#im actually kinda happy that he's the one who won??? i was almost prepared to be disappointed that its gonna be one of those
waporlock · 1 year
we have a new president, and he’s been openly gay from like 2014
happy pride month everyone
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vigilvntes · 1 year
Consider your last post (Battison and Dick) but with!! Mom!r!!!
• Making Dick breakfast every morning for the first few weeks, even if he doesn’t eat it. Bruce reminds you he just needs time, but you already love him so much.
• A companion shot to the one of Battison and Dick, but it’s you and Dick going to get ice cream at 2am (Bruce nearly has a heart attack)
• Matching pjs for the family!!! (Dick almost sticks a photo of them on his poster but decides that he doesn’t want to share it) ((he keeps it in his lil wallet and takes it out during the day when he gets sad))
• Glam photos of every gala!!! The fruit snacks you keep in your clutch for your boys!!!
STOP IT IM GOING TO THROW UP I NEED BATTINSON AND DICK GRAYSON TOGETHER IMMEDIATELY AND I NEED TO BE A WIFE AND A MOTHER!!!! like battinson having a canonical parental instinct just makes me so!!!!! like i DIED when he threw himself right in front of a moving car to get the mayor's kid to safety i PASSED AWAY THEN AND THERE I NEED MORE OF IT
but like. mom!reader who's NOT great at cooking and dick making pancakes together.... like you've been trying out different breakfast foods for weeks, seeing what he likes and what he doesn't like and you celebrate every single time he eats at least one thing on the plate but one morning you get up a little earlier than usual and prepare the kitchen with all the ingredients and all the things you might need to make pancakes. you hear his quiet little footsteps creeping into the kitchen and you ask him if he wants to help you make pancakes and he's still kinda shy but he nods his head anyway because he's a kid and my god does he want pancakes!!!! so you put a little chefs hat you bought specifically for him on his head and address him as "chef" the whole time. neither of you know how to make pancakes but fuck it we ball!!! he's still kinda quiet at first but after a while he relaxes into it and actually gets kinda bossy/cheeky. so you jokingly throw a blueberry at him. then he throws a strawberry at you. so you throw one back. and then he blows flour in your face. and then it's WAR. food fight commences. he's giggling and screaming, chasing you around the kitchen and eventually you drop down on to your knees in surrender and tell him that he's won, and that he's the lord of the food fights.
eventually the two of you get back to making pancakes because you're HUNGRY so why not finish the job??? and it just. it goes so bad. so so wrong. almost all of them stick to the pan. they look like SCRAMBLED EGGS. just mushed together. BUT eventually you get a perfect pancake. and then another, and then another. and it's all going well. until you ask dick if he wants to try and flip the pancake, and he flips it so hard he almost throws the fucking pan at the ceiling. and now there's a pancake stuck up there. you just look at him and say "i won't tell him about the pancake if you don't tell him i started the food fight". bruce emerges eventually, and he says nothing about the state of the kitchen, or the fact that you're both covered in flour and syrup and there's a strawberry stuck in dick's hair, he's just happy to see him with a massive grin on his face as he digs into a huge stack of pancakes covered in syrup and cream and strawberries. but then he looks up and he's just slowly states "there's a pancake stuck to the ceiling". and you and dick just look at each other, then back at bruce, and then you both deny it.
"i can see it"
"no you can't"
"it's right there, i–"
"dick, do you see a pancake up there?"
(dick, without even looking up) "nope!"
"see? you're crazy"
families who gaslight batman together, stay together!!!!!
and mom!reader and dick grayson eating ice cream together at 2am... but it's bruce's ice cream. because you cannot tell me that man doesn't have a sweet tooth. you tell dick it's fine and he won't mind if you sneak down to the kitchen, dig through the freezer (because you KNOW he hides it) and just have a little bit because a few spoonfuls couldn't hurt?? and then you eat the whole tub. and from that day on bruce buys ice cream for himself and a whole extra tub for you and dick to steal at 2am (even though he'll probably try and put a ban on ice cream after 10pm)
i just. sighs. i need this so bad. maybe i'll write something when i'm finished up w my current wips!!!!
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leiasfanaccount648 · 4 years
I’m So Sorry
Keigo Takami [Hawks] x Fem!Reader
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Request from Anon: Hello i am new to your account, and i think it's great. Im a hawks simp so you might get more requests of him if thats okay lol. Uhm can my first request be a hawks x fem reader angst, if you write that and uh can it be an imagine where he gets mad at her and ends up hurting her, angst with happy ending? .i hope that is okay but its up to u. Thank youuu!!
A/N: Thank you again so much for your request! I hope you don’t mind, but I did change this up a little bit. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings/Contains: Angst, this takes place during/after the last two episodes of season 4 so slight manga spoilers? (I haven’t read much so this is mostly just hypothetical speculation from what I have read), cursing, argument, reader being shoved by Keigo.
Word Count: 2031
He knew it was risky, but then again, what else was he supposed to do? He had no other option. He had to be careful on how he went about this, as anyone could be watching or listening. Hell, for all he knew someone already knew of what he was planning to do or already done and was waiting for the perfect moment to chance to blackmail him.
However, he couldn’t think of that right now. He had to focus on what his plans were. If one thing went wrong or was out of place, it could sabotage everything.
The winged man flinched slightly as he heard his name being called out so suddenly. He had been so lost in thought that he had stopped eating the dinner that his girlfriend prepared for him. Keigo looked up at her, blinking to get rid of any possible look he had in his eyes that could worry her.
“Hm? What is it, baby?”
“Are you okay? You kinda spaced out there.”
(Y/N) let out a chuckle, finding it a little funny how her boyfriend would sometimes focus on the smallest things. She didn’t find it out of the ordinary, but she did find it odd that something other than herself managed to tear Keigo away from the precious chicken parmesan you made him. As he replied to her, part of her began to take notice how out of place he seemed to be every now and then over the last few weeks; this was just the first time she had taken the time to ask him about it.
“Oh,” Keigo laughed along with her, nodding his head. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking about work is all.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” (Y/N) took a bite from the food on her plate, her tone being very easy going as it was obvious to her boyfriend that he didn’t have to tell her, but she was still there to listen if he needed her. At the same time, she wanted to know in case something was seriously wrong. He was a pro hero after all, and that job comes with many risks.
“No, it’s alright. A certain case has just been in my mind after hearing about it today.” Keigo took a bite of the chicken, humming in satisfaction at the taste. He swore he would never get tired of his girlfriend’s cooking. “Dinner’s great, by the way. Thank you for making it.” He smiled, knowing that he changed the subject smoothly enough to make both of them move on from the previous topic.
(Y/N) proceeded to thank him, going on to say that she had to run to the store at the last minute to get an ingredient that they didn’t have in the kitchen. Of course, Keigo’s thoughts remained elsewhere while his eyes were trained on the one he loved.
The next morning, Keigo had gotten up a little bit earlier than usual before leaving for work. Granted, he did have to make a stop first before the hero rankings happened later that day.
Keigo had arrived at the warehouse first, looking around the building to make sure no one could possibly see him before walking inside.
“About time you got here.”
Keigo had barely taken 3 steps inside before he heard the voice. Even if he had expected it, he still pulled out one of his longest and sharpest feathers and pointed it in the direction he heard it in. He kept the hard glare on his face as he stared at the man. “You should be more careful about keeping yourself out of sight, Dabi.”
The man chuckled, obviously sarcastic as he shrugged his shoulders while his hands rested in his pockets. “Please, if anyone else stumbled across this place I would have taken care of them without you even knowing.” He smirked slightly, almost making Keigo question whether or not Dabi really had done that before he arrived.
Either way, he rolled his eyes and lowered the feather in his hand. They had work to do soon that could not be treated nicely. “Let’s just finalize the details and get this over and done with, shall we?”
~     ~     ~
Keigo smiled to himself, proud of the fact that he managed to bring Endeavor to his hometown of Fukuoka just like he planned. Now, all that was left to do was seal the deal and wait for everything to go down the next day, or so he had thought.
He and Endeavor were eating lunch to discuss all that was going on when it happened, and part of Keigo was annoyed at himself for thinking that it would happen this way. Nevertheless, he and Endeavor fought the Nomu that Dabi and himself had planned for in hopes that everything would turn out like the plan originally intended to go.
It was a hard fight, one that even he didn’t expect to go the way it did. Of course, he couldn’t focus on that factor for long, as he still had a job to do. Sadly, it fell short as Endeavor had won the battle against the Nomu. Even though he was hoping for the end of Endeavor like Dabi was, he couldn’t help but admire the pro for always trying to get to the number one spot.
Endeavor always kept trying to get there unlike others who simply stood by thinking it was impossible. Keigo strived to be like that too, even if he claimed to want a lower hero ranking. He wanted to be able to create a laidback world so that heroes didn’t have to work so hard all the time, and he would do anything in order to do so. Including killing the man who had inspired him.
While he was upset about the plan not going the way he had hoped, and the fact that Dabi had acted without telling him, Keigo couldn’t help but feel stressed due to the fact that everything he had done in order to pull this off was now a waste. And he had no idea when he would be able to get another chance like this again.
He managed to reason with Dabi so that they could come up with another plan to end the current number one hero later in time, but for now, all he wanted to do was go home and relax in attempt to get rid of the pounding in his head and aches in his body from the fight he had.
The moment Keigo stepped into the apartment and closed the door behind him, (Y/N) made her way to the door to greet him, walking faster than usual. She knew that he was okay, as he had called her shortly before meeting with Dabi to let her know, but worry was still written all over her face.
“Keigo,” (Y/N)’s hands raised to her mouth as she noticed that most of his wings were gone after the fight. Even if they would grow back over the course of a couple days, it was still an unusual sight to see from her boyfriend. “Your wings.” She stepped towards him again, reaching out to hold his cheek so he’d look her in the eye.
Instead, Keigo moved her hand away before she could touch him and took off his coat followed by his shoes. “I’m fine, (Y/N).”
The tone in his voice was one (Y/N) knew all too well: stress. “You’re not, and we both know it.”
Keigo didn’t say a word and simply walked past her to the kitchen. He reached into one cabinet and grabbed a glass, then into another to grab a bottle of gin and seltzer water. (Y/N) followed him, choosing her words carefully. “You don’t have to tell me what’s on your mind, whether you do or not. But please tell me how I can help you.”
“You can be quiet, that’s how you can help.”
(Y/N) eyed him, part of her hurt from his words and part of her annoyed. “Excuse me?” “You may say that you can help, but right now, all I need from you is silence and to leave me alone.” Kiego’s back faced her while he spoke, making the cocktail that he decided on. He turned around and took a big sip; he took in the expression she now wore herself.
“What on earth happened to make you start acting like this?” (Y/N) took a step forward, still hoping that she could figure out what was actually going on. There was definitely a reason as to why he acted so different compared to the way he did after a hard day at work, so what caused it?
“What do you want me to say when I come home from work, (Y/N)? That everything was all fine and dandy? No crime happened throughout the city? The district? The country?” He let out a short yet sarcastic laugh. “Well guess what sweetheart? That just isn’t the case, is it?” He took another swig of his drink before setting it down on the counter.
(Y/N) held back from sounding so harsh, becoming more and more ticked off as her boyfriend dodged question after question thrown at him. “Keigo, please,” she stepped forward, reaching out to him again. “Just answer my question so I can help you.”
Keigo eyed her as she got close, her words starting to get to him. He was a hero, so he should be helping other people, not the other way around. But, with his plans in flames from Dabi, the world he was hoping for was now even further out of his reach.
He stepped away to walk out of the kitchen, mumbling under his breath. “I’m going to get a shower.”
(Y/N) trailed after him, putting a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to stop him as Keigo began to step into the hallway. “No, you’re not.” It was then that Keigo would turn to regret everything.
“I told you to leave me alone!”
In less than a second, Keigo turned around to move (Y/N)’s hand off of him, but in the process of doing so, he accidentally put too much strength into his movements and slammed (Y/N) into the cabinets next to her with just his arm.
(Y/N) lost her breath as well as her footing from hitting the wood so hard and fell to the floor. She hesitantly looked up at her boyfriend, seeing as he was now glaring harsher at her with his teeth slightly bared. She could almost feel the anger now radiating off of him, and she was terrified.
The realization of what Keigo had just done sunk in mere seconds after it happened. He felt his heart drop at the sight of the one he loved on the ground from his actions, now scared of him and what he would possibly do to her next. “(Y/N),” was all he could get out.
“No, don’t.” (Y/N) moved back on the floor as best as she could in her scared state. She eventually stood up, backing up away from him while her arms wrapped around herself. “If you’re going to act like this, then I’m going to leave before you do anything worse.”
Keigo couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eyes, instead staring at the floor. He didn’t even move when (Y/N) walked past him with tears in her eyes. He could hear her grab her keys and put on her shoes before leaving, slamming the door for good measure.
Keigo didn’t try running after her, instead raising a hand to grip his hair tightly and leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. “Fuck.” This all happened because of him and his selfish actions, and there was no other way to look at the situation. “I’m sorry.”
He knew that one simple apology wasn’t going to solve anything, but then again he didn’t know what he could do to turn this around. He grit his teeth and his other hand hit the wall beside him. “I’m so sorry.”
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tscmu · 4 years
Some headcanons for the Hq boys and how they propose to their s/o?
