo would have a) not been phased by the panicked shove of a mere human, and b) recognized the distant look in MC’s eyes as they glared through him. But tonight his blood is more Demonus than anything else so he goes flying back into the crowd. They absorb and push him back onto his feet as one, the membrane of a world he can no longer return to.
All he can think is he came here with MC, because of MC, because they make him feel something exhilarating and terrifying all at once and he’s scared. (Scared he’s too much, scared he’ll push them off, scared he’ll hurt them, scared they’ll hurt him, he wants them close, so close too close please don’t leave-) 
He just wants to have a good time, he thinks. That’s all it is. That’s all they are. Except now they’re looking at him like that and he wants to help, wants to forget, too close too close too-
“Fine,” he spits, adjusting the roses on his top as he struggles to remain standing. “I can have more fun without you anyway. Go back to the House of Lamentation if you’re gonna be such a stick in the mud.”
He wishes they’d curse at him. Keep yelling, shove him again. Tell him to fuck off and never speak to them again.
Instead their eyes well up with tears and they run past him into the crowd until they reach the exit of The Fall.
MC: Is anyone awake?
Mammon: I am now! Why’re ya texting at 3AM?! Some of us are trying to sleep!
Satan: You’d have an easier time sleeping if you didn’t leave your ringer on whenever MC is outside the House.
Mammon: >:O
Mammon: I DO NOT!!!
Leviathan: what are you normies doing spamming the groupchat
Leviathan: im trying to watch My Demon Boyfriend Can’t Articulate His Emotions Properly So He Compensates By Acting Like A Total Jerk But I Still Love Him? 
Leviathan: but i keep getting interrupted by these notifs!!!! 
MC: I’m outside The Fall.
Mammon: ALONE?!
Satan: No, Asmo has to be with them.
Leviathan: lol mammon’s simping so hard rn
MC: He’s not...
Mammon: HE LEFT YA A L O N W ?! 
Satan: ...I will go with. 
Satan: Expect us there soon MC. Stay safe.
Leviathan: text me when you find them! 
Leviathan: Guys?
Leviathan: …
Leviathan: stupid normies…
It’s Mammon who stays with MC. Satan quickly checks in with them, making sure they aren’t physically hurt, but seeing their bloodshot eyes and shaking hands spikes his already flaring temper. He apologises and promises he will return shortly, before storming into The Fall, magical flames licking at his silhouette.
MC is curled up on the steps to the club, hugging their knees. Without a word, Mammon takes off his jacket and drapes it over their shoulders. They start at the feel of the soft leather and look up at him in confusion.
“Why are you doing this?” they ask.
Mammon blinks at them owlishly. He gestures to their current position, opening and closing his mouth as he tries to figure out how to start his sentence, before saying, “You- I- He just- You said you were out here alone! A-and then we come find you, and you’re crying in the cold! What’d ya think we were gonna do, drag you home and dump you in your room?” He blushes fiercely as he scoffs.
MC doesn’t meet his eyes as they mumble, “Kinda… S’what everyone else does…”
If it weren’t for the muffled sounds of fireballs and curses being thrown around in the club, Mammon would say he temporarily became the Avatar of Wrath right then.
“Well then those people are a bunch of scumbags!” He taps MC’s chin so they look into his eyes. “You don’t deserve that, MC. I don’t know what my stupid brother said to you or did to you that made you this upset, but I’ll be…” He pauses. “...even more damned than usual if I let you think you deserve whatever he did.”
MC sniffles as their eyes well up again, this time for a different reason. Mammon’s ears burn. He blinks back what are most certainly not tears, and holds out a hand to MC-
Just as the doors to The Fall open and two familiar faces are thrown out by a very large and very annoyed looking demon.
Satan wastes no time. “Apologize. Now,” he demands from the floor, tail thrashing as he rights himself.
Asmodeus, charred, bloodied, and disheveled as he is, can barely get his hands under him, let alone upright. He glares up at the Avatar of Wrath, something vicious and ugly dancing in his eyes. He spits at his brother, blood staining his lips red. Satan lunges at him, claws extended, but Mammon is faster.
He separates the younger demons with ease and stands between them, arms outstretched. “Enough! I don’t care what you do later, but right now we’re taking MC home!” His tone leaves no room for debate. 
The walk to the House of Lamentation is silent.
MC wakes up to the pinging of their D.D.D.
Asmodeus: please come to my room
Asmodeus: i would go2u
Asmodeus: but I think if i get up now i wilk not make it to ur room
Asmodeus: evertyhign is so bright
Asmodeus: imcsorry 
    He’s typing more, but MC decides they’ve seen enough.
They pad over to Asmo’s room, still in pajamas and comfortable slippers. They don’t even have to flick the lights on to know something is wrong. His normally pristine bedroom is a mess. Clothes and bedsheets are strewn about as though a miniature tornado blew through his closets, and in the middle of it all sits Asmo himself, cocooned in a blanket, identifiable only by a shock of peachy curls.
MC calls his name and he springs to life, jumping up to greet them before unceremoniously falling off his bed in a tangle of fabric. They almost smile at the sight, but remember why they came here and stay in the doorframe. 
“You actually came,” Asmo says in a scratchy whisper. He looks up at them and MC sees last night’s partially removed makeup smeared all over his face. His bloodshot eyes water.
“You look awful,” they reply and curse themself internally. What a way to start fixing things, MC.
To their surprise Asmo laughs, an uncharacteristically cynical edge to it. They giggle too, and it’s not long before the pair are both howling on the floor. The tension almost dissipates, until Asmo’s voice hitches and suddenly he’s crying again. 
“It’s only fair, right?” he says, voice wavering. “I-It should m-match the inside, no?”
“Don’t!” he cries, shushing MC with a finger. “There is no excuse for what I said last night!”
“You were very drunk…”
“I shouldn’t have been!” He processes what he just said. “I shouldn’t have- I was supposed to watch over you! You were all alone in there and I just-”
“I shouldn’t need a babysitter. It’s not your fault I’m such-”
MC doesn’t get to finish their sentence on account of a bruising hug from a still-blanketed Asmodeus. 
“Shut up,” he says, and it’s their turn to start blubbering as he continues, “I don’t know who made you start thinking like that, but you are not a bother, or a burden, o-or boring, or anything like that!” He loosens his grip on them so he’s just holding their arms. “MC, what I said yesterday was completely untrue and totally uncalled for. I… I can’t take it back, but I’ll do anything in my power to make it up to you, I promise.”
MC doesn’t meet his eyes for a long moment.
“Tell me what’s been bothering you,” they ask.
“Don’t pretend with me anymore, Asmo. Something’s been bothering you the past couple of weeks. Tell me what it is, and I’ll see if I can forgive you.”
“...Only if you tell me what got you so upset before… you know…”
They leave him on read and refuse to speak to him. At first he’s pleading, apologetic, chasing them down at RAD or in the halls of the House of Lamentation when his brothers aren’t around. They finally give in on a deceptively warm afternoon in the courtyard outside RAD.
“What do you want?” MC snaps, half turned away from the demon in question even as they stop speed walking. 
“Please, can we ta-”
“I think you’ve said enough, no?” They rattle off a list on their fingers, “I’m boring, I’m whiny, a prude, a stick in the mud, I need to get over myself… Do I need to keep going or have  I gotten through that thick skull of yours?” 