HI YES THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF I LOVE WRITING ABOUT PLS okay so u didnt really specify which boys so im gonna go for ones that i can picture proposing that sounded weird ok-
characters; koushi sugawara, satori tendou, kenma kozume, osamu miya + tooru oikawa oK LETS GO
koushi sugawara
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- pls he’d make it so heartfelt and meaningful HHH I LOVE HIM~ - he’d want to make you feel how much he loved you, like actually feel it in your heart - i feel like he’d tell a FEW people, probably only get daichi to help AHAHAH - bruh asahi would probably have a mental breakdown and tanaka would snitch💔💔 - but he’d have an idea of what you both wanted i think, you wouldve spoken it over before defos - he’d want it to not be that public, just the two of you - so it’d be at like a hiking trail you both go on or something, a place that means loads to both of you but isn’t there for the world to see - and then...…came the day - he knew how much you picked up on little details so he had to be sneak sneak ten thousand™ - “hey, wanna go out on that one walk up *insert name of place idk*? ok ok ok i’ll get ur coat sugar” - EEEEEEEEEEE - he was trying his absolute best to keep it together - he knew you’d most likely say yes, so he wasn’t TOO scared, but it was still SCARY LIKE- - and then u got to the place he wanted to propose - it was this place where you always stopped, where there was a little bench (with your initials STILL carved into it from all those years ago) and it looked out over a nice view - “ooh, can we stop here again!” “u-huh i was actually gonna ask-” - bro he almost forgot the speech daichi read over to him about 20 times - but HE DID IT WOOOO - he didn’t want to make a MASSIVE deal out of it, the wedding would be more important to him but he still wanted to make you know how much he adored you - speech included lots of memories dating even back to before hed even SPOKEN to you i stg this man - AND U SAID YES!!! u have no choice. u did.
satori tendou
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- i feel like he’d be kINDA similar to suga?? - a little less caring - he’d never actually pictured himself getting married tbf- - he never thought he’d actually find the right person so he just....gave up idk - BUT THEN YOU CAME INTO HIS LIFE- - even with you he hadn’t really thought about marriage, he was just focused on having fun with you, but then ushijima was like ‘...so, tendou. when is the wedding commencing between you and y/n.” and he just- - it was actually when they were sitting there he started to plan it - ushijima would SEEM like the worst person to go to, but he was actually quite good at this stuff - so in about 2 hours sat at the back door of tendou’s work, they had sketched out a sort of plan on the back of a spare napkin - there was one main thing he knew he wanted to talk about - how you always stuck by him, no matter what he did - he thought he’d seriously fucked up, and you would be back at his door the next day, smiling and chattering about this new café you heard opened down the road - god, he was terrified to even mention paris to you, but you were so up for the idea, it took him by shock - he didn’t take you for granted - so for once, he wanted to make you feel loved - they couldn’t think of a place to take you for ages, but then it hit them - you and tendou always went to wakatoshi’s games, ever since high school you both always made the commute if you had the time - and ushijima had a game coming up in two weeks...…. - when he mentioned it OFC U WERE DOWN PLS, you loved going back to japan - like ofc france was incredible but......... it was just lovely to see everyone again ;-; - since youd been there so much, you basically just got to stand right at the side of the court AHAHAH - so they won the game. obviously. its ushi and kags we’re talking abt here. are you kidding. then tendou started acting weird, which made u hella sus - it was the first time in what felt like years you’d seen him so...nervy - he kept fumbling over his words, you had to yell at him to speak up - but eventually he did it - he spoke abt how much you meant to him, how you made him more comfortable in his own body, how you stuck by him through everything - AND U SAID YES. AGAIN, U HAVE NO CHOICE. - and yes ushi and kags started cheering and the news outlets put u on the news i dont make the rules ok
kenma kozume
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- ok mans is TERRIFIED - he’d quite genuinely never thought about marriage, throughout his years with you by his side it just...never crossed his mind - but it was when you were lying in bed one night, his arm dangled over you as you both drifted in and out of sleep - and it just hit him - why the fuck were you both still like this? - marriage was something you always expressed a love for, when kuroo got married you were basically in a trance the whole time - how was he so unaware? - people described kuroo’s proposal as pretty much perfect, he’d always been good at reading his partner, so he just used that knowledge to make something he knew they’d like - so, to kenma’s extreme distaste, he went to kuroo - oh my god kuroo fucking c r i e d - kenma was finally ‘growing up’ - so after about an hour of kuroo sobbing, they finally got down to business - after lots of.. lets say elaborate ideas from kuroo, and lots of no's from kenma, they finally came to a sort of compromise - since you and kuroo worked in the same department, he would text you on saturday simply asking if you wanted to catch coffee and talk about that one assignment - obviously, you said yes - not thinking anything of it, you just pulled on a jumper and jeans AHAH- - then you notice,,,why tf is he taking u to a beach at 7pm in march???? - #serialkillerkurooheadcanons - but u see kenma and ur like... wtf have u gotten yourself into- - have they been possessed?? who knowz - and then u get BLINDFOLDED LIKE WHAT - but then u snap back down to earth like why would they kidnap u- - as kuroo takes it off, kenma’s quite literally shaking - poor babie - he never really knew how to explain his thoughts properly, so the speech wasn’t anything extremely dramatic and/or romantic - but he did in a way tell you how much you meant to him - he spoke abt how you boost his confidence, have always been there whenever he needed you, and how you seem to always understand him when he’s being at his most blunt - therefore he thinks you’re his soulmate - PLSPLSPL IM CRYING
osamu miya
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- i think he always knew he wanted to marry you - atsumu always embarassed him about it- - it got to the point you didn’t actually think he’d propose, you would just wake up one day and a wedding dress would be on the door - but it got to the point where tsumu was mentioning it significantly more when you went over for dinner - mama miya was always telling you how happy she was that samu picked you - even your own parents were being oddly warmer towards samu, whenever they phoned they asked how he was, etc etc - so you knew something was up - samu was always really polite to your parents, asked their permission before he even took you out on a date - ironic because you lived together but still- - so turned out, he actually mentioned proposing to you to them - they adored him for gods sake so of course they said yes - then tsumu thought he was acting weird, so he told his side - jesus christ they freaked out - his parents were always nervous about atsumu, who slept with random people on the weekends, and hadn’t been in a proper relationship since middle school - you were basically their god send AHAHA - so it was a massive deal when he wanted to marry you - it would appear that he didn’t really care, but in honesty it meant the wholeass world to him - like suga, he’d go for a location that meant a lot to both of you - christmas was a huge deal for both your families, they both came together and you had an incredible time - and last year some of the jackals came over, which was just hilarious - so what better time than christmas with your loved ones around you??? - it started off like a normal christmas, you had an incredible dinner ( cooked by none other than osamu ((with atsumu and bokuto attempting to sabotage it but just burning their hands on the pot)) ) then all played some games - but it was when you were all watching the basic christmas tv programmes when the atmosphere... changed - everyone was looking at you and samu, even sakusa looked excited - it was when his father muted the tv, and samu took your hand, your heart was basically beating out your chest. - he spoke about how he felt like, for the entirety you’d been together for, every day he seemed to fall more in love with you. you were like his rock, when things were even a bit off he could just come to you and you’d automatically make him happier even just by looking at you - bruh bokuto and hinata were sobbing in the corner
tooru oikawa
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- surprising, but he never thought about marriage - he just kind of assumed he’d be one of those people that would be in a relationship for like a week then just.. move on to another person idk - that was until he ran into you - everyone, even his own parents, said he was a different person when he started dating you - it was ironic, you were quite similar to him - yet you made him rethink his fucking morals  - it was sappy asf - ANYWAY BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND - he took this proposal really seriously, he wanted it to be the best moment of your whole life - until the wedding ofc ofc - since you’d basically changed him as a person, he wanted this to just show his appreciation for everything you’d ever done for him - he wanted you to feel his love - and so he set about preparing a good proposal - he’d be like osamu, and definitely ask your parents first - your parents loved him anyway, they thought he was the best thing that’d happened to you for a long while - he basically knew what he wanted to do - nothing too public, but nothing too quiet - whats the point of proposing if some people dont see am i right??? - sometimes when you both either a) needed a break or b) you both had a period of time where you were free, you both just booked an impromptu holiday AHAHHA - #richkidtingz - so obvs he had to do it on one of them... it was ur thing after all?? - it was when you walked in the door, face red, and flopped down on the sofa next to him, he grasped the opportunity - “..got any spare holidays from work?” - you quickly went on a travel agent website and booked a three day holiday to brazil, leaving the next morning - it was one of your favourite places to just escape to, so it made sense for him to propose there tbf - it was as you both woke up the first morning there, still sleepy from the night before, you grinned at eachother. - “hey.. get ready quick, i wanna do something.” “wHAT-” - he didn’t actually know where to do it, he just called a taxi and asked for your favourite high street HAHAH - after about an hour of browsing around shops, your hand never out of his, you finally asked ‘what did you want to do?’ - his breathing almost stopped i stg, he didn’t realise how scared he was - but then... HE DID IT POGGERS - he stuck to what he knew he wanted to speak about, making you sob in the process ofc - and even all the locals congratulated you!!!
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rqs902 · 4 years
yang chaowen is really a sensitive kid... man he brings out renyu's song's feels and then brings up ylq to relate to the lyrics bc he knows his friend isnt getting as much appreciation as himself. (this makes even more sense after ylq said he had been crying before ycw went onstage and ycw was comforting him... and then after ycw came off the stage, it was time for ylq to comfort him from crying TT) Their friendship is really something. But then ycw saying he just gets ripped for getting screentime for crying all the time ouch but i dont get the feeling that hes doing it for attention but maybe im becoming partly biased towards chaowen :) 
Lol the fact that they focus so much on xzx and how hes favored by gjm but feels like it's unfair to be treated uncomfortably by other trainees as a result... all i can say is, what do u expect, of course the other kids will be salty, their lives are on the line and theyre getting nothing close to the attention you are, so unfortunately u cant win everything :(
Lol I see why everyone on twitter is annoyed at gjm... Jackson is literally trying to say something meaningful and mentor-like to su er and gjm literally interrupts with his own opinion.... jackson is like unable to finish his thought. and then when Cheng xiao is actually trying to give ma haowen advice, gjm just goes WELL I DISAGREE, THIS IS RENYU'S FAULT and everyone's like wtffffff???? And then he starts saying people can help Xinhai with his terrible dance (ouch) but renyu didnt help haowen sing and Huang enyu MY CHILD just goes: but dancing and singing are different....... and I'm just smh.... gjm really shouldnt act like he knows everything when hes the only mentor with zero actual relevant experience :( Poor renyu literally looks like hes about to burst into tears, ma haowen looks so sorry and appalled renyu's getting yelled at and none of the other mentors seem to agree with gjm lol 
lets appreciate renyu’s song, its really good!!! 
Lol this whole mentor segment is a mess but man chaowen and renyu won a lotta votesss ayyy
I think xue en seeing hwh as a pro rapper shows him humbling himself, since hes technically a more seasoned and popular idol performer
Cheng xiao fangirling over xue en I mean SAME hahahahahahaha awwwwww yzx being soooo genuinely happy for xue en is the cutest!!! Aw cto friendship and xue en crying :’) actually one thing ive noticed i feel like yzx seems like a genuinely kind and cheerful friend, maybe people are bashing him bc he pushed off some leaderly responsibilities to lin mo in the last round but maybe hes just not someone to take on a strict leader role (looks at aj from afo...) and realized that since lin mo has such experience and is really good at it, it makes sense to respect his experience and skill and let him take on that role. of course its unfortunate that means lin mo worked extra for less recognition, but i think it seems like yzx really respected and admired him so im hopeful what happened wasnt due to mean intentions 
watching chen junhao feeling lost oh man :/ maybe he hadnt fully prepared himself for the idol life when first coming on this show. its unfortunate reality that in this kind of idol survival show, the focus is more on stage presence and face and performance, rather than the music itself. Hopefully he really feels that hes found a path forward through this performance. This is a really real way to present him but I'm sad theres not as much focus on li chenxu when this is hissss song
Man both the self composed songs are really good!! Mann them making this song a dance song is really hard to watch for li chenxu bc its makes it hard for him to shine at his own song which is sad :( also lzx's rap is questionable lol but cjh's vocal part in the middle part is so emotional, I hope he felt like he was able to express himself fully there
Lol does gjm not realize they didnt have a choice to not dance. Lollllll cheng xiao literally said they had too much to do and tried very hard but he didnt listen.
Aww jackson teaching them about team work :') o gosh I have PTSD about jin fan getting classified as a vocal now after uuu..... also not surprised the entire segment was about sxl and even the judging portion lol....
Oof Jin fan's voiceeee I love
Man why does Jin fan always get stuck in not dance songs ><
more appreciation for xu zhaohao vocals pls!!! imo sxl has a poor attitude :/ he doesnt perform calmly under pressure and isnt doing well at making a good atmosphere for practice
LOL why do i feel like lin mo is always saying "song" things hahahah hes really a kid
but mannn yan an just walking into the elevator is so oof
Aw duan xuyu is too nice... but I guess this is the leader in him coming out
Aw yan an immediately encouraging xikan when he lost the center to him
Lolll xikans little “heheh” when he won 
Mannnn ngl even tho yan an leaves the show, I kinda wish he had a bigger role in this perf bc it's literally like his jam.... chinese style influenced dance.... I wish he had at least 1 memorable dance move, like I feel like Luo Joe already had one in the last perf and he has one again here (and hes very talented and he deserves recognition!) but yan an has yet to really show anything and im scared hes gonna just disappear soon :/
They all did so well tho!!! Truly a group of dancers. Really made me want to rewatch the whole thing immediately. altho the beginning I cant unsee the lin mo meme LOL 
and xikan did really well!! His stage presence is real. And hes put effort into his facial expressions
Luo Joe being cute is iconic
Aw yan an cheering on lin mo when revealing his votes!!
Aw I'm surprised 100 ways kids didnt get more votes.... lol ngl i feel like this show is just randomly adding vote bonuses in for random reasons not prespecified for kids they like.... cough gjm yet again
but oo the next ep looks fun hahahha im excited for a happier ep thats not as stressful.
Ycw keeping it real 2020: "im not good at controlling emotions.... i hope if you want to cry or laugh do it loudly, dont care about what other people think"
ok so maybe im liking more new kids than i expected, but i think thats a good thing that the show is making them likable and some kids are able to stand out! honestly i realized I kinda can see why they eliminated so many to begin with. It's sad but also kinda nice tbh (ouch, i know) bc if they really got rid of the ones who have less skill, it makes it easier for the others who dont have to teach from zero (cough lin mo) And then those with skill get to have at least 3(?) stages, unlike qcyn where jin fan got eliminated after only doing 1 silly stage lol The skill level of the stages is also raised, like there's multiple groups of almost all people who are well qualified. im sure the kids are happy that they get to do more stages, im sure that means a lot to them. 
At least on snzm they attempt to give most trainees a positive light and give screentime to more than just the top 10 trainees. and they allow someee time for vocals, dancers and rappers to get appreciation (even tho dancers are still dominating lol)
but yea honestly I disliked the judging on pdc2019 too tho so at least the judges here can be supportive... at times. it is SUPER biased and gjm is very vocal despite his lack of knowledge tho lol 
it's so bad bc I feel like my standards for shows are so low at this point. my standards get lowered with every show I watch. It's like I guess the snzm songs are okay bc I hated the ones on afo more so at least the stages aren't thattt bad lol At least the rules/general setup aren't as terrible as they were on afo..... at least the camera time isnt as biased as it was on qcyn.... sigh the show isnt doing great, and itd be best if the show would help the tygers get more popular, but I guess its prob better than just doing nothing at star master lol. 
qcyn was just painful to watch from "spirit of the knight" onward bc momo literally was buried, mistreated, disrespected and taken advantage of. at least on snzm he gets some screentime and positive recognition.....
tbh i like snzm, maybe thats an unpopular opinion, but at least there have been some really great stages, where the kids really get to shine. at least i can confidently say that bc of snzm, i have met some new kids who i will be sure to follow for new music moving forward :) 
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ursoself-satisfying · 5 years
Tagging Game!! Answer 21 questions then Tag 21 people you want to know better!! 
I was tagged by @sunnnymercury n @wassupitschloe !!!!! lol I almost forgot to do this its so fun im just absent minded !!!
Nickname: mo or momo ::)) 
Zodiac: aquarius !!
Height: like 5′6?? 
Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody Sing a Long lol,, 
Last thing I googled: “all power corrupts” ((it was for an essay,, I was trying to find that Lord Acton quote rip))
Favorite Musician: just one??? Queen is always up there lol but I also rly love Blur and the Who!!! 
Song stuck in my head: actually none rn God bless but I was singing “Anybody Have a Map” from Dear Evan Hansen yesterday rip 
Other blogs: oof I’ve got like 9 blogs total but I dont use many of them,,,, I have my personal (@catbusfurrever) n a 70s blog I dont always keep up  (@starlettecinema) n then an art one (@art-trek ) n then like another art,, a backup queen,, i think 2 backup personals,, n a shady one lol none of them are good besides these 4 rip 
Do I get asks: yes!! I lovelovelove getting them too!!!! I would love to get more lol but ik I’m slow at answering n putting out content so i get it!! I’m always open tho my dms, my asks, my submissions!! I love to make friends!! ur all such lovely people lol makes me so happy talking to yall ::””))
Blogs following: following me or that I follow?? cus I think im following like 1k+ blogs rip but on this blog in particular i have about 800 followers that make me so happy everyday!! if I get to 1k I gotta think of something fun to do lol to say ty n ilysm!!!
Amount of sleep: hm Ive been sleeping in lately so probably more like 9+?? depresso vacation mode is still on but on my normal schedule its more like 7 hrs 
Lucky number: my favourite number is 9 bc I like to write it,,, i like the flow n curves of it,,, i think my lucky number (cus like numerology n all that) would be 6!! n yes,,, ik,,, 69,,,,
What am I wearing: my jammies!! i dont wear anything other than pajamas if I dont have to lol,, my pants have Christmas trees n my shirt is Weezer haha
Dream job: artist,, just like in general,, I do a lot n i wanna make a lot n if I could make a living off of that it would be amazing lol,, but like going to school for stuff?? if I dont make it as a musician lol I would love to get back into film n work my way to director wow 
Dream trip: hhhhnnnngggg,,, i love japan ik it sounds cringey but I love the countryside n I would love to see all the historical sites just as much as the amazing cities 
Favorite food: idk if I have a favourite but mac n cheese,,, w parmesan,,, n some bread crumbs or like crutons on it,,,, amazing,, 
Play any instruments: yup!! guitar n ukulele n I’m picking myself up a bass n REteaching myself piano rip 
Languages: english mostly but Ive taken God idk how many years of spanish like,,, 8 yrs??? n I can barely speak it but I understand it ok  
Favorite songs: OOF lets do favourite CURRENT songs,,, i love Moscow by Autoheart n the iSpy remix (iSpy Sins Not Tragedies is a BOP) n uuhhhh,,,, oh man A Quick One While Hes Away (Live) n Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy ofc ::””)) 
Random fact: uuuuuhhhhh I was Prom Queen junior year lol not bc i won the votes tho its a story haha
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: idk uuhh soft,, old,, alone but not in a sad way in a peaceful way,, chaotic but it makes sense,, spur of the moment decisions,, reusing old bags n always having unnecessary things rolling around in ur backpack bc u wanna be prepared for any situation lol,,,, idk its hard to see yourself from an outside perspective n determine if u have just one aesthetic cus i tend to flop from vie to vibe n I just kinda,,,, exist u kno?? just be u !!!
I’ll tag @angrylizardjacket if she wants to do it n @deakydeakyfics @deacytits if yall havent done it yet!! also @jem6869 n @princessleiaqueen bc theyre so lovely!!! N anyone that wants to that means U!!!! have fun!!! 
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taylorhardybby · 5 years
sweetener // ben hardy x reader and bestfriend! Lucy x reader.
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hi so basically the reader is a famous musician (shes pretty much based on Ariana Grande with syle elements from kylie jenner but picture her as anyone you like)  this is pretty long and I realised everything I've posted has had the same sort plot kinda so ill be changing that up I promise. 
5.7K words. 
also I've linked the songs that I mention  and ideas of the outfits I've mentions just cause i can I guess. enjoy xo 
You were 19 when you first met Lucy. She was 22 and you met at a charity gala. You were new in the industry, barely knowing anyone. You and Lucy became instant best friends. She was like your big sister, your mom and your best friends rolled into one person and you couldn’t be more thankful for her. Fast forward three years and Lucy was working on one of her biggest projects yet. Bohemian Rhapsody. You had just released your lasted album and were only weeks away from tour, but when Lucy asked of you would come visit her you were on a plane within the hour.
You had barely seen your best friend in almost two months due to your album blowing up then your surprise world tour, for the last 10 weeks you spent every waking moment  rehearsing,  doing chorography, or at costuming fittings if you weren’t preparing for tour you were doing a interviews or attending events and award shows. You were completely exhausted. But you were new and young, and your record company had almost complete control over you. You were terrified if you said no, they would drop you, and you had worked too hard for that.
Your plane landed in London and you went straight to your hotel, Lucy would be filming until 9pm tonight then she was coming straight over to spend the night and in the morning you would both head over to the set. You were beyond excited, queen had been such a inspiration both musically and just in general through your entire life and to see even a tiny bit of the movie about them would be an honour.
It was 6pm when you got to your hotel, so you had three hours to kill, you considered just going for a walk and exploring but you had seen a few paps at the airport so you were sure there would be more. So you started rehearsing, you played the backing track to your newest song, Everytime. The choreography was fast and you kept messing up the steps during the chorus.
Time slipped away as you rehearsed, and your phone ringing brought you out of your trance.
“Hey sorry, ive bene so distract-” you were cut off, not even bothering to see who was actually calling, until you hear her voice.
“ive bene knocking for ages come let me in baby” you smiled at the nickname, lucy always called you baby, maybe it was because you were younger than her or she said it’s what her older sister would call her.
“oh my god sorry I’m coming lulu” you ran to the door of the hotel room apartment, the door swung open and Lucy was standing their champagne in hand and overnight bag in the other. She dropped her bag and pulled you in for a hug.
“I missed you so much lulu ”
“mee too, baby. I’m so sorry I miss everything” you had come inside and closed the door by now,
“your album release and the Grammys, you won and I wasn’t even there I’m  so sorry” you shook your head,
“its fine trust me its been crazy busy and this is important for you. I’m  just so happy that I get to see you now”
“yes me too now I want all the gossip”
You popped the champagne and shared not only that bottle but another you had found the mini bar, you spoke about your ex Kevin, and how he was inspiration for a few songs on your album. Lucy insisted on listening to your album from start to finish you didn’t mind. You loved your songs and you loved that your best friend sang along to every single word. Your tour was still a secret. Your record company wanted to announce it a week before you actually left, in the same way they kept your album a secret until a week before its release date. You were sworn to secrecy and you had told nobody but your mom, and when Lucy asked how you  were, really truly, you broke down.
“I’m a mess luce, I’m going on tour, surprise!” Lucy congratulated you but she knew you weren’t finished “I’m running myself ragged, if I’m not rehearsing im at a costume fitting I’m doing promo for the album or I’m at an awards show or event” you flopped back onto the bed trying to just let your body rest.
“I’m so tired I never stop. And thank god you called because this three-day break is such a blessing you have no idea” Lucy pulled you into a hug reassuring you it would all work out,
“what about with Kevin, how are you in realm” you sighed, you and Kevin broke up for a good reason, he was having personal issues and it was hurting you physically and mentally, so you left.
“I miss him so much, but I know that I did the right thing for me, I was so unhealthy always looking after him I forgot about me” you paused and thought for a moment “I think he’s better, from what I’ve heard, I still speak to his mom every now and then” Lucy nodded
“you did the right thing Y/N I know you loved him, but you need to look after yourself first” you nodded. The conversation turned a little lighter and you decided to pop another bottle of champagne just because you could,
“to us, successful women who are making shit happen” you made a toast and Lucy shouted back “to us” you changed the music and danced, laughed and just had fun with your best friend.
You woke up to the sun in your eye and Lucy’s alarm blaring, your head was pounding, and you looked around. Lucy was slowing waking up in the bed next to you. You had clearly tried to find pyjamas but you both looked like a mess. As you stood up out of bed you looked down at out outfit, a pair of black hotpants and a large oversized grey shirt tied in a knot and one blue sock. Lucy didn’t look much better and as you looked each their up and down you both laughed. The apartment was a mess. There was pillows and blankets everywhere, you counted 5 champagne bottles, all but one were empty the last was about three-quarters gone.
It was 7 am and Lucy was needed on the set at 8:30 so you both got ready, Lucy ordered breakfast- more specifically coffee, very strong and lots of it.
Once you looked presentable, Lucy looked you up and down raising an eyebrow,
“heels? Really Y/N” her tone was mockingly, and you just shrugged
“you know I love my heels, they make a statement” you twirled, and Lucy laughed at you
“also, I like to feel taller, it’s not easy being tiny”
Lucy drove you to the set, stopping to get more coffee on the way. You had music blaring the whole time just laughing and smiling. The set looked pretty normal and when you got there you followed Lucy to her trailer where you both set down your stuff. Her first costume of the day was already hanging so she got changed then wrapped herself in a coat. You followed her to hair and makeup,  and to your surprise Rami was already there when you walked in and Lucy introduced you of course.
Rami was very sweet and you felt much more comfortable knowing at least one more person liked you here. He mentioned your music and you blushed. These people knew who you were holy shit.
“I actually brought you album the day it came out, I love it” you laughed,
“thanks rami that’s really sweet of you, its still kind mind-blowing that people other than Lucy and my parents listen to my music” everyone laughed and the conversation flowed. Rami left soon after and Lucy finished not much later,
“okay so my the first scene today isn’t until later but we can go watch the boys film if you want” she checked her watch,
“they start in 20 so that heaps of time for you to meet them and what not” you nodded and just followed her into the sound stage.
From the moment you saw him you were breathless, you of course had googled all of Lucy’s co-stars as soon and she knew them but seeing him in person was something else, you eyes met his and you felt you cheeks heat up. You turned your face towards Lucy, sending her a smile but she sent you a knowing look. When you looked panicky, she giggled a little,
You walked over, and they group of four men turned towards you,
“hey Lucy, oooh who’s your friend” the man you assumed was playing john deacon spoke first.
“Joe, Gwil and Ben this is my best friend Y/N” she gestured to you and she spoke “Y/N this is Joe, Gwil, Ben and you of course know rami who you met earlier” you nodded and shook each of their hand but before you could say anything you were cut off,
“Lucy why didn’t you tell us that your Y/N was THE Y/N”  Joe playfully pushed Lucy and she tried to explain, but before you could get to deep in conversation the boys were called to their scene.
The scene was a short one and soon enough Lucy was whisked away to work so you sat there just on your phone, you felt someone come over towards you and you looked up. It was him. Ben Hardy. To say that you were in love was  a bit much, but he was so gorgeous it was hard not to. As he walked over to you smiled but internally you were panicking. You just kept telling yourself don’t make a fool of yourself, don’t do it
“Uh hey Y/N, where’d Lucy go” of course, he just wanted Lucy not you,
“oh she went to do some filming I’m not sure how long she’ll be”
“Okay cool so um are you hungry” you internally died omg what was he going to say holy shit
“I’m starving” he invited you to go with him for lunch, it was just Kraft services but you didn’t mind.
You spent the entire lunch hour just talking and laughing, it was so refreshing for someone to talk to you as just Y/N not THE Y/N.
You spent the next three days surrounded by the BoRhap boys and Lucy having the time of your life. You and Ben had gotten quite close and even while you were still in London if you weren’t with each other you were texting. You decided against telling Lucy, not wanting to make it weird between her and her co-stars.
Two weeks after arriving back in LA the tour was announced, it sold out almost everywhere and you were glad to see that your London tour date was the same weekend that BoRhap wrapped filming, Lucy had already texted that she was coming and that she would need six more tickets which you gave her no questions asked.
You went on tour and it was marvellous, the adrenalin you felt as thousands of people sang along to your songs was thrilling and you never wanted it to stop. You played shows all across the US, you were halfway through the US leg of the tour when you got a surprise. You had still been talking to ben every day and although you hadn’t put a label on it you felt pretty committed. You were in your dressing room, your show started in three hours, so you were slowing warming up your voice when you heard a knock.
When you answered the door there stood Ben his gleaming smile beamed from ear to ear, and he was holding a bunch of flowers, your favourite of course.
“holy shit what are you doing here” he pulled you into his arms and you hugged back excitedly,
“we had a few days off from shooting, so I thought I’d come visit you”  you pulled him into your dressing room and placed the flowers down, your eyes met, and the world felt like it melted away. He pulled you closer and whispered so quietly,
“Y/n can I please kiss you” you nodded,
“please” you barely got the word out from your mouth and your lips were on his.