Asmo says nothing. 
“I’ve done this before, Asmodeus. I get it. I’m easy to take advantage of. That’s why you put up with me for so long, right?”
“That’s not-”
“Save it. I saw the looks on your face when we were together. You were humoring me. Honestly, if it wasn’t for that night at The Fall, I probably would have let you do it even longer.” They take a deep breath. “But- I can’t… I’m not your priority. That’s fine. But I made a promise to not let this happen again. So… Stop chasing me down. I’m not interested.”   
It takes him over a week to accept that MC isn’t budging, and another to convince himself that they’re just being stubborn.
Who wouldn’t want to spend time with him? He’s the darling of the Devildom, the Avatar of Lust, the jewel of Heaven - or at least, he was- he’s irresistible! So one human threw a fit out of nowhere at The Fall, whatever.
They’re not worth his time. 
That’s why he’s out clubbing so much now. It’s a better use of his time.
A less painful use of his time.
If he can’t remember the nights they’re not with him, do they even count?
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alemanriq · 3 years
Hey !! I hope it won’t sound rude or anything but do you still draw Moblit, Nifa, Keiji and Abel ?? I found your account and omg all your work are just so amazing I was wondering :)
Hahahah i read Abel in your ask and all i feel is
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I'm still not over the fact that the last one of my Unrecognized children does have a name.
But hshdjs you're so sweet and anything but rude for asking that n_n I admit i haven't drawn them in a while even if i want to..is beacuse of a mix of things.
- Actually for the past couple of years i ve been dealing with major insecurities about my drawing style, to the point that whenever I'd start to make something i would drop it midway bc it wasn't looking the way i wanted...is as if suddenly my expectations on my own art became extremely high. Even if i know i ve done drawings i like in the past, whatever i do next has always to look better, and if i feel it doesn't, i never post it. Feels like my hands and eyes just forgot how to get back in track no matter how many drawings i make.
- This also slows down my commissions, and i don't want to post anything before im done with them and then feel bad for that too dhdjd.
- Angst is just not my thing...the fandom became very angsty with latter chapters, there was a point in which anything about moblit/hanji squad had to do w sadness and painful shipping, and it was also reflected in my moblit askbox haha. (Also happened w levihan in case anyone is curious)
- I have even less time now because since pandemic started, i also started a new job that I enjoy, and in which i want to improve because i want to stay and escalate..Before that, i really didn't work this many hours hehhe and when I'm done, i feel too tired to draw, I want to play games or do smth else.
So i cannot tell you guys *when* I will post again as before, but all i can say is that i still enjoy the characters and like to talk about them, i was just never the starter type so if no one interacts with me, i just lurk silently lmao.
I don't want to say ill never post anything about them (or anything snk related) again bc I think that if at least the spark is there, i feel i can be able to get back to do something when i feel is time. I still have my prompts and sketches, I'm still around even if tumblr became kinda less active or there's people that brings back 2013's discussions. I still do try to drop a drawing here and there if i put enough effort (like the one i did of historia now and im starting to hate 😂) and definitelly like to talk to people.
Let's hope is all i can say, sorry if it's not enough :'D you have @ teamfours on twitter though, they make awesome hanji squad stuff :B
I hope you're all taking good care of yourselves, maybe you feel stuck at something too who knows, don't worry, that will also pass.
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innittowinit · 4 years
SBI headcanons awooga
Some headcanons and things for my sbi fd! Abandoned amusement park fic lol 
Here's the link if you haven't read it btw 
SBI last name is Reid, DT last name is Jackson btw lmao, i probably won't mention it much though unless it's like Mrs Reid for the sbi mom y'know
This has Tommy, Techno, Wilbur and Phil included; lmk if a dt post would be a good idea too 
The youngest brother, he’s seven lmao what a child
Even though he’s the youngest, he’s also the most confrontational and will gladly ‘fight’ anyone who talks bad about his brothers 
He can’t fight
He’s very tall for his age but is also extremely light since he’s always running around 
Phil tries to get him to try new foods a lot but Tommy’s a really picky eater
...Tantrums.. Every time he doesn’t get his way
This lead to his brothers spoiling him quite a bit, he’s still sweet enough though since Phil has had many stern conversations with him about being nice to people 
Has a toy music boy, with collectable discs
Wilbur got his first disc for him, it’s his most prised possession 
Every time he does all of his chores (which are really just small things like clean up after himself and keep his room tidy) someone, whether its his Mum, Wilbur or someone else, gets him a new disc 
Techno got him ‘Pig step’ for his seventh birthday and he listens to it every night before bed 
One time he snuck downstairs while Techno and Wilbur were having a sleepover and watched the horror movie they were watching without them realising it. Techno and Wil were the ones to get into trouble since Tommy wouldn’t sleep for a week afterwards. 
Techno had to read him a story every night until he stopped thinking he was going to be eaten by a demon in the middle of the night 
Drinks way too much caffeine for a kid, someone take this boys coke away
He’s got a habit of biting his nails, which has left him with some pretty crooked teeth, which will probably need to be fixed with braces when he’s older. 
It’s also gross because he climbs so much there’s almost always dirt under his nails 
Hasn’t really grasped the whole concept of not saying everything he thinks yet
Oh my god someone shut this boy up
He still believes in Santa and The easter bunny too
One time Techno told him Oogie Boogie from the nightmare before christmas was real and he cried
He talks a lot in school because he finds it boring but he’s also very good at maths and English for his age
Middle child, Wil is 13. Techno’s twin 
He’s pretty insecure about his music even though he’s been playing his whole life
That’s why he likes being able to practice in L’manburg, there’s no pressure to be perfect when he’s alone with his brothers 
Super extroverted and confident in everything else though, Since Techno can’t talk to most people, he usually tries to speak for both of them
After realising that Techno didn’t really like it when he said ‘Techno thinks’ a lot, back in primary school, he adapted to trying to speak for what Techno wants without making Techno’s issues obvious
They tell people who need to know, but for people they’ll only talk to a few times they usually just get away with Wilbur acting super obnoxious and loud so it seems like Techno just doesn’t have room to talk, rather than that he can't 
It’s easier than getting into it since they don’t feel like most people will understand
has separation Anxiety, when he’s not with his brother he doesn’t relax/ feel safe at all. If it happens at school he won't do his work at all/ Will probably just leave the room and try to find Techno
Everyone kinda knows this and they try to suit things around it without saying it outright 
He’s kinda embarrassed, he likes to think he’s the one protecting Techno but really they need each other the same amount 
Techno gets this though, He doesn’t mind if wilbur has a bit of a saviour complex, he’ll play along if it makes him happy 
They’re working on it with their Therapist though so don’t worry, he won't grow up to be an ass
Interests (besides music) include: 
Watching obscure documentaries 
Disney movies, favourite is peter pan 
He and Techno got Picked on in primary school for being so close, he learnt kickboxing so he could defend himself if things ever got physical. Luckily they didn’t but he still knows how to kickbox so watch out
Almost always turning in homework late, he’s good at talking his way out of Detentions though. 
And when he cant talk his way out, Techno finds a way to get detention too
He’s VERY protective of his younger brother(s(he was born first so he likes to insist that Techno is his little brother)) 
That’s good for the most part but he can be a little overbearing sometimes, he’s got detention many many times for cussing out people who so much as looked at Techno wrong 
When he’s feeling guilty he mumbles a lot 
Middle child, 13. Wilbur’s twin
Has selective Mutism, completely fine talking to Wilbur, Only talks to Tommy and Phil if Wil is there too but other than that he’s completely fine talking to them as well. He speaks to his parents but not as openly as he does with his brothers, with them its usually very quiet, one word sentences 
Like Wilbur, separation Anxiety also, It’s not as bad as Wilbur’s is though, Wil just makes him comfortable enough to talk with his brothers, he can deal with being without Wilbur but he absolutely doesn’t want to
He can be a bit arrogant and possessive of his brothers at times, he’s a bit scared of them leaving him because he can be so difficult so he has a tendency to be cold to any new people they bring home 
Interests include: Pvp games, ancient china, farming
He was hyper-fixated on a cartoon when he was younger and now he has multiple cosplays from it that he’ll probably never wear again
His hair is LONG and pink, they never figured out why it grew so fast or why it was pink but it is lmao 
When he was born his parents were terrified, they thought he had some kind of rare condition that was going to hurt him but the doctors eventually came to the conclusion that he just had healthy hair that grew fast and the pinkness was due to an abnormality in the melanin in his system or something idk fellas im failing science pls pretend this part makes sense 
Being silent with long pink hair as a kid, he got picked on a lot. There were many instances where he just pushed kids over or hit them because they were being mean 
Since he’s the quiet one, teachers usually trust him a lot so he and wilbur used to skip class a lot, back when they got picked on, by saying they had to help another teacher do something
In an attempt to get him to be more social, his parents signed him up for violin lessons aged 8, he really liked his teacher and had even managed to speak a little to her over the past 4 years he took lessons 
Spaces out a lot 
He watches a lot of conspiracy theory videos but he doesn’t actually believe any of them, he just finds them interesting
One time he convinced Tommy they were living in a simulation and Tommy hit a kid to see if his hand would pass through
He’s spoken a few words to squidkid too since they’re childhood friends and he’s very comfortable with him. Ironically all he seems to say to him is ‘bozo’ to tease the other for saying it so often, instead of literally any other insult
Oldest brother, 16 
Cares about his brothers so so so so so much like he will do anything to keep them happy and safe
One time he missed an exam because Tommy was sick and he wanted to take him to the doctor before anything else
Tommy was fine btw, just one of those bugs you get when you're little
Their parents are pretty distant so Phil has been pretty much raising them since he was little, he doesn’t mind though
Their parents aren’t bad people or anything, they just get called out a lot for work and can’t be at home a whole bunch, it’s a big part of the reason why Techno never got comfortable talking a lot around them
He works at a Nearby florist to get extra cash to buy his brothers things when his parents arent home
When their mum is home, he brings her flower arrangements home from work because he is sweet <3
He’s really into mythology and Folklore as well as drawing, when he was younger he had multiple sketchbooks filled up with different creatures that he had drawn 
When he, techno and wilbur were all little, he used to play a game with them where they’d describe a monster off the tops of their heads and he’d draw it for them 
Techno and Wilbur loved this and always put up Phil’s drawings on their bedroom walls 
When he was 13 he used to write angsty poetry, He told wilbur about it one day and that's when wilbur first started adding lyrics to his songs 
He can be pretty gullible, he likes to believe that people mean good no matter how hard it might be to see it that way 
He can hold grudges for a pretty long time, he’s quick to forgive when it’s himself that’s been hurt but it’s very very hard to get on his good side again if you hurt his brothers 
Watches Alien theories with techno, unlike techno he actually believes in them
Has the ‘i believe in aliens’ poster 
When they were little, he used to grow strawberry plants with techno and Wilbur, this is what prompted techno to start growing other vegetables in their garden himself
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novannna · 3 years
You Were the Hands That Held Me
Danissa soulmate au.  everyone has a soul mate, and any marking that appears on their skin, appears on yours.  narcissa’s pov.  Kinda angsty, but also fluffy.  
tw: self harm, and mentions of abuse kinda
wc: 2363
Narcissa stared at her arm in awe.  This was the first time her soulmate had ever drawn something on her skin.  She had felt the same cuts and bruises her soulmate had received, just like everyone else, but this was the first time her soulmate had deliberately marked her own skin.
Messy butterflies with uneven wings, and twisted antennas marched down Narcissa’s forearm.  
“Oh,” she whispered.  “Cool.”  She grabbed the nearest marked, and held it poised above the other arm, ready to reply, but thought better of it.  
She shouldn’t force her soulmate to stop their art for Narcissa.  She dropped the marker, and kept watching the thick lines as they covered her entire arm.  
That night she washed it all away in scalding hot water before her grandfather noticed.  He wouldn’t approve of Narcissa communicating with her soulmate.  
He hated the idea of How there was one person in the world, waiting just for you.  
His soulmate had died years ago, leaving him heartbroken and angry, bitter to the world.   
If Narcissa wasn’t careful, he might take the anger out on her.    
Narcissa could take it, but she didn’t want to hurt her soulmate too.  Narcissa would feel awful.  
So she tried to ignore the small flowers and butterflies her soulmate drew constantly.  Narcissa tried her very best.  
Years later, Narcissa wrote to her soulmate for the first time.  It was in the middle of the night, when Narcissa had felt a searing pain across her arm that looked like a red slit across her pale skin.  
Her soulmate was in trouble.  She couldn’t just stand by now. Narcissa had to do something.  
Grabbing a tissue to staunch the bleeding, Narcissa scrawled across her hand in thick ink. 
I can’t , her soulmate replied. 
Please, just hear me out, Narcissa wrote, hoping she could do enough.  Hoping she could convince the person who had drawn butterflies everywhere on their body, that maybe the world really did want them. 
please, just stay out of this
I can’t. This is my body too.  And even though I’ve never met you, you're my soulmate and I care about you. 
Fine. I’ll listen. Her soulmate's handwriting was a little shaky, but very neat, with tall, loopy letters.  
I’m guessing you’ve been having a hard time with life recently, Narcissa started. 
I guess
Do you want to be here?  Narcissa asked bluntly
There was a long pause.  I don’t know, her soulmate finally responded.  I love Earth, but the people…. I can’t stand the people. All they do is bring hate and hurt to me
I get that.  But the people don’t matter. You do.  Danna wrote desperately. 
No I don’t. I’ve never done a single good thing in my life
You have!  You’ve made me smile!  You’ve made me laugh!  
Her soulmate replied, When?  This is the first time I’ve ever talked to you
When we were younger, you used to constantly doodle little flowers and butterflies all across our bodies. I loved to watch you draw them, watch the blocky little lines appear across my body.   Danna smiled as she recalled the delicate insects she wore across her body daily. 
I thought you hated those. That’s why I stopped
No, of course not!
Then why did you erase them?
Narcissa sighed. She thought for a second, then wrote, my grandfather. He hates soulmates. If he knew I was communicating with mine, I’m afraid he would hurt me.  And doing that would hurt you. 
But… that means you could get in trouble right now!
No. I won’t, I’m fine. You are more important.  Tell me, what made you want to hurt yourself today?
I guess I’m just tired of being ignored. I’m tired of being treated like a child. I want to leave my house, but I can’t. I can’t live on my own. 
Thats okay, you shouldn’t be ignored.  You should be your own person, and if your parents cant see that, they’re idiots!!