Everything moved so fast and he fell back onto the sofa and you moved, straddling his lap. Every move felt like it was perfectly practiced and every touch felt like fire and you both shed yourself of clothes, ben of course being the perfect gentle mean continued to ask for permission before doing anything  you were to in the moment to speak so nodding sufficed.
Time passed, and you were lying in bens arms on the sofa, a random sheet covering you as you just held each other.  You lazily shared kisses and spoke about your time apart. The sound of your manager knocking on the door made you jump apart,
“Y/N they need you in hair and makeup” you jumped up and threw on your panties, bra and covered up with your robe.
“shit sorry ben, I totally lost track of time, stay here and I’ll send someone to come and get before the show”
“ill be waiting” you kissed him before closing the door behind you and walking down to hair and makeup.
You were in your first costume, as you walked towards the under stage your makeup artist fixed up the bright red lipstick you had on and you had you Mic in hand. You were ready.
You had never felt so pumped for a show before, partially because you knew Ben was there the other part was probably your post orgasm bliss. You snickered to yourself as you thought about it.
The show was a smash, the crowd were full of energy and so were you. As you walked off stage ben was waiting in the wings for you, he picked you up and spun you around, your lips connected as he did.
“what did you think of the show”
“you were bloody fantastic, I loved it the music, the dancing, the costumes” his kissed you again, “and I thought I was the rock star” you laughed at that one,
“you’ll always be a rock star” you walked hand in hand back to you dressing room, your meet and greet outfit was already laid out and you apologised to ben as you got changed.
“I’m sorry the meet and greets only go for 45 mins then we can go back to the hotel and I’m all yours I promise” he shook his head,
“it’s fine doesn’t apologise I need to make some phone calls anyway, you better keep that promise” he teased, you zipped up your dress. It was short red and left little to the imagination and you loved how ben eye you as you spun and asked his opinion.
“Y/n your making it hard from me not to rip that off your right now” you bit you lip and whispered into his ear,
“I promise you can rip it off later” you kissed directly behind his ear then giggled as he groaned when you walked away.  
The meet and greet felt like it dragged on for hours. Now you loved your fans but  the torment knowing exactly what was going to happen afterwards was enough to make you a little frustrated.
Finally you were back at the hotel, it was a short drive from where you had performed so the car ride wasn’t as tormenting as it could have been. But from the moment you stepped foot in the hotel room the door was locked, and your lips were on Ben’s and your legs were wrapped around his waist.
It was early morning before you had stopped. You both finally so exhausted that you fell sound asleep. Ben woke you up at around 11:30 the next morning apologising as the directors had called him and he was needed back on set ASAP. His flight left in an hour, so you said goodbye, and a little more very quickly and he left. Your next show wasn’t until tomorrow night, but you were flying there later this afternoon.
Three months after Ben had left your US tour was finished, you had gotten so sick and exhausted for weeks now you had been nauseous and your whole body ached. Your period was late, it was the stress. It had to be the stress.  You now had two weeks before the European leg of the tour started, and you were going to stay with Lucy. She had about a week and a half left of filming and although you really wanted to go visit the set you just so sick you could barely move.
Lucy picked you up from the airport and she took you back to her apartment. She brought it up first, after you had been explaining your sickness she blurted it out before she could stop herself,
“Y/N what if your pregnant”
“don’t be ridiculous how could I be- oh shit”
“oh shit what. What do you mean oh shit”?
“he-h came and visited it was months ago fuck why didn’t I think of this” you were rambling and so distracted you did even see your best friends face,
“Y/N who visited who are you talking about Kevin” by now you were crying, you shook your head
“no not Kevin, ben” Lucy gasped,
“ben who, Y/N”
“Ben Hardy” Lucy had that smirk,
“I knew it, I knew you were who he had been talking to”
“your not mad” you were so worried, that she would think you were unprofessional or soothing,
“not at all I don’t care I saw how you too looked ta each other when you first met, it was bound to happen”
So you explained to her when he came and surprised you three months ago and how you spent all night together alone in the hotel room, she was happy for you. That you had moved on form Kevin, but the looming issue was still there. Were you pregnant or not? Lucy disguised herself and drove down the street to the local pharmacy and brought a few tests.
You were terrified, your career had barely even begun and here you were at 21 and potentially pregnant to a man who’s 7 years older than you. You thought about your options, but you knew you would keep it. You had once promised yourself if something like this were to happen you would only get rid of it if it was going to harm you or if you weren’t going to be able to support a child. From what you knew it wasn’t hurting you and you had plenty of funds to support a baby.
You tried to think and work it out, the European part of your tour was only 3 months long. By the end you would be six-ish months pregnant. That’s not too bad. If you altered some of the choreography and costumes, you could probably hide it from the fans until then. It would all work out in the end.
You were brought out of your dream land when Lucy came back. She passed you the first test and came with you into the bathroom.
So you sat. three whole minutes. 180 seconds. The timer went off and Lucy grabbed your hand.
“no matter what that says, I’m here for you we can work this out” you nodded, took a deep breath and turned the test.
You don’t even know how long you spent sobbing into Lucy’s arms. But eventually you got up and tried to fix yourself up. You and Lucy were meant to be meeting everyone for dinner tonight and it was 5 pm and you were a hot mess.
So, you showered, fixed your hair and did your makeup. You weren’t even sure how far along you were but now that you knew you were so paranoid that you look pregnant, so you put of two different pairs of spanx and threw on your least fitted outfit.
The dinner went well, considering you entire life had just changed an hour before and you were acting like you were perfectly fine. On the inside you were dying. You sat next to ben and he asked if you were okay more time than you could count. You felt horrible. You wanted to tell him, you really did but you couldn’t put that pressure on him. You could handle this own your own. Lucy surprised everyone with tickets to your London show at the end of dinner, and you were happy but terrified. Lucy had invited all the BoRhap boys as well as Roger and Brian. THE Roger Taylor and Brian May.  You were shitting yourself.
In the next two weeks you and Lucy went to the doctors and it was confirmed, you were 14 weeks pregnant. You had a meeting with your head of costuming and she agreed to fix your costumes as discretely as possible, so far only four people knew. Lucy, your doctor, your manager -Angela and your head of costume and makeup -JayJay.
Your London show came so fast, everyone had come backstage to see you. You were in your first costume once again . So far you hadn’t needed to fix the sizing you just wore a waist trainer and spanx underneath. You checked with the doctor who said it should be fine for a few hours for your shows, but you shouldn’t do it all the time. When you walked into your dressing room in your outfit Lucy gave you a worried look but she was confused when she saw no bump. You gave everyone hugs as they wished you luck, you thanked everyone for coming and promised them that this would be one of your best.
The show opened with one of your favourites on the album, God is a woman.  It was followed by breathin’ you spoke to the crowd and in a split second you had a costume change. You were wearing a sparkly red outfit now and your boots were now tan. You had changed your finale so when you changed into the lilac dress and boots, the first few beats of your new song filled the arena.
Breakfast at tiffany’s and bottles of bubbles,
Girls with tattoos who like getting in trouble,
Lashes and diamonds, ATM machine s
Buy myself all my favourite things
This was the first time your new song was being heard and the crowd loved it, 7 Rings was a hit and you finished the performance on a high like no other.
You came off and Lucy was there first screaming with joy
“WHERE THE HELL DID THAT SONG COME FROM ITS AMAZING” “it was a surprise its brand new I literally flew to LA the day before I came here to record it and we did the choro this morning” everyone was in awe of your work ethic and you were passed flowers and small gifts. you excused yourself to get changed. Lucy came with you.
“I can’t believe you went to LA to record the day before you came here, you were so sick that day”
“I know but they won’t let me perform songs until live recorded them in studio and I wanted to perform it for you guys” Lucy picked out an outfit for you before you both headed back to where everyone was.
Backstage the party was growing; your management had thrown a party to celebrate the start of your European tour.  Against all your wishes against it. Champagne was spilling, and the music was loud. You took a glass of champagne just for looks, you had no intentions of actually drinking it.
You found ben almost instantly and he embraced you, you still hadn’t told him but you were going to. Tonight. Its was selfish, you knew you were leaving on tour tomorrow and at least if he wanted nothing to do with you, you would be distracted. Heartbroken but distracted.
It was almost one and the party was still going strong, you took ben’s hand and asked if he wanted to back to your hotel room. You saw Lucy smile as you left, you had to do this. From the moment you were in the car the partition went up and all your plans went out the window. It was cruel, to keep the secret from him but a few moments of bliss before it could all potentially disappear was all you wanted.
You stopped it before it got too heated, one part of you said it was because of the paps and another was because you felt so guilty. Ben didn’t mention it. You went in through the back entry of the hotel and you went straight up to your room.
“Y/n what’s up you’ve been just a little off these last two weeks, Lucy said you’ve been sick” he paused, fuck. He knew. “are you okay, like are you really sick or something, last time I checked the flu doesn’t last for weeks” you sighed and ran you hand though your hair,
“no its not like that I’m not dying or anything I promise” you took a deep breath
“but there is something need to tell you” you sat down trying to calm your nerves, “now just know before I tell you I expect NOTHING from you okay but you deserve to know” Ben looked terrified, you were pretty sure he could have put two and two to bet but just to be clear you said it,
“I’m pregnant, 15 weeks to be exact and its yours”  he didn’t move you swore he barely even breathed. Tears were slipping down your cheeks you wanted him to do something, scream or yell anything was better than silence.
“please. Please say something I’m so sorry it took this long to tell you-“ but he cut you off when he attached his lips to yours.
“I love you Y/n I really fucking love you, and I was going to ask you tonight anyway, but will you be my girlfriend officially”
You nodded, not trusting your words.
“I love you to ben, I really fucking love you too”
You decided to announce your relationship to the fans the next day, as much as you wanted to keep it a secret the longer, they know about it  the less of a shock the pregnancy should be. Hopefully. You posted a selfie of you and Ben, he was kissing you sweetly and it was obvious what had taken place earlier. You had taken the picture month ago and you both loved it.
Now that Ben was finished filming BoRhap and his next project started in 3 months, so it seemed logical that he would  come on tour with you. You decided that he was going to head home and take a few weeks off just relaxing and what not then he would meet you when you got to Paris. It sounded perfect.
It worked. Tour was hard, each day your bump grew, and it was getting very difficult to hide it in the end. But with lighting and costuming you finished tour with a six-month-old baby bump and it was still a secret.  A few weeks into the euro tour you changed all your costumes to from body suits and peplum to flouncy dresses. They all looked gorgeous and you were totally going to be using then in your other tours.
Ben was a god send. You loved having him with you and when tour was over, he was moving to the states. After a hard decision he decided to move to your house, instead of you moving in with him. Living in LA would probably benefit him in the long run anyway, so it wasn’t too hard of a decision.
You had decided to announce your pregnancy at the BoRhap Premier. Your dress was ready. It was the first tight dress you had worn in a while and it perfectly showed your  7-month-old baby bump. The fans were loving your relationship and you hoped the reaction to this would be as happy.
The day of the premier had arrived and you had spent hours In hair and makeup, you were nervous. Excited but nervous. You swear you heard the gasps as you stood out from the car. You were sure it was already world wise news,
“Americas sweetheart Y/N pregnant at 22 to her 28-year-old boyfriend”
You spent the night being questioned about your bump; why it was kept a secret, how far along were you blah blah blah.
By the time you got inside you were exhausted. Your feet hurt, because you were wearing your beloved heels of course. Your face hurt from smiling and your back was killing. Ben tried to look after you, and he got you everything you wanted. Lucy and Rami had also announced their relationship tonight, so the press was buzzing with all this new information.  Lucy sat next to you laughing at all the notifications you were getting,
“hey baby I think you broke the internet have you checked anything”
“im too scared, can you. Check my twitter” Lucy nodded, and she gasped
“they love it. Everyone loves it. Look your fans they did the maths and realised you were pregnant on tour and they love you for it” you started crying. Fucking pregnancy and its hormones . what a relief.
The premier went well and once you flew home, you were on the plane with all the BoRhap boys and Lucy  because as they had promo for the next few weeks. You had already decided to do another album, and you had a few songs ready to go, that you were recording then once you had the baby you would take three ish months off and you would be back in the studio.  Your record company had decided instead of doing another tour if your album was received well you would do more events like award ceremonies  and music festivals. You agreed. You knew that you wanted to continue with music and your baby would always be your first priority.
On the exact day you were 39 weeks, you were standing in the recording booth, it was your last day and you had one last verse to record. Ben had promo all day and you were meeting for lunch in about and hour. As you sang your last lyric everyone clapped, and you were beaming.
“fuck”  this caught the attention of your manager,
“Y/n is everything okay?”
You shook your head,
“my waters just broke”
You were rushed into your car and Angela your manager drove to the hospital as you called ben. He was in the middle of an interview when he was ushered off stage,
“what wrong,”
“Y/n’s waters broke and she son her way to the hospital this interview finishes in about 5 then you’re going straight away”
When Ben arrived with Lucy in tow you were in the hospital bed trying get through another contraction.
At 3:21 pm your gorgeous baby boy was brought into the world. Noah Benjamin Jones was perfect in every way. He was a carbon copy of his father, much to your disgrace. Nine months of pregnancy and he looks like his father. Typical male.  
Noah was the perfect baby, and as you went back to work, he came along and was an angel. When Noah was three you toured again you took your little family with you. Noah loved to see all the new cities and he became a crowd favourite when he would come out and dance with his mamma on stage for his favourite song. History seemed to repeat itself and you found yourself pregnant again in your last few weeks of your second tour.
Your family grew,  your second child was born, a little girl Lucia Rae Jones, named after your best friend of course Lucy.  When Lucia or Cici, was six months old you and ben finally decided to get married. It was a quite a large wedding, but it was full of love and that mattered to you.
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runningwitches · 7 years
Summary: The reader is sad because they feel useless. Steve makes sure they know that’s not true and the party cheers them the heck up.
Request?: Nah M8 I’m just sad as heck
Word Count: 1819
A/N: i mean, seasonal depression and a neverending fear that nobody will ever love me and that I will die alone drove me to binge read a shit ton of steve harrington x reader fics and cry despite the fact that i havent finished season two of stranger things but im gonna write this anyways.
i guess this is steve x reader but thats not the main point of the story
idfk i just want to be loved
(umm, henderson! reader who is loved by everyone, i do not give a shit if this follows the exact storyline, ok? i just wanna be happy again) (also i do not look anything like a henderson! so reader can be adopted or some shit? maybe a cousin?  who tf knoes? not me, thats for sure !!
Warnings: Probably Season Two Spoilers, No Editing, Probably super OOC and all that because I started this at almost three in the morning and now its four and I’m exhausted but I cant sleep because I’m sad. Anyways I’m just trying to say that it’s bad but I’ll love you if you read it anyways.
I was curled up in my bed, isolating myself from everyone as per usual. After the events with the mind flayer and demodogs and upside down, I realized something pretty depressing. Nobody needed me. I mean like? Sure I was Dustin’s sister. And sure, I was kinda helpful in saving Steve’s ass from the demodogs and Billy, but it just feels as if I weren’t there, nobody would even notice. As if my presence had no positive value to anyone in The Party™.
So instead of socializing with them while they all played DnD and joked around, I sat myself in my room, wrapped in a blanket burrito, holding back tears. I had my music on in the background as I mindlessly flipped through one of the magazines my mom had bought for me. Everyone was downstairs as it was Dustin’s turn to host the DnD night, and everyone was over. I mean, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, and I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if I walked downstairs to find Joyce and Hopper there too. Every once in awhile I would hear some loud laughter come up from the group, signifying how happy they were without me there. It definitely wasn’t easy for me to sit there by myself staring blankly at the pictures of celebrities I didn’t even care about, but I continued to tell myself that they would be happier without me, attempting to drown out the sounds of their joy with the mixtape I had made for myself a little while back.
As I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing, trying to force the tears that had started to pool back into my eyes, I heard someone knocking on my door. I quickly wiped my eyes to ensure there weren’t any stray tears, pulled the blanket tighter around my body, and attempted to look miserable. But miserable in a sick way and not in a sad way. If it were anybody except Dustin or Steve, I knew I was going to be able to pull off the “I’m not feeling very well” charade, so my chances were pretty good (though odds were rarely skewed in my favor).
Of course with my luck my little brother came bursting through the door.
“(Y/N)! Why aren’t you down there playing DnD with us?!” he asked, voice booming loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. As I prepared to try my excuse with him to see if my acting skills had gotten any better, I noticed someone else walking through the door. Looking up, my watery eyes met the concerned look on Steve’s face.
“Hey shithead, stop screaming. You don’t need to tell everyone in Hawkins about your sister’s lack of participation in game night,” he said to Dustin, ruffling his hair and then muttering for him to go back downstairs. Dustin looked angrily at Steve for a moment before looking between us for a second, muttered something to himself, and then left the room, surprisingly closing my door as he left.
“What’s up with you lately? It’s not like you to miss game night, but you haven’t been to a single one these past few weeks.”
“I’m just not feeling well, Steve, don’t worry about it,” I told him, looking down at the magazine in my lap and trying to will the tears away.
“Don’t try that bullshit with me, (Y/N). I know you better than that, do you really think I’d believe that crap?”
“There’s no bullshit to be had Steve, just go back downstairs, I’ll be fine,” I told him, yet I still refused to make eye contact. So when he sat down on the edge of my bed, put two fingers under my chin, and lifted my head up in order for me to make eye contact, I saw his face immediately soften.
“I’m not gonna go back downstairs until I figure out what’s wrong with my favorite girl.”
It took all of the resolve in the world for me to not break down at those two words, and it still didn’t even work. “Favorite girl?” I repeated, but only in my own head. “There’s no way I’m his favorite girl, he’s lying to me. Everyone always lies to me” I told myself. And in that second it was like the dam was broken. The tears started to fall freely from my face. I curled myself into more of a ball than I already was, which was a surprising feat of human flexibility, if I’m being completely honest. Steve’s arms immediately went around me, pulling us closer to each other, and practically pulling me into his lap.
I didn’t say a word as he stroked my hair and shushed me softly, I simply let out a series of what I would consider disgusting sobs.
He continued whispering to me, little things telling me that I’d be okay, or that he was there for me, or that everything was gonna be fine. As my breathing finally evened out, he hadn’t asked me what was wrong like I had expected, so I knew I had to speak up.
“Why are you even here, Harrington?” I asked him bitterly.
“What do you mean?” he replied, exasperated.
“Why do you even care about me?” I reiterated with a sniffle.
“Why do I care about you? (Y/N) what are you on about? It would take me ages to list all of that back to you.” I didn’t respond, but I allowed myself to relax a bit, leaning now onto his chest instead of holding myself as far away as I could while somehow still being in his lap. “(Y/N) you’re wonderful. You care so much about all of the kids, sometimes I think you out-mom even their own mom’s.” That was greeted with a sharp exhale from my nose which was (correctly) interpreted as a laugh. “You’re fucking badass. You can use a gun, a bat, a hockey stick, and pretty much anything else you can get your hands on to slay monsters, like real life monsters.” He checked my face after this comment, and was lucky he did, because he almost missed the slight curl of my lips. “You never let anybody get in the way of doing what needs to be done. Not even racist douchebags that show up and kick my ass. And you certainly don’t take shit from anyone.” A few more tears fell from my eyes, but he grabbed my face and used his thumbs to wipe them away, looking into my eyes. “And you’ve got a whole group of teenagers sitting down there worried sick about you because you mean so much to all of them.”
I sniffled again and threw my arms around his neck, whispering an almost inaudible, “Thank you.”
“Of course, sweetheart. Now let’s go get you cleaned up so we can finish that game of DnD.” I almost blushed at the pet name he gave me, if he didn’t sweep me up into his arms and carry me to the bathroom so I could rinse my face off. He made sure to grab my blanket from my bed and grabbed my hand to lead me down the stairs.
“Wow, it’s so nice of you to join us,” Dustin said the second we were down the stairs, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Steve shot him a look that said, “shut up or I’ll kill you,” while I just gave him a small smile. Before I even got settled on the couch I was smothered by two bear hugs.
“I missed you (Y/N),” El told me, gripping me in probably the tightest hug I’ve ever had. “You were gone for three weeks!”
“Yeah dude! Don’t leave us alone with these losers for that long ever again!” Max exclaimed, hugging me almost as tight as El was.
I smiled down at both of them, hugging them back just as fiercely. Looking up, I saw the smile Steve had on, but I ignored it in favor of the smiles on my girls’ faces. Ruffling their hair, I removed myself from their grips and went to sit on the couch between Steve and Nancy.
“It’s a good thing you came back (Y/N). I almost killed your brother, and not in the campaign, in real life. I’m pretty sure you’d be the only one who could stop me.” I chuckled to myself and then smiled at Lucas.
“It’s a good thing that I’m back then, huh?”
Will looked up at me this time, “Definitely! I was waiting for you to come down so I could show you this drawing!” I smiled down at him, glancing briefly at Jonathan, only enough to recognize the immense pride on his face at the fact that Will was genuinely happy and smiley. He brought it up to show me a picture that he had drawn of me fighting a monster, a cute little label that pertained to my name at the top. “Steve said you fought a monster and won! And I didn’t even get to see it. So I thought I’d draw it out for you.”
“I love it Will!” I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug and looking at the drawing again. It wasn’t until this second look that I noticed a label by the monster’s head as well. It simply read, “Billy” with a little arrow to indicate that the monster I was beating up was named Billy. I laughed at the naming of the monster and pulled Will into another hug, pressing a light kiss to the top of his head. He grabbed the drawing and placed himself back into his spot.
“(Y/N), you want to hop in on this campaign? We’ve still got a while left to go and we’re in a pretty good spot to add another character?” Mike offered, as he was playing Dungeon Master.
“Yeah, come on (Y/N)! You haven’t actually played in forever!” Dustin added.
The rest of the group added their own chorus of “Yeah”s to try and convince you to join.
“Okay, I guess. But only if I get to be a healer! I’m tired of killing the monsters,” I joked, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.
“Okay, okay, so the group walks up to the tavern in town, hoping for a nice evening away from the fighting for once. But the open the door and see, A MOM, not just A mom, it’s their mom!”
“What?” El asked.
“Mike what are you on about?” Lucas added.
“OH MY GOD, (Y/N)’S GONNA BE LIKE OUR TEAM’S MOM!” Max shouted in realization. The whole group looked at Mike in anticipation. “Well obviously, how else would I have gone about this? It’s perfect, and the perfect position to make her the healer.”
“I mean, technically she’s my sister,” Dustin announced, implying that you couldn’t be his mom.
“See (Y/N), I told you I was gonna kill him.”
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
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In preparation for Final Tribal Council, the final 3 reflect on those who have fallen...
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I can’t say I know much about Brandon, but I can say it’s pretty fucked up that a Sagittarius was the first elimination in a Zodiac themed game
We didn’t really play together, but you’re a sweetheart and I’m sure if I knew you I’d believe you were robbed too soon!
I’m not sure if I got a message from you or not. I wanted to get to know you but Warzone twist was very nerve wracking twist.
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Willow! My Solomon Islands friend/betrayer. I was very excited by the prospect of getting the chance to reconnect with Willow and I was so bummed we only spent one Oasis together. At first I was worried that maybe she would think I was out for revenge, but I have only good blood with Willow and I absolutely wish her so much luck in Montenegro.
MY NORTH CAROLINA KWEEN! I was SO sad to see you voted out. You were so kind to me, and I really appreciate the time we did get to spend together!
You were very nice. And we worked together in warzone for a vote or two. I was hoping that we could have worked together in this game.
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This game definitely would have gone a lot differently if we didn’t get Nehe out when we did. I genuinely enjoyed getting to know Nehe even though I already had the preconceived notion that he would be a schemer. Also, by far the best Tik Tok that anyone made was Nehe’s solo piece. It was so *Chef’s Kiss*
Oml Nehe! I’m so sorry we blindsided you so hard but it had to be done and I think you know that. But I love you you crackedt legend.
oh Nehe. You were a blast to talk to. Game wise I never really knew where your head was at. At our first tribal you lied to me and voted Renee. Would love to talk to you though and get to know you more.
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I’m sorry I never got the chance to meet Taylor, because I will always have a good impression of someone with Gillian as their avi.
Didn’t really communicate with you too much, and I think this warzone I wasn’t present for, but I’m sure you’re lovely!
You were someone I could have see  playing this game with. I still feel like maybe there was a way to save you but everyone seemed set on you.
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Jacob was a sweetheart, we share a lot of similar tastes in games and music and I definitely could have seen myself working more closely with Jacob if things didn’t go down the way they did. Nothing was more pure than trying and failing to explain moon phases with Kait to Jacob because I realized about halfway through I didn’t know nearly enough about them either.
MY FELLOW CANCER CRUSTACEAN CWEEN. I love you..so much. You had to fall so I could sprint to where I am now I suppose, and I hope I represent our emotional mess of a sign well here at the end. I miss u.
I hope one time we are able to play a game  and work together. I really want to get to know you more, we dont really talk a lot during these games. So lets talk hopefully you want to.
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Adrian my Aquarius pal, sorry I had sacrifice you to the Survivor Gods when I heard people were targeting sign partners. We absolutely slayed the sign partner stage of the game, not going to any Warzones and it certainly was in no small part thanks to Adrian.
I was truly really sad to see you go. you always brought such a good energy to every conversation we had, and I love that so much. BUT OUR SEASON IS GONNA BE SO GOOD EVERYONE APPLY TO OUR SEASON!
ugh. You were gone too soon. We worked together with Nehe vote and then taken out couple rounds later. I wished we could have worked together more. You were awesome and really nice.
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Stevie and I chatted a whole bunch when we got the chance and I can’t think of a bad thing to say about him, although I can apologize that I never answered the message he sent me after he got eliminated saying “How’s it going?”. It was going good but I didn’t wanna cheat. I’ll answer it soon I promise.
YOU’RE SO SWEET OML. I just miss talking to you.
I didnt get to talk to you much in this game. We were kinda not in many warzones together. But your awesome.
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I think I inherited Chloe’s cockroach energy after she was eliminated. Truly everyone was constantly throwing Chloe’s name out there and I was NEVA happy about it, and I was even sadder about voting her out. Chloe and I had a very underrated and secret friendship and we voted together about every time until she was eliminated. I literally hope she’s finally feeling better because she was so sick and sleepy for the whole game and people didn’t get the chance to know her like I did.  
The odds were truly stacked against us women and I was NOT a feminist player bc I vote for you..several times. Also really sad that we bonded right before you left. but you have bomb taste in music and I’d truly love to talk to you after the season is over.
We never got to talk much. There were a few times we did but it was mostly just hi and then convo died. He seemed really nice.
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Although I only know Matt B as the reason I still have to use my last initial in my confessionals, I have heard from everyone else that Matt B is a great guy. I hope that if I do win, nobody is disappointed to find out that it was me and not you.
we didn’t interact too much honestly! would love to chat after the season, but unfortunately I don’t have a ton to reference right now!
I was extremely sad when I found out you were voted off. You didnt deserve that. I think you were one of the few people from first impressions that I wanted to work with. I really wanted to play this game with you after you co-hosted me. It was nice getting to know you during the first warzone.
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Renee was the vote that started it all for me. My very first Warzone that really taught me how much of a fucking warzone it actually was. I felt bad about betraying Renee, but it absolutely kick started the relationship I had with Maynor and Madison because we bonded over missing her and were really pulling for her to come back from Lagoon.
my actual fucking queen oh my GOD. your vote was the ONLY one I didn’t know what was happening. I had no idea you were leaving and it honestly broke my heart.
My heart. RENEE playing with you in the beginning of this game was so awesome. Talking and us planning on making it to the end. I would have gone to the end with you. I was rooting for you to come back. But I was happy to meet you and I hope we can continue to talk after. ❤️
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Stephen was a super nice guy, and I always appreciate the Aussies who are playing on an entirely different sleep schedule than the rest of us.