Narcissa capped the pen, and tried to wrap her blanket around her arm, the blood slowly soaked through the fabric, staining the blanket a bright red.  How would she explain that to her grandfather?  It didn’t matter right now though.  Right now, she had to make sure her soulmate was okay.  That was her one and only goal.  Nothing else mattered.  Narcissa had the opportunity to maybe save a life right now.  That’s what she had to do.  
They aren’t.  I’m the one who’s screwing up, her soulmate replied.  I cant ever get anything right.  Im just a big mistake that shouldn't even exist.  The worlds probably better without me
THATS NOT FUCKING TRUE!  Narcissa scrawled as quickly as she could.  I dont believe it.  Not for a second.  Just by being here, you’ve made the world a better place.  Everyday, I wake up and check my body for some indicator that you’re here.  I can’t help but think about the fact that there is someone out there meant for me.  And I’m meant for someone.  
I guess…
Narcissa sighed heavily.  She had to go to bed before her grandfather woke and saw her light on.  
Are you okay?  She wrote.  Are you in any danger?  If you are, im here.  For both of us
A minute passed before the reply came.  I dont think so.  I think im better.  But… if i feel bad again, can i talk to u?  This actually really helped me.  Thank you
Narcissa smiled.  Of course!!!  Just, could u write somewhere less obvious?
Sure.  I understand.
Narcissa smiled gratefully.  How ‘bout our ankles?  That’s less obvious and easy for me to hide
She felt pressure on her right foot, and slid it out from beneath her blanket.  A smile, and little butterfly doodle greeted her eyes.  
Good night, soulmate, Narcissa wrote
Good night.  Sleep tight.  And… thank you.
Narcissa smiled.  She slid out of bed, and held her arm close to her chest while creeping to the bathroom.  Once inside, she scrubbed all of the ink off her skin, and bandaged the red slit shut.  
Narcissa and her soulmate were okay.  That was all that mattered.  Everything was alright.  At least for now.  But now was the only thing Narcissa could bear to think about.  
After that one night, Narcissa’s soulmate never hurt themselves like that again.  But that didn’t mean they weren’t hurting.   Narcissa could tell they were hurting themselves in other ways.  
She tried to help.  She wrote reminders every few hours, telling her soulmate to eat, and drink water.  She wrote encouraging messages, and doodled across their skin.  
But still, Narcissa would feel her stomach growl with hunger, and her tongue beg for more water.  She felt her eyes grow heavy even though she had slept almost 10 hours the night before.  Her soulmate just didn’t care, and there was nothing Narcissa could do. 
They would talk to each other constantly, ranting about their day, or commenting about something they saw.  Narcissa grew much closer to the person she had never even seen the face of. Closer to them then anyone else she had ever known.  
Even her grandfather. 
Narcissa had a very strained relationship with her grandfather.  She knew deep down he loved her, but he had a hard time showing it.  He was caught in a life of crime, and there was no way out.  
He had been an arms dealer for years, selling guns and other weapons on the black market.  He made a lot of money, but not a lot of friends.  He was a bitter old man, who took all of his anger out on Narcissa.  He had never hit her, but his words were hard enough. 
Narcissa knew she was being abused, and belittled, and manipulated, but she always ended up excusing his actions. Or even worse, sometimes she would place the blame on herself.  She knew she was in a bad situation, but it was one she was stuck in. 
Narcissa talked about him lots with her soulmate.  It turned out, they had a similar situation with their parents.  
Mistreated, abused, bullied, shamed. 
The two escaped into their skin, engrossed with each other.  They held each other right through the pain and the tears.  Though at times, both of them desperately wanted to, they held strong and never hurried themselves for fear of hurting the other. 
One day, the straw finally snapped for Narcissa. She was 17 now, and old enough to live her own life. Old enough to understand what her grandfather gave her wasn’t love, it was trauma.  
After he yelled at her for an hour straight because she put a book in the wrong bookshelf, Narcissa decided she had taken enough. 
Can we go?  She desperately scrawled across her ankle. Can we escape these sorry excuses for lives?
Her soulmate wrote back a few minutes later. What do you mean?
We’re old enough to live on our own. Why are we forcing ourselves to live with these people who treat us so terribly. Why don’t we just run away together?
Ok. The reply shocked Narcissa. She had been expecting them to try and convince her otherwise, make her see the absurdity. Not agree.  But Narcissa was glad they agreed. They both deserved a chance to start over. To make a life for themselves, and do it right. 
You will?
With you?  Of course I will silly. I’ve been waiting years for me to ask
When?   When can we leave?
Whenever your ready
A week, Narcissa declared, I’ll meet you in a week at Gatlon City, at the train station
Ok.   I’ll be there, I promise, her soulmate wrote. 
Me too. Narcissa grinned. She was finally escaping. Finally starting fresh. Finally leaving her grandfather to be with someone who truly cared.  Narcissa couldn’t wait.
Narcissa creaked the door open, cringing as the hinges squealed loudly. 
“Just where do you think you’re going?”  Her grandfather slurred from the couch. 
Shitshitshitshit, Narcissa though. She was caught.  She was never going to escape her life.
“I told you earlier this week I’m going to a friends house tonight,” Narcissa said lightly, trying to mask her terror. 
“Stop lying!”  He screamed.  “I know that’s not true, you don’t have any friends.”
Narcissa cringed.  
She breathed in deeply.  She was already leaving forever, there was no point in lying anymore.  
“Fine  I’m leaving.  For good.”  She braced herself for the rage. 
Instead, he laughed.  “You?  You're leaving?”  He scoffed.  “You would never.  You’re too scared and dependent on me.”
Narcissa drew herself up.  “No.  You’re wrong.  I’m leaving, to find my soulmate.  We’re making our own life.  Together.”
He gaped at her.  “You can’t!  You can’t go to your soulmate,” he spat.  “You’ll live a terrible life.  You’ll be tied down forever.”
Narcissa shook her head.  “No.  I won’t.  I’ll live the best life I can.  Because I’ll be happy.  I won’t live in fear anymore.  I’m sorry you weren’t meant for your soulmate, but it’s different for me.  I know them.  We are meant for each other.  I wouldn’t expect you to understand.  All you know is hate.”
“So you’re really going?”  Her grandfather’s lip curled up.  
Narrcissa nodded.  “I am.  I’m making my own life, as far away from here as possible.”
“Then go!”  He snarled.  “I don’t want you in my house if you won’t see a reason.  Go.”  He picked a book sitting next to him, and hurled it at Narcissa’s head.  
She ducked, her hair ruffling by the wind.  
She turned to him, tears in her eyes.  “Goodbye grandfather.  I’m sorry.”  She threw open the door, and fled into the night.
Narcissa’s heart thudded in her ears.  This was it.  This was the day she was going to meet her soulmate.  She knew she should be realistic, but Narcissa couldn’t help imagining the meeting like something out of the sappy romance novels she liked to read.  
She expected the dreary clouds to disappear, and the sun to shine out on top of them.  
She expected to know exactly who was her other half
She expected to run up, into their arms, and kiss them like she had wanted to be kissed her entire life.  
But Narcissa knew how unlikely it was.  But, a girl could hope, couldn’t she?  
She inhaled deeply.  Uncapping the pen with her teeth, she scrawled on her palm, I’m here  
Me too, her soulmate wrote back.  The familiar loopy red marks eased Narcissa.  She knew this person.  This was her soulmate.  Everything was going to be okay.  It would all be okay.  