I feel..SO BAD FHJSJDJS. I’ve robbed you from so many games and I SWEAR IT’S NOT PERSONAL! I truly love you as a person! we just ALWAYS end up on opposite sides. you also terrify me though bc you’re SUCH a good player. I always have to have an open eye on you, and I really respect that. you’re a gem, never change.
ooo Stephen  this vote was sad but it was everyone saying your name. In this game we talked but it was as good communication like our other game. You know you mean a lot to me because we been through a game n you hosting me.
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Trace and I played Maluku together like 100 years ago and when I look back at the games we played then and the games we played now I’m very proud of the growth. I had some very nice genuine conversations with Trace about relationships and life and Survivor and I never thought that back in Maluku when I was dumb and petty that I would end up saying I found a friend in Trace. I’m sorry our Queer Eye alliance fell apart almost immediately but I realized he was such a big threat.
Trace omg. I loved playing with you and working together while we did! Our alliance was SO cute. I’m sorry if you hold me voting you against me, but you scared me so much, and I feel like our games would’ve inevitably ended before FTC if we’d both stayed in the game. But I have so much respect for you as a player and a person. queer eye til we die.
I was working with you in this game and I was glad to have met you. You were like a very scary player to me for some reason. Your vote off was the start of the game really starting to be more strategic.
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Corey was one of my favorite people to talk to in the game because I felt like we could literally gab about absolutely anything. We bonded almost immediately at the very first Oasis, and had emotional motion sickness ™ ever since then. It was a sad day when I had to do Corey in the revote after that nutty partner tribal and even sadder when I found out he wasn’t coming back. Genuinely to this day Madison and I talk about how Corey would have hands down won the game if it was judged on music taste alone.
my FATHER/SON. voting you out made me legitimately cry! I LOVED working with you and you were truly my ride or die until there was nothing I could do. trying to save you that night is probably one of my worst moves this game but I don’t regret it for a second. I love you so much and I’m so glad we got to play together again and be the cutest alliance..ever. queer eye til we die.
Your vote off was one of the sad ones. You coming to me to try and save you was really heartbreaking. I wanted to save you but during that time there was an alliance and wanted to be in good terms  with them until there was a time for a move. Also timmy and I were really nervous we were getting votes. Im sorry  ❤️ stay in contact. I went to lush andnit was amazing.
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Thomas went out in a blaze of glory and it was a lot of fun to watch. Anyone that Kait vouches for so vehemently is good in my book. “Fuck you Timmy” is our “Fuck you Brad Culpepper”.
THOMAS U SWEETIE! I feel like I’ve said this a lot but there are truly so many kind, genuine people in this cast and I’m so grateful to have been a part of this season with all of you. you made me mad nervous in this game because I never quite knew what you were doing, and we weren’t close, but I felt like we were pretty chill until your vote. you may disagree ofc, but that’s how I see it! I can’t wait to talk after this season omg.
i really liked talking to you and you were an awesome person. I want to get to know you more so lets talk after the game. That twist was kinda an oof one. Im sorry that was how you went. Hopefully we can play another game together.
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KAIT is honestly the LOML. I absolutely would have gone to the final 3 with Kait even though I probably would have lost. I’m just excited to finally be able to play Smash and Pokemon Sword and Shield with the Paradise Hotel alliance. Besides doing the Logic Puzzle with Kait and having the WRONG clues, having to let Kait go was the hardest thing I had to do in the game but at the same time it really catapulted me to play the rest of the season without the comfort of having someone I trusted so implicitly.
love. of. my. fucking. life. there are 2 people I made a conscious choice to not vote for despite knowing I’d be in the minority, and you’re one of them. I knew you were going and that there was nothing I could do without risking my game, and you knew that too, but we had each other’s backs from day 1 and I’m so so so glad I got to play with you. you’re also just a fucking dope person. I just wanna be ur friend after this no matter what you’re so fun.
You were super nice. We mainly talked in our alliance chat. You were a threat in my eyes because you were really tight with Owen. I really want to talk more as well after the game.
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Owen was the other ⅓ of the Paradise Hotel alliance and my Chicago friend and I think was the only person besides Chips who everyone agreed would absolutely win in a Final 3. I should’ve been mad that Owen sunk ⅔ of the advantages that I had original hit, but I knew they were with someone I could trust.
WE FINALLY GOT TO WORK TOGETHER! you’re the other person I consciously didn’t vote for despite knowing you were going. I knew you had to leave when you did for me to slip through the cracks to get to where I am now, and no one would’ve let you make it to the end, but I’m so grateful for our alliance and for you as a person and that emily wasn’t here to fuck us up!
ily. You were one of the people I talked to the most in this game. It was really hard to write down your name twice. I realized and so did everyone else that you were a huge threat in this game and if we didnt take the opportunity to take you out, you were would have been winning this game. Lets continue talking after this game because I really miss talking to you.
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Ian and I were both great pals and bitter rivals. There was a point after the double idol play at the partner tribal where the two of us really aired all of our differences and talked about how we could move forward in the game with a mutual respect for each other and a mutual love of writing graphic novels, and naturally it came down to another tiebreaker between us, and I enjoyed every moment of it.
literally the happiest we got to play together again. we were never QUITE on the same page, but never QUITE on different ones either. you’re so intelligent and that..scares me!
I loved talking to you as well. Me you and corey talking about how we all loved each diff starter. It was very difficult to right down your name but you were also a big person that could have won this game if they reached the end. We also need to stay in contact after the season. ❤️
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Cullan is like 18 years old and I was absolutely terrified of him as a player. We got along fairly well in the beginning and it was a shame that we ended up at odds with one another in the game.  I told Madison I chose to vote Cullan over Chips because I was afraid she was gonna self vote at Live Tribal, but truly I knew the only way for me to advance was to get rid of the guy I knew was a threat with advantages, challenges, AND jury votes.
omg you’re so nice. I’m so glad we got to play together, and although it had to happen, I was sad to see you go. (Im running out of time typing my ROP’s but I hope you know I love you)
you were soo nice and very precious. We had a working relationship with each other but towards the end or some votes I couldnt let you in on which felt really bad. You are an awesome person and I hope we can talk more after the game.
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I started out very wary of Timmy during that isolation twist and after the Owen/Kait blindside, and especially when we had an actual polite disagreement about voting Owen out instead of Ian, but Timmy really came through for me in voting for Ian instead of me and I ended up actually really bummed that we cut him at final six. He was an undeniably good player.
TIMMY. WE DID IT. sort of? we talked more than we have in any other game I think? and we actually worked together on some votes! also I’m gonna say that me flipping the vote onto you was claiming my IOU for not voting against you during the Corey round.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ i was sooooo sad when you went home. Like i didnt talk to anyone that night because i was so heartbroken. You were my longest ride or die in this game and im sad we didnt get to make it to the end together. You know i love you and your the best person and im glad i have had the honor to play 3 games now with you. We gotteb way closer since my first org were we first meet. And i hope our friendship growers more.
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Sweet sweet Chips. Thank you for sharing pictures and stories of your actually adorable baby Calvin, and even more so for saving me at the Ian vote. I like Chips and trusted him so much that I was willing to take the risk of bringing him to Final 4, and even Final 3, but eventually I had to take off the rose colored glasses and realize that everyone liked Chips way too much.
that first boot to FTC character development could NOT happen and I know you know that, but I’m so impressed by the game you played and I hope you are too. you crushed it. I can’t wait for our best duo award.
i am happy that I got to meet you. I was sad when you left in the beginning. We also had a working relationship together but never a solid thing. Im was glad to talk with you about baking and I will let u know when i try to make the tie dye cookies. You are very nice and just plan great.
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Going against Devon in that tiebreaker was very poetic, because we truly made for a great pair of “frenemies”. I admire Devon’s resilience and the way he sticks to his own guns, and the fact that a man over 10 years older than me slayed me in a balance challenge was pretty hardcore.
oh..my gosh. our alliance was a ROLLERCOASTER! like we were chill during the warzone phase, and then we weren’t, and then we really pulled it through at the end for BOTH OF US. you really turned the tables for your game after losing Ian, and I’m really impressed. I really hope we can talk after this season because I love you as a person.
i dont know where to begin. We gotten really close since the merge started. It was never easy writing your name down and I wish I could have taken you to the f3 but in my eyes you were a threat based on your relationships with the jury. It may be a mess because Matt might win but the fire was like the best chance to give it a fair shot between you two. I hope you understand the game move. But we need to stay in contact after the game. 
0 notes
survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 3 “Back On My Bullshit” Alex S.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that I am Back On My Bullshit and doing That https://youtu.be/VLVChQE7uY8
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So last round, I almost died.  Everyone had apparently decided that between me and Patrick, I was the one to go.  I was the target and it wasn't like anyone was pushing for it, it was just that it was the idea settled upon.  It took me 23 hours.  23 hours to basically get it through these thick skulls that I should NOT be going home.  23 hours to shove Patrick under a bus and save my own ass.  And yet, with 1 hour left, another bitch got in the way.  Kage, in all his pointless paranoia, decided to try to reflip the vote in the last hour.  The FUCK?  I had worked so hard on flipping it that it made NO sense for it to be flipped back, especially not in the last hour.  I had convinced nearly everyone to save me, sans Tommy who had already voted and apparently Kage, and yet he tried to flip it.  WHATTTT the fuck?  So, I went into the one world chat like "lol Kage bye girl!"  And he apparently went right back to everyone and said "jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk!"  UGH.  He's a sweet kid and I get the paranoia because I felt it all of yesterday, but c'mon... At the moment, I trust Jonathan a ton.  He told me I was in danger and needed to push the idea despite me thinking everything was peachy.  I also love Crow and Jaiden for working with Zack and seeing how that mess turned out LOL and now working with me.  Crow was apparently really pushing for me to stay.  A motherfucking KING.  Sarah was also really nice about everything and helped me from the get-go.  Linus is m'dad and Alex is pretty rad!!  Ashley fell asleep oops.  But I think her and I would be good together.  And Richie was telling me the full truth the whole time which also woke me up to the idea that I was still in danger.  Also Junior is really cool and adult-y. I think now that I had to work SO hard to save myself, I should be in a better position on my tribe because I've had so many conversations with so many people, and a lot of it was strategy.  So I feel like people know where my head is at.  Right now, though, my target is between Tommy and Kage.  While I know Kage is a messy bitch, Tommy's won this game.  That's insanely dangerous.  And I know he voted early but girl.... he was the only one beside Kage and Patrick (who I was actively targeting)...
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Me and Brian
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I apologize for not submitting a confessional round two. I definitely was in Omaha auditioning for American Idol and those bitches told me a deserved no after my voice cracked during auditions *starts to cry*. Literally my tribe is so supportive but I'm actually fine about it. It's kinda funny that they think I like wanna die because of it but I'm literally okay. I tried and failed and what matters is that I tried.
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Sup Fuckerinos! First things first I'd like to apologize for not making a confessional episodes 1 or 2. I've been busy^tm. Also I'd like to thank the hosts for this opportunity! So recap I was placed on the heroes tribe with literally the entire Solomon hosting team, Johnny, and the Malaysians. So when we lost the first challenge an alliance was created consisting of me, Pippa, Andrew, Kendall, Drew, Alex, & Johnny. Mist was voted out 11-1 (and Mist voted for me :') kms) because literally everyone and their damn mother came to that conclusion with a little point in the right direction from our alliance. I'm not going to lie I'm kind of pissed that everyone wanted Mist when we had the opportunity to vote out someone who's more threatening like Drew, Steffen, or Andrew but if no one else is down to do it then I guess I can't do anything about that RIP Mist. Andrew wants to get out Kendall and/or Alex instead of Drew and I see where he's coming from but I think he's too trigger happy and I think he's failing to realize that there are and will be repercussions to the things he does. Including the backlash that he will feel from the other heroes even Pippa but I can't tell him anything because I obviously don't know anything. He's got such a fucking hard head but if he wants to be stubborn and reckless let him because I'm not going to let him ruin my redemption arc even if we are good friends. I'll write his name down and not think twice. I'll shed only one tear for what could've been but was ruined by his reckless ass. Also I have something with Steffen on the side so if worse ever comes to worse I have him and I really like Trace and Ruthie so maybe I could do something with that? Idk but besides Andrew I really like this tribe. Blood is going to start spilling soon so I hope these bitches brought their heels. 
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Okay so I'm seeing myself becoming a lot nastier in the last few days....maybe these villains are rubbing off on my obviously heroic personality?? Firstly, I can now see why people had issues with Tommy in Cutthroat now....he's so hard to talk to... I feel he means well as a person but I just have a gut feeling that he's lying to me a lot.... Like about how his vote was locked "too early"? Seems convenient that you mention this to people AFTER the votes are revealed and you're in the minority? And then threatening me with the possibility of drawing rocks if it were to go to 6-6-1? Seriously? It's insulting... As of now, I'm probably closest to Sarah, Brian, Jaiden, and Jonathan so if I can maintain those relationships and reach out to the Linus/Junior duo I feel confident I can hang with these villains!
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Listen I know this is my first confessional and that's awful of me but like I haven't had anything to say until this moment. If This selfie scavenger hunt Comes down to the geopositional division of the tribes And whose sun sets first Imma lose it It will be a tantrum And you will all bear witness to what happens when moving stress has pushed a person to the very edge, and the last string snaps.
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Well, we lost another immunity. I am thinking maybe we should go afterJonathan, who pretty much did NOTHING for this scavenger hunt. But honestly I aint going to speak my mind because it could get me killed. In a game with this many people my strategy for right now will be to lay low, just not too too low. Hopefully Sarah or Tommy will run the show. For now.
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WELL we lost again and im pissed bc i dont feel comfortable with my position on this tribe i havent formed good relationships with anyone and that's how i play these games by making 1 on 1 relationships with people that keep me safe until i can make moves but ugh idk theres just no one here that i........connect with???
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So I guess my name is going around... I mean I am literally sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor packing to move so I can't really help being a little inactive on the chatting side, but challenge wise I have done quite a bit for this tribe so far, and I am really people can see that. but I mean oh well. 
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HFDJKA;VHJDFKAL NOW I KNOW WHY THE FOUR OF THEM WANTED TO WORK TOGETHER FUCKING DREW ALEX KENDALL AND ISAAC WERE ALL IN MALAYSIA AND THEY DRAGGED ME AS THEIR FIFTH AND PIPPA AND ANDREW AS 6TH AND 7TH OML THEY GOTTA GO THIS IS LITERALLY THE PERFECT CASE TO TURN ON THEM. The only person I told I wanted Ruthie out was Andrew, but now I'm not even sure if I'd want to take Ruthie out this round because those four could be so threatening down the road, but I also have to keep in mind that those four all being from Malaysia is target enough when we all get together as heroes AND villains, so maybe I just take the safe route and go for Ruthie here, and then if we lose for the third time, that's when I pull everyone else into the fold and it can be everyone against the four of them to AT LEAST get Kendall and Alex out of here because they're too damn good. I'm trying to take out all the really good players early, but I also think there's a chance that'll make me oober vulnerable, so I'm not too sure what the plan is yet. I guess I'll just play it out for now and see what my closest people think. I'm definitely going to tell Dom, Trace and Steffen about the four of them all playing in Malaysia together. This is where my research gets me! FUCK YES!
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Steffen is probably about to make a confessional about how I was moving 100000 miles a minute with everything I was throwing at him. Just be prepared LMAO
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I hate this game. Every round, I think the game is going to simplify, but this villains tribe is a complete mess and I wouldn't be shocked if we lost the duel and had to go to yet another tribal council 24 hours from our current one. Apparently, the vote is between Ashley and Jonathan for being extra quiet this round.  What scares me is that I have no reason to really vote either out.  I'd much rather vote Tommy or Kage who I have no intention on working with in the future ever ever ever.  I don't have a personal issue with either, I just don't see myself ever working with someone who tried to vote me out.  It's not logical.  But then again, nothing that's happened on this crusty ass tribe has been logical.  Vote me out over Pat?  Majority said so until I flipped it (with some help who really pushed the move over the edge). This round, I guess I want Ashley to go?  But I don't want to draw lines.  I'd rather Kage go in an easy vote and that's that.  But it ain't happenin' and I really don't need my name circulating yet again. Here's to hoping I don't get idoled out or go via rocks... please...
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BITCH the villains tribe is a fucking mess i cant stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this vote is fucking ridiculous again no one has a clear plan theres no way of getting anyone to tell you whats actually going down its all just second hand names being tossed out and its like.... driving me fucking crazy theres 24 people still in the game so im just trying to lay low which im sure thats what everyone else is trying to do and thats why no one is just outright saying who they're voting for and like i get it but i want to die!!??? it looks like either jonathan ashley or kage are going... jonathan is inactive i've only spoken 2 words to him and he hasnt done anything to help in the immunity challenges so its easiest to vote him out but i liked him when he called out kage for his bullshit in the tribe chat so that was fun ashley is pretty inactive too but she helped more in the scavenger hunt BUT shes also wicked connected to people in this game from past tumblr survivor games relationships she has played with a lot of people in this game and thats scary to let her stay around and utilize those relationships kage i dont think is a real option but just ashley being mad that he is one of the ones that has said her name but i'd be cool with that because we've talked a good amount but i can tell he's a messy player he caused a lot of last minute chaos at our first tribal and i feel like kage tommy and linus have something going on so id like to break that potential group up idk whats going to happen bc this tribe is a literal disaster if i had to guess i'd assume jonathan will be leaving tonight and idc who it is as long as im still here (although i do need alex to stay for sanity reasons) i just dont want a tie or to be in minority and with that i guess we'll see what actually happens ugh why the fuck did yall think i was a villain fuck you i want to be over there with the good bitches 
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God I keep half forgetting to make confessionals please don't hate me. I really do enjoy our tribe, winning challenges is great but I'm afraid that people are simply talking more than I am which is my fear. I'm around but not specifically talking with people. I hope the Early 30s know I'm working with them whole heartedly and don't try and back stab me. Other than that I'm living life and having fun.
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 I have a feeling that an idol is gonna come out and I love being messy, so voting for Kage was just so he can be #afraid that his name came up. And like lowkey a fucking Sapphire idol could show up so who knows what happens with that. I'm just trying to fuck some lives over though so IF THAT HAPPENS, then maybe I'll be the only vote to eliminate Kage? Lmao
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGhgF8_Uxk third babes
0 notes
abakersquest · 7 years
According to Captain Blackeye, the Lunar Swell shaved four days off the six it would’ve taken to get to Galaga Island, affording them all two days to come to know one another better. On the first night, the meeting in the small dining room just below deck was a cramped and stilted experience until Wally set to work in the galley. As he found the space just the right size for him to work, he concluded it was Polly who prepared any of the captain’s meals, as imagining the bulky frame of the great commander of the sea doing anything in the small kitchen was far too hilarious to have ever actually happened.
The smell of whatever Wally happened to be cooking put everyone at ease enough to turn the atmosphere from confined into cozy. When the meal was finally placed before them, they all ate as if food was a long forgotten concept.
“Mm! Wally! What is this?!” Rozzi said as she hurriedly swallowed another mouthful.
“Well the galley’s storage didn’t exactly have a lot of variety, a number of drie goods and cured meats and a few containers with rice and spices… So I threw together an Icthyite recipe I knew with some of the vegetables I picked up at Areca. I mixed some potash into Wistea’s, extra salt for the Captain and Polly, a touch more meat in Hector’s, and a bit of bitter fruit in yours because Cri’tet told me you enjoyed that sort of thing.”
Blackeye savored his last bite quite audibly before speaking in an awestruck tone, “By the currents lad, if you’re this talented with a pot and pan, why on Mondia d’ya stick with makin’ cakes?”
Wally finished serving himself and sat at the table with everyone. “Well, aside from more personal reasons, there were dozens of cooks in Animana, but bakers were in short supply. After the war, everyone got used to making their own bread which, anyone will tell you, is the mainstay of any baker. So it was a difficult business, one where you had to be creative to survive. Everything about it appealed to me and the rest was just leading up to that.”
Polly attempted to speak in an ancient language that had never been deciphered, as it required the speaker to almost choke on the food filling their mouth at the time. As was always the case with innovators in said language, only a few garbled noises escaped before the food won out and made a direct charge on the throat. She beat on her chest to force down the mass of chewed rice, meat, and vegetables before it finally plopped into her belly.
“Chew then talk, sunshine.” Captain Blackeye nudged Polly’s drink toward her, which she happily gulped down to ease her throat.
“Captain,” began Hector. “I’ve been meaning to ask… A ship this size would need at least ten hands to manage. Even if you could do the work of five sailors, that’s still five short. What happened to your crew?”
“Gone on to betta things I bet. Told them I’d wait for the swell and sent’em off. That’s the way for us at sea. We drift on as the currents guide, maybe we run into each other on the way. But, some just stick with you… S’how I ended up with this little one here.” Blackeye patted his granddaughter on the head. “No doubt it’s clear she ain’t exactly the spittin’ image of this old fish. Her mam was a member of my crew ‘til she passed. She always had the habit to call me ‘pappy’ and it just kinda stuck, loved her the way father’s do and came time to deal with this one, I was happy to do it.”
“Mam was the ship’s navigator, so I do that now.” Polly said proudly.
“If I may also ask a question,” remarked Wistea. “How is it we were able to reach the top of the swell? I honestly felt as if we were going to tumble back into the ocean for a moment there.”
“Aha, that’s our Kettle Engine! Y’no doubt done seen the big metal bits ‘round the stern, yeah? That’s where the steam builds up from the boiler just under the galley. You take in sea water; boil it up ‘til y’get steam, then throw the switch by the wheel and OFF YA GO! Got it years back from a fella from Insicai named Rollo.”
Wistea suddenly sat a little straighter. “… I know I really should not be surprised to hear when one storied individual meets another but… You actually MET Rollo Poda, the so-called ‘Shining Star’ of Insicai?”
“Met ‘im? I carted him around Mondia for a year after the war was over. Said he was looking for something, didn’t tell me what ever. But he was a brave sort, liked him plenty, so I helped him out. Plus, I got to see some pretty amazing things on the way and he gave me the Kettle Engine as a gift. The God’s Fortune was already the fastest thing on any waters, that just made it even faster!”
“May I… See the boiler?” Wistea could barely contain her excitement.
Blackeye looked to Polly who happily hopped onto her feet and gestured to Wistea to follow. Her chair nearly toppled as she sprung from it and squeezed past everyone.
“Guess Poda was a big deal,” Wally concluded as he finished off his plate and set about cleaning the table. “Mind you the curiosity’s infectious now... I’ve been meaning to ask how you knew I used Fire magic.”
“You smelled like you’d been inside a furnace.”
Wally recalled being the center of a massive geyser of flame a few days earlier. “You could call what I did that…”
“Eh? Not that! I can tell that happened days ago… All magic usin’ folk got a smell to ‘em.” He gestures his fork at Rozzi. “She smells like a breeze o’ spring so she got Air magic.” He points to Hector. “This one’s a fresh rain, Storm magic. Your greenie friend smells like a mess’a flowers, Forest magic.”
Hector sat back. “Blimey, and I thought my nose was sharp.”
“Aaah, you’ll get there someday! Years of practice iz’all.”
“So you’ve met other people with Fire magic who had the power of insight?”
“All them magics come with lil’ extras y’never notice until you do. Fire folk shine their light on the absolute truth. Air folk are agile as leaves on wind. Storms c’n move faster than a blink when they want, Forests live long and hold onto memory like steel traps.”
“What about the others?” Rozzi said as she leaned in.
Blackeye grumbled a bit before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head. “Ain’t gonna tell ya.”
“What? Why?!”
He chuckled quietly. “Where’s the fun in me tellin’ ya? Ain’t an adventure iffin’ I just toldja everythin’, eh? We meet some, then I’ll tell ya.”
Hector sat up, his tone serious. “Captain, Sir, I mean no offense but this is hardly an ‘adventure’. This is-”
Wally held up his hand, cutting Hector off. “He’s not going to tell us, Hector. His mind’s made up… We’ll be thinking on the fly half the time anyway, so better he tell us when we need to know it most.”
Hector stared at Wally for a moment before finally relaxing in his seat and going back to his meal, replying between mouthfuls, “Alright… But I don’t have to like it…”
A day away from port, the towering mass of water that carried them over the great expanse of ocean finally began to shrink, just as the captain had predicted. As the swell calmed, Blackeye saw fit to salute its passing and thanked it for the comfortable ride. Soon, when the sun rose to midday, Wally found himself looking out over the water again, but not in calm reflection. Something in the back of his mind raised a flag of caution that he couldn’t ignore. His legs felt tight and ready to hop, and his ears danced back and forth in search of something he couldn’t quite place. He approached Captain Blackeye slowly as the question he wanted to ask finally took shape. “Captain… Is it normal for there to be no other ships in sight this close to a major port?”
“The Lunar Swell ain’t exactly part of the normal ‘round these waters, but you’re right to worry. Gettin’ stiff gills I am, even if the waters got choppier than they’d ever been, there’s a few hard barnacles who’d sail out regardless. Should’ve seen one by now.”
“CAPTAIN!” shouted Polly from the crow’s nest. “THREE SHIPS! AHEAD STARBOARD! NO FLAGS!”
Wally and Blackeye turned their eyes and found the three vessels as barely dots in the distance. The reveal did nothing to alleviate Wally’s tension, in fact it only increased. “Something’s… Wrong.”
“Aye lad, don’t need your insight t’ know that. KEEP EYES ON ‘EM POLLY!”
“Mister Walter, take Mister Cani down to the Gun Deck and load starboard cannons, Proper knight like him knows how. MISS ORLAND! MISS FABOI! BE READY TO REPEL BOARDERS!”
Wally and Hector quickly rushed down to the gun deck, a small space with only four low caliber cannons, the kind best suited to a ship built for speed and agility over offense. Hector quickly walked Wally through the loading of one so he could move on to the other. As with everything he’d taught him, Wally caught on quickly and moved efficiently. He wondered for a second or two if that was the hard working kitchen boy in him or the knight he’d been fostering, and if their was even a difference anymore.
On deck, Rozzi kept her eyes on the approaching ships and her hand wrapped tightly around the grip of her sickle as Wistea questioned the Captain.
“So are they pirates? Corsairs? Privateers?”
“Pretty sure those are all the same thing, Wistea!” called out Rozzi.
“Preposterous! Why have different words for them then?”
“Greenie…” The captain almost growled. “They all the same when they tryin’ to cut your head off.”
Wistea instinctively reached for her neck and swallowed hard. “U-understood, Captain.”
Blackeye reached over the wheel to its pedestal, lifting up the brass cap there, revealing one end of a voice pipe. “You boys ready down there?”
Hector and Wally quickly searched the room for the source of the captain’s voice, finding the other end of the voice pipe at the far end of the gun deck.
“Aye sir!” called out Wally. “Just one question, who’re we even shooting at?”
“Hopefully no one,” replied Blackeye. “Defensive stance’s ‘til we know better.” Blackeye pressed on the center of the ship’s wheel, locking it in place. He headed into his cabin and from the wall pulled down his harpoon. It thrummed ever so slightly as he held it in his hands, its silvery sheen masking its age and exposing its mystical nature. A round dark blue gem seated in the foreshaft below the harpoon’s head flashed briefly as he gripped it. He then slid it into the slots stitched into the back of his vest and headed back outside, pulling the wheel lock out. He exhaled slowly as he took a loose grip of the wheel and allowed the rudder to drift slightly as he closed his eyes to focus his thoughts.
In his mind formed an image of a flat and endless ocean, in the distance; vague silhouettes of the approaching vessels appeared. The illusory ships caused the imagined water around them to ripple. Suddenly the ripples formed into waves and Blackeye quickly snapped back to reality and drew his harpoon. With the quick upward motion of it, a geyser of water rose beside the ship, and just as the sound of an approaching cannon ball reached the ears of those on deck, the geyser readily intercepted the shot, throwing it entirely off course and plopping it in the ship’s wake.
“Bilge drinkin’ scallops think they c’n take ol’ Blackeye from that far out… HAH!” the Captain thrust his harpoon in the direction of the ships and a sizable swell rushed toward them, forcing the ships off course and throwing off the following volley of shots just as they fired. “HANG ON LADIES, WE’RE MOVIN’ IN!” Blackeye spun the wheel hard and the ship took a sharp turn, now quickly moving toward the opposing vessels. “LET’S SEE YOU FIND YOUR RANGE NOW!”