Her eyes locked onto a girl standing near a bench, her head bent over her hand, a pen tucked behind her ear.  
Somehow, Narcissa knew.  She knew this was the person she had been searching for her whole life.  She knew that the girl was her soulmate.  
Summoning every miniscule scrap of courage Narcissa could find, she approached the girl.  
She tapped her shoulder.  “Hi,” Narcissa breathed, heart pounding.  “I’m Narcissa.  I think I’m your-”
She was interrupted by the girl throwing her arms around her tightly.  
“I’ve waited so long to meet you,” Narcissa’s soulmate said roughly, her voice thick with tears.  “I’m Danna.”  
Narcissa laughed.  She realized she was crying.  “Me too.”
“I feel like I already know everything about you,” Danna laughed.  She swiped her eyes.  
Narcissa nodded.  “I know we’re soulmates, but I want you to know I understand if you don’t want me,” she said.  “I get it- not all soulmates are really soulmates.”
She was cut off by Danna pressing her lips to hers.  “I want you,” Danna breathed.  “You're the one who I’ve trusted with every secret I’ve ever held.  You’re the one who helped me when no one else could.  You’re the one who took care of me.”  Danna held their hands up, exposing the thick identical scars that spread across their wrists.  “You are the only other person in the world who understood, and actually helped me.  You were the hands that held me.”  Danna reached her hand to Narcissa’s face, wiping away her tears.  “I want you, and no one else.”
“Me too,” Narcissa whispered.  “Me too.”
Tag list: @novissa @thepurpledragon4444  @phobidawg @janisarkisian  @rvbell @lavenderbloo @redassassin  (let me know if you want to be added/taken off!!!)
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kockmin · 7 years
Jikook Fic Recs #2!
Since I just started uni and things will get even busier as the days pass by I thought why not make another jikook fanfic recs so here you go! Also thank you guys for 3k+ followers (super late “thank you” gift) ❤️
Fic recs part 1! 
Alright let’s do this! In no particular order:
E[Love] by busanmelodies (One-shot)
“Calculate the expectation of love.
alternatively, 16k+ of self-indulgent romantic crack, unnecessary dialogue and really bad math humour as reluctant math major Jungkook sets out on his quest for love.”
AHHHH this was incredibly cute and funny, I never knew I could like a math!au so much? I think most people would think “but math is boring”, but hear me out, this fic is so interesting it hooked me in and I really enjoyed it, I couldn’t even put my phone down one minute haha. The math jokes are great and I thought that little math idea (E[love]) towards the end was amazing! I think the author was really creative and I like how they implemented all of bangtan on this au as well, I thought it was pretty cool! This fic is super long with some suggestive themes (*wink* *wink*) and definitely worth reading, so check it out if you can!!
Red by dalliance (One-shot)
“Jimin thinks his luck has hit absolute rock bottom when he’s made to stay with a total stranger in a lodge due to a mix up for three months.”
I think I’m a sucker for painter!Jungkook/Jimin and this was a really good fic. It showed a lot of Jimin’s character development since he basically doesn’t want anything to do with Jungkook at first, so thanks Jungkook for being so persistent (yay!). Jungkook is an actual angel and Jimin is able to address his problems in this fic, plus there’s these really cute scenes too! Paintings and colors and other art related things are involved (obviously) so it’s nice to see Jungkook’s perpective on it as well as Jimin’s. The ending made me want more of this fic though tbh xd.
No Strings Attached by graesun (Completed) (M)
“Jungkook likes his job, but sometimes he wishes he had someone to do it for him.”
Okay so this is a fic with camboy!Jungkook and I never knew I had a thing for camboy AUs until I read this fic ugh it’s so good; also thank you Taehyung, but what the fuck Taehyung xd. I think it’s kinda funny how Jungkook and Jimin come together (no pun intended?). Jimin is really nice, I think the author did a good job trying to not make Jimin appear as a creep haha, you can tell Jimin really cares about Jungkook. This fic is also fluffy at times yet, it still has some angst in it The fact that you just see them moping around not doing anything is so frustrating like just cuddle each other or something pleasE. It has a happy ending though so that’s good and I’m still waiting on that bonus chapter hehe.
More fics below!
You’re ripped at every edge (but you’re a masterpiece) by kafeuka (Completed?) (M)
“Jimin swore there was nothing worst than having Jeon Jungkook as a sergeant.
In which Jimin was forced to enlist in military and he was under the sexgod Sergeant Jeon’s monitoring division and god, Sergeant Jeon really needs to stop being a douchebag)”
This fic ripped me into pieces and still as my heart dammit. I didn’t know whether to put it as complete or not because technically it is complete, but it has a sequel on the works (you can check it out here) so it’s not really complete xd. Anyways I thought this fic was a pretty cool AU and we get to know a bit about Jungkook and Jimin’s background which makes us understand why they act that way on certain occassions. I think the interactions between them are interesting too because they should hate each other and they kinda do, but also kinda don’t? They (mainly Jungkook) seem really confused about their feelings (someone help this poor boy). There’s smut tho so you’ve been warned! Ah the ending felt really sad, I kept wanting more! I hope the sequel gets updated soon haha.
After Hours by pinkmonnie (Completed) (has some Taegi in it and a little Namseok)
“Jimin has been working at the same place for three years, watching as the world around him moves along in a busy hype. Although he enjoys certain aspects of his job, particularly since Min Yoongi became his manager, over time he gradually felt the usual rhythm begin to weigh him down.
Taehyung, his closest friend, comes to Gwanghwamun Starbucks for two reasons - free drinks or food if he’s feeling peckish, and to stare at Yoongi with a lump in his throat.
One night, Taehyung brings along a new friend.”
Seventeen chapters may sound a little bit intimidating, but I think it’s a really cute fic and straightforward!Jungkook is great tbh. Most of the plot revolves around the café Jimin works at so it gives it a homey feeling where most of Bangtan can hangout and be comfortable with one another. Jungkook also knows how to draw which is a plus in my book, and his relationship with Jimin is incredibly adorable with Jungkook also being kind of shy at times? You can clearly tell this guy is whipped and that Jimin is grateful for him. The fact that there’s no smut makes me think that the relationship is pure and really fluffy xd. Since I use the “Show entire work” option on AO3 I didn’t even feel how long the entire fic was so that’s good I think xd.
Constraint by Harlot (One-shot) (M)
“Jungkook is young and he is more acquainted with confusion and poor-decision-making than he’d like to admit. Despite being only 19 years old, he sometimes argues that he’s been through and seen some shit. He is never sure where he’s going to end up and he’s not entirely sure what kind of future is waiting for him. He is often not sure of a lot but he is certain—absolutely certain—that he’s not gay. Alternatively, a story in which Jungkook meets Park Jimin and doesn’t like him whatsoever. There’s just something about him… there’s just so much about him. Jungkook really can’t stand him. In fact, he can’t stand him so much he can’t quite seem to get him off of his mind.”
ThIS SINFUL MASTERPIECE OMG y’all probably already read it, but it’s so good I had to put it in here. You can see Jungkook tries so hard to get Jimin out of his head, but he can’t (I feel you kookie) and he is an asshole about it. Jimin makes me want to wrap him with a blanket and snuggle him, but also he’s really sexy at times(which is real life Jimin actually). I like that you can see them become close friends too! Which makes the teasing much more enjoyable xd. It’s also really great to see Jungkook come to terms with his sexuality later on in the fic,  and ofc, as if it wasn’t clear enough, there’s SMUT guys (and very good written smut imo) so don’t say I didn’t tell you xd.
This isn’t really that jikook-y (?). I think it’s centered more on bangtan’s friendship with maybe some hints of pairings, and it’s angsty af so I’m into it xd
Little boy, Fat Man,? by monsterplaza (aesthesiae) (One-shot)
“Yesterday, the biggest worry on Park Jimin’s mind was how he’d get Jeon Jeongguk back for scribbling on his phone case. Then, a nuclear strike ravages the heart of South Korea, and it’s a battle for survival.”
So basically it’s an apocalypse AU (Nuclear warfare) in South Korea and BTS does exist, but they get separated since they have to look for their families to check if they’re okay, so the story mainly follows Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook in they journey of not dying and finding help xd. THERE’S CHARACTER DEATHS THO SO YOUVE BEEN WARNED. I cried so much guys, like, how can they be so unlucky lmao; but yeah I had to include it because I really like character death for some reason. This fic was pretty interesting because of the plot and it just leaves you thinking about the world afterwards like wtf (Hopefully this scenario will never happen ofc). Anywayss, if you’re into that stuff you could check it out!
There you go guys! I try to make these recs as short as I can so the post doesn’t get too long and boring, but you can hmu if you want more fics :) Also I don’t know if I should point out who bottoms and who tops in these fics since I don’t really pay much attention to that, so let me know if you’d like me to do that. 
Thanks again for 3k+ and im sorry i didn’t do anything for 3k (I’m really lazy I’m sorry!), but I’m grateful for all of you! Happy reading and don’t forget to support our boys! (and ship jikook lmao)
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cleocazo · 6 years
send me a ship !!
who cries when someone dies in a movie : they both get a lil upset but neither cries that would be showing weakness to each other
who wears the ugly holiday garb : neither celebrate the holidays much but rylie loves the ugly christmas jumper thing so every yr she makes alex wear one for at least one good instagram
who pays for the meals : they split the cost bc that’s how it be
who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone : alex slams the oven door and rylie plays the trombone
who brings home stray animals : rylie has brought home a stray dog or two in her time, but neither makes a habit of it - they don’t really have the kinda jobs that allow for pets 
who leaves the bathroom door open : isn’t that just smth you do when you’re in a relationship and comfy w someone ? both
who tells the ‘dad jokes’ : honestly .. rylie. and the worst thing is that she genuinely entertains herself
who wants kids more : looks into the camera like i’m on the office. rylie never wanted kids until the uh. the incident. but alex i think kinda did want kids n just didnt want them At That Time. so its a weird one. i think in the ideal future where all these questions apply then both of them want kids as much as the other
who travels more : not to make it a habit but they do both have to travel a lot. alex for games, rylie for missions
who spends more cash : alex. he gets used to and enjoys a fairly cushy lifestyle
who buys the things in infomercials : i can see alex watching late night tv and getting so bored that he wastes twenty dollars on a head scratcher or smth
who draws in the dust on their cars : they draw on each others without realizing what the other has done bc that’s how they are
who starts the snowball fights : rylie. she loves when she wins
who throws away the directions to things : A L E X. he’s a MAN. he would wholly trust google maps and or his sat nav to get them where they need to be and throw out the actual paper directions and then complain when they end up in the middle of nowhere bc of his dumbass
who puts up holiday decor : neither. i don’t know but i feel correct in saying alex doesn’t rly care about the holidays, and rylie certainly doesnt. if anyone puts up the decor its their imaginary kids
who is more likely to forget to bathe : disgusting. alex.
who gets more obsessed about things : both can b bad for this, in fairness?
who sings in the shower more often : alex sings taylor swift really badly in the shower and its usually what wakes rylie up so she can join him and they can do something that’s Not singing
how they comfort each other when one of them is upset : u mean, when they’re not the reason the other is upset ? haha. sex is always good for alex. im half kidding. it depends. sometimes its as easy as him being able to rest his head in her lap, or be the little spoon, or just holding her hand. sometimes its not, ya kno ? same for rylie. a lot of the time she just needs to crawl into his lap and be pulled close. sometimes its more complicated. 
who proposed first : ive just realized never once in any of our au’s have we discussed a proposal @ sophia ?? what the fuc ??
who says ‘i love you’ more : both rly struggled w it, but rylie accepted that she loved him first, and i think for a long time, she said it more than he did. but even then when he didnt say it, alex showed that he cared
kisses more : kisses r kinda their thing, tbh. they’re def alex’s fave way of displaying physical affection so him
hugs more : rylie likes hugs so she’s more of the hug kind
drinks more : they are literally both alcoholics
who’s more outgoing : alex but that’s bc he’s always been like. that kinda Guy(tm)
who eats more : alex bc he is a guy
who’s more needy : sigh. i feel like its rylie ?? like. she needs more assurance of their relationship than he ever did. like. in MOST ways, its her. in some ways ig its him but ya mostly her
who’s more kinky : alex is happy so long as he’s orgasming at the end of it so. rylie.
who cooks normally? : nether can be trusted in a kitchen, ever. rylie gets her meals straight from natasha who either keeps a plate warm for her to grab after work on her way home, or preps meals that rylie can microwave over the week. like. if ur stepmother doesnt even trust you not to accidentally poison yourself, its bad ! alex lives on takeout which u wouldnt think based on his physique 
how often do they fight? : depends on the time. when they’re grown and happy its a lot less than when they were angsty and learning how to even care abt someone else
what do they do when they’re away from each other? : their jobs. but they’ll facetime n text n stuff ( and its not ALWAYS dirty ! ), and they’ll watch game of thrones together ( and other shows, like trashy reality tv ) over rabbit, and like.. they try to keep things kinda normal even though they’re not on the same stretch of earth bc they’re apart a lot, and if they didnt it’d be hell.  
nicknames for each other? : aside from the occasional ‘babe’ n whatnot, rylie really just alternates between calling him alex and kaligaris ( if she’s exasperated or mad or smth ) and alex usually just calls her ry
who is more likely to pay for dinner? : they split the bill bc equality
who steals the covers at night? : they’re both really cold people. like. not personality wise. just physically cold. so they’ve learned they need to have two duvets, bc otherwise someone will inevitably steal it
what would they get each other for gifts? : alex’s can range from thoughtful to condoms he bought in the airport coupled with a cheeky grin. rylie’s are usually more sentimental, bc she doesn’t rly agree in gifts without some of that value to them
who remembers things? : rylie’s great at remembering everything from dates to names to faces. alex ? not so much !
who cusses more? : alex is the worst.com for that
what would they do if the other one was hurt? : well. they both conquer their fear of hospitals p quick, thats for sure ! it’s very much a ‘drop everything and get to them asap’ thing - they have to be there, so that they can be with them thru whatever it is. rylie will take care of him for as long as he needs. she’ll try and make him soup and then give up and buy it and she’ll take him to his appointments and make sure that he takes it easy bc lbr its almost always something leg related because of his job and if its not then she still does everything until she’s sure he’s aok. and a lot of the time for alex being w rylie when she’s injured means sitting by her bedside @ the hospital and waiting to see does she actually wak up and every time its hard to know. and then it’s awkward hovering and not rly knowing what to do w her or for her for a while until he has to go back to work and unlike rylie cant take as long as he wants grace and mostly she recovers alone but he’s always there, at first
who kissed who first?: im almost sure it was rylie that kissed alex first but
who made the first move? : it was a mutual first move
who started the relationship? : rylie was the one that needed it. alex didn’t care at the time, but she rly needed that
0 notes
slooowhands · 7 years
plots plots plots plots
ok but someone give me that cute bartender storyline though? like this guy tends bar at a restaurant or a pub or something and always sees this cute girl hanging out there, but she’s always either with friends or with some guy so he never really gets the time to talk to her BUT ONE DAY she walks into the place alone and orders so many drinks until she’s so bloody drunk, screaming about how her boyfriend cheated on her, that the bartender had to bring her home himself. she wakes up with a horrible hangover, stumbles out the room to find the bartender cooking breakfast and rolling his eyes, laughing. “first of all, you’re an idiot. second, we didn’t have sex if that’s what you’re wondering. third, breakfast will be ready soon. sit.”