Cannon shots flew over and beside the God’s Fortune as it charged toward the enemy flotilla with great speed. Blackeye called down through the voice pipe. “READY TO FIRE, STARBOARD SIDE!”
With the gunlock lanyards in hand, Wally and Hector readied themselves for the force and noise of the firing to come.
The God’s Fortune raced up to the ship furthest to the left of the formation, putting its broadside squarely in the cannon’s crosshairs. For barely a second, Blackeye’s senses picked up on something that made no clear sense; he quickly ignored it and shouted, “FIRE!”
The small cannons roared without fail, punting their ammunition into the hull of the enemy ship. Blackeye turned the Fortune for another pass as a bizarre sound drowned out all others. The air around the struck vessel began to shatter like heated glass and explode into a shower of what could only be called dark light. When the paradoxical cloud of non-light faded, beneath it was the rotted remains of a sailing ship. The wood was black and soaked, massive gaps filled with wriggling tangible darkness dotted the whole structure, and the sails were a tattered and stained mess of red cloth with a barely visible sickle of silver across their surface. On deck, the once barely visible figures of sailors became clear. To those aboard the Fortune there was no doubt, before them was a ghost ship, crewed by the dead.
The visibly damaged, waterlogged, and slightly bloated corpses of Icthyite sailors shuffled aboard the now exposed enemy ship, still working their stations long after life had left them. Rozzi could almost make out the sounds of their gurgling, raspy voices shouting out the Fortune’s position to whoever captained the ship.
The captain snorted scoffingly. “Isto the Red’s fleet… Back from the abyss. I’LL BE HAPPY TO SEND YOU ROTTING SCOUNDRELS BACK TO IT! WALTER, CANI, BACK ON DECK, CANNONS ARE NO GOOD HERE!”
The two other ships in the enemy flotilla dropped their illusions with as much fanfare as the first, repositioning themselves to assail the Fortune. As the ships turned, a figure was revealed on the largest of the three, positioned in the middle of the formation. Standing on the very end of the ship’s spar was the Ragged Rogue, his sickening and muffled laugh somehow crossing the distance. Rozzi grit her teeth to force down the feelings of panic that jolted up her spine, driving her mind to focus on the now and not her prior encounter with the otherworldly monster. As she did, she noticed something out of place.
The Rogue seemed larger somehow, and less patchwork. She wondered if it meant he was stronger than he’d been, and if so, were all of Kota’s Generals growing in strength?
Wally and Hector arrived on the deck just as the opposing flotilla had adjusted course.
“So its Ghost Ships now…” growled Hector.
“Aye, not my first either.” replied Blackeye who’d turned to face them. His attention quickly focused on Wally, who’d brought a barrel filled with cannon balls with him. “What’s that all for?”
“Well, I had a thought. Since we can enchant our weapons with magic, I wondered if one could do that with anything, in this case the cannons. Hector said yes, but there were two problems, One I’d only be enchanting the cannon, not the balls themselves, and two the more you use a weapon the more of your magic it can handle.” Wally set the barrel down with a considerable thud. “So I wouldn’t be able to enchant the cannon balls as much as the Flare. Therefore we make up for power with numbers!”
It was then Blackeye realized that Wally had easily carried a barrel full of cannon balls up from the gun deck without a drop of exhaustion or strain to show for it. “Just… how d’ya plan on doin’ that?”
Wally easily scooped up two cannon balls, one to each hand, and hopped up on the ship’s railing. Using his tail to keep himself steady against the rolling of the waves, he carefully gauged the distance between the leading ship and himself, and reared back his right arm. The ball was then engulfed in bright magical flame, gleaming like it’d just come from a blacksmith’s furnace. Wally then pitched it as hard as he could, striking the enemy ship across the bow with a powerful explosion of fire, shaking the entire ship from stem to stern.
“BY THE EASTERN GALES!” Blackeye watched in awe as the mystic fire danced across the old and seawater drenched wood of the ghost ship, spreading unimpeded until the waves coming off the keel doused them. “You pitched that faster than any cannon I ever seen! How in the world d’ya pack that much power in such a small body?”
Wally shrugged as he tossed the other cannon ball to his right hand and pitched it, blowing another burning hole in the nearest ship.
The captain laughed triumphantly. “RIGHT! Mister Walter to the foredeck! The rest of ya cover ‘im! WE’RE TAKIN’ THESE LOT HEAD ON!” He steered the ship hard to port to take them back toward the flotilla.
Wally hopped down, hefted the barrel and rushed to his place flanked by Hector, Wistea and Rozzi when he finally caught sight of the Rogue. Without a second thought he plopped the barrel down, picked up another ball and pitched it directly at the rag monster only to see the ball cleaved to pieces mid-flight, falling to the sides of the targeted vessel. Daylight glimmering on their narrow surfaces revealed the cause, thin snaking threads from the Rogue’s body.
“Of course,” muttered Wally angrily before a flash of inspiration overrode his frustration. “Rozzi! Come here, I have an idea.” Rozzi approached as he held up a cannon ball. “Now see if you can put your magic in while I do…”
Rozzi’s smile was almost devious as she happily placed her hand atop the ball. The sensation was an odd one as their magics intermingled within the heavy mass of iron, causing it to vibrate slightly. Briefly the two of them felt as if their hearts were somehow seated next to each other in their chest. Instead of mystic flames, what coated the ball was more of a halo of bright light that flickered like candle light over its surface. Wally pitched it at Kota’s General where, in mid-flight, it exploded into the form of a whirling tornado of flames that wildly veered off course and bashed into the vessel left of its intended target.
However, the force of the blast was enough to blow the keel clean off the ship. Dark tendrils desperately grasped at splintering, burning wood as seawater rushed in and began to drag the damaged ship back down to where it belonged.
The Rogue reached his hand out to the sinking vessel and the barely visible threads from his body yanked up several decaying sailors and flung them like violent marionettes at the Fortune.
“POLLY! JUMP DOWN!” Shouted Blackeye.
The young Icthyite girl quickly dove from the crow’s nest just as a strung along carcass crashed into it and shook the foremast. The captain caught her easily, setting her down on her feet. “Stay by me sunshine, things are gettin’ ugly.”
She nodded and gripped the hilt of her small dagger as she watched the other corpses slap hard onto the deck and railings. The undead sailors moved slowly at first, their rotten muscles yanking on the bones they barely held as they sloshed about in search of targets.
Immediately, Wistea whipped one off the ships railing before it could climb up, the sound of her vine striking it down almost a cue for all the others to mobilize. Wally kept throwing cannon balls at the flotilla, hoping to prevent the two remaining ships from firing anything else as Hector, Rozzi and Wistea moved to block for him. Hector parted one of the ghastly assailants clean down the middle, sparks racing out from where he struck, only to have both halves topple to the ground while still grabbing and flailing at him. “DAMN! Cutting them doesn’t work! Improvise!”
Rozzi smirked. “I got an idea! Wistea, can you try and herd them together?”
“Umm… OH! Yes! I can!” Wistea tapped her hand to the deck, a flash of green light sliding outward from her touch, followed by rapid shoots of bamboo instantly growing at bizarre angles, slamming into the befouled sailors and forcing them to cluster.
Rozzi quickly took up some spare rope from the deck and dashed around the amassed undead, wrapping it around them tightly before she handed the far end to Wally. “Flick of the wrist if you wouldn’t mind, dear.”
Wally looked at the rope and the struggling monstrosities before easily understanding her plan. Taking up as much of the slack as he could around his forearm, he dragged them off their rotting feet and into a spin. The disgusting mass rotated faster and faster over their heads before, with the suggested wrist flick, Wally flung the whole decomposing mess off into the mast of the second enemy ship, demolishing it and part of its deck as well.
Any possible celebration at the minor victories thus far faded from thought as the Ragged Rogue began to laugh once more. The sickly unnerving sound drew everyone’s attention, toward the general, still on his perch. “FLAREBEARER! I SEE YOU’RE FINALLY LIVING UP TO THE TITLE! WHICH IS WHY WE WILL SHOW YOU NO QUARTER!”
Everyone readied themselves for whatever could come, but it was Captain Blackeye to make the first move, slashing his harpoon in the direction of the ship’s aft, summoning a wall of water to block an almost unexpected barrage of cannon fire, two shots were stopped dead by the mystically aided water but a third slipped past and rocketed toward the deck where Wally leapt up to intercept, hooking his foot around it and kicking it away from the ship.
From behind the wall of water three more ghost ships appeared, approaching the battle rapidly.
Blackeye growled quietly, he hated running from a fight, but he could always see one he couldn’t win without losing more than he’d like. “MISTER WALTER!” He waved Wally in close and spoke quietly. “Whip us a distraction if y’can, we’re leavin’ in a big hurry.”
Wally nodded and spread the word quietly to everyone else who moved into position. The wallaby himself stood in the center of the deck and drew the Stellar Flare. “… Right, this should work…” He held the sword high above his head and took a deep breath. “EIGHT GODS INTO ONE MOMENT, FROM MY SOUL INTO THE WORLD! DRAGON’S CALDERA!”
From the blade sprung a spire of fire that rose into the air above the God’s Fortune and blossomed outward like an infernal fountain, cascading around the ship to flash boil the seawater beneath it creating a rapidly expanding fog of steam.
There was the sound of cannon fire, and old ships creaking before a piercing whistle and a rapidly accelerating God’s Fortune raced out of the handmade cloud, rocketing away from the deadly melee.
The ships all groaned, creaked and shuddered violently, from what the Rogue could see of the other ships; they all seemed to be locked in place. As the fog lifted the reason was made clear. Dense ice had formed around their hulls, adding stress and weight to the already barely held together wrecks and locking their rudders.
A voice behind the Rogue spoke up. “It appears, my General, that Cofresi hasn’t lost a step, even at seventy-two.”
“BAH! MISERABLE OLD FISH! Ah… But I best control my temper. This can work for us, with them sailing to whatever safe spots they have, we can return to our mission. Now get us moving before I get bored, Isto!”
“As you wish, General.”
The God’s Fortune sailed until nightfall with all hands on deck, every set of eyes watching the horizon for any pursuers. Finally a large waterlogged cave provided the cover they sought to anchor down for the night. Once there, everyone was ready simply sit and rest out the stress of the day, but Wistea called Wally and Rozzi aside. She sat them down across from one another on deck. “Now, please hold hands.”
The two shared a speculative look before both shrugged and did as she asked.
“Now, channel magic like you would to enchant your weapons.”
They both looked down at their hands briefly with a bit of concern before looking up.
“Count of three?” Wally said.
“On three.” Rozzi answered.
They both silently counted as tiny jets of wind and wisp of flame danced down their arms. Slowly, the space between them filled with the same white light they’d created earlier that day. It was small, and flickering, and once again it felt as if, somehow, their hearts were beating alongside one another’s before the feeling quickly fated and the small light banished in a tiny tumult of wind and fire.
Wistea crossed her arms and hummed thoughtfully. “It is a start… The Wind and Fire attributes relate positively on the Wheel of Creation, so the two of you should be able to produce a stable unified result with some work. Maybe with a bit of practice…”
“Maybe they should kiss!” Shouted Polly from her seat on a barrel a few feet away.
Wistea yelled back over her shoulder. “Y-young lady! T-this is a very serious matter! Please do not disrupt it!”
“Huh, I was right; her leaves totally go darker when she’s embarrassed.” Rozzi said casually.
Turning back to the two of them she stomped a foot in frustration. “R-Rozzi! Please take this seriously, if you and Wally can combine your magic, it may give us a considerable advantage against that ghastly fleet out there.”
“Not tonight,” Captain Blackeye said as he finished inspecting the foremast for damage. “Need us all up bright and early, so we’re beddin’ down now. Mister Walter you’re on first watch so you sleep most of the night after your shift.
Wistea sighed. “I… Suppose we will pick this up tomorrow then.”
As everyone else set to leave, Wally began to stand when he realized Rozzi was still holding his hands.
Wally readied himself for more playful derision and teasing when he saw that Rozzi’s expression was one he hadn’t seen before. It was so outside her normal range that he could hardly recognize it as shyness.
“Wally… Did you… I mean, when we tried this did it feel like, I dunno… Our hearts were like, right next to each other?”
He nodded slowly. “Happened again just now, so I guess that’s supposed to happen.”
“Oh! Good, not just me then! That makes me feel a little better.”
Wally cocked his head to the side curiously.
“Okay so maybe, JUST maybe. I thought very briefly that… I dunno… I was holding you back.” Wally was about to say something when she continued. “I mean, you’re Mister Magical Destiny n’ you’re carryin’ around a literal gift from the gods and I’m just…”
“Someone who’s helped save my life more than a few times? Rozzi… Where’s this coming from?”
“I know, I know, it’s silly, but… It was there and if I didn’t say somethin’ it’d’ve just festered, y’know?”
Wally nodded again and held her hands a little tighter. “Let’s try it one more time before bed, eh?”
Rozzi took a moment to steady herself and nodded when she was ready.
As their hearts came into sync once more, the bright halo of light flickered into being once more before them. The two chose a single point within the light to focus the energy before finally, with a kaleidoscopic flash of light, a small whirlwind of bright orange flame danced in the air between them before flitting out of existence.
Overcome, Rozzi sprang forward and hugged Wally tightly, laughing happily.
Wally happily hugged her back. “There see? I knew we could do it!” He waited a few moments until she pulled away, except she didn’t. “Um… Rozzi…”
“Not done yet,” she replied.
Wally, if reluctantly, let her take the time she needed.
A minute or so later she spoke up. “You know I could just fall asleep like this.”
“… Carry me?”
“Alright!” She giggled and pulled herself away. “But I’m expecting double next time.”
“… What on Mondia do you mean by ‘double’?”
Rozzi smiled coyly and winked before walking away, humming happily as she went.
Wally sighed and shook his head, a clear smile on his face as he headed up to the foredeck to begin his watch. He began to idly play with the knoka nut bracelet his sister had given him before leaving home, silently relishing in the respite of the night, knowing moments of calm would become sparser as time went on.
<[Chapter 12]–[Index]–[Chapter 14]>
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