2. where these tWO PEOPLE ARE HOUSE MATES OR ROOM MATES, OR I DONT KNOW!! THEY JUST LIVE TOGETHER!! and muse a is a smug a-hole. they’re so cocky, and so confident, and they’re kind of a nuisance, but they also have a lot of redeeming qualities. they’re truly a chaotic neutral. but they also have a heart of gold truly they just don’t show it a lot.. until
muse b. who is a shy little nobody. works hard, puts their nose down and studies through all the chaos. basically wears flower crowns and smiles at people just because. and muse a is immediately drawn to muse b and their wholly good nature.
so what does muse a do? what they always do. flirt. and its worth it to see muse b get all flustered and unsure, because muse b is a good sweet nobody!! what is happening!! but god muse a is hot, and so confident that it makes muse b get all hot under the collar, secretly.
cue, muse b walking in on muse a hooking up with someone. and muse a doesn’t even stop, they just smile and grin at muse b as they get all flustered. muse a just keeps showing off, by walking around the house naked. or moaning extra loud at night. they’re baiting muse b. and muse b ??? yeah… they’re losing the battle. even though muse b knows muse a is a player … but then, maybe when they finally do get together, muse a is actually this super sweet, caring, ‘are you sure?’ ‘is this okay?’ sorta person and they’re both hEART EYES.
3. okay but give me a plot where the guy knocks up this girl (maybe it was a one-night-stand or they’re fwb or they’ve been dating for a really short time) and they both decide that it’s best if they stay friends, then he sleeps around a lil and doesn’t really care but when he hears that she’s going on dates he stops and starts to get jealous and he’s all “um no other man is getting near my baby” and ???
4. Based off remember me:
muse a is a smug, know-it-all college dropout that works in the bookstore and audits classes purely to learn and show off his intelligence to unprepared professors. because of a troubled past and broken relationship with his parents, he becomes the cliche bad boy, doing drugs, smoking, drinking, etc. one night while out with his roommate, muse a gets into a fight in an alleyway behind a bar with a few random drunk guys that gets quickly broken up by the police. The chief of police pays special attention to muse a after he makes a few smart comments and makes sure to leave him with a black eye. The next day muse a and his roommate see the chief's car pull up to the university. before they could run away, they see a girl (muse b) , around their age, get out of the passenger side. Muse a’s roommate immediately hatches a plan for muse a to seduce muse b, make her fall in love with him, then dump her, breaking her heart and getting back at her father. Muse a agrees and quickly makes a move on muse b. Everything seems to be according to plan, but muse a starts to realize that muse b is actually making him a better person and for once he feels genuine happiness. muse a decided to ditch the plan for revenge and decided to pursue a genuine relationship with muse b. But what happens when muse b wants to introduce muse a to her father?
5. Based off of carolina- harry styles:
Muse a is an aspiring [actress/singer/songwriter/dancer.. etc] that moves from south carolina to los angeles after her grandma encourages her to pursue her dreams before it’s too late. as muse a starts to adapt to her new life in l.a, her friends decide to set her up on a blind date just for fun. when muse a shows up, she realizes that her blind date is none other than muse b, a famous heartthrob singer living in l.a as he finishes his latest album. muse b is instantly fascinated by muse a, she was down to earth, outgoing, and she hardly knew anything about him, which was rare for him. the night goes well, but muse a tells muse b that she’s not looking for a serious relationship, especially with such a public figure, resulting in the date to be their last. but this single encounter inspires muse b to write a song about muse a, confessing his feelings for her to the world. months later, muse a wakes up one morning to shouting outside of her window as well as hundreds of notifications on her phone, linking to her several articles pinning her muse b’s new “mystery girl”. muse a decides to track down muse b to confront him about the song, but as they meet again, muse b makes it clear his feelings still remain, while muse a has already moved on to another man.
i don’t know if it’s been done but how about the complete fuckboy who is so used to routine. he picks up who he wants, it’ll be easy and if he’s lucky they’ll put up a challenge but they end up in the alley or in the men’s room and he always has the courtesy of kissing them goodbye and never seeing them again. and it’s like every saturday, he’s at the bar and he spots a pretty girl and she looks the perfect amount of innocent (he’s not up for a challenge tonight)  but theres a bit of banter going and eventually she ends up in the backseat of his Jeep and when they’re done he’s leans in with a grin, memorised almost like a catchphrase, “thanks for the great sex babe” to kiss her goodbye but she turns her cheek at the last minute, offers him a sweet smile “cute. that was great sex for you?” and just like that the fuck boy’s been fucked and she’s smoothing her skirt down and disappearing out of the backseat and he needs to find her again, needs to prove her wrong and it’s almost obsessive the way he needs her and suddenly hes just like one of the many girls that chase after him following a mediocre one night stand.  
a “i’m getting married next week to a girl i’m not even sure i love but hey at least my brother is throwing a kick ass bachelor party for me!!!! this stripper giving me a lapdance right now kinda looks a lot like my high school sweetheart that i havent seen in years — holy shit wait its her” plot !!!!!1!
muse a (19-22) is a photography college student in manhattan, and muse b (23-25) lives in the upper east side where he works with his dad in their big real estate company. muse a always puts her work first, and thinks she doesn’t have time for relationships in this stage in her life, but she still gets hers ya feel, and is used to guys trying to tie her down. muse b spends all of his time being an irresponsible rich brat, he goes from girl to girl, never wanting to commit to anyone. one day muse a is asked to take pictures of muse b’s building, and he meets her there to let her into the apartment. muse a’s beauty and confident demeanor instantly draws muse b in and so instead of leaving after he let her into the apartment, he hangs around and they get to talking and then bam they’re having sex on the floor. they exchange numbers and it’s a pretty casual thing, muse a will call muse b up at 3am, they’d have sex, maybe get some food or talk a bit, but that’d be it, until muse a’s lack of interest for something more from muse b makes him want something more from her. but what if muse a truly doesn’t feel the same way?? and if she does, what if muse b’s parents don’t approve of a non-socialite girl???
9. so like i really want a plot for a couple that’s abusive on both sides and just have angst all over the damn place. like they’re both insecure, possessive, easily jealous, and easily offended. like they’ll be out on a date or something and a boy would just look at her and he would basically kick the guys ass while she tried to pull him away and then they’d go back home later and he just you liked the way he looked at you didn’t you and then they’d fuck. and and she would visit him at school or work or something and she’d see him just talking to another girl and basically try to kick her ass but he pulls her away and she’d grill him on who she was and just tell him to fuck himself and storm off. but they’d also have their really cute moments like he’d sing her to sleep and she’d surprise him in the morning by cooking breakfast and they’d build blanket forts and play the floor is lava in their little apartment and just im b e g g i n g. 
10. ok but how angsty would a plot be where muse a and muse b are best friends and have been for their entire life and there’s always been this sexual tension neither wanted to admit until one night they both get a little drunk and hook up but a week or two passes and muse a finds out she’s pregnant with muse b’s baby and she doesn’t know how to even bring it up with muse b and it’d be so good bc there’s so many different ways u can go with this 
11.okay but forbidden relationship plot where muse a is in a band and there’s a clear rule of not getting involved with anyone’s sibling bc cant disrespect bro code man cmoN!!!! but obvs muse b walks in and she’s muse c’s (npc) little sister and she instantly hits it off with muse a which earns him hella stern looks from muse c and warning lectures like yo thats my kid sister better stay away but they have rlly rlly good chemistry and they can’t really stay away so they have to try rlly hard to keep their relationship hella lowkey bc her brother can’t find out and neither can the public bc obvious reasons???? and like the only time they can ever be alone and do whatever they want is in their hotel room when she visits bc they don’t want to raise suspicion in public and there are so many rumors of muse a going out and about with some other girl and just so much angsT???
muse a and muse b were high school sweethearts, during senior year, muse a found out that she was pregnant, it was two months before graduation but they figured out how to keep it as a secret. having an athletic scholarship in one of the top university in the city, muse b knows that it would harm his chances for going to a nice college but he loves muse a and was ready to sacrifice everything for her but it was muse a who wasn’t ready and decided to leave him without even saying goodbye. fast forward four years, muse b just signed a contract to be a professional athlete and muse a is a single mom juggling going to university and taking care of their daughter, they met by accident in the hospital when their daughter got sick and he was there for a charity event. 
13. i want a plot where a fan sneaks into a concert by claiming s/he’s one of the band member’s girlfriends (or boyfriends) and the security asks the band member and they’re like yeah we’re dating even though they’re noT AND THEY BECOME LIKE A GROUPIE AND HOOK UP BACKSTAGE OKand then they exchange phone numbers and while the band is on tour they keep talking for a while and actually start some kind of long distance relationship or friendship or something
14. Character A has been the perfect child all of her life, never earning anything lower than a B on her report card. She rarely went to parties, and when she did, she was seen as the DD because she didn’t drink. Her parents couldn’t have been more proud when she was accepted to Columbia University, the college that they had always dreamt of their child going to. She, on the other hand, is only going to please them. She doesn’t want to be a lawyer, nor does she want to go to Columbia. She just can’t bear to let the two people that care and love her the most down. Character B doesn’t have any plans for college. In fact, he doesn’t think he’s ever going to go to college at all. He’s always been the life of the party, and everyone sees him as a fun guy. His mother abandoned him when he was a child, and his dad works two jobs to put food on the table. He understands that college is out of the picture — at least for now. He wants to take his beaten up truck and travel around the country for a year, earning experiences that may help him in the future, but he doesn’t want to go alone.Character A and Character B have been friends since Kindergarden, and she was always the one to settle him down when he got too wild. He, on the other hand, always helped her break out of her shell. They are the perfect pair, and they always have been, but sometimes, they argue a lot more than anyone should.The night after their high school graduation, Character B asks Character A to accompany him on his journey. She thinks he’s crazy. In her mind, Columbia is where she needs to be, and if she skips out on it, her parents will never forgive her. Eventually, he convinces her to skip town with him. Before they leave, Character A drains the bank account that hold all of her college fund.
what about a plot where muse a is the shy kinda girl who reads all day and kinda just is a bookworm who always stutters and avoids any socializing really until muse b moves in next door, and he’s loud and always playing music, or evens sometimes making his own and when muse a goes and tries to tell him to quiet down some she’s instantly even more nervous seeing how attractive he is and muse b being the cocky asshole that we all know everyone adores is automatically just in a trance because of her somewhat innocent nature and then muse b begins being extremely loud almost every day just for muse a to come over and yell for him to quiet down and he’d just stand there wiTH A SMIRK PLAYING ON HIS LIPS BECAUSE HE JUST WANTS TO LIKE RUIN HER BUT HE LOVES THE INNOCENT VIBE AND ALL SHE WANTS TO DO IS WIPE THE COCKY SMIRK OFF HIS LIPS AND PROVE HERSELF TO HIM AND PFSFSD
Muse A is a wealthy CEO who runs their own fortune 500 company in a bustling city. Muse A is in their 30s and has been married to their college sweetheart for 12 years, though the passion between them has long since fizzled out. Muse B is a 20-something, fresh out of college, possessing a business degree and needing to get their foot in the door of the business world. Muse B is lucky enough to be hired by Muse A’s firm and becomes Muse A’s personal assistant/secretary. Muse A and Muse B exchange pleasantries from day to day, but don’t socialize much beyond the details of their business together. One evening, Muse B gets a call from Muse A asking a favor. Muse A must go to a charity gala and their spouse is not able to attend; they want Muse B to attend the event with them. Muse B is flattered and agrees to go for the sake of not letting their boss down. Muse A sends a private car for Muse B along with an expensive outfit for them to wear. When Muse B arrives at the gala, they are blown away by the elegant venue. Champagne is flowing freely and Muse A looks attractive as ever in formal wear. Throughout the evening, Muse A reveals a playful, charming side to Muse B that they don’t get to see in the office. Muse A is flirtatious even, lightly touching the small of Muse B’s back, sliding their arm around Muse B’s shoulder, complimenting Muse B in front of business associates. Muse B knows that they shouldn’t read to heavily into Muse A’s flirtation, because Muse A is married and they work together, but it’s difficult not to get swept up.When the gala is over, Muse A insists that they retire to the hotel room they’ve reserved upstairs until they’ve sobered up some. Muse B agrees to stay and the pair takes the elevator up to a penthouse suite, the likes of which Muse B has only seen on luxury blogs and in travel magazines. Fueled by a mutual attraction and champagne, Muse A makes a bold move on Muse B, crossing professional and marital lines. Muse B feels guilty the next morning, knowing that Muse A is married, but the attraction between boss and employee can no longer be ignored. Over the course of the following weeks, Muse A and Muse B embark on a secret affair; sharing intimate moments between business meetings,  going away on overnight  “business trips” together, indulging in private shopping sprees with Muse B’s platinum card.  
someone give me a plot where muse a is living in this nyc apartment complex, and the apartment across the hall from her has always been empty, until one day she finally sees someone moving in. she introduces herself to the guy moving in, muse b, and is immediately attracted to him. before long, they end up going on a few dates, although muse b is hesitant at first, and at the end of the third date, muse a tries to invite muse b into her apartment for the night, but he declines. she’s confused and initially embarrassed, until he tells her that she should come into his apartment, because he has something to show her. they walk in and there’s a teenage girl on the couch. muse a is extremely confused now, especially when muse b introduces the girl as the babysitter. it isn’t until a tiny little two-year-old comes toddling around the corner that she realizes that muse b is a single father.
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